#maximilian's cards
jasmariswonderland · 1 year
Maximilian’s School Uniform Story+Voice Lines
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Accompanying vignette coming soon! 
~ School Uniform Voice Lines ~
Summon: “I’m bored, care to keep me entertained?”
Groovy: “Taking things too seriously really ain’t my style.”
Set Home: “Yes? Can I help you?” 
Home Idle 1:  “Most of my classes are dull, but I do enjoy alchemy. If only Crewel weren’t such a hardass.”
Home Idle 2: “A lot of people think I’m in Octavinelle cause I’m always hanging around Jade and Floyd. They’re just more fun to be around than most.”
Home Idle 3: “My dorm leader is very regal and super stylish, but he’s always getting on me about my uniforms.” 
Home Login: “Hmm? What am I up to? Just killing time people watching. You can join me, if you must.” 
Home Tap 1: “Epel might look all dainty and fragile, but he’s hella scary when he’s pissed. It’s pretty cool actually.” 
Home Tap 2: “These earrings? I designed them myself. I love emeralds, well I love jewelry in general.” 
Home Tap 3: “I joined the Mountain Lovers Club because I come from a region with a lot of mountains and I love skiing. Also cause I didn’t want Jade to be too lonely.” 
Home Tap 4: “Floyd wants me to come by the Mostro Lounge later. He says he’s got something important to tell me but that’s usually code for he’s bored and wants me to work with him. Not that I mind.”
Home Tap 5: “Ugh, could you cut that out? It’s irking me!” 
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nnato · 1 year
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evilhorse · 7 months
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Sliders Cards (1997) 13: The Atomic Genie (Last Days)
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eversoularts · 2 years
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northopalshore · 4 days
Rising signs in the Groom Persona Chart: Their features
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The rising sign in your GPC tells you about your future spouse's appearance, physical attributes and how they present themselves. Picture it like reading their birth chart lol.
In the signs & degrees:
♰ Aries (1°, 13°, 25°):
Your future spouse could have very angular features, perhaps their eyes could be sharp or very striking. They could have an eager look to them, or they could look like a kid in a way. You could think that they're impatient or they may like to rush things a lot. They could have a great physique or look very hot. They could wear a lot of gym clothes, tight fitting outfits or just athletic wear in general. Either a dork (Maximilian Goof aka Goofy's son lol) or a gym rat.
♰ Taurus (2°, 14°, 26°):
They will dress very comfortably, while still looking extravagant. They could look sophisticated and very, very attractive i.e perfect smile, perfect teeth. They could be taller or heavier than you. They will be very calm, down to earth and put together. They could have a well built physique, and tough body.
♰ Gemini (3°, 15°, 27°):
They could have a slender face, pale skin and a narrow stature. They will look very expressive when they start talking, but have a rather dull resting face lol. They could look rather breezy if that makes sense. Not one to wear anything too fitted. They could have great facial symmetry. Something about their teeth will be very prominent i.e straight or very white.
♰ Cancer (4°, 16°, 28°):
They could have very soft, rounded features. Doe eyes. They could have a slight glow to their face and their eyes. Curvy body, soft lips. They could wear a lot of baggy or vintage looking clothes. They could gain weight quite easily. They will look kind and mellow. They could have a very inviting smile.
♰ Leo (5°, 17°, 29°):
Gorgeous hair, and that face card doesn't decline. They will love dressing in old Hollywood vintage clothing, old money or loud and expensive. They could have very wavy or curly hair that will catch anyone's attention. They also have a slight cocky look to them. They are attractive, and god do they know it.
♰ Virgo (6°, 18°):
They are usually very petite/short and frail looking. They could look compacted but not aggressively so. They will look very clean and polished. There will not be a single speck of dust on them nor will you spot an unironed spot on their clothing. They will love wearing comfortable yet elegant looking clothes. You'll notice they tend to lean on a specific silhouette or colour that they like.
♰ Libra (7°, 19°):
" They have the face of an angel and the body of a greek god" Beautiful. Elegant and gentle. Looking at them will leave you at a daze. They look good and know exactly how to dress for their body. All of their facial features blend in harmoniously, could have a symmetrical face too. Oval faces, bright eyes, pretty smile.
♰ Scorpio (8°, 20):
Usually, they will have very striking eyes. They could have eye bags or just darkened eyes in general. Like virgo, they could love to stare at you lol. Every feature they have will accentuate their eyes. They are very attractive ( s*xually) , everything about them will be sensual and seductive.
