#master's manufactory
almostlookedhuman · 3 months
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jefarawol · 24 days
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That next morning, we met to discuss what we would do next as Scions.
Y'shtola knew I would want to remain in Ishgard, with Nidhogg looming over still I would not leave willingly until the Wyrm was brought low again. I promised however to not give up the effort to find our missing friends should a lead come forward.
Thancred joined us soon after, Alphinaud in tow.
I'm sorry Jefara. I reacted poorly last night and let my own emotions get the better of me.
You are not the one who is at fault Alphinaud. I will be the one to live with the consequences of my actions. But now is not the time for personal feelings. We must focus now on the way forward.
Quite rightly too. I for one will be putting my effort into finding Minfilia. Once I have checked on Urianger I shall make for Master Matoya's cave to aid Krile.
Tataru and I will coordinate our search for our other comrades. Between our contacts newly made here and those in the Rising Stones already we should be able to make enquiries as necessary.
That leaves you Alphinaud will you stay and aid Jefara?
Yes. I wish to do what I can to prepare for Est-Nidhoggs next assault.
We will find a way Alphinaud.
With our missions set we went our ways. I had heard from Edmont that Artoirel was helping assist plans for Aymeric's Peace Conference. I went to the Manufactory to offer him my help.
What I saw when I got there was.. Heart-warming. I had long known of Artoirel's affections for Stephanivien, and when I saw them looking at plans together it was clear as plain as day that he was not alone.
I knew if I inserted myself Artoirel would find an excuse to remove himself. I wanted him to be happy, I left hoping that they would both find the courage to acknowledge their feelings.
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Begin transmission:
"Katrina. Additional data recovery efforts have yielded a full set of specifications for the Ragnarok. The fabled shielding system is indeed real, but flawed - it appears it is non-viable on other 'Mechs barring extremely expensive R&D work. Here is the full readout."
- COMGEN Melissa Hazen, SLDF (@is-the-battlemech-cool-or-not)
Open attachment [Y/N?]
> Y [automatic]
BattleMech Technical Readout
Name/Model: Ragnarok RGNK-1X
Technology: Inner Sphere (Mixed)
Technology Rating: F
Tonnage: 100
Configuration: Biped BattleMech
Era/Year: Dark Age / 3150
Rules (Current): Experimental (Extinct)
Rules (Era): Experimental
Rules (Year): Experimental (Extinct)
Total Cost: 22,723,667 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,095
Chassis: Celestial Series SP1
Power Plant: Immortus 200
Walking Speed: 21.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 32.4 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Durallex Guardian II Light Ferro-Fibrous with CASE II
1 Eden's Angel 324 Heavy Plasma Rifle ("Lava Gun")
2 Baal Defense Lacerator 22L Light Gauss Rifles
1 Baal Defense Hellstorm 25CX LRM 10 w/ Artemis IV FCS
4 General Systems Micro Pulse Lasers (C)
Manufacturer: Word of Blake
Primary Factory: Helios Manufactory Blake-Alpha
Communications: Master's Voice Cel-Alpha
Targeting & Tracking: Master's Sight 1-Omega
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: Standard 10.00
Engine: 200 Fusion 8.50
Walking MP: 2
Running MP: 3
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks (Double): 10 20 0.00
Gyro: Heavy-Duty 4.00
Cockpit (Armored): Small (C) 2.00
Armor Factor: 307 18.50
Type: Light Ferro-Fibrous Internal Armor Structure Value Head: 3 9 Center Torso: 31 50 Center Torso (rear): 12 R/L Torso: 21 34 R/L Torso (rear): 8 R/L Arm: 17 34 R/L Leg: 21 42
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage
Improved C3 Computer RT 2 2.50
Micro Pulse Laser (C) RT 1 0.50
Plasma Rifle (Ammo 20) RT 2 2.00
CASE II (C) LT 1 0.50
LRM 10 w/ Artemis IV FCS LT 2 5.00
LRM 10 (Ammo 24) [Artemis IV] LT 2 2.00
Micro Pulse Laser (C) LT 1 0.50
Plasma Rifle LT 2 6.00
CASE II (C) RA 1 0.50
Light Gauss Rifle (Armored) RA 5 12.00
Micro Pulse Laser (C) RA 1 0.50
Blake's Shield Energy Damping Field Generator * 7 3.00
CASE II (C) LA 1 0.50
Light Gauss Rifle (Armored) LA 5 12.00
Micro Pulse Laser (C) LA 1 0.50
Light Gauss Rifle (Ammo 16) RL 1 1.00
Light Gauss Rifle (Ammo 16) LL 1 1.00
* Blake's Shield EDFG occupies 1 critical slot in each location except the Head. Operates as Blue Shield PFD, but applies damage reduction to all damage types. Can only be active for 2 turns before automatic shut down, requiring recharge of 2 turns to use again.
Note: Equipped with Full-Head Ejection System
Alpha Strike Statistics
Point Value (PV): 52
TP: BM, SZ: 4, TMM: 0, MV: 4"
Damage: (S) 4 / (M) 4 / (L) 3, OV: 0
Armor (A): 10, Structure (S): 8
Specials: ARM, C3I, CASEII, IF1, MHQ2
The Ragnarok is subject to the following Quirks:
Rugged (1)
Non-Standard Parts (Blake's Shield EDFG)
Noted, General. That is a tough cookie to crack. I will disseminate this information to the forces when necessary.
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josefavomjaaga · 1 year
Soult in Manchester, 1838
After he had joined the celebrations for Queen Victoria’s coronation, Soult and the French delegation went on to visit several British cities. One of them was Manchester, and in Soult’s company was British historian William Napier, who described the enthusiasm around the French guest in detail in a letter to his wife.
After some problems to even only leave the train, due to the crowd having broken through the barricades, filling the station and even trying to get into the train (this all reads as if it had been the Beatles...), Soult and company visited some manufactories. 
We were afterwards taken to a wholesale repository of Manchester cotton goods, which, except for the variety of patterns placed side by side and which gave one some insight into the nomenclature of the trade, was scarcely worth the trouble. The master of the shop was however well worth seeing. He was a very goodnatured little man, who was so delighted at the honour of having Soult to view his wares that he appeared to be a small moveable bundle of smiles and dimples; his eyes actually watered with joy, and in his delirium, imagining that nobody in the world knew or had ever seen Soult before, he kept continually introducing everybody: "This is Marshal Soult; allow me to present this gentleman to you, Marshal;” and I was somewhat surprised to find myself thus seized and introduced; but my surprise ceased when I saw him also seize the Marquis of Dalmatia and introduce him to his own father in the same manner.
Shop owner: Please allow me to introduce you to the Marquis of Dalmatia.
Napoleon Hector Soult: Hi, Dad!
Soult: What a fine young fellow! I totally want to meet your mother!
