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it's going great, in case you were wondering
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seasoflife · 3 months
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Marigan Tobing
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moghedien · 1 year
Actually the “let’s keep a forsaken as a pet” arc is the funniest thing imaginable because Marigan was like just straight up a supposed to be a refugee woman going about her own life and every now and then she’d go hang out with Nynaeve and crew.
But then Marigan is Moghedien but only like five people know that so all of a sudden it’s like “Marigan is gonna room with Birgitte now” with Nynaeve and Elayne spending most of their free time with Marigan and Birgitte in either their room or the room Elayne and Nynaeve are sharing
And then all of a sudden Marigan has a fancy necklace she literally never takes off and Nynaeve and Elayne have a fancy bracelet that they share but usually Nynaeve is wearing.
And then Marigan’s two kids are like mostly being taken care of by Birgitte, who is their moms new roommate and Marigan is busy all the time being shoved into chores but often specifically chores for Nynaeve and Elayne.
Like wtf do the Aes Sedai even think is going on with the girlies new kept milf who they keep with their full time Birgitte Silverbow cosplayer, this is a bit weirder than “we’ve hired Marigan as a maid”
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sixth-light · 1 year
thinking about the show's approach to channelers sensing other channelers so far (Moiraine apparently not knowing Nynaeve could channel until she did; Logain seeing a 'glow' around other male channelers, but Rand not doing so; one specific damane pointing out women to be taken as damane), I think there's a good argument for the logic of making sensing other channelers a talent (Talent) that only a few people have in the show's world.
It makes it much easier for Elayne and Nynaeve to hide out in Falme for weeks this season, c.f. also Marigan/Moghedien later on
If you NEED someone who can sense other channelers for plot reasons, you can just give them that Talent! E.g., would make sense to give it to Aviendha as a tell that she's a channeler
It largely takes away the need to go through all the late-book inverted-weaves-to-hide-that-you-can-channel rigamarole, which would be hard to translate well to a visual medium
It makes forkroot, a drug which only affects channelers, even more of a game-changing/terrifying plot twist
I'm not totally sure this is what they're doing with it, but I can see that it gives the writers plenty of options if they are.
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doublearobase · 1 year
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Traduction / Trahison, une nouvelle de hess-f.
Marigane, étudiante dans une Université future, se réjouit de partager son appartement et sa vie avec une colocataire alien. Ravissement que la découverte de sa culture, de sa biologie, de sa personnalité pétillante… mais attendez une minute, est-ce que ladite colocataire ne serait pas en grave danger ?
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(Ceci est techniquement le premier post de ce genre que je fais sur Tumblr alors ça paraît un pas trop mauvais endroit pour dire : bonjour ! Je suis @now@n, une écrivaine sur le web qui n'essaie pas de prouver des trucs ni d'en vivre du coup je partage mes textes gratuitement en numérique et parfois je fais des petites éditions physiques qui sont elles payantes parce que le papier n'est pas gratuit. Enfin juste pour dire que y a pas un paywall derrière les liens. Bisous.)
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nyalesta · 2 years
My face when there is suddenly a Moghedien AND a Marigan on WoT tumbrl:
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jaffre · 1 year
marigane/kiski 👉👈😳
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onaperduamedee · 1 year
Notes on Lord of Chaos
You do not want to go into a 90-page long prologue and read “Demandred.” That said, this introductory chapter felt very much like a “previously on”, which is all the more bizarre that at this point Robert Jordan was publishing one book a year, a feat of writing if there ever is one.
I did suspect Marigan because Moghedien turned Birgitte into a child which was very left field. That’s a nice touch.
When Nynaeve noted that losing her hate for Moiraine was like losing a part of herself… That’s it. I need to be writing/reading Nyn/Moi fanfic right now.
Digging Nyn and Elayne as PhD students only flimsily supervised and lying about their subject: they are literally handling war criminals and weapons of mass destruction for giggles. It’s the most fun I’ve had with them together so far.
Considering the time period, Jordan understood and deconstructed quite well how patriarchy affects and hurts men, but does not grasp nearly as well how it affects and hurts women, and it is so bizarre given his whole premise. The women in his universe are plagued with the same kind of violence and micro-aggressions as in our universe despite supposedly being the norm and authority.