♰ Sagittarius (9°, 21°):
There could be a significant size difference between you. They could have very long legs, curly or fluffy hair, and animated facial features. They will look very charming, but goofy in a way. One look at them and you know they're somebody fun to be around. They could laugh a lot and look stoic (contemplating) at times.
♰ Capricorn (10°, 22°):
They could look very cold or uninviting. He could have a very relaxed yet also somewhat stern look on their face even with neutral emotions. They could look very mature, their eyebrows could often be furrowed lol. They could have very prominent bone structures i.e nose, hollow or defined cheek bones. They could look very "boney" in general lol. Very masculine.
♰ Aquarius (11°, 23°):
They could be very tall or slender. Their heads and arms could be quite prominent something about them will catch a lot of stray eyes. They likely have features that are rebellious in nature. They could have odd hairstyles/ colours (especially) or tattoos or piercings. They could dress very.. exotically? Strange? Their fashion style could be quite questionable to say the least but never are they boring to look at.
♰ Pisces (12°, 24°):
They will have very sad, sultry looking eyes that look almost sympathetic 24/7. They will seem like they're not really "there" with you i.e lost in thought or deep contemplation. They will have very rounded features. Their cheeks could look very puffy or rounded when they smile. You could think that they're too good to be true. Their skin could have a greyish undertone, almost like the moon is beneath their skin.
Note: If there are conflicting signs of their appearance for example you have Virgo rising (small, petite) in 2° Taurus (bigger, heavier) then it means your fs is considered large for a virgo i.e.gains weight easily, and are very well built or muscular while still not being overly built (lean).
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*** entertainment only, reader discretion is advised***
Thank you for reading ♡
@northopalshore 2024 all rights reserved.
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portraitsofsaints · 1 month
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Saint Maximilian Kolbe
1894 - 1941
Feast day: August 14
Patronage: drug addicts, families, imprisoned people, journalists, pro-life movement
St. Maximilian Kolbe was a Polish Conventual Franciscan friar, who volunteered to die in place of a stranger in the Nazi German death camp of Auschwitz, located in German-occupied Poland during World War II. Due to his efforts to promote consecration and entrustment to Mary, he is also known as the Apostle of Consecration to Mary.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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prince-of-rot · 7 months
So back in 2008, I came across a strange book at my university called The Devil in Legend and Literature by Maximilian Rudwin. It was written in 1931 and the author was attempting to put together a synopsis of how the Devil (and demons) has been written about and how that image has changed or persisted in legend and literature. One would categorize the work as academic Romantic Satanism. I read the whole thing cover-to-cover multiple times and eventually found my own copy at a thrift store in 2011.
I decided to revisit that text today and came across this delightful and bizarre little snippet from the chapter on Asmodeus.
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This is from King Lear of course but it goes uncited and is assumed knowledge for the reader. It also makes it sound like old William and Asmodeus were card playing and drinking buddies who chatted on the regular? It’s so bizarre.
It has lived in my head rent free for 16 years now and I want to find Rudwin’s ghost and shake him and ask him why he wrote this.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Hmm anyone ask for Hanzo smooches yet? Also I know he's not playable but could I also possibly get Maximilian smooches ? Thxx
GOOD NEWS ANON, you're the first to ask for Hanzo!! I love that fluffy lil dude so much!! And Max omfg dude I simp for that robot unfortunately lmaoooo thanks for the request anon! have a killer day and stay super hudrated <3
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"Hanzo," you pouted, crossing your arms. "Would you stop looking so grumpy all the time?"
"What are you talking about?" Hanzo crossed his arms.
"LIKE THAT!!" You pointed at him, who looked grumpier than usual even though he was cuddling on your bed covered in stuffed animals.
"I'm not grumpy."
"Well you sure look like it. You know, a smile isn't a bad thing, right?"
"There's nothing to smile about." Hanzo turned away from you and grabbed a fluffy stuffed animal, holding it in his arms.
"Oh, so not even me? Are you saying you don't love me, Hanzo?" You pouted out your bottm lip and sniffled just to get on Hanzo's nerves.
He took it much too seriously though and threw all of the stuffed animals out of his way, hurrying over to you. "I-I didn't mean that! Really, I-"
"I'm just kidding!" You giggled and grabbed both sides of Hanzo's face planting a big kiss on his lips. "But seriously, Hanzo," you chuckled looking at his bright red face. "A smile suits you."
A smile crept onto his lips before he tackled you onto the bed pressing kisses all over you.
Yeah.... a smile looked really good on the sharpshooter.
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You slid some cash across the table to Max as a smile lifted either side of your lips. "I'll bet that much."
If Maximillien had eyebrows, they would be lifted right now. Sure, you were rich, but willing to bet that much on a game of cards was risky, even for him. "Are you sure?"
