#mauna kea needs you
nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Moves & Countermoves (Part 7)
Summary: No one ever wins the games, even fourteen years later, Y/N is still playing.
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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“What’d you think? Should we climb it?” Tyson asks his district partner, teasingly.
She is two years his junior, still not an idiot. The giant pile of sand funneling in from the top of the arena is no hiking expedition. “No, we should save our strength, like Haymitch said.”
“Did you know the tallest mountain in the world was called Mount Everest? Before the founding of our great nation?” He presses on, largely ignoring Y/N’s sage advice.
“What do they call it now?” She wonders.
“Trick question; tallest mountain in the world was actually Mauna Kea.”
“Now’s a bad time for trivia.” Y/N decides, a hand at her brow to shield the blazing sun.
“It’s the only time we’ve got.”
Y/N startles awake, as she always does from dreams of him. Dreams of a stranger, who in under two weeks became her best friend. The games are funny that way, time moves differently there. People who standby you in the arena become closer than people you’ve known for years. The ones that haunt you forever.
She thinks of him often. Though Y/N never had a brother, she decided a long time ago, that is where Tyson fit. How he taunted and teased her, protected and loved her, all at the same time. And when she named her son Everest, sealing the tiniest drop of Tyson in her blood, Y/N found some peace with it. Giving new life to the boy who died so that she might live.
When she hears Peeta recounting the day he fell in love with Katniss, her heart sinks. The gamemakers won’t let them both win. They can’t. President Snow simply won’t allow it. And if what they’re saying now is true, even if one of them survives…
“There’s backstory,” Haymitch muses.
Maybe he believes Seneca would do it, two victors. Or maybe he just wants her to believe that he believes. One thing about Haymitch is that he will lie, either straight up or simply omit key details to shield Y/N. Protect her at any cost, as if she were some fragile thing.
She used to hate it, until she understood. Not fragile; precious. Something more valuable than money, or secrets, even booze. If anything happened to Y/N, his world would simply stop turning. The sun would set and never rise. She is a precious commodity of extremely limited supply. She could never be replaced.
“You need medicine for that leg.” Katniss changes the topic of conversation.
“I don’t get many parachutes.” Peeta admits, though he doesn’t tell her why.
“We’ll figure something out.”
“Like what?”
“Something.” Katniss huffs, into the dimly lit cave.
“I think that was the green light on the meds for Peeta.” It’s go time. Haymitch rises from the bench, offering his hand.
This particular offering will not come cheap, it’s time for the original lovers of district twelve to do what they do best. Work an angle.
“What do you mean we can’t send medicine? We’ve always been able to send medicine.”
“Not my rules, Mrs. Abernathy.” The woman behind the counter says.
“Of course not, you just work here.” Haymitch smiles.
The Capitol employee returns the gesture.
“We’ve been raising this money all day and Y/N is obviously upset that we can’t go through with sending the medicine, but we understand. Is there any information you could give us to help put our minds at ease about the condition of our tribute?”
The woman looks to Y/N now. District twelve tributes rarely make it this far and everyone is quite taken with the young lovers. Against her better judgment, she motions for Y/N to lean down toward her. “There will be an opportunity for your tribute to receive medicine tomorrow.”
“Is there anything we can send today?” Y/N asks.
“You can send soup.”
“Soup.” Haymitch repeats, with false enthusiasm. “We’ll send them soup.”
“Attention tributes, commencing at dawn, there will be a feast of sorts, at the cornucopia. Each of you need something desperately and we plan to be…generous hosts.”
“And that is why we couldn’t send medicine,” Haymitch laughs, staring down at the contents of his cup.
They’re trying to wrap this up, everyone’s off in different directions. Bring them back together for one hell of a show before curtain fall.
“Five needs food. Thresh just got bread so…maybe weapons? Two needs…armor? I don’t-” Y/N presses a finger against her temple, desperate for answers.
“You feeling ok?” Haymitch’s brow furrows.
“Yes,” Y/N bites out.
Her husband reels back. It is not uncommon for Y/N to mourn tributes, even ones that aren’t theirs. It is unlike her to take it out on him.
“Sorry, I’m sorry.” Y/N apologizes, immediately. Taking one of his hands in hers.
Haymitch turns his gaze to their twined fingers, she’s shaking, “when’s the last time you ate something?”
“Not hungry.”
“You need to eat,” he decides.
“Nothing tastes right.”
“Listen angel, if they’re gonna poison you, it won’t be here.”
“I must be coming down with something.” Or the stress. Despite all of this, she’s never faired well under duress.
“Probably why you puked in that lady’s ice bucket.” Haymitch notes.
“You know what does sound halfway decent?”
“Those little cream puffs with powdered sugar on top.”
Haymitch grins, “I’ll bring a plate.”
He hovers after that. Y/N can’t stand hovering, but she tolerates it. Understanding that it comes from a place of love. She didn’t mean to worry him.
Haymitch can’t sleep. Even after Y/N is out cold.
“I love you so much, Haymitch.”
She who brushes wayward hair from his eyes and runs her nose along the length of his, after the sweetest of kisses. She who believes in him and shows him each day there is a reason his life did not end in the arena. She is the best person he has ever known and he’ll spend the rest of his life trying to deserve her. To deserve that selfless, all consuming, love that she gives so freely.
“I love you forever.” Maybe even longer.
In that, at least he knows there is no cause for concern. Their marriage will not crumble, come hell or high water. Haymitch knows how badly she misses home, their children. In another life he’d ask for ten, as many as Y/N would give him.
The tiny garden, around the back of their house in victor’s village; where Everest plants carrots and other vegetables. Where Arista steals them to feed the wandering geese. The most taciturn, temperamental, creatures she can find are naturally the ones she chooses to care for.
Y/N’s syringes come like clockwork from the Capitol, every three months. Squandering any hope of tiny baby feet. Though she is the best mother, one who plays with her daughter and son, down in the dirt. A mother who loves her children more than anything.
Their lives there are a safe haven, one that exists only in their minds. There is no room for a place like that here. No safety for the children they’ve given life to. Only false hope and broken promises.
And if by some misfortune or Capitol ‘miracle’ a child should slip through, Haymitch would love them. Somehow, someway they’d all make it through. But he hopes, more than anything, that it is not now.
There is no rush to the viewing room the next morning, everything the tributes need will be at the cornucopia. Katniss gets close to the bag marked ‘12’ and the girl from two is on her. Knocking her back with those damn knives.
They grapple around for a while, before landing with Clove on top. Leaving Katniss no room for escape as she holds the blade to her throat. Haymitch is seated on the bed, watching Y/N pace along the large screen in their bedroom.
Thankfully the boy from eleven takes out one of the two remaining careers. Overhearing her taunt Katniss and brag about killing his district partner.
“Just this time, twelve.” Thresh tells her, gathering his bag from the table. “For Rue.”
With that they’re off; Thresh back to solitude and Katniss to Peeta.
He’s still asleep when she arrives, waking only to the sound of her voice. “I got it. I got your medicine.”
“What happened to you?” Peeta’s eyes focus on the gash across her forehead, courtesy of Clove.
“I’m fine.” Katniss busies herself with opening the canister.
“No you’re not,” Peeta reaches up, “what happened?”
“The girl from two, she threw a knife.”
“You shouldn’t have gone, you said you weren’t gonna go.”
“You got worse.” She replies, simply. Spreading the salve over the length of his wound.
Peeta allows a small cry to pass his lips, grabbing at her wrist. “You need some of that too.”
“I’m ok.” Katniss is more worried about him.
“That feels so much better.” He sighs. “Now you need some too.”
“I’m ok.”
“No, come on. You need it too.”
“Alright.” Katniss finally agrees. Watching Peeta’s tender expression as he thumbs the cream over her injury.
When they wake to the computer generated sunrise and find their cuts have healed, the star crossed lovers set off in search of food.
Peeta to the left, foraging berries while Katniss goes to hunt. Though the separation is not ideal, his heavy footsteps would send any potential prey running. The archer is ready to score them some breakfast when the cannon sounds.
It’s for the girl from five. But Katniss doesn’t know that, so she sets off in search of Peeta.
This time, Y/N and Haymitch are down in the viewing room, overhearing the chatter around them.
“Those berries must be poisonous.”
“I hope Katniss finds him in time.”
