#matta gyalusetsu
What's with the death tag? Who died? And how the fuck did Matta survive? Time shift regeneration? Like, he used time bs to bring his body to before he got slaughtered into pieces?
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//I tend to include the death tag on posts where characters either resurrect or are revealed to be alive so that people who follow that tag on the blog are aware of what characters are alive or not. Also, the proper explanation for how Matta came back will be in next chapter. I wanted to include it here at the end, but I needed Yomi's reveal to be front and center for now.
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So...Organization Zetsubou get to Despair another day...
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For the time being, at least. They won't succeed, no matter how far they go. But their successes up until now, and the one's they get in the future, are a part of history. We need to let it run its course for the time being so the necessary damage can be done.
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We should probably go. I don't want to loiter around this shithole any more than I need to.
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I bet the Future Foundation are probably real confused why Junko gets the kind treatment but Kuripa doesn't.
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Even if I was to explain to them what was going on, they wouldn't understand. I need Junko Enoshima alive so I can keep tabs on her actions. I still think there's a connection to all of this, but I'm struggling to figure out what.
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I know...You don't have to tell me all of this...
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...I just...I just want everything to be fixed, you know?
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I know...
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paper-scrap · 2 years
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Matta Gyalusetsu
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*Shows Matta the video of Kanade's second death*
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Hmph...Finally, the eyesore is gone...
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//So, a bit of context for the most recent chapter, since I'm a little worried I didn't explain it well enough. Under the cut is a bit of a more thorough explanation as to what I was trying to get across.
//So essentially, what I was trying to get across with the imagery of that last chapter is that Matta and Tsutsuji's trailer actually serves as a futuristic home base for them rather than just a simple hideout trailer, and underneath the bathroom elevator is a room entirely filled with human pods, all containing clones of Matta.
//For every time Matta dies, one of those clones immediately activates and transfers his consciousness into it directly, so it's like he instantaneously comes back to life if he receives lethal damage. That's why Tsutsuji wasn't bothered when she heard Matta died because she knew he was just waking up downstairs.
//If I can compare it to anything, if you've seen Rick and Morty, it's basically like Operation Phoenix. When Rick dies in any dimension, his consciousness is automatically transferred to a clone body, bringing him back to life.
//Because this character could not be overpowered enough.
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Sending birthday wishes to both Matta and Tsutsuji.
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Thank you.
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Thanks man...
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*A familiar bear walks up to Matta, but instead of flipping him off, it simply gives him a thumbs up before riding off on it's unicycle*
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Goodbye...And good luck wherever you may go.
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Is this the natural evolution of the Resurrection Device or because Matta was literally created for this mission they made 30 or so copies of him?
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This is something else entirely. My genetic DNA is listed on Future Foundation files, so using this tech, Tsutsuji can make as many copies of me as I want.
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It is generally the same technology though. Just a different principle since it's generating new genetic bodies entirely from scratch. Think of it more like actual cloning than what the Resurrection pods do.
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I knew with the whole 'reviving dead people' there was no way Matta would stay dead.
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Yes, well, the way I came back is a little bit different than using the Resurrection machines...
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Hmm. I wonder if one of the catalysts for the future was Makoto dying in some way, it'd be the explanation that best explains why Kuripa would engineer a new tragedy. I can't shake the feeling that it was Kuripa himself killing Makoto that started it, maybe a trick from Junko? I'm just spitballing here.
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Not completely impossible, but that's why I must be ready...To prevent an outcome like that...
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I think the fact you had such a violent reaction to Junko must imply she’s heavily tied to the state to this world. Or since you said your template was based off someone from the past someone who got violently killed by Junko.
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I'm inclined to agree with you. One way or another, I'm positive that Junko Enoshima is somehow involved in what happens in the future now that she's here. The problem is I don't know HOW.
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That's exactly why I can't kill her. I can't accept the risk of taking her out prematurely in the case that her death is what sets things into motion, and if I do, I can't undo that damage. I can't afford any more slip ups.
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But...As for my involuntary reaction just now...That doesn't have to do with my suspicions...
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This...well, it's because of something else...
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Clone bodies!?
