amariaaa · 2 years
Random thoughts
Ex-husband gojo who actually divorced you because he was too busy
Ex-husband gojo who insists on coming in your house after dropping off the kids
Ex-husband gojo who insist on still kissing "so the kids know we are still a loving family"
Ex-husband gojo who still comes by your new house as if he lives there
Ex-husband gojo who still have family nights with the kids every other friday and insist you stay because it's family bonding
Ex-husband gojo who shows up unannounced to your job with roses, 2 times a month
Ex-husband gojo who got you pregnant a month after the divorce
Ex-husband gojo who fucks you every weekend the kids are gone because "He still loves you and it's his pussy"
Ex-husband gojo who terrorizes every man who you show interest in
Ex-husband gojo who groans in his pillow jerking off to a picture of you on both of your wedding nights
Ex-husband gojo who calls you and makes you play with your pussy on facetime when he's horny
My thought is literally Ex-husband gojo
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marypicken · 8 months
The Longest Goodbye by Mari Hannah  @mariwriter  @OrionBooks @RandomTTours
Happy Publication day! The Longest Goodbye is a strong, nerve-shredding thriller that shows Mari Hannah is riding high at the top of her game.
Source: Review copyPublication: 18 January 2024 from Orion CrimePP: 448ISBN-13: 978-1398715950 My thanks to Orion and Random Things Tours for an advance copy for review LIES COST LIVES Three years ago police officer Georgina Ioannau was murdered, her killers never brought to justice.Now the prime suspects have been shot dead within hours of their return to the UK.Has someone finally taken the…
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Space orcs: First spoonful of peanut butter
Ok, so I’ve been binging ideas about Humans being Space Orcs or Space Australians. I had an idea I really wanted to share to I finally got into gear and made an account on this faesite. 
So, I haven’t seen anyone bring this up, but I wonder how aliens would react to the competition to get the first spoonful of peanut butter. Like, people covet this. So, imagine this happening one day: In the middle of travel or a mission or whatever, the human cook’s voice rings out on the speaker system during a boring part where nothing important is being done. 
“Ok, I’m about to open a new jar of peanut butter; first person who gets here within the next 5 minutes can have the first spoonful.” 
And after the announcement ends, most (if not all) humans jump up and rush to the cafeteria or mess hall or whatever to get the first spoonful.
And then five minutes later all the humans go back to doing whatever, most of them empty except for Human-Lacey who fought dirty (”She licked me!” “we know, Josh. We were there.”)
And all the aliens are confused like, “why was this important?” 
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strsburn · 3 years
Hey, love! 🥰 If you’re okay with it, I was wondering if you could do a Loki x Reader, where the reader is a TVA agent and when Loki finds out the agents are really variants and had lives before the TVA, he goes back to find the reader and help them remember what their life was like before? Also, maybe he is in love with the reader? Thank you so much! Your writing is amazing 💕
more than just a dream | loki
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pairing - loki laufeyson x reader
synopsis - in which loki is determined to free you from the clutches of the TVA and hopefully give you a new life, one with him by your side.
notes - thank you for this request ahhh hopefully i do it justice
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"I have never walked this much in all my years of living." Loki admitted as the pair made their way through the cavern of rocks and dirt. From beside him, Sylvie rolled her eyes though she couldn't hide the upturn of her lips at the childish pout on the God's face.
"Oh relax princess, it's not that far a walk. I'm sure you'll survive." She teased, smirking when Loki glared at her, unamused at being called a princess.
"Or, how about you do your little," he paused to wave his fingers around, mimicking her magic "and enchant me and walk for both of us, while I take a nap in my subconscious and you wake me when we arrive." He bargained.
Sylvie shook her head, blond locks flying about.
"It doesn't work like that." She admitted.
"Oh. Well, how does it work then?" Loki inquired turning to face her with curious eyes.
Sylvie hesitated still not fully sure she trusted the God, before responding.
"Well I have to make physical contact first, then grasp a hold of their mind. It can get tricky though when their mind is more guarded, that agent C-20 is a prime example of that. I had to find a memory of hers, a hundred years prior to her working for the TVA." She recollected.
Loki paused in his stroll and froze, eyes wide as his mind caught up with her words.
"What did you say?" He grasped her shoulder firmly, eyes attentive.
"I had to grab a memory, a hundred years prior?"
