#mashu i think we fucked up big time
hopeled · 1 year
for a moment, she feels guilt at having to dampen such a lovely spring day. but this-- as everything, it seemed -- was unavoidable.
her coffee has long since gone cold but she takes a sip of it regardless, hardly flinching at the bitterness that hits her tongue. it's been a long time since she's been in this living room. sat on this couch (the very same one that marked the start of that hellish experience). Ritsuka wishes this was just a normal visit but they both knew why she was here today and why there can be no smile found upon her features.
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Fou kyuus softly in his sleep, curled up between her and Mashu. her abdomen aches with familiar pain, the mists having once more been unkind. but such pain dulls in comparison to the anger that licks at her heels like flames as she draws back to what had been revealed with the fall of the final Lostbelt . and it shows in the way Ritsuka does not hesitate to get right to the point.
" It was Marisbury all along. And we didn't know until it was too late."
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cheiyunn · 1 month
Kimisute main story [4部] Part 3
Nayuta: Stop
Reon: I messed up on my part. Sorry, lemme redo it
Nayuta: …If you aware then don’t do it again.
Ryo: Reon, you can do it
Reon: Thanks, Ryo-san
Kenta: Well then, let’s start from the top
Miyuki: Gotcha
– --
Nayuta: ………..
--[Nayuta leaves]--
Kenta: Let’s take a break…
Kenta: Leave it in a way that we can start immediately when Nayuta comes back
Ryo: k~~ay~
Miyuki: He’s letting us through alot more today huh
Reon: You think the same too?
Reon: Since Nayuta usually stops us at the smallest points 
Reon: Maybe thats a sign thats he’s satisfied with how we’re doing 
Kenta: (...no. I feel bad for Reon by saying this but I feel like its not that our playing has gotten better at all…)
Kenta: (He let the parts where he’d usually stop us slip through more… that isn’t like him)
Ryo: Earthlings get sick when they ignore their needs right?
Kenta: Yes. It’s true that Nayuta has been focusing on song writing recently but…
Kenta: (This isn’t a one-off incident. However, usually he would become hypersensitive to everything and point out even smaller misses..)
Kenta: (...then possibly, is his asthma acting up even more?)
Kenta: (But if that were the case, there would have been signs like wheezing, but there’s been nothing)
Kenta: (Regardless, Nayuta’s condition is different from all the other occurrences. I should be more on alert.)
--[Nayuta returns]--
Nayuta: From the top.
Kenta: Got it.
Reon: Our new song is in the works, and promotion live confirmed. Let’s complete this in a perfect run, right, Kenta-san
Kenta: Thats right. Mashu-san is also arranging stuff on our accord, so its best not to waste time
Nayuta: Stop chit-chatting and hurry up.
Reon: kay kay, heard’cha loud and clear
[Live stage / Backstage]
--[Crowd cheering]--
Reon: A big success am I right!
Miyuki: The girl in the front, was so glued onto me. I guess I grabbed another cuties heart 
Ryo: Everyone, looks so happy. Surely, Gyroaxia’s music will reach even space
Kenta: It was also a massive success in regards to promotion. I need to thank Mashu-san
Nayuta: …….gh-!
--[Nayuta falls to the ground]--
Reon: WOAH !? Oi, Nayuta, you okay ?
Kenta: Nayuta !?
Nayuta: ..shut up, don’t cause a fuss
Miyuki: Isn’t this because you’ve been so into songwriting. After this, make sure you do nothing but rest kay?
Nayuta: …don’t give me orders
Ryo: But Nayuta, shouldn’t you rest for today at least?
Ryo: Because if you don’t, Kenken will get worried, become a watchdog and keep an eye on you until you drift off, from the inside of your room..
Reon: Eh, that’s taking it a little too far there…
Miyuki: Reon-kun, take one look at Kenta and tell me you really think Ryo’s words are a joke?
Reon: …not one bit
Kenta: Nayuta…
Nayuta: tch… I’ll rest, for today
Kenta: Rather not just for today, you should take a longer rest. …but, you’ve already stated you’d rest for today so… I won’t ask for anything more
--[A few days later]--
--[Door opens]--
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Nayuta: ku-...!
Nayuta: *cough*.... *wheeze*.... *cough* , hah… hah… FUCK…
--[Door opens]--
Kenta: Nayuta ! Are you okay
Nayuta: ….leave me
Kenta: There’s no way I can do that ! Where’s your inhaler !? Sorry but I’m entering your room !
Nayuta: Stop, Don’t fucking enter…!
