#mary worrall
professorpski · 2 years
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Dress Journal, Volume 48, 2022
This issue of the journal, which is a publication of the Costume Society of America, has many interesting articles, but I was most excited about the One-Hour Dress. It was invented by Mary Brooks Picken to encourage the sale of fabric and sewing lessons in the 1920s. The idea was that any one could make this simple dress in an hour and demonstrations took place under a big clocek at departments stores across the country This article by Sarah Hegge, Shirley Wajda and Mary Worrall which looks at the predecessors to the dress, its origins, marketing, instruction booklets, and even offers a remarkable surviving example. Although you can make the dress in an hour if you are a good dressmaker, the blue one you see here took a remarkable amount of hand embroidery to complete.
Then, there is yet another feature on sewing: the research report by Sarah Sheehan on Pucci sewing patterns from the 1950s through 1970s. I offer you an image of a dress and coat pattern from 1965 with the kind of hat and gloves then still required for formal public clothing.
The cover has an image of Firefighter Mose from an article on the 19th Century American clothing of white nationalism or white folkwear by Sandra Tome. Then, there are articles on Masonic apron, on visibly queer-fashion and trans-fashion brands, on pointe shoes for ballet, as well as reviews of costume books and exhibitions.
To learn more about the Costume Society of America, which is a scholarly organization, go here: https://costumesocietyamerica.com/
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toptierfemale · 2 years
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Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss: the story of Princess Caraboo of Javasu
In 1817, a young woman showed up in a town just outside of Bristol, England. She was dressed strangely, had very few personal effects, and she spoke a strange language that no one could identify. She was taken to the town’s magistrate who gave her a place to sleep, but she rather bizarrely acted like she had no idea what a bed was. 
This young woman was taken in by the magistrate’s wife, who did everything she could to find out who the woman was and where she was from. The magistrate’s wife, Elizabeth Worrall, was slightly suspicious of the young woman, but she was able to discover the young woman’s name: Caraboo. 
People came from far and wide to meet Caraboo and ponder over what language she was speaking. A sailor visited her one day, and he was able to tell everyone that she was a princess from an island nation called Javasu. The sailor claimed that Princess Caraboo was kidnapped by pirates and taken to England.
Caraboo’s language was studied by many, and a few people tried to compile a. list of vocabulary words. The language seemed to have its own grammar rules, and Caraboo was incredibly consistent with it. In fact, she did not respond to anything said to her in English. 
Eventually, someone came to visit the magistrate and informed him that Caraboo was no princess, but instead a servant named Mary Baker. Mary Baker was not from an island in Asia, but actually grew up not too far from  where she was currently living with the magistrate’s family. It was all a con. 
But what was her motive for this? Her intention was not to cause trouble or gain fame and money, but to avoid the workhouses. At this time in England, anyone who did not have a place to go was sent to the workhouses, which were terrifying places where poor people were forced to work, often in terrible conditions.    Many people died there.
 Things actually turned out rather well for Mary Baker after this.  Despite the fact that she’d fooled everyone for a few months, Mrs. Worrall (the magistrate’s wife) was sympathetic to Mary and actually paid for her to move to the US. 
 What I find the most remarkable about this story is Mary’s confidence. She improvised everything, but was able to convince doctors and lawmen alike that she was from a country that did not exist.  If that’s not the definition of   gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss, then I don’t know what is.
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news24fr · 1 year
Afficher uniquement les événements clésVeuillez activer JavaScript pour utiliser cette fonctionnalitéFlux en directLes évènements clésil y a 1hNouvelles de l'équipeil y a 1hPréambuleAfficher uniquement les événements clésVeuillez activer JavaScript pour utiliser cette fonctionnalitémaintenant11h40 HNE8 minutes "Bonne année à toi Rob, et à tous les MBMers, et merci d'avoir commencé avec une allusion à The Big Lebowski", déclare Charles Antaki. «Je ne me souviens pas exactement de la ligne, mais notre héros à un moment donné invite quelqu'un à l'appeler Dudester, Duderino ou« juste le mec, si vous êtes dans toute cette brièveté ». Comment Forest pourrait-il utiliser une partie de son insouciance maintenant. Aussi sa capacité à, d'une manière ou d'une autre, se sortir des égratignures les plus terminales.Eh bien, c'est juste, comme, votre obrochehomme d'ions.il y a 1 m11h39 HNE7 minutes Sterling envoie un centre bas à Mount, qui court sur le ballon et frappe un premier tir bien bloqué par Worrall. il y a 2 m11h38 HNE7 minutes Beaucoup de possession de Chelsea, ce qui ne devrait surprendre personne. La forêt a l'air plutôt compacte défensivement.il y a 3 m11h37 HNE6 minutes "HNY Rob !" dit Joe Pearson. "Le premier match d'aujourd'hui a été désastreux. C'était tellement nul qu'on parlait de soupe roumaine au MBM. Veuillez fournir une meilleure correspondance. Ou une recette différente. Merci d'avance!"il y a 4 mois11h36 HNE5 minutes Forest a commencé avec Awoniyi à gauche et Gibbs-White comme faux neuf. Bienvenue dans Tactics Corner, un bref aperçu en attendant que quelque chose se passe sur le terrain.il y a 5 m11h35 HNE3 minutes J'ai changé d'avis sur la position de Mount – il est presque un n°8 sans le ballon et un n°10 avec. De nos jours, de nombreuses équipes jouent avec des milieux de terrain à trois déséquilibrés. Un No6, un No8 légèrement à droite ou à gauche, et un No10 de l'autre côté. Arsenal le fait, tout comme Manchester United ; il semble que Chelsea joue un système similaire aujourd'hui.il y a 6 mois11h34 HNE2 minutes Koulibaly pulvérise une formidable longue passe vers Mount. Il s'enfuit de Yates, tue le ballon adroitement mais tranche ensuite le poteau proche avec son pied gauche. C'était un angle assez serré.il y a 8 mois11h32 HNE1 minute Je me suis trompé sur la forme de Chelsea – elle ressemble plus à 4-3-3 aujourd'hui, avec Mount jouant légèrement plus profondément que contre Bournemouth.Mis à jour à 11h33 HNEil y a 9 mois11h32 HNE1 minute Peep peep ! La forêt démarre de droite à gauche pendant que nous regardons.il y a 9 mois11h31 HNE"Voeux de nouvel an de Californie," dit Mary Waltz. "Pulisic a une autre chance d'impressionner et il ferait mieux d'en profiter, il avait l'air bien lors du dernier match. Après une belle performance en Coupe du monde, il doit enchaîner avec un match qui justifie l'énorme investissement que Chelsea a fait en lui.Il est là depuis si longtemps qu'il est facile d'oublier qu'il n'a que 24 ans. Il y a un joueur de classe mondiale là-dedans, mais je ne sais pas s'il sera jamais trouvé.il y a 10 mois11h30 HNE Avant le match, les joueurs se rassemblent autour du cercle central pour rendre hommage à un visionnaire unique : Pelé, décédé la semaine dernière à l'âge de 82 ans.Avis de décès de PeléLire la suiteil y a 13 mois11h28 HNE"Bonne année Rob," dit Kim Crawley. «La forme de Chelsea semble trop étroite et avec Jorginho assis profondément comme pivot, leur transition sera trop lente. Forest se mettra en face d'eux; les arrières latéraux de Chelsea vont être occupés. Cooper a déjà remporté la bataille du milieu de terrain. Forest va causer quelques problèmes. Sterling et Pulisic devront jouer un grand rôle défensif pour arrêter Forest. J'espère que je me trompe.Quand tu dis content nouvelle année. (Je pense que c'est un double pivot avec Zakaria au fait, même si je ne suis pas sûr que cela change votre point.)il y a 13 mois11h27 HNELes joueurs sortent du tunnel, dans la cacophonie de City Ground.
