#matching wentworth miller
screensland · 1 year
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Claire and Chris Redfield — Resident Evil.
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1-imaginary-girl · 1 year
Happy Birthday
Leonard Snart x Reader
Summary: It's Leonard's birthday, and you have a special gift for him. Reader is gender-neutral. (This takes place in The Flash universe, before Legends).
Warnings: Pure fluff!
Word Count: 1552
A/N: I keep adding new men to my master list but I can't help it! Wentworth Miller is just a beautiful individual and I've been obsessed with him as Captain Cold from the start.
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It wasn’t the sun shining through his windows that woke him up. It wasn’t even the hustle and bustle of Central City. No, instead, Leonard woke up to the feeling of kisses peppering his face.
He immediately smiles before even opening his eyes. “G’morning,” he says in a husky voice. He hears you giggle. He opens his eyes to the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. You’re next to him on the bed, leaned over so that your faces are close together. You have the brightest smile on your face, that lights him up from the sight of it. He doesn’t know what he did to deserve you, an angel in human form, but he’ll be damned if he gives you up.
His attention falls back to you as you speak. “Happy birthday!” you say excitedly, trying not to be too loud as he had just woken up. He looks confused before remembering. He had completely forgotten. But it seems as if you hadn’t.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” You lean down and plant a kiss on his lips, thoroughly waking Leonard up. He brings his hand up to hold your head but then you pull away giggling. He’s left looking jokingly dejected which gets him another quick kiss on his pouty lips. “You seem very excited.”
“Well duh! It’s your birthday. Birthdays are fun,” you say cheerfully. 
“As long as you don’t throw me a surprise party, I’ll have fun.” You look offended.
“I think I know my boyfriend a little better than that,” you say which makes him smile. He takes you in, positively vibrating with joy and narrows his eyes.
“What is it?” he asks suspiciously. This only makes you smile wider.
“I got you something,” you say and before he can even comment, you’re off the bed. He instantly misses your warmth.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” he says, missing you but simultaneously drinking you in as he sits up. Your hair is a little tussled from the night before and he notices that you’re wearing his shirt which looks much better on you.
“Oh hush, of course I did!” you call from the closet. You quickly find what you’re looking for and turn with it behind your back. You’re biting down your grin, trying to contain your excitement now, but it’s all over your face. He thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen.
You make your way back over to the bed and place the gift in his lap. “I have a card for later,” you say. “But I need you to open this first.”
Leonard looks down at the delicately wrapped gift. The wrapping paper is dark blue with white polka dots. As soon as he touches it, he hears you take a sharp intake. When he looks back over at you, your excited energy has turned nervous. You’re rapidly looking from him to the gift. He reaches over to squeeze your hand, trying to help your nerves. It works, as you take a deep breath.
He returns to the gift and begins to unwrap it. Underneath the paper, is a plain white box. He glances over at you again and your eyes are trained on the box. Slowly, he opens it.
There, sitting on a sheet of parchment paper, is a hat. Not just any hat. It’s a dark blue winter hat, and it looks as if it’s been hand-knitted. He’s staring in disbelief, wondering why he’s tearing up at something as simple as a hat.
“Did you make this?” he whispers in awe, slowly reaching in and taking the hat into his hands. It feels comfortable and soft.
You clear your throat. “Y-yeah I did,” you say and Leonard looks at you with stars in his eyes because he can’t believe that his kind-hearted partner took the time to make something for him. You won’t meet his eyes, but if you did, you would see the love he has for you plastered on his face. “I, uh, I tried to match the colour to your coat.” You quickly add, “N-not that you would wear it on the job or anything, but it matches if you wear them together. Or it should.”
He noted that, the choice of colour syncing with his signature coat. “Y/N…” he says, for once at a loss for words. Unfortunately, you take his silence to mean something else.
“I-if you don’t like it, I can get you something else! It’s not that great considering it was my first time knitting, you know I wanted to try something new, but if you don’t like it I would totally under—”
Before your nervous ramblings got worse, Leonard leaned over and pulled you into a fierce kiss. You hesitate, confused for a moment, before leaning into it. You pull away, looking at Leonard for the first time and seeing an absolutely giddy smile, which confuses you even more but puts a smile on your face.
“I love it,” he says, looking into your eyes. You can tell he isn’t lying.
“Really?” you ask with tentative hopefulness. He pulls back to look at it some more.
“Yes!” he says and relief crashes down on you. He sees you smiling again. “In fact…” Leonard takes his new hat and puts it on, instantly warming his head. Your eyes widen.
“You don’t have to wear it—”
“Of course I do, it’s my new favourite hat,” he says with a smile. The thought of wearing something you made special for him warms his heart. He can tell that you’re still not entirely convinced. You set your lips into a straight line before leaning over to take the hat off. But Leonard’s quicker and he leans back, causing you to fall onto his chest. 
You giggle as he says, “Are you trying to steal my hat? On my birthday of all days?” This causes you to giggle harder which makes him chuckle. You look up at him with nothing but love in your eyes and his heart still manages to skip a beat after all this time.
