#matt tag pending
techniiciian · 2 months
matt , with a gun in his gym shorts and a smoothie in his hand :
a random cop : what do you got there son ?
matt : a smoothie
— taken from a convo on disco w/ @stillsolo
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luckynatured · 2 years
It was hard for Matt to forget when he met Hilbert. Not that he wanted to in the first place; it was a happy memory for him! 
He was so uncertain about his spot in the team at first, but Hilbert's cheerful attitude and Merlot's reassurance helped him out. And now look where he was! He was even able to evolve into a Zebstrika, something that never would have happened had he stayed in the wild.
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With that said, Hilbert's attitude regarding the newest member of the roster - a Venipede that Hilbert had named 'Charlotte' for some reason - was a total reversal of what Matt knew. The discomfort in Hilbert's face was clear as day. Apparently he didn't like bug-types? Matt had a feeling that was the case (given his relief upon meeting that Pidove in Pinwheel Forest), but to actually see it was a whole other thing.
Since Charlotte was the first encounter in this forest, however...Hilbert had to at least try, right? That had to be why he was letting her crawl up his arm and onto his shoulder, right? He guessed it would help that her Ability was Swarm and not Poison Point, but still. Matt wondered if there was anything he could do to help lighten the mood. 
After everything Hilbert did for Matt, it was the least he could do.
Then it occurred to him. Since his evolution into a Zebstrika, he was closer to Hilbert's height. He wondered if he was tall enough to reach Hilbert's hat? He wasn't sure, so maybe he should get some backup for this. Maybe Michelle? The others wouldn't be able to get on his back as easily as her, so she was really his only choice.
He looked around until he spotted Michelle - she was sparring with Jude. And it looked like they were just wrapping up too. Perfect.
Matt trotted over and watched the spar play out. 
It was honestly pretty fierce, how Michelle fought. Jude struck back just as hard, but he seemed to be having a harder time keeping up. That showed in how he swung at Michelle, which was blocked by one of her scalchops. The Dewott then used the opening to swing at Jude's face with her other scalchop. Surprised, the Krokorok jumped back. Michelle didn't have time to recover, so she ended up spinning due to the momentum of her swing.
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(You've definitely improved,) Jude said. He seemed oddly out of breath. (I give. We should take a break now.)
(Whaaat? But I'm not tired yet!) Despite her complaints, Michelle put her schalchops away. Matt could tell from looking at her that she wanted to say something about how out-of-breath Jude was, but she stopped herself. By that point, everyone knew it was a sore spot for Jude.
(Hey, cheer up Michelle. I was actually going to ask your help for something,) Matt called. Michelle and Jude glanced over his way.
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(Hi, Matt!) Michelle greeted, a bright smile on her face. (Didn't see you there! So how'd I do? You think I'm getting stronger, right?!)
Matt suddenly got the impression that he was caught in an argument again. Not a hard thing to do, with a teammate as short-tempered as Michelle. (Uh...yeah. You nearly caught Jude off-guard!)
(Watch it,) Jude warned. Despite the harsh tone, there was a small smile on the Krokorok's face. (So, what'd you need her help for?)
Matt blinked. (Oh, I almost forgot! Michelle, get on my back? You'll see in just a moment.)
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For Hilbert’s part, he’d admit that letting Charlotte crawl all over him might not have been the best idea. But he figured that was the fastest way to get comfortable with her. The rest of his team was relaxing and having fun (although he saw Michelle sparring with Jude some time ago).
It did seem to help that Charlotte was bashful; maybe she was just as awkward about this as he was? He couldn't be too sure - the only impression he got from her (other than her bashful nature) was that she seemed to be pretty restless. Kind of the same way Jude was, now that he thought about it.
He was so wrapped up in what he was doing that he didn't notice Matt coming until it was too late. The Zebstrika stopped right in front of him and reached up to take the brim of his hat into his mouth. That made it easy to pluck the hat from Hilbert's head, and he trotted away with his new prize. Michelle was on his back too, and Matt tilted his head to the side to give the Dewott access to the hat.
For a moment, Hilbert stood there in shock. Did Matt just-? "Hey! Matt!"
Michelle took the hat from Matt's mouth, and put it on her own head. Of course, the hat was too big for her; it flopped over her eyes almost immediately. That didn't stop her from marching in place, and shaking her hand like she was rolling a pair of dice-
Oh. Oh, so that's what their plan was? Okay, it was on now.
