So one thing that bothers me is how the rescue bots (and blurr and salvage) don't have altmodes when they arrive on earth. But they had altmodes on Cybertron, at least for some time period???
The only thing it reminds me of is the first bayverse (and beast wars but gimme a minute) movie because those guys were all basically identical before scanning altmodes. And in the aligned continuity, we're shown mecha having Cybertronian design altmodes (ie Megatron, techhhnically the predacons and insecticons) in beast wars, they're pretty much a pile of protoform goop, some metal, and a spark before they unconsciously scan an altmode based on their current surroundings (likely to better blend in, far more like an automatic response to mimic and hide) and we see what happens when that process gets partially interrupted my poor hunny Transmutate.
So... do mecha normally just remove any altmode they previously have once they enter space travel?
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witchy-fanarchived · 6 years
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So I got really into Phantom Manor back in October and for the idea with my friend to give a MaxMaker spin to it.
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asynca · 6 years
wait wait what is this widow/ominic ship and is there more of it???
It’s Widowmaker/Maximilien (the rich Talon patron from the comics), and it’s surprisingly good?????
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acaciusbride · 7 years
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🤖🕷 Maxmaker (Widowmaker/Maximilien) Aesthetic Board 🕷🤖
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danseher · 4 years
* //(    It’s all over for me the day I find a Maximillien blog because I would die for that talon omnic, this is a threat and a promise
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mcntecarlc-blog · 6 years
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He wonders when the world will ever bless him with the presence of a lovely spider.
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aeqcitas · 6 years
@rendezvousaveclamort ♥’d for positivity!
KARMY!!!!! Karmy my dear, you were the first duplicate Widowmaker I ever followed back on my Widow and I was honestly so nervous to interact with you just because I’M A SHY TURTLE WHEN IT COMES TO THINGS LIKE THAT but you my dear are an amazing woman and writer! We share such a common ground when it comes to how we portray our Widowmakers, and I have been loving and melting for our Maximaker threads. ♥ I can’t wait to continue writing and plotting shippy things with you!! QuQ
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solitcire-blog · 6 years
Romance Headcanons.
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NAME: Amélie Lacroix/Widowmaker NICKNAME: Amé GENDER: Female ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Pansexual PREFERRED PET NAMES: Darling, Love, Sweetheart -- Just call her pet names and she’ll melt in your hand, unless you’re doing it to spite her. FAVORITE CANON SHIP(S): Gérard/Amélie - No other ships are canon for her. FAVORITE NON-CANON SHIP(S): Again, Gérard/Amélie, Venomblade (Genji/Widow), MercyMaker, Venomarrow (Widow/Hanzo), MaxiMaker, WidowTracer, SpiderByte (Sombra/Widow) OPINION ON TRUE LOVE: She had it, once. Will she find it again? Maybe. OPINION ON LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: She believed in it. Such fairy-tale beliefs don’t stick with her for long anymore. HOW ‘ROMANTIC’ ARE THEY?: Extremely. If she is romantically involved with someone she’ll cuddle with them, do small little intimate actions like touching their hand or play with their hair. She’ll whisper sweet nothings to her partners in her native tongue, or just spontaneously kiss them without being prompted to do so. IDEAL PHYSICAL TRAITS: She has no preference. However, she at least prefers those who take care of themselves (i.e, no body odor, not terribly overweight, etc.) IDEAL PERSONALITY TRAITS: No preference, however she is extremely fond of partners who challenge her with their personalities. UNATTRACTIVE PHYSICAL TRAITS: Obvious signs of lack of self care. UNATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: Rudeness. IDEAL DATE: Either being on a date at a restaurant, or just being able to spend time with her partner with just the two of them. No interruptions. She also enjoys going out, being her best dressed just to show off. DO THEY HAVE A TYPE?: Impress her. AVERAGE RELATIONSHIP LENGTH: Well, she could have been in a relationship for the rest of her life now, couldn’t she? PREFERRED NON-SEXUAL INTIMACY: Again, small touches to hands, hair, or chest, cuddling. COMMITMENT LEVEL: As Amélie, she would have been fully committed. Now? Depends on her partner, but generally speaking she isn’t looking for anything long term. OPINION OF PUBLIC AFFECTION: Yes. PAST RELATIONSHIPS?: Dead.
