#writing with marlow
cagenewman · 1 year
WHO: Cage & @marlownewman
WHERE: Paradise Gardens
WHEN: May, 2023
Truth be told, Cage wasn't sure what to expect from his afternoon with Marlow. Despite the fact that he would have preferred to hear it from anyone but Tommy Browning, it had been brought to his attention that something was going on with his oldest sister, and rather than let it fester, he planned on talking to her, figuring out what was going on in her life and to see if there was something that he could do to help... and then Colton needed homework help, or he got called into the shop, or he fell off of a ladder at work and got laid up for a few days, and next thing Cage knew, well over a week had passed since he had spoken to Tommy, and he felt bad. And stir crazy -- good God, did he need to get out of the house and be reminded of what the sunshine looked and felt like. And so, he pulled out his phone and fired off a text: 'coffee picnic at the gardens? my treat.' Easy enough. And hopefully not suspicious.
In true Cage Newman fashion for anything other than business related meetings, he was ten minutes late when he pulled into the lot, forgetting how much harder everything was when you had a bum ankle and a sore arm... and every muscle and bone in your body still felt like it was a little bit on fire. Thankfully for Cage, it didn't take him long to find his sister, rounding a corner and seeing her at one of the picnic tables set out in the outdoor section of the garden. He felt a rush of affection fill his chest at the sight of her, always grateful for the time that they got to spend together. "Hey, sorry I'm late," he smiled as he approached her from behind, pressing a kiss to the side of her head and setting the cup holder with coffees down on the table, a bag of donuts tucked in between them. "And before you say anything, I'm fine, don't make a fuss."
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owenryder · 1 year
WHO: Ryder & @marlownewman
WHERE: Animal Sanctuary
WHEN: Volunteer Week, April 2023
"I don't mean to be a Debbie downer here..." Ryder kept his gaze on the sky for a moment, watching as a gray, dark cloud began to roll in to cover up he sunshine they had been playing in, having buddied up with Marlow for a few hours at the Animal Sanctuary, puppies scattered all around them. Puppies who were yapping and wagging their tails and having a great time... which did make him feel awful about the idea that soon enough, there was a chance they were going to have to make a run for it. "That weather is not looking good. I'm game to try to stick it out if you are, maybe it'll pass over us? Be one of those ominous storm clouds that never actually does anything?"
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jaceeverett · 1 year
WHO: Jason & @marlownewman
WHERE: Enchanted Forest Gala
WHEN: July 22, 2023
It was probably his fourth or fifth trip out to the creek, away from the hub of noise, the hum of people laughing, singing along to the songs they recognized the string playing, clinking glasses. Jason couldn't say that he liked noise; had specifically moved to the middle of nowhere to escape it, found himself a small plot of land on the outskirts of the state park to settle onto when he moved back home. But he was enjoying himself. It was just nice to be able to slip away, to lean down by the water's edge, picking up a small handful of pebbles and toss them one-by-one into the water, with a soft plink, plink, plink, only noticing with the ripples disrupted the image of someone else that she was nearby, turning his head to the side to catch sight of Marlow a bit upstream. Shaking the remaining pebbles in his hand, he started her direction, lifting his free hand in greeting as he approached, so as not to startle her. "Hey."
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narilily · 1 year
WHO: Nari & @marlownewman
WHERE: Silver Pines Jr.
WHEN: April, 2023
Finally, good weather. Nari couldn't even pretend to not be happy, whether she was spending time at the nursery, helping people find their spring plants, or gardening in her backyard... or, on a very good day, she found herself shooting a text to Marlow, asking if she had a free night to hang out at the miniature golf course, the promise of pig-out food to follow hanging in the air. It hadn't taken Nari long to make the drive from her little countryside cottage to the mini golf course in the suburbs, having changed into skinny jeans and a t-shirt, hoodie over her arm. After all, once the sun went down... not that it should take them that long to complete a round of mini-golf. Probably? She was a little rusty. Sitting on the halfway just outside of the little rental hut, Nari glanced up from where she was tapping away at her phone when she heard someone approaching, grinning as she saw Marlow. "Hey!"
