#mary lou barebone
extremereader · 1 month
In a modern version of Fantastic Beasts the true crime blogs would go nuts over the whole Barebone thing
I mean, there's a cult, cult blows up, leader and her daughter die, her abused son who was meeting up with an older man in secret disappears, the whole family had a disagreement with another dead guy and his family a few days before, the dead Barebones died of the same thing as said dead guy, the remaining kid is traumatized by SOMETHING, what's not to talk about?
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
Headcanons for the boggarts of the Fantastic Beasts characters
Credence Barebone - Mary Lou Barebone. Yes, even years later, after Paris and Nurmengard.
Chastity Barebone: Mary Lou Barebone
Modesty Barebone - Mary Lou Barebone
Mary Lou Barebone - the stereotypical caricature of a witch
Newt Scamander - The world inside his suitcase destroyed, with all of his creatures dead (I imagine that his worst fear of having to work in an office changed, since his job wandering the wilds and finding different magical creatures is pretty much the opposite of that, and he worries what will happen to his animals if it's decided they're too dangerous and his suitcase is taken away, like at MACUSA that one time).
Leta's was already shown.
Theseus Scamander - Newt dead or injured.
Yusuf Kama - his father telling him that he failed to avenge his mother.
I couldn't think of anything for Tina, Queenie, or Jacob.
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wisteria-lodge · 3 months
In Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them, Tina uses "Mercy Lewis" as a grammatical intensifier/swear word a la "merlin" (1)
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Mercy Lewis was one of the main witch-accusers during the Salem witch trials. Which makes her a really, really weird choice for Tina to evoke.
and I'm literally trying to figure out the thought process here.
"Mercy Lewis" is supposed to evoke the concept of a betrayer, like "Benedict Arnold" or "Brutus." (Like maybe she was a squib or something?) Idk, even typing that out feels in such bad taste. Merlin wasn't real. Nicholas Flamel was real, but all JKR says about him was "he made the Philosopher's Stone," which - considering that the real guy was indeed working on that... okay? Mercy Lewis was a real girl in real American history who really got people killed.
AND it doesn't even make sense linguistically. I'd sort of understand if Tina called someone "a Mercy Lewis" or "you're such a Mercy Lewis" after they betrayed her. But that's not the context?
Mercy Lewis is indeed a muggle, and so that would make this... anti-muggle hate speech? Like, I could KINDA see a world where "Mercy Lewis" was just a kind of stereotypical, mean way to refer to "Any Muggle." When Tina's being dismissive about Jacob she could have said something like "Forget Mercy Lewis over there, follow me." (but that's not the context in which it's used?)
Like we do know that Tina specifically hates Mary-Lou Barebone, who is a muggle that really hates witches and calls her group "Second Salem." Is this line meant to be drawing a parallel between Mercy Lewis and Mary-Lou Barebone. Or are we just looking for ANY way for Tina to KIND of bring up Salem, because it's sort of relevant to her villain?
This is some kind of a mistake. JKR wanted to use the name of one of the Salem Witches as an American equivalent for "Merlin" (still in bad taste but... I get it? ) And so she pulled up a list of names, and accidentally got the name of one of the people who were accusing people of being witches, instead of one of the actual 'witches.' She just kind of liked the ring of the name "Mercy Lewis" and went with it.
I can't help but think that this is just a small example of JKR being just... kinda careless, and kinda lazy, and kinda tasteless about non-European history. Like I am positive I just put more thought into this little moment than JKR ever, ever has.
(1) It is weird that "Merlin" is used as swear word at all, because in the HP series Merlin seems to be culturally important, but not a religious figure (which is generally how swear words work, the *thing* you're swearing by needs to be sacred, and 'profaning' it just communicates your level of Seriousness).
Of course, the Wizarding World seems to be completely atheist, which is is fine, and if I SQUINT, I can make "merlin" work in an "enlightenment science boner" way, like 'oh the muggles are hyper-religious and backwards, once we split from them we're going in entirely the opposite direction.' The French Revolution was aggressively atheist, and so was the Communist revolution, and you do have cultural important names like "Lenin" "Engles" "Marx" treated in a linguistically semi-religious way, okay. it's a thing.
but in The Cursed Child they start using "Dumbledore" as a swear word and that's so creepy and I hate it.
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Tina & Credence
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them:
Katherine Waterston: Credence and Tina have a past. He doesn't remember it maybe, but she has been concerned about him for a while before the film starts.
- Mugglenet
Katherine Waterston: I found it really touching that the only thing that will tempt her to break her away from the position she has is if someone is in trouble. But by saving a No-Maj, she exposed herself as a magical person.
