#marlow 003
cagenewman · 1 year
WHO: Cage & @marlownewman
WHERE: Paradise Gardens
WHEN: May, 2023
Truth be told, Cage wasn't sure what to expect from his afternoon with Marlow. Despite the fact that he would have preferred to hear it from anyone but Tommy Browning, it had been brought to his attention that something was going on with his oldest sister, and rather than let it fester, he planned on talking to her, figuring out what was going on in her life and to see if there was something that he could do to help... and then Colton needed homework help, or he got called into the shop, or he fell off of a ladder at work and got laid up for a few days, and next thing Cage knew, well over a week had passed since he had spoken to Tommy, and he felt bad. And stir crazy -- good God, did he need to get out of the house and be reminded of what the sunshine looked and felt like. And so, he pulled out his phone and fired off a text: 'coffee picnic at the gardens? my treat.' Easy enough. And hopefully not suspicious.
In true Cage Newman fashion for anything other than business related meetings, he was ten minutes late when he pulled into the lot, forgetting how much harder everything was when you had a bum ankle and a sore arm... and every muscle and bone in your body still felt like it was a little bit on fire. Thankfully for Cage, it didn't take him long to find his sister, rounding a corner and seeing her at one of the picnic tables set out in the outdoor section of the garden. He felt a rush of affection fill his chest at the sight of her, always grateful for the time that they got to spend together. "Hey, sorry I'm late," he smiled as he approached her from behind, pressing a kiss to the side of her head and setting the cup holder with coffees down on the table, a bag of donuts tucked in between them. "And before you say anything, I'm fine, don't make a fuss."
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jaceeverett · 1 year
WHO: Jason & @marlownewman
WHERE: Enchanted Forest Gala
WHEN: July 22, 2023
It was probably his fourth or fifth trip out to the creek, away from the hub of noise, the hum of people laughing, singing along to the songs they recognized the string playing, clinking glasses. Jason couldn't say that he liked noise; had specifically moved to the middle of nowhere to escape it, found himself a small plot of land on the outskirts of the state park to settle onto when he moved back home. But he was enjoying himself. It was just nice to be able to slip away, to lean down by the water's edge, picking up a small handful of pebbles and toss them one-by-one into the water, with a soft plink, plink, plink, only noticing with the ripples disrupted the image of someone else that she was nearby, turning his head to the side to catch sight of Marlow a bit upstream. Shaking the remaining pebbles in his hand, he started her direction, lifting his free hand in greeting as he approached, so as not to startle her. "Hey."
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rafaelcb · 1 year
WHO: Rafael & @marlownewman
WHERE: Creek Fest
WHEN: September, 2023
One thing that Creek Fest was always good for was the chance to run into someone that you hadn't seen in a long while. Which was silly, really, because Marlow was a Newman, someone that he saw at almost every event in town, but it had been a while since he had had the chance to talk to the oldest daughter of a dear friend. As he spotted her browsing a nearby stand, he stepped over in her direction, letting out a small, forlorn sigh. "And here I was thinking of buying that for myself... but it probably would look better hanging on your wall, admittedly."
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sweetnxthngs · 1 month
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Rafael Barba (Law and Order Svu)
Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders)
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer)
Derek Shepherd (Grey's Anatomy)
Harvey Specter (Suits)
Rafael Solano (Jane The Virgin)
Bruce Wayne (The Dark Knight)
Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)
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thekimdelacreme · 1 year
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Just finished this scarf last night - I knitted Juniper Moon Farm “Marlowe” in Fabulous (color 12) in garter stitch on size 9 needles and used a mix of mohairs for the fringe, including Knit Picks “Aloft” in Pennyroyal (color P903) and Queensland Collection “Caracara” in color 003.
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wolfpants · 2 years
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
Thank you for the tag, @maziktheli! <3
001. Captive Prince - Laurent, Crown Prince of Vere and Acquitart
You see? He has forgiven me for the small matter of the whip. I have forgiven him for the small matter of killing my brother. All praise the alliance.
