#matching michael and sucre
walkingdeadicons · 7 years
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anguishmacgyver · 4 years
🖇🔒 macgyver prison break AU character assignment, under the cut,
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Mac is Michael, undertaking an impossible prison break
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Jack is Lincoln *eyes the unaired pilot*, on death row for a crime he didn’t commit
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this one has got me like 😍 riley as the prison doctor. it’s just right
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Bozer is Sucre, Michael/Mac’s cellmate and Leanna is Maricruz obviously
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Matty is Veronica, lawyer and friend, tries to prove that Jack/Lincoln is innocent.
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Mason is Abruzzi. *thinks about the scene in 1x02 :)* (edit: El Noche could be a better alternative now that I think of it!)
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Murdoc is T-bag because of the weirdo vibes they both have lol
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my BOY roman is bellick. giving hell to michael/mac seems like a second nature to  both
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haywire is the merchant. like. obvious similarities here ngl
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i love both these characters so much and also 100% match
now let’s ignore the fates of all characters, yeah? this inexistent au is like LOOSELY based on season 1 of pb 
I was just rewatching season 1 for the nostalgia trip and I had to share k enjoy byee
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dyns33 · 5 years
Coucou ! Comment ça va ? Les vacances approchent de mon côté & j'ai hâte - mais en même temps j'ai peur de ne pas avoir mon train à cause des grèves XD -. Sinon, est-ce qu'il serait possible d'avoir un petit - ou moyen ou grand - Crimeverse où Duncan se raserait la barbe, je pense que ce serait marrant XD - Frenchie Anon Emoji Croissant
Aaaaah les grèves... Heureusement que j'ai ma voiture et que je ne sors pas beaucoup, parce que j'ai vu les images et ce n'a vraiment pas l'air marrant... J'espère que les choses vont s'arranger et que tu vas pouvoir profiter tranquillement de tes vacances Frenchie =) tu les mérites !! Je n'avais jamais pensé à Duncan sans barbe, parce que ce serait comme Michael sans sucre, ce n'est pas concevable, mais en imaginant les réactions de ses chéris et de ses employés, j'ai hurlé de rire. Ce n'est pas très long, désolée mais j'espère que ça te plaira !
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           They had an important mission tomorrow, to infiltrate a Cuban weapons dealer to steal money, information and perhaps some equipment, if Michael or Duncan saw something that pleased them. As before each mission, they were preparing during all the day before, (Y / N) checking one last time the surveillance cameras she had hacked and reading the criminal's mails to make sure he did not suspect anything, Michael cooking a meal that was both healthy and delicious, so that they had a full stomach while sleeping comfortably, and Duncan gave the latest advice to those who would come with them, before taking a long cold shower to relax his muscles. Everything was going well, the atmosphere was good, Mikey hummed while taking the plates, when Duncan arrived in the living room, drawing the attention of their kitten, who looked up to smile at him.
           "MY GOD !" she yelled, almost making her computer fall.
           "What ? Why do you... AH !" Michael jumped, looking at her, then turning to their lover, discovering his face, or rather what he had done to his face.
His beard. His charming three-day beard that gave him all his charm had disappeared, shaved, discovering a smooth skin, soft, flawless, while Duncan grimaced, clearly as dissatisfied as them with the result.
           "Why ?" wailed (Y / N) while standing up, tears in her eyes, to touch his cheeks.
           "I just wanted to get it a little shorter. I slipped, I made a hole in the middle of the hair, it was ridiculous, and as I could not stay like that or catch up with this disaster, I shaved everything."
           "... Why ?" repeated his kitten, all sad, beginning to press his cheeks with two fingers.
Michael's reaction was even worse, he was completely frozen, holding the plates, which was a miracle because he could have dropped them on the floor, staring at him, mouth open, frowning. He displayed the same expression for the rest of the evening, unable to speak, despite all the attempts of (Y / N) and Duncan to comfort him. Except that he looked at his lover as if he were a stranger, troubled to hear his voice without it matching his face. Before sleeping, while their kitten continued to pout, touching his cheeks, Michael hit him on the head, crying. Really, Duncan did not understand why they were so unhappy. Maybe he was more handsome with his beard, he was not going to lie, but he was not so bad without it !
           "Not so bad ?" chuckled nervously (Y / N). "Donut, you look like a baby, like if you were  eighteen ! Barely legal !"
           "You're exaggerating. Yes, I look a little younger, but it's still me."
           "Yeah, right." Michael mumbled.
           "But... come on ! It's me who stops on the physical appearance in our couple ! You two, you like the personality, the humor, the intelligence, so leave me alone !"
           "You're right, Donut, and we still love you, but... it's really weird. It would be like Mikey saying he does not like sugar anymore."
Said like that, indeed, he could understand that they are a little disturbed, even if it was not really very important. A detail. And his beard was going to grow back, it was not irreversible, so no need to behave as if it was the end of the world and forget to focus on their mission.
           "Damn, the boss is sick."
           "He's so pale... Ah, no, he's shaved !"
           "Shepherd, you're kidding me, it's horrible !" Madison laughed, so much that she cried because her stomach hurt a bit, pointing at him. "How are you going to be taken seriously with this face ? It was hard enough before..."
           "If you do not want to become my secretary, Macarena, shut up !"
           "Are you trying to look threatening here ? Cause you look like a kid doing a whim."
           "All right, everyone knows what to do, so let's go !" said Duncan, who did not want to hear anything, followed by his two lovers, who always followed him when they had to go on the ground, ready to defend him, or defend the other.
Despite the whispering in the ranks about his beard, all the other members of the organization were also prepared for this mission, which went almost without a hitch, except for a guard who was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and that Duncan decided to leave alive at first, to send a message to his rival.
           "You can tell him Duncan Shepherd says hello."
           "Yeah, and you'll tell your fucking boss he just made a big mistake !"
           "I... But... I'm Duncan Shepherd !" growled the Crimeboss.
           "No, seriously ? But you're just a kid !"
No doubt that this remark could have been ignored, if it had not been for many hours that everyone was annoying Duncan with the disappearance of his beard and his childish look, so, without thinking, without controlling himself, he took out his gun and pulled out all his bullets in the torso of the guard, before turning to his team, which was looking at him, very quiet.
           "Does anyone else want to tell me that I look young ?"
           "No, boss, you're always the best and the most dangerous."
           "True !"
           "It's still weird." Michael grumbled as he approached to wipe away the drops of blood that his lover had received on his face.
In the evening, when Mikey had already fallen asleep, and Duncan had finished reading the report that their kitten had written about the information they had stolen, she was kneeling next to him on the bed, massaging his cheeks again.
           "You are really obsessed with this part of me." he laughed.
