#takoshi (oc)
shooks-stupid-stuff · 8 months
Shook’s Weekly OCs: #008
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I'm pretty sure I said I wasn't gonna do my webcomic characters for these, but Takoshi is also a character i wanna use outside of that and uhhh consider: I change my mind a lot lmao-
Anyways! Takoshi! He is one of my favorite guys, I wanna hit him with a car-
Not gonna get TOO into it for obvious reasons, but Takoshi had a TERRIBLE up bringing which heavily affected him even into adulthood. He's mostly fine now, but he very much wasn't for a WHILE.
Previously, he was a very, VERY rich and successful business man. Never a day goes by that he regrets leaving that life behind, though.
He loves his wife. He loves his wife so much. He will not shut up about how much he loves his wife-
Not much is known about his abilities, but he does have a gun.
He is incredibly charismatic, but that's balanced out by the fact that he's weird and belongs in horny jail. No I will not elaborate.
When not around Masumii, he tends to either flip a coin repeatedly or just fidget with it in his hand.
The only person he felt any respect for prior to meeting Masumii was his receptionist/housekeeper. He left her all of his assets when he left for hell.
Not sure how much i wanna go into for him because y'know. I DO wanna actually start my webcomic eventually, but- That's some info about him!
Also, apologies if the art for this one (especially the lower half) is a bit jank, I. I did most of that part of the line art with bandages covering my arms-
It's a long story, I'm fine tho lol (it just made it a bit awkward to draw due to limited wrist movement-)
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squid-ink-symphony · 1 year
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Concepts for some space themed idols. I was introduced to starry night octopi the other day and i thought it would make a cool splatoon character. Then then i just shoved her with another design i've had on the back burner for a while and made a duo!
Originally these two were supposed to be the ones who took over inkopolis news after Off The Hook left to go on their tour, but then i got further and further away from the pink and green and ended up with this color scheme instead. Plus i never actually fact checked that they weren't running the news anymore. I just thought that was the case. But now that i'm thinking about it i'm not fully sure if my memory can be trusted. Anyway. They did kind of end up looking like Ingo and Emmet but oh well, what can ya do?
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starry-tiger · 2 years
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Splatoon: A proper introduction
Octavio properly introducing Takoshi to Craig after the Splatoon 3 story!
Posted using PostyBirb
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atrashbird · 11 months
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"He can travel through the multiverse, he knows too much for his own good but it's a good advantage for the pro-heros. Just, it can be awkward to look into anything other then his own versions, to see the many timelines of other people, he has to consume a part of them, anything with their DNA."
"It's weird, but..."
"He feeds into it...And it's annoying..."
Kaede is the name of his man, but he simply goes by "Kai" most of the time when he's not being referred to by his hero name. He's in his 50s but doesn't look it due to the quirks effects, he's extremely intelligent and is in fact a math teacher (U.A). He knows too much for his own good and the knowledge has slightly driven him mad and he knows it, he feeds into his weirdness and actively uses his knowledge to mess with people, he's a jokey butt that just likes to get a reaction from people. He deals with things with humor and rarely becomes too serious.
He also uses his sense of humor mask his pain.
He breaks the fourth wall often, scares people and can be rather "tough" on his students, but it comes from a want to see them succeed.
His quirk, of course has drawbacks, if he "scatters" to much it will mess with his genetic code, he can recover but he had to take a break from his quirk, so he is limited to 3 scatters per day. Anything more everyone (and his therapist) forces him to wait a week. It drained him of color as well, his body now monochrome.
He had a method to his madness.
Here's another boy, My Math multiverse guy.
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moekaneko · 3 years
do you have an obey me mc, I wanna know a bit about them
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Really?! Me?! Okie dokie!
