#mate of the tyger prince
animusignus · 2 years
Sooo watching Outlander Ep9 S1 just saw a very similar scene than Ryan and Mikos.
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melaniem54 · 5 years
A Vivacious Review: Royal Captive (Mate of the Tyger Prince #8) by Shannon West
A Vivacious Review: Royal Captive (Mate of the Tyger Prince #8) by Shannon West
Rating: 3 Stars out of 5
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Larz has been kidnapped and sold as a slave to King Janos of the Herkos Empire on the planet Laltana. Fearing that his position might give undue power to King Janos if he decides to use him as a bargaining chip in his fight against the Axis Empire, Larz has to live out his life as a slave turned soldier in the Herkos Empire.
Meanwhile, Janos is fully aware that Bastion is…
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anon-e-miss · 7 years
Desert Crystal 4 - Nomad AU
When the red and white Polihexian referred to as Fix It pronounced Prowl fit, he was finally allowed free of the berth and the tent. He had wondered he would be trapped in the confined space for a stellar-cycle, or until he gave in. Prowl dismissed the latter notion, there was no way he would agree to a bond with the madmech. Gratitude for saving his life did not go so far. Formulating a plan of escape was near the top of his priorities, his first priority was confirming Flash was functional.
It did not surprise the Praxian that his captor remained close to his side as they walked beyond the cluster of small tends and towards the far larger temporary structures. Close to his side translated to holding Prowl’s servo, and the Lord of Law loathed this. He was not a sparkling that needed minding. Prowl was willing concede to the idea that he needed an escort, a guide for the time being but the tactileness of this mech was absolutely unseemly.
But there was no wisdom in resisting, certainly no publicly so for now the prince suffered the indignity in silence. He walked willing by Jazz’s side, let his servo be held, and hoped for the opportunity to break his digits, some mega-cycle. They passed a circle of nomads, near all Polihexian frames, chattering in that strange language Prowl had heard his unwanted companion speaking to Artfire mega-cycles before. They looked Prowl up and down, and he tensed.
Jazz pulled him along, away from the gathering, and deeper still into the camp. There were mechanisms everywhere he looked. Sitting together on colourful tarps, or leaning against tents. Most were mechs, but there were a few femmes. Each and every group they passed paused their conversations and watched them go. Prowl felt their optics and visors on his doorwings, and he flared them up in his agitation. There were only two things he found truly difficult to tolerate, being stared at, and willful stupidity. General foolishness, or simple lack of intellect were both forgivable, so long as it was not intentionally cultivated.
“There they are!” The Polihexian declared, and looked ahead and saw another pile of tarps, pillows, and amongst it all was Flash.
“Your… Sir!” Flash exclaimed, catching himself before he used the imperial prince’s title, and switching to the Praxian dialect of Neocybex. He waved his doorwings in a circle. “You’re alright?”
“I am, thank you Flash,” Prowl replied in their native language, and he dipped his own doors. Jazz nudged him over, next to Flash, and Prowl sat next to the younger Praxian. “You also appear to be recovering well.”
“Yep!” The sentry said. “I’m back in one piece. Fix It said he’ll fix up my paint when we get… to the oasis?”
“Jazz, my captor, said we were headed to a permanent city, now that we have recovered, and their business here,” the prince replied. If the other mechs, Jazz, Artfire, and a flamboyantly painted Polihexian Prowl assumed was Ric, did not care that the Praxians were speaking their own language, they did not say anything.
“Artfire said that that mech, that Jazz is courting you?” Flash asked, confused. “What does it mean.”
“He wishes to have me for a mate,” Prowl explained. “By their laws, because he rescued me, what they call an act of valour, he has the right to court me for one stellar-cycle. I must reside with him until that time is up.”
“Has he hurt you?” The younger mech asked, doorwings flared up. “I’m fit enough, we could try and escape!”
“There is no need to rush,” the Lord of Law said. “He has… done nothing properly inappropriate, apart from insisting he court me. I intend to formulate n escape, but I will not act in panic.”
“As long as you’re sure,” Flash replied. He gestured out at the tents grouped around them. “Fix It’s let me loose so Artfire said he’s going to take me to the Skéné Chloerós after we fuel.”
“The… what?” Prowl asked.
“The Green Tent,” the sentry explained. “It’s where all the unattached recharge. Courting pairs, mated couples, and the elite all get small, private tents.”
“Perhaps Jazz decided to court me to get some privacy,” the elder Praxian wondered out loud.
“He’s the headmech of this camp, that’s what Artfire said,” Flash replied. “He already had his own tent… So… he probably saw something he liked.”
“I do not see what,” Prowl replied.
