#matthew peed
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"Real Time Dungeon: Skirmish"
Author: Andrew Peed, Matthew Peed Narrator: Roger Clark Book Series: "Real Time Dungeon", Book #2 Run Time: 8 hours, 24 minutes Audiobook Release Date: September 06, 2023
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With the battle of the living dead looming over his shoulder Sidney redoubles his efforts to be ready for the fight. He brings in new technology from some of his favorite games to help with this threat. While working, he finds that the Undead Core is not idly waiting for the battle and is working on his own plans that make things more complicated for the future. With his community growing, so does all the pains of trying to manage it all. Will Sidney be able to turn all the tricks and tools he mastered as a Strategy game player into usable methods to keep his people alive? The Undead Core will be the test to find out. ©2021 Andrew Peed and Matthew Peed (P)2023 Tantor
Real Time Dungeon: Skirmish is available from:
Audible ✰ Audiobooks.com ✰ AudiobooksNow.com ✰ AudiobookStore.com ✰ Barnes & Noble ✰ Chirp Books ✰ Downpour ✰ Google Play ✰ Hoopla ✰ Libro.fm ✰ Overdrive + Libby ✰ Rakuten Kobo ✰ Scribd
TIP: If you want to find more audiobooks from Roger, you can click on the "Roger's Audiobooks" tag, or you can also check out my pinned post 😉 Happy Listening!
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lilacmingi · 11 months
GUYS I WENT AND SAW FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S YESTERDAY FOR HALLOWEEN AND I’M OBSESSED! I had high expectations and they were exceeded greatly! There were scenes I didn’t know they would include in the film, small easter eggs and references to the games and lore, cameos, AND THE END CREDITS AAAAA!!! It just fulfilled every need of mine and as someone who’s been a fan of the games for nine years, it was so amazing to see this iconic game get turned into a movie. The casting was really good too!! It was surreal to see two actors I’ve been watching since I was a kid play in this film. It genuinely felt like a fever dream. I couldn’t believe I watched the movie. It was SO good my sister and I actually watched it a second time when we got home lol
there’s a spoiler in the tags btw
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xflixer7 · 10 months
Lottie Matthews x fem reader
Where in the wilderness, they get together after the doomcoming events, and they are just very affectionate when it gets colder, so they are always cuddled up and everyone thinks their sick, that it's kinda cute :3
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pairings:lottie mathew’s x female reader
word count:350(rounded)
pre crash lottie isn’t as clingy in school but you did practically live at her house because her parents were never there so you always had time to be together there she definitely just gave up and stopped caring about keeping it a secret after the crash
i feel like lottie is a really clingy person and it’s very obvious that you guys are together but everyone is so delusional about it they just think your really close the only ones who would know are tai and van
lottie would be such a sweet girlfriend:((
always worried about you trying to give you her food and your like “lottie no??!”
your woken up from the shuffling around rubbing your eyes and sitting up seeing everyone moving around and doing things you look up seeing lottie walking towards you “hey are you cold?” and she just comes and holds you before you even answer (you weren’t)
“do you want some tea??” “lottie i’m ok reall-“ “are you sure you can have mine”
she literally kisses you ALL the time and everyone is like “oh poor thing must be so sick😞”
lottie thinks it’s so funny too “can you come take a bath with me” “lottie you are capable of bathing by yourself” “but i’m sick🥹” “…fine”
“gosh i wish i was as close to someone as they are with each other” jackie said sighing looking at you guys being all over each other nat gave her a weird look and shauna is just like ?????
lottie uses being sick or cold as an excuse for EVERYTHING “pleaseeeee baby” “lottie it’s so late go pee yourself” “but i’m scared and i’m sick” you just groaned and held her hand while she peed
her coming up behind you and putting her cold ass hands down your shirt “jesus christ lottie!?” it just turns into her hugging you “but i’m sooooo cold”
lottie ALWAYS sleeping with you even if there’s literally no room because of her tall ass “can’t bresfhe” you say squished against her “mmh cold”
i live for clingy lottie
she’s not a cannibalistic schizophrenic cult leader wdym she’s literally the cutest >_<
also may right an actual fic about this but this is good for now hope you like it please be nice i’m new here🙏🏻 send more love ya
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notnaudiz · 2 months
I decided I'd make a Sims 4 save with the NA bros (and Kumajiro ofc.) Not even a day in and Alfred set a fire while cooking eggs and toast for several guests; I think somebody peed themselves on the way out the door, Alfred put the fire out, replaced the stove with the household's limited funds, and resumed the somehow still in-tact eggs and toast. Just feels really on-brand for Hetalia.
The food came out excellent, but at what cost?
edit: Matthew has eaten like five servings combined of eggs and toast and the sugar cookies he made earlier. slow down dude, jesus
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓅨 As Dawn Breaks: Chapter Thirty
As Dawn Breaks: Mother Night and Father Time, after having sired seven Endless to personify life in the known universe, create Earth and human life begins. One last Endless is created: Dawn, the personification of illumination and hope, the beginning of a new day and a chance for happiness and improvement. A love will span thousands of millennia, breaking with every sunrise and renewing hope come sunset. Yet, even the personification of hope can lose the very notion of her existence from the sting of a broken heart.
Warnings: Glossed over birth scene, Morpheus is obsessed with his baby. 
To Note: Dream/Morpheus x Endless!FemaleReader(Dawn), This Involves Themes That Are Not For Everyone. 
