#may or may not have already drawn this ahahah
a-small-tragedy · 1 year
And so... Hi!
Usually my name is Korzh, but you can call me Bernard! My pronouns are he/his. You may know me from the Topher art. But recently I had posts written about me with extremely dubious content and I want to refute these disgusting accusations in my direction. 
Let's get right to the point, I'm NOT a PROSHIPPER AND I'VE NEVER BEEN ONE.
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The first and most terrible is the accusation of pedo content. I've always drawn characters older than they are in the show. I myself am very uncomfortable with sexual undertonesbetween 16-year-olds, so I made them older for my comfort. That being said, the characters both on my nsfw artworks as well as regular ones are OF AGE!
Also, in my defense, I want to show a post that I made the DAY BEFORE.
Context: I drew my favorite characters dynamics, but some people started commenting adult and child pairs, so I made a post.
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Translation: JULY 5TH 9:54 Guys, if there is a child or an animal in your ship dynamics, then I may have questions for you...  Just a warning, I never thought that it would be necessary to introduce a rule for this, in my group!
I tried to be as correct and gentle in my statements as possible, because I couldn't know for sure with which intent these characters were shown in the first place. But later I realized that it was just a misunderstanding, I did not indicate that it was a romantic relationship, people misunderstood me, so I deleted the post :D
But as you can see, I'm generally AGAINST THIS KIND OF STUFF.
Speaking of misunderstandings.....I was also accused of Transphobia based on a deleted post.
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Probably not everyone knows, but I am trans myself! It was very hard to accept, because I was constantly faced with transphobia in my address from people in reality and the Internet.
As for the deleted post, it really looks terrible. The fact is that unfortunately, while writing, I mixed two ideas at once( The first one was that I can't really imagine Topher being in a relationship with a girl. The second one was supposed to tell about the ideas for an art with T Joan and T Topher.
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But in the process of writing, I couldn't formulate the idea correctly, and it turned out like THIS... IT WASN'T UNTIL A FEW MINUTES LATER THAT I REALIZED WHAT I HAD DONE AND I WAS REALLY SORRY, SO I DELETED THE POST SO AS NOT TO UPSET PEOPLE. My trans friend reassured me that it didn't hurt her, but I still felt terrible, so I completely refused to implement that idea.
I'm really sorry about that post, but I didn't think that people would just take it out of context and want to cancel me without understanding the situation. Now I understand that I should have apologized for it right away. But what happened happened.
Also I tried to contact these people just to talk, but the only person who knows their contacts refused to help.
Addition: Some people on Twitter pointed out my nationality, yes, I am Russian and do not support the authorities in my country. WELL, APPARENTLY, NOT EVERYONE KNOWS THAT 2 OUT OF 3 PEOPLE WHO WROTE THE POST WITH THE CANCELLATION ARE RUSSIANS THEMSELVES. AHAHAHAHAHAH Addition 2: Already at the time of writing, the authors of the post compared me to a real terrible person and began to blackmail me by setting conditions. I can't describe how disgusted I am with this whole situation. Shall these words and actions be on their own responsibility, if they have any left. To the rest, thank you for reading and taking the time! Your support has helped me to deal with this. Special thanks to everyone who helped translate this text ahahah, I'm really not very good at this... If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments or an anonymous ask!  Bye!
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ladykiller-yt · 6 months
After the fall from Heaven, Crowley quickly settled into Hell, he immediately understood how things worked. The recurring words were: TEMPTATIONS, CONDEMNED SOULS, UNHAPPINESS and DAMNATION.
He had made his way and stood out among all the other demons, in his own way but he had done it. It was so natural for him to tempt humans, a soft voice near his ear and a snap of his fingers and that was it! Every month many souls entered the files of Hell and even Lord Beelzebub was satisfied with this magnificent work.
Beelzebub: "We are all very pleased with you, demon Crowley. You know, we prefer you as a demon than as an angel."
Crowley: "Mmh thanks."
Beelzebub: "We would like you to pair up..."
Crowley: "No offense Lord Beelzebub, I work alone."
Crowley rarely partnered or teamed up with other demons, he was solitary and so he wanted to stay. He had already met the angel long before, in the Garden of Eden, they had exchanged a few words that day and from there they had not seen each other for a long time. When Crowley had no missions, he often liked to roam Earth in tree glades and smell the wood and flowers. On one of those days, while he was lying on a lawn, his nose was overwhelmed by a strange smell. So he decided to follow that trail up to a kind of farmhouse that seemed abandoned. When he got closer he heard strange noises coming from inside. He looked out of a half-open window to get a better look. What he saw was a naked man lying on a bed while a woman, also naked, stood over him as he continued to move his hips rapidly. Crowley turned away from the window slightly embarrassed, it's true that every demon had their own methods of tempting humans but he would never go that far for a soul. The girl had probably noticed him since the demons could perceive and recognize each other even when they changed the shape of their appearance.
A few minutes later Crowley heard the door of the house creak and saw that woman come out, this time she was dressed, long black boots, tight pants, a red shirt with a black corset cinched at the waist and long rich hair with purple streaks. She is very charming for being a demon.
Crowley: "What kind of demon are you?"
A:"Hello to you too, Crowley."
Crowley: "Well, I'm pleased to note that you know my name but I don't know yours. What should I call you?"
Angie: "Angie, nice. Lord Beelzebub told me about you. The solitary Crowley, excellent tempter and with the highest number of souls sent to hell."
Crowley: "Angie, Angie...wait, but you're the succubus of Hell, the orgy queen on Earth and the biggest cannabis smoker in history."
Angie: "That's right, that's me. You forgot 'hardworking slut'."
Crowley: "Ahah, I would never say that."
Angie: "I am a little bit. What brings you to these parts?"
Crowley: "A very strong smell coming from this place."
Angie: “You were drawn to these then.”
Angie pulled four joints out of her jacket pocket. She handed one to Crowley who sniffed it very intently.
Crowley: "Oh wow, yes, they're definitely making this smell."
Angie: "Do you like it?"
Crowley: "I don't know, I have mixed feelings about it."
Angie: "Do you want to try one with me?"
Crowley: "Mh, okay."
A few hours later they were both lying on some straw laughing and joking like old friends who had known each other for years, even if they had only known each other for a few hours.
Crowley: "Oh wow... this stuff is so strong."
Angie: "And it's the best...ahahaha."
Crowley: "But ahahah...sorry ahahahah...how can you afford all this Cannabis?"
Angie: "Do you remember the guy you saw me fucking before?"
Crowley: "Of course yes."
Angie: "Well... he and I have some sort of agreement... he supplies me with cannabis and I give him the charity of fucking him..."
Crowley: "Charity?! Come on, Angie...ahaha"
Angie: "Ahahaha...What?"
Crowley: "You may be a demon, but even demons have their dignity and you're wasted on someone like him. You deserve better, that's all."
Angie: "But he will soon be a new soul for Hell...and then you know it better than me...demons don't fall in love, we are damned and no one could feel love for us, Crowley."
Crowley: "Yeah, maybe you're right."
Those words remained in Crowley's head for many years, and they were also the reason why when Crowley started spending a lot more time with Aziraphale he didn't want to admit to himself that he was falling in love with him but obviously he couldn't declare it, there was too much in game. Then what everyone knows happened, an angel and a demon had managed to stop the end of the world, they had moved away from Hell and Paradise, they had lived for a few years in a serene and peaceful way, always remaining close to each other, Gabriel showed up naked in the angel's library and finally Aziraphale's stupid decision to return to Heaven and the Big Kiss. Then, obviously, another catastrophe was avoided by a pure miracle, Aziraphale had returned to Earth, he had looked for Crowley to ask him for help, the demon had categorically refused to help him and to make him go away, Crowley had had to use heavy means, including a bit of infernal flames, in which the angel limited himself only to defending himself and then left. Crowley then felt guilty for having attacked his only friend and sought him out in turn, he did not apologize but simply stayed close to him. So with a bit of luck and good friends they managed to make peace between Heaven and Hell, signing a kind of pact between the two factions, signing it as: 'THE GREAT INEFFABLE PACT'. Now everything was quiet, more or less. Crowley couldn't forgive Aziraphale, that abandonment had hurt him more than anything... more than his own fall. Now he needed someone and Angie was the only one who could, somehow, give him some comfort and take the place of the angel.
