#marlow 002
owenryder · 1 year
WHO: Ryder & @marlownewman
WHERE: Enchanted Forest Gala
WHEN: July 22, 2023
"Well, well, well, Miss Marlow Newman," Ryder broke into a grin as he saw Marlow from across the room, just inside the chapel. Looking stunning, of course. But that seemed to be the order of the evening. Everyone had shown up in their best dressed mindset, and in their best dresses, too. Which was a big step up from the last time that he had spent time with Marlow, which he marveled over with a laugh, "and to think the last time that I saw you, you were dripping wet and borrowing my clothes. You look great."
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jaceeverett · 1 year
WHO: Jason & @marlownewman
WHERE: Summer Bash & Carnival
WHEN: June/July, 2023
To say that he was drenched would be an understatement. When he had volunteered to get into the booth in his Merrock Fire Co. t-shirt and jeans, he had expected one, maybe two people to have a direct hit, but no. Apparently half of the town had showed up for softball practice and was hellbent on taking him out. Thankfully for him, the next volunteer had arrived, and he just got the 'one more go' signal, climbing back onto the seat and wiping water out of his eyes, "alright, who's next?" he called out, looking at the line of people and landing on... Marlow Newman, of all people. Of course, it would be her. But that was all the more reason for him to tease, a slow, steady grin sliding across his face. "You're my last tormentor of the night, Newman, think you got it in you?"
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narilily · 1 year
WHO: Nari & @marlownewman
WHERE: Silver Pines Jr.
WHEN: April, 2023
Finally, good weather. Nari couldn't even pretend to not be happy, whether she was spending time at the nursery, helping people find their spring plants, or gardening in her backyard... or, on a very good day, she found herself shooting a text to Marlow, asking if she had a free night to hang out at the miniature golf course, the promise of pig-out food to follow hanging in the air. It hadn't taken Nari long to make the drive from her little countryside cottage to the mini golf course in the suburbs, having changed into skinny jeans and a t-shirt, hoodie over her arm. After all, once the sun went down... not that it should take them that long to complete a round of mini-golf. Probably? She was a little rusty. Sitting on the halfway just outside of the little rental hut, Nari glanced up from where she was tapping away at her phone when she heard someone approaching, grinning as she saw Marlow. "Hey!"
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cagenewman · 1 year
WHO: Cage & @marlownewman
WHERE: Newman Residence
WHEN: April 3, 2023
There was something about the family home that would always be comforting. The soft blues in the kitchen, the large staircases he could remember racing down in the morning to get to school on time, the porch overlooking the farmlands… and his family. Maybe that was actually what brought him home the most that afternoon. Colton was hanging out with friends after school, they hadn't started working on the next house they were slated to restore yet… and Cage didn't want to sit in his home, alone, thinking all of his thoughts. As childish as that sounded.
And so, he went home. He wasn't sure who was there; maybe Kellan, maybe Marlow, maybe Deacon -- maybe no one, to be honest. But he found himself sitting at the bar in the kitchen, notebook sprawled out in front of him, loose leaf drawings of a few odd projects he had to finish drawing up stretched out in front of him… and instead, he was doodling. It was while he was doodling those doodles that he heard someone enter the kitchen, not bothering to look up as he drew a few wispy strands of hair on the female figure he had been sketching from memory. "Just ordered pizza if you're hungry."
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mournfulminds · 1 year
╱ starter for ❪ @lavenderrpages​ ❫ .
It was an unexpected invitation for James and most likely last-minute on the other's end (not that she minded), for it had been days since she had holed up in her at-home office, working past any sensible hour, to make her deadline. Piles of boxes, both delivery and takeout had shielded most surfaces, sans for the endless sketches and swaths of fabric that were laying around in an erratic bearing, a not-so-subtle tribute to her success. "It is a party at my office to boost moral or some bs, I don't know why you are so excited, it's going to be a bunch of boring lawyers," Hoon said as they were on their way up the elevator, James perhaps a bit overdressed, though she claimed that work was not in her terminology, since she knew one could never look too good. In truth, he had asked her so he did not have to go alone, having just gone through a hellish breakup. And he had a colleague who was quietly waiting to ask him out, unable to reject her and make things awkward, he chose the route of bringing James', and James, well she was just there for the free food and open bar.