Word Count: ~2.5k
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“Alright, riddle me this, how many of Ernest Hemingway’s novels were published posthumously?” You asked, leaning back in your seat and drumming your fingers on your forty-week belly. You were due to give birth any time now and no one was letting you go anywhere, alone. Everyone was worried and Morpheus had turned paranoid. It was silly, surely if you had lasted this long nothing would happen, right? Matthew, who had been sitting across from you on the table, ruffled his wings and tilted his head to the side in concentration. 
“He had books published after he was dead?” Matthew’s question was all the answer you needed for your trivia question. You laughed lightly. 
“The answer is ten, Matthew. Ten books were published posthumously. You should read them sometime, they are quite good” You explained, with a wide smile. “I’ll take pity on you and cease this game of trivia. I am sure you tire of me asking you questions.” You spoke as you reached for the open book on the table. You had finished reading it, just like how you had finished reading many other books and were getting quite bored. Morpheus didn’t want you roaming far from the palace and you had long since exhausted all activities that could keep you occupied. Luckily for you, Lucienne was more than happy to retrieve books from the shelves and return the ones you had finished. 
“Tire of talking with you? Never, ma’am,” Matthew spoke, hopping a few paces closer to you. “It’s kind of fun talking to you! I mean, you know that Morpheus isn’t a big talker and he’s usually in a sullen mood, or just broodily staring off into space…” You snorted at Matthew’s comments about Morpheus, knowing that he was one hundred percent accurate with his assessment. Morpheus did have a habit of being broody and somewhat sullen.
“It grows on you once you fully understand the collective that he feels,” You murmured, absentmindedly brushing your fingers across your stomach. Occasionally you could feel a touch of connection from the essence of your child and it always made you smile. They weren’t even born yet-yet they were already trying to reach out to you and Morpheus. 
“You trying to tell me that he’s gonna grow on me like fungus?” He squawked at you, his feathers ruffled. You dissolved into giggles at the expressions racing across his dark face. Mid-laugh, you felt something run down your leg and sighed. 
“And I'm pretty sure I just peed myself again,” You groaned, shifting where you sat. Oh yes, you most definitely had just peed yourself judging by how wet your inner thighs now felt. Matthew winced. 
“Sorry about that,” Matthew eked out as you pulled up your skirts to see if you had managed to ruin the chair you were sitting on. What you saw puzzled you for a moment. Clear liquid was pooling from your thighs and dripping to the floor. 
“Oh bother,” You sighed, dropping the skirt of your dress. You hadn’t peed yourself, it was just your water breaking. Matthew peered at you. 
“Somethin’ wrong, ma’am?” He asked, concerned by your comment. You blinked at cocked your head to the side. Well, your water breaking didn’t automatically mean your baby was coming, sometimes it took a while… but you better send Matthew to collect Morpheus. He would want to know. 
“If you wouldn’t mind going to Morpheus and making sure that he isn’t busy?” You asked, not wanting to make him panic, but wanting to make sure that if you needed him he’d be able to come to you immediately. “Also, could you please have my dove return to me? I have a task for her.” 
Matthew immediately bobbed his head. Of course, you’d want Morpheus to be ready! He knew that the Dream Lord had a habit of getting deep into his work.
“Course’,” Matthew chirped before taking to the air and swopping upwards, disappearing into a ravens portal. With the raven gone, you put your hands on the armrests of the chair and slowly pushed yourself to your feet. Standing up only made more fluid run down your thighs, splattering on the floor. Your face wrinkled as you looked at the chair, it was just as wet. You sighed. 
“Lucienne?” You called, waddling to the side and staring down at the puddle. The sound of the librarian's feet reached your ears before she emerged from a nearby aisle. 
“Did you need some—“ She stopped short upon seeing the met chair and the puddle on the smooth wood. You gave her a sheepish look. 
“Apologies, but I appear to have made a mess.” You told her, rubbing your stomach. “I’d clean it up… but that would require magic and you know how Morpheus feels about that…”
Lucienne hurried forward, peering over her spectacles and observing you closely. 
“Your water has broken, Dawn! Shall I call for the midwife? Lord Morpheus?” You shook your head. 
“No, no that won’t be—“ Matthew came swooping back into the room. 
“Okay! The boss is making some last few changes on some dreams but won’t be long—“ The raven stopped short and nearly fell out of the air as your dove swooped past him and landed on your shoulder. “Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God! Did your water BREAK!?!? Holy fuck! Is that what it was? Oh my God, should I go get Morpheus!? No shit Matthew! You are like, in LABOR!!” 
You and Lucienne watched as the poor raven spazzed out and scrambled in a semi-circle, shooting back the way he had come. You sighed yet again. 
“Well, I suppose the midwife will be called now if he’s gone to fetch Morpheus,” You mused quietly before looking at Lucienne. “Do you, perhaps, keep a mop around? I would like to clean up my mess.” Lucienne’s eyebrows shot up. 
“And in what realm would I ever allow you to do such a thing!?” She replied as if insulted. “My lady, you are to see that yourself is comfortable and if I see you even attempt to clean up this mess I shall summon Lord Morpheus myself.” This time you were groaning. 
“My water broke, it’s not like I’m in active labor.” 
“Tell that to Lord Morpheus,” Lucienne told you as she shooed you out of the library. Your dove cooed in agreement. 
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You hadn’t even made it halfway down the hall from the library when Morpheus materialized in front of you, his eyes bright. He was on you in less than a second, hands running over your body, gingerly caressing your stomach. Morpheus cupped your face, gazing down into your eyes with anxiety clear in his. 
“My Hope are you in pain? Do you need to sit down? Where is the midwife? Lucienne!!” Morpheus was panicking, holding onto you like you would flop in a faint or disappear at any moment. You raised your own hands and pressed your palms into his cheeks, calling his name. 