Katniss calls out for Peeta again, colliding into him a moment later as Peeta rushes toward the sound of her voice. His fist still closed around a handful of blue berries.
“What happened? Are you ok?” Peeta wonders, holding her tightly as she trembles.
“I heard the cannon. I thought you were dead.”
The boy rests his chin against her shoulder, “I’m right here.”
Katniss pulls back to scold him, smacking the berries from his hand. “That’s nightlock, Peeta. You’d be dead in a minute!”
“I didn’t know,” he stammers.
“Scared me half to death, damn you.” Then she is hugging him again. She can’t explain it, the need to feel him close, know that he is safe.
“I’m sorry.” Peeta breathes, soothing her with a gentle hand, down the length of her back. “I’m sorry.”
When they have settled enough to keep moving, they make the discovery of the red head’s body. Her mouth stained magenta and a few berries still in hand, eyes wide and open.
“I never even knew she was following me.”
“She’s clever.” Katniss always thought so.
“Too clever.”
Katniss leans down, collecting the berries from her hand.
“What are you doing?”
“Maybe Cato likes berries too.”
It’s only half past noon when the sun sets, quickly and without warning.
“Must be in a hurry to end it.” Katniss reasons.
Y/N’s leg is bouncing faster now, vibrating almost.
Haymitch reaches out a hand, resting it atop her thigh to still it.
They wait there, in uncomfortable silence, until the sound of mutts causes Y/N to jump. Even Haymitch flinches when the animals appear, like something out of a nightmare, bits of the fallen tributes mixed in.
They take Thresh, tearing him to pieces and Y/N doesn’t fight when Haymitch wraps her up in his arms. Making a place for herself in his lap, legs dangling over the side of his, not caring if she is heavy. He of course, doesn’t mind, pressing a kiss to the underside her jaw.
Cato is waiting at the top of the cornucopia. When Peeta and Katniss inevitably end up there, the three of them have it out. With Cato’s arm around Peeta’s neck, Katniss is left with no good choices. If she shoots the career’s hand where Peeta is pointing and she misses… But if she doesn’t shoot, he’ll kill Peeta anyway. She takes a deep breath and lets the arrow fly.
Cato’s death is a quick one, a mercy he may not have shown with roles reversed. But it is over, leaving just the tributes from district twelve. Gone is the shadow of night, the sun returning to illuminate the finale.
“Attention, tributes, attention, there’s been a slight rule change.”
Katniss draws her bow, fearing that they are somehow not alone.
Haymitch shifts, bracing himself.
“The previous revision allowing two victors from the same district has been…revoked. Only one may be crowned. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.”
Katniss and Peeta turn back to one another.
“Go ahead.” Peeta insists, “one of us should go home. One of us has to die, they have to have their victor.”
“No,” Katniss tosses her weapon down, stepping over it to close the space between them. “They don’t. Why should they?” She pulls the nightlock from her pocket.
“No,” Peeta covers her hand with his own.
“Trust me.” Katniss whispers, “trust me.”
And Peeta does, accepting the berries into his palm.
Haymitch lets out a breath, patting the outside of Y/N’s thigh, affectionately. “You did it.” He murmurs, “there’s your victors.” Even though it isn’t fair, even though there will be nothing to show for it. They won.
Y/N leans farther into his embrace. Wishing more than anything for the chance to tell Peeta that she is proud and to tell Katniss…
“Together?” The boys asks.
“Together,” Katniss repeats.
“Ok. One.” Peeta runs his fingertips down the length of her braid.
Together they raise the poison toward their lips.
“Stop.” A voice rings through the arena, “stop! Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the winners of the seventy-fourth annual Hunger Games.”
For this, the four of them will surely be punished.
Part 8
Series Taglist: @praline357 @flowercrowns-goodvibes @justheretoparty420 @avocadotoastwithegg @officialjellydoughnut @whoreforfictionalpeople @treehouse-mouse @emo-markie @spilled-mi1k @magical-spit @greaser9902 @jessicamellarky @yourebuckingkiddingme @smuha2004
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the-lumpfish-king · 1 year
HEY! It’s me, Lumpku!
Thought I’d make one of these pined post things to introduce myself.
My name is Solanum, but you can call me Sol or Lump (or Sol Badthey if you’re epic)
I’m a 23 year old ginger, use they/it/she/anything non-male, demiromantic, exist in an asexual quantum superposition, and am bi/pan. Most importantly, I am also a fish
I have a degree in Physics with plans to go into a PhD program for research Astronomy. My area of focus is galaxy structure, formation, and evolution. I’m currently working on my first research papers, adapting my undergraduate thesis work into proper astronomy journal form. I love doing physics and take requests for calculations, stupid or serious (check “#lump’s calculations” for those I’ve done so far, these are my best posts by far).
I try to keep fully nsfw stuff off this blog, but mild nsfw is to be expected, so minors beware
Outside of research, work, and classes I can usually be found gaming, playing MTG, or putting way too much effort into my shitposts while watching something on my second monitor.
I can be found on a few other sites under the same username but am only active here, and if any mutuals want to connect on discord or steam dm me
If you take one thing away from reading this it’s GO PLAY OUTER WILDS RIGHT NOW. Do not look up anything about it, just play the game and then get your friends to play it. Then we can all talk about it. Please, I need to talk about this masterpiece with more people.
Now that you’ve learned about me I have gained access to your walls. Don’t worry, all I do is nibble a bit of drywall from time to time.
Too many fun facts below
My personal motto is: “The universe is scary and so much bigger than any of us can comprehend, so it’s our duty to fag it up as much as possible”
My plushies names: -Tofrug: Lord Squishers -Manatee: Weapon of Lettuce Destruction -Reimu Fumo: Air Fried Bastard -Hydreigon: Hans -Vaporeon: Dihydrogen Monoxide Puppy -Meowscarada: Greenfield -Reshiram: Nuclear Mommy -Gardevior: Horizon -Blåhaj: Jimbei -Gobbo Bard: Ga Bu
I love nature, and evergreen forests in particular. I enjoy hiking and mushroom and berry picking.
My most proud find is this massive cluster of morels I came across a couple years back.
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Here’s an overabundance of my personal top 3′s, not necessarily the three I think are best (except Outer Wilds, that’s best thing humanity has produced). Games: Outer Wilds, FFXIV, Ori and the Will of the Wisps Manga: One Piece, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Dungeon Meshi **Books:** Red Rising, Percy Jackson, A Song of Ice and Fire Movies: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Secret of Kells, How to Train Your Dragon Shows: Mob Psycho 100, Good Omens, Ya Boy Kongming! Characters: Mr Torgue Highfive Flexington, Kronk, Nico Robin Mountains: Mt. Hood, Sierra de la Laguna, Mauna Kea **Flying Critters: Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox, **Pelican, Toucan **Landbound Creatures: **Red Panda, Jumping Spider, Goliath Frog Marine Animals: Sea Lion, Lumpfish, Giant Pacific Octopus **Pokemon: **Gardevoir, Hisuian Goodra, Zekrom **Soundtracks: **FFXIV, Made in Abyss, Wildfrost Albums: Starship Velociraptor, The Cures What Ails Ya, Westwinds (The Real McKenzies) Foods: Cottage Pie, Khao Soi, my dad’s Chile Verde **Fruit: **Mexican Pitaya, Atemoya, Mango, Huckleberry Galaxy Clusters: Abell 0209, Abell 1689, macs0416
Here’s a couple of neat galaxy pictures I took using my university’s telescope:
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bfpnola · 1 year
Since 2009, a group called the Thirty Meter Telescope International Observatory had been trying to build a $1.5 billion Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) on top of Mauna Kea, which they said would give scientists an even better opportunity to observe the emergence of new planets, stars, and galaxies than the telescopes that are already there. But throughout history, Native Hawaiians have held sacred ceremonies on the mountain to bury their most beloved ancestors as well as the ‘iewe (placenta) and piko (umbilical cord) of their newborns—so to them the mountain is family. And tradition. And love. And that’s why many, including Mahelona, activated to protect it, setting up camp to block the access road developers would need to take to start construction.
“As Native Peoples, our land and our stories and our traditions have been ripped away from us,” she says. “And that’s because, for Western imperialism and their systems, nothing is sacred. The message of colonization is: You are not sacred, and this land is not sacred. Whatever you do to take care of yourself and your land is invalid. That’s why we’re always going to be fighting for land justice and water justice and climate justice and liberation.”
