#marine construction design services
Benefits of Hiring a Civil and Structural Consultant
In the dynamic world of Civil Engineering, the role of Civil and Structural Consultant is invaluable. These professionals bring a wealth of expertise and experience to construction projects, ensuring optimal results and adherence to building codes and regulations. Whether you’re an architect, a building designer in the Caribbean, or a company looking to undertake a construction project, hiring a civil and structural consultant can provide numerous benefits. In this article, we will explore the advantages of engaging a consultant and how their expertise can elevate your project to new heights.
1. Specialized Knowledge in Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering is a complex discipline that encompasses various facets of construction, including structural design, materials selection, and project management. By hiring a Civil and Structural Consultant, you gain access to their specialized knowledge and skills in this field. These consultants have a deep understanding of Civil Engineering principles and can offer valuable insights and recommendations throughout the project lifecycle. Whether it’s assessing the feasibility of a design, optimizing material usage, or ensuring compliance with local regulations, their expertise proves invaluable in delivering successful projects.
2. Compliance with Building Codes and Regulations
Building codes and regulations form the foundation of safe and sustainable construction. However, staying abreast of the ever-evolving codes can be a daunting task. Civil and Structural Consultants are well-versed in local building codes and regulations specific to the Caribbean region. They ensure that your project meets all necessary requirements, reducing the risk of penalties, delays, and rework. By engaging a consultant, you can have peace of mind knowing that your project adheres to the highest standards of safety, quality, and compliance.
3. Efficient Project Planning and Design
The success of any construction project hinges on effective planning and design. Civil and Structural Consultants play a vital role in this phase by collaborating closely with Architects, Building Designers, and other stakeholders. Their expertise allows them to provide valuable input and recommendations that optimize the project’s efficiency and functionality. From site evaluations to conceptual design and detailed drawings, these consultants ensure that every aspect of the project aligns with the client’s vision while meeting engineering requirements.
4. Cost-Effective Solutions
In the realm of civil engineering, cost management is crucial to the success of any project. Civil and structural consultants bring their wealth of experience to the table, offering cost-effective solutions without compromising quality or safety. Through careful analysis and evaluation, they identify opportunities for cost optimization, whether it’s through value engineering, material selection, or construction methodologies. By engaging a consultant, you can maximize your project’s budget, delivering optimal results within your financial constraints.
5. Risk Mitigation and Management
Construction projects inherently involve risks that can impact timelines, budgets, and overall success. Civil and structural consultants excel in identifying potential risks and developing strategies for effective risk management. Their comprehensive risk assessments and proactive mitigation measures minimize the likelihood of delays, disputes, and costly issues. By having a consultant on board, you benefit from their expertise in risk analysis, ensuring that your project proceeds smoothly and efficiently, even in the face of unforeseen challenges.
6. Enhanced Collaboration and Communication
Effective collaboration and communication among project stakeholders are vital to the smooth execution of any construction project. Civil and structural consultants act as facilitators, bridging the gap between architects, building designers, contractors, and clients. Their ability to translate technical jargon into easily understandable language fosters clear communication and ensures that all parties are on the same page. This streamlined collaboration leads to improved efficiency, reduced errors, and successful project outcomes.
7. Quality Assurance and Project Oversight
Delivering high-quality projects is a top priority for architects, building designers, and companies in the construction industry. Civil and structural consultants provide invaluable quality assurance by conducting rigorous inspections, quality control measures, and project oversight. Their attention to detail ensures that every element of the project meets or exceeds the required standards. From foundation to finishing touches, they monitor progress, identify potential issues, and recommend corrective actions, ensuring that the final product meets the highest quality standards.
Hiring a civil Engineering consultant in civil engineering, architects, building designers, and construction companies in the Caribbean region can unlock numerous benefits. From specialized knowledge and compliance with building codes to efficient planning, cost-effective solutions, and risk mitigation, these consultants play a pivotal role in project success. Their expertise, coupled with enhanced collaboration and quality assurance, sets the stage for exceptional outcomes that meet the expectations of clients and stakeholders alike.
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blogtaculous · 1 year
I really want to give a shout-out to the Mobile Frame Zero community for the really, really cool work they’ve done since the following work was made possible by their efforts.
So, I watched all of Evangelion and was like “wow, mechs vs monsters is so sick like for real”
So my next Lego project is going to be mechs vs monsters in a micro city, thus continuing my trend of projects that stretch my collection instead of building on it.
While Brikwars shenanigans continue I have been building the mechs.
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Here they are, a handsome little collection.
I wanted to write this post to expand on the lore of each machine but also to give credit to the excellent mech and frame builders I copied from. I think I have a real talent for castles and landscapes but machines and space builds still don’t feel right, so I’m thankful for others who have paved the way.
From left to right:
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W-024 “Ancient Ode” is one of the original War Class mechs before the expansion of their battlefield roles, and is now one of the last to operate. It owes its longevity to numerous upgrades given its stellar combat record across conflicts and operators. It keeps its original colors, an homage to the Army it used to serve.
This one is based on principles from Josh's Super Chub Marines, though I've multiplied the legs and made some significant changes to the arms and shoulders. This mech was originally going to be a melee focused machine, but the super chub legs have some balance problems when posing, and I was frustrated by the lack of articulation in the ankles.
The solution came to me in a dream (Armored Core VI). I doubled the legs for a quadrupedal design, inspired by the success I had using them against Sea Spider. Now it stays upright effortlessly and I could also use more sand green (one of the best Lego colors). In general, the four legs allow for beefier body parts and the back-mounted rocket launcher.
“W-class” refers to a time when mechs were first used for warfare instead of construction or manufacturing. Today, Ancient Ode would be referred to a BL-Class (Battleline), but owing to its service record the original classification sticks. Ancient Ode is the Ma Deuce of battle mechs. I enhanced the build with stickers from the Avatar sets, though I was disappointed when the sand green on the stickers clashes with the brick color.
