#may watkins
mtsodie · 1 year
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these guys
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j-liz · 10 months
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It's finally here folks! To commemorate this stupidly hot summer I post a comic about a bunch of stupid morons.
RIP everyone involved here.
The FULL COLOR VERSION is on my Ko-Fi store!!!
I put a lot of hours into this project and i'm so glad so many of you bought my comic! Thank you supporters, from the bottom of my heart!
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Harvey and Kevin attended the premiere of You Hurt My Feelings in NYC.
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sister-cna-reader · 5 months
Imagine older Bill has a protocol for the family for when Becky has her period. And has already made plans when their daughters reach woman hood too.
*cough* Anon you don't know the plot bunnies you've caused.
Muscle💪 and Beauty💅 Family my beloved💕
A resident of Berlint had to remember: An Imperial Scholar had to be well rounded, and not just a one trick pony. 
At first glance, Imperial Scholar Watkins was merely an athlete, all of his accolades sports based and not a light bulb between those bespectaled eyes. 
But the students knew better. Bill Watkins was both brawn and brains. One of the most mathematically inclined of their grade band, his Stellas divided between athletics and his top placements in math. 
Becky Blackbell knew Bill even better than that. She knew he was a straightforward type of guy, earnest, honest, respectful (it took a few years to get on a first name basis from him) and above all: A massive nerd. 
Everyone had their own niche, special interest, passion -whatever you wanted to call it. 
Anya’s was Classical Language and decoding.
Becky’s was television and movie production. 
And Bill’s was pattern recognition. His grand project for Eden was disproving the connection between discipline spikes and the Full Moon.  He was 3 years deep into it, and still had a year to go, his methodical data collecting now reduced to a mere 20 minutes twice a week. 
He was getting bored with it and Bill craved the intellectual stimulation. 
Then they had biology class on the reproductive system. 
Eden was disciplined and detached the way they presented the lectures, dry as field rations and so detailed that they were more stressed about the tests surrounding it over the impact on their social lives. 
It was complicated. 
And Bill loved every moment of it. The way hormones peaked and waned, cyclical in nature by design or by fluke. It spoke to his number bent mind. He absorbed the information like a sponge and was more then happy to volunteer his time to tutor on the subject.  
The girls in his hall were just grateful this translated into their everyday life by his readiness with discreet period supplies in his sports duffel at their disposal if they were ever in need. Pads, tampons, and even some individual chocolates were in their hands with a mere code phrase. 
Becky had mostly forgotten about this, a mere quirk of their school days she had dismissed as a passing fancy. And as they were in two different halls, she never quite understood the impact Bill had on Wald Hall’s female expectations for their future partners. 
But then she found the calender in his office when they were dating. 
It was a notebook agenda flipped open to the previous month, the moon stages denoted in symbols and a rainbow of other symbols in red, green, blue, and purple scattered throughout the boxes. 
She found a Saturday, one they had gone out to a date on.  The moon was crescent,  accompanying it was a red heart, a smiley face with a dash on either side, and a blue X. 
Becky recalled the night, she’d been in a good mood, talking his ear off about the production she was on and they’d had a wildly passionate night in a nearby hotel. 
The next Saturday the moon was nearly full, and they had another date, but he’d cut the night short- citing a stomach ache. The Red Heart had an X through it and a blue O. 
She looked at the date of their most recent outing, and the Heart was without an X again but the Blue mark was now a question mark.  
What in the world was he tracking?
“I’m ready if you are.” Bill’s voice said from the doorway, startling Becky something fierce as once again his silent steps and uncanny stealthiness caught her red handed. 
His eyes flickered to the notebook calender and his cheeks turned a bright red. 
“What is this?” She asked lightly, a giggle coming from her throat. 
“You weren’t supposed to see it.” was his only answer. 
“... Were you tracking our dates?” she rallied, keeping her tone gentle- if not humorous. 
The broad statured man shuffled on his feet, twisting his fingers together in embarrassment.  “Among other things…” he mumbled. 
“Like what?” 
At that he covered his face with both hands and she knew exactly what he was keeping track of. 
“Did you bail on that date because you thought I was on my period?” she stabbed, if only to get him to confirm. “Because I wasn’t you kn-”
He let out a strangled groan and shook his head. “Opposite actually. I think.” 
This made Becky’s face flare into a blush. “Bill!” 
“I didn’t mean to!” He almost wailed, mortified and rattling his defense, “It was just an idle thing when I was bored but then I got interested in it! I didn’t mean any harm by it! Promise!” 