"But the TVA said all of the people there were created by the timekeepers."
"That's ridiculous. All of them were normal people before they worked for the TVA." Sylvie revealed.
"They don't know that." Loki gasped in revelation, mind flashing to a particular agent. You.
Desperate he grabbed the destroyed TemPad from his pocket, and with a wave of his hand he waited as green wisps of his magic carefully put the pieces of the tech back together.
Sylvie gasped in outrage as she pulled a dagger from her side and brandished it.
"You could fix it this whole time!"
"Sylvie please, you can kill me later. But I need your help to save someone please. Y/n means everything to me." He begged.
Seeing the panic on the God's face she reluctantly agreed as she slid the dagger back into place at her side, her hands coming to rest on her hips.
"Fine. Let's go save your precious mortal." She rolled her eyes.
Loki grinned, pleased as he quickly messed with the dials on the TemPad.
"I'm coming, darling."
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You sighed boredly as you skimmed through the files assigned to you, your head placed in your palm as you tried to register the words on the page.
You hated to admit it, but you missed the God of mischief that often would linger around your work area, poking and prodding and things asking all and any questions he could possibly think of.
He had been apart of your life for only a few weeks but in the span of those weeks you got to see a side of him no one else had, and of course managed to catch feelings for him in the process.
Alas it was all in vain as the God had went MIA during the last mission to catch another variation of himself. Mobius had come back, moping about how the God had got the jump on him and abandoned him in the middle of a grocery store no less.
Shaking your head you were just about to return to your files when a sudden cloud of green appeared beside you, and you yelped as a familiar God strode through, a figure following behind him.
"Honey, I'm home!" The God whisper shouted as you jumped from your place to hug him, sighing in relief as his body molded to yours.
"Loki, you came back!" You smiled, leaning back to look at him. Behind him, a snort sounded and you leaned around him, catching sight of a blonde with familiar emerald and black attire.
"Is that," you gaped as Loki rolled his eyes in tandem.
"Right. Y/n, Slyvie. Sylvie, y/n." He introduced quickly.
"My, my. Loki mentioned you, but he failed to inform me how stunning you are." Sylvie grinned as she looked you up and down, eyelids lowered seductively. You gulped, your heartbeat racing as you stared back at her in wonder.
Loki watched the exchange with a frown, eyebrows furrowing before he shook his head harshly. The motion sending his black tendrils of hair flying.
"Absolutely not!" He announced, palm coming in contact with Sylvie's forehead as he pushed her backward. She yelped as she lost her footing nearly taking down a nearby bookshelf.
"Relax! I was merely jesting. Sheesh!" She pouted opting to take guard by the doorway incase anyone was to spot them.
"Hurry up and explain the situation, we can't stick around long." She told Loki who nodded in agreement.
He turned to you, hands reaching to clasp around your own as you watched in confusion.
"Y/n, I know this may be a lot to take in but the TVA aren't who they claim to be. They told you, you were created by timekeepers but it was a ruse. You had a life before you were brought here and I know I can't bring that life back for you, but I can help you start a new one with me. I promise you that. Will you trust me?" He offered a hand. Your mind tried to process all that you were told as you looked at him.
"I- I dont know what to think. I do trust you Loki, and I know you might not feel the same but I have fallen in love with you. You mean so much to me-"
You gasped as you were cut off by a pair of lips meeting your own, the contact causing your knees to weaken as the kiss deepened before halting.
Loki looked at you with nothing but clear adoration and love in his eyes as he once again held out his hand.
"Darling, I loved you from the moment I first saw you. I promise to remind you for as long as we live. Now, come with me please."
With a nod and a grin, you intertwined your fingers with his and followed him into the portal, ready to start your new life.
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mariwritingoffical · 4 years
Hello Everyone
Hey Lovelies, Mara here! Welcome to our new blog! This is the best place to find any new projects and stories we’ve been working on, as well as one of the methods to contact us. The other being our website: https://www.mariwritingco.com Or our Twitter: https://twitter.com/MariWriting
For those of you from our fan fiction world, welcome to the new world order! For those who are new and just finding us, welcome to you all! It’s a pleasure to have all of you here!