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stellylee · 2 years
WHO: Stelly & @marlownewman
WHERE: Merrock Times
WHEN: March, 2023
With so many things happening in and around town, Stelly couldn't help but to be excited about having the opportunity to participate in all of it -- especially behind the camera. Between people like Alice and Marlow, it gave them plenty of opportunity to help them out with their stories, give 'em a little pop, a little something extra. That particular day, they had just filled up probably their third cup of coffee of the day, after finishing up classes and making their way to the Times building for a meeting or two when they saw a familiar blonde head pop into view.
"Hey, Marlow!" Stelly lifted their hand in greeting from the chair they were sitting in -- or rather sprawled across -- in the lounge area. "If you're coming in to grab coffee, I think there's one more cup... I cam close to finishing it, but not quite."
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rafaelcb · 1 year
WHO: Rafael & @marlownewman
WHERE: Creek Fest
WHEN: September, 2023
One thing that Creek Fest was always good for was the chance to run into someone that you hadn't seen in a long while. Which was silly, really, because Marlow was a Newman, someone that he saw at almost every event in town, but it had been a while since he had had the chance to talk to the oldest daughter of a dear friend. As he spotted her browsing a nearby stand, he stepped over in her direction, letting out a small, forlorn sigh. "And here I was thinking of buying that for myself... but it probably would look better hanging on your wall, admittedly."
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llumimoon · 1 year
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@kaseyskat and I have been scheming up this AU since April and the latest episode gave the both of us massive brainworms so we're finally posting about it!!
Welcome to the Perfectly Regular AU <3 It's Scary and Normal centric and takes place shortly after the Hell Arc, it diverges from canon when Scary rejoins the teen's side and Willy decides she's a lost cause, causing him to shift gears into a different plan. Scary notices that Normal's been acting really weird lately- and what's this about homunculi?
Nyx has written the first installment of the AU here please go check it out!! :D
edit: here's part two btw <3
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iersei · 10 months
scary, who threw herself into fighting like hell to get that anchor and refused to let herself process her grief. scary, who threw herself into fighting loudly and quickly so that normal wouldn't have to as he processed his own.
scary, who hopelessly demanded to anyone that would listen that they had to bring terry back. scary, who tried to tell normal that no one could bring hermie back either.
scary, who wasn't herself when terry jr. said his last words to her. scary, who made sure normal knew about hermie's last words to him that he wasn't even awake for.
scary, who knows more than anything what it's like.
scary, who had normal by her side like a comforting light as she descended into violent grief.
scary, who asked her step-father if she will see him again as she escaped the chaos of hell.
normal, who knows that he'll never get that same opportunity.
he's gone.
he liked you too.
it's a little too late for that now.
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tokyosmega · 5 months
headcanon that veronica stampler actually used to be really big into the alternative scene and had dyed hair/piercings so scary's "rebelling" against her mom really does not bother her at all fashion wise . her mom is just upset about her attitude but shes down with the piercings and dyed hair
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koszmarnybudyn · 11 months
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Ok this is intended with me as its target audience (as all my aus are to be honest). But I just finished tma and this has been stuck in my head for days so i gotta share it. I will elaborate extensivily if asked.
So DADDIES is basiclly the magnus istitute, and these guys are its employees (all intended as like easrly-mid 20s) tho its less archiving/researching and more stopping the monsters, after the mysterious dissapearences of the previous ceos (kiddads and previously the og dads) Willy takes over and hires Scary as the archivist (well not archivist more like investigator or something, but anyway hes trying to groom her to start the apocalypse). This institude is more web/hunt and less eye adjecent. The doodler is still a thing (tho its diffrent cause its the entities). And these guys are trying to survive, earn a living and maybe actually investigate a mystery, as shenanigans and terrors ensue.