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mariacallous · 8 months
(New York Jewish Week) — My hometown of Ann Arbor, Michigan, is world-famous for precisely two things: It’s where the University of Michigan is located — Go Blue! — and it is home to Zingerman’s, a 41-year-old Jewish deli that’s both a local icon and a national treasure that regularly makes “best of” lists.
And now, one of these storied institutions will make an appearance in New York City for one day, and one day only — and it’s not the well-regarded public university.
On Saturday, Zingerman’s Deli will host a pop-up at Chelsea’s Olly Olly Market, where the Midwestern deli masters will be slinging sandwiches from noon to 8 p.m., or until sold out. There, at 601 West 26th St. near 11th Avenue, New Yorkers can expect top-notch variations on the classic Reuben sandwich, the company’s signature enthusiastic customer service and a host of Zingerman’s-branded sides and merch.
“We had this thought about taking the Reubens on the road, just having some fun with it,” Rodger Bowser, head chef and a managing partner of Zingerman’s Deli, told the New York Jewish Week.
Saturday’s event will be the popular deli’s second-ever popup; their first was in Chicago in 2019 at a location run by 16” on Center, a Windy City-based “hospitality collective.” The experience, said Bowser, was an overwhelmingly positive one — and when 160C expanded to Manhattan last year with Olly Olly Market, the Zingermen decided to give it another go.
Zingerman’s Deli was founded in 1982 by Paul Saginaw and Ari Weinzweig, “two friends who dreamt of creating a traditional Jewish deli that would bring very special foods to Ann Arbor,” according to their web site.
The pair, who are both Jewish, came up with the name Zingerman’s because they wanted something “that would convey the sense of a good local deli, something that would ‘sound Jewish,’ would somehow telegraph that this was a real delicatessen,” Weinzweig once wrote. (Weinzweig declined to use his own surname, calling it “unpronounceable,” while the name Saginaw evokes the mid-Michigan town from which it took Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel four days to hitchhike.)
Their concept was a hit, and over the decades, Zingerman’s resisted the siren call of expansion or franchising and instead evolved into a progressive-minded “community of businesses” across the Ann Arbor area. These include the consulting business Zingtrain, which shares “the ‘Zingerman’s experience’ with forward-thinking organizations”; Zingerman’s Bakehouse, making classic breads and pastries; a candy manufactory, a creamery, event spaces and more.
These days, “the Zingerman’s Experience is now made and delivered by nearly six hundred people — partners, managers and staff in ten different businesses in addition to the Deli — to the tune of roughly $60,000,000 in annual sales,” Weinzweig writes. (A prolific writer, the Chicago native and Russian history major pens regular newsletters and has authored several books, including “Zingerman’s Guide to Better Bacon: Stories of Pork Bellies, Hush Puppies, Rock ‘n’ Roll Music and Bacon Fat Mayonnaise” and the four-part “Zingerman’s Guide to Good Leading: A Lapsed Anarchist’s Approach to Building a Great Business.”)
Despite all that growth, popups remain a relatively new venture for Zingerman’s — and for Olly Olly Market, too. “We thought, what better time than our one-year anniversary to start introducing a little bit more of the Midwest to New York?” Tim Wickes, director of food hall operations at 160C, told the New York Jewish Week. Zingerman’s “jumped on it. So we’re fortunate and we’re super excited for the weekend.”
“We also know that there is a large population of Michiganders here in New York, University of Michigan alumni,” said Wickes, who lives in Brooklyn and is, tragically, an alumnus of rival Michigan State. “And we felt like the city would resonate well with that as our first of hopefully [pop-ups] from Chicago and the Midwest in general.”
Initially the idea was “to bring the Zingerman’s gameday experience to as many people as we can in New York,” Bowser said of Saturday’s event. (The Wolverines play the Minnesota Golden Gophers on Saturday night.)  “Clearly we have a pretty good fan base there that always can’t get to Ann Arbor for a game. And we just want to share that experience and have some fun.”
As anyone who ever worked at Zingerman’s attest — and that includes me: Working at Zingerman’s is practically a rite of passage for “townies” — and football game days are especially busy day at an already busy place; lines are long and the wait for sandwiches can exceed an hour.
Since the game and the open-to-the-public popup won’t overlap, the Zingerpeople are also selling tickets “to an exclusive tailgate experience with guaranteed seats and sandwiches.”
As for the six sandwich types on sale, all are Reubens or riffs on them, “what we like to call the Russian dressing group,” Bowser said. Among them is the deli’s most popular sandwich, the #2 Zingerman’s Reuben — made with corned beef, Swiss Emmental cheese, sauerkraut and Russian dressing on grilled Jewish rye bread, a combination that former President Barack Obama described as “killer”  — as well as the #18 Georgia Reuben, with turkey breast, Swiss Emmental cheese, coleslaw and Russian dressing.
Bowser, who was a vegetarian when he started working at the deli 28 years ago, will also be making “a personal favorite”: #36 Lila & Izzie’s Skokie Skidoo, a vegetarian Reuben consisting of Swiss Emmental cheese, coleslaw and Russian dressing on grilled farm bread.
As it happens, the Reuben’s origins lie neither in New York nor Ann Arbor: Legend has it the legendary sandwich was invented in an Omaha hotel in the 1920s “to satisfy a group of hungry Jewish poker players,” according to The Nosher.
To bring Zingerman’s Reubens to NYC, Bowser and his team will be driving two trucks packed with food and supplies from Ann Arbor to Manhattan — a distance of 621 miles, or 9 hours and 24 minutes in traffic at the time of this writing. “Obviously you can’t make a Zingerman’s sandwich without Zingerman’s Bakehouse bread,” said Bowser. “And it’s gonna take quite a few loaves of that.”
Bowser estimated the road crew of three will likely leave on Thursday, which would give them a day to set up the space on Friday. (Three other Zingerman’s employees will travel by plane.)
When asked if he had any qualms about bringing deli sandwiches to the birthplace of American deli culture — a place whose denizens are known to be “kind” but not exactly “nice” — Bowser demurred. “I’m not throwing shade at anybody,” he said, emphasizing the main impetus was to have a fun time.
Wickes concurs. Acknowledging that New York “is the mecca of Reuben sandwiches,” he said the pop-up will have a “humble approach.” “We’re certainly in tune with the fact that there’s plenty of fantastic Reubens in the city,” he said. “We just wanted to showcase Zingerman’s.”
As for Bowser, he conceded to one possible challenge: “Navigating two big trucks though traffic sounds daunting,” he said. “But I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”
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elfyourmother · 2 years
FFXIVWrite 2022 - 2 - Bolt
The hanger was vast, far vaster than Stephanivien had seen in all his days, even in the ruins of Garlemald. Twas a necessity, of a surety, for the Ark itself would be enormous. 