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emyluwinter · 1 year
In connection with the latest news about the June schedule
Firstly. The card of THE BEAUTIFUL QUEEN. THANKS. I ALMOST FELL DOWN THE STAIRS WHEN I SAW HIS CARD. Please do not check your phone when you are on the move on the stairs, it will not end well. Don't be as clumsy Vil simp as San. And I also screamed very much, cried internally and cursed in my own language so harshly that it was already scary how I knew so many words. Ahahah. Yes, the fact is that I have only 11 attempts for this handsome….Please Beautiful Queen come, I couldn't knock out your card with a broom..spare the poor woman.
You know, I really love the fans of the game and the fans of Vil Because we've been shown his ankles and we're screaming like innocent Victorians.Ahahaha.
Then there will be a stream of thoughts.
As far as I see a lot…No, not like that… QUITE A FEW fans of the game are very upset by the fact that this map will have no history, only furniture for the guest room. Many even left the game or left the fandom.I understand their frustration and frustration in places.
And you know, I understand well why the SSR Vil card will not have a personal history of the card this time. Also! There will be no role in the rerun of the event.
My dear, do you understand what a crazy and busy schedule it must be for the creators?
How long has it been since the previous plot update? A month?A MONTH GUYS.Just think about it! Here we don't have a big break like between the 4th and the fifth chapter. Or breaks as in the same 5th or 6th chapter. I may be wrong with the time frame.
The developers very much want to reward all those fans who have been waiting with trepidation for the arch of Diasomnia. The hostel and the characters, which is literally the final cherry and the knot of the web that weaves the whole plot as a whole. The story is nearing its end, from which much is expected and longed for. (And I pray and hold on only to the thought that we will have Chapter 8, which will blow everyone to pieces)
And that's why their deadlines are burning so much. They have a choice to cram everything into one update and do it not so well, or take a short break and break an impressive part of the plot into two updates and take more time to improve. The choice seems obvious to me.
In order to do all this, it will take quite a lot of time. From the point of view of an artist-writer- and a creative person in general, I am somewhat horrified by the ability to work and the TWST schedule at times.
Let's start with a simple one. For the plot, we need to write a script, make drafts that SATISFY ALL INSTANCES in development. Because what? Without a good story, everything will go to hell, no matter how good the cover is. Like an empty candy or a wrapper without a yummy. Let me remind you that they also most likely need to coordinate everything with Disney, because copyrights and so on. (Add here the pressure of expectation and the bar that they cannot lower)
The script needs to be written in sufficient detail to link certain lines of characters, leave riddles or omit information to reveal it later, character development, their inner world, leave room for the thoughts of the reader / viewer / player… I won't burden you with a writer's structure, my dear. BUT, without a clear understanding of what should be in the story and any respite at one time or another, you will frankly not be interested in following all this. This is a very difficult puzzle or puzzle that you need to come up with from scratch.
It is necessary to transfer materials for 2D game models that need to be drawn and animated. Record the voices of sayu or the actors of the sounds, edit the sound tracks, substitute the desired music. Draw backgrounds, make sure that there are no errors or bugs in the game. We add that all employees can have their own schedule, and voice actors can be busy with various projects for months ahead.
And now remember that for the development of costume designs, characters, their stories, the script is mostly responsible for Toboso, which in turn works with a team that I hope simplifies all this work load. And Toboso leads two projects. The Dark Butler, a manga that is still coming out!
And the TWST game to everything else. And we didn't have time for a full hiatus, but there were months of calm, so then preparing larger-scale events filled with the ent of the game, personal stories, new clothes for the characters and so on.
They need to fill in the gap between the events of the main story. To prepare a new event in such a short time is a direct way to overload. Therefore, in order to keep the attention of fans at least for a while longer, they add new cards without personal stories. But with the addition of furniture for the playroom. Well, ordinary commerce is also partly involved here.
Please understand me correctly, the developers and authors of the game are trying and investing in their project. Now is the peak of the most anticipated chapter of all the others. But their schedule is very busy and attention from fans adds pressure from expectations and other things.
I can't say if they have breaks and respite, but I know only one thing that they have plenty of work. So we just need to wait a little. If you are disappointed or don't want to be in the fandom anymore, this is your right. If you want to take a break, do it. If you want to come back later, no one is judging you.
Besides, I'm not the devil's advocate or anything like that. I just want to clarify a little for fans who don't quite understand why TWST started to go in such a way of cards without personal stories. We have voice cues, from which you can get a lot or not so much for information, furniture for a guest room with a cute animation of a particular character. Voiceover of voice cues in the guest room. Yes, there is no personal history, but at least they try to compensate for it to others. Or they could just fucking send us
Remember the previous chapters. We didn't have additional cards like Cerberus Ortho or the upcoming General Lilia card, anyway they give us something new and fresh, trying not to repeat and not to lose the attention of fans.
I hope my verbal cocktail didn't confuse you too much.
Have a nice day, my dear.
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sri-rachaa · 2 years
,,,,,,pianist vincent is the only thing in my brain atm
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opia-tarot · 2 years
Hey Opia, it's me. You're biggest fan 😩📕🖋
May we get your take on sun conjunct ascendant please?
Thank you so much, ly so much. I worship the ground you walk on 😍
Hi sexy! Ahahah this made me giggle. Of courseee!! You’re welcome hun, love you so much more, you already know😌 I’m beyond flattered, you’ve really outdone yourself this time😂 <33333
{ascendant conjunct sun}
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Radiance. Friendliness. Vibrancy. Magnetic. Similar to leo rising qualities. These are the people you can’t ignore. They stand out and people are so drawn to them. They have this radiant quality about them. Almost like everybody knows they are destined to be seen. They make friends easily, or at least acquaintances. They make other people feel brighter, more mellow. Their skin is usually very healthy looking, smooth and glowing. They look famous. I don’t how else to describe it😂 They look like they’re supposed to be on a red carpet. Now perhaps i could be exaggerating, but they’re supposed to be noticed. Their aura is felt instantly. They’re like a stimulant. People feel rejuvenated around them. They seem very confident and people love it. They make other people feel confident. Very infectious energy. They know what motivates them. They like to keep working towards something, but they also need a work play balance. They can perhaps give too much of their energy to others. They have a vibe of authenticity. They’re just expressing who they are, of course depending on their placements. Neptunian influence or placements in the 12th could cause them to conceal a certain part of themselves. The lesson here is to just be yourself. To shine. Most of these people do learn this eventually, or it’s natural. They’re funny and charismatic. They can easily be the main focus in group settings. They work great in groups because they make people feel comfortable. Some of them are sporty or they do some sort of physical activity. They’re the confidence boosters if you ever feel crappy go to these people. They just know exactly how to make people feel better. They can overextend themselves sometimes or perhaps even overwork themselves. Their appearance is very put together. They can also appear youthful, they usually age gracefully. They can be quite blunt or honest. People appreciate this about them because they are charismatic and people can feel their intentions are not to cause harm. Their humour can also be quite blunt ahaha. They are difficult to forget. Bouncy. Charming. memorable. Magnetic people.