He took a deep breath, and she could only look on in fondness as his words flowed on. 
“I just wanted to be sure you were comfortable, and we hadn’t talked about birth control. I didn’t have any protection on me that night and I didn’t want you to be disappointed- so I bailed. Then I thought it’d be a great idea to keep tracking it just in case so I’d be prepared and you must think I’m the worst…” 
Oh my giant nerd.  She wrapped her arms around his waist and let her head drop against his chest.  “You’re not going to sell my health information to creeps are you?” 
She could feel the indignation in the way his ribs expanded with a gasp. He clutched her close, his large hands hot against her back. “I’d never do that to you.” he growled. 
“Are you tracking anyone else’s?” 
“How long have you been doing this?” She couldn’t help but ask. 
He hugged her tighter, “Only two months.” 
Bill kissed the top of her head and softened a little. “You get so tired during your periods, and I just wanted to be helpful and not push you or do something stupid.” 
“So you’re tracking my period.” 
She couldn’t stay mad at him for very long- at least for something so odd. “I don’t even bother to track my period so closely.” 
“It’s not like I have reliable data from two months anyway,” he mumbled, embarrassment still evident in his tone. “I can toss it.” 
“Alright Smarty Pants, I’ll let you know when it starts getting creepy.” Becky pulled herself up and gave him a kiss on the lips.  “So are we good for this date now?” 
The next lady who became a beneficiary from Bill’s ultra prepared personality was not Anya - for she had long been a recipient of supplies and food since childhood, nor was it his daughters- they were still too young.
It was his oldest son’s study partner, Victoria. 
No one could blame her for asking which drawer in the spacious bathroom had the feminine supplies. It was bound to happen eventually for a young lady to need the stash. Upholstery could be washed and the uniform was black, so really it was just a mortifying experience- not world ending. 
Wanting to be sure he wouldn’t motify her any more, Robert seeked out help while she was in the power room.
But Lily was adamant that her older brother should’ve been more of a gentleman and initiate Protocol Luna. 
The Protocol that had been in rotation since before any of them were born. 
“Lily, can you help Victoria find something to wear?” Robert wheedled to his baby sister. 
Lily, in true little sister fashion crossed her arms and gave her best harumph. “She’s your girlfriend. You ask Mom for clothes she can borrow.” 
“She’s not my girlfriend!” he hissed. “We’re just studying for finals! She won’t look me in the eye ever again if I bring it up!” 
“If you don’t do it, I’ll tell Dad it’s a Code Luna.” 
“You wouldn’t” 
“I would.” 
They stared each other- daring, neither wanting to back down. The Boys learned to  never pull in their parents to their disagreements, having learned long ago that tattling would earn them burpees and enough laps to make them want to collapse. 
The girls had recognized this behavior and turned it into the most nuclear option.
One- two- three heartbeats and Lily was out the door careening down the hall from her brother’s bedroom. Her speed overcame any difference between their heights as the little girl tore down to the study where their Father sat reading the paper. 
With a mighty jump, she landed into his strong arms, crumpling the sport’s section in her haste.
“Daddy! Robert’s girlfriend has a Code Luna!” she panted. 
Bill blinked and readjusted his glasses. “And why am I being told this?” 
“You little gremlin-!” Robert panted, finally arriving- winded from his sprint. “She’s not- my - girlfriend!” 
“A very serious accusation.” Bill nodded, eyeing his son with a smile. “Should I go help her myself?” 
The thought of his giant, honest to a fault father talking to his tiny, timid classmate about bodily functions was the stuff of social nightmares. Victoria might actually short circuit from embarrassment. 
(And never talk to him again) 
“DAD!” Robert moaned in frustration. “That’s worse!” 
Thunder cracked overhead, rattling the windows. The rain that had been pouring all day intensified. 
Wrapping an arm around his daughter, the father of the house stood. 
“If she isn’t taken care of by the time I get cookies in the oven, I’ll make you twice as embarassed. And I’ll tell your mother you’ve started dating without telling her.” 
Lily smirked, curling up like a cat in her father’s arms. Got you. 
“You’re all the worst!” the teen hissed with no real heat behind it. 
A scant half hour later, Bill arrived with a plate of cookies. They were still warm from the oven, laden with dark chocolate chips and chewy oatmeal. 
Robert could see the light behind Victoria’s eyes brighten as she marveled at the size of the treats. He grabbed one out of courtesy and pushed the plate towards her side of the coffee table. 
“Have as many as you want.”
“Of course, she’ll have to stay the night!” Becky said later at the dinner table, feeding her youngest bites. “The rain is just awful, isn’t it dear?” 