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When they arrived, the pair got a drink and did a quick lap before Hoon was "abducted" away by some colleagues, for just a conversation with this client, or soon-to-be client, she was not sure which, but she did not care to be a part of the smooze fest, stepping onto the sizable terrace. The darkened sky was surfaced by a sea of stars, quite a lovely canvas, James not seeing, or not caring if there was a "no smoking" sign. The woman was having difficulty getting her lighter to work with the slight breeze when she heard the door open, signalling someone had joined her, either Hoon or someone coming to tell her she could not smoke. "I was holding it for a friend," she quipped, rotating and her features falling when she realised who it was. It was a micro character, more shock than anything as it was replaced with a smile, lissome fingers pulling the cigarette from her lips. "Howdy neighbour... wonderful to see you out here in the wild." A creature of habit, only used to stealing glances of Pyper in the hobby or riding the elevator up and exchanging pleasantries or sunny quips, save for that night in James' place, the scent of rain, lively in her mind.
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wolfpants · 2 years
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
Thank you for the tag, @maziktheli! <3
001. Captive Prince - Laurent, Crown Prince of Vere and Acquitart
You see? He has forgiven me for the small matter of the whip. I have forgiven him for the small matter of killing my brother. All praise the alliance.
002. Call Me By Your Name - Elio Perlman
Every time I go back to Rome, I go back to that one spot. It is still alive for me, still resounds with something totally present, as though a heart stolen from a tale by Poe still throbbed under the ancient slate pavement to remind me that, here, I had finally encountered the life that was right for me but had failed to have.
003. The Song of Achilles - Patroclus
We reached for each other, and I thought of how many nights I had lain awake loving him in silence.
004. Christopher Marlowe's Edward II - King Edward II of England
What Gaveston, welcome: kis not my hand, Embrace me Gaveston as I do thee: Why shouldst thou kneele, knowest thou not who I am? Thy friend, thy selfe, another Gaveston. Not Hilas was more mourned of Hercules, Then thou hast beene of me since thy exile.
005. Interview with the Vampire (2022) - Louis de Pointe du Lac
I was being hunted. And I was completely unaware it was happening.
006. Portrait of a Lady on Fire - Héloïse
Imagine me happy or unhappy if that reassures you. But do not imagine me guilty.
007. House of the Dragon - Aemond Targaryen
Do not mourn me, Mother. It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon.
008. The Binding - Emmett Farmer
We kissed as if we could stop the earth turning, as if we were enemies as well as lovers, as if we'd never see each other again.
009. Hereditary - Annie Graham
Don't you swear at me, you little shit! Don't you ever raise your voice at me, I am your mother. You understand? All I do is worry and slave and defend you, and all I get back is that fucking face on your face!
010. freely, as men strive for right - Harry Potter*
... he is the love of my whole disasterous fucking life, I am stupid in love with him, would murder and die in love with him, if he asked me to blind myself so I'd never see another tall, blond man again, I'd probably fucking do that too in love with him...
*okay so this is technically a fandom within a fandom - it's @bixgirl1's wonderful fic, which is so good and SO UP THERE for me that is might as well be canon to be honest. Read it if you haven't. It destroyed me.
No pressure tagging @academicdisasterfic @oknowkiss @emmalovesdilemmas @skeptiquewrites @sorrybutblog @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm @moony-saraneth @maesterchill @getawayfox @thebooktopus
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redwoodhqs · 1 month
A Estudante.
Ela é uma jovem de Redwood com grandes sonhos de carreira na cidade grande. Enquanto trabalha em seus projetos e estudos, ela se vê dividida entre a busca por oportunidades na metrópole e o desejo de manter suas raízes na cidade natal. Sua determinação em alcançar seus objetivos é equilibrada com um profundo apego às suas origens, o que a faz refletir constantemente sobre como conciliar seus planos futuros com a conexão com Redwood. (21+)
Howdy! A cidade de Redwood está animada em dar as boas-vindas à nossa nova moradora, ABIGAIL MARLOWE! Ela tem 27 anos e é conhecida como A ESTUDANTE da cidade. Alguns dizem que ela é a cara da @AMYJANEDOWDLE, mas vejamos. Pela foto em seu perfil @ABIGAIL_RWD não dá para dizer ao certo. Na próxima vez que a encontrarmos no OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY, vamos prestar mais atenção e descobrir se é verdade!