True to her word, four years later, Mahelona is continuing to fight for a variety of causes—including water justice around the Red Hill water crisis on O‘ahu and land and climate justice following the devastating Maui fires on August 8. But her way of fighting these injustices is a little different from what you might expect. Inspired by her time on Mauna Kea, Mahelona left her job as a bank accountant to become a grief worker who uses ceremonial rituals to help people process their emotions and heal. And to her, grief work is activism work; the two are inextricably linked.
🚨 want more materials like these? this resource was shared through BFP’s discord server! everyday, dozens of links and files are requested and offered by youth around the world! and every sunday, these youth get together for virtual teach-ins. if you’re interested in learning more, join us! link in our bio! 🚨
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onlythebravest · 1 year
a 5+1 mountain facts for @larrysballetslippers
here it comes; 5 non-deadly facts + 1 that’s still not deadly but includes a dead body
1. measuring from base to peak, even though it’s below sea level, Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain on earth (I learned this in a comic book as a kid actually)
2. due to the low pressure, water boils at around 70°C on Mount Everest (and I learned this in school)
3. Mount Erebus on Antarctica is a volcano (and it’s actually an active volcano!! on antartica!!)
4. Kilimanjaro is the highest freestanding mountain in the world, as in not connected to a mountain range
5. to be called a mountain, it needs to be at least 300 meters above sea level, otherwise it’s a hill (which means that the netherlands actually have a mountain)
I’ll put the fact including a dead body beneath a keep reading in case you don’t want to see it 
+1. I’m not sure if it still is today because I think it’s been moved, but there was a body with green boots that acted as a landmark on Mount Everest for climbers for many years
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kamyru · 1 year
This is your blog and if it’s something that makes you happy, then of course you should talk about it.
Hi, anon! Thank you for telling me this. Sometimes I really forget that I can post things without asking for approval.
I'll use this ask to talk about the plot of what I want to write in my book.
Firstly, there's a God that while bored decides to give some power to one human. And that's how Taiga, a ten-year-old orphan (she/they) starts to see the past, present, and future of every person. For this, it's enough to look at the person in the eyes.
Due to some circumstances, they spends their teen years with pirates. Only after her Captain is killed when she is 20, she decided to get back to their country. There, trying to avenge their Captain, they get a job as a professional jail-escaper. During this, Taiga gets an understanding of how poor the country is. So, she decides to tell the royal family about this.
The royal family has some problems with its reputation and they also need to decide who will inherit the crown: Betelgeuse - war veteran, self-centered, trouble maker prince; Sirius - book-worm with idealistic views; Rigel - the childish princess who in in love with her teacher, but loves the people in her country even more. After hearing the news from Taiga, Rigel decides to talk about them with her best friend - Mauna Kea. They are told that they have to talk with the members of the legendary group "The Four Colonels", who are all war-veterans. Yet, the king takes another decision.
And that's how 11 characters (Taiga, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Rigel, Cheekha Dar, Everest, Masherbrum, Matterhorn, Fisht, Hallasan, and Mauna Kea) get together to solve the problem Taiga came with, decide who will inherit the power, and clean the royal family's reputation.
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
23. What is your muse’s ideal environment (e.g. big city, forest, mountains, desert, e.t.c.)? 25. What is your muse’s opinion on gossip? Do they ever gossip, encourage it, discourage it?
A Little Bit Of This and That || Accepting 23. What is your muse's ideal environment: {e.g. big city, forest, mountains, desert, etc.} Beth lays on the ground, an arm tucked under her, staring up at the stars. The question posed to her by her host isn't a surprise. She is sure he sees her as a little frail thing, one that does not belong here in his mountains. Perhaps he expects her to be frozen solid by morning. People tend to underestimate her by appearance alone. "My homeland is not so different from what I know of Wakanda, my ali'i. There are many islands, and while they are tropical with many volcanoes, they also have some of the most lush forests, the most breathtaking mountains larger even from base to summit than the famous Everest, and some of the most beautiful beaches the world has ever seen. It is no surprise then that haole call them 'paradise' and wish to take and take and take until nothing is left of them." She smiles to herself and there is a lick of bitterness at the corners of her mouth. She is sure that her true answer would cause a great deal of offense as her ideal environment would be one in which people lived in harmony with their surroundings, saw every rock and leaf and creature as no more important than they themselves, and returned to living the natural way. Respecting the land and seeing everything in the world as part of a global family rather than what they do now. She would also like for there to be far fewer humans but that is a dream that died long ago. She also is a child of the Earth, and the Grandmother's blessing on is the ability to adapt as she needs to, even becoming something else entirely for a small duration. This is something else she does not say. "We do not have so much snow, as Madam Pele's fires still burn so close to the surface of the 'aina, the land, but we do get some at uppermost peaks of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. I like its cold, it's crispness, how clean everything feels in winter. I think....if I claimed one sort of environment as my own it is the sea. The Ocean is my true mother. Like all creatures it was from Sea we are born and I hope when my days are done, it is to Her arms I return." A slight pause, a hesitance in her soft voice. "And you, my ali'i? Have you always lived here in these mountains, or have you gone away only to return?" ~*~
25. What is your muse’s opinion on gossip? Do they ever gossip, encourage it, discourage it?
The entire camps are astir with talk. If she's hearing a wisp here or there of conversation it largely has to do with outsiders arriving by the score; the Avengers, for certain, Captain Rogers especially. Mentions of the White Wolf. Beth keeps her head down for the most part, and only does the things that are tasked to her in preparation for the upcoming battle. Truth be told, she rarely engages in the gossip and the questions everyone seems to have because she's partially still learning the languages so easily spoken between the tribes, but mostly it's because she doesn't hear things right. She never has. Wakanda has been a blessing when she is allowed to steal away to the Jabari lands, the silence of the mountains and the lack of constant technology humming and buzzing makes everything so much easier to process, as well as the directness of being able to look someone in the eye, to read their body language. The Golden City is a far cry from that, and in some ways it rivals New York or Honolulu. Another things she dearly dislikes about gossip is that it is often verbal poison; it infects the listener as well as the person or people who it is about, and it spreads like a disease or wildfire, twisting even the most innocent and honest truth into something unrecognisable before it runs its course. It is also the most important currency in politics, in business, in administration, everywhere. It sort of churns the bile in her stomach how easily someone can get labeled or mistreated because of something whispered in the right ear, again regardless of the veracity. It makes her want for the company of her animal cousins rather than her human ones. Maybe the only time she indulges is when she's talking to Sam and his is less gossip as it is keen insight into other people and sharp, often funny observations about people and human nature. He means no harm and doesn't wield his comments like a dagger in the dark. As she walks by a group of people, she feels eyes on her then she hears the giggles, and it isn't a very pleasant feeling. "Yeah, yeah, titahs. Go on wi' ya coconut wireless," she murmurs under her breath in her pidgin, a source of comfort, and hikes the basket of medical supplies a little higher up on her hip.
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rj-drive-in · 14 days
It's Never Aliens Until It Is Department:
When pretending you're not home is not an option.
THE TABETHAN ANALYSIS © 2024 by Rick Hutchins
Rapping her knuckles lightly on the wooden apartment door, Geetika said, “Professor? Are you home?”
“Come right in, Miss Bakshi,” came the immediate reply.
She opened the door cautiously and peeked inside. The small apartment was dominated by a large dining room table, covered with stacks of books, a handful of mobile devices, a tangle of wires, and the professor’s widescreen laptop. There also appeared to be a six-pack of Sam Adams Boston Lager among the mess.
“Hello, sir.”
Professor McManus was sitting in an office chair at the near end of the table, hunched over the laptop. He swiveled toward Geetika and waved her inside. “Come on, come on,” he said. “No need to stand on ceremony.”
She came hesitantly inside and closed the door. Aside from the electronic devices, the only light came from an old-fashioned floor lamp in the corner and a table lamp next to the couch. In the dimness, the walls seemed to be lined with bookcases.
“Come along, don’t be shy, sit down,” he said, pointing at the couch. He handed her a bottle of beer from the six-pack. “I saved you a Sam Adams.”
