#may private the blog because this isn't even funny anymore
leftrib-moved · 7 months
I've followed your other blog for a while, I was wondering if you recommend any roleplayers to try giving a shot at rping with?
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I'll take a wild guess you're askin' specifically about Haz.bin / Hell.uva RPers since you sent this in to my Adam blog lol. But, honestly, I may not be the best to ask for recommendations. I have yet to interact with too many Haz.bin roleplays or really get to know any but out the gate I do believe I do have a few I'd recommended out of the people my picky ass has come to like over time via talking with them or watching them interact with friends.
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@cxncrie / Star who's a friend of mine is someone I'd definitely recommend. She writes Alastor, Charlie, Lute, some other canons as well as some of her OCs plus a canon muse that's crossed over into Haz.bin. She's been great to talk to and write with, is rather patient with me despite how horrifically slow I write, has been consistently kind to me, and is the reason I'm even still in the Tumblr RPC funnily enough. All the stuff she writes is great, her writing is worth consuming. She's also one of the few people that seem to clearly communicate with her partners anymore or, at least, try to as much as you can when a bunch of people seem allergic to it. All around Star is great and someone I'd always recommend following / writing with if you vibe with her and aren't already writing with her. Also, her OC Nimue is great. Like. One of the few OCs I would ever genuinely recommend and is the first OC in a long time I willingly shipped some of my canon muses with on my other blog.
@shadowzgather / Tera is also great. I have yet to actually get proper threads fully going with her, albeit that's the fault of my slow ass more than anything, but Tera has been great thus far as I said. She communicates, cares about her muses, and writes them quite well from what I've seen. It's been fun watching her and Star write their stuff with Pentious and Nimue. Not to mention Tera does write the funny snake man quite well and is probably someone I'd consider making my main Pentious on my other blog. I do really like how Tera tries to do more with him despite how he was mostly a joke in canon, trying to emphasize how he can be more serious and isn't just a joke while also managing to keep Pentious. Well. Pentious. It's pretty neat to me how she manages to make him more serious while also keeping the quirks that make Pentious himself. This is to say I like how she manages it without accidentally turning him into an OC wearing his skin like I've seen happen with other characters with other writers.
@xluciifer / Luci isn't someone I've had a lot of chance to write with, again because I'm a slowass bitch, but Luci is also like one of the few Lucifer roleplayers I genuinely like. I've privately recommended Luci to people before but, hey, here's a fuckin' public recommendation now. They genuinely put thought and effort into writing Lucifer, they actually looked into scripture for writing him. He isn't just "quirky and depressed father" with them. He isn't just "omg innocent wittle man who did no wrong" with them. He isn't just "husband to Lilith !! omg precious ship!!". They also don't write Lucifer just to shit on Adam like I've seen several other Lucifer writers do. They have Lucifer be hostile to Adam a realistic and in character amount based off how they choose to write Lucifer. They're like a god damn blessing because I thought I'd never meet a Lucifer roleplayer who wanted to write with my Adam that didn't want to either harass / bully him, straight up murder him, or try and get me to write Adamsapple as an autoship. They're also just very sweet to speak with and quite nice to speak to OOC when we have / do talk now. Very nice writer, splendid take on Lucifer.
@edenhazbin / This is someone I have yet to properly write with, but from what I've seen myself and heard from friends, I've come to enjoy her interpretation of Cain. It's been quite interesting to watch Cain's interactions with Star's OC Nimue. Also, her Cain is just an interesting take to me because I typically saw people interpret Cain as some sort of evil, malicious, violent hellion. Making him unnecessarily violent and malicious to all, like some sort of edgy overpowered villain OC, but her Cain isn't that and is quite an interesting difference from that usual I tended to see.
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I'm sure there's plenty more people I could recommend here but I'll stick to just recommending these four for now since I feel comfortable with recommending them. And this isn't to say I dislike anyone I didn't recommend or anyone who writes the same muses as those I did recommend. These people are just who I felt most comfortable recommending due to being friends with them, people I've talked to OOC, or people who know friends of mine.