Hilbert laughed at the impression of him and began chasing after Matt. Charlotte (having been on Hilbert's shoulder the whole time) managed to keep her grip, and she seemed as amused by the two's antics as Hilbert was.
The rest of the afternoon was spent with Hilbert (and the rest of the party!) chasing after Matt and Michelle. He even enlisted the other's help in tracking them down - Charlotte included. By the end of it, Hilbert seemed a lot more comfortable with Charlotte's presence; he was all smiles, even as she crawled down his arm and back to her PokeBall.
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shiorimakibawrites · 8 months
Flare Up (Daredevil Fan Fic)
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Pairing: Matt Murdock x Asthmatic Reader
Summary: You have a flare up of asthma along with a cold. Matt takes care of you.
Warning(s): Descriptions of asthma and cold symptoms, fluff
Author's Note: The description of asthma is based on my own experience, including a flare up over the last couple of days.
Tagging: @itwasthereaminuteago
Flare Up
You woke up feeling terrible. Your entire torso ached like someone had been kicking you. That dull ache turned to pain when you started coughing. Deep, hacking coughs that felt like they lasted forever. When the fit was over, you were short of breath and feeling light-headed. But now you knew why your chest hurt so much. You had been coughing in your sleep. No matter you didn’t feel like you had slept at all and why your throat felt scrapped raw.
You tried to take a deep breath but that only made you cough again. It wasn’t as long as the previous bout of coughing but it still left you aching. You could hear the wheeze in each breath. You needed to use your inhalers. You sat up and turned toward your bedside table, opening the top drawer.
The first one you grabbed was the rescue inhaler. Holding it in your hand, you started giving it a good shake but had to pause to ride out another coughing fit. When it stopped, you finished giving the inhaler its shake. Raising it to your mouth, you took a breath at the same time as you pressed down on the canister. You took a few more breaths, then another puff from the inhaler.
You sat it down, grimacing. You hated the taste of the medicine. You were more neutral about the way it made your heart race and gave you the sensation that you were trembling even when you weren’t. But you accepted all of that for the easing of the tightness in your chest. It didn’t magically fix everything. You were still coughing. Your entire chest and back still hurt. The medicine in your rescue inhaler couldn’t really effect the inflammation deeper in your lungs.
If you kept having this much trouble breathing, you would do a breathing treatment. It was the same kind of medicine but the nebulizer machine helped it get further into your lungs. If you remembering what the doctor had told you correctly. You thought it might be a larger dose than your inhaler delivered but you couldn’t remember.
You grabbed your second inhaler, the maintenance one which held a different, longer-acting medicine. But when you pressed down on the canister, you got nothing. Feeling confused, you took a closer look and realized that it was out of doses. A quick check of drawer didn’t reveal a box with a new one in it. How, you had that prescription on auto-fill at the pharmacy . . . then you remembered. You had gotten the text telling you that your prescription was ready but had forgotten to go pick it up. It had been hectic week.
The opposing party had backed out of the pending settlement agreement at the last minute. One of their new case had Burke & Winthrop Associates on the other side – something that made all of you groan. Not because you couldn’t take them but because they were always a massive pain in the ass. Spider-Man’s girlfriend had been accused of punching a cop. Not that the cops knew about the girlfriend part but you did. This meant a certain amount of hovering from the aforementioned vigilante, both in and out of costume. Not because he didn’t trust Nelson & Murdock to help his girlfriend but because Peter, like Matt, was a worrier. It didn’t help that the ADA was dragging their feet about providing certain discovery materials – like the officer’s body cam footage . . .
His hovering had come in handy the other night when, due to some complicated series of events that you still weren’t clear on, something had started making a loud, ear-piercing shriek. The criminals, who hadn’t been expecting it either, had their hands clapped tightly over their ears. But Matt was completely down, writhing on the ground and almost biting off his tongue trying not to scream. Now Spider-Man wasn’t a huge fan of loud noises either but he darted over anyway. Got the noise stopped, webbed up the criminals, and hauled Matt back home. It took the rest of night for the resulting vicious migraine to subside.