Semirraghe already has all my gay attention. She is terrifying.
The fact that the Forsaken are out on the hunt for angreal, when we know Aes Sedai of old have been trying for thousands of years to keep them hidden, is very much QED. I am loving the attention to detail.
Davram Bashere is so right though. Rand's obsession with learning the sword is mostly an attempt at running from who he is, even if it's also an exercise to settle his mind. Combined with his refusal of support, it emphasizes how much he is hurting himself and fighting himself.
Rand calling Mat illiterate is the funniest line in the book, I am sorry.
Rand accidentally insulting an old lady by talking about her youth as history is also very funny.
Loving him connecting the dots about Tigraine and Shaiel. He has grown so sharp and savvy.
Rand telling he will not trust Aes Sedai but will use them is so so good. That's exactly what they think of him as well. At the end of the day, Lews Therin was an Aes Sedai, and Rand is one, even is he gives a different name to male Aes Sedai.
Rand's inner monologue being so Moirainesque is everything. It's beyond mesmerising to see him apprehend male channelers like Moiraine did him. Her ghost really lingers.
Davram Bashere is immensely cool, and Mazrim Tain is so overtly untrustworthy. Rand, please be careful.
Mat aka "is this army propaganda in your pocket or are you just happy to see me ?" He continues to be the most dynamic of the lot, but I wish he wasn’t so tied to armies and wars because it bores me.
So the bond is actually a weave that didn't exist in the Age of Legends? Much to think about.
Neither Elayne nor Nynaeve are very good teachers tbh. Nynaeve and Elayne have every right to be annoyed they have to teach Aes Sedai Tel'aran'rhiod, but given their own laborious start, their attitude is bloody immature. And I say this as someone whose job involves teaching older people new technologies.
Elayne and Nynaeve: Aes Sedai are insufferable for constantly wanting to know business not concerning them
Elayne and Nynaeve: do exactly that, all the time
Siuan playing cat's cradle while spying on the Aes Sedai, I love her so much. She isn’t here as much as I want to but how evident a presence she is! She is such an expert at adapting to the situation and knowing how to present herself to others.
The Trolloc nightmare was excellent and clarified some rules I have been wondering about. Loved the complicity between Siuan and Elayne too. In general, I am having such a blast with Siuan growing closer to the girls. If this is glimpse into what kind of teacher she was as an Accepted, she must have been a good one. Despite others seeing her as imposing, she is truly gifted at drawing people in.
All that talk about Rand not falling for Elaida's ploy tells me he's going to do exactly that.
In truth, I find Mat's attitude of "Rand is who he is" much more anchored in reality than Nyn's "I recall when I spanked him as a child." There is no coming back to the boy he was; it doesn’t mean he can’t still experience love or joy as he is now. Trying to resuscitate that boy will only hurt him, but seeing him as a person now, as he is, despite the creeping madness that is part of him, could make such a difference.
Alanna bonding Rand all of a sudden was so bloody violent and unexpected? But also kudos to RJ for showing just after why she did what she did, unstable and scared as she is.
I do not trust Mazrim Taim and his incel army: sweet concept, still a shell that will blow up in Rand's face.
Egwene running into and not recognizing Leane and Siuan in Tel’aran’rhiod had me giggling. I cannot wait for them to meet again.
Oh, cool, just another female character's POV ruined by insipid romance.
I actually love the Salidar Aes Sedai. I think it's quite easy for Nynaeve and Elayne to criticise a group of people trying to set up another White Tower with its entire ancillary community, while also plotting to go to war with the White Tower and reaching out to Rand, when the girls are always off adventuring and fleeing. Elayne will rule Andor and Nynaeve certainly Malkier, yet their approach to responsibility is flimsy at best. Elayne has the excuse of youth, but Nynaeve was a Wisdom before this all started and I am not enjoying them in their ninny era.
Berelain! Defending women's right to learn the sword! Hell yeah! I love Berelain, she’s hyper-competent and unfazed while everyone (and the narrative) is frankly despicable to her. She’s this universe Elle Woods.