Quel endroit glorieux c'est.il y a 15 mois11h25 HNELes résultats d'aujourd'hui jusqu'à présent Dimitri Van den Bergh 5-3 Jonny Clayton Michael Smith 5-3 Stephen Bunting Tottenham Hotspur 0-2 Aston Villa il y a 16 mois11h24 HNE"Comme vous le savez, Rob," mensonges Ian Copestake, «Je crois que la seule vérité à trouver dans le monde moderne est basée sur la différence de buts. Les Spurs viennent d'en être informés alors que la véritable fausse position de Man Utd dans la ligue attend son jugement.C'est une mauvaise nouvelle pour nous les nostalgiques qui deviennent tout chauds et flous quand on pense à La saison 1992-93 de Norwich. il y a 18 mois11h23 HNE« Christian Pulisic devrait quitter Chelsea cette année,» dit Kurt Perleberg, « et retourner aux États-Unis ».Essayez-vous de me faire annuler le jour de l'an ?il y a 19 mois11.21 HNEMusique d'avant-matchil y a 42 mois10.58 HNELes soldes de janvier (pt 2)Nottingham Forest a déjà de l'espoir mais janvier pourrait définir son 2023Lire la suiteil y a 43 mois10h57 HNETemps plein : Tottenham Hotspur 0-2 Aston VillaLa forme à domicile des Spurs chez Spurs s'est poursuivie avec une défaite surprise contre Aston Villa, leur troisième lors des quatre derniers matchs de championnat au Surely We Should Have a Sponsor By Now Stadium. C'est une bonne nouvelle pour Chelsea, qui sera à égalité de points avec les Spurs s'il remporte ses deux matchs en main.Tottenham 0-2 Aston Villa : Premier League – réaction en directLire la suiteMis à jour à 11h01 HNEil y a 46 mois10h55 HNELes soldes de janvier (pt 1)Chelsea accepte des frais de 32,7 millions de livres sterling pour le défenseur central monégasque Benoît BadiashileLire la suiteMis à jour à 10h55 HNEil y a 50 m10.50 HNEJonathan Wilson sur Graham PotterGraham Potter ne fait face qu'au chaos jusqu'à ce que Chelsea accepte qu'il n'y ait pas de solution miracle | Jonathan WilsonLire la suiteMis à jour à 10h53 HNEil y a 1h10h41 HNENouvelles de l'équipeSteve Cooper apporte deux changements à l'équipe Forest qui a perdu à Old Trafford : Morgan Gibbs-White remplace Jesse Lingard, blessé, et Dean Henderson – qui n'était pas disponible contre son club parent – ​​prend le relais de Wayne Hennessey dans les buts.Graham Potter fait un changement forcé, César Azpilicueta pour Reece James à l'arrière droit.Forêt de Nottingham (4-3-3) Henderson ; Aurier, Worrall, Boly, Lodi; Yates, Freuler, Mangala ; Johnson, Awoniyi, Gibbs-White. Remplaçants : Hennessey, Cook, Williams, Toffolo, McKenna, Colback, O'Brien, Surridge, Dennis.Chelsea (4-2-3-1) Kepa; Azpilicueta, Koulibaly, Thiago, Cucurella ; Zakaria, Jorginho ; Sterling, Mont, Pulisic ; Havertz. Remplaçants : Bettinelli, Chalobah, Kovacic, Ziyech, Gallagher, Chukwuemeka, Hutchinson, Hall, Aubameyang.Mis à jour à 10h49 HNEil y a 1h10h30 HNEPréambuleBonjour, bonne année et bienvenue pour la couverture en direct du match de Premier League entre Nottingham Forest et Chelsea au City Ground. C'est 19 contre 9, si vous êtes dans toute la ligue, et une chance pour les deux équipes de commencer 2023 comme elles veulent continuer.La forme à domicile de Forest va sûrement décider s'ils restent debout, et jusqu'à présent, ça a été plutôt bon : P8 W3 D2 L3. Cela inclut une bonne série récente de huit points en quatre matchs, dont une célèbre victoire contre Liverpool en octobre.Bien que Chelsea soit un grand favori en raison de ses footballeurs supérieurs, Forest a une chance de remporter une autre grande victoire contre une équipe qui a lutté loin de chez elle cette saison. Chelsea a déjà perdu quatre fois en championnat, soit autant de défaites que dans toutes les compétitions sur la route la saison dernière. Avant la Coupe du monde, ils ont été pris en embuscade 4-1 à Brighton puis bien battus par Newcastle, même si le score n'était que de 1-0.La victoire sur Bournemouth après Noël était beaucoup plus encourageante, beaucoup plus "Potterball", mais c'était à Stamford Bridge. Et ils ont eu Reece James pendant une heure, ce qui ne sera pas le cas aujourd'hui.
Démarrer 16h30.Les sujetspremière ligueForêt de NottinghamChelseaRéutiliser ce contenu
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The Princess Caraboo Hoax
On 3 April 1817, a cobbler in Almondsbury in Gloucestershire, England, met an apparently disoriented young woman wearing exotic clothes who was speaking an incomprehensible language. The cobbler's wife took this stranger to the Overseer of the Poor, who placed her in the hands of the local county magistrate, Samuel Worrall, who lived in Knole Park on the estate where Tower House is located. Worrall and his American-born wife Elizabeth could not understand her either; what they did determine was that she called herself Caraboo and that she was interested in Chinese imagery. They sent her to the local inn, where she identified a drawing of a pineapple with the word 'nanas', meaning pineapple in Indonesian languages, and insisted on sleeping on the floor. Samuel Worrall declared she was a beggar and should be taken to Bristol and tried for vagrancy.
During her imprisonment, a Portuguese sailor named Manuel Eynesso (or Enes) said he spoke her language and translated her story. According to Enes, she was Princess Caraboo from the island of Javasu in the Indian Ocean. She had been captured by pirates and after a long voyage she had jumped overboard in the Bristol Channel and swum ashore. The Worralls took Caraboo to their home. For ten weeks, this representative of exotic royalty was a favourite of the local dignitaries. She used a bow and arrow, fenced, swam naked and prayed to a god, whom she named Allah-Talla (a spelling variation of الله تعالى Allāh taʿālā, "Allah the Exalted," one of the formal names for God in Islam). She acquired exotic clothing and her portrait was painted and reproduced in local newspapers. 
Her authenticity was attested to by a Dr. Wilkinson, who identified her language using Edmund Fry's Pantographia and stated that marks on the back of her head were the work of oriental surgeons. Newspapers published stories about Princess Caraboo's adventures bringing her national acclaim.
Eventually the truth surfaced. A boarding-house keeper, Mrs. Neale, recognised her from the picture in the Bristol Journal and informed her hosts. This would-be princess was in truth Mary Willcocks, a cobbler's daughter from Witheridge, Devon. She had been a servant girl around England but had found no place to stay. She invented her fictitious language from imaginary and Romani words and created an exotic character and story. The odd marks on her head were scars from a crude cupping operation in a poorhouse hospital in London. The British press made much of the hoax at the expense of the duped rustic middle-class. Mrs. Worrall took pity on her and arranged for her to travel to Philadelphia, for which she departed on 28 June 1817.