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cagenewman · 1 year
WHO: Cage & @marlownewman
WHERE: somewhere in Maine
WHEN: August, 2023
The house that Cage was working on was proving to be a challenge -- not because of the shape it was in, there was actually less hard work to do than most projects he tackled, but rather because of all of the pieces he needed to put back together. And of course he couldn't source those pieces at home in Merrock, only able to find them a few towns over, a trip that would likely eat up his entire day. He had the thought of asking Colton to tag along, or making a day of it with Cordelia... but he also knew that it had been since the Gala that he had really had the chance to talk to Marlow. And he also knew how stressful making big life choices could be. Thankfully, she had seemed up for the adventure.
But there was no way he was going to drag her out on an errand without making it fun. That was why he hadn't hesitated to pull his truck to a stop at the little ice cream shop, nestled right next to a park. Given that it was the middle of a week day, there were some families, a few stragglers, but most of the park was unoccupied, and thankfully, they hadn't had to wait very long to get their ice cream, either. Licking a drop of his teaberry from the cone before it could trip, Cage looked over at his sister with a wide grin. "Wanna go eat in the park over there?"
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owenryder · 1 year
WHO: Ryder & @marlownewman
WHERE: Enchanted Forest Gala
WHEN: July 22, 2023
"Well, well, well, Miss Marlow Newman," Ryder broke into a grin as he saw Marlow from across the room, just inside the chapel. Looking stunning, of course. But that seemed to be the order of the evening. Everyone had shown up in their best dressed mindset, and in their best dresses, too. Which was a big step up from the last time that he had spent time with Marlow, which he marveled over with a laugh, "and to think the last time that I saw you, you were dripping wet and borrowing my clothes. You look great."
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jaceeverett · 1 year
WHO: Jason & @marlownewman
WHERE: Summer Bash & Carnival
WHEN: June/July, 2023
To say that he was drenched would be an understatement. When he had volunteered to get into the booth in his Merrock Fire Co. t-shirt and jeans, he had expected one, maybe two people to have a direct hit, but no. Apparently half of the town had showed up for softball practice and was hellbent on taking him out. Thankfully for him, the next volunteer had arrived, and he just got the 'one more go' signal, climbing back onto the seat and wiping water out of his eyes, "alright, who's next?" he called out, looking at the line of people and landing on... Marlow Newman, of all people. Of course, it would be her. But that was all the more reason for him to tease, a slow, steady grin sliding across his face. "You're my last tormentor of the night, Newman, think you got it in you?"
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annabelle--cane · 11 months
the blind white-hot rage I feel whenever people misunderstand "all you wanna do" and very angrily insist it romanticizes csa because they have no ability to pick up on even the most basic narrative subtext and have decided to make that everyone else's problem
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Something I’ve been thinking about that I haven’t seen brought up yet is Scary’s teen fact. That she’s never been to a funeral before Hermie’s. It immediately struck me again how she was given no time to properly grieve Terry passing. Normal had an entire episode going through the stages of grief and laying Hermie to rest. But Scary didn’t get that for Terry. She jumped straight back to breaking the final anchor because what else is she to do? So Terry’s body is still just there. He had no burial or memorial. And at this point would she see it as worth it? To go back once things have settled and find his rotting corpse to give it proper closure? Not just because she’s already visited his spirit in Hell, but would you even want to see that? If the body is still there, it’s not pretty. Would you even want to relive such a horrible memory in such a gruesome display, especially now that she’s back in her own mind?
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Today I shall be explaining how Edgar (Narrator), Mae (Curator) AND Inferos (TK) came to be.
Everyone buckled in? All ready? Alright! Here we GO—
The Creation Process / History.
Many millennia ago, The Universe was simply a mish mash of chemical compounds. Molecules weren't even established to be, they just simply.. Existed! It's unknown where the existence of everything had originated from. Now, there are many theories that hold up ideas of the origins of everything. Most Famously discussed being, of course, The Big Bang, estimated to have occurred 13.8 Billion years ago.
