ljothings · 6 years
Searching for a Marvey fic :(
Hey everyone who loves Marvey, I’m looking desperately for a fic I can’t find, even if I remember it quite vividly.
Harvey has a heart attack, drives himself to the hospital. It’s not a critical condition, but it lets him shaken, and Mike kind of takes residence at his condo until he gets better. Angst, hurt/confort.
Happy ending.
Does it ring a bell ?
Thanks you !
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marveysecretsanta · 6 years
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Merry Christmas @sal-si-puedes!
Wishing you the best of Christmas’s! You do so much for the fandom and I hope this small gift shows my appreciation at all you do. Thanks so much for making the Marvey fandom what it is.
“What do you see?” Mike asked teasingly.
The Mirror of Erised showed you what you most desired in the world. Whether you knew it or not. It saw right into your soul. And what Harvey saw wasn’t what people would think. No it wasn’t about being the best, richest, most handsome lawyer there was. It wasn’t about being Managing Partner, being the boss of his own firm, no.
What Harvey saw when he looked in the mirror was the simple life. The domestic life. Married to the man that he loved.
Waking up every morning together with a warm body next to his. Having breakfast together, going to work together, watching television cuddled on the couch together. It was so simple. Such a simple want. But it was so far away from possibility.
So when Mike asked what he saw Harvey didn’t know what to say. Because how could he tell the man he was secretly in love with that what he saw when he looked in that mirror was a life together with him.
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sairyn-noc · 6 years
A Fork in the Road
Written for @accol-fics
Harvey didn’t believe in fate. No, he believed in hard work, a strong will, and the balls to do whatever it took to win. That was all the fate he needed. But life has a way of teaching you lessons and proving to you that sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you fight, there are some battles you just can’t win. If someone would have told him that his quick decision to hire some kid off the street seven years ago to be his associate would lead him here, to this, he probably wouldn’t have believed them. Over the years, Harvey battled the various emotions that threatened to consume him when it came to Mike, but it was no use. He still found his way here- watching the man he loved say goodbye.
It wasn’t supposed to happen- not like this. Truth be told, not at all. Love was for fools who didn’t know any better. And Harvey was no fool, at least he didn’t think he was. But that was before. Now, Harvey wasn’t sure. He stared out of the window of his office having slipped out of the party easily, a tumbler in his grasp. The grey skies reflected his mood. In a few hours the city would be covered in snow, the streets empty and cold. Yes, it was a perfect day for clouds. Because soon there would be no sun, no heat, no Mike.
Finish on AO3
Harvey raised the glass to his lips and swallowed greedily, trying to force down the emotions threatening to overload his consciousness. He closed his eyes and willed himself not to go there; not to relive every smile, every laugh, every moment Mike and he spent together. But it was no use. Seven years was a long time, and yet it went by in the blink of an eye. And just like every movie Harvey loved, his mind went back in time to the beginning- the day a very young ‘Rick Sorkin’ dropped a briefcase of weed at his feet. The memory made him chuckle.
Harvey could still recall how much Mike impressed him that day. So much so Harvey did the unspeakable, he hired him. That wasn’t fate; that was just good business. And besides, it worked.
While the first year was an experiment in “what can we get away with”, the second was filled with secrets, compromises and blackmail. It also brought the first inkling that maybe there was something more than just a defiant streak that had him fighting to keep Mike at his side if defying Jessica’s order to fire Mike was any indication. Sure, he had told himself at the time it was because Mike was valuable to the firm, but looking back, he could easily see it was because of something else; something he couldn’t name that made him resist Mike leaving. Little did he know that following year would be the beginning of the end. That was the year he told Rachel the truth.
Oh sure, Harvey was supportive. Why wouldn’t he be? He had plenty of people willing to warm his bed. What did he care if Mike risked everything over Rachel? Apparently, with hindsight being 20-20, he did. How else could he explain the rage over losing Mike to become an investment banker, leaving Harvey’s side? Or better still, the relief of him coming back- where he belonged, his mind ad-libbed. But nothing was more telling than the last year.
It nearly broke Harvey to watch Mike walk through the gates of Danbury- their secret no longer hidden in the shadows. Harvey believed watching Mike get tried, convicted and sentenced to jail, was the lowest point in his life. And then, when he was released, when he was back and tangible and free, Harvey ignored the twist in his gut as he watched him run into Rachel’s arms. It was enough, he told himself; just to have him free was enough. But with each passing day, it got harder. Instead of Mike following him, it was him chasing after Mike. For all of his bluster and confidence, Harvey was a walking, talking, exposed live nerve- and Mike was the spark of electricity. He spent the last year trying to find the solution to his own personal Kobayashi Maru- his very own doomsday scenario. No matter what he did, it didn’t stop his descent into madness, and it definitely didn’t prevent this day from coming. A soft voice interrupted his thoughts.
“I thought I would find you in here.”
Harvey looked to see Donna standing against the door jamb.
“Just needed a break.”
“Hmm, I see, she said walking into the office to stand next to him. “You know if you need company…” Her voice tapered off and Harvey heard the concern or was it fear, beneath the statement.
That was the last thing he wanted. They still hadn’t talked about that damn kiss. Nor did he want too. But apparently, the shit storm that was his life was intent on making another visit.
“Donna can we just not… do this right now?”
“Yeah,” she murmured, disappointment lacing her answer. She headed towards the door.
Shit, he thought. “Donna wait.”
She stopped, her back still to him. He watched her stiffen, bracing herself, before turning around to face him.
“I get it, Harvey,” she said firmly.