On 13 September 1817 a letter was printed in the Bristol Journal, allegedly from Sir Hudson Lowe, the official in charge of the exiled Emperor Napoleon on St. Helena. It claimed that after the Philadelphia-bound ship bearing the beautiful Caraboo had been driven close to the island by a tempest, the intrepid princess impulsively cut herself adrift in a small boat, rowed ashore and so fascinated the emperor that he was applying to the Pope for a dispensation to marry her. That story is unverified. 
In the USA, she briefly continued her role, appearing on-stage at the Washington Hall, Philadelphia, as 'Princess Caraboo', with little success. Her last contact with the Worralls was in a letter from New York in November 1817, in which she complained of her notoriety. She appears to have returned to Philadelphia until she left America in 1824, returning to England. In 1824 she returned to Britain and exhibited herself for a short time in New Bond Street, London, as Princess Caraboo but her act was not successful. She may have briefly travelled to France and Spain in her guise, but soon returned to England. 
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radactivism · 3 years
Most Britons cannot name all parts of the vulva, survey reveals
By Linda Geddes
Do you know your urethra from your clitoris? And could you locate either of them on a diagram? According to a survey of patients in hospital waiting rooms, half of Britons could not identify the urethra, while 37% mislabelled the clitoris – regardless of their gender. Meanwhile, just 46% correctly identified that women have three “holes” down below.
Dina El-Hamamsy, a senior obstetrics and gynaecology registrar, now at Addenbrookes hospital in Cambridge, and her colleagues, conducted the survey out of concern that many of their female patients were confused by the nature of their medical problems.
“A lot of women don’t understand the difference between urinary incontinence and a prolapse. Also, when they put complaints in, there’s a lot of confusion about what their condition was, and how it should be addressed,” El-Hamamsy said.
The team distributed anonymous questionnaires to 171 women and 20 men attending general outpatient or urogynaecology clinics at a Manchester teaching hospital. They were asked how many holes women have down below (in their private parts), and to name them. Fewer than half identified the correct number.
Co-author Fiona Reid, a consultant urogynaecologist at St Mary’s hospital, Manchester, said: “We do see women who don’t understand that there is the urethra, the vagina and the anus. They seem to think that the urethra and the vagina are the same thing.”
Participants were also given a diagram of the area, and asked to label as many structures as they could, using their own words.
Of those who attempted the labelling – and almost half left this section blank – just 9% labelled all seven structures correctly. Most people correctly identified the vagina and anus, while only 49% labelled the labia, and 18% correctly identified the perineum – the area between the vagina and anus. There was also confusion between the clitoris and the urethra.
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Women were more likely to label the vagina and anus correctly than men, but there was no difference for the other structures. White ethnicity and higher levels of education were also associated with greater anatomical knowledge. The study was published in International Urogynecology Journal.
“It’s horrifying that people know so little about the vulva and female anatomy,” said Lynn Enright, the author of Vagina: A Re-education. “It’s not that surprising though. I think we are much more familiar with diagrams depicting the female reproductive system – the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries – than images of the external genitalia, correctly labelled.”
The team also assessed people’s contrasting knowledge about general and female-specific medical conditions. Whereas most people understood what stroke and diabetes were, 53% had an understanding of what a pelvic organ prolapse, while only 23% knew what fibroids were – even though both conditions affect a third of women at some point in their lives. A prolapse is when one or more of the organs in the pelvis slip down from their usual position and bulge into the vagina. Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the uterus, and can cause heavy, painful periods and general discomfort.
Reid said: “I think we need far more women’s health education from a young age. In schools we need to be talking about issues to do with female genital anatomy, and people need to know about their health. They need to know about the importance of pelvic floor exercises and things like that because otherwise the first time they hear anything about it is probably when they’re pregnant with their first child, and at that point there are far more things on their mind.”
The study also raises questions about women’s ability to consent to medical procedures. Stephanie Shoop-Worrall, an epidemiologist at the University of Manchester, who was also involved in the research, said: “If a doctor is going to examine you, or suggest any kind of treatment plan, you need to fully understand what’s going to happen, and the risks and benefits, to be able to give permission. If people are coming in for their hospital appointment and not understanding basic anatomy, or what’s even wrong with them, how can they properly consent to treatment?”
Enright said: “You have to wonder: what are the long-term implications of people being so ignorant of their own bodies? What does that mean for people’s sex lives? What about the conversations they have with their GP when they encounter an issue? We know that too often pain is just accepted as a normal part of being a girl or woman or having periods – it’s worth thinking about how not having the words to describe pain or where pain is occurring could affect that.”
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mysticalhearth · 3 years
Parade - Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center - February 16, 2015 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jeremy Jordan (Leo Frank), Laura Benanti (Lucille Frank), Charlie Franklin (Frankie Epps), Emerson Steele (Mary Phagan), John Ellison Conlee (Hugh Dorsey), Alan Campbell (Governor John Slaton), Joshua Henry (Jim Conley), Nathaniel Stampley (Newt Lee), Andy Mientus (Britt Craig), Eric Anderson (J.N. Starnes), Davis Gaines (Judge Roan), Ramin Karimloo (Tom Watson), Andrea Jones-Sojola (Minola McKnight), Katie Rose Clarke (Mrs. Phagan), Rachel de Benedet (Sally Slaton), John Jellison (Mr. Peavy), Caitlin Houlahan (Iola Stover), Allie Trimm (Essie), Ephie Aardema (Monteen), John Jellison (Luther Rosser), Andrea Jones-Sojola (Angela), Charlie Franklin (Young Confederate Soldier), Eric Leviton (Officer Ivery), Nathaniel Stampley (Riley) NOTES: A fantastic capture of this one-night-only concert at Avery Fisher Hall. Jeremy and Laura give incredible performances, as does Joshua Henry and too many others to name. Jason Robert Brown gives a speech after the curtain call. Truly an epic night of theatre. This is a very near perfect video with no obstruction and only slight washout in wide shots. There are two quick dropouts in the first few minutes, but the concert is otherwise fully captured. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call, Jason’s speech, and playbill scans. Parade - Broadway - December 8, 1998 (Preview) (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Brent Carver (Leo Frank), Carolee Carmello (Lucille Frank), Kirk McDonald (Frankie Epps), Christy Carlson Romano (Mary Phagan), Herndon Lackey (Hugh Dorsey), John Hickok (Governor John Slaton), Rufus Bonds Jr (Jim Conley), Evan Pappas (Britt Craig), Don Chastain (Judge Roan), John Leslie Wolfe (Tom Watson), Jessica Molaskey (Mrs. Phagan), Brooke Sunny Moriber (Iola Stover), Megan McGinnis NOTES: Made from closed-circuit system in Vivian Beaumont Theatre. Stage shot entire time; decent picture and good sound. Also possibly from February 27, 1999. Parade - Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles - November 1, 2009 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: T R Knight (Leo Frank), Lara Pulver (Lucille Frank), Curt Hansen (Frankie Epps), Rose Sezniak (Mary Phagan), Michael Berresse (Governor John Slaton), David St Louis (Jim Conley), Davis Gaines (Judge Roan), PJ Griffith (Tom Watson) NOTES: Released as 2 Disc DVD. One short blackout in the first act, and some washout in the wides; very little obstruction with some heads on the bottom and the sides, but nothing major; good clear and steady video with nice picture and sound. Passion - Netherlands - 2004 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Vera Mann (Fosca), Stanley Burleson (Giorgio), Pia Douwes (Clara) Peter Pan (National Theatre) - London - 2016-, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Paul Hilton (Peter Pan), Anna Francolini (Captain Hook), Madeleine Worrall (Wendy Darling), Marc Antolin (John Darling), John Pfumojena (Michael Darling), Felix Hayes (Mr Darling), Saikat Ahamed (Tinkerbell), Felix Hayes (Smee), Saikat Ahamed (Curly), Lois Chimimba (Tiger Lily), Lois Chimimba (Slightly), Laura Cubitt (Twin One), Felix Hayes (Twin Two), Amaka Okafor (Jane), Ekow Quartey (Nana), Ekow Quartey (Tootles), Anna Francolini (Mrs. Darling) Phantom (Yeston/Kopit) - North Shore Music Theatre - 1994 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ron Baker (Erik/The Phantom), Kristin Chenoweth (Christine Daaé), Marc Kudisch (Count Philippe de Chandon), Michael Dantuono (Gérard Carrière), SuEllen Estey (Carlotta) Phantom (Yeston/Kopit) - Takarazuka - 2011 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Tomu Ranju (Erik/The Phantom), Ranno Hana (Christine Daaé)
Piaf - The Netherlands - January 9, 2009 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Liesbeth List (Edith Piaf), Esther Roord (Toine), Daphne Flint (Young Edith Piaf), Geert Hoes (Marcel), Ara Halici (Paul), Jan Elbertse (Lucien), Eliane Feijen (Madeleine) Pippin - Broadway Revival - July 13, 2013 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Patina Miller (Leading Player), Matthew James Thomas (Pippin), Terrence Mann (Charles), Charlotte d'Amboise (Fastrada), Andrea Martin (Berthe), Rachel Bay Jones (Catherine), Erik Altemus (Lewis), Ashton Woerz (Theo) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the 2013 Tony Winning Revival. I certainly see why Patina and Andrea won their Tonys. A sleek and stunning revival with performances and ideas to die for! Certainly not to be missed! A Pippin - Broadway Revival - June 14, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Ciara Renée (Leading Player), Kyle Dean Massey (Pippin), Terrence Mann (Charles), Charlotte d'Amboise (Fastrada), Andrea Martin (Berthe), Rachel Bay Jones (Catherine), Erik Altemus (Lewis), Andrew Cekala (Theo) NOTES: Wonderful HD capture of the new leads who have joined the cast. The show is still in top shape, Kyle gives a great Pippin and beautiful voice to match! Ciara gives some great vocal variations of her own. A Pippin - Broadway Revival - December 30, 2014 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Working on uploading, PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST CAST: Carly Hughes (Leading Player), Josh Kaufman (Pippin), John Dossett (Charles), Charlotte d'Amboise (Fastrada), Priscilla Lopez (Berthe), Rachel Bay Jones (Catherine), Mike Schwitter (Lewis), Eli Tokash (Theo)   Pippin - World AIDS Day Benefit Concert - November 29, 2004 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Ben Vereen (Leading Player), Billy Porter (Leading Player), Darius de Haas (Leading Player), Kate Shindle (Leading Player), Rosie O’Donnell (Leading Player), Michael Arden (Pippin), Terrence Mann (Charles), Julia Murney (Fastrada), Charles Busch (Berthe), Laura Benanti (Catherine), Cameron Mathison (Lewis), Harrison Chad (Theo), Adam Fleming, Barrett Foa, Caitlin van Zandt, Cheyenne Jackson, Colin Hanlon, Erin Quill, Jenna Leigh Green, Jennifer Malenke, John Tartaglia, Jordan Gelber, Josh Young, Julie Garnye, Kate Pazakis, Kearran Giovanni, Kristoffer Cusick, Marty Thomas, Michael Longoria, Natalie Joy Johnson, Randy Redd, Robb Sapp, Sara Chase, Sriram Ganesan NOTES: If you've been wanting to see Rosie O'Donnell perform "Magic To Do" with a dancer in a bikini top grinding up on her, then look no further! *Ben Vereen, Darius de Haas, Billy Porter, Rosie O'Donell, Kate Shindle as the leading players The Pirate Queen - Broadway - March 24, 2007 (Preview) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Stephanie J Block (Grace (Gráinne) O'Malley), Linda Balgord (Queen Elizabeth I), Hadley Fraser (Tiernan), Marcus Chait (Donal O'Flaherty), Jeff McCarthy (Dubhdara), William Youmans (Sir Richard Bingham) The Pirate Queen - Broadway - April 11, 2007 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Stephanie J Block (Grace (Gráinne) O'Malley), Linda Balgord (Queen Elizabeth I), Hadley Fraser (Tiernan), Marcus Chait (Donal O'Flaherty), Jeff McCarthy (Dubhdara), William Youmans (Sir Richard Bingham) The Pirate Queen - Broadway - April 13, 2007 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Stephanie J Block (Grace (Gráinne) O'Malley), Linda Balgord (Queen Elizabeth I), Hadley Fraser (Tiernan), Marcus Chait (Donal O'Flaherty), Jeff McCarthy (Dubhdara), William Youmans (Sir Richard Bingham) NOTES: Wonderful crystal clear capture and top notch amazing performances. Much improved from Chicago version. Includes performance on the the View. A+ The Pirate Queen - Pre-Broadway / Chicago - October 8, 2006 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST. Working on uploading :) CAST: Stephanie J Block (Grace (Gráinne) O'Malley), Linda Balgord (Queen Elizabeth I), Hadley Fraser (Tiernan), Marcus Chait (Donal O'Flaherty), Jeff McCarthy (Dubhdara), William Youmans (Sir Richard Bingham) The Play That Goes Wrong - Broadway - May, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Mark Evans (Chris Bean), Preston Truman Boyd (Robert Grove), Jonathan Fielding (Jonathan Harris), Amelia McClain (Sandra Wilkinson), Alex Mandell (Max Bennett), Harrison Unger (Dennis Tyde), Ashley Bryant (Annie Twilliol), Akron Watson (Trevor Watson) NOTES: (not Master's notes) Beginning from pre-show where the comedy 'bit' of the set breaking starts. Throughout, very clearly shot with no obstructions, in a mixture of wides and closes, following the action well. I think it's shot from the front of the circle. Once or twice the camera falls but never during key moments, and is quickly fixed. No long blackouts. Audience energy is great. The Play That Goes Wrong - West End (Duchess Theatre) - March, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Ross Green (Chris Bean), Tom Bulpett (s/b Robert Grove), James Watterson (e/c Jonathan Harris), Ellie Morris (Sandra Wilkinson), Milo Clarke (Max Bennett), Michael Keene (Dennis Tyde), Leah Penston (s/b Annie Twilliol), Blayar