kermakatti · 3 months
not to rain on your parade, but marshmallowfury deleted her tumblr acc after it was found out she was a terf
Oh goddamnit. I looked into it and yeah this shit seems pretty clear-cut. Thanks for the heads up
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madoyarenee · 6 months
ToonTown Twitch Streamers
These are all the streamers I can name from the top of my head (some are edited in) that everyone should definitely check out.
If there’s more then let me know! (I will add some names that’s mentioned into the list)
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rottiebones · 6 years
heya I don't mean to bother you but, could you explain what exactly happened involving marshmellowfury? like I've seen ppl call her a terf but idk why
Hi! You must be here from my old post about both redkatherinee and marshmallowfury, and yeah uhhh…. that was, a messLooooong story short, marshmallowfury claimed to be trans-inclusive and friendly, buuuut was basically just luring us in for our money- because she exposed herself by accidentally reblogging a transphobic post to her main, then trying to cover it up, only to SOMEHOW stupidly reveal her TERF sideblog for all to see, which included posts repeatedly implying that trans women were rapists?? ugly ugly ugly. { Screenshots \ More transphobic bullshit }
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nefepants · 7 years
MarshmallowFury / MarshmallowDoof: I don’t hate anyone, I don’t hate trans people so stop saying I do!
*makes sideblogs on both Tumblr and Twitter to freely express their contempt for trans women*
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leialovett-archive · 7 years
it’s wild how terfs are always like  “i cant believe these people are attacking me and not willing to talk to me just because i have a different opinion”
like... no people dont feel safe around you and cant trust you anymore, and it’s entirely on you
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spiceferret-moved · 7 years
Marshmallowfury is a TERF.
As much as i HATE HATE HATE callout culture. I decided i want to make this post, because the current post on this comes off as very child-like, and i worry that not everyone will take it seriously. 
However, the truth is that like that post says. Marshmallowfury is indeed a terf. I had hoped that maybe this was a misunderstanding, but it was not. 
Their new sideblog is this, https://thefemaleprincecharming.tumblr.com/ (however it may change again later)
They had changed their url.
I had a private discussion with them, however i am not going to reveal the chatlogs publicly, i am not the kind of person to do that. I told them i just wanted a conversation. And i will keep to my word. (But in summary, it generally had them telling me that what i told them was homophobic, even though I have a girlfriend myself. And That trans women aren’t real women.)
Instead of using links like most call out posts do, im going to use screenshots directly from their sideblog, of things they have said, that way the links can’t be deleted or break. I’ll started with the first most popular picture of what started this, and the other images will be under the cut. There might be transphobia under the cut, obviously
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this post they reblogged compares race to gender, which is frankly stupid:
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Lesbians are lesbians whether one is a trans woman or not, not all lesbians like dick, but some can be ok with it just fine 
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this post where they show their own tweets, directly saying that they think transwomen are men. 
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I think this should be enough to show what they’ve done. And if this post gets popular i want people to be aware of my own opinions too. I am not either side of this “battle”. I hate TERFs, but i don’t like the other side either.
People can be uncomfortable with certain genitals, it’s ok if a lesbian or a gay man doesn’t like penis/vagina and it makes them uncomfortable. The issue comes into play when they turn being uncomfortable into transphobia. As long as you respect that trans women and trans men are still real women and real men, it’s ok to be uncomfortable with a certain type of genitals. 
You can be uncomfortable with genitals while still respecting trans people and understanding that they’re still real Men and real Women.
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psionic--drain · 7 years
If someone asks a “"feminist”“ if they think trans women are real women and they say anything other than ‘yes, absolutely!’, they’re a TERF. However, many TERFs these days are smart enough to not just blantantly say 'no’ or 'yeah but…’ as an answer. Instead, they’ll tend to reply with a massive wall of text going on about the definition of sex and gender and a bunch of other bullshit. It tends to really confusing and hard to read. TERFs know this. They’re using it to try and distract you from the question and make you give up reading the answer in order to tiptoe around their own transphobia and strategically avoid phrases that imply their belief (or lack thereof) in trans people being their gender. Don’t fall for this please just block them and blacklist them if you can
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vcr-wolfe · 7 years
also just saying about the @marshmallowfury situation, please dont drag in now ex friends of hers like myself and others as if we knew about this the whole time. a lot of us are trans ourselves and are shocked, betrayed, and angry about this like you are
please respect us, is what im asking for
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dyke-fag · 7 years
TERFs: *commit transphobic acts and work to expose trans women to extreme danger, sometimes even causing their murder/suicide* Trans women: Hey. You're a bigot and deserve to be dead for endorsing and helping cause the murders of a minority group TERFs: SEE THEY SEND US DEATH THREATS. WE DID NOTHING WRONG AND THEY TELL US TO KILL OURSELVES.