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Think of this as you will, but let me put it into perspective for you...
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You've seen the state of the world that I come from...The hell that it's been subjected to. And I stand as the one person, with only Tsutsuji for backup, who's taken it upon himself to save this timeline from that grim fate.
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So why would you ever think I wouldn't take such overzealous and extreme measures to ensure my own success?
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I don’t know if any of the current OZ members are aware of your status as a time traveller Matta though I doubt it. But Junko will VERY likely figure it out and she will ensure your future will come to pass if she does figure it out.
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I'm aware of Junko Enoshima's analytical prowess. It's why I haven't let it on to anybody else other than Kurafto and Tsutsuji so far.
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Regrettably, there's nothing I can do to stop her analytical abilities from taking me apart from the inside out. My only solution is to delay the inevitable by keeping my distance.
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It feels...strange...Finally getting to meet you...They always told me stories about you...
*Surprisingly, though know one notices, Matta's fist starts trembling.
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The Roadblock.
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*pant!* *pant!* *pant!*
*After coming to a decision, Nagito tries to escape from Zetsubou’s base. He runs, and runs and doesn’t look back.
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(I know what I need to do now...At least...I hope I do...)
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(I’m sorry Narumi...I appreciate everything you’ve done for me...You too, Akira...)
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(But...I don’t know if I was ever meant to be here...I was blinded and...I...)
*These idle thoughts cloud his mind, but he does not stop running. He leaves the front gate of Zetsubou’s base and starts running through the forest outside the compound.
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*pant!* *pant!* *pant!*
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....H U H...?
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*Nagito suddenly gets slammed in the face so hard, he tumbles back along the ground like a tumbleweed until he collides with a tree!
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GUURGH! ...Nngh...Wh-What the...!?
*He grabs the tree, then clambers to his feet.
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*When his vision clears he stares through the opening at whatever attacked him...And he sees...
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...Going somewhere?
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G-Gyalusetsu...? What are YOU doing here?
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No real reason...I was simply out for a walk, then I saw you running off into the distance like the world was about to end...
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So...you PUNCHED me?
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Actually, I kicked you.
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Ok, but...WHY!?
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Tell me what it is you’re doing out here, and maybe I’ll apologize for it.
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You looked panicked after all. I doubt you were here for any idle reasons, like myself.
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I don’t believe for a second you were here idly...
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It’s nothing...I’m just taking some time off. My head’s been all over the place recently and...I just need it.
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When we have escaped prisoners running around the base?
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And when you’re probably our best chance at tracking them down with your Ultimate Talents?
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What good is that kind of power if you can’t even use it? And to think, you criticized Hinata for putting those powers to shame.
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Alright, alright! I’ve heard enough of that kind of thing today...I don’t need you breathing down my neck about it.
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*Matta approaches menacingly.
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You’ve “heard enough of that kind of thing?” From WHO exactly?
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That...doesn’t matter. I’m just...going somewhere...Just leave me alone, please.
*Nagito walks past Matta, who turns around.
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Somewhere very special indeed...The Future Foundation, if I’m not mistaken?
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*Nagito screeches to a halt.
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Y-You don’t know what you’re talking about. There’s nothing left for me with those people...
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Isn’t your beloved Seiko Kimura with them now? That seems reason enough.
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That’s not why! This has nothing to do with her!
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You don’t deny then that you’re going to the Future Foundation?
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For an Ultimate Everything, you’re not a very good liar...
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Look, I already said, I’ve heard ENOUGH of that! I don’t care about these talents or what I use them with! With any luck, I’ll be rid of them soon!
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Why do you even care what I’m doing or where I’m going? You never did before...
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Given that I assume you’re going to the Future Foundation to sell Zetsubou out and inform them of Kamukura’s capture, that’s not something I can really let you go and do without at least questioning you about it.
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*Nagito turns around to square Matta down.
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How could you possibly know all of this!? Can you read my mind or something!?
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No. I’m just not a brainless idiot like the rest of these clowns. I actually check my facts before I spit them. 
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I know that Kamukura played the bad guy so he could lure Zetsubou into a trap, destroy the Hope Serum, and undo everything this organization has done.