“No, you don't” he sighed.
She pegged him with her signature ‘don’t be an idiot’ look. “Yeah, I do. Don’t forget, I know you better than anyone.”
He looked away as if he could prevent her from seeing a truth he hadn’t even acknowledged yet.
“That night I kissed you, I thought that … Well, I had hoped that maybe now, now that…”
Harvey did not want to talk about this. Not. At. All. He gulped the rest of his drink down and slammed his glass on his desk. Balling his hand up into a fist, Harvey did the one thing he knew he did best; disguised his discomfort in anger.
“You thought what, Donna? That after all this time, you would just waltz in here, kiss me and we would fall into some stupid fantasy you’ve been carrying around for years?” His words were biting, and he saw her flinch more than once, but he couldn’t stop.
“What the hell were you thinking? We’ve been friends too long…”
“Yes. Harvey,” she cut in. “Friends. And for years I have watched you run away, ignore and avoid the glaringly obvious truth you seemed incapable of acknowledging. Talk about the elephant in the room! Everyone could see it, everyone except you and possibly…”
“Don’t,” he warned, his voice a controlled whisper.
“Don’t what Harvey? Speak the truth? Well, too bad,” she hissed in return.
Donna stalked closer to him, her finger pointed at his chest.
“I spent years wondering if I made the wrong decision that morning, I kicked you out of my apartment with a smile and a promise that we would never share a bed again. But I got my answer, the night I kissed you. Because even then, despite all that has happened, everything that is happening now, I could tell you were wishing you were kissing someone else.”
She startled at his abrupt outburst, stopping her tirade. They stared at each other silently for a moment, before she schooled her features into a mask of indifference, then turned to walk out. She paused at the door before turning back to face him once again.  
“At least I got my answer,” she said flippantly. “…yours is downstairs, getting ready to leave to go and marry someone else.” With that parting shot, she left.
Harvey released the breath he had been holding and slumped into his chair. He would like to believe that her words didn’t affect him, but he refused to lie to himself. Not anymore and especially not tonight. Harvey was in love. He hadn’t expected it, didn’t want it, in fact, he fought it at every turn. But there was no more denying it. Harvey wanted someone.
Someone he couldn’t have.
Someone who was in love with another.
Someone who was downstairs that very moment.
Someone who was Mike Ross. And Harvey never had the balls to tell him.
But I got my answer. Donna’s words ran through his head on a loop. Harvey thought of all the moments, all the wasted opportunities to say something, anything, but didn’t.  How could he be- when up until recently, he couldn’t even admit it to himself. Him. In love. With a guy. Never saw that coming, he mused silently. That’s not to say, Harvey had never been with a man. Back at Harvard, Harvey was known for being a switch hitter. He just never saw himself entertaining the thought of settling down with another man. But here he was, wanting just that.
Too bad it’s too late, the voice, which sounded suspiciously like Donna’s, rang in his head.
Harvey got up and poured another two fingers, intending on drinking enough to drown away his traitorous thoughts and forget about the man downstairs who soon would be another memory. Sure, Mike had told them that nothing would change. But they both knew it was a lie. Everything would change. How could it not? New life, new wife, before long a family. No. He wouldn’t, he couldn’t stand by and torture himself like that on a daily basis. It was best to cut the tie now. He had his chance- and he didn’t take it. He lifted the glass once again, surprised to find it empty. Harvey was about to refill it when Mike’s voice filtered into the room.
Harvey looked up to see his office door once again occupied. Mike stood there in his crumpled suit pants, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up and eyes a little too bright. Apparently, Harvey wasn’t the only one who may or may not have had a glass or two too many.
“I looked around and you were gone. What ya doing up here?”
“What do you think I’m doing. I’m working,” Harvey answered dismissively.
Of course, Mike didn’t take the cue. “Huh. Really? Cause from where I am standing it looks like you’re avoiding a very good party.”
“Then you’re standing in the wrong spot,” he tried again.
Mike walked across the threshold and grabbed a clean glass- holding it out. Defeated, Harvey poured them both a drink. Mike took a sip and sat on the couch.
“I saw Donna a little bit ago. She was leaving, kept saying something about needing her beauty sleep.”
Harvey stayed silent.
“I take it things aren’t going so well between you two.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Harvey deflected.
“Really. Considering just a few weeks ago she came to me hinting around about taking a chance and needing to find answers. It seemed like you two were finally getting together.”
“Donna and I are friends,” Harvey groaned.
“Friends. I have lots of friends…” Mike began.
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do and don’t interrupt. Like I was saying. I have lots of friends, but I don’t go around kissing them in my office.”
Harvey felt a warm blush creep up his neck. He had no idea that his and Donna’s little ‘tête à tête’ was witnessed by anyone. Especially not Mike.
“Well, then maybe you’re doing it wrong.”
“What? Kissing in my office or kissing my friends?” Mike smirked.
“Both,” Harvey answered, barely suppressing a sigh.
“I’ll keep that in mind for future use. But seriously, Harvey. What is going on with you? Did you guys fight?”
“Mike,” Harvey sighed. “I told you a long time ago, Donna and I had our time. But it wasn’t meant to be. I love her, I will always love her. But not like that.”
Mike took a sip and cocked his head to the side- appearing to mull Harvey’s statement over in his head.
“Meant to be? Does the great Harvey Specter believe in destiny?” he chuckled lightly.
“Harvey Specter believes in Harvey Specter.”
“Yeah, yeah. So, tell me this then, counselor. Why then did I witness the two of you making out.”
“I had no idea you were a voyeur, Mike,” Harvey countered.