Bill nodded. “She’ll take the guest room with the adjoining bathroom of course.” 
“Oh I’ve already imposed enough,” the meek guest said, looking tiny in both personality and stature amidst the Waktin’s brood.  Her borrowed outfit from Becky looked good, but she held herself stiffly, afraid to stain the garments like she had her uniform. 
Robert did his very best not to hang his head in mortification. “Don’t worry Vicky, there’s enough space for all of us plus the Desmonds.”  
Victoria still sported a faint blush that had been present ever since she had arrived. 
“So are you a tea or coffee person? Waffles or Pancakes? Do you have a milk intolerance?” Mrs. Watkins already had a writing pad out, jotting down everything she could think of for an overnight guest. “Of course, I’ll let you have the pick of some pajamas for tonight…” 
“I’m so so so sorry for being such a hassle.” 
Victoria had found him in the hall, blessedly empty of other family members. Robert hesitantly put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. It startled a “meep” out of her and he snatched it back. 
He attempted to reassure her in another way. “If you were a hassle, Dad wouldn’t have offered for you to stay over. And, like- he’s such a stupidly prepared person! I don’t think anything you do will shock him.” 
She fidgeted with her fingers and her lip quivered ever so slightly. “So they won’t mind if I come back?” 
Sometimes he forgot that Victoria was a dorm kid and didn’t have much contact with her guardians. “I promise they won’t mind. They’ll welcome you back any time I’m sure.” 
Just down the hall,  around the corner, and out of sight of the teens, Becky stifled her squeal behind one hand and slapped Bill’s chest in excitement with the other. 
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tyforthevnm · 1 year
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thesadpunk_: I don’t wanna kill time like it doesn’t matter
@lsdunes shot for @adjacentfest
[June 5, 2023]
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marleybee · 2 years
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Camille Hyde 💖
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
JESSIE RAYMOND JR. — summer prompts 🍋
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A/N: I say this every time, the fandom for all american and definitely HC is basically a ghost town up here and I really don’t get it. I’m here to provide a little something and then dip out again. I also guess it’s time for me to get into summer prompts although it’s still spring y’all lol. Anyways my goal is to try and make these short (didn’t happen!) before summer actually starts and I’m outside ;) so the small group of you that are out there on this site? Hope you like!
PROMPTS: 1.) “I know it’s hot but Jesus, put some clothes on!” + 2.) going fishing but only catching branches and seaweed From these two lists here.
WARNINGS: mostly fluff + “you” reader are given a name + you don’t mesh with Keisha welll in this one + friends having fun with each other basically but not without getting on each other’s nerves a little bit ofc.
SN: I’m just assuming ages here: JR = 20, Damon = 18/19?, you/reader = 19, Simone = 18/19, Keisha = 19, Nate = 20, Thea = 19/20?, Cam = 19 + I feel like Quvenzhané Wallis and Nate are siblings in my head so I casted her as “Morgan” in this.
To start off the summer season, Thea invited all of you out to her grandmother’s lake house for a week. Initially the tennis player suggested coming out the week after finals back in May but that plan fell through since most of you got caught up in your own tasks.
Simone was supposed to head out to California, wanting to spend time with baby Shay and her parents but something…or someone delayed her trip so she ended up staying with Auntie Amara for a little longer and booked to go back in July. Both Damon and JR were supposed to work down at this youth center for the summer, starting their training on different weeks but the week Damon was supposed to start, was when part of the building collapsed and ultimately pushed the mayor to finally give in and do the repairs.
Thankfully no person or child was hurt but they’ve been fighting for the longest to get some updates on that 1970’s building and the mayor always fibbed saying, “it just isn’t in the budget.” Yet there was no issue constantly throwing money around to throw these events for townsfolk that didn’t deserve it.
Full tea and shade!
JR wanted to help out with the repairs—or at least the cleanup portion but ultimately the head of the center placed him and Damon at another center to volunteer instead. Sure that worked out in JR’s favor since he wasn’t really in it for the money (sure the pay was decent, to have something in your pocket was always a plus, don’t get that twisted!) but he ended up feeling ill for a couple of days resulting in him stepping away from a great opportunity. Damon on the other hand? Stuck around for a little while longer, getting to know the kids and workers along with what this center entailed. Although he wouldn’t be catching the bag any time soon, he figured he still had time to see what he can do with his summer.