002. Call Me By Your Name - Elio Perlman
Every time I go back to Rome, I go back to that one spot. It is still alive for me, still resounds with something totally present, as though a heart stolen from a tale by Poe still throbbed under the ancient slate pavement to remind me that, here, I had finally encountered the life that was right for me but had failed to have.
003. The Song of Achilles - Patroclus
We reached for each other, and I thought of how many nights I had lain awake loving him in silence.
004. Christopher Marlowe's Edward II - King Edward II of England
What Gaveston, welcome: kis not my hand, Embrace me Gaveston as I do thee: Why shouldst thou kneele, knowest thou not who I am? Thy friend, thy selfe, another Gaveston. Not Hilas was more mourned of Hercules, Then thou hast beene of me since thy exile.
005. Interview with the Vampire (2022) - Louis de Pointe du Lac
I was being hunted. And I was completely unaware it was happening.
006. Portrait of a Lady on Fire - Héloïse
Imagine me happy or unhappy if that reassures you. But do not imagine me guilty.
007. House of the Dragon - Aemond Targaryen
Do not mourn me, Mother. It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon.
008. The Binding - Emmett Farmer
We kissed as if we could stop the earth turning, as if we were enemies as well as lovers, as if we'd never see each other again.
009. Hereditary - Annie Graham
Don't you swear at me, you little shit! Don't you ever raise your voice at me, I am your mother. You understand? All I do is worry and slave and defend you, and all I get back is that fucking face on your face!
010. freely, as men strive for right - Harry Potter*
... he is the love of my whole disasterous fucking life, I am stupid in love with him, would murder and die in love with him, if he asked me to blind myself so I'd never see another tall, blond man again, I'd probably fucking do that too in love with him...
*okay so this is technically a fandom within a fandom - it's @bixgirl1's wonderful fic, which is so good and SO UP THERE for me that is might as well be canon to be honest. Read it if you haven't. It destroyed me.
No pressure tagging @academicdisasterfic @oknowkiss @emmalovesdilemmas @skeptiquewrites @sorrybutblog @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm @moony-saraneth @maesterchill @getawayfox @thebooktopus
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redwoodhqs · 1 month
A Estudante.
Ela é uma jovem de Redwood com grandes sonhos de carreira na cidade grande. Enquanto trabalha em seus projetos e estudos, ela se vê dividida entre a busca por oportunidades na metrópole e o desejo de manter suas raízes na cidade natal. Sua determinação em alcançar seus objetivos é equilibrada com um profundo apego às suas origens, o que a faz refletir constantemente sobre como conciliar seus planos futuros com a conexão com Redwood. (21+)
Howdy! A cidade de Redwood está animada em dar as boas-vindas à nossa nova moradora, ABIGAIL MARLOWE! Ela tem 27 anos e é conhecida como A ESTUDANTE da cidade. Alguns dizem que ela é a cara da @AMYJANEDOWDLE, mas vejamos. Pela foto em seu perfil @ABIGAIL_RWD não dá para dizer ao certo. Na próxima vez que a encontrarmos no OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY, vamos prestar mais atenção e descobrir se é verdade!
001. Abbie nasceu e cresceu em Redwood. Sua família é beeem religiosa e tradicional, quase como aquelas de comerciais de margarina. Então, desde muito jovem, participava de trabalhos comunitários e projetos da igreja - campanha de agasalho, arrecadação de alimentos e organização de eventos beneficentes. Aos domingos, após os cultos, era comum vê-la ajudando na cozinha da igreja, preparando refeições para os mais necessitados, ou distribuindo roupas e brinquedos durante as festas de final de ano. É difícil ver ela dizendo não quando alguém precisa de ajuda. De acordo com alguns, seu comprometimento e determinação foi fundamental para o sucesso de várias iniciativas, como a construção de um abrigo para pessoas sem-teto e a arrecadação de fundos para reformas na igreja. 