Engineers from every corner of the known world were present there; Hannish alchemists toiled alongside Garlean machinists and Sharlayan archons, master smiths from the land of Hingashi turned their legendary talents from hammering out exquisite blades to thin sheets of metal for the starship. He smiled, as he spied several the delightful rabbit folk—Loporrits, Ysayle had called them?—scurrying about to and fro across the facility upon their diminutive legs, offering their singular expertise to the many engineers. When Sharlayan sent forth the call, it seemed the whole of the star answered; it warmed Stephanivien’s heart to witness it, and more than once upon his constitutionals he felt tears pooling at the corner of his eyes. 
The Garlond Ironworks, of a surety, had come in force; the hanger had been a veritable sea of blue, white, and black from the moment Stephanivien arrived. Everywhere he turned, it seemed an Ironworks engineer had their head lowered in grave concentration over some part or schematic. They were so numerous, in fact, that but a single contingent bested them in size:  
The Ishgardians. 
For every Ironworks engineer, stood two Skysteel machinists; so many had answered Stephanivien’s own call to arms that he was forced to turn no mean number away. Stephanivien knew well, from many words exchanged with newfound comrades over these long days of toil, that for many present there in the hangar, they wished to lend their talents, their skills, to what may well have been the greatest undertaking upon which the world had embarked since the days of ancient Allag and Dalamud. Some merely wished to be a part of a moment of which bards would sing for generations; some, like so many of the Thavnairians and Garleans, had borne witness to the eldritch terror unleashed upon the world, and could not sit idle when presented with a chance to aid in its defeat. Many more leapt to steep themselves in this land so rich in knowledge, one which had guarded it so jealously and for so long; he could not deny the allure of it.
‘Twas different, for his proud laborers of the Skysteel. They had come for him, of a surety. 
But they had come for Gisele.
For before she was beloved consort to a king and princes, even before a millennia of dust was brushed from that long slumbering throne, and before she was even the Heroine of Ishgard, Nidhogg’s Bane, Gisele was the savior of the Skysteel Manufactory. His people remembered, and remembered well. Though she was no engineer, and claimed no great love for tinkering, nonetheless she brought her keen, insightful mind steeped in a wealth of aetherological learning to a manufactory in crisis, and not only saved it from the precipice of collapse, but made it flourish, and in the process showed a nation of hidebound traditionalists the power of new ideas—the power of the gun.
With wrench and hammer did they scale the heights of steel pipe scaffolding no less impressively than the Knights Dragoon soared the skies, toiling inexhaustibly through nigh endless hours, longer and harder than any laborer present from any of the myriad lands represented in the vast sea of humanity which had come together for singular purpose. But their purpose, even beyond such lofty notions of brotherhood and the survival of this, the only world they knew, had ever and always been for her.
Once more, Stephanivien felt tears threatening, and swallowed hard the lump which had formed within his throat, as he shut his eyes tightly. Would that he could accompany her upon this journey, as he did to fallen Garlemald; would that he could fight alongside his loves as he did in amongst the bitter drifts of Ilsabard, and once what seemed a lifetime entire past. How long had it been since they stole to the skies of Dravania, seeking out Nidhogg’s lair? Then, he and Haurchefant would not permit Gisele to hurl herself into danger’s fanged maw without them, even at Estinien’s side; they loved her far too much, feared far too much for her, no matter that she was the Sorceress of Light. And Stephanivien once more took to the skies, fighting at her side on the dread Allagan continent, when Haurchefant could not. 
But those halcyon days of perilous adventure with the ones he loved so dear were far behind him. Now, Haurche and Ysayle were Scions of the Seventh Dawn, as was Estinien, and twas they who plunged headlong into danger with their beloved sorceress. Twas for Stephanivien to keep Gisele’s arsenal well-stocked, and for Aymeric to keep the hearth for their safe return. Of a surety, he and his beloved king could only pray that the Fury might hold them all in Her keeping, as She had for so long. But Stephanivien had much else to do; much else to give, with all the passion of his untamed heart. 
For what purpose was he made, if not this? For what purpose did he spend long and endless nights in perpetuity ravenously devouring every scrap of lore, setting his keen mind to the mysteries of machina? For what purpose did he so stubbornly affix gear to bracket, to make miracles in his own way, great and small. honing such such gifts, if not to protect the ones he held so dear? His gun was not needed this day, but his mind, his hands. This, he could do, for her; as his people did, who so loved her, and nearly so much as he.
And so Stephanivien smiled silently, with renewed resolve, and returned to his workbench. His contribution would be one well-suited to his area of expertise: the vessel’s propulsion systems. The aether that would act as fuel to loose the Scions beyond the reach of the star would come not from crystals, but from Primals; the Loporitts insisted it was safe, and as creations of the Mothercrystal, Stephanivien could not gainsay their assurances, and believed the scheme was quite mad enough to work. But the conversion of such potent, dense aether…ah, that was somewhat altogether tricksy. Stephanivien believed the key to it all lay within his own aetherotransformer invention, and sought to adapt it on a grander scale. He stared at the prototype on the workbench before him, furrowing his brow in thought. Mayhap, if...
“Prince Stephanivien, your supplies.”
Lost within his thoughts, as was his wont, Stephanivien had not marked the approach of the Sharlayan courier—what they deemed a gleaner. He was a Viera, slender and possessed of flawless skin in a rich, ebon hue—deeper even that of Stephanivien’s mother—and gleaming eyes which betrayed the weariness his strong limbs did not. He bore with him a large crate top filled with bits and myriad scraps of metal.
But he winced once more at the word, “Prince”. It did not settle so well upon his broad shoulders as Haurchefant’s, though he was raised all his life with the expectation of rule (he misliked it). Twas naught but an accident of birth made him a Dauphin—the heir to a High House—and he misliked that it should set him apart, for being made much of, even before they learned it was all made of a lie. And though twas love made him a Prince Consort, he felt no less easy accepting that particular title, even should politics dictate its necessity.
Well, Aymeric was not here.
“You have my most sincere thanks for the materials, but please, my dear, ‘Stephanivien’ will do,” he said.
“Erenville. And forgive me, milord, but you look as though you’ve not slept a day.”
Stephanivien smiled a bit ruefully. “I have not, my friend. But I would send a dream into the stars, and I dare not rest until it is done, and well. I cannot.” He paused. “I am a Haillenarte, and our obstinacy is nigh unto legendary.”
“Tis true then, what they say? You are wed to the Sorceress of Light?” Erenville asked, tilting his head in curiosity.
“Indeed!” Stephanivien replied, his full lips curving into a wry grin; with a flick of his grime soiled hand, he spread his fingers, there to present the rose gold band with its gleaming jewel. “And so, you might begin to understand my investment in this particular venture tis mayhap a sight more personal than most. That Ark shall bear to the far reaches not merely mankind’s last, desperate hope in the face of the Final Days, but my very heart. Gisele, yes, but our other loves in kind, for they too are counted amongst the Scions’ number. Rest shall not come so easily to me, knowing that but one bolt fastened askew might spell their doom.”
He had not spoken of these things; of the fear that betimes choked his heart like a vine when he thought of. The Prospectometer, of course, offered its calculations, and the probable chance for success. Twas dire, dire stuff indeed.
