#mass effect 3 replay
dragonflight203 · 4 months
Mass Effect 3 replay, Citadel part 1:
-I don’t hate Diane Allers, but I don’t particularly like her either. I wish we could take Emily Wong or Khalisa Al-Jilani on the Normandy instead.
Also, her model is… Not good. Given her inclusion was to essentially bribe goodwill from IGN, you’d think Bioware would have done a better job.
-Why does each successive game handle broadcasts more poorly?
In ME1, they were subtitled.
In ME2, they were subtitled if you prompted them on the Citadel from one of the spawn points. On Omega and Illium, no subtitles.
In ME3, no subtitles at all. And the sound quality is worse.
Some of us have hearing difficulties, Bioware! If I have the subtitles on, I need ALL dialogue subtitled!
-Mass Effect 3 NPC chatter drives me up the wall because you need to reload the level to hear the next bit of the conversation.
Why did they change it from ME2 where you could just take a few steps away and then come back to hear the next portion? That was much better.
-The actual dialogue itself is extremely well done, however. While I have many critiques of ME3’s actual plot, I have very few for these conversations. Bioware nailed them.
-That said, the Citadel is clearly set will into war when in Shepard’s timeline it’s been less than a day.
The Hierarchy’s already developed a war plan. The engineer’s familiar enough with it to criticize the munitions they’ve been provided. That implies he has experience with them or (more likely) has heard criticism of them from other engineers.
The asari PTSD soldier had been on active duty for three weeks before meeting the farm girl on Triptree. She was helping to evacuate a human colony, which means that the Alliance has already formulated evacuation plans and coordinated them with the asari.
The elderly woman at the embassy looking for her son says she hasn’t heard from him for a month.
If this were the actual start of the war, there would be a lot more confusion and people speculating what was happening and who the enemy is. That’s not what is occurring here. These folks know there’s a war on, have accepted it, and are living with it.
I don’t fault Bioware for not having a “start of war” Citadel, but it is a bit immersion breaking.
-Sanctuar is mentioned by the turian engineer speaking to his asari partner in the docking bay. He tells her it’s safe from the war.
It’s one of the first conversations a player is likely to hear. Kudos to Bioware for the early foreshadowing.
However, how can it be safe from the war? This is a galactic wide war to exterminate all organic life. The Reapers attack large settlements and destroy ones too small to bother with from orbit. One way or another they’ll come for Sanctuary.
I understand why people believe it. They’re desperate for any spark of hope. I am, however, disappointed by the lack of criticism it receives in game. More people should be skeptical of it. Especially since no one hears back from anyone that goes there.
-Asari PTSD soldier: I could feel her mind from where I was standing.
“Her” being the asari-turned-banshee Neaira.
Another hint that asari have stronger mental powers than mind melding. They can to some level broadcast their thoughts/feelings. I wish the games had delved into this more.
How much does this influence their perception/role of diplomats?
-Dr. Chakwas is a queen. She took a proper leave of absence from the Alliance and never officially joined Cerberus, so the Alliance has nothing with her.
-It’s rather amusing that you can insist to Dr. Chakwas that she can be best assist the war effort by staying in a research role, then turn around and recruit Dr. Michel as the Normandy doctor by telling her that she can make a bigger difference on the Normandy then in Huerta. The Normandy will win or lose the war. Shepard will tell anyone what they want to hear to get their way.
Someday I’ll take Dr. Michel with me, but for this playthrough it will be Dr. Chakwas.
-When you speak to Dr. Michel, she references you helping her by dealing with Fist. Does she still say that if you never met her in ME1?
-Avina continues to raise eyebrows. At Huerta Memorial Hospital: This facility’s attendant levels can also replicate the living conditions needed to accommodate other, more exotic species.
Fairly certain that referring to people as “exotic” is frowned upon, although I’ll give you that I’m not sure if that was true when ME3 was written.
-There are no NPCs visible from the view outside Huerta, which is a bit disconcerting. That’s a lot of empty space where people should be.
-The patients are still in uniform. Isn’t is standard to put patients in dressing gowns ASAP?
Especially the one who will need his leg amputated. He’s already been examined!
-Cloning is possible in universe, but it takes months to grown limbs.
…Well, that makes the whole Dr. Saleon side quest in ME1 even darker.
-Kaidan looks silly in the hospital bed with his chest prominently displayed. That does not look natural.
-ME3 has so. Much. Damn. Autodialogue. This game is far more a shooter then an RPG.
-Is there a reason spectre requisitions has moved out of C-Sec and into the Citadel Embassies?
Just saying, seems an odd choice to be storing and selling guns in the middle of all the politicians.
-The embassies have also received quite the overhaul from ME1.
There’s a convenient in game reason with the Battle of the Citadel, but I’m rather fond of the ME1 design. ME3 is more realistic but also more corporate.