Tagged by: @flashofyellowlight Tagging: @hciwa @deathcvrsed & anyone else who wants to do it! :3
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eniivrer-blog · 6 years
widowmaker c:
「 dont listen to me when i say im a flex player」→ @gayvalry
how often I play them                                                                                                                          almost every game. that good good 70 hours – SOON IT WILL BE 100 HOURS
which maps I like to use them on                                                                                                     KINGS ROW, dorado, route 66, RIALTO, anubis, ILLIOS BUT ONLY THE WELL MAP BC OF THE CHEEKY SPOT ON THE TOWER, watchpoint: gibraltar is good as well, horizon lunar, eichenwald….. EVERY MAP??? CAN I JUST SAY THAT???
which skin I currently have equipped                                                                                             noVA CURRENTLY but i switch up between talon, cote d’azur, and black lily a lot
who I ship them with                                                                                                                     how much time do y’all have to listen to me list my ships?? merCYMAKER, widowtracer, spiderbyte, maximaker, widowmetra -- and platonic dva/widow in a she’s been rehabilitated in ovw and is confused as to why this child is talking to her 
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witchy-fanarchived · 6 years
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“Yeah, I’ve been dancing with the devil
I love that he pretends to care
If I’ll ever get to heaven
When a million dollars gets you there
Oh, all this time that I have wasted
Chasing rabbits down a hole
When I was born to be the tortoise
I was born to walk alone
Forget about it
Forget about it
Forget about it”
~Forget by Marina and the Diamonds
Me getting a new digital artist glove and testing it out by drawing stuff and whatever on sketchbook when this song came on. Then I just wanted to draw a Widowmaker thing with some MaxMaker mixed in 
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Welfare Implications for Dairy Cattle of Modern Technological Advances: (I) Robotic Milking- Juniper Publishers
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Automatic milking systems, otherwise, known as robotic milking, have been used in dairy farms more and more over the past two decades. The system gives the cattle the opportunity to decide when they are milked which should be beneficial to their welfare, but potentially separated the farmer from his or her animals, which could be detrimental. Here we look at health and welfare implications of robotic milking, seek to review research undertaken in this area and look to future advances in automatic milking of dairy cattle.
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The introduction of automatic milking systems (AMS) in the late 1990s revolutionised dairy practice where it was employed. The AMS is comprised of a milking machine, a laser sensor of teat position, a robotic arm to automatically apply and remove the cup to and from the teat and a gate system for controlling cow traffic and is commonly termed robotic milking Figure 1. The idea of the system is that it allows the cow to decide, within certain limitation discussed later, when to be milked with advantages for the farmer in giving increased milk yields and to the cow in increasing her autonomy, an important factor in optimising cattle welfare. Potential downsides of reducing the interaction between cowman and his or her animals are alleviated by including sensors for mastitis in the form of automatic sensors for blood in milk or increased cell count and for lameness in the form both of automatic assessment of time between milking and use of pedometers for directly assessing cow movement (Figure 2).
In this review we will discuss the benefits, or otherwise, of robotic milking to dairy cow welfare and ask how use of such systems impact the relationship between farmer and animals, and what indirect effects this has on cattle welfare. It must be said that robotic milking was first introduced in the context of the standard dairy parlour but the automated application of cups to the teats just did not work in the standard parlour where animals are milked in groups twice daily. The robotic systems were then placed in the areas where the cows were accommodated with the idea that each cow would enter the robotic system when it needed to be milked. It turned out that the ‘need’ to be milked was not enough to entice cows into the milking systems and so food was given at the time of milking. Perhaps the automated milking system was not quite as focussed on cow welfare as had first been thought. We will discuss the degree to which the cow is in control of her life while using an AMS later, given the importance of individual cow autonomy to cow welfare. First though we need briefly to outline the welfare issues in conventional dairy systems before comparing different AMS systems and then looking at the research published to date on stress levels in conventional dairy farms and those using AMS.