“Morpheus, my love,” You spoke, drawing his eyes back to yours. When your eyes connected once more you smiled faintly at him and stroked his cheeks. “My water broke, that’s it, I’m not in any pain. I’m not even in active labor yet.” Your words appeared to placate him, but not entirely, worry was still stiff within his body. 
“You promise me that the moment you start feeling birthing pains you will tell me? I will not leave your side until our child arrives, my Hope, you have my solemn promise.” You smiled sweetly at Morpheus and pulled his face to your neck, running your fingers through his hair in a soothing motion. While you calmed your worked-up lover, Lucienne poked her head out of the library. You exchanged knowing looks with each other before she gave you one last smile and disappeared once more. 
This was probably going to be far more traumatic for your Dream than it would be for you. 
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“Morpheus, my love, sit down before you hurt yourself.” You huffed at him as a handmaiden dabbed at your forehead with a cold cloth. You didn’t sweat but your skin was hot from the effort it had taken to push the babe currently squirming against your chest, out of your body. 
“Yes, my Hope,” Morpheus answered, his eyes never once leaving your shared daughter. She had his obsidian hair, dark as the darkest of nights, but your eyes, sparkling with mischief and stars. She was the perfect combination of you and Morpheus, and already had her parents wrapped around her finger. A handmaiden finished dabbing at your forehead shortly before the midwife called from the foot of the bed. 
“Be you ready to deliver the placenta, my lady,” You grunted slightly and shifted in place, holding your daughter tight to your chest as you got yourself into a sitting position once more. 
“More than ready,” You sighed, patting your daughter's back as she gurgled and fussed. Pulling her from your chest, you held her out to Morpheus, who froze in place. You sighed. “She’s your daughter, not a bane, my Dream.” You told him, Morpheus took her gingerly, like she was the most delicate and precious entity in the known universe. Well, she was by far the most precious, but not the most delicate. Babies were rather robust, even when their parents thought otherwise. 
Morpheus took your daughter, holding her ever so carefully within his arms and cradling her against his chest. Eyes that matched yours stared up at him with the innocence of a newborn star, and Morpheus need naught two weeks to fall in love for he was instantly and deeply in love with the newborn Endless. His eyes lifted to you, you were scowling through the delivery of the placenta and muttering beneath your breath. Even covered in sweat, exhausted, and covered in all sorts of bodily fluids, you were still a sight to behold. You glanced at Morpheus, feeling his gaze. He was giving you that look, the smolder. 
Really though? You were not the least bit beautiful at the moment and you felt a complete mess. 
“Why are you giving me that look, my Dream.” You questioned. Morpheus reached for your hand, weaving his fingers through yours.
“I am simply reverent of the gifts I have been given, my Hope. For I shall never receive one such as this again in my Endless life.” 
“You are being sappy again,”
“And you have yet to call for a cease,” Morpheus countered cheekily. You snorted at him before looking down at your daughter currently snoozing away in his arm. It was a sight you were definitely going to get used to. 
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You were walking down a street in London, enjoying the crisp autumn air and the colorful leaves. Morpheus had left earlier this morning to visit Hob after you had spent some time convincing him that it was okay for him to leave you and your daughter for once. It had taken many weeks of convincing before he finally accepted such a fact. But then you had an idea… your daughter was nearing a year old and she hadn’t ever had the pleasure of experiencing the Waking World. So why not pop into The New Inn for a surprise visit?
“Gah!” Your chin took a hit from a meaty baby fist as your daughter squealed in your arms and continually waved her arms, excited by the colorful leaves blowing about. 
“Yes, yes, they are quite lovely aren’t they,” You mused as a passing couple cooed over the infant in your arms. The next item to hit your face was her stuffed raven as she shrieked in delight when one of London’s big red buses passed by. She positively adored them. 
“Y/D/N, my love, you are smacking me around this morning,” You said while looking down at your daughter with a raised eyebrow. Her lips peeled back to reveal her few baby teeth as she beamed at you, blissfully unaware that she was repeatedly smacking you in the face with either her fist or her stuffed raven. “What would your father think?” 
“Dada!” She squealed, wiggling even more within your arms at the mention of her father. You had to admit, she was an absolute daddies girl and had Morpheus wrapped around her tiny finger. You received another face full of stuffed animal as you reached for door handle to The New Inn. Entering the bar, you spotted Hob and Morpheus at a table and headed over. The moment your daughter spotted her father, a piercing shriek of happiness echoed in the bar and for a moment you thought yourself deaf. 
“Right in the ear, my love,” You sighed as Morpheus immediately rose from his seat and reached for your daughter. You gladly let him take her wiggling body.
“My precious little hope,” Morpheus softly spoke, nuzzling his face into her mess of black curls while you waved to Hob. 
“Hello, Hob,” 
“Dawn,” He greeted with a smile. “Nice to see you again.” You took a seat at the table while Morpheus continued to fuss over your daughter, lavishing her with the adoration and attention of an entirely smitten father. Hob’s lips twitched as seeing the way his oldest friend glowed with happiness with his daughter in his arms. 
“How have you been?” You asked Hob, looking him over and once again, noting that he looked tired. Hob rubbed his face and chuckled. 
“Busy with grading papers, we’re in the middle of midterms.” He explained as Morpheus finally retook his seat, settling your daughter in his lap and letting her play with the fingers of his right hand. Her broken baby babbles were intermittently mixed with the words you had been teaching her. “How’s the little one?”