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A-094 "Distant Oath" was one of the first artillery class mechs produced, as such the it was outfitted with a now-obsolete shoulder-mounted heavy cannon. While heavy cannon mounted in this manner such as the LM-15 Ultra Sonic have gone out of fashion in favor of much larger cannon or shorter range missile pods (a precursor of which is mounted on the right shoulder), it has been impractical to repurpose A-class mechs like Distant Oath.
Distant Oath is heavily based on the MF0 frame Uhlan Marine by skroberto on Flickr. I had to figure out most of it from his photos and other resources on the MF0 Facebook page. It's a great frame, but I made some internal changes to make it suitable for physical construction. Unfortunately, it is the least stable mech in the collection because the “knee” joint is a round tile using opposite anti-studs to hold the legs together.
Given the stability problems and its size I decided it would be an artillery piece. I added some stickers from a Mindstorms set, and the “A” in “A-class” was derived from the stickers. The cannon has one that says “Ultra Sonic” so that’s the name of the cannon. Distant Oath was almost a shade of blue, but I was using Orange while I designed it and decided I loved it too much to change.
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S-62-2 “Wild Eyes” is a strike/support class mech designed for air superiority missions. These machines are among the newest frames produced, with boosted legs for softer landings and a lighter exoskeleton to let the booster engines really shine. They are useful for sustained flight and boosting directly into engagements.
This is a combination of concepts from -SuspendedAnimation-'s Rigel II and Andromeda MFO frames that use their X-11 core.
Wild Eyes is a strike/support class because I’ve decided that machines that are smaller and more mobile can have so many different roles that it would be impractical to classify them all different. The color chosen for the only soft blue that includes the chest piece and the shoulder bricks. Wild Eyes is a little lanky after I modified the arms to be more posable and it looked very “flight” to me so I gave them a real set of boost engines designed to fly around and harass.
I used more mindstorms stickers since they are transparent, but I was able to find some for the fund that say “Danger, Jet Blast” in a Marvel jet I could cut apart to fit.
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S-973 No Survivors is a strike/support class mech designed for sustained ground operations. It's outfitted with stronger than standard armor and a booster engine for mobility to offset the additional weight. Additionally, it's equipped with a utility launcher for tactical munitions or a short range pile driver. Often, this style of S-class mechs carries a melee weapon, and No Survivors wields an RES (Rapid Energy Sword).
This one is a modified version of -SuspendedAnimation-'s Comanche core. I changed the shoulder and elbow assembly because I don't like how fragile modified tiles and taps are, something I also did for Wild Eyes and Ancient Ode. The rifle is their design as well.
Once again, the mech’s numerical designation is derived from the stickers. This one uses several unmodified from a Marvel jet. Like Distant Oath, No Survivors has last resort munitions in the chest. The RES isn’t a static blade like a lot of other mech settings, as that would be impractical when trying to fight in between buildings. It operates a little bit like a lightsaber, activating when necessary, and the energy isn’t all that stable. It explodes out from the handle and is closer to a giant lighter than a true sword.
I’m excited to get the city built for the mechs to romp around in. I have a few buildings mocked up already, but I don’t have space for more until I can block out the roadways. I love how AC6 cities are laid out and will be taking lots of inspiration from there. I also want to do some retractable structures like Tokyo-3.
Anyway, have a good day, thanks for checking out my work.
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
A light on a reef
Until the end of the 17th century one of the threats facing shipping heading to Plymouth on the southern coast of England was the isolated and treacherous Eddystone reef, 23km directly offshore. Much of the hazard is underwater, creating complex currents, and extraordinarily high seas are often kicked up when conditions are very windy. In 1620 Captain Christopher Jones, master of Mayflower described the reef: "Twenty-three rust red [...] ragged stones around which the sea constantly eddies, a great danger [...] for if any vessel makes too far to the south [...] she will be swept to her doom on these evil rocks." As trade with America increased during the 1600s a growing number of ships approaching the English Channel from the west were wrecked on the Eddystone reef.
King William III and Queen Mary were petitioned that something be done about marking the infamous hazard. Plan to erect a warning light by funding the project with a penny a ton charge on all vessels passing initially foundered. Then an enterprising character called Henry Winstanley stepped forward and took on the most adventurous marine construction job the world had ever seen. Work commenced on the mainly wooden structure in July 1696. England was again at war, and such was the importance of the project that the Admiralty provided a man-o-war for protection.
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The Winstanley Lighthouse, by English School, 17th century (x)
On one day, however, HMS Terrible did not arrive and a passing French privateer seized Winstanley and carried him off to France. When Louis XIV heard of the incident he ordered his release. " France is at war with England, not humanity," said the King. Winstanley's was the first lighthouse to be built in the open sea. It was a true feat of human endeavour. Work could only be undertaken in summer and for the first two years nothing could be left on the rock or it would be swept away. There was some assistance from Terrible in transporting the building materials, but much had to be rowed out in an open four-oared boat in a journey that could take nine hours each way. Winstanley's lighthouse was swept away after less that five years, during the great storm of 1703.
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John Rudyerd's wooden lighthouse of 1708, by Issac Sailmaker, c. 1708 (x)
Winstanley was in it at the time supervising some repairs- he had said that he wished to be there during " the greatest storm that ever was." The next lighthouse was built by John Rudyerd and lit in 1709. Also made largely of timber and with granite ballast, it gave good service for nearly half a century until destroyed by fire in 1755. During the blaze the lead cupola began to melt, and as the duty keeper, 94- old Henry Hall, was throwing water upwards from a bucket he accidentally swallowed 200g of the molten metal. No one believed his incredible tale, but when he died 12 days later doctors found a lump of lead in his stomach.
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Smeaton's Eddystone Lighthouse, by John Lynn (active 1826-1869) (x)
John Smeaton, Britian's first great civil engineer, was the next to rise to the challenge of Eddystone. He took the English oak as his design inspiration - a broad base narrowing in a gentle curve. The 22m high lighthouse was built using solid discs of stone dovetailed together. Work began in 1756, and from start to finish the work took three years, nine weeks and three days. Small boats transported nearly 1000 tons of granite and Portland stone along with all the equipment and men.
