#matt taven x reader
sydsaint · 2 months
He's my fav Undisputed Kingdom member. <3
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Summary: Matt supports his girlfriend at Dynasty when she challenges Julia for her TBS championship.
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You can hear the buzz of the crowd all the way out in the arena from back in the locker rooms while you're getting ready for your match with Julia. You stare at yourself in the vanity mirror as you brush out your hair, silently hyping yourself up for this upcoming title bout.
"YN? Babe? You decent?" A male voice calls from outside the locker room, and you recognize it as your boyfriends.
"Yeah, all good!" You shout and set your hairbrush down.
You swivel around in your chair as Matt slips into the room, with Mike and Roderick trailing after him. Matt makes a b-line for you with an eager smile on his face. "Wow, your makeup looks great, babe." He compliments you.
"Thanks babe." You giggle. "How did your match with Kyle go, Roddy?" You turn toward Strong as he shuts the door behind him.
"I won, obviously." Roderick flashes his belt to you. "You're about to head out for your match with Julia, right?" He asks you.
You nod and turn back to your vanity so you can put your hair into a nice braid. Matt sits down next to you on the bench and helps by handing you bobby pins when you need them.
"Thanks, babe." You thank Matt once you're done. "Are you coming out with me?" You ask him.
"Sure." Matt nods. "I'd love to be out there with you." He beams. "I can sit at commentary and bother Schiavone and Excalibur about how awesome you are."
You giggle and do one last check in the mirror. "Well, you won't hear me complain." You sling an arm around Matt's back. "Come on. I don't want to be late for my entrance cue."
You and Matt head down to the tunnel backstage. Your entrance music gets played and you head out through the tunnel. Matt lets you have your moment before he silently slinks through the tunnel and heada down the ramp after you.
You walk down to the ring and hop up onto the apron. Matt follows and grins up at you, a proud look in his eyes.
"Kick her ass, baby! You've got this." Matt offers you once last confidence boost before he heads over the commentary tabe. "Gentlemen. Are we ready to crown a new TBS champion?" He asks the commentary table.
"Well we're certainly ready to watch what is sure to be an excellent match between the TBS champion, Julia Hart. And the challenger, YN LN." Excalibur replies.
Matt takes a seat in a chair next to Taz as the lights in the arena dim for Julia's entrance. Matt's eyes train over to you standing in the corner nearest the commentary table. You stare a hole into Julia while you take these last few seconds to stretch out. You know that this match is going to be a grueling one. Neither you, nor Julia, are known for taking it easy in the ring. And this is a title fight. So both of you are ready to put your bodies on the line to win.
The bell rings and the match gets started after Julia makes it to the ring and the lights return to their preset brightness. Matt twitches eagerly in his seat as the two of you start the match with a lock-up.
"YN's got to be the best technical wrestler on the womans roster. Wouldn't you agree, Taz?" He comments as you take Julia down to the mat.
"She's certainly a pro, yes." Taz replies, trying his best to remain unbiased.
Julia manages to make it back to her feet after you attempt to get her into a submission. She weasels her way back to a standing posistion and you join her. The two of you trade some kicks and elbows for a while before Julia hits the ropes and tries for a dropkick.
You roll onto the matt and avoid the dropkick from Julia. The champ hits the mat hard and you scurry over to her and lock-in another submission attempt.
"Ha! Julia should know better than to try and take my girl on the mat!" Matt laughs as the match drags on.
Around 15 minutes go by and you and Julia are still going at it strong. Both of you are starting to feel exhaustion set in, and you both know that this match needs to end sooner rather than later. Desperation hangs in the air and Julia tries for her signature move when she's unsure if she can win clean. The mist.
You lunge toward Julia after bouncing off the ropes and approach her for a spear. As you near her, Julia reels her head back then lets the black mist spray from her mouth. The sticky black liquid hits you in the eyes and you miss your spear. You tumble to the floor outside of the ring and begin pawing at your eyes to clear your impaired vision up.
"Come on, YN! Behind you!" Matt calls out in a shout as Julia stalks toward you while you can't see.
Adrenaline courses through your veins as Matt yells at you. You swing an elbow behind you and it manages to clock Julia in the jaw. Hart crumples to the floor and you paw at your eyes some more.