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And I also know that he removed your suicide chip months ago...
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But how-
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I might not be able to read minds...But I DO have X-Ray vision...
*He taps his head.
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Oh, ha ha...VERY funny...What are you, some kind of robot?
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*Matta shrugs.
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That’s not an answer.
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I don’t owe you one.
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Well, then I guess I shouldn’t really ask why you suddenly changed your tune?
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You never cared about Zetsubou’s goals before. You even showed hospitality to Kanata and Seiko when they needed it...How could you betray their trust like this!? I just thought you were in it for the credits.
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That’s rich coming from you...
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The Remnants of Despair showed YOU hospitality for years; treated you like you were family, and would have done anything to protect you, no matter how much you drove them up the wall or how much you did in the past to hurt them.
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And what do you do? You get so obsessed with your pathetic ideals of “Hope will always prevail!” and “Talent is all that matters!” that you turn your back on them. You ruined their lives, and helped to destroy their home.
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If you really think they’re going to forgive you after all that, you’re wasting your time...
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*Nagito stamps on the ground with his foot so hard, he leaves a small crater.
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WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, LECTURING ME!? I don’t have to hear these kinds of ramblings of treachery and distrust from a man who’s too afraid to show his own face!
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If you knew what my face looked like, you wouldn’t be saying that.
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Well maybe not, but trust me. I’ve seen my fair share of ugly mugs over the course of my life.
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That aside...For all I care, Mahiru, Chiaki and the others can KEEP their forgiveness. There are greater things at stake here than my pride and obsession.
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I made peace a long, long time ago that I’m ultimately worthless...Even with every ability under my belt, I’m STILL...WORTHLESS...
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But I never realized until the dust settled just how much harm I was doing to the world, and to my friends. I don’t deserve them, and I’m ok with that...
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But...the least I can do for them now is make sure that they can live a life they love without me...and if Shirogane really plans to destroy humanity with her Hope army, that’s not gonna happen.
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And you...? 
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What do YOU want Nagito Komaeda? What achievement or accomplishment do YOU get from this?
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Validation, I guess...To know that I at least did something right...
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I don’t know where I’m going to go from here, but I’m done acting like a big shot...I’m done being the top dog...
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*sigh* Alright then...
*Matta suddenly reaches up towards his ear and sticks his finger inside.
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It’s time...Tsutsuji...You know what to do...
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*Nagito’s eyes widen as Matta lowers his hand.
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Ts-Tsut...suji? Who or...what...is that?
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You don’t need to know...All you do need to know is that even if I have my own agenda, I still have a job to do.
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I can’t let you leave, Komaeda...Not without a fight, at least...
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...I figured...
*Nagito clenches his fist.
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You don’t want to do this, Gyalusetsu...
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Oh, I think I do...Everyone and their grandma has been waiting to see you punched in your smug face for a while now...I will succeed at putting you down where Hajime Hinata failed...
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Oh, Hajime Hinata...He really did want to be your friend, even after all the trauma you put him through...
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THAT was a mistake...
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You don’t know ANYTHING about me OR Hajime! RAAAAAAAAGGH!
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*Nagito rushes forward at blinding speed, reels back his fist as far as it can go, and lands the hardest and fastest punch he can muster dead in Matta’s chest! The impact is so hard and heavy, the ground around them 
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...*pant!* *pant!* *pant!* Hah...
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*The dust settles and Matta’s figure is seen with Nagito’s fist slammed hard against Matta’s chest...Who is still standing, almost completely unphased by the nuclear-level punch.
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For you see...Komaeda...
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*Matta grabs Nagito’s wrist, and starts to twist it! Nagito falls to his knees, overwhelmed and overpowered...!
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You were NEVER the top dog...!
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*Matta’s punch sends Nagito soaring back and crashing through about 100 different trees until he skips across the ground like a stone on the water and grinds along the ground, covering him in dirt!
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GUUGH! Haah...
*Nagito winces in pain as he sits up relocates his jaw.
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*He is just narrowly able to roll out the way, as the now crimson-eyed hitman nearly slams down and 
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What...What the hell ARE you!?
