#let peace happen
unlovablereject · 11 months
There is a difference between supporting a terrorist organization and a country defending itself after a brutal act of war. Yes, things were tense, but hamas has clearly made it his purpose to take Israel and kill all Jews. If you keep supporting hamas at this point, you are antisemitic, no questionability.
CBC has decided to not keep what little journalistic integrity they still have and won't call the act of terrorism what it is without quotes now. It's "poltical" now to call a terrorist attack what it is. This TERROIST ATTACK, killed 2000 people after a major holiday, in the middle of the night men, women, children, babies, newborns... Citizens jumping out of their beds, turning back into soldier, dying to save their neighbours. Yet, a conflict that happened in India was called a "...horrible act of terroism..." without any quotes. Here's some proof of how little journalism is actual unbiased. Source. . Source TV fails us all. https://torontosun-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/cbcs-arguments-for-not-calling-hamas-a-terror-group-are-weak/wcm/afde9ee1-3ac6-4243-b104-9f949a9bf181/amp/?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16981252683198&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Ftorontosun.com%2Fopinion%2Fcolumnists%2Fcbcs-arguments-for-not-calling-hamas-a-terror-group-are-weak
Israel did NOT blow up the hospital in Gaza. It has been confirmed by BOTH SIDES. There was a ton of footage maintained from the general that shows Israeli soldiers trying to save what lives they could, as they also died in the explosion. It was again, hamas the TERROIST! TO HIS OWN PEOPLE WHAT A SUPRISE?!
Here is an article on that: https://www.wired.com/story/al-ahli-baptist-hospital-explosion-disinformation-osint/
Many times my people and Israel have been tried to be wiped out. We survived almost the entire Roman Empire, and were a thorn in Rome's side. After many failed attempts, Israel was taken by Titus who went out of his way to make all forces hit Israel. Then Titus gave it the name philistines (which means weak/weakness, while Israel means Lion).
Israel was an established country for 40 years before, without their consent, and to give up land the same people we gave asylm to in the 1920's, and now want to actively destroy you? Did deeper than the first fucking google article dumbasses, or past TV which has been an unreliable source more and more for decades.
There is no history of a palistine before it became a state in 1988. Before that they lived in Syria, Jordan and Egypt. You want some history, okay, just for proof here it if FROM THE UNITED NATIONS (UN):
Israel has belonged to Jewish people since Torah. A book that predates both religions that seem to side to destroy Jews. Both have an active agenda. To get rid of us and our land.
Israeli Soldiers are taught to try to preserve all life, but protect innocent no matter the side.
Hamas does not care about his citizens, they are starving, thirsty, and sick. If he thought about them why did he not make sure he would be able to have infrastructure to make sure his people could eat, drink, have power, medical supplies, fossil fuels? He didn't think about them, he never does, and never has. His goal is to destroy Israel and kill every single Jew.
We are people too, us Jews, Israelis. Why are we always evil for wanting to exist and wanting what should belong to us?
People tell me I "don't know the history of the area". I do. I know a lot more than 99% of people who asked. I could talk for hours about both sides history (most of it Israeli because it was our G-d given, ancestral birthright).
Do you not think we want and deserve a place to go that isn't dominated by the three top biggest religions in the world, ours not even being close to those. (Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism)
I know way more than this but I'm tired of your antisemitism USA especially. And shame on you for not seeing this clearly.
Britian, it's illegal to protest for hamas in the streets, as it should be everywhere.
It's funny it went from Islamaphobia from 2001 to Oct. 2023 to antisemitism and wanted genocide real quick. You do realize this is the ONLY PLACE FOR JEWISH PEOPLE! We want what is rightfully ours!
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With all that said I do not like war, I despise innocent people dying for just where they live. I want peace in the land, and everyone that lives there.
Am Yisrael Chai!
May Hashem bring peace to the land and ALL who dwell there. Strengthen the hands.of our Holy defenders and May the crown of victory be place upon them.
-(paraphrased) Avianu Shebashamim
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bread-wizards · 1 month
I actually think Dorian and Orym should fight more.
Remember when their slowly building tension over and entire episode (full of passive aggressive remarks and blame throwing) led to threats? And how after, Orym thanked Dorian for handing over the crown sadly because he knew Dorian would be mad at him? And Dorian couldn't even look at him because he was legitimately hurt, thinking Orym was disappointed in him for doing what he thought was right? That was peak.
