#masema dagar x you
zaldritzosrose · 4 months
Burn With Me (Masema Dagar x Goddess!Reader)
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Summary: Masema had become a devoted follower the moment he saw you, but he had never anticipated just how far he would go to prove his devotion.
TW: MINORS DNI. She/Her pronouns, mixed person POV, afab reader, innuendo, mentions of death, fingering, eventual sex, slightly rough sex, flirting, bath sex, Masema being soft and a little subby (if you squint) and reader being a literal goddess.
Words: 3712 words
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[Masema’s POV]
The feeling was indescribable, the feeling of finally understanding and belonging. Masema thought he had felt it when he saw Rand al'Thor. Those who had heard the prophecy saw Rand as the Dragon Reborn. Though the man himself had vehemently denied it. Claiming he was little more than a messenger.
But the question was, a messenger for who?
Rand had been adamant, claiming to hear the whispers that now set his path in life. A life Masema was interested in following too. But when asked who whispered to him, the man would go silent, always claiming it was not the time to tell, though Rand would promise that time would soon come.
Which did nothing but frustrate Masema.
Not knowing was a feeling he hated. Being left in the dark was not something he enjoyed.
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The fight between Rand and Ishamael, the Forsaken, had drawn more than just normal spectators. It had drawn followers. Followers of Rand and Ishamael respectively. All determined for their chosen leader to prevail. Masema had long chosen his side. Following Rand wherever he went, lending his sword to his cause.
Chants of Rand’s name filled the square even before the fight began. No one knew when she had arrived. Cloaked in the colours of flames. But they all saw her watching.
Saw the way Rand seemed to pause mid advance when she approached. That was curious in and of itself. She was silent, but her very presence had even Masema tearing his eyes from the duel before him, and he continued to watch her throughout the battle.
Whispers surrounded her. That she was the Dragon that Rand spoke so reverently of. A being not of this world. A soul bound in fire. Just as Rand had claimed - he was merely a weapon for her to wield.
Masema could hear those whispers in his head. The words Rand would occasionally let slip.
“Where are you going?” Masema asked as Rand packed his bag and hooked his sword over his shoulder.
“The fight approaches, I will need all the help I can get.” Rand had responded and Masema was more confused than before.
So, he followed Rand. Out of camp, remaining out of site. To his surprise, Rand did not go far. A few miles through the forest that surrounded them, and the two men were greeted with a small, but well-built temple.
Rand did not seem surprised to see it. But Masema was. How had he not known such a place dwelled in these trees? He had passed this forest hundreds of time in his life.
What Masema saw next, was not what he expected. A woman leaving the temple, body barely covered by the flame red silks she wore. And Rand, dropping to his knees before her and presenting his sword. Masema watched in awe as Rand bowed his head and the mysterious woman ran her hand along the blade. He could not hear what she said, but he could feel the air change, heavy and charged in a way he had never felt before.
Masema left before Rand, not wanting to be caught spying. He knew better than to ever ask what had happened at the temple.
Now, the same woman appeared in the square. Face covered by a heavy hood, not even a hint of what she looked like beneath. And the mystery gnawed at Masema’s mind. She had to be the woman from the temple, the coincidence was too good to not be true.
Her appearance had drawn his attention from the fight, and he had not even noticed the fight was no longer in Rand’s favour. Ishamael was winning and Masema’s heart sank.
Then, he felt it. That thick and heavy air. The burning torches that circled the makeshift duelling ring seemed to burn brighter. And it all seemed to centre…on her.
That was the only explanation he felt made sense. The change had only begun on her arrival. The hairs on his arms stood on end, his heart pounded. His eyes refused to leave her.
Then he heard it. The soft chanting. Words he did not understand, but he knew he did not need to. Her voice seemed to travel through the crowd. Masema watched the tide turn in Rand’s favour. As if life and strength had been breathed back into him. Ishamael was brought to the ground with a final strike, but Rand was in worse shape than he appeared as the Forsaken fell at his feet.
Everyone was silent. Not sure if Rand was living or dead. Blood coated his shirt and he seemed to barely move.
No one questioned when she knelt at Rand’s side. It was like those around knew not to. But all Masema could do was watch. Watch as her hands drifted over Rand's motionless form, all manner of fire around them seemed to blaze stronger every time she moved or spoke. Like it was drawn to her. Just as he was.
That's when Masema knew. It was solidified within him the moment Rand awoke, as alive and healthy as he had been before battle. All at her power and will.
She was the one he must follow. The one he must devote his very life to.
His Dragon. His goddess.
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The crowd had erupted into cheers when Rand moved to kneel at her feet, paying his respects to his goddess, as people now realised that is what she was. People surrounded Rand, praising his prowess in battle, thanking him for finally destroying the threat that was Ishamael.
But Masema could only see her. The way she had quietly thanked Rand for his reverence and moved deeper back into the crowd as they shouted his praises. And Masema was quick to follow, not prepared to lose sight of her in the sea of people.
“Wait…please!” Masema called as he watched the soft oranges of her hood weave through the crowd.
However, she did not stop. But the way she looked back through the sheer fabric of her cloak made him realise something. She wanted to be followed.
Masema shoved his way through the crowd, barely keeping up with her as she seemed to move through it like water over sand. Smooth, almost too…perfectly. Only when the crowd thinned did she stop, appearing to look at the fruit on a nearby market stall. He soon caught up, almost sliding to a stop in his rush not to lose her.
“Determined one, hmm?”
Her voice was so soft, yet it sent a shiver down his spine and up again. Masema did not know how he expected her to sound, but his imagination would have never conjured something as beautiful as the truth was. When he did not answer, she turned to look at him. Even in the shadowed cowl of her hood, he could see the soft amber glow of her eyes and the faintest hint of a smirk. Her head tilted as if studying him, like a curious animal.
Masema cleared his throat and tried to introduce himself.
“Oh, I know who you are, Masema Dagar.”
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[Reader’s POV]
You had never had a follower as devoted as Masema, and you remembered every one of them. There was nothing he would not do in your name. Slaughter swathes of men, build a temple. Masema was yours to demand the world of if you chose to.
You had warned him what it would cost. Even Rand had warned him. The price one must pay to follow a being like you. You refused the name goddess, the title of The Dragon, despite the continued use of such monikers. The names brought fear, devotion and at times even joy to some. Those were the costs.
“Nothing will be simple, if you choose to follow me,” you had cautioned gently when Masema first stepped into your temple.
The same temple he had followed Rand to. The small, unassuming stone building that seemed woefully inadequate for someone like you. But you had assured him you were more than happy with it. It had been a haven to you for as long as you remembered, and you preferred the inconspicuous nature of such a small place.
Now, the temple was somewhere he spent most of his time. When he was not spreading the message of your existence that is. You had not tried to stop him, nor had you ordered him to. Masema simply chose to. You were his goddess, his dragon. Everything he did was for you.
Some of those things, however, caused rifts in those that followed you. Some even left as a result, refusing to devote themselves to someone who could sanction such atrocities. And you let them. You had no time for people who could not accept darkness to see light.
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No one knew when Masema had become more than just a follower. Where Rand could once have been argued to be your voice, Masema was your blade. Defending you against any who would dare oppose you, though those people were fewer in number thanks to him.
Masema had been gone for weeks, a pilgrimage in your name, he had claimed. You knew what that meant. Spreading the Prophecy of the Dragon Reborn, of you. Collecting those who agreed and believed. Eliminating those who would not.
Rumours spread of his fanaticism, but he ignored them. His only path now, was you.
The distant flicker of flames told you he was returning, and you could hardly stop yourself from rushing from the door of your temple to greet him. No matter how you tried to hide it, you were as devoted to Masema as he was to you. For all the mysticism that surrounded you, you were still a woman.
Thundering hooves soon slowed as his silhouette came into view against the fading sunlight, the torches behind him creating the most beautiful halo. His horse barely came to a stop before he swung himself from it to greet you. You had never quite seen him so riled as he was now. Wild eyed and it was as though you could feel the excitement vibrating from his very being.
“All of them…” was all he managed to say as he made his way to you.
“They all chose you.”
More and more torches told you what he meant. Followers. The towns and villages he had travelled to, all of them must have heard his words and made their choice. The right choice. The new followers seemed to keep coming, but you only had eyes for Masema. In the months he had been at your side, his devotion had reached a fever pitch. Only leaving your side when he felt the need to spread your words.
“All of them?” you asked, holding a hand out to him, which he took with more gentleness than he had ever thought himself capable of.
“Yes, my goddess, all of them.”
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The new additions to your following were busy making themselves at home in the small encampment that had been created around your temple. The more people that joined you, the more space they needed. You did not mind. More followers made you feel more powerful. Not just in the sheer size of the group, but physically. The more people that believed in your power, the stronger you grew.
You were safely inside your temple, where you spent most nights now. The encampment was always busy and at times, you needed to be away from the chaos. To be with your thoughts, to be able to hear the words the flames spoke to you.
The bath you let yourself float in was large, spanning the backroom of your temple and kept hot and filled with numerous petals. Soft, swirling smoke from the burning incense filled the room and half clouded your form. Despite bathing, you were clothed in thin layers of sheer fabrics, just to avoid the chance of a follower seeing your nude form without permission.
You had not heard the door to your temple open, nor the soft thud of boots against the stone floor as Masema entered. One of few without permission to enter unannounced. It was, however, the first time he had entered while you were bathing. It was the clearing of his throat that made you turn to see him.
“Is there something you need?” you asked, as if you were not lounging in the steaming water.
You allowed yourself to float to the side closest to Masema, leaning on your arms and smiling up at him. The look on his face was priceless. Averting his gaze to everywhere but you, for the first time since he had joined your cause.
“You can look, you know. If anyone has earned that privilege, it is you, Masema.”
Only then did he look down. Taking in your wet figure, hair sticking to your skin and the sheer fabrics clinging to every dip and curve of your body. A smirk tugged at your lips when he licked his lips unconsciously at the sight.
“Do you want to join me? As a reward for being so…loyal?”
Masema had yet to utter a single word. You held out a hand, a gesture to show him you were serious. If anyone deserved something from you, it was him. None had been more loyal. None had sacrificed as much as he had. All for you.
It was the least you could do in return for such things.
He had never been as speechless as he was now. He had simply entered your temple to bring the news that the new followers were settled and preparing a small feast in your honour. And here you were, offering something so intimate to him.
“I need words, or I will take your silence as rejection,” you purred, gently wiggling your fingers causing small droplets of water to hit the stone below.
Masema blinked before finally speaking.
“Are you sure?”
His question was heavy with so many implications. Were you sure on him joining you, were you so certain of his loyalty to grant him something like this? Questions burned in his mind.
“I have never been more sure.”
That was enough to have him stripping down to no more than the linen trousers he tended to wear around the encampment, built for comfort over practicality or defence. And now it was your turn to stare in wonder. You may have been the one worshipped, but Masema was built like a god himself. Thick lines of muscle covered his torso, and you already felt the burning desire to touch every inch of him.
There were few times in your life that you had ever felt such intense emotions, but what you felt for Masema could have burned you from the inside.
As he made to remove the last piece of his clothing, you made a small show of loosening the tie at your neck. Letting the sheer fabrics float away from your body, leaving you as bare as he was. His eyes followed your every movement as he neared the edge of the pool you called a bath. You floated from the side as he slipped into the water, quietly hissing at the sheer heat you seemed to enjoy.
“Too hot for you?” you asked, making your way back over to him.
Masema chuckled, his skin tingling from the hot water, but it soon became a comfortable temperature.
“Truly made of fire, aren’t you…” he murmured, his voice echoing slightly in the bath chamber.
The tension was thick. It was not the first time you had been alone with Masema, but this was the most intimate it had ever felt. You could feel the weight of his gaze on you as you swam back over to him, the petals in the water swirling around you. He unconsciously backed himself against the wall, leaning back and resting his arms on the stone side. You did not hesitate to close the distance, pressing yourself against him while giving the chance to push you away.
“You truly are my most loyal of followers, you know, and I appreciate that,” you purred, waiting only a moment longer before you were sure he was comfortable with more.
Your hand trailed over his chest, dripping the hot water on his skin, and listening to him hiss just a little at the contact but he let you continue. His mismatched eyes never left yours, watching every movement you made.
“All I have done, is in your name…” he let his instincts take over as you explored his body.
Lips and teeth on his neck while your hands dipped beneath the water, trailing down the dips and contours of his body. Masema chewed his lip as pleasure began to take over. He had never imagined he would ever get this close, but he had pictured the moment night after night. Moaning out your name in the safety of his tent as he would fuck his hand.
“I would do anything for you.”
Those words. It was not the first time he had uttered them. Like a mantra, he would repeat them in the moments before he left to spread her words. But anything was a strong claim.
There was a weight behind your words that had him groaning softly. Combined with the path your hands travelled, his mind was as hazy as the incense filled room. Confidence took him as one of his arms wrapped around your waist, pressing you harder against his body and letting you feel just how your touch affected him.
“Anything.” Masema responded, the tips of his fingers tracing patterns over your back.
Your hands travelled back up to his broad shoulders as your forehead rested against his. He could feel your breath on his skin, the sweet scent of your skin in his nostrils. Everything about had him intoxicated and the feeling of your skin on his only heightened those feelings.
His other hand caressed your hip, the softness of his touch making you close your eyes for just a moment. Your lips ghosting over his own, a single movement and he would kiss you.
“Would you burn with me?”
He did not answer with words, but with a heated kiss. Which you did not hesitate to reciprocate. Lips and teeth clashing as he poured everything, he felt for you into one kiss. His reverence, his desire, his love. No matter what happened, you were his. Whatever you gave him, he would take gladly. His arms wrapped around your waist and lifted you to one of the steps of your bath and quickly slipped himself between your parted thighs. Masema could think of nothing but you. How you would taste, how you would feel as he buried himself deep inside your warmth. And nothing would stop him from finding out. You did not stop him as his fingers parted your folds, the water and your own slick already giving him little resistance as he pushed them inside.
The moan received in response sent a wave of desire through his very soul and he was determined to hear it again and again. His pace was slow and purposeful, letting you feel every callous and ridge on his skin as explored you like he was mapping every inch.
“I would burn with you, I would burn the world to ash if you asked it of me,” he whispered into your neck as he matched the intensity of his kisses to the pace of his fingers.
You could feel the band in your belly tighten as your release seemed to hit you faster than ever before. Your hands found anywhere you could, his hair, his shoulders, as he fucked you through your climax.
The sound of his name on your lips as you came was near enough to have him find his own release. But he needed to feel you, to bury his cock as deep as he could go and never leave. You were his goddess and he planned to worship every inch of you. As he pulled his fingers from your cunt, he growled at the heat that seemed to linger on his skin.
You had waited long enough, you needed him as much as he needed you. With a hand tight in his hair, now loose from its usual tie, you pressed your lips to his as you hooked a leg around his waist. There was no need for words, he knew what you wanted.
There was little gentleness now as he entered you, burying himself to the hilt with a deep growl into the crook of your neck. Your teeth bit down into his shoulder as he began to pound in and out of you. Your head dropped back, and your body was near limp as he found an intense rhythm. The flames in the room seemed to dance as you cried out his name, your pleasure and power filling the room.
“So good for me, so loyal to me…” you moaned, as he urged you back to lie down onto the stone below.
Masema could only grunt and growl in response, face buried between the wet swell of you breasts as he leaned over you. His thrusts slowed a little as he tried to savour the moment. The heat of the water seemed to sizzle around the two of you but neither of you noticed. The only thing that mattered was the feel of each other.
His thrusts became sloppy as he felt your walls clench around as you neared your second release. Nails dug into his back as he gripped your hips, the sound of skin slapping against skin lewdly filling your temple. A place of worship that had become a place of carnal pleasures.
“My goddess...my dragon…” Masema huffed into your skin as he rutted into a few more times before you felt the thick ropes of his seed coat your insides.
Your legs locked around his waist as he rested his face against your body. Your hands carding through his hair. His cock softening inside you, but he made no moves to slide out of you. You smiled softly as you heard him whisper,
“Let me burn with you.”
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@legitalicat @foxyanon @whitedarkmoonflower @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @thenameswinter99
As always, thanks to @whitedarkmoonflower and @sihtricfedaraaahvicius for their amazing stills.
And to @foxyanon and @legitalicat for beta'ing!
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Shooting a Movie
Note: I have nothing to say for myself. shoutout to @foxyanon for letting me ramble about this fic to her as I made it up.
Warnings: 18+!! smut/pwp. reader and Masema are pornstars, what else do I need to say? All the clichés are there.
pairing: Modern!Masema x you (f)
summary: Before shooting an adult film with Masema, he wanted to meet you for a chemistry check. And a test ride.
wordcount: 3,1k
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Working with Masema was like a dream come true. Everyone knew he was simply the hottest guy in the porn industry and everyone wanted to work with him. But Masema was picky with who he worked with, being able to have that privilege, so you couldn't believe it when you heard he wanted to make a movie with you and therefore invited you over to his house 'to see if the chemistry is there,' as his email had said.
You were an up and coming name in the business, being the shy and innocent looking bombshell everyone wants to be or wants to be with, and Masema was interested in working with you because he knew for a fact he could corrupt a little delicate and shy thing such as yourself. He knew he could make you shed that innocence and pull out a wild and filthy side of you that you hadn't discovered yet. There was nothing wrong with making soft porn, as you did, but he wanted to make a mess out of you and he was determined to do so. But first he wanted to meet you, because no matter how beautiful you were; if there was no real chemistry, Masema didn't want it.
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Masema's house was big, kind of what you'd expect from a guy with his profession who made a lot of money just because of the way he looked. And he did well for himself, very well. 
Masema greeted you at the door, dressed in tight grey jeans that showed off the shape of his legs and he wore a black sleeveless shirt on top, immediately impressing you with the size of his biceps. You weakened at the thought of how easily this man could pick you up with just one arm and throw you around, only to use you as his toy, and you would let him use you the way he pleased, no questions asked. His hair was tied back, sporting his signature top knot cut, and his mismatched eyes were even prettier in real life than you could've imagined. His voice was low and smooth each time he spoke, so honeyed and warm that you knew from the get go you would do everything he'd tell you to do, on and off camera. His smile was flirty and it became clear within seconds that he's quite touchy, as he constantly brushed his fingers over your bare arms and lightly touched your lower back as he guided you through his massive house and into his backyard, where you both sat back on his luxurious loungeset, overlooking his pool with sparkling clear water, and he offered you something to drink to break the ice.
Masema sat close to you, manspreading and with his arms spread out across the sofa's backrest. His eyes were now hidden behind his dark shades as they trailed up from your bare legs to your face while you enjoyed your drink, and he very much enjoyed the sight of you in those cute white hot pants and white cropped shirt on top. As always so innocent and cute looking, he simply loved it because he couldn't wait to break you.
'So,' he said, his voice barely above a murmur, 'I'm actually surprised you wanted to work with me.'
'And why is that?' you smiled.
'I've seen your movies,' Masema replied and licked his lips, 'and we're quite the opposite, aren't we, doll?' he tilted his head to the side with a half smile as he looked at you.
'Oh, well, yes,' you chuckled, 'I know I'm more in the soft porn category, whereas you are, you know,' you cleared your throat and shrugged lightly.
'Hardcore,' Masema added, 'yes. So, how did you envision this then, sweetheart? Because surely no one wants me to make a soft movie.'
'No, I know,' you said quickly, 'that's also not what I am expecting. But I thought maybe we could somehow combine the two.'
Masema hummed and looked out over his pool, as if he was pondering over your idea. And after a moment of long silence he looked back at you and smiled faintly.
'So, what do you have in mind?' he asked.
'I thought we could just start of slow, some touching and kissing-'
'I don't kiss in my movies, darling,' Masema interrupted, but he then paused and lowered his head slightly so he could look into your eyes over the rim of his glasses, 'but if you can make me want to kiss you,' he said, 'then you'd have a first time thing with me that would surely draw attention,' he winked.
'I can make you,' you purred as you leaned in closer, 'trust me.'
Masema watched how you lightly trailed your fingers up his thighs, and he wetted his smirking lips with the tip of his tongue. He wouldn't hand it to you that easily, but you were right. He wouldn't mind kissing you at all, even though that was always a hard no for him with everyone else. But he wasn't going to give in this fast, he would first just enjoy seeing you work for it and what you were capable of without being on set and having directors tell you what to do and what to say.
'Quite a statement,' he smiled and placed his big hand on your thigh.
'I know what I'm capable of,' you said with a cocky grin, your hand slowly moving up to his inner thigh.
You then began to rub his bulge through his pants, knowing exactly that the only reason you were invited was to show him what you were capable of, and you would make sure to give him exactly what he wanted in order to get that movie made as it would surely boost your career. Masema looked at you through his sunglasses, keeping his unphased posture while he wanted nothing more than to rip your clothes off and fuck you until you couldn't remember your own name anymore, which is what he'd usually do, but he'd play by your rules for once now and sit it out.
He lightly traced your bare shoulder with his fingers while you continued to palm his trapped erection, and he felt a little lightheaded when you suddenly got up and stood in front of him. He watched you in silence as you slowly took off your cropped shirt and then sat down, straddling his lap. You placed your hands on his broad shoulders and teasingly grinded down onto him while you leaned in closer.
'So fucking hard already,' you purred as your noses touched lightly.
Masema hummed in response, his arms still spread while he enjoyed the friction you gave him, even if it was nowhere near enough.
'Can't wait to put you in my mouth and suck you dry, big boy,' you chuckled, to which Masema flashed a sly smile.
He then took your chin, firmly holding it with just three fingers while he nuzzled your nose briefly.
'And I can't wait to see your tears run down your cute little face while you choke on it,' he husked.
You sat back and laughed softly, that cheeky little laugh you always did in your movies, Masema had heard it before. But it was a little different this time, he could tell that this time it was genuine. And in response to that he suddenly grabbed your throat, pleasantly tight as he was squeezing, and he pulled you back to him to crash his lips onto yours, making it the sloppiest and hottest kiss you had ever received and it left your head spinning once he pulled away.
You then smoothly dropped to your knees while you were still recovering from the unexpected kiss. You were quick to unbutton his jeans while Masema just looked down at you, his lower lip drawn between his teeth and his head slightly tilted to the side. You pulled out his hard length, which was throbbing and you felt every vein as you gave his thick cock a few firm strokes. He was even thicker and longer than you anticipated.
You looked up at him as you dragged the tip of your tongue up from the base of his cock to his tip, which you teased with your tongue while he still sat back with his arms stretched out over the couch. He smiled faintly at you before he brought one hand up to the back of your head.
'That's it,' he said with a soft hum, 'wrap your pretty lips around my cock,' he then took off his shades, 'and look into my eyes while you suck me off.'
Your eyes remained locked intensely as you enthusiastically began to bop your head, while he gradually pushed your head down further, shoving his cock all the way down your throat until you gagged and your eyes teared up. You pulled away when he released his grip on your head, and he took your chin as you gasped for a moment of air.
'Already too much?' he smirked.
'No,' you smiled and wiped your mouth, drool and precum already coating your lips and chin.
'Good,' Masema murmured and stroked your cheek with the back of his hand, 'tell me, beautiful, have you been slapped before?'
'No,' you almost giggled and gave him a daring look as you worked him with your hands.
Masema understood your gaze, and he then suddenly slapped your cheek, causing you to gasp and half moan with excitement before your cheeky laughter sounded again as you looked back into his eyes, hungry for more.
'Hm, you like that, don't you?' he asked and gently caressed your reddening cheek.
'Yes,' you smiled with hooded eyes while tears of pleasure slowly escaped and rolled down your face.
Masema hummed with a satisfied smile and slapped you again, then immediately took your face firmly as he leaned in.
'I'm going to corrupt you,' he said softly with his warm and raspy voice, 'I'll turn you into the dirty slut that you are.'
You bit down on your lip as you nodded and smiled, your eyes darting up and down between his deliciously twitching cock and his beautiful mismatched eyes.
'You want my cock?' he purred, seeing the hunger and need in your eyes.
'Yes, please,' you said desperately, 'I want to suck your big and pretty cock.'
'I know you do,' Masema murmured, 'you're practically drooling all over it, aren't you?' he teasingly slapped the tip of his cock against your parted lips while your eyes pleaded for more.
'Please,' you begged, then opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue as Masema stood up and towered over you.