She thanked him and sat down, noting that the remaining bottles were empty. “You’ve had the other five already?”
“Eleven,” he corrected. “But there’s more in the fridge when you need them.”
“Will I need them?
He leaned back in the office chair and it squeaked. He regarded her with a steady gaze that gave little hint of inebriation. It was odd to see Thompson McManus outside of class, in jeans and an MIT school jersey-- which revealed that he was heavier around the middle than she had thought. He was still quite a handsome older man, despite that.
“More than likely,” he said at last.
“Is this about my grades?”
“What? No, no,” he said, waving his hand dismissively. “Are you kidding? You’re my best student. That’s why you’re here. Hell, you could teach my classes.”
Inwardly, she breathed a sigh of relief. “I could?”
“And you probably should,” he said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “I should have retired ten years ago. Now I wish I had.” Maybe he was a little tipsy at that.
“Then why did you ask me to come over, sir?”
“Because,” he said, reaching into the mess on his desk and pulling out a thumb drive, “I need a little peer review done.” He tossed the drive and she caught it. “You’re aware that I’ve been working on an article for The Astrophysical Journal on KIC 8462852?”
“Oh, yes,” she nodded with a smile, almost giddy that she wasn’t in some kind of trouble. “Tabby’s famous star. ‘I’m not saying that it’s aliens-- but it’s aliens!’”
Professor McManus smiled mildly and nodded his head.
“So… what did you find”
“It’s aliens.”
Geetika’s jaw dropped. “You… it’s… what?!”
The professor took a deep breath, and ran his hand through his shock of white hair. “In order to synthesize the most accurate and extant knowledge base for my study, I collected every known data point from every known source available. Kepler, the Planet Hunters Project, historical observations, Spitzer, AstroLAB, the GRB Mission, the VLA, Mauna Kea, you name it. I cross-referenced everything with Doctor Boyajian herself. It’s all on the stick.”
“And your conclusion?”
“It’s a megastructure. Of a sort.”
“But I was sure they had ruled out any kind of Dyson object.”
“They ruled out everything. Every theory was falsified. The only reasonable explanation was a giant dust cloud, or clouds, but nobody could account for the missing infrared radiation. I was finally able to account for the missing radiation.”
“In what way?”
“By demonstrating that the clouds are not made of dust. They’re made of trillions upon trillions of nanomachines.”
“Oh, my god. A Dyson swarm of nanomachines? Is that possible?”
“You’ll be the judge, Miss Bakshi” he replied, indicating the memory stick. “It makes sense. A cloud that size would have enough memory and computing power to hold a nearly infinite virtual reality, and it would be much easier to build and maintain than gargantuan cities in flight. The Tabethans could have uploaded themselves to their version of Heaven and made themselves immortal. If that’s what really happened.”
“That’s remarkable. Amazing. Everything fits.” Then she saw the look on his face. “What do you mean, if that’s what really happened?”
The professor sighed. “That’s not all I found,” he said. “I was also able to confirm that the clouds orbit within the habitable zone.”
“Why is that a problem?”
“There’s no planet in the habitable zone.”
Geetika shrugged. “Wouldn’t the Tabethans have dismantled their planet to build the nanomolecular clouds?”
“Not necessary. If you’re constructing a Dyson Sphere or a Ringworld or anything similar, you’d need to clear the system for building materials and to remove dangerous debris and gravitational disturbances. A nanomolecular cloud can be built from the materials in asteroids and comets. It doesn’t even need to be in the habitable zone.”
“Then where did the planet… oh. Oh, my god.” She remembered her Sam Adams and took a long, long drink. “Oh, my god.”
Professor McManus nodded grimly. “Exactly. It may have been an industrial accident or maybe a doomsday weapon. Or just a prototype that got out of control.”
Geetika put her hand over her mouth and sat back on the couch. “Oh, no. Instead of uploading themselves to Heaven, the Tabethans may just have obliterated themselves.”
“Actually,” said the professor slowly, “it may be far worse than that.”
“What do you mean? What could be worse?”
“This is why I need you to peer review my results before I publish. The paper has to be perfect, given the implications. I was able to incorporate some new data sent to me by some colleagues at Cornell earlier this week, and that changed everything.”
“What is the new data?”
“Two things, both of which imply that the clouds are not native to Tabby’s Star. One is simply that the comparison of targeted spectral isotope analyses suggests that they were constructed around a K-Type main sequence star.”
“And the other?”
Professor McManus leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, and paused for a long moment. “The gas clouds don’t just have a deficit of infrared radiation,” he said at last. “Some of them have a surplus of ultraviolet radiation.”
“Oh,” she gasped. “Oh, my god.”
“They’re blue shifted.”
“They’re moving toward us.”
“At a large fraction of the speed of light,” the professor replied. “Leaving us scarcely centuries to prepare.”
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Creating Timeless Art from Moments: 808 Pictures, Your Hawaii Photography Experts
Capturing the beauty and soul of the moment is an art form on Hawaii's gorgeous islands. From the breathtaking vistas to the rich culture, there are numerous moments worth remembering. This is when a good photographer's expertise comes into play. 808 Pictures is your go-to photographic team for transforming your precious moments into everlasting art, whether you're planning a lovely beach wedding in Maui, a family holiday in Oahu, a romantic break in Kauai, or an adventure-filled trip to the Big Island. Few sites can rival the sheer natural beauty of Maui when it comes to conveying the soul of Hawaii. Maui, known for its spectacular sunsets, pristine beaches, and lush flora, makes an ideal setting for any celebration. 808 Pictures recognizes the island's distinct appeal and has a staff of professional Maui photographers who are well-versed in the island's hidden treasures. They will collaborate with you to create unique memories, whether it's a beachside wedding, a family portrait session, or a romantic couples' shot against the gorgeous waterfalls of Maui. Moving on, Oahu, Hawaii's dynamic center, offers a combination of urban cityscapes and calm beach vistas. Whether you're touring Honolulu's bustling streets or relaxing on the North Shore, Oahu offers a plethora of photographic options. 808 Pictures offers a team of Oahu photographers who are skilled at capturing the island's dynamic energy and natural beauty. They will ensure that your shots capture the essence of Oahu, whether it's the famed Diamond Head Crater or the stunning blue seas of Hanauma Bay, using their experience. The "Garden Isle," Kauai, has magnificent views that are a photographer's dream. Kauai's natural wonders range from the majestic Na Pali Coast to the lovely Waimea Canyon. 808 Pictures knows the island's particular appeal and has a staff of expert Kauai photographers that will guide you to the most scenic areas. Whether it's a sunrise beach session or a romantic trek through the beautiful tropical forests, they'll capture the enchantment of your special moments. 808 Pictures' attention to detail and artistic vision will result in magnificent photographs that genuinely reflect the spirit of Kauai. The Big Island of Hawaii is the ideal destination for anyone seeking adventure and diversity. This island's sceneries are diverse, ranging from the snow-capped peaks of Mauna Kea to the raging lava flows of Kilauea. 808 Pictures has a strong team of Big Island photographers that are dedicated to capturing the island's distinct beauty. They will go above and beyond to create stunning photographs that you will enjoy for a lifetime, whether it's a daring helicopter trip above the volcano or a tranquil sunset shoot on the black sand beaches. What distinguishes 808 Pictures is their dedication to quality and their enthusiasm for capturing Hawaii's distinctive beauty. Every scene is shot with accuracy and creativity by their team of outstanding photographers who specialize in each island. Their commitment to customer satisfaction is unparalleled, as they try to exceed your expectations and provide outstanding service from beginning to end. When you use 808 Pictures as your Hawaii photography experts, you can be confident that your priceless memories will be translated into timeless artwork. Their attention to detail,
knowledge of island locales, and dedication to perfection make them the go-to pick for anyone looking for outstanding photography in Hawaii. 808 Pictures is ready to turn your precious memories into magnificent visual masterpieces that will be loved for centuries to come, from Maui to Oahu, Kauai to the Big Island. So, whether you're planning a wedding, a family vacation, or a romantic break, trust the pros at 808 Pictures with your photography needs. Allow them to capture the charm of Hawaii and turn your memories into immortal art that will evoke the beauty and essence of the islands for all time. Capturing the beauty and soul of the moment is an art form on Hawaii's gorgeous islands. From the breathtaking vistas to the rich culture, there are numerous moments worth remembering. This is when a good photographer's expertise comes into play. 808 Pictures is your go-to photographic team for transforming your precious moments into everlasting art, whether you're planning a lovely beach wedding in Maui, a family holiday in Oahu, a romantic break in Kauai, or an adventure-filled trip to the Big Island. Few sites can rival the sheer natural beauty of Maui when it comes to conveying the soul of Hawaii. Maui, known for its spectacular sunsets, pristine beaches, and lush flora, makes an ideal setting for any celebration. 