Now, let us entertain you! ❤️
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mariwrites · 4 years
All There in the Manual - I Have Yet To Be Stained To The Bone
*Jazz hands* Let's get tropey~
Hello everyone, and welcome to the first All There in the Manual! This is going to be a feature of mariwrites, and it's basically Exactly What It Says On The Tin. It's talking about a completed and posted chapter of any fics I write, one where I write about my “behind the scenes” thoughts about it. Let’s get started!
First, the title! It's a translated lyric from the Vocaloid song Iroha Uta, composed by Ginsaku and performed by Kagamine Rin. The song is...somewhat vague, but the most common interpretation is that it's at least partially about sex. The idea of naming this from that song stuck in my head and didn't leave, so I did. Plus, it's kind of a pun? It's a fic with bathing/washing heavily featured, and it talks about being stained...get it? =D?
...this is the kind of thrilling commentary you get from All There in the Manual, yes.
ANYWAY. As you may have noticed, I repeated a few phrases from the beginning around the end. “...The thing is, though...”, “There's that slightly flustered face she loves so much.”, and some other stuff. It feels kinda weird to do it in a PWP, but I really like callbacks in writing like that. It feels like...I dunno, coming full circle? Sometimes giving new context to the words, too. I like it, it's good civ to me.
Speaking of starts and ends, ahahaha...yeah, this certainly took a good long while to be finished, didn't it? In hindsight, trying to give my Crippling Depression™ ass a deadline was a bit too optimistic. On the bright side, I managed to get this done during Kinktober! That's something, right?
“You've been procrastinating on this for four months,” says the hypothetical reader.
“I gave you 9000 plus words of Roma smut, dammit! Me and FuwaFuwaMedb are the only ones currently producing horny Roma content! 9000 plus words! It didn't come from thin air!” I say to you, pleading for mercy.
Let's see, what else...ah, right! There's a few things that come up that might be a little confusing, so I'd like to clarify:
“We met the Nene-hii that was alive back then,” yes, Nene-hii is Nero. As you might've noticed, my Gudako gives nicknames to people. “hii” is short for hime, which means princess in Japanese, and it's...well, it's close enough to emperor according to everyone involved. I hope it was clear enough with context, I added a line to the narration saying it was a memory of The Emperor of Roses just to be safe, but I'm sorry if I confused anyone.
The second is the mention of something called “gap moe”. I figured most readers would be familiar with the concept of moe (don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure it's even used in the game itself), but in case you didn't know: gap moe is defined by the ever-helpful Urban Dictionary as, basically, “when a character does something completely contradictory to what their usual habits/personality/character/appearence dictates.” Basically, you wouldn't expect someone as regal as Romulus=Quirinus to get embarrassed like that, right? And you wouldn't expect to find that seeing someone like him hiding his face from behind to be a special kind of cute, right? That's gap moe!
...yes, we also explain overcomplicated jokes here at All There in the Manual.
In all seriousness, with things like that, I guess I could take stuff like that out so that everyone will understand all the mentions and jokes, but...well, it's. My fic. And those are the jokes and mentions that I, personally, wanted to make. So I did? I'm happy to explain things if you ask, and I'll make them as clear in the text as I can (unless like, there's supposed to be a mystery or something), but this is my city.
And with that, I think we're done. For now, at least! You're free to ask me about anything not mentioned here, dear reader. I...don't really expect most people to care about my thoughts on this kinda thing, but it was fun to talk about it, and hey! There's a tiny, tiny chance it's interesting or helpful to someone in some way, so! It's probably not totally useless.
Have a great day, everyone! May your works in progress be completed, may your reviews be plentiful, may your rarepairs get content, and may your typos be few and far between.
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marikothecure · 4 years
Can I just say that I'm looking forward toward seeing your characterization of Romulus-Quirinus in that upcoming WIP of yours? I adore Medb's characterization but I've also seen your talks with her on yours and gosh your Romulus-Q sounds very precious! And also the mere thought of him of all people being pretty sexually naive amuses the heck outta me but hey, at least that means one can enjoy teaching him everything or as Medb put it "CAN YOU IMAGINE TEACHING A GOD HOW TO FUCK?!" lmao
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You will be happy to know, my dear mysterious friend, that there will be a great deal of Romulus=Quirinus being precious and adorable in my fic. There will of course also be smut! But lots of fluff too. (Honestly, any sin I write with this man ends up having a lot of fluff. Local founder of the Roman empire too good for this world, too pure.)