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  Sir James N. Douglass's Eddystone Lighthouse, Plymouth, England, photochrome print, c. 1890–1900. The remnants of John Smeaton's lighthouse are at left. (x)
The Smeaton lighthouse stood for over 100 years. In the end it was not the lighthouse that failed; rather that the sea was found to have eaten away the rock beneath the structure. In 1882 it was dismantled and brought back to Plymouth, where it was re-erected stone on the Hoe as a memorial, and where it still stands.
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The Eddystone lighthouse today (x)
It had already been replaced by a new lighthouse, twice as tall and four and a half times as large, designed by James Douglas, which now gives mariners a beacon of light visible for 22 nautical miles (40,78km).
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tradersfindb2bportal · 5 months
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Welcome, DPSW LLC!
The leading engineering powerhouse catering to Construction, Process, Oilfield, and Marine industries. Specializing in Air Pollution solutions, they are locally manufacture top-notch equipment like Fans, and offer Heavy Fabrication services for Storage Tanks, Towers, Cyclones, and Piling equipment.
DPSW LLC dedicated Air Pollution division provides consultancy, designs, and fabricates Industrial Fans, Ducts, Painting Booths, Dust Collectors, and more. With turnkey projects in Industrial Exhaust, Fume Extraction, and Ventilation, DPSW LLC ensures top-tier quality with in-house Balancing facilities.
Explore DPSW LLC's catalog now -  https://www.tradersfind.com/seller/dpsw-llc
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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Taking advantage of the Red Flag, USAF performs the first "Bamboo Eagle" Exercise by adding multi-domain elements
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/31/2024 - 17:00in Military, Military Operations, Red Flag
The U.S. Air Force is conducting its first "Bamboo Eagle" exercise, which overlaps with the last days of Red Flag 24-1 and adds multi-domain elements, such as maritime warfare, as well as elements of Agile Combat Employment (ACE) to the U.S. Air Force's prominent air domain war game at Nellis Air Base.
The Bamboo Eagle will last eight days and is designed to "provide advanced training in a disaggregated multi-domain scenario in order to maintain and strengthen the ability of the joint and coalition force to prevail in conflicts when necessary," said Major General Case Cunningham, commander of the Air Force War Center at Nellis Air Base, Nevada, in a statement.
Bamboo Eagle is underway! 3,000 U.S. service members & 300 Royal Air Force & Royal Australian Air Force members are flying, maintaining & supporting 150+ aircraft in 10 locations, including over the Pacific, allowing us to train as a team in realistic environments @US_TRANSCOM pic.twitter.com/iCIBnT5hsD
— Air Mobility Command (@AirMobilityCmd) January 30, 2024
The exercise “is the first of its kind at the U.S. Air Force War Center, which conducts live and virtual operational tests and combatant-centered assessments, tactical development, and advanced training to optimize the capabilities of the U.S. Air Force and prepare aviators for joint combat operations and in all domains,” the 57ª Wing said in a statement.
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Many aircraft and units that participated in the Red Flag 24-1, including B-2 bombers from Whiteman Air Base, Missouri, are moving directly to the Bamboo Eagle.
In addition to the simulated air-to-air and air-to-ground combat of the Red Flag, the Bamboo Eagle adds anti-ship elements and expands live, virtual and constructive elements, as well as principles of Agile Employment in Combat (ACE) and logistics, the latter is generally not part of the Red Flag.
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“The inclusion of training in the sea and airspace of the Eastern Pacific allows fighters to train in a representative combat environment and incorporate scenarios in the maritime domain,” the statement said. Participants will "implement the generation of combat power in all domains from various base locations in the western part of the U.S., while conducting distributed control and command, agile logistics and air-to-air replenishment".
The 57ª Wing described Red Flag 24-1 as "the tactical construction for the operational implementation of the multi-domain combat readiness training that is the Bamboo Eagle".
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More than 3,000 U.S. military personnel from all arms of the armed forces are participating in the Bamboo Eagle, along with 150 aircraft from more than 20 units. In addition, more than 300 military personnel from the Royal United Kingdom Air Force (RAF) and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) are participating.
The RAF sent Typhoon fighters and the A330 MRTT Voyagers to the Red Flag, while the RAAF sent F-35A fighters. The USAF F-35As and the Marine Corps F-35Bs also participate.
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Many of the same Red Flag 24-1 aircraft are also participating in the Bamboo Eagle, including Air Force F-22, F-15E and F-16 fighters; C-130 and C-17 transport aircraft; KC-135 and KC-46 tank aircraft; Marine Corps F-35B fighters, MQ-9 Reapers drones; Navy EA-18 Growler electronic war aircraft and U.S. Air Force EC-130 electronic war aircraft. HC-130 Combat King personal recovery aircraft and HH-60 combat rescue helicopters are also participating.
The 17 different types of aircraft are being deployed in locations such as North Island Naval Base, Beale Air Base, Pendleton Field, Travis Air Base and Edwards Air Base, all in California, among others.
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Operations are being coordinated by the command and control element of the 3ª Expeditionary Air Wing, composed of elements of the 3ª Wing and 673ª Wing of the Elmendorf-Richardson Joint Air Base in Alaska.
“We will be practicing the concept of hub-and-spoke along with Agile Employment in Combat to sustain operations at four points throughout the duration of the Bamboo Eagle,” said Colonel Kevin Jamieson, commander of 3ª AEW.
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"As the host wing for four different points, also known as advanced locations of operation, the 3ª AEW acts as the mission command center; planning, driving and coordinating the four hunting units and a transport unit at the operational level," according to a press release from Elmendorf.
The four points, deployed closer to the action than the constituent units normally operate, "established operational capabilities for safe communications, ground refueling, air mobility teams and aircraft safety measures before the official start of the exercise", as part of the concept of Agile Employment in Combat. Part of the exercise is for teams to learn how to quickly and efficiently configure the points, according to the statement.