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Welfare Problems in Conventional Dairy Systems
The three key areas of animal welfare, as proposed by Fraser involve first biological functioning, the physiological state of the animal, natural living, how close the animal is in captivity to its free-living state, and its affective state, how it is feeling [1]. The breeding of dairy cattle for increased milk yield brings several welfare problems from a physiological and disease perspective [2] quite apart from behavioural and affective issues or removing calves from their dams at an early stage and then managing them in a manner that precludes them fulfilling their normal behaviours [3]. The energy and nutrient requirements engendered by the vastly increased milk production in modern dairy cattle places significant burdens on the cow and leads to the problems of diminished reproductive performance, decreased levels of udder health with increased incidence of mastitis [4,5], increased prevalence of lameness both associated with increased standing and musculoskeletal health issues [6] as well as compromise in the animal’s ability to eat enough to maintain a nutritional balance when so much energy, protein and calcium are being lost in the litres of milk produced each day.
The cow is, as we would say ‘milking off her back’ with insufficient resources being put back into her own health. This is the reason why the average number of lactations for a modern dairy cow is now as low as 3 with a recent study showing that the annual herd cull rate for US dairy farms was 36% and the longevity of dairy cows was approximately 60 months [7]. Can automatic milking allow the cow a better affective existence by giving her more control of her own milk production by allowing her to decide when to be milked? Or does robotic milking increase problems by distancing the cattle from the farmer?
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Robotic Milk and Cattle Health
Having noted the short lifespan of most cattle in today’s relatively intensive dairy industry doe an AMS have an impact on this figure? A recent paper on 23 Holstein breed dairy farms in Gallicia, Spain [8] monitored for five years showed that milk yield increased in the move to AMS emergency culling for conditions such as abomasal displacement, postpartum ketoacidosis or accidents reduced while culling for poor production, infertility or lameness increased. It may be that increased culling for low production comes because the AMS allows a better analysis of the cow’s performance and so a weaning out, as it were, of sub-optimally performing animals. This would not have an impact on individual animal welfare.
Increased culling because of mastitis in AMS systems may be associated with poorer udder health in the farms using AMS. Most previous studies have noted a decrease in udder health on using robotic milking [9]. Ineffective udder cleaning, generally dirtier udders and inadequate detection of mastitis may be responsible for these defects and previous studies have shown suboptimal udder cleaning in robotic systems [10]. Assessment of bulk milk somatic cell counts and bacterial counts in thirteen farms which moved from conventional milking to an AMS system detected a significantly increased cell count and bacterial contamination in the first year after the transfer but by three years after the introduction of AMS, when farmers had become accumsomed to managing the new equipment, both bulk milk cell count and bacterial count were lower than in the conventional milking system [10]. Figure 1 illustrates the unclean state into which cattle can descend, illustrating the importance of good udder cleaning, not necessarily reached when an automated system is responsible for udder health. On the other hand, in AMS systems sensors can monitor milk quality, cell counts and bacterial contamination. By rapid detection of affected cattle, those individual animals can more promptly be treated and removed from the dairy system until healthy again.
The daily routine of a dairy cow in an AMS dairy is quite different from that in a conventional system. The cow has a relatively low motivation to be milked and so is attracted to the milking robot by provision of concentrates [11]. Lameness may reduce the frequency of cows visiting the milking system with deleterious effects on both their welfare and on the farm’s economy. In a study of eight farms 14% of cattle were lame and in 12% of these animals lameness was severe [12]. The fact that these cows are living in an environment where their feet are continually in a muddy environment may be significant in such a finding. The fact that the animals are not being examined on a twice daily basis by the stockman in the dairy setting may exacerbate this. The opportunity of automatic assessment of leg health using load sensors, however, gives the prospect of early detection of sole ulcers, infected claws and other foot defects could greatly benefit dairy cattle if widely used [13,14].