002. Apesar da família acreditar que mulher não precisa estudar e toda essa ladainha dos incas e astecas, o sonho dela sempre foi se formar e conquistar a própria independência. Desde nova preferia fazer as coisas sozinha, até a lição de casa era feita sem incomodar os adultos. Após alguns anos tentando convencer os pais de que queria fazer faculdade e não iria se desvirtuar que nem o irmão mais velho, não foi surpresa quando ela conseguiu passar com bolsa de 100% em medicina na UT Southwestern, no texas… O grande plot twist foi quando, uma semana antes das aulas começarem, ela largou tudo para cursar enfermagem na universidade local. Atualmente está no oitavo período e fazendo estágio no St. Michael’s Hospital, se esforçando ao máximo para manter as notas e se orgulha em ser a melhor da classe (mesmo que não fale isso em voz alta).
003. Apesar da constante cobrança de seus pais para que se case, Abigail se encontra relutante por se achar muito nova. A única relação duradoura que tem sem problemas (ou intervenção direta dos pais) é com sua gata e o pessoal da igreja. Os Marlowe superprotegem a filha de um jeito que chega a ser sufocante, mas com a ida pra faculdade aos poucos ela vem afrouxando a gaiola em que viveu por todos esses anos, mesmo que tenha que separar um pouco a Abigail de dentro de casa e a Abbie como ser individual. 
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sxriusly · 4 years
who: @marloweprewett​ where: Marlowe’s flat when: October 31st, 1982
Sirius let out a half defeated sigh as he climbed the steps to Marlowe’s flat. He was both excited for and dreading the evening in front of them. Formal events like this one were the world he ran away from. There’d be people there he liked, such as Marlowe and James, but he was also bound to run into people he’d probably want to punch in the face. Since the thing was hosted by Slughorn, there was even the possibility that his mother would show up, but the fact that he’d made it an open invitation this year meant Walburga was less likely to attend. If disgusting muggleborns and blood traitors like her eldest son could be there, the event was possibly beneath her.
Sirius knocked twice, figuring it was an occasion where it wouldn’t be appropriate to just apparate straight into Marlowe’s flat. In the time it took her to answer the door. Sirius straightened his suit jacket, but left his bow tie undone. He wanted to look nice, put together in the same way he was sure Marlowe would be, but the bow tie he would leave until the last possible moment. There was only a certain length of time he could wear one until he felt as though it was suffocating him and he felt compelled to rip the thing off.
Marlowe opened the door and Sirius couldn’t help but smile. “I know they said black tie optional, but Prewett...” he pretended to scold her as he stepped inside.
He was about to continue, but then he remembered the present he’d brought. It was technically a present for her - Sirius had bought it and brought it with her in mind - but it was going to benefit both of them. He turned around to face her and held up the bottle of whiskey that he’d brought with him. “If we’re going to get dressed up and go to all this trouble,” he gestured to his suit and unscrewed the cap. “May as well have fun while we do it.” He thought about charming two glasses over to them, but instead opted to swig straight from the bottle.
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ainsleymorgan · 4 years
[ @jamesmarlowe​​ ]
Ainsley wasn’t usually a crabby person. In fact, she was more the opposite, staying calm and doing her best to listen to people before she spoke. But nothing applied after a week of parties, when she was the most hungover she’d been in a while. She wasn’t puking like some of the freshmen who hadn’t learned their limits yet, but that did nothing to help her mood. Neither did literally running into somebody as she left the cottage to pick up some ibuprofen - she was sure everybody was going to want or need it - at the drugstore down the street. “Oh,” she said as she took a step back, looking up to see who she’d bumped into. Ainsley started to apologize, a force of habit, before she realized exactly who it was she’d hit. With everything going on with Kasey, Marlowe had quickly made his way to rank on Ainsley’s least favorite people list (a relatively short list, but one that existed nonetheless). “Hello, James.”
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buzzdixonwriter · 4 years
Alphaville is a film you must watch.
Not “watch” in the conventional sense, where you passively sit and let sound and image wash over you, the type of slickly made / often entertaining mainstream factory pap that explains the plot points every fifteen minutes for anybody who went to the bathroom / checked their phone / nodded off in the interim.