Awwwwww, Rand's schools. That's genuinely lovely. I love the dichotomy of Rand creating a school to turn men into weapons (something that will absolutely not lead to escalade and senseless deaths) and another to build and invent a new Age (even if again weapons).
Sorilea can scram with that creepy trad wife shit. Leave Aviendha alone.
Was the Maiden handtalk mentioned before? I cannot remember, but now it’s everywhere.
The Ogier chapter was so good. Liah’s disappearance was actually creepier than the venture in Shadar Logoth from the EotW: I am a firm believer of not showing when it comes to horror and this hit just the right spot.
Mat, you saint patron of thieves! Of course, he would recruit ruffians for scouts. He is so fond of his men too.
The Olver addition is so random. It could be either very endearing or very annoying, we'll see.
Kinda proves my point from last review that Lan's echoes in Rand's mind are mostly self-destructive intrusive thoughts like "I am death" and Moiraine's so far is politically savvy advice with occasional martyr complex.
Ajhdjfkjshfks, between Verin wondering if Rand killed Moiraine and the Red Tower not even believing in her death and suspecting the mysterious Green sister is Moiraine, she is haunting the narrative!
Shout-out to Moiraine and her secret forbidden weaves.
The Aiel cultural comedy of errors is starting to get old, as is the gag of Maidens acting like mother hens to Rand. We get it, women warriors mothering him is funny.
Wait, did Fain just imply Elaida and Pedron Niall are infected with Mashadar? CAN WE GET MORE ON THAT PLEASE
Siuan and Leane being healed! My heart! Their reaction was so moving and poor Nynaeve in the middle of it, healing the incurable almost by accident. What did I say about hapless PhD students? This makes up for my frustration with Nyn this book.
Carlinya laying down some truths about the Tower hypocrisy regarding the DR and male channelers! Hell yes! Rand is like you! Male channelers are like you! They need to be protected and accommodated, not gentled and executed.
Gareth is beyond gross. The way he relishes the power he has over Siuan, making her feel every inch of the power imbalance has me shivering.
I want to cry. Siuan, Leane, I love you. The concept of regaining their power, but only a fraction of it, leaving them scarred, is a fascinating one. Their delayed reaction to the trauma they went through was also everything.
Another takeaway from Alanna bonding Rand and Siuan loving Bryne is that after losing their warders Aes Sedai are a complete mess and prone to dreadful decision making.
Aran'gar is in Salidar! This is bad for all of them. Despite how risky keeping Moghedien hidden is, at least Nyn and Elayne have her completely subdued. This is a loose cannon.
RJ cannot ekphrasis for peanuts for someone so good at hypotyposis.
OH hell, Rand spied on them. Everyone forgot he is a boss at Tel'aran'rhiod.
Egwene's relationship with the Wise Ones is incredible. She truly became an Aiel at heart and grew so much. I love her so much.
Up until this point, Rand was politically astute, but between trusting Taim with training an army, ignoring the Sea Folk and kidnapping Elayne... This is chaotic ruling. Be careful, please.
Jordan's weird obsession with corporal punishment aside, Egwene meeting her toh was amazing. Also of course she would rediscover travelling through Tel’aran’rhiod on her own.
But she also deserves to be Amyrlin. She's the best.
The Amyrlin ceremony seems very terfy.
It's plain foolishness to think Elaida will retreat just because another Amyrlin has been raised. The Salidar lot is at their wits’ end.
I am so so so proud of Egwene and Siuan. So proud. Their sense of duty is everything and seeing Siuan becoming Egwene's mentor, while Egwene becomes Siuan's protector means everything to me.
The gag of Aviendha being swarmed by Aes Sedai after Egwene and the Wise Ones does make up for the endless Aiel humour skits.
As much as I am 100% on Elayne's side regarding Rand giving her Caemlyn and Cairhien (I feel bad for the Cairhienin. Again, they are given absolutely no self-determination here), I would really welcome the break from Elayne and Nynaeve on yet another Macguffin hunt.
Does Thom think he left Moiraine to die? Why? He’s not her warder and Lan doesn't even think he did?