The Universe allegedly began as a tiny, high-density fireball, which spontaneously combusted and thus expanded as space. The Universe cooled in time, and with cooler conditions The First, simple elements began to form; Hydrogen, Helium and Lithium. Hydrogen being the main factor of the three. Gradually, gravity drew matter together which supposedly formed The First Stars & Galaxies. From here, Galaxies collected into into a mixture of Groups, Clusters & Superclusters, whereas some stars started to die within Supernova Explosions; their chemical remnants begun seeding new generations of stars, bringing their legacies to be long lasting but ALSO enabling the formation of New, rocky Planets. And one of those Planets, of course, just so happened to be Earth.
Now, somewhere, in-between all the kerfuffle, situated within the plentiful explosions and deaths of Stars and such alike , Larger Stars had begun to Collapse at the end of their Life Cycles. This brought into existence the first Black Hole. Now, A Black Hole, By Google Definition; A region of spacetime where gravity is so strong & nothing, including light & other electromagnetic waves, has enough energy to escape it.
The Theory of General Relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole. At the time, obviously, these were a Rare Phenomena in the passing time of Space, and so contact with them involving an involuntary object had a slim chance of creating some Huge Reaction, seeing as Black Holes quite literally "Eat", in layman's terms, anything in its path. Nothing in existence, at that time, had ever had such a Strong Energy Scale to Escape, let alone Combat the likes of a Black hole. So nothing was capable of stopping them on their Daunting Path of Destruction. That is, until the introduction of an unfamiliar, foreign object in spacetime.
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Lucidae Ignis in Aeternum, L.I.A.
[ ❝ Lucidae ❞,The term given the Brightest Star of a Constellation, Latin origins; the feminine singular of ❝ Lūcidus ❞, meaning ❝ Bright, Shining ❞ , ❝ Ignis in Aeternum. ❞, Latin origins; Meaning ❝ Fire Forever ❞, or rather ❝ Eternal Fire ❞ ]
This star-like-Giant of the Galaxian Empire was the largest existing ball of burning plasma known currently to Particular Knowledge of some, beating the Current Largest Known Star, UY Scuti, a Red Hypergiant standing at 1.188 Billion Kilometres, and somehow forming to be 156 Trillion Kilometres in size. That, in itself, is large enough to fit Five of our Solar System's within, and then some. It seems impossible, but at the same time. Existence as a whole is nothing far from what one would consider impossible. Yet here we are. Within Galaxies and Galaxies, Universes and Universes filled with who knows what.
Perhaps Stars even Bigger than LIA lie out there. Somewhere. LIA, as been theorised, has been said to of formed from Two Red Dying Hypergiants drawing close enough to one another at similar Low Levels of Combustion & existing at a Semi-Molten state to Weld Together, when Gravitational Forces between the two were strong enough to drawn one another in. This process of welding them to one another causes a sort of Infinitely Regenerative Source of Plasma Energy to power both stars and eventually merge them into one massive Hypergiant reaching lengths beyond general comprehension.
It just so happens that both LIA, and The Black Hole, which was later on dubbed Nexis, a relatively small black hole compared to ones that may exist today, co-exist in the same region of space, which would inevitably cause their paths to collide, one way or another. Time goes by, space goes on. And it's not long before Nexis's strengthening pull manages to catch LIA in its undefeated fury.
But, being such a large supply of energy, The Strength of Nexis must be pushed to its extremes to be able to reel in this Goliath for its own personal gain. And so, the two fought for their individual, eternal reign. Like warriors. Until both succumbed. They collapsed onto one another. And something new was born.
In some Stories, Folk Law & Myths carried across galaxies, it's been told through generations that these two Beasts of the Dark may have not been just... heartless monoliths, doing what they did simply because that's how things worked. Without any true, meaningful purpose other than just. To be.