“Watch” in the sense you must follow it close, actively paying attention to what unspools before you.
It is not a difficult film to follow, but you’ll be lost if you blink.
Alphaville the motion picture can be described several different ways.
One way -- the most common way, the easiest to reduce down to a simple logline -- is the producers of the Lemmy Caution movies (a European version of the Sam Spade / Philip Marlowe type of private eye character) threw caution to the wind and asked then La Nouvelle Vague wunderkind Jean-Luc Goddard to direct the next installment of the character’s adventures, resulting in a weird / off beat combination of film noir and sci-fi.
This would be like the Shaft franchise asking David Lynch to direct an entry.
Another way -- and in my view, far more accurate yet more difficult to explain -- is that Alphaville is a series of discussions on philosophy / theology / poetry covered with a dream-like patina of surreal tough guy antics.
Goddard, a film and pop culture maven since childhood, wisely mixes science fiction with stereotypical private eye tropes to bring these discussions to life.
The science fiction aspect is the first and foremost element, but the world of the private eye is needed to make Alphaville complete.
Science fiction enables Goddard to bring deep philosophical questions up to the surface by couching them in sci-fi terms that let them be treated as concrete concepts instead of abstract ideals.
Alphaville isn’t the first film to do that, not by a long shot, but the challenge in using sci-fi to discuss big ideas is that the spectacle of the genre may overpower the theme, the form triumphing over the content.
Metropolis, as superlative as it is, is a prime example of that.
Goddard’s stroke of genius lay in double filtering his message through the stereotypes and cliches of private eye fiction.  Eddie Constantine’s Lemmy Caution is brutish and confrontational but uses that as a physical shield to protect a very human soul.  This enables Goddard, through the character, to anchor the flighty intellectual aspects of the story in a grim and gritty reality that filmgoers could readily identify with.
Even at its most grim and gritty points, Alphaville continues to play with pop culture, tongue firmly in cheek in the manner in which it examines its questions, but like a prophetic parable carrying a far deeper and more profound meaning than apparent on first blush.
The plot is very pulpish, suitable for either Planet Stories or Black Mask Detective.
Caution, posing as a journalist for Figaro-Pravada but actually secret agent 003, arrives at Alphaville, the capital of a far distant planet (or galaxy; Goddard either not knowing or not caring about the difference and using the terms interchangeably throughout the film).
Alphaville appears identical to Paris of 1965, and indeed references in the dialog suggest the story is taking place in the very near future.
Ostensibly there to do a story on Alphaville, in reality he’s tracking down two men:  Professor Vonbraun (Howard Vernon), an American scientist formerly known as Nosferatu who has gone to Alphaville and established himself as the de facto human face and hands of Alpha 60, the computer that runs the society; or failing that, locating Henri Dickson (Akim Tamiroff), a previous Earth secret agent sent after Vonbraun who apparently vanished.
Caution’s mission is to return Vonbraun / Nosferatu or kill him; his superiors are aware Vonbraun is guiding Alpha 60 to launch a massive war against the rest of the galaxy.  (Why Alpha 60 thinks this war is a good idea comprises the true heart of the picture.)
Caution is met soon after his arrival by Natacha Vonbraun (Anna Karina), a computer programmer for Alpha 60 and the (apparently adopted) daughter of Professor Vonbraun.  She unintentionally manages to arrange an encounter between Caution and Vonbraun, resulting in Caution being targeted for first interrogation then recruitment by Vonbraun and Alpha 60.
If you’ve never heard of Alphaville before this, you may be imagining this in grandiose Blade Runner style, but Goddard wanted his film grounded in reality so he shot using real locations, no special effects (other than the screen images turning negative in a few instances), and no elaborate props or costumes.
Alphaville literally is Paris of 1965, and the soulless laboratories and indoctrination centers and police stations are what was then mid-century modern architecture.  
