#matthew kristall
luegootravez · 28 days
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Annely Bouma by © Matthew Kristall
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Photographed by Matthew Kristall for WSJ Magazine March 2017
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oldcountrybear1955 · 2 years
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T Magazine Men’s Fashion Spring 2014 - Andrew Westermann photographed by Matthew Kristall
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ribs02 · 9 months
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save me total drama fanseries... save me...
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thequeensofbeauty · 1 year
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Billie Piper photographed by Matthew Kristall for The Sunday Times Style (February 2018)
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modelsof-color · 4 months
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Wayne Booth photographed by Matthew Kristall for Allure US Magazine October 2017
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gcgazette · 4 months
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Photo Matthew Kristall
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hopefulromances · 1 year
Long Time Coming I Chapter Twelve I Haunted
Summary: Being hired as the first female assistant coach in the league was a challenge of it itself. Being a football protigy and University Football Legend was easy enough. Coaching Jamie Tartt was a challenge all on its own.
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Word Count: 3K
Warning: Gross ex,West Ham
A/N: Lets learn a little more about readers past eh? Next chapter rlly gets things going I promise!
Prologue One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven
West Ham was a big game. A really big game. A game I think each of us were dreading the game. But for me… it was another one of my secrets.  Matthew Kristal was a forward on West Ham. Had been for years. And he’d been my boyfriend throughout uni. He was much much older than me but he approached me after a game and told me all the things I wanted to hear. I was special, something he’d never seen before, so mature for my age. All the normal bullshit you hear from guys twice your age.
We dated for years. Actually, until very recently. When I told him I was looking at taking a job at Richmond, he changed. He told me not to, that I should just let him take care of me. Obviously, I’d told him that he was bullshit. I left him after that, and I hadn’t seen him since. He’d texted me several times offering advice or telling me how sorry he was. But thanks to the family I’d found at Richmond, specifically Keeley Jones, I didn’t feel the need to text him back.
But now I’d be face to face with him again. And that’s ignoring the feud with Nate and Rupert that was hanging over everyone’s head. I listened to Roy and Beard squabble over what strategy to do against West Ham. I knew it didn’t matter either way. We’d end up doing whatever Zava wanted, probably a 4-4-2 or 4-5-1. Anything to get him in position to score.
As I watched them uninterested, my phone buzzed on the table. I flipped my phone over and saw a text from an unknown number.
            Hey, hope you’re doing well. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend.
I scrolled up but didn’t see any past messages from this person. Luckily the person followed up quickly.
            It’s Matt, btw, got a new phone.
God fucking damnnit. Of course, he was texting me now. I looked around, making sure I wasn’t needed before grabbing my phone and rushing out of the room. I sent Keeley a text to see if she’d be coming by the club later, which she was.
            “Fuck me,” I muttered, running a hand through my hair.
A commotion from the locker room caught my attention. I shoved my phone in my pocket and decided that whatever was going on in there was the perfect distraction.
            “Oi, what’s going on in here?” I demanded as I walked into the room.
            “Isaac’s tried to kill me is what’s going on,” Jamie exclaimed, backing away from his captain.
            “Guys I think someone ripped this in half,” Bumbercatch’s comment caused me to look over at the wall. In his hand was half of the believe sign, the other half still up on the wall. My eyes widened as I walked over to his side.
            “What the hell…” I murmured, taking the piece of the sign from him. It was just a sign, I tried to tell myself. It’s just a sign it doesn’t mean anything. I looked at the boys who started to crowd around us. “Well, just fix it, alright?”
I shoved the sign back into Bumbercatch’s chest before leaving the room. Suddenly it as very hard to breath. But what if was a real sign. Like an actual sign. I mean what are the chances that Matthew texts me and then just a few minutes later the Believe sign falls.
I recount the events to Keeley as she arrived at the club. I told her about the sign and Zava and the intensity about the game but hadn’t had the chance to bring up Matt quite yet when we arrived at the locker room.
            “But the sign fell, Keeley,” I whined, following her. “Wait, why are we going in here?”
            “Oh! I’m visiting Shandy, she’s filming a promo for Bantr!” Keeley told me.
I racked my head trying to remember who Shandy was. “She’s the one who threaten to run around the pitch with her top off, yeah?”
            “Well, it was more of a suggestion than a threat.”
            “It was definitely a threat.”
We entered the room just as Dani was finishing up his segment. Keeley greeted Shandy as my eyes flited around the room. It was weird seeing it all done up for filming. The boys were excited to do this filming but.I think they had a secret bet going to see who could say the most ridiculous pick up line.
