#may the terroism end and there be peace in the land
unlovablereject · 11 months
There is a difference between supporting a terrorist organization and a country defending itself after a brutal act of war. Yes, things were tense, but hamas has clearly made it his purpose to take Israel and kill all Jews. If you keep supporting hamas at this point, you are antisemitic, no questionability.
CBC has decided to not keep what little journalistic integrity they still have and won't call the act of terrorism what it is without quotes now. It's "poltical" now to call a terrorist attack what it is. This TERROIST ATTACK, killed 2000 people after a major holiday, in the middle of the night men, women, children, babies, newborns... Citizens jumping out of their beds, turning back into soldier, dying to save their neighbours. Yet, a conflict that happened in India was called a "...horrible act of terroism..." without any quotes. Here's some proof of how little journalism is actual unbiased. Source. . Source TV fails us all. https://torontosun-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/cbcs-arguments-for-not-calling-hamas-a-terror-group-are-weak/wcm/afde9ee1-3ac6-4243-b104-9f949a9bf181/amp/?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16981252683198&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Ftorontosun.com%2Fopinion%2Fcolumnists%2Fcbcs-arguments-for-not-calling-hamas-a-terror-group-are-weak
Israel did NOT blow up the hospital in Gaza. It has been confirmed by BOTH SIDES. There was a ton of footage maintained from the general that shows Israeli soldiers trying to save what lives they could, as they also died in the explosion. It was again, hamas the TERROIST! TO HIS OWN PEOPLE WHAT A SUPRISE?!
Here is an article on that: https://www.wired.com/story/al-ahli-baptist-hospital-explosion-disinformation-osint/
Many times my people and Israel have been tried to be wiped out. We survived almost the entire Roman Empire, and were a thorn in Rome's side. After many failed attempts, Israel was taken by Titus who went out of his way to make all forces hit Israel. Then Titus gave it the name philistines (which means weak/weakness, while Israel means Lion).
Israel was an established country for 40 years before, without their consent, and to give up land the same people we gave asylm to in the 1920's, and now want to actively destroy you? Did deeper than the first fucking google article dumbasses, or past TV which has been an unreliable source more and more for decades.
There is no history of a palistine before it became a state in 1988. Before that they lived in Syria, Jordan and Egypt. You want some history, okay, just for proof here it if FROM THE UNITED NATIONS (UN):
Israel has belonged to Jewish people since Torah. A book that predates both religions that seem to side to destroy Jews. Both have an active agenda. To get rid of us and our land.
Israeli Soldiers are taught to try to preserve all life, but protect innocent no matter the side.
Hamas does not care about his citizens, they are starving, thirsty, and sick. If he thought about them why did he not make sure he would be able to have infrastructure to make sure his people could eat, drink, have power, medical supplies, fossil fuels? He didn't think about them, he never does, and never has. His goal is to destroy Israel and kill every single Jew.
We are people too, us Jews, Israelis. Why are we always evil for wanting to exist and wanting what should belong to us?
People tell me I "don't know the history of the area". I do. I know a lot more than 99% of people who asked. I could talk for hours about both sides history (most of it Israeli because it was our G-d given, ancestral birthright).
Do you not think we want and deserve a place to go that isn't dominated by the three top biggest religions in the world, ours not even being close to those. (Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism)
I know way more than this but I'm tired of your antisemitism USA especially. And shame on you for not seeing this clearly.
Britian, it's illegal to protest for hamas in the streets, as it should be everywhere.
It's funny it went from Islamaphobia from 2001 to Oct. 2023 to antisemitism and wanted genocide real quick. You do realize this is the ONLY PLACE FOR JEWISH PEOPLE! We want what is rightfully ours!
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With all that said I do not like war, I despise innocent people dying for just where they live. I want peace in the land, and everyone that lives there.
Am Yisrael Chai!
May Hashem bring peace to the land and ALL who dwell there. Strengthen the hands.of our Holy defenders and May the crown of victory be place upon them.
-(paraphrased) Avianu Shebashamim
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