Suddenly you feel a hand on your arm. You whirl aound with a gasp and prepare to start swinging when Matt speaks up. "It's just me!" Matt catches your arm. "Here! Hold still!" He demands.
You freeze up and wait for Matt to do whatever he's come to help you with. You feel a cold liquid spray into your face followed by a soft cloth rubbing against your face in a wiping motion. Your vision clears up and you find Matt standing in front of you with his shirt in one hand and a half-empty bottle of water in the other.
"There!" Matt smiles to himself and nods to Julia still on the floor nehind you. "Now that you can see again. Go finish this baby."
You nod and turn around toward Julia. You pick Hart up by the base of her hair and toss her back into the ring. Once Julia has rolled to the middle of the ring you quickly slip inside the ring and trap her in a vicious armbar. You wrench back on Julia's arm and the sheer force is enough to get her to tap out.
The bell sounds and you let Julia's arm go with an exhausted sigh. Julia rolls out of the ring and you slowly get to your feet.
You did it. You beat Julia Hart for the TBS championship.
"Yes! She did it!" You hear Matt shouting at the commentary table. "That's my fucking girlfriend!" He cheers as he throws off his headset.
The referee hands you the TBS title, and you raise it high in the air. Seconds later, Matt climbs into the ring and rushes you. He picks you up by the legs and ecitedly lifts you into the air. You laugh and slide down into his arms after a moment. Matt holds you by the hips against his body, and you wrap your legs around his waist for support before crashing your lips to his.
"I knew you'd do it." Matt whispers to you as the crowd all cheers around you.
Matt, Roderick, and Wardlow all file out to the ring and celebrate with you and Matt. Another victory for the Undisputed Kingdom, and a new championship to add to the collection.
The perfect ending to a perfect PLE night in AEW.
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 2 days
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sydsaint · 2 months
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Summary: After suffering a minor head injury during a match, the reader runs into Matt. The two chat for a moment before the reader almost passes out, and Taven hurries to help her.
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"Crap." You gasp as Skye hits you square i the sternum with a nasty kick. 
The AEW crowd is rambunctious as you and Skye go at it in the ring. You and Julia's protege trade blows that have the crowd and commentary team out of their minds. Fatigue starts to set in, your chest heaving as you try and suck in enough breath to get you through this last stand. But Skye gets the better of you. 
You fall onto your back with a hard 'thud' and the last bit of energy you have is knocked out of you. Skye flashes a wicked grin and goes for the pin. Your head spins as the bell rings and Skye lifts herself off of you. 
Skye gets her hand raised and you roll out of the ring with a groan. You roll to the floor and pick yourself up to your feet. "Damnit." You huff to yourself and trudge up the ramp. 
Your back aches and head pounds as you make your way through the tunnel. All you can think about is how you've just racked up another loss on your record. You let out a pathetic sigh and make your way down to the trainers room to get your back and head looked at. Just to be safe. 
You are heading back to the trainers room when you happen upon Matt Taven and Mike Bennett loitering outside the room. "Bennett? Taven? What are you two doing out here?" You stop in front of them. 
"YN, hey." Matt greets you first. "I could ask the same about you." He grins. "We're waiting for Roderick to get his ribs taped up. What about you?" He asks you. "You alright?" 
"Yeah yeah." You nod. "I bumped my head in my match with Skye." You explain. "Figured I'd get checked out just to be safe." 
Matt and Mike both nod. "Right. Smart." Matt muses. "Roderick should be done soon. So it shouldn't be a long wait." He adds. "Did you at least win the match?" He asks you. 
"Ha! No!" You scoff. "No, I've been on quite a loosing streak as of late." You rub the back of your neck. 
"Aw, that's too bad." Matt replies. "Im sure you'll pick it up soon, YN." He assures you. 
You nod in thanks and take notice that your head is beginning to hurt a bit worse than it did before. Your forehead pounds and you begin to feel a bit lightheaded. 
"Hey, are you sure that you're alright, YN?" Matt asks you. "You're looking a bit pale all of a sudden." He steps toward you. 
"Yeah, now that you mention it." You nod, legs beginning to wobble under you. "Hmm. I...oof." 
Matt watches your legs begin to give out under you. He rushes forward and manages to catch you before you completely fall. With one swift movement Matt hauls you up into his arms. Mike gets the door and Matt ushers you inside. 