           "I read somewhere that the hair grew faster if you massaged the skin."
           "... you're lying, right ?"
           "Hmm. Well... I think... I think I like it." confessed (Y / N) with a shy smile "But I also like when you have your beard, so I take advantage of it before it grows back."
           "I can shave more often if you ask me, my kitten."
           "If you do that... I kill you... hate change..." Michael mumbled, hugging him without opening his eyes.
After that, strangely, Michael refused to let him shave by himself, insisting to help him so he would not do the same massacre again. Before the hair grew back, (Y / N) secretly took a picture of what she called "her Baby Donut", which she sometimes looked at with envy.
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ranger-of-estel · 7 years
"I don't know what to get him/her!" Prison Break, Scofields PS love your pieces! X
“I don’t know what to get him/her!”Misa - Post S5
               “It’sbeen years Linc, I don’t even know where to start looking for a gift.” Michael sighs,toying with the neck of his beer bottle as he sits across from his brother atthe little bar & grill.
               Lincolnhuffs, “Michael; time passed but she’s the same Sara.” He motions toward Michaelwith his bottle, “Use that big brain of yours, what would Sara have likedbefore you left? Cause I guarantee you she’s not changed that much.”
               Michaelnods, “Your probably right,” he runs a hand over his head, “I just want this tobe special, done right.”
               “’msure you’ll do just fine,” Lincoln replies as their meals come, the topicchanging to various other topics.
               “I don’thave any idea what to get Michael for Christmas.” Sara huffs, watching the kidsrunning in the backyard. “He went through so much while we were apart…”
               “Youknow, when Sucre first got back I felt the same way.” Marycruze shook her head,“After everything that happened while you were all on the run, trying so hardto get free. How do you pretend life is normal?”
               “Sowhat did you do?” Sara asks
               “Irealized that normal was exactly what he wanted, hopeless romantic that he is.”She laughs, “Mistletoe, stupidly sappy gifts, a framed photo, cutting down atree, the works.” She shrugs, “It’s tradition between us now, buying the mosthallmark level romance gift we can find for the other.”
               “I don’tthink – ” Sara is cut off
               “I knowthat’s not the kind of man Michael is.” She shakes her head, “My point is, forall he’s been through your husband is still the same man at his core.” She smilesslightly, “And no one knows that man better than you.”
               “Maybeyour right.” Sara takes a slow drink of her coffee, “Thank you.”
               The otherwoman smiles, “Don’t mention it.”
               It’slate Christmas eve, Mike is down for the night and they’ve just finishedputting out gifts when Michael approaches her. “Sara,” he holds out a smallsilver wrapped box.
               Shetakes it, moving to sit on the couch before beginning to unwrap it. Inside is ajewelry box, which holds a sliver chain and delicate swan pendant. “It’s beautiful,”she half whispers, fingers coming up to brush over the simple pendant.
               Shenotices the way he releases a breath, as if he’d been concerned she would likeit. Which reminds her….She jumps up, little box still in hand as she pulls arectangular package from the tree and brings it to him.
               Heaccepts, opening it to find a leather-bound journal, upon opening it he findsthe pages are full of letters written to him. “I used to write to you, aboutthings happening, about Mike…”
               “Sara…”his voice is quiet, fingers tracing over the cover.
               “I’dbeen meaning to tell you about them,” her voice is quiet, unsure. “I thoughtyou might like being able to read about the things happening…but-“
               “It’sperfect,” he states, eyes looking up to catch hers. Smile blossoming on herface first, then a matching one on his.
               “MerryChristmas Michael,” she moves closer, pressing a kiss on his cheek.
               “MerryChristmas Sara,” he replies, this time pressing his lips softly to hers.
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gyrlversion · 6 years
Commonwealth Day: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry visit Canada House
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have kicked off celebrations for Commonwealth Day – and their new roles at the forefront of the ‘family of nations’ – with a visit to London’s Canada House.
Meghan, who is eight months pregnant, paid tribute to Canadian design in a Erdem coat and matching dress, teamed with £485 Aquazzura pumps, as she arrived at Trafalgar Square with Prince Harry this morning. 
The bottle green wool number, featuring black beaded detail on the cuffs and collar, is a custom piece inspired by a look from Montréal-born Erdem Moralioglu’s Autumn/ Winter 2019 collection.
Protective father-to-be Harry guided his pregnant wife out of the car and onto the curb, before Meghan put an affectionate arm on his back as the couple made their way into the building.  
The duke and duchess, who are expecting their first child next month, took part in the Canadian spring tradition of making maple taffy (maple syrup cooled on snow to make sweets) as part of a traditional cabane à sucre (sugar shack). 
Before departing, they were given gifts for Baby Sussex; a £14.29 Canadian maple leaf baby bodysuit from Hop & Moo and a pair of £42.86 Manitobah Mukluks infant moccasins. 
As the couple left, Meghan – negotiating her way down the steps in her 4in heels and holding onto Harry’s arm – was presented with posies by Asya Karkaria, nine, and Michael McCarthy, eight, both from Ottawa, whose parents work at Canada House.
Asya, who gave a charming little curtesy, said Meghan had asked where she was from and said it was a pleasure to meet her.
The Duke and Duchess arrive at Canada House. Los Angeles native Meghan lived in Canada, her ‘second home’, for over six years while filming for legal drama Suits in Toronto and has previously said she feels ‘very connected’ to the country
Harry guided his pregnant wife out of the car and onto the curb (left) before Meghan, wearing an eye-catching Erdem number, put a tender hand on her husband’s back as the entered the building (right)
Harry and Meghan, who are expecting their first child, meet young people who demonstrate a Canadian spring tradition of making maple taffy (maple syrup cooled on snow to make sweets), but it is not clear if they tried some themselves
A gift for Baby Sussex! Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Janice Charette, second left, presents Harry and Meghan with presents for their new arrival including a maple leaf babygro and a pair of boots before they leave
The duke and duchess are saluted by two members of the Canadian Royal Mounted Police as they leave the Canadian High Commission with Canadian High Commissioner to London Janice Charette (second left) on Monday afternoon
Parting gift: As the Duke and Duchess of Sussex left Canada House this afternoon, they were handed posies by Asya Karkaria, nine. Today’s event showcased and celebrates the community of young Canadians living in London and around the UK
Today’s event, hosted by Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Janice Charette, was designed to showcase and celebrate the diverse community of young Canadians living in London and around the UK.
During their visit , the couple had the opportunity to talk to groups of young Canadians from a wide range of sectors including fashion, the arts, business and academia, about their experiences as expats as well as opportunities for young people working in the Commonwealth. 
Los Angeles native Meghan lived in Canada, described as her ‘second home’, for over six years while filming for legal drama Suits in Toronto and has previously said she feels ‘very connected’ to the country.