The banter felt good, felt right. The ground beneath his feet for the moment was steady, despite the topic.
“Are you going to answer my question?” Mike asked, unwilling to be swayed.
Harvey looked at his once protege. Gone was the shy kid whose off-the-rack suits hung disproportionately off his once-wiry frame. No, the man before him now was confident, polished, and something he never saw coming. There was also something else- a fierce determination even more apparent at his insistence surrounding his question.
“Is this why you left your party? To come try out your interrogation skills with me? Which, I may add, are abysmal,” Harvey fake admonished.
“Hey, my skills are top notch. Louis taught me everything I needed to know.”
“Oh, Louis did, did he? No wonder you suck at it,” Harvey laughed.
“Look Mike, this is your night. Go down there and enjoy your party, enjoy your fiancée, enjoy your life. You don’t need to worry about me. Donna and I just had a misunderstanding. We will be fine. We always are.”
“Are you sending me away, Specter?”
“I could never send you away,” he breathed. If only he could.
The weight of his statement hung between them. Mikes eyes flickered briefly, and Harvey wondered if Mike could somehow read his thoughts and feelings beneath the words.
“Good,” Mike stated before rising. “Because I don’t want to go,” he added. The words were soft as if they slipped out without conscious thought.  
Mike caught Harvey’s eyes briefly and for a moment they blazed with the same heat and intensity as Donna’s had earlier. Then he was walking out of the office into the hall.
Harvey’s heart and brain waged battle in the seconds that ticked by. His brain reminded him that Mike was a taken man; while his heart screamed at him to not waste what could be his last chance.
“Mike,” Harvey called out, jumping up quickly from his chair.
Mike, already in front of the elevators, turned to look at him.
“You free tomorrow? Movie marathon? See if you’ve learned anything over the last seven years.”
“You’re on,” Mike grinned. “Prepared to be slayed, Specter.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Harvey smiled in return.
In the battle between his heart and his brain, Harvey couldn’t tell if either truly won that round. Technically, it wasn’t as if he professed his love to Mike. But it was something- wasn’t it? Either way, Harvey would enjoy tomorrow. Yes, he was avoiding the inevitable, but for one more day, he could pretend it was just the two of them against the world.  
Morning came too soon for Harvey. In fact, when he was awakened by the pounding at his door. He was just in the middle of a dream that had him standing in the middle of nowhere. Three roads fanned out before him. The one to his left was bathed in warm sunset hues. On it stood a group of those people and things long past. His parents, an abandoned baseball field, a younger version of himself when he was Assistant DA, Jessica, Scottie, Zoe, Donna and many more loves and lovers who he had shared his time and or bed. The middle road was bright like the midday sun. He could see occasional clouds and storms in the distance but even those had sun streaks behind them, telling him the storms were passing through. This road looked to be his present life. Images of the firm, with flashes of him in and out of a courtroom, and off to the side was a clear-cut snapshot of the moment he met Mike Ross. Behind that, were snapshots of all their adventures- the good (sneaking into Louis’ office while high), the bad (Mike being caught by Anita) and the mundane.
But it was the third path that bothered him- it was forked. One side was obscured by fog and dark skies with intermittent flashes of lightning. The other was clear, cold and desolate. The path of least resistance…. Harvey began to step towards that one. Harvey was not known for playing it safe, but walking into a storm that he couldn’t see through seemed- unwise. What kind of jackass would do that? He told his dream self. Before Harvey could take a step, the pounding on the door returned.
As his consciousness came back online, the dream faded. A quick glance at the clock told him it was three am. He rolled out of bed and padded over, ready to give a good tongue lashing to whoever was at his door. That threat died when he saw the familiar blonde messy hair through the peephole.
“I thought you had grown out of this,” he mumbled as he opened the door.
“Nope,” Mike replied, popping the ‘p’ like he used to. ” You going to let me in?”
Harvey glanced at Mike scrutinizing him. “Not until you tell me why you are on my doorstep in the middle of the night. I don’t see blood or bone. And you don’t look high or drunk…”
“You said movie marathon,” Mike answered.
“Nowhere in that statement meant at three am.”
“I wanted to get an early start?” Mike held up a six-pack of beer and a bag.
“Uh huh… Get in here.”
Harvey stepped aside so Mike could walk by. After a silent prayer to whoever was listening for strength, he closed the door to face his demons head-on. Harvey meandered to the kitchen where Mike was pulling out a couple of bottles.
“Not that I don’t appreciate the gesture,” Harvey stated as he reached out to still Mike’s hand from opening the first bottle.
“…but how about we start with some coffee, so I can stop seeing two of you, and then you can tell me why you are really here.”
Mike lifted both his hands in a gesture of surrender and headed for the couch. Within minutes, the smell of fresh roast coffee wafted throughout the kitchen. Harvey grabbed two mugs and joined Mike.
“Now you want to let me in on what’s going on?”
Mike took a sip and frowned. “Bitter.”
“I swear,” Harvey sighed, walking back to the kitchen. “When will you learn how to drink coffee like an adult?”
Harvey returned to the couch with the sugar. “Here Peter Pan. Don’t come crying to me when your teeth rot.”
“Who else am I going to come to?”
“How about your soon to be wife?” Harvey answered sarcastically.
“But she won’t treat me like you do,” Mike whined.
“I should hope not,” Harvey chuckled.
Requisite amount of sugar added, Mike took a big gulp of the steaming liquid and smiled.
“Happy now Princess?”
“Yes,” he answered easily.