“Bet it’s good to see each other safe ‘n sound again,” Jazz said in his accented Neocybex. Both Praxians inclined their helms, abandoning their conversation for now. “Haven’t found anymore o’ yer caravan. Figure Urayans got  few, but more probably got away, back to the Tyger’s Peace.”
“There must have been dead,” the prince said. Jazz nodded soberly.
“We put’em to rest in the desert, ‘n put up a marker,” the nomad replied. “We didn’t leave’em to the mechanimals. The Urayans ya scrapped we tossed back in their desert.”
“That will have to be enough,” Prowl said, and next to him Flash nodded.
“Before we fuel, I’d like to introduce ya to Ricochet, my flashier twin,” Jazz declared. The other Polihexian, with white and black armour like his brother, but decorated with flames. Where Jazz’s face plates were silver, Ricochet’s were gold, and his visor was red.
“Give him Pit,” Ricochet ordered, his mate gave him a look of exasperation. “What? Ya know he deserves it.”
“Love ya too,” the… tamer… twin said. “Poor Artfire is a candidate for sainthood, puttin’ up with ya.”
“It’s true, I am,” Artfire interjected. “Energons ready. Med grade for you two. Drink up.”
Along with the med grade, Flash and Prowl were served gels and oil cakes. The younger mech followed his prince’s lead and only took a serving of the solid fuel when Prowl did. It was reassuring to see how well the sentry was tolerating their circumstances, and it was comforting having another Praxian present. It might have been harder to remember to interact with him, to watch over him, had they not shared the hideous experience dark-cycles before. Only Flash had stood with the prince, and he had been wounded saving him. That was enough motivation for Prowl to treat the young mech as an equal, even if they were obviously not. The Polihexians need not know that. Prowl was not sure why he thought it was too much of a risk to reveal his true status, but he had not, and he would not reveal the truth.
Prowl had never had a meal like this. The twin brother… twins… an unusual thing, traded barbs, as Artfire sat back, field all but glowing with fond exacerbation. Other nomads joined the meal, it appeared the tarps were considered a communal space. Under Jazz’s watchful optics, the newcomers left the Praxians alone. But as they fueled, the prince saw these young Polihexians optics were not so much on him, but on Flash, and it irritated him beyond measure. Flash was young, not as much younger than Prowl as anyone might have thought, older than Bluestreak who remained only a youngling. But the Lord of Law felt a stirring of protectiveness for the mech who had saved his life, a debt of gratitude, if only in part.
Flash did not appear concerned. But then he had worked the caravans before, all the guards had, or so Crosscut had said, and so he would have been more familiar with the nomads who traded along the route. The younger Praxian was likely familiar with some of the customs, and Prowl thought here it would be best to follow Flash’s lead. As they grew more comfortable, the younger Polihexians chattered about the exploits, as Flash and Prowl returned to speaking their own dialect in soft tones. These young mechs certainly appeared to be trying to gain Flash’s attention, and perhaps he was motivated by spite, but Prowl took pleasure keeping the sentry’s attention as they discussed the doomed caravan.
“You said you thought Crosscut was behind the attack,” Flash said, snubbing the Polihexians.
“I believe the energon was drugged,” Prowl replied. “Had you ever spontaneously dropped into recharge on a previous guard shift?”
“Never,” Flash confirmed Prowl’s suspicions. “I can go mega-cycles without recharge before I get twitchy. When it started, the attack, everyone was pulling themselves off the ground. I felt like my processor was mush, the first clear thought I had was to tell you.”
“You never saw Crosscut?” The Lord of Law asked.
“No,” the young mech said. “And you know, I never saw his personal guard. You’d’ve thought they’d have tried to protect his convoy. Crosscut was always fussing over his trailer, making sure his goods weren’t touched.”
“I suspect he, his guards and his Convoy were gone before the attack began,” Prowl replied. “I never saw his Convoy’s load. I suspect he lied on the manifest. I suspect the Convoy will change his paint, and continue on with the business of hauling for caravans, and Crosscut will reap a handsome insurance settlement.”
“What about you?” Flash asked. “Won’t be emperor have a conniption when he finds out you’re missing.”
“The emperor may scarcely notice,” the prince confessed. “My elder brother will demand answers. He will demand a search, and he will succeed in launching one, eventually, but if they go by what Crosscut says, they will likely be led in quite the opposite direction. It will be some time yet before Praxus receives news there was even a problem. And we will be well across the desert.”
“At least it isn’t the Urayans who have us,” the sentry said. “Raiding teams have always been a problem, but Polihexians have usually been up for trade. Sometimes you’d see them watching in the distance. I knew you couldn’t just cross through their desert, but there are so many sigils on the route, and I haven’t’ learned them yet. Some let ya know there’s an energon well nearby, some mark a spot for trading. I guess others say: Keep Out.”
