kupaki-king · 7 years
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~Gilligan's Island Cartoon/Drawing of the Day~
Careful of the quicksand! ...here are some times where quicksand was shown on Gilligan’s Island:
Lord Beasley Waterfordthem into assistants. He searches the caves, jungle, lagoon and mountains for the Pussycat Swallowtail, getting briefly stuck in quicksand and stumbling off a cliff…
Where There's a WillHowell has fled to the other side of the island, everyone goes looking for him to bring him back. By now, Mr. Howell has found a quicksand pit…
The New Adventures of Gilliganand everyone goes looking for him. A Sinking Feeling November 30, 1974 13 1.13 Gilligan and Mr. Howell get trapped in quicksand. Reluctant Hero December 7, 1974 14 1.14 Gilligan realizes…
The Islandand Agonized Labor a gold mine in The Big Gold Strike the lagoon a mountain range in Man With a Net a mud bog in High Man on the Totem Pole a quicksand pit…
My Fair Gilliganback in with the Skipper, when Mr. Howell comes in asking who thought to place the net over the quicksand and pit. The Skipper says he did, and Howell…
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kupaki-king · 8 years
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~Gilligan’s Island Photo Collage of the Day~
Today’s collage is a group of pics of Ginger Grant played by actress, Tina Louise.
Ginger is the classic Hollywood type movie star actress, she is constantly reciting lines from her old movies and in plays always lands the lead role. Ginger is sometimes often very calm, but can be spooked easily by bats, and things like that.
Any man worth his weight in hormones would give his right arm to be stuck on an island with Ginger Grant. Ginger is an alluring and sexy actress, reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe, who persists in worrying about her gowns, her appearance, her career, and Hollywood gossip. Ginger follows a fascinating moral code. While Ginger's extraordinarily flirtatious and shapely, she never tried to advance her acting career on the casting couch. She's always willing to use her seductive powers or acting ability to help her fellow castaways. She diverts any visitor to the island, and she eagerly suggests plans of action based on parts she's played in movies. Ginger lives in Hollywood, California, and has an agent whose name we never learn.
Ginger once sang in a club in Waikiki, Hawaii and played a nurse in one episode of Ben Casey. She had minor roles in a remarkable number of Hollywood pictures, adding that she has done a few prison and haunted house pictures. At the time of the shipwreck, Ginger was scheduled to play the lead role of Cleopatra in the Broadway production of "Pyramid for Two" - a part she's convinced would have rocketed her to stardom. Since she only brought one gown with her, she sews other gowns together from Mrs. Howell's remnants and fabric that washes ashore. She even made one dress from Gilligan's duffel bag. She can't swim, and she can barely cook on her own without Mary Ann's help, once trying to serve fish pie to her fellow Castaways with the bones intact. She's always assisting the Professor (the only man on the island she truly desires), later confessing he only appreciates her for her mind. She is often entertaining the other castaways with her singing and acting to keep morale up on the island, or nursing the other castaways back to health with the Professor. Her one regret in life is that she didn't pursue a career in nursing. Ginger shares a hut with Mary Ann. They aren't best friends, but they fish, take mud baths, sew, cook and do the laundry together.
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kupaki-king · 8 years
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~A Look At The Gilligan’s Island Radio~
(information borrowed from gilligan.wikia.com)
The Castaways Radio was a Packard Bell AR-851 AM Radio which remained their only source of contact with civilization, providing news on current events, weather reports and entertainment programs for their amusement. It's ownership is a bit in question; in most episodes, it seems to be the property of the Skipper loaned out to the respective castaways, but in Will the Real Mr. Howell Please Stand Up?, Mr. Howell claims it belongs to him. Once swallowed by a fish after Gilligan tosses it into the surf, the batteries in the radio wear out by X Marks the Spot but the Skipper produces rechargeable batteries that allow it to be recharged into perpetuity for as long as the Professor can keep fixing it, usually from Gilligan knocking off the table. However, it is revealed that it finally does give out sometime before the castaways are rescued.