001. Abbie nasceu e cresceu em Redwood. Sua família é beeem religiosa e tradicional, quase como aquelas de comerciais de margarina. Então, desde muito jovem, participava de trabalhos comunitários e projetos da igreja - campanha de agasalho, arrecadação de alimentos e organização de eventos beneficentes. Aos domingos, após os cultos, era comum vê-la ajudando na cozinha da igreja, preparando refeições para os mais necessitados, ou distribuindo roupas e brinquedos durante as festas de final de ano. É difícil ver ela dizendo não quando alguém precisa de ajuda. De acordo com alguns, seu comprometimento e determinação foi fundamental para o sucesso de várias iniciativas, como a construção de um abrigo para pessoas sem-teto e a arrecadação de fundos para reformas na igreja. 
002. Apesar da família acreditar que mulher não precisa estudar e toda essa ladainha dos incas e astecas, o sonho dela sempre foi se formar e conquistar a própria independência. Desde nova preferia fazer as coisas sozinha, até a lição de casa era feita sem incomodar os adultos. Após alguns anos tentando convencer os pais de que queria fazer faculdade e não iria se desvirtuar que nem o irmão mais velho, não foi surpresa quando ela conseguiu passar com bolsa de 100% em medicina na UT Southwestern, no texas… O grande plot twist foi quando, uma semana antes das aulas começarem, ela largou tudo para cursar enfermagem na universidade local. Atualmente está no oitavo período e fazendo estágio no St. Michael’s Hospital, se esforçando ao máximo para manter as notas e se orgulha em ser a melhor da classe (mesmo que não fale isso em voz alta).
003. Apesar da constante cobrança de seus pais para que se case, Abigail se encontra relutante por se achar muito nova. A única relação duradoura que tem sem problemas (ou intervenção direta dos pais) é com sua gata e o pessoal da igreja. Os Marlowe superprotegem a filha de um jeito que chega a ser sufocante, mas com a ida pra faculdade aos poucos ela vem afrouxando a gaiola em que viveu por todos esses anos, mesmo que tenha que separar um pouco a Abigail de dentro de casa e a Abbie como ser individual. 
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seekingbenjy · 4 years
Say Anything || Benjy and Marlowe
“You didn’t have to lock me outttttt.” Benjy says to the door, knocking on it with his head.
“Loeyyy, come on. This isn’t funny.” He drunkenly giggles. “Okay its a little funny but come onnnnnnnn let me in. I’m cold. Or I think I’m cold? I dunno I’ve had a lot of whiskey.”
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“LOEY!” He says, at the top of his lungs, knocking harder and jiggling the door knob. Benjy turns the knob and realizes its unlocked. He laughs and walks in. Her place hadn’t changed much-or at least that he can tell in darkness while pretty drunk.
“Hellloooooo-are you home? Do you got a hot DATE?!” He cackles before he deposits himself onto her couch.
“I’m just gonna be out here. Take your time. You’re a GREAT host.”
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beeavery · 4 years
Where: Marlowe’s home Who: Brenton && @marloweprewett​
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It was typical wizarding grapevine news. Old MacFusty telling his friend Lochrin about how careful you have to be with dragons at this age because they’re more dangerous than they look. Brenton wasn’t really paying attention until he heard the comment about how the Prewett girl from the Ministry was in hospital after a bite, you know. Brenton found himself frowning and when he finished work he ran a couple of errands in Hogsmeade before heading to Marlowe’s.
As he knocked on the door, it occurred to him that it was the first time he had seen her since just after the Quidditch Cup. (And the first time since his unfortunate realisation that he had slept with her brother) (As well as the first time since he became conscious of being exclusive to Rabastan).
“I have an early birthday present for you,” he said, when she opened the door. He tossed a parcel towards her, a pair of sturdy anti-poison dragon hide gloves in a navy gift wrap. “They were expensive, so you’re not getting anything for Christmas, either.”