FuwaFuwaMedb’s RQ fics are definitely Roma, there’s no doubt about that. But the muse called to me in a different way, and honestly I can’t tell you how relieved I am that people don’t seem bothered by it. Hell, it seems to be quite the opposite! You guys love it, you want more of it! So what else can I do but provide? I’m gonna be the change I want to see in this world, one PWP at a time.
I will also say that my Ritsuka Fujimaru? Is thirsty as hell. She has been more than happy to teach RQ how to fuck. More than happy. My dear friend Yume (who reads all my writing first because BFF privilege) has said repeatedly that she finds Ritz relatable and enjoyable due to her cooing over how cute her boytoy is and how much she wants to fuck him. So the Romafucker thirst is going to be well represented, I can promise you that.
As for how much “IP” is left in my WIP, well. I’ve gotten a good chunk of the setup out of the way. In case you weren’t aware, the specific brand of sin this time around is bath sins! So basically it’s setup->simmer->smut. I need to write a LOT more of the simmering section, but I’ve pretty much gotten how it all goes down mapped out in my head. So, this time, I absolutely expect it to be finished by the end of the month!
Also! I have an important announcement to make! If any of you want to talk about fic-related stuff specifically, I now have a writing blog! It’s mariwrites! It’s not a sideblog, so feel free to follow/send asks/all the other shit sideblogs can’t do because Tumblr is run by idiots.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to take my meds, put on some smut writing music, and try to wrestle the muse into submission and make it put words on a page.
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mariwrite · 4 years
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Блогу "Mariwriter" сегодня исполнился 1 год! УРА!
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jdjhiston · 6 years
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The Insider @mariwriter Wed 27 Feb 19: not sure this was a good return on my reading time investment. I had problems with the continuity in places and some of the characters' behaviours stretched credibility.
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@purpleque-en @iam-not-perfect-blog @enquanto-existir-amanha @paradoxo1-9-9-7 @fuckingwaytolive-blog @phf-paulo-blog @love4manythings @wargr @hpforeverinourhearts-blog-blog @ex-fera-blog @luconti-blog @vibinoutwyou @t-e-e-q-u-a-l-i-z-a-r @pra-sempre-aqui-blog @teequilababy @todezua-blog @volupiasblog @didyouseethelove-blog @longliferockandroll @believestill-blog @godiswhoeveryouperformfor @juliapfonseca-blog @onee-moree-timee-blog @zampiere-blog @faabibc-blog @refusetosink-k @mariwrites-blog @yeia-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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marypicken · 7 years
The Lost by Mari Hannah (Stone & Oliver#1) @mariwriter @orion_crime @orionbooks #TheLost
The Lost by Mari Hannah (Stone & Oliver#1) @mariwriter @orion_crime @orionbooks #TheLost
  Source: Review copy
Publication : 22 March from Orion
‘He was her child. The only one she’d ever have. It would kill her to learn that he was missing.’
Alex arrives home from holiday to find that her ten-year-old son Daniel has disappeared.
It’s the first case together for Northumbria CID officers David Stone and Frankie Oliver.
Stone has returned to his roots with fifteen years’ experience in…
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strsburn · 3 years
I would love to be tagged in your new Loki series, please 🥰 It’s amazing 💕
of course!! ahh i am so happy that you like it, that means a lot to me 🥺
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strsburn · 5 years
hey princess - tom holland
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summary: you work at the happiest place on earth, as princess rapunzel. working in such a popular place, it's pretty normal to see celebrities every now and then. however, when you run into a panicked little girl who claims she can't find her dad, you decide to help out not knowing that her dad is spider-man himself, the one and only Tom Holland. 
see also : in which Tom Holland falls for a princess literally, and she's the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. after his daughter, of course. 
pairing : dad!tom holland x female!reader 
genre : fluff 
words : 1.6k+
side notes : I honestly just came up with this idea and ran with it, so I apologize if it's horrible but I'm a huge sucker for dad!Tom so wjwjjs let's do this 
also, I watched infinity war again today and made myself sad, so hopefully this fluff makes up for it. 
"Y/n, you're scheduled for another meet and greet on main street, in five minutes." 
Daisy your assistant reminded you gently. You thanked her, adjusting your long blonde wig and your silk purple dress. You checked to make sure your makeup was set and that you were in character, before you exited from behind the curtain and started to walk down main street. 