            “You don’t know who I am, but I’m looking for someone who likes short walks on the beach so we can spend more time, you know…”
God that was terrible, I chuckled as they called cut. As Van Damme walked out, Jamie was up next. Fuck, I forgot he had to do this. It was the club’s single guys and Jamie was, to the masses, single.
            “He’s so fucking hot,” Shandy’s compliment sent a ping of jealousy through me. “What’s his story.”
            “Jamie?” Keeley replied. “Oh, he’s so cocky.”
All three of us stared at the monitor as Jamie had hair and make-up work on him. He was smiling kindly and making chat with the makeup artist. 
            “But I guess you have to be at this level,” Keeley continued, finding herself smiling at him. “But he only thinks about himself.”
I shook my head absentmindedly as I watched him. No, he didn’t. Jamie was kind and funny, and always checking in on me when we were together.
            “At least, he used to. But he’s not accountable for his actions and what they do to others.”
Again, I shook my head silently. It was crazy. The different side of Jamie that I’d seen as his girlfriend. A side that no one else got to see. It was all mine.
            “Except he is getting better at making apologies. Still… he only thinks with his dick.”
Finally, Jamie looked over at us and I could tell he saw me. I refused to look up over the monitor as a cheeky smile came over his lips. I bit my lip, trying to hard not to have any kind of reaction.
            “And yet, I don’t think he’s seen anyone in ages.”
I couldn’t help it anymore; I looked up over the monitor and saw Jamie staring right at me. I chewed on my cheek, trying to stave off the blush. He sent me a wink before turning back to the make-up artist.
            “I just wanna know if I can bang him, babe.”
Fuck, I forgot Shandy was even there. I frowned and looked over at her, a heat in my eyes I wasn’t used to. So this was jealousy was like. I was really willing to risk it all if she made any moves towards Jamie.
            “Oh. I don’t know,” Keeley answered. I still hadn’t taken my eyes of Shandy, watching as she stared hungrily at Jamie. “You should probably as him, it’s his dick.”
I ran  my tongue along the space between my teeth and bottom lip, trying desperately not to say anything.
            “Alright, I should probably be getting going,” I announced, deciding that this was too much for me.
            “Wait, didn’t you have something you wanted to-“
            “Nope, I’ll see you later Keels.”
I turn around before she can say anything else, not really wanting to stay in that room any longer than I had to. I realized that there was only one person I wanted to talk to about this Matt situation, and he was currently sitting in the locker room getting his make-up done for a dating app commercial.
Jamie and I sat in is backyard. He had these lounging chairs set up in his backyard where we could sit together while I caught up on work or read. He had a hand running up and down my leg as he read The Beautiful and Damned.
I looked over at him as he read peacefully. I was hesitant to talk to him, worried about what he would say or how he would react or what it would do to us to bring up Matt. I’d managed to make it two whole years without even thinking about him but with one little text his control over my life was back.
            “Remember how you asked why I stopped playing football?”
Jamie glanced up from his book over at me. “What?”
            “Do you know Matt Kristal?”
Jamie furrowed his eyebrows and put down his book, shrugging. “He’s on West Ham, yeah? One of their defenders?”
I nodded, looking down at my chair, picking at a piece of plastic that was sticking out. “He and I dated for a while when I was in uni.”
Jamie’s face should be in a museum. It was a mixture of curiosity, confusion, and was that… jealousy? He turned to look at my fully, his eyes looking far too serious.
            “What? Really?” He asked. “Isn’t he like… nearly 40?”
            “Yup.” I nodded, still not able to really face Jamie. “He came to watch me play in uni. Told me all those nice things like… you’re talented and mature and whatever.” I shook my head remember the first time I met him. “Anyways, we dated for about… 3 years?”
            “Fuck off,” Jamie scoffed, putting the book to the side.
            “I wish I were joking but he… he was quite the charismatic person,” I told him solemnly.  “Anyways, when it came time for me to graduate… I told him I wanted to play professionally and he… he told me I shouldn’t. That there was no glory in women’s football.” I scrunched my nose. “So, he lined up a job as West Ham’s kitman and I worked there until… until I saw the job at Richmond.” I moved my head side to side, considering all my words. “And he told me not to take it.” I laughed humorlessly. “Told me I’d be making a mistake. Well, he broke up with me after that. Told me I would crash and burn along with all of Richmond. Then I’d come running back to him.”
I stared at that piece of plastic I was picking, chewing the skin off my lip. I hadn’t talked about Matt with anyone since I came to Richmond. That time in my life was filed away, along with my father. But the people at Richmond had a way of opening me up like no one else.