What makes Alphaville the society so alien is that Vonbraun through Alpha 60 turned the world into a completely logical / unemotional civilization.  Goddard combines nods to Russian Communism, Orwell’s 1984, and French existentialism to shape the society of Alphaville, at first glance seemingly so like our world, but soon revealed in word and gesture to be radically different.
Gene Roddenberry got logical civilizations all wrong with the planet Vulcan.  A logical civilization would not become a world of high minded aesthetics but rather of haunted, empty human souls using sensuality in lieu of spiritual values.
Despite its supposedly logical / non-individualistic nature, Alpha 60 acts to preserve itself.  It relentlessly controls the population through language and censorship, hammering down any outbursts of individuality or spiritual leanings (spiritual here expanded to more than conventional religion).
This desire for self-preservation, fueled and guided by Vonbraun, manifests itself in its plans for galactic war aimed at subjugating all other planets so that they may never threaten Alpha 60 (the film leaves as a far question which came first, the egg of Alpha 60’s antagonistic plans, or the hen of the other planets sending agents like Caution to thwart them).
Goddard was no computers expert and he made Alphaville long before artificial intelligence research moved from the theoretical to the practical, but he nonetheless raises an interesting issue:  Alpha 60’s oppressive nature is clearly hardwired into its cybernetics by Vonbraun, yet Alpha 60 displays enormous curiosity in the very human traits it strives to eliminate while Vonbraun feels so sure of himself as Alpha 60’s chief architect that he fails to realize his creation is truly thinking for itself, not following the guidance he programmed in.
Much of the philosophical inquiry in Alphaville centers on religion, but here Goddard doesn’t use “religion” in the conventional term of a set of dogmas and creeds too often followed blindly and slavishly by the uninquisitive and the superstitious, but in the difference between philosophy and theology.
Theology is best described as a sub-set of philosophy dedicated to things of the spirit (i.e., abstract, not necessarily supernatural).  It reflects how we think and feel about unknowable and unprovable concepts. 
Philosophy and ethics can be tested; we can see if the golden rule is a viable philosophy to follow, we can judge if one view of how the world works is more accurate than another.
As stated, the key difference is that philosophy never presumes to postulate a final answer, and when it offers an insight it never claims that insight represents absolute reality.
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is philosophy because it reflects a view of reality never meant to be taken literally; far too often religious devotees insist their parables be taken literally and at face value, not any deeper, more meaningful one. Caution defeats Alpha 60 in the end by luring the computer into a trap of its own devising.  Unable to grasp why humans value love and emotion and things of the spirit, it searches for meaning where it can find none because as advanced as it is, it cannot intuitively grasp their importance.
Alpha 60 realizes it is a little tin god, and in its futile attempt to elevate itself to the next level ends up destroying the very fabric of Alphaville’s social order.
Caution drives Natacha away from Alphaville to safety in the end, cautioning her like Lot’s wife not to look back.  Natacha responds with a tentative expression of emotion:  "Je vous aime" (and notice the use of the formal vous instead of the more intimate tu, she is starting to regain her humanity but a long road remains ahead of her).
In terms of execution, Alphaville is an extremely economical looking film (as well it should be since everything was shot on existing locations using the light weight cameras the French New Wave loved so dearly).  The alienness comes across in the societal mannerisms, the elliptical dialog, and the odd juxtapositions found in the city.
Case in point:  The phrase "I'm very well, thank you, you're welcome.  Don’t mention it" is repeated frequently in the film.  
At first it sounds like a typical social bromide, but as it is used again and again it takes on a more ominous, then sinister meaning.
It is not a polite thanks and dismissal but a warning, both to others and the speaker, not to entertain certain ideas.
Alpha 60 tries to control the citizens of Alphaville by controlling the language, banning certain words, changing the meanings of others.  Characters refer to looking something up in the Bible more than once in the film, but only later is it revealed the Bible of Alphaville is a dictionary, and the salvation found within is the accepted language of the day.
The film maintains a dream-like quality throughout.  Like most dreams, it certainly carries a strong, realistic feel yet at the same time is populated by surreal events and juxtapositions.