"Hey! Can we get some help?" Matt calls for the trainers. "YN said that she hit her head in her match with Skye. Then she almost fainted while waiting out in the hall." He explains. 
You're ushered onto an exam table and checked out by the medical staff. Matt steps back out into the hall to give you some privacy. Mike and Roderick are both waiting for him when he steps back into the hallway. 
"You ready to head out?" Mike pushes off the wall as Matt comes out of the trainers room. 
"Yeah." Roderick nods. "My match with Trent is in like 10 minutes." He adds. 
Matt nods but hesitates to move. His mind wanders to you back in the trainers room. He lingers and Mike laughs at him. "Ooo it looks like Matt's got a crush!" He teases his friend. 
"Its alright." Roderick rolls his eyes and pats Matt on the back. "You hang back and wait for YN. Mike and I can handle Trent." 
"Thanks, man." Matt nods. 
Mike and Roderick head out for Roddy's match. Matt leans against the wall and waits for you to come out of the trainers room. 
About 15 minutes later the door to the trainers room clicks open and you step out into the hall. Matt perks up and greets you. 
"YN, hey. What did they say? Are you alright?" He asks you. 
"Matt, hey. I didn't know you were still out here. Were you waiting for me?" You ask him. 
Matt rubs the back of his neck but nods. "Yeah, I was kind of worried about you." He admits. "You scared me a bit back there. Nodding off on me." He smiles in a joking manner. 
"Oh!" You reply. "Sorry about that. But thanks too." You add. "For catching me and all." 
"Yeah, of course." Matt nods. "You want me to walk you back to the locker room?" He offers. 
You nod, a small smile playing on your face. "Yeah, that'd be nice. Thanks. They told me no concussion. But that I should take it easy for a few days." You explain. 
"That's good." Matt smiles and the two of you head off to the locker room. 
You and Matt head down to the locker rooms and chat all the way down there. You come to a stop at your locker room door and turn toward Matt. 
"Well, thanks for walking me back here, Matt." You smile at him. 
"Yeah yeah." Matt nods. "Take care, YN." He smiles at you and goes to walk off. 
You linger at your locker room door, hand on the doorknob. After a moment you turn around. "Matt! Hey, wait!" You call after him. 
"Hmm?" Matt turns around. "Yeah, YN?" 
"Hey, would you maybe want to grab a bite to eat after the show?" You ask Matt hopefully. 
Matt clams up for a second, a look of surprise on his face. "Yeah, I'd love that!" He nods. "I have to check-in with the guys first. But I can meet you here after the show?" He suggests. 
"Sure. Works for me." You agree. "Im looking forward to it." You smile at him. 
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 4 months
●Matt Taven x Cole! Reader●
Summary: You are apart of The Undisputed Kingdom. You accompany Matt for his match against Orange Cassidy in a Texas death match. Adam finds out about you and Matt's relationship.
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Ever since Adam formed The Undisputed Kingdom at World's End, it has been the best thing that has happened to my career. I am in the spotlight and will soon be challenging Timeless Toni Storm for her AEW Women's championship.
Anyways, I am sitting in our locker room laying on the couch, my legs across Wardlow's lap who is sitting on the couch. Roddy, Matt and Mike are discussing something with each other. Adam comes rolling in on his wheelchair.
I sit up next to Wardlow and look at Adam.
"Boys! And Sis. Pay attention. Matt, you have the main event tonight against Orange. It is a Texas Death match. Y/N, you will be going out there with him. No one else."
"Should I wear my gear or our shirt and jeans?"
"Whatever is comfortable for you to fight, distract or take moves with."
"Got it."
"Now, go get ready, you two."
I get up, grab my bag and head to the bathroom. Matt does the same, walking in the same direction. I walk in the bathroom, he is behind me closing the door and locking it.
"Hey! Matt!"
I turn around to see what Adam is yelling about, but see Matt taking off his shirt. I gulp, setting my bag on the counter.
"What are you doing?"
"Getting changed. Thought it would be quicker if we just did it at the same time."
I walk over, stand infront of him and run my hand down his chest and stomach, biting my lip. He looks at me and smirks.
"Later baby. Your brother is on the other side of the door."
He whispers while putting his hand on my cheek, running his thumb over my bottom lip. I stick his thumb in my mouth, slowly sucking on it til it pops out of my mouth. He gulps, biting his lip looking down at me.