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thepeaktrans · 7 years
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Get fucked transphobe
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iris-kafka · 7 years
There's nothing radical about being a TERF in fact it is quite the opposite
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vicissitude · 7 years
Since I see a lot of TERFs on this site say that trans activists (or the “trans cult”) are more violent and aggressive than them, I’ve decided to compile a list of all the bad things TERFs have done, from hate speech to violence.
Cathy Brennan: Lied to a trans woman’s doctor saying that the woman harassed her for more than a year after the trans woman had a five day PTSD episode which landed her in the hospital, re-traumatising her further. (x) 
Teamed up with ex-gay organisation Pacific Justice Institute (x) which claimed that a trans girl student at Florence High School harassed girls in the girls room (x) which was proven to be a lie. The trans girl (referred to as Jane Doe for privacy) is now on suicide watch. (x)
She and Janice Raymond contacted a trans woman’s employer, also claiming the woman was harassing them. (x)
She violated doctor-patient confidentiality and contacted a trans woman’s GP claiming she was harassing them, as well as misgendering the woman in the email. (x)
Also owns a site which tracks transgender rights laws. (x) The site also has a page that shames trans women and refers to them as men, as well as including their full names and appearances. (x) The site is also considered a hate group by many people. (x)
For reference, she also owns a site called Gender Fatigue (x), You Are a Splendid Butterfly (x), This is Not the Transgender Day of Remembrance (x), and Organising for Women’s Liberation (x)(x). 
Janice Raymond: Wrote the book The Transsexual Empire: The Making of the She-Male (1979), which includes the line “All transsexuals rape women’s bodies by reducing the real female form to an artifact, appropriating this body for themselves.” (p.104) and “I contend that the problem of transsexualism would best be served by morally mandating it out of existence.” (p.178)
The Transsexual Empire also includes sections about Sandy Stone and Christy Barsky, accusing them of creating divisiveness in women’s spaces. (p.101-102) Stone also wrote a response to The Transsexual Empire called The Empire Strikes Back: a Posttranssexual Manifesto. (x)
The TERF movement, and most notably Raymond, were key in excluding trans healthcare from public insurance. The rational was made in 1980 was not rolled back until 2014. This is serious due to the high percentage of suicidal ideation of transpeople who are denied treatment, the average percentage for pre-treatment is 30%. (x)(x)
Because of Raymond, and estimate of 50,000 trans people have died. (x)
She also conducted a smear campaign on Sandy Stone, a trans woman, for being part of the feminist music collective. Which, as mentioned in the “Acts of Violence” section of this post, lead to hate mail and a TERF group attempting to murder Stone. (x)
She and Cathy Brennan contacted a trans woman’s employer, also claiming the woman was harassing them. (x)
Germaine Greer: In her book, The Whole Woman (1999), she says “Governments that consist of very few women have hurried to recognise as women men who believe that they are women and have had themselves castrated to prove it, because they see women not as another sex but as a non-sex. No so-called sex-change has ever begged for a uterus-and-ovaries transplant; if uterus-and-ovaries transplants were made mandatory for wannabe women they would disappear overnight.” (p.64) Despite the fact that the procedure she describes is not scientifically possible.