“Getting violent,” You muttered, rubbing your chin as Morpheus brushed his free hand over her hair, attempting to tame the wild mess. An impossible task as she had gotten her father’s wild midnight strands.
“She is well, though she has learned how to use her dove to get out of her crib which has proven to be…” Morpheus trailed off, trying to find the right word to describe his coveted and cherished child who obviously could do no wrong. 
“Troublesome,” You finished, resting your chin in your hand as you watched Morpheus and your daughter. “I fear what she will get herself into when she discovers she can teleport…” Both you and Morpheus shuddered at the thought. “I might just have to put a tracking device on her.” 
“I am sure we shall devise some sort of plan to keep her within our sights at all times. The ravens will certainly prove helpful for such an endeavor.” Morpheus commented, looking at you. You blinked and tilted your head to the side. Of course, the other ravens would help, they were eternally loyal to Morpheus. Or they would end up scheming with the doves…
“I suppose I should consult my dryads, their little ones are notorious for sneaking out and getting into trouble.” You mused with a smile, already knowing that your daughter would be a mischievous troublemaker when she started walking on her own. “I think with a dove and a raven she shall be well looked after no matter what she get’s herself into.” 
“You say that now,” Hob pointed out. “Wait until she reaches teenage years. The eye rolling and moodiness? Don’t even get me started on dating. She’ll be an absolute terror.” 
“Then she shall not grow up.” Morpheus declared shortly before you gave him a look of horror. 
“Absolutely not!” 
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Date Published: 4/27/23
Last Edit: 4/27/23
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smalife1234 · 2 months
This is the first weekly smiles!! On our Tumblr account!! I'm sure your all excited just as much as I am! But I'll give some background information for those of you who might not know what happened!
On August 1st I came on Instagram and saw a screen pop up saying "We have suspended your Instagram account " I worried do an appeal I put in all my information yada yada and Instagram Refused the appeal and our Instagram account got deleted.. fun now we're going to back up a few months! I started a thing called Weekly Smiles, where I share my week and what made me smile that week (pretty self-explanatory), and after many weeks, I had gotten up to 35 before the account got deleted, and since then, I've been filled with rage that all my hard work has gone down in the drain. It's not fun, but I have accepted it as a challenge to make it to even more weeks that I can write down! And share with all of y'all on Tumblr. I'm not even sure if Tumblr is popular, but I'm willing as this is the only app I can share my thoughts without the haunting thought of my account getting deleted. So this is the first week out of 35! We can do this! Now I'll let you get on to your reading! By!
What made me smile this week?
Monday, 7/29/24 - today, we sadly had a dentist appointment which sucked, but the people there were nice! We had fun conversations about literally everything! I hated the Fluoride but survived! We also got a different X-ray, and it was cool, but sadly, we still had to get the side X-rays, which they could do, but it was certainly uncomfortable! We then laughed a bunch later on and Donny got a jackpot!!! (100,000)! Made me smile!
Tuesday, 7/30/24 - today, we heard our dad yelling since Moxie peed all over the couch, and he got fed up, but hey, we woke up early and just did laundry. We have been laughing while playing with Snapchat filters, and big Donny got a new high score of 30 million!! Super proud and it made me smile!
Wednesday, 7/31/24 - we found a new take called Animal Warfare!! I've been playing this the whole day, and it's been a blast. It made me smile! And we also got woken up to our dad yelling and cussing again, sadly, because Moxie peed all over him, his pillows, and the couch, which sucks, and it didn't make us smile..but we are finding good out of today!
Thursday, 8/1/24 - we started the day off doing dishes, and then our whole Instagram account got deleted, which sucks a$$. But we were laughing earlier and had yummy pigs in a blanket! It made me smile, but I also cried today, so not much. We have created a Tumblr and cannot wait for the first weekly smiles to come out! And the fact that there's a way bigger word limit makes me smile! As I can write longer weekly smiles!
Friday, 8/2/24 - Hello everyone! I want to tell you all about the senior sunset that we went to today! At the beginning of the event, we had a little bit of rain and lighting, so we needed to seek shelter in the beginning. When the rain settled down, we went to a sweet arrangement of sweet treats! We got a lot of yummy food and treats *as shown in the pictures!* Later on, we got real food, lol, and got a slice of pizza, or at least Sydney and Willam (my friends), and I just got a Gatorade! We had a fun time, and then we headed down to the funner area where the bracelets were originally 10$, but they had a deal, and they were only 5$! We had a blast seeing Mrs. Faircloth getting dunked! And going inside a bounce house, of course, Matthew did since I obviously cannot walk! Lol, we chilled out for a bit, Got a Mountain Dew, and watched the soccer players play a cool soccer game! *As shown on video* we then chilled until our ride arrived, and we went home around 11:00. We had a blast, and it was an amazing event! And it made us smile indeed!
Saturday 8/3/24 - today is two days before our birthday!!! We got a cool birthday card that contained 20$, and then we got to order Burger King (don't hate us Burger King haters). We got a Whopper, a large Dr pepper, a Large Fry, and an Oreo milkshake and tried a new drink called Fiery Pink Sprite thing. It wasn't the best but it also wasn't bad either. We watched the movie “Lisa's Frankenstein”. We couldn't watch the rest since it was a little bit inappropriate but we did enjoy part of the movie we could watch :) we sat and chilled and ate the rest of our food and sang! We had a blast today and it made me smile!
Sunday, 8/4/24 - IT'S A DAY BEFORE OUR BIRTHDAY 🎂!!! I'm so excited and cannot wait for more birthday festivities to begin!! I woke up at 5:38 Am which is weird since I never wake up that early! But I just watched reels and had a fun time just laughing with friends. So far, it has been a pretty good day! And it made me smile
What made you smile this week?