The Queen has put Harry and Meghan at the forefront of her Commonwealth duties by making them President and Vice President of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, an organisation promoting young people around the world. 
The couple are all smiles as they arrive in Trafalgar Square. During their visit today, the couple will have the opportunity to talk to groups of young Canadians from a wide range of sectors including fashion, the arts, business and academia
Glowing in green: Meghan, who is eight months pregnant, wrapped up against the March chill with a bottle green wool dress featuring black beaded floral detail as she arrived at Trafalgar Square with Prince Harry this morning
 The couple arrive at Canada House. During their visit today, the couple will have the opportunity to talk to groups of young Canadians from a wide range of sectors including fashion, the arts, business and academia, about their experiences as expats as well as opportunities for young people working in the Commonwealth
Meghan is all smiles in London this morning. The Queen has put Harry and Meghan at the forefront of her Commonwealth duties by making them President and Vice President of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, she announced last week
The Duchess appears in good spirits as she arrives at Trafalgar Square. Los Angeles native Meghan lived in Canada, described as her ‘second home’, for over six years while filming Suits and has previously said she feels ‘very connected’ to the country
Harry and Meghan arrive at Canada House. Commonwealth Day has a special significance this year, as 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the modern Commonwealth – a global network of 53 countries and almost 2.4 billion people
Homecoming queen! Los Angeles native Meghan lived in Canada, described as her ‘second home’, for over six years while filming for legal drama Suits in Toronto and has previously said she feels ‘very connected’ to the country
Commonwealth Day has a special significance this year, as 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the modern Commonwealth – a global network of 53 countries and almost 2.4 billion people.
Before departing, the couple will attend a short reception and watch a musical performance before hearing a short speech from High Commissioner, H.E. Ms. Janice Charette.
The UK is home to a large community of expat Canadians; an estimated 500,000 Canadians are have made the country their home.
Later, Harry and Meghan will join the Queen along with other senior members of the royal family and leading figures from national life to attend the Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey. 
In her message to mark the occasion, the Queen has praised how the ‘family of nations’ inspires its member states to find ways of protecting the planet and its citizens. 
This morning’s engagement at Canada House is just the start of Commonwealth Day duties for the couple; later they will join the Queen, the Prince of Wales, Duchess of Cornwall, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the Duke of York at a special service at Westminster Abbey
Power couple: The Queen has put Harry and Meghan at the forefront of her Commonwealth duties by making them President and Vice President of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, an organisation promoting young people around the world
Meghan, who is known for her love of heels, teamed the Erdem coat with a pair of vertiginous Aquazzura pumps in London today. When asked recently how she was managing to walk in heels with her baby bump, she joked that she was taking it ‘one day at a time’
Proud mother: Meghan, who is eight months pregnant, clutched her bump protectively as she arrived at Canada House. Today’s event will showcase and celebrate the diverse community of young Canadians living in London and around the UK
The Duchess puts a hand on her bump as the couple arrive at Canada House. Los Angeles native Meghan lived in Canada, described as her ‘second home’, for over six years while filming for legal drama Suits in Toronto and has previously said she feels ‘very connected’ to the country
The Duchess of Sussex teamed her look with black accessories, holding a small clutch bag and £485 Aquazzura Deneuve pumps. She gave a nod to Canadian design by wearing a bottle green coat dress by Erdem
Meghan put a hand on her husband’s back as the couple, who are famously tactile, entered Canada House in London this morning. Huge crowds had gathered to catch a glimpse of the duke and duchess, who were hosted by Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Janice Charette
Millions of people are ‘drawn together’ because of the collective values shared by the institution, the monarch says in her address to the 53 countries of the Commonwealth.
The written message is featured in the order of service for the annual Commonwealth Day service being held at Westminster Abbey later today.
The Queen, who is head of the Commonwealth, says in her message: ‘In April last year, I welcomed the leaders of our 53 nations to Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, and we all witnessed how the Commonwealth vision offers hope, and inspires us to find ways of protecting our planet, and our people.
‘We are able to look to the future with greater confidence and optimism as a result of the links that we share, and thanks to the networks of co-operation and mutual support to which we contribute, and on which we draw.
Meghan plumped for an Erdem coat for today’s engagement. The green wool number, featuring black beaded detail on the cuffs and collar, is a custom design inspired by a look from Montréal-born Erdem Moralıoğlu’s AW 2019 collection
Glowing Meghan sported a natural, dewy makeup look at Canada House this morning. Later, she and Harry will join the Queen along with other senior members of the royal family and leading figures from national life to attend the Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey
VIP visitors! Harry speaks with Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Janice Charette (second right) as he and Meghan attend a Commonwealth Day youth event at Canada House this morning
The Duchess of Sussex appears in good spirits as she meets dignitaries at Canada House. The UK is home to a large community of expat Canadians; an estimated 500,000 Canadians are have made the country their home
Harry and Meghan speak to guests at the Commonwealth Day youth event this morning. Los Angeles native Meghan lived in Canada, described as her ‘second home’, for over six years while filming for legal drama Suits in Toronto
Harry and Meghan attend the Commonwealth Day youth event at Canada House, where they speak with young Canadians from a wide range of sectors including fashion, the arts, business and academia on Monday morning
Meghan listens during a discussion with Canadians living in London. Today’s event, hosted by Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Janice Charette, will showcase and celebrate the diverse community of young Canadians living in London and around the UK
Meghan is all smiles as she joins Harry at a Commonwealth event this morning. In her message to mark the occasion, the Queen has praised how the ‘family of nations’ inspires its member states to find ways of protecting the planet and its citizens
Meghan during this morning’s Commonwealth meeting at Canada House. The theme for this year’s service is ‘A Connected Commonwealth’ which highlights the co-operation between the diverse family of nations who work together in friendship
Smiling Meghan chats to young people and dignitaries during her visit to Canada House this morning. Today’s event will showcase and celebrate the diverse community of young Canadians living in London and around the UK, the Palace said
Meghan opted for a green coat and matching dress by Erdem this morning. The green wool number, featuring black beaded detail on the cuffs and collar, is a custom design inspired by a look from Montréal-born Erdem Moralioglu’s AW19 range
The Duke and Duchess speak to Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Janice Charette (third left). The Queen has put Harry and Meghan at the forefront of her Commonwealth duties by making them President and Vice President of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, an organisation promoting young people around the world
Meghan meets young people during a visit to Canada House this morning. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who are expecting their first child, were hosted by Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Janice Charette
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex meet a range of people this morning as part of Commonwealth Day. The event, hosted by Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Janice Charette, will showcase and celebrate the diverse community of young Canadians living in London and around the UK
The couple applaud during their visit to Canada House this morning. Today’s event, hosted by Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Janice Charette, was designed to showcase and celebrate the diverse community of young Canadians living in London and around the UK
Meghan get stuck in during the Commonwealth Day youth event at Canada House, where she and Harry met young people demonstrating the Canadian spring tradition of making maple taffy (maple syrup cooled on snow to make sweets)
Bon appétit! The couple join young people who demonstrate a Canadian spring tradition of making maple taffy (maple syrup cooled on snow to make sweets) as part of their visit to Canada House in Trafalgar Square this morning
The duke and duchess, who are expecting their first child next month, demonstrate a Canadian spring tradition of making maple taffy (maple syrup cooled on snow to make sweets) as part of a traditional cabane à sucre (sugar shack)
A parting gift for baby Sussex! Harry and Meghan receive baby gifts from Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Janice Charette (second left) following today’s Commonwealth Day youth event at Canada House in London
Before they left, Harry and Meghan were handed posies of white flowers by Asya Karkaria, nine. The couple will later join senior royals, including the Queen and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, for a service at Westminster Abbey
Harry and Meghan meet Michael McCarthy as they leave Canada House following their visit this morning. The theme for this year’s service is ‘A Connected Commonwealth’ which highlights the co-operation between the culturally diverse family of nations who work together in friendship
What is the Commonwealth?