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Lieutenant-Colonel Terry Fregly, commander of the 525º Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, which led the squad in the Red Flag exercise and is now leading its deployment on NAS North Island, said that "this is a new set of skills" for the U.S. Air Force "and for the joint forces as a whole." The lessons learned in the execution of Agile Employment in Combat will be applied to operations at the home station, "so that we can train the way we fight".
Source: Air & Space Forces Magazine
Tags: Military AviationBamboo EagleRed FlagUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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solicotanks · 9 months
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1966: The Genesis of Solico Group
In 1966, Solico Group emerged onto the scene, catering to the flourishing construction industry in the UAE. The company's initial focus was on delivering cutting-edge Composite products, laying the groundwork for its subsequent global expansion and the introduction of groundbreaking solutions like Solico Tanks.
1984: Pioneering Water Storage Solutions
A watershed moment occurred in 1984 when Solico introduced a revolutionary water storage solution – hot-pressed GRP panel-type water tanks. By partnering with the esteemed Japanese brand Bridgestone, Solico swiftly captured market share, transforming conventional water storage practices towards cleaner and healthier alternatives. This strategic collaboration, coupled with a robust global marketing initiative, marked a paradigm shift in the industry.
2000: Innovation, Growth, and a New Manufacturing Hub
After years of innovation, commercial success, and expansion, Solico relocated to a state-of-the-art 220,000 sq ft manufacturing facility in Jebel Ali, Dubai, in 2000. This move facilitated an expansion of product offerings and processes, incorporating Polyurethane molding, SMC hot-press compression molding, and thermoforming. Solico earned acclaim as a supplier of premium OEM products to globally recognized brands.
2001: Diversification into Boat Manufacturing
In 2001, Solico diversified its portfolio by launching the boat business division ASIS. Leveraging expertise in fiber wet and pre-preg lay-up processes, this venture yielded successful products, including rigid inflatable boats for renowned brands like Zodiac, ASIS, and Ocean Craft Marine.
2003: Expanding Manufacturing Capacities
Rapid expansion led Solico to embark on the second phase of its manufacturing facility in 2003, significantly increasing production capacities to accommodate future projects.
2004: SWS Board Technology and Sports Manufacturing Leadership
The launch of SWS Board Technology in 2004 marked Solico's entry into the water sports business, specializing in compression molding and Polyurethane molding. The company played a pivotal role in designing and manufacturing OEM products for globally respected sports brands.
2012: Next-Generation GRP Panel-Type Water Tanks
In 2012, Solico introduced a hot-press SMC manufacturing plant for its advanced GRP panel-type water tanks. The brand Solico Tanks was officially launched, signaling a new chapter in the group's illustrious history.
2016: Golden Jubilee Celebration
In 2016, Solico Group celebrated its 50th anniversary, a testament to five decades of remarkable achievements. The company had become one of the world's most esteemed suppliers and OEM manufacturers of quality molded composite products, with a strong focus on the American and European markets.
2019: Third-Phase Facility Expansion
Solico Group initiated the third-phase expansion of its manufacturing facility in 2019, increasing it to an impressive 400,000 ft2. This expansion aimed to meet the escalating demand for its diverse range of products and services.
2020: Commitment to Sustainability
In 2020, Solico Group underscored its commitment to sustainability by installing solar panels on the roof of its Jebel Ali manufacturing facility. This initiative aimed to reduce the company's carbon footprint and align with eco-friendly practices.
2023: Advancements in Research and Development
Since the inception of Solico Tanks, continuous investments in research and development have expanded the product range and enhanced product effectiveness. The company now boasts the capability to design and manufacture 6-meter-high water tanks with varying seismic classes, ensuring secure water supplies in some of the world's most vulnerable regions.
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alfieabansale · 1 year
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What is STEM?
STEM is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It is a Senior High School strand, a specialized educational track, and development that studies the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM-related education seeks to develop the expertise, ability, and capability of each individual to work effectively and efficiently across disciplines and generate skills, knowledge, concepts, and ideas through learning this kind of field.
The first letter in the word STEM stands for Science.
Science helps us to develop our interests and understanding of the real world. It also enables us to develop skills and knowledge in the way of research, critical thinking, experimentation, exploration, and discoveries.
The second letter in the word STEM stands for Technology.
Technology is the practical and technical application of knowledge, processes, and methods. These cover a wide range of fields including computing science and services, business, craft, design, engineering, graphics, and applied technologies including those relating to microbiological, and food technology.
The third letter in the word STEM stands for Engineering.
Engineering is the scientific method of applying mathematical skills and knowledge to each individual including those relating to construction, buildings, transport, and the built environment.
The fourth and last letter in the word STEM stands for Mathematics.
Mathematics, which includes numeracy, operations, abstractions, and problem-solving, and teaches us with the skills we need to interpret, analyze, and generalize information, and make right decisions. Numeracy and Mathematics aim to develop the abilities and capabilities and essential skills for life, careers, and occupations.
The strand also emphasizes the importance of communication skills and teamwork. These skills are essential so that students work effectively and efficiently in teams and communicate complex ideas and concepts to others.