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totallyimagines · 4 years
Ferid Bathory Nsfw Alphabet
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A-Z nsfw alphabet, Essay
You know what your signing up for if you tap that keep reading button, no warnings needed then.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He’s amazing at it. He’ll run you a bath or get anything you need. He doesn’t mind being sweaty though, so if you don’t want to move after sex- that’s ok because he’ll definitely be the type to just cuddle you after. Or praise you on how well you were doing. (doubt he gets any sleep, you’ll always wake up to him staring at you, one way or another. Or maybe you’ll wake up to him not there but you never get to see him sleep.) if your on punishment though, no aftercare. Here’s a win-win situation.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Maybe his hands, tounge, or fangs will do. He can’t choose so those are his top three. Maybe because all three get some type of reaction out of you. For you, it’s probably your blood or neck. Well, it’s something that he can chew on and still get a reaction out of you from doing something he ‘loves’. Your collarbones are probably littered in love bites and his special bites.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Cums anywhere that’s part of you, he just like the thought of claiming you as his own- just like that. He’ll hate for it to go to waste. The thought of claiming you his, always comes to mind when he sees his cum all over you.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s probably sniffed your underwear at least, once. Your scent is on them and drives him wild so yeah he’s probably going to do that. Also, he wants to do it when your on your cycle. Now that, won’t stay a dirty secret for long because it’ll eventually just happen. Face sitting too, that WILL NEVER STAY A DIRTY SECRET. Because he’ll definitely just say it out bluntly and then if you agree to it- there you go.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s pretty experienced, he’s been around for a while now. What do you expect? He’s probably lured, hundreds of people towards him. And gave them that Chick-fil-A combo but nothing compared what he has planned for you. He also never tells you how many lovers he’s had in the past and it leaves you more than curious. But doubt, he’ll ever tell you no matter how much you beg and plead.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Probably missionary because of how intimate it is and also because he gets to see your reactions. Also because of the neck biting, he’ll never be able to get over that. He can also here all the small praises spilling from your mouth, like he doesn’t have advanced hearing- ahahah. Besides that, doggie and probably you riding him. It seems to make him a little more cocky when you try to play the dom. Don’t get ahead of yourself now, he’s still the dom but try. He’ll let you have your moment, it probably won’t last long but you’ll definitely get it.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Hard to explain, he’s not laughing with you- he’s laughing at you. He’ll make little jokes here and there, but they are for him. Not for you. But other than that, he’s intimate but kind of not. Like I mentioned, he can say anything he wants and it stills turns you on because he seems to be talking to you or himself but either way you can’t seem to focus. So, it’s just a bunch of sexy mess going on. Other than that, he would probably say some things that would make you laugh but only make you more aroused on how he’s saying them. Yeah, it’s confusing.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Nope, presentation. Like I said, he may have lured some people into getting what he wants. So, no he doesn’t have any hair and your not even sure if it grows down there. You have to at least be trimmed down there, I’m not sure he would mind the hair but if he’s going to eat you out, at least be trimmed. Although, other than that- your okay.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Lets see here, he can be intimate when he wants to be. When he’s focusing on your pleasure, he can be more than focused but when it comes to his...he really can care less. Especially if he’s punishing you, he’ll probably just use his fingers and talk the whole time because that’s what he does. Probably just smirk as he’s doing this too, not really caring what you say.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
As if. Not sure that this man would jack off. Especially if he has you, he can literally ask you to fulfill each other’s sexual desires and needs. Seriously though, he’s busy as it is and I doubt vampires think much about sexual pleasure. It doesn’t really ‘satisfy’ them as much. Blood does the trick, of course. Or their fangs but then again nothing really humanly but doesn’t mean that can’t get pleasure from it.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Biting kink, we already he had this before he knew he had this. It’s something that turns him own so of course he’ll do it. Blood play too, not much of it though if you dislike it. Worshiping or praising kink, it’s just another way of expressing or maybe just to tease you. But other than that, he’s pretty experimentve, he’s a really kink guy so he’s willing to learn and try out new things. Maybe a Size kink as well, he likes the size difference between you too. Doubt he would try something that you dislike. Well that’s if it’s not something that’s going to hurt you- physically. (Ahahaha, just kidding- he probably won’t ever spare you after he’s done)Maybe some mirror sex, too. He seems to get off at your submissive and ashamed side but if it’s too much- he won’t do it as much.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere in the manor, the risk of you two getting caught also turns him on. I’m pretty sure you’ve done it in every room of the manor, maybe being loud or not- either way. If You can get caught, he’s in. He’ll probably tease you in public too, maybe because he’s leaving today to go on a mission and he’s not going to be there to satisfy your needs. So, of course- he’ll tease and come back and don’t tell him you’ve already satisfied yourself. Which I’m pretty sure he’ll know- he can probably smell it. So no use lying now, is there? He probably will leave you hanging, which- like it or not, kind of pisses you off but then again sometimes he could care less. Cocky man here. Maybe shower sex too, or bath- which ever one. Less of a mess, so it’s actually better well that’s until water gets on the floor.
M = Motivation
You leaving him thirsty, especially in public. He doesn’t know what to do when you tease him in public, how did you turn on that quick. This was probably result in some harsh punishment but who wouldn’t, it just makes him more of the DOM. But other than that, motivation can come from anything. It can come from your blood, you simply doing something ‘humanly’ or you just being submissive/cute in general. Keep in mind, if your living with him- your living with a lot of thirsty vampires. So, then again it doesn’t really help your situation if someone like ‘another vampire’ wants you, which Ferid wouldn’t allow because your his. So his motivation can actually come from anywhere, especially you being cocky. This can be counted as a turn on because he’ll definitely be waiting for you. Or he’ll just sit back and watch you in amusement until you cross the line then he has to put you back in your place.
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Share you, with all these hungry vampires in this manor. Never. He hates the thought of someone even looking at you the wrong way. And if you want to have something like that, he won’t agree with you at all. He honestly just doesn’t like sharing but doesn’t mean it can’t happen. He wouldn’t share you with someone he’s not ‘close’ with. So, it’s possible but it’ll take a lot of convincing for him maybe not as much as the other person but lots of convincing. Anything that would hurt you like really bad, he doesn’t really take it as far as where all you feel is pain and no pleasure.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He prefers giving and not receiving, he doesn’t find much pleasure in receiving so he’d rather give. Any boy oh boy, does he work wonders between those legs of yours. You’ll be pretty much overstimulated and unable to think at any point where he’s between your legs. Very skilled at this, he deserves a Oscar because of how good he is. So, be expecting lots of receiving from this man.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and can be slow. But he’s more of a rough and fast person because that’s just him. He can be more than romantic though, so if you want slow and gentle. He can do that. (Also this is probably what he does to most people-) maybe he builds up to bite them. Because biting you will happen in slow or fast sex. It’ll probably happen more in slow, because it just adds to the pleasure and he just gets to feed. Yeah, that’s probably all he’s living for during intimate-slow sex.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Doubt that he’ll do this a lot, why do that when he’s got all the time in the world and when he’s practically- Da boss. So that’s a maybe on his part, prefers intimate and maybe long drawn out sex. But that can happen anywhere, maybe that’s why you guys took so long in the bathroom-
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Yes. Your speaking to a man who can jump on buildings and stop swords and throw people. But anyways, risk is definitely in his category-. Like I’ve mentioned, anywhere in the manor and probably outside the manor too. It just makes the risk better and it adds to his ego. Especially if your afraid to get caught with him, he’ll just tease you for it. And if he wants to, he always points to the nearest building for you guys to do it in. Well, that can be aided if it’s just the two of you on a mission. So nothing to worry about there, but yes risk he can do. Because he really doesn’t have any shame.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Lots of it, well according to this long ass eassy about Ferid Bathory. We can tell just by looking at him, he’s going to have some stamina. Although, I’m pretty sure every vampire has more speed than an usual human. I mean, they are advanced in every way so makes sense for him to have tons of stamina storaged. He won’t use all of it on you though because your just a mere human and you’ll probably more than likely pass out. Probably can last 3 or more rounds if you ask me. So, he’s probably just going to go for one or two rounds for you.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Fang buzzer, my kind fellow. Vibarator, Ferid. It’s a vibrator. He’s actually kind of new to toys so no biggie there. He’ll probably just use them for self amusement, watching how much you squirm, just from a little ‘vibrator’. He’ll also play with the buttons while it’s between your legs and you’ll be feeling all types of things. No seriously, you’ll be overstimulated from a Vibrator, probably the last thing you want to be overstimulated by. I mean, it’s Ferid controlling it so that counts. Maybe a dildo, but would be a little offended by you hiding it from him. And would ask what you use it for. Explaining toys to him would be awkward, I mean explaining toys to anyone would just be awkward. So, please be open with this man. Though, he wouldn’t even try and use the dildo often. He probably try it on you once and say he can do better.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
More than Unfair, you wouldn’t be able to get a break at all and your face is what makes him want to tease you more. He’ll just be unfair by not satisfying your requests or denying to let you cum- multiple times. He’ll just give you a fancy grin at how irratated you get sometimes but would still push you at some point. Even if your in a bad mood today, he can still find some button to push on you, that’s makes you just-wanna-
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Depends on what your doing to him, I’ve mentioned, once again, that he doesn’t find much pleasure in ‘humanly’ pleasure. So as a human, you might have to find how to make him moan. Well, that isn’t so hard is it- well is it? You just have to find a few spots to make him moan, nothing difficult. How about his neck, don’t be shy bite him. It just makes him feel good like it would go you or any other human being. He probably has a sweet spot, but it’ll take a while to find it. Pull on his fangs, or lick them. Just do something to those fangs. He probably just really feels something when it comes to those, because he’ll slightly moan whenever you touch them. That’s probably the most your getting out of him, because he doesn’t want you to discover anymore.