Erenville nodded, and though his expression was somewhat inscrutable, still Stephanivien took comfort in his listening ear.
“I am but a gleaner, and know little of magitek. I am a naturalist, and have made the observation of flora and fauna my study. But if there is aught you require, milord, do not hesitate to call upon me,” the Sharlayan said, his lilting and melodic voice soft and full of conviction. “Gisele was kind to me, though she makes a poor frog.”
He bowed, then, with consummate grace, and took his leave.
Stephanivien smiled in only mild confusion (Gisele was a frog?), and his heart grown lighter as he gazed back up at the half-sheathed hull which dominated the workshop, as a cacophony of hammers ringing against steel, the whirring gears, and creaking of pulleys wove into a symphony. It was music to his pointed ears, as always, the sound of invention, of progress; it grew louder, surely to mark the start of the morning shift, as those who’d labored through the night were relieved by their freshly rested fellows. By rights, the Skysteel master should have left with the others who burned the proverbial midnight oil, but twas as he spoke to Erenville; when he laid down that eve, rest would not come, and so he returned to the one place he would find solace. 
And so he turned over the wooden crate the gleaner left him, without ceremony, dumping its contents upon the workbench. Erenville had left a thorough inventory sheet within, but there was somewhat in raking his hands through small bits of hardware which seemed to settle his nerves. Idly, he lifted a single bolt from the rather haphazard pile he’d made, deftly turning it about his calloused fingers over and again, watching the lamplight glint upon the finely wrought threads.
Nuts and bolts, his father had said so derisively upon his inspections of the manufactory. Think you of aught else, my son?
But what Baurendouin did not comprehend was that mayhap a single bolt could have the profoundest impact. If loosened, or the incorrect dimension, that which it held together could bend or snap with the strain of use, and the machine might well fail altogether. It was the first lesson he learned as a lad, eagerly darting and weaving between the engineers, watching them at work with wide, curious eyes: every part had its role to play. Every part mattered, no matter how large or small, no matter how inconsequential it may have seemed. 
Twas a lesson Stephanivien carried with him, always. And this, too, was something in which he could take comfort. He was no Scion like unto Gisele, Haurchefant, Estinien, or Ysayle, to soar off into the unknown, chasing the eldritch song of destruction to its source before it consumed all life. But he did not need to be one to protect them, to see them safe upon the journey that held the fate of existence in the very balance. He would be that simple part, holding them together; lifting them to the stars, they who embodied so many of his hopes, his dreams. A bolt turned by the sweat of his brow, by the strength of his hands. And mayhap they would know with certainty, once they stepped aboard that great vessel, that his steady hands had helped to fashion it; mayhap that would prove a bit of succor, if and when they needed it. He would be with them still, if not with gun and aetherotransformer, but with a spark of inspiration.
Mayhap a single bolt could prove the difference.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
[KISS] Thursday 7.. August 1834
9 35
12 5
she came to me about eight to warm her stomach still bowel complaint and it ended in a long good kiss to her and our lying till tolerably cool on having my motion fancied cousin coming and so he did gently after breakfast but have not put anything on all today fine morning F68° at 10 ½ am  – breakfast at 11 – made tea for A- (1st time) in our Jones’s boiler – put the tea into boiling water and let it have 2 or 3 bubblings afterwards and it answered marvellously -  A- enjoyed it, and ate a large plat of strawberries and has seemed better ever since – wrote out the 1st 50 lines of yesterday till 2 ½ - then off in light calêche and 1 horse at 3 (our host driving us) to Pont St Laurent [St. Laurent-du-Pont] to see the new road from there here - at the tolerably good village of St. Etienne in 50 minutes at 3 50 – all the women sitting their doors spinning there as here – in 8 or 10 minutes get to the narrow Defile thro’ the calcareous rock – about 20 minutes passing thro’ it –workmen there – good road – at 4 35 at the little village of Ensivière not marked on Chaix’s map and at St Laurent du Pont at 5 – sat in the carriage 25 minutes while A- ate her cold poulet and drank her brandy and water   I got out and walked over the good wooden bridge, oak below and poplar above not to be so slippery - back and off again at 5 ½ - walked up the hill from 6 10 to 6 ½ the last ¼ hour thro’ the fine Defile – met the engineer there - 40,000fr. already spent and would take 30000fr. more to finish the road - could not be till 1836, as the supply refused for next year but promised to be given that following - a road departmental now - would by and by be a route royale - when made good, government would then take it - at home at 7 ½ - very fine view from the hill above Voiron – right (going) large, white, good building now the Chartreusine (female Chartreux) bought ten years ago for this purpose – a chateau just now bought near the town by a fraternity of monks – the priests now as well off under Louis Philippe as under Charles X – some nice grass and farming landing at the top of the hill worth 1000/. per journal of 600 toises carrés and lets for 100/. per journal - this the 2nd quality of land - the 1st (about the town) worth 3,000/. per journal and lets for 300/. per ditto - and yet she said, in buying land, are had only 3 pc. here - 2 large manufactories built here lastly by Lyons merchants in consequence of the union work at L-  Voiron has considerable commerce in linen cloth - the distance from Lyons to Echelles [Les Échelles] by Pont de Beauvoisin or Voiron not ½ hour longer by the latter - dinner at 7 ¾ to 9 - A- much better - wrote out all but the 1st 50 lines of yesterday and the whole of today till 10 55 - very fine day - F68° at 11 ½ pm - being master of the poste here (Voiron) worth 1500fr. a year
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zov911 · 26 days
In today’s enterprise landscape, navigating the rippling waves of an ever-dynamic digital seascape is like climbing an elusive social ladder. Businesses, firms and manufacturers in Great Britain, are no exception. On this labyrinthine journey, one tool companies must wield with efficacy is online reputation management (ORM), honed to perfection. Armed with this tool, they propel growth, sustain and safeguard their unique reputation – a formidable gem in their crown. This gives rise to the pertinence of the statement: ‘your reputation is as good as your last search result.’ Just as Charles Dickens coined, “In a word, I was too cowardly to do what I knew to be right", British manufacturers often shy away from confronting the harsh reality of online reputation's clout. ORM is not a ‘nice to have’ marketing tactic; it is indeed the sword and shield of your digital stronghold, a 'must-have.' So, let’s dive into the depths to mine the wisdom on ORM for British manufacturers. **The Fuel for Growth: Online Reputation Management** In the digital age where news, whether good, bad, or ugly, travels faster than Concord, British manufacturers must control the wheel of their digital reputation by steering it with accuracy precision. It’s more than just a battle for positive reviews; it’s a war waged for digital truth. The key is not to avoid or contain crises but to master and manage them. ORM in British manufacturing equips companies to do just that. Sustainable growth is ignited when digital platforms become the bedrock for fostering customer trust, real-time engagements and improvisation. ORM nurtures this ecosystem by curating a rich manufactory narrative that resonates with the audience and sets the stage for enhanced brand engagement. **The Guardian of Reputation: ORM** Business magnate Warren Buffet once profoundly said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” The same axiom rings true in the realm of British Manufacturing. A 2016 BrightLocal survey shed some light on this notion. It revealed that 84% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, meaning the unsaid word and unexpressed emotion online carries significant ramifications for your reputation. ORM exists to defend it. ORM helps keep manufacturers in the loop about online conversations, equipping them with the knowledge to anticipate customer responses and painstakingly sculpt their brand image. In essence, secure reputation = secured business value. **Connecting the Dots: ORM & British Manufacturing** The common thread tying British manufacturers to ORM is the shared value of quality and trust. Furthermore, the British audience savours stories crafted from authenticity and passion—precisely what ORM facilitates. An expertly executed ORM plan mines positive feedback, addresses concerns, and amplifies customer voices. Consequently, it evokes trust in the digital space, benchmarking the brand as reliable, approachable and directly tied to Britishness. In short, ORM is the digital avatar of the age-old British street-corner grocer who knows each customer by name. Remember, ORM isn't a one-size-fits-all game. What worked for your comrade might not work for you. Therefore, the quest for perfect ORM should start with understanding your brand, business and audience’s unique nuances. **In Conclusion: Carry Your Digital Sword and Shield High** Today is the day you start investing in ORM - your ticket to fortifying your brand in the British manufacturing industry. Remember, reputation can make or break your business. It's not about if you should venture into ORM, but when and how decisively you do. As Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It's the courage to keep going that counts." And indeed, ORM is the beacon of courage on your digital journey. Case Study: British Manufacturer Boosts Reputation & Sees Growth With Effective Online Reputation Management A premier British manufacturing firm, Manufacturing UK Ltd, experienced a challenging period in 2017.