--[Kenta enters Nayuta’s room]--
Kenta: This is… No. Right now we need your inhaler–
--[Inhaler gets registered / Some time passes]--
Kenta: It seems you’ve calmed down… So, this medication isn't for your asthma, right? Then what is…
Nayuta: That isn’t your business
Kenta: No, it is ! Nayuta… what’s going on !
Nayuta: ugh…. don’t…. don’t shout so loudly…
--[Nayuta passes out]--
Kenta: wha… Nayuta ! !
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
**1.**Punching Gilgamesh the moment you are summoned/enter a fight/enter a room is not reasonable and should not be done at any time -Gudao
1a. Not even when he barges into the Camelot Room and threatens to everyone, especially when he does it to make your female counterpart marry her -Gudao
1b. Apparently PTSD is not a viable excuse to punch someone when you see him harassing someone. Noted.
2. Just because I am a King, does not mean I can give people nicknames. Makes me wonder how Gareth felt about being called Best Boy by Merlin.
3. Eating contests are apparently not allowed, seems food shortages are common with my counterparts.
4. As it turns out, screaming "To Valhalla" is not the best idea when you step onto Iskandar's Chariot. Especially so when you are right in front of the enemy.
5. Frankenstein is not a doll, do not dress her up. No Arthur, not even if she tilts her head and makes cute growls -Gudao 5a. Okay! Only if its a sundress! -Gudao
6. Getting together four of my other counterparts and forming the Saber Rangers is not allowed, especially if we have Excalizords. Seems the other servants aren't fond of needlessly big robots that take too long to combine.
7. Motorbikes are not to be used at any point or time in Chaldea, no, not even when Iskandar decides to hold the "Chaldea Grand Prix" -Da Vinci
8. Just because I can use a sword, doesn't mean I am allowed to attack my Cu Chulainn with it. I swear, he walked into it.
9. Apparently I am not allowed to compliment people? Turns out after I left the beach where I hung out with a sweetie named Kiyohime, along with master, Kiyohime attempted to burn someone alive because I said that master looked like a dashing man. I highly doubt she did.
9a. The smell is still stuck to my trunks Arthur -Gudao
10. My liege... My OTHER liege, please don't ever get Red Saber to sing "Total Eclipse of the Heart" again when I am about to utilize Galatine -Gawain
11. We know you are fascinated in other cultures, but please. Stop talking to the Servants of France about Sasaki Kojirou, we don't know if you made up his nickname, but he is not the "Savior of France" - Jeanne D'Arc
12. I would suggest that you stop entering the Camelot Room by screaming "Where is my love! Guinevere!", while it as funny once or twice, I can't stand to see either Lancelots' become depressed anymore -Arturia Altria
13. No offense... But please stop patting my head so much, I know you are basically my Uncle, but people are getting the wrong idea -Mashu
14. While Proto League is an acceptable nickname for the servants of your war, please don't ever enter a fight and scream it out again. We know you enjoy it, but it can get obnoxious after a while - Random Mob 1
15. Proving that I am male by either fighting or pantsing myself is no longer allowed after Heracles decided to do the same thing when a recently summoned Shakespeare made him question his own gender -Da Vinci
15a. Having the entire male team to pants themselves in front of the enemy is not a viable tactic against Archers, no matter what you watched beforehand and despite how fun it is -Robinhood
16. Just because Merlin suggested it, I shouldn't instantly do it. Its odd, almost like no one trusts Merlin, he seems just like my one.
17. "I saw a pest" is not a viable reason to drop a Corrupted Grail into the Babylon Room, we understand your dislike towards the King of Heroes, but Ishtar and Ereshkigal were caught up in the rage.
17a. "I was bored" is not a viable excuse to kiss a female servant while under the effects of Merlin's illusionary spell, Gudao has yet to leave his... specially enduced Coma.
17b. "I saw this scene-" is not a viable reason to go to a prior singularity and ask Muramasa to create a specific weapon, it is time wasting, no matter how strong the weapon is.
18. Suggesting to Rayshift to the point before someone dies is not a good idea, no matter how much fun it is for you to watch the "Crazy Murder Loli" die.
18a. Getting Fou'd is not a good reason to Rayshift back to your fight against Beast VI just so you can "Finish the Fucker Off".
19. Using a voice manipulator made by Merlin is not a good way to get people to be afraid when you shout a noble phantasm.
19a. Shouting "Stella" is not allowed, Arash prematurely shot off his Noble Phantasm while training and now we have to resummon him.
20. Just because we have a Simulation Room, does not mean I can alter the device to allow me to see someone from the past.