W = Wild card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Watches you sleep, like all night. Well, that’s if he didn’t get up and leave. I don’t think he needs sleep, but also does it because he wants to at least ‘feel’ human. But then again, doesn’t want to be one. So, you’ll probably wake up In the middle of the night sometimes with red eyes glowing back at you. Which will probably freak you out but when you realize it’s just Ferid and not some ‘demon or other person in your room’. Your all cool again.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s packing and yes we all know you want some. Although, would he let you get some?(doesn’t have much to put here- *red alert*)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He doesn’t really have a high sex drive but I’m certain you’ll wake up in his bed most of the week, thinking about how the hell did you get here? And what the hell happened last night? Doubt he’ll tell you but ok, nothing suspicious. Even when he’s with you, his sex drive only went up a tiny bit. He’s more of just a tease and if you are horny, he’ll actually only focus on your pleasure. He probably won’t take of any of his clothes though, so foreplay only- probably:/
Z = Zzz (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Nope, you won’t be able to see this man go to sleep before you do. It’s rare to wake up before him though, well that’s if he even does go to sleep. So catching him sleeping right after sex, isn’t possible.
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diavolodigitale · 3 years
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Andromeda Galaxy - pt.3 Havarl
Oof, the chapters are getting longer as it always happens with me. This one, I think, is significantly better than the previous ones if we don’t consider the lame beginning ahahah
Genres: comedy, romance (vaguely), friendship maybe, some philosophy? I really don’t know what to call that.
Pairing: m!Ryder/Evfra
Characters: Ryder, Evfra, Vetra, Jaal
Rating: PG
Size: around 9 pages
Pt.1 - Pt.2 - Pt.3 - Pt.4 ----- All chapters in PDF
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       The weather on Havarl was as foggy and gloomy as always. High humidity made it hot and stuffy, so at times Ryder found it hard to breathe, wearing his full set of armor and carrying around all the weapons. The squelching of wet leaves and grass could be heard behind him as his companions made their way forward.
       “I heard that Evrfa is now on Havarl as well,” mentioned Jaal, stepping over a peculiar looking mushroom.
       “I thought he never leaves his sanctuary. Hard to imagine him doing something else besides work,” commented Vetra and proceeded adjusted her rifle so that it didn’t impede her movements.
       Ryder coughed a few times. They were already a few steps away from the research facilities.
       “The Resistance operates on many planets. We need to control the Roekaar activity here, so regular investigations on Havarl are no exceptions,” said Jaal.
       Vetra sighed.
       “Isn’t it crazy how the Resistance grew?” she began somewhat excitedly. “I’ve heard rumors that it used to be just a bunch of small groups of angara fighting off kett. And now you have a complex and highly flexible organization controlling most of the galaxy!”
       “Indeed,” agreed Jaal. “What Evfra did to bring them all together is unimaginable. Even if his approach and methods aren’t unanimously accepted between the angara, his achievements are irrefutable.” Jaal stopped and took a long look at the cloudy dark sky.
       “You seem so fascinated by him and his work,” noted Ryder, giving Jaal a light pat on the back.
       “I respect him, yes. The decisions he has to make every day are a tough burden to carry on your own,”—Jaal took a deep breath, lowered his head and continued—“although, considering he thinks of me as his best soldier, he could have bestowed upon me an unrestricted freedom of choice in any situations.”
       “And a better rank?” asked Ryder, giving the angara a friendly understanding smile.
       “Undoubtedly,” agreed Jaal and nodded.
Vetra checked the time on her omni-tool and looked around to make sure they arrived at the right place.
       “Okay, I’ve got to leave you now. See you here exactly in three hours,” she said. “And no being late. Especially it applies to you, Ryder. Nobody will let us back on the ship without the Pathfinder,” she added strictly.
       “And here I started to think that you really worry about me,” replied Ryder in a sad voice.
       “My mothers always worry about you if that makes you feel better,” said Jaal in a sincere attempt to comfort him.
       “Yes, Jaal, this is exactly what I needed to hear.”
       Jaal headed to one of the local ships stationed on the landing area. He intended to visit his family since the vault on Havarl had just been activated, and the crew of the Tempest had some time to consider their subsequent steps in raising the viability of the planet. Besides, it was a good opportunity to just hang around and have some alone time since always being under pressure and not having enough time for themselves could lead to unwanted aftermath in terms of physical and psychological health, and nobody wanted that, especially being hundreds of years far from home.
      Vetra disappeared in the dense forests, heading in the unknown direction with the unknown purpose. She refused to let the Pathfinder know about her business on the planet, but he reckoned it had something to do with illegal shipments. Nothing special, your usual smuggler stuff.
      And Ryder… Well, he simply made up a reason to come. He had some data waiting to be transferred to the angaran scientist here on Havarl, but it surely wouldn’t take him three hours to do that. Usually, he tried to spend every free minute doing something productive and important, but after rescuing the whole planet it would be fair to give his team and himself a little rest. Unofficially, of course.  
       He decided to spend some time talking to the local researchers. The angaran history and culture was so foreign, yet seemed so captivating to him. Of course, humans already went through the phase of first contact with other races, but nobody had seemed so distant till this moment. Nothing here reminded him of familiar worlds, and it was simply riveting.
      Most of the scientists were happy to share what they knew and even more happy to listen to the information he could provide them with. Despite that, some still preferred to stay away from strangers like the Pathfinder. Their distrust could easily be explained by the strong influence of the Roekaar on this planet. Being here, Ryder was content simply with the fact that nobody tried to shoot him on sight only because of him being an alien.
       Having left the safety of the research station behind, he strolled into dense jungles that covered major part of the planet. He didn’t have any particular purpose in mind apart from exploring a bit while he still had the time.
      Due to the abundance of wildlife, it was practically impossible to take a good look around without being in constant fear for your life, so Ryder tried to approach his expedition with caution.
       “Pathfinder, I detect motion in the bushes in front of you. There appear to be two lifeforms engaged in a fight. Be vigilant,” warned him the voice in his head.
       Trusting SAM unconditionally, Ryder turned on tactical vision on his helmet and indeed saw two figures, one of which looked like an angara, and the other one reminded some kind of an animal, most likely a Challyrion, judging by the silhouette. Recalling reports about unnatural mutations which animals on Havarl had undergone, Ryder took out his shotgun, ready both for fight and flight.
With a sharp motion of his hand, he removed the leaves blocking his field of vision only to see Evfra holding a giant beast by its neck. Startled by Pathfinder’s sudden appearance, he got distracted from the animal, which indeed turned out to be a Challyrion, and it managed to break free and go invisible.  
       “Sorry?” mumbled Ryder, still standing with his shotgun drawn out.
       “Hide your weapon”—Evfra shook off bits of non-existent dust from his clothes—“or you might hurt yourself.”
       Ryder removed his weapon back to the holster and took off his helmet, panting. He rubbed his forehead, trying to wipe away the sweat, but instead leaving a dark line from his dirty glove.
       “What are you d—”
       Evfra interrupted Ryder and made a gesture with his hand for the Pathfinder to follow him. “It is best if we don’t stand here. It may have fled now, but it will soon come back with all its pack.”
       “Seems like we meet awfully often lately,” commented Ryder, following Evfra.
       “Yes, unfortunately,” grunted Evfra.  
       “Really, what were the odds that I’d stumble upon you here when you are on another mission.”
       Ryder tried to keep up with Evfra’s pace, even though it was quite challenging for him. The heat made it hard to breathe and the fact that he didn’t know the surroundings didn’t help either. The Resistance leader, it seemed, knew every tree and every winding of the path, while Ryder stumbled and bumped into everything.
       “Actually, it is my day off,” stated Evfra indifferently.
       “Visiting your family?”
       “I have no family to visit,” without hesitation said the angara with voice still clear and unshaken.
       “Oh… I didn’t… I mean, Jaal came here to see his family, so I just assumed…” Ryder apologetically lowered his head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” He cleared his throat.
       “You didn’t kidnap them, so you have nothing to be sorry for.”
       “Did kett do it?” asked Ryder carefully.
       “There was nobody else to do it. Angara are in no habit of harming their own kind.”
       “Is that why you decided to join the Resistance?” asked Ryder. Actually, this particular question was something that had interested him for a long time.
       “That is why I decided to lead it,” answered Evfra, without giving it a second thought.
       “Seems like we have something in common.”
       Evfra hemmed. He could not see a single thing they had in common.
       “Don’t be so skeptical,” said Ryder, noticing his reaction. “I lost my mom 600 years ago and my dad… Let’s just say, he was supposed to be the Pathfinder, not me.”
       “Jaal mentioned you have a sister.” Evfra began walking more slowly, trying to adjust to Ryder’s speed.
       “Yeah,” simply replied Ryder.