Between Rand believing he knows what's going on with Elayne and Egwene in Salidar, Mat convinced Aviendha will kill Elayne, and the Wise Ones calling the Aes Sedai foolish women, let's just say it's a field day for unreliable narrators.
War bores me. The Black Tower as nothing but a military camp bores me.
The Salidar Aes Sedai are so entertaining, though. They’re very much an administration run amok.
Is Mat dancing with Aran'gar? Jabdjfkkahfjfkkd he is such a fool. I love him. I love the contrast between Moiraine and Rand clocking Forsaken like it's their job, and Mat, Nynaeve and Elayne doing everything short of kissing them.
Meanwhile, Mat flirting with Siuan and Leane flirting with him as revenge is exactly the kind of comedy of errors I enjoy.
I must say, Mat being a little sexist jerk was redeemed by him showing Egwene proper respect just to spite Aes Sedai. One thing I like about him is the way his first reaction is often off-putting, but he will course correct swiftly.
Rand complaining about Aes Sedai tying strings to him while doing exactly with all of his friends is most excellent.
Am I supposed to be glad Perrin and Faile reinvented feudalism in the Two Rivers?
The discussion with Davram and Perrin about women and truth manages to be even more ludicrous than the Two Rivers nonsense in book 4, which is an achievement.
On one hand, Rand is obviously not behind the Aes Sedai murder attempt and this is a trap; on the other, you can't tell me the Salidar embassy's initial reaction was excessive.
Because Aes Sedai and Rand are the same, of course they don't continue on the non-excessive path long.
Nyn and Elayne are super silly with Vandene and Adeleas. I don't care if they dislike being chaperoned. They can just pretend they will obey and do the contrary. It will at least ease the sisters' suspicion.
The sisters poking at Mat like he's a lab rat is a little bit funny.
Ten days it is? Okay, so the girls are going to fuck around for ages like in Tanchico.
I am glad that Min caught on what Rand has missed with the Salidar embassy. He is bungling his handling of the Aes Sedai, all the elements are in place for a catastrophic outcome. Not that I was expecting the Aes Sedai to be sensible here, but he is generally much better at diplomacy.
I retract what I said about Min, she did send Rand right into the Lion's den. Obviously, it would have been too simple if Bera and Kiruna had been planned. Coming to Cairhien without a stronger alliance with the Salidar lot, considering whatever the Tower's embassy has been plotting, is A Bad Idea.
I like Merana. I love these tidbits about the Tower ranking not being strictly power-based.
The waiting in Cairhien is just boring, there's no way around it, even with the terrifying warfare Berelain has unleashed on Perrin.
Poor Loial getting saddled with a romance does not make this better.
OH, I knew this. I bloody knew all his hopping from Caemlyn to Cairhien, his cautiousness with the Salidar embassy not equaling his with the White Tower's, his relying on Min for intel and not caring a jot what fighting Lews Therin was doing to his psyche would lead to the worst. So bloody good, but man, was it written on the wall. The tragedy, the horror, the beauty.
Mat playing with a Seanchan now; reader, I screamed internally. I wish the EF5 were half as suspicious of anyone as they are of Aes Sedai.
Mat making a terrible job of raising Olver while also caring about him is very in-character.
Errrr, the choice to have Ebou Dari and Domani people of colour and paint them as violent and hyper-sexual is certainly something.
OH, so Sevanna is the one who tricked the Aes Sedai in Caemlyn! SWEET. There are so many threads flying around.
OOOOOOOH, so tying a shield is easier than holding it. INTERESTING Also this comes just after Egwene complained about traditions of holding vs. tying.
Rand is going to be beyond traumatized by all this. The parallels with Egwene and the Seanchan are delicious though.
The thing is... Between the Shaido Wise Ones, the Seanchan and the Asha'man, the Aes Sedai' oath not to kill or make weapons with the One Power is actually a most excellent idea. For real, Rand opened a school not two months ago and they are already committing war crimes?
The battle for Rand is less confusing than some of the previous fights, but it is also less visually striking, for me at least. Emotionally, it is way more satisfying though.