"Yup." You sat back, looking at the cards in your hand, your smile fading to a complete poker face.
He sighed and looked at his own cards. He wasn't doing too bad, and hell, maybe you were bluffing.
"Actually," you took majority of the bills back and shoved them in your pocket. "Look, how about: if you win, you get that wad of cash, if I win, I get $20 and I get to kiss you."
Max burst out into laughter. "Deal!" He shook your hand and was immediately devastated to see his loss.
He gave you your money and you ran over to him, cupping his metal face in your hands. "Ready?" You asked with an eager smile.
"You seem way to excited about this."
"I am." You brought your lips to what would have been his, making a lovely sigh come out from him. He pulled you closer and hugged around your waist while you hugged around the back of his neck.
You pulled away, your smile from earlier somehow bigger. "Thanks, Max. You're the best."
You ran off with your money and left Max to contemplate. Maybe he would lose more often.
if you want smoochies from your fav, my inbox is open!
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scorchedthesnake · 7 months
March 7, 2011
I moved to New York City in August 2010. My life before New York was something I’d grown completely unsatisfied with: I had moved to Connecticut for graduate school in 2001, had weathered two recessions in the relative security of academe but could see the writing on the wall for the doom of that profession and so had, via my teaching assistants union, begun to work for our international union as a communications staffer. This had given me a way out of Connecticut, though escaping the cultish environment of the union would still take a few more years.
The person I was back then was very unlike the person I am now. I wasn’t very much fun those first nine months in the city because I was just so afraid of everything. Bars scared me; too many strangers. Clubs scared me; too dark and too many unknowns and unpredictable scenarios. I was happy to be in a new place but petrified by what that freedom actually meant, and I had yet to find any place to belong or feel at home in.
I worked on 7th Avenue back then, around 27th Street. I remember sitting in my dreary cubicle that Monday, when I got a message from my best friend Matt, asking me if I wanted to go to a show that evening. No, I said, I really just want to go home and hide from the world. It’s the show John (O’Malley) is working on, he said, and he got us comps. Well what kind of show is it, I asked? “We’re gonna, like, chase sexy dancers around a warehouse.” Oh god that sounds so stupid, do I have to? “Just come with me, if you hate it you can leave.” 
So around 7pm I walked over to 10th Avenue and the block was so dumpy back then – junkyards, warehouses, not much else. I saw a small line of people gathered at the address I’d been given, so I approached and was handed this card:
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I don’t remember anything about checking in or what it was like seeing Manderley for the first time, though I do remember Maximilian being there, giving a short speech and then we were taken to the elevator. I remember getting off the elevator on 3, and taking far too long to explore an empty Macbeths bedroom before, I suppose, figuring out I should investigate the other floors.
I’ve told this story often, though: at some point I came across an extremely attractive man moving quickly, so I did what it seemed like many others were doing: I followed him. We were in the 2nd loop by now, and I had realized it was a loop; but my target soon was running down High Streeet and through a darkened door and it slammed in my face and, to my surprise, was locked.
Oh, there are secret things all over here, aren’t there?
So I picked up his trail again as soon as I could, and stuck as close as I could. Including when we stumbled down all the flights of stairs and I wondered, should I call for help? Is the performer injured? But I stuck to him like glue and when he again approached that darkened door I was close enough to get inside.
And so the highlight of my first show was seeing Luke Murphy in interrogation.
After the finale I reconnected with Matt. We had, of course, seen completely different shows. As we exited we saw John. “Did you get any one on ones,” he asked? One on whats? “Well, I had one where the man in the lobby took me into a room and started putting on makeup.”
No we hadn’t seen anything like that. We immediately set about buying tickets for later in the six-week run. And we wandered the streets for a couple hours after that, comparing notes, feverishly reconstructing what we had just experienced. 
Obviously I did not sleep that night.
So much of the time you don’t know when everything has changed. You realize it long after the fact and in retrospect. Not this, this I knew was a fundamental shift. I’d never felt my senses at full alert like that, my mind racing trying to make sense of something so visceral. The music rang in my ears for hours, days later, and I knew when I came back, I’d need a plan.
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muspeccoll · 2 years
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This deck of playing cards is from a series engraved in southern Germany ca. 1496, and is believed to commemorate the marriage in that year of the future King Philip I of Spain (son of the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I) to Joanna the Mad (daughter of King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile). Instead of hearts, spades, clubs, and diamonds, these cards use chalices, swords, pomegranates, and polo sticks.