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Movie-Making News: FANTASTIC BEASTS 2
Katherine Waterston: She broke the rules in order to protect someone who was in trouble. Though she's really proud to be a part of MACUSA and dreams of succeeding there, when push comes to shove she will abandon the rule book. I found it really touching. She loves the rules, but if someone's in trouble, she can't help herself.
- The Case of Beasts: Explore the Film Wizardry of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Inside the Obscurus, Credence reaches out to Tina, the only person who has ever done him an uncomplicated kindness. He looks at Tina, desperate and afraid. He has dreamed of her ever since she saved him from a beating.
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay
Crimes of Grindelwald:
Katherine Waterston: Tina and Queenie were orphaned very young, Tina, as the elder of the two, felt a great responsibility to take care of her sister. Over the years, that feeling to protect helpless children extended beyond just Queenie. She values her position at work and respects the law, but a child in need-that's her Achilles Heel. If forced to choose, she'll break the rule to help a child, as she did for Credence when Mary Lou Barebone was beating him. Near the end of the first film, she gave Credence her word that she and Newt would protect him, and she is not one to go back on her word.
- Crimes of Grindelwald Production Notes
Katherine Waterston: I think you start to see a bit in the first film that a child in trouble is her Achilles' Heel, particularly an orphan child. As long as he is unsafe in the world, she has that concern to save him, and I think that stems from her own childhood. She and Queenie were orphaned young, and she knows what it's like to be a bit lost in the world, and she pulled herself up by her bootstraps, and she is a very hardy woman. I think she is just going to be forever distracted by Credence and his need until that is sorted.
- Crimes of Grindelwald World Premiere in Paris
Katherine Waterston: Her Achilles heel — the thing that kind of makes her throw the rulebook out the window — is a person, particularly a young person, in trouble, in need. There’s something almost of an obsession I think she has with Credence. She feels very responsible for him.
- Buzzfeed
Katherine Waterston: We find Tina in Paris along many other members of the original cast and some new characters. She is looking for Credence. There are people after him for different reasons, and obviously Tina cares about him a great deal and is trying to get to him first. 
- MTV News
Tina Goldstein has been reinstated as an Auror at MACUSA (Magical Congress of the USA), but, while she remains dedicated to the job of enforcing magical law, she has not lost her independent streak. Leaving New York, Tina has traveled to Paris on a cryptic—and wholly unauthorized—investigation of her own. She knows Credence survived MACUSA’s attempt to destroy him in New York, but she is also aware that, as an Obscurial, he is considered a threat to the wizarding community and is in grave danger. Employing all of her skills, Tina is finally closing in on Credence, but her perilous pursuit has also put her on a collision course with other powerful forces hunting him.
- Crimes of Grindelwald Official Character Description
Katherine Waterston: Tina isn't confident that the ministry would approve of her desire to protect and save Credence. They are seeking him for a different reason, and so she's kind of doing this investigation on the sly.
- Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - Makers, Mysteries and Magic: Chapter 5
Katherine Waterston: She's continuing a sort of rebellious pursuit in trying to protect Credence.
- Bowu Magazine
Katherine Waterston: It's a little unclear whether MACUSA knows her whereabouts. Tina isn’t confident they would approve of her desire to save Credence. They are seeking him for a different reason.
- Lights, Camera, Magic!: The Making of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
Ezra Miller: Yeah, I mean certainly we’ve seen sort of only fragments of a story in which Tina did care for Credence, and that was a rare and noted instance in Credence’s story. But again, when you really think about it, what does Credence actually know about that human being, where she comes from? I mean, the last interaction was a deeply confusing one where there were a lot of things going on on the subway tracks, you know? So yeah, I think that’s one of the connections.
- Collider
ANGLE ON TINA, edging through the crowd, searching.
She spots QUEENIE and, at a short distance, CREDENCE. Whom should she approach first? She chooses CREDENCE, but as she moves, is blocked by an ACOLYTE. They make eye contact. TINA knows she is wildly outnumbered. Under the ACOLYTE'S gaze, she sinks onto a bench.
- Crimes of Grindelwald: The Original Screenplay
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obscurebelief · 1 year
@ivesleptsolong continued from here
Credence was not of wealth. He was just an orphan, dumped and taken in by Mary Lou.
There was nothing much good about him besides being some servant and maybe able to lift heavy stuff. The latter being a bit of a joke considering ma telling him how strong this Edward Blackburn is.. and if the rumors are to be believed...
She believed it all true, and was so willing to exchange her adopted son in exchange for influence. Wedded off. A young man with another man. Unheard of, maybe sinful, but Mary Lou tossed that aside for now given Credence had little reason to be around given his wickedness. Tossing him like a piece of meat to a vampire that would soon bore of him was nothing much of importance.
