#marwan x reader
memoriesoftanalorr · 1 year
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Title: Desert Lily (Jafar x reader)
Note : Uhm, I think I shouldn't watch Aladdin 2019 live action cause now I can't stop daydreaming of Marwan Kenzari as Jafar. I'm in love and I can't believe he is not soft cause then why his voice is softened when he said "I can destroy you." to Aladdin cause before that phrase he is rising his voice. So I have some idea, I hope I'll make it right. Wanna write soft Jafar hehe x3 Oh how I love write father figures and reader is a teen.
Summary: Y/n is a servant at the Agrabah's palace, she's clever, hardworking and kind. Later on she was getting good enough for becoming a right hand of Grand Vizier Jafar. Also forget to mention once Jafar saved the reader from the trouble, he actually liked the girl. Takes place year prior the movie and then I'll write some scenes from the movie. Sorry if this not so good.
At night in the desert a teenage girl travels far away from the Agrabah, she wanted to see the starry sky. She enjoyed herself and stars shining bright. Suddenly, the bandits attacked the girl, she got up from the ground and tried to fight them, but there were more of them and one of them grabbed her hand. "What's a pretty girl doing alone in the desert?" "None of your business! Let me go!" The girl tried to get rid of him.
One of the bandits took a knife and wounded the girl's shoulder. She screamed in pain and fell to her knees, Men started laughing wickedly. Y/n slowly losing conscious.
Hakim and other guards patrolling the desert with Grand Vizier himself. "Grand Vizier, several bandits have attacked a girl. Should we intervene?" Hakim reported. "Hmm, that's very interesting. What is this girl doing here alone? Yes, I allow you to intervene." Hakim and the rest of the guards saved the girl. Jafar leaned down towards you, Y/n glanced at guards. "She's injured, Hakim carry her to the palace." "As you said, Grand Vizier." Hakim and the other guards started their way back to palace.
The girl was sent to the infirmary, doctors take care of her well. She lay in bed under a thin and soft blanket. Grand Vizier visits her for a minute, he glanced at her, Jafar felt a strange feeling, he felt affection for this girl. She is very sweet and brave if she wasn't afraid to fight the bandits on her own. He stroked your hair gently and then leave.
On next morning, Y/n woke up and sat in her bed, her shoulder still hurts, you feel herself dizzy a bit. Y/n glanced at the room she slept with a curiosity. One of the maidens come inside the room and looked at you. "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?" Y/n asked a girl that standing on the distance. "You're in the infirmary at Agrabah's palace. Wanna drink some water or change your bandage?" A maiden girl asked. "How I did get here?" Y/N asked again. "You were saved and by palace's guards and Grand Vizier." A handmaiden replied. "Oh, yes. I remembered everything now." Y/n nodded. "I'll change your bandage now." "My shoulder still hurts." "I'm sure your shoulder will heal soon." "Thank you." "Don't mention it."
The following week, the girl recovered completely and decided to explore the palace. Y/n asked the guard where's garden and he leads you there. There's a lot of wonderful flowers in the garden. Y/n sat on the bench with a book, she started reading. Suddenly someone approach the girl.
Y/n closed the book and saw a tall handsome man with dark hair and dark brown eyes, he was well-dressed, you get up quickly and bow to him. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you."
"I'm sorry we didn't properly introduced to each other yet. Jafar. I am Grand Vizier to the Sultan of Agrabah."
"My name is Y/n. You saved me, right?" girl smiled.
"What a pleasure finally seeing you recovered. But what you do there back then?" Jafar asked. "I wanted to get a little trip at night and watch the stars." Y/n answers to him. "You must be brave enough to fight those bandits on your own." Jafar replied. "No, I was scared when that one injured me. I glad you were there to save me. Thank you." Y/n rubbed her shoulder shyly. "My pleasure, dear." He made a small smile that charms you. "Can I come back home now? Not that I don't like the palace." Y/n asked. "Your home in Agrabah? I never see you in the city." Jafar asked you again. "Oh, I don't think Grand Vizier ever would notice a girl like me and since you're so busy, how you'd notice me in the crowd." Y/n look away from the man. "I think I'd notice you. You can go home if you want, how about your parents?" Jafar looking at you with softness. "My mother died two years ago and my dad… Our relationships are complicated." Y/n answers. "What a uneasy fate of yours. I'm sorry, dear." Jafar patted your shoulder.
You lower your head as you start to blush. Jafar glanced at you softly. "Are you sure you don't want to stay at palace? I think you'd be a great maiden." Jafar suggested. "It's not me to decide." Y/n replied to him. "I giving you the right to choose." Jafar glanced at you carefully. "I'd love to stay at palace but I'm not sure if I can handle it…" Y/n struggled. "I think you can handle this job, trust in your own abilities." Jafar encouraged you. "What abilities do you think I have?" Y/n asked. "You reminds me of desert lily. Desert Lily shows us how to bring nourishing water forces to these parched deserts. It is a strength that champions the feminine essence and yet radiates vitality and tenacity." Jafar said dramatically. "How beautiful. Thank you for having faith in me." "I talk about you to Sultan." Jafar smiled.
Sultan and Princess Jasmine accepted you. Y/n doing every of tasks well. Y/n loves to go to the palace's library and the garden. Y/n become Jafar's handmaiden, your room was next to his. You were next to him almost all the time. Once Jafar and you have dinner together and talking.
"Food are really tasty today." Y/n said. "Yes, you're right." Jafar nodded, then he drink from the cup. "What are you did today?" you asked. "As usual though I feel myself really tired today." Jafar closed his eyes for a second. "I see." Y/n replied. You noticed Iago who flight down on your shoulder, "Oh, hello, Iago." Y/n stroke the parrot's feathers, Iago was amused by your touch. "Hello, Y/n!" Iago said loudly. "I think I get a rest now." Jafar get up and walked forward his room. "I'll pick away the plates then. Good night, Vizier." Y/n glanced at him. "Good night, my desert lily." Jafar said in tired voice. Another maiden come inside the room and helps you to pick away the plates and cups, Y/n closed the door and leave then.
Y/n heard Princess Jasmine should marry a prince, she heard the conversation between Sultan and Jafar. Y/n then returned to her duties. Everyone wasn't so impressed by Prince Ali. You didn't care much. At the party Y/n was busy, she handed out drinks and food. On the next day you come into Jafar's quartets. The first thing you noticed the guards and Prince Ali.
"Not again. Please, please, I… Gentlemen. I-I think there's been some sort of confusion. I don't think you know who I am." Aladdin assured.
"Oh, no, no. I know who you are, Aladdin." Jafar said sharply.
"Aladdin? Aladdin. I don't know who that is. I-I'm Prince Ali…" Aladdin assured him.
"A prince from a kingdom that doesn't exist. Who now possesses a magic carpet from the Cave of Wonders. Seems to me, the only way that's possible, where's your monkey? is if you found a certain treasure. My treasure. Where's the lamp?"
"This clearly, is some sort of misunderstanding. I'm Prince Ali."
"If I throw you off of that balcony, and you are who you say you are, you will die a watery death. If you survive, it can only be because of the lamp. In which case, I will have my answer. For the last time… Where is the lamp?"
"Listen to me. I don't know who you think I am." "Goodbye, Aladdin."
Aladdin falls down the balcony and you saw how Jafar pushing him down, you freeze in shock. Jafar then send the guards away. Y/n coming closer to Grand Vizier, "Aladdin or Prince Ali, there's no reason to murder him."
"It seems to me you're not satisfied with my decision, Y/n? " Jafar said coldly.
"I'm not but you're never told me about Cave of Wonders and everything. I thought we're friends." Y/n replied.
"You better to keep a secret about everything what happened in this room. If you will try to disobey me---" Jafar looked at you menacingly.
"Yes, Jafar, I won't tell about it to anyone." Y/n glanced at him and lowered her head as she felt his anger.
"Good girl, so you can leave now." Jafar halfway closed his eyes.
"Why did I come in this room…" Y/n thought as she quickly leaves the room.
-- "I overheard Prince Ali talking to his advisor about returning with an army to conquer Agrabah." Jafar said. "What?" "Now it appears he's fled in the night. Jasmine." "You heard him say this, Jafar? And you saw him leave?" "Uh-oh. Yes. With my own ears and my own eyes. So, what's the problem now, Princess?" "This is the problem, Jafar. If what you say is true, why is Prince Ali still here?" Aladdin standing next to Jasmine. "Your Majesty." "Prince Ali. This is a surprise." Jafar making a sinister smile. Y/n glanced at him disappointed. "Your Highness, your advisor's not who he says he is." Aladdin said.
"Oh. I'm not who I say I am." Jafar pretending he's surprised by his words. Y/n stepped back.
"Baba, he tried to kill Prince Ali." "Jafar, can you explain this to me?" Sultan asked. "Yes. My Sultan… You know my loyalty belongs to you." Jafar used his cobra head staff to hypnotize Sultan. "Yes. Prince Ali, you invited yourself into our city. And we welcomed you as our guest. But I believe your intentions are… deceitful. You are a grave danger to Agrabah, and you shall be dealt with as such." "Baba, what are you saying?" "Enough, Jasmine! Jafar told me of Prince Ali's ambition. He's here for my throne." Aladdin rushed towards Jafar and breaks his staff. "What happened?" "He had you under a spell. He's not to be trusted. Your Majesty. He wants your throne." Aladdin said. "Jafar, you were my most trusted advisor! Hakim! Put him in the dungeon!" Sultan ordered. "I have enough of you lies!" Y/n look at Jafar, tears flows down her face. "I'm sorry, child." Jafar whispers to you in despair. You walked away. Aladdin glanced at you. "Are you okay?" "I thought I knew him. It's sad cause he saved me once." you answered. "I'm sorry." Aladdin replied."
Y/n leave the palace and go back home. You didn't know Jafar get the lamp and wished to become a Sultan and forced Jasmine to marry him. Jasmine get the lamp and fly away with Aladdin on the magic carpet. At the end Aladdin confronts Jafar.
"As the old man said, you should have left Agrabah when you had the chance. I told you before to think bigger. You could have been the most powerful man in the room. But now, I hold the lamp. I hold the power." Jafar said to Aladdin. Y/n rushed between Aladdin and Jafar. "Jafar, wait!" "What are you doing here?" Jafar look at you with sadness. "I thought we were friends but I guess you pretended all along!" Y/n screamed. "I never lied how I feel about you! You know I'd never hurt you." Jafar touched your hand. "Then stop all of this for me. We can leave Agrabah together and start again, just you and me?" Y/n squeezes Jafar's hand. "Would be great but I can't turn back." Jafar replied you. Aladdin warns you to step back and you walked away. "You can’t find what you’re looking for in that lamp, Jafar. I tried and failed, and so will you." Aladdin said. "You think so? But I am Sultan! I am the greatest sorcerer the world has ever seen. I will create an empire that history cannot ignore. I can destroy cities. I can destroy kingdoms. And I can destroy you." Jafar told Aladdin. Y/n walked away in the safety, you were shocked and upset.
"True. But who made you a sultan? Who made you a sorcerer? There will always be some thing, some man, some being more powerful than you." Aladdin tricks him. "What are you doing?" Genie asking the boy. "Genie gave you your power, and he can take it away." Aladdin continues. "He serves me!" Jafar screaming out. "For now. But you’ll never have more power than the genie. You said it yourself, you’re either the most powerful in the room, or you’re nothing. You will always be second." Aladdin told him. "Second?! Only second?! He serves me! I will make sure no one will ever say these words again! Genie, for my final wish, I wish to become the most powerful being in the universe! More powerful than you!" Jafar becomes a genie but he get trapped inside the lamp with Iago. Everyone get a happy end, Genie banishes Jafar's lamp into the Cave of Wonders to cool him off. Y/n show up, still sad and look at Jasmine and Aladdin. "Y/n, are you okay?" Aladdin asked you. "Kind of. Jafar cared of me but all he wanted was power." "I hope you'll be fine." Aladdin replied. "Would you still stay in the palace?" Jasmine asking you. "No, I had enough of everything what happened. I'd rather go home. Goodbye." Y/n replied. "How about you to stay? We could become good friends." Aladdin said. "Maybe but I'm too heartbroken now." Y/n leaves.
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jafarsdesertlily · 2 months
Broken Promise | Jafar
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Summary: Jafar goes back on his word on Y/N.
"You promised that you would let me go when you became sultan of Agrabah!" Y/N shouted in the throne room. The guards and servants stopped what they were doing to listen to the fight that was brewing. The new sultan, Jafar, clenched his teeth and flared his nostrils yet said nothing.
This morning, the former street rat tried to get out of the palace, yet she was denied on Jafar's orders. It had now been a week since the old sultan lost control over Agrabah. It was a rightful end for such an evil man. The very man that wouldn't help her family when they fell on hard times after her father died.
"As I have told you time and time again, my dear, you will stay here with me," he demanded. His tone drenched with a poison many knew to not mess with. She gulped angrily as hot tears pricked her eyes.
"This isn't fair. I kept my end of the bargain. You are the sultan of Agrabah. Now release me," she demanded. Jafar sat back in his throne before standing up. He grabbed his staff that resembled a snake and walked towards her. Y/N didn't flinch as he stood before her.
"You are correct. I am the sultan of Agrabah, and you will do as I say," he whispered and grabbed her cheeks roughly. His grip wasn't enough to hurt her, but to let her know the severity of this conversation. She stared in his dark brown eyes.
"Why are you keeping me here?" She asked. "I did everything you wanted,"
"Yes, but you falling pregnant with my child wasn't part of the plan, was it?"
A look of fear swept her face. "How did you know?"
Jafar chuckled. "The doctors aren't loyal to you or your charms, Y/N. They are loyal to the coin. My child will not grow up with the fleas and rats you call friends. He will stay here, with us,"
"You can't keep me here as prisoner!" she shouted at him. "I have done nothing wrong!"
"Guards, see your future queen is comfortable in her new living arrangements. If she tries to escape, throw her in the dungeons,"
The guards quickly followed his orders. They grabbed her arms and started to drag her away. Y/N cursed and kicked the entire way out of the throne room.
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dreamauri · 10 months
‧˚⊹ 𝗱𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗶 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 ଓ :: 𝗠𝗩𝟭 ‧₊˚⤾
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you are reading :: part ten !!
╭╯ pairing . . . max verstappen x fem! driver! reader ) ┊ summary . . . a day for improvement and a nice cuddle session ) ┊ genre . . . fluff / angst ) ╰╮ warning . . . X )
☆★ ━━
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"This feels oddly nostalgic." You mumbled to yourself as you wrapped your arms around Max's broad chest, laying your spinning head over his heart. "It does?" The blond puts a hand on your back, to keep you from stumbling ( more like to touch you, in a non sexual or creepy way ).
"Yeah. You're very warm." You pouted, gently swaying with him, very offbeat from the club music playing in the background. "I know I've said that before, to you . . . But I don't remember it." "You must've drank a lot—" "—What aren't you telling me, Max." You might have been frustrated with today's results, but you were mindful of your alcohol intake today because of the 9 year old waiting for you at Max's apartment. You weren't drunk at all, just tipsy. All that would do was put you under a Pinocchio spell.
"I like you, Max. Please don't ruin that." You sighed. ". . . You like me?" "I do. You're a very sweet guy. And you have really fucking gorgeous eyes. And you're good with kids—" hiccup "And I don't want to have to cross a guy like you out of my list." "You have a list?" He chuckled, wondering who he'd be competing with. "It's empty . . . There is no list— just . . . just tell me . . ."
Max breathed in, hoping you couldn't hear his heart race. He felt really scared, already regretting his previous actions. "I well . . . we've— . . ." "Max." You pulled away, the alcohol in your system inducing tears in your eyes. "What did we do? . . . Did we . . . ?" "No no no." He quickly assured, cupping your jaw. "I would never take advantage of you like thar. I—" "—Then?" You started to lose your patience.