Among the news the Castaways receive on the radio is:
Alice McNeil is traveling around the world in the "Vagabond Lady"
Wrongway Feldman has returned to civilization
the Navy sends out a destroyer in search of castaways
Howell Industries has struck oil in Dust Bowl, Oklahoma
the Navy sends out a boat to rescue people seen on an island
the US Air Force will be testing a missile in the area
the US  Air Force has picked up a strange boy in a balloon
Duk Williams has made it home
the US Navy will be holding maneuvers off shore
Ginger's roommate has won a beauty contest
President Rodriguez has been re-exiled to the Andes Mountains
NASA reports finding proof of life on Mars
the winning numbers of the Argentinian sweepstakes are announced
the Argentinian sweepstakes announces the winner of its sweepstakes
a strange film has won first place at the Cannes Film Festival
Howell Industries is broke
corrected previous news report to Powell Industries
Erika Tiffany Smith can't find the island again
Horace Higginbotham has eloped with Sybil Wentworth
the robot's recordings are scrambled by a mysterious rabbit's foot
the US Navy will have destroyers in the area
an impostor is spending Mr. Howell's money
the impostor has been found floating in the ocean
Buckley Norris is a fraud
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kupaki-king · 7 years
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~Gilligan’s Island Cartoon/Drawing of the Day~
Today we have some pretty detailed ‘fan-art’ cartoon of Mrs. Howell standing in front of the wreckage of the S.S. Minnow.  
Mrs. Howell’s Biography (borrowed from gilligan.wikia.com)
Mrs. Howell is always proper and poised, a common rich lady. She, though, is less concerned about money than her husband, Mr. Howell. in the episode The Kidnapper, she comments, "It's only money". Mrs. Howell is sometimes sensitive but usually gets what she wants from her husband.
Mrs. Howell also a knack for hosting parties and planning other things. As evidence of this she once tried to get Gilligan and Mary Ann together, then the Professor and Ginger. Aside from her reputation of a match-maker, she is known for being sweet and gracious―although she is jealous of Erika Tiffany Smith, who was listed before the Howells in the Social Register. She is also a member of the Daughters of the Revolution.
Like the Professor, she is very diligent that people around her use proper English, correcting Gilligan with 'whom" over "who." She also speaks a bit of French. Not enough to have a command of the language but enough to use frequent French phrases.
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kupaki-king · 7 years
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‘Ginger To The Rescue’
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kupaki-king · 8 years
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~Gilligan's Island Cartoon/Drawing of the Day~
Here is some 'fan-art' that was inspired from the episode of Gilligan's Island, X ‘Marks The Spot’ which is the 18th episode of the First Season. It aired January 30, 1965.
An experimental nuclear warhead in the vicinity of the small uninhabited islands in the Pacific, one of which is the island on which the Castaways are.
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kupaki-king · 8 years
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‘Mysterious Jungle’
Ginger and Mary Ann are deep in the jungle on Gilligan's Island. While there they encounter the giant black morning spider and two apes, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, The mad scientist, Dr. Boris Balinkoff and his associate, Professor Hubert Whitehead and his favorite tiki, ‘Oliver’.
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kupaki-king · 8 years
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~Gilligan’s Island Cartoon/Drawing of the Day~
Here we have a very interesting bit of animation, the Professor and Ginger are part of what looks like a circuit board?? and electricity is buzzing all around them!
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kupaki-king · 8 years
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~Gilligan’s Island Photo Collage of the Day~
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kupaki-king · 8 years
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~Gilligan’s Island Cartoon/Drawing of the Day~
Here we have some more ‘fan-art’ of a digital painting of the “Fat Native Girl” who appeared on the Gilligan’s Island episode, 'Gilligan's Mother-in-Law’ which is the Season Premiere of the Second Season of "Gilligan's Island". It aired September 16, 1965.