You had felt a little off yesterday but you had chalked it up to being tired. It had been busy week. You had stayed up helping take care of Matt during his migraine. You had decided to stay the night in your apartment last night beside knowing that you slept better at Matt’s because you were still paying rent on the place and it seemed silly to never stay there . . .
You wrapped yourself up in your robe, put on a pair of fuzzy socks, and shuffled toward the kitchen. Hot drinks always eased your symptoms during an asthma flare up. The normally quick task of putting on coffee went slowly because the slightest hint of exertion left you feeling short of breath and brought on another coughing fit.
While the coffee brewed, you went into the bathroom. You hadn’t noticed it immediately – feeling like you could barely breath had understandably distracted you – but you might also gotten sick. You were a little congested. Your face felt tender across the top of your cheeks and forehead. There was feeling of pressure in your ears. All things you had experienced when you had a cold or similar infection. But sometimes seasonal allergies gave you the same symptoms.
Illness, allergies, or both could have easily triggered this flare up.
You took a pill for an allergy relief along with a multi-symptom cold. Unfortunately it was the last dose of cold medicine. You would have to get more before this one wore off. You were not looking forward to it. But maybe you could get some fresh lemons while you were getting your medicine. Hot tea with honey and lemon always felt so good on your throat when it was this sore. You had tea and honey but no lemons . . .
Your phone started ringing. It was, of course, nowhere close to you being still hooked onto the charger on the other side of the living room. You sighed and started heading toward it. You barely managed to reach it before it switched over to voicemail, not even bothering to look at the caller ID.
“Hello?” you said, wincing at how bad your voice sounded. Croaky as a frog.
“Sweetheart, you sound terrible.”
Matt. And he sounded like he had already slipped into worrywart mode.
“Matches how I feel,” you said, then winced for another reason. It hurt to talk.
“What’s wrong?”
“Asthma flare up,” you said. “Cold.”
You felt a tickle in your throat. You tried to swallow, to prevent the oncoming coughing fit and making Matt more worried than he already was. But you couldn’t stop it. Worse luck, it was a bad one. The coughs were deep, barking, seemed to have no end in sight. You couldn’t breath. Darkness crept into your vision and the room swayed . . . then it stopped. You could take a breath. A ragged, thin breath but a breath.
You leaned against the wall, rubbing your chest. That one really hurt. Your chest felt like it was on fire and your throat felt like you had tried to gurgle with glass. Tears pricked at your eyes . . .
Then you realized that you had dropped your phone. Bending down to pick it up didn’t help with your dizziness but you had to get it before Matt had an actual heart attack. As it was, you wouldn’t be surprised if he was already darting out of the door to parkour to your apartment.
You heard his fanatic voice before your phone got up to your ear.
���-heart, answer me!”
“I’m here,” you said. “I’m fine.”
“No, you aren’t,” he retorted.
Which was fair. Hearing your own voice – wheezy, faint, and croaky as a frog – you wouldn’t believe you either.
“I’m coming over.”
“Matt,” you started to protest, not wanting him to get sick, but was cut off by another bout of coughing. Not as bad or as long this time but so close on the heels on the previous one, it hurt just as bad. Some of the tears escaped your eyes.
“I’m coming over,” he repeated, his voice firm and unyielding. You gave up trying to argue. It would be a total waste of energy. You recognized that tone. Matt had found his hill. He was ready and willing to die on it.
“Okay,” you said.
“Have you used your inhalers?”
He made annoyed noise. “Partial lie.”
“Used rescue inhaler,” you retorted.
“What about the other one?”
“Out of doses.”
“Don’t you have that on auto-fill?”
“Yes,” you said. “Forgot to pick it up.”
You swallowed, trying to sooth your throat. Your voice was getting rougher.
“I’ll get it,” he said. “Do you need anything else?”
“Medicine,” you said. “Lemon.”
“Get some rest sweetheart,” he said. “I’ll be there soon.”
“Okay,” you agreed. Rest sounded really good right now. Your bed had more pillows and blankets but the couch was much closer. You shuffled over to it, wrapped yourself in the cuddling blanket and sat down. You rested your head against the back and closed your eyes. You were just going to rest them for a moment . . .
You must have dozed off because the next thing you knew, the door to your apartment was opening to admit Matt, a shopping bag in his hand. Unless it was windy outside, you suspected that he had taken shortcuts getting here. His hair had that windblown quality you associated with him using his ninja skills while in his civilian grab.