He leaned in and took your chin firmly again to kiss you.
'So pretty when you beg for me,' he husked and teased your watering mouth again with his cock, giving you only the tip before he pulled away again, 'so pretty on your knees for me.'
You smiled and squeezed your thighs together in search of relief as you watched him stroke his cock above your face. Masema slid his fingers in your hair, clenching a fistful to keep you in place and then shoved his whole length down your throat again. He exhaled sharp with pleasure and threw his head back, and he continued to fuck your mouth with a steady pace until he felt his climax was slowly approaching and the tears rolled down your face. He pulled out before he came at the sight of the mess you were, and he told you to take off your pants. You obeyed, but in return you told him to take off his shirt, to which he grinned and listened. You were then completely exposed, standing in front of Masema while he teasingly slowly slid down his boxers after he had taken off his jeans.
You admired his body; his toned biceps and muscular chest were to die for, his broad shoulders were perfect to hold onto, and his abs were simply an invitation to drag your tongue across. His thighs were muscular too and perfect to get off on if he wouldn't allow you the joy of getting fucked by him, but luckily he wasn't going to deny you that pleasure. 
He picked you up with ease and threw you onto the comfortable bean bag next to the pool and, instead of getting straight to the point like he usually does, he granted you some of the soft porn sensuality you were used to and he slowly kissed his way from your ankle to your inner thighs. He then locked your hips with his arms as he kissed your soaked folds, before delving his tongue right in and pleasing you orally just the way you had done for him. He used his tongue and fucked you with his fingers until he felt your walls clench around his digits. He then pulled away, not allowing you your high yet, and before you could whine at the loss he had you already picked up in his strong arms again, and he slid his thick cock inside you with ease, stretching and filling you completely. He pounded your pussy without mercy, his hands holding your thighs bruisingly while you desperately clung onto his shoulders and kept your legs wrapped around his waist.
You both began to moan at the feeling, but before it became too much he pulled out again and quickly bended you over the table nearby, taking you from behind and causing your moans to become out of control while he ravaged you perfectly. He held your wrists with one hand, keeping your arms behind your back while his other hand was between your shoulders, keeping you pressed down on the table while he had his way with you.
'Nice and tight,' Masema moaned and laughed, 'fuck, your pussy feels so fucking good.'
'Ahh, fuck,' you moaned with ragged breaths, 'more, please,' you begged and squirmed when he suddenly pulled out.
You moaned in protest, but then he unexpectedly shoved his cock fully back inside you again rather slowly, which made you whine with pleasure and was the reason for your eyes to roll back and your mouth to fall open with a smile curled on your lips.
'Harder,' you begged with a whisper.
'Look at you,' Masema said with a mocking tone as he pulled out slowly again, 'begging to be fucked harder,' he grabbed your hair and made you look up at him while he leaned in from behind, 'is that what cute and innocent girls do, hm?'
Before you could respond he slammed back into you again, and he felt you immediately clench around him while you squealed and screamed out in absolute pleasure.
'Oh, you're my favourite,' he grunted, repeating the movement again and again, 'so easy to corrupt. I'm going to enjoy having my way with you, doll,' he laughed and pulled out again, then easily picked you up once more and threw you over his shoulder.
He slapped your ass hard, to which you gasped and laughed as he manhandled you with ease, and you loved every second of it. He took you back to the loungeset, where he sat down and pulled you in his lap so he could fuck you from underneath. Your head was resting back on his shoulder while he fucked you out of your mind, hearing his low and ragged breathing in your ear while you felt his hand around your throat and his other on your waist. You could only mumble incoherently and moan loudly as he fucked into you deeply, his balls violently slamming against your pussy with each thrust, driving you both nearly to the edge. 
He then swiftly swapped places and pinned your knees next to your head so he could fuck you even deeper while he looked down into your eyes. He fucked you like that until your legs were shaking and your moans sounded with a faint tremble as you both watched his cock slide in and out of you.
'Fuck,' you whined and looked back up into his eyes, only being able to murmur your words while you were simply cock drunk, 'ahh, fuck, you're so good. So fucking good,' you half drooled, 'I love your cock,' you laughed cheekily again, 'hm, I love your big fucking cock inside of me.'
'Yeah,' he husked and grabbed your throat, 'you dirty slut,' he laughed, 'you don't like to be fucked only soft, do you?'
'No,' you babbled as you struggled to keep your eyes open, feeling him bruisingly deep inside you.
'Taking me so well,' Masema rasped, 'I've never seen you this fucked out before,' he smiled, 'you just needed a real man to fuck you stupid like this, didn't you?'
'Mhm,' you hummed and moaned as you felt your core tighten abruptly.
And before you could even try to stop it, you felt your release coming in heavy waves with loud moans as you clawed at his back. Masema climaxed quickly after you, with a heavy groan, and he took your face to look at you while he slowly fucked you through both your highs.
'That's it,' he cooed, 'good girl, so beautiful,' he smiled a little dazed and kissed your lips gently.
'Oh, fuck,' you sighed, satisfied, 'fuck,' you said again and laughed before you kissed him, 'fuck, I think I'm in love with you,' you murmured against his lips.
Masema chuckled and shook his head as he stilled inside you.
'That's what they all say once I'm done with them,' he said and pulled out of you.
He helped you sit back gently and then gathered your clothes and gave them to you before he was fast to slip his own boxers on again.
'You can use the bathroom upstairs to clean up,' Masema said, 'second door on the left.'
You thanked him and went to clean up, needing a moment to yourself to gather some strength again. But still, your legs felt unsteady once you walked down the marble stairs and returned to the Masema's backyard, where he sat back on one of the lounge chairs with his shades on again.
'You good?' he asked.
'Yeah, you smiled, 'I should get going.'
'Sure, let me walk you out then.'
Masema walked you to his door and told you to have your manager hit up his manager, so a date and location to shoot an actual movie could be arranged, to which you happily agreed.
'Thanks for the good time,' he said and kissed your cheek, 'I'll see you soon, yeah?'
'For sure,' you smiled and felt yourself blush lightly, 'you'll see me soon.'
'Should be a good time again,' Masema said and winked, then checked out your ass while you walked as steady as you could to your car, so you could drive home and arrange the shoot.
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
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@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @legitalicat @stupiddarkkside @volklana
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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Authors note: this is my sweet revenge to @sihtricfedaraaahvicius and @tinumiel for making me impossibly horny over Masema for the whole day. And believe me it was a long day. I love you guys and I hope you will enjoy this little drabble
Summary: there is no summary, there is no plot, just pure SMUT 18+
Warnings: it's not proofread, I didn't even read it through a second time, I just needed to get this out of my brains
Pairing: Masema x reader (female)
Word Count: 0,9 K
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You approach the Prophet's chambers carrying the plate with some meat and vegetables. The Prophet leads a humble life you have been told. He is devoted to Dragon, he hears his voice in his dreams and follows his orders. To be allowed to serve the Prophet is a great honour and this is the very first time you are allowed to go to this chambers and serve him his supper since you have started to work in the kitchen six months ago.  
You knock and wait to be summoned herein before you push the door open and enter. There he sits in a chair before the window, immersed in a book. He doesn’t even look at you, when you enter, just raises his hand and points to the table. You turn and head to the table to put the plate and arrange the cutlery. 
You turn around hastily as you feel someone behind you, just to face the Prophet towering over you. He is tall, his dark hair bound back in a bun, his face stern and the look in his eyes inquiring as if he could see through you, to read each and every thought in your mind. You swallow hard and want to move out of his way, but he doesn’t let you, his both hands on your waist.
You feel a shiver going down your spine as his grip tightens and his eyes continue scanning you. You open your mouth, but no sound escapes as you feel drowning in his eyes. 
"Sch-sh,” the Prophet places a finger on your lips letting you know he wants you to keep silent. “There is no need for words, my child. I can see what you want, I can see what you need. And I will give it to you,” his voice is so soft and you feel yourself unable to move as if caught in a giant cobweb, paralyzed by his intense gaze. 
He takes hold of your jaw and pushes it slightly up, his thumb nudging your lips. You open your mouth, his thumb slides inside and you start sucking it, swirling your tongue around it. 
“Have you been a good girl today?” he whispers in your ear. You want to answer, but he suddenly squeezes your jaw tightly, preventing you from speaking. “Don’t try to pretend before me. I know you haven’t,” he continues, “And do you know what happens to bad girls? They need to be punished.”
You swallow hard and your eyes widens as you see the Prophet undoing his belt. 
“Hands,” he commands and you know there is no way of disobeying him. You stretch your hands and feel the belt tightening around your wrists.
“Prophet…” you finally mumble, but can’t say anything more as his hand is gripping your jaw once again, his fingers digging in your cheeks with force
“You can call me Masema,” he smirks at you, “But only when I ask you something or when I allow you to speak. Do you understand me? You can nod, if you do.”
And all you can do is nod.
“Good girl, you learn fast,” he lets go of your jaw and leads you to the bed, pushing you backwards on it. You fall on your back and in the next moment he is on top of you, tying the other end of the belt to the head of the bed. You yelp from the stretch burning your wrists, but before another sound escapes your lips you feel Masemas hand closing on your throat, pushing slightly, just slightly to let you feel the pressure, to show you how helpless you are. Letting go of your throat, his hands slide down to your breasts, cupping and squeezing them under your dress.
“Daddy knows what you need, child,”  Masema gets off from you. With a smooth motion he flips you over to your belly, pulls you up to your knees with your ass up and spreads your legs. You yelp again as you feel your dress being lifted up and your underpants pulled down to your knees, and a harsh slap on your bottom is an answer to it. You try to contain yourself and bury your face in the pillow to muffle the whine that threatens to escape your lips at the burning sensation of it.
And then you feel it - a wet finger sliding through your folds from your clit to the entrance. You bite the pillow, but he still hears that soft whimper you are unable to suppress. Another slap on your bottom sends waves of burning sensation all over your body, and before the sting on your cheeks fades away you feel Masemas hot breath on your core and his tongue at your entrance. A low groan escapes him as his hot, wet tongue finds its way through your folds, reaching your clit, teasingly circling it and going all the way back to your entrance. Masema presses his lips against your core and starts moving his tongue over your folds, licking with fast short laps like a kitten drinking his milk and there is nothing that can stop you from moaning in pleasure as each lap, each movement of his tongue sends electrifying waves all over your body. 
Pleasure building up in you is so intense that the only thing you can do is to arch your back and moan loudly as you pull hard on the belt restraining your hands, trying to lift up your ass closer to him.
“Mmm, so eager … so needy … I told you, I know what you need,” he purrs against your cunt, “Daddy always knows what his girl needs,” Masema hums against your cunt starting to move his tongue with long, heavy, wet stripes all over your folds back and forth, teasing your entrance with the tip of his tongue and pushing it slightly within you. You feel your core tightening and clenching around nothing and you desperately want to feel more than just his tongue.
“Masema… please…” you beg, forgetting that you were not allowed to speak. He withdraws instantly and you whine in disappointment. Another spank lands on your bottom, the burning sensation only increases your yearning for him.
“Behave, whore!” he hisses, pushing his index finger inside you and starting to move it in and out, his thumb brushing against your clit. With a loud moan you pull against the restraints, trying to move your hips against his finger, to fasten his pace. But he takes his time and keeps torturing you, moving his finger with a steady pace - in and out, in and out. You almost scream out when he finally adds another finger and speeds up his movements, his thumb rubbing your clit more harshly than before. This is all you need, your core starts clenching around his fingers, your hips dance against them frantically,  you are so close to the edge, just one more thrust and you’ll see the stars...
“Patience is a great virtue,” you hear Masemas' hoarse voice in your ear as he withdraws his fingers from you and undoes his breeches, releasing his hard, leaking cock. 
He grabs your hair and pulls your head back, teasing your entrance with the tip. You arch your back and push your hips towards him as much as your restraint allows you, you need him so desperately. You moan loudly as he grabs your hips with both hands and pushes inside you in one single motion until the very end of his rigid length.
He is so big, you can feel him stretching you out and filling you completely, almost painfully, as with a loud groan he starts snapping his hips into you. 
“Yeah, so good. You are so fucking, good! Now you can scream for me. I want to hear you screaming my name, little slut,” he hisses, holding you firmly in place as he proceeds forcefully thrusting into you, his breath fastening and getting twitchy with each slap.
His cock reaches so deep inside you, brushing against that special spot within you, that you feel relieved to have received his permission, as nothing in this world could prevent your cries of pure pleasure now echoing through the chambers and probably beyond. You are so close,  one more thrust and your core starts clenching, squeezing and spasming around his cock as you feel your release washing over you in electrifying waves and you embrace your overwhelming orgasm screaming his name in pure bliss.
“Good girl,” Masemas groans now fill the room mixing with your moans and whines, his movements get sloppier, his breath hitching as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm and it isn't long before he follows you with a loud growl filling you up with his release and you both collapse on the bed. He reaches out and quickly undoes the belt, freeing your hands. 
“You are such a good girl. I want you to serve me my supper from now on each evening,” he whispers, trailing his fingers over your back, pushing your hair away and placing a soft kiss on your neck.
“With pleasure, daddy,” you chuckle, turning to look in his mismatched eyes.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 1 year
Kinktober Day 7 (Belated)
Masema Dagar - Angry / Fighting / Make Up Sex
Randomised Character/Person - Prompt from this list
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"Can you fucking not, for a change!" Masema sneers. "If you tell me where you have been, sure!" You holler back. Masema's face becomes a sneer. "You are not the boss of me." He hisses. "I am not trying to be. I am just worried." You reply. "I am a grown ass man, I can hold my own." He replies harshly.
You heave a deep sigh.
"It is crawling with Seanchan soldiers out there. I don't want you hurt." You tell him firmly. "I'm fine." Masema barks. "Yes, you are now, but next time you might not!" You reply. Masema grits his teeth. "You are impossible, woman!" He yells. "Oh yeah, am I?" You get into his face. "Then why don't you leave!" You sneer.
Masema shoves you into the nearest wall, kissing you fiercely. You moan into his mouth. He pushes his thigh between yours, shoving up against your sex. You whine, grinding down against him.
"I won't fucking leave you. I love you." He growls between two heated kisses. You tangle your fingers into his silky, soft hair, pulling quite firmly. His lips part from yours. "Say that again." You demand. "I love you." Masema repeats.
He grabs you, slightly too harshly, tossing you onto your bed.
"I love you." He says again, with some remnants of anger in his voice, as he begins to undress. You unlace your dress and rid yourself of it. Masema's eyes darken with greed and rove over your bare skin.
He climbs on top of you. "I love you." He insists, kissing you harshly, grinding his pelvis against yours. You moan into his mouth. He is already rockhard and throbbing. You ruck up your skirts, so he grinds down against your core. "Get my breeches." Masema growls. "Make me." You hiss.
Masema grabs your wrist and puts your hand on his crotch. You give him a firm squeeze. Masema geoans darkly, rolling his hips into your touch. "Do it." He says firmly. "Ask me nicely." You muss, even though you do unlace his breeches. "Don't be difficult." Masema hisses. He bucks forward into your touch. "I am not the one picking a fight here." You tell him, slowly deepling down his breeches, but carefully avoiding his cock. Masema scoffs and keeps trying to thrust his cock into your hands.
Once he notices you are not going to cooperate, he focuses on your sex instead.
He opens your folds and thumbs at your clit. You moan sweetly for him. "I really do love you." Masema rasps, leaning in to kiss at your neck. "I am going to make you feel it, I promise." He whispers against your skin. He rubs you so expertly that you can only moan and rock against him. He grins wickedly down on you.
"Look at what a good girl you are being for me." Masema growls. "I don't want to fight, I love you." He hisses.
He tears open your bodice and leans in to lick, nip and suck at your nipples. You moan, running your fingers into his hair, loosening his tight bun. Masema groans, loving the feeling of your fingers in his hair.
Your inner muscles begin to tense and there is hot, liquid lightning in the pit of your stomach. "I'm close." You whimper. "What do you need?" Masema asks. "Your cock." You whine. "Will you beg?" He asks, pinching your clit. "Gha!" You cry out. "I think that is a yes." Masema taunts. He keeps it up until you are quivering and whimpering beneath him, tugging at his hair. Masema groans at every tug.
"I wa-... I .. Oh fuck." You whine.
Masema slowly backs up, unhanding you. You whine at the loss.
"Will you beg?" Masema asks, teasing your entrance with the head of his cock. You whine loudly, on the edge of climax and robbed of your release. "Go on, I want to hear it." Masema leans in to kiss you, almost chastely. "No, love, please. No now. I just want you." You try. "I love you, too. Just .. just make love to me." You reach up to cup his cheek and down him down to you again.
He pushes forward, breaching your core. You moan into his mouth.
"I love you, too." He hisses, before licking into your mouth.
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foxyanon · 2 months
All For You
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Notes: This is a gift to my closest moot and friend, @sihtricfedaraaahvicius. Happy birthday you beautiful soul, may your day be everything you want it to be and more 💙💜
Summary: You are whisked out of your cozy life into the arms of a vampire who wants nothing more than to make you his.
Pairing: Vampire!Masema Dagar x Human!Reader
Word Count: 5641
Rating: 18+, MDNI
TW: Smut, monsterfucking, blood sucking, vampire/human relationship, Corvina makes an appearance here
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from The Wheel Of Time, nor do I own any of the images used. I only own my own OC, Corvina.
Dividers by @arcielee
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Masema Dagar was many things; wealthy businessmen, vampire and an amazing dresser. One thing everyone who ever saw him could agree on was that he was just as discerning with his woman as he was with business deals. No two of his lovers ever looked the same but all were as beautiful and talented as a pageant queen. It was well known he didn’t keep them around for a long time and to be one of his ladies was a ticket to a far better life.
At least, that’s what he was like before he met you. You, with your sweet scent and dazzling eyes, had ensnared him completely when you accidentally ran into each other at the antique mall he loved to browse. You were one of the seasonal workers, tasked with helping test the vintage dishware for radioactive paint and properly assess everything that came in before it went to the floor. You looked up to apologize, breath catching at the intense gaze in his eyes, before muttering your apology.
Masema, however, was already picturing what you’d look like in the 1957 Bar Suit from Dior with matching pumps. You were exactly what he was looking for, and mentally he was already moving meetings around so he could take you to his stylist and completely redo your entire wardrobe. He grinned at your wide eyed look, the tips of his fangs peeking out and glinting in the low light of the Edison bulbs illuminating the warehouse. Your sharp intake of breath and the sudden fluttering of your heart didn’t go unnoticed by the man who suddenly needed you to become his and only his. He took your hand, bringing it slowly to his lips to kiss the back of your hand and giving you his most charming smile.
“No need to apologize, little one. I came here looking for something specific and it appears I’ve just found it,” he said smoothly, the timbre of his voice sending shivers down your back in tandem with his fingertips gently rubbing over the veins of your wrists.
If you weren’t already speechless, he may have stolen your breath entirely with that statement. Your head was spinning and you were so lost in his eyes that you forgot you were at work. Attempting to regain some control over yourself and be professional, you cleared your throat awkwardly and went to take your hand back, but he simply tightened his grip and pulled you closer, turning your hand over to inhale your scent along your wrist.
“You smell delicious, little one. Something so sweet must have a name to match. Tell me it,” he spoke in that rich cadence, eyes locking with yours as his mouth watered at the thought of sinking his fangs into your skin. When you stuttered out your name, he tasted it on his tongue and found he liked it far more than he should. He needed no introduction, but he gave you one all the same and you swore he groaned when you spoke his name in your lovely voice.
“A pretty name for a pretty lady, and far too beautiful to be working. Your man should be providing for a little thing like yourself, unless you don’t have one?” He was only asking out of courtesy, he’d already made up his mind you were leaving with him.
As personal as this conversation had quickly become, you found you couldn’t help but indulge. He was alarmingly handsome, charming and seemed wholly focused on you. Sure, he might not keep you for a long time, but it would be a fun one nonetheless.
“Umm, no. I don’t have a…man in my life,” you said quietly, allowing Masema to lead you towards the register where your boss was. He hummed in response, never releasing your hand.
“Their loss, since you will be mine now,” he said with a grin before waving your boss over. “This lovely lady and the red crushed velvet divan are coming with me,” he stated, pulling a small stack of cash out of his suit jacket and setting it on the counter. His tone left no room for debate, and he kissed your fingers before telling you to go collect your things. You listened, hearing your coworkers whisper how lucky you were as he always treated his girls very well. You only heard the stories, but you were both intrigued and confused as to why his focus was on you.
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By the time you finally pulled your head from the clouds some time later, you realized you were in his car on the way to some store. The dark tint on the windows didn’t hide the fact you were on Fifth Avenue, names of stores you could only dream of entering passing by. You must have looked bewildered because you heard him chuckle beside you in the back of the town car.
“No lady of mine will wear anything that’s available to the masses. You have a body made to be dressed in Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent,” he reached up, his thumb tracing over the pulse point on your neck as he heard your heart beat erratically in your chest. “Your lovely neck was meant to display Tiffany, Cartier and Harry Winston pieces. It would be a crime not to clothe you in proper attire,” he said softly, his fingertips gently tracing along your collarbone and you were reeling from the sudden change in your life once more.
The reality of your situation only started sinking in when you were standing on a little platform in front of several mirrors and staring at your reflection in a square neck black dress, the hem of the white petticoat barely visible underneath the fabric of the skirt. The dress was simple yet classic, something you never pictured yourself wearing and suddenly you were feeling very out of place in the dressing room. Masema sensed your discomfort, noting the way your hands hovered along the silhouette of your dress. He approached you from behind, gently grabbing your hands and wrapping them and his arms around your waist.
”What is going on in that pretty head of yours, hm? Talk to me, little one,” he whispered in your ear, lips trailing along the column of your neck as you leaned back in his embrace.
”This is all so much and so fast. This morning I was getting dressed for work, and now I am standing in a luxury store wearing a dress that costs as much as my rent. I feel like I am in a waking dream,” you answered, sighing when he nipped at your ear. “I do not belong here…” you trailed off, feeling his grip tighten around you as he met your gaze in the mirror.
“Never think such thoughts of yourself. You belong wherever I say you do, understood?” He said firmly, hoping to banish any more of those thoughts from your mind.
You nodded, feeling weak in the knees at his intensity. You briefly wondered if he was like this with the previous women, but that thought didn’t linger long as you were swept away to try on another outfit he picked out.
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Weeks passed and you learned that Masema was nothing if not serious when he took a lover. You were moved into his stately house practically the day you met him, and he paid to have your lease broken from the shoebox you once called your apartment. When you asked him why he was doing all this for you, he simply said you were meant to be doted on and he wanted to be the one that provided for you. You decided not to question him further as his answer seemed genuine and you never had someone want to care for you like that.
The first time he fed from you was an experience you won’t forget. He was working on some paperwork in his office when you found him, his hair hanging loose from his usual top knot as he pinched the bridge of his nose. You had only been with him for a few days, but he told you he would never demand anything of you, especially as a payment for his gifts to you. However, you couldn’t help but notice how exhausted he looked and you wanted to do something for him. You don’t know what compelled you to do it, but you walked into his office unannounced and perched yourself on his desk, hands gripping the edge of the mahogany as you looked at him.
Masema perked up at your presence, his eyes slowly trailing up your form with a smirk. He thought you looked so cute in that moment, but his mind soon wandered to depraved images of you writhing on the surface as he fucked you hard.
“I want you to bite me,” you said, gently swinging your feet as your words pulled Masema from his thoughts. The heat in his gaze intensified and he licked his lips, both actions having you squeeze your thighs together.
“Are you certain you wish for that? Being fed on is an…intense sensation, to put it politely,” he stated as he sat up, while internally he was trying desperately to keep himself from doing what you wanted. You nodded but he wasn’t accepting that, he needed to hear it from your lips. “No, little one. Use your words and tell me.”
You blushed and looked down, only for Masema to stand from his chair and tilt your head up with two fingers under your chin. The look in his eyes told you that he wouldn’t ask twice and you stuttered out a breath.
“Yes, I am sure,” you replied softly, feeling his thumb trace your bottom lip.
Masema brushed your hair back away from your neck, his other hand coming up to cradle the back of your head tenderly. He placed featherlight kisses along your jawline towards your pulse point, relishing in the little sigh you let out as you exposed your neck to him and spread your legs, allowing him to slide between them.