The fact they went from that to their current closeness and trust is the best part of their entire dynamic. Their relationship was hard fought and still will be. They will fight for it because they respect and care for one another deeply, and their disagreements don't change that, only improve it.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompts in Memes 7
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can "activists" please stop trying to fuck with the empty frames at the Gardner museum. this is the second time the museum has had to close early to keep that from happening
like. first of all, the art museum climate protests that have happened so far piss me off despite the fact that I agree with their overall goals, because the messages in interviews all boil down to "how DARE you VALUE ART when BAD THINGS ARE HAPPENING, ordinary museum-goer?!" but at least they've taken pains to not actually damage anything important (throwing soup on modern, sealed cases or glass barriers instead of the art itself, etc.)
the frames at the Gardner? are art in their own right. they are mostly very old and made by often-unacknowledged craftsmen who were incredibly talented. they're not the same as a modern barrier. AND they're there as a reminder of a time when some jerks stole art from the public so rich assholes could wall it up in private collections so only they got to enjoy it
like go puncture a CEO's tires or something that actually reaches the people responsible for this mess instead of ordinary humans (who probably already agree with you!) just trying to do the very Human Thing of appreciating art
EDIT: I double-checked, and last time their Thing was "why are people still talking about the Gardner heist, but NOBODY is talking about biodiversity loss?!?!?!"
which is just.
they are? just not usually in the same breath as an unsolved art theft case?
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tenebrous-academic · 4 months
Loving the UNO reverse done this episode 😌
We all thought Buck was going to leave his date with Tommy to go help Eddie, but instead he’s ending his very stressful day decompressing with his boyfriend and opening up about his emotions. With a side of daddy kink.
✨ He’s living his best life ✨
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dootznbootz · 6 months
The Telegony goes against what the Odyssey tells us not only because of Tiresias' Prophecy but also because Odysseus' family line only has one son each.
Zeus made our line a line of only sons. Arcesius had only one son, Laertes, and Laertes had only one son, Odysseus, and I am Odysseus’ only son. He fathered me, he left me behind at home, and from me he got no joy.
(Book 16, Fagles)
Telegonus can't even realistically BE Odysseus' son as he already has Telemachus. The Only son
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alliseaisfandom · 1 year
I'm not saying I've seen this film before.
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(and I fucking hated the ending)
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nessberry · 8 months
"yue qingyuan deserves to know the truth about sqq." well yes but also, it would completely destroy his life bc he literally would not rest until he found shen jiu again. He would actually he horrified to think he had left xiao jiu all by himself for several years AGAIN. Ended up in shen yuans world without his memories? He's finding him. With his memories? He's finding him. He's actually still in his actual body, but isn't the main consciousness? Qi ge is bringing him back out, I fear. He woke up in some rando book extras body? He's finding him. He ended up in a whole other mxtx book? YUE QINGYUAN WILL FIND HIM
Doesn't matter if it takes him a day or a month or a year or 800 years or 1600 years he'll find Shen Jiu again
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stuckinapril · 9 months
me stoically navigating my way through drama bc bigger things are ahead and it’s not my fault people are dumb
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autumnhobbit · 9 months
please pray for my grandad-in-law in the coming months, it’s suspected he has cancer in his lymph nodes and there’s a plan for surgery but he also has pretty severe heart failure so general anesthetic is risky.
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carlyraejepsans · 3 months
So weird that acknowledging a character is attractive must mean your sexualizing them
Like everybody can understand that hyperdeath asriel is described as hot amd move on but the moment you make an adult design for a frisk and make them attractive (and simply point it out) then you must be awful! Like your design isint even sexualized or nothing it's just an adult frisk it's not like ur drawing them half naked like some adult frisk designs.
Also love how all the post they used to call you out where incredibly removed from the context and they made it look like the other people's post where ones you made it's like they were manufacturing their own outrage.
oh, is that what they're doing now? that's nice.
you know what's funnier, i hate adult flowey with my soul and still i went to bat for them whenever people tried to pull the "it's creepy" card under my posts. i shut that shit down every single time, to the point i had people lash out at me. I'd heard that they'd been harassed and pedojacked over it and i genuinely felt bad for them, because that was horrible and they obviously didn't deserve that, no matter how much we disagreed.
like seriously do you have any idea how humiliating it is to hate something with full acknowledgement that it objectively does not matter and being like "but leave people who like it alone, i'm sure they're fine people" every time i expressed my dislike, because some people who agreed with me were incapable of being normal?
aaaand in the end they were the one who tried to paint me as the predator. honestly? I'm not surprised they misrepresented me so much. it was obvious from day one that they can't fucking read LMAOOOO
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bread-wizards · 5 months
I think a lot of the meta about Orym forgets that Orym isn't just an adventurer, he is a former bodyguard. His self worth is tied up in how well he can protect people and especially his loved ones. Thats why he sold his future to a hag, because its all he had left to give in order to be able to help.