“Hey Matty,” you said.
“Hey sweetheart,” he said back, giving you a little smile. It wasn’t his big smile, the one that lit up his entire face. He couldn’t smile like that when he was worried. “Your lungs sound even worse up close. Maybe you should go to the hospital.”
“Sweetheart . . .”
“No,” you repeated but was prevented from elaborating by coughing. Which probably didn’t help your case. “Just gonna tell me to do what I’m gonna do here. Rest, breathing treatment, etc.”
He didn’t look convinced. You glared at him. It didn’t matter that he couldn’t see it. It was the principle of thing.
“I’ve had asthma since I was a baby,” you said. “I know the drill.”
“Alright,” he said, either surrendering or making a strategic retreat. Probably the later. You had little doubt that he felt like your home treatment wasn’t doing enough, going to the hospital would come back and this time it would not be negotiable. “Where is your nebulizer?”
You told him where to find it and the liquid medicine. Both of which he brought to you. While you set up the machine, you started feeling like you were forgetting something. Something important . . . you suddenly bolted upright as you remembered. “Court!”
“What?” Matt asked, confused by your sudden panic.
“I have court this morning,” you said. You looked at the clock and groaned. You’d never make to the courtroom in time. “I’m going to be late.”
“No, you aren’t,” Matt said, moving back into the living room. “I called Foggy on the way here. He’s going to cover you at the hearing and the appointments that Karen can’t reschedule.”
“Really?” you said.
“Really really,” he answered.
“What about your appointments, Mr. Murdock?”
“Karen’s working on it. She’ll let me know if I need to come in.”
That was that. You finished setting up the machine, opened the capsule of medicine and poured it into the cup. You screwed on the mouthpiece and flicked on the machine. A familiar, droning and hissing sound filled the air and soon steam began to appear around the mouthpiece. You put it in your mouth and dutifully inhaled the medicine. Despite the fact that it didn’t taste any better like this than it did in puffed form. And it dried out your mouth something awful.
But you were well aware that it was either do the breathing treatment here or at the hospital. You’d rather do it here, where you were comfortable. Matt surprised you by sitting down beside you. The nebulizer wasn’t exactly loud to your ears but it wasn’t whisper-quiet either. But if the noise or the smell of the medicine bothered him, he gave no sign of it. Just rubbed your sore back and sides with his big, warm hands until the treatment was done.
Soon afterward, you had a mug of hot tea with lemon and honey in your hands. Part of you wanted coffee but knew the tea would feel better on your throat. While you sipped the tea, Matt quietly suggested putting something on and cuddling on the couch. Which you thought was best idea he had ever had.
You decided to put on a series of nature documentary, ones about the oceans. There was something about watching pretty fish and other marine critters accompanied by soft-spoken narration that you found relaxing. And that pretty much set the pattern for the day. You watched a program about ocean animals, drank hot tea or ice water, and cuddled with Matt on the couch. Sometimes you dozed off. Sometimes you coughed again and Matt’s hands would rub your back until it was over.
You didn’t have to get a single drink. It seemed like you tried to get up for anything over than a trip to the bathroom, Matt was giving you the worried face. You hated the worried face. And you had almost no defense against his big hazel eyes looking sadly at you. It helped that you didn’t really want to argue with him about pampering you all day anyway.
That pampering had extended to the hot shower you decided to take partway through the day in hopes of feeling less like crud. With how much your chest still ached, it was nice not to have to bend down to soap up your legs. Through seeing Matt on his knees in front of you, nearly naked, while the water poured down around you, gave you certain thoughts. Thoughts that you made a mental note to revisit when you felt better.
Matt washing your hair and massage your scalp eased discomfort that you hadn’t entirely realized was there until it was gone. The oversized tee shirt and sweatpants he grabbed didn’t match but you couldn’t care less. They were some of your softest, most comfortable clothing and that was more important than matching.
After Matt had dried himself off and redressed, you took the opportunity to hug him. While surprised, it didn’t take him long to return the hug.
“I love you,” you said softly, burrowing your face into his chest. His arms tightened around you, holding you closer.
“I love you too,” he said. Low and quiet, almost like he was afraid that if he said it too loud, that if anyone beside you heard how much he cared, that something awful would happen. Your arms did their own tightening.