Credence however was scared out of his mind. He was ordered not to cry, so he forced his tears back. He looked for mercy from his ma or his sisters. Chastity had kept Modesty quiet.
The veils were not white as he had seen when passing churches. It was a disgrace. Credence was afraid and ashamed. But went along with it. And in his twisted thoughts, if he was killed by the vampire, it would have been the greatest kindness.
The ceremony went along and he was taken away. He forced himself not to look back and even was afraid to even meet his new husband's gaze. Credence had some features that could prove he was a handsome boy if he was fed enough and taken care of. The clothing hid his scars, fading bruises, and thin body.
It was the manor that he was in awe of. Dull brown eyes lit up as he looked around and finally lifted his head, showing his pale skin more.
The size up suddenly made him shrink, almost in instant submission. The words made him afraid once again. The what ifs playing in his head of being killed, or worse, having his sisters killed for such trickery.
Finally did he speak, voice deep, but weak with fear of the other as his eyes stared at the floor. "Please sir, I'm no one. I.. I'll be good to you, I promise. Anything.. just don't harm my family. I volunteered." He lied at the last word, heart sinking, and mentally praying. ".... I don't come from any wealth, nor is my name from a legacy" Unless one added a legacy of attempted witch killings and witch hunts. But did that count since he was adopted? Maybe if one traced back far enough, the Barebones attempted vampire hunting to. He wouldn't be surprised. "But I work hard and do my best to do what is asked."
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thatsecondsalemboy · 2 years
@the-greater-good-1899 | continued from here
Coming...well, coming home, for the first time, had given Credence a lot of time to think, particularly given how much of it he'd spent tucked into a warm bed to combat the shivers that had set in. Even now, his father- and wasn't that a kicker, to be able to say that now- his father had gotten him propped up in a somewhat battered but comfortable old armchair in front of the fire, a blanket tucked around his knees.
"Ma...Mary Lou...always said I was wicked..."
Though he tried, he wasn't sure if Mary Lou Barebone would ever leave his mind, the sting of the belt across his hands or across his back still sometimes resurging in a phantom pain from time to time. Her voice still rung in his head sometimes, whispering about him being a foul boy, a child of the devil.
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ezrasloyalfans · 3 months
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Mary Lou Barebone was no Mrs.
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fangedmagick · 10 months
First Change (WtA verse)
"You're mother was a wicked unnatural woman" -Mary Lou Barebone.
Basically got the new WtA book and looked into it and went: welp werewolf!Aurie AU we go beside the Kindred!Aurie
Credence was conceived from his father, Aberforth who was from the Ghost Council tribe, a garou who mated with a human woman that had loved each other once.
However Credence had been born out his wedlock and his mother and he was sent away to America. He would be born during the half moon, making him a Philodox, though he would not know of his heritage due to his mother, aunt, and him were separated when the ship transporting them sank.
He would make it to New York, a homid cub in a human orphanage. Mary Lou would find him and due to how the boy acted, she believed him a witch and decided that she could adopt him and beat the devil out of him in the most literal senses.
He was beaten throughout his life. And his first change was stunted due to the abuse. He would have his first change on a cold night in New York where he singled out Modesty's old home and tried tearing it down brick by brick. He was nearly revealed fleeing the scene when the police investigated.
He did not know what he did. But his first kill would have been secretly praised by some Red Talons of New York for killing a future horrible senator. He caused a mass delirium event as he, a giant dark Crinos full of rage, tore out the organs of the man that treated him and his sisters like trash before.
Upon his change to protect Modesty from Mary Lou's wrath, he slaughtered her and enjoyed her screams of pain and almost was disappointed when she died. Modesty fleeing (unaffected by the Delirium) while Credence attacked Chastity, severely injuring her, but she survives unknown to him.
Mr Graves came to Credence, believing it was Modesty that caused the attacks despite the blood all over the scared boy. Calling him a lowly Kinfolk, wolf blood but no blessing from Gaia, he was nothing but to be used to breed better and more superior garou.
This made Credence lose all care and gave into rage. Tearing across New York and barely any Garou could stop him as he caused delirium. Only Newt got through to him, helping the boy become his homid self again. But the Garou packs of New York attempted to kill Credence because he was out of control, broke rules he didn't understand, and was mistaken for a Metis.
He survived. Searched out who he is and what tribe he belongs to. Eventually joining Grindelwald, the one that tossed him away at one time but he didn't know this. Grindelwald's plan is to reveal the Garou nation and rule over the humans so they would stop destroying themselves, Gaia, and helping the Wyrm.
Credence took the name Aurelius. And finally reunites with his father after revealing Grindelwald's plot which Grindelwald nearly kills the younger wolf.
