#massilia 2017
pfalztexter · 10 months
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Phantasiedarstellung aus dem 19. Jh. von der Plünderung Roms durch die Vandalen 455
„Jedenfalls hat es das germanische Volk der Vandalen nicht auf seinem Gewissen, dass die meisten der herrlichen, in Rom zusammengeschleppten Kunstwerke – ein zweites Volk aus Statuen (so noch Cassiodor!) – entweder gar nicht oder nur verstümmelt erhalten sind. Mit Unrecht ist durch das Wort Vandalismus dem Volke Geiserichs ein Brandmal aufgedrückt worden. Auch der Ostgote Totila hat Rom nicht zerstört. Die schrecklichste Plünderung Roms soll die durch den oströmischen Kaiser Constans II. (641–668) gewesen sein, nach der nicht viel Bedeutendes übriggeblieben sein kann.“ [Quelle]
Der Erfinder des Begriffs "Vandalismus" war Henri Jean-Baptiste Grégoire, der sich in Frankreich für die Judenemanzipation einsetzte und radikal gegen abweichende Regional- und Minderheitensprachen vorging. Die Grundlage seiner Politik und Veranlassung rottete die okzitanische Sprache fast vollständig aus, die sich in Gallien aus dem Vulgärlatein gebildet hatte.
In Gallien, so der Vorwurf Grégoires, sollen es die Vandalen besonders schlimm getrieben haben. Das steht allerdings im Widerspruch zu dem, was der Zeitzeuge Bischof Salvanius von Massilia (Marseille) meinte:
„Wenn unter Goten- oder Vandalen-Herrschaft jemand ein lasterhaftes Leben führt, dann ist es ein Römer. Denn die Goten und Vandalen setzen durch sittliche Reinheit und Gradlinigkeit einen so hohen Maßstab, dass sie nicht nur selber zuchtvoll waren, sondern auch die Römer geläutert haben.“
"McDonald's: Klassische Musik in der Filiale soll Vandalismus verhindern
Beethoven, Mozart und Rachmaninow wirken
Nach Medienangaben wird diese Methode auch von anderen McDonald's-Filialen und Fast-Food-Ketten angewandt, um Vandalismus und Gewalt zu verhindern. Vorbild dafür ist eine McDonald's-Filiale im Londoner Stadtteil Shepherd's Bush. 2017 wurde dort nach zahlreichen Gewalttaten abends begonnen, Musik von Beethoven, Mozart und Rachmaninow abzuspielen - mit Erfolg." (Quelle)
Im Juli 1794 brachte Henri Grégoire den Begriff Vandalismus erstmalig in Umlauf, in seiner Schrift "Rapport sur les destructions opérées par le vandalisme". Wenige Monate zuvor war die Uraufführung der "Uhr", eine der berühmtesten Sinfonien Joseph Haydns.
MKO | Bas Wiegers | Joseph Haydn, Sinfonie Nr. 101 D-Dur Hob. I:101 ›Die Uhr‹:
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russianglitter · 7 years
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just russia things
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mustafinesse · 7 years
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Ksenia Klimenko || 14.150 (5.8) (x)
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minervap95 · 7 years
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“We are the best!”
Thanks to Anne-Sophie Henri for the photo. You can follow her on facebook and instagram.
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nabsforpresident · 7 years
SCHEKOLDINA DID A DOUBLE DOUBLE, Full in, 2.5 twist to front tuck, ended on a TRIPLE TWIST...and then fell on her Memmel
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elisaminimeneghini · 7 years
Giada Grisetti, UB, Massilia 2017 (14.000)
The tkachev still needs work, but the first part is one huge connection (inbar full to maloney to bail to stalder full to stalder to shootover) and the inbar half to endo to double front looks way smoother! Nice job!
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tutyayilmazz · 7 years
Melanie did the FTDLO 💯💯
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splinter2017 · 7 years
Ksenia Klimenko will replace Valeria Saifulina at Elite Gym Massilia (Master) bcz Lera is injured. Info from her coach Vera Kiryashova.
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letsgorunning · 6 years
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Emma Spence (Canada) 2017 Open Massilia via http://olympic88.tumblr.com/post/177660012638
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Páprica e Seus Efeitos
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A páprica é o resultado da maceração do pimentão vermelho seco. É muito utilizada para acrescentar sabor picante (que pode variar do suave ao intenso) em diversas preparações. O pimentão vermelho, cuja nomenclatura botânica é Capsicum annuum, é um fruto conhecido por ser uma excelente fonte de vitaminas C, E e pró-vitamina A, além de conter propriedades antioxidantes - compostos que auxiliam na prevenção de doenças através da neutralização de radicais livres.
As pimentas em geral, contém capsaicina, composto este, que dá a característica sensação de picância. Inúmeros estudos têm relatado os benefícios da capsaicina. Entre eles estão a redução da pressão sanguínea do músculo cardíaco durante a ocorrência de um infarto, efeito protetor do sistema cardiovascular, inibição da agregação plaquetária, efeito termogênico, redução da glicose de jejum e redução da intolerância à glicose, o que ajuda a controlar o Diabetes tipo II. A adição de capsaicina à dieta aumenta a sensação de saciedade, auxiliando no controle da obesidade.