You didn’t know how long you both stood there, in your little bubble of lingering steam and whispered confessions, before your stomach decided to ruin the mode by growling loudly. You felt your face flush but Matt just chuckled.
“Lunch?” he offered.
“Good idea,” you said.
Lunch ended up being potato soup, fresh from your favorite cafe and delivered by Karen. She let Matt know that she had managed to rearrange his schedule so he didn’t need to come in. Foggy sent the message that he hoped you were feeling better and not to order dinner since that mother would be sending over her famous chicken noodle soup. You hadn’t had it yet but Matt swore it was delicious.
He was right. It was delicious. Not complicated but it was amazing how good something could taste if made from fresh ingredients. The pumpkin cookies that she also sent along tasted just as good.
‘Being sick will always suck,’ you mused as you dozed on the couch, snuggled in Matt’s arms. ‘But sometime it doesn’t completely suck.’
Still, you felt like you should apologize a week later when Matt came down with your cold.
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ralvezfanatic · 3 months
WIP Game :33 !
tagged by @starch1ldz + @wheelsup30
rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
Brat - Brat!Spencer x M!Reader: Spencer gets a punishment from Reader at home after being bratty all week
Principe - Luke x Non-BAU!M!Reader: Reader has separation anxiety and Luke has to leave for a case, but Reader has a hard time letting him go
Title Pending - Luke x M!Reader: Reader gets worked up from just kissing and sitting on Luke's lap.
Babygirl - Luke x M!Reader: Reader keeps calling Luke babygirl while Matt is around, and one day Matt questions Luke about it.
Overworked - Ralvez: Spencer refuses to leave the office until Luke drags him out the office, and makes him feel good at home.
Sunshine - Garcia x Goth!M!Reader: Reader and Garcia have feelings for each, but just keep a flirty friendship. Until, Reader finally gets tired of Garcia not getting treated right and makes a move.
I need Love you PT 2 - Luke x Unsub!M!Reader: ermm the actual plot part of the other smut fic i posted ages ago !
Tags: @fuckingstrange - I have so many wips and so little people to tag.. considering the other ppl i would tag, tagged me! so.. yeah 😭
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username song game / rules: but a song for every letter of your username
L Leaving of Liverpool by The High Kings
O ocean eyes by Billie Eilish
V VICIOUS by Thomas Day
E Everyone But You by the Front Bottoms
M MASOCHIST by Thomas Day
E Eulogy by grandson
S Short Skirt/Long Jacket by CAKE
O Over It by Arrows in Action
M Monsters by Verum
E Everyone's Dying (Grandma's Drunk Again) by Roe Kapara
A Apocalypse by Brye
R Radio-Friendly Pop Song by Matt Fishel
T To Be Human by MARINA
S Six Feet by Patent Pending
T Take This Job and Shove It by Johnny Paycheck
U Us and Pigs by SOFIA ISELLA
F Fred Astaire by Jukebox the Ghost
F Feed The Machine by Poor Man's Poison
<tags: @belmeran @foxes-in-love @hafanforever @kidovna @heynhay @moringmark @sciderman @spideypool-art @theshitpostcalligrapher @whatsupbeanie @x-gon-give-it @milimeters-morales @autisticlancemcclain >
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1988-fiend · 2 years
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I posted 5,105 times in 2022
That's 2,910 more posts than 2021!
23 posts created (0%)
5,082 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,105 of my posts in 2022
#charlie cox - 2,506 posts
#daredevil - 2,165 posts
#matt murdock - 2,092 posts
#marvel - 1,866 posts
#netflix - 1,286 posts
#art - 770 posts
#photography - 607 posts
#handsome duck - 474 posts
#fluffy duck - 422 posts
#lmao - 384 posts
Longest Tag: 73 characters
#𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝑔𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒾𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝑔𝑜𝓁𝒹~ ((gold aesthetic))
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Sorry for the poor quality, but you mean to tell me out of ALL the fights and ALL the pictures to use at Fogwell’s the main one we see is of Battlin’ Jack with a certain Sister Maggie in the background?!!!
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Well done art department, well done!!
43 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
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There was a Matt murdock x reader fic that I could have sworn I reposted/shared but now can’t find—I think it was titled “pretty” and it’s where the Reader thought Matt only through they were “pretty” as a consolation after he felt their face, only after a spell that helps Matt temporarily see again he’s so taken aback by the reader that he thinks their an angel in carnet.