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*Matta rises and points towards the Ultimate Hope.
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You want to see what a REAL god among men looks like!?
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Then I’ll show you...DIVINE RETRIBUTION!
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Run like a bitch! Run like a bitch! Run like a BIOTCH!
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Are you alright Akira!?
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She's stable. But that did a lot of damage on her.
*Akira recovers and scurries over to the computer.
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Guh! Dammit! That charge fried everything! I can't track them like this!
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And with AI Junko in her current condition...Crap! He got us good!
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*Tsumugi snarls and turns towards the soldiers.
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Spread out and deploy as many Monokuma units as we HAVE! We have escapees in the base!
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I really hope your plan was for more than just to stick it to Shirogane, Uchui!
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It felt good didn't it!?
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But no, I said I'd get you out of here and I meant it. By destroying the security mainframe, Zetsubou can't track your location easily in the base, or the location of any invaders!
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Ooh! Good idea! Then we just need to run for it, right!?
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Yep, but there's just...ONE last problem...
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What's that?
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*Everyone hears a loud sound behind them and turns their heads to see a door burst open, and a looming figure standing in the way.
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We need to get away from HIM!
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Holding On for Dear Strife.
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*Nagito continues to fend off an onslaught of attacks from Matta! The masked monster slams onto the ground, then kicks the large debris towards him. Nagito obliterates the debris with a punch, but only in time to see Matta pounce at him and send him flying through another bark!
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How incredibly disappointing...
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*Nagito bursts up, rage in his grey and blue eyes. He lunges at his opponent, who bends over and laughs!
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Hmhmhm...Come on then!
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*When Nagito flies forward, Matta pounds the ground with both his fists! This causes a shockwave that turns up the ground and smashes into Nagito!
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You claim that you’ve always seen yourself as worthless! But we both know you’re LYING to yourself!
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*Nagito flips backwards as Matta brandishes a scimitar and nearly cuts him!
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You were killing your family for YOUR DREAMS! You fought them relentlessly until your legs couldn’t hold you anymore!
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*He dodges as Matta throws the sword.
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You get a little taste of power, and you change! As soon as you realized there will be more than one Ultimate Hope out there in the world, you snapped. And the people you claim to love...PAID THE PRICE!
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*Matta brandishes a variety of sharp weapons and flings them all at Nagito, who swiftly dodges and deflects them.
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Hajime, Hiyoko and Teruteru’s deaths were a grave and terrible miscalculation! I never meant for any of them to die!
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You decided to ally yourself with the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization, and you DIDN’T expect your friends to die or for places to be destroyed!?
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*Within fast, consecutive motions, Matta shoulder charges into Nagito, punches him in the gut then launches him into the air with his fists. He grabs his legs, slams him back down, throws him back into the air, then jumps and tackles him, sending them flying until they crash on top of a boulder. Matta, expressionless, grabs Nagito firmly by his neck and starts to choke him. The Ultimate Lucky Hope starts to gasp for breath.
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So tell me why you believe these Ultimate’s you love oh-so much will even give you the time of day once you find them? You killed their family and destroyed their home! You’re a VILLAIN! Plain and simple!
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So tell me what I want...and the pain stops. What...do you...WANT...? What is your purpose!?
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Why would I...gagh...tell that to someone who won’t show my his face!? What’s YOUR purpose, HAGH!?
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Right now...my sole purpose...is KILLING YOU...
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*Nagito throws Matta off him, rolls over and pins him down, landing punch after punch on his metal face!
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*Nagito punches Matta with such ferocity, the boulder underneath them splits!
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*pant!* *pant!* *pant!* Aagh...
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*Nagito struggles to catch his breath in the cloud of dust and sand that follows the destruction, but isn’t able to in time for Matta to grab him by the waste and suplex him skull-first into the ground! He then reels back and kicks Nagito, sending him tumble-weeding along the ground until he smashes through another tree.
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Struck a nerve, did I!? Is it because...you know I’m right?
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Everybody thinks the same thing you know...Even your precious Seiko...None of this - NONE OF THIS! - would have happened, if you hadn’t defected!
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Everybody wants it...You serve zero purpose...You should just DIE...!