Known formally as the Commonwealth of Nations, the group is a free association of 53 member states.
It dates back about 75 years and followed the decolonisation of the British Empire.
As countries sought greater self-governance in the mid-20th century, a new body was set up which united members states not by any legal obligation, but instead by shared values of democracy, freedom of speech and human rights.
The Commonwealth was formally constituted by the London Declaration, which established the members as ‘free and equal’ in 1949.
The Queen remains head of state for 16 member states, she has no formal position in several other nations of the Commonwealth, such as India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. 
The Commonwealth accounts for about a third of the planet’s population, or 2.4 billion people.
‘With enduring commitment through times of great change, successive generations have demonstrated that whilst the goodwill for which the Commonwealth is renowned may be intangible, its impact is very real.’
The Queen will be joined at the Commonwealth Day service by the Prince of Wales, Duchess of Cornwall, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the Duke of York.
Other guests among the 2,000-strong congregation will include Prime Minister Theresa May, the Commonwealth Secretary-General Baroness Scotland, alongside high commissioners, ambassadors, faith leaders and more than 800 schoolchildren and young people. 
The theme for this year’s service is ‘A Connected Commonwealth’ which highlights the co-operation between the culturally diverse family of nations who work together in friendship.
Highlights of the service include performances by Grammy-winning group Clean Bandit and tenor Alfie Boe.
A reflection will be given by Lewis Pugh, an endurance swimmer, ocean advocate and the UN Patron of the Oceans. 
Later in the evening, Charles and Camilla will be guests of the Commonwealth Secretary-General at the annual reception which traditionally takes place on Commonwealth Day at Marlborough House, the home of the Commonwealth Secretariat, the institution’s civil service.
Last year, the Queen told foreign dignitaries of her ‘sincere wish’ that they pick Prince Charles to take over as leader of the Commonwealth and ‘carry on’ the ‘important work’ started by her father in 1949.
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andresonphlip-blog · 6 years
The current state of the Tampa Bay Rays lineup
In a 40-man roster, the Rays currently have 17 position players among which 8 are left-handed batsmen and 8 right-handed and one changes positions. This sounds well-adjusted if you ask me but only if this could make it in the championships, we would all be rejoicing the moment as of now.
Rays need a lot more efforts to make it through the Rule 5 draft if they want to secure players from it. Another thing they should be considering is to sign any of the available middle-of-the-order bats with this off-season’s saved money.
For the Rays, Match Tickets just go to Bbtix.com and buy your favorite seat tickets. Bbtix is also offering Tampa Bay Rays Tickets Promo Code to get hefty discounts.  
With all this on the side we have a pretty good idea on how the Rays lineup would look like if the season started right about now. Let’s look at the list with some of the 2018 stats to defend the settlement.
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Against Right-Handed Pitchers:
To be precise, in about 68% of the plate appearances in 2018 Rays were up against right-handed pitchers and against them, they made 106 wRC+ which is quite good. So, to speak they can do with the same set of players for the next season as well who achieved this success for them.
1.       CF Kevin Kiermaier (L) - slashed .232/.298/.397 for just 89 wRC+ in 263 PA vs RHP, but ended strong with a 161 wRC+ in his last 70 PA.
2.       3B Joey Wendle (L) - slashed .300/.349/.435 for a 115 wRC+ in a team-leading 443 PA vs RHP.
3.       LF Tommy Pham (R ) - slashed .340/.437/.604 for a 184 wRC+ in 126 PA vs RHP for the Rays after being acquired in trade from the St. Louis Cardinals.
4.       DH Ji-Man Choi (L) - slashed .289/.387/.535 for a 153 wRC+ in 168 PA vs RHP in 2018.
5.       2B Brandon Lowe (L) - slashed .247/.351/.443 for a 121 wRC+ in 114 PA vs RHP in his 2-month debut.
6.       SS Willy Adames (R ) - slashed .286/.354/432 for a 120 wRC+ in 230 PA vs RHP in his debut.
7.       1B Jake Bauers (L) - slashed .211/.331/.409 for a 106 wRC+ in 282 PA vs RHP in his debut.
8.       RF Austin Meadows (L) - only 13 PA vs RHP with the Rays, but slashed .289/.329/.505 in 312 PA vs RHP in AAA.
9.       60% C Mike Zunino (R ) (96 wRC+ in 276 PA) / 40% C Michael Perez (L) (75 wRC+ in 66 PA)
10.   Bench: 1B C.J. Cron (R ), INF Matt Duffy (R ), INF/OF Daniel Robertson (R ), C Perez/Zunino (R/L)
You can bicker about the starting bench players, but it’s already hard to decide who to sit at bench in that lineup. With that 450 PA Approx. going around for all positions, you can clearly see an unsolidified lineup for the upcoming season while Kevin Cash keeps having his sweet time putting a nail on the lineup he likes.
The Rays can make some good from cutting the players from the roster with the lowest PA from 2018 like Adeiny Hechavarria, Carlos Gomez, Jesus Sucre, and Johnny Field.
Against Left-Handed Pitching:
1.       3B Matt Duffy (R ) - slashed .288/.369/.348 for a 106 wRC+ in 150 PA vs LHP.
2.       DH Daniel Robertson (R ) - slashed .256/.385/.449 for a 135 wRC+ in 96 PA vs LHP.
3.       LF Tommy Pham (R ) - slashed .351/.479/.676 for a 209 wRC+ in just 48 PA vs LHP after the trade that brought him to the Rays.