“Perhaps some of your time here might be well spent learning some of their language,” Prowl suggested.
“That’s actually a pretty good idea,” Flash said, and he grinned. “Then I could charge more for my expertise.”
“You intend to remain a caravan guard after we escape, or are freed?” The Lord of Law asked.
“It’s what I know,” the young mech replied. “Besides, I like the desert, like not being stunk in one place… It’s a good life. Apart from murderous Urayans, and I hear the ones farther north aren’t so murder happy.”
“I cannot say their framekin have made a good first impression,” Prowl said.
“How ‘bout we head back to my tent, sweetspark,” Jazz suggested, again interrupting the Praxians’ conversation. “Artfire wants to make some introductions to Flash.”
“That is… acceptable,” Prowl replied.
He wondered if the Green tent as Flash had called it would not be a preferred shelter, but doubted it. The idea of recharging with so many other mechanisms around him was deeply unpleasant. These last dark-cycles had not been terribly unpleasant, beyond the lingering recovery. Jazz made no suggestions of joining him in the berth, made no attempt to touch him, he was being respectful. If he had been Praxian, Prowl would still have kept him at a distance, still considered him insance, but he at least to himself, he would not deny that being courted was much less unappetizing than being bought and sold.
That did not mean Prowl would surrender to the courtship. The prince had a duty to his empire, and too much love for his brothers to be swept up in this. But as he curled on his borrowed berth, Prowl had to admit being courted had not been a terrible experience so far. It was a sad state of affairs when the uncultured desert wastes held more promise than the Empire of Praxus.
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neeliepsrecs · 7 years
On-line Wizarding Library Awards Round 1 2005
Since the archive owl.tauri.org shut down in 2012, the winners of the awards have been recovered from fanlore.org
The Common Room ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Harry Potter and the Battle of Wills” by Jocelyn ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “The Chamber of Clocks" by Snarkyroxy ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “The Time of Destiny” by Abraxan Crucio ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Naked Snape” by Snarkyroxy ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Severus Snape and the Head Girl on Fire” by Lana Manckir ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Harry Potter and the Pants on Fire” by Snarkyroxy Draconian Measures ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Healing the Wounds” by Snarkywench ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “20 Things About Draco Malfoy as Remembered by Harry Potter” by deliciantasy ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Inheritance” by Bambu (tie) ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “The Politician’s Wife” by Pir(8)fancier (tie) Fire & Ice ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Before the Dawn” by Snarkyroxy ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “The Lioness Prophecies” by amr ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Snape’s Redemption” by Juliet Hogwarts: A History ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “The River” by Snarkyroxy ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “How to Tell the Truth from the Lies” by Azar Darkstar ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “A Thinner Veil” by Perse Parseltongue ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Mais Que Um Granger” translated by Perporcel ("More Than A Granger" by Ferporcel) ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Harry Potter es az akaratok csataja” translated by maczyka ("Harry Potter and the Battle of Wills" by Jocelyn) ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Atonement” translated by Angelika_Vegerle ("Snape’s Redemption" by Juliet) Realm of the Half-Blood Prince ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Tea and Sympathy” by Jocemum ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Dumbledore’s Men” by Jocelyn ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “What I Know You’ve Done” by Snarkyroxy Patronus (Formerly Severitus) ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Resonance” by greengecko ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “In Blood Only” by EM Snape ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Legilimens” by Jocelyn Snarry ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Cambiare Auctore” by LilPadfoot16 ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Don’t Tell Me Your Name” by Indigofeathers (tie) ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Blackmail” by HumanTales (tie) ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: ”Duty Bound” by HumanTales (tie) ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Ley Lines” by Joolz (tie) Something the Dark Lord Made ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Of Friend and Foe” by Snarkyroxy ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Flowers for Snape” by Oberoten ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Insanity Plea” by LilPadfoot16 Action/Adventure ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Snape’s Redemption” by Juliet ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Revolution” by greengecko ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Master of Enchantment” by Subversa Challenge ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Tyger! Tyger!” by bloodcult_of_feud ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Offensive Magic” by Jocelyn ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Finding a Father” by LilPadfoot16 Drama ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Resonance” by greengecko ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Dumbledore’s Men” by Jocelyn ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Master of Enchantment” by Subversa Humour ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Cock-a-doodle-doo” by janicechess ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Like the Muggles Do” by fyiagcg ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Sex, Lies, and Video Tape” by Corazon Hurt/Comfort ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Guard… Check… Mate” by Bambu ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Offensive Magic” by Jocelyn ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Forbidden Obsession” by Corazon Romance ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Before the Dawn” by Snarkyroxy ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “The Lioness Prophecies” by amrORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Tyger! Tyger!” by bloodcult_of_feud Snapshot ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “The River” by Snarkyroxy ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Babble” by Kelandry Lupin ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Sacred” by Bambu (tie) ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “The First Real Smile” by Cherdy the Mololgist (tie) Best Cliffhanger ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “In Blood Only” by EM Snape ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “The Potions Storeroom” by Cormak ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Bane” by Bambu (tie) ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Between the Darkness and Light” by Potions Mistress (tie) Best Death Scene ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Harry Potter and the Battle of Wills” by Jocelyn ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Forbidden Obsession” by Carazon ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Forgotten Memories” by LilPadfoot16 Best New Spell ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Revolution” by greengecko ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “The Summoning” by Bambu ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Guard… Check… Mate” by Bambu Best Original Character ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Not Only A Granger” by Ferporcel ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Naked Journey” by Plaid Pooka ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Picking Up the Pieces” by hobbit_tabby Best Snog ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “Tea and Sympathy” by Jocemum ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “The Potions Storeroom” by Cormack ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Cambiare Auctore” by LilPadfoot16 Best Tearjerker ORDER OF MERLIN, 1st class: “I’ll Never Take Advantage” by Annie Talbot ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “What I Know” by Snarkyroxy (tie) ORDER OF MERLIN, 2nd class: “Blanket” by Jocemum (tie) ORDER OF MERLIN, 3rd class: “Of Pain and Passion” by Snarkywench
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conformityvictim · 8 years
Yeah, so...I have no life.
Summer Reading pt. 4!~
This is actually where I'm going to talk about the books I've read that I won't be drawing anything for - for reasons that I will become obvious, hopefully.
Mate of the Tyger Prince by Shannon West
The best way I can describe this is porn with plot. It describes itself as opposites attract after marriage with mpreg, but it's just smut. Just, really...smut, plain and simple. West does try to put in some actual plot - talking about the world outside the bedroom, put in some drama - but in the end, it's just Smut.
Beauty and his Beast by Willow Hart.
While West wrote a piece of pwp, this one was JUST P. It's 96 pages long, costs $2.99, and it's just smut. A boy gets turned into a girl by his step-mother and sold to a wolf-man. [S]he then gets spanked, hit on by a trowel [not even lying about that], masturbates, sucks off the help, spanked some more, and then screwed by the wolf-man. I was disappointed after reading this but hey - maybe you'll like it better.
So...yeah. Not the best pieces, but it was summer reading.
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melaniem54 · 7 years
A VVivacious Review: High and Dry (Mate of the Tyger Prince #5) by Shannon West
A VVivacious Review: High and Dry (Mate of the Tyger Prince #5) by Shannon West
Rating: 4 Stars out of 5
Renard and Tallon are still at odds following the “incident” but when Tallon suggests a way for Renard to make it up to him, Renard is nervous but eager to regain their former camaraderie. But when all goes horribly wrong, will Renard and Tallon make it?
For the first time in a very long time, Davos isn’t speaking to Blake because that is exactly how pissed Davos is this…
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eloreenmoon · 5 years
'Darkside' (Mate of the Tyger Prince Book 2) by Shannon West #LGBT #Review #Series #Aliens #Space #Shifters #Adventure #Suspense #Drama #Intrigue
‘Darkside’ (Mate of the Tyger Prince Book 2) by Shannon West #LGBT #Review #Series #Aliens #Space #Shifters #Adventure #Suspense #Drama #Intrigue
Wendy reviews ‘Darkside’ (Mate of the Tyger Prince Book 2) by Shannon West. Published April 4, 2016 by Dark Hallows Press, 226 pages.
The course of true love never did run smooth. Ryan is settling into his role as a new father and the royal consort of Mikos, the fierce and handsome Prince of Tygeria. He’s still deeply in love and happy—most of the time. But the former Alliance colonel is a bit…
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eloreenmoon · 5 years
'Mate of the Tyger Prince' (Mate of the Tyger Prince, Book 1) by Shannon West #LGBT #Review #Sci-fi #Fantasy #Adventure #OuterSpace #M-Preg
'Mate of the Tyger Prince' (Mate of the Tyger Prince, Book 1) by Shannon West #LGBT #Review #Sci-fi #Fantasy #Adventure #OuterSpace #M-Preg @shannonwest8
Wendy reviews ‘Mate of the Tyger Prince’ (Mate of the Tyger Prince, Book 1) by Shannon West. Published January 19, 2016 by Dark Hollows Press, 292 pages.
Diplomatic marriages between two members of different planets certainly aren’t unheard of—but for Prince Mikos of Tygeria and Col. Ryan Donnelly of Earth, it might just be a fate worse than death. The union is meant to end a devastating war that…
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