       “And where is she know?” continued Evfra, sensing something must be wrong with this topic.
      “Lying in the cryo pod on the Nexus, waiting until I find at least one place appropriate for a new beginning of a human race.” Ryder stopped in front of a massive tree with long crooked branches. He took off his glove to feel its gnarled desiccated texture. “You know, being in a coma, she now talks even less than you. Really doesn’t provide much moral support, huh?”
       Evfra watched the Pathfinder stand before the tree, illuminated by the bluish light emitted by plants endemic to this planet. The facial expression the Pathfinder had reminded him of that one James showed on Kadara when hearing his careless remark about other human Pathfinders.
      Unlike humans, angara not only expressed their emotions freely, but were also able to sense true feelings of others, even in spite of poor manifestation. Evfra mostly expressed anger, impatience and persistence, but that didn’t mean he didn’t know the other ones.
      Misery, despair, grief. He had seen it all long before.
      Not being a master of leading fruitful conversations, he tried to change the topic as best as he could.
      “Was it beautiful on Earth?” he asked, seemingly genuinely interested.
      Ryder made an effort to pull himself together, put on the glove, and turned his reddened face to Evfra.
      “It was. No matter where you went, all places were different. It took years to discover all things that inhabited it and to understand their purpose. I cannot really do justice describing life on Earth, because it is impossible to turn into words.”
      “It is hard to believe such a place existed.”
      “I hope it still does,” said Ryder, and a faint smile appeared on his face. “Being here, sometimes I like to imagine returning to Earth and seeing how everything has changed.”
      “You have already been to some “golden worlds”, as you call them, in our cluster. Did you like any of them?”
      “Well, most of them don’t look the way we expected…”—Ryder rubbed his nose clumsily and gave Evfra another barely noticeable smile—“but even if we imagine that they are habitable… I don’t know. I just don’t think I’ll ever see the place that’s able to make me feel the same way Earth did.”
      “Really?”—some kind of playful air appeared around Evfra; Ryder had never seen him like that before—“Follow me then.”
      James didn’t understand the sudden change, but decided to give in to this strange challenge. He followed Evfra closely, carefully stepping over weird plants and avoiding curious insects hitting him right into his face after approaching way too close. This time the tempo of their walk wasn’t as fast, so it was easier for him to follow.
      They didn’t say a word, but this silence was not at all burdening. Ryder listened to how the wilderness sounded, observed how the Havarl jungles lived and transformed in real time. They didn’t look like anything he had ever seen before yet felt so intimate and not at all threatening, even though they should have.
       Ryder was thinking about how he could prolong this moment and never come back to the Tempest, when they approached an enormous dark wall. It was part of the remnant construction, the likes of which were scattered all around the planet. The cracks in it were glowing with blue and turquoise light, adding to the gleam created by fluorescent plants and fungi.
       “Ready for a quick climb?” asked Evfra the dumbfounded Pathfinder.
       “Only if there’s a safe way down,” said Ryder, although intending to climb up there anyway. It wasn’t every day that he got the opportunity to experience something Evfra willingly wanted to share.
       Evfra started ascending first, showing where it was better to put a foot or a hand. Ryder watched attentively and repeated every step.
      The remnant constructs were as solid and firm as they could be, so there was almost no chance something would collapse under him. Getting used to the overall rhythm of their movements, he began finding his own way up, climbing differently from Evfra.
      Repetitive actions made him dive deep into his thoughts about the remnants and the role they played in the survival of this planet. He couldn’t grasp even the smallest impact they really had on the history and development of life here, and it scared him. Facing such a strong and incomprehensible force made him doubt his most significant success as well as the future of his endeavors.  
       Engulfed into his reflections, Ryder didn’t notice one piece of the construct that was about to fall out and grabbed it. His hand slipped, weighed down by the piece now detached from the wall.
As soon as Evfra heard rustling and swarming under him, he looked down only to see Ryder pathetically hanging on one hand.
       “There is no rest beside you,” he sighed and lowered himself to grab Ryder by his loose arm and pull him up.
       “Thanks,” mumbled the Pathfinder ablush. It really bugged him that whatever he did in front of Evfra led to him embarrassing himself.
       “We are not far, hold on for a little longer.” Evfra’s voice almost sounded comforting and Ryder though that it was unusual for him to be like that.
       After a few more minutes of climbing, they finally reached the top of the construct. Evfra made it up first and offered the Pathfinder his hand once again. Ryder did not attempt to refuse.
       “If you wanted to show me the view from above, we could have just used the Mithrava Ascent,” stated Ryder, overcoming the last obstacle while tightly gripping Evfra’s hand. Having to experience such a treacherous way up, he now wanted to complain a bit to feel better.
       “It is not quite the same. The fog at Mithrava makes it hard to see the real picture. Here the horizon is clear and… there is not a single soul.”
       Red and inhaling jerkily, Ryder got down on his knees to give some rest to his tired limbs and to catch his breath.
       “Take a look,” said Evfra, taking a seat beside Ryder.
       James gazed up slowly and got lost in the open skies. He saw hundreds of stars gleaming through semi-transparent clouds and a huge red Gas Giant taking up a great part of the horizon. It seemed like beyond those starts and clouds he could see other clusters, other galaxies yet unnamed and undiscovered. Beneath the skies lied a sea of trees, living and breathing, the leaves of which whispered in the wind. Dark and bottomless, it reflected the lights of the stars in the glistening surface of plants. From the height he was on, they reminded James of fireflies.
       A strong blow of wind cooled his heated face and made a mess of his short hair. He inhaled calmly, taking his time to fill the lungs with fresh night air, and exhaled. Now there was no place in his mind for the Tempest, for colonies, outposts, and diplomatic fuss. No place for exiles, kett, and all the people they have lost.
       “Here you can pray to your gods. Even if they stayed in your homeworld, they will still hearken,” uttered Evfra under his breath.
       James looked at the other remnant constructs and monoliths towering in the distance. He did not know whom to pray. Everything here was created by someone, but he was alien to this place. For him, there were no gods and no masters, only a vague purpose ahead, unshaped and remote. Far from home, he did not know what destiny awaited his people, but even though he would constantly carry the responsibility for his whole species, now it did not seem that arduous. Now it became an opportunity to outline his own future, intertwined with his people and many others who depended on him.
       “Is it close to how good you’ve felt on Earth?” asked Evfra, his voice still low and quiet.
       “Not even remotely,” said Ryder, smiling to himself. “It is much, much better.”
       He didn’t know for how long they continued to sit there. Frankly speaking, he did not care. He felt like being there at that moment was much more decisive than fighting off hordes of enemies or planning the next offensive.
       When they finally got down, the dreary overgrown forests of Havarl met them with the same apathetic attitude. Nothing altered down here, all the changes remained at the top of the construct and in Ryder’s mind.
       The leader of the Resistance and the Pathfinder exchanged a few words on their way back to the research station, but overall didn’t talk much. Ryder seemed more composed and reserved than ever.
       Being about fifty meters away from the place Ryder was supposed to meet his teammates at, Evfra looked at him one last time and said, “We are quite similar after all, Ryder,” before going his own way.
       “I already told you, my name is—”
       “I remember, no need to repeat,” he threw negligently over his shoulder without turning around.
       The Pathfinder quickly reached the point of destination and was greeted by peacefully snoring Jaal, who leaned on a nearby wall, and nervous Vetra frantically walking back and forth.
       “What. The hell. Is wrong with you?!” she yelled, approaching him and furiously waving her hand. “Three hours! We had to meet in three hours! Not six! That’s twice as much, Ryder, twice!”
       Jaal suddenly woke up because of Vetra’s wailing and rubbed his eyes.
       “Oh, Ryder, finally. Vetra already wanted to go look for you, but I assured her that if you’re lost in the Havarl jungle, there’s nothing she can do about it.”
       Being in high spirits, Ryder laughed off all the questions and inquiries and headed in the direction of the Tempest.
       “Come on, guys, let’s get going,” he appealed to his crewmembers. “The next time we’re in Vortex, drinks are on me.”
       “You are just unbearable, do you know that?” asked Vetra. She was still annoyed no matter what he said in his defense.
       “Yeah, I’ve heard that a few times.”