The following are list of College Courses you can take or pursue when you're under in the STEM Strand:
• BS in Biology
• BS in Geology
• BS in Physics
• BS in Chemistry
• BS in Food Technology
• BS in Medical Technology
• BS in Nursing
• BS in Pharmacy
• BS in Physical Therapy
• BS in Computer Science
• BS in Information Technology
• BS in Information Systems
• BS in Aeronautical Engineering
• BS in Chemical Engineering
• BS in Computer Engineering
• BS in Civil Engineering
• BS in Electrical Engineering
• BS in Electronics Engineering
• BS in Marine Engineering
• BS in Mechanical Engineering
• BS in Petroleum Engineering
• BS in Mathematics
• BS in Applied Mathematics
• BS in Statistics
• BS in Secondary Education major in Mathematics
Examples of STEM majors:
• computer science
• electronics and other technology-related disciplines
• engineering
• mathematics
• natural, physical, and life sciences
The following majors are often included as STEM:
• accounting
• anthropology
• economics
• medicine
• nursing
• political science
• psychology
• social science
Top STEM careers:
• computer systems analyst
• database administrator
• IT director
• network administrator
• software developer
• audio engineer
• biomedical engineer
• civil engineer
• electrical engineer
• petroleum engineer
Physical science
• chemist
• cartographer
• agricultural technician
• physicist
• science teacher
Life sciences
• anesthetist
• clinical research associate
• oceanographer
• orthodontist
• science teacher
• accountant
• actuary
• economist
• financial analyst
• math teacher
• statistician
In conclusion, STEM teaches critical thinking and innovation. If we want a country or nation where our future leaders, workers, and people can understand and solve complex challenges of today and in the future, and to meet the requirements of the dynamic and rapidly evolving world, building student's skills and knowledge in STEM fields is essential. We must also remember that no matter where the student lives, they always have access to quality education and environment.
> https://www.ed.gov/stem
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blondmattel · 2 years
canon list of barbie’s occupations:
art / entertainment.   actor.  artist.  ballerina / dancer ( including cabaret, which i don’t know how they got away with ).  baker / cake decorator.  chef.  circus performer.  fashion designer, fashion editor, and model.  film director / producer.  floral designer and florist.  game show host.  interior designer.  make up artist.  musician and music producer.  photographer.  photojournalist ( for national geographic ).
business.   business exec.  candy / ice cream parlor clerk.  cashier ( gerocery shops / fast food ).  chief sustainability officer.  barista.  farmer.  hair stylist.  pet boutique owner and groomer.  secretary.  waitress.
education.   teacher ( art, ballet, cooking, english language, music, elementary, preschool, sign language, spanish, yoga, swimming ).
medicine.   veterinarian. dentist. doctor (surgeon, optometrist, pediatrician ). nurse. paramedic.
military.   army medic.  paratrooper.  united states air force pilot.  united states air force thunderbirds pilot.  united states army officer.  desert storm.  united states marine corps sergeant.  united states navy petty officer.
politics.   campaign fundraiser.  political campaign manager.  unicef ambassador.  united states presidential candidate.  vice presidential candidate.
public service.   detective.  firefighter.  judge.  lifeguard.  park ranger.  
science / engineering.   architect.  astronaut.  astrophysicist.  chemist.  computer engineer.  conversation scientist.  entomologist.  marine biologist.  microbiologist.  robotics engineer.  paleontologist.  wildlife conservationist.  zoologist.
sports / athletics.   aerobics instructor.  baseball player.  bowler.  boxer.  cheerleader.  figure skater and coach.  golfer.  gymnast and coach.  hockey player.  martial artist.  olympic athlete ( figure skater, climber, gymnast, karate, skateboarder, skier, softball, swimmer, and surfer ).  scuba diver.  snowboarder.  tennis player and coach.  track and field runner.  volleyball player and coach.
transportation.  aircraft engineer.  flight attendant.  pilot.  racecar driver for nascar.  tour guide. train conductor and host.
other.   bee keeper.  cat burglar / thief.  construction worker.  cowgirl.  dolphin trainer.  magician.  maid.  spy.  superhero.  treasure hunter.  zookeeper.
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prabha-power · 1 year
What is FRP Products and Its Uses?
Fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) products are composite materials made from a combination of fibers and a resin matrix. The fibers provide the strength and stiffness, while the resin matrix holds the fibers together and protects them from environmental factors such as moisture, chemicals, and UV light.
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FRP products are used in a variety of industries and applications, thanks to their unique properties, which include:
High strength-to-weight ratio: FRP products are significantly lighter than traditional materials such as steel, aluminum, and concrete, while still providing high strength and stiffness. This makes them ideal for applications where weight reduction is critical, such as aerospace, automotive, and marine industries.
Corrosion resistance: FRP products are highly resistant to corrosion, making them ideal for use in harsh environments such as chemical plants, wastewater treatment facilities, and offshore structures.
Electrical insulation: FRP products are non-conductive, meaning they do not conduct electricity. This makes them ideal for use in electrical and electronic applications where electrical insulation is required.
Design flexibility: FRP products can be easily molded into complex shapes, allowing for greater design flexibility and customization. This makes them ideal for applications where unique shapes and sizes are required.
Some common FRP products and their uses include:
FRP grating: Used in industrial, commercial, and recreational applications as an alternative to steel grating, due to its high strength, corrosion resistance, and low maintenance requirements.
FRP tanks and vessels: Used in chemical storage and processing, wastewater treatment, and oil and gas industries due to their corrosion resistance, high strength, and light weight.
FRP piping systems: Used in chemical processing, power generation, and water treatment industries due to their corrosion resistance, low maintenance requirements, and long service life.
FRP panels: Used in commercial and industrial buildings as wall and ceiling panels, due to their high strength, durability, and design flexibility.
In conclusion, FRP products are composite materials that offer high strength, low weight, and corrosion resistance, making them ideal for a wide range of applications in various industries. As technology advances and new materials are developed, FRP products are likely to continue to play an important role in the construction of products and structures in the future.
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toychest321 · 2 years
Alright toy lovers, I finally went out to Dollar Tree and got all four Friends Forever Club dolls! Read below for a fully comprehensive review of each doll and four out of five of the available fashion packs!
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First impressions, I'm genuinely impressed with what Dollar Tree was able to accomplish with these! Some pretty good diversity for the few dolls they've released thus far, and the rubber fashions remind me of Polly Pocket. One aspect I really like is the fact that they went down the friend group doll line route, because as cheap as they are ($1.25 each) it won't be difficult for kids to afford to collect them!
I've ordered each one from favorite to least favorite left to right: Iha, Viera, Alanis, and Carina.