Keisha and Cam were spending their first half of the summer together, with him alternating between three houses. Yes, three! Thankfully he had his girlfriend but it’s not like he wanted to be all up on her with her dad back in town—and in the house especially. After their rocky ride this past semester, Cam wanted to see what this summer would bring for them both so he stuck around. Which you didn’t necessarily vibe with but you kept your mouth shut (for now) for the sake of your cousin. You were a Georgia native so it was no question that if Cam wanted to stay in the city more, there was always a open room in your household. And of course over this last semester, Cam and JR got closer—despite the fact that he was dating his cousin! They were will still cool at the end of the day.
As for Nate? Last you heard she was spending lots of time with their baby sister who was just as much as a mess of their older sibling—if not more, according to their social media.
Now here all nine of you are, inside of one of Thea’s grandmother’s vacation homes hoping for a good time. It was only your second day out here in this pale two-story Victorian home, that you personally wouldn’t have guessed would be any of the Mays’ taste but it’s not like you were complaining at all. If there was ever a chance to get away after that hellish semester, you were taking it this summer!
You leaned in the doorway of the upstairs main bedroom, arms lightly folded while pressing one sock covered foot over the other as you chatted away with Thea and Nate.
“Since I really didn’t expect eight of you to show up, it’s my duty as thee host to see what you all like for breakfast.” Thea bounced on her toes, long hair pulled up and away from her heart-shaped face with a claw clip.
Nate sent you a playful side eye before replying, “I honestly expected another post mates order or chef to be doing the honors, Thea. I can’t say I’m not a little gagged to be hearing this this morning.”
Thea fanned her hand at her friend, “please, if you all thought I was going to be in the kitchen when the majority of you showed up late last night, except for you, Willa, you’re all crazier than I thought.”
“Pleased to be of service.” You courtesy, pulling at the ends of JR’s shirt that you sported, which earned a light shove from Nate who rolled their eyes.
Thea clasped her hands with a soft smile, “yeah that’ll be the chef’s job tonight to cater to all your growling bellies so you better enjoy the work I’m putting in for breakfast.”
“Oh, Yes, ma’am.” Nate snapped their fingers before tapping on their chin, “I’m feeling like a egg’s Benedict, preferably with turkey bacon, I don’t mess with pork baby. Or maybe a frittata. What about you, Willa? What are you feeling like this morning?”
You were just rubbing at your eyes, still tired, since you were one of the ones out of the group that didn’t enjoy early mornings, “uh…a iced mocha latte with light ice and almond milk?”
“Almond milk?” Nate scrunched up their nose along with Thea who let out a deep sigh in disappointment, “we do oat milk over here.”
“Yeah well my gut doesn’t care for it so…” you lifted your shoulders with a shrug while the two gasped—like it was the most horrible news they heard this morning.
A form of hands wrapped around your waist, catching you off guard at first before you felt the scratch of his facial hair against your skin as he pecked a kiss to your cheek. Instantly you melted into JR’s frame as he spoke up, eyeing the two you were socializing with out in the hallway.
“My baby don’t need the oats, she’s already thick as it is.”
Nate tilted her head to the side eyeing the brown skinned boy that was all cuddled up this morning, “well, good morning to you too, JR.”
“We love to see the love in the air.” Thea commented making JR smile with a wink, hugging you tighter to his body.
“So what would like for breakfast? and please save us the urge to vomit by saying Willa’s name. Considering…” Nate motioned at JR with their fingers.
A frown suddenly appeared on your face at Nate’s words, making you lean to the side, peeking downwards at JR, making you deeply inhale.
“I know it’s hot but Jesus, put some clothes on!” You whispered yelled at JR who held no shame in his game, simply dressed in some black boxer briefs.
Thea held her hand out, blocking her view of the twenty year old, as JR shifted from behind you and began to flex.
“I mean there weren’t any complaints last night.”
You slapped a hand to your forehead, lightly flinching as you did so.
Nate laughed.
“Please tell me you two didn’t do the deed in my grandmother’s bed?!” Thea hissed at the two.
She was started to regret ever giving you two the main bedroom in the house. There were only three bedrooms and it was a tight squeeze with all nine of you (you and JR in the main bedroom, Keisha, Cam, and Simone in the second bedroom which consisted two twin beds, Damon in the office which actually had a daybed stuffed in one of the corners, and downstairs: Thea slept in one of the large living chairs, while Nate and Morgan slept on the pull-out couch) but Thea was determined to make it work.
JR immediately shook his head, “aye, no. We’re not that disrespectful.”
“Yeah, what kind of couple do you think we are? Keisha and Cam?” You snarked, making Thea cover her giggle with her four fingertips.