My girl Egwene freeing Logain and taking counsel from Siuan... My heart is so full.
Myrelle talking about Lan like it's a case of futile medical care...
So Aes Sedai do feel quite strongly their warder's wounds? Honestly, between the stamina and strength, the extended years in good health, and accessible healing, the warders gain a lot from the bond.
The Sea folk ships HAVE to be full of Seanchan, they have to.
I have as much thoughts and questions about Rand making the Aes Sedai kneel than about Moiraine in TFoH, but I suspect all will be addressed in the next book so I am reserving my judgement.
Can I just say none of this book would have happened had Moiraine been there by Rand's side?
Overall, this one was a bit of a transitional book, wasn't it? Many chapters were mostly spent waiting for things to happen, in Caemlyn, in Cairhien, on the road, in Salidar, which brought back dark memories from TEotW. At this point, we are familiar enough with the characters not to mind just hanging out with them, but the contrast with the chapters where the story is advancing is too great for me to say it is worth it. The highs (Siuan and Leane healed, Egwene becoming Amyrlin, Rand captured, the Salidar plotting) were really high, and I really enjoyed the trap slowly closing on Rand and the way it culminated in pain, violence and rage in Dumai's wells. And even those highs are mainly setting things up and redefining arcs for the main characters, a given for the middle point. It did so unevenly, with Rand and Egwene at the top and Perrin and Aviendha at the bottom. But yeah, the book lived up to my expectations. NOW I need to know what is going on with the Sea Folk.
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mashithamel · 2 years
WoTober Day 20. Prompt: Tinker
Thank the Light Elayne had been foolish enough to tinker with the a’dam. If it had been up to Nynaeve, she would have buried it as deeply as she could ages ago. Without it she wasn’t sure how they would have contained Moghedien.
Sliding the silver collar around the woman’s neck made her ill, but triumphant all at once. Here was a tresasure trove of information, and the woman who promised to torture and enslave her was at her command.
Mogheiden blinked awake and started.
“Marigan, or should I say, Moghedien,” Nynaeve spat. “We have a few things to discuss.”
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orbit-of-eternity · 9 months
Witnesses: We saw Halima enter Marigan's tent
Me in my '20s New Yorker accent: That's it, get her girls!
The Aes Sedai: *proceeds to not get her*
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drewyth · 4 years
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I may have deleted their story from Ao3 for the time being, but anyone remember Marion and Gan?
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employee roster:
Marigan Imbolc Fairwood - horizon walker ranger, sailor, professionally either a human guard dog or a punching bag depending on whom you ask, acting far too often as team leader entirely by accident despite negative charisma
Rhea Battlebottom - Lliira's favorite horse (cow) girl, juggler, valiant IBS warrior, raised in the circus, has haters in surprisingly high ranks of unsurprisingly low places
Jaina Sadmoore - sorceress, moody teen, culturally goblin, on a journey of self-actualization and pyrotechnics while grappling with her parents' legacy and trying not to get kidnapped by nefarious forces
Gront Bonk - former (?) death monk, world's scariest himbo, constitutionally incapable of wearing a shirt, never misses a workout but frequently misses what's going on
Redachil "radish man" Feydaniline - bladesinger wizard/cleric, priest of Kelemvor, inherited a share of the three-headed goose tavern and a clown show of a colleague group from his late half brother Dorsat
Saqir Dubad - definitely a legitimate professional wizard who does normal magic, inventor, mostly retired from adventuring
Dorsat Greycastle - nobly and tragically exploded, current status presumed to be smithereens
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moghedien · 1 year
actually if Lanfear was like "Lews Therin has a type this time" and became a milfy innkeeper because she thought that would appeal to Rand specifically and it wasn't just a coincedence, then I'm gonna be frothing at the mouth for Moghedien's Marigan arc even more because then now its Moghedien being like:
"I have to become Nynaeve's ideal milf because it worked for Lanfear (it didn't) and I'm more competent than her (she isn't) so it'll definitely work for me (it won't)!"
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piermanwalter · 2 years
Thoughts on JUNK HEAD 2017
The Internet Archive has JUNK HEAD 2017 and just for that they get $25. After watching all of it, here are my thoughts.