Img desc #1: shows a pile of sweet treats in baggies with Matthew putting up a thumbs up
Img desc #2: doc is seen smiling while wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and black skinny jeans she is in front of a mirror 🪞
Img desc #3: shows Doc smiling in a grey short-sleeved sweater shirt. Her Atrophied wrists are resting on the lap of her black skinny jeans, and she has a pair of thin metal glasses on her face.
Img desc #4: show a video of a rainbow that Matthew took and doc saying Rainbow! They are at the senior sunset event on a football stadium/field.
Img desc #5: shows Doc smiling outside on a warm sunny day she is wearing a dark blue long-sleeved shirt on top of her dark blue long-sleeved shirt is long-sleeved black sweater paired with a blue tie she is wearing tan colored pants paired with black shoes she is smiling as the wind blows her hair to the left she is sitting in her electric wheelchair with a group of friends.
Img desc #6: shows the football stadium with a couple of people on it and the night sky stadium lights are shining bright.
Img desc #7: shows a plethora of sweet treats and drinks with Matthew putting up a thumbs up!
Img desc #8: show a beautiful sky with clouds as the sun sets. Capturing this beauty was done by Doc.
Img desc #9: shows a Gatorade frost and a cup full of Cool Whip with infused edible cookie dough. Beside it is a little baggie containing two chocolate chip cookies 🍪.
Img desc #10: shows a beautiful picture of a rainbow as the storm from earlier has diminished. Capturing this beauty was Done by Doc.
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amberjazmyn · 11 months
criminal minds cast one-shot
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - i thought you guys portrayed profilers...
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - fluff, pregnancy announcement, swear words
 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - based on my two prompts: "oh my gosh, eww, you peed on that... wait, are you serious?" and "you fucking peed on that and you made me touch it!", the cast of criminal minds find out that everleigh and matthew, the two younger castmates, are pregnant with their first child. 
𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - finally, an idea that i haven't stolen from older chapters. let's hope this turns out like i imagined it does! italics will be used as flashbacks and normal font is present time
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everleigh couldn't believe her eyes. for maybe, almost close to a month into filming criminal minds, she hadn't been feeling too well, causing her to have to take the longest during filming the show and then sleep whilst everyone else filmed their coverage. it scared everleigh some that she couldn't figure out why she was so dizzy, lethargic, tired and nauseous but it wasn't until she caught up with aj, one of her best friends and fellow castmates, after their most recent week of filming that everything seemed to make sense to the younger actress. 
"...everleigh, you okay?" aj's voice had suddenly come through everleigh's ears and she maintained eye contact with the older blonde 
"hmm? yeah, i...i'm fine aj... just, i...i, i'm so sorry, i'd truly love to stay longer but, i just forgot about some errands i got to run! can we raincheck lunch for a later date?" everleigh seemed in a hurry and aj didn't want to prolong her lateness, nodding her head enthusiastically 
"oh, of course, love, don't even apologise! we can totally take that raincheck for a later date! stay safe and, i hope you get better soon!" aj smiled sympathetically after the girls talked about everleigh's symptoms and how that was how aj found out she was pregnant with her son, mehkai, which ultimately got everleigh in a spiral without aj fully realising or intending it 
"thanks so much, aj and, i'm always safe you know that especially considering who my boyfriend is!" everleigh chuckled, her angelic laugh making aj giggle too as they joked about matthew gubler, everleigh's boyfriend and fellow criminal minds costar
 "of course, i was just making sure!" aj called out as the two girls walked their separate ways to their cars everleigh shook her head as her smile never once faltered 
later on, that day after aj and everleigh had parted ways, the younger blonde actress walked herself into a pharmacy and bought herself a handful of clearblue pregnancy tests. after her conversation with aj about how sick she had been feeling and how worried she was, it truthfully now made so much sense that she would be pregnant when she also suddenly realised that during this entire time she had been unwell, she hadn't gotten her period either. she just hoped to some degree that she was pregnant and that matthew would be just as excited. even though this was a topic that matthew and everleigh would have almost daily, it still somewhere in the backlights of her head worried her that maybe, right now, they shouldn't be trying to settle down so soon. 
however, the moment that all ten of the pregnancy tests showed their results, everleigh was so relieved and almost fell to her knees. all ten pregnancy tests had come back positive so, there wasn't a single doubt that matthew and everleigh hadn't conjured up a junior gubler- because they did and the ten pregnancy tests proved all the evidence needed to support that claim. now, all everleigh needed to do was to tell her boyfriend and then later on down the line, tell the rest of her castmates. with a small pep in her step, everleigh decided to buy some infant unisex converse and decided that she'd announce her pregnancy to matthew with a youtube video challenge idea that she had seen her influencer sister do years ago - reminding the girl of how her elder sister, emelia, announced her pregnancy to her and her family, which was done in the same exact way. 
matthew had very clearly noticed the new pep in his girlfriend's step as he arrived home after his day of filming. smiling with confusion at the set up of a film camera, the couch and a box with a piece of fabric that covered a small side opening and then an open opening on the other side, he didn't question it and just followed his girlfriend to the couch. 