Nate let out a low whistle at that, patting at their scalp, knowing exactly how you felt towards the relationship but Keisha was also their old high school best friend. It was too early to get into it right now but if another comment flew…
Thea hummed, “well whatever, this is me telling you two not to get into any funny business. This is not a hotel. I’m gonna go tend to a simple breakfast downstairs, hopefully a hour or a hour in a half should be enough time for you to gather yourselves.”
And with that, Thea spun on her heels, fluffy slippers slapping down the wooden hallway as she made her exit.
“Let’s not act like granny Mays doesn’t have a cleanup crew on standby the second we clear out this place.” Nate muttered to the two, making them snicker.
Thea called from the first floor, “Nate! Come, we have to discuss SummerhouseMV.”
“Oo, that’s my cue! See y’all in a bit!” Nate bid their farewells.
Turning back to Jr, who held a faint dimpled grin on his face, you stepped into the room, squeezing his jaw as you gave him a warning glance, “I thought I told you that this,” you trailed your hand down his torso, enjoying that he shuddered at your mere touch, “is for my eyes only.”
JR smirked as you locked your arms around his neck, “my fault but…you did steal my shirt.”
You hummed, trailing your nose against his, then flicking your eyes to meet his, “why don’t you take it back then, Hm?”
JR licked his bottom lip, one hand pulling you flesh against his hips while the other pushed the door shut behind you, “don’t mind if I do, baby.”
Awhile later everyone eventually made their way downstairs to the main floor, ready to dive into the quick breakfast Thea prepared for you all. The breakfast was full of laughter and chatter until it was time to clean up then get dressed. On the agenda today was just to go across the street and spend the day at the lake, after all it was their first or second day out here—depending on who you ask (some were planning to leave that Saturday or Sunday) but regardless there was nothing wrong with starting off with relaxation.
“If y’all don’t get your asses off the damn boat,” Cam complained, using the back of his hand to wipe the sheen from his forehead after making his way back to the front of the house.
He found no other than you and Thea posing in one boat while Nate’s little sister, sixteen year old, Morgan was snapping away the pics with Thea’s phone.
Morgan eyed Cam up and down, scoffed while giving him the talk to the hand motion, gave Thea back her phone, before taking her leave to head back inside of the house and away from whatever Cam was on.
“Relax Cam,” you fanned the back of your neck, although you managed to get your butterfly locs up and out the way, “let us thrive.”
“I’m the host, I can do what I want. If I want to pose in this crappy boat my granddaddy had shoved away in the basement, I can. If I want y’all to carry me, you will.” Thea flicked out her bamboo folding fan, proceeding to stretch out.
Shaking your head at Thea, you slipped your shades back down over your eyes, fingertips on the edges of the boat, ready to climb out before cousin cam’s blood pressure began to raise.
“Oh yeah? How about I turn this boat into a bowling ball and toss y’all asses into the street, then you’ll really be playing in traffic.” Cam jabbed his thumb behind himself, earning a laugh from a approaching Keisha who walked over, enjoying Cam going off on both Thea and yourself.
Tilting your head to the side you responded, “Be forreal, Cam. You’re not about to throw nobody anywhere, especially me. Its never that serious and It’s too hot to be going back and forth with you and your dragon ass breath.”
Cam huffed, almost stalking forward and making Thea sit up in worry while Damon intervened. “C’mon bro, they’re clearly just messing around. Chill, we’re all family here.”
“It’s too hot for that,” Cam shoved Damon’s hand away from his chest, “and I’m not feeling like playin’ around, when we have to do all the work in this hot ass air.”
Take a shot every time someone says “hot,” today.
“You’re welcome to stay here if you’re going to keep up with this attitude.” Thea carefully climbed out of the boat.
“With you freezing us like it’s the damn North Pole? I rather stay out here in devil’s island.”
“Whoa…don’t tell us you’re some sort of satanist?” Damon questioned, taking a step back while also making Cam’s eye twitch.
“I’m not finna do this with y’all.” Cam pointed, “Let me know when you’re ready because I thought we were supposed to be across the road forty minutes ago.”
He stalked off to sit on the front steps of the house by the bags, snacks, and other accessories everyone was planning to bring to the lake.
Thea glanced down at her manicure, still fanning herself with her other hand, “What’s up his butt?”
You immediately glanced at Keisha who glared at you and now Damon who stared at her.
“What’re you guys looking at me for?”
“I mean you would know…he was fine yesterday.” You answered with a shrug of your shoulders.
