sapphsorrows · 8 months
"be gay do crime" y'all reported a lesbian to the russian government because she drew art you didn't like
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uramitashi · 21 days
reading abt red katherine is so dystopian bc like she made a comic you didnt like for an ideology you dont know anything about and you said "ha! her drawing is offensive for lgbtq+ people! lets report her to her dictatorship state for being lgbtq+!" and you see nothing wrong with that
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insectfem · 11 months
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lovingbisexuality · 3 months
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Redkatherinee, a Russian lesbian, did not create the term bi lesbian. Nor did she popularize the term bi lesbian. Bi lesbians are extremely lesbophobic term so why would a lesbian create it? If you asked any radfem she would tell you that bi lesbians aren't real.
The only proof that I found was this
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I remember when she made this one, she didn't create it for bi lesbians, she made this flag for solidarity between lesbians and bisexual women. It's a solidarity flag you idiots. Unfortunately this is the only screenshot I found of this flag.
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Notice how she said lesbian and bi women flag?
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greenwire · 2 years
It's interesting how that person claimed I was lying, had a ton of posts corroborating what I said happened with redkatherinee, and then blocked me while I was reblogging it. Interesting.
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angelmelon · 23 days
Fuck Marry Kill game in the comments
Rustyhearts, Redkatherinee, or Tatsuya Ishida
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faggot-billcipher · 3 months
lol just found out redkatherinee got booted from the site. good. i hope she never comes back. i hope tumblr staff puts more effort into banning all terfs from this site actually. like they should've been doing from the start instead of lying and saying they can't. i don't feel even the tiniest bit bad about it.
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saltwukong · 2 years
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spiderfreedom · 8 months
y'all can share that redkatherinee comic about how feminism means we need to help every woman out all you want, but as far as I'm concerned? every woman making those "omg i'm a baby princess why did women ever want to work i'm just a bimbo who bakes cookies the menstrual energy is regulated by tending the hearth" is a traitor and i have no interest in defending these women
will i pipe up when people use sexist slurs against them? of course. do i think they deserve to share in the rights that they so callously disregard? yes.
but i will not expend a single extra joule of energy in defending or going to bat for women who are explicitly anti-woman, who view themselves so pathetically, and would gladly bring the whole sex down to their level
you guys need to realize this is a recurring theme in women's history - radical women fight tooth and nail to improve women's rights, and then when things are finally in reach, conservative women rush in to take advantage of the rights they like and close the door on the rest.
not all women are going to be on our side, some of them would die fighting to protect patriarchy, and you should never forget that. know who you can reach and reach out to them, and know who's a waste of your time.
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olipeaksforever · 4 months
People on this site will be like "awh poor redkatherinee she got ran off of tumblr 🥺" as if she wasn't a radfem and terf who consistently potrayed trans women as ugly predators and made TWO pieces of her character boiling/baking trans people. Oh but then Ethel Cain is the devil.
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loiswasadevil · 1 year
BTW Lois just so ur aware the brucefromfamilyguy person was (another) terf 😖
What the hell? How can you kin someone like Bruce and be a Terf? This really pissed me off.
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sapphsorrows · 8 months
Hi! I saw your post about redkatherinee and wanted to chime in!
Although TRAs reporting her to Russian government was done with all intent to bring her harm, just BEING gay in Russia isn't illegal. Speaking as a Russian lesbian, I can vouch for it, because (even after LGBT got officially recognizes as a terrorist organization) there's still no law that could put you in prison for just living your life. So the only response that police could've give to these people would be "So what?"
Consider that we don't know if RK was involved in any legitimate activism (THIS can put you in prison) or if RK's family was made aware of it, it's rather cold comfort. But, contrary to popular opinion, her family being actually accepting wouldn't be much of an outlier. So there's a sizeable chance that she's fine.
At least I hops she is.
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vicissitude · 8 months
i bet u snitched up redkatherinee to the russian government troon
it has been. six years
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What are your thoughts on radfems who consistently talk about women like redkatherinee or satoryuga? I understand the need to point out how TRAs who seem like annoying internet trolls can actually endanger women's lives and injure them for real but at the same time I feel like a lot of it seems very fearmonger-y or trauma porn-esque where it feels like there's almost a joy in being able to pull out receipts when TRAs say the ever common "this never happens" stuff.