"can we film a quick youtube video, bubs?" everleigh asks her boyfriend as they pull out of a hug and peck each other's lips as he nods his head
"course we can! should i be worried though?" matthew sarcastically said with a wink as everleigh giggled as the memory of the last youtube challenge the couple filmed went through her head
"not at all, i don't think..." everleigh trailed off as matthew smiled before taking the seat next to his girlfriend as a small four-legged chair sat in front of them, the box laid on top 
"...matthew the first item is in the box, are your eyes closed?" everleigh smiled as matthew giggled softly as he nodded his head 
"mhm," he vocalised, letting his girlfriend know that his eyes were closed as she continued
"ok, everyone else that's watching knows what's in the box but you. so, just, stick your hand in and, feel around, pick it up, and see if you can figure out what it is, okay?" everleigh explains as matthew laughs at the slight innuendo before nodding his head 
"ok..." matthew trailed off as he placed his hand into the opened side of the box as he slightly hesitated, retracting his hand before putting it back in 
everleigh had placed in the infant unisex converse first because the pregnancy test would have been too easy and then it wouldn't be so much of an amazing surprise. so, starting off with the converse would act as a good clue to the fact that the shoes are for a baby - meaning that everleigh is pregnant without telling him straight away with the pregnancy test. 
matthew chuckled, his head falling back as he felt the pair of converse, "...are these like, converse for infants?" everleigh sucked a breath in before a small chuckle left her mouth 
"can I pull it out to check?" matthew then queried as everleigh vocalised a small "yeah" as matthew pulled the infant converse and opened his eyes 
laughing at the infant converse, it seemed to everleigh that it hadn't clocked in his head that it was to announce the news of her being pregnant and the couple becoming parents. so, due to matthew's confusion she just set aside the infant converse, told matthew to close his eyes again and that she'd put the next clue to her surprise announcement into the box. 
biting her lip and willing away her joyful tears, she announced to matthew that he could put his hand into the box and guess the next clue. it obviously stumped matthew as unlike the first time with the infant converse, it seemed as if matthew hesitated in guessing what the item in his hand was. i mean, surely, it wasn't the first time the man had felt or even seen a pregnancy test but, it flew past his mind because he didn't think to recognise that his girlfriend's symptoms from the past month were the same ones that their best friend aj, and his and everleigh's sisters, laura and emelia had when they were pregnant. however, it seemed as if five minutes later, he kind of figured it out? 
"is...is this a pregnancy test?" matthew finally calls out, his eyes adorably crinkled shut as everleigh giggles softly as she watches her boyfriend open his eyes and turn to his girlfriend, his hand still holding the test 
"wait, it's been used?! ew, you fucking peed on it and you made me touch it!" matthew freaked out as he then brought the pregnancy test out of the box before he decided to take a good look at it after touching it
thinking it didn't have an answer on it, he looked at it before it registered in his mind what it said. "everleigh, are...are you serious?" matthew's voice trembled as tears shed his eyes as everleigh smiled, nodding her head with a tender look at her boyfriend 
"are you actually serious?" matthew's chin wobbled as he tried to not cry as everleigh smiled brighter and nodded her head 
"dead serious," everleigh smiled as matthew chucked the box, chair and the pregnancy test to the floor as he pulled his girlfriend in for a hug, letting his tears stream down his cheeks onto everleigh's shoulder
"we're having a baby!" matthew quietly sobbed out as everleigh giggled as she nodded her head, pulling out of the hug as he ruffled her boyfriend's hair 
"uh-huh, we're having a baby, matthew!" everleigh confirmed again, knowing that it was going to take a lot of confirmations for matthew to really believe his dream of becoming a father was going to come true 
after another two confirmations of the pregnancy, it seems as if matthew still hadn't cried all of his tears as he continued to cry into everleigh's embrace. matthew couldn't help the smile that was tucked away, hidden by everleigh's sweater as she made small, rubbing motions of comfort on matthew's back to comfort him. finally though, thirty minutes later, it seemed as if every single tear that he could have shed, had been shed and the couple were now just coming up with ways to surprise their families and then the criminal minds cast. 
a week had passed since matthew and everleigh had found out about the pregnancy when it had been decided that they'd tell their families, the gubler's and the franklin's at the same time and, it was so casual that it actually had such a delayed reaction that everleigh and matthew thought they didn't hear them the first time. 
the way they told them was that, because emelia, everleigh's sister, is a nurse, everleigh decided that after being offered wine, she'd make a joke about the fact that her sister should know that drinking alcohol when pregnant isn't a smart idea. hoping that it would give the normal sometimes clueless families that everleigh was pregnant. 
"wine, everleigh?" emelia offers as everleigh smiles, shaking her head no, confusing emelia as it was very well known how in love everleigh was with alcohol 
"no thanks," the pregnant girl responds which confuses everyone as matthew tries his hardest to not break into a big smile that could clue everyone into the surprise 
"why? you never turn down a glass..." emelia trails off as everleigh decides to tell her 
"...you're a nurse emelia, i thought you knew that pregnant women are highly advised to not drink..." everleigh trailed off, hoping that her and matthew's family would react but, it seems as if they weren't at all 
that was until emelia finally realised what her younger sister had just clued her into. 
"...wait, everleigh! no fucking way!" she squealed, almost dropping the wine bottle and rushing over to the other end of the table, pulling her younger sister in for a hug as the older sister held back her joyful tears as the sisters giggled, swaying side to side 
despite emelia's realisation, it seemed as if everyone else was still so clueless that matthew and everleigh were pregnant. so clueless in fact that it wasn't until everleigh and emelia's mom looked down towards her youngest daughter's stomach and noticed the slightly curved baby bump that had been forming when she then announced out loud in a question that everleigh was pregnant. 