"You are so bad. Need to be taught a lesson."
He puts his hand around my neck, squeezing a little, making me look at him. I start laughing and he smirks, gripping my throat more. Someone starts banging on the door making us jump and break apart from each other.
"What is going on in there?! Matt! Y/N!"
"Adam! Calm down! We are literally getting changed! Chill!"
Matt looks at me and shakes his head smiling. I smile, grabbing my black and gray wrestling gear. My shorts have the Undisputed Kingdom logo on my butt. I put my knee high black boots on and Matt pushes my hands away from them. He starts tying my boots for me and I shake my head smiling. I grab my phone off the counter and take a picture of him. He finishes the first one and starts tying to second one. I take another picture of him. I set my phone back on the counter as he stands up. He looks at me smiling.
"Wanna take a picture of us together now?"
I feel my face turn red as I grab my phone and hand it to him. He takes it as I grab my big sunglasses out of my bag and put them on. I put my forearm on his side, leaning into him a little as he snakes his one arm around my waist. He takes the picture. I move my sunglasses off of my face onto my head and look up at him. He takes another picture like that without me knowing. He turns his head and kisses me, taking a picture like that as well. We kiss for a couple minutes before we hear banging on the door again.
"You two better not be screwing in there! Matt, your match is in a few minutes!"
"Don't get your panties in a twist! God forbid he can't take pictures of me for me!"
I giggle and Matt laughs with me hearing Adam huff on the other side of the door.
"Let's go before he has Wardlow break the door down."
Matt laughs as I walk over to the door, unlock it and walk out of the bathroom. Matt puts my phone in my bag on the bathroom counter than walks out. We leave the locker room before anyone can say anything and head down to gorilla.
*near the end of the match*
Orange is in the ring dumping thumb tacks out of a Valentines container from Chuck Taylor. Matt is laying in the corner holding his back and I climb into the ring. I run up to Orange trying to clothesline him but he picks me up and powerbombs me into the thumb tacks. I scream clutching my back rolling over to the corner of the ring. Orange sees Matt coming and hits him with the Orange Punch getting the win. Mike and Roddy come running down to the ring to check on me and Matt. I can feel all the thumb tacks stuck in my back as Mike helps me out of the ring. They help us to the back and to our locker room. Mike helps me sit down on a metal chair backwards. Mike leans down slowly taking the tacks out of my back. Adam comes rolling up next to me putting his hand on my shoulder.
"You have some explaining to do Y/N."
I sit up looking at him confused.
"Explaining? About what?"
"Oh... I don't know.... about these pictures I found on your phone!"
He pulls my phone up and shows me the pictures of me and Matt that we took before his match. Matt looks at me wide eyed from on the couch behind Adam. I grab my phone out of his hand staring daggers into Adam.
"How dare you go through my phone! You have no right to do that! And yeah. Me and Matt are together! He makes me so happy and appreciated! You should be happy someone is treating me the way he treats me!"
I get up, walk over and sit down next to Matt on the couch as Adam moves to look at both of us.
"Matt.... you better be treating her right. Because if you don't treat her right..... just know you don't only have me to deal with..... you also have Wardlow to deal with. And Roddy."
"Adam. Knock it off."
"I'm just saying. See ya later."
He leaves along with Mike and Roddy. I look over at Matt and he looks at me smiling. I lean over and kiss him. He kisses me back putting his hand on my cheek. I pull back looking at him smiling.
"I'm happy that he knows. You can come over to my house or hotel now without sneaking in."
"Man, I liked sneaking in though."
We laugh as we collect our things and head back to the hotel to end the night.
The End 😊
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 5 months
●Adam Cole x Reader●
Summary: You and Adam turn on Max at World's End.
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"You got this Max. I believe in you."
I am standing infront of Max cupping his face with my hands looking at him. He looks at me with worry written on his face.
"You think I can? Even against Samoa Joe?"
"Yes! Look at all the other people you have beaten to keep your title! You are the longest reigning champion! You got this!"
"Y/N... I...I appreciate everything you do for me. You have no idea. There is something I need to tell you."
As soon as I go to say something, there is a knock at the door. I turn to look at the door.
"You better get going!"