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*Nagito grabs the trunk of the tree Matta threw him through and smashes the masked man with it like it’s a baseball bat! The impact sends Matta flying until he smashes straight into a cliff face!
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Let’s see how YOU like it!? CHOO CHOO!
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*Nagito aimlessly and wildly charges straight into Matta and sends him crashing through several trees and rocks in the compound! Matta continues to elbow his spine to break free, but Nagito doesn’t relent until they collide with a small cliff-face!
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It’s not up to me to tell you how to do your job, but for an enigmatic assassin, you sure TALK A LOT!
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*Nagito punches Matta in the face a few times, only for the creature to move so fast, he practically teleports behind him, then hit him with such a fierce punch, he becomes lodged in the cliff!
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*Nagito bursts out of the cliff, slams into Matta and smashes his face against the tree! He smacks him in the face with his fist, splitting the trunk wide open! He grabs Matta by the face again, plants him on the ground and runs forward, dragging his opponent through the dirt, until he slams him back into the cliff! He then leaps up.
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Ugh...Alright, that happened...
Nagito: HEY! MATTA!
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*Nagito, who leaps on top of the the cliff, stamps down on it so hard a large chunk of the face falls off at the top! It falls, and completely crushes and buries Matta underneath it!
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.......*crumble* *RUMBLE!* CRUMBLE!* *RUMBLE!* *CRUMBLE!*
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...I’m watching...
*Matta rises from underneath the avalanche and lifts the slab of cliff up above his head with one hand! He reels back and...!
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*POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *KER-POOOOOOOOOOWWW!*
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*...throws it at Nagito, who is unable to dodge in time! Matta immediately follows up by casting out his grappling hook towards the airborne Ultimate Hope, and LAYS WASTE to him with a flurry if iron-fisted punches, finishing by knocking Nagito to the ground!
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*Nagito’s vision goes hazy, and the ringing in his ears sounds louder than ever. But despite that, he still gets up, and once again squares down the horror in front of him, who tries to plant two fists into him before he catches him! The pressure around them rises and the ground begins to crack!
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All I wanted was to simply do as I was tasked...AND for you to answer a question of mine, but NO! You HAD to get foolhardy with me! Dodging all my questions because you’re too afraid or can’t be bothered to answer!
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Of course not! I’d rather just destroy you and be on my merry way!
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It wonders me how you’re even able to see with your head so far up your rear! Have you seriously not realized it yet, Komaeda? You AREN’T wearing me down...I can’t feel ANY of this...!
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*Matta spins around and throws Nagito across the ground again, kicking up tons of dirt and covering the Lucky Student in mud. Nagito scratches at the ground, dirt getting underneath his fingernails as Matta slowly draws towards him, brandishing his blade once again.
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This fight was a foregone conclusion the moment it started. You can’t hurt a creature like me...You can’t even rely on Hope or tenacity of determination to keep going like the likes of Kuripa Kurafto can! You have NO OBJECTIVE of your own!
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*COUGH!* Ngh...
*Matta condescendingly strides around Nagito and points his nose to the sky.
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This fight is pointless...Your struggles are pointless...and your DEATH will be...POINTLESS! Hundreds of Ultimate Talents don’t save you from being a pathetic mess, who can only fall in line with that of what he narrow-mindedly believes the world wants...
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I’m asking you, Nagito Komaeda...What...do YOU...WANT!?
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*Nagito suddenly feels a strange flash of emotion in the back of his mind...As Matta stares him down, he grasps at the ground beneath him, and while his body is on the verge of collapsing, he rises to his feet.
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Why do I need...to justify my existence to you?
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I’m alive...Even after everything I did, I’m alive, and I can still make it right! Whether or not I can doesn’t matter; I have a CHANCE!
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What I WANT...is to make things right...but you know what?
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I don’t NEED a purpose! I’ve made mistakes, many of which I will never be forgiven for, but that’s ok! There’s nobody I would rather be...than ME!
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So feel free to try and kill me here and now…But know…I will fight until my last breath...
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Because I want to exist! Because I WANT TO EXIST!
