#matthew picaso
kevinvoncrastenburg 25 days
Uberhood (90) - Picaso, Matthew & Rutherford - Weir
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Matthew Picaso Summary: - He got a makeover. - He earned a promotion in the Military career. - He met with his former mistress, Hannah Bell, to indulge in happy memories I guess. (馃檮) Rutherford - Weir Summary: - Geoff & Kimberly Rutherford (n茅e Cordial) are absent in this picture series but they are alive and well, don't worry. 馃槃 - Cleo Weir (n茅e Shikibu) visited the same human statue Castor Nova liked so much a few posts earlier. 馃槄 - Cleo gave birth to her and Connor Weir's first child. They named him Akira. I chose this name for him, because of my obsession with Akira Yamaoka's soundtrack for the Silent Hill games. I also thought it was fitting since Cleo is of Japanese descent and a musician herself. Idk.
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sims2forever 3 months
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Picaso, Year 2
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heromonty 1 year
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Matthew has found his soul mate and Jessica has found hers! Now that they are married where should they live? Should they focus on careers or creating a family first?
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Matthew has led a simple life surrounded by family, friends, work and his favorite games. Now that he and Jessica have found each other he's finding that there is so much more to life!
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Jessica is so happy to have found Matthew! Now that they are married there are so many decisions to make! Where will they live? What will they do?
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froynlaventje 2 months
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The Picaso's start of round 3 in my Test of Time neighbourhood. They have a pretty typical week and the first highlight is Jessica giving birth to a son they name Dob.
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Next Bran is ready to age up and he is the first child in the neighbourhood.
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After that everyone in the family returns to their various tasks.
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And by the end of the week Dob is already a toddler!
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vidcundcuriousgoth 4 months
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And before leaving the household, Matthew was promoted. Good for him.
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wickedjr89gaming 4 months
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Hudson - Gemini 1 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
Jackson - Sagittarius 4 / 4 / 10 / 5 / 5
Both: Eyes: Brown/Light Blue
Hair: Brown/Blonde
Skintone: S 1.5 range: S1 - S2
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widespot 6 months
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"Ugh, that syrup's a lot less appetizing once the flies get in it." "Then maybe you should do dishes before the flies show up!" "Oh, c'mon, I was getting to it!"
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The nausea's worn off and now Jessica's ravenous. Fortunately Jesse is happy to dominate the conversation and she doesn't have to worry about anything but putting food into her mouth.
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The nausea's worn off and now Jessica's ravenous. Fortunately Jesse is happy to dominate the conversation and she doesn't have to worry about anything but putting food into her mouth.
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These poor tomatoes鈥f she's going to get anything edible off of them before the snow flies she has to keep up with this, no matter how she feels.
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"Oh! Well, that explains it! I should feel better now, anyhow, if you don't count being hungry and tired and - well, it's better than throwing up, anyway."
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lurking-lilibeth 1 year
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A grocery run. David knows the cashier quite well and often chats with her about her job.
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While David is out, Cleo takes care of some housework.
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andrisims 1 year
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Posing toddlers is a nightmare! This is my try to make a cute family portrait for the Picaso's.
And the nightmare fuel to how creepy ts2 toddlers can be. Look at this cute monstrosities:
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Matthew Picaso: Aw, babe, you had a crush on me? That's embarrassing. Jessica Picaso: We're married. Matthew Picaso: Still...
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neosimi 2 years
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jessica鈥檚 soup lit the stove on fire, again.
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matthew proceeded to have a sponge bath in the kitchen sink as the burnt food chilled on the burner lmao.
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kevinvoncrastenburg 1 year
Uberhood Pics (20)- Delarosa, Ottomas, Picaso, Riley & Roth
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sims2forever 3 months
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"How could you, Matthew? How could you do this to me, with one of my best friends, while we were trying to have our baby?!"
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heromonty 1 year
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Welcome to Riverblossom Valley Romeo Picaso! Named him after one of the normal names in the NATO alphabet, which I didn't even know existed until now lmao. Ty for letting me know @sabrinassims <3
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froynlaventje 3 months
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In round 2 Matthew and Jessica Picaso spend time teaching Bran his toddler skills. For me this got me thinking about skilling and how I want to handle rules surrounding skills for this game. After reading other people's ideas I've made a mix of rules for my game that I think I'm happy with but I'm still trying out.
Every sim will now get an intelligence score as well as a motivation level. Their intelligence determines how far a sim can skill, their motivation tells me if I can direct them to skill when they don't have want to do so and can give sims extra want locks. There are a few other effects and some traits have an effect on their max skill level as well. The toddler skills now have a small effect on their later intelligence score.
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Because of their new scores this will likely be the last round that Matthew spends teaching his kids. He got an average intelligence and low motivation score, but Jessica got high intelligence and high motivation so she will still teach the toddler skills.
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By the end of the round Gaba grows up to the toddler age too, so Jessica will now get to teach her.
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vidcundcuriousgoth 4 months
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The Picaso's got a set of twin girls and I still find it funny the randomnizer for names choose Ophelia as one of the names.
Anyway the lightest of the twins got the name Emese.
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