Benn (Trevor Watson) Pokémon Live! - First National Tour - December 30, 2000 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Dominic Nolfi (Ash Ketchum), Heidi Michelle Weyhmueller (Misty), Dennis Kenney (Brock), Darren Dunstan (Giovanni), Lauren Kling (Jessie), Andrew Rannells (James), Dee Roscioli (Delia Ketchum), Patrick Frankfort (Professor Oak), Jennifer Risser (Pikachu), Kathleen Roche (Meowth), Leah Smith (Psyduck), Shaun Bradley (Mewtwo), Leah Smith (Jigglypuff), Natalie Weld (Nurse Joy), Suzanne Wogisch (Officer Jenny), Sinclair Mitchell (Dexter) NOTES: HOUSE-CAM and soundboard. Shot from the back of the theatre with some washout. Upgraded file with audience heads cut out and cropped image retaining all action Potted Potter: The Unauthorized Harry Experience - Off-Broadway - May 23, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Daniel Clarkson, Jefferson Turner NOTES: All seven Harry Potter books condensed into seventy minutes. Full/mid stage shot. Pretty Woman: The Musical - Broadway - January 16, 2019 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Samantha Barks (Vivian Ward), Adam Pascal (t/r Edward Lewis), Jennifer Sanchez (u/s Kit De Luca) NOTES: A lot of washout. Wide shot. Shot from the mez. Pretty Woman: The Musical - Broadway - February, 2019 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Samantha Barks (Vivian Ward), Adam Pascal (Edward Lewis), Eric Anderson (Mr. Thompson/Happy Man), Jason Danieley (Philip Stuckey), Kingsley Leggs (James Morse), Orfeh (Kit De Luca), Tommy Bracco (Giulio) NOTES: (not Master notes) Seems a fantastic capture of the show. Virtually no dropouts, obstructions and spotlight washout. Filmed more centre than the preview recording by the same master; mix of wides, mediums and some closeups; very good capture of the sets and actor choreography. Both are worth watching. Pretty Woman: The Musical - Broadway - July, 2018 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Samantha Barks (Vivian Ward), Andy Karl (Edward Lewis), Eric Anderson (Mr. Thompson/Happy Man), Jason Danieley (Philip Stuckey), Ezra Knight (James Morse), Orfeh (Kit De Luca), Allison Blackwell (Violetta), Tommy Bracco (Giulio), Brian Cali (Fred/Alfredo), Robby Clater (David Morse), Anna Eilinsfeld (Susan/Scarlett) NOTES: (not Master notes) Seems a fantastic capture of the show. Virtually no dropouts or obstructions. More spotlight washout than the Feb 2019 recording by the same master, but it's very minimal. Filmed at slight angle and with more closeups compared to the other recording. Very good capture of the actors' expressions. Both are worth watching. Pretty Woman: The Musical - Hamburg - September 25, 2019 (Preview) (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patricia Meeden (Vivian Ward), Mark Seibert (Edward Lewis), Paul Kribbe (Mr. Thompson/Happy Man), Nigel Casey (Philip Stuckey), Frank Logemann (James Morse), Maricel (Kit De Luca) Pretty Woman: The Musical - Pre-Broadway/Chicago - April 13, 2018 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Samantha Barks (Vivian Ward), Steve Kazee (Edward Lewis), Eric Anderson (Mr. Thompson/Happy Man), Jason Danieley (Philip Stuckey), Kingsley Leggs (James Morse), Orfeh (Kit De Luca) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the PreBroadway production. This includes Steve as Edward before he left the production prior to Broadway. Such a fun show with terrific performances and a rare glimpse of Steve in the role! A Pride and Prejudice - TheatreWorks Silicon Valley - December, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Mary Mattison (Elizabeth Bennet), Sharon Rietkerk (Jane Bennet), Justin Mortelliti (Fitzwilliam Darcy), Travis Leland (Charles Bingley), Monique Hafen (Caroline Bingley) NOTES: Streamed by TheaterMania on April 10, 2020. Hosted by Julie James, Laura Osnes, and Beth Leavel. The Prince of Egypt - West End - March 5, 2020 (BwaytoWestEnd's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Luke Brady (Moses), Liam Tamne (Ramses), Alexia Khadime (Miriam), Christine Allado (Tzipporah), Gary Wilmot (Jethro), Silas Wyatt-Barke (Aaron), Joe Dixon (Seti), Debbie Kurup (Queen Tuya), Tanisha Spring (Nefertari), Adam Pearce (Hotep), Mercedesz Csampai (Yocheved) NOTES: Approx 12 gb stageshot filmed from stalls. Audio is awful most of the time. Master of this is BwaytoWestEnd The Prince of Egypt - West End - February, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Luke Brady (Moses), Liam Tamne (Ramses), Alexia Khadime (Miriam), Christine Allado (Tzipporah), Gary Wilmot (Jethro), Silas Wyatt-Barke (Aaron), Joe Dixon (Seti), Debbie Kurup (Queen Tuya), Tanisha Spring (Nefertari), Adam Pearce (Hotep), Mercedesz Csampai (Yocheved), Iman Pabani (Young Miriam/Leah/Young Hebrew Girl), Leo Babet (Young Aaron/Young Egyptian Boy/Young Midian Boy) NOTES: This video is never to be publicly shared on YouTube, tumblr, Facebook, Stage Dork etc. The Prince of Egypt - West End - February, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
FORMAT: video CAST: Luke Brady (Moses), Liam Tamne (Ramses), Alexia Khadime (Miriam), Christine Allado (Tzipporah), Gary Wilmot (Jethro), Silas Wyatt-Barke (Aaron), Joe Dixon (Seti), Debbie Kurup (Queen Tuya), Tanisha Spring (Nefertari), Adam Pearce (Hotep), Mercedesz Csampai (Yocheved), Iman Pabani (Young Miriam/Leah/Young Hebrew Girl), Leo Babet (Young Aaron/Young Egyptian Boy/Young Midian Boy) NOTES: This video is never to be publicly shared on YouTube, tumblr, Facebook, Stage Dork etc. The Producers - Hollywood Bowl - July 28, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Richard Kind (Max Bialystock), Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Leo Bloom), Gary Beach (Roger De Bris), Roger Bart (Carmen Ghia), Rebecca Romijn (Ulla), Dane Cook (Franz Liebkind) NOTES: Excellent capture of this year's Hollywood Bowl production. Action is followed well with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The first minute of the show is missing, and the next few minutes are a bit shaky with scattered blackouts, but after "The King of Broadway" it settles and the majority of the show is captured nicely. SPOILER: Before "Keep It Gay" started, when Roger says "What's the word?" someone from the audience shouted out "Gay" which sent the cast into a laughing fit. The Prom - Broadway - August 11, 2019 (Matinee) (Closing Night) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Caitlin Kinnunen (Emma Nolan), Brooks Ashmanskas (Barry Glickman), Isabelle McCalla (Alyssa Greene), Beth Leavel (Dee Dee Allen), Christopher Sieber (Trent Oliver), Michael Genet (Mr. Hawkins), Angie Schworer (Angie), Courtenay Collins (Mrs. Greene), Josh Lamon (Sheldon Saperstein), Becca Lee (Kaylee), Kalyn West (Shelby), Teddy Toye (Nick), Josh Franklin (Motel Clerk), Drew Redington (Kevin), Courtney Balan (Olivia Keating), Anthony Norman, Brittany Conigatti, Fernell Hogan, Jack Sippel, Jerusha Cavazos, Joomin Hwang, Mary Antonini, Shelby Finnie, Sheldon Henry, Vasthy Mompoint NOTES: Gift upon request. Unobstructed closing performance with the full cast! Starts in the beginning of "Changing Lives" and is a little washed out. For whatever reason my camera was mad at me and didn't want to focus in the beginning of Act One. It warmed up and got better, and to be honest I opted for wider shots because everyone was doing crazy things and I didn't want to miss anything. I stood up for all but one of the standing ovations and when I did so I have no idea what my camera did or what it was looking at. I would say sorry but