butchcraftwrites · 10 months
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Got a tablet and decided to make a HildaMari for @danzafila . She mentioned a Red Riding Hood/ Big Bad Wolf AU for them and I immediately lost my mind. So I present: Little Pink Riding Hood and the Big Bashful Wolf :)
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manicpixiepanicgirl · 2 years
sally rooney-ify ur life bitches.
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Shout out to Marianne for not turning up for Roy weddings but showing up for Roy funerals 💅👄
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girlysword · 1 year
Okay, hear me out: Sense and Sensibility as a musical entirely from Marianne's perspective, so all the songs are about how she views the characters. Colonel Brandon doesn't participate in any of the numbers, even while people are singing and dancing around him, until Marianne starts to have feelings for him. He's played by Jeremy Jordan or someone like him so the moment he starts singing all the girls in the audience start screaming crying and throwing up.
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im-a-freaking-joy · 5 months
Okay so. I'm doing some reading on the 2024 presidential candidates because this is the first year that I'm able to vote and I want to know as much as possible. So im on this website, ballotpedia, and tell me why LITERALLY ALL OF THE CANDIDATES SUPPORT ISRAEL?? literally all of them are like "well israel is all good and dandy and has the right to protect thenselves (:" and like??? HELLO?? THEYRE COMITTING GENOCIDE??! I'm so tired of this fucking country good god, we cant even get one cadidate that opposes genocide and war crimes?? What the fuck.
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ratanarchist · 1 year
dealing with new age spiritual type of people is so uniquely infuriating, if you say “love is everything” one more time while actively emotionally manipulating me i’ll fucking strangle you
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gregmarriage · 2 years
thinking about greg being gay. thinking about how the way he is with comfrey reeks of comphet. the way he chooses a pretty girl to attach himself to and talks about her to other people like “look at me, i’m straight! i like girls!” the way she only seems to be a pretty girl on his arm and that’s all. the way it’s canon they never had sex and slept in separate beds. the way he drops comfrey and takes up with the contessa at the drop of a hat and didn’t feel guilty, because he didn’t think comfrey had feelings for him anyway, and maybe because he didn’t have feelings for her either. the way he doesn’t show any romantic interest until comfrey. the way he is with tom. the way it just seems like greg is only dating comfrey because he’s convinced himself he likes her. because he’s trying to pretend he doesn’t like tom. because tom is married. because tom isn’t gay and neither is greg.
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
My Biases and Policy Statement on Candidate Platforming for the Presidential Primaries
Some of you who've been here for a while will remember that during the big open primary for the 2020 election, I did my best to post coverage and interviews involving all the candidates for the early part of the process to give people the best chance of deciding who they liked, and only started leaving out the no hopers fairly late.  I did this in good faith.  I posted people I liked and people I didn’t like.  It was exhausting, especially as both sides were fielding a ton of people.
People who've been here a while will also know that I don't like Biden.  I never liked Biden for a ton of reasons going all the way back to the seventies.  (I wrote about this extensively for the 2020 primaries.  I don’t want to get into it now).  I did not want him for vice president when Obama first picked him.  I never wanted him to run for president.  I opposed him in the primaries in 2020.  I STILL voted for him in November because fascism is bad and I don't particularly want Republican policies to literally kill me, which is a thing Republicans would very much like to happen.  I want what's best for the country, but best was not the choice (it is almost never the choice in a general election), and I will happily take some progress over a rapid descent into Kleptocratic Fascist Theocratic Dystopia, which is what Trump, like most Republicans run on.  I don't have the kind of privilege that makes ideological purism an option, nor do I want to be the sort of person who doesn't care how many people die so I can pretend to be righteous.
I would love for someone better than Biden to be the nominee for 2024.  I am not holding my breath for that though and as the late great Molly Ivins would have said, "I'll dance with the one that brung me" in November no matter what.  I'll always take something over losing everything.  That said, if someone decent is in the primary I'll fight for them until they quit.  That's what primaries are for.  Strong support for even losing candidates can push the platform further left, which helps us all.
Why am I telling you this? I think it's important to explain my policies up until now and biases before I explain why I'm not treating 2024 the way I did 2020.
Why am I doing it now instead of when things get going in earnest? Because Marrianne Williamson has declared candidacy for President.  Sigh.
I did not like platforming an anti-vaxxer in 2020, even in the bare minimum way I felt obliged to at the time.  Anti-vaxxers have infuriated me ever since that charlatan sparked the movement as a money maker.  It's been literally killing people, mostly children and people with disabilities for decades.  Her anti-vax statements were one of the reasons I decided to drop the lower end when I did.  I felt people did need to know that she was both Anti-vaxxer and broadly anti-science, but I did not want to cover her any more beyond that point.