"I can show you." He offered hesitantly, making you frown deeply. "Show me what—" oh. 
The world around you was quick to erase and blur out. The only thing that mattered in your head now was Max's lips on yours. You've never felt such . . . peace with someone before. Well you've never kissed anyone ( when you’re semi sober ) and you didn't want to pull away from Max when he crashed into you. He had to pull away first. "We've— we've kissed a few times." He admitted. "Well— more than a few, but I promise not more than that."
He held your hands gently avoiding eye contact with you. His hands were oddly gentle and soft, holding yours like endangered flower petals, one he’d only come across once in a lifetime. "I have feelings for you. Genuine feelings." He confessed, sighing and closing his eyes in shame. "I couldn't help myself— you're just, you're really wonderful, Y/N. You make me feel things. Good kind of things."
He let go of your hands, taking a step back. "I don't deserve a woman like you. You're just too . . . perfect." You looked deep in his eyes as he gently grazed his fingers over your cheek. He turned to walk away, ready to put distance between you.
You felt your heart swell with different feelings as you watched him walk away, the world around you returning back into sound and colour. "What are you waiting for?" Other you urged, popping up from behind you, gently pushing you towards where Max was going. "Sure he kissed you once or twice when you were out of it. But he's been there for you, with Marwan and Leila. He's protected you from creepy men and bought you dinner that one time in Canada last year. You never notice it, but he's always looking for you. And you're looking for him."
"What even are you?" You looked at her, furrowing your eyebrows. She could only laugh, handing you a shot which you didn't hesitate to swallow. The glass fell on the floor ( you handed it back to the non-existent yourself ) as you wiped your lips, gaining enough confidence to push through the crowd.
You've been looking and searching for him all over, even asking other drivers who gave you directions that lead you to nowhere. Great. You slumped on a stool at the bar, leaning your head on the wooden surface as you tried to recollect yourself. "I should save myself the embarrassment and go home." You mumbled, already knowing people were taking videos from the crowd behind you.
You walked through the streets of Monaco, barefoot ( stockings didn't really count ) with your heels in your hands, somehow finding your way back to Max's apartment building. You didn't have the keys or the buzzer to get past the entrance doors, so you sat on the stairs, head on your knees. This was probably going to create more rumours and work for PR to deal with.
You could feel your phone buzz with messages or notifications, but you were too tired to check. You don't know how much time has passed, you've had your eyes closed forever and you managed to blur out the noise from cars going back and forth on the streets in front.
"Y/N . . . Come on let's go inside." Your vision was too hazy and your mind was too out of it to say anything. You let Max take your shoes and purse, leading you inside. You leaned on his side throughout the elevator ride, watching the numbers beep with each floor you passed. You let him put his hand on your back to keep you steady as you walked, gently helping you into his apartment.
You stood still as he sat down to take his shoes off, watching him quietly. "You really scared me. I thought someone took you with him or something." "You walked away first." You reminded him, sitting beside him looking into his eyes while looking down at his shoe laces. "I thought I'd give you space . . . after what I've done." He sighed, getting up.
"Max." You held him back from his hand making him pause in his tracks. "I'm not mad." ". . . You're not?" You shook your head, mumbling a small no. “But I—" "—Shut up and kiss me." He didn't hesitate. Pressing you into the door behind you and connecting his lips with yours. You fisted his dress shirt, trying to close the gap between you while Max leaned his forearms on either side of your head, enjoying you.
"Out of wedlock!?" You and Max pulled away in the speed of lightning, facing opposite directions as Leila gaped at you two with an angry face. "I'm telling Khadija!" "Wait no—" You ran after her trying to catch her. Max's eyes softened seeing you and Leila chasing each other around a table, laughs filling his apartment.
He wouldn't want it any other way.
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You took a deep breath at Max's fridge, pursing your lips as you took out the ingredients you needed. While you and Leila were making dinner, Max was sitting at the island. "We're trending." "Is that a good thing?" Leila went over to Max to see what the fuss was about.
You took on her job of de-seeding ( or whatever you call the process of removing a seed ) the dates you found for some reason. You chuckled hearing Leila's gasp upon seeing twitter's new found and loved picture from last night. "You know kissing is for . . . forgot the word." "Couples?" "Yeah. Are you two a couple?"
You and Max held eye contact for a few seconds before going back to your respective tasks. "So you kissed out of wedlock and without being a couple . . . that's very bad." Leila mumbled making Max chuckle ruffling her hair.
"That smells very sweet." Max commented, standing over the stove beside you. Leila had long gone and prepared for your day out on the yacht and you were preparing the small lunch and snacks you'd need. You hummed and nodded slightly, looking down at the eggs and date mixture ( it tastes better than it sounds [a mostly Arab dish] ).
Max didn't even think before gently tilting your chin upwards so he could kiss you. A moan slipped from your throat as he deepened the kiss. It's been like this since last night, stealing kisses and small touches. Neither of you wanted to talk about it. You knew you had to, but you were both scared if the outcome didn't go as planned.
You cleared your throat as you pulled away, saving the food on the stove before it burnt. "Stop kissing and hurry up." "Shhhh!" Max ran after Leila, forcing the shirt over her swimsuit. Your lips were still tingly, even after boxing everything up, getting dressed and walking down to the yacht, you could still feel him on you.
The warmth accumulated in your hand from when Max held you all night wasn't going to leave any time soon.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Max frowned impressed as he read the death threats he received in the new group chat that consisted of him and your brothers, who were trying to find them in the middle of the Mediterranean sea.
"Alright that's enough." You sighed, plucking the phone out of his hands and throwing it in your purse. "Leila, take a swim." "I dont want to." "You wore a swimsuit so might as well use it." You picked her up from under her armpits, tossing her overboard, watching her scream as she splashed.
"This is why I don't like you." She accused as she watched Max dive in after her. "Girl, you're following me." You chuckled, watching the two mess around, leaning your head on your palm, a smile curling on your face. "Maybe we should pull her in." Max whispered, failing because you could hear him as clear as day.
"I can't swim." You giggled pulling away when Max tried to pull you in. "You can drive a car at 300 kilometres an hour but you cant swim?" He mocked, pulling you in anyways. He had to carry you on his back for the rest of the night, not minding at all. Your body brought him enough warmth to fend off the cold water.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as the two of you watched the sunset. Lei got back on the yacht a while ago sit was just you and Max, sharing a comfort silence. But it wasn't time for silence. "What are we?" You asked hesitantly. Max looked back at you, his eyes locking with yours. ". . . Whatever you want us to be."
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auri's voice notes 🔊 . . . ↳ "ayyyy finallyy,"
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blurredcolour · 1 year
If You'll Be My Bodyguard | Part One
If You'll Be My Bodyguard, I Can Be Your Long Lost Pal Masterlist
Summary: Your assignment as Austin Butler’s bodyguard, masquerading as his personal assistant, begins after your boss’s successful pitch in Palm Springs.
Pairing: Austin Butler x Female Bodyguard Reader
Warnings: Threatening letters, Discussion of death threats, Firearms, Language, Vaping, Alcohol consumption, Body image issues, Rating – T.  
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Author’s note: As stated on the series page, Austin Butler has an unnamed model girlfriend in this series. She is not based on anyone in particular, please do not interpret my descriptions of her and her actions as commentary on any real individuals in Austin Butler’s life.
Word Count: 4428
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“…You think you were so very clever, you filthy satanist. That you got away with it. You should have let the dead stay at peace! God knows! God has seen you for what you truly are! A witch! A warlock! A necramanzer raiser of the dead. There is a special spot in hell reserved just for you, Austin Butler, and it is my god given, heavenly ordained duty to see you there right quick...”
You set the photocopied sheets down on your lap, knowing the letter continued on in the same vein for several aggressively written pages. The author had pressed the pen so hard into the paper that the letters made shadow-filled hollows and curled the pages. Hatred had been scribed into the very fibres of the looseleaf before being crammed into an envelope and sent to an actor you, like most of the world, had only a nascent awareness of.
The car took a tight corner, pressing you up against the muscled form of your colleague Marwan, and you quickly straightened with an apology.
“Don’t worry about it, but why are you bothering with those letters again?” He gestured to the black and white photocopies in your lap.
You shook your head with a sigh.
“I... some notion that they might help me to know them if I ever see them out in a crowd somewhere?” Your shoulders rose and fell beneath your simple navy blazer, a knee-length dress with an A-line skirt in a matching shade beneath.
“But we don’t even have the job yet…” Argued Trey from your other side and you huffed out a self-deprecating laugh because it was true, you were absolutely over preparing for a proposal.
“Don’t you dare go jinxing this for me, Treyvon.” The owner and operator of Lane Protective Services, Scott Lane, quickly rejoined from the front seat.
You smirked and elbowed Trey in the ribs for getting him started again. It had been a very long drive from Los Angeles to Palm Springs. While only two hours in time, it had stretched into weeks in experience the longer Scott expounded on the business theories he ascribed to. He had finally trailed off about fifteen minutes ago but was once again feeling the need to mount his soap box.
“Terrible as it is that this is happening, award season is the perfect time for us to work for one of the hottest actors for the year. The public at large will have no idea, but those who know, will know. Free advertising. More work than we can handle, that is what I can only dream of…”
You did your best to tune him out, feigning interest in the threatening letters before you once more. It wasn’t that Scott was a bad person, he was just a little blunt and monetarily focused. The rest of you, Ari the driver included, were in the business to help people. You had each acquired a unique set of skills through your life experiences that lent themselves well to standing between notable people and the threats against them.
You had grown up in a rural area, raised by a hunting family, giving you a familiarity and confidence with firearms. In the same vein, you had also been a highly energetic child and an early encounter with the sport of judo had proven to be a useful outlet for you. You were also born with an innate talent for it and had progressed quickly to the competitive level. There were serious discussions about pursuing Olympic level training, but you had seen what that had cost the professional athletes.
And so, when Scott had appeared at one of your college tournaments with a business card and an interesting proposition you had made the decision to get into personal protection. Lane Protective Services had guided you through the training and licensing processes, and this would, if Mr. Butler’s team accepted the proposal, be your fourth assignment with the company.
To everyone’s relief, Ari pulled into the parking lot of the hotel where the potential protectee was staying for a weekend of events, and where time necessitated Scott would be delivering the proposal. Trey slid out and held the door for you to follow him, and you stepped out into the sun with a grateful stretch. Sharing a backseat with two well-built men for two hours had been snug. You grabbed your bag from the trunk and followed the group up to the room Scott had optimistically rented for two nights.
It was his hope that you and Ari would be staying to immediately begin accompanying and driving Mr. Butler while Marwan and Trey returned to his home to begin setting up the protection detail headquarters and sleeping space in the guesthouse. After one final inspection of the group’s business casual attire, Scott led you back to the elevator and up a few floors to where the suites were located. His knock on the door was answered by a redheaded woman you recognized from the briefing file as Mr. Butler’s Manager and Publicist Kate Rosen.
The group was ushered in, and Scott set up his slide deck on his laptop, giving you the proposal booklets to hand out. You swallowed back your sigh at the fact that he was delegating that to you, the only woman in the group, and you passed one to Kate. You glanced to see if Mr. Butler had joined you just as he stepped over the threshold from the bedroom into the sitting room. You had worked with celebrities before. Breathed the same air as many of them before. But the tall, long-limbed, tanned man in a suit and white button up, with maybe half of the buttons fastened, who appeared before you still selfishly stole all the oxygen from your lungs.
Silently, you waited until he had assumed the empty chair beside Kate before offering the booklet to him and going to stand beside Ari. Ari who had shot you a look with both eyebrows raised that you deliberately ignored. Turning your attention to Scott as he began to speak allowed you to breathe again. You listened patiently to the well rehearsed presentation which centered on you acting as Mr. Butler’s personal assistant for as long as it took the various law enforcement organizations involved in the investigation of the threatening letters to resolve the issue.
“She has a 7th-dan black belt in judo, is fully trained in close quarter fighting as well as tactical firearms, and has a multi-state, non-resident concealed carry permit.” Your eyes drifted to your shoes as Scott reached your list of selling points, finding it all-together awkward to be summed up by your achievements.
“Wait…are you armed right now?” A soft, resonant voice that tasted like honied whiskey interrupted Scott’s litany of your achievements and you raised your head to look at the man who had posed the question.
“Yes Mr. Butler.” You nodded politely.
You watched as he tilted his head, looking over your outfit. “But where?”
“A better question, Austin, would be why are we putting the smallest person in the room beside you the most? I recognize your argument about the optics and definitely want to keep this whole sordid thing out of the gossip columns but, what if the person threatening Austin is huge like one of these men? Are we not looking for overwhelming force?”
“An excellent question Ms. Rosen.” Scott looked to you and nodded. “Full force takedown of Trey please.” There was hint of glee in his voice, and you knew you were a device to provide payback for his earlier doubt of the success of this pitch.
Nodding once, you undid the button on your blazer, walking up to Trey before feinting at him. His response was to lunge forward, and you used his momentum against him, throwing him to the carpet in a perfected judo toss. You pulled your pocket pistol from its holster on your inner thigh, pressing it against the back of his head.
“Oh.” Came a quiet sound of realization from Austin as you answered his earlier question.
“Well then…” Kate cleared her throat and nodded.
You quickly holstered your firearm, having never released the safety, and helped the larger man back to his feet. Straightening your dress, you went to stand beside Ari quietly, once again looking at your shoes.
“Shall I proceed?” Scott asked cheerfully and continued his pitch after a few stunned nods.
He laid out the rest of the plan to have Ari take over as Austin’s driver and for Trey and Marwan to ensure security of the house and be on protective duty overnight. As Scott wrapped up, hands were shaken and your group headed back down to the room to wait, passing what looked like a football team in the hallway. Surely the next pitch. Scott’s idea was unique, you just weren’t sure if it was what they were looking for.
The wait was not long. Forty-five minutes later Scott got the call, confirming the contract. The group headed back up to finalize the paperwork, and you noticed that Austin seemed a lot more relaxed in the presence of Baz Luhrmann and his partner Catherine. It could also have been the glass of whiskey on the rocks gripped loosely in one hand, or the vape pen dangling from the fingers of his other. All they did for you was provide a distraction by pulling your focus to his plush pink lips as they took in the glowing amber liquid or exhaled plumes of sweet smelling vapour.
Hands were shaken again before Kate gave the keys to Austin’s house to Trey and he left along with Scott and Marwan in a rental car to make preparations. Ari went to have the town car the five of you had driven out in cleaned for the award ceremony that night and that left you to build a relationship with protectee. It would be crucial to keep him safe over the next while.
“If you’ll be my bodyguard, I can be your long-lost pal…” Baz sang in your direction, making you smile softly – after all, as far as most people would know you were a personal assistant, and stoicism would not suit that appearance at all.
“I can call you Betty, and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al!” Austin joined in, making you swallow thickly at the smooth, caramel quality of his voice.
“Baz, pleasure to meet you.” The world-famous directly shook your hand warmly as you introduced yourself in turn.
“No, no” Austin punctuated his statement with playful jabs of his vape pen and you finally became aware of the fact that he had button his shirt up the rest of the way and put on a tie. What a shame.
“I think that’s perfect. Betty. My personal assistant Betty.” He finished with a grin.
“Certainly, Mr. Butler, Betty is an acceptable cover name. Thank you.” You nodded.
“But you gotta call me Al, then.” He playfully pouted a little and you pressed your lips together to prevent too wide of a grin.
“I’m sorry Mr. Butler, I am not able to do that.”
“She can throw me across the room, but she can’t call me Al.” He teased, earning a chorus of laughter from Baz and Catherine.