You waved at people, causing most to smile and pull out their cameras for a photo, the kids gasping in awe at seeing one of their favorite princesses. 
You moved to take another step when you bumped into someone, stepping back you gasped in concern to see a smaller body near your legs. 
"Oh my, are you alright?" You asked, still in character. 
The person looked up, revealing a girl no older than five with brown curls and teary brown eyes that slightly widened at the sight of you.
"You're, you're Rapunzel." You smiled at the slight excitement in her voice and bent down so you were at her level.
"Well, yes I am. And who might you be? Are you a princess too?" You asked, tilting your head. The girl giggled at you, shaking her head, though her eyes still held worry.
"No, m'not a princess. I'm Trinity. My dad is a superhero though." She stated the last part proudly causing you to look at her in both amusement and curiosity.
"Oh really? And where is this superhero dad you speak of?" You put a hand over your eyes as if surveying the place and then looked back to her, watching as her lips set in a small pout.
"Well, that's the thing. I can't find him." She mumbled to you. You could see that she was minutes away from crying and immediately went into comforting mode. 
"Alright Trinity, how about I help you find him? I'll go grab Pascal and then we can go and search for him. It'll be like a little adventure." You watched as her eyes lit up, and she instantly reached for your hand her small fingers instantly intertwining with yours.
"Okay." You reminded her to keep close to you and to not let go of your hand as you listened to her explain what her dad was wearing. 
As you both looked you answered her questions about how it was like to live in a castle, and what was the best part of being a princess?
Just as you were explaining to her about how eugene had rescued you from your tower, you heard her name being called from across the streets, near adventureland.
Trinity perked up at the voice and she stood on her tippy toes trying to see the face that called her.
You picked her up, holding her on your shoulders so she could see and watched her face light up when she realized it was her father. 
You let her down, following behind her as she scurried past people to reach her dad. 
Her father picked her up, holding her close and whispered something into her ear, turning to you when she pointed. 
You had to swallow back a gasp as you recognized the face and suddenly her earlier sentence about her dad being a superhero made sense. Tom fucking Holland, Spider-Man was right in front of you. 
Managing a smile, you waved shyly trying to not break character. 
"Thank you so much for bringing her back to me. I turned for one second to tie my shoe and she was gone. I'm such a terrible father." You instantly straightened at that, hating the doubt in his voice. 
"Don't say that. It happens. You made a mistake, alright. All that matters is that she is safe. And I doubt she would talk about you so highly if you were a bad father. You're Spider-man, after all. Doesn't get any cooler than that." 
Your cheeks turned pink slightly at that last bit, not meaning to reveal that you knew who he was. 
He smiled at that, turning back to his daughter to bring her to his chest, and run his fingers through her hair. He placed a kiss to her forehead and you watched in awe at how he cared so much for her. He held her like he had the world's most expensive jewel in his palms and the slightest movement could break it. The action sent a warm tingle to your heart. 
He turned to you again as if remembering that you were there and stuck his free hand out, bright smile on his lips.
"Sorry love, forget to introduce myself and ask for your name. I'm Tom Holland, and you? 
"I'm princess Rapunzel of course. Pleasure to meet you." You teased. You mouthed your real name at him, when Trinity wasn't looking, as to not confuse her. 
"Right, well princess, want to grab a bite to eat with us? We were planning to get some pizza from pizza planet, if you're interested?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. 
You glanced at your watch, noticing your break started in two minutes and smiled.
Taking Tom's hand you gave him a wink.
"I'd love to."  
You both enjoyed the silence for a while before Trinity suddenly piped up from her spot on her dad's shoulders.
Tom hummed giving his daughter a kiss on her cheeks, causing her to giggle against him, bringing a smile to your lips. 
"If you have lunch with Rapunzel, won't mister eugene get mad?"
The two of you burst in laughter at her question, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion and you couldn't help but lean in to give Trinity a small kiss on the nose. 