“Good. Now you want to tell me why you are at my door in the middle of the night?”
Mike looked down for a moment, burying his nose in his cup. Harvey was willing to wait. It only took a moment. With a heavy sigh, Mike put down his mug and turned to face Harvey.
“Maybe I just wanted to do something that was familiar. Something that was all mine. With all of the changes at the firm, my decision to cut back and my wedding in a few weeks, I just wanted a piece of my old life. And when you brought up a movie marathon day, well, I found I wanted that more than anything at the moment.”
“I get that, Harvey replied. “But it still doesn’t answer the question why are you here now?”
“Couldn’t sleep.”
Making the decision to not push any further, Harvey changed direction.
“You want to sleep here, then get started first thing?”
Mike smiled and reached for his bag. “Thought you would never ask.”
Harvey picked up the two mugs and went to the closet to retrieve a pillow and some blankets.
“Here,” he said, throwing and effectively hitting Mike square in the chest. “You know the drill. Whoever wakes first makes pancakes.”
“I’ll take blueberry.”
“What makes you think I’ll wake first?” Harvey asked incredulously.
“In all the years you have known me, have I ever been the first to wake?”
Harvey cocked his head and sighed in fake annoyance. “Fine, blueberry. But don’t think I am letting you sleep all day.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Mike said, spreading the blankets across the length of the couch.
Harvey retreated to his room and attempted to go back to sleep. But all he could do was listen to the soft noises and rustles coming from his living room. It was maddening to know that Mike was so close and yet still a million miles away.
“Shit,” Harvey muttered into his pillow, before turning over and closing his eyes.
When he opened them again, it was to the sight of the sun streaming through his windows and the smell of bacon. He stole a quick glance at the clock- eight am. Harvey couldn’t remember the last time he saw Mike awake and alert this early without the threat of termination. He had to see this.
“I must have an intruder because I know damn well my soon to be ex-associate isn’t awake and in my kitchen making breakfast. Who are you and what have you done with Mike?”
“Funny,” Mike replied. “Have a seat. The coffee is fresh and bitter. Just the way you like it.”
Harvey grabbed a cup and sat at the counter while Mike flipped the bacon.
“So, what’s your pleasure Specter?”
Besides you? His thoughts flashed. “You making pancakes? Or should I order up something simple like eggs?”
“You can order anything you want,” Mike suggested.
And for a second, Harvey’s brain went offline. “How about chef’s choice,” Harvey managed to mumble. “I’m going to cue up today’s movie fest.”
“Sounds good,” Mike replied offhandedly before turning back to his mix.
Harvey couldn’t get a handle on his warring emotions. His brain was too busy trying to decipher and decode Mike’s strange behavior- which only got stranger. After begging to watch the Marvel movies in order, Mike was asleep before they even got to the first Captain America. Not that it mattered- Harvey still had a collection of original comics and the movies did not do them justice, but something was definitely off with his protégé.
“Mike,” Harvey nudged the man currently drooling on his leather couch.
“Hm?” a sleepy voice answered.
“Wake up.”
“I’m awake.”
“Really? Because it looks like you’re sleeping.”
“I’m not sleeping. I can tell you everything that happened.”
“Yes, I am sure you can. With your memory and all,” Harvey chided.
Mike lifted his head and stretched his arms above his head. Harvey did not, repeat, did not, look at the small patch of skin as Mike’s shirt rucked up. Instead, he stopped the film and turned to face him.
“Okay Mike. Let’s have it. What’s going on?”
“I told you, I just wanted a day for me.”
“And you have had one. Now why don’t you tell me why you are avoiding going home.”
Mike sat up and sighed loudly, “I don’t know. I mean, I love Rachel. I proposed, we set a date and then I went to jail.”
“Yes, I was there. But now you are free. You have spent the last year rebuilding your life, the life you want,” Harvey stated blandly.
“Is it?”
“Is what?”
“Is it the life I want?”
And then just like that, Harvey knew the real problem. Mike was having second thoughts. Harvey would be lying if the thought of Mike not getting married didn’t fill him with a certain sense of relief, but his better angels prevailed. So instead of pushing Mike further, he went with reassurance.
“You know Mike. What you’re feeling is normal. A lot of people have second thoughts; it’s called ‘cold feet’. You know you love Rachel and she loves you. There is nothing wrong with being happy. If anyone deserves it, it’s you.”
Mike stayed silent, his hands shuffled back and forth through his hair. Harvey recognized the gesture, Mike often did that when he was struggling with something.
“Mike,” Harvey started again. His voice a little softer. He grabbed Mike’s elbow, stopping Mike’s motion. “Mike, look at me.”
Mike turned. His eyes were wide, trusting, and a little frightened. Harvey’s mouth went dry. Once again, he had to swallow his first instinct to reach out and pull Mike into his arms. But Mike wasn’t his.
“Rookie…,” he started again. “Have I ever steered you wrong?”
“No.” Mike’s voice was small almost childlike.
“Then trust me now. You got this. You and Rachel are going to have a great life together. Promise. Now go home.”
Mike smiled and sighed with relief. Ten minutes later, Mike was packed and walking out of Harvey’s condo. And Harvey? Well, Harvey died a little.
Harvey spent the next few weeks working like a madman. His relationship with Donna was still strained and Mike was spending less and less time at the firm which was fine by Harvey. Really it was. It allowed him to drown himself in his work. Harvey spent his days trying to rebuild the firm that seemed to be on life support at every turn and at night, making sure Mike’s wedding and everything that went along with it, was perfect. That is what you do for someone you love, no matter how much it hurts. It wasn’t until two nights before the wedding that Harvey got another late-night visit.