As a matter of fact, It's strongly believed, by the few that tell the tales of the Universe, that these Giants had souls. Souls that had driving motives. Souls that felt for one another. And some found that tale to be as beautiful as it sounds.
And, if those tales were to be found true.. then it surely was. Tales etched into stone, written in old Greek, are the best source we currently have that depicts such a story. After thorough translation, this is what story was once told to be, and laughed at by the faces of many other highly religious figures;
❝ In the Times of Dark and Treacherous, the Lights of the Night were Dark & the Skies were Scary, Humanity was yet to be shaped out of the mud, and everything was Unorganized and Frail. Before our figures of Hierarchy came to be and ruled over our land, Two only dwelled in the Blank Canvas of The Dark. Brave Warriors. Who fought to keep Balance.
Elpída, Guardian of Distant Hope and Eternal Life, she fought for honour, to keep Light burning so the Dark would be luminous.
Maraíno, Executioner of Decay and Damnation, she fought for Power and took Life to Reign.
The Two Warriors Danced a Deadly Dance to Glorify their Ambitions in an Infinite Ballroom. It was a Fierce Battle. It was a Valiant Battle. And it kept Peace.
Their Battle could have been Eternal, everlasting, but at a point they both grew weak. Energy was forced to be used sparingly. Both that once wielded power and thrived off of it had turned that power into a channel for spite, a fuel for meaningless rage, and thus was no longer fruitful.
And once she had become frail, The Light of Elpída was dim. And the Hope she sought out to keep alive felt dismissed.
Maraíno cried out to their rival as they both came to a halt;
' The Light I once seeked from you to take has dimmed. And so it holds no value to me. So tell me, Darling Light, Why do I still seek you? '.
The Guardian answered with but another question;
' The Destruction you brought onto the existence of life has long since stopped as you have grown weaker. And you concentrate your time on my defeat. Yet, Why do I still fight you? '.
The Executioner had no answer to offer. And pondered upon this riddling response. And The Guardian spoke once more.
' Perhaps we fought for our ambitions once long ago, but I don't believe that to be the truth as we speak. ' she said, drawing closer to The Dark. Yet The Executioner did not try to defend itself. She allowed the touch of The Light to meet its faltering visage.
' Perhaps we fight now because we do not wish to be alone. I am the Light that illuminates you. Your soul encapsulates me. I have fought against it.. but now I fight to stay beside it. '. Once again, The Executioner could not reply. But it seemed as true to the two of them, whether they were to come to an agreement on the matter or not.
The battle had ended as suddenly as it had sprouted. The two held a gentle embrace around one another and uttered . And with the last of what they had, a spark in the Universe lit. And The True Empress that breathed life into our bodies had been born d from their dying light. It was born from two set souls, souls that had found their true purpose. To make life flourish. And to leave the Universe with company. With Life. With Hope. ❞
This tale has long since been forgotten, and remembering it at any point should be taken with a grain of salt. Believe it as simply a mystery of space, or as a story of great ambition. Either way, what remains true is that both entities collided. And with that collision birthed an unusual form of life, something that was capable of capturing, creating, controlling. It was a mighty force.
It's believed, but not confirmed, by some that the fusion of both Hypergiant's actually caused the LIA’s core to become a type of White Hole, or at the very least something similar, as it did not collapse onto itself but instead rebirthed as something entirely new, and phenomenal at that. But the interruption of Plasma from LIA’s outer surface prevented any sort of Wormhole from forming.
It, instead, forced remaining light nuclei to merge with one another simultaneously, forming dozens of heavier nuclei that released enough energy to be able to bond with early specimens of hard light collected together in a nearby nebula ; ultimately creating an infinite, solidified source of energy that had someone managed to become its own organism.