I turn back around looking at him. He grabs his robe and title, kiss my cheek than walks out of the locker room. I pull out my phone and text Adam asking if he is ready to go. A few minutes go by, Adam walks into the locker room with a big smile on his face.
"Hi honey!"
"Hi Adam!"
He grabs me into a hug and I smile as he lifts me up while wrap my legs around his waist. I look at him putting my arms around his neck and his hands grab onto my butt.
"You ready for tonight baby?"
"We get to reveal both of our secrets tonight. Of course I'm ready."
He puts me down just in time with Roddy coming around the corner looking at us confused.
"What is going on here?"
"We are getting ready to go out for Max's match. Shouldn't you be getting ready for something?"
I make a shooing motion at him and he rolls his eyes looking over at Adam.
"We still doing this tonight?"
"Doing what?"
I look at Roddy acting confused.
"That's all you Adam. Bye."
Roddy leaves quickly and I giggle at him looking at Adam. Adam shrugs his shoulders.
"He doesn't know I'm in on it, does he?"
"Nope. Didn't tell anyone. It's gonna be a surprise to everyone."
"Good. Now let's go out there."
We leave the locker room and make our way to gorilla.
Adam and I are at ringside hitting the mat cheering on Max.
"Cmon Max! You got this!"
Joe catches him in a headlock setting up for The Kokina Clutch but Max runs into the corner, flips over Joe and pins him. Joe kicks out and catches him in the Kokina Clutch. Max is kicking around trying to get out. Me and Adam hit the apron yelling.
"Nooo! Max!!"
Max stops moving, the ref lifts his arms and it falls. The ref does it again and his arm just falls again.
"Cmon Max!"
The ref lifts his hand slowly, let's go and it just drops like dead weight. I gasp, grabbing some of my hair on the side of my hair leaning on the apron shocked and Adam is smacking the apron in anger. Joe grabs the title, celebrates a little than leaves the ring. I climb into the ring checking on Max and Adam kneels down next to me.
"Max, you did amazing."
Max sits up looking at both of us holding his arm.
I gasp standing up seeing the Devil's Henchman walking towards the ring. I help Adam stand up and Max is standing infront of us defending us. One guy grabs Max by his arms, one grabs Adam by his arms and one puts his arm around my neck making me watch. Another one comes in with a steel chair in hand facing Max.
"Don't hit him! Hit me instead!"
I look at Adam than back at Max. They are yelling not to hit each other. The guy with the chair turns to hit Adam and the lights go out. When the lights come back on, Adam is sitting in the chair and I am standing behind him with my hands on his shoulders. I smirk looking at Max. The guys take off their masks revealing Mike Bennett, Matt Taven, Roderick Strong and Wardlow.
"Y/N! Adam! How could you do this to me?!"
He gets up walking towards us and I look back at the guys behind me motioning for them to attack him. They attack him and Wardlow hits him with a powerbomb. Adam pulls out the Devil's mask and holds it up as I evilly laugh behind him. Adam stands up and walks over to Max throwing the Devil Mask on his chest. I walk up next to Adam looking down at Max than up at him.
"Oh Max. One more thing."
Adam grabs my waist, pulls me into him and kisses me hard. Roddy looks over at us shocked. He pulls back and starts laughing at the crowd booing us. I look back at Roddy and smile a little seeing his face. We all climb out of the ring and make our way to the top of the ramp. We pose at the top as the crowd boos us even louder. Adam grabs my waist and kisses me hard again while Max is sitting in the ring looking up at us. I pull back looking at Max in the ring and I wave my fingers at him smirking. The lights go dark and we make our way to the back. What a way to end the year!!
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 1 month
●Matt Taven x Reader●
Summary: You are taking care of Roddy when Adam and The Kingdom come to visit him.
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*Y/N's POV* *everything is being recorded for AEW Dynamite*
In the kitchen making some tea for Roddy, there is a knock at the door.
"You got it Y/N?"
"Well you ain't gonna get it."
We laugh and I walk over to the door opening it.
Adam walks in the door and hugs me. I hug him back and walk him to the living room where Roddy is.
Me and Adam jump at Roddy yelling. I shake my head and go back into the kitchen. Adam sits down with Roddy talking about some idea he has. There is another knock at the door.
"I got it boys!"
I walk over to the door and open it.
"Y/N! What's up lady?"
"Hi hun!"
"Hey boys. Roddy is in the living room. Want some tea?"