When the pounding came, Harvey was on the couch, his bed of choice as of late. He didn’t even bother to look. He knew who was on the other side. Opening the door, Harvey watched as Mike sauntered in- eyes bloodshot, and looking a bit thinner than he last remembered.
“You look like hell,” he said as way of greeting.
“Yeah well, tossing and turning every night will do that to you,” Mike grumbled.
“I thought we cured that the last time you showed up at my place in the middle of the night.”
“So did I.”
“Okay, so coffee or alcohol?” Harvey yawned.
“Neither,” Mike countered, and plopped on the couch.
“What?” Harvey responded surprised, his brain going on full alert.
“I just want to hang here for a bit,” Mike said, as way of explaining.
“Okay. Why don’t you pick out a movie and I will put on a pot of coffee for me.”
“Harvey,” Mike huffed. Can I just crash here?”
Alarmed, Harvey sat back down. “Mike, is there something going on? Did you and Rachel have a fight?”
“What? No!” Mike quickly answered. “I just… I guess maybe I am just having another bout of nerves.”
“Nerves. Okay. Tell me then. Do you love Rachel?”
Harvey measured his next words carefully. “Are you in love with Rachel?”
This time, there was a pause before Mike answered.
“Of course.”
Harvey had built his career on reading people. Distinguishing truth from lies. And right now, Harvey knew Mike was lying. But this was not his fight, his truth to reveal; so he continued.
“Then why are you here, instead of at her side?”
Mike dropped his head. “I… I don’t know,” he admitted, his voice low and filled with emotion.
“Shouldn’t you…know?”
“What do you think I’ve been trying to do since the last time I was here?”
“I don’t know, Mike. What have you been doing?”
Mike’s eyes shone then. “Trying to figure out why this is the only place I want to come when my world isn’t right.”
“Well, I can answer that for you easily,” Harvey said trying to lighten the mood.
“You can?”
“Of course, Harvey countered. “I’m awesome.”
Mike chuckled. “And modest too.”
“It’s not bragging…”
“Yes, yes, Harvey I know, ‘if it’s true’,” Mike interrupted.
“Look Mike, I am not trying to tell you what to do. But did you ever stop to think that you are here, because you don’t want to be somewhere else?”
“That’s all I have thought about.”
“Well, don’t you think you might want to figure out what that means? Preferably before you walk down the aisle.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“No matter what, it’s going to be okay. I got your back.”
“Thanks Harvey. I mean it.”
“Anytime. So how about you try and get some sleep. I’m going back to bed.”
“I’m going to head out. I need to do some thinking.”
“You sure? It’s late.”
“I got this Harvey. Thanks.”
Mike closed the door with a thunk and Harvey dragged himself to bed.
He would’ve liked to say he went back to sleep. But every time he closed his eyes, his mind drifted back to the first night Mike had nerves and showed up at his place in the middle of the night. Images from that strange dream flashed behind his closed eyelids. What the hell was going on. Up until a few months ago, everything had been fine in Harvey’s world. Well, as fine as losing his mentor and trying to rebuild the firm and his reputation could allow. That was also before Donna decided to play whack-a-mole with their shared past. Now everything was topsy-turvy with Mike. It was like Harvey went to sleep one night and woke up in some strange alternate reality. What he wouldn’t give to wake up tomorrow and have a do-over. Harvey was supposed to be the man with all the answers. But lying in his bed after hearing Mike unknowingly confess that he wasn’t in love with Rachel left him lost. Maybe it’s a sign, he wondered. Although was it really? Maybe the absence of a sign is the sign. This is ludicrous, he told himself and turned over once again.
The morning of the wedding, Harvey woke to a myriad of texts starting just after five am. The first was from Mike, asking to meet him for breakfast. The others came from the rest of their friends, including a cryptic “WHAT DID YOU DO?”  from Donna. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to determine what had happened.  Harvey sent a quick text to Mike asking him when and where and grabbed a quick shower. An hour later, he walked through the doors of a little hole in the wall sporting a Best Breakfast 2017 award in the window. Mike was sitting in a corner booth, dressed smartly in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt; his winter coat folded (more like wadded up), next to him on the bench. The most telling sight though was the smile he was wearing. It seemed to brighten the entire room. Harvey found himself smiling in return when he caught his eye.
Harvey saw the two roads from his dream in the ten feet walk to where Mike sat. After everything they had been through, all the moments he chose the path of least resistance and kept silence, Harvey was getting one last reprieve. Maybe it was time to choose differently. Maybe there was such a thing as fate or destiny. Harvey took his seat across from Mike and ordered.
“So…” he started.
“Did you know…,” Mike interrupted, “…that the Greeks didn’t write obituaries?”
Harvey, not knowing where this was going, waited for Mike to continue.
“'They only asked one question after a man died, ‘Did he have passion?'”
“Is this what you have been doing while contemplating your future? Brushing up on the death practices of ancient civilizations?”
“Something like that,” Mike chuckled.
Their breakfast arrived shortly after and Harvey took a sip of coffee. “Are you going to tell me what happened? I mean, I can surmise that we will not be going to the church this afternoon, but the details are a little fuzzy.”
“Nothing happened, per se,” Mike began, after shoving another forkful of eggs into his mouth. “It’s just like you said. I wasn’t with Rachel because I wanted to be someplace else.”
“I assume that didn’t go over so well with her.”
Mike placed his fork down and looked at his plate. “No, not particularly. But it was still the right thing to do. I didn’t want to have the wedding only to have this same conversation weeks, months or years down the road. So yeah. She thinks I am a jerk.”