This movie predicted Zoom classes during a viral pandemic. I find the protagonist’s background as a dance instructor before becoming a megastructure explorer very charming, because although he has great technical skill in martial arts, he seems to view the motions as a form of self expression instead of self defence, and therefore sucks at real fights.
Most characters have some form of eye covering like a mask, goggles, or visors, which adds to the dangerous trash grunge atmosphere, but also makes stop motion animation much easier. An amazingly lazy technique that inspires me to become amazingly lazy as well, keeping track of eye contact is a non-issue because everyone either has black bead eyes, covered eyes, or no pupils.
Many Marigans are so awful and nonsensical, like the double-headed poop-vomiting giant house centipede one, that it seems unlikely humans would create them to serve any sane use. But remember that Marigans have extremely unstable genes, so 1600 years after repelling humanity, they must have mutated severely. The little munchy ones may have originally been waste recyclers and the giant smashy ones may have originally been for heavy labor.
Are there still Marigans living among humans above ground? It would be interesting if the protagonist’s lightning rod sea urchin boss who sent him underground is a Marigan. Marigan reproduction is similar to WH40k orks, in the sense that all Marigans of various shapes, sizes, levels of sapience, and ecological niches are born from the same immobile organism. I’m not sure if Marigans who aren’t Trees of Life are capable of reproduction, but it would explain social dynamics of the reactor village.
Reactor village women are huge, muscular, and identical. They are the top of the social hierarchy and enjoy abusing and belittling everyone else in the village. Reactor village children are also identical and enjoy abusing and belittling everyone in the village except women. Reactor village men are on the bottom of the social hierarchy, but are also the most diverse, with many face and body shapes.
I think reactor village women reproduce parthenogenically, which explains why all the women are identical and all the children are also identical. All children grow up into women, hence why they are allowed to openly insult and disrespect men. To get more men, the villagers need to pick men fruit from suitable Trees of Life. I think I would also be very violent and dismissive if I travelled a thousand levels and fought crazy monsters to pick the latest crop of men, and six of my sisters got killed protecting them on the way back, only for them to ripen into particularly weakass losers. To be fair, when the women all left the village to go on vacation, the men very much did get massacred by a giant monster and allowed Reactor 8 to overheat and explode.
I also think little munchy Marigans can reproduce, because they are so small and weak that other Marigans can just camp out near Trees of Life and eat them as soon as they are born.
How knowledgeable are sapient Marigan types when they are born? I think it would make sense if language and technical skills were genetically encoded into Marigans engineered for specific roles. Marigans of similar species tend to gather together, like the large-brained doctor and his similarly large-brained assistants, the octopus-like garbage dump people, and the aforementioned reactor village. Is this because the newborns instinctively seek out their own kind, or old Marigans picking fruit of their own kind? But there are also multi-species families.
70% of the movie is literally chasing after various forms and permutations of dicks.
I think breathing apparatus are indicators of high performance. Every character with breathing apparatus can kick your ass and/or survive getting killed. The more breathing apparatus, the more kick ass. By this logic, the elevator operator is the most dangerous thing in the movie even though he doesn’t do anything except pull levers and gesture extravagantly.
How much did the destruction of Reactor 8 affect the world? Obviously, it blew up half the village, but the whole movie I was expecting all the lights to go dark and tunnels to fill with lethal gas. Maybe the other reactors or other villages with their own reactors were enough to compensate.
JUNK HEAD is planned to be the first movie in a trilogy, and I seriously hope it won’t do the thing of ‘Girl is friends with a guy for her entire life. She meets and falls in love with another guy, and her old friend is extremely jealous.’, mostly because Ergo Proxy did it already, and it was also in a post-apocalyptic megastructure.
I do think that the girl in the red coat will turn into a Tree of Life, and it will be very bittersweet for the protagonist because they can no longer be together, but he now has the means to save humanity.