Does this fic still exist? I know it’s a one-shot too if that’s something. Can anyone in the fandom please help me?
50 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
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My new favorite Legal pad for my favorite (albeit fictional) Legal team
I can’t wait to start jotting down all my Matt Murdock thoughts for a pending Daredevil fanfic.
See the full post
53 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
Jennifer Walters would make an epic fanfic writer—who am I kidding, she’s a step up with manifesting her fanfic to life 🤣🤣🤣
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See the full post
89 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Not mine, but how have I ever seen this picture until today?
430 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
The Too Daring Devil
Cw:shooting mention,violence ment.
Ask to tag. Ok to rb.
Summary: Frank introduces Daredevil to the overseer. Things get out of hand.
Taglist: @tex-treasures @the-league-of-vigilantes @sectvmsemprae
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Daredevil and the punisher sneak into the house by the Fire emergency stair case.
As they enter they see a bed, a pc and a closet amongst other things.
-- so this is the overseers house ?-- asked Daredevil.
-- yeah, last time I sneaked in she almost shoots me in the face-- Frank said opening the door to the kitchen-- hey jerico! Im here with that client I told you about!
Jerico Turned around to face the vigilantes, she crosses her arms-- you have my keys , Frank, Cant you just come in like a normal person?
-- wait you have her keys?!-- asked Matt.
-- yeah I do, oh, carefull with the bird!-- castle commented.
--the bird?!-- Daredevil suddely felt something lunging at him and missing him by a hair.
-- that Rat with wings doesnt like Newcomers-- quipped the punisher-- it almost rips my hair out
Jerico laughed-- ian! They are alright! Come here-- the hawk flies to his owners shoulder-- okay, what do you guys need?
Matt walks towards her-- I need information, Frank told me that if theres someone that knows everything thats happening in the city, its you
She raised a brow -- did he now?
The punisher blushes scoffing-- dont let it get to your ego, nosy..
-- oh im nosy now?-- she teased, turning her attention to Daredevil-- sure, whatever you need I can get, just so you know, im doing this as a favor for Frank, I owe Him, Next time youll have to pay
Matt chuckles-- yeah he told me that, I dont suppose you live off of charity
After telling her what he needs the vigilantes sit by on the couch as she ruminishes through her computer and camera, extracting what she needs.
When she comes by she finds castle making coffee-- id say make yourselves at home, seems that you Beated me to it
Frank rolled his eyes handing her a mug, she then walks towards Daredevil and gives him an USB-- here, youll be able to print them safely, though, thats the half of the Information, the rest I dont have but, if youre willing we can meet once I got it
--Sure, youll need a way of contacting Me, though-- Matt said.
--i already got your number, so , youre the lawyer that took his case huh? Gotta thank you for that
Daredevil nodded-- well, overseer, ill see you around-- he stood up ready to leave.
Frank finished his coffee and kissed the top of jericos head-- goodnight, nosy
--Hey, text me when you get home okay?
-- c'mon you know nobody is gonna mess with me-- the punisher said.
-- I dont care, castle, text me
He rolled his eyes-- okay, okay I Will
They leave through the Window, making her exhale deeply in annoyance.
After some weeks jeri called Matt and arranged a meeting place.
Matt entered the café, with his Cane he walks to a dar corner where jerico was sitting.
-- hey look who it is-- she teased.
Daredevil sits with her-- afternoon to you too
She giggled , and he could hear her heart skip a beat-- yeah ,afternoon, heres the rest of the Information
He took the stack of papers and photos and shoved them into his bag.
--So-- started jerico-- are you gonna order something?
-- what?
-- well its kinda sketchy if I hand you a stack of papers and you just leave, try and make it seem we are talking about work!
Matt nodded and when he heard a waiter pass by he ordered.
-- 'the overseer' thats a name-- he joked.
-- says 'Daredevil'-- she joked back.
-- touché...-- admitted Daredevil nodding-- so, you and castle, how did that happend? If its okay to ask...
Jerico chuckles-- well he was looking for the culprits of his familys murder, and he came to me, I took pity on him and handed the info for free, we spent a lot of time togheter, got to know eachother and we fought, badly, then we went our separate ways.