God, did you love your job. 
tagging mutuals who might be interested in this -
@blissfulparker @pterpcrkers @gioandreolli @thepiebakingmechanic @petertingle23 @sxd-boy-hours @spideylovesya @marvelsswansong @unholyhaz
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strsburn · 5 years
see you in five - peter parker
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see you in five
summary : you had been hoping to spend some time with peter during your trip to europe, but it seems fate has other plans. Or at least you think so, until there's a knock on your door, and peter confesses that he isn't ready for this trip to be over, and truth is, neither are you.
see also : in which your eagerness gets the best of you, and it really doesn't take you long to throw on a hoodie and some converse.
pairing : peter parker x female!reader
genre : fluff
side notes : I wrote this on a whim after seeing far from home for the seventh time lol, anyways be wary as this might contain minor far from home spoilers, for those who still have yet to see it
So far the trip to Europe had been a complete disaster. Between the chaotic elemental attacks, a suspicious new hero, and the fact that you had yet to spend at least five minutes alone with your crush, yeah you were starting to wonder if you should've just stayed home curled up under your blankets.
Trudging slowly to your hotel room, you moved to close the door behind you, when a familiar voice caught your attention.
You turned to see Peter clutching a backpack with one hand, a crisp white button down shirt adorning his figure, rather than the suit he wore earlier during the opera. You watched by your hotel doorway as he talked rapidly with Ned, looking distraught at something.
Figuring, the staring might come off a creepy you moved to close the door behind you, when you managed to catch Peter's eye. He waved off to Ned, who sent a rather uncomforting wink your way, before disappearing towards his own room.
Peter came towards you with a nervous smile on his face, causing you to step more towards him, wanting to know what was up.
"Hey, y/n." He greeted.
"Hey, Pete. Where were you? I- we were worried, about you." You questioned.
You observed as he tended slightly at the question, pausing as if trying to come up with a good reason to give you.
"I was- um, I got lost." He stated, though it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself.
You nodded, brows furrowing at the little lie but you pushed it aside as you straightened up.
"Right, well. Good thing you're back." You nodded at him. When he didn't say anything after a few tense minutes in silence, you waved at him and closed the door behind you.
You had barely made it two steps in before you realized you forgot to ask Mr. Harrington when the class would be leaving in the early morning, and headed again for the door.
Just as you went to step out, you jumped back as you caught Peter standing there his hand raised as if to knock.
"Uh, listen."
You nodded at Peter, encouraging him to continue as he fidgeted with his backpack strap.
"I'm not ready for this trip to be over yet, and I kinda wanna do something fun before we have to leave, that isn't on the itinerary or planned, so if-"
You don't give Peter the chance to finish, excited at the idea of even having two minutes with him, alone.
Your abruptness seems to surprise Peter greatly, as he stares at you, eyes unblinking.
"Wait, yes? Like in, you want to go?"
You nod and he grins, a certain confidence rising as he stands straighter bouncing on the tips of his toes.
"Okay, so I'll see you outside in ten minutes?" He adds unsurely.
"See you in five."
"Oh, okay. Five is good." He gives you a cute thumbs up. You smile and wave bye, and then hurriedly enter your hotel room to release a silent squeal. Unaware that on the other side of the door, Peter throws his fist up in victory before skipping away happily.
"I uh actually wanted to tell you something. I've been meaning to tell you for a while now."
At this, you look towards Peter who keeps his eyes downcast to his shoes, his fingers messing with something in his inner pant pocket.
"What is it?" You ask. Peter clears his throat, and turns to face you, his hands reaching for whatever lies in his pocket.
"I'm in love with you." He rushes out. You stare at him, your eyes widening in surprise at his confession.
Peter takes your silence as rejection and his words began to tumble together as he tries to backtrack.
"It's okay if you don't feel the same, I mean you're you, and I'm me, and you could do so much better-"
You decide to showcase your own feelings and in an act of bravery, lean forward, cup his cheeks with your hands, and place your lips upon his. He let's out a startled yelp at the action, before he relaxes into it.
After a few seconds more, you lean back, disconnecting your lips and watching as Peter looks to you in a daze.
"You- you kissed me? W-what?" He stutters so adorably you have to physically clench your palms so you don't reach over to kiss him again.
"Yes, Pete. That's usually what someone does, when they like you." You tease.
His eyes widen even more at that, a faint dusting of pink washing over his cheeks.
"Wait, so you like me?"
You shake your head in negative and his eyes turned confused, causing you to giggle.
"No, Peter. I love you." At this, Peter grins. He grabs the back of your head and pulls you back into the kiss, you shared moments before. Your hands run through his curly hair, his running up your sides and you both get lost in the moment of one another.