20a. We know you miss her, we do too. If you want to speak, you can come talk to us -Proto League
21. Trying to host an "Engry MIYA" talk between Nameless and Alter is not a good idea, just... Don't.
22. While having a Picnic is fun, please don't host them in the middle of a fight.
23. Just because a rabbit killed Gawain in a movie, does not mean you can threaten to cook Fou alive.
24. We know you love kids but come on, you can't just take Nursery Rhyme and Jack out to "Play Fetch" with the Dragons in France every after-noon.
25. Blaming someone that isn't even a servant isn't a viable way to shift blame.
26. I've been banned from the Kitchen, apparently forcing my way in and cooking the meals before Nameless is not a good idea. He looked ready to cry.
26a. Turns out mentioning the fact that Muramasa was far more willing to let me into his kitchen when I visited him was not a good idea. I don't think Nameless likes me much.
26b. "Just because I have the alcohol" is not a good excuse to get a few of the servants including Mashu drunk at dinner.
27. Just because you technically existed before Back to the Future 1 and 2, does not mean you can threaten to sue the creator, even if you can go back in time freely.
29. "Look what I found" is a sentence that I am never allowed to speak when I am holding something bigger than my head or smaller than my hands.
30. Turns out that breaking my own arm is not the best way to get Nightingale to calm down. Never thought Merlin would be wrong.
31. "Sure you can touch my Excalibur" is not the best way to differentiate between Arturia's Excalibur and my own when someone asks to hold it.
31a. "But mine is bigger" is not a good response when Arturia talks about how easy her seals are to remove from her Noble Phantasm, nor is it alright to use when talking about when how she made Mordred.
32. Stealing Gilgamesh's potion of youth and putting it in the Soup that EVERYONE ended up eating is the easiest way to have myself barred from missions for a week.
33. Just because people are afraid of it, doesn't mean you should hug it. Not even if Merlin says to.
34. Just because someone stole your food, does not mean you should "Call in a favor" and have Elizabeth sing until someone gives up who stole it
34a. Update: The above applies to Nero as well.
35. Just because I have an innate fear of the Lancer version of my female counterpart, does not mean I can steal her horse and run away because of that fear.
36. Making King Hassan say "Omae wa mou shindeiru" is not allowed, especially if you reply with "I'm already dead" just to mess with him.
37. You are fond of Mordred, we understand. But please stop teasing her. Calling her cute will be her death - KotR
38. We understand that being locked in a single room with Nobunaga can be hard, but saying it was like prison is not fair.
38a. Quoting an abridged anime is not allowed, especially if it has "Sluts" and "Prison" in the same sentence, we still don't know where you got that swim team outfit.
38b. Making a mini Excalibur and saying "Blade of Promised Prison Riots! SHANKCALIBUR" is not allowed at all, Edmond almost had a heart attack.
38c. It is noted that the Arthur and Nobunaga were almost forced to kiss, but utilizing time manipulation to see Romani's death and threaten him with "Spoilers" is not allowed.
39. Just because Merlin asked, does not mean you should dress up as a "Cutesy Idol" and perform a song with a voice changer on in front of a camera for his "Magi*Mari" stream, Romani has yet to heal from that wound.
40. Looking Mordred in the eye and saying "Mordred, I am your father" is not allowed, especially when you have her surrounded by all the versions of her "Father", even the ones that just look like "Him".
41. "I solomly swear I am up to no good" is not what you say while standing behind the Director in the Lost Room, she died once already, we don't need her worrying about what you will do.
41a. "Remember that time you became a Loli" is not to be said around Olga Marie after what happened after she was... Killed.
42. Quoting Kamina from Gurren Lagann is banned, especially after everyone believed you were actually erased from the throne. Only to find you a month later taking off an invisibilty cloak and sneaking into the mens bathrooms to shave.
43. Anime is fun to watch, but please. Stop trying to explain why a certain character would be within the Throne of Heroes.
43a. Stop. Asking. When. I. Will. Summon. ISSEI HYOUDOU! -Gudao
43c. BOOSTO? -Siegfried
44. Valentines is a wonderful thing, we get it. But making everyone in Chaldea chocolate by going around and hunting in various areas is not needed, we have too much already.
45. Stop Rickrolling, that was so early 2000s, get with the golden times old man -Kintoki
45a. EX-
46. Commenting on the impractical armors of the female knights that walk around is not needed, we have gotten complaints about how they feel harassed -Staff Member
46a. I just wanted to help out... -Arthur
47. I am not to sing anything ever again, the reason isn't because I am bad, no. Everyone agrees I am quite good. But its the genre I sing coupled with my Charisma rank. Seems love songs should not be sung. How sad.