“I’m glad you like it,” you say, finally accepting his words to be true.
“How could I not? It’s from you,” he says softly. You bury your face in his chest as you blush which makes him laugh again. Then you lean up and plant kisses all over his face as you did before. 
You pause as your faces are inches away from one another. “Happy birthday Leonard,” you say again. He smiles and before he can respond, you lean in and press your lips to his. It’s soft and slow and full of love. When it starts to become more passionate, you pull back biting your lip.
He tries to reconnect your lips but you turn away. “We have to save some for later,” you say with a wink. He groans but gives up as you settle on his chest. As he looks at you, he realizes that you’re the best gift he could ever receive. He wonders if that’s too corny to say out loud. Either way, he sighs in content. He could stay like this, the two of you in bed together, for the rest of the day—
You suddenly sit up, taking your warmth away from him. “Time to make your birthday breakfast!” you say excitedly. You start to move off the bed but he wraps his arms around your middle.
“Can’t we just stay like this in bed all day?” he asks, leaning his head against your back and planting a kiss there. But you wriggle your way out of his grip.
“As nice as that sounds, no can do. I have a whole day planned for you.” As much as he protests to getting out of bed, he really appreciates what you’ve done for him. “So up and at ‘em!”
You skip out of the bedroom towards the kitchen and he groans again, hearing your giggle echo from down the hall. But then he smiles and climbs out of bed, slowly following you. He almost forgets he’s wearing the hat but doesn’t want to take it off. He has a feeling this might be his best birthday yet. 
Bonus scene:
The next day at work, one of the rogues is talking with Mick when Leonard walks in. His appearance causes both of them to stop, and not just because he’s in charge.
Along with his infamous blue jacket, Leonard Snart is wearing a new, knitted blue hat. At first, they don’t know what to say. They just stare as he walks by. But then the rogue decides to speak up.
“Hey boss, what the hell are you wearing?” the man asks. Leonard pauses in his tracks and slowly turns to face him with a glare set on his face.
“A hat,” he says, obviously. Then his hand moves to his cold gun and powers it on. “Care to comment on it?”
The man’s eyes widen. “N-no, it looks great,” the man says with a nervous smile. Leonard says nothing more, slowly removing his hand from the gun before walking away. Once he’s out of hearing distance, the man turns to Mick. “You think Y/N made it for him?”
“Oh absolutely,” Mick responds.
From that day on, the hat became a part of Captain Cold’s look.
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fictionadventurer · 5 months
Austen asks! 4-24
I don't know if you intended this to be inclusive, but I'll answer them all anyway (skipping over the ones that have already been answered).
6. Favorite movie adaptation
The 1995 Sense and Sensibility. To me, it strikes a good balance between being a good adaptation and making the story accessible to audiences that haven't read the book, and it's one of the few that seems to understand Austen's humor and romance.
7. Favorite Austen couple
Anne and Wentworth. Their personalities balance each other perfectly.
8. Least favorite couple
Colonel Brandon and Marianne are so frustrating to me, mostly because of how Austen writes them. They fall victim to the Marian Halcombe Problem--if you spend the whole book showing a man and woman having tons of conversations and developing a good dynamic as equals, I'm not going to believe that he's in love with her sister.
9. Most hated foe of a heroine
Isabella Thorpe is a terrible person, and I can't think of any redeeming qualities or circumstances.
11. Least favorite book
I gained a better appreciation for Sense and Sensibility on my last reread, but it's still definitely Austen's weakest novel.
12. Least favorite Austen heroine
Marianne Dashwood is a realistic teenager, but not someone that I can admire or sympathize with too much.
14. Favorite love confession from the books
Can any Austen fan say anything other than The Letter in Persuasion?
16. Least favorite film adaptation
I hold a grudge against the 2005 Pride and Prejudice, because it did nothing to make me understand the appeal of Austen, and it's a horrible adaptation, but it has such a huge influence on fandom's interpretation of the novel.
Also, every once in a while, I remember the scene in the 2008 Sense and Sensibility where Brandon gives Willoughby a "stay away from my daughter" speech, and I shudder over how creepy it is.
17. Moment that made you sad/cry while reading
Basically any scene of Fanny Price's childhood.
18. Moment that made you smile/happy while reading
Henry Tilney's introduction scene in Northanger Abbey is just pure distilled joy.
19. Moment that made you laugh while reading
I'll never forget the time I laughed out loud in class while reading one of Miss Bates' speeches in Emma.
20. Moment that made you mad while reading
I don't know if I've ever been so mad for a heroine as I was during the scene where the neglected poor, orphaned, outsider Fanny watches everyone fawn over poor, orphaned outsider Mary Crawford.
22. Favorite Austen female casting decision
I love Tamsin Greig as Miss Bates in the 2009 Emma, because I did not imagine her talkativeness as stemming from anxiety, but it was fun to see her played that way and to experience a different interpretation that still felt valid.