You pull back when Peter's phone rings, and you both step back, breaking the kiss. You watch as he glances apologetically at you, and reaches to answer his phone. He glances up once more as he goes, and watches you as you turn to leave.
"I'll uh, see you later?" He questions.
You nod, sending a flying kiss his way, which he receives with a grin.
"Yeah, see you in five, Pete."
You wink at him.
"See you in five, y/n."
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strsburn · 5 years
sounds perfect
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sounds perfect
summary : reader not only gets a surprise birthday party but a date with her longtime crush Peter Parker, could this day get any better?
see also : reader has the best birthday yet.
pairing : peter parker x female!stark reader
genre : fluff
words : 836+
side notes : this one shot is dedicated to my good friend whom I call, Mer @marvelsswansong. Happy Birthday Mer, I love you and hope you have an amazing 18th birthday. ________________________________________
"Well, look who finally decided to wake up. I'd call you sleeping beauty, but the beauty part seems a little bit far fetched right now." You half heartedly sent a glare your dad's way as you made your way to the counter top, taking a seat begrudgingly while a plate of buttery pancakes was slid your way. 
"Fight me, dad. I don't care that you're Tony Stark, I'll fight you right now." You held up your fork as if to show you meant business but Tony only chuckled, reaching over to ruffle your hair. Much like he did when you were seven.
"Hmm, cranky and violent in the morning. You are your father's daughter." Your fake glare turned into a warm smile as you looked up at your dad.
"I love you dad."
"Love you too, pumpkin. Now hurry up and get ready for school. Just cause it's your birthday doesn't mean you get to be late." With a grin, you hugged your dad tight and headed for your bedroom.
"Y/n! Wait up!" You turned at the familiar voice as you reached your locker, smiling when you saw your best friend and your dad's intern, Peter Parker.
"Hey Pete, what's up?" You asked. 
He smiled at you, skidding to a stop as he ran his hand through his hair nervously.
"Right, so uh, I know we had plans today to go to that new comic book store around the block but I- uh Mr. Stark has something he needs me to do, so I can't make it. I'm sorry." He rushed out causing you to frown. You didn't remember your father mentioning anything about it.
"Sorry, I gotta go. Don't want to be late to chemistry." Before you could say anything more, Peter took off leaving you confused. 
"-It's my birthday." You finished quietly. Frowning you grabbed the rest of your books and headed for English. 
"Hello? Dad?" You called out hoping to hear from someone. School had just ended and you were looking forward to spending some time with your dad on your birthday, hoping to forget some of the stress from school, as you had been assigned a shit load of homework. 
When all you were met with was silence you huffed, heading for the living room where you could sulk and maybe catch up on some new episodes of Miraculous Ladybug. 
You headed for the living room calling out to F.R.I.D.A.Y. as you did. 
"Hey Friday, turn on the lights for me would you?"
"Surprise!" You jumped as the lights switched on revealing your dad and all the avengers as they stood with smiles on their faces a "Happy Birthday Mini Stark" written sloppily across a banner that hung from the ceiling. 
"What? Oh my God, you guys." You teared up as you spotted Peter and your father at the front of the group, both wearing wide grins on their faces. 
"Dad? This was your idea wasn't it?" You accused with a smile. 
"Actually, pumpkin. This was all underoos' idea." He patted Peter on the back, causing the boy to burn a bright red. 
"W-well I wouldn't say it was all my idea, I mean, Mr. Stark-"
Before he could ramble on you rushed forward, bringing your arms around him causing him to stumble as he put a hand hesitantly around your back. 
"Thank you, Pete." You gave him a kiss on the cheek, watching as he turned shy, mumbling a quiet "you're welcome."
"Alright underoos, you can let go of my daughter now." Peter pulled back so fast you were surprised be didn't snap his neck. He turned to face your father, his eyes wide and cheeks void of color. 
"S-sorry, Mr. Stark.I-your daughter just gives really nice hugs and-" Tony rolled his eyes patting Peter on the shoulder.
"Calm down, spider-ling. You like my daughter, she likes you, so there's nothing I can do about that. But if you hurt her, I promise you I will activate instant kill." Both you and Peter blushed, as your father chuckled before leaving the two of you alone.