Hello! I'm Sakura! How are you? I hope your good! I'm 19 and an art college student back in the human world! I love being in the devildom even though I miss my pets. :( I have 4 cats, a dog and a bird. My brother Xennex says I have "too many pets" whatever that means. I have two siblings, my older sister, rosé, and my slightly older twin brother Xennex! (We're not at all identical, he's blonde.) I live in Korea with my brother and some close friends as roomates and I grew up in Japan. My sister lives in Korea too! I'm super curious about magic and the devildom! My favourite subject is devildom history and I don't really have a favourite brother. I'm a goodie two shoes and I always try to get good grades. I'm considered the little sister of my friend group and I'm super optimistic and enthusiastic! I love yo wear cute clothes, and I also love wearing cherries and sakura flowers as my name translates to "cherry blossom" in Japanese. I write as a hobby and my job is online art and animation. I really loved talking to you! I hope to answer more questions in the future! And I hope you like me! You don't have to but I want you to know I love you! Happy pride month soon! 💕
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kiyokiyomira · 5 years
Koyoshi: what's that ?
Takeo: oh that's just my to-do list
Kiyoshi: that's just a post it note with my name on it..
Takeo: ...
Kiyoshi: ...oh.
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ok real quick general webcomic idea post:
so basically, i had an idea a while back while working on my own interpretation of hell/the afterlife in general for a separate thing, that pretty much boils down to funny slice-of-life office shenanigans but all the characters are some sort of yokai/demon/other supernatural being (with a few exceptions) and it was just. very chill and mainly character focused with no real plot but some like multiple part comics and maybe more story-heavy character backstory specials every so often or something.
i thought it'd be fun, it combines like, a lot of shit i like (it has elements similar to touhou AND random christian symbolism, truly the shook bingo card) plus i get to design fun characters and just do dumb shit with them which is My Favorite
idk this is probably a horrible explanation cjbcvj but uhhh have some design concepts and a rough formatting mock-up, ill talk about this more tmmrw probably bc lord knows i am going to get no sleep at this rate-
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yeah that's about all i can think of for now uhhh feel free to send questions about anything!!! i would love to rant incoherently about this!!!
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designs, now in color
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 10 months
Which comic character are you looking forward to getting to the most
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these two freaks, i love them so much you don't even know-
there's another character too, but they're not gonna show up for a WHILE. like, a doesn't-even-have-a-ref-yet sorta while.
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more carmine ft. a real quote from my biomedical ethics professor
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annnd the last two :]
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another character from the funny webcomic idea, the wife of the one rich guy from yesterday
and can i say, jesus h christ i have given myself such brainrot for these two. they have such a sweet relationship but also one that i can make jokes about and just hhhHH I CARE THEM-
i always do this to myself with ocs but like it's bad this time man, i've been thinking about these two dumbasses all day they're so good-
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moekaneko · 3 years
tell us more about your oc
Oh, ok!
Well sakura's had a bad past. Especially with her family but she's still very sweet. She is very childish as in her earlier childhood, she was sick all the time and always in bed because she was born weak and small. Then, right after she'd become strong enough to get outside her family immediately pressured her to act much older than she was. Although she was the youngest, she had to act like the oldest which is why she's so independent. She wasn't even allowed to express negative emotions. Sakura seems oblivious but that's just a front. Sakura puts on an extremely bubbly, happy act in front of new people as that's what her family always wanted of her however that isn't the real Sakura. She actually loves horror and adventures. Sakura's hair is very long now and she's very protective of it as when she was around 10 years old her mother got diagnosed with cancer and while she was on hospital she said she wished she had sakura's long beautiful hair. However back in highschool, in the first year, her dad cute her hair very short as he claimed if "Sakura wanted to act and dress like a boy she could be one" and so she joined the boys baseball and dodgeball teams.
There is a lot more about her but it's very long. 😅
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kiyokiyomira · 5 years
Kiyoshi: if you want to be nice to someone what do you do?
Takeo: not murder them.
Kiyoshi: ...
Takeo: ...
Kiyoshi: okay thats fine for starters.
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kiyokiyomira · 5 years
Kiyoshi: what did you do?
Takeo: alright, but you can't be mad at me?
Takeo: Okay, first I was minding my own business-
Kiyoshi: bullshit!
Takeo: I was!
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