#masumii (oc)
shooks-stupid-stuff 9 days
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more aggie doodles, bc im doing actual drawings i swear but it's just taking a while bc i have. too many hobbies and no free time-
ft. a len pika drew and both her and e treating the very nortmal man kindly
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shooks-stupid-stuff 12 days
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i have barely made any art progress this week but i am screaming and crying and pounding my desk about my funny straight people rn so
here have the rest of the stupid aggie doodles from the same canvas as the takoshi yamcha crater
maybe this weekend ill finally have more than like an hour to draw (it took me 4 days to make 4 sketches. and by sketches i literally just mean bare bones ass rough body shape bc that's all i do for sketches-)
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shooks-stupid-stuff 1 year
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designs, now in color
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shooks-stupid-stuff 11 months
Which comic character are you looking forward to getting to the most
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these two freaks, i love them so much you don't even know-
there's another character too, but they're not gonna show up for a WHILE. like, a doesn't-even-have-a-ref-yet sorta while.
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shooks-stupid-stuff 1 year
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annnd the last two :]
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shooks-stupid-stuff 1 year
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another character from the funny webcomic idea, the wife of the one rich guy from yesterday
and can i say, jesus h christ i have given myself such brainrot for these two. they have such a sweet relationship but also one that i can make jokes about and just hhhHH I CARE THEM-
i always do this to myself with ocs but like it's bad this time man, i've been thinking about these two dumbasses all day they're so good-
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shooks-stupid-stuff 8 months
Shook鈥檚 Weekly OCs: #008
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I'm pretty sure I said I wasn't gonna do my webcomic characters for these, but Takoshi is also a character i wanna use outside of that and uhhh consider: I change my mind a lot lmao-
Anyways! Takoshi! He is one of my favorite guys, I wanna hit him with a car-
Not gonna get TOO into it for obvious reasons, but Takoshi had a TERRIBLE up bringing which heavily affected him even into adulthood. He's mostly fine now, but he very much wasn't for a WHILE.
Previously, he was a very, VERY rich and successful business man. Never a day goes by that he regrets leaving that life behind, though.
He loves his wife. He loves his wife so much. He will not shut up about how much he loves his wife-
Not much is known about his abilities, but he does have a gun.
He is incredibly charismatic, but that's balanced out by the fact that he's weird and belongs in horny jail. No I will not elaborate.
When not around Masumii, he tends to either flip a coin repeatedly or just fidget with it in his hand.
The only person he felt any respect for prior to meeting Masumii was his receptionist/housekeeper. He left her all of his assets when he left for hell.
Not sure how much i wanna go into for him because y'know. I DO wanna actually start my webcomic eventually, but- That's some info about him!
Also, apologies if the art for this one (especially the lower half) is a bit jank, I. I did most of that part of the line art with bandages covering my arms-
It's a long story, I'm fine tho lol (it just made it a bit awkward to draw due to limited wrist movement-)
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