            “What a cocksleeve.” Jamie’s response drew a laugh from me. “I mean really. What a mingin’ asstawt. Got a right cop on, don’t he.” With every ridiculous insult I found myself laughing harder and harder. Despite the tension leaving my chest slowly, I still found myself unable to look at me. That is until Jamie’s hand slide down to mind, preventing me from tearing up the chair. “Hey, look at me.”
I pursed my lips and forced my head to turn to face him. He had an eyebrow raised at me as he smirked. “Your better for it without him. He was holding you back ‘cause he knew you were better than him. Kristal… I mean he’s been on West Ham for a decade now… barely made a mark on the league.”
            “Well, he’s no Jamie Tartt, that’s for sure,” I commented, smiling.
            “Hey, I’m serious,” Jamie sat up and pulled me, so our legs were slotted with each other. I was caught off guard by his serious demeanor. “You’re better than him. I promise.”
It wasn’t like Jamie to ignore a compliment. My mouth opened slightly as a breath of disbelief came out of my mouth. Both of his hands rested on my knees, rubbing soft comforting circles into them. I blinked repeatedly, shaking my head. I was getting off topic.
            “I just… I wanted to let you know that he texted me about seeing me this weekend.”
            “HA! Like that’s gonna happen,” Jamie laughed, shaking his head.
            “Yeah, no it won’t but… I just wanted to let you know,” I shrugged. “And I know there’s a lot riding on this game so I don’t mean to add to that but I-“
            “No, thank you for telling me. Now I know who to score on the most.” He reached over and grabbed my waist, hoisting me up before laying down with me on top of him. “You wanna have sex?”
I would never get used to that. But I merely answered his question by leaning down to kiss Jamie into the chair. I felt lighter. Knowing I had gotten it off my chest. Even if it did nothing, I had Jamie’s support and that was enough for me.
The game was a mess. The first half was bad enough but after the half… it was like an entirely new team. They were angry, something about Beard and Roy showing them a video, I wasn’t paying attention. I was too busy avoiding Matt like the plague. But luckily for me, he seemed to get the hint and didn’t approach me at all. That was, until after the game.
I was leaving the locker room to head towards the bus when he finally caught up to me.
I heard his voice before I saw him. But when I did, I wasn’t surprised. He hadn’t changed at all. He looked the exact same as he had those years ago when I’d walked out of his house with him screaming at me that I would be nothing without him. I let him catch up to me.
            “Some match, eh?” Matt chuckled, a cruel smirk on his face. I didn’t respond, not wanting to say something I regret. “Hey, why don’t we get a drink or something? Catch up, for old times’ sake?”
            “I’m good.” I shut him down quickly. I knew what that meant. It meant that he would take me out, get me tipsy then convince me to have sex with him and there was no way that was happening.
He frowned at me. That same disappointed frown I’d gotten all too used to when we were together. “Look (Y/N), I don’t want to try anything I just want to-“
            “Is there something you wanted to say, or can I get back to my team?” Again, I really don’t want to hear what he has to say. I don’t really want to hear his sorry apology or whatever manipulation tactic he could draw up.
            “I just wanted to say sorry, okay?” He pulled his most genuine face that he could, but I just shook my head. Nonetheless, he persisted. “I was a dick, and you were right. You’ve done great at Richmond but listen… you could do better. I bet I could get Rupert to hire you here… at West Ham.”
Jamie emerged from the locker room, walking towards the bus with his head low. He was pissed. Pissed at the game, pissed at Zava, pissed at Nate. The whole game had gone wrong so fast. If only he’d made that goal in the first half but, of course, he whiffed it, leaving room for Zava to take some glory.
When he walked down the hall, he immediately spied (Y/N) talking with Matt. Now he was pissed at that. He could tell she was uncomfortable. Body science. The way she griped her bag and frowned at him as he chatted at her. He needed to get her out of there and fast but without drawing suspicion. He glanced around to see who else was there. Colin was exiting the locker room just at that moment, busy on his phone.
            “Oi, Colin.” He nodded over to where (Y/N) and Matt were talking.  “Why’s (Y/N) talking to Matt Kristal?”
Colin looked over where he was pointing, and his eyes darkened. Just as he thought, (Y/N) probably told Colin about her past.
            “Fuck if I know, give me a second.” And Colin was off going to interrupt them.
Jamie tried to walk off slowly, watching as Colin approached her. He put an arm around her, taking Matt’s attention off of her. (Y/N)’s face immediately flooded with relief with Colin arrived. Jamie felt better knowing that Colin was there to support her. He wasn’t sure what they were talking about but all he wanted was to get home and be with (Y/N) somewhere they could be together.