it wouldn't be true. I'm just so damn proud of all of these people. Please do not post this bootleg publicly! The Prom - Broadway - February, 2019 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Caitlin Kinnunen (Emma Nolan), Josh Lamon (u/s Barry Glickman), Isabelle McCalla (Alyssa Greene), Beth Leavel (Dee Dee Allen), Christopher Sieber (Trent Oliver), Michael Genet (Mr. Hawkins), Angie Schworer (Angie), Courtenay Collins (Mrs. Greene), David Josefsberg (u/s Sheldon Saperstein) NOTES: Excellent capture! Josh mistakenly mentions Alyssa in 'Tonight Belongs to You' despite not being meant to know her name at this point. The last three minutes of the show are from a different performance, during previews, with Brooks Ashmanskas as Barry and Josh Lamon as Sheldon, but it is a full video in total. The Prom - Broadway - March, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Gabi Campo (u/s Emma Nolan), Brooks Ashmanskas (Barry Glickman), Isabelle McCalla (Alyssa Greene), Beth Leavel (Dee Dee Allen), Christopher Sieber (Trent Oliver), Michael Potts (Mr. Hawkins), Angie Schworer (Angie), Courtenay Collins (Mrs. Greene), David Josefsberg (u/s Sheldon Saperstein), Becca Lee (Kaylee), Susie Carroll (s/w Shelby), Teddy Toye (Nick), Drew Redington (Kevin), Courtney Balan (Olivia Keating) NOTES: This video starts at "Dance With You" and is super focused on Gabi. There are less heads in this than most of my videos and a railing that gets in the way occasionally, but they were mostly worked around. The cast as a whole is doing top notch work, though at times you can tell that Brooks and Izzy are just back from being sick. Overall this is a really great video of one of my favorite shows, and I'm really proud of myself for containing my crying at the end of act one. The Prom - Pre-Broadway / Atlanta - September 17, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Caitlin Kinnunen (Emma Nolan), Brooks Ashmanskas (Barry Glickman), Anna Grace Barlow (Alyssa Greene), Beth Leavel (Dee Dee Allen), Christopher Sieber (Trent Oliver), Martin Moran (Mr. Hawkins), Angie Schworer (Angie), Josh Lamon (Sheldon Saperstein) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the Pre-Broadway tryout. A really touching and funny new musical, led by a hilarious cast of Broadway veterans. A perfect mix of comedy and drama.
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eyreguide · 4 years
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These are difficult times.  And when I am feeling stressed or anxious, I often turn to my favorite things for comfort - one of which is Jane Eyre.  While most of us are self-isolating, I wanted to share some ways in which we can experience and celebrate Jane Eyre in our home - I hope some of these suggestions can bring comfort to all Jane Eyre fans.
To begin I wanted to highlight a couple things specifically released for people quarantined at home:
National Theatre Live:
The National Theatre is releasing one play a week on youtube, free for everyone.  From 9 April to 16 April, you can watch the 2015 filmed version of the play directed by Sally Cookson and starring Madeleine Worrall as Jane and Felix Hayes as Rochester.
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I am thinking of doing a watch-along on twitter for this - we could all watch this 3 hour adaptation on April 11th.  If you have any interest in participating - let me know here or preferably on twitter @chardekalb. I’d like to see if there would be any interest in doing this and try to figure out time zones.  Thanks!
Audible has made hundreds of audiobooks free to listen to by just signing up.  Visit Audible Stories and you can listen to the recent audiobook of Jane Eyre as read by Thandie Newton.  I haven’t heard this particular one yet, but I’ve heard great things about Thandie’s reading.
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Streaming Jane Eyre Adaptations :
Perhaps it’s time to watch or re-watch a Jane Eyre adaptation!  In case you don’t own all the versions - here are the ones that are readily available to stream for free online (or if you already have the relevant subscription):
Jane Eyre 1949 starring Mary Sinclair and Charlton Heston
Jane Eyre 1957 starring Joan Elam and Patrick MacNee
Amazon Prime:
Jane Eyre 1970 starring Susannah York and George C. Scott
Jane Eyre 1983 starring Zelah Clarke and Timothy Dalton
Jane Eyre 1997 starring Samantha Morton and Ciaran Hinds
Jane Eyre 2006 starring Ruth Wilson and Toby Stephens
Hulu & Britbox:
Jane Eyre 2006 starring Ruth Wilson and Toby Stephens
If you need help picking a version to watch, perhaps my reviews on all the adaptations can be helpful? :) 
I own a copy of “Classical Comics Teaching Resource Pack” a companion for teachers and students to their wonderful graphic novel release in 2009.  It includes worksheets related to the novel and the crossword and word search below.  If you’d like to do them in your idle moments, I’ve uploaded each as a PDF here. (Please let me know if you have any issues downloading!)
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There are also some Jane Eyre related puzzles through Teacher’s Pet Publications.
And a couple years back I created a Jane Eyre Quiz based on minutiae in the novel - I was trying to think of questions that would be difficult for the Eyre Obsessed.  If you didn’t take it at the time, you can try your hand at it by visiting this link.
Victorian Style
I thought this was a fun video to watch: learn how to style your hair the Victorian way, with some interesting tidbits about Victorian beauty practices. 
Things will get harder, but I know we can make it through this time.  I hope everyone is clinging to their best source of comfort and taking deep breaths.  We are all in this together.
I could not help it: the restlessness was in my nature; it agitated me to pain sometimes.  Then my sole relief was to walk along the corridor of the third storey, backwards and forwards, safe in the silence and solitude of the spot, and allow my mind’s eye to dwell on whatever bright visions rose before it—and, certainly, they were many and glowing; to let my heart be heaved by the exultant movement, which, while it swelled it in trouble, expanded it with life; and, best of all, to open my inward ear to a tale that was never ended—a tale my imagination created, and narrated continuously; quickened with all of incident, life, fire, feeling, that I desired and had not in my actual existence.
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detroitlib · 4 years
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Group portrait of students and teachers; girls wear high-necked dresses, boys wear suits. Printed on front: "Detroit High School, class of January, '88." Label on back: "Detroit High School, January class of 1888; back row standing left to right, Emma Weatherby, Mary Ella Wood, Henrietta Robinson, Maude A. Priest, Clara Marsha Roat, Ada M. Rouse, Theressa G. Bedford; second row, left to right, John Alfred Heavenrich, Day Krolik, Charles R. Weymouth, William Leslie Stevenson, Henry Magnus Butzel, Frederick C. Henderson, Frank I. Holt; third row, French professor, Professor Adams (physics & chemistry), Florence Edna Murray, Professor Bliss, Mrs. Bishop (12th grade), Professor Miller, Lulu Baldwin Gregory, Professor Sherard (Latin); below, Jean W. Wilson, Charlotte A. Stowe, Mary Cecelia Mulvey, Grace Darlene Worrall, Gertrude Katherine Boynton, Clara Mary Meiser, Irene Chittenden Farquhar, Hannah Maria Wilson." Bottom of mat is damaged.