Iha is perfect imo, 10/10. The best example of the concept they were going for. Just by looking at her design you can immediately tell her personality and interests (Marine Biology). And all the little details in her outfit! Her sleeves resembling fins, the scale pattern on her skirt, the shell in her hair! And multiple pieces allows for more creative outfit combos
Viera certainly looks nice, no doubt about it (although her face kinda reminds me of Ferngully), but I'm not sure the design works as well as Iha's. Apparently her likes include Geology and Minerology? Her pink and green outfit meanwhile seems more fruit-like, reminiscent of strawberries or watermelon. I feel like they could've done a little bit more to get her character across
The first thing I noticed about Alanis is either because of the doll's construction, her uneven shoes, or her big ponytail, for some reason it's far more difficult to get her to stand than the others. I feel like the designers unfortunately hadn't taken the weight of her hair piece into account. I also dislike that 90% of her outfit is painted on, the only rubber pieces being her overalls (which would leave any other dolls wearing them rather bare) and her shoes. Luckily Iha's shirt works relatively well underneath them. Despite all that, her interest in robotics is clear, although like Viera's outfit they could have done more to get it across.
Carina is sadly the most dissappointing out of all of them. Im always a fan of textured hair in dolls (or at least as textured as hard plastic can be), and her glasses make her stand out from the others. Her outfit's deep colors even work in service of displaying her interest. But the number one dealbreaker is her outfit, namely the detail I hadn't noticed until she was out of the packaging: the sleeves of her hoodie are painted on. While this was an issue with Alanis, at least her sleeves were short enough to be easily covered by the available fabric fashions. But because of the length of Carina's sleeves, even though the rest of her body is completely unpainted, there isn't a single outfit you can put her in where they don't show. You can't even remove them, because her arms are made from that color of plastic with her hands painted on. This not only seems pointless, as her design could have worked just as well without sleeves, but it defeats this doll line's entire selling point of mixing and matching the dolls' styles. For this reason she is my least favorite, until I can find the time to paint over them. I hope that if they continue this line with alternate looks or different characters that they resolve this issue for her doll, as she clearly has a lot of potential.
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Similarly to the previous image, I've arranged the dolls by the fabric fashion packs they're wearing from favorite to least favorite.
The yellow dress, due to a lack of sleeves, fits very well and gives a nice summer beachy look. While I wish the blue cherry dress had velcro in the back for the skirt, the collar is nice and snug and the ribbon belt stays in place rather easily. The pink flowery dress, on the other hand, has a much looser collar and a belt that needs some stitching to keep at the waistline. Finally while I admire their attempt at a doll-sized sweater, it seems to unravel very easily (although for an off-the-shoulders casual look you can combine it with Carina'a shorts and sneakers); the corresponding skirt piece is also too low and loose to work with its shirt, I'd suggest shortening the ribbon straps.
I've also checked, and Friends Forever fashions also fit on Chelsea and Barbie Extra Mini bodies (the latter of which matches the Fashion Friends bodies almost perfectly in height and proportions)! The fabric fashions are a bit too loose for the Extra Mini bodies, and the rubber fashions the dolls come with are unfortunately too tight to fit a Chelsea. Regardless, I'd definitely suggest them for cheaper alternatives to official Chelsea fashion packs.
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Most of my nitpicks, though, can be easily forgiven by the dolls' low prices. Taking that into consideration, I can't reccomend these dolls enough! Overall I give the line a
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katarvitz · 2 years
Battletech: Exodus-class Frigate
Production Information
Manufacturer: Corona Orbital Drive Yards
Production Year: 3149
Use: WarShip
Type: Frigate
Tech Base: Mixed-Tech WarShip
Technical Specifications
Mass: 580,000
Length: 615 Metres
Safe Thrust: 3g
Max Thrust: 4.5g
Sail Diameter: 1200 metres
Sail Integrity: 4
Burn Rate: 39.52
Fuel: 5,000 tons
KF Drive Integrity: 16
LF Battery: Yes
Dropship Capacity: 4
Crew: 250
Grav Decks: 2, 115, and 125 metre diameters
Escape Pods/Life Boats: 100/150
Heat Sinks: 486 (972)
Structural Integrity: 60
3 x Medium NPPCs
4 x Heavy NPPCs
6x AR-10s
24 x Gauss rifles
15 x LRM-20s with Artemis IV FCS
12 x NL45s
24 x ER Large Lasers
18x MML 9 w/Artemis IV FCS
50x AMS
Shortly after its establishment, the precarious location of the Maclnir Commonwealth meant its leaders sought ever better defences. Even as the Nilgaard Feifdom’s territories were fortified and saw huge urban renewal programs, the Commonwealth’s leaders sought a means to defend its small fleet of JumpShips after attaining a heavily damaged YardShip for its use. Hoping to repeat the Taurian Concordat’s famous Concordat-class Heavy Frigate design, the Exodus was constructed to be fast, hard hitting, and allow for the rapid deployment of DropShips onto enemy targets.
Initially utilising the Suffren as a guideline, the result was a semi-effective Frankenstein design that nevertheless met their intended goals. Fast, durable, and capable of engaging targets at vast ranges, the Exodus was nevertheless a costly investment even for a Warship. Difficulties in combining tech of various origins meant that the ship’s internal systems were often temperamental, and the design still struggled to keep pace with ship development of larger powers.
The ship is still in use now, with the first in service while a second is close to completing construction. However, efforts to refine the design means that it will likely soon fall by the wayside in favour of either designs emulated from other powers or upgraded builds.
The Exodus was intended to arrive in warzones and actively engage targets while supporting orbital assaults. To this end, much of the ship’s arsenal has been built with extreme range engagements in mind. A mix of prow-mounded naval PPCs and AR-10s allows the ship to offer heavy far reaching bombardments, while both its armour plating and considerable array of AMS systems deal with returning fire. Even so, the mix of medium-range weapons such as Gauss Rifles further bolsters its firepower against targets that close the distance. Steady point defence efforts from missile launchers further deters aerospace attacks, with many of these situated about the spinal DropShip launch areas.