When Jamie arrived home (Y/N) was already there. She was standing, seemingly stuck in her own brain staring at the wall. Jamie frowned and walked up to her, wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing her cheek. She gasped and jumped, finally broken from her trance.
            “Fuck me!” She shouted, relaxing back into Jamie. “You scared me.”
            “Sorry, love,” He mused against her cheek. “Just finally glad to be able to hold you.” She smiled though it didn’t quite meet her eyes. “What was he talking to you about?”
            “You saw that?”
            “Course! Who do you think sent Colin over?” Jamie snickered, pulling away from her and walking over to the kitchen. “Do you want some tea?”
            “Wait, wait, wait,” she followed Jamie as he began taking out the kettle. “You saw Max talking to me and didn’t come over to intervene?”
Jamie shrugged, taking out two mugs. “I’m making you tea. And yeah, I figured Colin knew more about the situation and he did so, crisis avoided.” The look she gave Jamie was almost heartbreakingly beautiful. There was so much love and passion in her eyes that is shocked Jamie a little bit. “What… did I do something wrong?”
            “Oh, Jamie.” She pulled him down by his neck and kissed him. Jamie let out a noise of shock before quickly setting down the mugs so he could wrap his arms around her. He held her close. While he was strong enough not to intervene earlier, he wanted her to know that he had her back and that she was his.
Just as much as he was hers.
Tag List: Taglist:@heletsmelovehim @higherthanheroes @ajax-petropolus-wife @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @optimisticsandwichgladiator @kno-way-home @sleepy-time @wigglegiggle @skewedcherries @respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog @snubug @rana030 @ems-alexandra @jaymum
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gracieabrarns · 1 year
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Gracie Abrams for Harper's BAZAAR (2022) Photographed by Matthew Kristal
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celebratingwomen · 10 months
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Alison Brie photographed by Matthew Kristall for The Sunday Times Style, 2018
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babyjujubee · 5 months
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Alden Ehrenreich photographed by Matthew Kristall on October 22, 2012.
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simple-pretty · 2 years
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zero + maria cornejo pre-fall 2023, look 15
matthew kristall photo, courtesy of zero + maria cornejo via voguerunway.com
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Photographed by Matthew Kristall for WSJ Magazine March 2017
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rainbowsag52 · 3 months
Kristals Thank You Video by Matthew at Toyota of Melbourne
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goalhofer · 10 months
2023-24 St. Louis Blues Famous Relations
#59 Nikita Alexandrov: Son of former Königsborner J.E.C. LW Igor Alexandrov and brother of former E.S.C. Moskitos Essen RW Artyom Alexandrov. #12 Kevin Hayes; Jr.: Brother of former Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins RW the late Jimmy Hayes, cousin of Utica Comets C Ryan Fitzgerald, Charlotte Checkers D Casey Fitzgerald, Florida Panthers RW Matthew Tkachuk & Ottawa Senators LW Braedy Tkachuk and 2nd cousin of New Jersey Devils GM/vice president Tom Fitzgerald & former blues LW Keith Tkachuk. #30 Joel Hofer: Brother of Hershey Bears C Ryan Hofer. #42 Samu Kapanen: Grandson of former Helsingin Jokerit head coach Hannu Kapanen, great-nephew of former E.V.U. LW Jari Kapanen, son of former C.D. Lugano head coach Sami Kapanen, nephew of ACME World Sports agent Kimmo Kapanen, brother of Kalevan Pallo LW Konsta Kapanen and cousin of Kalevan Pallo C Oliver Kapanen. #47 Torey Krug: Brother of Adrian College men's hockey head coach Adam Krug & former Ft. Wayne Komets D Matt Krug. #25 Jordan Kyrou: Brother of Texas Stars D Christian Kyrou. #6 Marco Scandella: Nephew of CKGM Montreal Canadiens commentator Sergio Momesso and brother of former Saint-Georges Cool FM 100.3 LW Giulio Scandella. #10 Brayden Schenn: Brother of Nashville Predators D Luke Schenn. #70 Oskar Sundqvist: Cousin of Vinnare V75/Let's Dance host Jessica Almenäs. #13 Alexey Toropchenko: Son of former Saratov Kristall C the late Leonid Toropchenko.
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lateliernyc · 1 year
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Deanna Mellsuo for Tanya Taylor SS 23
Photographer: Matthew Kristall
Model Holly Rose Emery, Ambar Cristal Zaezuela
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