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444names · 2 years
lithuanian names + portuguese names
Abere Abristão Adas Adeslo Adrosena Afona Agoria Agus Aida Albure Alburgas Alca Ales Alexe Alfonike Alfonto Alias Alius Almas Alvilio Amalda Amarals Amargosa Amasta Amons Ampanço Ampassa Amális Amérina Anda Andrede Ango Anta Antana Antanano Ante Anteu Antisena Apardo Aparose Arlso Armo Arnas Arro Asseu Asso Audo Auga Auge Auguerea Auré Austor Ayra Barris Berinha Berse Beto Bezeris Bita Bone Bonça Bravarde Bris Briustas Brole Bros Brudas Brássa Caldo Came Camigo Caminge Camireta Campaina Camparas Cara Cardas Cario Caris Carmílte Carrio Cartine Caryte Casiande Cele Cese Cibecres Cloys Cláudá Clódina Cois Coisla Coriseu Coso Crica Crio Crudras Cuna Cátis Célis Daira Daliano Dalvyda Daminco Dana Dandrio Dardim Deirei Deiro Dena Deno Dessa Dimortas Dinha Dinto Diontas Dirgas Donta Dulius Duteira Dàna Déboal Décina Edgas Edma Edso Egis Egídia Elgenita Elius Elzino Eria Ernabia Esdrenja Esmejana Esposme Estimena Esto Ezenta Fabia Fabraela Fabria Fabrósia Fagas Feberna Fera Feras Ferba Fira Flária Fone Fonsão Foro Gabróna Galdasta Galento Galtos Garo Gastas Gazarce Gedal Gedesto Gemilia Genas Geno Gidato Gielexe Gino Gisa Grama Gres Guelius Gues Guim Guiza Guálta Gyti Gytinara Hadas Heligo Henano Heno Henta Ifinas Ignitas Irislas Irmor Isaral Isia Jacha Jachei Jaciola Jacres Jadaria Jadréia Jari Jaymislo Jeferaça Jeras Jerdo Jerna Joano Jokades Judia Julca Julce Jurce Jurture Jácio Jéstêvão Júlispa Júliusta Júnija Kazute Kesso Kona Konas Kota Kottore Krio Laim Laria Larius Larrenja Laulio Lavaruno Leata Leira Lemina Leonria Lete Liano Lilávio Limornal Lineires Listália Lius Lobas Lobatas Lora Loute Luale Lucia Luciacó Lucianas Luilenis Luim Luro Lyragda Lúcino Macinhão Mada Magalho Magnid Mano Maraloé Marasta Marcijus Marda Mares Marigane Marinas Marne Maro Marosia Martoras Maruno Marães Marão Matal Matana Mato Maulano Mazeria Meda Meles Menco Mendrons Meno Mentona Meris Mice Migo Milenta Miliole Mino Miro Morde Mírtrígo Mônisca Nassagna Natana Nathia Nerbas Nijus Nomutino Nuna Olijus Olina Onda Onésio Ortia Osvas Paela Paido Palora Pano Pato Patra Paudas Pauliano Paulike Paus Paustar Pavína Pedido Pedo Pedor Peiracha Penas Pimon Pina Pire Pones Povaras Poves Praes Prina Queliped Quilia Quimeão Quira Rafina Raimvyda Raiocha Raixonte Rame Ramina Ramuno Rante Raptia Raptinha Rassior Reca Recreda Rega Remelo Resse Riga Rimona Rimondia Robo Roboa Rodo Rodricia Rollange Romião Ronda Rosta Ryte Sabelato Salda Salenia Saleno Sana Sanas Santina Saulce Saurna Saus Seco Serasca Seveira Sibereta Siga Silava Sildia Silipe Sima Simo Skolinho Sofilia Sofintas Sofiro Solas Solo Soures Soval Suesemí Suziro Sylenor Sylvo Tacio Tate Teona Teop Tera Teveseu Tite Titóriel Toldo Tomilva Toro Tradeixo Trano Trico Trionte Tylveira Tálico Ugniel Urine Vailso Vaios Vaisla Valoys Vana Vanoel Vante Vazio Veia Veirejus Vele Viano Vidalbel Vides Vidone Vila Vilho Vilis Vilviana Vira Vite Vito Vitão Viveiro Vlauz Vyta Xândeira Zemis Zenika Érija Ória Órigus Órina
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techsciresearch · 3 years
Algaculture Market To Grow With an Impressive CAGR During The Forecast Period
Global Algaculture Market is driven by increasing aquaculture practices in the forecast period, 2023-2027.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Algaculture Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity and Forecast, 2017-2027”, The global algaculture market may show a robust growth in the forecast years, 2023-2027 with an anticipated CAGR value. The market growth can be attributed to the factors like increasing fish production for the rising demands for the fish consumption. Algae like seaweeds are actively utilized as the pet feed for the aquaculture &pisciculture fishes. Moreover, increasing trades nationally, and internationally of the consumable fishes as well as seaweeds, is also anticipated to drive the growth of the global algaculture market in the upcoming five years. Increasing fish fleets among the fish farmers is also responsible for the growing demands of algae and thus supports the market growth. Applications of the algae thus grown in various end user industries, like