Kate pulled you aside and took you through his schedule for the next few days – awards ceremony to start in two hours, after party, followed by brunch the next morning and then back to LA for a cocktail event.
“We’ll get you set up with the full thing later but for now, carry mine. Here’s the bag I use. He cannot walk the red carpet with his personal effects, they have a terrible habit of getting lost in all the hugging and interviews. I’ll have you carry them too, unless that interferes?” She looked to you with a tilt of her head, and you shook yours in response.
“Not at all, Ms. Rosen, I just might have to drop the bag during an incident.”
“Right ok…well I’ll pick it up then. That’ll be my thing during an incident.” She cleared her throat. “Scott said you would have a wardrobe? This looks good, blazers, dresses…if we go to the Oscars, they’ll want you in a gown but the rest this or a pant suit will do.” She nodded.
“I will call our wardrobe specialist when we get back in town day after tomorrow.” You nodded and she smiled in relief.
“Good…and you’ll keep him safe?” She looked into your eyes seriously.
“Yes ma’am, that is why I am here.” You replied earnestly.
“Good.” She beamed and bustled off to try and round up the trio who needed to get going.
As they finally made their way towards the door, you strode quickly forward.
“I will have to go first, is that all right?” You asked, quickly wedging yourself between Austin and the door as he reached for the handle.
“Oh uh, yeah, of course…” He nodded, pulling his outstretched hand back to rub the nape of his neck.
You offered a small smile and lowered your voice so that only he could hear.
“We’ll get better at this, Mr. Butler.” You nodded softly, smile widening as his stunning blue eyes met yours and crinkled at the corners.
“Yes, we will, Betty. Yes, we will.” He nodded warmly and gestured for you to proceed.
You nodded warmly and opened the door, doing a quick scan of the hall before stepping out, letting Kate hold the door and bring up the rear. Two town cars waited at the curb, and you led Austin over to where Ari stood holding the door open.
“I’ll sit up front.” You nodded to Kate and Austin, making sure they got into the back before sliding in beside Ari.
It felt somewhat silly to drive just two blocks over to the Palm Springs Convention Centre, but it was the ‘done thing’ and safer regardless. On the ride over, Kate gave you a crash course in how to be an assistant on a red carpet. Climbing out first, you surveyed the area as you moved to open Austin’s door before holding the bag open for him to hand over his personal effects. He smiled and squeezed your shoulder, and you could not help but notice the slight tremor in his hand.
“You’re going to do great, Betty.” He murmured and you nodded softly.
“You, too, Mr. Butler.” You tucked the bag on your arm before leading him up to the entrance to the red carpet and there your paths diverged.
You kept pace with him behind the row of reporters, noting the quickest path to him every few feet you moved towards the door of the building. You were reassured that Kate was permitted to be right up there with him and nodded to her every time her eyes sought yours. You barely knew the pair of them, but you could already tell they had a deep bond.
Inside the lobby, Austin retrieved his wallet, vape pen, and phone from your bag before heading inside to be seated. Kate spoke to one of the organizers who found you a space along the back of the room to stand, with a fairly good view of Austin. It was not ideal, and you would have a conversation with her about future ceremonies, but it would have to do for now.
A few hours in, however, you were starting to regret the heels. You would have a conversation with Shyla, the wardrobe specialist, about flats. Once Austin received his award, Kate came to lead you on a rather circuitous route to the press room where he and Baz were being hailed with camera flashes and questions from the assembled reporters. The two men were so very charismatic that it was tempting to allow them to distract you, but you found the professional fortitude to focus on the room, assess the threat, find the person who could not spell ‘necromancer.’
Once you were satisfied that individual was mostly likely not in that room, you were able to relax into a watchful patience. There was an afterparty before the very tipsy pair of men were herded back to the hotel. You made sure that Austin was safely in his room before retiring to the room you shared with Ari.
You used the steamer from the closet to smooth the wrinkles from your light gray dress and blazer from your bag to be ready for the brunch tomorrow. Locking your gun in the safe, you were nearly asleep by the time Ari returned from securing the car for the night.
Arriving at Austin’s suite at nine am, you sat down with Kate to go over the schedule.
“So, the hardest part for me was the separation during the ceremony. I am aware that it’s impossible for me to get tickets but is the back of the room really the best we have?” You asked carefully.
“Would it reassure you to know how difficult it is to get inside these things? Especially the rest of the ceremonies moving forward…Nonetheless I will see what I can do. Maybe you can have my spot for the ceremonies as long as I can remain nearby for the press moments. Stay tuned, ok?” She offered and you nodded.
“Thank you, I appreciate that.”
“Oh no, call the authorities, what are you two conspiring about…” Austin rasped from the doorway behind you, making both of you turn to look at him.
You swallowed roughly as your eyes landed on his loosely tied robe, barely concealing his tanned skin with only his boxers underneath. The morning light glinted off the chain around his neck, highlighting the soft, golden dusting of hair across his chest.
“Good morning, Mr. Butler.” You said quickly and looked back to the schedule. “Thank you very much Ms. Rosen.”
“Austin, get dressed before you kill Betty. Brunch starts at eleven and I’m assuming you want some coffee?” Kate stood as Austin nodded. “Betty what’s your order, I’m going to Starbucks for the good stuff. We’ll send you in the future, I suppose, but you should get to know that boy…maybe you can teach him how to button his shirt.” She smirked and you bit your lip to hide your delight at her jibes.
Once she was armed with a full Starbucks order, Kate headed out, the door clicking softly in the silence in her wake. You turned back to the schedule in front of you, drafting an email in your phone for items you would need from both Shyla and IT. You looked up as the door to the bedroom opened again to reveal a fully dressed Austin.
“Better?” He drawled with a smirk, and you let out a short huff of laughter despite yourself.
“Yes, Mr. Butler.” You grinned and watched as he settled into a wide-legged seat on the couch.
“Can I ask you a question?” He asked, his long fingers stroking along his jaw, momentarily distracting you from his words before you managed a nod.
“Of course.” You replied as you moved to sit on the plush chair to his left, tucking the skirt of your dress underneath your butt before sinking into the cushion.
“Why does this person wanna kill me?” The voice asking that question seemed to come from someone much smaller and much younger than the man sitting beside you and you felt your throat clench.
“Well, I…I won’t claim to have any expertise in behavioural science, but it very much seems like an unstable person who has decided to fixate on your achievement.” You replied carefully, smoothing and pulling at the hem of your dress.
He exhaled slowly in response.
“They think I…summoned him from the dead or something?” He shook his head. “Makes me sad…”
“As far as I understand the police are making headway in the investigation. Hopefully, this won’t go on much longer and everyone can move on with their lives. And they can get the help they need.”
He nodded thoughtfully, those elegant digits of his moving to trace the contours of his lips.
“So where are you from, Betty? I want to get to know you…”
You smiled softly and happily indulged him, answering questions about yourself and posing them back to him in return. You were so ensconced in the conversation, that Kate’s return startled you a little. You accepted your beverage gratefully and retreated to the table as she moved in to go over his schedule with him for the day, which ended with the W Magazine & Louis Vuitton awards season dinner.
“So, we need to be in the car driving back to you house by three, ideally, to give you time to get changed and get you and your girlfriend loaded into the car and onto the next event.”
“Understood.” He acquiesced with an innocent smile, and you had a sneaking suspicion that time was an ongoing issue.
Over the course of the brunch, it became quite apparent why as, though gentle and soft spoken, Austin was also kind and affectionate and seemed to thoroughly enjoy connecting with people. He was also very much in demand at the event, with so much buzz around him that people were lingering in informal queues to get a chance to just shake his hand and congratulate him on the movie. You could only surmise it made the threats even more bitter as they tainted such remarkable success.
The four of you, with Ari behind the wheel, were not driving back to Los Angeles until four-thirty and Austin was frantically texting his girlfriend with apologies while Kate was on the phone making sure everything was set for an upcoming appearance on Jimmy Kimmel. You took the opportunity to have a small nap in the front seat, confident that Ari had the situation under control and equally confident that it would be a long night.
As Austin dashed inside to get ready, Kate grabbed her car and headed home, and you went to deposit your bags in the guest house you’d be sharing in rotation with Marwan, Trey, and Ari. There was a living room with pullout couch, small kitchen, bedroom, and a simple bathroom. You found a place to hang your clothes and stash the rest of your things, freshening up and eating something quickly before you and Ari headed out to wait for the couple.
And what a couple they made. Both equally tall and thin, strikingly beautiful, youthful…you swallowed the bitter taste of envy that flooded your mouth and smiled warmly to Austin’s girlfriend as he brought her over to make introductions.
“Very nice to meet you, miss.” You nodded professionally as you shook her delicate hand and tried not to take it personally as she barely looked at you before hugging Austin’s arm.
The lithe, long lines of her arm only served to make you acutely aware of every bulge and ripple of muscle beneath your clothes. With mere proximity she reignited every insecurity you had ever felt about the body that diligent judo practice had built. You were Hulk Hogan in a dress.
“We gotta get going, babe.” She reminded him and Ari moved forward quickly to open the car door for them to climb in, blessedly yanking you out of your descent into middle school angst.
During the drive to the dinner party, you respectfully kept your eyes forward and your ears closed to the hushed, intimate tones of conversation in the backseat, punctuated by husky laughter or feminine giggles. Accidental, unintentional glances in the rear-view mirror told you they were huddled together, heads bowed close, hands clasped. A stunning pair of human specimens that, for the first time in your career, left you feeling utterly out of place.
You were grateful for the quiet intimacy of the dinner, the bench at the back of the dinning room for you to wait, the low security risk. You found excuses to go over and check on Austin, but otherwise scanned the room and kept an eye on things from a distance.
Not only were they a beautiful couple but they were a favourite as well, with many of the other guests stopping by or rotating through the chairs near them once the formality of the courses broke and mingling resumed. A glance at your watch told you it was well past midnight, and you praised the foresight that had led to your nap in the car. Nevertheless, relief flooded you as Austin sauntered over to let you know you’d be heading home as soon as his girlfriend returned from the washroom.
“You must be starving!” He exclaimed softly, suddenly casting his eyes around for something to satiate hunger he thought he perceived in you.
“It’s all right Mr. Butler, I had something to eat while you were getting ready.” You reassured him and found yourself briefly blinded by the brilliant intensity of his smile loosened by alcohol.
“Oh good, can’t have you dying on the first day, Betty.” He smirked and elbowed you in the arm playfully, causing a chuckle to tumble from your lips.
“Second, technically…” You smirked but trailed off as you watched his statuesque girlfriend, with her rich hair and striking eyes reclaim control of his arm.
You saw a veil fall over his eyes…creating an invisible barrier between you as she drew his focus like a high-powered magnet. As though you simply ceased to exist in that moment. In her presence. Turning sharply on your heel, you began to weave your way out of the dining room, only glancing back to be sure they were keeping pace.
The consummate professional, you saw them safely to the car and into the house before going to take a shower and sitting on the small patio outside the guest house to eat some pizza the night shift had bought. The rustle of the Santa Ana winds through the palm fronds above worked its magic, capturing the tension in your body and carrying it away towards the Pacific Ocean. At last, you felt ready to retire for the night.
Standing to make your way inside for some proper sleep, a very distinct and enthusiastic female cry reached your ears from the main house. It only served to hasten your steps and you sent an earnest prayer out into the universe that the unstable letter writer was found sooner rather than later. Because this was going to be a very trying assignment.
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Read Part Two
If You'll Be My Bodyguard, I Can Be Your Long Lost Pal Masterlist
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woildismyerster · 6 years
hiya! love your writing, but i need more marwan fics!! would you be able to write a oneshot where y/n is friends with the mathletes but marwan is like awkward and blunt around her and she thinks it’s cause he hates her but it’s actually that opposite?? thanks hon!! xo
“That’s not right,” you said, glancing up from your phone.  “The third problem, I mean.”
At the front of the room, Marwan paused.  He looked back at you, then at the series of math problems he was solving on the board, and scowled.  “No, it isn’t.”
“It is,” you insisted, and the other Mathletes scanned the problem too.
After a second, Tyler made a sound of realization.  “She’s right, dude.  You got the math right, but didn’t add ‘c.’”
Marwan scowled, but corrected the mistake.  “Why is she even here?  This is a Mathletes practice.”
“Because I wanted to hang out with my boys,” you said, eyes on your phone again.  “If they’re in Mathletes practice, I’m in Mathletes practice.”
“If you joined the team, it would make more sense,” he griped.
Kevin slung an arm around your shoulders.  “You don’t need to join to hang,” he promised.  “You’re the mascot.  And what a mascot you are, babe.”
You laughed.  “Besides, I’m here for you guys.  Not for the math.”
“Then don’t correct my work.”
“Then don’t mess up your work,” you snapped back.  “But if you really want to get problems wrong, be my guest.”
The room fell silent, aside from the squeak of the whiteboard marker.  After a pause, without turning around, Marwan broke the tension.  “Do the rest of them look right?”
The three of you okayed the problem set.  Marwan only thanked the boys directly, but he shot a quick, curt nod your way.  You had to fight back a scowl, but it was victory enough.
You bit your lip, hating that you were about to ask, but feeling like you ought to.  “Should I stop crashing at your practices?  Like, is that inappropriate?”
“No, why?”  Kevin had been brainstorming a rap for the creative aspect of some presentation, but he dropped the notebook to pay better attention to you.
“Marwan -”
“Oh,” Kevin said knowingly.  “Is my boy giving you grief?”
You snorted.  “No - well, yes, but I hardly care.”
“Then why are you asking?”
“Because if it’s an actual problem, I don’t want it to become a big thing.”  There was always something with Marwan, at least when you were around.  You weren’t a member of the Mathletes, so you shouldn’t be at practices.  Of course you liked that book/movie/song; everybody did - how predictable.
“Marwan likes you,” Kevin assured you.
“He doesn’t act like it.”
“He’s got the social skills of those aliens in Galaxy Quest.  He also has the loyalty of them.”
You gave a half smile at that.  “If only he had the charm.”
Kevin laughed.  “He does when you aren’t there.  He just doesn’t know what to do with you.”
You didn’t really believe Kevin about Marwan liking you, but you decided to keep going to Mathletes practice.  That was his problem - you wouldn’t stop hanging out with people who did enjoy your company because of one person who didn’t.
Y/N:  pro-tip:  making a sign that says “I’ll take you to your limit if you show me your end behavior” does not go over well with parents at your competitions
Marwan:  you didnt
Y/N:  look over here
Kevin:  turn around and show my parents.  theyll love it
Marwan:  jesus christ Y/N.  we cant take you anywhere
You weren’t that picky about homeroom t-shirts - you would hardly wear it, and it wasn’t like you felt all that attached to yours - but you would die before letting the winning design have SWAG written on the back.
Yours would have to be better.
Everybody in the class had been given a paper with the outline of a shirt on it, and all of you were supposed to spend homeroom brainstorming class shirts.  It was stupid, it was a waste of time, and you threw yourself into in wholeheartedly.  
“I heard that Cunningham’s class is putting his face on their shirts, Andy Warhol style,” you commented to nobody in particular.
It seemed, of course, that Marwan was the only person to have heard.  “Probably because the girls all have crushes on him.”
“Maybe,” you admitted.  “I would wear a shirt with his face on it.”
Marwan rolled his eyes, writing your graduation year on his shirt design.  “Of course you would.”
“He’s funny, and he’s smart.  That’s the best combination.”
“Not because he’s attractive?”
You shrugged.  “It doesn’t hurt.”
A girl near you agreed, and you shot a triumphant look at Marwan.
“There are plenty of smart, funny guys that don’t get put on shirts,” he countered.  “You can’t blame me for thinking that was the entire point.”