“It will hurt briefly, then that pain will fade to pleasure,” he whispered against your skin, free hand gripping your waist and pulling you closer to him. He didn’t give you time to think yourself out of this, his fangs piercing your skin causing you both to moan. The moment your blood washed over his tongue, he knew he’d never crave another the way he craves you.
Your hands gripped his biceps, feeling his muscles flex beneath the fabric of his button up shirt. You felt lightheaded and dizzy with desire, pressing your chest against his and whimpering at the feelings coursing through your body. After a few moments, Masema pulled away, running his tongue along the puncture marks to clean up any lingering blood and looking into your half lidded eyes.
“You taste divine, like you were crafted to be my favorite drug,” he murmured, cupping your cheek gently and kissing your temple. “I should reward you for sharing yourself with me.”
His other hand slipped underneath your skirt, the coolness of his touch causing you to shiver as his fingers danced along your inner thigh. He chuckled when he reached your core, feeling how wet you were already as he teased you through the fabric of your ruined underwear while you moaned softly at the contact.
”All worked up for me? Don’t worry, I will take care of you,” he said, sliding your underwear to the side and inserting two fingers into your heat, relishing in the way you gripped him tighter. There was no teasing or light touches, Masema focused on bringing you to your peak before he intended to ravage you.
The feeling of his thick fingers inside you as he sought that spot that would have you making more of your pretty noises had your eyes closing in blissful pleasure, but he wasn’t having that. He tangled the fingers of his free hand in your hair, tugging hard enough to cause you to gasp and look up at him with wide eyes.
”Eyes on me, sweet thing. I want to watch you come undone on my hand before I give you my cock,” he practically commanded, watching as your lips parted when you stuttered out a moan. You obeyed, your eyes hooded but still locked on his.
”Good girl,” he purred, those simple words being all you needed to fall over the edge. Masema relished in the way you gripped his arms and groaned his name, and he vowed he’d spend the rest of his life seeing this view of you. He finally released your hair and let you collapse back on the desk, your chest heaving as he licked his fingers clean, groaning at the taste. You cursed at how much that little action had you wanting to clean his fingers yourself, and he chuckled at your expression.
“Next time, little one. Right now, I need to be inside you,” he said as he undid his belt, sliding the black leather free the belt loops of his custom tailored dark gray slacks. He deftly wrapped the belt around your hands, leaning over you as he placed your bound wrists above your head. “Do not move your hands or I will stop. Understood?”
You nodded your response but he cocked his brow in a way that had you scrambling to answer him. “Yes sir,” you breathed out, watching as he stood straight up and undid his trousers with a grin. Your mouth watered at the sight of his erection springing free, wondering what he tasted like and how that vein would feel on your tongue. You whimpered and shimmied a bit on the wood surface, only for Masema to slap your inner thigh.
”Patience. You will take what I give you, sweet one. You will enjoy it, I promise,” he said firmly, gripping your thighs and spreading your legs further apart so he could see all of you. The underwear you wore was cute, but kept him from what he wanted so he ripped them off you. You gasped when you heard the fabric rip, but Masema didn’t give you a chance to say anything before he lined up and thrust into you, groaning at the way you felt around him.
He barely gave you a chance to adjust to his size before he gripped your hips bruisingly, setting a head spinning pace that had the desk rattling with his movements. A few pens and one of the little desk ornaments hit the ground, but that didn’t deter the vampire currently making his fantasy a reality. You couldn’t control the downright depraved sounds falling from your lips and Masema seemed wholly unconcerned if the rest of the manor could hear what you two were up too. You desperately wanted to touch him, but his warning from earlier broke through the pleasurable haze in your mind and you reached up to grip the edge of the desk, a poor attempt at keeping yourself grounded since Masema seemed determined to have you hurtling toward oblivion.
For his part, Masema could feel his control slipping. The way you looked in that moment, taking him so beautifully and the even more lovely sounds you were making had him feeling things no other woman had before. It stroked his ego, knowing that he got to see you so wrecked from his own actions. The vision you painted on his memories was better than his wildest dreams and he could feel his own climax building, but he needed to feel you finish first. One hand moved from your hip to your sensitive nub, his thumb rubbing circles at just the right speed and pressure that had your back arching off the desk and letting out a guttural groan. After one particularly harsh thrust, he felt your walls squeeze him tightly before you soaked him once more, your legs trembling beneath his large hands as he followed after you.
Masema rested his forehead on your chest, slow thrusting as you both came down from the high you both experienced. The sound of your racing heart brought a smile to his face, but you couldn’t see it with the way your eyes will still trying to come into focus from the blackout orgasm you just had. You barely registered him pulling out and untying your hands, fixing his clothes and tying his hair back into his standard topknot. Ever the gentleman, Masema helped you sit up and kissed your forehead before he went back to his work, looking much more relaxed than before.
You could feel the stickiness of your combined fluids between your thighs and you suddenly wanted to shower and freshen up, knowing you would be joining Masema for dinner out later. You stood on shaky legs, Masema reaching out to steady you before you gave him a weak smile and nod, walking slowly so you didn’t stumble on your way out of his office. He watched you with a grin, thoroughly enjoying the sight of you leaving while the skirts of your dress swayed with your steps.
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Your days passed much like that, Masema being a doting and thorough lover but you couldn’t shake the feeling this was all temporary. His reputation wasn’t in line with being boyfriend material, but you couldn’t help but fall in love with him all the same. He treated you well and you enjoyed his attentions, but the thought he was like this with the previous girls always made you feel sick to your stomach. All these feelings came to a head one night at a work gala Masema took you too. It was at the estate of another vampire, this one you learned was old and very powerful. While he never told you the specifics, Masema did let you know this woman was his coven leader and a long time friend, nothing more. He introduced you to Corvina and you liked her rather instantly. She had the aura of someone who lived their truth, something you were grateful for amidst a room of shady business types only hoping to brush elbows with those above their perceived stations.
As the evening progressed, you noted the way other women in the room seemed to flock to his side and attempt to catch his eye. You weren’t one for the spotlight, so you hung back and sipped on your champagne, feeling worse with each moment you watched some lady coyly touch his arms or laugh at something he said. Your breaking point was when a pretty blonde tried kissing his cheek and you couldn’t stand to be in the ballroom anymore, so you left and found yourself standing on a balcony to get some fresh air. You leaned against the stone railing, taking some deep breaths and reeling your jealous thoughts back in. Of course you were only a fling to him, even if neither of you actually talked about or put labels on what you were. You knew it was your fault for going and catching feelings, but you didn’t know how to tell him nor did you really want to leave him. Your train of thought was interrupted by the near silent arrival of Corvina, the pale light of the moon and distant light of the ballroom illuminating her pale skin.
”You should be inside with Masema, not out here alone,” she spoke softly, looking out over the darkened grounds.
You sighed, looking over your shoulder through the large window to where Masema was in talks with a group of people, another woman standing too close to him. “I needed some air,” you whispered before looking back towards the estate.
Corvina followed your line of sight, humming in understanding before looking at you. “I see. Do you wish to talk about it?”
You weren’t sure if it was the softness of her tone or the fact she was the first person in months you could speak to about the unusual circumstances you were in, but you broke down and told her everything. Your feelings for Masema, how you felt like you were just a fling to him and how you hated not knowing what he thought of you. Sure, he showered you with compliments, but the thought he was treating you as any other woman ate at you. You hadn’t realized you had started crying until Corvina held out a handkerchief to you, which you took with a soft word of thanks and cleaned up your face.
”If I may offer you some insight, dear,” she started, leaning back against the low stone railing and crossing her arms. “I have known Masema for many, many years. I found him as a feral fledgling and took him in, raising him into the man he is today. I have watched girls come and go with him, and I never faulted him for that. We all have our vices, and pretty ladies are his. Which is why I can tell you with absolute certainty that he has never looked at one of them the way he does you. I will be having words with him for leaving you so confused as to your standing with him, but he would give you the world if you asked it of him.”
You were speechless for a minute, absorbing everything she said as the door from the ballroom opened up and Masema stepped out. You couldn’t have been gone from his side for more than half an hour, but he looked both concerned and frustrated that you had come outside alone. Corvina gently patted your back, opting to leave you two alone to have a much needed talk. As she brushed past Masema, she leveled him with a look that would have anyone shrinking away from her.
”I would encourage you to use your words here, Masema Dagar. You are undead, not unfeeling. Do better,” she said, gliding back inside while Masema had the look of a scolded boy on his face at her words. When he turned back to you, he could see the redness in your eyes and his frozen heart broke at the sight.
”What is wrong, little one? Are you hurt?” He asked, stepping closer to cradle you in his arms but you simply held your hand up to stop him.
”What are we?” You asked, crossing your arms across your stomach and willing yourself not to cry in front of him.
He looked taken back for a moment at your refusal to let him touch you, before schooling his expression and putting his hands in his pockets. “You should not have come out here alone, there are other vampires that would snatch you up,” he deflected, sighing heavily when he saw the look in your eyes harden at his answer.
You stood straighter, meeting his gaze with narrowed eyes. “Do not change the subject here. Answer me honestly. What am I to you?”
”You are my woman.”
”That’s not good enough. I need you to elaborate on what that means to you. Am I your temporary bed warmer and blood bag, or am I more? Which is it?”
Masema scoffed at your response, looking around like the balcony had the answers. “What brought this on? Hm? Was it the way those women acted around me? I assure you, I did not acknowledge their advances because I am not the kind of man to do that. Jealousy is unbecoming of you, little one.”
”How would I know what kind of man you are? Judging by the way you won’t answer a simple question, perhaps I am finally seeing the man beneath the mask. Now answer my damn question. What. Are. We?” You challenged back, stepping into his space. A small part of you knew you shouldn’t be egging him on, he was still a vampire and much stronger than you, but you were tired of him skirting the issue.
His jaw ticked and nostrils flared as you glared up at him, your unique scent wafting into his nose and temporarily making him forget the tone you were addressing him in. He stared down at you after he collected himself, speaking in a low tone. “Do you think so low of me that you believe I would betray you in such a manner? Have I not treated you with the respect you deserve?”
”That is not what I am asking you, Masema. Dammit, quit avoiding the question or I will walk away right now,” you threw your hands up, exasperated at the man in front of you. Had he been any other, you wouldn’t still be standing here and arguing, but you did love Masema, as difficult and confusing as he was.
His eyes widened a fraction, the thought of you walking out of his life leaving a feeling of despair heavy in his gut. He is mind raced, trying to find the words to tell you how he felt but his throat seemed to freeze up and tongue too heavy, rendering him unable to answer you. You took his silence as confirmation to your worst fears, water gathering in your eyes as you turned to leave, but Masema was quick to stop you. Corvina’s words finally sank in for him and he decided to at least try. His arm wrapped around your waist as he pulled you against his chest, dipping his head so he could speak directly into your ear.
”You wanted to know what you are to me? You are everything and I do not know how to handle it. You make me feel as though I border on madness and I cannot stand being so out of control. As for what we are…princess, whatever you want us to be is what we will be, even if commitment is not something I am good at. That I left you feeling so uncertain how I felt about you is my great shame, and if you will let me, I will make it up to you. This I swear. Just please, please, stay,” he whispered, the vulnerability in his voice melting through the anger you felt earlier. You turn to face him, seeing the softness in his eyes and you knew he was being sincere, but you needed a little more.
”Promise me you will try? I cannot know your thoughts if you don’t share them with me. And promise me you will not let another hang on you like earlier. I can’t stand that,” you spoke softly, feeling his hands cup your face as he slowly walked you backward towards the exterior wall of the manor, between the windows and the door.
”Yes, I promise. Whatever you want, anything you desire, it is yours if you wish it,” he muttered against your lips before claiming them with his own, one hand cupping the back of your head to keep you from smacking against the rough stone. You two made out right there for a few minutes before Masema decided he need to have you now, so he pulled you back into the house and through the hallways, into the study not far from the ballroom.
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No sooner had you both entered the warmly lit study than Masema had you backed against the door and kissing you like a starving man. You sighed into the kiss, feeling the tips of his fangs graze your bottom lip as his hands wandered down your body.
”Do you have any idea what you do to me?” He asked between kisses, his free hand reaching behind you to unzip your dress just enough to slide it and your lace bra down to expose your breasts to his wandering mouth.
”Masema, what if someone catches us?” You breathed out, making no move to stop him.
”I don’t give a fuck. Let them watch me pleasure my lady,” he growled against your skin before he wrapped his lips around your nipple, biting gently and sucking it into a hardened peak. You gasped, hands resting on his shoulder to keep your balance while his hands slipped underneath the skirts of your cocktail dress, pulling them up to unclip the garters from your stockings and slide your underwear down your legs. He released your nipple with a pop and dropped to his knees, stuffing the lace garment into his pants pocket before tenderly grabbing your ankle and lifting it to his lips.
It was erotic, watching him kiss up your leg over your stockings and place it over his shoulder. It wasn’t the first time he had gone down on you, but this time was different. It felt as if he was worshiping you, wanting to prove that he meant his words from earlier. Masema bunched your skirts at your hips, his lips slowly making their way towards your core.
All thoughts of being seen by any of wandering attendees left your mind the moment his tongue made contact with your folds, his low hum vibrating against you and causing you to moan. You went to cover your mouth with your hand in an attempt to muffle your sounds but Masema pulled back and slapped your inner thigh.
”No. Do not silence yourself. I want to hear all your pretty noises,” he said lowly, waiting until your hand returned to your side before he dove back in. You couldn’t have quieted yourself if you tried, your moans and sighs bouncing off the walls as Masema licked and sucked at you lewdly. He moved one hand from your hip to between your legs, slipping two fingers into your warmth and seeking out your sweet spot with the intention of making you cry out his name. You did so shortly afterwards, your legs shaking as he drank everything you gave him.
He stood up after you had come down and pushed his head away, wiping his mouth with his hand before gathering you into his arms to carry you over to the leather couch in front of the fireplace. He laid you down gently before removing his suit jacket, tossing it over the back of the couch before removing his pressed white shirt and placing it atop the jacket. The view of his toned chest and the evidence of his own arousal outlined in his black dress pants had your mouth watering, and he chuckled when you spread your legs almost mindlessly at the sight.
”Eager now, are we princess?” He teased, undoing his belt and button, sliding his trousers and boxers down enough to free himself. It was too risky to undress fully at the moment, but you both needed the other too much to wait. Masema climbed on top of you, kissing up your neck and across your jawline on his way to your bruised lips. He reached between you and gripped his hard cock, giving himself a few strokes before rubbing the tip through your slick, chuckling when your hips bucked and you gasped as he brushed against your sensitive nub.
He eased his thick length into you, relishing in the way your eyes fluttered and you sighed as you stretched around him. Where normally he would have set a harsh pace, he opted for slow and deep, one hand wrapping around your throat as he held your eyes with his while the other gripped the armrest. The leather creaked underneath you, Masema grunting while you moaned. You hands had been gripping his sides, unsure what to do as he normally tied you up to keep you from touching him.
“Touch me,” he whispered against your lips, humming when you immediately began mapping the contours of his torso with your soft touch. The passion built between you two, the intense but Masema releasing your throat to wrap his arm around your waist, lifting you slightly so he could leave open mouthed kisses across your throat and chest. You felt your peak building, your whines and gasps taking on a desperate edge. Masema released the armrest and leaned back a bit, reaching down to circle your bundle with his thumb.
”That’s it darling, give it to me,” he groaned, feeling your walls spasm around him as you cried out his name. It was the sweetest sound he ever heard, and the sight of you coming undone beneath him was enough to send him over as well with a stuttered gasp. You kissed each other as you both caught your breaths, Masema pulling out and pulling you into his arms as you both laid on the couch.
Even though the memory of the argument had long since faded into the recesses of your mind, Masema wanted to make sure his point came across clearly now so there was no doubt. He took one of your hands in his, placing it on his chest over his heart.
“Never doubt that this is yours, princess,” he said, entwining your fingers together and gazing at you with a softness you had not come to expect from him. You didn’t know how to respond to him, so you opted for a sweet kiss that told him of your love without voicing those words. You both laid there for a while, content to remain in the other's arms before the distant sounds of the music being played in the ballroom reminded you that Masema was here for business.
Once you had straightened up your appearances the best you could, you both walked out of the study together, arm and arm with soft smiles on your faces. When you entered the ballroom again, you saw the way the previous women seemed to gawk at Masema, but before jealousy could take root in your soul, you felt his breath fanning across your ear while his words brought a grin to your face.
”Remember princess, I am all for you.”
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Tagging: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @whitedarkmoonflower @gemini-mama @zaldritzosrose @alexagirlie
@legitalicat @thenameswinter99
26 notes · View notes
zaldritzosrose · 4 months
Burn Them All (Masema Dagar x Goddess!Reader)
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Summary: Masema had become a devoted follower the moment he saw you, but he had never anticipated how far he would go to prove his devotion. (Part Three in the Burn Series)
Part One Part Two
TW: MINORS DNI, She/Her pronouns, afab reader, jealous Masema, little backstory into Goddess and her origins, possessive Masema, marking, branding (sort of), p in v sex, oral (f receiving), Masema showing his crazy, mentions of past relationship with Rand.
Italics = flashback
Words: 2260 words
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Rand’s departure had lost you some followers, but you accepted that with little emotion. If they preferred to follow Rand, the so be it. It was not your concern. You needed loyalty, devotion. Not disrespect and cruel insults on your nature.
With the followers that remained unwaveringly loyal, work had begun on securing the land around your temple. Creating a small township spanning out with your temple at the centre. Masema had made quick work of reminding those that remained of what was expected of them.
But they had all seen the tortured look on Rand’s face when he packed his things and left. They had all heard his begs of forgiveness on the steps of your temple, before you dismissed him once and for all. No time for disloyalty, no time for disrespect. No one knew where he was to go now. He was still set to follow the path destiny had carved for him, all leading to the Dark One. Ridding the world for his influence once and for all.
Now, he was left without your protection, without the promise of your fire.
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In the days since Rand had left, questions had been gnawing at Masema. What exactly had you given him when he felt the burn of your touch? And more importantly, what exactly had your relationship with Rand been…
It had not taken long for you to notice. Masema was truly an extension of you now. Of your will, your power. Of everything. The two of you were relaxed into the bath in your temple when you finally pushed him on the topic.
“You are hiding something from me, I can feel it.”
Masema’s arms tightened around your form, as if he was pulling you closer and tensing at your choice of topic. But he knew you would not take silence as an answer.
“I have questions, if you would answer them?” he asked, the worlds muffled as he buried his head into the crook of your neck.
He always held you like you would disappear, more often as of late. Like if he turned his back for a moment, everything you had given him would no longer remain. Some called his attachment to you dangerous, but he lived now like he needed it to survive.
“Then ask them, and I will choose if I answer.”
That answer should have irritated him, but some answers were better than no answers. The problem was, he did not know where to start. He rubbed his nose up and down the column of your neck as he decided what to ask first.
Soon, one question came to mind.
“What was Rand to you?”
The choice of wording gave you a clear understanding of what he wanted to know, and you had expected the question eventually. You could feel the jealousy on him, rolling off him in waves as his face remained hidden in your neck.
“Are you jealous, worried that I let him as close as you are now?”
Masema went tense behind you, arms tightening almost painfully around your bare middle. You could have been kinder with your answer, but everything from you was always a test of his devotion. And he would prove himself time and time again. Even Masema knew you would feel his jealousy. The way it burned through him every time he so much as thought of you and Rand.
“Did you?”
His hands lay flat on your stomach, large palms almost eclipsing the span of your form.
“Do you truly wish to know, because I can smell the jealousy on you already?” you asked, turning in his arms and wrapping your own around his neck.
He hummed his answer against your throat, occupying himself now with pressing kisses from your jaw and down. You knew you would get no more answer than that, and you chose to start from the beginning.
“You need to understand, serving me is to serve with your entire soul. To give everything to me and receive power in return.”
Masema only hummed again, the scrape of his teeth replacing the soft flesh of his lips on your throat. You had not even started answering and he was letting his possessiveness consume him.
“When I met Rand, he had just left Malkier, after defeating what he believed was the Dark One. I found him in his dreams…”
Rand had wandered for days after leaving the ruined city, tell Moiraine to tell everyone he was dead. It was better that way. Something told him that whatever, whoever he had fought at Malkier was not the Dark One.
And his dreams came thick and fast. Plaguing him night after night, only getting worse as time went on. Until he heard it. A voice. Calling him away from the darkness. At first, he ignored it, thinking it nothing more than another trick from the Dark One. Designed to lure him over to the side of darkness and despair.
But the voice was insistent.
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You knew Rand was the one you needed. You felt the change the second he had stepped into Malkier. Your connection to the Dark One had been tenuous for centuries, like a frayed thread that was on the verge of breaking. You were not his opposite, but you were not his ally either. Once, there had been many gods throughout what was now known as the Westlands, but you had known it by so many names. Gods of all inclinations, like yourself as a Goddess of Chaos and Fire. Worshipped back then, by so many.
But that had dwindled. Soon the focus shifted from a pantheon to a focus on the One Power – used by Channelers – and eventually onto the Dark One. Two opposing forces that would fight for control. Most of your kin faded to nothing, not wanting to fight against such powers.
You, however, would not go down easily. Fire was not easily quelled, and your fire burned the brightest.
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Months had passed and Rand could not resist your call much longer. Visions of flame every night that would remain burned into his sight in the morning. Whispered promises that you would give him the power to defeat the Dark One, once and for all.
And he had listened, following your call until he found the steps of your temple.
Masema listened intently, letting you paint the picture of your first encounter with Rand in his mind. Putting all his will into ignoring the envy the gnawed at his stomach. Knowing that Rand may once have been in his place. That Rand may have held you like he held you now, or…he could not bear to think of more with letting his anger consume him.
Your hands carded through his hair as you paused your story to press your lips against his. Every fibre of him burned with rage and envy. It was like you could feel it in your own body. But you knew he needed to know. That you needed him to know for him to be the one you needed.
You described the months Rand had served you. Spread the word of your existence. Consuming the power you gave him to fight the Dark One, pushing his influence further back at every turn. Bringing more and more followers to your cause and only bolstering your power each time. And in time, he had come to never leave your side.
“Rand was loyal, serving me at every turn, knowing he was getting closer to fulfilling his destiny with my power at his back.”
Masema let his teeth sink deep into your neck at that. Taking his own meaning from your words. His own jealousy colouring the truth of what you said. Picturing Rand in his place, imagining Rand holding you in his arms, claiming you, touching you.
“Did you let him have you as I have you?”
His voice came out through gritted teeth as his arms fully encircled your waist and near crushed you against his body. As if needing to show you exactly what he meant. He had you laying back on the stone side of the bath before you could even open your mouth to answer. His hands gripping your thighs and tugging you to perch on the edge. His eyes seemed to burn with an intensity you had only seen in him when he rained fire and violence in your name.
Masema dipped his head, hands pushing your thighs apart as his eyes remained trained on your face.
“No one has me like you have me…but I gave him the chance. And he refused me.”
That gave him pause. It was one thing to imagine that Rand had once been in his place, it was another to know you had offered yourself to him. Whether he refused or not, it did nothing to quell the need to possess that surged through him.
To prove more than his own loyalty. To prove to himself that you were his.
His grip on your thighs was harsh, fingers digging in with a delicious sting. You had known your words would put him on edge, but at the same time the fire in his eyes had desire pooling within you.
“Rand was a fool to deny one as powerful as you, as beautiful as you…” Masema growled against your skin, before sinking his teeth into the flesh of your thigh.
You had to admit, your connection to Masema was far different from the connection you had once had with Rand. Where Rand was calm and methodical, Masema was aggressive and impulsive. At first, you had believed that Rand’s level-headed devotion was what you needed to regain your place as a revered and feared entity. But it had soon come to light that Rand had no taste for violence, not the violence you asked of him. He had been reluctant to act against those you refused to join you.
Masema, however, had found that path with ease. Showing no mercy when it came to your cause. Leaving nothing but death and flame in his wake. Even before you had bound him to you, he had promised to do whatever it took to give you what you wanted.
In truth, Masema truly burned for you.
You could feel the warm trickle of blood on your thigh as Masema made his claim, marking his territory with a force only he could manage. He was jealous, he would always be jealous. In his mind, no one should be allowed to worship you as he did. No one should be allowed the joy of touching you as he did. The idea that Rand, or anyone else, had ever been in his place made him furious.