I'm also going to take this opportunity to mention that I love Mrs. Jennings and Sir John Middleton in 1995's Sense and Sensibility. I just grin through every scene they're in, and I especially respect them after learning that they were the only cast members that Emma Thompson didn't have to write random extra dialogue for in crowd scenes, because they just naturally knew how to talk like Regency characters.
23. Favorite Austen male casting decision
I love Johnny Lee Miller as Mr. Knightley in 2009 Emma. I don't know if he matches the character in the novel, but I love how he portrayed the dynamic with Emma.
Also, Hugh Laurie as Mr. Palmer in 1995's Sense and Sensibility is perfection. And Greg Wise as Willoughby is beautiful and charming enough to do his job of fooling you into thinking he could be the romantic lead before he proves to be an utter cad.
24. Favorite supporting character
Mrs. Jennings. Hands-down. So vulgar, nosey, and over-the-top, but beneath it all, so kind and friendly and helpful. I love her so much.
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gali-la · 7 months
For the fic writers’ ask:
47. If [insert fic] was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
Plus 37 and 38.
only answer the ones you feel like answering (and only if you want to!)
Thank you for the ask!! So many omg im gonna love this
#47: If [insert fic] was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
Hmm. Let's go with the last fic i posted for this, just for funsies. If Marked as His was a pair of shoes, they would be... a pair of those big, shiny, black demonias, yanno? a set of these bad boys—
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which, actually, I just learned that these are called Gravedigger 250, which is very fitting. I want some now
#48: What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
Oh, actually, the last fic i read was not one piece! I was feeling nostalgic and who can resist combo grant gustin and wentworth miller? Not me, that's for sure.
Well, truth be told, I was reading two at the same time—Timeless and Love Me, my two absolute favorite fics for this fandom and this pairing <3 i'm not gonna ramble about that since it's less one piece, which is what i'm mostly about these days, so moving on...
#49: What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
I'm doing a lot of zine work! However, there's a couple that i am more than happy to talk about!!
I've got one that's thanks to the optwt4gaza on twitter—a Kaido/Doffy focused fic that takes place pre-canon, though i guess it's a little canon divergent. I do love putting Doffy through all the wringers XD
Another is for my Bad Things Happen Bingo Card! I have a request form live for it rn, and this is (way overdue) the product of one of them! It's for the prompt "hospital stay", and I got a lovely crocorosi prompt from @gendervapor14~
"It was just as well, since moments after he laid back down, there were sounds of chaos just outside his door. Heavy footsteps followed by lighter ones, a protesting voice and snapped retorts, before silence. He couldn’t hear what they were saying, but they spoke in hushed tones, and then the lighter footsteps moved away. A nurse, maybe? But he still didn’t understand what was going on. Everything was made abruptly clear when the door to his room swung open for the second time since he had been conscious. In the doorway stood— “Crocodile?!”  The man stood in the doorway, frozen, more disheveled than Rosinante had ever seen him. Strands of hair fell in disarray around his face, loosened from their usual slicked-back style. His shirt was wrinkled and untucked, his vest didn’t match his pants, and were those—was he wearing mismatched coffee and carob-colored shoes? What the hell?"
This is my favorite bit so far. it just makes me giggle <3
#50: Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
oooo, question of my choice. let's see...
I'm gonna go with #17: What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
Listen, I've had a Weakness™ for this movie since the dang day I saw it, and that's Pacific Rim. Every fandom i join/read fics for, I search for Pacific Rim aus. I've written a whole bunch but never published them, because i never feel like they're good enough for what i have in mind. They're intoxicating, and yet, an unattainable goal. someday i wanna write a good one that im proud of :)
#37: Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
promo time! I'm gonna go with my one of fav fics I've written so far—Shared Cigarettes. It's based off of two other works that are absolutely gorgeous, so check those out as well if you take a peek <3
It's a corabelle fic! It was a fun lil drabble i used to explore prose, and I'm really happy with how it turned out. It does have that "doomed by the narrative" aspect to it, though, so beware XD
#38: Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular (whatever that means to you)? Which ones? Why do you think they were so successful?
yeah, actually! It's this one: Nightmare, which is basically just lil luffy going to Doffy and croc for comfort after he has a nightmare. It got waaaaaay more popular than i ever expected, especially for being so short!! I do love it, and it's one of the earliest OP fics i ever posted, so this really boosts my morale whenever I feel a lil down in the dumps <3
Thank you for the lovely questions! <3 these are so much fun to think about
(dang this post got long. Here's the questions if anyone wants to ask away/reblog for themselves!)
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alexredgrave · 2 years
To follow up on the posts I reblogged: demanding LGBTQ characters to be portrayed by actors that match their identity, not only is forcing people out of the closet, it's hurting their careers.
Actors like Matt Bomer and Jim Parsons have been typecasted into gay roles since publicly coming out. In no way that has been beneficial to their careers.
And yes, there are LGBTQ actors who prefers to play queer characters (like Wentworth Miller, who said wants to focus on playing gay characters) but not all of them feel the same and the issue is that the choice is being taken out of their hands.