Negative press coverage and dwindling sales threatened their industry standing. To combat this, they turned to proactive online reputation management (ORM), transforming their brand image online, fuelling unprecedented growth and proving the real-world impact of ORM strategies. Identifying the Issues & Setting Goals Manufacturing UK Ltd was contending with denigrating reviews, outdated information, and a lack of recent positive press— all readily accessible via a quick Google search. They sought an ORM team's expertise, with the primary goals being to enhance their positive online presence, neutralize negative reviews, empower their social media presence, improve their SEO rankings, and ultimately, boost their financial performance. Stage 1: Online Presence Audit & Crafting a Tailored ORM Strategy Understanding the present state of their online reputation was critical. The ORM team mapped the company's digital footprint, noting positive and negative impacts, and submitted an exhaustive report outlining the pertinent issues and suggesting solutions. The custom ORM strategy involved establishing a more robust digital presence, managing negative reviews, refining SEO, and developing an engaging social media presence. Stage 2: Reinforcing Positive Presence & Managing Reviews Manufacturing UK Ltd lacked a substantial positive online presence, which the team sought to mend. The company website was revamped, a blog was initiated featuring industry innovations and expert commentary, and client testimonials were curated to spotlight positive experiences. Notably, they didn't ignore negative reviews. Instead, they addressed them professionally and proactively, seeking resolution where possible. Their candidness in acknowledging mistakes, paired with the drive to amend errors, resonated with customers. Stage 3: Leveraging SEO & Actively Engaging on Social Media The team executed SEO optimization tactics, like keyword mapping and backlinking, to boost the new positive content's visibility. This also helped to manage the visibility of negative reviews or outdated information. On social media, Manufacturing UK Ltd portrayed a refreshed corporate image. They regularly shared company updates, industry news, and blog posts to maintain client engagement and promote transparency. Results: ORM Fuels Growth & Sustains Reputation Post this ORM initiative, Manufacturing UK Ltd saw a significant rebuild in its online reputation. Their search results now majorly showcase their new blog content, client testimonials, and instructional videos, while negative content is less visible. Notably, their engagement on social media channels quadrupled, resulting in bolstered client relationships. This ORM strategy positively impacted their sales, with a recorded growth rate increase of 25% post-intervention. Conclusion: ORM as a Growth Strategy for British Manufacturers This case study underscores the importance of ORM for British manufacturers. It proves that negative online presence, if tackled strategically, can be turned around to fuel growth and sustain reputation. Manufacturing UK Ltd's journey teaches that ORM is not just a damage control strategy, but a growth catalyst. By addressing negative reviews, enhancing SEO, upgrading online presence, and engaging meaningfully on social media, companies can not only repair their reputation but drive their growth beyond expectations. "Unlock the potential of your British manufacturing business today! Don't let your online reputation hinder growth. Read our expert insights and learn how to fuel your company's expansion! Click here to start managing your reputation effectively!" Kickstart Your Digital Journey Today! "The UK manufacturing sector contributes 10% of the gross value and employs 2.7 million people. In an industry where 70% of business comes from existing customers and reputation is integral, effective Online Reputation Management (ORM) is critical to not just growth, but survival for British manufacturers.
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Suppito has been one of the best soup addresses in Vienna for years. In the pretty manufactory in the sixth district, they cook according to the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine: the soups, cakes, crackers, muesli/granola and compotes are varied depending on the season and available ingredients and are gluten-, lactose- and yeast-free.
We asked Cordula, the managing director of Suppito, how they started and how endurance has influenced their path throughout their story.
#1 What’s the story of Suppito? Why do we need it?
Suppito was more or less born out of a necessity. My mother had suffered from severe coeliac disease since childhood, which was only discovered in her 40s after endless hearing loss and colics. Although she immediately avoided all gluten-containing foods, the loss of hearing continued to occur at regular intervals. Desperate that conventional medicine was unable to help her, she consulted a doctor in traditional Chinese medicine, who successfully treated her hearing loss with acupuncture. In order to get her health complaints under control and learn even more about Chinese medicine, she looked for answers in the five element diet.
Her life and her diet were turned upside down in a flash. She started eating soups, rice congee, cooked fruit, yin-enhancing foods, lots of spices and hot water. Her health improved dramatically. She no longer had hearing problems, was full of energy and her complaints disappeared. Thanks to the right advice and diet, my mother finally had a life that she enjoyed again.
This experience made her rethink. After training in nutritional counseling, she opened her own nutrition practice to help other people get healthy with nutrition.
#2 What were the most significant challenges you faced when deciding to focus on the 5-Element Cuisine? How did you master them?
When Suppito was founded, knowledge of the 5 elements of the traditional Chinese medicine cuisine was not yet widespread. This automatically gave it an unknown touch, which it didn't deserve, as nothing new had been invented. And on top of that, many of the products had the reputation from the start that "healthy” food usually doesn't taste good.
Introducing people to something they don't know is always a challenge. At the time, tasting clearly helped others to experience that healthy food is good for you AND can also taste very good.
#3 If you were to design a meal or dish that symbolizes endurance, what ingredients would you include and why?
No new invention is needed here either: For me, this is clearly a soup that is cooked over two days with high-quality ingredients, strengthens the center and gives strength. Broth, a beef broth, is ideal for this.