“I would do anything for you. I would let myself burn from the inside out if it would please you…” Masema vowed as his mouth found your core.
His favourite act of devotion, listening to your moans of pleasure. Whether he had tongue buried between your folds or his cock sunk to the hilt in every position he could put you in. And you revelled in it as much as he did. You consumed him just as he consumed you, the flames of your power almost replacing the blood in his veins.
“Serving me could do just that, fire consumes all, my pet…“
Your hands found his shoulders, nails digging in hard enough to raise red crescents on his skin, joining the remnants of old marks that you had once left on him. You could feel him moan into you at the name, a name you only used in moments like this. He buried his tongue impossibly deeper, exploring every inch he could with practiced movements. Masema could feel the gentle trickle of his blood, but he cared little, he wore your marks like a medal of honour. A sign that he belonged to you. His own marks littered your skin, though they healed far quicker than his.
It was not long before you felt your peak hit, Masema’s hands tugging you by the waist until he was entirely engulfed by you. Your hands found his hair, hips rolling as he continued on after your slick coated his tongue. He needed to show you the lengths he would go to please you. Balancing violence with pleasure.
“So good for me, pet, so good…” you moaned, your hands tangling into his hair, kept loose when he was alone with you.
You tugged him back to meet your lips, tasting yourself on his tongue as he lined the thick head of his cock against your entrance. Your walls had barely stopped spasming as he buried himself deep, setting a brutal pace that knocked the air out of your lungs. Your hands clawed at his back, his moving from either side of your head to your hips.
Your legs wrapped around his waist as his hands helped him slam his hips up into you. The torches that surrounded your temple flickered and rose in flame as your power and pleasure filled the room. Masema hissed at your palms made contact with his skin, so lost in your pleasure that you let your fire seep from your skin, branding him as your second peak came quick. Masema’s face buried itself between your breasts, huffing his breath against your damp skin. 
You panted his name as you heard him mumble against your chest, only when he spilled himself deep inside you did you hear what he had said.
“I will burn them all. I will burn them all for you.”
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Finally made a Masema Monday post, look at me go!
@legitalicat @sihtricsafin @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @foxyanon @thenameswinter99
if anyone else wants to be tagged let me know!
42 notes · View notes
zaldritzosrose · 4 months
Burn For Me (Masema Dagar x Goddess!Reader)
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Summary: Masema had become a devoted follower the moment he saw you, but he had never anticipated just how far he would go to prove his devotion. (Part Two for Burn With Me)
TW: MINORS DNI. She/Her pronouns, afab reader, no smut this time (ikr look at me!), little bit more dark and angsty this time, Masema being psychopathic yet down bad for his woman, Rand being a shit stirrer, reader being a literal goddess.
Words: 2049 words
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The word of the Dragon, of the newfound goddess had been spread far and wide, all Masema’s doing. He was addicted. Addicted to you, your mere presence was like the very thread tying him to the earth below. He had named himself Prophet and you had not stopped him. Though you had not encouraged him either. If anything, you had simply sat by and let what happened, happen.
There were few moments Masema was not at your side. Whether stood like a guard at your shoulder or wrapped in your embrace, he was like an extension of you.
A fact which had not gone unnoticed by the others that followed you. Rand, specifically, considering he was for the most part, closest to Masema.
“You cannot keep allowing him to do as he pleases,” Rand snapped, momentarily forgetting your place as his superior as his anger at your failure to intervene took hold of him.
“He burns villages who refuse to support you, claiming the death and destruction in your name.”
As usual, your face was a mask of cool indifference.
“A dragon does not concern itself with the opinion of sheep, Rand.” Was all you replied, earning a sigh of frustration from the man before you.
“But he was warned, you were all warned,” you continued, stepping closer to Rand and tapping the dragon sigil on his pendant, an honour to you.
“There is a price for being at my side, and Masema seems the only one willing to pay it.”
Rand huffed out his annoyance, trying to ignore your proximity. He had almost been in Masema’s place, once. Wielding his sword in your name, spreading the word of your power and prophecy. But he had never let himself fall so far. Now, however, it seemed he was seeing a side he did not like.
“Do not forget your place, Rand. Do not forget upon whose shoulders you stand.”
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Masema watched, head tilted as the flames burned around him. He had hoped the villagers would see reason. Understand his goddess as he did, but it was not meant to be. He had warned them what defiance would cause. What he would be forced to do. And still, they had not listened.
It was not the first village he had put to the torch, though the destruction he left in his wake had gained his name quite the reputation.
False Prophet.
All names volleyed at him like insults. Insults that washed over him like smoke. Words that barely hurt him anymore. He had your protection, words meant nothing to him.
When the flames began to die, only then did Masema mount his horse and signal for his men to leave. There was little rhyme or reason to his path, he simply followed the whispers in his head.
Your voice, soft, tempting. Willing him to bring more followers to your cause. And he always listened. The burning buildings were soon a distant memory as Masema rode on to his next destination.
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Your conversation with Rand only seemed to sour the relationship between the two of you, especially in Masema’s absence. Stories of Masema’s deeds would always reach your camp, some wondered if they were exaggerated, but the more the stories came, the more people realised that every word was true.
The burning villages, the charred bodies he left in his wake. All true, and more devastating each time.
Rand had not hesitated to begin speaking with others about the fact. Your lack of care towards what Masema was doing irked him more than he ever thought it would. It was not the lack of care towards the destroyed villages and murdered citizens – he had long learned you cared little for the fate of mortals.
It was your lack of concern towards Masema’s mentality. Towards his sanity. It was this that reminded Rand that you were not of his world. A being so far removed from mortality. He wondered, then, if you held any feelings for Masema passed the intimacies he knew you shared.
He had seen the mornings Masema would emerge from your temple. The faintest teeth marks and scratches littering his skin, the scent of your oils on his clothing. There was no doubt he was more than a loyal follower.
Which made your indifference all the more confusing.
How could you not care for Masema’s wellbeing? The way you looked at him at times could even be argued to be loving. Yet you barely blinked when Masema’s deeds reached your ears.
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Months had passed when word of Masema’s return reached you. But dissent in the camp had reached a fever pitch, with Rand spreading concern for whether you truly cared for any of them.
His words had brought the people around you into two divisive sides. Those who refused to believe their goddess could ever be so heartless, who accused Rand of being jealous of Masema replacing him at your side. And those who agreed with Rand. Who agreed that your leniency towards Masema was dangerous. That was he was doing was not what they wished to be connected to.
Some had already left, and you had not stopped them. You had no use for people who did not believe in what you told them. What surprised you, however, was that Rand stayed. Despite the vitriol he spewed against you, he stayed.
You had exited your temple to the sight of Rand surrounded by what remained of your followers. If you could still give them such a title. Part of you wondered if Rand would have been so bold in his dissent if Masema had remained at your side, but that was now the least of your concerns.
You watched quietly from the steps of your temple as Rand addressed his captive audience.
“…and the stories of death and destruction are just the start, who knows what horrors could be committed if-“
The heavy thud of hooves stopped Rand in his tracks instantly.
“No, my friend, continue.” Masema growled, dismounting his horse and walking slowly to stand at Rand’s shoulder.
You had still not left the temple steps even as he reached the crowd. Rand seemed to shrink into himself at the sight of the man he had just been prepared to insult.
“Masema, my dear friend…I was simply trying to explain...” Rand’s words faltered again under Masema’s glare.
“So, explain, I am here to listen just as your companions are,” Masema’s words her steady, but the tone held the faintest of threats.
And Rand knew one wrong word could spell disaster. If there was one thing Masema was known for not tolerating, it was insults on your name. The silence hung heavy as Rand turned back to the group, knowing he had no choice but to continue.
“I say to all of you now, decide if you wish to continue following someone who would condone such senseless violence with not an ounce of guilt,” Rand’s words were no longer as sure, with Masema’s mismatched eyes boring a whole in his back.
“Are you saying our goddess does not care for us, Rand?” Masema asked, his hand rested on the pommel of his sword as he spoke.
“I am saying, what she allows you to do is verging on diabolical. How can we follow someone who shows such little care for the lives of others!” Rand turned to Masema now, realising there was no good way to end this interaction.
So, he chose to stand his ground.
“Has she not given us better lives? Freed us from paths of darkness and desolation?” Masema’s voice was calm, but his whole demeanour was like that of a predator watching its next kill. Primed and ready to attack.
You had descended the steps at this point, edging closer to the scene unfolding before you.
“Free from darkness and desolation? How can you say that when you have left nothing but death and destruction in your wake, all in her name?” Rand countered, his voice raising in barely contained frustration.
Masema’s reasoning was ridiculous. How could he truly believe that?
“You have truly descended to madness, if you believe that any of this is right!” Rand continued and took a few steps towards Masema, his hand dropping to his own sword.
Masema tilted his head, the aura of calm he held putting everyone around him on edge. He had always struck some semblance of fear into those around him. His proficiency as a warrior was the main cause. But now? It was the unpredictability of him that had people fearing his name.
“Can you not see the hold she has on you? How you have let this creature sink her claws so deep into yo-“
The blade tip that nudged Rand’s throat soon halted his words. He had crossed a line calling you a creature, and he knew the time had passed for apologies. Masema growled so low, it sent a shiver down his spine.
“Do not dare to speak of her with such disrespect.” Masema pushed the tip of his sword a little harsher against Rand’s throat. The atmosphere was tense, as the small crowd at Rand’s back began to call for a duel.
You were on the outskirts of the crowd now, a strange sensation of déjà vu taking over as your mind drifted back to the first time Masema had been in your sights. But you knew, now, it would soon be your time to intervene.
The surrounding followers quickly made a ring around the two men, both now with their blades drawn and ready. The fight started with little preamble; the tensions so high the air felt like it was charged. You watched intently as your two best warriors fought for the honour of your name. For the privilege, it seemed, of being the one you chose.
The fight was evenly matched, Rand was quick were Masema was strong. Both men trapped in an endlessly battle for dominance that neither seemed willing to concede.
After what seemed like an eternity, Masema gained the advantage, quickly bringing Rand to his knees before him.
“Make your apologies, and I will make your death quick and honourable,” Masema hissed, his sword pointed at Rand’s heart.
What no one expected, was your voice over the crowd.
“No more. Put your sword down, Masema.”
A look of confusion crossed his face, but when he met your eyes, he was quick to obey your command. His sword was thrown to his feet, out of Rand’s reach. You stepped into the makeshift ring, eyes never leaving the pair. Masema stepped back as you approached.
You placed yourself between the two men, your back to Masema as you stared down at Rand.
“You are a lucky man, Rand Al’Thor, destiny speaks, and you are not to die today.” You said softly, your fingers trailing from his forehead and back over his head.
He tensed as he felt your skin against his, and he could have sworn he felt the sensation of burning at the touch.
“But disrespect does not go unpunished,”
Fear gripped Rand as your touch became firmer, fingers pushing into the curves of his temples.
“You are no longer favoured by fate, Rand Al’Thor. You are no longer favoured by me.”
His body felt heavy as he felt all the gifts you had ever bestowed upon him seep from his body, a feeling akin to flames against his flesh. He quietly begged for you to stop, for your forgiveness. But your word was final.
He may be protected by destiny, meant for a path greater than you. But he was no longer in your protection. The Dragon no longer needed her once beloved sword.
Rand’s head sank low in shame as your hands left him. A feeling of emptiness taking over him. But what you did next, hurt him even more. Your attention turned to Masema, a look that could be mistaken for love in your eyes.
Your voice was low as your hand rested over Masema’s heart. The heart you had burned your way into along with his mind. He groaned as he felt the power now slip into his veins, into his very soul. Binding him to you as Rand had once been.
“Masema Dagar, will you burn for me?”
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a/n as always this is for my Arnas/Masema girlies @foxyanon @whitedarkmoonflower @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @thenameswinter99 and @legitalicat for not only inspiring me to write part two, but for listening to the brain rot i've had over this fic! Love you!
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zaldritzosrose · 2 months
Now We Burn (Masema Dagar x Goddess!Reader)
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Summary: Masema had become a devoted follower the moment he saw you, but he had never anticipated how far he would go to prove his devotion. (Part Four in the Burn Series)
Part One Part Two Part Three
TW: MINORS DNI, She/Her pronouns, afab reader, mentions of violence, soft Masema, marking, branding (sort of), p in v sex, oral (m receiving), Masema showing his crazy, mentions of death.
Words: 3115 words
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Expansion, that was what was on the mind of Masema and the small circle of followers he had gathered as a makeshift council. Your temple was well hidden but the township that surrounded it had soon served its purpose. Your following had outgrown it and Masema had begun searching for a new home worthy of you. A palace of his Goddess.
The council had been meeting night after night, pouring of map after map. Scouring the surrounding lands for somewhere that could house their number but that would also be a seat, for all intents and purposes, for a Queen.
The list was dwindling. Masema was very specific in what he wanted. Not only did the target need to be worthy of you, but it had to be a show of your power. A show of strength in taking it in your name.
After a week of planning, one city was finally agreed upon.
West of Altara, Amadicia was quite the prize. One, for its ability to house the people of your township. Two, for the glory taking it would bring you and your followers. Amadicia, thought its king would argue the fact, was ruled by a group named the Children of Light. Opposed to channelling and Aes Sedai, the Children had a chokehold on Amadicia. Punishing channelers, namely the women.
That fact alone made Masema burn with anger. It made him want to take the city for you even more.
He brought the suggestion to you on one of the few nights you joined your followers for a communal meal.
“We have an idea, something I hope you will approve of?” Masema began, seeing your questioning gaze at the use of ‘we’.
“We? Who is the ‘we’ you speak of first?”
Masema glanced at the council. The group was sat together at the opposite end of the banquet table that had been built in the centre of the township. It was rare for you to deny any idea of his, the bind he had to you influenced him more than he likely knew. He felt what you felt, as you did him.
“Some trusted members, people I can trust to help serve you.”
You nodded, sipping your wine and watching the group he was looking at. Though you said nothing. Masema took your silence as approval and continued.
“This place is no longer suited to us, your following as outgrown it. We have been searching for an alternative.”
The way you looked at him now probably would have made any other person blush and falter. A mix of pride and desire in your eyes as you smiled at him.
“And what is this place you have deemed so worthy?”
You were curious. Until Rand, and then Masema, you had rarely felt the need to leave your temple and its surroundings. But now, there was a temptation to expand and conquer.
Masema stood quickly, bringing a smaller map to spread between your plates of food. It was far easier to show you than describe. You had long since told him that the names he and the others used for the cities of the Westlands were not the ones you knew.
You had lived so long, even your own name had been lost to time, named now however those around you chose. Dragon. Goddess. Whatever they saw fit.
His finger pointed to a city you did, however, recognise the name of. It was a name murmured between many of your followers. Some had even fled from persecution there. Channelers, come to your side to save themselves from death at the hands of the Children of Light.
A group you had come to despise without knowing them yourself. Magic, in all forms, was the essence of yourself and your long-forgotten kin. It was what burned in your veins. What fuelled your fire and chaos. It was the only tie that still held you and the Dark One together. One and the same, darkness and chaos, pulled apart by the Dark One’s own hubris.
And taking a seat like Amadicia? That would give you a hold you could not pass on. To remind not only your dark kin of your existence, but to remind the world of who you were and what you could become.
You turned to Masema, lacing your hands over the city marker.
“Take it, I hold the trust that you know what is best.”
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It did not take much to rally your followers. Those that were capable in battle were quick to offer their weapons to your cause, barely questioning where they were going. They simply wished to serve you.
Those unfit for battle, prepared to tear down the township to leave. Collecting belongings. Packing carts and horses to carry children and the like. Your whole following wanting nothing more than to follow you wherever you went.
You had one request, however. While you were powerful no matter where you resided, you were at your mightiest within the walls of your temple. Your altar, though seemingly nothing to special to most, held the very essence of you. Your fire, it could be said.
Only Masema was permitted to be close to it aside from you, and he took it upon himself to carefully store it away to be carried with you. Only he knew what the vessel looked like, and only he would ever know.
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The journey was a hard one, transporting so many soldiers, followers and the like. A camp was built a day’s ride from the city and any who were not suited for battle, save for a few protectors, were soon preparing for the upcoming fight.
A makeshift temple was created for you, with your sacred vessel in the centre. It was where you would reside, a small area set aside solely for your comfort. The first to enter was, as expected, Masema. Most others worshipped outside, leaving offerings they deemed worthy of you.
With only a single day left to prepare, Masema was on edge. Leaving on his violent pilgrimages in your name was one thing, but a battle was not something he had fought in a short while. He was almost as nervous, he wagered, as the first time he had ever fought in such a way.
You were sat in a pile of plush cushions, almost akin to a bird in a nest. A small fire burned before you, bathing the entire room in a soft, orange light. Masema entered quietly, but as usual you were immediately aware of his presence.
“Is everything prepared?” you asked, turning to look at him as he lowered himself to sit at your side.
He was quiet a moment longer, looking at the soft twirl of your hands over the flames. It was rare anyone saw your true form, but over time Masema had seen tastes of it. The vein like cracks in your skin, burning bright as though lava flowed beneath your skin. The flames before you only magnified it and he watched in fascination until you asked the same question again.
He looked into your eyes as he answered.
“Yes, the soldiers are ready, and scouts have already begun making their way down towards the city to find a means of entry.” He said softly, eyes still flitting towards your hands.
You pulled them away, returning his focus back to the conversation. Masema had brought his belongings in with him, a silent request to spend the night at your side.
“But I have something to ask of you.” He seemed more serious now than you had ever seen him, and the tension in his voice had you more on edge than expected.
“And that would be?”
Masema sighed. He was not good with emotions. He was not always a man to show them openly. But this was weighing on him.
“I need you to remain behind. For your safety. I could not bear the thought of…”
You knew what he wanted to say. You could feel the heaviness in his soul, your connection having only grown stronger since you had offered him your fire. You turned fully to face him, a soft hand finding his jaw to keep him looking at you. Those bi-coloured eyes you adored seemed so sad. Fearful almost.
“I cannot. You are doing this for me, and my protection is best when we are close.”
Your thumb stroked over his cheek. It was rare for you both to be so soft and open with each other. It was not for want of trying. But human emotion was always so foreign to you, but Masema had been bringing out feelings in you that you had never expected.
He had never looked so small. His hair loose, his eyes the saddest you had ever seen them. And you wished for nothing more than to fix his pain.
Masema twisted so he knelt before you, his back to the fire. The flames were warm against his back, but it was a feeling he had come to welcome since it reminded him of you.
“Then you will remain at my side, where I can protect you.”
Your other hand joined the first, holding his face between your hands.
“You have been so loyal, Masema Dagar, more loyal than any that have ever served me.”
You may never say the words aloud, but you could not describe your feelings for him any other way. He was like an extension of you, of your very soul. As you were for him.
“I love you, my goddess,” he whispered, leaning forward to rest his forehead against yours.
“And I you…”
The words hung in the air, a profession of love wrought from the fear of losing the other. The silence remained, with the two of you soon curled together before the fire. A final night of peace.
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Morning came and the camp was filled with the sounds of an army readying itself for battle. Masema woke before you did, slipping you from his embrace to begin dressing himself battle. But almost immediately, his absence woke you.
Neither of you spoke as you helped him. Sat before the fire once more as your hands worked carefully to tie his hair back into his topknot, taking care and time. Almost as though you were not ready for the moment to end.
Your hands were gentle as you helped him with his armour. Strapping each piece to his body, Masema’s eyes following your every move.
When you exited your makeshift temple, the camp was now a sea of hurried soldiers and families wishing their loved ones luck. You and Masema walked side by side, fingers brushing against each other.
As you reached the centre of your camp, Masema called out to the soldiers, rallying them before you. The words you spoke were simple, but you could feel the reverent eyes upon you. Each listening to every syllable you spoke, taking them to heart.
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The scouts had found two entrances and a plan had been devised. All that remained, was to take the city itself. There was a mix of warriors in your mix. From seasoned soldiers, having fought more battles than could be counted. To channelers, who had prepared their power for the sole purpose of bringing down city defences. Then there was everyone between.
Masema lead the charge, with one of his most trusted friends in charge of a second group ordered to take the second entrance. While you had never seen a mortal battle for yourself, your trust in Masema made you more than ready to believe this was all possible.
But a Goddess was never one to be predictable, and you were the embodiment of chaos.
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The guards at the walls had fallen quickly, but everyone knew the true challenge remained inside. The Children of the Light were warriors in their own right, and not much was known of their prowess. But on your side, there were numbers and the art of surprise. You could tell immediately the city believed itself so powerful that no one would dare take it.
All that remained, was the palace sat high in the centre of the city. The place where your new throne would be.
Though some of your own had fallen, those that remained were only buoyed by your presence in the midst of the battle. Close to Masema’s side as he had wished.
The closer your army came to the city, the more they looked to you. And there were a few tricks you had kept hidden from them all, including Masema. Things you only bestowed upon your most loyal fighters.
Masema rallied them once more, preparing a plan to attack the palace itself. You strolled between each one, a hand moving over each of them. Silently transferring a small tendril of your fire to them, to protect them.
You saved Masema for last, a special prize solely for him. A hand rested on each of his arms, the warmth he relished branding his skin once more. But this time, it was your mark of protection. But what you did next surprised them all. A hand trailed down to his sword, those molten veins appearing on your skin for all to see. Flames licking around the steel of his sword, wrapping it around the length of it and lighting the blade like a beacon.
“The most loyal…” you whispered, pressing a kiss to his armoured shoulder before stepping back and allowing him to take command.
The army surged forward, Masema at the helm with his flamed blade held high above his head. But you had saved your best for last. The army was ahead of you as you let the fire in your veins consume you, the cracks in your skin widening and spreading across your entire body until you were barely human anymore.
It was as a sight that once struck fear into mortals, and you could only hope it would do so again.
Soldiers fell at your feet as you rushed forward to join your following, leaving nothing but flaming tendrils in your wake. Between you and your army, destruction was all that was left of Amadicia.
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The city was soon at your mercy, the few remaining Children of Light begging to be spared. They fell to your feet, pleading with you to let them join your cause. That they had seen that you were the true power. But you left the choice to your followers. Some even having fled to your side to escape Amadicia and the persecution within.
You left the hall, ignoring the screams of mercy. You knew your followers would make the right choices, but your focus was now solely on Masema.
Your lover lounging on the heavy throne that he had taken in your name. His sword no longer wrapped in flame as it rested against the steps beneath.
“It suits you.” You smiled, walking up to him and settling at his feet.
Masema knew that look in your eyes, a look of hunger, desire. And he would always give into you.
“The throne is for you, my dragon. Fit for a queen…”
Your hands rested on his thigh, your chin on his knee. There was one thing on your mind, to continue to reward your most loyal follower. The one who had taken a city in your name, that had built an army of follows out of his devotion to you.
“And will you remain at my side?”
Your hands travelled up, Masema’s eyes watching your every move and matching the intensity of your gaze.
“I would burn a thousand cities to remain at your side.”
Masema spread his legs to accommodate you, his skin hot with the anticipation of your next move. It was rare for you ever to be in submission to him. Not that you never offered, he just always felt it was beneath one as powerful as you.
“Then we shall burn them, my love…” Your voice was soft, seductive, as you finally loosened the ties of his trousers.
He had long since discarded his armour, as if anticipating a victorious embrace with you. His heart was beating hard, a mixture of excitement at the new name you had graced him with and the sensation of your hands tugging his cock free of the fabric.
“Will you let me show you how much I am devoted to you, as you have done so many times for me?”
Masema’s head hit the back of the throne with a groan, your words lost to him as the heat of your mouth wrapped around the thick length of his cock. His hands easily finding your hair, doing no more than holding you in place as you set a torturous pace.
Your tongue stroked of the vein that wrapped around it, teasing each inch of him until he was gently rutting his hips up into your mouth.
Moans and growls of your name soon left him, and you did not stop him as he began to quicken the pace of his thrusts. His cock hitting the back of your throat in the most delicious way. But you wanted nothing more than to please him. To worship him as he had you so many times.
Soon the throne room was filled with the wet sounds of his cock sliding in and out of your mouth, and his heavy grunts only increasing in volume. It was not long before he was on the edge of release, his hand tight in your hair as he tugged you from him.
You had expected nothing less, he never once spilled himself anywhere other than within you.