Harvey felt his heart grow with pride. Doing the right thing wasn’t always easy. Sometimes it hurt. He knew that first hand.
“Mike, I don’t think you’re a jerk. I think…” and then he stopped for a moment, the quotes finally falling into place. He wanted to laugh out loud. “I think you look like a jackass.”
Mike’s head snapped up and he smiled brightly. “And I think…you’re the shit!” he exclaimed excitedly.
“Serendipity? Didn’t think that was in your wheelhouse.” Harvey laughed.
“Why not? It’s a classic. Besides, you started it. All that talk about 'maybe you’re here because you don’t want to be somewhere else,'” Mike beamed.
He did have a point, Harvey conceded silently. If someone had told him that on the morning of Mike’s wedding, Harvey would make a life-altering choice, he would’ve laughed out loud. But sitting across from Mike at that moment, it seemed inevitable. Fate, destiny, serendipity, or whatever else was out there, waited for Harvey to make his move. Harvey took a deep breath and chose the unseen path.
“Mike, would you like to get out of here?”
“Sure. Any place you want to go?”
“No. Not really. I just know I would rather spend everyday with you than with anyone else.”
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frivoloussuits · 6 years
of all the gin joints in all the world
(Written as part of 2017′s @marveysecretsanta​ for @teamfreewill-​.)
Hanging around a neighborhood bar one night, Harvey befriends a guy named Mike after realizing they can both quote The Princess Bride on demand.
In the law offices of Rand, Kaldor, Zane and Pearson, senior partner Harvey Specter takes on an unusual case, representing his managing partner's daughter as she divorces a Michael James Ross.
Harvey sees no connection until it's far too late.
Tldr: a Machel divorce goes to hell in a handbasket. Read all about it.
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statusquoergo · 6 years
the artifice of bluebirds in the snow
A single glance up at the smudged façade of Ulysses S. Grant High School plainly tells the story. You fucked up something awful, kid. Good luck digging yourself out of this hole. Most of the thousand-odd students marching toward the concrete bunker have been studying here long enough to be used to it, to make the best of things as they are or figure out ways around caring, and Mike might be new but he’s spent the past six years building up a rancorous disdain for everything life can throw at him and that isn’t something that can be defeated by a simple change of venue. He follows the masses through the heavy wooden double doors and finds that the brown and beige tiled hall floor and off-white stucco ceiling meet his expectations exactly; the only real surprise is that the school has an actual auditorium rather than needing to resort to using the gymnasium. Mike slouches in the back row as the Principal Pearson delivers a terse welcoming speech, basically boiling down to the same “Work hard and don’t embarrass me” litany that precedes every school year at every high school across the country. Then Vice Principal Bodinski stands to introduce herself and announce the staff changes that’ll be taking effect this year, and Mike picks at a hole in the navy blue padding of his stadium seat and tunes out the names of people he doesn’t know and has no intention of getting close to. First period is double American Government, where Mike has a hard time getting a read on Miss Scott, who dresses like she just stepped off a movie set, and a harder time ignoring Claire Bowden, who makes a point of introducing herself by her full name before giving a lengthy answer to some question about the foundations of democracy that Mike doesn’t pay particular attention to. He left a couple of prototype Claires back at Saint Andrew’s, smart girls who aren’t great at thinking outside of the box, who can’t fathom things like the American legal system stabbing its citizens in the back instead of defending them to the death (and thereafter), but who keep perfect notes and scribble pretentious annotations in the margins of their textbooks. She’ll draw enough attention to herself to keep it off of Mike, so that’s good. Third period is Calculus, wherein the teacher—Doctor Litt, he annunciates nasally when he introduces himself—spends nearly twenty minutes putting the fear of god in their hearts that he doesn’t care whether they’ve graduated every math class since Kindergarten with an A-double plus, this will be the most difficult endeavor they’ve ever undertaken. Then he makes some analogy about ponies that Mike doesn’t entirely follow and begins writing rows of unfinished equations on the chalkboard, instructing them all to complete the problems before class tomorrow and you do not want to know what will happen if you ever step into my presence with dying batteries in your calculator, lost notebooks will not be returned, and why are you just sitting there like a bunch of wet rats, get to work and I mean now. It’s fine. Calculus is just a bunch of tests and problem sets, rote memorization and shit; Mike will be fine. Having already taken Physics his junior year at Saint Andrew’s, he basically sleeps through fourth period, dreaming about the clichéd peanut butter and jelly sandwich flattened in the side pocket of his backpack. Then comes English.
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My gift to the lovely @snarkysnartes for Marvey Secret Santa 2017; thank you @fuckyeahmarvey and @sal-si-puedes for organizing this event!
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marveysecretsanta · 6 years
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Merry Christmas @suitsflash
I'm not good at porny fanart. But I really enjoyed it very much when I drew this! I'm so glad that I could become your Santa. Have your best Marvey Christmas ever! I hope you like it! Thank you!
They went to the hotel after Christmas dinner... and then Harvey gave Mike a collar as a Christmas present.
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marveysecretsanta · 6 years
Merry Christmas @butterflycell!
Merry Christmas! I hope you like what I've made, and all the best for the new year :))
Summary: After Harvey refuses to turn on his close friend and former protégé Mike, Logan Sanders sends Sean Cahill after the the pair and those closest to them. Realising Cahill will stop at nothing until he gets the job done, Mike and Harvey fight to keep their friends safe as their world is ripped apart and they're left wondering how much they are willing to sacrifice to protect the ones they love.