“And you can’t assume that I’ll have the exact same thought process as every other person!”  You grabbed a colored pencil and started coloring, perhaps more violently than necessary.  “You and I hang out all the time, and regardless of what you think of me, you should know that I’m a little less shallow than that.”
“Sorry,” he said softly.
The rest of the period passed with neither of you talking, but it only made you angrier.  There was nothing wrong with thinking someone was attractive enough to be on a shirt.  You felt no shame about that.  That being said, you wouldn’t wear a shirt if you didn’t like the person on it.  How low was his opinion of you?
“Y/N, your shirt -”
“What?”  You snarled the word, and there was a second of intense satisfaction when his eyes widened.
“I just - I wanted to tell you that it was a nice design.  I’d vote for it.”
“Oh.”  You grimaced, more at yourself than at him.  “I - thanks.”
“Marwan, I need immediate help, and you are the only person who I can ask,” you said seriously.
Startled, he pocketed his phone.  “What is it?”
“Should I wear my reindeer pajamas for Pajama Day, or the pumpkin ones?”
Marwan had looked ready to leap into action, which was commendable, but now his shoulders drooped and brow furrowed.  “I thought this was an emergency.”
You snorted.  “It is, dummy.  This is probably the most serious decision I’ll make in my entire life.”
“It’s November.  Neither one is in season,” he said.  
“Marwan, I swear to God, if I can’t count on you -”
“Pumpkins,” he decided.  “Pumpkins are better.”
You tapped your temple.  “A Halloween man.  I like it.”
He sighed, but it was half a laugh.  “I can’t believe I thought you had a serious need.”
“Don’t belittle what I see as serious,” you said.  “I helped you guys come up with rhymes for the talent show, and you only got to perform the first three seconds of the rap.  I spent hours on that.”
Marwan’s feet shuffled, and you knew that you had him.  “We don’t talk about that.”
“I do,” you said with a grin.  “And I always will.  You guys are losers.”
“Losers that you hang out with.”
“At least I have cool pajamas.”
That afternoon, you cautiously turned to Marwan to see if he wanted to be your partner on an assignment.  He met your eyes, and promptly turned around to partner with somebody else.
Kevin:  not gonna make it today, srry
Y/N:  illegal
Kevin:  my parents invited family friends over without telling me
Tyler:  you know they told you
Tyler:  you just didn’t listen
Marwan:  this myth has been busted
Kevin:  Tyler is one to talk
Kevin:  he was invited over
Y/N:  I L L E G A L
Y/N:  whats the point of seeing the movie if half the group cancelled?
Kevin:  seeing the movie, you psycho
You scowled at your phone.  You knew Kevin was right - if you cancelled now, even with a good reason, it would look like you just didn’t want to hang out alone with Marwan.  Sure, that was the truth, but Marwan was the douche canoe.  You didn’t need to stoop to his level.
You showed up at the theater to wait for him, half expecting him to be the one that doesn’t show up.
Maybe he was assuming the same thing, because he looked exhausted when he saw you standing by the entrance.  
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood: you could antagonize Marwan all evening, thereby rationalizing his obvious dread, or you could make this as easy on him as possible.
You took the one less travelled by, though you couldn’t be sure that it would make any difference.
You grinned at him, pushing off the wall to meet him halfway.  “Good thing we didn’t buy tickets online, huh?”
He blinked at you, and though he didn’t smile outright, the tired lines around his eyes receded some.  “Seriously.  I’m not surprised Kevin bailed last minute - he’s the worst, and we knew what we signed up for - but Tyler is usually better than that.”
“Pretend we did buy them online - who would you have wanted to give the extra two tickets to?”
“I don’t know,” he said.  He held the door open for you on the way in.  “I might have just tweeted that I had extras, and let people fight for them.”
“Right,” you snorted.
“Do you really think that people would fight over tickets to see 2001: A Space Odyssey?”
“It’s a classic!”  He said the words as though they were sacred.
“That doesn’t make it good,” you argued.  
“It’s the greatest movie of all time!”
You raised your hands in surrender.  “I know it’s great - but since when have classics been good just because they’re classics?  I’ve watched plenty of things just to be able to say I’ve seen them.”
Too your surprise, Marwan gave a hesitant nod.  “Yeah, maybe.  This isn’t the type of movie Cady and Aaron would go to on date night.”
You looked around at the people walking in with you: nerds and old people wandered around the lobby, buying tickets and snacks.  “How romantic.”
Marwan gave a snort of laughter, and you counted it as a victory.
“Besides,” you continued.  “I’m not sure I’d want to play third wheel to them in a movie like this.  I don’t know if they make out in theaters, but I don’t want to see if they do.”
“You wouldn’t be a third wheel,” he said, taking two tickets from one of the workers.  “I’d be here.”
You looked at the tickets, surprised.  “I was going to pay for mine.”
Marwan froze, a deer in headlights.  “It’s no big deal.”
It was a big deal.  Friends don’t buy friends movie tickets without talking about it, not usually, and you and Marwan were hardly friends at all.  You were acquaintances.  Colleagues.
“I’m buying the snacks, then,” you declared.  Marwan smiled, and it seemed like he had won ground you hadn’t realized was up for grabs.
“I can’t believe you eat before the movie starts,” you hissed.
“I’m hungry,” he said, and punctuated the words by eating a handful of popcorn.
“It’s half gone!  I’m going to starve.”
He rolled his eyes, lips twitching into a smile.  “Fine - I’ll go get a refill.”
You settled back into your seat, sipping at your drink while you watched a pre-preview segment about building the sets for some action movie starring Tom Cruise.
You glanced into the row behind you, and were confused when you didn’t recognize the person speaking.  “What?”
“Do you and your boyfriend always argue like that?  You’ve been fighting about whether water is wet or not for fifteen minutes.”
“It isn’t!  Liquids make things wet; they aren’t wet themsel - wait, he’s not my boyfriend.”  You frowned at the person.  
The unwelcome commenter smirked.  “Sure looks like he is.”
“I think I would know if I was on a date,” you countered.
“You’d think he would know if he wasn’t.”
When Marwan came back, you side-eyed him.  He brought back two popcorns, and when you raised an eyebrow at him, he shrugged.  “I ate most of the one, so I got you your own.  You don’t have to share it with me.”
You took it from him, stomach kicking.  He bought your ticket, and now he bought you snacks.  Marwan didn’t like you, and you thought that you knew that, but it was hard to hate him back when everything seemed skewed.
You should punch that person in the face.  There was nothing more confusing than people calling reality into question.
You had been planning to take the bus home, but Marwan insisted on driving you.
“You never know what kind of creeps are out at night,” he reminded you.
“Us, apparently.”
He was a cautious driver, and sometimes your hands itched to take the wheel.  “I’m getting you home safe,” he said through gritted teeth.  “If something bad happens, it’s my fault, and that’s not okay.”
“I won’t blame you,” you said, a little touched.  Then, when you decided that you were too touched, “I’ll be dead.”
“On second thought, you can take the bus.”
“On second thought, I’ll stay.  I’ll make you stew in your hatred all night long,” you shot back.
He glanced at you for a second before looking back at the road.  “I don’t hate you.  It’s, like, mild annoyance at best.”
You frowned.  “That sounds fake, but okay.”
“Wait - do you seriously think that I don’t like you?”
“I don’t think; I know you don’t like me,” you said.
Marwan gave a bewildered laugh, and you thought of what the person in the theater said.  “You haven’t been so wrong in your entire life.  Seriously, the opposite thing is true.”
“Opposite of hating me?”  You scoffed, putting on a high pitched croon.  “So you loooooooove me?”
He didn’t say anything.
“Marwan, that isn’t funny.  I already knew that you weren’t funny, but this -”
“I’m not joking,” he mumbled.  
You tried to swallow, but your throat wouldn’t work.  “Still not funny.”
“I just - I don’t know how to talk to you,” he said with a grimace.  “I mess it up every single time, and I know where I mess up, but I have no idea how I get there.”
“Usually by talking.  In general, really.”
“Y/N,” he said.  “I’m serious.  I really like you.  Like, everything about you, all the time.  Even the stupid things - I wouldn’t change any of them.  I’m not good at showing it, so I usually ignore you, but I do like you.”
“So act like it,” you said, and cringed.  “Sorry, that was mean.  But if you like me, and I think that you hate me, that’s probably a good reason to change what you’re doing.”
“What would you recommend?”
“Say, ‘hey, Y/N, when I act like a jerk, it’s because I want to hold your hand.  That, and I’m allergic to saying nice things.’”  You grinned at him when he looked at you again, but it was cautious.  These were unexplored waters, and the two of you had been bad enough at navigating the known territory.  “Say, ‘Y/N, I’m sorry that there was a misunderstanding.  Now that we’re on the same page, please help me figure out what to say if I’ve messed something up.’”
“Okay,” he said.  “Y/N, I like you a lot.  I want to hold your hand.  I want to go to movies with you, and I want to see you places without thinking I should leave before I start World War Three.”
“Okay,” you echoed.  “Marwan, I like you a little bit, sometimes.  You can’t hold my hand yet, we can go to movies, and you should talk to me when you see me.  If you can act like an actual friend, we’ll see about the holding hands.”
He smiled, and you wondered how you had ever thought he hated you at all.
You didn’t start liking Marwan immediately, just because he apparently liked you.  That would have been unrealistic after years of assuming that the two of you were probably in the middle of a nemesis origin story.  You were pleasantly surprised to find out that Marwan was on the same page.
He didn’t invite you to go stargazing, but he texted you to look outside when he knew Mars was going to be there.
He didn’t try to ask you out on study dates, but he partnered with you in class assignments and stayed after school to work on them.
He took things slow, and he slowly improved.
Marwan:  i cant believe youre crying during Wonder Woman
Y/N:  i cant believe youre on your phone during class
Marwan:  its homeroom
Y/N:  shes such a good person
Y/N:  and Steve Trevor deserved better
Marwan:  because he’s smart and funny?
Y/N:  bc hes super hot, actually
“You have glitter in your hair,” Marwan said during Mathletes practice.
“Yeah,” you said with a sheepish grin.  “It turns out that I’m ‘not responsible’ and ‘have trouble using materials the way they’re supposed to be used.’”
Kevin reached over and ruffled your hair, sending a shower of glitter onto the floor.  “I’m not cleaning that up,” he said.
“You’d better,” you warned.  “You did that.”
“Not my glitter, not my problem.”
You grimaced at your shoulders.  “I’m like a disco ball.  Anybody have a flashlight?”
Tyler laughed.  “How fast can you spin?”
“It’s all over your face,” Marwan said with a wry grin.  “You look like you went clubbing.”
“Ah, my cover is blown.”
He leaned in and frowned, trying to wipe it off your face with his fingers.  “Jesus.  This isn’t coming off.”
“This is my new look,” you said, ignoring the stares from Tyler and Kevin.  
“As good as it is, you should probably go shower.”
You shouldered your backpack, sighing.  “I know.  I just thought I’d hang out with my boys.  Later, losers.”
On your way out, you heard Kevin ask what all of that was about.
“I like her,” Marwan said, a smile in his voice.  “And I think she might like me, a little bit.”
You told Marwan that you wanted to take it slow, and you stood by that statement.  You hadn’t wanted to throw yourself in headfirst.  That being said, you also wanted to kiss him, so his willingness to be just friends was infuriating.
When he took you to see another movie, you wished he would offer to pay for your ticket.
You wished that he would eat too much popcorn, and that you could tease him about it.  
You wished that he would hold your hand during the movie.
After it ended, while he drove you home, you wished that he would have trouble watching the road because he wanted to watch you instead.
“Yeah?”  He checked his blind spot before changing lanes, jaw sticking out a little while he moved.
“I like you a lot.”
He grinned.  “I like you a lot, too.”
“I want you to hold my hand,” you said.
“Right now?  I’m trying to get you home safe, Y/N.  Like I said before - I won’t let anything happen to you -”
You leaned over and pressed a tentative kiss into his jaw.  It had still been jutting out, and the sharp angle of it softened in his surprise.
“Pull into a gas station or something,” you said.  “I want to hold your hand.”
There was nothing cautious about his haste to pull over, and there was nothing weary or nervous about the smile on his face when he did.
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melaninenthusiasts · 3 years
Drunk In Love | Jafar
warning—sexually explicit (18+), foul language
summary— y/n and her husband,jafar spent a lovely arabian night at the club and leave drunk in love.
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you and jafar had just spent the night at the hottest club smoking hookahs and drinking heavily making out ready to rip eachother's clothes off
the two of you finally make it to the palace with your tongue down eachother's throat
you can't get enough of him
you ride his magic carpet just like he likes it. he moans out "yeah baby, just like that" breathing heavily which is sexy as fuck by the way.
"You like that?" You asked jafar riding him slowly watching him in ecstasy
"Shit, girl..." he moaned out as you rode him faster
SMACK! he smacked your ass as you bounced up and down
his lips taste like dark liquor, sweet hookah, and backwood
his cologne is this signature arabian musk infused that smells heavenly
you tell him how much you want him not being able to take your fingers off of him
you ran your hands against his chest admiring his body hair. not to much and not too little, just enough. it's just so sexy and manly and that shape up beard of his makes you want to soak it
you used his face as a seat and he enjoyed every bit of it.
he loved how you surfed on his face and with every motion he kissed, licked, and slurped on your pussy. Your body shook at him penetrating your core with his wet muscle. You tried to pull back but he held on to your thighs.
His soaked beard dripped of all of your juices
The sex jafar and his wife were having was purely raw and nasty.
You did everything you could do to the dick: sit on it, spit on it, lick on it....etc
"who is the most powerful man on earth?" He asks as he fucks you.
"Hm?" Jafar says slowing down to tease you
"You are..." you bit your lip as he goes faster in return. "You are......" you repeat as he fucks you whining his hips more making you orgasm.
"fuck, you're so sexy..." he slurs his words out to you as his lips brushes against your skin adoring and worshiping your body.
you liked how me kissed on your neck sloppily and held on to your tiny waist as you rode him
he also caught your nipple in his mouth and moaned as you grinded against his built naked body
he fucks you so good rocking your shit and all you can do is moan
you scream his name echoing it all throughout the humongous palace not caring about the staff and soldiers.
your yelps and moans bounced off the walls
Nothing but the sound of his skin slapping against yours filled the room
"Oh—fuckkkk!" You moaned out
"Yes, yes, yessssss—Ahhh!"
"Oh, Jafar—ouuuu mhm, mhm"
"You like daddy dick?" He asked you.
"I love daddy dick..." you repeated
"Cum with me..." he slurred out
you woke up in the kitchen asking how the hell did this shit happen
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Comment and reblog🖤
TAGLIST:  @chrisgalore​​ @gwenspacy​​ @beautifullmelodyxx​ @honeychicanawrites​ @crushed-pink-petals-writes​ @dc41896​ @blackmissfrizzle​ @yourlocalhoodlum​ @write-fromthe-start​ @lady-olive-oil​ @savvy-ivvory​ @laketaj24​ @nahimjustfeelingit-writes​ @soufcakmistress​ @bludoranges​ @miyuhpapayuh​ @blowmymbackout​ @lotusss-flowerbomb​ @smuttywriter​ @iwrite4poc​ @fumbling-fanfics​ @writerbee-ffs​ @amelatonin​ @themyscxiras​ @islanddgal​ @lovelymari4​ @brownsugarcoffy​ @sweetlikecoffy​ @safiras​ @melinaasap1​ @thickemadame​ @melinda-january​ @chaneajoyyy​ @bluestarego​ 
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waiting for those Jafar x reader fics be like
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memoriesoftanalorr · 1 year
I felt better last night and watched Aladdin 2019 and actually I have fun. I love music and costumes. Naomi Scott is so adorable and the way she dancing, just wow. Also her song at the end, so powerful and beautiful. Also about Marwan Kenzari, oh, damn he's handsome! I feel unhealthy hehe x3 Mena Massoud was really cute Aladdin. Genie was a show off at first but really funny. I love the moment when he saves Aladdin and at the end he said they're friends and that Aladdin breaking his heart. I'd say I liked it. Would they're make Return of Jafar so we're get more of Marwan Kenzari? Did anyone explain me why Jafar's voice get softer when he's talking to Al, "I can destroy you." moment? I'm interested. I think I gonna rewatch all animated Aladdin movies and the series. Also would love to write x reader fan fiction hehe but I'm still sick so. Gonna write soft Jafar lol x3
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hausofackerman · 5 years
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So here is the proposal for the plot of my fic (well there are actually two proposals)
First: My oc is going to be married and will arrive to agrabah with her husband ( a prince) to make negotiations with the Sultan, and then she will have an affair with Jafar.