Courtesy of the Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
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mistikfir · 5 years
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Hugh Dancy interview  - Marie Claire (December 4, 2007)
He’s gone from TV dramas (Cold Feet, David Copperfield) to big-budget blockbusters (Black Hawk Down, King Arthur). Now Hugh Dancy, 32, stars in the romantic comedy The Jane Austen Book Club.
You’re in three movies this year ? Savage Grace, Evening and The Jane Austen Book Club. What’s it like hitting the big time? I don’t feel like that. Things have got more high profile, but I’m under no illusions. Next year could be quiet. But aren’t you supposed to be the new Hugh Grant? We’re English and we have the same first name. It’s as simple as that. One person said it and journalists keep perpetuating it. Shooting Dogs director Michael Caton-Jones compared you to Leonardo DiCaprio, saying you’re both eye candy but with depth. I’ll take that! Well, I mean, at least he knows what he’s talking about, and he’s a great director, so if he says something like that, then thank you very much. Leo’s a brilliant actor, so it’s very flattering, but you can’t really take these comparisons too seriously. I’m still trying to figure out what I can do well and what I can’t. The Jane Austen Book Club was a well-written comedy, a different area for me. I enjoyed playing a comic character more than I thought I would. You come from a family of academics and you studied English Literature at Oxford. Shouldn’t you have a proper job? There was never any pressure and I was always into the arts. I went to boarding school and, at 13, I was sent to theatre studies as a punishment for smoking and drinking. That formed my decision to become an actor. But I did go to uni first. In The Jane Austen Book Club, your character, Grigg, is a sci-fi geek with a big heart. Do you share any of his character traits? Maybe a few, but I’m not a sci-fi geek! Grigg is a good guy. He doesn’t have a dark side? I’m not Darth Vader, but Grigg’s nicer than me. He also falls for an older woman. Any similarities there? How can I put this? I don’t have a particular type; that includes age. Is it true you dated Claire Danes on the set of Evening? I met her then, but we didn’t start dating until filming finished. Claire lives in America. Will you be moving there anytime soon? No. The ideal scenario would be to jump between both. But I wouldn’t leave England ? it’s my home. And I’d miss a good pint of Guinness. So, if you needed a drinking buddy, who would you call? Ray Winstone. I’ve worked with him a couple of times ? he could show anybody a good time, I think. He’s just a big character in every respect; he’s a great guy, generous to a fault?and you wouldn’t get in trouble on a night out with him because, frankly, who’s going to step up? Is drinking your biggest guilty pleasure? Not at all. I love socialising but I’m great at pacing myself. Actually, my favourite pastime is watching the food network. That’s tragic. I know! But it’s hypnotising. It’s 24-hour-a-day food porn. I always pretended I was going to learn to cook, but now I realise I just like watching other people doing it. Over here, we’ve got a couple of shows, you know, the sort with someone like Anthony Worrall-Thompson being slightly obnoxious, but, in America, it’s so much bigger. I’ve watched the food network for, like, five hours on the trot. OK, Basic Instinct 2. Why? Michael Caton-Jones was directing it, and we’d worked together on Shooting Dogs. But, saying that, I did get paid half the amount I got for the entire making of Shooting Dogs, and it only took three days to film, two of which I was a corpse. Listen, if you spend nine weeks filming a harrowing movie like Shooting Dogs, then you’ve earned the right to spend three days farting around in Basic Instinct 2.
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dunwannawakeup · 5 years
Mari, the film, is coming to NYC for its international premiere! 
Bobbi Jene Smith as CHARLOTTE
Phoebe Nicholls as MARGOT
Madeleine Worrall as LAUREN
Peter Singh as ROHAN
Paddy Glynn as MARI
Will Thompson as RYAN
Nicholas Bruder as JOE
Reuben Kell as BILLY
Maxine Doyle
Screening + Q&A with star Bobbi Jene Smith
Dance on Camera Festival, Lincoln Centre (New York)
Get your tickets: 
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globemakers · 7 years
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Princess Caraboo and the island of Javasu. The story begins in the south of England, in the early 19th century, when a woman appeared on a doorstep, dressed and behaving slightly oddly. Nobody knew who she was. She didn’t speak English and nobody could understand what she said. She was taken in by the family of the local magistrate, Samuel Worrall, who looked after her and tried to find out who she was. Eventually, they located a man who said he could understand what she was saying. He said that the woman, who called herself Caraboo, had come from the island of Javasu, in the Far East, and was a princess. But it turned out this was not the case. She was actually a woman called Mary Wilcox, from Devon, who had had a difficult life. She probably had mental health problems and had essentially retreated from the world. But she attracted wealthy people from all over England because, at that time, the British were obsessed with the glamour of the Orient. There were newspaper stories; her portrait was painted. And that turned out to be her downfall because somebody recognised her in the newspaper and realised she was not who she was thought to be. She is generally portrayed as a hoaxer. But the real hoaxer was the man who pretended to understand what she was saying and invented all of these details about Javasu and the life of this supposed princess, Caraboo. In the end, she went to the U.S. For a time, she managed to make a living off her fame, but eventually she returned to England and lived in poverty. She is buried in Bristol in an unmarked grave. But some years ago, they made a movie about her. Pictured : Leo’s corner. And #GlobeFacts - via - "The Un-Discovered Islands" by Malachy Tallack - via National Geographic.
Globes : www.bellerbyandco.com
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naijawapaz1 · 5 years
Madeleine Worrall Bio, Movies, Paddington, Net Worth, & Age
Madeleine Worrall Bio, Movies, Paddington, Net Worth, & Age
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Image of an actress Madeleine Worrall Quick Facts of Madeleine Worrall Full Name Madeleine Worrall Marital Status Not Married Birthplace Scotland, UK Ethnicity White Profession Actress Nationality Scotish Active Year 2003-present Eye colour Brown Hair colour Blonde Build Slim Height 5 feet 6-inch Education Mary Erskine School, University of Cambridge Children No
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ursafilms · 5 years
The Nightmare Before Christmas and the Curse of the Oogie-Boogie Set
In between visits by perennially disgruntled The Nightmare Before Christmas employees, a few other adventures awaited me on the production of the movie. One of them actually involved Tim Burton.
He showed up at the studio one morning with Lisa Marie in tow.
Jenny, TNBC’s fab accounting assistant had just poured water into our coffee maker and hit the ‘On’ button. We had an old-fashioned restaurant style system which did not include an automatic shut-off. Tim, in his zeal to get some caffeine into his system made a bee-line for the kitchen.
Before I could intercede, he’d snatched the glass coffee pot off the burner; emptied its contents into a large Styrofoam cup; added milk and/or sugar before placing the pot back to catch the remaining coffee.
Tim and the strikingly beautiful Lisa Marie disappeared to their confab with Kathleen Gavin, our producer and Henry Selick, TNBC’s director.
I turned back to survey the damage.
Me: “Jen, the best Smiley Face I can put on this one, is that Tim Burton is one intense and focused individual.”
Jen: “You want the counter or the carpet?”
Me: “The carpet. It will take longer and delay my inevitable daily public stoning in front of The Big Board at the hands of the animators.”
Jen: “Oh come on. It’s not that bad. They don’t stone you every day.”
Me: “That’s true. Sometimes they do it twice.”
The next incident involved the late night stage inspections, of which I became a part after Jackie, the former head of scheduling, left on maternity leave and I moved from stage management (ahem) to the production department.