This Theory stands as The Theory of Everlasting Creation, and believes in the existence of an all-powerful, essentially living, thinking organism that holds the ability to create existing, and even non-existing, elements, substances, materials, mixtures and compounds at will, with no finite limitations on how much it may create or be capable of creating, as well as also being able to deconstruct and destroy the prior at the same time.
With all of this established, we may now bring our focus on this ‘hypothetical’ organism, or some may even refer to it as a Deity of sorts.
In Theory, this natural phenomena has created a God. It cannot die. And it can exist for eternity. With its purpose being to keep balance, and create. If it so chose to take that path.Thus, making it the perfect candidate for a Godly Figure. And in the future, it might just have been considered one by a select few. Early Astronomers who sought out the mysteries of space, perhaps. Who’s to say?
This being would be referred to as “The Creator” when humanity caught onto its presence, which was certainly fitting, considering the circumstances. However, long before humanity even had a name, the being itself had already come to find an alias of its own. It called itself “Mae”. Which would later be established as a word that correlates to “God/Goddess”, or “Beautiful”, in Gaelic/Celtic meanings. Or “Mother” in Portuguese; also oddly fitting. For more reasons than one. Which brings us to our next point:
What she created.
Now, obviously, there came a point in time where living organisms had begun their own evolutionary pipeline. This was not brought upon the universe by the likes of she. As a matter of fact, this evolutionary advancement is something that fascinated her. Despite being an overpowering organism of creation, these life forms had formed themselves all on their own. She had no involvement with it whatsoever. And that alone caught her attention. In no time, she’d become fixated on this Planet and its independent growth. Even during the early stages of life, she kept a watchful eye on every little detail.
Single-celled organisms were fruitful and multiplied into multicellular life. From here, these organisms branched off into a vast variety of Chordata, which were primarily based in bodies of water and adapted to such in terms of diet and anatomical structure. Her attachment to these organisms grew further as she saw their development now leading into much more complex territory; Tetrapoda now becoming part of the equation as four-limbed vertebrate, which had not only become amniotes as they started to roam the land, but had also began to become more adapted to both aquatic and land based worlds in order to branch of FURTHER than what was initial expected.
The introduction to land brought upon more evolutionary expansion. The planet was now given Mammalia and Primates. They were full-on land dwellers at this point, roaming the Earth freely and seeking out new places to thrive and evolve further than they already had. And from there, amidst the rest of the world’s wonders, we were given the beginning of the Human Race… and they turned out to be a species the god had become quiet.. QUITE.. infatuated with..
She admired them.. From the way they came to be to the fact that they, too, were capable of creating things if they really set their minds to it..
They were interesting little things. She felt linked to them in ways that were difficult to describe.
And through keen observation, taking note of their strengths and their flaws, and discovering what exactly brought them such differentiating characteristics and experiences, she had an idea beginning to spark.
She wanted to create something like them.
She wanted to create an ideal model.. The PERFECT humane specimen..
Something that was so similar to their kind yet so completely different at the same time. Something that had their traits but something she could teach to achieve things like she could.
So, with that brewing idea in mind, she began to experiment.
Surprisingly, despite Mae being perceived as something to be high and mighty and capable of pretty much anything, there were a lot of failed attempts & mistakes in the process. Obscure looking body shapes, a multitude of mish-mashed limbs, misplaced facial features that made her creations look uncanny.
But the main problem was that despite the effort she put into each individual attempt – none of them were capable of living freely. Which was the beautiful thing about humanity; they had their own desires, thoughts, ambitions and feelings. They did what they wished to do of their own accord. Nothing held them back.
And it had nothing to do with having a functioning mind. Or a beating heart. If anything, things like that were a primary human set-back. She knew this.
But the question was what exactly CRAFTED them into their own, distinct person if it wasn’t the thoughts of the mind or the life pumped into their hearts.
Eventually, though, she discovered that indescribable something simply by digging deeper. Thinking outside of the box, so to speak.
Each life on Earth appeared to have their own respective source of internal light. It was an incomprehensible thing to most, undiscovered by man and embedded deep within the heart & mind. But somehow, Mae was able to wrap her head around its existence.