Second: Jafar and my oc have known each other for years, they came to the palace together, to serve, but always with the aim of getting the lamp. She feels something for Jafar, but he does not know, so we'll see how she handles that...
Which do you like better?
I'm really nervous 'bout this... there've been like years since I don't write in english
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Stuff my friends have said
Damian: Just cuz you fell in the kitchen doesn’t mean it’s haunted
Regina: go shove your dick in a can of soup
Gretchen: I’m a paranoid bitch
Janis: I wanna do a science experiment but I don’t wanna get arrested for it
Karen: Fucking nugGeTS
Kevin G: You don’t have the IQ for that type of knowledge
Cady: My mom is a ginger. How does that make you feel?
Aaron: Hey I’m the bestest boy in town
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dreamauri · 10 months
‧˚⊹ 𝗱𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗶 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 ଓ :: 𝗠𝗩𝟭 ‧₊˚⤾
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you are reading :: part eight !!
╭╯ pairing . . . max verstappen x fem! driver! reader ) ┊ summary . . . step back for 17, step fourth for siblings ) ┊ genre . . . angst, psychological ) ╰╮ warning . . . deceptions of mental illness / hallucinating )
☆★ kind of a filler ━━
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You released a shaky breath upon pushing the gate open. Gripping the metal bars tightly, you looked around the abandoned estate, flowers wilting and grass drying from the lack of care.
"Désolé." [sorry] You mumbled upon closing the gate behind you. "Ana bas me7tega a few 7agat." [I just need a few things]. Walking through the ceramic path, all you could see were memories you had created with your late uncle running through the garden.
Walking up the stairs to the front door, you coughed upon entering the dusty house. No one has been in here since August of last year. You'd dismissed all the maids that worked here for good and closed up everything.
Walking up the stairs, you quietly walked to your room, pulling the few articles of clothing you needed from the drawers and your skateboard from behind the door.
"I thought you were coming to see me-" "-Jesus!" You jumped upon hearing his voice. You put a hand over your heart looking back at the vanity mirror where you saw Marawan looking at you playfully with his arms folded.
"Am I going insane?" You giggled nervously, turning to him, tilting your head. He chuckled, shaking his head. "What are you doing, nunu?" You were taken aback from his question, holding up the items you were here to retrieve. "I needed an extra pair of underwear—"
"—I'm not talking about that." He cut you off laughing. "What are you doing with your life?" You closed your eyes, furrowing your eyebrows confused and taken aback. "What do you mean—" looking back at the mirror you felt a pang of fear strike your heart seeing only your mirrored reflection.
"Tik tok, Y/N." Snapping around, you saw your own self in the body mirror in the closet door. But she wasn't like you. Her head was tilted, a sickening smile covering her face along with a dark gaze in her eyes.
You took a step back, swallowing deeply as you shook your head. "I'm fine. I'm fine." A muffled scream came from your lips as you felt her come from behind you, putting her hand over your mouth.
"You're wasting our time." She whispered, gently brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "Don't make me take things in my own hands. We know how that ended last time. Meike's scar. 6 day walk. We don't want that again, right?" She warned, patting your back before stepping back.
Turning to face her, you're met with your own reflection in the vanity. Shaking body and eyes filled with fear. You released a hesitant breath looking around the room, fear hitting your chest and stomach with each heartbeat.
sprinting down the stairs, you pushed the garage door open, picking up a few tool and wrench boxes. "Hatel3abi fiha lewa7dek?" [You going to modify it on your own] You heard Marwan from behind you. Looking back cautiously you saw him crouched down in front of where your kart should've been.
Seven year-old you nodded quickly, holding up the wrench to show your uncle who only smiled and ruffled your hair. Behind her you saw the other you, holding the back of younger you’s shirt, looking intensely at ( present time ) you, that sickening smile curling on her lips again.
"Leave me alone!" You shouted, throwing the tool box at her, dismissing the memory as you pulled yourself to your feet, sprinting out of the estate. "You can't escape me Y/N." She popped up behind the gate you pulled shut. Tripping backwards, you looked at her from behind the bars while she smiled down at you.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
MEDIA DAY April, Thursday 16 2024 — Circuit Paul Ricard, France
"And- and that is Y/N Kraus arriving to the paddock in her pyjamas on a skateboard." The commentators laughed as they watched you hold onto the spoiler of your brother's car, letting him pull you through the parking lot entrance.
Meike rolled down the window looking back at you with a laugh. "Are you following me?" He joked. Your eyes caught his scar with a shaky gulp. You nervously laughed, telling him to keep an eye on the road.
Walking through the paddock, people could tell something was off. You were practically shaking and alert. Too alert. Not letting anyone touch you or get too close. "There a way we can skip all the media and stuff?" You whispered to your PR who only looked at you concerned before nodding.
"You okay—" you flinched, turning around to face your personal bubble intruder. "Sorry- Didn't mean to scare you." You sighed in relief upon seeing the familiar face. "Oh, it's just you, Yuki." You chuckled, trying to calm down.
"You . . . Want to sit down?" You nodded hesitantly, sinking in a couch from the hospitality, sitting silently.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"There you are-" You yelped, jumping away at the sudden appearance. Looking back your body relaxed upon seeing Max. "You scared the shit out of me." You scolded nudging his shoulder frustrated.
He frowned slightly, apologising. This must've not been the right time. "I'm— I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be mean. I'm just— a lot on my mind right now— it's way too loud— " "Excuses." You heard a young voice accuse from behind Max.
Looking down, frowning. A gasp left your mouth as you dropped on your knees, catching Leila in a hug. "Bete3meli eh hena?!" [What are you doing here] you held her tightly, finally feeling your muscles un-tense for the first time today, a sigh of relief left your lungs as you pressed a big kiss to her cheek.
"Wa7ashtini awai." She whined, hugging you as you lifted her up. "Where did you find her?" You asked Max, who only smiled shrugging. "She found me." "Wenti be3meli eh labsa dah?" [and what are you doing wearing that?] You picked at the black with pink highlights fireproofs.
She smiled brightly, jumping out of your arms. Holding your hand and grabbing Max's sleeve she dragged you away to the track. F1 must have organised a mini karting event because there were several kids and teens tweaking and sitting in their karts along with a mini track put out on the part of the track.
You stopped in front of the kart you knew by heart. '717' the front read. Leila held her helmet proudly. You could feel your smile slowly leave your lips realising what's happening. Crouching down you looked at the kart and at Leila who sat in it smiling widely.
"Wow. That's amazing." You could hear Max laughing. But you could only hold intense eye contact with your cousin. "I— I wanted to know why everyone was risking their lives for this sport." She mumbled nervously. "I took a ride and . . . I didn't want to get off."
A memory flashed in your eyes, remembering your first time on your own kart. You felt fear crawl up your spine, but you could only smile softly at her. This could be the start of something great . . . Or something terrible. A living nightmare.
She reached forward, pressing a small kiss to your cheek. "They're calling for me. I'll be back." She pulled her balaclava and helmet on, starting the kart and going on to the rest of the drivers.
"So . . . She speaks English." Max cuts in as you stand up watching her. "I didn't even realise." You mumble. A lot changes in a year huh.
"I'm . . . I'm scared." You confessed which made Max's heart skip a beat. You trusted him enough to spill your feelings? "I don't want her to end up like me." You whispered, looking at him to meet his eyes who were already aligned to you.
"That kart is bringing back unpleasant memories." You heard Meike coming up from beside you, folding his arms as he watched the kids one by one start to warm up the karts. "A lot of trauma resurfacing." Max agrees, making you chuckle between them.
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"You've mentioned before that this race is significant to you. Can you elaborate?" You inwardly grumbled at the question in the media pin.
"Are you bothering my baby sister?" You felt Meike come up from behind you, giving a look to the interviewer as he hung an arm around your waist.
"I'm older than by 7 minutes." You reminded him of scoffing, picking his armpit knowing he's ticklish. Meike laughed, pulling away and nudging you playfully. You nudged him back, starting the cycle of going back and forth.
The interviewer wasn't having it as you and Meike wrestled on the ground like children, pulling and pushing and rolling around. Max stopped to watch while Killian dragged a chair and sat watching.
"Peak childhood." The Mercedes driver chuckled offering his second Twix stick to the Red Bull driver.
That was one way to get out of an uncomfortable question. After all, this was the race your mother never got to finish.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
April, Sunday 19
"Leila looks cute in the race suit." You felt your body tense hearing her voice. "Why are you here?" You asked her looking away from the side mirrors where you could feel her eyes drilling into you.
2024 — Circuit Paul Ricard, France
The grid was clear from humans as the formation lap was seconds away from commencing.
"What do you mean, Y/N? I'm always here." Looking at her, she winked at you before flicking her visor down, mimicking your movements as she disappeared. "I'll be here if you need me."
"It's lights out, and away we go!"
Final Lap :: you could feel your breath clog your throat as you went wheel to wheel with Meike, fighting for P2. This was the highest position you've ever had on the grid so far this year, you couldn't let it go.
"Come on, come on." You whispered to yourself as you overtook him on the first turn in the chicane, only for him to take the next turn first. "You want me to take the wheel?" "No! I've got- umph!"
Accidentally turning into each other, you and Meike took each other out into the barriers while the cars of Yuki, Norris, and Hamilton passed. "Dang it!" You shouted, slamming your fists on the wheel.
Your brother was quick to hop out of his car to check on you. "I'm ok, I'm ok." You assured him he helped you out. "Are you sure?" "Yes I'm su— are you hurt?" You turned the question around, turning him around so you could examine him. "I'm ok . . . But I feel like shit." He grumbled.
"Beep beep!" The twins turned to face the source of noise on the track.
"And Killian Kraus stops to give Y/N and Meike Kraus a ride back to Parc Freme." "A whole some moment between siblings."
You patted Killian's helmet once you were on. You watched as Meike push kicked away a marshal as Killian drove away, singing a song you couldn't quiet hear from his muffled voice.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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liked by pieregasly mkayla.r and 10M others meike.25kraus dissapointing race but there are still good things to be happy about
killiank.7 escuse me- who's the chick, and why wasn't i inviteddd??!! IM TELLING DAD AND GRANDMAMA ↳ player.17 that's what im tryng to figure out ↳ meike.25kraus DONT TELL GRANDMAMA SHE'LL KILL ME ↳ player.17 we're counting on that ↳ player.17 wait- i think i know who it is ↳ landonorris no you dont ↳ killiank.7 excuse me- this is a top secret siblings meeting ↳ user💀 ↳ meike.25kraus omgf LANDO GET OUT
user his eyes though, dayum
user they have to make a bite lip emoji so i can spam the comments
user its not a want, its a need
mclarenf1 looking good 😉👍 ↳ killiank.7 dont encourage him
player.17 wait weRE ALLOWED TO DATE?! ↳ meike.25kraus HELL YEAH WE ARE, YOU'RE NOT THOUGH, YOU'RE STILL FIVE ↳ player.17 MOTHER FUCKER, IM OLDER THAN YOU. I'LL KICK YOUR ASS ↳ user is that normal? ↳ user typical sibling shenanigans, dont worry ↳ killiank.7 NEITHER OF YOU ARE ALLOWED TO DATE ↳ meike.25kraus SHUT UP, YOU ARE MARRIED ↳ player.17 AND I WASN'T INVITED TOO ↳ killiank.7 oh shit ↳ meike.25kraus he's hiding in my room, i'm holding him hostage for you ↳ user typical. ↳ user keeping killy in my prayers
user ARIANA (mkayla) WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE 😉 ↳ user who? ↳ user y/ns old pr ↳ user le tea is hot
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
2007 — Stuttgart, Germany
"This is my kart. I built it. I drive it. I win in it." You swung at the car next, breaking the engine. "If I'm not the one driving it, no one else will." You swung the metal rod again and again, destroying the piece of art you created. The machine you sent hours upon hours perfecting.
"Y/N." Leon pulled you back from your bicep after you broke the pistons and the brakes "That is enough. What is wrong with you?" "What's wrong with me is that you are my father. Hate is not a strong enough word to describe how much I wish I was never born to a man like you! It doesn't even describe how much I wish I was never born at all! You stole from me!"
"I did what I must. You're just wasting my time with this stupid dream of yours. You would've never won." "Never won?" You chuckled darkly, looking up at your father with disbelief. "What is wrong with you?" You pulled yourself out of his grip, looking between your father and brothers with a look of disbelief. "I despise this family."
You could feel a gasp leave your mouth and eyes tear up as you took a step back taking control of your body once more. Dropping the rebar before you made your escape.
"Nunu, wait!" [baby (nickname)] Your older brother tried to run after you only to be held back by Leon. "Leave her."
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blurredcolour · 1 year
If You'll Be My Bodyguard | Part Three
If You'll Be My Bodyguard, I Can Be Your Long Lost Pal Masterlist
Summary: Spending an intense amount of time together inevitably brings you and Austin closer together, while creating difficulties between Austin and his girlfriend.
Pairing: Austin Butler x Female Bodyguard Reader
Warnings: Language, Threatening Letters, Religious Themes, Relationship Issues, Mention of Firearms, Growing Tension, Reader Has Body Issues, Unwanted Male Attention, Lowkey Threats of Violence, Male Preening, Rating – T. 
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Author’s note: Please note that Ben Calder is a completely fictional character and is in no way a comment on any real human being.
Word Count: 4535
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“…Just like the fangs of Cerberus gnash at the heads of Judas, Brutus, and Cassius for all eturntity eternity, the pure, white teeth of my noble dog have torn apart the corrupted flesh of your pathetic little puppy. It is only the beginning, Butler. Only the beginning of the judgements that will rain down on you, dealt by my hands, blow after blow. For you cannot expect to corrupt the natural order of heaven in the way that you have done…win all the awards that you are winning…and suffer no connsecuences consequences. You vile sinner, I will cleanse this world of your filth, no matter how long it takes, no matter who tries to get in my way…”
You sighed deeply as you lay the photocopy down on the countertop to take another bite of your neglected breakfast. Ari raised an eyebrow at you over his cup of coffee.
“Makes you really question the state of American education doesn’t it…gets all the religious names right on the first try…but not ‘consequences’…” He muttered.
You wrinkled your nose and swallowed your mouthful.
“They didn’t get the part about Biscuit right either…they were so confident that their plan would succeed, that she would be dead by the time this letter was read…” It was the terrifying level of devotion to their preposterous theory that left you struggling to form coherent thought.
“But she isn’t…she’s fine. Because of you…and you’re almost fine too.” Ari grinned at you proudly and you exhaled the breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding.
“She is fine. And my stitches are out, my rabies vaccines are done, and my physio exercises are feeling good…” You agreed, feeling calmer with each affirmation.
The past few weeks, after your return from a quiet few days in Paris supporting Austin’s girlfriend and the short weekend in Memphis, had been a relatively normal routine of screenings in town and interviews filmed virtually from Austin’s home.