Keisha turned her eyes into slits, “Some people just get aggravated in the heat…and cam woke up with a crick in his neck. That’s all I know, so maybe don’t continue spreading your hater energy around.”
“Hater?” You raised your brows before looking around confused, “what’s that?”
“I’m looking right at her.” Keisha scowled, placing her hand on her hip.
Rolling your eyes you ignored her by saying, “anyways…”
Thea shook her head at you two while Damon sent her a grimace before she raised her arms up in the air as everyone else began to pile out of the house, “finally! I’m all for being fashionably late people but come on! I’m a little bit with cranky cam on this one…the sun is only getting hotter and I need a serious dip in the water! Let’s go!”
“Girl it’s only 1pm. We have the entire day ahead of us.” Simone responds, stomping down the stairs.
You were expecting the two to go back and forth but it seemed like Thea and Simone were on good terms for this trip so far. It was a love and hate thing with those two so you weren’t sure how long the love would last.
A brief breeze went by along with the humid atmosphere, making you take a small but thick swallow as it tickled your nose a bit. Exhaling you reached into your Jean shorts pocket, pulling out a tissue before you walked off to cater to your sinuses.
“Babe! You good?” JR called out to you from behind.
The post nasal drip was not as bad today but certainly still lingering around. After clearing your nose out you spun back around, your eyes meeting JR’s who stood some distance from you; now holding onto one end of the boat while Damon held onto the other.
Giving a thumbs up you nodded, “yeah, I’m fine. You?”
JR was in the bathroom for a minute this morning, playing it off as a bad decision to eat cookout so late due to his and Damon’s arrival last night. Something inside of you felt like that wasn’t a hundred since JR’s been sick a couple of weeks back way before he started at the center, so of course you wanted to make sure he was okay and not just a case of the bubble guts.
Just like he wanted to make sure the same with you. You had surgery to remove some nasal polyps almost two weeks ago and was stuck with some prescribed nasal sprays.
“Ain’t no thing.” JR shrugged his shoulders with a gleaming grin, appearing so handsome.
“Alright then,” you clasped your hands together turning your attention to the girls that gathered their own bags from the steps, “let’s roll!”
“Hey!” Thea cut in, jumping down onto the front lawn after locking the house, “that’s my line.”
Raising your hands as you walked by the glaring bronzed skin girl, you gave wide eyes to Simone who sucked her teeth at Thea’s antics.
Soon everyone began lugging their items down the stone steps towards the sidewalk, leaving You behind as you began digging your bag in search of hand sanitizer and your medicine. Bringing the spray into your left nostril, you sprayed more of it on that side since that side gave you more trouble due to the size of the growth that was inside.
“C’mon Lisa Zemo.” Cam called out to you, still standing on the lawn where he stood with Nate, carrying the second boat towards the other set of stairs.
Tossing the medicine back into the bag, you hauled it onto your shoulder and spun back around, giving a middle finger to the dark skinned boy, “I’ll let that one slide. Look at you Cam, getting your lick back. I’m proud.”
“I’m the best clap back king at this crib, please act like you know.” Cam tossed in over his shoulder.
Nate sent you a look, peering up from their phone as you stood beside them. Silently they handed their phone over for you to hold in your much bigger purse for them. Passing through the empty parking spot by the curb, you halted watching the street before you crossed the first section. The other street that had cars going west ended up being more hectic to cross, leaving the three standing there for a good two minutes before they all made it across to the greenery that awaited them.
“Uh uh, what are y’all about to do with that?” Keisha asked the boys who gathered up their equipment.
Damon grinned, “We’re going fishing so we can make dinner tomorrow. You’re welcome.”
Keisha pointed as she lounged on her elbows on a towel, “in this lake?”
“We can just go out to this upscale seafood place instead. That was supposed to be Wednesday’s plan for brunch but things can be rearranged.” Thea told the boys as she finished spraying her sunscreen.
“Y’all can just sit back and let us work. Don’t worry about it, we got it.” Damon reassured.
Simone scoffed, pushing up from her squatting position, “oh no. You don’t get to tell us what we as women should do, what if we want to fish?”
“Oh nah, I didn’t mean it like that—
Damon started.
“Um, I don’t really want to do that so I’m completely fine swimming and tanning so no thanks. Have at it, k? Bye.” Thea kept her cover-up on as she walked to the waterline.
Keisha laughed but stopped short as Simone turned her glare towards her. “Yeah I’m kinda with thea on this one. It’s not for me.”
Simone asked, “Have you ever tried?”