The University Libraries and a private collector are partnering to make an extensive collection of medieval and early modern materials available to scholarship through digitization. These materials do not belong to the Libraries, but the scans are freely available for use in research and teaching. See more in the University of Missouri Digital Library.
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
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“Today’s a special day! Wanna know why? It’s my birthday, i.e. my day to sparkle and shine as king for a day! And I expect you to pay homage!”
💎✨ Happy (slightly) belated birthday to my shining Roi du Diamants ✨💎
Today’s a special day so let’s set the mood with one of my fav songs from his character playlist!
Yesterday was the actual day of his birthday but unfortunately work kept me hella busy this past weekend. There’s also another reason, I was looking at my fb memories and today marks one year since I officially got into Twisted Wonderland! So we’re celebrating today! 
Maxim (his preferred name) is one oc I feel like I often neglect, mostly because I have so many twst ocs (I never expected to have so many!) and he his creation origins are...kinda complicated. I’ll go more into that today. As always, asks/interactions with the birthday boy are always open! 💙
Birthday lines under the cut! 
~ Birthday Boy Voice Lines ~
When Summoned: “All of this for me, this is gonna be so much fun!” 
Summon: “It’s not every day I’m the guest of honor! I’m gonna enjoy every minute of this!”
Groovy: “I love parties and this one was especially lit with all of you here!”
Set Home: “Looking fabulous and ready to shine!” 
Home Idle: “The terrarium Jade gave me so sooooo gorgeous, I think he used the stones I gave him so that makes it all the more awesome.”
Home Idle 2: “What do I want for my birthday? Hehe, I don’t think it could be pulled off but a private diamond mine would be beyond wonderful!” 
Home Idle 3: “The shoes Floyd gave me match the kind I gave him for his birthday, except his are blue and mine are green. Twinsies!”  Home Login: “Usually our dorm leader is hella strict making sure we behave. But it’s my birthday so I can let loose just a little, right?”
Home Idle Groovy: “When I was younger my little bro and I would spend my birthday at a local amusement park going on every roller coaster we could. I’d love to do that again soon.”
Home Tap 1: “Azul offered to grant me one favor today since it’s my birthday, hmmm, he did seem pretty genuine. Should I take him up on that?”
Home Tap 2: “My parents sent me a bunch of new pieces from our flagship store in Pyroxene. Gonna flex them in front of Iman later!” 
Home Tap 3: “Farron gave me a very nice set of cufflinks, they’re gold and studded with my birthstone. He knows my tastes well!”
Home Tap 4: “No matter how long they age, diamonds remain radiant and beautiful, exactly how I want to be!” 
Home Tap 5: “Look, I know it’s my birthday, but no need to be so handsy! Go try some of the cake or something. It’s pretty awesome.” 
Home Tap Groovy: “Jade gave me an extra present besides the terrarium! He told me not to open it right away but...ughhh the suspense is killing me! 
DUO MAGIC: Maximilian: I’m looking forward to your gift, Malleus! Malleus: Thank you for inviting me, Maximilian, happy birthday! 
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yu-gi-poll · 1 year
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Monster Stats & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon is used by Pegasus J. Crawford ("Maximilian J. Pegasus" in the dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: LIGHT
Level: 8
Effect Type: TRIGGER
Effect (according to the anime): "When this card is selected as an attack target, it can dodge the attack without being destroyed. At the end of your turn, you can hide this card in "Toon World", where it cannot be selected as an attack target."
ATK: / DEF: 3000 / 2500
to make Kaiba angry-
Blue-Eyes White Dragon is used by Sugoroku Mutou ("Solomon Mutou" in the dub) and Seto Kaiba. Its stats are the following:
Attribute: LIGHT
Level: 8
Description (according to the anime): "This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale."
ATK: / DEF: 3000 / 2500
It's big, it's strong, it's a freaking dragon for Ra's sake. With a sleek, elegant design and easily recognizable silhouette, this dragon is sure to blast you of your feet. Easily one of the most iconic monsters in the whole series, I mean say Yu-gi-oh to someone who only barely knows the series and what monster are they gonna think of? None other than the Blue Eyes White Dragon of course. And don't even get me started on the fusion possibilities. I mean, Blue Eyes *Ultimate* Dragon? Say no more. And the Blue Eyes is resilient, too. After all, I'm sure we've all heard the classic saying, "If at first you don't succeed, blast them with your Blue Eyes again". This is because the Blue Eyes is persistent. Even in the face of resistance, in the face of seeming defeat, it will bare its fangs and strike again. So vote Blue Eyes White Dragon, the superior duel monster.
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chuitu · 11 months
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You get the idea,,
Please refer to these quick access points;
Important-ish thingy:
> My card!