Three aft-mounted launch bays are situated toward the back of the vessel, situated away from the primary engagement angles of the Exodus, and allowing for the rapid launch of its additional support craft.
The Exodus has three primary cargo bays, utilised to hold thirty small craft along with a full marine battalion.
The ship is typically accompanied by a combination of Stingray aerospace fighters, Hrothgar-class DropShips (the blueprints of which were attained thanks to a munitions and information trade with unknown parties), and Duat-class DropShips recovered from the Inner Sphere.
This is the third sort-of Battletech related piece I've churned out, and the first on a ship. While I didn't plan upon going down the Special Snowflake route with the Maclnir Commonwealth, after the deeply flawed but semi-effective design of the Siege Perilous, I felt that the leaders would push to make WarShips ASAP. So, as a result, here's something they'd likely churn out given their technological edge and industrial base. A frigate built with the intent of hitting hard, taking hits in return, and outrunning anything of a similar tonnage that it can't outfight. Along with adapting existing designs and any tech I could justify them having, I tried to set it up as something that would be highly effective on paper, but would have a few severe design flaws that might force it to be retired after a time.
After all, just because they've got an edge in terms of knowledge and resources most in the Deep Periphery currently lack, it doesn't meant they'll get things right the first time.
I imagine after this they'd probably end up looking into Pocket WarShips to help bulk out their early fleet, like the Word of Blake's Interdictors, in another ironic twist given their origins opposing that group. Still, that will have to be done at a time I can focus upon setting out and adding another chapter into their story.
Also, as a final note, the Hrothgar-class Dropship's stats were dreamed up by SlingBlade87, so please check it out on his account.
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dpfencecompany · 2 years
Business Name: Des Plaines Fence Co.
Street Address: 387 dover Ln.
City: Des Plaines
State: Illinois (IL)
Zip Code: 60018
Country: USA
Business Phone Number: (847) 912-7225
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://dpfencecompany.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dpfencecompany
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/desplainesfencecompany/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@desplainesfenceco.5950
Description: Building fences is our specialty. Our company offers quality construction of all types of cedar fences and gates. If you have a specific custom design in mind I can make it happen. We do all properties large and small. We pride ourself in building you a strong, straight fence that is pleasing to the eye. We make the process very easy and you deal directly with me during all phases of the project. Des Plaines Fence will provide you with a formal, written contract so you can rest assured your money is safe and the job will be completed.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=14112574774627113075
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8:00am-6:00pm Tuesday 8:00am-6:00pm Wednesday 8:00am-6:00pm Thursday 8:00am-6:00pm Friday 8:00am-6:00pm Saturday 8:00am-6:00pm
Services: install wood fence, vinyl fence, chain link fences, aluminum fences
Keywords: wood fence, des plaines, Fence company, park ridge fence company, Aluminum fence company, vinyl fence.
Payment Methods: Cash, Check/Cheque, Debit Card, Credit Card, Visa, Master, Amex, Discover, PayPal, Cash App, Venmo
Business/Company Establishment Date: 04-25-2016
Number of Employees: 4
Yearly Revenue: 400000 usd
Owner Name, Email, and Contact Number: Julio Marin, [email protected], 847-912-7225
Service Areas:
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nwbeerguide · 1 year
The Seattle Mariners, along with Hatback Bar & Grille and Steelheads Alley, welcome you to Victory Hall.
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image of Victory Hall, courtesy the Seattle Mariners
Located just minutes from the T-Mobile Park, Hatchback Bar & Grille and Steelheads Alley invite you to visit Victory Hall. Opening on Opening Day celebrating the start of the Seattle Mariners’ 2023 season, Victory Hall is your launchpad or home base for Seattle sports.
Opening at 3 pm, March 30th, fans and visitors will be nourished by two full-service bars, with 20 beers on draft all from the comfort of a 21 and over, exclusive indoor beer garden. During your visit, you’ll be serenaded by Deejay Hershe with the backdrop of baseball (or other sporting events) projected against a 20’ x 11’ TV. Course, for those who wish to roam you’ll catch up on the game, teams around the country, from five 100-inch flat screens throughout the space. 
Whether you're transcending between the indoor beer garden or the 1,200 square-foot outdoor patio, a breathtaking folding glass door greets you.
For those assuming this space is exclusive for the Seattle Mariners, the managers and staff have confirmed this will be an official bar for the Seahawks, Sounder, along with the Mariners. But like any sports watching destination, the televised games will change each day, with schedules posted on the Victory Hall website.
For those looking for an early start on Opening Day, look to the adjacent Hatback Bar & Grille and Steelheads Alley, which will be open at 11am.
While you’re there, check out Opening Day food trucks, Paella House and Isidro’s Authentic Mexican Food.
Reaching out to Victory Bar regarding the construction and what made this building so unique they shared the following. 
Victory Hall is housed in a historical railroad warehouse that dates back to 1914. The 9,500-square-foot space features 18-foot ceilings, preserved fir tree columns, historically preserved wooden ceiling beams, the original exposed brick walls, and the remains of a painted mural that is believed to have been the exterior facade of the 1914 warehouse.  
Luxurious polished concrete floors are surrounded by blackened wood walls stained to mirror the bar counters made by Pioneer Millwork using the Shou Sugi Ban method, a Japanese technique used to industrially char wood.  The space boasts 10 industrial chic steel chandeliers custom designed and fabricated by Resolute. The cut-out motif of the lighting is inspired by baseball stitching and a nod to the Mariners.
Besides food, drinks, audio-visual entertainment, and two locations for socializing, Victory Hall has partnered with Apicii, with its best-in-class catering, for those wishing to host events at Victory Hill. 
Besides this, the Mariners are opening The Boxyard which will feature an indoor beer garden, during Mariners, Sounders, or Seahawks home games, as well as concerts. All of this including Hatback Bar & Grille, Steelheads Alley, and the upcoming baseball and softball training center, await everyone. Reflecting on the progress towards creating an entertainment destination for Seattle sports fans, Seattle Mariners Executive Vice President Fred Rivera shared this. 