algae as a main ingredient for the production of fatty acid, omega 3 is anticipated to support the growth of the global algaculture market in the next five years. Micro algae are also utilized for the extraction of oil. In the case of oil spillage in the water bodies, artificially incubated algae is grown on the spillage that consume the oil for their reproduction and thus clears the water bodies. Later the oil can also be extracted from the algae. Algae are also utilized in the pharmaceutical production, and thus growing demands from the pharmaceutical companies are driving the growth of the global algaculture market in the future five years.
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The global algaculture market segmentation is based on type of algae, technique, application, regional distribution, and competitive landscape. Based on type of algae, the market is divided between microalgae and macroalgae. Macroalgae is anticipated to hold the largest revenue shares of the market and dominate the market segment in the upcoming five years on the account of increasing demands for seaweeds. Being consumed as a food product, animal feed, and other utilizations of the seaweeds, are expected to support the market growth along with the segment domination. Microalgae are categorized as phytoplankton, microphytes, that are responsible for photosynthesis inside the water bodies, and thus create multiple chemical components like  carotenoids, antioxidants, fatty acids, enzymes, polymers, peptides, toxins and sterols.
Based on technique, the market is further fragmented into monoculture, mixed culture, serial dilution, and others. Monoculture are single specie growth of the algae colonies. Although obtaining a 100% pure colony of the algae is under suspicion. But growers conduct multiple stages of algae cultures to sustain a single type of algae, such that the mass production can help in specific function and application. Mixed cultures of the algae are most common, as sometimes, even when cultivated in a controlled environment, some bacterial or other microbiological contaminants can still be observed. Although various methods like serial dilution is adopted to purify such cultures. Serial cultures are a specialized method of obtaining pure cultures. A wild sample of lab grown sample is introduced in the filtered water and successive dilution of the solution is created such that a container may contain single cell of the desired specie. Microscopic analysis helps in identifying a pure culture, and then larger cultivation can be initiated from the pure culture.
Some of the market players, dominating the global market are :
Marigan Holding B.V.
Prolgae Spirulina Supplies Pvt. Ltd.
Swedish Algae Factory Ab
Monzon Biotech S.L.
Algatech Ltd.
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“Asia Pacific region is anticipated to dominate the regional analysis of the global algaculture market in the upcoming five years on the account of increasing aquaculture practices in the countries like India, China, South Korea, etc. Surging demand for the seaweed from the south Asian countries is rapidly increasing instances and practices of algaculture and thus driving the growth of the global algaculture market in the upcoming five years. Moreover, increasing fish production and surging demand for the pet food is also aiding the growth of the algacultures. The rapid rate of expansion of international trade in fish and fish products over recent decades created upsurge in the aquaculture and thus enhanced the demand for the healthier and organic feed for the fishes and marine life, thus aiding to the growth of the market,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Algaculture Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity and Forecast, 2017-2027, Segmented By Type of Algae (Microalgae v/s Macroalgae), By Technique (Monoculture, Mixed Culture, Serial Dilution, Others), By Application (Fertilizers, Feed, Food Coloring, Pharmaceuticals, Others), By Region”, has evaluated the future growth potential of global algaculture and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in global algaculture market.
Mr. Ken Mathews
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