808 Pictures recognizes the island's distinct appeal and has a staff of professional Maui photographers who are well-versed in the island's hidden treasures. They will collaborate with you to create unique memories, whether it's a beachside wedding, a family portrait session, or a romantic couples' shot against the gorgeous waterfalls of Maui. Moving on, Oahu, Hawaii's dynamic center, offers a combination of urban cityscapes and calm beach vistas. Whether you're touring Honolulu's bustling streets or relaxing on the North Shore, Oahu offers a plethora of photographic options. 808 Pictures offers a team of Oahu photographers who are skilled at capturing the island's dynamic energy and natural beauty. They will ensure that your shots capture the essence of Oahu, whether it's the famed Diamond Head Crater or the stunning blue seas of Hanauma Bay, using their experience. The "Garden Isle," Kauai, has magnificent views that are a photographer's dream. Kauai's natural wonders range from the majestic Na Pali Coast to the lovely Waimea Canyon. 808 Pictures knows the island's particular appeal and has a staff of expert Kauai photographers that will guide you to the most scenic areas. Whether it's a sunrise beach session or a romantic trek through the beautiful tropical forests, they'll capture the enchantment of your special moments. 808 Pictures' attention to detail and artistic vision will result in magnificent photographs that genuinely reflect the spirit of Kauai. The Big Island of Hawaii is the ideal destination for anyone seeking adventure and diversity. This island's sceneries are diverse, ranging from the snow-capped peaks of Mauna Kea to the raging lava flows of Kilauea. 808 Pictures has a strong team of Big Island photographers that are dedicated to capturing the island's distinct beauty. They will go above and beyond to create stunning photographs that you will enjoy for a lifetime, whether it's a daring helicopter trip above the volcano or a tranquil sunset shoot on the black sand beaches. What distinguishes 808 Pictures is their dedication to quality and their enthusiasm for capturing Hawaii's distinctive beauty. Every scene is shot with accuracy and creativity by their team of outstanding photographers who specialize in each island. Their commitment to customer satisfaction is unparalleled, as they try to exceed your expectations and provide outstanding service from beginning to end. When you use 808 Pictures as your Hawaii photography experts, you can be confident that your priceless memories will be translated into timeless artwork. Their attention to detail, knowledge of island locales, and dedication to perfection make them .
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freehawaii · 1 year
Thereʻs One Thing Keeping Hope For The Thirty Meter Telescope Alive.
Now, Your Help Is Needed At The End Of This Month To Kill It.
Your Opposition To A TMT Construction Permit Extension is Critical.
Watch This For Full Details About Where, When & How You Can Help.
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mudaship39 · 1 year
Personal afterword of my spoken word poetry book
as a songwriter and spoken word poet about being a displaced state side disconnected diaspora Asian native & QTIPOC
Personal afterword,
Let me first ask, reading the spoken word poetry book that I wrote as an orator and storyteller did you feel it, my mana? Did you feel it, my pain, agony, misery, anguish, grief, & mourning? Did you feel it, my anger, my hatred, loathing, wrath, fury, & rage? Did you feel it, my sorrow and torment? Did you feel my happiness, joy, & contentment? That is what I have been working on for a long time as a writer and artist. As a writer and creator who is a songwriter and spoken word poet I need people of color writers, editors, publishers, & artists as well as Indigenous (Indigenous to Turtle Island or Indigenous to Moana, Pasifika, or Oceania) writers, editors, publishers, & artists to help me create this spoken word poetry book. I wrote it as a storykeeper, orator, & storyteller to heal people who are displaced, to heal people who are disconnected, and to heal people who are diaspora. This is to Indigenous people especially those who are Indigenous Pasifika who are Polynesian, Micronesian, & Melanesian. This is for Polynesians who are Hawaiian, Tahitian, Samoan, Maori, or Tongan. This is for Melesians who are Fijian, Ni-Vanuatu, or Papuan. This is for Micronesians who are Marshallese, Chamorro, Pohnpeian, Kosraean, & Chuukese. We are separated and connected by land and sea. I wrote this as a storykeeper, orator, & storyteller for all of you. Those I consider to be whanau or chosen family. I want to perform this soon in Orange County and LA County in Southern California in Tongva Indigenous land in concert venues to people of color and or Indigenous audiences. That is once I find concert venues in So Cal or Southern California for spoken word poets and singers. As a writer and creator who is an storykeeper, orator, storyteller I want to someday perform the spoken word poetry book in Polynesia, Oceania, Moana, or Pasifika in Tahiti, New Zealand, Samoa, Hawaii, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, the Marshall Islands, & Guam to Polynesian, Melanesian, and Micronesian audiences. I also want to someday perform it to the protectors of Mauna Kea and offer it as my mana’o during an official ceremony. I want to go to Mauna Kea so I can perform to offer my mana'o to Mauna Kea as official ho'okupu or official gift during observance. I need Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika who are Samoan, Maori, Tahitian, Hawaiian, & Tongan. I need Micronesian Indigenous Pasifika who are Marshallese, Chamorro, Pohnpeian, Kosraean, & Chuukese. I need Melanesian Indigenous Pasifika who are Papuan, Fijian, & Ni-Vanuatu. I need people who are dancers, percussion drummers, choir, & orchestra to accompany me when I perform. I need Polynesian, Micronesian, & Melanesian translators to translate my spoken word poetry to Polynesian, Micronesian, & Melanesian Indigenous Pasifika audiences. I thought about this for a long time as a writer and creator. I have been writing this spoken word anthology book since jr. high in 7th grade. I am now in college. That is the only thing that will make sure the mana I have in mind when I perform happens. Since being a storykeeper, orator, and storyteller is something my family on my Chinese and Vietnamese side have been doing for generations. I don’t know what my French and Polynesian Tahitian Indigenous Pasifika ancestors did though. That is what I hope to find out by connecting and reconnecting. The audience though needs to be young adult to adult who are at least 18 or older since the topics the spoken word poetry book covers is displacement, being disconnected, being diaspora, cultural genocide, & generational traumas & those aren’t things children, preteens, & teenagers are mature enough to understand. It talks about many poc and Indigenous Pasifika issues such as inter-generational trauma, cultural genocide, colonialism, imperialism, neocolonialism and occupation, mental illnesses, suicide in the poc community and Indigenous community. It talks about many issues such as being displaced, being diaspora, displacement, being disconnected, decolonization, reconnecting, tattoo revival, & language revival. It talks about race, racial identity, racism, colorism, cultural identity, & anti native racism. It talks about the racial and cultural identity of being Southeast Asian Vietnamese or Kinh Indigenous of Vietnam person of color. It talks about the racial identity of being East Asian Chinese. It talks about the cultural identity of being Polynesian Tahitian Indigenous Pasifika. It talks about being a lighter skinned brown skinned brown native. It talks about having a darker skinned brown skinned brown native older brother. It talks about having a white coded white passing white native mother. It talks about Indigenous people being adopted out and being adopted by non native families such as my French and Polynesian Tahitian Indigenous Pasifika mother being adopted by a Vietnamese couple. It also talks about sex, gender, gender identity, sexuality, and sexual orientation in the poc community and Indigenous community before colonizers and imperialists imposed gender binary and sexual orientation binary on indigenous people. It talks about being mahu or maohi or in the middle an indigenous Pasifika third gender identity that is similar to two spirit a third gender identity of Indigenous people of Turtle Island. It talks about mahu or in the middle being a cultural responsibility and spiritual obligation. It talks about being a queer Indigenous Pasifika person of color. I am mahu or in the middle by Polynesian Indigenous gender fluidity and nonbinary genderfluid pansexual trans by western colonial binary. This is why I refer to myself throughout the spoken word poetry book as he/him, she/her, or they/them. It talks about being nonbinary genderfluid. It talks about being pansexual. It talks about being polyamorous. It also talks about poc/poc interracial relationships as a queer Indigenous person of color. As a writer and creator who is an author,  comic book writer, screenwriter, songwriter, and spoken word poet I wanted to adapt Heart of Dragon Fire, Soul of Phoenix, & Blood of Fairy Ocean Water into an animated movie like Moana but for young adult to adult audiences that talks about being displaced, displacement, being diaspora, cultural genocide, being disconnected, connecting, and reconnecting. In that animated movie I would be the narrator. I would want to make it with a Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika cast and crew with Polynesian Indigenous: actors, voice actors, screenwriters, directors, & producers with a poc and or Indigenous network and studio. As a queer (mahu or maohi or in the middle by Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika standards or nonbinary genderfluid pansexual by western standards) Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika person of color writer and creator I want representation for all marginalized groups in media. As an author, comic book writer, & screenwriter I write a lot about lgbt, poc, disabled, and or Indigenous characters. I write a lot of comics, graphic novels, & books that are Indigenoius futurism and poc futurism. As an artist who is a spoken word poet and songwriter who’s an orator and storyteller I write a lot about race, racial identity, cultural identity, sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation. 