It was a shitty opinion then.  It is a worse one here in 2023 for obvious fucking reasons.  I saw my first interview with her today.  The interviewer did not ask her if she still opposed vaccinations or any other of her crap opinions about science.  Yes, she has some progressive policies I do agree with, but she also has zero plans as far as making them work and a startling lack of grasp when it comes to how our government works on a basic level.  And she doesn't believe in vaccines or science or any of the things we absolutely need to survive the next few decades.
So no.  Fuck this.  I'm not going to be the kind of equitable I was last time.  I can't in good conscience.  I did feel the need to explain why.  I do reserve the right to post things if for whatever reason she or they become relevant, but I'm not platforming her unless I absolutely have to.  
I did feel the need to explain why.
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moe-broey · 1 year
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Gave them some new stuff as a treat 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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tyrewear · 2 years
maybe i just like complaining
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februerik · 3 months
it hurts to be something it's worse to be nothing with you
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windsails · 8 months
voting is pointless if all the choices are the same, but there’s other candidates besides trump and Biden you know
all we have to do is pick one of the other ones probably a democrat who actually has a vision
i think marrianne williamson is living in 3033 so im voting for her…her politics actually seem pretty compatible with what tumblr wants actually
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Marianne at the funeral if Greg gleefully mentions how much Tom and Shiv’s marriage is failing, or if she sees Tom and Greg interact, or if she notices how much contempt Shiv seems to have for Greg. Or any combination of these three things.
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psychic-refugee · 9 months
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Leonard Cohen, final letter to Marrianne
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toxinellebug · 9 months
Shadybug/ClawNoir and the Resistance headcanons
Obviously Adrien is the type who knows how to put on the smooth model persona for his fans… but in front of the girl he legit has feelings for, he becomes a blushing mess who is at a loss for words because what if he says the wrong thing and she thinks he’s an idiot?!
Reformed Ladybug taking reformed Paw Noir by the hand as they went through the portal back to their universe turned his brain to mush just like when Adrien took Marinette’s hand during the protest in the Mega Leech episode of s4 and her brain went bye-bye.
Marienette remains Oblivious to Adrien’s crush because he is so awkward and quiet around her out of the mask, and in the mask he’s an idiot who switches between a guy trying and failing not to fall into his old habits of mocking her and calling her Cockroach, then smacking himself for it, and some weirdo flirting with cat-puns and the cheesiest one-liners she’s ever heard, while inwardly he curses himself for being stupid because that is no way to impress a girl! (Daring feats of heroism is!)
She wants to try and work with him but this bi-polar personality of his really grates on her nerves sometimes.
suddenly being treated like a damsel in distress is also annoying… But at the same time, having a partner who cares for her safety and goes out of his stupid way to try to keep her from harm actually feels kinda nice and maybe makes her feel a little special and she can’t hate him for that.
And okay yeah, blood red roses with thorny stems ARE her favorite flower, but she can’t let it go to that cat’s head!
The first time that she genuinely praises him for doing something right/not screwing up, he actually purrs and she can’t help it- she bursts out laughing and secretly admits to herself that ok; this blonde dork is lowkey adorable.
Any awkward tackling out of danger, rolling on the ground and then ending up on top of the other moments lead to him blushing because oh-crap-we’re-touching-this-is-both-awesome-and-terrifying, and her glaring at him with murderous rage.
But the first time she actually hugs him out of relief/concern, his brain decides he could die at that moment with no regrets and she has to yank on his cat ears to get that goofy grin off his face because they have a job to do, darn it! (Stop being cute! She refuses to catch feelings so stop making things difficult!)
The new “only use powers once then you have a time limit” thing sucks, but at least their bodies no longer hurt.
They are on the run immediately because it becomes obvious they have switched sides due to her use of her Miraculous cure that Shadybug never used because the Supreme always warned them about discretion and things don’t magically get fixed by a loveliness of ladybugs.
Because remember, the Supreme does not want the world to know of the existence of magic.
Someone who KNOWS The Supreme’s true identity and about all the powers of the Miraculous. Someone who lost hope and went into hiding a long time ago.
Someone who, upon seeing not only Miracles happening in Paris, but the healing power of the Ladybug as well, realizes it is time to return to France and dare to hope to regain the freedom that had been lost to the world since the war.
Fu’s old love.
She returns to Paris and seeks out others who wish to join a resistance to fight against the control of The Supreme.
People like Mylene, a man who dreamed of going by the name of Jagged Stone, Mr. Ramier, Alex, and she finds Nino and Alya, who introduce her to Betterfly, Ladybug, and Paw Noir.
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