"everleigh, you're pregnant?!" mrs franklin wobbled out as tears welled up in the elderly lady's eyes, everleigh nodding her head as matthew placed his hand on the small of her back 
"yeah, i'm pregnant," everleigh confirmed as finally, the rest of the gubler's and franklin's reacted in due course making everleigh and matthew tearfully chuckle at the very delayed reactions of their families 
she couldn't hide the nervousness that was welling up inside her as everleigh waited for the moment for her castmates to realise what it was that aj was fiddling with. exactly in the way that everleigh surprised matthew, the couple were telling their castmates about her pregnancy with the what's in the box challenge. 
aj was extremely hesitant to place her hands inside the box with her eyes closed. due to her being a mother herself with a little boy, she was extremely nervous to see what her best friend could be making her touch right now. however, it shocked everleigh that aj was so oblivious to the fact that she was literally fondling a positive pregnancy test that would announce everleigh and matthew's first pregnancy and not be responding immediately with the answer of it being a pregnancy test. 
"...what is this?" aj chuckles after nearly fifteen minutes of fondling the pregnancy test and not guessing it, the rest of the cast chuckling at aj's forfeit 
"are you seriously giving up, aj?" everleigh giggled, matthew, biting his lip so his welling up emotions wouldn't burst all at once as he stood behind the camera that was filming this 
aj giggled in defeat as she nodded her head, "yes, i give up, everleigh! what is it?" aj squeals out as she then furrows her eyebrows, her eyes showing a flash of recollection 
"wait, wait, i...i think i know what it is!" aj called out in excitement as her eyes widened with joy, looking at everleigh if she could take the item out, everleigh nodded her head 
immediately, aj yelped out, similar to matthew's initial reaction, the pregnancy test landing on the raised table in front of the group, "oh my gosh, eww you peed on that... wait, are you serious?"
the cast laughed at aj getting grossed out by a used pregnancy test before it clocked in their heads that it clocked in aj's head that it was everleigh's used pregnancy test. aj had since let out a squealed sob, attacking everleigh into a hug, the two girls falling onto the couch with the table with the positive pregnancy test toppled to the floor. everyone else's brains were slowly clicking in realisation when they noticed the way matthew was struggling to not cry with happiness, a moment of realisation clicking in shemar's brain seconds later as he ran over to pull his best friend in for a hug. 
"...you're pregnant, ev?" aj whimpered out as she and everleigh stood up off the couch, aj wiping away her tears as the two girls saw shemar and matthew hugging as matthew started crying again 
hearing aj ask if everleigh was pregnant and seeing matthew's happy crying into shemar's shoulder, it suddenly all made sense to everyone else and then hell really broke loose. paget was the next to freak out as she then rushed over to everleigh whilst grabbing matthew out of shemar's grip. 
"wait, everleigh, please, can you actually confirm that you and matthew are pregnant?" paget had also started to cry (as did kirsten and shemar) as everleigh giggled at her castmates 
"yes, i'm pregnant, paget, i'm in my second trimester, give or take," everleigh smiled brightly as she pulled paget in for a hug alongside matthew as they cried in everleigh's embrace 
it made butterflies fly throughout both matthew and everleigh's tummies that they were finally getting the blessing of being parents for the first time after talking about it for so long. after all the happy tears and squeals and jubilation over everleigh and matthew's announcement, everleigh couldn't help the jokingly snide comment that fell out of her mouth as she drank a berry mocktail. 
"and I thought you guys portrayed profilers!" 
- - - 
i don't think i like this as much as i thought i would humph. but that's okay. and just some context for the title and end of this as it may be a bit vague. so, pretty much, because everleigh, matthew and the rest of the cm cast play profilers, the couple would have thought that their cast members would have immediately recognised the fact that everleigh was pregnant. especially with all of the symptoms and with aj being a mother herself, everleigh and matthew thought that aj would have made the connection straight away. however, it wasn't until matthew and everleigh had to spell it out to them for them to figure it out, hence why everleigh made the "i thought you guys portrayed profilers" comment because it was funny and something that she thought they'd figure out quickly so when they didn't, they realised that matthew and everleigh were going to hold that against them for years to come. 
ok ily bye xx
word count; 2825
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rainintheevening · 2 years
I really like Star Wars.
My favourite character is Anakin.
My favourite relationship is Anakin and Obi-Wan.
My favourite romance is probably Han and Leia.
My favourite funny character is Jar-Jar Binks because he is adorable.
My favourite clone is Captain Rex.
My favourite piece of music from it is a tie between Samuel Kim's version of the Main Theme and his version of the Force Theme (both by John Williams).
My favourite movie I can't really pick, because all six of them are awesome.
My favourite funny scene is when Luke meets Yoda on Dagoba. I laughed so hard I cried and almost peed my pants. Yoda being a gremlin is the best.
My pick for saddest scene would have to be Anakin/Vader's fight with Obi-Wan at the end of the Kenobi show. I cried for a solid hour after.
My favourite epic scene would probably be Luke fighting Vader, then stopping and chucking away his lightsaber, and then Anakin saving him.
The scene I have rewatched the most times is Luke seeing Anakin with Yoda and Obi-Wan. It makes me so incredibly happy to see Hayden's face after watching three movies with just Vader.
My favourite Obi-Wan and Anakin moments are when they first meet and Anakin’s hand is so tiny in Obi-Wan's, when Anakin's lightsaber catches Dooku's downstroke to save Obi-Wan, and the last sweet moment they share when Obi-Wan tells Anakin how proud he is of him and Anakin smiles his last real smile.
My favourites of Padmé's outfits are the flame-shaded handmaid dress, the brown fighting gear, her wedding dress, and the dress she was buried in.
My favourite Clone Wars episodes are the Ryloth trilogy.