Christian Nguyen 
I also go by my Vietnamese name Ngoc Dinh Nguyen or my chosen Polynesian name No’eau Aitonui Hoata/Heiani Mareva Hoata
Reviews for Heart of Fire Dragon, Soul of Flame Phoenix, & Sea Fairy Ocean Blood:
(This is where readers post their thoughts on the spoken word poetry book as a whole)
Other than that I’m also a writer and creator of bipoc and qtipoc futurism in books comics and graphic novels. The bipoc and qtipoc futurism project Chronicles of War the cyberpunk science fiction and magical high fantasy comic book or graphic novel series. It is about several queer and trans indigenous people of color or qtipoc main characters. One is a Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine native demigod and alien hybrid superhero in a cyberpunk world in the near and far future and the other is an Afro Asian native coded spellcaster swordfighter and gunslinger adventurer in a magical high fantasy world. Both of them are qtipoc and bipoc. There are other main characters in other precontact and post land back worlds. It has queer, trans, disabled, native Black, and or poc representation. It has indigenous and indigenous pasifika representation if you are interested in something like that. Rest of the info is on a google doc. Also needs email for google doc invite link.
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discoverhowitworks · 1 year
Plan Your Dream Beach Wedding: Top Beach Wedding Venues
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Dreaming of a beautiful beach wedding?
Are you dreaming of a beautiful beach wedding? Look no further! In this article, we will take you on a journey to the top beach wedding venues around the world. From breathtaking ocean views to soft sandy shores, these venues will leave you and your guests in awe. If you're wondering where to host your beach wedding, look no further. Our comprehensive list of top beach wedding venues includes stunning locations such as the Maldives, Bali, and Hawaii. We've researched each location thoroughly to provide you with the best options available. But that's not all - we've also gathered expert advice from top wedding planners and travel experts to ensure you have all the information you need to plan your dream beach wedding. From local customs and traditions to legal requirements and logistics, we've got you covered. So, if you're ready to start planning your dream beach wedding, join us on this journey and discover the top beach wedding venues around the world. Get ready to say "I do" in the most beautiful and romantic locations, surrounded by the sound of crashing waves and the warm ocean breeze. Are you excited? We sure are! If you're dreaming of a romantic beach wedding, you're not alone. Beach weddings are a popular choice for couples who want a beautiful and unforgettable wedding experience. From stunning sunsets to gentle ocean breezes, beach weddings offer a unique and romantic setting for your big day. Here are 10 top beach wedding venues to consider for your dream wedding:
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1. Four Seasons Resort, Maui
Located in Wailea, Maui, the Four Seasons Resort is a beautiful and luxurious beach wedding venue. With its stunning ocean views, white sand beaches, and lush tropical gardens, the Four Seasons Resort offers a picture-perfect location for your dream wedding. The resort also offers exceptional service and amenities, including gourmet catering and spa services.
2. The Breakers Palm Beach
The Breakers Palm Beach in Florida is a historic and elegant beach wedding venue. With its grand architecture, picturesque ocean views, and beautifully landscaped grounds, the Breakers Palm Beach offers a truly unforgettable wedding experience. The resort also offers a wide range of amenities, including gourmet catering, spa services, and a variety of wedding packages to choose from.
3. Montage Laguna Beach
Nestled along the beautiful coastline of Laguna Beach, California, the Montage Laguna Beach is a stunning beach wedding venue. With its panoramic ocean views, beautiful gardens, and luxurious amenities, the Montage Laguna Beach offers a romantic and unforgettable setting for your dream wedding. The resort also offers exceptional service and catering options.
4. Belmond Maroma Resort & Spa
Located in Riviera Maya, Mexico, the Belmond Maroma Resort & Spa is a beautiful and exotic beach wedding venue. With its pristine white sand beaches, turquoise waters, and lush tropical gardens, the resort offers a breathtaking and romantic location for your dream wedding. The resort also offers exceptional service and amenities, including gourmet catering and spa services.
5. Casa Marina, A Waldorf Astoria Resort
Casa Marina, A Waldorf Astoria Resort in Key West, Florida is a beautiful and historic beach wedding venue. With its grand architecture, stunning ocean views, and beautiful gardens, the resort offers a truly unforgettable wedding experience. The resort also offers exceptional service, gourmet catering, and a variety of wedding packages to choose from.
6. Mauna Kea Beach Hotel
Located on the Big Island of Hawaii, the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel is a luxurious and picturesque beach wedding venue. With its stunning ocean views, white sand beaches, and lush tropical gardens, the resort offers a truly romantic and unforgettable setting for your dream wedding. The resort also offers exceptional service and amenities, including gourmet catering and spa services.
7. The Ritz-Carlton, Cancun
The Ritz-Carlton in Cancun, Mexico is a beautiful and luxurious beach wedding venue. With its stunning ocean views, white sand beaches, and lush tropical gardens, the resort offers a picture-perfect location for your dream wedding. The resort also offers exceptional service and amenities, including gourmet catering and spa services.
8. The St. Regis Bali Resort
The St. Regis Bali Resort in Bali, Indonesia is a stunning and exotic beach wedding venue. With its picturesque ocean views, beautiful gardens, and luxurious amenities, the resort offers a truly unforgettable setting for your dream wedding. The resort also offers exceptional service and catering options.
9. One&Only Palmilla
Located in Los Cabos, Mexico, One&Only Palmilla is a beautiful and luxurious beach wedding venue. With its stunning ocean views, white sand beaches, and lush tropical gardens, the resort offers a picture-perfect location for your dream wedding. The resort also offers exceptional service and amenities
10. Banyan Tree Mayakoba
Banyan Tree Mayakoba in Riviera Maya, Mexico is a beautiful and exotic beach wedding venue. With its turquoise waters, pristine white sand beaches, and lush tropical gardens, the resort offers a breathtaking and romantic location for your dream wedding. The resort also offers exceptional service, gourmet catering, and a variety of wedding packages to choose from. When planning your dream beach wedding, it's important to consider the location, amenities, and services offered by each venue. You want to choose a venue that not only offers a beautiful and romantic setting but also has the resources and expertise to make your dream wedding a reality. In addition to choosing the right venue, there are other factors to consider when planning your beach wedding. These may include the weather, local regulations, and logistics such as transportation and accommodations for guests. It's important to work with a wedding planner or coordinator who has experience with beach weddings and can help you navigate these details. With careful planning and attention to detail, your dream beach wedding can become a reality. Whether you choose a luxurious resort or a more intimate setting, a beach wedding offers a truly unforgettable experience that you and your guests will treasure for a lifetime. Read the full article
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kailuakonaestate · 2 years
Standard post published to Kailua Kona Estate at February 19, 2023 22:00
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Kailua-Kona Island Retreat
Sometimes, we all need a break. It is important to see your hard work come to fruition and an Island retreat is the perfect way to do it. Kailua-Kona is one of the best places to visit in Hawaii and offers people a wide range of activities. Top things to do include visiting the Akaka falls, horseback riding, golfing at Mauna Kea, swimming with Manta Rays, and many more. Kailua Kona Estate offers premium accommodation to ensure that you get the best out of your retreat with stunning views, a clean mansion with a dining room, an entertainment theatre, an 8-person jacuzzi, plenty of parking, and more.