Strong arms tugged you to his lap, tearing the singed dress from your body as he pushed his way inside. Your own head falling back from the sheer adrenaline of battle and the intensity of your need for him.
His pace was relentless, slamming his hips into you as if nothing meant more to him than your joined pleasures. It was not long before you were chanting his name, as if he were the god and you the humble worshipper. Your hands gripped the back of the throne hard, your own fire singing the material beneath your skin.
Your peak crashed of you with a scream, your hips rolling as your walls milked him for all he had. And it was not long before he followed you, his face buried in your chest as he panted out your name.
The two of you remained entwined for a time, the sounds of your breaths the only sound in the room.
A goddess and her servant. A dragon and her sword.
A Queen and her King.
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@legitalicat @sihtricsafin @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @foxyanon @thenameswinter99
Also...this is a birthday present for the sweetest of humans, my darling Foxy! I love you and I hope you enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Shooting a Movie part 4
Note: another thanks to @foxyanon for encouraging me while writing! & thanks to @legitalicat for coming up with a little nickname for a certain character ;)
reblogs & comments are very much appreciated, and make sure to read the previous chapters: part 1 - part 2 - part 3.
Warnings: 18+!! smut and a bit of angst.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f) / Modern!Masema x you (f)
summary: you continued to work with Sihtric, as well as with Masema.
wordcount: 5,4k
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Your trip with Sihtric from Durham to London had been pleasant so far. He was a good driver and his energy was always positive and warm while he also eased your mind about your upcoming photoshoot. He would be there with you, and he promised that if anyone would even do as much as look at you the wrong way, he would tell them off. You were still nervous for your shoot, but knowing someone you feel safe with would be by your side made it easier.
You shared a hotel room together during your five day stay and also slept in the same bed, but Sihtric was respectful and never tried to have any sexual activities with you during the first two nights, despite aching to be intimate with you. He didn't know you would have never turned him down if he were to initiate something, but you also held off from making a move yourself because you wanted to keep things professional. And beside that, Sihtric was a real gentleman anyway, taking you out for lunch and dinner every day and always making sure you had everything you needed during your stay.
The first evening together was a little strange. You were both quite unsure about how to behave, as you were together for the first time without having any job to do or script to discuss. You eventually decided to watch some random tv in bed and, almost naturally, you ended up cuddling under the sheets. The butterflies you felt were overwhelming when you rested comfortably against Sihtric's bare chest while he had one arm wrapped around you, and you fell asleep like that not much later.
The second day you went over your contract together for the photoshoot, as Sihtric wanted to know what exactly you had agreed to, and after that you just did some sightseeing in the capital city. You ended up roaming the streets together, hand in hand, while you both slowly began to open up about some more personal things in your lives. And later that night, after dinner, you ended up all cuddled up in bed again to watch some easy tv, while Sihtric uploaded some content to his OnlyFans which he had already made before the trip. 
Sihtric chuckled when he saw the notification pop up on his phone that you had liked the video he had just shared, which was a rather sensual video of him jerking off in his shower, and you grinned when Sihtric looked at you with a mild side-eye.
'What?' you snorted, 'you know I see that stuff when you post it.'
'Yeah, well,' Sihtric laughed a little shyly, 'it's weird to see you're watching me touch myself while I'm literally next to you.'
'You should've thought about that before,' you smiled and shrugged.
Sihtric shook his head lightly and rolled his eyes while he smiled, 'Yes, okay, just… just stop watching now.'
'Fine,' you fake huffed and locked your phone, then rolled over to your other side of the bed and switched off the lights.
'Hey,' Sihtric complained.
'What?' you shrugged, 'I have to get up early tomorrow.'
'Fine,' Sihtric sighed, not even close to being annoyed but still pretending that he was, and he also put his phone down. 
And then, once again like the night before, he almost naturally cuddled up to you from behind while you both dozed off.
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Today, the third day of your trip, was the day of the photoshoot. You arrived to set early to get your hair and make-up done, while Sihtric was present in your dressing room and just minding his own business, mainly scrolling on his phone and keeping up with what was going on in the industry. You occasionally glanced at him, without his knowledge, by looking in the mirror and seeing him sit behind you, looking so ridiculously sexy while he was just wearing some simple black sweatpants and a loose fitted black shirt, while the unshaved side of his head showed his messy curls. You felt truly blessed to have him around and cherished every second in his presence. And once you were all dressed and ready, Sihtric followed you quietly when you were called on set.
'Good luck,' he smiled and gave you a wink, to which you felt yourself blush and thanked him before you carefully walked in your enormous white latex heels to the mark on the floor.
Everything started off well, and Sihtric was glad to see you were treated decently. He was also glad to be there to witness your stunning look, as you were dressed in a tight fitting and dangerously short skirt with a matching white, stretchy crop top. And it all went fine, until the photographer, who Sihtric then realised was the Aethelred, told you to lower your top seemingly out of nowhere. Sihtric carefully monitored the situation from a distance and he watched your response before deciding if he had to interfere or not.
'My top? But…I,' you stammered, a little bewildered, 'I wasn't told…that…'
'Listen,' Aethelred sighed and threw his hands up, 'show those tits or go home, okay?'
You stared at the photographer, desperately fighting your tears and the tremble that was about to take over your lower lip. You were too ashamed to look for Sihtric in the crowded room, and your shaky hands then slowly reached for the neck of your white stretchy top, and you curled your fingers around the fabric as you swallowed hard. You came all this way and you needed the money, while Aethelred was also one of the most famous explicit photographers in the business, so you felt like you were in no position to disagree. But just before you could unwillingly expose your breasts, Sihtric jumped up from his chair and stormed over from across the room.
'Hey!' Sihtric shouted, which startled everyone on set, 'was that in the contract?'
Aethelred stared at you and then at Sihtric, not sure what to say as the man with fury in his mismatched eyes came closer, so he just laughed awkwardly while he felt his face turn red.
'Well, showing more skin will make her more popular,' Aethelred nervously argued while Sihtric got up in his face.
'But was that in the contract?' Sihtric asked again, more threatening this time as he already knew the answer to his own question.
'I… well…' Aethelred stammered.
Sihtric then looked at you and asked you the same question.
'No,' you said, barely louder than a whisper, 'this was not described as a topless shoot.'
Sihtric looked back at Aethelred, who was fuming as much as he was actually terrified.
'Well,' the photographer cleared his throat, 'if she wants to continue working in this industry, she better listens-'
'I think we both heard enough,' Sihtric cut him off and backed away, 'come,' he said as he came over to you, 'we're leaving.'
'But, Sihtric, I… I need the money,' you confessed quietly.
'You don't, let's go,' he said and held his hand out to you but he saw the clear doubt in your eyes, 'I got you, okay? You're not going to work with this guy anymore. Don't worry about the money.'
'But it's Aethelred,' you whispered, 'he… you know he's big in the industry, Sihtric, he can ruin my career if I leave now-'
'No,' Sihtric protested, 'he will not ruin your career. That is just what everyone makes you think so they can pressure you into undressing for them. But this is not how it works, sweetheart, trust me. This is not okay, and we're leaving,' he said sternly.
You needed a moment to let his words soak in, but then you took his hand. Sihtric attempted to walk you with him, past Aethelred, but the latter suddenly grabbed your arm and you gasped as he pulled you towards him and away from Sihtric.
'I will make sure you will never get hired again,' Aethelred hissed at you.
Sihtric turned and saw Aethelred's bruising grip on your arm, and he gave the photographer a harsh shove away from you to which every employee on set turned their heads and became quiet.
'If you touch her again,' Sihtric growled, 'I will fucking sue you!'
'Do you know who I am?' Aethelred scoffed, arrogantly.
'Do you know who I am?' Sihtric asked, to which Aethelred took a few steps back, 'and do you have any idea how hard I work to create a safe space for these girls in this industry? To keep them away from assholes like you? And I… I will fucking ruin you,' Sihtric nearly whispered as he got full up into Aethelred's face, 'and not ruin you in the pleasant kind of way, sweetheart. I can expose you for the creep that you are and then I will make sure you never get hired again. You got that, Aethelcunt?'
Aethelred didn't speak, he just stared at Sihtric with his jaw clenched. He knew his behaviour with girls had been awful, but no one had ever dared to confront him about it so he never cared, until now.
'I asked if you got that?' Sihtric pushed his question.
'Y-yes,' he said hoarsely.
'Good,' Sihtric said, 'now apologise to the lady.'
Everyone held their breath as they stared at Aethelred, the famous photographer who was finally being put in his place for his misogynistic behaviour over the years, and they all secretly enjoyed how embarrassed he was.
'I… I'm sorry,' Aethelred mumbled.
'What was that?' Sihtric spoke up, thickening the awkward tension.
'I said I'm sorry!'
'Good,' Sihtric smiled, satisfied at humiliating the poor excuse of a man, 'if I ever see your face again…'
Sihtric didn't have to finish his sentence for everyone to understand what would happen if they crossed paths again, and he circled his arm around your waist to help you walk back to your dressing room in those ridiculously high heels. You changed back into your own short black skirt with a comfy hoodie on top without saying a word, and after that Sihtric drove you back to the hotel, the drive being just as quiet as the dressing room had been.
There was a tension between the two of you since that moment on set, not an uncomfortable one or a threatening one, but there was something lingering and unspoken. A heavy pressure you both felt, which was building up as the drive back to the hotel continued, and with each passing second that gnawing feeling intensified. Sihtric felt his heart pounding in his chest when his eyes trailed off the road and to your bare legs, while you heard the sound of your own blood pumping in your ears as you looked at his hand clenched on the gear stick. You silently imaged his hand around your throat, while Sihtric imagined your legs thrown over his shoulders, and the quiet tension became thicker once you got out of the car and stepped into the hotel elevator. 
Sihtric stared at doors as they closed, his jaw clenched and his eyes dark, and the light shock the elevator gave when it went up seemed to be the moment you both lost control. You grabbed Sihtric's shirt while he immediately reached for your face, pulling each other closer and crashing your lips together in a passionate and heated kiss. Sihtric pushed you up against the steel wall and hooked his arms under your legs, lifting you with ease and you instinctively enveloped your legs around his waist while your lips never left his. You felt his tongue in your mouth as he kissed you with such force, it was almost painful but you were desperate to kiss him until your lips were bruised. Your tongues slid around each other's and your hand moved up in his curls, the other settled on his neck to keep the kiss as deep as possible while Sihtric moaned into your mouth and squeezed your buttocks with such force it bruised your skin.
The elevator came to a halt at the eleventh floor, and Sihtric lowered you down before the doors could open. You felt the ground beneath your feet as soon as the elevator bell sounded and you grabbed Sihtric's arm to pull him with you immediately once the doors opened. You almost tripped over your own feet because of the haste you were in, but Sihtric caught you in time and pulled you flush against him while he pushed you to walk backwards to the room.
'Eager,' Sihtric chuckled and kissed you intensely again.
Your back hit the door of your hotel room and, while Sihtric kissed you, your hands searched the pockets of his sweatpants for the keycard, but you felt something much more exciting and began to rub his hard cock instead.
'Back pocket,' he murmured and pushed his hips into yours.
You reached for his back pocket and fished out the card, then turned to swipe the key, but before you could open the door Sihtric had already shoved your skirt up and pressed his clothed arousal against your ass, while you were trapped between his body and the door. You smiled and pushed your behind back against his crotch, which earned you a low chuckle from Sihtric and then you finally pushed open the door. You both almost fell into the room and Sihtric was fast to kick the door shut behind him, then picked you up and threw you on the bed.
'I wanna fuck you so hard,' he breathed while mounted on top of you, lips lightly touching while he grinded his hips against yours, 'lovingly though,' he chuckled.
'Then fuck me hard, Sihtric,' you whispered with a smile and teasingly traced his jaw with your fingertips, 'lovingly or not.'
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The next morning you woke up in Sihtric's arms, and you both figured you needed a shower after you ended up having sex once again the night before.
'You go first,' Sihtric murmured, still half asleep.
'No, you can go,' you smiled while you tried to keep your eyes open.
'Well,' Sihtric said and paused to yawn, 'maybe we should shower together then.'
'Maybe we should,' you giggled, your hands roaming his naked body under the sheets.
'Oh, you want it to be that kind of a shower?' Sihtric smiled, then rolled over and picked you up in his arms with ease and carried you into the fancy bathroom.
'Should we… film something?' you asked almost shyly.
'Do you want to?'
'Yeah, I mean now that I won't get paid for that photoshoot, you know,' you shrugged lightly, 'I need to earn some money.'
Yesterday after dinner, and after another wild sex adventure, Sihtric had told you that you should consider making exclusive content for your OnlyFans, while also making stuff on your own terms and selling it to the studio you have a contract with. That is exactly what Sihtric did and it worked for him, being in control of his own footage and who he works with while also having a safe environment to work in. It was a new way of working for you and you needed to get the hang of it, and you figured why not make a short video with Sihtric as your first exclusive OnlyFans content, as the demand for you two together was clearly there.
Sihtric was up for it, without a doubt, and he was quick to grab his tripod and the camera he always travelled with and used to shoot his own footage whenever he felt like it. Within minutes he had it set up and rolling, starting the shoot with you from behind, completely naked and sensually leaning in to feel if the running water had a pleasurable temperature. And everything that followed after was just as hot and steamy as you hoped it would be, and only a few hours later you had the ten minute long video uploaded to you page, which quickly gained the interest of many and you saw the number of your paid subscribers increase with each passing minute.
And so you figured that maybe Sihtric was right. Maybe this would be a good way for you to work and make money while still enjoying it, as you had full control over who you decided to work with, if with anyone. Because, like Sihtric, you could also just make solo content. And with that newfound motivation and confidence, you went home the next afternoon, after having shared the bed with Sihtric a few more times though.
'Thanks for everything,' you said after he had dropped you off at your home, 'for looking after me and helping me and all that. It means a lot.'
'Anytime,' Sihtric smiled, 'you take it easy. Focus on making your own content and I promise you will be just fine. And only work with those you are comfortable with, okay?'
'Like you?' you chuckled.
'Sure, like me,' he laughed softly, 'I'm always just a text away, sweetheart,' he said and pulled you in for a hug, then kissed your cheek to say goodbye and you promised each other to stay in touch this time.
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While you and Sihtric texted on a regular basis since your trip, you found out after a few weeks that your OnlyFans content wasn't just popular amongst the porn consumers, but suddenly a lot of fellow adult movie stars wanted to work with you privately as well. And one of them being very persistent was Masema. Masema was all about making money, and he knew that right now you were one of the people who he could make a lot of money with. You knew he wanted to work with you again ever since that movie you made with him, but it seemed that after he saw your short video with Sihtric, and the success it had, he had only gotten more eager. 
He suggested shooting at least two videos, one for his page and one for your own, and maybe some explicit photos as well. You liked his idea and you couldn't lie either, you wouldn't mind shooting some footage with him, so you decided to accept his request. You met him a few weeks later at his insanely fancy house again, while dressed in one of your signature short skirts with knee high boots and a faux leather crop top.
'It's good to see you again,' Masema flirted right away with his soft spoken voice as you both had a seat on that famous loungeset near his pool.
'Good to see you too,' you smiled and couldn't hide a faint blush on your cheeks.
He looked insanely good, as always, wearing tight black jeans and a black shirt. You didn't feel the same way about Masema as you felt about Sihtric, but you weren't completely unaffected by his good looks and his smooth voice either. And Masema clearly knew the effect he had on basically every lady he met with for work, and he used it to his advantage. He thought you were hot, but he wasn't in love with you, yet he'd go out of his way to try and make you believe you were the only one for him to make you want him more and more. And so he lightly brushed his fingers against your arms and shoulders while you had some small talk, setting you on fire with each touch and making you so desperately needy for him.
'So you're good with the idea?' Masema made sure to double check.
'Two videos, right?' you recalled, 'one blowjob, which will be exclusively for my page, and one of us just fucking for your page, right?'
'Yeah,' Masema nodded, 'that should do it.'
You agreed and Masema took your hand, 'So what are you up for first, pretty girl?'
'I think we should film that sex video first because we both know you're going to ruin my make-up when you shove your cock down my throat,' you said deadpan, to which you both burst into laughter seconds after.
'Yeah, I'll apologise in advance for making you cry,' Masema said softly and took your chin as he leaned in, 'but you do look so fucking sexy all ruined by me like that,' he trailed his fingers down to your neck, 'and it makes me so fucking hard.'
'Shouldn't you save that talk for the video?' you purred.
'We better start filming then,' Masema murmured with a cheeky smile.
He took your hand and led you back inside and up the stairs. He had a large spare room set up, from where he filmed most of his videos, and it had a comfortable looking bed and a large couch against the wall. The entire room was painted a fresh white and it was cleaner than a dentist's office, which showed you how professional Masema actually was underneath his rugged and stern look.
'I'm surprised to see no chains and leather stuff,' you chuckled as Masema switched the camera on which he had set up already.
'I got another room for that, gorgeous,' Masema smiled, 'but I know you're not into that, or at least not as experienced yet, so I have no business taking you there.'
'You have another room?'
'Yeah,' he scoffed with a laugh, 'why do you think I have so many bedrooms? I have one room that's just where I sleep, and all the other bedrooms are more or less different sets for shooting at home.'
'You don't really shoot at studios then?' you frowned.
'Absolutely not,' Masema shook his head, 'I did it with you that one time, but it's not something I usually do because I want to be in full control of what I do. And as soon as I got well known and respected enough to be in control of that, I designed every room here to be a different space. This industry is nasty, sweetheart,' he sighed, 'it's better to be in control of your own footage, trust me.'
'Y-yeah,' you cleared your throat and sat down on the large bed, 'Sihtric told me the same thing. He also prefers to make his own content.'
'Sihtric,' Masema mumbled, 'yeah, he got his business well arranged too it seems. But you know all about that, don't you?' he smirked.
'What's that supposed to mean?' you chuckled.
'We all saw that livestream you did with him,' he said as he neared you, 'and that shower video you uploaded a few weeks ago. I gotta ask… are you two dating?'
'What? No,' you blushed, 'we're not dating.'
'You make a lot of footage together.'
'Yeah, but… we're not dating. He's been helping me set up a safer place too, like you did here for yourself. He's looking out for me, you know?'
'That's kind of him,' Masema said half-heartedly.
'Yeah,' you smiled, 'he really is the sweetest guy I know. No offence.'
'Well, fuck,' Masema laughed, 'you're in love with him, aren't you?'
'Oh, shut up,' you laughed and slapped his muscular chest.
'Fine,' he leaned in, smoothly taking your chin again, 'you could belong to me, you know?' he lied.
Masema was not a guy to settle down, but he enjoyed knowing he could probably steal a girl away from someone. And Sihtric was competition in the business, so if he could hurt him somehow, he'd do it.
'I don't belong to anyone, Masema,' you said quietly while your heart skipped a beat at his touch.
'I don't care if you belong to someone or don't,' he whispered and traced your lips with his thumb, 'because regardless, I'll make you forget about everyone else when I fuck you.'
Masema smiled darkly and winked, then moved away to start filming while you moved off the bed and took your position on his white couch, leaning back relaxed and seductively to welcome him over. Masema joined you by sitting next to you, and you started off easy by making out sloppily until he had you so needy, you sat in his lap and grinded his thigh desperately, to which he smiled darkly once again. He truly had corrupted you that first time, making your shy and innocent side disappear as soon as he kissed you, seeing you change into the needy girl you were for him, and he loved it.
'Good girl,' Masema smiled as he looked up at you, sitting back with his arms spread across the backrest, just watching how you tried to get off on your own.
'Please,' you whined after a few minutes, 'Masema,' you breathed, 'fuck me, please.'
'Beg for it,' he said sternly and didn't move an inch.
You then moved off him and down on the floor in front of him, looking up with pleading eyes as Masema got up and towered over you. He took your chin firmly as he leaned in.
'I said beg.'
'Please,' you mumbled with a dazed smile, 'fuck me, please.'
'Good girl,' he whispered, 'take off my belt.'
He stood back as you obeyed, taking off his belt and unbuttoning his jeans while your mouth nearly watered, but you knew you couldn't suck him off now, you had to save that for later. There was no oral pleasure planned for this video, just sex.
Masema took off his shirt and you kissed your way up his toned torso, leaving red lipstick smudges all over his skin and he picked you up before you could kiss his lips again. He threw you on his bed and tore your panties off along with your skirt. He grabbed your ankle and pulled you towards the end of the bed where he stood, and he wrapped his hand around your throat pleasantly while he pulled his cock out and spat on his hand before he gave himself a few good strokes.
'Beg,' Masema said curtly.
'Fuck me, please,' you said with your cheeky laugh as you squirmed desperately on the sheets, 'please.'
You spread your legs for him, and he teasingly slapped your wet pussy with his hard cock a few times before he entered you. You arched your back and moaned with pleasure as soon as he began to thrust into you so deeply, easing you into it at first, but before you knew it he fucked you so hard into the mattress with his hand still wrapped around your throat and the other holding your waist almost bruisingly as he had his way with you.
'Fuck,' you moaned, 'ah, god, yes, fuck me.'
'You dirty slut,' Masema growled and only went harder while you clenched the sheets in your hands, not holding back or having to fake any moans and gasps while you were ravaged in all the right ways until you could barely remember your own name.
You climaxed fast but Masema kept going, promising he'd make you cum twice while he continued to ravage you. He tossed you around the bed, taking you in different positions and spanking your ass multiple times.
'I'm going to cum again,' you whined as he fucked you hard and fast.
'I told you,' he breathed, 'that's okay, sweetheart, cum for me.'
'Fuck, fuck,' you nearly screamed and clawed at the pillows your face was pressed into, 'oh, please, fuck.'
'That's it,' Masema moaned, 'that's it, that's it, cum for me.'
You came with another loud moan and Masema pulled out shortly after, he stroked his cock almost violently while he pulled you to sit up and he grabbed your face with his free hand.
'Open,' he said with a low grunt.
You did what he asked while still half dazed and allowed him to cum on your tongue as you had stuck it out for him.
'Good fucking girl,' Masema said hoarsely as he stroked himself through his high, and he then kissed you before he switched off the camera.
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In between filming that first video and the second one, Masema took good care of you by making sure you were all cleaned up and comfortable while you both recovered. You were dressed in one of his comfortable oversized shirts while Masema wore his black jeans again. You had made your way downstairs to the kitchen together, where he made you some "dinner". You quietly looked at the salad he was preparing as you sat on one of the barstools, and you suddenly missed the pizza and tacos you had with Sihtric after you had sex with him that afternoon you had walked away from the photoshoot.
Masema was very kind and wanted you to be comfortable, but you secretly longed to be with Sihtric now. Masema was not as lighthearted and also very strict about his working out and diet, while your other co-star was just as good looking and not strict at all. With Sihtric it was always comfortable and you could truly be yourself, but Masema's personality was so different that you always felt you had to stay in work-mode around him, so you never really had any deep conversations or got to know each other better. Which was fine too, but you couldn't resist texting Sihtric to let him know Masema was making you a salad while you missed the fast food you had shared in the hotel weeks ago.
To your disappointment Sihtric didn't reply and left you on read, which was an odd thing for him to do because he usually replied within minutes. You tried to not think much about it and, luckily, Masema was nice looking company too so you just observed him while he served the food. You both ate in silence, which was almost awkward, and after that you helped him load the dishwasher which was just as awkward. And the time you spent together in his living room was just as awkward for you as the previous moments had been. You and Masema had chemistry during sexual activities, but other than that there was genuinely no vibe.
'So, ready to shoot?' Masema asked about an hour later, much to your relief.
'Ready when you are,' you smiled.
You went upstairs again and both undressed, and you shot what was probably the sloppiest blowjob you had ever given someone in your life. The result was filthy but you were proud, because you knew this would earn you some good money. You both fixed yourself up separately and got dressed again, but as you wanted to leave you both suddenly saw the weather outside had turned rather dangerous as rain and wind was gushing forcefully.
'It's not safe to drive,' Masema said as he stood in the front door with you, 'you should stay until it clears up.'
'But that's tomorrow morning,' you said and showed him the weather app on your phone.
Masema was quiet for a moment as he stared in the dark distance, mindlessly tracing his fingers across his bare chest.
'Well,' he said softly, 'I guess it's better to stay the night then.'