He is still pretty much a lone wolf, and more often walks around Hogsmeade in Lupus form. He is a proud Uktena/Ghost Council member and happy to be a Philadox of the nation that, while he prefers solitude, he can provide some advice or someone to talk to without giving advice if they wish it.
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reine-du-sourire · 2 years
In where Aurelius has a nightmare, and remembers his pasts.
Aberforth is trying so hard to dad, even with his slippers on the wrong feet.
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uneasywolf · 5 years
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god I love barebones family so much, their story is so tragic 💔 it hurts
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extremereader · 2 months
New crackship: Mary Lou Barebone x Phillip Wittebane
I mean, think about it! They hate witches, they both run a cult, and they both abuse innocent boys who didn't do shit to them.
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
Credence cares for Modesty.
A lot.
She may only have been his adopted sister for a few years (at eight years old, Modesty still remembered where she used to live, so she probably wasn't younger than four) but he still loves her.
He stood up to Mary Lou to her, and lied to protect her from being punished. Mary Lou, his adoptive mother, who terrified him, who had such a hold over him that he, a strong young adult man, would give her his own belt and let her hit him with it. Yet he tried to protect Modesty from her.
And then, when his Obscurus brought his home tumbling down, Modesty survived. Mary Lou was killed, of course, but Chastity was as well, even though she was not involved. But Modesty fled unharmed.
This is why I believe that Modesty survived the Obscurus attack in the abandoned building as well. I do not believe that Credence can harm her, not even his Obscurus, not even unconsciously. For a long time, she was the only person he truly cared for.
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frunbuns · 4 years
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Late night discussions with my friends
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obscurebelief · 1 year
Seeing Lackadaisy to see what the hype is all about
And here comes the gangster speakeasy owning Credence (and Barebone Siblings) AU that no one wanted!
Aurelius being part of a wizard gangster era of the 1920s who thinks the prohibition is idiotic.
Credence owning a Speakeasy (and hopes his adopted mother is rolling in her grave more. Kind of an AU where he isn’t an Obscurial but still a witch)
The Barebone siblings turning the Second Salem Church into a front for a speakeasy after Mary Lou’s ‘unfortunate death’ (I want her to really roll in her grave so much okay?)
Aurelius well known by the magical community while it is a seen as a codename for the non-magic that deal with him for alcohol at their speakeasys. 
His is basically a: don’t snitch. Type of speakeasy. Those that attempt or threaten to are never heard from again. Aurors cannot come in and arrest anyone without a warrant, besides, most Aurors drink here while off duty. It is a: everyone is welcome, but screw around and get taught one hell of a lesson.
He takes no sides in this AU. He isn’t an acolyte or works with ‘the bad’ nor does he work with ‘the good’. He’s neutral and just tends to his business. He will later choose Dumbledore’s side only because of Newt and his dearest friend Tina.
To no-maj, he is probably a gangster of sorts along with his siblings. To the magical world he is just Aurelius or Credence, speakeasy owner that likes his solitude.
The Second Salem Church was more or less converted as well to a place where in the day, it’s a soap place and shelter for all ages that need some food or clothing. By night when everything is closed up, it’s a speakeasy. At times it is for magical kind, other times it is for non-magic only. If magic folk want to come in during non-magic times they must not show their magic unless it’s in very dire circumstances (ex. ambush from Aurors without cause or a warrant).
The doors to the speakeasy is hidden in the day, and anyone wanting to check out the doors will find that it is just a place for cleaning supplies.
When they are out getting their alcohol, Modesty (18*) is the driver that knows how to fix or steal vehicles when in need, Chastity (25) is more of the negotiator followed by shooter when they are being cheated or set up, Credence (22, alias: Aurelius) is the other shooter either with magic or a gun, and he rarely gives people a second chance to do it again and he isn’t exactly the talker, just the owner and has only a kindness to his siblings, father and uncle, and some friends.
He sometimes sells Queenie and Jacob’s pastries and gives them a percentage, not saying who makes the pastries to keep them out of trouble. He does often say how much they love them though.
*18 was the legal age to drink prior to the 1970s in New York. I don’t condone it, but just saying it was before people yell at me ;_; 
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thequotesdotme · 3 years
Light and Shadow
Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them (more…)
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sicksucculentz · 3 years
Mary Lou and Senator Shaw’s autopsy
Im a fan of the chancier Credence and upon seeing him kill both his mother and the senator I was fraying at the edges to know what their autopsies would have shown. How exactly the Obscures killed them.  both the drop for Mary Lou and Shaw would not have really been enough to end their life that quickly and with the facial mutatlation and the near instant death WHAT exactly did Credence do to end their life Not only that but Im wondering how exactly the Obscures kills its host. Is it through becoming more and more wreakless that it kills the host? or is it a more of a health issue like organ failure, heart attack/heart murmur, aneurysm?
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