“And now we get to go to New York!” He finished cheerfully.
“Are you honestly excited to drive in Manhattan?” You raised a skeptical eyebrow, finishing your meal.
“Absolutely, it’s an interesting new challenge of my skills. I drive in California all the time, but New York? This is going to be great.” He nodded.
“Well, we still have the AARP awards tonight, so don’t forget how to drive on the West Coast just yet.” You smirked and shook your head, looking up as Marwan and Trey filtered in for their turn at rest. “Have a good sleep, gents.” You smiled warmly and went to sit on the patio while Ari went to wash the car to be certain it was ready for the arrival at the awards that night.
The patio was perfect – neutral ground. It allowed the night shift to sleep in the guest house but was a place for you to spend free time without invading the privacy of the main house. Especially when Austin’s girlfriend was in town. You found a shady spot and pulled up the iPad containing Austin’s schedule and swallowed nervously to see the Academy Awards now listed on March 12. The nominations had been announced just four days earlier, and Shyla had already messaged you twice about arranging gown fittings.
Both of your replies had repeated your only criteria – sleeves and a high slit to allow you to reach your firearm in your thigh holster. There was already pushback about the sleeves. The press of a wet nose against your bare ankle made you look down with a bright grin.
“Good morning, sweet lil’ Biscuit!” You exclaimed warmly and scooped her up onto the lounge chair with you, stroking her velvety ears as you read through some work emails.
A shadow fell across your screen, forcing you to look up at the sour countenance and crossed arms of Austin’s girlfriend above you. You tossed the iPad down and carefully lifted Biscuit up, standing and setting the dog down onto the now empty lounger.
“Good morning, Miss.” You smiled politely.
She replied with a huff.
“Aus and I want to take our dog for a hike. I guess you have to come to. Be ready in ten.” She turned and strutted back into the house without even looking at the aforementioned canine once.
You made sure Biscuit was safely inside before creeping back into the guest house to put on your shoulder holster, firearm, and a jacket, before notifying Ari. The pair of you were ready in five minutes and waited for another ten for the pair to emerge, the girlfriend looking very chic in her leggings.
“Good morning, Betty, Ari! Thanks for making this happen last minute.” Austin smiled warmly, leading a charging Biscuit to the car.
“Our pleasure.” You smiled warmly, climbing into the front seat.
The drive was unusually quiet as Ari navigated towards a popular trail. You did your very best not to notice the fact that they were on their phones…looking out the window…doing anything but talking to one another. Trying not to look as relieved as you felt when you arrived, you slid out of the car and looked to Austin.
“I think I’ll walk behind you two here, keep an eye on things better that way…” You said to him quietly and he nodded easily.
“Sounds perfect, Betty.” He smiled easily and offered his hand to his girlfriend, who took it eagerly as people began to murmur and take not-so-subtle photos.
You followed at about ten paces behind, able to see people approaching them but also able to quickly intervene if necessary. It was a busier day, being a Saturday, but aside from the overt stares and photographs, the public left them alone for the most part. And Biscuit was bouncing and bounding between points of interest and fascinating smells. She truly made all the awkwardness worth it.
Lunch was on a dog-friendly patio on the way home – you sat at a table near them, Ari got takeout you brought home for him. The AARP awards felt more relaxed, lower stakes, focused on fun and also didn’t involve hours of after parties. That was a nice change of pace. The flight to New York the next day was around noon, a very reasonable time, and as soon as Ari had secured a vehicle he drove you over to an office building on 50th street.
“So if they try to kill me with hot sauce, do I get to see another full force take down?” Austin asked cheekily, checking his hair in the rear-view mirror, making you laugh and shake your head.
“Unfortunately, that falls outside the scope of my assignment, Mr. Butler. You agreed to this interview, fully knowing you’d have to eat violently hot chicken wings.” You smirked and he sighed dramatically, slumping back in his seat.
“Not even an ounce of sympathy for that which I am about to endure?”
“There’s no need to become Shakespearian about it, sir” You laughed and shook your head at him, stepping out as Ari double-parked the car at the entrance to the building and you performed your habitual scan before opening his door to lead him inside the building.
“You are a cruel, unfeeling woman, Betty.” He teased as you checked in with the security guard and headed to the elevators.
“Helps me do my job better, sir.” You replied lightly, biting the inside of your cheek to hold back your laughter at his long-suffering sigh.
A makeup artist was waiting to do final touch-ups before Austin was led into a studio with a black backdrop, a table with black tablecloth in the centre of the space. While Austin’s restraint and self-control in the face of what must have been a physically uncomfortable experience was impressive, the most memorable thing about filming the Hot Ones episodewas the way his eyes lit up when the PB&J board was presented to him. He was obviously moved, and even after the show wrapped, he insisted on making more sandwiches for anyone within range, even pulling you forward.
“Grape or raspberry?” He asked, the smooth peanut butter already spread on both halves of the waiting sandwich. He made a show of interpreting the choice you made as he carefully added the jam to your sandwich before wrapping it up for you. “For the car.” He grinned proudly and you shook your head fondly.
“Thank you very much, Mr. Butler.”
Ari was so verbally jealous that you saved him half to enjoy once he joined the pair of you in the Bowery Hotel suite after parking the car. Stepping into your faux assistant role, you confirmed Austin’s NBC interview the next morning followed by his appearance on Fallon that evening.
“Betty, I am seriously considering hiring an assistant. I don’t think I would have made it through these weeks without you…your real job aside!” He quickly clarified and your fingers busied themselves with smoothing your hair self-consciously.
You felt his praise notably increase the surface temperature of your skin and you thanked him quietly before quickly excusing yourself to go claim the nice bed as you heard Ari arrive from the parking garage.
You began to wonder if the pace of awards season was catching up to you as backstage at Jimmy Fallon blurred into backstage at Graham Norton. You were fully aware that a transatlantic flight and several days separated the two. And yet it was all starting to feel like the same place, the same conversations, in some sort of time loop.
The most notable difference between the two sets was the lack of weight between your thighs – you were unarmed in Europe with firearms laws being very different overseas. Your pocket pistol was safely secured with Ari who would deliver it into your hands when he picked you and Austin up from the Los Angeles airport in just a few short days.
Perhaps it was why you felt particularly exposed when you walked past an open dressing room door, occupied by the lanky frame of the Welsh actor Ben Calder. It certainly was not the length of your skirt, given that it brushed the tops of your knees as you walked, but nonetheless you subconsciously ran a hand down your butt just to be sure everything was covered. There was something about the look he had given you as you followed Austin and the producer towards his dressing room that set you on edge. Risking one last glance over your shoulder on the threshold of Austin’s room, you tensed as he winked in your direction and stepped quickly into the room, and directly into Austin’s broad back.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Butler!” You exclaimed and stumbled back quickly, but he grabbed your elbow before you strayed too far into the hallway.
“You’re fine, Betty. A little tired?” He smirked before finishing up his conversation with the producer.
Once you were alone, he sank onto the couch heavily and you moved to stand in an out-of-the-way corner as you waited for make-up and hair.
“Truth be told, I’m exhausted…” He sighed deeply, letting his head roll onto the back of the couch and you eyed the door protectively, wanting him to indulge in any possible moment of rest, no matter how miniscule. “Siddown, yer makin’ me nervous” He delivered a closed-eyed Humphrey Bogart impersonation and you tensed, quickly sitting on the opposite end of the couch, eyes falling onto the television screen showing the waiting, empty set.
You felt Austin sigh deeply beside you before his breathing evened out gently into a light sleep. You silently prayed they took their time with the other guests and were pleased that he got a solid fifteen minutes before there was a knock on the door. There was a flurry of activity in the room as he was prepped and mic’d up. You followed quietly as he was led to set, the stagehands finding you a space in the wings to keep an eye on him for the duration of the show.
It was difficult not to be utterly taken with Michelle Yeoh, someone you had emulated more than once on the playground as a child. But when you focused on your real job, you noticed an odd friction between Ben and Austin…with Ben coldly refusing a hug from Austin at one point. It was a subtle, but sharp shake of the head and not many people noticed but you? You noticed.  
As you stood waiting in the hall outside Austin’s dressing room, exchanging texts with your cousin Maddie about the existence of a white sheer shirt, you tensed as a slightly acrid and wholly unfamiliar cologne flooded your senses and quickly looked up to see Ben Calder approaching.
“So, does your boss keep you on a terribly short leash?” He asked, planting a hand on the wall beside your head and leaning in, most likely trying to impress you with the length of his body.
“I am not sure exactly what you’re asking, Mr. Calder, but I don’t have a lot of free time, it’s a short trip.” You answered carefully, tensing as you heard the door open beside you.
“She’s not interested Calder,” Austin spoke politely but firmly, “and I thought you had a girlfriend anyway?” He added a little less politely.
“I should take you out back and give you a real Welsh welcome.” Ben sneered, straightening to his full height.
“Almost wish you would…” Austin grinned darkly.
“What,” Ben scoffed and shifted closer to him, “so you can show off to your pretty assistant?” He somehow complimented and insulted you at the same time and you heard Austin’s sharp inhale.
“Al…” You warned lowly, stepping closer as the tension began to thicken in the air between them.
“So she can serve you with a hard take down.” He grinned with dark glee, and you grabbed his arm firmly before he could do anything make that necessary.
“Terribly sorry, Mr. Calder, early flight tomorrow.” You called down the hall after you as you half led, half carried Austin toward the waiting vehicle, your arm now wrapped around his waist to allow you to lift a great deal of his weight off the ground and take control of the situation.
“Awww c’mon Betty, I really wanted to watch you smash his face into the floor…” Austin pouted as you loaded him into the car with a locally sourced driver and hired muscle.
“We’re running a clean protection campaign here, Mr. Butler, not slamming Euro-pricks into the ground just because they’re leering, smart-mouthed trash.” You muttered a little too honestly as you settled into the seat beside him.
“Oh, now I’m going to go kick his ass.” Austin growled and reached for the door handle before you threw yourself across his lap to quickly lock the door.
“Drive please!” You said to the driver who pulled out. “You good?” You looked up to Austin who nodded, a little stunned.
Retreating to your side of the backseat, you straightened your jacket a little and sighed.
“I appreciate your chivalric intentions, but that limey bastard isn’t worth the effort…He’s just here to appease the domestic audience. Why are you here, Austin?” You tilted your head.
“Because I’m nominated for stuff…” He muttered.
“You’re nominated for a BAFTA…a SAG award…an Academy Award…you’re here to prove that hard work is enough. So don’t let that wee shite ruin it ok?” You looked to him seriously and relaxed as his lips twitched into a grin.
“We should spend more time in London, Betty…limey bastard…wee shite…the vernacular suits you…” He chuckled.
“Well, we’ll be back in a few weeks for your BAFTA” You smirked playfully, forgetting altogether that the point of the criminal investigation back in the United States was to hopefully have your presence become unnecessary as quickly as possible.
You were grateful for a few quiet days on your return to Los Angeles, spent sleeping in the guest house when the night shift was on, or on the patio preparing for the next few days. Come Monday, the marathon would begin. If January and the beginning of February had felt busy, it was only going to get worse…more awards shows and film festivals, a flight to London, then onto New York, and back to LA, with in person and virtual interviews slotted into every available moment in between. March thirteenth was just over five weeks away but with the way the calendar was booked solid, it may as well have been five months.
The hotel suite was Kate’s idea, and one that you all agreed was safest. Everything was booked under a fake name and not linked to Austin whatsoever. It prevented the crews from Variety and People from invading his home. And from allowing the entry of any unwelcome, uninvited guests as well. You were still feeling somewhat ragged from the time change, so when the People photographer had Austin take off his dress shirt…revealing his biceps and triceps to your wide eyes…you felt the blood drain from your fingertips and rush to other destinations. The resulting decrease in sensation in your hands had your phone tumbling to the floor with a disruptive thunk and after quickly diving for you it, your eyes met with Austin’s concerned blue gaze as you straightened.
‘Sorry’ you mouthed, mortified to have to distracted him from his work…to have been caught gawking at his physical attributes…
While you were still exhausted on your return to the guest house that night, you had recovered just enough to be disgusted by the state of the place. It was difficult to say the last time the sheets had been washed and there was a notable film on the bathroom sink. Overwhelmed with the horror of sharing such a small space with three other adults with a different standard of cleanliness, you grabbed a blanket from the bed and retreated to the sanctity of a patio lounger.
Sure, the streetlights and ambient sound made it a bit more difficult to sleep, but as you nuzzled into the blanket with a sigh, at least you couldn’t feel the dirt on the sheets. You felt your body relax and your breathing deepen. The silken feel of the twilight between sleeping and waking rolled over you…you were so close…
A large hand suddenly grabbed your shoulder, and the bitter tang of adrenaline flooded your mouth as you let out a fearsome shriek, lunging to your feet. Eyes barely focused, you grabbed onto the hip and shoulder of the intrusive human and tossed them to your left, a splash echoing as their body landed into the faintly steaming pool. Rubbing at your eyes, you shook off the last vestiges of near sleep as a very wet, blonde man surfaced, coughing up involuntarily ingested pool water.
“Austin!” You shrieked again and dove in quickly, arms wrapping around his torso from behind as you pulled him to the shallow end where his feet could touch ground before quickly turning him in your arms to check him over…to see if you’d done any damage.
Trey and Marwan were immediately at the poolside after your succession of shrieks, but when Austin started giggling, they disappeared with a nod in your direction.
“Oh, Jesus fucking Christ.” You groaned and covered your face. “Oh, I am so, so sorry I…” You trailed off as he only started laughing harder.
“Full force take down straight into the pool!” He exclaimed with glee.
You peered at him through your fingers and watched as his long fingers raked through his wet hair, slicking it back. His white tank top was practically see-through and water beaded along his tanned skin. He was disgustingly beautiful as he laughed at your mortification and you weren’t sure if you wanted to punch him, splash him or…kiss him…
You shook your head violently and cleared your throat almost painfully.
“I am extremely sorry; I completely understand if you want to speak to Scott about a replacement I…”
“Betty, Betty, Betty…we’re just enjoying a late-night swim…” He teased and splashed you.
You stared at him absolutely flabbergasted, so he did it again.
“I know you can do better than that, come on…” He goaded and you huffed.
“Oh, that’s it…” You growled and went all in, the peace of the night quickly devolving into a vicious splash fight until you both ran out of energy.
It did not take long, given how tired you both were, and he lay back into the water, floating quietly.
“I do not spend near enough time in this pool…thank you, Betty…”
You shook your head, brushing your hair back from your face and hugging your arms around your body as you realized how water-logged your pajamas had become.
“Really I am sorry, can you please accept my apology?” You lay your hands across your biceps, wishing they didn’t bulge quite so much when you crossed your arms.
He turned to his head to look at you and you looked to the side, wishing you could disappear under his gaze – the overly muscled girl who would never be more than pretty in his world. You heard the water slosh and sluice off his skin as he stood and then suddenly, he was hugging you. Enveloping you in warm, sun-kissed skin.
“Forgiven. Why were you sleeping outside anyway? That’s what I was going to ask.” He said as he stepped back, tilting his head, but his hands rested on your overly broad, in your opinion, shoulders.
You sighed as it would sound terribly picky out loud but…
“The guesthouse really needs a deep clean and I just couldn’t face it tonight…I’m not complaining, or demanding you do anything about it.” You amended quickly, looking at him firmly, making him nod.
“I do know somewhere better you can sleep…It’s not the guest room upstairs either before you fight me on that, though the house is empty right now…there’s a photo shoot in…Milan? No wait…Florence. Anyway…I have a clean, quiet place you can sleep on the first floor without inconveniencing anyone.”