You agreed, not entirely reluctantly, but you'd rather sleep in your own bed. Or with Sihtric. And the difference between both men became evident again once you laid in bed together, on the opposite sides of the mattress and with your backs turned to each other after having said good night.
You grabbed your phone and saw there was still no response from Sihtric, which unsettled you. You decided to upload the video that was shot for you OnlyFans, so it could spread across the viewers while you were asleep, and you tried to go to sleep then. You tossed and turned in bed for a while as Masema was already snoring next to you, and you grabbed your phone again after a few long minutes, checking to see if Sihtric had texted you back already. But there still wasn't any reply, and with a lump in your throat you decided to text him again.
You: thinking of you, handsome xx
You saw Sihtric read your message immediately upon sending, as he was in his own bed, contemplating to text you before you reached out again. He ached, badly, knowing that you had been with Masema that night and having seen the video you shared had simply crushed him. He knew it was just work, and that's all it was, but he couldn't get over it and it frustrated him beyond words. Maybe this business wasn't for him anymore, he pondered before he finally wrote you back, and then threw his phone across the room and cried himself to sleep.
Your eyes teared up when Sihtric's message appeared, and you wept silently while you laid next to Masema in the dark and quiet room.
Sihtric: missing you deeply, angel, so much I feel it could kill me.
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
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@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
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Shooting a Movie part 5
Note: the end of an era! thank you for all being so patient, I really hope this fic is worth the wait. I have read this over and over again, excuse any mistakes left!
reblogs & comments are very much appreciated, and make sure to read the previous chapters: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4.
Warnings: 18+!! smut and a bit of angst.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f) x Modern!Masema
summary: you met Sihtric and Masema at a party.
wordcount: 4,9k
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You needed a few long seconds to remember where you were once you woke up; in a strange bed in a strange room. Slowly you began to recognise the place and to remember the night before, how the weather had turned grim and how Masema had forbidden you to drive home. And rightfully so, because it wouldn't have been safe at all. You turned under the sheets and found the bed was empty, except for you, and the pillow next to you was cold. You figured Masema must've been awake for a while already, and when you sat up you suddenly realised you were naked, which quickly brought back the midnight memories.
You remembered waking up several hours after midnight when heavy thunder rolled through the sky outside, causing the windows and doors to vibrate at the intensity. Without thinking you had rolled over to Masema's side, and Masema, in his drowsy state, was more than willing to pull you tightly against his body to make you feel safe. And the cuddling had quickly turned into some gentle and pleasant fondling, which then progressed into a sleepy late night sex session. And Sex with Masema was different when there weren't any cameras, when it wasn't just a job to him. The sex was still intense, even when half awake, but he was more passionate and very affectionate too, something he lacked when shooting porn because he simply drowned any feelings out when working, for it was just a job. And this night had been different, this had been real and honest.
And you had enjoyed it, every deep and slow thrust which was pleasantly bruising, and the way his hand had been wrapped around your throat while his teeth and lips grazed your ear with each low and heavy moan he let out rhythmically. You had enjoyed how the weight of his warm and naked body felt on top of you while you had one leg hooked around his waist, and you loved how his soft and sloppy kisses felt on your neck and tasted on your lips. And you had loved the way he fucked you almost lovingly for hours, making you dizzy and see stars each time he edged you once you were close. Torturing you in the most satisfying way until he finally allowed you to cum, which then had been pure bliss as your nails had dug into his back while your eyes were closed and your mind wandered off to Sihtric…
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You had no regrets the morning after, but your mind immediately went to Sihtric again. You suddenly remembered the last text he had sent you, which had made you so emotional that you had wept yourself to sleep in all silence because of your conflicted feelings. You were in love with Sihtric, you knew that, but you still denied it to yourself with every chance you got. But you knew that there was no denying anymore now, not after the way you had imagined that it was Sihtric who was making love to you last night, and not Masema. You grabbed your phone and finally replied to Sihtric, as you didn't know how to respond when you had received the message the night before.
You: I miss you more.
You sighed sadly and put on your lingerie along with a crop top, and you went down the fancy marble stairs, towards the kitchen, where you found Masema doing some paperwork as he sat at his kitchen table.
'Morning,' you said rather hoarsely.
'Morning,' Masema said curtly, his eyes betraying he had gotten as little sleep as you had, 'help yourself,' he said and cocked his head towards his kitchen.
Masema eyed you up while you poured yourself some coffee, and he then suddenly pitched an idea. Since you were only dressed in some underwear and a top, he thought it would be a good setting to snap some pictures together for your OnlyFans. You agreed, because you still needed more content to make more money, and you put on an apron to finish the look of a "slutty housewife". The pictures turned out great and you would upload one of them later when you were home again. 
You and Masema never brought up what had happened during the night, and that's how you were sure that it had meant nothing for either of you. It had just been good sex without any romantic feelings involved, and that was that, and you thanked Masema for everything before you left, for working with you and for being kind enough to let you stay the night.
'Not a problem,' Masema said softly, 'thank you too, and hit me up if you ever wanna shoot something again.'
You said you'd always keep him in mind, and then departed after you had kissed his cheek.
Finally back home again you uploaded one of the pictures you had taken that morning, and you couldn't help but feel bothered that Sihtric hadn't read your message yet, but you decided to just try and go on about your day, even if it was with a heavy heart.
But Sihtric had seen your text on his screen-cracked phone, and he also saw the content you had created with Masema once you uploaded it to your OnlyFans. He told himself again and again that you were just working and that it meant nothing, but when he saw Masema had left a comment on your post saying 'My Goddess', he couldn't help but feel his heart sink, as Masema never left comments.
And so Sihtric figured that he really had to get over you…
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Weeks passed and you became frustrated with the fact that Sihtric had stopped texting you regularly again, and you had realised that any interaction had been nonexistent ever since you spent that night with Masema. You also noticed that Sihtric had stopped uploading daily content and that only every few days he would share a risky photo, but there were no more regular videos or weekly livestreams. You tried to accept the fact he had grown distant once again and decided to stop reaching out too.
Sihtric had never responded to your last text, simply because he didn't know what to say to the fact that you apparently missed him too. He felt it was better if he would just keep away from you, still hoping he could get over you and get on with his life so he could start doing his job again. But that he couldn't get over you, and that you weren't able to forget him either, became evident when you both unknowingly attended the same party several weeks later.
Everyone you worked with had a contract with the same adult movie studio, and that studio was celebrating their ten year anniversary, throwing a big party and inviting all of their hottest stars. 
You dressed up nicely, wearing your signature short black skirt, with black thigh high boots underneath and a neon green crop top to finish the look. You hung out with some of your girlfriends at the party while enjoying some drinks, having spotted Masema already who gave you a sly smile and a wink as he noticed you too from a distance. The venue was huge, crowded and warm, while the music was loud and lights flickered to the dance worthy beats.
After some time you found yourself alone as your friends had gone to the packed dance floor, and your heart suddenly skipped a beat when your eyes landed on Sihtric, who was leaning on the balcony railing on his own on the second floor, holding a drink as he mindlessly looked out over the dance floor. His eyes scanned the faces of those he knew and those he had never seen before, and they locked with yours once they landed on you and then lit up with a needed spark as they widened for a split second. He then pushed himself slightly up, contemplating if he was going to run over to you or simply run out of the door and leave. But he did neither, instead he was nailed to the ground as you smiled at him and cautiously made your way through the crowd and up the stairs.
You found the second floor rather deserted, apart from a few couples making out in the far corner, and you helplessly teared up as you approached Sihtric. Once again he was so effortlessly good looking, wearing all black clothing and one of his famous dark flannels, with the equally famous hint of eyeliner and that dangling cross earring of his. Without thinking you wrapped your arms around him once you were close enough, as if no time had passed since you last saw him, and Sihtric greeted you with a kiss on your cheek and a tight hug, which seemed to last even longer this time than all the other times before, but you didn't mind that at all. You kept your arms tightly wrapped around his waist too while his face was buried in your neck. You lightly swayed as you both enjoyed the feeling of being together again, and you inhaled his pleasant scent while he slowly moved his fingers through your hair. And to your surprise, he was the first to speak after a long silence.
'I had no idea you'd be here tonight,' Sihtric said in your ear, trying to be audible above the music.
'I had no idea you'd be here either!' you yelled back, one hand on his chest and the other remaining on his waist, while he kept one arm circled around yours and his other hand comfortably resting just above your buttocks. 'You look so good,' you smiled.
'So do you,' Sihtric smiled faintly, which caused you to blush instantly and you buried your face in his chest again.
Your hands trailed up and down each other's bodies as you both slightly leaned back, and he then rested his forehead against yours, just savouring the pleasant presence of one another.
'Hey,' Sihtric said after a moment, 'do you want to go outside? To talk?'
You nodded and he took your hand, then led you down the stairs and through the crowd to the darkened and quiet parking lot, where he immediately pulled you in his arms again, holding you even tighter than before while you leaned back against the venue wall.
'Where have you been, Sihtric?' you finally asked, concerned.
'At home. Mostly in my head I guess,' Sihtric said softly and forced a smile while he kept you close.
You looked up at him, saddened, and he returned the same gaze before he leaned his forehead against yours again and settled his hands on your waist. 
'You disappeared,' you whispered as your lips almost touched his.
'I know,' Sihtric replied softly, 'I'm sorry.'
You both didn't continue to speak and only leaned in further, slowly, until your lips touched and you immediately captured each other in a long kiss. And it was just an innocent kiss on the lips, until you pulled away slightly to look at him, your hands trailing up his chest and then grabbing the neck of his shirt to pull his mouth back to yours again. You both sought permission to deepen the kiss, and the familiar feeling of his tongue in your mouth made you lightheaded and desperate for more. Only then you realised how much you had truly missed him and how much you had longed for him, while Sihtric had been painfully and quietly aching for you ever since the last time he had seen you.
'I missed you,' Sihtric whispered against your lips, 'so much, you don't understand.'
'Then talk to me,' you murmured and kissed him again, 'because you're right, I don't understand, you always disappear on me.'
'And I'm sorry,' he said again as he pulled away and took a step back, dragging his hands through his hair, 'I just… I,' he shook his head and exhaled sharply, then sat down on a bench next to the building.
'What happens to us every time we don't see each other for a while?' you asked as you sat next to him, 'we always seem fine until-,' you stopped talking when you suddenly realised that every time you worked with Masema, Sihtric seemed to pull away from you.
'Masema,' Sihtric confirmed as you thought of him.
'Look,' you sighed softly, 'whatever beef you have with that guy, you gotta sort that out. I work with him, Sihtric. It's just work and you, out of all people, should understand that.'
'I know, but I just… I don't want you to work with him.'
'But why?' you scoffed, 'it's my job. Our job. And I've worked with so many other people before-'
'But that was before I fell in love with you!' Sihtric suddenly blurted out, then immediately buried his face in his trembling hands.
You stared at Sihtric as the street lights lit you both up from above, and you were speechless, the only sound being heard was the muffled music of the party inside the building, along with Sihtric's unsteady breathing. He had just confessed his feelings for you and it had numbed you for a moment. You watched him as he seemed to argue with himself in silence while he refused to look at you, until you felt yourself snap out of your shocked state again and took his face in your hands.
'Sihtric, talk to me,' you said with care, 'what is going on with you?'
'I'm just scared,' he muttered.
'Of what?'
'Of… of love,' he confessed, then finally looked up at you, 'I want you to be mine but I can't… I can't ask that from you.'
'Why not?'
'Because I wouldn't want you to work with anyone else anymore if you'd be mine. And I can't demand you to only work with me…'
You sighed and took his shaky hands, 'Sihtric… if you think I would have a problem with just working with you, then you're wrong. I don't see a problem here, at all. I just need to make content, and the studio doesn't care with who I create stuff or how, as long as I provide them with enough of it. And you know that too. And I… I'm in love with you too,' you half whispered.
'You're in love with me?' he asked with a glimmer of hope in his half lit eyes,
'Yes,' you said, suddenly feeling shy as you began to pull a thread on your skirt, 'and this problem with Masema… I don't get it. I mean the reason I like working with him is because he looks like you. And you should know that every time I'm with him, it's you I think of. And I turned down so many offers after you and I made that movie, and Masema was the only guy I continued to work with beside you, because it was easy. And I won't lie, that night we last texted, when I had to stay over at his place because of the weather, I did have sex with him while we weren't filming. But Masema is no threat, Sihtric, he's the only guy I can work with because his looks remind me of you. Trust me, he is nothing like you and I could never be in love with him, he's just a colleague,' you said as you leaned your forehead against his again, 'it's you, Sihtric. It's really only you. But you keep disappearing and I just can't read you.'
'I just need you to be mine,' Sihtric breathed as he held your face, 'I'm sorry I disappeared like that. I hoped that if I would distance myself from you, I would be able to get over you. But I can't. I need to… to have you. But if I can't have you, then I just can't be near you,' he struggled with his last words.
'But I want to be yours,' you whispered as your lips touched, 'I do. I want to have you too.'
'You've had me all this time already,' Sihtric whispered and then gave in to the temptation of kissing you again.
And you drowned in his kiss as you trailed your hands down his chest, grabbing his unbuttoned flannel and lightly tugging it as the kiss deepened.
'So… are you my boyfriend now?' you smiled in between kisses.
'I'd love to,' Sihtric hummed, then kissed you again.
'Well, can I have this flannel then, if you're my boyfriend?' you asked with a cheeky grin.
'You can have anything, kitten,' Sihtric smiled against your lips before he kissed you deeply again, until you were both suddenly spooked by the sound of a door slamming shut nearby.
You looked back over your shoulder to find Masema had left the venue and was lighting a cigarette in the parking lot, only a few paces away from you, dressed in black cargo jeans and a white blouse, which was barely buttoned up. It took him a few seconds before he turned and noticed you and Sihtric sitting on the bench, to which he then chuckled.
'Oh, shit,' Masema said with his soft voice while he smiled amused, 'sorry if I interrupted something, go on,' he motioned vaguely with his hand.
'It's fine,' you said and gave Sihtric a look that told him he should ignore the other man, but you already knew something was stirring inside of him as his eyes were locked on his doppelgänger.
'See something you like, handsome?' Masema taunted and took a drag of his cigarette.
'Top-knot piece of shit,' Sihtric huffed.
'Sihtric!' you slapped his chest, 'what was that for?!'
Masema laughed at Sihtric's anger and shook his head, 'Jealous I fucked your girl, huh?'
'Masema!' you snapped, 'that's really fucking uncalled for too, you know?'
And before you could do anything else, Sihtric had already jumped up and wrapped his fist around Masema's throat as he had him pushed up against the wall.
'I'll rip your fucking throat out,' Sihtric hissed.
'Gotta squeeze a little harder for me to enjoy it, pretty boy,' Masema grinned and winked.
'Stop it you two!' you yelled as you tried to get inbetween them, 'whatever the fuck it is you guys got going on, solve it! Goddamn child-like behaviour. We're adults here! In an adult industry! Just… god, I don't know, kiss it out or something!'
'I'd rather fuck it out,' Masema said with a sly smile as he looked at Sihtric.
'What?' Sihtric asked, clearly confused, 'fuck me?'
'Not you, handsome,' Masema rolled his eyes and slapped Sihtric's hand off him, 'I meant her,' he looked at you and then back at Sihtric, 'we could fuck her both, you know?'
'Jesus fucking Christ,' you sighed, 'is that what it takes? Will that calm you two idiots down?'
'What,' Masema snorted, 'you're up for it?'
'You even have to ask?' you threw your hands up and then looked at Sihtric, 'and you?'
'I… I'm not sure,' Sihtric said cautiously, 'I hadn't really thought of that before.'
There was an awkward silence while your eyes all darted between each other for a long minute, and then suddenly the door swung open again.
'Oh, here are you all,' Osferth chuckled, to which you all glared at him, 'hey, I had this idea for a movie with the three-'
'Osferth,' Sihtric sighed, not listening, 'not now.'
'Not now!' Masema snarled, and the poor scriptwriter quickly disappeared inside the venue again. 'Well, let me know when you two figure it out,' Masema shrugged and flicked away his cigarette before he turned on his heels.
'Wait,' Sihtric said quickly, to which Masema stopped and turned, 'when?'
What?' Masema asked.
'When should we… you know,' Sihtric gestured awkwardly with his hands to nothing in particular.
'Now?' Masema shrugged and looked at you. 
'Now?!' Sihtric half yelled, and he then looked at you too, 'now?' he asked.
'Now,' you said curtly, 'if that will fix this whole mess, then we do this now.'
'Now, handsome,' Masema winked and followed you back inside, after which Sihtric was fast to follow too.
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You held Sihtric's hand as you pulled him through the warm crowd, Masema following close behind. Masema had told you the public toilet at the venue was actually very clean, and would probably be the best place 'to get freaky,' according to him. You stopped in the middle of the crowded dance floor and turned to Sihtric, bringing your lips to his ear as the music was almost deafening.
'Are you sure you want to do this?' you asked.
Sihtric watched you sloppily kiss Masema, with a mixture of jealousy and excitement, feeling his cock twitch in his tight jeans at the sight of you. And you deepened your kiss with Masema upon feeling Sihtric's arousal press against your stomach, knowing Sihtric was enjoying it as much as you were. And as was Masema, because you felt his hard cock press against your ass, and his eyes were dazed once he broke the kiss and released your throat, only to grab Sihtric's hand and place it there and he helped apply some pressure.
'Yeah,' Sihtric said, and he gave you a reassuring smile.
He then placed his hands on your hips and pulled you against his body, suddenly deciding to dance with you after the beat had dropped, before continuing to the toilets. Masema circled around you both for a few long seconds before he moved up behind you and placed his hands on your thighs, pressing his body against yours as you all moved in sync to the music while the green and blue laser lights flickered rhythmically above and around you. You smiled at Sihtric before you kissed him, and then laughed when Masema demanded your attention by wrapping his hand around your throat and pulling you away from your new boyfriend. Sihtric watched as your hands were still on his shoulders while you turned your face to meet Masema's, and then kissed him while he held your throat pleasantly tight while Sihtric's hands had never left your hips.
'She likes that,' Masema half barked over the music as Sihtric had his hand around your throat, 'kiss her.'
Sihtric would've kissed you without Masema's order, but it spurred him on regardless and he pulled you closer by your neck, crashing his lips onto yours in a needy and passionate kiss. Masema watched and shoved his hands up your thighs, under your skirt, and he smirked at the discovery that you weren't wearing any panties. You continued to dance in between the two men, their bodies pressed against yours and their hands on your waist with their lips on your neck. You all grew more needy with each passing second, until the urge to feel each other became unbearable and you broke away from Sihtric and Masema, taking them both by the hand and leading them further through the crowd and into the restroom.
Sihtric was quick to check if the toilet stalls were empty and he gave Masema a curt nod as confirmation, to which the latter responded by locking the public door. Sihtric took your hands and pulled you towards him to kiss you deeply, while Masema closed in from behind and slid his fingers in your hair. He gave you a firm tug, pulling your lips away from Sihtric in order to capture you in a kiss himself again.
Both men glared at each other with a certain jealousy and passion as you dropped down to your knees, rubbing your palms over their hard bulge while you looked up at them.
'We should film this,' Masema murmured, 'do you know how much money we could make?'
You and Sihtric agreed, and Masema was quick to take out his phone and placed it on the large sink for a good and steady view. Your mouth watered at the thought of sucking both men off, but Sihtric took your hands to stop you when you tried to unbutton his jeans.
'No. Get up,' he said quietly, 'I'm not letting you do that on this floor.'
Sihtric helped you back up your feet and Masema was fast to grab your wrist, pulling you towards him to kiss you once more while he moved his free hand under your skirt again, and he pushed the fabric up. He then placed one hand on the back of Sihtric's neck and pulled him closer too, their lips crashing into a sudden steamy kiss that had both men dig their fingers into each other's neck and biceps. The kiss was filled with envy, which soon turned into a brutal form of lust as they kissed until their lips felt bruised and they had left their fingerprints on each other's skin.
You watched them while you lowered your top and pulled your skirt further up, exposing yourself to them as a wordless invitation to be used by them however they pleased. Masema was the first to slide his fingers across your wet folds from behind, his arm wrapped tightly around your waist as he teased you with feather light touches, before sinking two of his digits inside you while Sihtric lowered his jeans in front of you.
'Please him,' Masema ordered you quietly, his voice raspy in your ear.
You did as you were told, working Sihtric with your hand while you felt Masema's fingers slide in and out of you with a head spinning pace. Sihtric kissed you, and you moaned into each other's mouth at the pleasure you both received while Masema leaned the side of his face against yours and placed his free hand on Sihtric's shoulder. You were pressed between both men again, just like you had been on the dance floor, but this time the lust for each other was even stronger, and knowing it was being filmed made you all grab and pull at each other even more.
You whined when you lost the feeling of Masema's fingers inside of you as he started to take off his cargo jeans. You took Sihtric's shirt off in the meantime and kissed his neck, gradually trailing your lips down his body until you were bent over completely and had levelled your mouth with his leaking cock. Sihtric threw his head back with a moan once you wrapped your lips around him, and he placed his hands lightly on the back of your head as you pleased him in the sloppiest way possible. You then felt Masema's hands firmly rubbing your buttocks before he gave you a hard spank, your moan muffled because your mouth was full, and he grabbed your hips while he teased you with his cock before sheathing inside you.
This was just a job for Masema right now, so he wasted no time to fuck you hard and fast while you sucked off Sihtric, causing you to gag on your boyfriend's cock with each hard thrust until your knees weakened. Sihtric backed away after a short while and took your face, making sure you were okay and he grabbed Masema's wrist, signalling him to slow down.
'I'm good,' you breathed with a dazed smile, your warm cheeks stained with tears and smudged mascara, 'don't stop,' you then said as you looked back at Masema.
Masema smiled and licked his lips, flexing his arms as he wrapped them both tightly around your waist to keep you up on your trembling legs. Sihtric gently pushed you back up against Masema's chest, then lined himself up with your entrance while the other man was still inside you. You allowed your head to fall back on Masema's shoulder as Sihtric entered you carefully while Masema had stilled, and both men groaned softly when they felt the warmth and wetness of your pussy as they were inside of you.
Masema wrapped his hand around your throat and placed the other on Sihtric's waist, while Sihtric had one hand on your hip and the other on Masema's shoulder, and you had one arm wrapped around Sihtric's neck as your fingers dug into Masema's thigh when they both started to thrust into you. Gentle at first, but faster and deeper once you were fully adjusted to them, and soon the moans of you all together echoed as they bounced off the white walls. 
Sweat trickled down Sihtric's forehead while you felt Masema's damp arm pressed against your body, and your hair stuck to your hot and glistening face. Both men became rougher and louder, both wanting to claim you, even though Masema knew you belonged to Sihtric and had no desire to own you. He just wanted to prove to Sihtric he could fuck you just as good. And you enjoyed them both while you became a moaning and whining mess. Begging for more and demanding both of them to kiss you at every possible chance until you nearly screamed it out as you reached your climax, both Masema and Sihtric following shortly after, spilling their warmth inside you.
Masema was the first to pull out and took care of himself after he had stopped recording, while Sihtric tended to you first and helped you clean up the inside of your thighs, after that he wiped the tear and mascara stains off your face and kissed the tip of your nose. You gave him a tired smile and, once both dressed again, you wrapped your arms around each other as you kissed slowly and softly.
Masema made way to the door as you made out with Sihtric, but before he unlocked it to leave he turned to give your boyfriend a clear warning.
'If you ever hurt her,' Masema said calmly but a threatening tone lingered, 'I will cut your fucking hands off.'
'I would never hurt her,' Sihtric reassured him, then looked at you and kissed your forehead, 'never.'
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexeirikrleif @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @legitalicat @stupiddarkkside @volklana @sleepjam
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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Stolen Hearts
Note: happy Masema Monday. I'm fully expecting this to flop, so I will say beforehand; this is supposed to be a fic with at least one more chapter, but it truly depends on how this is received if I will put my time and effort in the follow up chapter(s). This is the first time I am attempting modern!Masema completely standalone in a long fic, so naturally; I'm nervous as shit for this.