LGBTQ actors should be allowed to play cishet characters and cishet actors should be able to play LGBTQ characters also because the alternative is for LGBTQ actors to be relegated to (usually less important and limited in number) LGBTQ roles.
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firespirited · 2 years
Decision to Leave 2022 - chosen because I needed to see a Park Chan-Wook film to find out if he has that ‘thing’ to properly review Stoker 2013 but didn’t want to watch anything too emotionally violent.
5/10 I didn’t like the story and the tone was all over the place but I really like his style. Her motives never fully make sense, but there were moments of pure beauty and some really creative editing decisions that were intense. I want to see him make films across all sorts of genres... just not all at once like here where he’s combining the slapstick with the sense you just fit together with the foreboding at the start and it’s really jarring.
He does have the ‘thing’ - that sensory/sensual thing where a cinematographer can tell a story not just with pictures and sounds but with sensation. It’s hard to describe, maybe heightened senses? or the way some words can be evocative enough to feel it in your fingertips or your stomach? some media has the ability to convey how very aware you can be to sound or smoke or temperature and taste, usually it happens when it’s depicting some sort of super senses or a drug trip and some directors put it in there either because that’s how they experience the world or because they want you to experience, idk, compulsion or overload.
I think pairing Park Chan-Wook and Wentworth Miller for Stoker was a near perfect match: the right guy for the right script that made a film that’s 99% textured, sensorily “stimmy” for lack of better grown up words that don’t mean sex or drugs. 
I’m talking films that don’t have to be action packed or mysterious to grab your full attention because they’re hypnotic and immersive like you’re in the characters’ skin not just watching from afar. Films (or TV or well written books*) that cling to you not for the twist or adrenaline rush but because you vividly felt some of the moments like you were there, you could practically taste it.
*LotR’s description of Frodo’s injuries was that for me at 14-15ish.
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walkingdeadicons · 7 years
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like or © whogrimes
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seblaine-bro · 5 years
this post is here exclusively to appreciate wentworth's pinky rings
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se juntos já causam imagina together icons legends of tomorrow/the flash  ೃ✧ like or reblog if you save something © @prisonlegends on twitter
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oftincturedwords · 3 years
Get To Know Me
I was tagged by @ezras-channel-rat thank you friend !! <3
1. Star sign and/or Hogwarts House:
aries , but i was born on the twenty-first of march thus the last day for aries star sign , so it doesn't match wholly since i have some taurus traits as well… not that i truly put much faith in star signs. & whilst i haven't ever seen nor read harry potter , i've taken quizzes & most often its ravenclaw i get , even though everyone i've met says that i more so match a hufflepuff ??
2. Put your Spotify/music app on shuffle. What are the first 4 songs that come up?
1.) computers down by david arnold ( good omens soundtrack )
2.) writing’s on the wall by sam smith
3.) the horror and the wild by the amazing devil
4.) work that way by the east pointers
3. Who is your celebrity crush?
i don't have crushes per se , but there's so many that i would love to meet ( but most likely never will because i get too nervous meeting new people & i know i would embarrass myself too much to ever recover from ahdkflf so i stay away from any opportunities to ) such as david tennant , michael sheen , sebastian stan , pearl mackie , jodie whitaker , paul mcgann , olivia coleman , ben whishaw , patrick stewart , billie piper , rami malek , shane taylor , joey batey , tom hiddleston , matt smith , daniel craig , karl urban , howard charles , keira knightly , lee pace , santiago cabrera , ian mckellen , luke pasqualino , james mcavoy , arthur darvill , wentworth miller , tom burke , ioan grufford , james d’arcy , alex kingston , kenneth branagh , & etc. so many more.
4. What’s a sound you love?
i love the absence of sound in the early morning that's punctuated by the soft russel of the wind through tree branches & later by bird song once the pale glow of the rising sun begins to lighten the sky. too i have a heartened fondness for kittens meowing , their rumbling purrs and quiet, rolling mrrs. the sound of rain , whether by mere drizzle or fierce storm , accompanied by wind and thunder. stories or poetry being read by a clear yet emotive voice , captivating my attention as much as they've captured the voices of the characters they read for.
5. Do you believe in ghosts?
no , i don't believe ghost exist. i believe the things that haunt us are an entirely different entity.
6. How about aliens?
yes. there's too much out there for me to believe we are the only living things ever to develop & evolve / be created.
7. Favourite place to travel?
spain , there's still so much more i long to see & i loved every minute of my times there. so beautiful & i love the atmosphere there.
too i love anywhere there are woods though , so i could be happy just going for a walk in the forest xD
8. Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
no , because i don't remain angry or upset over any wrong against me. i just don't for some reason , whether there's an apology or not.