Learn more
source https://local.google.com/place?id=10739599270069556930&use=posts&lpsid=9090268376852713053
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thezohnersgoabroad · 2 years
Big Island Part #4, Sunrise at the summit of Mauna Kea, HI
With this early bird expedition to the Mauna Kea volcano, we were able to catch two birds with one stone! To have perfect vision of the lava flow of the erupting Mauna Loa volcano under the night sky, and to watch a beautiful sunrise at the summit of Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano that marks with an elevation of 4.207 m (13,803 ft) the highest point in the state of Hawaii and the second highest peak of an island on Earth. To get to the summit, you need a 4x4 drive, luckily our little pick-up truck had been a loyal companion, brought us to the top of the volcano and provided us a perfect look-out platform. This trip to Hawaii just become more and more special with every day – and will for sure be remembered as one of the best trips of our life’s!
Please find some additional information if you're planning to visit Mauna Kea for the sunrise:
Follow the Mauna Kea Access Road to Onizuka Center for International Astronomy Visitor Information Station. If you're under 16, pregnant or have poor health, it's recommend that you enjoy the view from here at 2.800 hm (9,200 ft). From that visitor station, it's mandatory to have a 4x4 vehicle with low range (mostly abbreviated with 4WD Lo)! It is extremely necessary for the way down. As in this altitudes, the mechanical brakes will get too hot and your break might not work at all without the low range of your 4x4.
Make sure, that you are breaking with a a) 4x4 Lo activated b) Break with your engine c) and just use the mechanical brake as little as possible
Rangers will open the road 30 minutes before the sunrise. So if you arrive at the visitor center and the road is closed, wait until it will be opened. Also, the ranger will make vehicle checks on the way down and check if your vehicle is a 4x4 (AWD) and check your temperature of your breaks!
With that, please enjoy the sunrise and drive carefully!
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Song: Jim Yosef - Samurai [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream:  Watch: http://youtu.be/
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ninetimesnetwork · 2 years
Things to know about Maui vs. Big Island
Things to know about Maui vs. Big Island
The second-largest Hawaiian island, Maui, is a popular vacation destination with 30 miles of immaculate beaches. Maui boasts lush rainforests, farm-to-table cuisine, world-class golf, and its stunning shoreline. Compared to the Big Island, Maui has more to offer in terms of resorts, a classic beachfront, and nightlife. Compared to the Big Island, the scenery is a little more consistent.
Even though there aren't any ski lifts to get you to the peak, it is feasible to snowboard and ski at the top of Mauna Kea. Big Island has much to offer in terms of exploring volcanoes, hiking, and different scenery.
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It would be unfair to summarize an island in a single post, but to plan a trip, it's crucial to understand how the islands stack up against one another and what they have in common and what they might lack. You may use this to plan your trip, pick the island that best suits your needs, and arrive with realistic expectations. The Big Island and Maui are briefly described here, followed by a comparison of how one compares to the other.
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On the Big Island, environmental variety is everything. From the magnificent white and black to the snow-covered peak of Mauna Kea at almost 13,000 feet. There are around 266 kilometers of shoreline on this enormous island. The island can support a wide range of climates due to its vast size. At sea level, experience warm weather; at the summit of the Mauna Kea volcano, experience icy temperatures.
Good to know about the Big Island: 
Due to the significant distances between areas of interest in the Big Island, renting a car is required to move about. For instance, the distance between its two main hubs, Hilo/Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the east and Kona on the west coast, is between 1.5 and 2 hours by car.
Don't overlook these three items: 
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Explore volcanology at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park; get up close and personal with nature on a night swim, snorkel, or dive with a manta ray; On Mauna Kea, observe the sunset and the night sky.
Maui epitomizes all people associate with Hawaii, including its expansive white-sand beaches, active volcanoes, palm palms, and agricultural landscape. Maui doesn't have a large metropolis. Therefore, even though it gets a lot of people, it generally maintains a quiet and collected atmosphere. Instead, it provides visitors with various little seaside villages to discover, each with its distinctive character. Two sizable volcanoes, a whale viewing, and nesting area, and isolated regions like Hana are all part of its natural scenery.
An important fact for Maui: The "up-country" lifestyle of Maui, which refers to the band of tiny farms on the foothills of Haleakala, is one feature that is sometimes disregarded. For instance, the town of Kula, which is made up of several small farms, provides an alternative.
Don't overlook these three items:
Take a boat journey out into the Auau Channel.
Enjoy the beaches of the south and west Maui.
Hike around Haleakala Crater (especially during whale season).
Choosing which elements are most significant to you will determine the island you visit. The Big Island and Maui contrasted as follows:
When it comes to outdoor opportunities, Maui is no slouch. It has a variety of chances in and around the water, as well as Haleakala, a volcano that rises to a height of 10,000 feet. But Big Island just cannot be beaten in this aspect. The size of the island is comparable to that of Connecticut.
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This is a non-contest. The Big Island's youthful, rugged, volcanic shoreline provides very little silky white sand, whereas Maui's shores have some of the state's greatest beaches. Maui is the obvious pick if you're craving beaches.
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The only active volcano in Hawaii is Kilauea, one of the world's most active volcanoes. The Big Island, composed of five volcanoes, is the only island in Hawaii. The University of Hawaii in Hilo has a renowned volcanology department, and scientists from all over the world come to work there. Some of the most powerful telescopes on earth are located atop Mauna Kea, the highest volcano in the world.
Despite its vastness, the Big Island only has Kona and Hilo as its primary eating and entertainment centers. Although Kona has a lot of pubs and restaurants, the overall diversity is lacking (the majority are unpretentious beach cafes with identical menus). Hilo is a typically relatively sleepy town. However, it does have a few wonderful local attractions.
On the other side, Maui offers a wider variety of food options. Its hotels in Kaanapali and Wailea provide premium eating options, while its little beach villages, including Lahaina, Paia, and Kihei, are sprinkled with local eateries.
Maui offers a variety of different things. This region has two volcanoes, pristine beaches, offshore islands, world-class surf breaks, whale migrations, and several little coastal communities. The island is small enough that you may participate in a variety of activities in a single day without having to make a lot of trips, which is not always feasible or practical on the Big Island. Consider Maui for your trip if you want to experience a little bit of everything, thanks to its diverse offerings and excellent lodging choices.
Big Island aliment, libation, and nightlife
Even though there aren't many places to go out on the Big Island, Kona has a thriving nightlife. Kona's nightlife has a more relaxed atmosphere, making it less scary. The atmosphere in Kona is perfect for anyone seeking a more carefree, enjoyable experience. Hilo, however, has various eating alternatives, whether a casual lunch or a few drinks.
The Big Island has the broadest selection of genuine Hawaiian experiences. Maui is the ideal choice if you're searching for an island with a smaller environment but lots of outdoor activities.
Adam Miller R(S) 81648
Jessica Miller R(S) 81811
Jessica and Adam Miller are licensed real estate agents on Maui. They are with Real Broker, LLC and their team is Nine Times Network.
We take great pride in not being like every other real estate agent you'll meet. 
(more about Nine Times Network)
Mahalo for reading our blog. If you have any questions about Maui real estate or if you are looking to buy a home, sell a home or invest in Maui real estate, we would love the opportunity to speak with you.
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Best Islands to Visit in Hawaii
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Best Islands to Visit in Hawaii
When most people think of Hawaii, they think of sandy beaches, tropical fruit, and hula dancers. And while all of these things can be found on the islands, there is so much more to discover. Each island has its unique personality, from the active volcanoes of Hawaii to the remote beaches of Kauai. If you’re planning a trip to Hawaii, it’s important to know which island is the best fit for you and your interests. In this blog post, we will explore the best islands to visit in Hawaii based on different activities and interests. From hiking to swimming to simply taking in the sights, there is an island for everyone in Hawaii.
