#martians should be far more culture shocked over the gender binary concept
jesncin · 8 months
If I could ask, what makes you "shoot Jemm with your they/them beam"? I'm not trying to be judgy, but I personally don't really understand the want to change a character's gender like that. But that might just be my rigid way of thinking (autistic). I apologize if this comes across as rude.
Hi there! Not rude if you're genuinely curious! It's really common in fandom to take established characters and headcanon them differently to either tell a new story, bring out something about the character they identify with, or just for fun! I really enjoy that transformative aspect of fandom (and cape comics in general since canon is just as nebulous).
Even though martians are referred to in gendered pronouns in Sons of Mars, for my au, martians are all agender (I wanted to pay homage to how they're gendered in the source material pronoun-wise)! They don't mind being gendered either way on Earth. Considering Mars is a planet of shapeshifters, it makes sense that their framework for gender is vastly different from how humans approach the concept of gender and sexuality. I figured Jemm is a neat gender neutral name, so they/them it is! J'onn, Ma'al, and all the martians are non-binary though!
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