Shows: Suits, DC's Legends of Tomorrow (ep 3x06), and Castle (eps 3x13 and 4x17) Song 1: Mercenary Artist: Twelve Titans Music Song 2: Extorsion Artist: Really Slow Motion & Giantapes
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marveysecretsanta · 6 years
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Marvey Secret Santa 2017 - Almost There!!!
Dearest Marveyshippers, amazing Santas -
all the gifts have been sent in and everything is nicely wrapped, just waiting to be shared, so posting can begin very, very soon...
Are you excited yet??
We most certainly are!
Of course, we were able to have a little sneak peek at all the gifts and we can tell you one thing:
Thank you so much to everyone who took part in this, Santas and beta readers and, of course, everyone who cheered us all on!
Stay tuned for the first gifts to be posted on Dec., 25th. We will post them over a one week period, so the last gifts will be posted Dec., 31st.
The big Santa Reveal will take place on Jan., 5th, 2018.
Have a marveylous Marvey Secret Santa, happy holidays and an amazing New Year!
See you all on the other side!
Aqua & Erin
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marveysecretsanta · 6 years
Marvey Secret Santa 2017 - Gift for frivoloussuits
Merry Christmas, @frivoloussuits!
Title: Now we're even    
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 10912
Summary: Christmas is around the corner, and Harvey’s mum is somehow convinced he’s going to introduce her to his new girlfriend. He is not, but he still wants to tease her. Donna steps in and she does her magic. Everybody has an amazing and surprising Christmas, in true Hallmark movie fashion.
Notes: Merry Christmas, my dear! I did not exactly follow your prompt, but I hope this is close enough. I had a lot of fun writing it, especially since I haven’t written in ages, and I hope you enjoy it. Gros bisous and Joyeux Noël, as we say in France. xoxo
Harvey’s putting the final touch to an argument he’s due to present in court the next day when the intercome buzzes.
“Harvey,” Donna’s voice breaks the silence. “I’ve got Mrs. Robinson on the line.”
Harvey sighs and closes his eyes for a moment. “Mrs. Robinson” is a code name they have for Harvey’s mother, Lily. He hasn’t heard it in months and, quite frankly, he was fine with it.
“Put her through,” he says after a long pause. It could be important.
“Hello darling,” Lily says before he even has time to officially take the call. “How are you on this fine December day?”
Harvey rolls his eyes and sits back in his chair.
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marveysecretsanta · 6 years
Marvey Secret Santa 2017 - Gift for teamfreewill-
Merry Christmas, @teamfreewill-!
Gift #1:
Title: of all the gin joints in all the world
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: divorce, dubcon kissing, drug use, minor character death
Wordcount: 13924
Summary: Hanging around a neighborhood bar one night, Harvey befriends a guy named Mike after realizing they can both quote The Princess Bride on demand.
In the law offices of Rand, Kaldor, Zane and Pearson, senior partner Harvey Specter takes on an unusual case, representing his managing partner's daughter as she divorces a Michael James Ross.
Harvey sees no connection until it's far too late.
Read on AO3...
Gift #2:
Title: an archive of harvey specter’s expressions
Word Count: 2000 words
Rating: Mature
Summary: Five old expressions that Mike rediscovers in new contexts once he and Harvey are (finally) together, and one that he sees for the first time. Alternatively titled “An Ode to Gabriel Macht’s Face.” Note: Dear Ash – as you can probably tell my attempt to tackle one of your requests went in an extremely weird direction; please accept this fic about your other request as recompense? I wish you happy holidays and a great new year!
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marveysecretsanta · 6 years
Marvey Secret Santa 2017 - Gift for snarkysnartes
Merry Christmas, @snarkysnartes!!
Title: the artifice of bluebirds in the snow   
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Depression
Wordcount: 22188
Summary: Mike doesn’t expect much when he has to switch schools for his senior year of high school; he’ll keep his head down, get his work done, wait it out, and get on with his life.Well, that was the plan.
A single glance up at the smudged façade of Ulysses S. Grant High School plainly tells the story. You fucked up something awful, kid. Good luck digging yourself out of this hole.
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marveysecretsanta · 6 years
Marvey Secret Santa 2017 - Gift for sosauffie
Merry Christmas, @sosauffie!
Title: Carte Blanche    
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 8202
Summary: I've taken this year's Secret Santa quite literally and written a story about a Pearson Hardman Secret Santa.
Notes: I'm a huge fan of your fiction and I hope you'll like this. Since we both share a liking for this one band, I thought I'd throw in a little bit of a gimmick for you there, enjoy! To get yourself in the mood for the story and have a bit of an interactive experience, start this youtube clip :) 
 ”On a Christmas day, early in the beginning of this century Down the road and there, I saw many sights that day”
Mike sat in front of his computer, blasting his favorite Christmas carol on full volume, happy to have the bullpen all to himself for a change. It was late and everyone had called it a day but he had promised Harvey to find the loophole in the contract from the Gatrick Inc. case by the end of the week and they had bombarded them with tons and tons of files that were currently stashed in Conference Room C, waiting to be examined. He couldn’t disappoint Harvey - ever since he had started working for him this summer, he had felt the need to work hard to keep up with him. Despite his outward bragging about his special mind and his ability to think outside the he was still hiding insecurities on the inside. He wanted to impress Harvey - prove that he was worth the hassle, risk and money.