#4 Endurance often requires pushing oneself to the limits. Can you recall a time when you felt you had reached your limit in terms of endurance? How did you push past it or cope with it?
Corona was, like many of us, an incredible experience. From one second to the next, the business had to be closed and no more customers were allowed to be served directly. Suddenly we had orders on a scale that was completely out of the ordinary and turned the previous cooking process completely upside down. We were forced to produce significantly more and reorganize our logistics, stick to a very strict schedule and, of course, the team had to stay healthy so that everything could work as planned. Looking back, it was a really exciting and challenging time that I could only manage with such a great and well-coordinated team.
#5 Based on your experience, what would you recommend to increase endurance?
If you can back an idea 100% out of conviction, it increases your endurance enormously. So my recommendation is to do something that you put your heart and soul into and surround yourself with likeminded team.
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jefarawol · 4 months
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The Soleil was eastward bound, so I sent word to Camp Cloudtop on the off chance the airship passed nearby. Sure enough, Lady Laniaitte informed me that it had been sighted by her scouts.
Then the archbishop is somewhere in the Sea of Clouds?
Or was, not long ago. The airship has not been seen since it disappeared into the northern reaches near the Blue Window.
Alas, because the region is firmly held by the Vanu Vanu and not easily accessible from Camp Cloudtop, House Haillenarte has yet to establish a foothold. We will need not only an airship, but a captain bold enough to risk the beastmen's wrath.
I think we both know the perfect candidate, Forename. Let us pay a visit to Master Garlond at the Skysteel Manufactory.
With Lucia set to help us we made for the Manufactory to find Cid, we would need his help to navigate further into the Sea of Clouds. without an airship at our disposal it would be an impossible task.
Jefara, Alphinaud, how are you faring?
You've heard?
Aye, Lord Stephanivien informed the staff this morning... He was a good man.
Cid, have you ever heard of “Azys Lla”? The archbishop spoke of it before he fled.
No, but it's probably some source of phenomenal cosmic power that's key to his plans. From what he told Jefara, the Ascians tried to tempt him as they tempted Gaius with the Ultima Weapon. Even if he spoke true about playing along, I can see him attempting to seize it.
As if we needed another reason to pursue him...
Well, I'm convinced. The Enterprise is at your disposal. Come to the airship landing when you're ready to depart. Heh, it's just as well. After pulling you out of the fire these last few times, I reckoned I was due to deliver you into it.
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Captain Pigheart’s Paternal Adventure Gaargh, as I sit here with a pot o’ crude coral rum and me peg leg restin’ on the table behind me, I’m minded to recall a day most dear to me black and twisted heart. The sun were bright in the sky, silhouetting them gulls what wheeled overhead. The sound o’ me playmates laughter were on the breeze, along with the endless clack o’ buttons in their bins. Twas just one more idyllic day at the Merciful Monks’ Manufactory Orphanage. I’d been left there as a mere babe, with all me limbs, wrapped up in a pirate’s hat. I’d only just mastered the sewing o’ buttons onto ladies unmentionables, but in time I’d be skilled enough to stitch boots of high fashion for gentlemen. The sunny day were barely visible through ye high windows, but ye summery atmosphere were suddenly split by a tremendous thunderin’. No, twas not the portly lad chained to me left, for smoke were rising outside and the walls shook ... >> Read On with Captain https://wp.me/pbprdx-S
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notbryanray · 1 year
Novel-quote: Our calamity, according to Mr Toobad
[A speech by Mr Toobad, from Ch. XI of Nightmare Abbey by Thomas Love Peacock:]
It is our calamity. The devil has come among us, and has begun by taking possession of all the cleverest fellows. Yet, forsooth, this is the enlightened age. Marry, how? Did our ancestors go peeping about with dark lanterns, and do we walk at our ease in broad sunshine? Where is the manifestation of our light? By what symptoms do you recognise it? What are its signs, its tokens, its symptoms, its symbols, its categories, its conditions? What is it, and why? How, where, when is it to be seen, felt, and understood? What do we see by it which our ancestors saw not, and which at the same time is worth seeing? We see a hundred men hanged, where they saw one. We see five hundred transported, where they saw one. We see five thousand in the workhouse, where they saw one. We see scores of Bible Societies, where they saw none. We see paper, where they saw gold. We see men in stays, where they saw men in armour. We see painted faces, where they saw healthy ones. We see children perishing in manufactories, where they saw them flourishing in the fields. We see prisons, where they saw castles. We see masters, where they saw representatives. In short, they saw true men, where we see false knaves. They saw Milton, and we see Mr Sackbut.
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neneru-nowhere · 1 year
The First Lesson: Ok’Zundu
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Dear Journal,
I have a master!
There is a highly skilled mage here who has styled herself the Wizard Prince, and certainly she has the bearing for it. I've watched her at work a few times and thought, 'Moss and Mold, I'd love to be as good as her.' In a fit of unexpected forwardness, I up and asked her if she would take me on as an apprentice, and she said yes!
Two days ago she woke me up. “Are you ready to make some magic?”
When she was able to get me to calm down she explained her first exercise for me. I am to go out into the world and study three beasts of my choosing. I must pay in particular attention to how they use their aether. Any beast? I asked. Any beast, she said. I thought of returning to Gyr Abania where I've been spending much of my time. But another thought occurred to me.
So despite my stomach's protests, I took the Aetheryte to Ishgard. Since the end of the Dragonsong War, airship tickets have been easier to acquire, thankfully. There's naught else I'd love more than to stay and try and study how a theocracy becomes a democracy, but the Wind calls to me.
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A drawing of Camp Cloudtop
The ship I boarded was the Lady Estielle, a newer design from the Skysteel Manufactory. By late evening we arrived at our destination, Camp Cloudtop. This is a growing Ishgardian colony on one of the countless landmasses buoyed in this region by titanic wind aspected crystals. I'd spent the last of my money on the ticket, so with nothing to pay for an Inn, I slept out under the stars.
So high in the clouds, they're sharper than cut gems.
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An alien landscape
Oh what can be said of the churning Sea of Clouds? Aetherologists think the pocket of concentrated wind and water aspected aether is what keeps the islands in proximity to each other. Or I could discuss the way common wildlife has evolved here separated so much from their cousins on the surface. I'd certainly bring up the surges of astral aether that stain the air green and make everything taste like the moment before a lightning strike. And the wind, Stars above, the wind is constant. Always in your ears, always murmuring like a distant crowd.
Each could be their own paper, but I wanted to keep this as a brief account of my first day. Around lunch time I stopped to rest in a shady patch created by one of the larger islands floating above. After eating, I thought I'd nap, but each time I was almost asleep I heard the thwock of a hammer on something.
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Finally I decided to investigate.
The beast tribe of these islands is the Vanu Vanu people. It was a bird-like man but so unlike the Ixal I know of. Powerfully built and covered all over in feathers, with the face of a hawk. And here he was smacking a tree trunk with a large club.