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sxriusly · 4 years
Sirius sat alone at the bar, waiting for Marlowe to arrive. From the vantage of an onlooker, the situation appeared a bit strange, and even perhaps sad. Those who didn’t know him might’ve thought he was either celebrating or mourning alone, since both of the seats beside him were empty and there were two full pints of beer in front of him. Anyone who recognized him might’ve assumed that two beers was simply his style - after all, it did fit with his mythology - but they still might’ve wondered why James or another Marauder wasn’t there with him.
As the minutes dragged on, Marlowe’s lateness began to weigh upon Sirius. At first he was a bit annoyed, though he had no right to be with how often he’d been late while she waited. When his pint was half way done, he became worried.
Finally, as if in the nick of time even though there was no second deadline, Marlowe slid into the empty bar stool on his left. Any frustration or concern that Sirius held vanished as he slid the full pint over to her and hailed the bartender for another one for himself.
“Warm beer is what you get for being late, Prewett,” he teased. If someone had asked him to recall when he had been genuinely mad or serious with Marlowe, Sirius wouldn’t have been able to provide a time or date. Things got more tense whenever they split, but even then they teased each other and made up sooner than later. No matter what he did, he always knew they would. The only time he wasn’t sure if he would ever hold her again or not was when they broke up at the end of his sixth year. If asked, Sirius wouldn’t even give that as an example. Not because he was ashamed or anything similar; his unconscious protected him from remember the details of the pain and disappointment he caused her.
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dakotacarver · 4 years
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001. Burn ‘Em All - Kameron Marlowe // 002. Bury My Bones - Whiskey Myers // 003. What Do I Know - Robert Counts // 004. Country Boy - Alan Jackson // 005. Cover Me Up - Morgan Wallen // 006. What I See - LANCO // 007. Ghosts of Mississippi - The SteelDrivers // 008. Nose on the Grindstone - Tyler Childers & OurVinyl
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fbwhdhxhxhsbdhsbd · 6 years
𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚎  𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎:   𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕  𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚜.
001.       basics    :
name:    carlton  danger  jebediah  lassiter  . aliases:   lassie ,   carlitos  lassiteros ,   binky ,   booker ,   detective  dipstick  ,   old  penguin  from  happy  feet ,   mr.  bean ,   etc  . age:    48  years  old  . date  of  birth:    january  12 ,   1969  . ethnicity:   white ,   irish  . gender  identity:   cismale  . sexual  orientation:   bisexual ,   heavy  lean  towards  men  . religion:   agnostic  catholic  . occupation:    head  detective  of  the  santa  barbara  police  department   /   chief  of  the  santa  barbara  police  department   (  verse  dependent  )   . languages  spoken:   english ,   very  little  spanish   .
002.       physical   appearance    :
face  claim:    timothy  om.undson  . hair  color:    black   /   salt  &  pepper  . eye  color:    blue  . height:   6′1″  . weight:   fluctuates  between  145 - 160  lbs  . build:   lanky ,    but  fit  .
003.       personality    :
myers - briggs:    istj   –   the  logistician  . zodiac:   capricorn  . positive  traits:    loyal ,   practical ,   aspiring ,   clear - headed ,   rational ,  responsible ,   selfless  . negative  traits:    irritable ,   blunt ,   suspicious ,   stiff ,   opinionated ,   stubborn ,   insecure ,   demanding ,   mean  . interests:    history ,   military  strategy ,   firearms ,   cold  cases  ,   musicals ,   clint  eastwood’s  filmography ,   tapping  ,   cop  tv  ,   swing  music  .
004.       family    :
mother:    mona  lassiter   (  biological  ) ,   althea   (  stepmother  )  . father:    hank  mendel   (  surrogate  father  ) ,   charles  ‘chaz’  lassiter   (  biological  )  . siblings:    lauren  lassiter   (  youngest  sister ,   biological  ) ,    jason  lassiter   (  younger  brother ,   biological  )  . spouse(s):    victoria  parker   (  ex - wife  ) ,    marlowe  viccellio   (  wife ,   extremely  verse  dependent  )  . children:    lily  nora  lassiter   (  daughter ,   also  extremely  verse  dependent  )  .