Sheila Jeffreys: Believes that trans people are part of a government plot to oppress women, saying “In Iran transgenderism is totally approved, it’s enforced by the state. Huge numbers of men are having transgender surgery and they’re getting it on the state because homosexuals are executed. So, what I think is very fascinating is that there’s a connection between the very jolly Blair government and their Gender Recognition Act and Iran. They love transgenderism because it does help to get rid of this serious problem of homosexuality and it enforces gender. Right? So we do need to be fighting, I think, transgenderism as a state ‘project’ in terms of gender.” (x)
At the same conference she also explicitly supports conservative and homophobic politician Norman Tebbit in regards to the Gender Recognition Act. “Now, Norman Tebbitt is not having any of it, right, so in response to the Gender Recognition Act, he says, he gives a very good definition of gender as socially constructed and says, in your act you’ve got it confused, right, it should say sex and you’ve got gender. And Lord Filkin, for the government, who is putting this legislation through, says that sex and gender are the same thing and anyway, what does it matter? Right, isn’t that extraordinary? Tebbitt then accuses him of linguistic relativism. Which I love. Couldn’t have put it better myself. Tebbitt also says that the savage mutilation of transgenderism, we would say if it was taking place in other cultures apart from the culture of Britain, was a harmful cultural practice, and how come we’re not recognising that in the British Isles. So he makes all of these arguments from the radical right, which is quite embarrassing to me, but I have to say, so called progressive and left people are not recognising the human rights violations of transgenderism or how crazy the legislation is.”
Sandy Stone was sent hate mail for being a trans woman as well as being part of a feminist music collective. A TERF group known as the Gorgons also attempted to murder Stone. (x)
Comedy duo, as well as cis lesbian radical feminists: Robin Tyler and Patty Harrison were attacked by a TERF group because they were defending an open transwoman Beth Elliot from being beaten up on stage. (x)
A peaceful protest called Camp Trans at the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival and were mobbed by TERFs. Camp Trans consisted of trans youth while all the TERFs threatening them were adults. They received death threats, threatened with a knife, chanted “rapist” at the 16 year old trans girl there. (x)
A founder of Radicalesbians, Jean O’Leary, told Vito Russo to attack transwoman and Stonewall rioter veteran Sylvia Rivera to attack her with the microphone instead of giving it to her. and Rivera was beaten up on stage. She’s also a reason for Sylvia Rivera attempting suicide and withdrawing from her activism. (x)(x)(x)
(I include this because a lot of TERFs say trans people aren’t oppressed.)
Statistics come from here (x).
The suicide rate for trans people is 40%, which is nearly nine times the attempted suicide rate in the US, which is 4.6%.
77% of trans people out in school have experience some form of mistreatment. 24% have been physically attacked by people who thought they were trans.
The overall unemployment rate is 15%, which is three times higher than the unemployment rate of the US population.
Nearly a third of trans people have a experienced homelessness in their lives (30%).
19% were fired, denied a promotion, or not hired for a job they applied for because of their gender identity or expression.
58% have experienced a form of mistreatment from the police. And in the past year of the time of recording, 22% believed they were arrested for being transgender.
46% had been verbally harassed due to being trans in the past year, and 24% have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner, compared to the US population’s 18%.
47% of the respondents have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime and 10% had been sexually assaulted in the last year.
59% had avoided using restrooms due to being afraid of any problems or confrontations, and 32% limited what they drank or ate to avoid having to use the restroom.
In the past year, 12% of the respondents reported being verbally harassed, 1% physically attacked, and 1% sexually assaulted when accessing a restroom. 
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rottiebones · 7 years
A person with cutesy art could literally liveblog themselves murdering a trans person and post videos/pictures of the body and some of y’all would really still try to defend them somehow  yall are fucking sick
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beejamas · 7 years
TERFs: trans women think putting on a dress makes them a real woman lol
TERFs: the rapist in this article cross-dressed once so he's a trans woman :)
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nefepants · 7 years
Marshmallowfury’s “apology” literally was nothing but a strategic move. 
Instead of acknowledging her violently transmisogynist viewpoints and her MULTIPLE sideblogs to vent about it and how she lied to her trans fanbase and close trans friends to save face, she spoke about her transfeminine character Shauna as if that was the main reason why people were mad.
Nope, people are mad at you because you’re dehumanizing real life trans people, we don’t give a fuck about your silly little bunny girl in comparison to the heinous shit you’ve shared and posted as your honest to god viewpoints.
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bryborg · 7 years
Regarding MarshmallowFury
I’ve been getting PMs and asks that I feel I need to address before I get more.
No, I do not support her decisions, or opinions. I have reached out to her and let her know how I felt about the entire thing that I have only two days ago found out about.
For those of you who do no know, because I don’t speak up about it very often, I am a trans artist here on tumblr, and my views very obviously differ from what I’ve seen from her and her blog that I didn’t know about.
I am keeping my blog drama free, and because I have no affiliation with what has been going on with MarshmallowFury I’d like no further questions or asks about the matter :)
Thank you for your concerns! 
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