"Yes please!"
I walk back into the kitchen hearing the teapot starting to scream. They walk into the living room and start doing their promos for the camera. I grab some cups and put tea bags in them. I pour the water into them and mix the tea bags up a little. I grab the cups and walk over to the guys.
"Here ya go Roddy. Here guys."
I hand him his first than I give the other guys their cups. They all smile at me as I walk back to the kitchen to clean up. They continue talking, trying to get the most out of the video for tonight. Adam gets up, comes out to the kitchen and starts making some sandwiches for everyone. I grab him some paper plates and set them on the counter.
"Thank you."
I shake my head and continue cleaning the kitchen up. He walks over giving Matt, Mike and Roddy a sandwich than plays on his scooter. I turn around leaning on the counter looking at them.
"What do you think? As good as they used to....."
Roddy spits the sandwich back out on the plate than looks at Adam.
"Adam, you know I hate crust! All you had to do was cut off...."
"You know what? Stop! Stop. I have done everything...... everything I possibly can to help you. I have not talked to Max for weeks, practically.... and dammit, I need to get surgery. I'm done with this. I'm done!"
Adam rolls over to the door on his scooter as Roddy yells at him.
"Adam! Adam! Adam!"
Adam opens the door, walks out and slams the door behind him. I walk over to the couch, leaning on the back with my face next to Matt's.
"Fellas.... I know what I'm gonna have to do to get my best friend back."
Matt shrugs, I look at him and Mike turns to look at him.
Roddy looks at the camera than back at us.
"I'm gonna have to be nice.... to that scumbag."
We all sigh and groan hearing Roddy say that. Mike leans forward and turns the camera off. I look down seeing Matt staring up at me. I smile at him than look at Roddy.
"Want me to make you a new sandwich?"
"Would you please?"
He hands me the plate with the sandwich he spit out, I grab it and walk to the kitchen. I throw it away than grab a new plate. I grab all the ingredients to make a new sandwich. I start making it when I feel a presence next to me. I look to my left seeing Matt standing next to me.
"Would you like another one too?"
"Yes please."
I smile looking up at him. He looks down at me slightly smiling as well. I blush a little and continue making Roddy's sandwich. Matt slowly starts putting his hands on my sides than wraps them around my waist putting his head on my shoulder. I giggle finishing Roddy's sandwich than starts making his. I feel him start lightly kissing my neck causing me to giggle.
"Hey, you two lovebugs. Is my sandwich almost done?"
Matt lets go of me and walks Roddy's sandwich over to him. I continue making his sandwich as he walks back over to me wrapping his arms around my waist again with his head on my shoulder. I turn my head, kissing his cheek while finishing his sandwich.
"I'm gonna make you my wife one day."
"You better."
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 21 days
Fics in progress!
💥Updated 6/16💥
Kip Sabian x Reader
Swerve Strickland x Reader
Angelico x Reader
Tyler Bate x Reader
Jey Uso x Reader
Grayson Waller x Austin Theory x Reader
Chuck Taylor x Reader
Kyle Fletcher x Will Ospreay x Reader
Juice Robinson x Reader
Bang Bang Gang x Reader
Matt Taven x Reader
David Finlay x Reader
Hangman Adam Page x Reader
Braun Strowman x Reader
Damian Priest x JD McDonagh x Reader
Kyle O'reilly x Reader
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sydsaint · 3 months
How many WIPS do you have?
Take a quick WIP update!! In no particular order and subject to change of course!
Logan Paul x Injured Wrestler!Reader
Charlie Dempsey x NXT GM!Reader
Bron Breakker x Wrestler!Reader one bed trope
Santos Escobar x Mysterio!Reader
Matt Taven x Cole!Reader
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sydsaint · 2 months
Hi I hope you do not mind me asking what fics are you currently working on?
Have a WIP update my friend!!!! As always all fics listed have been started and are waiting to be finished or edited. I have others on the list but don't consider them wips till I start them.
Supportive boyfriend Matt Taven is out at commentary for his gfs title match against Julia Hart
Samoa Joe gets on Swerve's ass after Strickland keeps flirting with his girlfriend
Giovanni Vinci gets betrayed by his Imperium comrades and expects his GF to do the same. But reader is loyal to her mans
Another addiction of Will Ospreay x Don Callis fam Reader
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