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twiceasfrustrating · 2 years
Hey I know request last are closed but your my favourite writer and I was wondering if you could do an angst for Beelzebub that compares mc to being so disgusting he would rather eat Solomons food? Please make it really heart breaking. If you don’t I’m really sorry for wasting your time and I apologies sincerely
I'm about to sound like a raging bitch, but you know what? Fuck it. I'm too annoyed to play nice in internet land today. I would normally just delete this request and move on, but it just happened to be my last straw.
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Requests are closed. They've been closed for weeks. You even acknowledge that they are CLOSED. Yet, for some reason, you still feel the need to drop one in my inbox? As if you are above the rules or boundaries I set? Did you think that would make me more likely to take it? Because, spoiler alert, it does the exact opposite.
I even said this not that long ago to a different anon.
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I gave that anon the benefit of the doubt because I got their ask not long after posting they were closed, so it's possible (in retrospect) that they were marked open when they started sending the ask but I closed them before they sent it officially. I am more than happy to look at requests when they are open, but I don't give a shit about the ones sent when they are closed.
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I usually just delete requests that people send when they aren't open, but this one just pisses me off in a special way because you explicitly state that you know they are closed but you just really had to send yours for some reason. It's like a slap in the face.
"I know request are closed but I was wondering if I could ignore that fact and do what I want anyway regardless of the answer because my own desires are more important than your stated boundaries." That's how this reads to me.
You don't know why my requests are closed. Maybe I'm busy irl, maybe I'm going through something, maybe I just don't want to write or plan or edit an entire fic that gets distressingly little feedback for the amount of time I put into it, maybe I want to work on more personal fics than requests, or maybe it doesn't matter what the reason is because it's really easy for you to just not send anything when they are closed. In fact, it takes less time than it did for you to type this request.
While we're at it, fuck this too.
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It says a lot that some people can't be bothered to check what people's limits are and just toss things at them for some fucking reason. Do y'all think your above their boundaries and limits? Do you think if you ask nicely enough you can manipulate your way into convincing them to make you something?
I am not a content machine, no matter how much I seem to produce. I am a person with an actual life outside of writing whatever people send my way. I have rules for a reason. I have a request status for a reason. I do not care how "nice" or "polite" you think you sound when you send something someone explicitly does NOT want; the fact you sent it is already rude as fuck.
I don't care if I sound rude in this. I really do not. I care that I make it clear that I have boundaries and rules in my space/blog and if you can't follow them I don't want you. I don't want someone who thinks my limits are a suggestion rather than something to be respected, especially when you knowingly trample on them.
This was just my breaking point because some of y'all have been testing me and other writers/artists lately with your lack of respect for the people you claim to like. It's fucking gross. We are not machines creating shit for your amusement. We are human beings sharing something we like to do with you.
Get that through your head and respect the rules.
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vantekay · 6 years
thankful for you
its (almost) officially the new year! although I am writing this post in advance, its a new year and its time for some fresh starts.
I wanted to start this new year off by making a thank you post to my mutuals, anons, and followers; starting out with my mutuals. Also this will probably be pretty long and sappy so just a warning haha.
@peachyuns was the first mutual I made on this site, we met over the dora au that plagued Twitter and freaked out over it together, although we don't talk as much anymore she still helped me kick start this blog! she sent me some tumblrs who did the hex code layouts I told her I wanted to start and I will forever be grateful for that, never forget how talented and sweet you are, I love you tam 💕.
@couture-kookie was the second mutual I made on this site and helped me a lot when it came to understanding how to make a masterlist 😂 we would send each other memes and talk about how ugly twitter is and I always laughed when we would message. You are such an amazing writer and an amazing person! I love you court 💕.
@melonkooky was the next mutual I made and I am so grateful for her as well. She helped me with this blog a lot too, mostly just me spouting ideas out and her telling me I should go for it 😂 but it was the motivation I needed to get this blog to where it is now even if it isn't too big right now. You are so sweet and funny and just an amazing person, not to mention talented at writing. I love you mina 💕.
@bangtanmssg thank god I got the balls to message you about making your masterlist for you. I'm so glad we met, and I'm so excited to be an admin for you new blog! It makes me so happy to know that you have enlisted so much trust in me and I hope you know I trust you a lot too. you're such a sweet and caring person and I hope we can grow as friends. never ever lose the light that you possess, because believe me when I say you can make anybody's day better just by being you. I love you sol 💕.