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Let’s finish this...GYALUSETSU!
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Yes...You’re right...! HRRGGH!
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*Matta flies forward at an impossible speed, fist clenched and blade brandished, and Nagito stands there, preparing to take the hit and counter!
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*The hit never comes however. Nagito, having shut his eyes to brace for the impact, opens them to see Matta’s fist right in front of his face, having stopped himself. Not only that, but his strength has depleted and his eyes have returned to normal color.
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And that’s the end of that...Commendable, Nagito Komaeda...
*He dusts off his gloves and tries to wipe himself free of as much dirt and grime on his suit as he can. Nagito just stands there in confusion.
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Wait, wait, wait! What’s going on!? Wh...Why did you stop fighting me? You were just trying to kill me a second ago!
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I already told you...Tell me what I want...and the pain stops. Now, I have what I want.
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You mean...the real reason why you started kicking me to the curb was...? Was that some kind of TEST!?
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You finally understand. Talents...Hope...Reasons for needing to exist at all...all meaningless.
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These ideals were created by humankind...NOT the other way around…People don’t need to justify their reasons for living...Hinata doesn’t...I don’t...And YOU don’t.
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You wanted me to realize what it is I truly wanted...And you want me to strive towards it.
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I thought redemption was impossible so I never tried; confining myself to Zetsubou’s evil because I thought there was nothing left for me. I thought these talents were a waste on me and that I had long strayed from the path of absolute Hope...
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Even if that was true, nobody in this world, not even someone with my power, can stop you from finding that path again. 
*Nagito frowns at him.
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So who’s side are you really on? You help my friends, then you betray them, now you’re helping me again?
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As you’ve no doubt realized yourself, I strive for the things I believe in. I’m not comfy with Zetsubou, but for now, they’re useful to me, so I play along with their façade. But I will not abide by one being forced into a role as a hero or a villain, when your role in your life, is yours to choose. Such is the case for everyone.
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And you wanted to make sure I saw that, right? It’s a shame it took me so long, but I get it now...An Ultimate Talent is nothing more than a stupid title that Hope’s Peak Academy gave their individual students just to make themselves seem like bigshots and the top dogs. It’s nothing more than a bunch of self-entitled losers telling children what they can and can’t be...And it’s wrong...It never meant anything.
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Hmph...Wise words...I’m surprised they came from you.
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They didn’t...Hajime once said those words to me…On the day that I left Jabberwock Island and came here...At the time I didn’t listen...I didn’t CARE...But now I know what he meant...
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I’ve spent my whole life believing in the wrong things...Believing that Hope was the Ultimate Virtue and that talent was supreme but...I’ve spent my whole life making so many horrible mistakes...
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Then spend the REST of it…fixing those mistakes.
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I am not Kuripa Kurafto, Komaeda. I believe that there’s always a way to go back, no matter how hard you fall, or how deep into the hole you go. We all have our own depictions of what Hope truly is…You’re determined to find yours…But let me tell you mine…
*Matta stries forward with his arms crossed behind his back. Nagito watches him.
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Hope’s true form is not a shining light, or a heavenly gateway.
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Hope is a man, standing in a desolate wasteland, blood on his face, dirt on his clothes and several broken bones. He’s so exhausted that he can’t even muster the strength to whisper words. There is nothing out there for him. No one to call for. No home to return to. Nothing. 
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And yet despite all that, he searches. He gets kicked down again and again and again, but still searches .He loses the feeling in his body, is about to collapse into an eternal rest at any moment…He still searches...
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So, Nagito Komaeda…How long will YOU search for...Until you find YOUR home...?
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*Matta leaves Nagito alone with this question...
17 notes · View notes
“ What if the men and women that you see here have family?” Sorry you need a correction here. You mean if they HAD family. Because you really think OZ, who would see your world as their ideal future, would allow those family members to live? The answer is no, and if they did, then they are probably all dead now as Tsumugi might have had them gunned down by now.
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Again, you're being presumptuous. I mean it in the context that their families are under threat, and that some of these soldiers are being forced to fight to ensure they remain as such.
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Don't tell me you're actively encouraging Kurafto's braindead vigilante justice?
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