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mournfulminds · 1 year
╱ starter for ❪ @lavenderrpages​ ❫ .
As the days arose in a tepid wind that blew in from the south, so did the flora around them, marking the ground in vital shades of pastel purples and greens, and the distillery owner could no longer deny the sense she was awash with. Whether it be from the spring allergies or simply the midwife's presence making her sway, Marlowe felt elated at the prospect of spending the whole summer by Joelle's side. Mindful fingers would wrap themselves in wheat locks of her lover and pull her ever so close, as the sun peeks in from the panes, bathing them in an ephemeral knowledge. Set out to start the season off right, the brunette told the other woman of her plans to go to a small cabin by the sea, just for the two of them, and only for a few nights as she knew both could not be away from work for too long. But this would be their time to reset and have some much-needed relaxation since both babies and beer did not stop in the portending months. Rocky gravel dusted under her rain boot-clad feet as she went back and forth, packing up the car for their trip. The sound disrupted the nature of the street as a feathery sprinkle started for that morn, Marlowe was just glad Joelle was attending to some work matters (as she too had been responding to some emails and answering some calls in the midst), and she hoped the sun would poke out of the clouds when they arrived.
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A satin black Aston Martin DBX pulled across the street from the house of a client when Marlowe was sent the okay to pick her up, an iced peach oolong tea in a travel mug, a change of Joelle's routine hot tea since the weather was glowing out. Leaning against the hood, she could not help the smile that broke the usual blank grimace that painted her canvas as she saw the other, pulling her into a quick hug, her hand resting on Joelle's head before she opened the passenger door for her. "How did it go? Were they so in awe of your skills that they quickly decided to name it Joelle even though it was a boy ─ even though names don't have genders."
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soledadcatalina · 6 years
Hey if its okay to ask again how about 002 for Meera, Dervish, and Lord loss
How I feel about this character: a babe, a bamf, takes ur breath away, that’s my kinda woman
All the people I ship romantically with this character: does it count if i say me lol
My non-romantic OTP for this character: her & dervish!!
My unpopular opinion about this character: the feminist lesbian part of my brain is a little over how over the top fan-servicey her writing gets but its in equal battle with my thirsty lesbian side of my brain that thinks meera’s hot
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: would love to see her be a cool aunty hanging out with bec more often, hell i think she’d have a blast hanging out with kernel too the same way she does with bec & grubbs
my OTP: i dont think i have one
my cross over ship: suggested earlier was her and joan forbes and uhhh yes good
a headcanon fact: is only matched by sharmilla in a drinking contest
How I feel about this character: he’s a really, really good uncle, man.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: im inclined to say i love my gay uncles dervish and herc
My non-romantic OTP for this character: him & meera!!
My unpopular opinion about this character: i know ive ragged on a certain denim clad character in the past but with dervish just being a denim everything man is corny and has its own charm so im letting him pass with that
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: just more uncle shenanigans, and a little more insight in his relationship with his brother and see him reacting to the news abt greta & grubbs & billy 
my OTP: herc......just two old farts killing demons 
my cross over ship: ^^
a headcanon fact: meera and sharmilla drank him under the goddamn table he never stood a chance
lord loss
How I feel about this character: musty bitch
All the people I ship romantically with this character: ugh
My non-romantic OTP for this character: UGH
My unpopular opinion about this character: i hate this motherfucker but his beef with the god trio but specifcally grubbs is hilarious tbh 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i want to see this old bitch die
my OTP: the sweet release of death
my cross over ship: lord loss goes on a date with marlow’s dad but it gets awkward real quick
a headcanon fact: lord loss also nasty about feet bc he doesnt have any smh
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ct-hardcase · 6 years
pan, marlow, and charlie for 002 on that meme
Ah Yes, the Trio:
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Let Her Abuser Die. Other than that, I’m relatively happy as far as Pan goes?my OTP: Pan/Marlowmy crossover ship: shoot I don’t really do crossovers, but, while I know it’s kind of cheating because she’s also a speedster, Zipporah Chance, for sure. a headcanon fact: She’s pan, get it? In all seriousness though, life is difficult for her to adjust to post-Engine, and it takes a long time for her to mentally remind herself that everything isn’t trying to kill her. She gets better, but full recovery either takes a very long time or never happens.How I feel about this character: She’s amazing, I love how jaded she is but how much she loves her team, and eventually Marlow, and her crossbow is badass as hell. All the people I ship romantically with this character: Marlow and Night.My non-romantic OTP for this character: Also Night, Truck, and Herc.My unpopular opinion about this character: Not so much unpopular as confused because while I very much appreciate Pan not dying, she got lanced through/stabbed, and ags never goes into what happened so she could live.