4.       1B C.J. Cron (R ) - slashed .307/.376/.553 for a 152 wRC+ in a team-leading 170 PA vs LHP.
5.       C Mike Zunino (R ) - slashed .167/.225/.350 for a 58 wRC+ in 129 PA vs LHP for Seattle.
6.       2B Joey Wendle (L) - slashed .299/.373/.437 for a 121 wRC+ in 102 PA vs LHP.
7.       CF Kevin Kiermaier (L) - slashed .179/.243/.305 for just 50 wRC+ in 104 PA vs LHP.
8.       SS Willy Adames (R ) - slashed .256/.333/.341 for just 83 wRC+ in 93 PA vs LHP in his debut.
9.       RF Austin Meadows (L) - slashed .311/.358/.503 in 163 PA vs LHP in AAA.
10.   Bench: 1B/DH Ji-Man Choi (L), C Michael Perez (L), 2B/LF Brandon Lowe (L), 1B Jake Bauers (L)
During 2018 The Rays managed up to 105 wRC+ against left-handed pitchers but by the looks of above lineup, they need to game up a little. First, they need to somehow improve the Wilson Ramos and Mallex Smith yielding and then with any luck Zunino and Kiermaier had learned something from the poor movement while facing southpaws, as the team relies heavily on both of their shoulders in next season.
What becomes of the lineup in 2019 is still a far fetch dream. To see the Rays Live in 2019, buy Discount Tampa Bay Rays Tickets from Bbtix.com. Bbtix is a reliable website with years of experience. You will never regret buying from us.
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titoslondon-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Titos London
#Blog New Post has been published on http://www.titoslondon.in/cannes-2017-want-aishwarya-rai-bachchans-queen-of-cannes-looks-heres-how/
Cannes 2017: Want Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s Queen of Cannes looks? Here’s how
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan at Cannes 2017. (Source: Instagram/Reann)
At the 70th Annual Cannes Film festival, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan made hearts skip a beat with the sheer grandiosity of her gowns and her breathtaking beauty. Purple lipsticks made a comeback, just like last year, when the Ae Dil Hai Mushkil actress styled it with a Rami Kadi floral gown. This year, it was less shocking but nevertheless she made people sit up and take notice. She even tried her hands at pops of bright orange and the usual berry lips and experimented with her eye make-up.
We break down the looks for you in simple steps:
Say yes to rose blossom Aishwarya Rai Bachchan who graced the event for the sixteenth time this year, made her appearance in a green, tulle Yanina Couture gown with colourful motifs on it. With hair in beautiful, beach waves, the diva flaunted a fuchsia lip colour matching the pink embroidery on her outfit. We think it accentuated her complexion to near perfection.
The goddess of beauty is all set to live her #LifeAtCannes! Lips 💄: Tint Caresse in Rose Blossom blended with Orchid Blossom pic.twitter.com/3HVGbzlsno
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
Redefining beauty and grace for the sixteenth time! #AishwaryaAtCannes #LifeAtCannes #CannesFilmFestival #Cannes2017 #Cannes70 🌸🙌 pic.twitter.com/4N5PuUwyK8
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
Lips: The L’oreal Tint Caresse in Rose Blossom blended with Orchid Blossom added oomph to her look.
Make-up: As far as make-up is concerned, the beauty kept it simple with True Match Lumi Powder Highlighter in Rose, Volume Million Lashes with Black Lacquer Liner and La Palette Nude in Rose.
Hair: Her hair was styled in gorgeous beach waves. Spot the streaks of red here? You can take some inspiration.
Floral beauty For her second appearance this year, the actress slayed in a nude Mark Bumgarner gown with delicate and colourful floral embroidery all over it. The diva picked this lacy number with a full skirt from Filipino fashion designer Mark Bumgarner’s collection.
Sitting pretty and living the #LifeAtCannes 💕 #CannesQueen #AishwaryaAtCannes #CannesFilmFestival pic.twitter.com/oTeNrIklQV
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
When at Cannes, pose and pout 😘 #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes #CannesQueen pic.twitter.com/er7dGHvr9W
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
#AishwaryaRaiBachchan twirls to perfection in this gorgeous gown by #MarkBumgarner pic.twitter.com/1LI0waWApH
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
Reunited with our #Lorealista @EvaLongoria 😁🤗 #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/0NKLEWJoWV
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
Lips: To complement her look, the actress picked a bright red lip shade.
Make-up: We love the touch of shimmery bronze on her cheekbones.
Hair: The same beach waves from her first media interaction was kept intact to go along with this look.
Say hello to Cinderella Aishwarya Rai Bachchan looked absolutely gorgeous in a Cinderella-inspired blue gown. The off-shoulder dress with a sweetheart plunging neckline which she paired with heels from Salvatore Ferragamo made her look like a true queen. We love how this gown by Filipino designer Michael Cinco, cinch at the waist before flowing out into a perfect ballroom dress.
Make it a Cinderella story with #AishwaryaRaiBachchan‘s look from #Cannes2017 Lips: Color Riche Moist Mat Brown Sucre #LifeAtCannes pic.twitter.com/XTcqpiABCG
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Our favourite from last night! #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/bJLN99AcJ9
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Lips: She picked L’oreal Color Riche Moist Mat Brown Sucre here.
Make-up: True Match Lumi Highlighter Powder in Gold and La Palette Nude in Beige helped to get her a flawless complexion and Volume Million Lashes Mascara and Super Liner Gel Intenza Profound Black instantly brightened her eyes.
Hair: Her hair was spot on with centre-parted sleek hair.
Black magic woman On Day 4, the actress picked an off-shoulder black number from Ashi Studio and complemented it with a pop of bright orange lip shade, fierce winged eyeliner and eye shadow in turquoise. We think she looked good.
Unveiling #AishwaryaRaiBachchan‘s sensational look from #Cannes2017 today. #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/NS6vqcrEeu
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Dressed to kill! #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes in Loreal Makeup and @ashistudio dress. pic.twitter.com/eSCQsHtsZ8
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Lips: Bachchan’s make-up artist Charlotte Willer decided to experiment with Color Riche Moist Mat Orange Power lip shade.
Make-up: Fierce winged eyeliner in Super Liner Perfect Slim Blue, Superstar Mascara and Lucent Magique Blush in Paradise Coral rounded her look.
Hair: Here her hair was blow-dried at the top and styled in messy waves towards the end.
Ravishing in red For her second appearance on the red carpet the diva picked a red hot ruffled number with a fitted corset-styled bodice which she styled with voluminous waves, a rich maroon lip shade and statement earrings. We think she looked lovely.