“No and I don’t plan to.” Keisha tossed herself back onto the towel.
Simone turned her attention to Nate’s little sister, seeing her laying on her side turned away from the group, “hey, Morgan.”
“Girl no.” Morgan stated, “I’m napping.”
“I can see you scrolling Twitter!”
“That’s that heat getting to your eyesight. What do they call it? A mirage? Yeah that’s probably what you’re experiencing, I’ll pray for you.” Morgan spoke with a yawn.
Which earned a look of disbelief on Simone’s face while everyone else laughed at the teen’s words.
Soon you, Nate, and Cam made your way to the group’s set up. The two places the boat next to the one Damon and JR carried just as Simone smiled at you.
“Willa! We’re going fishing!” Simone looped her arm with yours, just as you placed your things by Thea’s towel.
You debated, “sitting in the scorching Georgia sun hunting fish or go swimming? Hm I don’t know.”
Making a scale with your hands you dropped them, raising the swimming above your head while JR smirked at you.
“I heard from Willa’s grandpappy that she used to catch all the fish with him back in the day.” The man started before saying, “Makes sense since she’s quite the catch herself.”
Cam gagged, “and you my brother, are quite corny.”
Which earned snickers from the rest.
“Leave my man alone.” You swatted at Cam who walked by to place his own towel between Keisha and a “sleeping” Morgan.
Simone poked you, “Sooo what do you say?”
“I say we should leave Ariel’s family where they belong.” You poked the doe-eyed beauty back.
Keisha commented, “I mean can you even go swimming? Considering the whole nostril issues you’re having? Fishing might be your best bet.”
Simone secretly thought about this but also knew how it came across.
“I don’t need your fake concern, thanks.” You snapped at Keisha who remained stretched out and in peace.
“Hey, I’m just saying! We don’t need any special ER trips on this vacation, it’s supposed to be fun. It’s summer after all and we don’t need anybody ruining it.”
“Then why don’t you shut the hell up?”
Oh yeah, that Watkins energy was flaming right about now.
“Aye, c’mon now. That’s not what we’re here for.” JR tried to ease the tension while Simone sighed at you two.
She wished the both of you could just be cordial—like her and Layla!
“Fine,” you forced a smile on your lips, “anything to get away from this funkiness.”
Simone shushed you on your way by as you stood on the side of the boat, watching the two brother’s as damon tended to one of the rods and JR checked on the live bait.
“Hand me a hook, Simone.” You directed the girl who stood on the opposite side of the boat.
Damon quickly spoke up as he noticed JR eyeing him, “Uh, I’ll take care of that since I already started on this one and not because y’all aren’t capable.”
Simone humphed as she crossed her arms at the bucket hat wearing eighteen year old.
“Cam, Nate? What y’all doing?” JR looked over at the two.
Nate turned on their mini portable fan from beside Morgan as they looked out at the lake. “That fishing mess is not for me. I’ll be right here tending to my bundles and maybe I’ll take a dip in the lake later, to see which white boy is flirting with miss. thea.”
“Bundles?” Cam asked not caring one bit who thea chose to flirt with, “I know you did not bring your hair out here.”
“And what about it, Cameron?” Nate turned to the braided boy, shaking the hair out as if they were fanning themselves with it.
Cameron blew air out his lips, “imma mind my business. I’ll be in the water, y’all.” He pressed a kiss to Keisha’s temple before he hopped up, chucked up the deuces and jogged away to the water.
“Guess that’s our answer, let’s go ladies.” Damon lifted the boat along with JR, who led the way.
Simone was on competing mode, which Damon found humorous on their side of the boat—while also riling her up just a tad. As the four of you got comfortable on the boat, which happened to be a great distance from where all the water sports activities were occurring up ahead, you found yourself seated right beside your boyfriend, thighs touching as JR was on DJ duty.
His portable Bluetooth sat in the middle of the boat while he tended to his phone that was on shuffle, currently playing some old Drake.
On the edges of the boat sat the rods, floating on waiting for something to catch the bait. The sun was beaming down, darkening each of their pretty hues but the water and being by each other was all the company they needed.
“Hey,” you whispered to JR who was quick to meet your eyes.
Your eyes told him you were okay but a nudge of your head, silently made him aware what you were going to do.
Pulling your left eye graphic t-shirt over your head, you yanked the hot pink dolphin shorts off and jumped over the side of the boat.
“The hell?! Did she just fall?!” Simone quickly looked over her shoulder, breaking out of her banter with Damon, now on full alert for her friend.
JR glanced over to see you re-emerge, brushing the water from your face as a blissful smile split onto your face.