9. Tag 7 people who should do this:
( no pressure to do this if you don't want to ; it's only if you do want to ) @snidgethex , @flosimo , @pain-in-the-asguardian , @bisamwilson , @lindir , @theancientvaleofsoulmaking , & @inspirationmerls
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longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
The CW Rogues: My Biggest Gripe With the 2014 Flash Show
In many ways, the CW Flash show is what got me into comics. While I had watched (and loved) Justice League and Justice League Unlimited and read loads of DC guidebooks as a kid, it wasn’t until I saw a clip from the 2014 CW Flash show that I really got invested in the DC Universe. While I had already started watching B:TAS (and loving it), Batman wasn’t what got me into comics. No, that was the Flash...or rather, it was Captain Cold. While watching a clip from the Justice League episode Flash and Substance on YouTube, I saw a link to a clip from “Family of Rogues” (from Season 2 of CW’s Flash). Intrigued by the premise, I found the show on Netflix, watched the entire episode, and was hooked. Not only was the Flash just as nice as he had been on Justice League, but two of his Rogues were siblings, and they actually cared about one another. I wanted to know more, so I looked Captain Cold and the Golden Glider up. My research into Cold and Glider led me to the other Rogues, and soon I became a Flash fan. I watched the show, I re-watched “Flash and Substance”, I read articles about the characters from the comics...and eventually, I started reading the comics themselves. I loved the characters and the lore, and I enjoyed the generally lighthearted tone of the books even into the modern era. Unfortunately, as I learned more about the comics, I grew less and less interested in the 2014 TV show. It made too many alterations to character I liked in the comics...and eventually, I basically stopped watching the show out of frustration. Ironically enough, by getting me into comics, the show alienated me from itself....and a big reason for that was the way it handled the Rogues. Here’s a rundown of the CW Rogues, and why I was frustrated with most of them. 
1. Captain Cold. I actually enjoy Captain Cold on the CW show; he’s recognizable as Len Snart and his sarcasm game is on point. (It doesn’t hurt that Wentworth Miller is really attractive, either). His relationships with Lisa, Mick, and Barry are fantastic, and it’s a relief to have him be treated as a competent threat. That being said...he’s a bit too suave for Captain Cold, isn’t he? Silver Age Cold thought he was suave, but he wasn’t; and modern Captain Cold is middle-aged, grouchy, and very rough around the edges. His smooth, suave nature reminds me more of classic Sam (the original Mirror Master) than Captain Cold. 
2. Heat Wave. Dominic Purcell did a great job with the role he was given, and physically he’s an excellent match for Mick. That being said, CW Mick is very different from the Mick in the classic comics, who was a bit dim-witted and rather gentle and sweet for a supervillain. CW Mick, by contrast, is, as I think @gorogues put it, “Hothead McAngryman”, which wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t seem to have bled back into the comics themselves. Villains with fire powers being hotheads is a bit overdone, so I’m not thrilled to see comic Mick being put into that role. 
3. Golden Glider. Hands down, Lisa is my favorite of the CW Rogues. Despite the fact that her costume and power set are completely different than they were in the comics, they managed to get her personality down pretty well; making her just as dangerous and competent as the boys. Flirtatious, crafty, devious, and yet still at least somewhat sympathetic, the CW version of Lisa Snart takes home the gold for the best adaptation of a Rogue. If only they hadn’t completely forgotten that she existed. 
4. Pied Piper. Note that I have not seen his Season 6 appearance, so I’m just judging this based on his appearances in Seasons 1 and 2. Piper is disappointing; in his first appearance he wasn’t as fun as Silver/Bronze Age Piper or as sympathetic as modern Piper, and I’m not crazy about the idea of him being motivated primarily by revenge on Wells/Thawne, since that wasn’t his motivation in the comics at all. I also don’t remember him being able to puppet or hypnotize people with his music, which is too bad, since that’s his main schtick in the comics. What’s more, if you want to reform a character, don’t do it offscreen via reality warping and then forget about him for four seasons. It sounds like his Season 6 appearance was better, but I haven’t seen it so I can’t comment on it. Also, “the Pied Piper” is kind of a nonindicative name if he doesn’t play a pipe/flute. 
5. Trickster II (Axel Walker). Axel was actually decent in the CW show. I still like comic Axel better, but they got the gist of his character down and even made him a bit sympathetic. In fact, he’s probably in the top three best Rogue adaptations that the CW did. 
6. Trickster I (James Jesse). I love watching Mark Hamill play CW’s Trickster...but man, he is not playing Giovanni Giuseppi on the CW show. He’s playing the Joker with a different name. It’s especially weird since we know from JLU and that one short where Mark Hamill plays himself, the Joker, the Trickster, and Swamp Thing that Hamill can do a non-Joker Trickster and do it well, so my suspicion is that it was just because Trickster was also the Joker in the 1990s Flash show (where he was also played by Mark Hamill). Regardless, murdering random people and threatening to blow up small children during Christmas is not something the Trickster should be doing. 
Although this does prove Mark Hamill could do a live-action Joker. I’d pay money to see that. Mark Hamill is a great Joker. 