Get this look: Color Riche Moist Mat Black Cherry, True Match Lumi Highlighter Liquid in Rose, Superstar Mascara & La Palette Nude in Rose! pic.twitter.com/oF1Mh1YvVX
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Totally rocking Color Riche Moist Mat in Black Cherry with that pout! #CannesQueenAishwarya #AishwaryaAtCannes #LifeAtCannes pic.twitter.com/jllWgdFUsi
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Painting #Cannes2017 red! #LifeAtCannes #CannesQueenAishwarya pic.twitter.com/mp2CTxg42a
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Lips: The Color Riche Moist Mat Black Cherry looks smashing on her.
Make-up: True Match Lumi Highlighter Liquid in Rose, Superstar Mascara and La Palette Nude in Rose works wonderfully together to give her a flawless look.
Hair: Those gorgeous big waves are really easy to get. You can even use a hairdryer here.
Shining beauty Bachchan attended a photo call session wearing a stunning custom one shoulder, blush pink Monisha Jaising gown, with hand-crafted embellishments, and we can’t help but gape. This was the last look that her stylist Aastha Sharma shared quite late into the night.
The make-up was all Hollywood glam, complete with wavy hair cascading down her shoulders and that red lipshade that simply ups the oomph factor like none other.
Purple queen Last year, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan shook the fashion world with her purple lips for the final red carpet appearance at Cannes. The fashion fraternity was divided with a few applauding her unusual look and others lambasting her for the same. She got purple back at the festival though it’s a bit darker this time.
Her make-up artist Charlotte Willer shared a series of photos on Instagram with the beauty in a stunning turquoise eye-liner and purple lips. We think she looked much better than last year.
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aishwarya rai bachchan
Aishwarya Rai Cannes
Cannes 2017
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neverlandiswhite · 7 years
Coucou les Earl Grey’s !
On se retrouve aujourd’hui pour un petit tag. Je le sentais arriver, il tournoyait autour de moi comme un démon et c’est finalement Alec à la bibliothèque qui a porté le coup fatal ! Faut dire le thème a beau être sympa, c’est pas des trucs dont on aime toujours parler cette période là. Trop de honte au compteur ! Mais allez, je m’y colle, rien que pour vos beaux yeux !
Etant ado, quelle était ta gourmandise préférée ?
J’ai sombré dès le plus jeune âge aux Dragibus. Une gourmandise qui ne m’a jamais quitté même si depuis quelques années je lutte contre mes envies d’en manger avec plus ou moins de succès (sachant ce que ça contient, mon végétarisme et le trop plein de mauvais sucre). Je vous rassure, c’est pas évident et je n’y parviens pas à chaque fois.
Etant ado, quelle était la série que tu regardais ?
Ahah, la trilogie du samedi sur M6, vous vous souvenez ?! Stargate SG-1 a été mon gros coeur de l’enfance. J’ai commencé à regarder dès le début des diffusions et jusqu’à la fin, ce qui a probablement du correspondre au collège et au lycée ! Faut dire qu’une série avec Dean Anderson, ça ne se rate pas (oui, puisqu’on en est aux révélations, j’étais amoureuse de Mc Gyver aka Dean Anderson quand j’étais petite avec sa coupe de cheveux magnifique !) alors forcément je me suis jetée sur Stargate. Et manque de bol pour Dean Anderson, y’avait Michael Shanks aka DANIEL JACKSON mon choupinou archéologue et linguiste trop intelligent qui cassait la baraque. Ouai le “Brainy is new sexy” c’est moi qui l’ai lancé (du coup j’étais trop has been à l’époque CQFD).
Quel était le plat que tu mangeais le plus à la cantine ? 
Je n’ai pas beaucoup mangé à la cantine car j’habitais juste à côté du collège et lycée. Autant dire que je ne me faisais pas prier pour éviter la bouffe dégueu qu’on nous proposait. Pourtant j’y mangeais quand même quand je n’avais pas le temps de rentrer et que la pause déjeuner était courte et je n’ai aucun souvenir de ce que j’ai pu manger là-bas. Des trucs fades et sans goûts, sans aucun doute !
Quel était ton style vestimentaire ?
La question a 1000€ ! Bon, je vais pas vous mentir, au collège je m’habillais en kaki (ouai c’est une couleur encore aujourd’hui mais je crois que j’en ai trop vu pour la reconnaître encore comme telle) et je m’habillais aussi côté garçon des magasins de sport. Je ne sortais jamais sans mes VAN’S ! Aujourd’hui j’en pleurerai de n’avoir que ça dans mes chaussures ! En gros, j’étais vraiment pas féminine, tout ça pour cacher mon corps que je n’appréciais vraiment pas du tout et avec qui je suis encore souvent en conflit.
As-tu été punie au collège où tu étais ?
Vous allez rire. Oui. Mais quelle injustice ! Moi et mon binôme avions oublié le carnet de liaison de la classe dans le cours précédent et mon binôme écoutant de la musique en cours n’a rien eu tandis que je me payais une heure de colle ! INJUSTICE ! INFAMIE ! Du coup, je lui ai tiré la gueule tout le reste de l’année et je n’ai plus participé en classe. Na.
Si tu avais des posters ou affiches dans ta chambre, lesquels étaient-ils ?
Hum. Je crois bien que j’étais envahie par la Terre du Milieu, à moins que ça ne soit ma chambre qui ait voyagé là-bas… Bref, des posters des films, la carte de la Terre du Milieu, des têtes de Frodon aka Elijah Wood, Arwen aka Liv Tyler et Aragorn aka Viggo Mortensen de partout dans ma chambre. En y repensant, je me demande s’il y avait un centimètre carré vide sur les murs…
De quel groupe étais-tu fan ?
J’ai commencé ma grosse groupisation musicale au lycée surtout. Et le tout premier groupe que j’ai écouté en boucle, dont je connaissais TOUTES les chansons par coeur… tenez-vous bien… c’était U2 ! Pas hyper tendance à mon époque mais vous remarquerez que moi les tendances je les fais *sort* Non en vrai j’ai jamais suivi la mouvance et tant mieux ! J’étais tellement in love de Bono quand j’y repense, je le trouvais sexy, charismatique et il écrivait des textes à la fois engagés, mais aussi poétiques, et d’autres encore sexy (bref y’a de tout chez U2)
J’ai beaucoup écouté Nirvana au début du lycée aussi et puis en terminale, ma période Visual Kei à commencé. Vous savez pas ce que c’est le visual kei ? Normal ! C’est un mouvement musical japonais en général rock (ça va du pop-rock au métal selon les groupes) et fonctionnant avec une identité visuelle de groupe très recherchée. Aussi j’ai commencé par écouter Malice Mizer et suivre son leader Mana.