      “Ask Peebee to go with you when you plan on disappearing for a few hours, she definitely won’t worry about you being eaten by a giant Eiroch or kidnapped by the Roekaar. I am sick and tired, so don’t you even come crawling…”
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the-nysh · 5 years
Opm s2, ep1 live reaction
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Just watched it and here to post my excitement! ;A; I am so happy and honestly relieved, oh gosh, it’s as faithful to the manga as it could possibly be! (No recaps or filler padding, I’m glad!) :’D No major complaints from me (because my priority right now watching this is to relax on my break from moving). They’ve made plenty of touch ups/edits to the scenes from the pvs, so the visuals back then can’t be fully trusted compared to what they’ve improved on here. (They’ve done as much as they could considering the studio’s lack of exp in action scenes, though we’ll see if it’s ever improved further for the bluray release.) Most importantly, it captures the same spirit and hype we all know and love, but most of all it’s FUN. Ahaha omg I’m so excited for more! Especially after seeing all those teased upcoming clips in the credits. AHHHHH!! I’m on fire. 8’D  
Transcript of my live chat reaction (going in blind) with @rayadraws:  
the-nysh: i've seen no reactions to it yet, so i'm going in blind!
rayadraws: I want to scream on tumblr but gotta give people chances to watch first Aaahhh
the-nysh: HHHHHHHh
rayadraws: Tell me your thoughts later!!
the-nysh: maybe i can just livereact to you! 8'D ahhhhhh the immediate dorks are backkkk
rayadraws: Yes!!! You’re watching now right?
the-nysh: omg king's drumming engine! XD (i'm trying to yeah ahahah) in before the movers come back from their lunch break
rayadraws: Aaahh I LOVED the first scene lmao Shiny
the-nysh: i love how it just goes immediately into the main manga scenes no recap or bullshit or anything
rayadraws: Yeah!
the-nysh: the crowd animations look totally fine to me! :D genos: "i believe that gentleman is king" buahahaah omg wow how formal
rayadraws: Omg when you can, later viewing maybe, compare the final version of the rocket punch with the trailer version
the-nysh: :O !
rayadraws: They added a lot!
the-nysh: oh shit! i'm not there yet akjfghg but sweet to know they edited things!
rayadraws: Aahhh I want to scream re a particular scene... when you’re done XD
the-nysh: akjfhkhg g4 just showed up 8D
rayadraws: Hhhhhh Battle of the shinies
the-nysh: so far there's little nice bits of animated character movement, like when saitama and genos turn heads and stuff
rayadraws: Yeah, granted I first saw it on a small blurry livestream but I can def live with this animation
the-nysh: honestly it looks totally normal/fine to me no complaints
rayadraws: Yup!
the-nysh: uwaaaaah king's bathroom breakdown!
rayadraws: He’s so STRESSED
the-nysh: it's drawn really nice and detailed here
rayadraws: <33
rayadraws: H I M right????
the-nysh: HIS OST TOO!!!
rayadraws: Yes a sweet remix!!
the-nysh: AHHHHHH yooooo rocket punch! hue saitama....'do you need help?' heh wah there's king, all the way home already :'D
rayadraws: Yessss When you’re done with that scene I need to SCREAM
the-nysh: oho fuckk;;; waah king's little smile playing his game~ SUDDENLY SAITAMA IS RIGHT BEHIND HIMMM
rayadraws: MMMMM look at THAT EGG
rayadraws: His FACE
the-nysh: WE'RE ON THE 22ND FLOOR THRU THE FUCKING WINDOW AHAHAHA yep classic egg saitama's FACE is SO interested in him like ohhhhhhh????? are you like me? HAAAAAAAAH king's scream of 'stoppppppp!' in agony XD OSHIT BACK TO GENOS
rayadraws: Hhhhhhhh
the-nysh: classic incinerate and flashy spin away with style ohohoho
rayadraws: Hehehe
rayadraws: TIME 4 RAVE PARTY
the-nysh: ayyyyy saitama finally prompts king the big question of why he ran away~~~ genos is fighting in your place~ suddenly BURD ahahaahaha ah! genos' face is edited in that quick laser dodge part it's such a short shot the panning doesn't even matter cause he's thinking to himself
rayadraws: Mmmm
the-nysh: hhhhhhhhhhh start of king flashback~ eg eggg egggg!!! 8D i see him!
rayadraws: Yesss
the-nysh: whoooosh, genos fire extinguisher strats 'i know someone who's stronger'~ yohohoho oh ayyy also his face is slightly edited here too~
rayadraws: Hehehehe Yeah we really couldn’t trust the trailer, they changed a lot!
the-nysh: hhhhhhhhh suddenly~ all angelic feathers floating after the scream/roar confession~
rayadraws: Hehehe
the-nysh: yoooo king flashback for the scar on his face~ !!!!! huhuhuhu!! i hear a young egg voice!
rayadraws: YES
the-nysh: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; kakgjghhj the!!! the face recognition!!!!!! AHHHHH the panels drawn just like the manga!!! a;kjhguhagkuhilligh
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rayadraws: THE CHANGE
the-nysh: AHHHHHHHHHHH HANDSOME EGGGGG soft egg counsel :')) 'just get strong'
rayadraws: THEIR WHOLE EXCHANGE was so STRONG so much emotion!!!
the-nysh: (tho i do wish the soundtrack was more swelling with feel here, it's a bit minimal but it's all good) huehue, egg will come back to play more games now and then~ :'3
rayadraws: Yes...
the-nysh: oh! suddenly genos back with kuseno and the parts he recovered
rayadraws: YES
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YOOOOOOO TERMINATOR GLARE OF DEATH wub, back to the HA oh WAIT i know this scene, ahahaah omg it's coming
rayadraws: Hehehe
the-nysh: all those criminals gathered~ ;D SONIC! yohoho, there he goes, showing off~ ayyyyy oh! FUBUKI! ayyy her face is edited too :D yooo everyone's all 'there's something about saitama~' omg they're all converging up to meet~ ahahah genos vs sonic event (with fubuki) happening soon!
rayadraws: Yesssss
the-nysh: lul now it looks like fubuki vs sonic XD ahahahaah egg back with king playing games i feel like i recognize that game tune HAHAHAHAHAAHAH BROKE THE CONTROLLER YESSS OF COURSE
rayadraws: Of COURSE
the-nysh: OH WAIT SHIT! suddenly end credits (wow i just realized we never got an opening) staying tuned in for anything after~ (garou where are youuuu)
rayadraws: I think it’s like at the corner?? Or was on cr at least...
the-nysh: oh wait! i think it’s the op song played here for the credits! ayyyy all those flashes of characters (wah the bang+bomb combo attack and yooo garou face!)
rayadraws: Yesss
the-nysh: elder centipede!
rayadraws: YES
rayadraws: Hehehehe What did you think of the whole episode??
the-nysh: omg this feels like a comic book with the name graphics, ahaha holy shit that one animated cover page of the egg rage screaming oh! hey suiryu! :D (waaaah it was fun and very faithful! no complaints!)
rayadraws: Woo!!!!
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(^oh I was definitely not prepared for that tease! 8′D)
rayadraws: YES.
the-nysh: i'm fucking laughing at all the quick shots of derp tatsu in between things XD
rayadraws: All the tatsus!!!
the-nysh: epic eggggge omgggg the song end, from super srs egg to WAH BOOP CUTE EGG AKJGJGHJ! AFTER CREDTIS SCENE! I SEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU
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rayadraws: Hehehehe
the-nysh: this is gonna be so fun i'm on fire HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it's over ;A; i'm so happy!!!!! absolutely no complaints! it was as faithful as it could possibly be! :'DDD
rayadraws: Yesss Vs g4 was glorious and we have bigger fights coming up!!!
the-nysh: hype hype hype hype 8'DDD
(Disclaimer: a more critical eye may be applied upon later rewatches, but for now I’m happy with what we got. Definitely on board for more!)