48. Just because I have cat ears, does not mean you should give me Catnip - Atalanta
48a. The same was repeated for Alter.
48b. Along with Tamamo Berserker.
49. "Merlin told me to do it" is no longer an excuse that is accepted, even if he did make you do it.
51. I'm only responsible for a quarter of these, stop blaming me for your troubles, Normies -Merlin
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Kiyohime asks Arthur what to do to catch Gudao's attention. Arthur tells her to turn into his most cherished person. She turns into Gudako and tries to force Gudao into sex.
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seigaku9th-blog · 6 years
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my computer broke months ago, hence the lack of updates. apologies for that! i tried writing up a quick summary of my latest trip to japan on my phone despite that, since i really wanted to share some details with everyone.
i was in japan from february 1st to 21st! during that time, i saw tenimyu’s VS higa six times, which i will talk about in a separate entry. so for now, let’s talk about bungou stray dogs on stage, stage oofuri, mononofu & nostalgic wonderland, as well as spi’s valentine fanmeeting!
02.03 BUNGOU STRAY DOGS what better way to start one of my japanese theater pilgrimages than by going to see my #1 boy, hideya (7th tezuka), less than 24 hours after landing in japan? i also had the chance to see teruma (6th inui) & kuwano (2nd shishido).
what most impressed me about this production was the choice casting. people i usually am iffy on were given very fitting roles that they rocked in, and of course, hideya was able to shine as the very popular & multidimensional character that is dazai. i was really happy to hear so many audience members gush about how good he was during the intermission! i think it’s one of the greatest compliments for an actor when fans of the original work & characters enjoy their portrayal.
i also enjoyed all the effort & wit put into the staging, the supernatural aspect of the franchise put into motion in such smart & artistic ways. also hideya is fantastic, gorgeous, versatile, charismatic, perfect.
when i got home, i found out that ryosei (8th inui) had went to see the show at the same time as i did...
02.11 OOFURI ️ oofuri was such a lighthearted & fun stage play, which really carried the energy of the source material. fantastic casting decisions were made here, i had a lot of fun both discovering actors i knew less and also seeing actors i’ve known for a while in person for the first time!!
i was mostly inclined to see the show because mashu (7th momo) & junpei (2nd marui) were in it!!!! i love them so much and was really happy to see them perform. they have very sparkly eyes and mashu is just such a delight to watch.
ps. ino hiroki is ridiculously handsome
02.12 SPI’S FANMEETING this was my first time going to an event without any tennis motivations, but spi is just such an amazing guy who’s always been very welcoming and inclusive towards his foreign fans, so i thought i’d honor that by attending his fanmeeting. well, of course, i also think of him as an amazingly interesting person and a fantastic performer!!
he had an entire talk section dedicated to sharing toumyu gossip, which i loved. he notably mentionned how arayan (2nd inui) is The Greatest Senpai Ever, that mario (7th eiji) has hilarious over-dramatic reactions of relief and keeps complaining about how tired he is when they’re finally done training, and that imari yu has this tendency to wrap his arm around whoever is sitting next to him...
otherwise, it was mostly spi showing off his wonderful voice with a variety of english songs. including a one direction song. help. he made a few jokes about english stuff, like how funny he thought the lyrics in real love story (tonbokiri’s solo) were, and each time he would look into my direction in a moment of north american bonding... i felt like i couldn’t unleash my full fanboy self bcuz we had an unexplainable bro bond now
after the event itself, much like for tenimyu, we had to wait our block’s turn to get out of our seats for miokuri. while waiting for my turn, an older lady came up to me and started talking to me in english, asking me where i was from, if i liked tourabu, if i’d go see take me out, saying her friend & her saw me earlier and thought i was cute, thanking me for coming, etc. now, i’m not going to assume anything, but spi did make a joke at the start of the event asking if there were mothers in the room (said lady cheered), and i also know for a fact that spi’s mother is an english teacher... hmmm...