7. Weather Wizard. CW Weather Wizard isn’t egregiously bad. He’s not out-of-character like Trickster, and he’s not boring to watch, but at the same time it feels like there’s something missing. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t quote Twain. Maybe it’s because there’s not the sense that he was a loser before he got his powers. Maybe it’s because they changed his origin completely (and also made him older than Clyde for some reason). It could even be because he’s not wearing a green leotard with a huge collar, puffy sleeves, and ridiculous elf boots. Whatever it is, though, he’s just missing that spark that makes me like comic book Wizard so much. 
8. Mirror Master I (Sam Scudder). I don’t know how you make Sam Scudder more boring than New 52/Rebirth did, but somehow the CW version of the character pulled it off. Granted, Cold had already stolen some of Sam’s characterization, so that didn’t help, but they could’ve leaned into his skills as an inventor or his love of showmanship or something. Instead, we got a generic thug with what was basically Evan McCulloch’s power set. Boo! Boo I say! 
9. Top (Roscoe/Rosa Dillon). The Brave and the Bold Top is more interesting than the CW version, and he doesn’t even have spoken lines! That’s how boring this Top is. Also, the gender swap was pretty pointless. I wouldn’t have minded a female Top if she’d been intelligent and creepy and snobbish in the way that Roscoe is, but why even bother changing the gender if the character is going to have such a minor role? They also substantially depowered the CW Top, since Rosa can’t spin at super speed and isn’t telekinetic. A massive missed opportunity. 
10. Mirror Master II (Evan/Eva McCulloch). I can’t comment on how good of a character Eva is, since I haven’t watched any of the episodes with her in them, but I will say I am disappointed that the character does not seem to be Scottish, does not have Evan’s weird sense of humor, and lacks his tooth gap. 
11. Captain Boomerang (George “Digger” Harkness). Not only did he not actually appear on the Flash, but he was also boring and didn’t even seem to have an Australian accent. I was very disappointed with his role in the CW. 
And now for characters who aren’t Rogues: 
-CW Eobard is really good. I have no real complaints about him. 
-CW Grodd is also really good, though I do wish he was from Gorilla City as per the comics rather than a lab experiment. 
-CW Magenta got most of the important character beats down but felt a bit out of place with Barry as the Flash. 
-CW Shade was possibly even more boring than CW Sam, which is saying something. 
-CW Zoom didn’t really feel like Zoom at all. Not only was it weird to see him fighting Barry and not Wally, but he was just a generic serial killer and didn’t have Zolomon’s unique outlook on the world. The loss of his time manipulation powers was likewise disappointing.
-CW Jay is really good. I love him. 
-CW Jesse Quick has very little in common with her comic book counterpart; I like the comic version better but don’t actually mind the CW version all that much.
-CW Wally is decent enough, though I don’t see why they couldn’t have kept him as Iris’ nephew rather than making him her brother. Also, they didn’t use him nearly as much as they should have. 
-CW Barry I generally like a lot; Grant Gustin is a good fit for the character. That being said, I do wish they hadn’t given him the dead mom origin, which was a retcon I am not fond of. 
-CW Iris is quite good (in the first three seasons, at least); she’s intelligent, loyal to Barry, dedicated to her job, and quite independent. The fact that she and Barry were foster siblings in the CW universe is kind of weird, though, since it makes their romance kind of awkward. 
-Joe West is not Ira West (Iris’s father in the comics), but I actually don’t care. Joe West is made of awesome. (I like Ira too, but I like Joe enough that I don’t mind having him replace Ira.)
-The Fiddler on the CW had very little to do with the comic Fiddler. 
-I’ve never been particularly invested in the Thinker (comic or show), but I will say that the CW’s version of the character was very different from his comics counterpart. 
-CW Ragdoll was just as creepy and unsettling as comic book Ragdoll, though he had a very different backstory. 
-I never expected Baby Josh to make it into the CW, let alone as a gender-swapped teenager named Joss who wanted to kill Weather Wizard. It felt like they never knew where to go with her character, though, so it was a wasted opportunity. At least she didn’t die like poor Baby Josh, though. 
-Big Sir in the CW show is a MASSIVE improvement over the comic version. This is probably the only character I will say this about. Though I will say that I kind of wish he’d gotten his stupidly ugly comic book costume even though it would’ve made no sense. 
-Peek-a-Boo is a pretty solid adaptation of her comic book counterpart. 
-Rainbow Raider (Prism) is much better in the comics than on the CW show, where he only existed to be a boring plot device. 
-Linda Park dating Barry was weird, but they actually did a good job with her character before she vanished.
This is not intended as a criticism of anyone who likes the show or its characters; it’s just me musing about my personal problems with it. 
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zipp0flare · 4 years
Just finished marathoning all six live action Resident Evil movies with my dad today (well, five of them and the last half of Apocalypse). I will admit, I was a pleb who was introduced to the series through these movies, and hadn’t even seen a Resident Evil game until Biohazard came out. Sooo... my introduction to the series was less than the best. 