Os estudos de Sharma et al (2013) e de Wang et al (2011) apresentaram ação anticancerígena da capsaicina em cânceres de pâncreas, de cólon, estômago, mama, pulmão e leucemia. Foi verificado o fato da capsaicina induzir a apoptose nas células tumorais, isto é, indução da morte celular programada. Outro benefício interessante, é a propriedade antimicrobiana que a capsaicina apresenta. Raybaudi-Massilia et al (2017) apresentou tal atividade contra microorganismos como Bacillus cereus e Escherichia coli.
Entretanto, apesar de tantos benefícios, existem também, artigos comprovando que o consumo exacerbado de pimentas pode ter efeito indesejável, principalmente em indivíduos que apresentam a Síndrome do Cólon Irritável (IBS), por isso, é necessário que sempre exista o equilíbrio na hora das refeições.
Sugestão de consumo: acrescente a páprica em pratos à base de carne de porco, aves, queijos, sopas e molhos para saladas.
CHEN, Y.; et al. High Spicy Food Intake and Risk of Cancer: A Meta-analysis of Case-control Studies. Chinese Medical Journal, v.130, n.18, p.2241-2250, 2017.
FATTORI, V.; et al. Capsaicin: Current Understanding of Its Mechanisms and Therapy of Pain and Other Pre-Clinical and Clinical Uses. Molecules, v.21, n.844, p.1-33, 2016.
NEITZKE, R.S.; et al. Variabilidade genética para compostos antioxidantes em variedades crioulas de pimentas (Capsicum baccatum). Hortic. Bras., v.33, n.4, p.415-421, 2015.
RAYBAUDI-MASSILIA, R.; et al. Cytotoxic, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Red Sweet Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L. var. Llanerón) Extracts: In Vitro Study. International Journal of Food Studies, v.6, p.222-231, 2017.
SAKURAI, F.N.; et al. Caracterização das propriedades funcionais das ervas aromáticas utilizadas em um hospital especializado em cardiopneumologia. Demetra: Alimentação, Nutrição & Saúde, v.11, n.4, p.1097-1113, 2016.
SHARMA, S.K.; et al. Mechanisms and clinical uses of capsaicin. European Journal of Pharmacology, v.720, p.55-62, 2013.
WANG, H.; et al. Down-Regulation of Tumor-Associated NADH Oxidase, tNOX (ENOX2), Enhances Capsaicin-Induced Inhibition of Gastric Cancer Cell Growth. Cell Biochem. Biophys, v.61, p.355-366, 2011.
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russianglitter · 7 years
unique beam mounts for the sake of it? sign me up.
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mustafinesse · 7 years
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Aleksandra Schekoldina + Silivas
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minervap95 · 7 years
Ksenia Klimenko got 12,9 on beam, not 13,9. But she will still make the final because she qualified fifth.
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elisaminimeneghini · 7 years
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Team Russia and team Italy at the Massilia 2017 party 🇷🇺🇮🇹
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tutyayilmazz · 7 years
ilya hit her feet on the bar, her knees/feet dragged on the floor after her ezhova and she fell on van leeuwen :((
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liveyourgym · 7 years
New French seniors for 2018
2018 is going to be here soon with 3 new seniors for France that will do their best to try to factor in future teams. Here they are :
1. Alisson Lapp
Alisson best event are beam and floor. She has great expresivity  and charisma on floor but her tumbling lacks of difficulty (double pike, 2.5 twist + punch front, front twist, double twist). That’s on beam that she could factor the most if she remains consistent. She has an average FTY on vault but she struggles a lot on bars. She posted an all around score of 50.550 at french championships last May but injured her foot shortly before EYOF training camps and had to withdraw to get surgery. Here are her junior career highlights :
2. Morgane Osyssek
Morgane is Alisson’s fellow teamates as they both trained in Dijon during there junior years and have now moved to INSEP. She was really promising in her first junior year as she placed 6th at junior Europeans championships AA finals :
2017 has been a little bit harder for her as she was held back by a few injuries (elbow) and had to withdraw from EYOF as she suffered a broken toe and had to get surgery. She is a quite balanced all arounder but need to uprise her difficulty on all event. She was capable of a 1.5 twisting yurchenko and to do piked full-in + tucked full-in in the same routine in 2016. I hope for her to be as healthy as possible in 2018 to show us the extend of her talent.
3. Sheyen Petit
Sheyen has for a long time in the shadow of other juniors but she has improved a lot this season to be the reserve gymnast for the french team at EYOF. She trained at Toulon alongside olympians Loan His and Oréane Lechenault but has moved to Marseille in 2016 after Toulon’s training center closing. Her best even is beam and she has also a very dynamic choregraphy on floor that is one of my personal favorite. She needs improving her difficulty on all event, especially on bars and floor and to clean up her FTY but has been on a great dynamic of improving last season so I hope she can keep going in 2018. Check out her floor, beam and bars from 2017 Massilia :
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