@vantaeta we met through the new blog! I was very nervous when I first messaged you about the theme of the blog but you were so nice it melted all my worries away. We clicked pretty much instantly and I'm so grateful to be working with such a funny and kind person. You are super talented and I hope you have happy days forever. I love you rae 💕.
@triviamang , you are so so so sweet and caring its so endearing and makes me happy if that makes sense haha. you have such a pure soul and I'm so glad we became mutuals. You're so talented at writing and I'm so excited to see how your account continues to grow, hopefully our friendship can grow along with it :) I love you ness 💕.
@ethertae you are absolutely lovely and I love you. we don't talk much but thats okay! seeing your posts on my dash makes me so happy. You are an absolute sweetheart and I love being mutuals with you. You are incredibly talented and such an interesting person, I hope we can grow closer this year :) I love you kina 💕 .
@namiiy I am so glad we met, you are the brightest and most positive person I have ever met. You've made my bad days just those little bit brighter and made me hopeful for the next days to come. Thank you for always being so kinda and having such a beautiful soul. I love you nam (sorry idk what to call you ah) 💕.
@taes-strawberry we only just met but! you are so amazing and incredible and just all of it. I thought our first convo would be awkward but it was so easy to talk to you and that is so amazing to me. I love how alike we are and I really hope we continue to be crackheads together. I love you rahmah 💕
to all of you I just made little messages for, please never forget that you are loved and valued. and if you ever need someone to talk to I am here :)
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to my handful of anon friends:
I really do love you guys a lot, your asks never fail to make my day even if it’s something as simple as a hello. I always thought it was kind of silly when I saw other and bigger blogs posting simple asks and saying that it made their day until I actually started receiving them myself. even if you think whatever you have to say isn’t important believe me when I say it is. please never hesitate to send me an ask- anon or not- and tell me about your day, tell me something good that happened to you recently or even tell me something you just need to get off of your chest. I’m the kind of person who loves to help others, I always give advice and I always try to help to the best of my ability and knowledge so please always know that I am here for you, and if you don’t want everyone on the blog to know about what you’re going through you can always just message me privately! I promise it will always stay between us. my messages are always open for anybody and any situation :)
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to my followers:
thank you guys for being here for me and enjoying the content I put out on this blog. I’ve always somewhat felt bad about myself as a content creator (though I feel like I shouldn’t even call myself that cause I do the bare minimum compared to other really good art or writing blogs but thats just me) because I don’t put out things like fics or reactions but that’s simply because I don’t feel confident in my writing abilities and I would be afraid to make assumptions about the boys personalities and just all that stupid stuff but even still, I hope you guys can always find something you like on this blog. I’m a very indecisive person who changes their mind a lot and is always wanting to learn and explore new things so this blog will probably have a wide array of things on it within the next year or so, and I hope you guys will stick with me through all and any content changes I may decide on. I have never been confident in myself as a creator but through this blog I am starting to find worth in the things I put my time and energy into, and I will always be eternally grateful for that and the only way I can think of expressing my gratitude for this is by saying thank you.
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I haven’t been on tumblr long- if I remember correctly I made a blog in june maybe but didn’t start posting my own content until around august but I can’t remember- but in the short amount of time I have been, I have made incredible friends and laughed so so so much. I haven’t really talked about it openly on this site, but this year was probably one of the hardest, longest and most mentally draining I have ever had. Life was rough, I went through a lot of hardships and found out more about my mental health issues and how to start coping with them, I moved from my childhood neighborhood and started a whole new life at the peak of my highschool career and faced (and still facing) a lot of anxiety issues because of it but thanks to this blog and the amazing people I have met through it and the people I follow I have been able to end this year with a smile on my face, high hopes for the future, and dreams I feel I can actually accomplish. I said it before and I’ll say it again although I feel as if it doesn’t really express how thankful I am, thank you all for everything. My experience on this site has been nothing short of joyful and I hope it stays that way for a long time. I hope you guys, no matter if 2018 was a good or bad year for you, can also go into this new year with a little bit of hope and happiness for yourself and whatever you wish to achieve in the future. thank you for an amazing end to this year :)
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