Warnings: 18+! suggestive, toxic romance.
pairing: Modern!Masema x you (f)
summary: You and Masema were equally devoted to each other, and how far would you go to prove your love?
wordcount: 1,8k
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His name was Masema. The name of the man who had captured your heart and soul, and had kept it safely inside his own beating chest for as long as he could. Safely tucked away until it went wrong one day. So very wrong. You still didn't understand how your deep and devoted love for each other had also turned to be the sole cause of tearing you away from each other in the end.
You cried as you watched Masema slowly walk past you, his wrists cuffed while two officers on each side made sure he didn't attempt an escape. He looked at you, his face stern and his mismatched eyes determined; this wasn't the last time you would see him. You both knew it, and he blew you a kiss before he was shoved out of the courtroom. And then all eyes were fixated on you, as it was now your turn to hear the judge's verdict; to hear the sentence you'd have to endure for your committed crimes.
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Your life with Masema had started so sweetly and innocently after you had both fallen in love head over heels within no time. You were inseparable ever since the moment you first met and became completely devoted to each other. Friends and family outed their concerns about the fast pace your relationship had and with the intensity it came, but neither of you ever listened; all you needed and cared for was each other. Slowly but surely you both started to live a life secluded from past connections. You both disagreed with everyone that didn't support or understand your relationship, and you even went as far as cutting off every contact and tie with family and friends. 
Masema was the air in your lungs and you were the blood in his veins.
You were both equally possessive and obsessed with each other. And just like your relationship had started innocently, your crimes had also started out rather petty and innocent. In the beginning it was just a way to turn a carefree shopping spree on a lazy Sunday afternoon into something exciting. And you vividly remember the day you found out that you and Masema enjoyed the same kind of thrill.
You had only been together for a few weeks when you decided to take a spontaneous trip to a garden centre. You strolled the aisles together, until you were drawn to the wall with packages of flower and vegetable seeds and you left Masema's side mindlessly while he was checking out the tool section. Your eyes scanned the dozens of pretty pictures on the packages while your hands lightly touched those you were captured by, and you could already imagine all of the seeds growing in the garden you would once have with the love of your life. And it was also the love of your life who made you nearly jump out of your skin, when he snuck up behind you and circled his arms around your waist.
'Don't stray, sweetheart,' Masema murmured in your ear, 'I don't like it when you leave my side.'
'Sorry,' you said with a soft giggle as he spun you to face him, your fingers quickly snatching three small packs of seeds you had your mind set on, and you swiftly shoved them in your backpocket.
'It's okay,' he smiled and kissed your lips.
'Have you ever stolen?' you suddenly asked without thinking.
Masema leaned back and furrowed his brow as he looked at you.
'What do you mean?'
'Have you ever stolen something? Like… from a shop?'
Masema looked around as he allowed your question to soak in. He then chuckled and somewhat awkwardly scratched the side of his head.
'Why are you asking, sweetheart?'
'Because I have,' you blurted out.
'Have you now?' Masema asked, and a sly smile appeared on his face.
'Mhm,' you hummed, suppressing a grin.
'Like what?'
'Perfume,' you said rather nonchalantly, 'and jewellery. Things like that.'
'But why?'
'Because,' you shrugged, your hands on his chest, 'if I can take it without being caught, then I deserve to keep it. So… have you?'
Masema scoffed at how easy you confessed your story to him, then he laughed and just shook his head while he ushered you to move out of the aisle you were in.
'We should keep moving,' he said softly, 'if you don't want to get caught with those three bags of lavender seeds in your backpocket.'
Once you were back in the car, after having strolled through the rest of the store hand in hand while stealing sweet kisses and even making out sloppily in the large house plants section, Masema suddenly threw five packs of tulip seeds in your lap. You looked up at him, confused and speechless, because you knew for a fact you both hadn't paid for anything upon leaving the store.
'When… h-how-'
'You're not the only one who steals, darling,' Masema smiled and winked, then started the car.
And that's how it all started.
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You quickly learned how smooth Masema was with his theft, and he in turn realised how well you could work together when it came to committing small crimes. Your favourite memory from those early days together was probably the one where you first both stole something that had been unplanned, it had just happened naturally.
You were in a fancy lingerie shop, one you knew you couldn't afford as you were browsing through rows of lace and satin underwear, picking out items here and there to try on while Masema quietly followed you with a half mischievous smile on his face. Every time you turned to look back over your shoulder, you felt your knees weaken at the sight of him, all dressed in black; slim fitting jeans with black boots underneath, and a black shirt that showed off his physique underneath his unzipped leather biker jacket. You couldn't get enough of him, and Masema was just as insatiable as you were. And as if the tension between you two wasn't enough yet, it quickly thickened as you explored the shop further.
You then disappeared into one of the fitting rooms to try on some panties over your own, just to see if they'd fit, and then Masema suddenly snuck past the curtain and smiled when he laid eyes upon your bare legs.
'Let me see how that thong looks on you,' he murmured in your ear as he looked at you in the mirror in front of you both.
He took a step back while you lifted your shirt to give your man a good look. Masema then placed his hand firmly on your buttock, massaging your skin while he pressed his chest against your back and swiftly nudged you towards the mirror, against which he leaned his free hand and so lovingly trapped you between the glass and his body, with your legs spread.
'You like those?' he whispered, his lips grazing your ear while his eyes were still fixated on yours in the mirror.
'I do,' you smiled and teasingly pushed your ass back against his crotch, 'I like all of them, but they're expensive.'
'Let me get them for you, sweetheart,' Masema said with darkened eyes, and he squeezed your ass as he kissed sweetly behind your ear.
Before discreetly leaving the fitting room, Masema had tucked the expensive underwear in the inside pocket of his jacket. You kindly greeted the cashiers on your way out, but you froze when the alarm sounded as soon as you stepped outside, while Masema looked unbothered. You returned inside the store and allowed the employees to search your bag, and you were quickly cleared as the alarm didn't seem to be triggered by you.
You watched how Masema took off his leather jacket, immediately enchanting the young ladies behind the checkout with his muscles and smooth voice once he spoke to them.
'It could be my jacket,' Masema said to the smitten cashier, 'I think there's a label in there that sometimes triggers the alarms.'
Masema then threw his jacket on the counter and stepped through the doors again. Of course you weren't surprised the alarm didn't sound, but what you didn't realise right away was that Masema had thrown his jacket on the counter for a reason, as he had shoved it right onto the magnetic area that disables the store's alarm labels. So when he put his jacket back on again and left the store, no alarm sounded and he politely apologised for the inconvenience.
'Sorry,' he said with his alluring voice, 'I'll need to have a look at the jacket back home and cut out any tags left.'
You smiled in awe at Masema as you continued to the next store, his arm around your waist constantly, keeping you close. The only time you strayed from his side was in a jewellery store, where he engaged in a conversation with the salesman about a fancy watch, while your quick fingers stole a silver bracelet for your lover, unbeknownst to both men. 
Masema could've stolen it himself, no doubt about it, but Masema was the type who didn't enjoy stealing fancy things for his own use anymore. He only got a thrill out of it knowing he'd steal it for you, and you were more than aware of that by then already, so you knew that no matter how much he liked the bracelet, he wouldn't have taken it for himself. And only back home would you surprise him with it.
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Masema sat back on the couch when you stepped out of the bedroom, wearing nothing but one of the pretty lace panties the man you loved had stolen for you. And he clearly enjoyed the way you showed them off for him as you straddled his lap and kissed his cheek.
'Thanks for the gift,' you giggled softly in his ear as you felt his warm hands on your waist.
'Anything for my love,' he said with a half smile while his eyes darted over your naked figure.
'And I,' you then said and reached for the small box on the cabinet behind the couch, 'got something for my love too.'
You handed Masema the box and his eyes widened in surprise for a second before he smiled widely, and without asking any questions he allowed you to place the heavy yet delicate silver chain around his wrist.
'I love it,' Masema said softly, then looked up at you and took your chin firmly, 'and I love you,' he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips before he playfully flicked his tongue against them, 'you and I, my divinity,' he whispered as his other hand moved down to your buttocks, 'we could steal the whole world together.'
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexeirikrleif @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @legitalicat @stupiddarkkside @volklana
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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Not Yours
Note: happy Masema monday! This idea came to life randomly and halfway through writing it, it turned into a lowkey strange collab with @zaldritzosrose because we joked around and went; why not use some elements of her Masema fic in my modern fic? We're not sure what this is now, we discussed that perhaps it's a weird modern extension of her amazing fic, but I can't take that claim because the relationship between reader and Masema is pretty different. Anyway, I beg you all, please read her fantastic Burn With Me fic and the two follow ups she wrote! Another special thanks goes to @foxyanon, because our feral conversations always spark ideas, bless you both.
Warnings: 18+! smut, pwp sorta.
pairing: Modern!Masema x you (f)
summary: when dating doesn't work out, you can always just be friends with benefits.  
wordcount: 2k
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Masema was a difficult man to be with, but his good looks were undeniable and irresistible. You had tried to date him but the endless bickering and his obsessive behaviour were a lot to deal with, and you both agreed to end it after only a few months. But despite everything, the sex had been phenomenal, and that's the one thing you both missed shortly after you stopped seeing each other. Therefore it didn't take long before you became friends with benefits.
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Masema came over for dinner, which wasn't unusual, and you flirted and teased each other for the whole duration of it with words and looks, knowing you would ravage each other entirely as soon as the dishes were cleaned. You enjoyed the sight of him while you ate, eyeing him up as he sat across from you. He looked breathtakingly arousing in his dark red shirt, showing off his biceps and the outlines of his ripped torso, and his black jeans hugged his muscular legs perfectly. You had seen him naked countless times already, but it was always a treat knowing you were about to worship his godly shaped body again. It was a shame that Masema was rather insane and not exactly husband material, but that's also what made the sex to die for afterall.
You licked your lips seductively after each sip of wine, and Masema's mismatched eyes continued to darken with each stroke your tongue made as the evening progressed. He smirked at you, his eyes slowly moving over the visible part of your body as you sat at the table. The air was thick, filled with lust and desire and most of all the gnawing sexual appetite you both felt after you had finished your home cooked meal.
You took your time cleaning after dinner was devoured, your risky lingerie visible through the sheer black robe you wore while Masema checked you out as he sat back at the table, finishing his glass of wine. You may not be a couple, but that never stopped you from dressing up, not just for him but for yourself too.
Masema craved you and became impatient as you purposely dragged out the process of cleaning up the kitchen. He calmly finished his drink, occasionally humming to himself as he watched you bend over to put away the clean plates, thinking back of all the times he had you bent over for him. He quietly got up once he finally had enough and snuck up behind you. He took your arm and spun you around to face him, then pulled you in by your neck without a word to kiss you hard and eager. He bruised your lips by biting and sucking them while his tongue delved further into your mouth and was dragged over your lips and teeth during the sloppy kiss in which you drowned. You melted against his body as you moaned against his lips, and you became dizzy when you felt his hand slowly creep up your back and into your hair, where he grabbed a fistful of your locks and used it to break the kiss with a firm tug.
'Playing with me, hm?' he breathed as he towered over you.
His eyes were wild and threatening, and if you didn't know him any better you'd be absolutely terrified of him right now, but you knew Masema would never hurt you. He would hurt anyone but you.
'You're fun to play with,' you giggled and bit down on your lip as you ran your hands up his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck to close the distance for another steamy kiss.
'I'll play with you,' he husked against your lips and swiftly pushed you towards the dining table.
Masema was rough, almost violently as he had no problem to literally throw you around, but he loved and adored you deep in his heart, so he always did it with a controlled form of violence. And you loved the way he overpowered you, because you knew that you were completely safe in his arms and therefore he could do whatever he desired, because he would always make sure it would feel good for you too.
He grabbed your hips and effortlessly lifted you to sit up on the wooden table, where he tore open your robe and pushed your legs apart. He ran his warm hands up your thighs slowly as he licked his lips, then curled his fingers around your lace panties and pulled them down with a smirk.
'You know,' he murmured and knelt down, 'I haven't had my dessert yet.'
He shoved your panties in his back pocket, something he always did, and he threw your legs over his shoulders. He grabbed your hips, pulling you to the edge of the table where his mouth met your folds, and he devoured you while his strong arms kept you locked and in place. There was no squirming away when Masema pleased you with his lips and tongue, he wouldn't stop sucking and licking you until you came with a loud and heavy moan for him, your fingers tangled in his hair and disheveling his usually perfectly slicked back topknot.
'Oh, fuck,' you breathed as you stared at the ceiling while you laid upon the table, the room was spinning as you tried to catch your breath while Masema wiped his mouth.
'That's what we'll do next, sweetheart,' he said with a sly smile, and he swung you over his shoulder without a care in the world. 'Did you preheat the jacuzzi?' he asked as he carried you up the stairs and to the bathroom.
'Of course I did,' you rolled your eyes without him seeing it, 'you always want to fuck in that thing, so I know to heat it up before you even knock my frontdoor.'
'Good girl,' Masema smiled and switched on the warm light in the damp and hot space, then knelt down to one knee to put you safely back on your feet.
He looked up at you as he kissed his way up your bare legs, using his tongue to clean up your juices that had dripped down your thighs after he had pleased you. He then spun you around, making you face the mirror above your sink while he bent you over it, and he slapped your ass firmly. You gasped and laughed, then moaned softly when you felt his hand ease the burning sensation of the sudden slap as he massaged your buttocks. His low chuckle sounded in your ear as he had lowered his body onto yours, trapping you between his warm chest and the cool sink while he looked at you in the lightly fogged up mirror, holding your chin so you wouldn't look away from his intense gaze.
'Look at you,' he smiled as he saw your already dazed eyes, 'you'll always have a weak spot for me, won't you?'
'You know I will,' you smiled with flushed cheeks.
'Good,' Masema spoke in your ear while he kept his eyes on you, his lips grazing your skin with each word while he continued to slowly massage your slapped ass cheek, 'because you're still my baby.'
'Mas,' you chuckled, trying to brush his words off as if they meant nothing, but the heat that spread in your core told you how much you still loved it when he called you his, 'I'm not your baby, we're only friends who fuck every few days.'
'We could be so much more,' he breathed and moved his hand down to your folds, teasing your sensitive spot with his fingers, 'you could be my queen,' he kissed your ear and bit your earlobe, 'my goddess,' he sighed with a soft hum, 'and I would worship you every fucking hour of the day like this.'
'Oh, god,' you moaned when he slid two digits inside you.
'That's right,' Masema growled and then chuckled darkly, 'you know I am your God.'
'Yes,' you smiled, already dumbed down, 'you are.'
'I am,' he smiled and winked at you, 'you know what to do, don't you?'
You nodded as Masema was quick to undo his jeans and take off his shirt. You stepped into the jacuzzi after taking off your bra, the warm water embracing you pleasantly as you sank down to your knees, the hot steam dancing gracefully around you in the dim light. Masema lowered his boxers and pulled out his hard cock, then stepped in the jacuzzi and sat on the edge, giving himself a few firm strokes while you settled between his muscular thighs. You smiled at him before you moved up to kiss his neck, trailing your lips all the way down his perfectly toned chest and to his thighs, tasting the salt of his glistening body on your tongue. He moved one hand in your hair, grabbing your locks and holding them in a messy bun while you coated his length with your saliva. Masema threw his head back in pleasure once your lips enveloped his cock, and you loved feeling him twitch in your mouth as you took him deeper with each slow bop of your head.
'Good girl,' Masema murmured with his eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the water against his legs while he enjoyed the warmth of your mouth around his cock.
And you enjoyed the sight of his bare body as you looked up at him, his head fallen back and his lips parted, allowing soft and low moans to escape through them with the occasional hiss. You could never tire of seeing the smile his lips would curl in each time you hit the right spot, circling your tongue around the tip which caused all his muscles to flex deliciously above you. You knew how to please him, and it was easy to bring him to his climax within a matter of minutes, but Masema knew to stop you before you got him there. He pulled you slightly away by tugging your hair, and he wrapped his other hand around your throat as he pulled you back up to him, kissing you sloppily and passionately.
'Ride it, baby,' he breathed against your lips after he kissed you.
He lowered himself fully into the jacuzzi, and he groaned softly as the heated water touched his torso. You leaned in and kissed him again while you moved up to him, lining his cock up with your entrance, and you slowly sank down, taking him all in. You fucked him slowly and with a steady pace, your hands on his broad shoulders while you leaned your sweaty forehead against his. You moaned softly in sync, but Masema soon wanted more and you allowed his hands on your waist to guide you, picking up your pace gradually until you bounced on his cock while the warm water gushed over the edge.
'Just like that,' Masema moaned when he felt your walls clench around him after a short while, 'keep going, baby.'
'I'm not your baby,' you chuckled with ragged breaths as you felt your high approach.
'But you are,' he said with a low grunt as his fingers dug in your skin, 'you are mine still. Only I get to fuck your sweet pussy,' he moaned, 'and only I get to fuck that pretty mouth of yours, right?'
'Yes!' you moaned when his words pushed you over the edge while he fucked into you, 'yes, please,' you whined, 'I'm all yours.'
Masema came shortly after you, and you fucked through your highs while he kissed you deeply, his hand on the back of your head to keep you close before you both came down again. 
'Fuck you,' you suddenly said and slapped his chest once you regained your thoughts again.
'What?' Masema scoffed.
'Make me say all that shit while you fuck me out of my mind,' you muttered and got out of the water.
You fixed yourself up in your bedroom, while you let Masema use the bathroom to get all dressed again. You met each other downstairs, and you both had a drink quietly before Masema decided it was time to head home again. You agreed to that and also to him saying he'll see you in a few days again as you walked him to the door, where he kissed your lips and then your cheek as he held your face.
'And whatever you may think,' Masema whispered as he looked at you, 'you'll always be mine, baby.'
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexeirikrleif @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
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The Punishment 2
Note: second part to this fic. This fic was supposed to go way differently, but I had a huge mood swing while writing. Instead of deleting the whole thing, I actually thought it showed a lot about their relationship so I decided to keep it. A 3rd chapter will follow, don't worry ;) 
Warnings: 18+, suggestive.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f) (x Modern!Masema)
summary: your revenge plan did not go as you had hoped
wordcount: 2k
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'I love you, princess. Behave for us today,' Sihtric said sternly but sweetly.
'Yes, daddy,' you smiled, 'I love you too.'
Your soft dom patted your head and kissed your lips before he grabbed his car keys, then left for work. Masema was quick to come over to you as well, after he had tied his boots and grabbed his leather jacket. He took your chin as you sat at the kitchen table early in the morning, and he made you look up at him.
'Heard what he said?' your hard dom raised his eyebrow.
'I will be good, Sir,' you batted your eyelashes innocently, 'I love you.'
'Good,' Masema smiled and gave you a few quick pecks on the lips, 'I gotta run now, sweetheart. I love you too,' he said and grabbed his own car keys before he rushed out the door, running late for work.
It had only been a few days since your last punishment, the bruises on your buttocks still visible from the spankings you had received. Masema and Sihtric had taken good care of you afterwards, as they always do, and you were showered with love by them every day as usual, if you weren't being a brat obviously. And you had truly behaved for them since that last punishment, but your good girl behaviour was only a facade, for you had been plotting your revenge ever since. And today, as it was friday, was finally the day to get back at your doms, who you loved so dearly. So you jumped up after Masema had locked the door behind him and you sprinted to the living room.
Your doms both had a key to the metal cabinet that was located in your bedroom, which kept every sex toy safely locked away from you, so you could never use them on your own as you did not have their permission to pleasure yourself without them. But you had been observant and kept an eye on both your boyfriends last time they had used their keys, resulting in figuring out their hiding spots. Sihtric kept his key on top of the bathroom cabinet, which you couldn't reach unless you grabbed a chair, while Masema kept his key hidden between the pages of a book, which he always placed back in the huge book cabinet in the living room. And Masema was smarter than Sihtric, because he'd change the book to hide the key in after every play time, but he didn't know you had seen which book it was hidden in this time. Masema's key was easier to retrieve than Sihtric's, so your eyes scanned the books with haste and you snatched the title out of the cabinet once found.
'Oh, silly Sir,' you sighed with a grin as the key fell out.
You picked up the key and ran into the bedroom, unlocking the cabinet, and a satisfied gasp left your mouth once the doors opened, for you suddenly had access to everything forbidden by your doms. You fought the urge to pleasure yourself right away with every toy you could grab, as you knew your pleasure would surely be satisfied later, so you stuck to your masterplan and grabbed only what you needed; a flogger, a ball gag, two handcuffs, some rope, nipple clamps, two collars with their leashes, and two headbands with fluffy cat ears.
'They're going to look so cute with these,' you squealed as you held the ears, and you threw everything you had gathered on the bed.
You looked at your tools with a satisfied smirk and hid them where you could easily reach them. And now all you could do was wait for your doms to come home while you went over your plan again. Sihtric was always the first one to come home, as he finished work about an hour before Masema did. And that was good for your plan, because Sihtric was such a push over and had the biggest soft spot for you. Not that Masema wasn't weak for you or loved you any less, but he was a hard dom for a reason, Sihtric could simply never keep that up and he was easier to lure into a trap than Masema would be.
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Hours passed and finally your soft dom stepped through the front door.
'I'm home!'
Sihtric's voice sounded through the quiet home, which was too quiet for his liking for a moment, but his heart made a little jump out of excitement when he heard your footsteps approach towards him from the bedroom.
'Princess,' he almost sighed and allowed you to jump into his arms, 'you were a little quiet there, weren't you? What were you doing?'
'Nothing,' you lied and kissed his lips, 'how was work?'
'Just a regular day,' he shrugged, 'how was your day?'
You took his hand and led him slowly with you towards the bedroom. 'Just a regular day. I missed you,' you said with a pout.
'Well, I missed you too,' Sihtric smiled and cupped your cheeks, kissing you lovingly while you pulled him onto the bed with you, 'play time already?' he hummed with a sly smile as you climbed on top of him.
'Mhm,' you smiled and took his hands, pinning them teasingly above his head and, as you kissed him, you carefully reached for the rope you had hidden behind one of the pillows.
The rope was prepared with a knot, which you only needed to pull to tighten it once slipped around your target. And so you managed to take Sihtric by surprise as you slipped the rope swiftly around his pinned down wrists, pulled at the loose ends and tightened his hands together within the blink of an eye. Before your boyfriend realised what had happened, you already moved up and quickly tied the rope to the metal bed frame.
'Hey- what-,' Sihtric stammered, confused, and he blinked rapidly as you were fast to handcuff him with pink leather cuffs and chained them to the bed, along with the rope he was still tied with, for extra security. 'Wait!' Sihtric said with wild eyes as he rattled the cuffs, 'what is this?! How… when… how did you get these?!'
You giggled as you climbed off him and stared at him as he was tied up, then quickly grabbed one of the cat ear headbands and placed them on his head.
'Hey!' Sihtric tried to stop you, but to no avail, and he huffed when you 'awwed' at him.
'I know your key is in the bathroom,' you smiled innocently at your dressed up boyfriend.
Sihtric's face fell and he swallowed hard.
'But Masema's key was easier to get,' you added quickly, to which Sihtric seemed almost relieved, 'so I took his.'
Sihtric sighed and shook his head, then couldn't help but chuckle. He always knew you were smart. And a smart brat was a dangerous brat, so he knew this day would come eventually.
'Anyway,' you shrugged and grabbed the ball gag from underneath the bed, 'now it's my time to punish you.'
'Oh, no,' Sihtric shook his head again as you neared him, 'you will not silence me, princess! Just wait until Masema gets back. You know you will get punished for this!'
'I hope so,' you giggled and gagged him, to which Sihtric could only react with a muffled voice, and for a second your tough brat act dropped and you took his face, 'you know the safe signals, right?'
You saw a twinkle in Sihtric's eyes, and you could tell he smiled slightly despite the ball gag in his mouth and he nodded.
'Good,' you smiled and kissed his forehead, 'now let's get rid of these stupid clothes.'
You took your time taking off his shoes, his socks and his jeans, knowing you had enough time to strip Sihtric off everything before Masema would come home. But it wasn't all that easy, as Sihtric liked to kick with his legs every now and then to give you a hard time undressing him, but you fixed that by grabbing another rope and tying his ankles to the bed, to which he huffed and looked at you with a fury in his mismatched eyes.
His fury quickly left him though and made room for panic in his suddenly widened eyes, when he saw you near him with the nipple clamps, and he aggressively shook his head at the sight of those. You could only giggle when you cut open his shirt first, he had enough of those boring plain white shirts so surely he wouldn't miss this one, and you enjoyed his muffled scream when you clamped his nipples. But your joy was cut short when he groaned loudly again and you saw his fingers tap the bedframe fast twice, followed by two slower taps, which was the safe signal you had all agreed upon a long time ago.