You eyed him skeptically, having been on a security tour of his entire house, but he was smiling at you hopefully and you were so desperate for a good night’s sleep that you acquiesced with a slow nod.
“Fine…Just for tonight…I’ll clean everything before the screening tomorrow and fix the guesthouse…I guess that’s today now but anyway…deal.” You nodded and he grinned broadly before his eyes fell onto the scar on your forearm.
You watched as his fingers reached out to carefully trace over the bite mark as a frowned darkened his features.
“It’s still new…it’ll fade…” You murmured reassuringly as his touch raised goosebumps across your damp flesh.
“Yeah, I guess…oh shit you must be cold, c’mon.” His fingers wrapped around yours, peeling them from your bicep and pulling you after him toward the stairs. He led you over to a small shed where he produced two fluffy bath sheets.
As you were trying to un-cling your wet clothes with your free hand, he wrapped you up in warm cotton before enrobing himself in the same.
“You get some fresh pajamas and meet me inside?” He tilted his head and you nodded, hugging the towel tight as you hurried back to the guest house to dry off and change into new pajamas, with more coverage, in the washroom.
When you entered the house, Austin was waiting for you with a wiggling and yawning Biscuit, in the living room as promised. He led you down the hall into his office which somehow had a bed in the middle of it. You blinked slowly in the dim light before it clicked.
“Murphy bed!” You gasped just as he said the same phrase in explanation.
He chuckled and nodded.
“Good night.”
“But it’s your office, I couldn’t…
“I’m sleeping Betty, not using it…Good night…” Biscuit jumped onto the low bed and he sighed before tucking her under one arm and heading upstairs with her, leaving you along in his office-turned-into-your-bedroom.
You sank down onto the edge of the bed, looking around slowly. The glint of the framed medallion from the back of one of his jumpsuits from the Elvis film caught your eye and made you swallow tightly. But the sheets were soft and clean beneath your fingertips, and your eyelids were so heavy. You set your alarm for a little earlier than usual and surrendered. Just for tonight.
You woke the next morning to the sound of snuffling and scratching at the door, crescendoing to an insistent awoooo followed by a sharp but hushed,
You couldn’t help the snicker that fell from your lips, which only made her whine and tap her paws impatiently. Your alarm started to chime behind you, and you reached back to turn it off as Austin knocked on the door.
“Someone would like to say good morning.”
“I’m up, absolutely” You smiled and then there was a skittering of nails across the hardwood before Biscuit launched onto into bed and onto your chest, licking at your face exuberantly.
“Morning.” Austin chuckled and you did your best to answer without opening your mouth lest you catch some stray tongue. “I’m going to order breakfast, what do you want?”
He plunked down onto the edge of the bed and lassoed the wriggling dog with an arm to allow you to pick some food, albeit hesitantly. But he insisted. After eating, you forced your roommates to partake in a deep clean of the guesthouse before they were permitted to sleep, promising to stay up later to make up for the delay in their rest. After the screening that night, Austin asked if you would consider staying in his office again. He framed it as hating the house empty, and threw in an argument that it was more secure from a safety standpoint anyway, wasn’t it?
Ari was thrilled to get the real bed to sleep in, instead of the sofa bed. Austin’s girlfriend was much less in favour of the idea. Upon her return, the tension between them seemed even more pronounced. Nonetheless she had you and Ari prepare for another public hike the next day. There was sniping back and forth the entire time they were getting ready, and you quickly found an excuse to wait outside. Cold silence reigned in the car, but once again she took his arm as soon as you arrived at the trail head.
But it was not long before the sniping began again on the trail. Staying ten paces behind did not keep you out of ear shot as things escalated into a full-blown argument. The hike ground to a halt. Biscuit plunked down in the dirt, despondently staring back at you.
“And now she’s sleeping in our house?!” The wind carried her latest salvo back towards you and you looked to Biscuit apologetically as you realized that you were the cause of this fight.
“Sorry Biscuit…” You whispered softly, standing off to the side of the trail as other hikers filed past, whispered and snapping photos as the fought on, oblivious.
There were some things, you realized, that you just would never be able to protect him from. Including yourself.
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Read Part Four
If You'll Be My Bodyguard, I Can Be Your Long Lost Pal Masterlist
Tag List: @littlewhiterose, @emrysdreams, @slowsweetlove, @ xstrengthxinxtragedyx, @shelbygeek, @kingdomforapony, @artlover8992, @austinsvlrslut, @eliseinmemphis
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fandomtrumpshate · 2 years
Unlisted Fandoms Challenge!
We now have 91 write in fandoms for the Unlisted Fandom Challenge. New to the list since the last post -
Banana Fish Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency Golden Kamuy Hamilton Justified Lucifer (TV) Musicals Nine Worlds - Victoria Goddard Pacific Rim Ted Lasso The Goblin Emperor
And the rankings - SVSSS maintains the lead, but Rusty Quill has *catapulted* up the ranks to tie for second with Sk8 the Infinity. Bleach and The Maze Runner hang on to third, and Anne with an E, Roswell New Mexico, and The Terror are joined in a tie for fourth by Hunter x Hunter.
Want to see one of your fandoms move up the list? Sign up to create fanworks and encourage your favorite fandom creator(s) to sign up too! Signups are open through Feb 13!
Full list below the cut -
8 SVSSS (Scum Villain's Self Saving System) 5 Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast 5 SK8 the Infinity 4 Bleach 4 The Maze Runner 3 Anne with an E / Anne of Green Gables 3 Hunter X Hunter 3 Roswell New Mexico 3 The Terror (TV 2018) 2 9-1-1 Lone Star 2 Cosmere - Stormlight Archive (Brandon Sanderson) 2 Eerie Indiana 2 Gilmore Girls 2 Musicals 2 Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint 2 Parasol Protectorate 2 Pokemon (Games) 2 Red White and Royal Blue 2 The Penumbra Podcast 2 Tortall 2 Tower of God 2 Transformers Prime G1 IDW and Animated 1 Actor RPF (any combo of Luca - Marwan - Ale - Matthias) 1 All American 1 Ballet Canon (eg Swan Lake/Giselle/La Sylphide) 1 Banana Fish 1 Bioshock 1&2 1 Black Sails 1 Black Summer 1 Death Note 1 Destiny 2 1 Dice Punks 1 Digimon 1 Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency 1 Dragon Ball 1 Dragonriders of Pern Series - Anne McCaffrey 1 Erha /2ha /Husky and His White Cat Shizun 1 Euphoria 1 Fear Street 1 Formula 1 RPF 1 Giselle (ballet) 1 Golden Kamuy 1 Grimm 1 Gris (Video Game) 1 Hamilton 1 Hot Fuzz 1 Imperial Radch Series - Ann Leckie 1 Inuyasha 1 Jujutsu Kaisen 1 Jurassic Park/Jurassic World (movie trilogies) 1 Justified 1 London Spy 1 Lord Peter Wimsey 1 Lucifer (TV) 1 Major Grom 1 Malevolent (podcast) 1 Minecraft: Story Mode 1 Mob Psycho 100 1 Nine Worlds - Victoria Goddard 1 One Direction 1 Outlast games 1 Pacific Rim 1 Peaky Blinders (BBC) 1 Slayers (Hajime Kanzaka) 1 Smallville 1 Smile For Me 1 South Park 1 Spinning Silver (Naomi Novik) 1 Stargate: Atlantis 1 Succession 1 Suits (TV) - Marvey 1 T. Kingfisher Clocktaur Duology and Paladin Romances 1 Tamora Pierce works 1 Ted Lasso 1 The Goblin Emperor 1 The Hour 1 The Iliad/The Song of Achilles 1 The Last Kingdom 1 The Legend of Drizzt 1 The Man From UNCLE (TV) 1 The Murderbot Diaries 1 The Walking Dead (TV) 1 Tianbao Fuyao Lu 1 Umbrella Academy 1 Veronica Mars 1 Wheel of Time (TV Series only) 1 White Collar 1 Wynonna Earp (TV series) 1 X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies) 1 Yakuza/Ryuu Ga Gotoku 1 Yona of the Dawn
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woildismyerster · 6 years
would you write anything marwan x reader?? i love your writing :)
I gave it a shot, so let’s see how this goes over.
You were not a member of the Mathletes, but they treated you like an honorary one.  You were the person who made the ads for them when they had competitions or needed new members, which was always, so you spent a lot of time working alongside the boys.
You had a new poster idea to run by the team, so you walked in on the boys and Norbury having a tense conversation.
“We have to accept her,” Kevin said.  “We need a fourth member, and a girl would make it a million times better.  You know it, Marwan.”
“We don’t,” Marwan snapped back.  “She’s the worst.  I don’t want her on the team.”
You thought about interrupting, but you didn’t want to have any harsh eyes on you.  You quietly walked to the front desk to drop the sample poster off.  Norbury would find you to talk about it.
“Cady can hold her own, and she’s willing to put in the work,” Norbury said.  “I won’t make you let her on the team, but you do need her.”
“She’s smart,” Tyler agreed.  “She’d be a real asset -”
“More like a real ass,” Marwan interjected.  “She’s just like Regina.  I don’t want her on the team.”
The boys were still arguing when you got to the desk, quietly set the paper down, and promptly tripped over a desk when you turned to leave.
They looked at you, surprised.  “Y/N,” Kevin said.  He smiled, but it was tight.  “What brings your gorgeous face around today?”
“A poster,” you said.  You gave a shaky grin.  “I dropped it off.  I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Actually,” Norbury said cheerfully, “I’ll go.  Y/N, how about you help the boys figure out what to do about Cady?”
“I’m not on the team.”
She came in close, murmuring her explanation so the guys wouldn’t hear.  “Marwan doesn’t like her.  We need to convince him that we need her, whether he likes it or not.”
You swallowed, nodding jerkily.  Right.  Convince Marwan that he’s wrong.  It’s never happened before, but there’s a first time for everything.
“I think you should let her join,” you said.  Kevin and Tyler nodded, but Marwan shook his head.
“Absolutely not.”
“Come on,” Kevin pleaded.  “We can’t compete if we don’t have a bangin’ crew.  Africa rounds us out.”
“We just need another body,” Marwan said dismissively.  “We could get anybody.  Y/N could join.”
You gave a bark of laughter before realizing he was serious.  “Hard pass.  I’d wreck everything.”
Marwan turned back to Kevin.  “You guys are too desperate.”
“You were too, at the beginning of the year,” Kevin pointed out.  
“And now I have standards.  The two of you are being stupid.  Don’t trade your pride for a jacket.”
“It’s Cady or nothing,” Tyler said.  He looked wounded, but there was still a flicker of hope on his face.
“Nothing,” Marwan replied.  “If you bring Cady in, I’m out.”  He stalked out of the room, leaving three surprised teenagers with nothing to say.
You were eating lunch in the computer lab, touching up parts of the poster that Norbury had notes for.  When the door to the lab opened, you assumed that it would be a teacher or some nerd who wanted to play games online.  You almost ruined the poster in your confusion when you saw it was Marwan.
“Hey, dude.  What’s up?”
He shrugged.  “I’m not eating with the guys today, and I heard you were eating in here.”
“Why aren’t you eating with Kevin and Tyler?”  You couldn’t remember a day that they weren’t eating together.  They were a team; Kevin G and the Power of Three.
He gave a grim smile.  “They’re pissed that I’m quitting Mathletes.  I’m pissed that they’re willing to ignore what a jerk Cady has been just so we can get jackets.  We aren’t talking.”
“So you came to me?”
He shifted a little, uncomfortable.  “I don’t have anybody else.  I know you’ve been closer with Gnapoor, but I thought that we were cool enough -”
“You and I are good,” you interrupted.  “No sweat.”
He smiled.  “Thanks.”
You pushed a chair out for him, grinning back.  You could always use new friends, and Marwan was better than most of your other options.  “Sure thing.”
Marwan spread two paper towels out on the table so he could evenly split a box of puppy chow between the two of you.
“Marwan, I already told you that you don’t have to share your food with me.”  Even as you said the words, your mouth started to water at the sight of it.
“Of course I don’t,” he said absently.  His eyes narrows with concentration as he tried to perfectly split the bounty.  “I don’t have to do anything.  I want to share with you.”  He triumphantly pushed your share over to you.”
“I don’t have anything to share,” you said regretfully.  You felt like an elementary schooler, trying to trade lunches for something better.
He waved you off.  “If I expected you to give me something, I would have said so.”
You laughed.  “You’re so pushy.”
He put on his best Norbury voice.  “Well, Y/N, I’m a pusher.”
“If you want to push some drugs my way, feel free.”
“It’s not actually powdered sugar on the puppy chow,” he confided.  “It’s cocaine.”
“I dare you to snort it,” you said.
When the two of you left the lunch room, Marwan was still coughing periodically.  His eyes were red rimmed, and there were still streaks of white under his nose.  You had laughed until you cried, and though he tried to act angry, there was a perpetual pull of a smile on his face.
You tried to ignore the way Kevin and Tyler sent longing looks in your direction, but it sobered you up a little to think that while your life got a little lighter, theirs got a little darker.
Marwan was waiting by your locker when you got there in the morning.
“Hey,” you said slowly.  You had expected everybody to make up after a day or two, but apparently not.  “What’s up?”
“I’m just here to hang until the first bell,” he said innocently.
“Things still bad with the guys?”
“I wouldn’t know.  I haven’t talked to them in a few days,” he said.  Marwan was kind of a miracle.  His life had fallen apart because of his own opinions, but he looked perfectly put together.  “Can I keep hanging out with you?  Not just for lunch.  I didn’t realize how much you need to have allies in this school until I lost all of mine.”
“Dude,” you said incredulously.  “We’ve been doing stuff together for days.  I thought we were already hanging out.”
He ran a hand through his hair, though it was already perfectly pushed to the side.  “I know, but it’s more than that.  I used to hang out with them after school.  Sometimes they would come over for dinner.  We did everything together, and now that they aren’t around, I have nobody to do anything with.  You’re really cool, so I was thinking we could actually do stuff together.”
You pretended to adjust the books in your arms so you could hide the small smile that threatened.  “Yeah, I can be the placeholder for a while.  That sounds okay.”
He brightened.  “Awesome.  Let’s go to the lunchroom.  We can get chocolate milk.”
Marwan was almost like your shadow.  You partnered up in classes together, ate lunch together, and apparently watched Game of Thrones together.
“I don’t know who any of these people are,” you whispered to him.  You had never watched the show before, but he had looked so hopeful when he invited you over.  You couldn’t say no.
He gave you slow, detailed descriptions of a lot of people with strange names.  You decided Jon Snow was your favorite.  He was the easiest to remember.
You leaned in a little closer.  “Why is there so much sex?”
Marwan gave a slight smile, eyes glued to the screen.  “If everybody was that good looking in real life, I’ll bet you’d be having sex all the time, too.”
“You’re kind of a perv,” you snorted.  You reached into the bowl of popcorn he held in his lap.  
“Are you complaining?”
“No,” you sighed.  He was funny and smart; two of your weaknesses.  “You’re my favorite perv.”
He laughed, slinging a cheerful arm around your shoulder.  “Thanks.  Now shut up; Khaleesi is on screen.”
He left his arm around you, and you didn’t pull away.
When you closed your locker, you were surprised to see that the Mathlete with you wasn’t Marwan.  “Kevin!  What’s up?”
He gave you a sad smile.  “How’s Marwan doing?”
You considered his question.  He was great.  Terrible.  Fun to be around.  Nothing like normal.  “He misses you guys.”
“I miss him too,” Kevin sighed.  “Do you think he’s, you know, softening?”
“Nope.  He hates Cady as much as ever.  He won’t come back if she’s there.”
“We need her,” Kevin said.
“I know.”  You did, really.  You were as suspicious of Cady as anybody was, but letting her on the team was not the same as being her friend.  It was a truce, not a pact.  