A soul.
A magical thing. Founded upon clusters of stardust cumulated together in the central core of billions upon trillions spread out across universes.
Every soul was unique to its bodily host. Not a single soul was the same. Each feeling and experiencing things differently to one another.
A soul was something ever changing, that may link with another soul if bonds were grown enough to pull them together. Once a soul had linked with another, it was almost impossible to separate them. Only if the negative forces of attraction between souls grew too fierce would a soul be forced to separate.
Mae had discovered this phenomenon to be Soulmating. And it came in a multitude of different forms. Alongside hundreds and hundreds of differentiating characteristics that made up what a soul was.
These souls were intricate. And beautiful. And it was something Mae came to find precious.
And thus, she set herself the task to try and replicate such a thing. Create that unique essence of life, thriving off of its own undying light.
And eventually, with perseverance, self-encouragement and a hefty amount of elbow grease (despite very much not having elbows),
She did it. She crafted a soul. A perfect soul. A soul full of brilliance and undiscovered mystery. And a body, to keep that soul alive, to give it a face and name. To let it grow as a person. A person. Her own, darling creation. Which she looked upon with pride. And held her hopes high for to achieve the perfection she had perceived. And so, she gave it a name. Amor Aeternus. Which was a mishmash or words curated by the Romans of Earth. Two words, in Latin; Meaning
“Eternal Love”.
That was what it was called. Eternal Love. She had no reasoning as to why she named it this way. But she felt compelled to do so nonetheless.
But oh,
How fitting that name would be… ♡
However that name would one day develop into the man we know now as Edgar Vincent Marlowe... not just a Narrator, but a storyteller...~
Now, Highlighting THIS aspect;
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Amongst all those failed attempts there was merely one out of thousands that was seemingly quite different. To say the least...
One that, miraculously, had a grown consciousness. The ability to live despite, by technicality, being categorized as the unliving. A small soul that formed on its own accord that would never of been noticed because of how fragile and simple it was. Attached to this unflattering malgamation of a body that was just BARELY keeping onto a humanoid figure.
...and yet, despite its perseverance to live; it never was noticed.
In fact, it was completely disregarded... and forgotton.
But this soul saw everything it could of had. And this soul never forgot. Never forgot how its chance at life was taken from hands of boiling flesh and instead given to another. Something more appealing. More successful. More putridly perfect.
And in itself it grew to hate. It grew to be full of jealousy. To be scornful, and full to the brim with resentment towards the being that he could of been. With a want to tear down everything that this Prince of The Stars had acquired and someday take his place. Show the universe that he WAS worthy of that status. He was special & capable enough to experience what this Brother of sorts of his had already experienced.
And so, he gave himself a name. To express his scorching, eternal flame of envious greed in bold. To overdramatize himself and show his self-proclaimed "upper status".
Stella Natum Inferos. (or "Inferos" for short.)
Meaning Star-born Hell Beast.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is our Keeper of Time. The one who keeps the Wheel Turning and the one who could stop that Wheel at any given moment.
This is the Story of two Brothers, not bonded by blood but the eagerness & naivety of a joint Creator. One, Blissfully unaware and Blessed; Attune to the gift of Giving and a Heart of Gold, a Soul pure and true. The other, Scornfull & Painfully Aware; hateful and seething deep down only wishing for approval, and to be adored.
"The stars made you their own; you are adored and shine bright. I was cast out, sentenced to to be forgotten; denied acknowledgement and stripped of my life. You will always try to find a way to love. I dance with the tangled webs of resentment. You do not know me. I wish I did not live aside you."
And perhaps... this burning hatred held by one shall finally cut through the thin veil that keeps the two apart.
Their story is still being told, after all.....and a Story needs an Ending~
...and ending that may come sooner than possibly anticipated. You'll just have to wait and see.. ♡
☆ ⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂✦ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂☆
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