This dream-like quality plays well off the stereotypical private eye derring-do.  Hard boiled shenanigans pop up almost randomly yet oddly not unexpectedly throughout the film viz Caution getting involved in a fist / gun fight with a hotel detective trying to spy on him as a “seductress third class” attempts to seduce him.  It’s less than a minute of wild slam bang action and then it’s dismissed as if it never occurred, with Caution and the seductress continuing their cat and mouse game.
The film juxtaposes the opulent hotel lobby where Caution first checks in with the seedy rundown hotel lobby where he finds Dickson.  The latter seems scarcely larger than Dickson’s seedy room, yet is crowded with its own staff (each engaged in some impossible to define task) and its own seductress third class waiting for clientele.
One of the most iconic scenes in Alphaville are the executions.  Rebels against Alpha 60 (i.e., people who read =gasp!= poetry) walk out on a diving board over a swimming pool and are shot while making their last statement.
As they fall in the water a line of bathing beauties dive in, swim over, and drawing knives administer the coup de grace to the victim by repeatedly stabbing them underwater.
Which, incidentally, brings us to another point we need to acknowledge:  How Goddard, Alphaville the film, and Alphaville the society treat women.
From our perspective almost 60 years later, we can look back at Alphaville and excuse its depiction of women by saying it was simply parodying the style of private eye movies of the era.
Which is true…but not enough.
Both French culture at that time and movies in general did not present what we’d consider an enlightened view of gender politics, and the females of Alphaville are all there for eye candy.
In some cases it works:  The aforementioned synchronized bathing beauty executioners are so ludicrous as to be funny in a grim way, yet there are no other non-eye candy female characters to balance them out (there is a female cab driver, certainly unusual casting for a mid-1960s film, but she’s as gorgeous as all the other women).
And while one gets the idea behind each hotel employing professional seductresses (as an amenity in the world of Alphaville, as a commentary on the commodification of human relations in the film), today our reaction is more along the lines of “Is this really necessary?”
Far be it for me to tell Jean-Luc Goddard how to make movies, but it seems there could be half a dozen or more alternative ideas that would get the same point across without reducing women to this role.
Even Anna Karina’s Natacha gets subjugated to this mindset, serving mostly as a tour guide until the end of the film where she finally starts engaging more directly with the central conflict.
It’s not a comfortable look today, but we can live with it when viewed as a commentary on the style of the era.  Compared with the Bond movies or almost any counter-culture film of the 1960s, it’s hardly the worst offender.
Here’s where I’m supposed to wrap things up and tell you to go watch the movie.
Okay, go watch the movie.
I’m not going to be hyperbolic and proclaim Alphaville a great movie because it’s a film set so far apart from the mainstream of cinema and the genres it mashed up that it’s not even an apples and oranges comparison but more like apples and the sound of autumn rain on the roof.
But seriously, you need to watch this movie.
    © Buzz Dixon
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dakotacarver · 4 years
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001. Burn ‘Em All - Kameron Marlowe // 002. Bury My Bones - Whiskey Myers // 003. What Do I Know - Robert Counts // 004. Country Boy - Alan Jackson // 005. Cover Me Up - Morgan Wallen // 006. What I See - LANCO // 007. Ghosts of Mississippi - The SteelDrivers // 008. Nose on the Grindstone - Tyler Childers & OurVinyl
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fbwhdhxhxhsbdhsbd · 6 years
𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚎  𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎:   𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕  𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚜.
001.       basics    :
name:    carlton  danger  jebediah  lassiter  . aliases:   lassie ,   carlitos  lassiteros ,   binky ,   booker ,   detective  dipstick  ,   old  penguin  from  happy  feet ,   mr.  bean ,   etc  . age:    48  years  old  . date  of  birth:    january  12 ,   1969  . ethnicity:   white ,   irish  . gender  identity:   cismale  . sexual  orientation:   bisexual ,   heavy  lean  towards  men  . religion:   agnostic  catholic  . occupation:    head  detective  of  the  santa  barbara  police  department   /   chief  of  the  santa  barbara  police  department   (  verse  dependent  )   . languages  spoken:   english ,   very  little  spanish   .