-The volus offering assistance with the war effort specifically says Turian Empire. Not Hierarchy.
I love how the turians just. Quietly have an empire throughout the series. Nothing to see here, carry on…
-Why is the human embassy front desk staffed exclusively by asari and turians?
-Udina specifically picked Bailey to be the next commander, even though he didn’t lobby for the position.
Given Udina’s actions later in the game, I suspect Bailey’s correct post-Coup that Udina’s reasons were not complimentary. Bailey’s proven he’ll look the other way when given proper incentive and he’ll bend the law if he feels right to do so. Udina probably figured that one way or another those would prove useful.
And if he and Bailey felt differently on a matter – well, there’s not exactly a lack of blackmail material on Bailey, is there?
-Udina suspected Executor Pallin of plotting against the Council, Bailey investigated, found enough to arrest Pallin, and was forced to kill him in the process.
As many others have said: How convenient. What’s the likelihood that Udina framed Pallin?
Given that the executor during the Cerberus coup is a human…
-Bailey notes that Udina is ambitious.
He’s the human Councilor! What else can he be gunning for?
-The scene with Khalisa Al-Jilani if you go paragon is quite good.
She would have been great on the Normandy. The antagonism between her and Shepard would have made for great scenes.
-The spectre terminal provides information that the quarian pilgrims have been recalled and it looks like the quarians might be preparing for war with the geth.
Does ME3 foreshadow everything except the ending?
That somehow makes it worse. They clearly knew how to foreshadow and its importance. The endings just didn’t warrant the effort.
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blighted-elf · 4 months
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Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Mass Effect 3 - 2024 Replay
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garrus-appreciation · 19 days
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sssseazu · 1 year
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just finished playing ME trilogy for the first time ✌️
no thoughts in brain only garrus vakarian
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direese · 9 months
Liara in Mass Effect 1: I am very quiet and not used to conversation with people. I prefer to be alone but perhaps being on a ship will allow me to get more accustomed to speaking with people. I am shy when it comes to speaking my mind and I worry how people will look at me due to my mother's actions.
Liara in Mass Effect 3: FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
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elluvians · 3 months
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Mass Effect Legendary Edition - ME3 - Kaidan Alenko
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anders-hawke · 2 years
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ARIA T’LOAK in MASS EFFECT 2 (2010) 💖 surprise gift for @aluvian 💝
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bioware-bard · 8 months
I was just reminded of this -
That moment in the Citadel DLC, when you're fighting through the market and your love interest is the first to contact Shepard over comms? And the second person to reach out is the squad mate you used the most, right?
For me, that was James. Up until that moment he was just another squad mate I liked. But his line and the way he says, "That's when things get fun."
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That line and delivery changed me.
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elfcollector · 10 months
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dragonflight203 · 4 months
Mass Effect 3, Omega DLC:
-This DLC is fairly meh for me. It has many interesting concepts, but it primarily plays out as a long extended corridor shooter. That gets old fast.
That’s disappointing as Omega in ME2 adds a lot of flavor and lore to the Mass Effect universe. I would have loved to have seen more of that in the DLC.
Instead, you mostly just shoot your way through environments that are slightly different than the main game. There’s barely any additional world building.
-The excuse to have Shepard leave their squad mates behind is weak.
Aria has objections to them? Really? Aria, the queen of Omega has objections to what – a couple of Alliance soldiers, a turian ex-vigilante, an AI, the Shadow Broker (everyone else knows, I’m sure Aria does), and possibly a quarian Admiral?
Given the forces she’s up against, she should be insisting that they all tag along.
-I think one of the reasons Aria insisted Shepard come with her was for the psychological factor. It’d be a huge boost to the morale of the Omega people to know that Shepard had come to free them.
However, it’s hard to say for sure because after showing off Shepard to Petrovsky that angle is dropped. You’d think Aria would make a bigger deal of mentioning Shepard, say, in her speech to the Omega people about half way through the game.
-I do love how Aria is dead set on taking the station back or die trying. Her initial plan was to crash into it!
-Look, the upgraded defenses suck now but you’ll appreciate them once they’re yours.
-Why does Batarian State Arms have a shop on Omega? Given it’s a lawless station in the Terminus Systems, seems an odd location for a branch.
-Shepard asking about the rendezvous point and Aria answering is one of the most difficult parts of the DLC to swallow. Both are incredibly stupid. They must have known it was possible they were under surveillance.
If Aria had just kept quiet, a good chunk of the fighting could have been avoided.
-The game just throws medi-gel at you during this entire DLC. I gained multiple levels, and I credit at least one or two of those to the medi-gel alone.
-And here we see Cerberus’ human supremacist beliefs in full color. Nonhumans must be supervised, armed nonhumans will be shot on sight… Lovely.
The game keeps insisting Petrovsky has a code and is honorable, but I’m not seeing too many redeeming factors.