I also can't help but feel it's also a bit performative in some cases like with stacaesar where multiple big radfem accounts on here changed their minds on support for her and said they had no sympathy for her after finding out she had no interest in deleting her blog or turning into a radfem blog even though she seemed thankful regardless. It just feels strange like these women (girl in stacaesar's case) and their trauma are being taken advantage of for the "radfem cause" without their permission and without their knowledge. Am I being ridiculous for thinking this? I just can't understand the enthuasism radblr seems to have for these kinds of posts which seems very abundant. [ESL sorry for any awkward wordings or misspellings!]
no I think you’re right, of course it’s not all radfems who are like this but also a good number of them here seem disconnected from real life situations/circumstances and think this is some internet game they have to “win” which where you also get takes that are so out of touch with reality and honestly harmful. it is disgusting they said those things to that girl and it shows they don’t care about women in a genuine way, but that’s why I became so disillusioned and don’t participate much anymore.
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feral-radfem · 1 year
hey another cringy terf fuck who i'm going to block after this, just letting your know that the person from your pinned post, redkatherinee, denounced your hate sect dedicated to just being assholes to trans people for no reason other than "they're other than me i do not comprehend means they're evil", and came out as nb! doesn't excuse their past shitty behaviour but at least means that fucks like you will think twice before reposting their old art
I don't give a fuck. Why message me if you're just going to block me? Why tell me you're gonna block me on Anon lol?
She was an artist, a young one at that, not the most prolific radfem we all knew. She mostly just drew common radical feminist theory in to comic strips. It's not like she was creating her own theory to illustrate that was foundational to radical feminism.
I will not think twice about posting her art at all. Nor do I care that she decided to troon out.
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uramitashi · 2 hours
not focusing on women's beauty - 1/7
so i am doing a silly little experiment about female beauty. because it is so emphatized in our society and so strictly linked to objectification and sexualisation, i have decided that for a week i am voluntarily ignoring any woman's physical aspect - no matter how symemetrical, colorful, or whatever. This is where i spoke about it!
so anyway a day has passed and:
it has admittedly not been as easy as expected, especially because i think it's something that gets ingrained on a deeper level. I think i caught myself doing it only the 40% of the times i was doing it.
This is especially true for myself: i noticed that i istinctively spend a lot of my mental energy making sure i am presentable. Is my hairstyle still good, does this pose make me look like i have a double chin, is the expression i am making too unapproachable, should i be more elegant in my movements, do i look weird with a polo, should i put on something that embraces my curves more, is it ok if i dont use makeup, etc.
I ended up thinking - are those thoughts normal to have? If i know a certain degree of physical awareness is not bad, where do i draw the line? And i thought that maybe the problems are two: a. I put too much focus on appearance, b. I put the focus on apperance in a wrong way, too. All the times i caught myself thinking about a perceived ugliness of mine, it was a neutral moment of my life when i did not need to think about that. So it's not only about worrying too much about it, but also not directing it in a useful way.
Regarding other girls' beauty, I realized that seeing the photo of a "beautiful" woman without focusing on her appearance made me panic, as if i was losing control of a power i have. I think that i know a woman's beauty is sadly an important parameter of her worth as of now, and by not being concentrated on her "perfect" details, i was losing potential knowledge about that power that i could be applying to me. This is a complicated thought to express - maybe the interiorization of the male gaze?
I still notice men's beauty. In fact a side effect of my experiment is that while i want to stop focusing on women's appearance, i also want to emphatize my interest in men's. "Obsessing" over their beauty is difficult because a. the very "beautiful" men out there are only a few, because b. there is no driving societal force that makes me notice their beauty with the same energy and c. men just... exist and a few happen to be beautiful. They have no glitter, no tight short clothes, no makeup that accentuates their complexion, no long blonde wavy hair, no long nails, no nothing. They are neutral. Their photos are not eye-catching. Their body parts are neutrally covered. Their poses are not as hot as humanly possible. This reminds me of that redkatherinee comic where she articulated the reason why women feel so much the need to beautify themselves (please send it to me if you got what i mean!) men really are not subjugated to all that. Like they could beautify/decorate themselves but they only seem to do it in situations where they are fully in control. This is something i know very well but it is always weird to actively notice it in my daily life
i think i really do need to think through the way i, personally, treat the concept of feminine beauty in my daily life. feels like i got a lot to understand, a lot to change
will keep updating!!
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