Thats also why he seems so angry after FCG's death.
Otohan has killed his husband and father. Then him. Then he is brought back and told she also killed Fearne and Laudna. She killed Eshteross. She almost kills Keyleth. Now FCG has to sacrifice himself to save them all and kill Otohan and Orym was knocked out for it.
His job is to protect people and even with the added power from Nana Morri, it's still not enough. 6 years later and his loved ones are still dying and he can do nothing but watch.
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maxphilippa · 2 months
i think that. taco apologizing to micropick might happen. but i think that if they do forgive her, they'd still wouldn't want her on their lifes anymore.
she had many chances to fix things and it's good that she recognizes the damage she caused, and that she wants to atone for it. but they don't want her to be around them anymore. and that's a good thing. letting go is a good thing. and once taco lets go, she'll be able to start healing.
she'll be able to heal with mepad.
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jichanxo · 3 months
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blood inheritance
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teecupangel · 1 year
‘What if desmond time travels and has to deal with such and such, or turns into an animal, or gets hurt, or-’
What if Desmond time travels and learns how to bake bread!! Huh!!? What about that!! What if he opens a super successful bakery, and solves all the worlds problems with the best fresh baked bread every!!
(This is /j but like. 👏🏻 anons let Desmond have peace challenge👏🏻 (but also don’t cause I love reading all of them I’m just like ‘how did you even come up with this? Sometimes lmao))
Anyway, since we already have a Desmond is a baker in Renaissance Italy idea, here’s Desmond is a baker during the Third Crusades instead:
So in this setup, Desmond would say fuck it and just open a bakery in Acre.
Jerusalem was too much of a hotspot at the moment and Acre had ports which meant there would be new customers that Desmond could lure in with the smell of freshly baked bread. 
And it worked.
Maybe a bit too well because…
Kadar visited while he was out looking for information for his brother’s current target. 
They both stared at one another for a moment and then Desmond just did his usual ‘Welcome! Are you looking for anything specific or would you like to hear today’s recommendations?’ spiel while Kadar just stares at him.
When Kadar went “Altaïr?”, Desmond just gave him his best bartender ‘I’m being respectful but also distant so you’ll still tip me’ smile as he goes, “I’m sorry, we don’t have a bread called ‘Altaïr’.”
Then he showed Kadar the star-shaped pull apart sweet bread he’s just perfected and go “But maybe I can interest you in this pull apart start bread? It’s sweet and fluffy and freshly baked.”
And sweet poor Kadar leaves the bakery with a basket of breads instead because Desmond was good at using both Ezio’s charms and his bartending social skills to get customers to buy more than they should.
A man needed to profit to keep the roof over his head while trying to experiment for the upcoming debut of his sugar-free pastries.
The next day, Malik entered the bakery but Desmond was ready.
Desmond had planned for this!
“Welcome!” Desmond greeted, giving Malik his sweetest smile that he knew would completely unnerve Malik.
Desmond weaponized the similarity between him and Altaïr to unnerve Malik to the point that he cannot focus on observing Desmond, distracted by such a sweet smile that looked so disturbing in his eyes because he’s imagining Altaïr doing such an expression and it was horror beyond Malik’s wildest imagination. 
Desmond was exaggerating but that got Malik to not ask too many invasive questions and leave the bakery after purchasing two baskets worth of bread so Desmond was going to consider that a mission successful.
And then…
His greatest adversary entered his little quaint bakery.
And Desmond was ready for him.
“Welcome!” Desmond greeted happily, “Are you looking for anything specific or would you like to see today’s recommendations?”
Altaïr simply stared at him.
But that didn’t matter.
Desmond held all the cards.
Because he knew one of Altaïr’s greatest weakness…
Altaïr secretly loved sweets.
“Today’s a special day!” Desmond clapped his hands in practiced joy that wasn’t over the top, “Today’s the debut of our dessert line! Here.”
Desmond took out a tray of sweet deserts, glistening in either honey or fruit jams. 
“Would you like a taste?” Desmond asked with the sweetness of the snake that tempted Eve to take a bite.
And Altaïr…
Altaïr left the bakery with a basket filled with desserts and pastries, quietly sinking into the shadows before anyone could see him and ask for one of the forbidden sweets he had acquired.
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harriertail · 11 months
if frostpaw being spayed does circle back around to 'rusty if you become a wild cat you get to keep your balls' TPB moment then can frostpaw go be a kittypet or something
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