002.       physical   appearance    :
face  claim:    timothy  om.undson  . hair  color:    black   /   salt  &  pepper  . eye  color:    blue  . height:   6′1″  . weight:   fluctuates  between  145 - 160  lbs  . build:   lanky ,    but  fit  .
003.       personality    :
myers - briggs:    istj   –   the  logistician  . zodiac:   capricorn  . positive  traits:    loyal ,   practical ,   aspiring ,   clear - headed ,   rational ,  responsible ,   selfless  . negative  traits:    irritable ,   blunt ,   suspicious ,   stiff ,   opinionated ,   stubborn ,   insecure ,   demanding ,   mean  . interests:    history ,   military  strategy ,   firearms ,   cold  cases  ,   musicals ,   clint  eastwood’s  filmography ,   tapping  ,   cop  tv  ,   swing  music  .
004.       family    :
mother:    mona  lassiter   (  biological  ) ,   althea   (  stepmother  )  . father:    hank  mendel   (  surrogate  father  ) ,   charles  ‘chaz’  lassiter   (  biological  )  . siblings:    lauren  lassiter   (  youngest  sister ,   biological  ) ,    jason  lassiter   (  younger  brother ,   biological  )  . spouse(s):    victoria  parker   (  ex - wife  ) ,    marlowe  viccellio   (  wife ,   extremely  verse  dependent  )  . children:    lily  nora  lassiter   (  daughter ,   also  extremely  verse  dependent  )  .
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ftkolone · 7 years
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' i’m not one to go crazy with dressing up. this was the compromise i could come up with. i actually think it looks pretty good, and it’s still comfortable which is great. ’
' i’m excited ! this is my first time being nominated, and it really feels great. follow my feet and home are both really important songs to me, so even the fact that they’re being recognized in this way means a lot. ’
' i’m against the unkown ( @mrdvlgado / @jasechalametx / @1800atlas ) in both categories and ... wow. i’ve been listening to those guys since i was in high school, and i’m a huge fan. it’s weird to even say they’re my competition. i wouldn’t even be upset to lose to them. ’
' i’m definitely rooting for marlowe ( @mvrlowes ). she’s a great girl and her song is killer. we both started around the same time on the same label, and she’s really been making waves since she got here. she for sure deserves a win tonight. ’ 
' honestly, i really like home. i know follow my feet was more popular, but home was such a fun video to shoot. it was more like a fun day with friends, rather than anything like work. even still though, i feel like it really fit the song itself. i’m really happy with how it came out. ’
' that’s difficult... maybe alex’s ( @ofdiamxnds ) for perfect ? for kind of the same reason i liked shooting home. it just looks like a fun day. he knows i’m jealous of that shoot. ’
' i’m not sure. i think it would be such a shock. ’ ( his answer is quick and to the point, as he can practically feel the glare from tina across the room, urging him to act correctly )
' i mean, ’ ( the glare is there again ) ‘ i wouldn’t go so far as to say i hope anyone doesn’t win, but in any industry there are going to be people you don’t get along with. i'm not going to hide that. ’
' a win would be fantastic, but i’m not sure how much it would change anything. i love my music and that’s not going to change anytime soon. ’
( he laughs ) ‘ well it’s all in the works now.. and i believe, ’ ( he glances over to tina, looking for her approval ) ‘ i’m even allowed to tease it a bit now. i have a song coming out next month. it’s called reaction. ’ ( @ofdiamxnds )
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mvrlowes-blog · 7 years
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W A K I N G  U P  S L O W ;
          ‘ oh, all my nights taste like gold. yeah when i’m with you it’s like everything glows. ’
         001. waking up slow ( piano version ).
         002. more than friends.
         003. please don’t say you love me.
         004. how do you feel today?