Now that I know more about the ACTUAL Resident Evil characters (or, more than my literal ZERO knowledge when first watching these movies and several re-watches after), plus with the amount of time that has passed, it’s... kinda obvious how bad some of these movies were (well, one in particular I always hated, even before knowing more about the games). 
So, to honor this marathon and my new opinions, I decided I REALLY wanted to rank these bois and my opinions of them from worst to ‘best’, because absolutely no one asked for this. This is literally all for fun, no hard feelings, I just. I really want to talk about my opinions/feelings for these things. 
In last place, we’ve got the third movie, Extinction. This one, even before I knew more info, was my least favorite of the movies. From the Alice clones, to the crazy, psychic super powers, and all sorts of ridiculousness in between, I just had a raging hate boner for this movie, and if ever I marathoned these in the past, I always wanted to just skip over this one. I literally cannot think of any redeeming qualities for this movie whatsoever. 
Fifth place we’ve got the sixth movie, Final Chapter. Now, this placement was hard to figure out, mostly due to my opinion of my fourth and third place choices. These three movies I have very similar thoughts toward which made it difficult to pin down my exact feelings toward ranking. Anyway, tonight was my first time EVER watching this movie. Which I was honestly stunned by. I feel it a bit unfair to place it in fifth since I’ve only gone through it once, but I really couldn’t find anything too, too interesting with this one unfortunately. It DEFINITELY was better than Extinction. So that’s a plus I guess. 
Fourth place is the fourth movie, Afterlife. Now. Why is Afterlife in fourth? Despite my most recent re-watch of it being filled with, ‘seriously, WHY?!”? A few reasons. First, the soundtrack is an absolute BANGER, best one I’ve heard in these movies since Marilyn Manson’s work in the first one. Tomandandy did a stellar job, along with a nice cameo of A Perfect Circle (I’m very salty that the soundtrack for the movie doesn’t include my FAVORITE track though, so that’s a bit of a negative).  Also we’ve got Wentworth Miller as Chris Redfield. I’m a major fan of some Wentworth Miller after being introduced to him via his role as Captain Cold. The appearance of the Executioner ‘Axeman’ was also a rather hype moment for me. Other than that though, I was. Not pleased. Again, we’ve got the Alice clones which makes things on the ‘meh’ side, the Wesker moments were SO FUCKING CHEESY I couldn’t handle it. And the quarter gun. THE QUARTER GUN. I used to love this movie when I was younger because of that gun, but now it just makes me so mad because IT MAKES. NO. SENSE. Anyway, moving on.
Third place is fifth movie, Retribution! Again, this is another really close one between Afterlife and Final Chapter. I had less ‘wtf, why?’ moments with this one than Afterlife. So. I guess that’s a point toward it? It mostly just had a bunch of nice cameos of nostalgic characters, and having recently been introduced to Leon Kennedy and Ada Wong, knowing more about their history, it was kinda cool to see them. Plus, return of Jeffery. It was so nice to see a Licker again. GOD I missed those things. Also a return of Tomandandy’s soundtrack work, I got kinda hype when I saw them in the opening credits, “Well, even if the movie is terrible, at least the soundtrack will be nice.” was basically my mindset at that point after we had just finished watching Afterlife.
Second place we’ve got the original, OG, first to come out Resident Evil. This one is just mostly fueled with mass nostalgia, to be honest? It obviously didn’t age all that well with the CGI, and Jeffery’s debut appearance was... oh, oh that CGI was SO bad I almost laughed. Rain is a badass, I vibed with her so much. And god. I felt terrible for Matt, seriously. Plus, the soundtrack is still one of my favorites to this day. Manson and Marco Beltrami did a STELLAR job with it.
And finally, Apocalypse. Now, this one, like I said, I was only able to watch the tail end of it during our marathoning. So my memories of it are a few years old. I WOULD re-watch it at work since I have access to it... but the last thing I want to be seen on camera is me watching some zombie tiddy. Because hooker zombies. THAT aside, from what I remember this one was my favorite of the franchise. It has a very close tie with the first one (again, mostly for nostalgia) but the winner for me was Nemesis. I am a simp for Nemesis. Apocalypse is the reason why I lost my proverbial shit when I found out about Nemesis being in Resident Evil 3 when the remake launched (my knowledge of this franchise is still extremely minimal, please don’t hate me for being an absolute tool). But yeah. Nemesis made this movie for me. Along with some more Jeffery appearances. Because I always need more Lickers in my life. They also seemed like they tried to match appearances with their Jill Valentine cameo in this one? Which I appreciate. 
It’s honestly funny to hear people’s opinions on these movies. One of my previous co-workers all but disowned me for a few nights after learning I kinda enjoyed these movies, rating them as ‘trash’ and ‘an offense to the actual Resident Evil’. But on the other hand my sister LOVES these movies, sees Alice as ‘A total badass’, and thought my co-worker was lame for having such hate for them. Which is odd because she not only watched these movies, but she also watched a friend play the games. So she still liked them despite knowing the actual root inspiration for them;
Anyway, I’m not having the highest of hopes for Netflix’s original Resident Evil series they’re coming out with after my newfound thoughts and opinions on the live action movies. I was hype when I first heard about it, because maybe they could do right by the franchise. But... it seems like they’re following the line of original characters’ stories again. So I’m not holding my breath on that one. 