You gasped, startled, and quickly pulled the ball out of his mouth and you took his face. But before you could ask if he was okay, he opened his mouth already.
'Take those fucking clamps off me!' Sihtric grunted hoarsely, 'Masema is the one who likes that,' he hissed in pain, and your heart skipped a few beats when he groaned again, 'he likes those, not me! Fuck!'
'Oh, no, I- I'm sorry!' you let out a sob and quickly removed the clamps, to which Sihtric nearly shuddered and gritted his teeth at you, 'I'm so sorry, I mixed that up!' you sniffled and kissed his face all over, heartbroken that you had made him raise his voice at you. 'I'm sorry, daddy, I'm so s-sorry-' you stuttered and reached to take off the handcuffs.
'Don't,' Sihtric breathed, and you stopped moving, 'you don't have to stop. Just… just don't use those clamps on me,' he said calmly again.
'Are… are you sure?' you wiped a tear away before it could roll down your cheek.
'I'm sure,' he whispered, 'I'm sorry I shouted at you. I'm not mad at you, love, I promise,' his eyes darted all over you, 'those things just hurt like a bitch, and not in a nice way.'
'I- I'm sorry,' your voice began to tremble again and tears welled up once more.
'Hey, don't cry, sweetheart, there's nothing to be upset about,' he reassured you, 'look at me.'
You fought more tears as you looked at him, and an embarrassed blush took over your cheeks.
'You can have your fun. You caught me by surprise, so you win this round. Go on,' he tried to urge you, but you shook your head.
'No… I- I don't want to do this anymore,' you whispered and uncuffed his wrists, then untied the rope around his hands and threw it all on the floor with a devastated look.
Sihtric was quick to sit up and he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tightly against his chest while he kissed the top of your head and stroked your hair slowly.
'It's okay,' he cooed as you sniffled again, 'you had me good though,' he sighed and earned a soft chuckle from you.
'It was a stupid idea,' you mumbled, ashamed and upset.
'No, it was a good idea, actually,' Sihtric said and wiped your tears, 'and I'm sure you'll have more luck next time, princess,' he whispered and kissed your lips.
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You shrugged lightly and, as you both had completely forgotten about the time and were so caught up in the moment, you both nearly jumped when Masema suddenly appeared at the bedroom door. His eyes were huge and confused as he took in the sight of you and Sihtric, holding each other on the bed while Sihtric's bare legs were tied down, his shirt cut open, his nipples bright red and a ball gag hanging around his neck while fluffy cat ears sat on his head. And when Masema saw your tear stained face he was even more puzzled at the entire picture.
'What the fuck is going on here?' Masema asked, bewildered.
taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama @lexwolfhale @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a @verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50 @succnfuccubus @hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305 @carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @il0vebeingdelulu @thenameswinter99
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Mechanic chapter 13
Note: follow up to chapter 12.
Warnings: same as previous chapters.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f) x modern!Masema
summary: Masema took you to church while you stayed in touch with Sihtric.
wordcount: 4,3k
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You'd been going to church with Masema for a few weeks now, although you couldn't really call the building a church. It was an abandoned farm on the outskirts of town and it looked like it could collapse any second. One stormy night and you were sure the farm would be gone the morning after. The inside of the church didn't look great either, but at least there was electricity and a bit of warmth by candles. Dirty looking blankets covered the concrete floors you sat upon while you listened to Masema with the other church goers. Masema was apparently some self-proclaimed prophet, whatever that may mean, and at first you thought he was absolutely batshit crazy by the way he was preaching about the end of the world. Masema said the end of times was approaching and he promised that those who followed him would die with honour and march into Heaven like warriors of the Light, and a good afterlife would be waiting. Masema had a way of being very convincing, and he convinced you to keep coming to the church even when you weren't so sure yourself. He'd persuade you by kissing you and telling you how important your presence was. And so you kept going, and after a few church sessions you started to think that there might be some truth in his words. You weren't sure about the end of the world, but you started to believe that following Masema might mean you did something for the greater good eventually.
You had also kept in touch with Sihtric, texting him every day to let him know you were doing okay. And you couldn't lie, you missed your mechanic a lot. Masema gave you that thrill of being alive, because he had only eyes for you when he took you for a ride on his motorcycle. But you began to see that in the church he seemed to have eyes for all the other ladies present too, who all believed they were special to him. It made you insecure, but Masema had a power over you that you couldn't seem to defeat, and you even entertained the idea of marrying Masema when he asked if you wanted to be one of his wives.
You didn't know that Sihtric was still keeping track of you through your phone. You had never deleted the app he had installed, and Sihtric also never deleted it off his own phone. He had fought the urge to use the app at first, but he just couldn't help himself and often checked where you were, just to get some peace of mind. But that peace he longed for was nowhere to be found once he began to notice you spent a lot of time in some near deserted area in the the weekends, late at night. Once again Sihtric had fought another urge, but he still loved you and wanted you to be safe. He just had to know what you were doing out there, so one evening he rode to your location and found the abandoned farm after he'd passed a bunch of large cornfields. When he saw lights burning inside the farm from a distance, as he approached the building, he shut down his motor engine and got off his bike. He carefully walked towards the farm, quietly pushing his brand new bike through the mud and puddles, cursing internally that it would be a pain to clean his bike after this. Once he was close enough he parked his bike and spied by peeking through one of the cracked windows. Sihtric was appalled when he saw Masema standing on an improvised platform, spewing words of damnation and God and the end of the world. And then Sihtric found you sitting on the floor, amongst Masema's other followers, looking up at him and listening carefully like he was some sort of… prophet. Sihtric slowly began to understand that Masema probably stalked people, mainly women, and simply persuaded them to join him to whatever this place was, but what exactly Masema was preaching about was beyond him as it made no sense at all.
Sihtric paced back and forth outside the farm, contemplating his next move. He could simply ram the door and run in, punching Masema in the face and picking you up in his arms to take you home. But you looked rather comfortable, Sihtric thought, and there were too many people. It would be at least thirty to one if Sihtric would pick a fight. Sihtric saw some men too and, even though they didn't look very intimidating, he knew getting into a fight now was a bad idea as he only just healed from the wounds he had gained during the crash. He then decided to push his motorcycle away from the farm and hide it behind a few trees further up the dirt road. Sihtric then walked back, his leather boots collecting more dirt and mud, and he waited behind one of the smaller abandoned buildings across the farm, until people began to leave the wreckage of a building you were inside of. Sihtric waited and waited, and then he finally saw you. You left the farm alone and you walked up to a seemingly random car. Sihtric then snuck up behind you and covered your mouth as he circled his arm around your waist, preventing you from screaming, and he pulled you with him behind the farm, hidden away in the shadows.
'It's me,' Sihtric said quickly when you tried to fight his grip, 'I'm not here to scare you, I'm sorry I had to get you like this.'
You stared at him with big eyes, taking in his appearance. His half shaved hair was a little messy from the helmet he had been wearing, and he was dressed in a black leather jacket and black jeans. Sihtric then slowly removed his hand when you understood who had just grabbed you.
'What the fuck!' you hissed and punched his chest, 'what the fuck are you doing! Why are you here-'
'What is this place?' Sihtric cut you off and cornered you, 'and Masema?' he scoffed, 'you're really out here with your stalker? What the fuck does he want from you?'
'This is a church!' you snarled, quietly, not wanting to alarm anyone.
'A church?' Sihtric frowned and looked up at the building that looked like it came straight from Hell, 'I didn't know you were religious.'
'I'm not… at least not really,' you mumbled, 'Masema asked me-'
'When did… why-' Sihtric stammered, 'how the fuck did you get in contact with this guy? You do know the cops are looking for him, right?'
'I walked into him after our fight at the repair shop,' you confessed, 'he's not… he never tried to hurt me, Siht. He took me on a few dates and-'
'Dates?' Sihtric almost shouted, then lowered his voice again, 'you're dating that psycho?!'
'No! I mean… I… I… we kissed, yes, but that's it. We never did anything else.'
'You kissed?' he scoffed, 'so… what about us?'
'We're on a break,' you mumbled, knowing you were the one who screwed up.
'On a break my ass,' Sihtric shook his head, 'we are not Ross and Rachel, sweetheart. You said you needed some space, which I gave you, and now I find out you've been happily seeing that freak of a guy!'
'It's not like that! We're not dating, we're not exclusive or whatever, we're not even together! He has like five wives or something and asked me to be his wife too!'
'The others,' you cocked your head towards the barn, 'all the ladies are like… like… his wives or girlfriends, whatever.'
'Oh, great,' Sihtric scoffed and then threw his hands up, 'so you're part of a cult now.'
'What? No, Sihtric-'
'This is exactly what this guy does then, stalking women and sweet talking them to join his cult. Fucking ridiculous,' Sihtric huffed and kicked at the sand, 'you're a perfect example of stockholm syndrom, lady.'
'No, I…,' you sighed, 'I'm here out of free will.'
'You're not,' Sihtric argued, 'but you can't even think straight anymore. You know, whatever, I don't want to hear about this anymore. I just want to know where this leaves us then. Because if you decide you want to be a sister wife then I can't stop you. I've tried everything to protect you from this maniac but it seems I pushed you right into his web. So I guess that's on me then. So what about us, princess, what about you and me?'
Sihtric stared at you, his mismatched eyes and scarred face illuminated in the silver light of the moon, and he had never looked more handsome, you thought, it left you breathless for a moment.
'I don't know,' you whispered after a long silence and sniffled, 'but I know I miss you.'
Sihtric's stern look softened and he exhaled sharply, regretting for going off at you like that.
'I miss you too,' he whispered and fought his tears, 'a lot.'
'I'm not… I don't think I'm in love with Masema,' you said, 'because I still love you, I really do. I can't forget you,' you lightly touched his hand, 'but… something keeps pulling me here.'
'You need to leave this guy,' Sihtric urged and took your hand, 'I'm serious, you have to leave this place and that freak. Come with me, I'll take you home, please,' he pleaded, 'just come home with me, we can leave right now.'
'I can't,' you whispered and pulled your hand away, 'I can't just leave. These people are like… depending on me to be here. I… I have to go, I'm sorry.'
'Hey,' Sihtric called after you when you turned to walk away, 'just… promise to stay in touch.'
'I will. I always will.'
'And be safe,' Sihtric looked at you with big, pleading eyes that broke your heart, 'I- I love you.'
'I know,' you smiled weakly, 'and I love you too.'
Sihtric felt hopeless when he watched you walk to the car and unlocked it to take out a large bag, and then walked away around the corner, disappearing back into the farm again. He left on his bike with a heavy heart, knowing he was leaving you behind with a psychopath. But he didn't stand a chance against him right now. And you both didn't know that Masema had gone through your phone already days ago, finding the texts between you and Sihtric and finding out you still had photos of Sihtric on your phone, and you both didn't know that Masema had heard you talk outside the farm.
The uneasy feeling never left Sihtric in the days after he had confronted you at the farm. It had unsettled him so greatly that he decided to go back one afternoon to check out the place in daylight, and it was even more haunting during the day than it had been at night. The huge cornfields surrounding the farm were even larger than they had seemed in the dark, completely secluding the building from the outside world. Sihtric wanted to call the cops to warn them about Masema's whereabouts, but when he peeked through the cracked window again he saw the place simply looked abandoned and there wasn't a trace to find of the sermons Masema held there. He only saw the large bag you had taken out of the random car and it looked like it was stuffed with the blankets that had been on the floor, making it look like a homeless person lived there and nothing more. Sihtric was torn, because also knew that if he'd alarm the cops you would know it had been him, and he was afraid he'd completely lose you if he did, and you were also there out of "free will", so what could he possibly tell the cops? All he could do was wait for you to come back to your senses and keep track of you through the app.
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You kept going to church in the weeks after your encounter with Sihtric. You had shrugged off the mechanic's concerns at first, but when Masema began to teach you and his followers how to use guns and make improvised hand grenades, because Masema was afraid that the non-believers would want to harm his church and his people, you slowly began feel and realise that Sihtric had been right. This indeed was a cult, and Masema was the cult leader, preaching how everyone who is against his word should be either converted or killed, and his followers blindly believed him and felt he was right. 
You slowly began to snap out of the state you were in, and every time you saw Masema preach you realised how deranged he was and everyone who believed him. Msema himself truly believed he was a prophet and he had everyone who followed him under his power. And the men, you later understood, who were part of his following were actually the husbands of the ladies Masema had taken as his wives. The husbands were so blinded by Masema's charm and the convincing power of his words that they had just let their wives share a bed with their leader and let them marry him. And you started to see that this was not something you wanted to be a part of, at all. You began to feign your interest in Masema and his cult, pretending to be a good member and a potential new wife to him, but after a few more preaching sessions you knew you had to get out of there, especially because the training of how to work with weapons and his intentions to seriously harm people intensified every week.
One night, after you had attended yet another sermon where Masema raged on and on about how he was spreading the word of God of how everyone but his followers was doomed, you secretly texted Sihtric while Masema drove you home, as you were absolutely frightened.
You: hey, are you home?
Sihtric: at work x
You: this late?
Sihtric: I couldn't sleep… why?
You: can I see you? I need to see you…
'Who are you writing?' Masema asked sweetly, but a threatening tone lingered after he had caught you texting.
'Oh, just a friend,' you lied, 'maybe, eh, I found someone who wants to come to the church too next week.'
'Really?' Masema glanced at you and placed his hand on your knee as he drove his car, 'that would be great,' he said and squeezed your knee, a little too hard to be flirty.
'So,' Masema continued, 'have you heard from your ex?'
'What? Oh, no,' you said, nervously, 'no, he's out of my life.'
'Is he?' he squeezed your knee again, harder this time, and it was painful.
'Yes,' you chuckled anxiously and tried to pull away from his grip, to no avail, 'why are you asking?'
'Just making sure you're all mine. I'm not the type who shares.'
'But,' you chuckled, 'your wives-'
'Are my wives,' Masema said curtly, 'I do not share them with their husbands. They are my wives. And you will be my wife too. And if you try to leave,' he chuckled to make it come off as a joke, 'I'll find you.'
You feigned a smile and nodded, then looked out the window and tried to keep your cool as the drive continued. Once you were home you reluctantly kissed Masema good night and you closed the front door behind you. You waited until he drove off in his car and then you took out your phone again.
Sihtric: of course. Do I need to pick you up?
You: no, it's fine, I have a new car now
Sihtric: you know you don't have to wreck it again to see me, right? ;)
You: I know ;) 
You smiled at your phone and told Sihtric you'd be at the repair shop shortly. But your emotions took over before you could even start your car. Your new car. The stupid brand new car that Masema had bought for you. You were overwhelmed with a sudden fear when you felt your knee hurt. The bruise Masema left was clearly visible once you rolled up your jeans to check your knee, and you wanted to get to the mechanic as fast as possible.
You found Sihtric at the repair shop in the middle of the night, fixing up his new motorcycle after dirt had gotten stuck in all the wrong places because of his visits to the farm. His overall was dirty but his face was remarkably clean, because he had cleaned himself up as best as he could when you told him you were on your way, and he had fixed up the curls on the one side of his head. Sihtric looked tired, but the dark circles around his eyes and his pale face didn't make him any less handsome, and he listened carefully while leaning back against his bike when you told him everything that had happened after the last time you had seen him, and you showed him the bruise on your knee.
'He what?!' Sihtric raised his voice, 'do you even hear yourself? Can't you see he is brainwashing you! He's literally hurting you!' he threw the dirty rag he had cleaned his bike with onto the floor, 'that guy is abusing you!' he snarled with wild and fury filled eyes, 'and you're letting him!'
You froze at his sudden anger and you shut down. Sihtric stared at you, realising he frightened you with his outburst, and he felt his heart break inside his chest when your lower lip trembled as your eyes welled up.
'I- I'm sorry,' Sihtric said, 'I'm sorry, come here,' he whispered and pulled you in his arms, your face pressed against his chest, into his dirty work overall, 'I'm sorry I snapped. You have to understand that I'm not mad at you, I promise. I'm just mad at this entire situation and that piece of shit you keep seeing, who is clearly not good for you.'
'He won't let me leave him,' you said with a sob, 'Masema… he said he'll find me. He didn't specify what he meant with that and he said it almost sweetly, but-'
'That is just what he does,' Sihtric said as he held you in his arms, 'he wraps his followers around his finger and if they try to leave he'll wrap them even tighter, suffocating them. And I just handed him the rope to tie you with by becoming obsessed with your safety and pushing you away, right into his arms. And I'm sorry, princess, I'm so sorry.'
'I'm sorry too. I'm sorry we fought, I never meant to explode like that but I felt trapped and I panicked. But now I'm really trapped.'
'I know,' Sihtric hushed you, 'I'm not mad, sweetheart. I could never be mad at you. I just… I've been trying to understand why Masema? Why did you fall for him? You knew he was bad news.'
'Because he… Masema made me feel alive again,' you sniffled, 'like the way you used to make me feel alive before the accident,' you pulled slightly away and looked up at him with tear stained cheeks, 'you changed, Sihtric, after that crash.'
'I almost died,' Sihtric murmured as he pulled you back in again, 'and you almost died because I crashed. Of course I changed, darling,' he said and began to cry, 'you don't understand what it did to me.'
'Then talk to me,' you sobbed.
'I'm just terrified to lose you,' he whispered, 'I'm terrified you'll get hurt again and taken away from me. And that is why I became so overprotective.'
'I understand that, I do,' you sniffled, 'but you can't trap me like that. You built this… this fort around me, to protect me, but in reality you trapped me. I understand it was never your intention to make me feel trapped, but you did, and it changed me too. I started to long for excitement. I wanted to feel alive again and feel the thrill of being alive after that accident, while you trapped me in a boring life. It changed me and it changed you. It changed us, Sihtric. I miss the sweet boy who was disguised as a bad boy when we met. I miss that flirty and slightly cocky mechanic who made me feel so alive when he kissed me endlessly on my driveway at night, and who took me on exhilarating bike rides. I miss him, Sihtric. I miss you, the guy I fell in love with.'
Sihtric looked down into your eyes and wiped the tears off his face, then took a deep breath.
'The guy you fell in love with died that night,' he said in a broken whisper.
'Did he?' you looked up at him with hopeful eyes, 'because sometimes I get glimpses of him. I've gotten glimpses of him after the crash, before you pushed me away. And even after that, when you found me at the church… that thrilling and adventurous part of you, it's still there,' you poked his chest, 'I know it's still in there.'
Sihtric swallowed hard and shrugged lightly.
'Maybe, little lady,' he said, 'but maybe he's afraid he'll get you hurt again.'
'You don't get to live your life without getting hurt in one way or another. And I would choose to get hurt every day if it meant I could have that slightly cocky and cheeky part of you back again,' you chuckled through your tears.
'Is that really why you went with Masema?' Sihtric asked after a moment, 'because he made you feel alive? Because he was dangerous?'
You nodded and wiped a tear off your cheek.
'I needed that thrill to feel alive, and it felt like you couldn't give it to me anymore.'
'Only because I have your best interest and want you to be safe. You had to safely heal.'
'I know… but I… I need some kind of excitement in a relationship.'
'What kind of excitement?' Sihtric furrowed his brow, 'you want me to be a cult leader?'
'No,' you snorted, and Sihtric smiled, 'not like that.'
'Like what then?' he asked and took your hand, pulling you to sit on his lap as he sat down on the chair next to his messy work desk, which had all kinds of tools piled up on each other.
'I don't know… just… something,' you sighed, 'I don't want a boring and safe relationship. I mean I want a safe relationship, but not a standard one. I need a… a thrill of sorts. You kept me on my toes at first, you know? All the teasing you did. Even in the hospital, you were always so cheeky but then after everything with Masema became known, you know…'
'Who said I want a boring relationship?' Sihtric frowned, 'you never really gave me a shot. We were both healing and recovering from the crash, of course our relationship was different. We had a lot to deal with, there was no time to be cheeky when a psycho suddenly forced his way into our lives. I don't want a boring relationship, trust me, I don't like that either.'
'What do you like then?'
Sihtric chuckled and shook his head lightly, then looked at you with a soft smile and he bit down on his lip.
'I'm a dom, princess,' he explained with the hint of his cheeky smile, 'a soft dom.'
'Oh,' you breathed and your eyes widened, then you smiled, 'but… you're too sweet to be a dom?'
'Don't be fooled by the soft part,' Sihtric smiled slyly, 'I don't want boring either, trust me. Listen,' he sighed softly and buried his face in your neck for a moment, 'I'm sorry I pushed you away and that I installed that app without telling you.'
'I'm sorry for my behaviour too,' you said and cupped his cheeks, 'I don't know what I was thinking. How I could be so foolish to listen to him and push you away.'
'You weren't thinking. Masema had you wrapped around his finger like he does to everyone he has his mind set on. It's not your fault.'
'I'm scared,' you suddenly whispered, 'he… he's not going to let me leave like this. He'll come looking for me when I don't show up at church-'
'I know, baby,' Sihtric hushed you and pecked your cheek, 'but you're here, with me. You're safe now and we'll figure it out.'
'I'm sorry I fucked up.'
'We both did.'
'I'm sorry,' you said again.
'I'm sorry too.'
'I… I love you,' you whispered and slowly moved your fingers through his dark curls.
'I know,' Sihtric smiled sweetly, 'and I love you too.'
'I only want you… I really do.'
'And I only want you,' he said and took your chin gently, 'you're my girl.'
You nodded shyly. 'Yours only, I promise.'
'Good,' Sihtric smiled, 'because I'm yours only too. And with that I should confess,' he cleared his throat, 'that tracking app still works.'
'I know,' you smiled, 'I never deleted it. I wasn't aware of it anymore at first, but when you found me at the church I later understood the only way you knew I was there was because of that app. And because Masema started to frighten me lately I kept the app, and I hoped that maybe you would check it sometimes.'
'You knew I would check it, little lady.'
'I knew.'
You both smiled and leaned in for a kiss, but you were stopped when a sudden clattering sound startled you both. And when you both looked into the direction the sound had come from, you saw the shadowy figure of a man standing in the door of the repair shop.
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama @lexwolfhale @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a @verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50 @succnfuccubus @hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305 @carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie
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Shooting a Movie part 5 teaser.
make sure to read the previous parts too!
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
as always; 18+!
You needed a few long seconds to remember where you were once you woke up; in a strange bed in a strange room. Slowly you began to recognise the place and to remember the night before, how the weather had turned grim and how Masema had forbidden you to drive home. And rightfully so, because it wouldn't have been safe at all. You turned under the sheets and found the bed was empty, except for you, and the pillow next to you was cold. You figured Masema must've been awake for a while already, and when you sat up you suddenly realised you were naked, which quickly brought back the midnight memories.
You remembered waking up several hours after midnight when heavy thunder rolled through the sky outside, causing the windows and doors to vibrate at the intensity. Without thinking you had rolled over to Masema's side, and Masema, in his drowsy state, was more than willing to pull you tightly against his body to make you feel safe. And the cuddling had quickly turned into some gentle and pleasant fondling, which then progressed into a sleepy late night sex session. And Sex with Masema was different when there weren't any cameras, when it wasn't just a job to him. The sex was still intense, even when half awake, but he was more passionate and very affectionate too, something he lacked when shooting porn because he simply drowned any feelings out when working, for it was just a job. And this night had been different, this had been real and honest.
And you had enjoyed it, every deep and slow thrust which was pleasantly bruising, and the way his hand had been wrapped around your throat while his teeth and lips grazed your ear with each low and heavy moan he let out rhythmically. You had enjoyed how the weight of his warm and naked body felt on top of you while you had one leg hooked around his waist, and you loved how his soft and sloppy kisses felt on your neck and tasted on your lips. And you had loved the way he fucked you almost lovingly for hours, making you dizzy and see stars each time he edged you once you were close. Torturing you in the most satisfying way until he finally allowed you to cum, which then had been pure bliss as your nails had dug into his back while your eyes were closed and your mind wandered off to Sihtric…
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Shooting a Movie part 5 header teaser:
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Fic coming this week...
taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexeirikrleif @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @legitalicat @stupiddarkkside @volklana @sleepjam
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