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narcisskanotfrisk · 4 years
BeyondFell: Part 8(Updated)
Frisk didn't know if she should laugh at this remark or if she should run. She got up as best she could, dusting her clothes on the way to remove the snow residue stuck on it. She looked at the skeleton intently, not knowing what to answer. "Well, you are not very talkative. I may have cut you off, this is no reason to give the cat its tongue. " "Hahaha, yes, I can speak. My name is Frisk, delighted » As Toriel was previously, Sans was disturbed by the smile that Frisk wore. She seemed so kind and innocent. It took a little while before answering her. "You're not mute, that's already it, otherwise I could have been out of breath. What do we owe the presence of a human here below? " Frisk didn't really want to tell her story, so she decided to sidestep the part that talked about the problems with her orphanage. She told him that she had gone for a walk in the forest, then having seen the mountain, she had decided to climb on it. In a rather dark cave she had not seen the hole and had fallen into the Underground. It did not really go into the details of the story. "Hey, it seems like you are there totally by chance in the end. (He seemed to start to smile) Well, I'll help you. Do you seem to be having trouble getting through? Do not worry, with my magic you will pass without problem " He reached for the human, and his left eye lit up with a reddish aura while Frisk was surrounded by a blue aura. Her soul too became blue and rose gently above the ground. At first she seemed surprised by this new sensation, then she was amused like a child who had been given a new toy. She looked at him smiling like a kid, which disturbed him again and made him lose his smile for a blissful look. "It would be really nice of you to do this for me!" " "Well, I'm a very busy person, but I want to make an exception this time. I’m not a doctor but it could be a way to start” "Ahahah, thank you anyway, it's very kind of you. " "No problem, mouahahah ...." He began to smile again and teleported across the precipice, starting to levitate Frisk above this huge hole. Arrived at a little over half, Sans heard a noise behind him, his eye became as before and he turned. Frisk, no longer subject to the magic of Sans, began to fall ... "Hey, brother what are you doing around here?" There are no humans who have passed through here. " "TODAY IT WILL BE LIEUTENANT. I WAS COMING TO SEE IF A PILES OF BONES SUCH AS YOU DID NOT SLEEP ON THE JOB! " "Ok lieutenant, I'm awake for the day. Until at least a restart, you have to know how to start all over after all. ” “STOP WITH YOUR FOOLERY AND GO BACK TO MONITOR IF A HUMAN ARRIVES! " "Don't worry Pap ... lieutenant. I know how to be on my guard when necessary, even if nobody should pump the air from here, mouahahah " «... STOP WITH YOUR JOKES I WILL GO! TELL ME IF YOU SEE A HUMAN!” The person who had conversed with Sans was also a skeleton, measuring almost twice the size of his counterpart. He also seemed thinner and had some sort of armor on him. Its left opening bore scars, they cut to make a cross on this opening. He also had a scar on the back of his head. His armor, meanwhile, seemed handmade. He wore a red pantyhose underneath it covering his whole body except his skull. On his rib cage, a black breastplate was placed. At the level of what would normally have been the heart for a human was drawn a symbol. At the neck and bottom of his armor, two worm lines appeared. He wore black mittens to which he had added pikes in an artisanal way. The last piece of armor was made like a kind of panty also made of metal, like the plastron. He had a green line above it, otherwise all the rest of this armor was black. He wore large shoes that looked like hiking boots, also in black. Sans watched him go before showing a carnivorous smile. "It seems that the fall of this story is not for now, see you soon, Papyrus" The noise of the body crashing into the precipice was heard only very slightly. Frisk stayed for a while in the reset location. In the darkness of this place, she could make out a distant figure behind the screen. She tried to make out details, but the person was too far away to see anything. She sighed before pressing RESET. I-I did not dream there? … Frisk looked at me for a while before trying to start again. It is the first time that this happens since I follow it ... I wonder if it is related to the fact that my soul approaches it with each of its deaths? I can only make assumptions. In any case, what I am sure of is that this young girl is full of surprises ... Let’s continue to look how far she can go ... Frisk made her way again, but this time she was not terrified, rather confident of having a new friend she could count on. She advanced to the precipice level and waited for Sans. When she heard the steps stop right behind her, Frisk turned directly without waiting for Sans to say his sentence. She looked at him smiling while she had disturbed him once more. Without sighing and raised his arms to heaven: "You are not very patient as a girl ... But hey, nothing beats a little bravery here below. However do you remain a person of integrity? Or would you be someone who upholds justice? Mouahaha, what is certain is that you are someone of perseverance and full of kindness " Frisk didn't really understand where he was coming from and looked at him curiously. She wondered if he was talking about something important on purpose. She tried to memorize Sans's words just in case. "Don't worry if you don't understand, by the way you will need help crossing, right?" I hope you don't feel dizzy, otherwise you could fall very low mouahahah " "No, I'm fine, I'm pretty carefree as a girl, you could say that my head is hard." She gave him a sparkling smile after this joke as bad as those made by her friend. Sans looked at her before letting go of one of her usual laughs. "Mouahahah It was a good one, well done princess!" Come on, I'll take you to the other side ... " Frisk suddenly blushed at the nickname, it was the first time someone had called her that. She put her hands on her face as Sans teleported across the precipice and began to levitate her. Frisk had almost arrived when Sans again deactivated his power. She clung as best she could to the brink. She knew she wouldn't last long because of the snow but she tried with all her strength. This time she heard the speech between Sans and her brother before falling ... She thought for a few moments on the reset screen before deciding. If her brother always came at the same time, she would make him wait on the other side, so she would only have to hide when her brother arrived. She pressed continue and reappeared again in this world.
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Xem: Online Persona OC
And to think I made an oc based off of a part of me I hate ahahaha but maybe if I talk more about them, it’d make me feel better so here’s info about Xem!
Name: Xem Pronouns: They/Them or Xe/Xer
Backstory of design (Part 1: Inspiration)      I already had a hunch that I really wanted to bring back an old persona I had from 2017. It was a masked figure with headphones on named ‘Kaze’ (from my old handle on twitter).
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     So, after a few trials,  I kept the circular figure of the head and make it more open to interpretation with the whole mouth thing. 
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     And a few more alterations, we got ourselves a proper-ish design!
Backstory of Design (Part 2: The Clothing)
     I really like turtlenecks, folding my sleeves, white pants and COATS! (or anything long and flowy). So I added that to the character too. Granted they don’t have a neck and their head is a literal bomb, I really like how the turtleneck looks like it holds the head. As well as the fitting top and bottom contrasting the flowy sleeve-less coat :>
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     Originally, the buckle and the lapel (that you will soon see changed) weren’t to have too much details and just remain simple or none at all. But after seeing the other things in my brain jumbled up, I added those and kept a tiny detail to be seen later!~
Backstory of Design (Part 3: The BODY Details)
     [Note: This part onward will have bold words for the details that are specifically needed when drawing Xem because it adds up to their personality and overall design]
     The THIN and THICK lines: If you see a thin black line and a thick red line surrounding the head and the arms, those are things that could be seen around the body.
             For the ARMS and LEGS. The Thin lines start at the pinkie finger/toe side, wrapping around from there. The Thick lines start from the thumb/big toe side. This works for both arms and legs. [Symbolism: Scars and scratches on the arms that may or may not have happened internally or externally. The ones on the legs is for the leg incidents I couldn’t handle during 9th and 10th grade as well as the first half of 11th grade]
             For the FINGERS. The Thin lines are the only one seen wrapping the start of every finger (where they link to the palm). [Symbolism: The rings I wear to help me focus and calm down]
             For the TORSO. The Thin line lies above the Thick line which covers from the top to the end of the chest. [Symbolism: The neutral gender they prefer to be. The lack or presence of one’s chest doesn’t matter to them]
             For the HEAD. The Thick line works differently as it somewhat works as the smile/grin of Xem. If drawing it, just think of the top lip, and the line forms that. The Thin line doesn’t really have any placement but always crosses the Thick line, unless the expression is neutral, then it doesn’t at all and lies at the middle of the circle.
     The FLOATING DISK with Antenna: This is generally just a way for Xem to hear and not. The fact that it’s usually together (the white and black disk) is because I usually can’t hear properly on one ear :’D They only separate (one disk contrasting the other color) is when they’re emotions are heavy. I.e. Extreme anger, Completely joyful, Determined, etc.
     The WIRES circulating the stomach: These are generally cause some bombs, electrical ones specifically, need wires. And more often than not, the stomach is one of the portions in my body that I don’t often talk about nor prefer to see, so hidden wires are nice.
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Backstory of Design (Part 4: The CLOTHING and ARSENAL details)
     The Turned-Up LAPEL. Xem prefers looking minimalist but partially stay fashion forward uvu The lapels are just that. For fashion purposes. (they won’t even help Xem with the cold weather. Seriously. What’s there to cover when Xem has no neck??)
     The Belt BUCKLE. Generally, it doesn’t signify anything. But for detail purposes, it’s drawn by dividing a rectangle in four. The Left-most rectangle is plain white. The Middle-Left is black with a concave facing right. The Middle-Right is plain black. And the Right-most is black with a concave facing left.
     The TWO Coat POCKETS. That’s it. They’re pockets. What do I need to say here...?