Lost in thoughts, Mike sucked on a highlighter and went through yet another paragraph, when he suddenly stared straight into a bucket shoved under his nose. He put the lid on the pen and looked up, surprised to see Donna at this ungodly hour, wearing a Christmas hat. She wrinkled her nose and asked slightly irritated, “What’s that dreadful noise?! You can hardly call that music… Pick one…”
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marveysecretsanta · 6 years
Marvey Secret Santa 2017 - Gift for fuckyeahmarvey
Merry Christmas, @fuckyeahmarvey!
Title: Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 7787
Summary: When, in a world where soulmates are not an extremely rare but not exactly an every-day-thing either, a loner like Harvey Specter and a fuck-up like Mike Ross meet by sheer coincidence, naturally, the course of their lives is changed forever.
Unable to be apart, yet unwilling to truly give in and consummate their bond our two heroes struggle through life side by side until they can’t avoid any longer to face and to deal with what Destiny has in the cards for them.
Angst with a happy ending. Soulmate schmoop.
Notes: Merry Christmas, @fuckyeahmarvey! You wished for a soulmate AU - I hope you enjoy! *smooches*
They’ve talked about it only three times before this night, two and a half times, if one wants to split hairs, and Mike really, really wants to split hairs – anything to avoid even thinking about it right now, to just put it off a little longer.
And if one really, really wants to split hairs one could argue that they’ve only talked about it once, talked about it properly, that is, and that that one time had happened on the day Mike had crashed the interview, briefcase full of pot and his hair an honest-to-god mess from running down those four flights of stairs.
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marveysecretsanta · 6 years
Marvey Secret Santa 2017 - Gift for rikutaa
Merry Christmas, @rikutaa!
Title: Working For The Weekend        
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: OOCness
Wordcount: 4473
Summary: When Mike realises Harvey has turned him into a workaholic, he decides to take what little social life he has within the office out of it, and asks Harvey to hang out with him for the day.
Notes: こんにちは!私はリクタの秘密のサンタですね!(私は日本語をはなせます、でもすこしだけです!)
Special Notes: As far as I know, the Japanese above is mostly accurate! I am currently in the process of trying to learn how to speak Japanese, so hopefully rikutaa will appreciate the effort! <3
Since beginning working for Harvey, Mike had really grown to hate Saturdays.
Before, Saturdays had been all about getting up late. About blazing up a joint with Trevor, and watching kids tv shows while eating last night’s leftover congealed cold pizza/Chinese/Thai food and giggling at the dirty jokes that had been slipped past the radar for bored parents to enjoy.
Saturday mornings meant a very different thing now. It was no longer kids TV and cold take-out on the couch. It was getting up at six to hit the office by seven, and getting ragged on by Louis for his friendship with Harvey, and spending hours doing research and collating documents and evidence for cases.
So when Harvey told him to take the weekend off, Mike woke up like clockwork at six AM, poured himself a cup of sub-par instant coffee, and realised he had absolutely no idea what to do with himself. His entire life orbited around his job. He had become that guy.
Without thinking, he picked up his phone, pressed the appropriate contact name, and waited.
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marveysecretsanta · 6 years
Marvey Secret Santa 2017 - Gift for jonibeloni
Merry Christmas, @jonibeloni!
Title: Play Me  
Rating: Mature
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 3767
Summary: “Harvey,” the man says and Mike removes his hands from the keys.   “Mike,” he answers and Harvey nods once and repeats Mike’s name quietly, like he’s trying the sound of it out in his mouth. 
“I should be going,” Mike hooks his thumb over his shoulder, “Ben will want to be closing up.” The barman, as if on cue, slams the cash register closed.  Harvey blinks and Mike wants to run his hand through his hair. 
“You should play with us one day,” he says and Mike nods, shoves his hands into his pockets. 
“Sure,” it’s non committal and Mike can hear the hesitation in his voice as Harvey raises an eyebrow like he can read Mike’s mind.
“Nice to meet you.” 
“You too, Mike.”  
Notes: Hope you like it and Happy Christmas!
Mike was 17 when he discovered he could play the piano.  
It was totally by accident as well.  Another school counsellor sending him to yet another grief counsellor (“You need to process your parents death, Michael”) and he’d found himself sitting in a too white house on the edge of town with the sound of sobbing coming from the room in front of him and a grand piano behind him.  He’d run his fingers over the keys, pressing one, then another.  Group music lessons from school a distant memory but a memory nevertheless so the knowledge of middle C had stayed with him and he’d sat, opened the sheet music and pressed his fingers to the keys tentatively.
It was a simple variation on Pachelbel's Cannon in D and Mike had felt the music flow through him.
That’s where the counsellor had found him, fingers pressed to the keys, the sound from the piano slowly fading and Mike had felt the need to learn and absorb everything he could.  
“Keep coming to see me and I’ll let you play as often as you want,” the counsellor had said and Mike had agreed.  
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marveysecretsanta · 6 years
Marvey Secret Santa 2017  - Santas Revealed!
Marvey Secret Santa proudly presents:
                                      THE 2017 SANTAS!!!
Thank you so very much to all the amazing Santas of 2017!! You did exceptional, marveylous work and you made your giftees incredibly happy!
@Santas: You’re now free to post your work elsewhere if you want to. It would be great if you could add a reference to Marvey Secret Santa if you do! You can also publicly thank your betas now all you want! :D
Extra big thanks go to our pinch hitter, @frivoloussuits for stepping in and saving the day!
Hope to see you all again next year!
Aqua & Erin
PS: You can view the masterlist by clicking on the purple part in the middle section of the bar right below the header of the Santas’ page. And the 2015 and 2016 masterlists are linked on the tags page.
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