I think the Jedi are really cool.
I'd want a blue lightsaber, because of Obi-Wan and Anakin.
My favourite book-only character is Nick Rostu (Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover).
I appreciate how Star Wars teaches me again about the dangers of selfishness, and the beautiful power of scrificial love and hope.
I really love Anakin and Obi-Wan.
I just really like Star Wars.
Do you?
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toyoumynewlove · 9 months
To a stranger that I knew for one evening, and may or may not ever see again: I wanted to at least remember the details. So I wouldn’t forget
• Friday night, December 8th, Marco island FL, Sand bar
• the bachelorette party, & the scratch off ticket
• your brother stason initially trying to approach me with his wedding ring on- him then introducing us, and us immediately grinning at each other the moment our eyes met
• you putting your arm around me in front of your dad, uncle, and brother and everyone else at the bar
• the way you took me into the men’s bathroom and guarded the door for me while I peed
• talking to your dad about agriculture & my mom. Your dad wanting to meet my mom
• you kissing me before you left the bar and asking me “are you having fun?” Before you did it
• me picking you up at 1:30 am in my moms rental car
• I take you to our condo and you ask “what are you doing in a place like this girl?”
•walking along the sea wall
• walking past the private property lines and cutting behind fences
• you saying “you are the literal worst at trespassing”
• we stopped on an empty plot of land and sat down
• you opened both corona bottles with your teeth? lol
• you are 22, you are born on February 9th 2001. You’re an Aquarius. Your middle name is Hunter your last name is Reuland
• you taught me where the Little Dipper is and where Orion’s Belt is not lol
• both of our dads names are Jim, both of our moms names are Kelly
• we saw 2 dolphins together while sitting outside
• there was an insane shooting star, you could literally hear it
• we were laughing, and making out, and talking for hours. You told me a lot about yourself & your life
• you’re a farmer, you help your family who owns all the land in Illinois. You hardest corn & wheat & hay
• you play hockey & fish
• you want a tattoo of mountains on your arm
• you like country music
• you laid your head in my lap and looked up at the stars.
• you pretended to throw me over the edge at least 3 times lol
• you taste like gin, you smell like laundry detergent and the most enticing and subtle cologne
• your drink is gin, sprite, and 2 limes
• you have very nice teeth
• you have a southern accent, very Matthew McConaughey
• you told me we were gonna buy a house on that plot of land. We imagined where our bedroom & guest rooms would go
• we were out till 5 am before heading back
• in the car I asked you if you were trying to have sex and we both kind of agreed we didn’t want to. So instead you left me with a gnarly hickey on my neck & chest
Not sure where this leads, perhaps nowhere. And that’s fine. But we’ve been texting every day since and exchanging music & photos. If one day we stop talking, just know I had a really good time with you. I thought you were smart and charming and daring. At the bar I told you ‘you remind me of someone’ and it was my first love. Someone who was social and outgoing but also was a rebellious kid who always loved to break rules. My favorite kind. If nothing else we’re two strangers who enjoyed a great night together. But I really would like to see you again: one day.
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"Real Time Dungeon: Clockwork"
Author: Andrew Peed, Matthew Peed Narrator: Roger Clark Book Series: "Real Time Dungeon", Book #3 Audiobook Release Date: September 26, 2023 Length: 8 hours, 7 minutes
Care to listen to a sample of this audiobook? Click on the media player below 👇
Sidney's victory over the undead instills within him the confidence to think that the island is his for the taking, but it becomes clear that others are staking a claim on the same lands. His newest foes use the dirtiest of tactics to employ the unwilling to do his bidding. A whole new weapon must be developed and deployed to ensure that Sidney can lay claim to his new home and create a safe haven for his new people and lay the groundwork for his new empire. ©2022 Andrew Peed and Matthew Peed (P)2023 Tantor
Real Time Dungeon: Clockwork is available from: Audible ✰ Audiobooks.com ✰ AudiobooksNow.com ✰ AudiobookStore.com ✰ Barnes & Noble ✰ Chirp Books ✰ Downpour ✰ Google Play ✰ Hoopla ✰ Libro.fm ✰ Overdrive + Libby ✰ Rakuten Kobo ✰ Scribd
TIP: If you want to find more audiobooks from Roger, you can click on the "Roger's Audiobooks" tag, or you can also check out my pinned post 😉 Happy Listening!
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Embark On Epic Adventures Filled With Magic, Thrill, And Intrigue With “Dungeon Robotics” and “Revenge of the Sorcerer King” By Matthew Peed
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thegeekx · 2 years
Examining the state of the professional risks market
Examining the state of the professional risks market
Examining the state of the professional risks market Four of the biggest names in the professional risks landscape unite for a brand new power panel on IBTV. Matthew McLellan, D&O leader at Marsh; Larry Fine, management liability coverage leader, FINEX North America at WTW; Kristen D. Peed, director – corporate risk, management at CBIZ and member of the board of directors at RIMS; and Dwight…
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broodygaming · 3 years
also the little Matt lookalike character being the “Cabbage man” of each episode is something special and I hope it continues 
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kuktaski · 4 years
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Please tell me that I am not the only one who peed their pants when I saw this pic of a Marcus
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pinballwitxh · 4 years
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So as I’m casually swiping through tinder BAM WTF
(Yes I paid for a week of tinder gold get off my dick)
Needless to say I was v disappointed but um NEW MGG PHOTO
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I can't believe they actually made a bit with an NPC drawn to be literally Matthew Mercer, voiced by him, that the party regularly abuses in some way, EVERY EPISODE SO FAR. This is magical to me. They peed on that man
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