Puis j’ai longtemps été fan de Dir en Grey et The Gazette
Dir en Grey
The GazettE
Enfin, j’aime encore écouter de temps en temps Gackt, Hyde et Versailles
Versailles – Philarmonic Quintet
Quelle boisson buvais-tu le plus souvent aux fêtes organisées ?
Mh je crois que je devais boire du jus de fruit. J’avais horreur des soda (et ce n’est toujours pas ma tasse de thé). Ah j’ai beaucoup d’Ice tea pêche sans aucun doute !
Où te regroupais-tu avec tes copines le samedi après-midi ?
Mh en général c’était surtout chez l’une ou l’autre.
Quelle activité extrascolaire faisais-tu ?
Au collège, je faisais du violon et de l’escalade. Au lycée, du tennis. Depuis je suis une grande fan de Roland Garros, c’est mon rendez-vous sportif chaque année à la télé ! D’ailleurs, ça commence bientôt, je m’installerai tranquillou pour écrire en écoutant les match d’une oreille !
Comment faisaient les garçons pour aborder les filles ?
Pfff par intermédiaire, comme souvent à ces âges-là !!
Quelle émission TV (jeu télévisé) regardais-tu le soir avec tes parents ?
Ahah, comme la copinaute Alec, c’était Urgences ! Ma mère était très très fan alors on regardait ça. Et après… y’a eu KAAMELOTT ! Et là, c’était merveilleux !
Quelles étaient les règles strictes de ton lycée ? 
Franchement, je n’ai pas souvenir de règles vraiment strictes…. et tout se passait très bien.
Raconte-nous une anecdote croustillante ou une honte que tu aies vécue pendant ton adolescence ?
Je dois dire que rien ne me vient en tête. J’en ai probablement eu mais j’ai du faire l’impasse. J’ai une mémoire sélective ! Si je me souviens du prof de physique-chimie du lycée sur lequel toutes mes potes bavaient et rigolaient comme des tordues dès qu’il écrivait au tableau (rapport à l’angle de vue qu’on avait, je vous laisse deviner). Pour ma part je les laissais rire, je crois que c’est leur réaction qui me faisait le plus rire de mon côté…
Les nominations ?
Je crois que tous le monde ou presque y est passé autour de moi mais n’hésitez pas à le reprendre et me le signaler si vous ne l’avez toujours pas fait mais qu’il vous plaît ! C’est très amusant à faire !
[TAG] Quand j’étais ado Coucou les Earl Grey's ! On se retrouve aujourd'hui pour un petit tag. Je le sentais arriver, il tournoyait autour de moi comme un démon et c'est finalement…
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walkingdeadicons · 7 years
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metadinhas do melhor otp e do melhor brotp
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titoslondon-blog · 7 years
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#Blog New Post has been published on http://www.titoslondon.in/cannes-2017-aishwarya-rai-bachchan-picks-a-red-ruffled-ralph-russo-gown-for-her-second-appearance-on-the-red-carpet/
Cannes 2017: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan picks a red ruffled Ralph & Russo gown for her second appearance on the red carpet
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan at the 70th Annual Cannes Film festival red carpet. (Source: Reuters)
She won hearts of onlookers at the Cannes 2017 in a beautiful blue Cinderella-inspired ball gown on Day 3. And, just when we thought nothing could beat that look, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan stole the show with her first appearance on Day 4 too. Spreading her fashionable wings near the beach side of the French Riviera, the 43-year-old looked no less than a beautiful black phoenix in her black asymmetrical ensemble.
ALSO SEE | Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s Cannes photos
For her second appearance on the red carpet the diva picked a red hot ruffled number with a fitted corset-styled bodice which she styled with voluminous waves, a rich maroon lip shade and statement earrings. We think she looked lovely, although not as pretty as she looked in the Cinderella-inspired dress on Day 3. Take a closer look at her latest appearance:
Sixteenth year of slaying! #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes #CannesQueenAishwarya pic.twitter.com/4lt5xhJpVe
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Effortlessly elegant. Our true Cannes Queen! #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes #CannesQueenAishwarya #CannesQueen pic.twitter.com/TVUC1cTtqT
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Ravishing in red! #AishwaryaAtCannes #LifeAtCannes pic.twitter.com/5yIPhXwdIm
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Get this look: Color Riche Moist Mat Black Cherry, True Match Lumi Highlighter Liquid in Rose, Superstar Mascara & La Palette Nude in Rose! pic.twitter.com/oF1Mh1YvVX
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
And the Queen is back again to mesmerize us! 😍😍 Stay tuned for more… #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/m61zkZhVOv
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
This divine duo living up their #LifeAtCannes ! #AishwaryaAtCannes #ArayaHargate pic.twitter.com/zQ1IvJkpQc
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Sharing a moment with @liyakebede! #Lorealista #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/a0wUG6xaP6
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Ready to steal the show with #ArayaHargate. #Lorealistas #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/02TPDfJSiO
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
And she’s on the red carpet! #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/Bv91VjVlm4
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
But this is not the only look that will make your heart skip a beat. Take a look at all her other designer wear at the 70th edition of the Cannes film festival.
The actress picked an off-shoulder black number from Ashi Studio and complemented it with a pop of bright orange lip shade, fierce winged eyeliner and eye shadow in turquoise.
BOLD is the word for today! #AishwaryaAtCannes #LifeAtCannes #Cannes2017 pic.twitter.com/DBOJIB2axz
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Unveiling #AishwaryaRaiBachchan‘s sensational look from #Cannes2017 today. #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/NS6vqcrEeu
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Embracing the #LifeAtCannes in Color Riche Moist Mat Orange Power, Superliner Perfect Slim Blue, Lucent Magique Blush Paradise Coral pic.twitter.com/ii5mJLGZsN
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
At the red carpet: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was seen stepping out on the red carpet in a gorgeous blue off-shoulder gown with a sweetheart plunging neckline which she paired with heels from Salvatore Ferragamo.
Heavenly. #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/2GQhtxTr8H
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
So pristine! #AishwaryaAtCannes #LifeAtCannes pic.twitter.com/g0PFUOz31i
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Our favourite from last night! #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/bJLN99AcJ9
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Get her magical look! Color Riche Moist Mat Brown Sucre, True Match Lumi Highlighter Powder in Gold & La Palette Nude in Beige #LifeAtCannes pic.twitter.com/PlqcNoc8ct
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
We love how this gown by Filipino designer Michael Cinco, cinch at the waist before flowing out into a perfect ballroom dress. We think she looks absolutely gorgeous in it. Her hair and make-up is spot on too with centre-parted sleek hair, dewy make-up and rich dark lips.
Second media interaction: At the second media interaction, Bachchan was seen in a nude gown with delicate and colourful floral embroidery all over it, from Filipino fashion designer Mark Bumgarner’s collection.