afterwards, i got to meet spi! he handed each of us a rose since it was valentine’s day, which i thought was absolutely adorable  i was getting ready to ask 英語でいいですか? before saying anything in english, just in case, but he was the one who super excitedly started talking to me in english, asking me where i was from & all!! we talked for a surprisingly long while considering it was just a miokuri! i was really happy... i also went WOW YOU’RE SO TALL I’M SURPRISED bcuz i’m never prepared for anyone that isn’t an inui to tower over me
02.16 MONONOFU  i went into this show excited to see so many of my favorites gorgeous boys, notably tsune (2nd atobe), kubohide (2nd niou), arayan (2nd inui), kent (3rd shinji) & sugie (2nd yuuji). since i didn’t particularly enjoy or understand the previous titles of this franchise which i had seen on DVD, my expectations for anything other than eye candy were fairly low. i ended up pleasantly surprised, as a fan of japanese history & the bakumatsu era in particular! this segment of the story covered the shinsengumi’s fall, with kondo isami’s execution & okita soji’s death at the hands of illness. i actually ended up crying along with everyone else in the theater, the actors’ performance & dramatic staging allowing a really emotional, honest & down-to-earth portrayal of a story we all love so much.
and of course, tsune was incredibly hot and kubohide really does look like that and arayan is so cool and kent is ridiculously handsome and sugie is a charismatic angel. but everyone was really fantastic! i knew ryosuke from kamen rider ghost, but his portrayal of okita really touched me. i also thought it was super cool how katsura’s actor was a legit kabuki actor! so impressive to watch!
02.17 NOSTALGIC WONDERLAND oh this show. THIS!! SHOW!! you guys!! this was undoubtedly one of my favorite things i’ve ever seen on a japanese stage!! okay, i might be a little biased because i’m a really big fan & collector of all things 60s~90s, but really!! this was just a bundle of joy, nothing but singing & dancing & casual talk segments between the actors.
the story here is actually pretty funny. i initially didn’t get a ticket for this, thinking “okay this would be fun but i already saw miura (3rd atobe), ikumin (3rd oshitari) & masa (1st niou) in person and i’m not supposed to spend money on anyone other than seigaku anyways”. then my love for miura amplified tenfolds. then my friend was like hey i have an extra ticket. then i was like i shouldn’t. then i watched shinken ranbu sai. then my love for miura amplified even further. then i was like okay please. i need that ticket. then my friend is like okay sure here is a pic of your ticket btw! and i see. the words. “Guest: Yata Yusuke”. written on the ticket. i have never been so happy to have ever decided to go see a show.
so, yes. i had the chance to watch yata (7th fuji) perform in person. he sang Open Arms by Journey, which was an absolute delight. a song i love and a voice i adore. i actually found myself crying while listening to his singing. listen... y’all know how much i love 7th cast. this meant a lot.
during the talk segment, miura was extremely excited to introduce yata, and is so jumpy, happy & clingy near him! it’s adorable! these two have been senpai & kouhai before miura’s days in tenimyu and continue to work together to this day. yata, in classic 7th fashion, was incredibly entertaining & hilarious in all of his crude honesty and lack of fucks. notably just saying “i don’t know these guys” about everyone who wasn’t miura, ikumin, masa & utsumi (2nd saeki), being absolutely exasperated and lacking in any efforts when asked to do cute fanservice, and also getting upset at masa for talking so much instead of letting him sing his solo. beautiful.
but my favorite moment was when miura exposed ikumin as a being a huge fan of yata! saying he always sings yata’s tenimyu songs when they karaoke! ikumin was incredibly flustered, but he confirmed this and straight up said “yata’s fuji is the best”. he then proceeded to kneel on the floor and reinterpret yata’s boku wa kawaru from VS shitenhoji for at least half a minute. i was howling with laughter, i can’t believe this was even allowed to happen?? where is the tennis police?? (too scared of miura and a 7th, probably.)
back to the actual show! they performed a wonderful variety of our songs, from The Karpenters to Blondie to Elvis and the Backstreet Boys as the great finale. absolutely incredible content. we all know the range of singing and/or dancing talent from our tenimyu boys, but the other actors were also really incredible singers, one is a trained ballet dancer as well, and another could play a wind instrument! sheer talent all around. miura & the other dancer, rui, had a contemporary dance number together, a very sensual one at that!!
there was also a lot of fanservice & audience interaction! and of course, i wound up with an alley seat. let’s start smoothly. i got a wink from masa when he stopped at our row during the final number!! and a big smile from ikumin during his solo!!
but what still has me *ahem* Shook to this day... is miura. yeah. during his solo — a cover of Venus by Frankie Avalon — he walked thru the alleys, doing cute fanservice with a few audience members, up until he stopped right in front of our row. i was smiling so widely from 50% happiness & 50% nervosity, and then he ended up looking right at me. held out his hand towards me. and smiled so beautifully as he continued singing. i think my heart actually stopped beating in that moment. and my hands were still shaking by the end of the show. i’m fine. yeah. uh huh
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