         005. evaporate.
            info. “marlowe perry aims to stay firmly placed in the top 40 with her upcoming e.p, featuring five songs of the same indie/folk genre as her previous album, bloom. this time around, she introduces a simple song, waking up slow, that consists of nothing but vocals, heartfelt lyrics and perry herself playing the piano. ‘ it originally had way more...flare to it,’ perry said, ‘ but we liked the stripped version way better, since the vocals and lyrics got a little lost among the other stuff that gave it more of a pop sound. we agreed to remove the original version and keep the stripped one. more than friends is also really simple, and to be honest, i prefer it that way --- back when i was younger, and when i performed on the talent show, it was always just me and a guitar or a piano, and waking up slow took me back to that. it’s also why the cover is so simple. i’m really excited about waking up slow, and i hope everyone likes it as much as i do! ’ ”
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julystorms · 7 years
001: SNK, 002: Levihan, 003: Eren!
Just as a head’s up, I won’t do more of this meme than what’s already sitting in my inbox. This was from last week; I thought I’d have more time to do it but I just now am getting around to it. ;)
001 | Attack on Titan
Favorite character: This is difficult! I kind of have a “top tier” of characters for a series with a cast of this size. But to pick just one favorite, I’ll say Hitch Dreyse.
Least Favorite character: Darius Zackly. Was that really necessary?
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Hilow, Pokkopikku, Mikenana, Gelyn, and Jeankasa.
Character I find most attractive: Mike :3
Character I would marry: Let’s mix it up a little with Ian!
Character I would be best friends with: Lynne.
a random thought: I wonder how many people puke using the 3DMG for the first time.
An unpopular opinion: If I have an opinion in this fandom it’s hella unpopular by default lmfao. I think my characterization of Hitch is pretty unpopular.
My Non-canon OTP: It flip-flops between the other five ships at the top, except hilow is somewhat canon.
Most Badass Character: Pastor Nick. NOBODY is more badass than he is.
Most Epic Villain: Kenny. I mean, “epic” is a big word to use here, but...still. BANG BANG. I can’t wait for that to be animated.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Y’ALL. KNOW. ALREADY.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Marlowe. My god, he could have been such an amazing character and then...then... :’)
Favourite Friendship: Eren and Armin?? Porco and Pieck??? Jean and Eren?????? Marlowe and Jean??? I can’t decide tbh.
Character I most identify with: Right now I feel like I am becoming one with Porco, and I don’t know how I feel about that.
Character I wish I could be: RICO. She’s so cool and smart.
002 | Levihan
when or if I started shipping it: I saw some fanart on my dash before I saw the show and was therefore Predisposed to Liking It.
my thoughts: It’s a decent ship.
what makes me happy about them: I like that they seem to be really good, lifelong friends.
what makes me sad about them: They don’t get anything easily.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Characterization.
things I look for in fanfic: I don’t actively seek fanfic for this ship anymore.
my wishlist: I got nothin’ tbh. Just let ‘em be happy. 
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Erwin. For both characters. OT3 anyone?
my happily ever after for them: They get to see success, get to be a part of it, and get to retire and have a quiet end.
003 | Eren
How I feel about this character: He was pretty meh to me at first, but in recent chapters I’ve really, really been enjoying his character. You could see development quite a ways back in the series, and I’d say he first piqued my interest in that department when he resolved, reluctantly and not angrily, to kill Reiner and Bert.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Armin, Annie (sorta), Mikasa, and lately I will admit I was eyeballin’ that Reiner/Eren dynamic, but I’m still undecided on it!
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I really love his relationship to Levi and Hange.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t know that I actually have one? I don’t think he’s very romantically inclined. Maybe aro?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish Isayama viewed him as more than a plot device. In the beginning his character was especially...iffy, imo.
Favorite friendship for this character: Jean!!!!!
My crossover ship: You won’t catch me dead shipping a crossover ship.
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cloutshoes · 4 years
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MARLOWE. No. 003 Sensitive Skin Body Lotion 15 oz | Moisturizing, Fragrance-Free DESIGNED FOR SENSITIVE SKIN: A fragrance-free moisturizer which helps to melt and easy delicate pores and skin.
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