To my surprise, he knew of us, and even spoke the common tongue. He explained he was trying to get a morsel from the tree. Normally they rode beasts and used them to shake the tree, but his had bucked him and run free. I offered my assistance.
“Stand back,” I warned.
I drew my aether, focusing it tightly in my scythe before releasing it. A lob of the scythe and it arced over the Vanu and exploded at the base of the tree. A moment later, the tree fell shattered at the base of the trunk.
In a hollow further up the tree was a nest. This was what he'd been looking for. I asked what was for dinner, and he laughed. “Since you help me, I am happy to invite you to partake back at my home.” Wrenching his hand free of the knothole, he presented me with the fat, wriggling form of a wall-eyed chigoe larva.
Despite the lurch in my stomach, I agreed. It would be nice to sleep somewhere free of monsters. He took me back to his village, a placed called Ok'Zundu. He explained that there are other tribes of Vanu Vanu, but I was lucky to meet a Zundu because they were friends of Cloudtop. They've been working with and trading with the Ishgardians. I admit, I felt a little relief at that.
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A rough painting of Ok’Zundu
Until the invention of airships, these islands were completely cut off from the surface world. The Vanu only learned of us within the last decade, and we of them. There are tensions with the Vundu tribe, but outright fighting has stopped for now, with the death of their Primal god, Bismarck.
Ok'Zundu is a beautiful town nestled between the knees of two great rocks. They even have their own Aetheryte, damn the things. Theirs is lovely, though. Its unusual shape and the flags they've adorned it with remind me of a circus tent.
I've finished my chigoe. Turns out it's pretty good! They roast the little bugs and then you have to crack the shell to eat. I'm writing tonight, exhausted but satisfied. Tomorrow I begin my study...
– Neneru
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polhnitro · 2 years
Larson late bird cartoon
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Hans Wegner and Arne Jacobsen were exemplars of the country’s facility with wood, particularly teak. Yet Finnish glassware was pre-eminent, crafted in expressive, sculptural designs by Tapio Wirkkala and Timo Sarpaneva. Likewise, Finland produced a truly ingenious Scandinavian modern furniture designer in the architect Alvar Aalto, a master at melding function and artistic form in works like the Paimio chair. In the ’20s at the great Gustavsberg porcelain manufactory, Wilhelm Kåge introduced Scandinavian modern pieces based on influences from folklore to Cubism his skills were passed on to his versatile and inspired pupils Berndt Friberg and Stig Lindberg. Sweden was home to Bruno Mathsson, creator of the classic Grasshopper chair and Berlin daybed, but the country excelled most notably at ceramics. The work of the designers associated with this style was founded on centuries-old beliefs in both quality craftsmanship and the ideal that beauty should enhance even the humblest accessories of daily life.Įach nation produced exceptional talents in all areas of the applied arts, yet each had its forté. The gentle, organic contours that are typical of vintage Scandinavian modern furniture appear in the work of Danish, Finnish and Swedish designers not as a stylistic gesture, but rather as a practical, ergonomic - and, as importantly, elegant - response to the human form.Ĭharacterized by bold, clean lines and simple, sturdy symmetries, Scandinavian modernism is perhaps the warmest and most organic iteration of modernist design.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 4 October 1839
7 ½
12 35/..
damp small rainy morning – General Wilson and his sister very civil yesterday – he an Edinburgh man (said our English man who went about with us) came here young – Mr. Wilson told us he had been in Russia 55 years and was 8 when he came – the sister came at 2 years old – the general goes to England generally every 2 or 3 years – was there last October and passed thro’ H-x – sorry obliged to be in Manchester and prevented spending  the day with someone at his place near Sowerby bridge – (Mr. Edwards?) – W- gets all the new improvements in machinery spite of the prohibition – the prohibition foolish as ministers know but obliged to follow the sense of the country - .:. the exportation of machinery prohibited – but machine-makers go to Belgium, and the Russian and others therefore buy of them what would otherwise be bought of us – spindles etc. etc. we can make much better and cheaper than they can be made here – tho’ from our models spinning jennies etc. are made in the machine room here – a clever young man from Glasgow (has been here 6 years) at the head of this department – 18 English families here exclusive of general W- 18 English masters each at the head of his own department and an Italian Ghersi = 19 masters who went to the Caucasus to examine the silk there, and has published his travels – wrote then in French (Ghersi) but translated into Russian and not yet published in French – the emperor has given him some land in the Caucasus Mr. W- the generals’ brother would succeed to the place but not near so clever as the general – not a man there like him – he has organized all – a clever excellent man – he being of the 3rd class a lieutenant general can go to all court festivals uninvited .:. can speak directly to the emperor – was much patronized by the empress mother (empress Mary) wife of Paul –
General Wilson came to Russia in 1804.
October Friday 4 sent 56,000 pieces of sail cloth last year to America the Russian navy does not want more 22,000 pieces a year – shewed us a piece (narrow shred) that took 12cwt. to break it – our great sail cloth manufactories (one near Glasgow Nelsons?) capital –
Flax would be good here (Dutch and Belgian the best) but the people will leave it seed – to get both seed and flax – it should be cut as in Holland and Belgium when in flower – the serfs in the establishment some good men earn 70/. a month some men 55/. down to 30/. – average wages per man 60/. per month – live in clubs so that a man lives for 14/. per month – every serf here pays his Lord 10/. per month –
misconduct punished by fine – for day of absence from work (drinking or idling) 5/. per day –
the fines 1/3 goes to the hospital – 1/3 to the library – and 1/3 to..... women can earn 20/. per month
when the emperor buys the serfs of any nobleman, frees them and they pay 15/. per annum each man –
496 young people sat down to dinner yesterday – only about 200 girls – of what they earn 1/3 goes to the Foundling hospital 1/3 to themselves (and 1/3 towards their maintenance at the factory?)