One night he needs info for Homeland security, sneaks into my house and well, we make up and get togheter...
-- thats a very nice story-- Matt said-- didnt take him as a feelings guy..., I mean, I didnt think hed say sorry
-- neither did I and here we are-- she said-- I didnt expect the devil of hells kitchen being this nice
Daredevil laughed softly-- yeah? What you though I was a prick?
-- well, you get along with Frank so--
They share a laugh and Keep talking until its night time, Matt pays and as they stand there on the sidewalk he asks-- let me walk you home?...
-- huh, sure-- she answered, once they get there he says.
-- well ill be leaving...
--stay-- jerico pleads-- its late already
-- I can--
-- I can take care of myself-- she interrupts him-- Frank gives me the same bullshit-- she yanks him into her house and locks the door-- its late, just stay here, I can take the couch.
-- the couch? Nono I Will
-- no, Matt, you take the bed
He sighs-- itd be rude for me to take the bed
-- says who?-- she asked.
-- well if you wanna share...-- Matt trailed off thinking she'd back off.
How wrong she was.
Jeri took a look at him-- sharing a bed with a guy as handsome as you? Sure-- she smiled and Walked to her bed-- come on now, im tired
Daredevil stands there speechless before chasing after her.
-- turn around-- she says.
--You know I cant see-- commented Matt in response.
He hears her huff and takes off her clothes to change into something more comfortable.
-- oh wipe that stupid grin off your face!-- jerico exclaimed with her cheeks red.
He could hear her fastening heartbeat, he assumed she must be blushing, it only makes his grin grow,-- the tough overseer, nobody messes with her, blushing over a changing clothes Infront of a blind Man -- at this point he was teasing, but then he falls to the bed, arms held togheter by the wrists with jericos grip.
Her other hand Next to his side for support as her legs straddle Him to the matress-- Keep it up and youll find why nobody messes with me, murdock!
She was closer than he liked.
Theres a silence where their faces stand way too close to eachother.
-- s sorry i-- jeri backs off and sits on matts lap, who sits up letting her get into bed.
-- its okay, I went overboard...
He lays besides her with their backs pressed against eachother, Cheeks Burning.
Next Day , Matt finds himself tangled with jericos limbs.
He sighs thinking of the beating he might receive if Frank finds out about this, speacially beacuse jerico was wearing only a shirt besides her undergarments.
He tries to break his grip but fails miserably, sighing he lets himself melt in her embrace.
Hes about to fall asleep when he hears a shocked gasp and a loud thud.
-- are you okay?-- he asked as jeri stands up.
-- yeah...yeah..just took me by surprise...
As they eat breakfast Matt says-- I need some more info,ill pay up
-- no no-- jer hands him his coffee-- its for free
-- what? No, let me--
-- you helped castle, you took up his case, im forever thankfull, besides...-- her hand goes up to his bicep-- im beginning to like you, mr. Murdock...
Matt chuckles leaning in, his spare hand sneaking to her waist-- the feeling Is mutual ms...?
--ms. Gomez...
After their not so subtle flirting Matt leaves for work.
They kept talking to eachother, making Matt laugh in his Office and getting teased by foggy.
After a bit they Keep seeing eachother outside work, one night jerico invited Matt to eat dinner.
They are at her house, talking and waiting for the food to be done.
-- have you ever ball danced?--She asked.
--No,not really-- he said.
She took his hand and yanked Him to dance, her hands on his bíceps and his arms around her waist.
They rock back and forth.
--This...this is nice-- Matt said.
-- yeah its nice, isnt it?
He leans in-- do you think Frank is going to beat my ass if I do this?
--Do what--?
He kisses her briefly, and lets out a deep chuckle as he hears her heart pumping like it was going to beat out of her chest.
-- come here you-- she kisses him again yanking him from the edges of his shirts collar.
Hugging her tighter, Matt kissed back, smiling like an idiot.
-- and about castle? Dont worry im sure he wont mind...-- she flirted.
After eating they cuddled under the blankets.
-- promise me that you wont fall on your ass tomorrow when you find me cuddling you
--haha, go fuck yourself Matt...