Sitting pretty and living the #LifeAtCannes 💕 #CannesQueen #AishwaryaAtCannes #CannesFilmFestival pic.twitter.com/oTeNrIklQV
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
When at Cannes, pose and pout 😘 #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes #CannesQueen pic.twitter.com/er7dGHvr9W
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
Reunited with our #Lorealista @EvaLongoria 😁🤗 #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/0NKLEWJoWV
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
#AishwaryaRaiBachchan twirls to perfection in this gorgeous gown by #MarkBumgarner pic.twitter.com/1LI0waWApH
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
The diva picked this lacy number with a full-bodied skirt. With hair in gorgeous beach waves, she complemented her look with a pop of bright red on her lips and shimmery bronze on her cheekbones. Here too, she looked lovely.
First media interaction: During the first round of media interactions, Bachchan looked nothing short of a goddess in a unique sea green, tulle Yanina Couture gown with colourful, floral work on it.
Sungazing with #AishwaryaRaiBachchan #LifeAtCannes #CannesQueen pic.twitter.com/SHKEwjpcJS
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
Sun, sand and our queen in Cannes! What more can we ask for 😍 #AishwaryaRaiBachchan #LifeAtCannes #CannesQueen #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/yWDL1GdROH
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
The goddess of beauty is all set to live her #LifeAtCannes! Lips 💄: Tint Caresse in Rose Blossom blended with Orchid Blossom pic.twitter.com/3HVGbzlsno
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
Redefining beauty and grace for the sixteenth time! #AishwaryaAtCannes #LifeAtCannes #CannesFilmFestival #Cannes2017 #Cannes70 🌸🙌 pic.twitter.com/4N5PuUwyK8
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
She styled it well with hair in beautiful, beach waves and flaunted a fuschia lip colour which accentuated her complexion. Celebrity stylist Astha Sharma who curated this look picked a colourful Swarovski statement ring and embellished heels from Casadei to complement the look.
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aishwarya rai bachchan
Cannes 2017
Cannes film festival
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titoslondon-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Titos London
#Blog New Post has been published on http://www.titoslondon.in/cannes-2017-aishwarya-rai-bachchan-spreads-her-fashionable-wings-in-black-on-day-4-see-pics/
Cannes 2017: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan spreads her fashionable wings in black on Day 4, see pics
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan at Cannes on Day 4. (Source: Twitter/L’Oréal Paris India)
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s appearance at the 70th Annual Cannes Film festival red carpet was nothing short of spectacular. The actress who is gracing the event for the sixteenth time this year, gave fashionistas a run for their money on May 19 in a beautiful Cinderella-inspired blue gown. She actually looked like a Disney princess here. The world couldn’t stop raving about how gorgeous she looked. With Day 4 upon us, we are just too excited to see what this Bollywood beauty has in stock for us and when she finally appeared, we weren’t disappointed.
The actress picked an off-shoulder black number from Ashi Studio and complemented it with a pop of bright orange lip shade, fierce winged eyeliner and eye shadow in turquoise.
BOLD is the word for today! #AishwaryaAtCannes #LifeAtCannes #Cannes2017 pic.twitter.com/DBOJIB2axz
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Unveiling #AishwaryaRaiBachchan‘s sensational look from #Cannes2017 today. #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/NS6vqcrEeu
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Embracing the #LifeAtCannes in Color Riche Moist Mat Orange Power, Superliner Perfect Slim Blue, Lucent Magique Blush Paradise Coral pic.twitter.com/ii5mJLGZsN
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
What she wore on Day 1
At the red carpet: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was seen stepping out on the red carpet in a gorgeous blue off-shoulder gown with a sweetheart plunging neckline which she paired with heels from Salvatore Ferragamo.
Heavenly. #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/2GQhtxTr8H
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
So pristine! #AishwaryaAtCannes #LifeAtCannes pic.twitter.com/g0PFUOz31i
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Our favourite from last night! #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/bJLN99AcJ9
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
Get her magical look! Color Riche Moist Mat Brown Sucre, True Match Lumi Highlighter Powder in Gold & La Palette Nude in Beige #LifeAtCannes pic.twitter.com/PlqcNoc8ct
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 20, 2017
We love how this gown by Filipino designer Michael Cinco, cinch at the waist before flowing out into a perfect ballroom dress. We think she looks absolutely gorgeous in it. Her hair and make-up is spot on too with centre-parted sleek hair, dewy make-up and rich dark lips.
Second media interaction: At the second media interaction, Bachchan was seen in a nude gown with delicate and colourful floral embroidery all over it, from Filipino fashion designer Mark Bumgarner’s collection.
Sitting pretty and living the #LifeAtCannes 💕 #CannesQueen #AishwaryaAtCannes #CannesFilmFestival pic.twitter.com/oTeNrIklQV
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
When at Cannes, pose and pout 😘 #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes #CannesQueen pic.twitter.com/er7dGHvr9W
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
Reunited with our #Lorealista @EvaLongoria 😁🤗 #LifeAtCannes #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/0NKLEWJoWV
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
#AishwaryaRaiBachchan twirls to perfection in this gorgeous gown by #MarkBumgarner pic.twitter.com/1LI0waWApH
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
The diva picked this lacy number with a full-bodied skirt. With hair in gorgeous beach waves, she complemented her look with a pop of bright red on her lips and shimmery bronze on her cheekbones. Here too, she looked lovely.
First media interaction: During the first round of media interactions, Bachchan looked nothing short of a goddess in a unique sea green, tulle Yanina Couture gown with colourful, floral work on it.
Sungazing with #AishwaryaRaiBachchan #LifeAtCannes #CannesQueen pic.twitter.com/SHKEwjpcJS
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
Sun, sand and our queen in Cannes! What more can we ask for 😍 #AishwaryaRaiBachchan #LifeAtCannes #CannesQueen #AishwaryaAtCannes pic.twitter.com/yWDL1GdROH
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
The goddess of beauty is all set to live her #LifeAtCannes! Lips 💄: Tint Caresse in Rose Blossom blended with Orchid Blossom pic.twitter.com/3HVGbzlsno
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
Redefining beauty and grace for the sixteenth time! #AishwaryaAtCannes #LifeAtCannes #CannesFilmFestival #Cannes2017 #Cannes70 🌸🙌 pic.twitter.com/4N5PuUwyK8
— L’Oréal Paris India (@LOrealParisIn) May 19, 2017
She styled it well with hair in beautiful, beach waves and flaunted a fuschia lip colour which accentuated her complexion. Celebrity stylist Astha Sharma who curated this look picked a colourful Swarovski statement ring and embellished heels from Casadei to complement the look.
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Cannes 2017
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