The production department split up the responsibility of doing one final late night walk-through of the stages among the entirety of the staff, which now included me. We wanted to share the pain of 14 hour days equally. Okay, they did. I might have. I can’t remember.
Before finishing their shift, one production person checked on the stages and made sure the animators, some of whom did work very late, had everything they needed to finish a shot or at least continue one.
Along with everyone in the production department, I pulled that duty once a month. Most of the inspections were fairly routine and involved finding a missing prop or getting animators tape, paint, or glue. They were a very self-sufficient bunch, used to working long hours on their own, but a last check-in did help expedite the process.
During one of my late night shifts I walked the main studio, which included the Roulette Wheel set, the one used for the final confrontation between Jack and Oogie-Boogie. It occupied the largest stage in the complex. The exact dimensions escape me, but about half the set lived on a couple pieces of secured plywood whose length and width exceeded that of a King-sized bed.
Which turned out to be a very appropriate comparison.
Now would be a good time to explain the physical rigors of stop-motion animation. Anyone trained in this particular artform has to be in relatively good shape. I’ve never seen a fat animator. Okay, that’s not true. I’ve seen plenty of fat animators. They sit on their behinds and push a mouse, pencil, or joystick around and make pretty pictures on a monitor.
The qualification I make is I’ve never seen a fat stop-motion animator.
One of TNBC’s animators, in particular, would rise everyone morning at 6am and do an hour of plyometrics before coming into work. Another one studied martial arts. One of them, an artist from Boston, had to be one of the most athletic people I’d ever met. Had he not gone into animation, I believe he could have excelled at professional sports.
It’s a very physical job. A lot of crawling, climbing, clutching, and lifting.
All this might go so far as to excuse me for not paying nearly enough attention to the heavy breathing I heard coming from the roulette wheel set. And if not for the apparent sounds of twosets of rhythmic and intense respiration, I’d have walked into quite a performance. Common sense took over and just before I yanked back the closure of black curtains that surrounded all the stages, I withdrew my hand and stepped back.
But not quite quickly enough.
Panting Individual: “Anyone out there?”
Me: “Uh. No?”
Continually Panting Individual: “Is anyone out there?”
Me: “I’ll come back later.”
Still Panting Individual: “I don’t need anything.”
Me: “Evidently.”
Really Panting Individual: “What was that?”
Me: “I’ll go check on Steve and the Sleigh flying rig.”
Several animators wondered if production forgot about them that evening. I fled the scene and skipped a few stages, hoping that the independent buggers could get along without someone to fetch them 1” white camera tape for a night.
For a week I avoided the couple I speculated occupied Motel Oogie-Boogie on that particular evening. Not easy to do in a facility with 100 workers, all of whom knew each other right down to their personal lives. A conversation with a coworker or two about my possible voyeurism didn’t make it high on the list of things to do during the workday.
That particular Oogie-Boogie roulette wheel set had a curse on it. A few days after the Things Go Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump In The Night episode, one of our quantum physics degreed camera operators decided to drive their brand new motion control rig from Stage 1 to Stage 20.
In defense of our own Doctor Einstein, his next assignment did take place on Stage 20. However, driving a contraption of speed rail, welded metal plates, block and tackle from the 1700s ship-building industry, and a motorized Worrall head through the Escher-like construction of Skellington AT NIGHT however, might not have been the best plan. Throw in the duvetyne which wrapped everything on the stage floor in a black shroud of grim death and the only place more dangerous to take a spin on four wheels might be a Demolition Derby on ABC’s Wide World of Sports.
[Whoa! Look at that, Jim. Hunter McQueen just backed his Brinks Armored Vehicle overthe Yugo driven by the former Jimmy “The Bohunk” Abramowitz!]
[Yes that is something, John!]
But don’t let common sense interfere with a joyride in the middle of the night . . . on a pitch black studio floor . . . with hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment and gear in the way . . . and millions of dollars of set pieces, props, and puppets on display.
The following is the chagrined personal account of said cameraman and the production assistant on rounds. I was not on duty that evening. Follow the layout of Skellington Studios below this posting.
The camera operator took off from Stage 1 and worked the Motion Control rig down one of the narrow alleyways on the studio floor. The stages did lay out in a surprising form of organized numbering. Stages 1 through 7 were on the right hand side of the studio as you drove from front to back, and Stages 8 through 13 sat on the left.
14 through 20, or the Auxiliary Stages, were in the far reaches of Skellington and defied such military regimentation. As such we had an overhead of the stages that I used until I memorized where they were. Several thousand trips to each working set will embed their whereabouts in your brain.
Back to the accident about to happen.
The motion control rig, far from street ready, managed to avoid any collisions, despite the lack of definition in the field of vision of the driver, until it got to near the end of its initial journey through the first thirteen stages. Just before the safety of open space, which lay just on the other side of the drapery that divided the two sets of stages, the motion control rig crashed into a corner of the Oogie-Boogie Roulette Wheel set.
A six inch protrusion of a corner of the set extended into the narrow alleyway. Invisible due to its camouflage of black duvetyne. An additional piece of plywood had been added to allow the animator to keep certain tools and materials close at hand.
Or, perhaps the amorous couple of a few nights back needed a little extra room to move around. We will never know.
Whatever the reason, the MoCon (That’s film lingo.) rig had inadvertently committed one of the several zillion cardinal sins of stop motion animation known as unnecessary or un-filmed movement.
It causes horrific things to happen when such events occur such as Oogie-Boogie moving six feet in perspective without any known purpose and against all the laws of physics. The shot, to this juncture, might be ruined.
The fallout and possible solutions.
1.     The animator can kill the camera operator and be found not guilty due to justifiable homicide. Also included would be the subsequent dismantling and melting down of the MoCon rig. The entire camera department would be forced to attend this event.
2.     The animator can commit suicide, greatly reducing his productivity ongoing.
3.     The shot, already 360 frames into a 720 frame extravaganza, can be restarted. This request would precipitate #2.
4.     Phil Lofaro works on a brilliant solution. He sends the finished 360 frames to Disney. They send back specs to line up the set in its original position. The animator starts from frame 361, and Disney’s editorial staff is prepared to make further micro adjustments in post.
Strangely, as much as we wanted to see the camera operator dispatched and the cursed MoCon rig turned into scrap, we opted for #4.
Courtesy Reminder: When I said Phil Lofaro could do anything, I was not joking. The shot continued on schedule. It finished on time and looked great. If another performance of the Posturepedic Polka occurred on the Oogie-Boogie set, I was not the one to hear it.
And really, you two. That Roulette Wheel had a surface like an Iron Maiden.
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ok, so I can across this game that i reblogged 7 years ago. And I now feel old on so many levels ...
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vulturehound · 5 years
"It's Worth The Struggle If This Is Something You Really Want" – Mari (Film Review)
“It’s Worth The Struggle If This Is Something You Really Want” – Mari (Film Review)
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Worrall sells stake in Maui real estate firm to her nephew
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Longtime Hawaii Realtor Mary Worrall has sold her interest in Island Sotheby’s International Realty to her nephew, Ryan MacLaughlin, who is now a part owner of the Maui-based firm with his father, Paul MacLaughlin. Ryan MacLaughlin has sold real estate since 2003, and worked under his aunt, who owned Mary Worrall Associates Sotheby’s International Realty before it merged with LIST Sotheby’s International Realty in 2013. Worrall and Paul MacLaughlin, her brother and the firm’s principal… from DIYS http://ift.tt/2GDb9QW
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