-Ugh. I’m not a fan of the female turian design. Why are their eyes shaped differently? Why is there skin around their eyes? Why doesn’t their crest cover their head? The crest serves a functional purpose on turians. It protects them them from the sun. It should be the same on males and females. The eyes are sunk into the crest to protect them.
For my sanity I assume this is a result of turians being dispersed across colony worlds for so long and crests can vary greatly across males and females.
As for the eyes… Ugh.
I suppose I should be grateful that the Bioware didn’t give them breasts. Bare minimum.
-That said, I do love Nyreen herself. She’s a fantastic character and it’s a shame she does not survive the DLC.
-Aria and Nyreen must have been very, very close for Aria to show her so many of her secrets.
Perhaps since Nyreen “oozes virtue” Aria felt she could be trusted with them.
-And Nyreen stayed behind even after they broke up, and managed to slip under Aria’s radar. Very impressive.
-I love the injured Talons. They remind me a lot of cats with the way they curl in on themselves.
For giant clawed birds they’re surprisingly cute.
-What’s up with the face paint on so many of the turian Talons?
Turian face paint is supposed to colony markings. However, many have paint that looks similar to the Talons symbol.
I suppose it’s possible that some take on gang markings to symbolize that they’ve abandoned loyalty to their world and belong to their gang now.
Very odd thing for Nyreen to do, however. And you’d think if her paint had changed that Aria would remark on it.
-The Talons include humans as well. Good. Hopefully in the future Omega will remember that not all humans were with Cerberus.
-I quite like the gun salute Talons do to Nyreen. Is that the only time the game features it?
-Aria’s midgame speech is okay. Not great, not awful.
Kirrahe’s hold the line speech was better.
-Aria’s a cynic, but she seems to want to believe in a better world. Why else would she have grown so close to Nyreen?
And while she bitches, she listens to a paragon Shepard.
-Nyreen says that when her biotics manifested she was practically locked away.
I’d love to know more about turian biotics. The game mentions that they’re isolated from other turians; I bet they have a very interesting subculture.
Such subcultures are often insular. How well do late developing biotics integrate into it? Is that one of the reasons Nyreen became so frustrated?
-Aria says the war will start when the force field comes down. Nyreen says the war started months ago.
Well, that’s probably the closes ME3 will ever come to giving us a time frame. The war takes at least a few months.
-Aria’s willing to sacrifice multiple wards to bring the force fields down. Not surprising, but disappointing.
Petrovsky attempts to use this to persuade me that Aria shouldn’t be in charge, but given the whole “human supremacy” agenda he has he can go fuck himself.
At least Aria’s equally shitty to everyone.
-I hate disabling the bombs. Easily the hardest part of the DLC.
And given my game crashed on the first attempt, it apparently agrees.
-Aaand we learn that Cerberus has been converting people into adjutants with control implants so they can create an army of them. Because of course they have. Cerberus loves trying to control monsters.
Petrovsky has a code, my ass.
-And what is with adjutants being able to convert any being into another adjutant via a virus?
The game just glosses over this, but that sounds very important.
It’s definitely Reaper adjacent, at least. It reminds me of the virus the Collectors spread on Omega.
-There’s a turian labeled as a “civilian” in full armor.
Did the team that created the Omega DLC just not have access to the casual wear assets for turians?
-The mad prophet is a nice call back.
I’d have loved to have seen the Patriarch, too. He should have been leading his own resistance cell.
-Nyreen dying is a damn shame. Excellently done, but I’d have preferred if she lived. She provided a nice balance to Aria.
-In the final battle, the Afterlife doors opened at some point. I charged through them to kill the enemy and the doors closed behind me. Couldn’t reopen them.
Bizarre bug I’ve never heard of before.
Game didn’t even crash. I had to reload my last save.
-If Petrovsky weren’t such a smug bastard, I’d let him live.
As it is, bastard’s dead.
You shouldn’t experiment on people.
-Aria’s ending speech is much better than the mid game speech.
Especially the last line – “We are Omega”.
Very good contrast to her ME2 line “I am Omega”.
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therinfal · 10 months
hi sorry for my little mini breakdown last night i think i'm ok now teehee
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garrus-appreciation · 21 days
The worst part of the mass effect trilogy is the inexplicable facial surgery that happens between me2 and me3 like idk WHO that is but it is not my Shepard
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feelboss · 11 months
let me state clearly here:
baldur's gate 3 is one of very few RPGs I've beaten. it is the first RPG I have ever, ever in my life replayed. it is one of the few games I've replayed.
this game has fucked with my brain chemistry irreparably
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Mass Effect Legendary Edition 💜
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slippery-minghus · 1 year
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the end of halo reach made me sad 😿 rip in pieces noble six. rip in fucking pieces
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proffbon · 8 months
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