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prisonbreakempress · 5 years
Wentworth Miller is one of my favorite actors. I fell in love with him on Prison Break and I am thankful to say that he has portrayed one of my favorite fictional characters on television (Michael Scofield of course). Although I miss seeing him play as our favorite genius, I am extremely happy to see him get the opportunity to portray characters that match his sexuality. I pray we see more in the future. Here's to you Wentworth!
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thebridgehqs · 4 years
Welcome to 1923 –  Leonard Snart !! I hope you feel right at home here in Sydney. Before you get too comfortable and see what all our city has to offer, be sure to review our CHECKLIST. We’re so glad to have you with us, Mac !!
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Look who just woke up- is that WENTWORTH MILLER? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s CAPTAIN COLD/LEONARD SNART from DC/FLASH/LEGENDS OF TOMRROW. I heard he is 40 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, they still give off an FUR LINED JACKET, A DANGEROUS SMIRK THAT DOESN’T MATCH THE COLDNESS OF HIS EYES, REFUSING TO PLAY BY ANY RULES BUT HIS OWN impression. They’re known to be quite SHARP-MINDED, but have a tendency to be COLD-HEARTED on their bad days. ( mac )
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crimsondomingo · 6 years
You know what is disappointing with ColdFlash fandom. There is a seriously lack of high fashion AUs. They are both gorgeous. And Wentworth Miller has done a few fashion spreads/campaigns. And Grant Gustin. Well, ya know. Where is the AU with Len Snart, former model desired photographer who makes and breaks careers. Barry, the up and coming popular poster boy. They are scheduled to work together and it starts off a disaster. Then they end up in bed. Then again that goes very Terry Richardson. 1/2
2/2 so maybe something less problematic. Idk, I think that coud be fun. And Hartley is the super judgy and catty assistant. Instantly hates Barry's manager, Cisco. How could someone in the fashion industry dress like that? Ugh. They hate date. I got distracted. What was I talking about? I'll show myself out.
Get back here, anon, this is great!
I don’t know if I feel a straight up fashion AU coming from me, BUT you do have me interested in maybe an Actor AU that could offer some of the same fun with fashion and photoshoots and agents. 
What if Len is an aging action star, so it’s getting a little harder to do those action scenes in his 40s and he’s thinking of letting the stunt guy do a lot more for his next film. 
But then they cast this young up and comer to be his costar who is flipping phenomenal physically, can do pretty much any stunt, and Len is like screw that, I’m not being shown up by some KID, ridiculous as he knows that is, but hey, mid-life crisis. 
The first time they meet is at a promo photoshoot right after being cast before they even start filming or any screen tests. 
Barry Allen is gorgeous and amazing and far too perfect in every way. Len decides he hates him immediately - even if he really doesn’t - so he is as mean to Barry as possible. 
Barry of course idolizes Len and is a huge fanboy geek for him and all of his movies and doesn’t understand why he hates him so much, so he just tries HARDER to be amazing, which constantly backfires into Len thinking this young kid is trying to show him up when all Barry wants is to prove he can even mildly live up to what Len deserves in a costar. 
Every photoshoot and interview and bit of time on set gets tenser, until it finally erupts when running lines before the biggest action scene, Barry admitting his adoration for Len in a full-on screaming match, while Len yells about how Barry is so amazing at everything, he’s a reminder of how Len is getting older and maybe not as good as he once was. 
They of course both realize how stupid they’ve been and apologize and try to take each other’s feelings into consideration. Not that Barry stops being amazing, but he maybe drops a few more hints about how wonderful Len is to boost his confidence, and Len allows himself to enjoy how good Barry is and how good he makes LEN look. 
So the last few filming days and once they’re on the road for the press tour is actually quite nice, because they slow down to get to know each other and realize they actually really like each other - maybe too much, which is a bad idea, because movie romances are always bad. But then their characters weren’t love interests, though there was a lot of romantic chemistry...totally on accident. 
Before they know it, one night grabbing a drink after a long day of traveling and tour events, they mutually go in for a kiss at the same time, which startles them before they can connect. They both pause and laugh and finally complete the kiss. 
They may end up in only one hotel room that night. 
(but what I’m saying anon is I could have so much fun with FASHION in that and how Len doesn’t even use a stylist, he’s so good, and he thinks Barry is the same, always looking amazing, but Barry is completely inept and has his stylist Iris dress him for everything)
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butimnotdeadyet · 6 years
Okay so the Injustice2 mobile app is introducing multiverse Captain Cold, so I will soon have Wentworth Miller Leonard to match my Caity White Canary!
Look at the goggles! The boots! The gun!
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(Ignore the poor character graphics, for some reason the update took my quality standards way down)
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I already love the standard Cold (above) that we have, but looking forward to the new addition!!
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