Marlow (ah yes, the dumbass): 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: For Charlie being his best friend, they didn’t get to talk a lot lmao. Also, because he was the one harboring the Stranger, it would’ve been The Dream if he’d seen the other parts of the multiverse.my OTP: Marlow/Panmy crossover ship: …I could kind of see him with Ezra Bridger.a headcanon fact: He kind of takes this new development as a new lease on life, and focuses on his found family. It’s happy and while he doesn’t instantly heal, in the end, he feels loved.How I feel about this character: Like most of us, I was very nonplussed with him in Hellraisers, but the last two books really got me with him and his hero complex and trying to live up to his dead brother oh my god.All the people I ship romantically with this character:My non-romantic OTP for this character: Marlow and Night! (also, Marlow and Dogovan)My unpopular opinion about this character: Is there really a way to have an unpopular opinion when you have maybe 15 people in your fandom.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I just wish he had more of a role, ngl, but also I wish he could’ve befriended the rest of the Engineer Squad.my OTP: Charlie/Marlowmy crossover ship: Also Ezra? idk he needs someone who’s also rowdy but somewhat responsible.a headcanon fact: He makes friends with the Engineers after this all goes down and they’re sympathetic because he also experienced it.How I feel about this character: A Good Lad, dependable, was definitely right about Marlow in Hellraisers.All the people I ship romantically with this character: Just Marlow, but I don’t think he’s a dweeb and probably just has prospects that we don’t know about.My non-romantic OTP for this character: Also Marlow, Night, Pan.My unpopular opinion about this character: See the above.
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ftkolone · 7 years
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' i’m not one to go crazy with dressing up. this was the compromise i could come up with. i actually think it looks pretty good, and it’s still comfortable which is great. ’
' i’m excited ! this is my first time being nominated, and it really feels great. follow my feet and home are both really important songs to me, so even the fact that they’re being recognized in this way means a lot. ’
' i’m against the unkown ( @mrdvlgado / @jasechalametx / @1800atlas ) in both categories and ... wow. i’ve been listening to those guys since i was in high school, and i’m a huge fan. it’s weird to even say they’re my competition. i wouldn’t even be upset to lose to them. ’
' i’m definitely rooting for marlowe ( @mvrlowes ). she’s a great girl and her song is killer. we both started around the same time on the same label, and she’s really been making waves since she got here. she for sure deserves a win tonight. ’ 
' honestly, i really like home. i know follow my feet was more popular, but home was such a fun video to shoot. it was more like a fun day with friends, rather than anything like work. even still though, i feel like it really fit the song itself. i’m really happy with how it came out. ’
' that’s difficult... maybe alex’s ( @ofdiamxnds ) for perfect ? for kind of the same reason i liked shooting home. it just looks like a fun day. he knows i’m jealous of that shoot. ’
' i’m not sure. i think it would be such a shock. ’ ( his answer is quick and to the point, as he can practically feel the glare from tina across the room, urging him to act correctly )
' i mean, ’ ( the glare is there again ) ‘ i wouldn’t go so far as to say i hope anyone doesn’t win, but in any industry there are going to be people you don’t get along with. i'm not going to hide that. ’
' a win would be fantastic, but i’m not sure how much it would change anything. i love my music and that’s not going to change anytime soon. ’
( he laughs ) ‘ well it’s all in the works now.. and i believe, ’ ( he glances over to tina, looking for her approval ) ‘ i’m even allowed to tease it a bit now. i have a song coming out next month. it’s called reaction. ’ ( @ofdiamxnds )
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