#mass effect ask game
drelldreams · 8 months
Not so typical Mass Effect Fandom Emoji Asks tagging game
Rules: Send the person who tagged you a question (or as many as you like) and tag two or more people to participate and send them one or multiple questions.
Only participte if you‘re up to it of course. No pressure :)
I am tagging: @illusivesoul @threewhiskeylunch @messydiabolical
🤎 - What is a species you think is underappreciated and why?
🎶 - What's your favorite soundtrack of the trilogy and why?
🎤 - Favorite voice actor? What do you like about their voice acting?
🐰 - Most adorable character? Why are they so adorable?
🎗️- Something you would have liked to see more of in the games?
⚜️ - Character(s) who should have been squadmate(s)?
💪 - Character with most astonishing development? What makes their development so great?
😭 - Character whose story or fate breaks your heart? Why is it so heartbreaking?
💔 - Character who died in canon but you refuse to acknowledge it?
✍️ - Squadmate you love writing most? Why do you enjoy writing them?
🌎 - Favorite homeworld? Why is it your favorite homeworld?
🧡 - Favorite non-Shepard pairings? Why do you love this/those pairing(s)?
👤 - Favorite minor NPC? What do you like about them?
📖 - Favorite book characters? Why are they your favorite? (If you’re familiar with the books)
🧩 - Favorite squadmate combination and why you like this combination so much?
💟 - A rarepair you have and what you like about their dynamics?
🤍 - Favorite Shepard friendship and why?
💗 - A character who should have been romanceable and why would you romance them?
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that-wildwolf · 1 year
15, 37, 49 for CASSIDY.
[for these shepard questions]
15. Did they have any relationships pre-me1? Still around?
Slept around but never had a relationship longer than a few weeks. Because of the way things happened, her job has kind of always had to be her first priority, so she didn't really have the time to date anyone after Elysium and honestly not really until ME3.
37. What is their favorite way to eat potatoes?
Wow some of those questions are out of pocket Full baked potatoes like she used to make with her friends by the fire when she was little.
49. What do they wear to sleep?
On the Normandy, she would sleep in a t-shirt and whatever underwear she had on the previous day, but after the war once she's all healed up and moved into that secluded house in the middle of the woods, she would just wear a bra or nothing at all to sleep.
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not-a-newt · 1 year
Oo maybe Shiara for the ship game? My personal favorite lol
I exclusively ship fshep/Liara not mshep/Liara, and that's what I'm going to be answering for in this ask since you didn't clarify and I don't really have strong feelings about mshep/liara other than that it's just not my cup of tea. That said, if you were really wanting me to get into mshiara, hit me with another ask and I'll answer that separately 👍
What made me ship fshiara and what are my favorite things about the ship?
A lot of people portray Liara as a sweet little uwu nerd girl, which she very much is especially in the first game, but I feel like a lot of people ignore the lowkey unhinged megalomaniac side of her personality and honestly that's one of my favorite parts of her character. I love the contrast! Very much sweet but also with almost evil mad scientist vibes happening on the side too? like princess bubblegum in adventure time, you know??
And honestly, that's a pretty good comparison point for how I feel about her relationship with fshep: I think they have a princess bubblegum/marceline dynamic, at least with my characterization of shep. It's the sweet uwu scientist on the surface, but secretly unhinged and a little bit evil / chaotic goth powerhouse, who uses her renegade personality as a mask for her gooder nature. Again, the contrast, the FOIL, crazy fucked up lesbians committing crimes together !!
Is there an unpopular opinion that I have on the ship?
Liara high-key has an unhealthy infatuation with Shepard in the first game that makes me go *YIKES* and i feel like it's problematic if you just gloss over this because you're almost, ,,, , taking advantage of her?? Ik she's technically older than Shepard, but in terms of Asari biology/culture and her characterization, her crush on shep screams teenager who wants to bone their adult role model
I'm not saying it's an adult/minor ship because it's NOT (they're very much both adults), but there is an inherent power imbalance that the game kind of pushes on it
No hate for shiara shippers who write it out of their headcanons and fics to represent more positive themes OR who intentionally lean into the toxicity of it, BUT I really haven't run across any discussion of this I feel like also and I'd like to see if other people have felt this way?
Also this is total word vomit and I'm not really 100% here right now, so if this is incoherent or I just said something straight whack, then I apologize 😷
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garriante · 3 years
3,10,23 for the Mass Effect Ask!
Thanks for the ask!!!
3: Favourite ME1 mission?
Definitely Virmire! I love the mission as a whole, even though I have to leave someone to die bc the world is so pretty and the mission is interesting! Also ‘Virmire ride’ absolutely SLAPS
10: what squad member do you bring along the least?
In ME1 it’s Liara, bc I’ve always found her kind of irritating for some reason?
In ME2 it’s Any biotic squad mate, as I find other powers go better with Bert
In ME3 it’s James, because I’d rather have a tech skilled person and another Biotic (basically just Garrus and Kaidan, all the time)
23: what enemy do you really like fighting?
I actually really liked fighting the human reaper in the suicide mission, because I could just nuke that bitch and be done with it
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