We’re excited for our fans to be able to experience Victory Hall on Opening Day and continue to see The Boxyard grow. Our expansion in the Sodo neighborhood is part of our larger goal to invest in our community and help bring more economic opportunities to the place we call home.
Victory Hall is at 12011st Ave South in Seattle, Washington, next to Hatback Bar & Grille and Steelheads Alley. For more information including games, events, and hours, visit www.mariners.com/victoryhall.
About Apicii 
Apicii is a New York City based hospitality company that has developed and operates a collection of acclaimed restaurants, bars, membership clubs and private event spaces across the country. Apicii is led by Tom Dillon, who has an unparalleled, 30-year track record in hospitality, having created, developed, or operated leading global brands, including 5 of the 100 top grossing restaurants in America. Tom has operated venues which have been covered extensively in the press and been awarded Best New Restaurant in America, as well as several Michelin starred venues. To learn more, visit www.apicii.com.
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/3zgZHI6
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Why glassgow is good to invest?
According to Invest Glasgow, Glasgow is the biggest economic region in Scotland with around one third of Scotland’s output, business base, research power and employment. Today the main  industries in the city are education, health, financial and business services, transport and logistics and construction.
New upcoming industries in Glasgow are digital and creative, engineering design, marine technology, biotechnology, health and life sciences, and many more. This in turn will lead to employment and increase in demand for houses.
Glasgow city Centre is also seeking regeneration with many exciting new commercial and residential developments in the area.
Glasgow is  well  known as centre of arts, music, theatre, leisure, sporting venues and events spaces. There are about 20 museums and art galleries . Also, Glassgow is among top ten world tourist cities.
Letting agents suggest that in areas near Subway station rents are high, especially in popular spots like Hillhead or Kelvinbridge.The area is well connected by road, rail and air transport. As Glasgow is one of the UK’s biggest student centres so it has huge opportunities for people intrested in  student accommodation landlords.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Updated project of the latest French aircraft carrier PANG is released
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/19/22 - 11:00 in Military
An updated project of the future aircraft carrier of the French Navy PANG (porte-avions de nouvelle génération) was presented by the manufacturers at Euronaval 2022 underway in France.
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French President Emmanuel Macron officially gave the green light to the construction of the new nuclear-powered aircraft carrier as part of the PA-Ng program in December 2020. The future flagship of the Marine Nationale (French Navy) intends to replace the existing Charles de Gaulle around 2038.
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The previous design revealed in 2020 showed the aircraft carrier in the form of a "waterdrop", while the model displayed on the Euronaval looks more like a "square". It also has the SeaFire radar in the configuration of four fixed panels; the "cone" at the top of the island (Command Center for operations on the flight deck, as well as the ship as a whole) went to give way to a series of domes for satellite communication. There is now a helicopter point behind the island, as well as the area to perform aircraft maintenance on the flight deck.
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After construction, the PANG aircraft carrier ~310m in length could move about 75,000 tons. It will have two or three 90m electromagnetic catapults (EMALS) from General Atomics of the USA.
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The aircraft carrier will have a maximum speed of 30 knots and will be able to carry approximately 30 Next Generation Fighter (NGF) or Rafale M jets. It will be able to accommodate 2,000 sailors.
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The PANG scale model now features several short-range anti-aircraft self-defense systems SIMBAD-RC, RapidFire CIWS, VLS for Aster missiles and the new CMLS anti-torpedo decoy launchers.
Tags: EuronavalMarine Nationale / French NavyPANG - Porte Avion Nouvelle Générationaircraft carriers
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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arisaimpex · 7 hours
Supplier of Stainless Steel Hexagonal Bar in Odisha
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Arisa Impex is a Top Supplier of Stainless Steel Hexagonal Bar in Odisha. Our manufacturing unit is located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Arisa Impex is a Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Stainless Steel Products, including Stainless Steel Round Bars, Wires, Rods, Sheets, Coils, Pipes, Flat Bars, Square Bars, Hexagonal Bars, Angles, Flanges, and Alloy Steel. We offer a premium range of high-grade quality series, including 200, 300, 400, and 600. Stainless Steel Hexagonal bar is a solid piece of stainless steel shaped into a hexagonal cross-section. This type of bar is known for its excellent corrosion resistance, strength, and versatility, making it ideal for various industrial and commercial applications. Why Choose Us? Effective Service: Our dedicated team ensures timely support and assistance to meet all customer needs efficiently. Wide Product Range: We provide an extensive selection of products to cater to diverse industry requirements and applications. Customization: Tailored solutions are available to meet specific client needs, ensuring optimal performance and satisfaction. Cost Effective: We design our products and services to deliver high quality at competitive prices, maximizing value. Specification: ⁠SS Hexagonal Bar Grades: 201, 202, 301, 302, 303, 304, 304H, 304L, 316, 316H, 316L, 309, 309S, 310, 310S, 316Ti, 317, 317L, 347, 321, 321H, 410, 416, 420, 430, 430F, 431, 440C, 630, 17-4PH, F51, ASTM A276, ASTM A484 Size: 16mm to 55mm Length: 4 to 6meters, or as customer’s requirements Tolerances: K11, K10, K12, H8, H10, K9, H9, H11, H13, H12 Packing: Standard packing Specifications: EN 10272, EN 10088-3 Grade 1.4301 (304), 1.4306 (304L), 1.4401 (316), 1.4404 (316L) Finish: Black, Peeled, Polished, Smooth Turned, Rough Turned, Centreless Ground, Grinding, Cold Drawn Turned, Bright Drawn, Bright, Annealed Usage in Manufacturing and Fabrication Automotive and Aerospace Construction and Architecture Marine and Coastal Applications Arisa Impex is a Top Supplier of Stainless Steel Hexagonal Bar in Odisha including locations like Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Rourkela, Berhampur, Sambalpur, Puri, Balasore, Bhadrak, Baripada. For more information and inquiries, feel free to contact us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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