Big Island - Best Islands to Visit in Hawaii
There are eight major islands in Hawaii, and while each has its unique charm, the Big Island is truly unrivaled. Here you’ll find active volcanoes, black sand beaches, lush rainforests, and much more. The Big Island is home to Hawaii’s tallest mountain, Mauna Kea. At 13,796 feet, it’s taller than Mt. Everest when measured from the ocean floor! The summit of Mauna Kea is a popular spot for stargazing – on a clear night, you can see up to 14,000 stars. The island is also home to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, where you can see the lava flow from Volcano Village, one of the world’s most active volcanoes. For a different kind of adventure, take a helicopter tour over the crater or go hiking through the Thurston Lava Tube. And no visit to the Big Island would be complete without seeing Punalu‘u Beach, famous for its black sand created by lava flows into the ocean. The beach is also a nesting ground for endangered Hawaiian green sea turtles. Whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation (or both!), the Big Island has something for everyone – making it one of the best islands to visit in Hawaii.
Maui is one of the most popular islands to visit in Hawaii. Maui is known for its beautiful beaches, stunning scenery, and its many activities and attractions. Maui is also a great place to enjoy the Hawaiian culture. There are many things to do in Maui. You can spend your days relaxing on the beach, hiking through Haleakala National Park, or exploring the town of Lahaina. There are also many great restaurants in Maui, so you can try some delicious Hawaiian food. If you are looking for a place to stay in Maui, there are many great hotels and resorts to choose from. Whether you want to stay in a luxury resort or a more budget-friendly hotel, you will be able to find something that fits your needs in Maui.
If you're looking for the perfect island getaway, look no further than Oahu. This Hawaiian island is home to some of the best beaches in the world, as well as a wealth of cultural attractions. From Waikiki Beach to Diamond Head State Monument, there's something for everyone on Oahu. Whether you're looking to relax on the beach or explore Hawaii's rich culture, Oahu is the perfect destination. Soak up the sun at one of the island's many pristine beaches, or visit historic sites like Pearl Harbor. For a truly unforgettable experience, take a helicopter tour of the island to see its natural beauty from above. No matter what your interests are, you'll find plenty to do on Oahu. So start planning your trip today and experience all that this Hawaiian Island has to offer!
Kauai is known as Hawaii’s Garden Island, and it’s easy to see why. This island is lush and green, with beautiful hiking trails, waterfalls, and beaches. Kauai is also home to the Napali Coast, a stretch of coastline with dramatic cliffs that are popular for kayaking and hiking. If you’re looking for a laid-back island vibe, Kauai is the perfect place to visit. There are plenty of activities to keep you busy, but the pace is slower here than on some of the other Hawaiian islands.
The island of Lanai is one of the most beautiful and secluded islands in Hawaii. It is known for its unspoiled natural beauty, dramatic cliffs, and pristine beaches. Visitors can enjoy a variety of activities such as hiking, biking, and exploring the many hidden coves and waterfalls. There are also several excellent restaurants on the island, making it the perfect place to relax and enjoy the Hawaiian lifestyle.
Molokai is one of the most beautiful and unspoiled islands in Hawaii. It's known for its dramatic cliffs, pristine beaches, and lush green valleys. Visitors can hike to Kalaupapa National Historical Park, snorkel in Hulopo`e Bay, or take a mule ride down the Kalaupapa Peninsula. Molokai is the perfect place to get away from it all and experience the true beauty of Hawaii.
What to do on each island
There are so many things to do on each of the Hawaiian Islands, it's hard to know where to start. Here are some highlights of what to do on each island: On Oahu, visit Honolulu and Waikiki Beach, then head to the North Shore for some world-famous surf. Take a drive out to the East Coast to see the majestic cliffs of the Nu'uanu Pali Lookout. Don't forget to visit Pearl Harbor and the Arizona Memorial. On Maui, take a drive down the Road to Hana and see Hawaii's lush rainforest and black sand beaches. Visit Haleakala National Park for an otherworldly experience in the volcano country. Or just relax on one of Maui's many white sand beaches like Kapalua Bay or Makena Beach. On Kauai, go hiking on one of its many pristine hiking trails like Kalalau Trail or Awa'awapuhi Trail. Visit Waimea Canyon, often called "the Grand Canyon of the Pacific." And don't miss a chance to see Kauai's famous Napali Coast on a helicopter tour or boat cruise. On Hawaii Island (also called The Big Island), visit Hawaii Volcanoes National Park to see an active volcano up close. Drive down the Chain of Craters Road for an amazing view of lava flow after lava flow. Or take a dip in one of The Big Island's many hot springs like Ahalanui Park.
There are so many beautiful islands to visit in Hawaii, it's hard to choose just one. But if we had to narrow it down, these would be our top picks for the best islands to visit in Hawaii. From Kauai's stunning Napali Coast to Maui's dramatic Haleakala crater, there is something for everyone on these Islands. So start planning your trip today and see for yourself why Hawaii is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world.
Contact Information Name: Lotus Garden Cottages Phone: (808) 345-3062 Email: [email protected] Website: www.lotusgardencottages.com  Address: 19-4245 Kekoa Nui Blvd. #213, Volcano, Hawaii 96785
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petri808 · 2 years
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For my tumblr bestie @random-rave early birthday gift 🎁
@thenaluarchive Nalu Week 7-part story
“So, you and Gray will be heading back home to Cali for the summer?” Lucy questioned her friend Natsu. The University of Hawaii at Hilo just finished their spring semester, and all the dormies needed to vacate soon.
“Yeah, our lease is up at the end of the month.”
Lucy pursed her lips briefly. “In that case, I was wondering if you guys would like to come with Levy and I to my family’s beach house in Waikoloa?” She questioned. It had become their tradition to go after school finished for two weeks. “We’ll be back before you leave.”
“I’ll check with Gray, but I think he’ll say okay. So, just the four of us?”
“Yup. Gajeel,” Levy’s longtime boyfriend, “has to work so he can’t come.”
“Sounds like a plan!”
One week later, the four friends piled into Lucy’s Toyota 4Runner and headed out to Waikoloa. The quickest route was a 1-1/2 hour drive on the Daniel K. Inouye highway. A scenic route that cut between two of the island’s volcanoes, Mauna (mountain) Kea and Mauna Loa. Flanked by ancient ohia forests and lava flows on the eastern side, and miles of open fields on the west. You can even see rising across the ocean, mount Haleakala on the island of Maui on a clear day.
They arrived in Waikoloa’s Anaeho’omalu area nestled along the azure blue Pacific Ocean. A developed piece of land surrounded by crumbling ancient lava flows and sparse grass lands— a very dry environment. Here hotels like the Hilton and Marriott had built along side condos like the one Lucy’s family owned.
“Very nice,” Natsu remarked as he got out of the vehicle. “How much does a place like this cost?”
“I’m not sure,” Lucy responded. “All I know is they bought this place a couple years after I was born.” Her mom had heard about it’s sale while working at her realty company.
He chuckled, “so, out of our price range, got it.”
“Yeah,” she giggled too.
Lucy lead the group into the home and parceled out the rooms. It was a three bedroom condo, so she and Levy got one room each while the two boys had to share one. But they were fairly large and comfortable, plus Natsu and Gray were already used to sharing a dorm. Then after a quick tour of the place, they head out for supplies at the nearest store.
Foodland farms market was located in a shopping center a few miles away near the Mauna Lani resort. Since this was the boys first time there, the group walked around the shopping center, window shopping really. It was just a mix of clothing stores and restaurants.
“Can you believe there used to be a 4-D theater here?” Lucy explained. “They only played really short films, but it was the first time I experienced 4-D.”
“Yeah I saw a scene from that movie Journey to the Center of the Earth here,” Levy added. “That scene where they’re on the boat and flying fish we’re jumping all over, they spritzed us with water!”
Everyone laughed.
“At least you got to try a 4-D, I haven’t seen one yet,” Natsu griped.
“Well one day while here, we can check out the luxury cinemas at Queen’s marketplace.” Lucy offered Natsu with a light blush to her cheeks. “I haven’t been there yet.”
“Like a date? I’m game,” he teased pulling a deeper flush from Lucy.
“When you two are done flirting, meet us at the market,” Levy teased before pulling Gray away from the now flustered pair.
After a couple seconds, Natsu and Lucy gained their composure and followed. The group shopped for food to last a few days along with drinks and snacks. It was a decent haul leaving them with arms full of groceries.
On the way back to the car, Natsu stopped Lucy briefly. “I just wanted to say thanks again for inviting us. I think this is gonna be the best vacation I ever had.”
“Aww,” Lucy blushed, “I think so too.”
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