     The HARPOON-Knife. This is kept in one of the pockets. It’s top resembles a harpoon arrow, but it’s basically just a knife. Xem likes holding it most of the time when walking. Maybe throwing and spinning it around. [Don’t worry, they know not to play with it when other people are around :>]
     The LETHAL toxic SMOKE BOMBS. These are exactly what they’re called. Smoke Bombs: With lethal poisoned toxins in them. These are kept in the other pocket of Xem. Never placed in the same pocket with the knife cause it might scratch it and release it whenever someone’s around. Yes, they do run out and Xem has to make more.
     The OTHER ITEMS. There are more?? Yes ahahah Xem carries 2 things to help them fidget. A Fidget Cube and a Stuffed Small Dolphin, both placed in one pant packet, each.
So, to sum it up, plus with added info: 
Name: Xem Gender: Do Bombs have a gender...? Agendered Bomb Birthday: August 04 Pronouns: They/Them or Xe/Xer Species: Bomb...? Bomb. Bombhead...? Bomb. Yeah, Bomb. Height: 5′5, but prefers to stay at high places like tree branches, so who could really tell? Weight: Is that a thing?
Personality: Xem likes being in quiet places. But when there, they’d likely be talking to themselves. When around people, Xem lets the others talk freely, unless they need to reply or add in information With close people, Xem is cautious with what they say. They have the tendency to lash out and get mad, more often than not, so their mindful of what they say. (It doesn’t always work out like planned). They would likely leave you with a scar, scratch or a slit if you ever crossed them at the wrong time or when at their worst. Very... expressive? When unnecessary. 
Random Info/Scenarios:      - Xem likes the ocean, but would need around 4 layers of clothing to enter it without hitting their torso’s wiring.      - Xem HATES being called an It, but you’ll see them calling themselves an It from time to time.      - They learned karate at a young bomb age and always wants to teach Alle about it, but her parents say no everytime ahahah      - Yes, they could kill you      - They like playing hide-and-seek, only to be left alone because they left the place they agreed to hide near :D      - Xem is easily overwhelmed and freezes up, but others see it otherwise. Meeting new people would make an outsider think Xem hates them cause they say nothing and just looks slightly at the back of the person, but it’s cause they don’t know what to say after general introductions :’D Pardon this bomb’s stare/glare ples uvu      - They like sweets, but can’t stand anything that is colored rainbow (no matter what flavour. It makes their face look sour if they see anything like it in sight :’>)      - They COULD sing, as much as they COULD make things, but prefer not to (Unless told to by someone important or needed)      - Contrary to them possible being able to sing, Xem never really fully knows a song title, lyrics, or a full song. Xem just doesn’t (or couldn’t focus) listen to music that much to remember.      - But Xem does FULLY know You Are My Sunshine by Johnny Cash. By heart. (Don’t make them sing it though, they’d likely malfunction or break...down? :’D)      - Xem is deemed a ‘brotherly figure’ to 2 other OCs named Alle and Em, solely because they buy them Oreos on the weekends uvu
[Key note, not all of these apply to me ahaahah but some are solely Xem’s personality and not mine as they are, just an oc deemed an online persona :D]
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theturtleducks · 7 years
265 - Describe the most terrifying/strangest/beautiful dream you’ve ever had:
a weird strange beautiful dream I had was so good that i wrote it down to send to my best friend: (warning its long af)
So it kinda started in like Poland. Like a port town I guess, vague but I know it was definitely Eastern Europe looking. Old boats and there was a beach. And I was just walking along side the beach, passing people who were sunbathing and playing in the water Minutes/hours pass (ya know how it is in dreams ahahah) and suddenly I realize that the beach/port town I’m in is actually an indoor water park type thing. So naturally I jump in the wave pool and kinda swim out to the deeper section and climb up the ladder to explore this strange place. And I explore (somehow I like dried off but my hair was still wet which was weird but hey dreams are weird). I guess the only way to describe it would be like the Germany/France part of Europa park. Like very stereotypical Germanic houses/shop fronts. And I step into this one (like forever 21 or something) and browse through the racks of clothes when one of the salespeople tell me about the wig part of the store. And so I heed their suggestion and venture to the wig part of the shop and look at them. And there’s just like hundreds of different types of wigs and I keep being drawn to the blonde ones (bc I really want one ngl haha) and I’m comparing prices and such and just being flabbergasted at how much they cost (which irl it’s pretty crazy high). But for some reason like the currency was like shells or something so it was like a base price of 80 shells and went up to like 400 shells. Lmao I just remember seeing the shape of shells next to prices 😂
Anywhooo I run into this really attractive guy (idk he may have had dark hair, but he def had like sky blue eyes with like yellow flicks ) And we just start chatting up a storm, kinda getting to know one another and we’re walking by this point, already left the wig shop. Kk continuing…. we’re just milling around people, checking the sights of this place when we wind back up at the wave pool place but now there are boats in it again. And now it’s transformed into locks (like for boat canals) but still a wave pool on one side. Really weird but dream me doesn’t batt an eye. He leans down to kiss me and man does dream me thirst so bad for this type of stuff that I actually let it happen.  I swear dream me is hella thirsty 😂Anyway so we kiss and then I think a lady with bright colored hair appears and drags us back to this different wig shop and I guess we start browsing again but like we’re closer now. like I’m holding his hand and such.And he whips out a lil black and white husky puppy as we’re on the lift but we’re going up really high so I cover it’s ears (hindsight I realize this did nothing bc ya elevation is elevation regardless) and but yeah we end up on top of this volcano/alpine mountain just looking at the valley below.
266 - Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? uh hell yeah. The numbers go through the roof. But as of now it’s the current Peter Parker from homecoming. But I’ve also had one on one of my characters I created. ;)
Thank you so much for asking these Anon! Love you!
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saltyshittyshipper · 7 years
All of the SALT
No one asked for this, but I’m going to do this anyway WARNING: THIS IS A SALTY LIST OF QUESTIONS, so THERE IS A LOT OF HATE. BEWARE! YOU WERE WARNED! This is only MY opinion, so if you are not OK with that, stop reading and leave.
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?* Sergey x Oleg...
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?* ...and here is the reason why
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Yes. My BF. Because there was so much of that ship I couldn’t stand it.
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?* OH YES YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?* Nope. What is dead may never die
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?* Nope. I wanted to ship the ship above, but fandom only made me hate it more
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* Oleg Volkov
Have you received anon hate? What about? Not in this fandom, no
Most disliked character(s)? Why? Oleg (because fandom), Sergey (when drawn by Phobs), Kutkh (because he is an asshole), Holt (because he is even more of an asshole)
Most disliked arc? Why? The Game.............
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I guess not, most of them are lovable
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? No, I don’t think so
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? I am going to randomly choose Sergey. I HATE WHEN HE IS IN THE PHOBS” ART STYLE. The worst Sergey. Dislike. Unsub. And I don’t hate Phobs. Demonslayer is awesome in their style as well as Tolkien’s characters and WITCH characters. But Major Grom is not the place for such a soft style. I just think it doesn’t work for this piece.  And also I’m so annoyed by like WHOLE fandom going crazy about them. “OMG Phobs drew fanart! WHEEE!” And like... This shit goes VIRAL. And everyone is gonna piss their pants from excitement. And I am like: god...not again.... 
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? I have already mentioned the FUCKING HYPE ABOUT EVERY PHOBS” DRWING I will never not burn about this shit. I’m so fucking tired...
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? BUBBLE decided to make multiverse. So all that magic shit is canon for Grom’s lore as well. and I’m like: dude........ why..... I loved this series BECAUSE there was nothing paranormal. WTF are you doing
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? Swap artists for The Game arc and Plague Doctor one, ahahah... That would be interesting
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… skip this one
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? Nope. For example, I don’t ship Igor and Dima, but I’m ok with this ship, it’s cute. I ship them as BrOTP, tho
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? They make me HATE things I loved.
What is the purest ship in the fandom? Igor x Dima
What are your thoughts on crack ships? They are OK, but weird. For example: Kirk x Oleg. Weird. But hawt.
Popular character you hate? Oleg?.. I don’t hate him. but... I guess...
Unpopular character you love? Igor’s dog
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? WOULD. BECAUSE IT’S AWESOME
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? It didn’t end yet, so I personally would make Sergey come back and fight alongside Igor with one enemy. And they would not be enemies anymore.  And then Igor would be back to work ; _ ; And ALSO!!!!!!!!! Sergey should befriend Igor’s dog because HE IS A GOOD BOY! (the dog. Sergey is far from being good)
Most shippable character? Eh... Sergey, duh
Least shippable character? I guess... Dead Milonov who was blown up Thx for reading
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