"Well, that wasn't how I planned to tell you, I liked you." Peter mumbled after a few moments of silence. 
You turned to him, eyes shining bright.
"So, seeing as we both like each other. When will you be picking me up, Parker?" Peter turned to you, eyebrow raised in confusion.
"Picking you up?" 
"Yes, for our date." You giggled. Peter fumbled for his phone, pulling up the calendar app. 
"I- how about t-tomorrow at eight? I'll take you to Delmar's for a nice sandwich and t-then we could go for a swing around the rooftops?" He gulped, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 
You smiled, reaching over to give him a light peck on the corner of his lips.
"Sounds perfect." You winked before walking off, not missing the small fist pump and little skip Peter did, from the corner of your eye. 
Best birthday ever. 
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strsburn · 5 years
can I also request a blurb abt you interviewing someone but not knowing who it is until someone mentions it’s Tom and you freak out but he makes the interview seem so wonderful & less nerve racking and he’s just the sweetest and later when you ask for a signature or something he slips you his number and you just gape at him and he winks at you? Sorry if this was really specific but like ahhhh this concept just- 🥺🥺 thanks so much you’re wonderful I adore youuuuu!!!!🕊🧚‍♀️💞🥰✨💫🌸💌
full request
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this is honestly the cutest prompt ever. thank you for requesting this and hopefully I dont disappoint, I adore you as well <3
"Alright, just one more person for you to interview today and we can wrap it up, y/n."
Jessica your assistant tells you, looking at her clipboard. You sigh in relief as your stylist touches up your hair and makeup and you look to Jessica in curiosity.
"Who is the last person for today, Jess?"
She signals you to give her one moment and then re-checks her clipboard giving a double take as she realizes just who is on the end of the list.
"What's wrong?" You sit up in worry ignoring the stylist who grumbles as you mess your lipstick slightly.
"Nothing, nothing don't worry. You're going to enjoy this." Jess tells you with a smirk that has you a bit nervous.
You sit back down and wait patiently as your stylists scurry out of the room and watch as the directors monitor the lighting and camera.
"He's here." Jessica says and before you can ask who he is, a familiar face walks into the room.
You feel yourself gape openly at the male that stands before and you suddenly forget how to form words.
If he notices this, he doesn't mention it as he holds a hand out for you to take.
"Oh my gosh, you're Tom Holland." You finally manage to push out, feeling embarrassment immediately rush to your cheeks at your pathetic fangirl behavior.
"That I am, love. And you are?" He asks politely, his accent coming in full.
"y-y/n." You stutter. He smiles and sits down relaxing in his chair, causing you to relax as well.
You look to your paper to see what question you need to ask first, and smile at the topic.
"As a big fan of Spider-Man were you a little bit intimidated to take on his character, in fear that you wouldn't portray him as the comics do?" You ask and you watch as Tom furrows his brows, sincerely thinking about his answer.
"A bit yeah, I mean I don't think anyone can really portray spider-man, as well as- well spider-man. But, I thought to myself, how exactly do I want to portray Spider-Man, without taking away from the original, but also throwing in my own little twist. In the end, it worked out I'd say."
He finished and you could only stare in awe at his answer.
As the interview went on, you found yourself relaxing more and more and actually getting to know Tom Holland, and not just from what you read online.
In the corner of your eye you spotted Jessica pointing to her watch and you frowned in disappointment.
"Well, unfortunately that's all the time we have for today. You guys can see Tom Holland as Spider-Man in Spider-Man Far From Home, now in theaters." You waved at the camera and once it was off you turned back to Tom, feeling a bit shy for your next question.
"Thanks for coming, Tom. Um, if it isn't too much trouble, could I maybe have an autograph?" You asked, half expecting to be rejected.
"Of course, love." He gently takes a pen from behind your ear and grabs a scratch paper from the side table, scribbling something onto it. When he's finished, he hands the paper to you, and once again slides the pen behind you ear, tucking a stray hair away as he does so, leaving a bright blush on your cheeks.
You look down at the paper and you gasp as you see a row of digits beside his signature.
Your head shoots up just in time to catch the wink Tom throws you as he heads for the exit.
"Expect a call from me later, love. I'd love to talk with you more."
And within a blink, he was gone. Leaving you on cloud nine. You were so glad, you decided to do one last interview.
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