> "Magic" sigils (EU7H1MIA DRIVE)
> What happens after "Clouds //ACT 2//" in 30 minutes!
> What happens to Yeva before "Season 1"?
> What happens to Yeva before "Season 1"?《Pt. 2》
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Nierko Zikloa
>> Overview
>> All Archived Files (Incomplete/Ongoing)
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Rienko Zikloa
>> Overview (TBA)
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[Main/Sub Ocs]
◇Yeva Ivanova Tereshkov Moon
◇Murata Seiren/Sirin
◇Murata Salli
[A.E.G Agents]
◇Kallen Faro
◇Phoebe Grey
◇Yú Jiǎo
◇Jíangguō Tianhong
◇Jíangguō Guizhong
◇Zhan Soo-Yeon (Zhan Cinnabar)
◇Zhan Young-min (Zhan Rutile)
◇Kafka Reighley
◇Shinomiya Hikaru
◇Shinomiya Hikari
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◇Yury Huo Tereshkov
◇Rozalyn Liu Tereskhov
◇Ilia Wei Tereshkov
◇Ivan Wu Tershkov
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◇Murata Sigmund
◇Murata Se-ri
◇Murata Caspian
◇Murata Ciero
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[My AUs]
◇ REscripted:AU
(When the tides of destiny bend to another)
◇ REscripted:TWICE!
(Oc and Oc interactions, inter-AU shit, great stuff)
A. Sirin is Un-Retired
B. An Almost Impossible Ending
C. Cold brew and Cinnamon
D. Gunships and Endworld
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As for hashtags! A little quick rundown will do yeah?
Character tags (ocs and not ocs?):
#oc; yeva moon , #oc; jiangguo tianhong , #oc; maximilian donesca , #oc; zhan cinnabar , #oc; zhan rutile , #oc; jiangguo guizhong , #oc; robin grey , #oc; yu jiao , #oc; kallen faro , #lmk rembara
Au related tags:
#•rescripted lore• #lmk rescripted au #•peppermint• (Yeva x RS) #yeva qna #•nierko zikloa• #•rienko zikloa•
Miscellaneous tags:
#•chuitrambles• #•miscellaneous piece of whatever• #•chuit designs things• #chuitqna
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vwiolets · 19 days
call me Maximilian the way I Max out your credit card
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klarionthewizard · 2 years
Imperial Headcanons: Motti
Conan Motti:
-thinks brandy is superior to whiskey
-doesn't smoke cigars but this is only because they aren't worth the way Jerjerrod complains about the health hazards
-is in a rather serious workout competition with Veers. Or at least, he thinks he is. Veers hasn't noticed yet
-adores spicy food almost as much as he likes laughing at Jerjerrod for not being able to eat it
-has an Outer Rim accent but he's also related to Tarkin and no one's stupid enough to make fun of him for it
-has the Steel Talon's hull markings (three stylized slash marks in a crimson circle) tattooed on his back
-he also has an imperial cog on his left hip, an intricate blaster on his calf, and a pair of crossed canons on his right shoulder
-is very fond of boxing but only when he can be in the ring
-hasn't worn his hat since he made Lieutenant and isn't about to start now
-can perform a surprisingly graceful alderaanian waltz, it's the only ballroom dance he'll admit to knowing
-likes watching ballet but will take that secret to his grave
-is a brash drunk
-the last time he was drunk he tried to fist fight a lamp, two different trash cans and Maximilian Veers for insulting Jerjerrod. None of these things insulted Jerjerrod.
-has filed three separate incident reports against Vader, is still indignant that HR won't do anything about a magic strangulation happy sith cyborg
-a brutal tactician
-wins at dejarik 90% of the time and is unbearably smug about it
-Is banned from playing Cards Against Sentients
-is a popular figure for recruitment posters
-despises Core champagne and is convinced the only good champagne comes from the Outer Rim
-has never backed down from a dare in his life, even when most people wish he would
-doesn't listen to the medics, but not in a I dislike following medical advice so much I'll try to escape the medbay way. he just doesn't bother paying attention to anything they say
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portraitsofsaints · 1 year
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Saint Maximilian Kolbe
1894 - 1941
Feast day: August 14
Patronage: drug addicts, families, imprisoned people, journalists, pro-life movement
St. Maximilian Kolbe was a Polish Conventual Franciscan friar, who volunteered to die in place of a stranger in the Nazi German death camp of Auschwitz, located in German-occupied Poland during World War II. Due to his efforts to promote consecration and entrustment to Mary, he is also known as the Apostle of Consecration to Mary.
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Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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