--on it, baby
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@heroicpaths​ asked: “no don’t move, it’s too cold outside the covers.” (from matt) meme: morning after starters
     Natasha is usually the earliest to rise out of the three of them — a force of habit, really — and while she’s not gearing up to go to work in the formal sense, she still spends a good amount of time in the morning reading through potential leads for missions, intel that she’s gathered, and so on. She likes curling up with a mug of tea on the balcony, listening to the sights and sounds of the city while she flicks through the news on her phone and waits for her lovers to wake. 
     By the time Kirsten rises, coffee is made, and the paper is laid out on the table, open to the comics. It’s a running joke in the household, but it doesn’t stop her from skimming them and starting the day with a grin. The lawyer used to be a late riser, but now she tries to be up just a little earlier so she can catch a few moments with Nat before the spy vanishes off for the day. She’s not being sentimental about it, but with Natasha’s line of work, there’s simply no telling when she’ll have to disappear for days, weeks, even a month at a time. Kirsten can’t help but want to slot herself in behind the woman each morning, press a kiss to her ear before she goes about making breakfast. 
     Matt usually climbs out of bed in his exhausted, bedraggled manner no matter how much sleep he’s gotten. His messy hair gets mussed by Nat almost immediately, an arm slung around him by Kirsten, and even as he yawns loudly and has to snap his teeth at whichever offending hand tries to grab his tongue this morning, he can’t help but laugh every time. When he’d moved out to San Francisco, he certainly hadn’t expected this. He wouldn’t trade it for the world. 
     This morning is a little different, the chill of the winter permeating the bedroom despite the heater at work. Matt got back late last night, Kirsten has been up looking at files, and so when Natasha moves to get up from where she’s ended up sandwiched between them, there are mutual grumbles and two sets of hands pulling her back down. 
     “No don’t move, it’s too cold outside the covers,” Matt whines.      “Yeah, and you’re warm,” Kirsten agrees.      “And comfy,” Matt adds, pillowing his head on Natasha’s chest. 
     She rolls her eyes, but pulls both of them in close anyway. She drops a kiss on Kirsten’s head, threads her fingers through Matt’s, and wonders how she got this lucky. The waking world can wait. For now, she’ll relish the quiet warmth that her lovers bring.
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mrdcktm · 4 years
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wade  ( @killypool ) ,     matt    ,     scarlett  ( @pyrowitched )    ot3  be  like
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kingskick · 5 years
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                        KISS THE RING, BITCH.
don't reblog unless you're @ofgrief
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"You should um ..... fuck me until I can't walk, Mr. Murdock."
Fun // @catdares
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There’s something about ‘MR, MURDOCK’  that gets him every time, the conviction with which Fee could say, it even when he's kneel down on top of her like this, bare-chested. ‘ MR.’ like he’s still just a lawyer and not head over heels for her, as if she doesn’t feel the same. 
❝ Yeah ❞
Lips smack into her neck, aggressively working their way down. A hand pins down one of hers, the other pulling the cat’s left leg around him.
❝ I can do that ❞
Mutters down her neck, licking it.  Fingers crossed that Felicia understands what she had just turned loose in him, it’s gonna be a long night.
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pilotchosen-a · 6 years
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     “ Veronica sent me to help out with.... whatever the heck this thing is. ” He motions vaguely to the ginormous contraption the older Holt is currently tinkering with. “ so, uh... how can I help? ”
@commander-holt | sc.
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dcvilment · 6 years
@hcndlehim from ✞ --- “Is there some sort of rule that says I’d need corrective surgery to join Starfleet?”
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“Corrective surgery is available, although is not required for someone to join Starfleet, Mr. Murdock.” Hugh explained with ease, ever the professional, though a small smile creeps onto his face a moment later, now turned to face his tablet. “I thought you didn’t have an interest in Starfleet - what was it, ‘too many rules’, I believe you said.”
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❝ I may have said something along those lines, ❞ Matthew admitted, hand rubbing back and forth at the back of his neck, subtly working out a kink. ❝ But they’ve been pushing this position on me...Well an old friend of my dad’s is. He’s a vice admiral. Thinks my expertise could be a real asset. I just don’t know if it’s wise to put a blind man in space...❞
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demcn-princess · 7 years
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           Tfw your best friend is a dick to you.
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murdockstm · 6 years
I've got the power of God AND Anime on my side!
Matt Murdock, probably.
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mrdcktm · 4 years
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@pyrowitched   &   @killypool  so  it  begins,  good luck  🤷
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