The following is a review from IMDB...
A native family arrives on Gilligan's Island and the daughter sees and wants to marry Gilligan. After passing a couple of important tests, Gilligan is all set for marriage when Haroki, the rejected suitor of the daughter challenges Gilligan in a duel to the death. Overall, not a bad way to start the second season as it is certainly quite colorful to say the least. Highlights include Mr. Howell loving every second of the palm-prawn fan, Gilligan trying to stop the Skipper by ramming his head repeated into his gut, Gilligan going "flat out" as he escapes through the window, the rather cartoon-like delay before the native girl falls, the "knife" test, the "Howell touch" when it comes to costumes, Gilligan winning the spear throwing contest with Haroki and then being chased by the chief. It also must be noted that Henny Backus, the wife of Jim Backus, plays the Mother of the native family and actually delivers quite an animated performance in a really good way. A somewhat promising episode that quickly turns a bit sour as we are meant to laugh at the beautiful, but rather large, heavy-set daughter. Admittedly, Mary Foran plays it for all she's worth and she actually delivers a wonderfully expressive performance, most notably when being "made up" by the girls. However, the fat and ugly jokes at her expense get to be a little much. Still, all the guest stars are quite effective in their roles and there is some nice comedic bits along the way. Not one of the best episodes of the season, but not a bad one, either. Tidbits & Trivia - Our very first color episode of Gilligan's Island. While I certainly miss the black and white episodes, the lagoon, trees and flowers are quite colorful and attractive. - Since all the natives speak in gibberish, we never find out exactly why this family was heading to Gilligan's Island in the first place. - Russ Grieve makes his third and final appearance on Gilligan's Island, this time playing the Chief or father of the native family. Interestingly enough, he wears the same outfit he wore in his first appearance, "How to Be a Hero", complete with the skulls hanging from his belt. Russ seems to be having a ball, especially when he playfully takes Mr. Howell's hat at the party. - Mary Foran who plays the lovely native daughter was, according to IMDb at least, about four years older than her father played by Russ. - We see the palm-prawn fan for the first and, of course, last time ever in this episode. - The Skipper remarks that he has never heard that native language before. An odd remark since he's never indicated he knew any native languages before. - Apparently, there are crocodiles in the lagoon...well, for the only time in the series anyway. - Eddie Little Sky makes his first of three appearances on Gilligan's Island as the rather angry warrior. Eddie's yell is quite impressive and he is quite good. - Gilligan leaping into his wife's arms, only to have her drop him appears to an outtake, though I cannot say for sure. - Although Eddie Little Sky is called "Haroki" more than once, he is only listed as "Native Warrior" in the credits.
Click this link to see this image in high resolution. 
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kupaki-king · 8 years
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The Kupaki Island Museum of Art, the Matoba region’s oldest, largest and most visited art museum, provides a rich and diverse cultural experience. Located in the heart of beautiful Kupaki Island, the Museum’s nationally renowned permanent collection includes portraits & sculptures of Burma Mashuka and great masters such as the great Alexandri Gregor Dubov, as well as South Pacific native paintings, and 19th- and 20th-century tribal island paintings and sculptures.
In addition, the Museum regularly features major exhibitions from around the area, as well as an extensive year-round schedule of supporting cultural and educational programs for children and adults. Exhibition text is always in English, Papuan and Kupaki. The Museum’s research library offers access to an extensive collection of art history publications.
More than 75 full-time and part-time employees ensure the smooth operation of the Museum, guided by the leadership of a 37-member Kupaki Board of Trustees.
The Museum is supported by its Board, Members, The Marubi Tribe, Native donors, The Howell foundation, corporations, support tribes & organizations, countless volunteers, and our visitors. Additional financial support is provided by the Watubi Community Enhancement Program and the Island of Kupaki Commission for Arts and Culture.
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