A finding of higher culling rates because of infertility in dairy cattle [8] may be associated with the fact that although farmers using a robotic system may have more time to evaluate their herd and the cows’ behaviour, they are not actually in the proximity of the cattle as was the case twice daily in the parlour, detecting the changes that indicate oestrous [15]. More important effects on reproduction may occur because with increased milk yield in an automatic system a deeper negative energy balance has a deleterious effect on fertility.
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Affective Changes in Cattle Moving to Robotic Systems
As we noted above the hope is that an automatic milking system would give the cows control over their frequency and timing of milking with advantages to their welfare. But how do cattle cope with a move from a conventional system to AMS? In a study of seventeen healthy cows transitioning to a robotic system heart rate and faecal cortisol was unchanged and the introduction of AMS milking was less stressful than tethering. Within two to four visits the cattle entered the robotic milking system voluntarily and in the words of the researchers ‘the adaptation to the AMS system was unexpectedly fast’ [16]. Initially in the unfamiliar environment oxytocin release and milk let-down was reduced but this soon normalised. A study of stress responses on cattle milking in a conventional and AMS system detected lower maximak plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline concentrations during milking in the AMS animals. No differences were found in the number of steps. Stimulation of the teats gave similar mean oxytocin concentrations but in the AMS-cows this increase in oxytocin levels was more prolonged after milking. AMS animals tended to have higher plasma cortisol concentrations than traditionally milked cows, but the median feacal concentrations of dioxo androstane, a cortisol metabolite were comparable [17].
If we can say that stress levels are comparable between the two systems, does robotic milking, in the words of one article ‘recapture the bovine life’ [18]? The authors of this paper undertook in depth interviews with farmers and observed them in their dairy farms before using Foucault’s concepts of relationships to assess the way a move to robotic milking influences behaviour and lifestyles of both animals and farmers. As they say ‘the rhetoric of choice and freedom suggested by manufacturers of robotic milking systems needs some interrogation [18]. They suggest that ‘the complex layouts of fences and gates which ‘guide’, ‘force’ or ‘discipline’ cows’ movements and intervene with their daily movements’ significantly constrain the cows’ behaviour and that actually ‘the simplistic representations of a bovine subjectivity ‘freed’ by robotic milking, and more complex processes of bovine subjectification which take effect as part of establishing robotic milking on farms’ need to be taken into consideration [18].
These authors consider, after their observations, that ‘instead of focussing on exceptional ‘good’ cows, [farmers] are directed by the robot to concentrate on exceptional ‘bad’ ones. ‘Far from simply granting animals their freedom’ they consider ‘cows are re-enclosed by a set of power relations and corporeal and behavioural interventions associated with this particular technology’ [18]. Clearly that paper is one set of authors’ views indeed those of social scientists rather than biolgists or agriculturalists, so the lack of finding of stress-related physiological changes in cattle milked in an AMS system may be more relevant to an assessment of their welfare in robotic milking systems, but nonetheless it is worth taking on board their opinions with regard to how automatic milking systems impact on cattle health and welfare.
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jenemanquepas · 6 years
“May I have this dance?”
No longer accepting
《 « ►◄ » 》:
     Like that is even a question he needs to as, but ever the gentleman he is. She supposes it      is only fitting, considering the formality of this setting – a meeting of social elites and      wealthy businessmen with ties to Talon, suit and tie attire. The majority of those here are      not within the inner circles of Talon, so she is well disguised Not an inch of her blue skin      shows; it is completely covered by high quality foundation and concealer, set securely      with spray and powder. Her hair she has left exposed, however, freed from its normal      high ponytail  and loosely curled.
     One cold hand takes another, holding it out to the side – but the other lingers by his      left shoulder, a silent question mark.
          ❝ Would you prefer to lead, or shall I? ❞
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witchy-fanarchived · 7 years
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You say she can only have one. I say Nay! She can have both!
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witchy-fanarchived · 7 years
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Messy really imperfect drawing Im going to go back and fix later
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