“I need you to talk to him.”
“I know,” you repeated.  “What should I say?”
Kevin smiled again, but it wasn’t as sad as before.  “I’ve seen how he looks at you.  I think he would rather hear your words than mine.”
When you knocked on Marwan’s door, his face was sober when he took in the look on your face.  “Hey, Y/N.  Did we have plans that I forgot about?”
“No,” you said.  “We need to have a talk.”
“Those are the worst words in the English language,” he commented.  He stepped outside and closed the door.  “What do we need to talk about?”
“Take a seat,” you said solemnly.
“This is my porch,” he said with raised eyebrows.
“So sit on it.”
He sank into one of the deck chairs, keeping a cautious eye on the way you stood with your hands on your hips.  “What do you want?”
That was a relief; he knew you weren’t there to hang out or apologize.  You weren’t sure the conviction would have survived if he had been happy to see you.  “I want you to apologize to the guys.”
“No,” he said firmly.
“They won’t apologize.  Don’t you want to talk to them again?”
He frowned.  “Not if it means that I have to take back what I said.”
“You didn’t mean what you said.”
He laughed out loud, and anger curdled in your stomach.  He was never cruel to you, but his general disdain made you want to bare your teeth.  “I meant it more than nearly anything else I’ve said.”
“You are such a know-it-all,” you snarled.  
“That’s only a bad thing when I’m wrong,” he snapped back.  “I’m not wrong, so stop trying to make me feel bad.”
You threw your hands in the air, exasperated.  “I don’t care if you’re right!  Nobody cares how right you are, if you’re going to be a douche about it.”
His jaw was set, but his head ducked.  “I’m not going to lie to make people feel better.”
“I’m not asking you to lie.  I’m asking you to be a good friend by apologizing.”
When he looked up at you, he just looked sad.  Not bitter, not angry.  Sad.  “It won’t help.  They just want me to give in.”
“Why don’t you?”
“She’s another Regina,” Marwan said.  “She acts nicer, but she isn’t.  She does whatever it takes to get what she wants.  She’s nice until it doesn’t help her anymore.”
Your brow furrowed.  “Did she say something mean to you?”
“No, but that’s not the point.  I know what people say about Mathletes, Y/N.  We all do.  If she joins, she’ll be just another person making fun of the club that causes social suicide.”
You crossed the porch and sat on the chair next to his.  “What if she doesn’t?  What if she has fun, and you guys win?”
He shrugged.  “What if she doesn’t?”
“We won’t know until you’ve tried,” you said.  “If you don’t try, none of you will get to compete.  You’ll have lost your two best friends.  I think it’s worth the risk.”
He sighed, leaning against the back of the chair.  “Maybe.”
The two of you sat in silence, looking out at the street.  ‘Maybe’ was the most you could ask for.
Two weeks later
You did not expect it to be Marwan ringing your doorbell, but you weren’t unhappy to see him.  “Hey!”
He smiled.  “Hi.  Can we talk?”
“I thought we were hanging out tonight.”  You stepped onto the porch nonetheless.  
“We are.  I just wanted to talk to you without the guys here.  I need to thank you.”
You gaped at him.  “For what?”
“You were right about everything.  Cady is nice.  My friends welcomed me back.  Everything worked out,” he said.  
“I was right,” you echoed.  You beamed at him.  “I’m going to make a plaque.  I’ll engrave those words on my headstone.”
“Shut up,” he sighed.  His lips were quirked up, as though he thought your joy was sweet instead of obnoxious.  “I’ve said thank you.  That’s it.”
You called after him when he stepped off the front steps.  “Hold on.  Was that it?”
“I literally just said that it was,” he said with a frown.
“No, I mean, was that the breakup?”
He went very still.  “We weren’t dating.”  His voice was low, as though saying it too loud would be painful.
“The platonic one,” you said.  Something about the was he was looking at you made you feel very warm, so you looked away.  “I was a placeholder, remember?  Now that you’ve got the guys back, you won’t need me anymore.”
“Not the way things were,” he agreed.  “But that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
Your gaze shot to his face, shocked.  “What?”
“You were never a placeholder,” he scoffed.  “We’re all hanging out tonight, so why would I drop you now?  Besides, I don’t hang out with you the way I hang out with Kevin and Tyler.  What we have is different.”
“How’s it different?”  Even as you asked the question, you thought of Marwan putting his arm around your shoulder while you watched TV.  You thought of going to movies that he couldn’t geek out over.  You thought of the way his mother watched you the one night you went to his house for dinner, a small smile on her face the entire while.
“It just is,” he said.  It was his turn to avoid looking at you.  “I don’t know how to explain it.”
You bit a lip, considering your options.  Leave the topic be, maybe?  That seemed like a bad idea, since Marwan had proved that he was great at avoiding things that made him unhappy.  
You reached out and grabbed his hand.  “Does that explain it?”
He looked at you, surprised, but not unhappy.  “Yeah,” he said.  He shifted his hand so it was holding you back.  When he grinned at you, it was relieved and excited.  “Yeah, I guess it does.”
“Want to come inside?  We can make popcorn,” you offered.  
“Sure.”  The good cheer on his face grew with each second that passed.  “I can stay until it’s time to go to Tyler’s, and I’ll drive you there.”
You led him inside, not bothering to let go of his hand as you did.  You liked having something different with Marwan.  You would make the most of it.
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melaninenthusiasts · 3 years
Moment | Jafar
"It all began with a lamp and a fantasy..."
The Arabian palace was humungous. It could take atleast 200 guests to stay in. The architecture was out of this world; one of a kind. The food was magnificent. The chefs worked day and night and could make anything you wanted them to at any time. The soldiers were the best of the best. They could stop anyone who tried to come in and intrude. Except for Aladdin, he was the smartest streetrat ever.
After the hoodlum created himself a fiasco by taking the magic lamp and turning himself into a prince to lure Jasmine, Jafar had to do some things that people wouldn't be proud of. Things like taking the lamp and locking Jasmine and her father away. And hypnosising the entire palace staff to do whatever he says. And make a wish turning him into the most powerful man on earth at large.
Jafar had the extravagant palace all to himself. No queen by his side or anyone to talk to. Here he was thinking about his next move. He was tired of being second best.
"I'm the king of the world and yet I'm still bored," Jafar admits to himself.
Ever since he became the most powerful man on earth it's been lonely at the top. He has no one to speak to but his parrot and the genie. Not even the servants and staff he orders around because they're trapped in the sunken place. Jafar had some pleasure with Jasmine and multiple other women but nothing excited him the way that he wanted.
He had all of the money, sex, and power that he could ever wish for.
Jafar wanted someone who could read his mind inside and out. Someone who could help him take away all of his pain and let out all of his emotions into.
"You can always use another wish to fulfill your fantasies, " the blue mystical giant says.
"What should I do?" Jafar asks knowing the genie's rules.
"I can't tell you want to do. How about you make a wish. You know the words to say."
Genie wouldn't say it out loud with Jafar being his master but he missed Aladdin. He never had a friend like him. Yes, he wanted to become a prince but it was because of his love for Jasmine. He wasn't like the other master's that he had. Jafar was the worst one yet. So typical at that.
The Genie has three rules: he cannot kill anyone, he cannot make people fall in love with each other, and he cannot revive the dead.
The unwritten and unsaid rule was making your wish as specific as possible. You can only have three wishes and you don't want to waste it.
Jafar grabbed the golden lamp putting his palm against it back and forth.
"I want a melanin goddess that can give me an experience of a lifetime wear it'll be a moment but feel like eternity." He continued to rub the lamp as he thought. "Something that no one else has ever experience."
He finally let go of the magical lamp then the magic began to happen.
"Yes, master. Your wish is my command." The God-like blue Genie then folded his shackled arms creating this magical brown storm with beautiful golden specks. The wind damn near blew everything away. It was so strong and powerful.
Jafar got excited to see what would happen next. He held on the the edge of his throne as he watched his wish manifest slowly.
There were colors and different hues of browns and reds swishing around in a tornado along with sparkles. Then it ceased out of nowhere. The Genie was back in the lonely lamp where he belonged. The sidekick parrot of his flew off somewhere.
"My name is Victoria and I am here for fulfill all of your fantasies," the goddess says before him.
"She's perfect, " Jafar says in awe of her. "Gorgeous brown skin, amazing body, and that sweet sultry tone." He smirks as he gets up from his throne.
He admires her in the brown lingerie accessoried with gold jewels.
"I got a feeling that you brought me to you.." she smirked at him as she walks up the stairs to the throne. They were now inches apart from eachother.
Jafar licked his lips as he gazed into her deep brown eyes that started to turn gold. She then kissed his lips caressing his beard as he felt on her body. The world they were now in began to change into this abstract gold and red one.
His fantasy was now coming to life. The goddess was very much real. He could touch her, feel her, and he felt even more powerful.
"I wanna get inside of you," Jafar says in a lustful tone as his hands wander her body.
"You do?" The goddess says in a low sweet voice teasing him.
"I do," Jafar whispers tugging her body to his shirtless body. The goddess felt on his built physique admiring his toned muscles.
"This is your moment," she whispers back to him.
Before he knew it he was in this beautiful bedroom with brown silk sheets and golden decor.
Jafar was laid down in the bed in awe of the melanin goddess with his brown skin glistening. His abs flexed as he breathed in nervousness. There were just enough chest hairs on his body.
She then crawled her way onto the bed teasingly slow. He watched her in excitement biting his bottom lip.
"Tell me how bad you want me," Victoria says as she sits on his lap with her hands trailing his physique. He liked how her nails we done in brown and gold. Everything about her was sexy.
"I want you so bad," Jafar breathes out trailing his hand up and down her body once again.
He looked into her deep brown eyes once again watching them turn golden before she kissed him.
The room was turning into red sand. The walls were dropping right before them. There was nothing left instead of the bed.
Jafar kissed on the Victoria's neck inhaling her shea butter sent as he unveiled her robe. He hugged her body closed to his worship her like the goddess she was. He was feigning for her badly. He didn't want this to end.
His lips trailed down her cleavage as he unclipped her bra. Jafar felt a satisfaction in hearing her moan from his teasing pecks. He continued to worship her body by massaging the fall of her back.
Jafar was desperately in love with her. If he didn't want to save his last wish for something else, he would make Victoria his wife. But that's the price that he has to pay.
It's like Victoria's body was calling his name. It was saying 'I want you inside me' the more and more they went further.
The goddess stuck her tongue down his throat pinning Jafar's arms against the bed.
Usually in bed, Jafar would be the alpha but this was different. Victoria then rose up ready to ride his magic carpet. With her hands trailing down his upper body, she rose up with a smirk. Jafar so was in love that he didn't notice that she was in cuffs.
"Victoria..." Jafar moaned out softly.
The goddess thrusted her body onto his satisfying him. Jafar let out a grunt in amusement. He let himself become mesmerized by her. He let the golden specks on her eyes and the soft cries on her voice take all control of her.
Jafar loved how she let out moans as she took him in.
"Pussy so good..." he moaned out.
The goddess let out her last moan yelling his name to the fullest. She fucked his so good that he could cry Jafar hit his climax letting out his last husky grunt.
"I'm gonna—I'm gonna cum..." he breathed as he nutted in her.
Victoria then gave him one last kiss grabbing his soft beard with her hand then letting go. She smirked sliding out of him and put the rest of her lingerie on.
She then walked away leaving Jafar in the cuffs as the bed disappeared.
"Hey, where are you going?" He asked her. Victoria turned back around and smirked at him charmingly. "And why am I in cuffs?" He added.
Victoria laughed silently to herself. "Moments over." She said before strutting away in the red sand as Jafar sank deeply in it.
"Wait..." he cried out. "We can't be done yet." He fell deeper and deeper into the dark whole.
Before Jafar knew it, he was back in his lonely Palace. He already began to miss the melanin goddess.
The Genie laughed to himself in his tiny living space. 
"He didn't day what kind of goddess. Gotta be more specific than that!" He cracked up.
Victoria was a jaguar melanin goddess. One that kept many men sinking into the floor after she was done with them leaving them wanting more. It was her specialty.
comment and reblog 🖤
TAGLIST:  @chrisgalore​​ @gwenspacy​​ @beautifullmelodyxx​ @honeychicanawrites​ @crushed-pink-petals-writes​ @dc41896​ @blackmissfrizzle​ @yourlocalhoodlum​ @write-fromthe-start​ @lady-olive-oil​ @savvy-ivvory​ @laketaj24​ @nahimjustfeelingit-writes​ @soufcakmistress​ @bludoranges​ @miyuhpapayuh​ @blowmymbackout​ @lotusss-flowerbomb​ @smuttywriter​ @iwrite4poc​ @fumbling-fanfics​ @writerbee-ffs​ @amelatonin​ @themyscxiras​ @islanddgal​ @lovelymari4​ @brownsugarcoffy​ @sweetlikecoffy​ @safiras​ @melinaasap1​ @thickemadame​ @melinda-january​ @chaneajoyyy​ @bluestarego​ 
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Desert Flower
Jafar x black!reader
word count: 406
summary: Jafar asks reader to be his date to the ball and she gives him an answer that isn’t quite so satisfying... for either of them.
a/n: we stan the Marwan Kenzari portrayal of Jafar bc power hungry kings? 🥰 I could write more for this, but it all just depends on inspiration and how well it does notewise. red text is Jafar’s perspective. enjoy your blurb!
edit: fixed some typos. happy you guys like this!
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“Well uh, thank you, Jafar, that is very kind of you - I would be delighted to attend the ball with you,” I smile awkwardly and edge my way around him, not making eye contact. “I uh, unfortunately, do not have a proper outfit for the occasion, and have also set out the night to have some much-needed self-care and studying time, otherwise I would accompany you there. Again, terribly sorry - I just... can’t.” I whip around the corner before he can stop me, and run once I know I’m not being followed.
I just said no to Jafar. Rejected him. Ran away from him. Am I ungrateful? I’m sure some people would think so, but what am I supposed to do? There’s no way I could ever show up to something like that, and with my appearance? I’m just a commoner! I hold no royal rank. And with him? No chance. That’s way too many eyes on me and I would rather die. I’m not really sure what Jafar’s deal is, but considering he’s the Sultan’s advisor, he should be good enough at reading people to know that me and social settings? Don’t agree.
But... part of me wishes I had said yes. He’s attractive. Powerful. Intelligent. I can’t help but become flustered under his gaze, and it doesn’t help that I’m almost always in close proximity to him given I’m one of Princess Jasmine’s ladies-in-waiting. Though, I highly doubt most other ladies-in-waiting discuss academia rather than dresses, jewels and handsome princes. It feels nice to not be expected to be a girls’ girl. I appreciate being welcomed into the lap of luxury, but it means more knowing that I earned my spot by staying true to myself and honing my intellect and knowledge.
I could never tell Princess Jasmine of the effect Jafar has on me, she wouldn’t understand. She despises the man with a passion, and I feel for her, I really do. But my baser instincts can’t let me ignore the fire I feel in my body every time I’m near him, or the white-hot awareness of his touch when he just barely grazes my arm with his finger when speaking to me. If I could blush, I’m sure I would always look like a mess in front of him. Maybe someday I’ll have more oomph to my step and just the right amount of confidence to be upfront with him about my attraction, but for now, I’m content with stealing glances when I can without falling apart.
“Iago...” Jafar murmurs, “Follow her home. Make sure she gets there safe.” He pets his parrot gently as he says, “I don’t want any harm coming to my desert flower. I don’t believe her answer was final.” Iago takes off, wings flapping, then gliding on a hot gust of wind into the golden sunset that makes the skin of the woman he covets glow like gold, shine like honey. A true rarity. Once alone, Jafar says to himself, “She is my diamond in the rough.”
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