400,000 R. due from the factory to the Foundling hospital for which interest is paid –
the masters have from £200 to £600 a year – General W- has besides his appointments an interest that is a percentage on the goods manufactory and sold – one brother with him at the factory and one plain Mr. W- who was in the house of Thomson Bonar and co. but disagreed with Thomson now a merchant in St. P- all agents for houses in England but about 3 houses – Thomson B- and co. (Mr. Hodgson the head clerk of the house who manages everything and has some capital of his own in the firm on the same terms as the capital of the heads of the house – it [would] thus Wilson [get] on and Paulet Thomson himself) and Wilson and probably Bayley –
October Friday 4 saw the cardsetting machinery yesterday before luncheon – the wire cut and set – and saw a bit done by the empress Marie herself who was about an hour doing it – saw the paper patterns of table cloths before luncheon but had them explained after luncheon It is the Italian (Piedmontese [Piemontese], Ghersi) who arranges all these – some the patters very handsome – long 6 or 7 yards? – the length of the cloth being the breadth in gloom – i.e. the shuttle passed the whole lenth [length] of the cloth – saw the sizing rooms after luncheon
table cloths, long and handsome double damask with 24 napkins about 250 Rubels
breakfast table covers very pretty cotton at 18/. mixed silk at 50/. in all colours – much cloth (for slave-shirts the man thought) sent to America – strong and good but rather coarse – nothing finer made here – Sail cloth of several qualities – dare not note down prices because made no notes at the moment – the building was the country house of a Russian nobleman .:. has cost much in adaption and is not now so convenient as if built expires – 500 inhabitants in the village –
a congregation of 50 + English every Sunday evening – Mr. Law preaches there after service at St. P-
the dining room build expires – 230ft. long the same length as the British Queen steamer built – opposition to the government western 4 tables all down the room – arched ceiling – 96 beds? (girls beds) in 1 room and 6 in the end room adjoining – iron staircases water closets and everything beautifully tidy – Salle de reception – retiring them for the empress and another at the other end for the emperor – many noblemen offered to find men at 55/. per month but General W- always declined – would have the men at liberty to do what they chose with their money – declined contracts with the Lords of the [serfs]
October Friday 4 breakfast at 9 – before and after till now 11 20/.. had written all the above of this morning – out at 12 10/.. to the bank – cashed another £25circular – then from the Directeur of th ep.o. to the money charger – and then to Brieffe he went with us in the carriage to the Directeur general of the post office saw the Directeur – returned home for passport etc. and took Gross – at 2 10/.. at the Isaac church – and ½ way up in 7 minutes 350ft. high – Gilt cross on crescent on globe – coal from Newcastle sells here at 36kop. per pood
62 poods = 1 ton we went 325ft. high –
the church of Peter and Paul 400ft. high
at 3 40/.. at the ‘modèle de l’Eglise de St. Isaac par Auguste de Montferrand architecte de sa magesté . St. Petersburg le 1er mai 1819
Pouces = pieds anglais
Verscoks = Sagènes de Russe
Pouces = pieds Français
the dome all of iron to be covered with copper sheeting 3000 tons+ of iron in the dome
the model a very beautiful one – I could not make out the scale in the short time we were there – another model in the room – of the old Isaac church? no! of what? Mr. Anderside who went to the top with us observed that St. Pauls’ is the finest (best built) building of the kind in the world – the dome of St. Peters’ at Rome will be down in 40 or 50 yards – they will be obliged to take it down if they can get money enough – the Scotch fir is the red deal § the spruce the white deal
from the Isaac church to the chocolate shop – then to Graeffs’ and bought for A- Moralts’ paper on .......... (I scarce know what) in the last volume a part of the memories of this academy – in German but A- took it nevertheless – home at 5 ½ - paid off the carriage – dressed – dinner at 6 - Reading Captain Cochrane – this edition in one volume 8vo. that I read at home in 2 vols. fine day
§ Mr. Hodson or any of the merchants would ship me off deals and should get a great swing – the merchants [?] in Hull very considerable –
[?] driven (fir) to the depth of 20ft. for the foundation of the church – the outside to be finished by 1840 and it will be –
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trustcall · 2 years
Uk basketball roster 1966
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The state tournament roster of Jimmy Malone, Tommy Fitzgerald, John Forsee, Dutch Hendricks, Jack Smith, Frank Ryan, Butch Ober and Lee Koertner became the first of many Tiger state champions.This championship began the legacy of athletic excellence that has accounted for 172 team titles and countless individual championships over the years. The 1926 Saint Xavier basketball team captured the school's initial KHSAA State Championship.More than 100 years later, the 2020-21 Tigers take the court in search of an elusive fifth KHSAA State Championship. Saint Xavier High School's first basketball team took the court in 1911 as the Saint Xavier's College Saints.Kevin and his wife, Jessica, are the proud parents of Connor, Carter, and twins, Katherine and Kevin Jr. This year’s Tigers are hard at work looking to continue these traits as they begin their “Road to Rupp” in the 2021-22 campaign. At Hanover, he participated in the NCAA Division III National Tournament, was an All-conference selection, and earned the team’s mental attitude award his senior year.Īs a player and as a coach, Kevin has always believed in the importance of a tough mental approach and a positive winning attitude as essential components of a successful program. After graduating from Saint Xavier, he attended Hanover College where he received his bachelor’s degree in 1999. He earned All-District, All-Region, and Honorable Mention All-State honors his senior year. Kevin, a 1995 graduate of Saint Xavier High School, was a starter on the 1995 Regional Championship Team that advanced to the quarterfinals of the Kentucky State Tournament. X with a 54-52 overtime victory against a tough Fairdale team. In 2013 Kevin earned his 100th win at St. In his ten years at Saint Xavier, Kevin has posted ten winning seasons with a season-best 23-9 record in the 2011–2012 season which earned him 7th Region Coach of the Year honors for the second time in his career. At Waggener, he led the 2007–2008 Wildcats to a school record 22 victories and earned 7th Region Coach of the Year honors. Kevin served two seasons as Head Coach at Waggener Traditional High School before coming to Saint Xavier. - Rotoscoping & Keying - Color Grading - Match Moving - Compositing - Cleanups - Beauty Retouching Lottie & Website Animation eLearning Video Production Article to VideoKevin Klein enters his 14th season as Head Basketball Coach at Saint Xavier High School and 23rd season overall as a high school basketball coach.- Book Cover Design Album Cover Design Podcast Cover Art Packaging & Label Design - Packaging Design - Label Design - Dieline Design AR Filters & Lenses Storyboards Social Media.One stop shop for all your needs Graphics & Design Logo Design Brand Style Guides Game Art - Character Design - Props & Objects - Backgrounds & Environments - UI & UX Graphics.Voice Over Mixing & Mastering Producers & Composers - Composing & Soundtracks - Ghost Production - Backing Tracks.Community Events Blog Forum Community Standards Podcast Affiliates Invite a Friend Become a Seller.Digital Marketing Writing & Translation Video & Animation Music & Audio.Programming & Tech.Saltie Girl Mamma Maria Atlantic Fish Co The Capital Grille Mario’s Restaurant.Farmhouse Inn Restaurant Manhattan Restaurant Pink’s Hot Dogs Carthay Circle Restaurant Tartine Manufactory Sam’s Chowder House Hog Island Oyster Co.California Shack Chez Panisse The French Laundry Manresa Ember Restaurant Mini Kabob Zoftig Eatery.commercial property for rent property for rent near me property for sale property for rent in cornwall property to rent in my location rental properties to rent rent property rightmove scarborough.century 21 commercial property listings zillow commercial property for lease commercial places for rent near me listing commercial property rent remax commercial property listings.takeaways near my location chinese near me open today indian takeaway near me places that deliver near me best indian takeaway near me restaurants and takeaway near me takeaways near me open now.for selling a business broker for selling small business best mailing list brokers small business broker list broker services marketing list brokers direct marketing list brokers.
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