JR responded as he pulled his own shirt off, leaving himself in his initial necklace and trunks, “Nope. Just livin’ life.”
Before he jumped into the water as well.
He latched onto you as you swam along, all smiles as the music played on, staring into each others eyes and happy to be in the arms of the one you love.
Another splash sounded from behind you, revealing Simone who floated on her back with a smile of her own, “I was wrong. The water is the much better choice. My bad guys.”
“You’re forgiven.” You teased the girl.
JR called out to Damon as you wrapped your legs around his waist, “C’mon bro, you’re the only one left, get in here!”
“What about the fish?”
“Man, forget all that!”
Damon sighed as he tossed his hat to the side along with his shirt, “y’all owe us dinner tomorrow.”
“Damon! Damon! Damon!” The three of you splashed, waiting for the boy to take a dive.
Once he hit the water, he snuck up behind the three, full of laughter as he caught them off guard.
Being in the water for what felt like hours with your boyfriend and good company provided just the freeing fresh start of summer that you needed.
“Hey, we lost sight of you guys.” Keisha greeted you guys, hair slightly damp as she tossed grapes into her mouth.
Thea smiled at the four who made their way over, “must have caught a lot to be out there for so long.”
“Let’s see it!”
“Oh, y’all aren’t ready.” Simone sassed, a glint in her eye as she looked back at you who let out a small laugh.
Damon lifted up one bucket while Jr held the other, “Might be our biggest catch yet.”
“Stop with the suspense and show us!” Nate yelled, now standing.
“Alright, y’all asked for it.” JR shrugged with a smile as he followed Damon to stand in front of the group.
The two brother’s both dipped their heads before they lifted their buckets and tipped it over, emptying its contents.
“What the hell is this?” Cam sucked his teeth.
Morgan peeked up from her phone, “I know they lying.”
In front of them sat pounds of seaweed mixed with some branches.
“You guys were out there all this time and didn’t catch a damn thing? What a waste of time.” Keisha clicked her tongue, “I’m glad I didn’t go.”
Although the rest of the group didn’t exactly get it, stamping it as nothing but to past the time, Simone, Damon, you, and Jr understood what that bonding moment meant as you all shared a brief group hug.
Thea did the honors of snapping a picture with her Polaroid just before you all let go.
Lounging beside Jr, you felt the air starting to calm down but that didn’t stop you from putting some more drops up your nose. As you lay your head on JR’s shoulder, the both of you stared up into the periwinkle sky with specs of pink cotton candy forming in the middle.
His warm hand slipped up to intertwine with yours as he croaked out, “did you have a good day?”
“It’s always a good day with you,” you stared down at your conjoined hands, “wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I love you, baby.”
You smiled, angling yourself to place a kiss along JR’s jaw, “I love you too, Jessie.”
And his smile matched yours, sparking hope that there’ll be more summers like these.
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Continue along with my summer anthology prompts here.
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lsdunesarchive · 1 year
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L.S. Dunes at Adjacent Fest on May 28, 2023 | 📸: Skylar Watkins
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taiturner · 1 year
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All American: Homecoming ◆ 2x15 “Diary” 
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krispyweiss · 1 year
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Jackson Browne at Palace Theatre, Columbus, Ohio, June 3, 2023
With a fat songbook so packed with quality deep cuts and hits that he can’t possibly play all - or even most - of them, Jackson Browne walked on stage unannounced and by his lonesome June 3 in Columbus and kicked off his U.S. tour with …
… a solo-electric cover of Warren Zevon’s “Don’t Let Us Get Sick.”
It was an unexpected, gutsy and successful move that immediately won over the nearly sold-out Palace Theatre. It elicited warm applause as Browne sang Zevon’s prayer and immediately established his 74-year-old voice is much younger than its chronological age:
Don’t let us get sick, don’t let us get old/don’t let us get stupid, all right/just make us be brave and make us play nice/and let us be together tonight
It set the tone for a loose evening that found Browne engaging with the audience, teasing his guitar tech and heaping well-deserved praise upon the members of his freshly pared-down group.
After the Zevon number, Browne brought out his powerhouse “half-full band” - Greg Leisz (Watkins Family Hour, Bob Weir and Wolf Bros) on lap steel, acoustic and electric guitars; his wife, Mai Leisz, (David Crosby) on bass; drummer Mauricio Lewak; and singers Chavonne Stewart and Alethea Mills (who doubled on percussion) - and got right down to business with the show proper, which was generous across 60- and 90-minute sets.
Saying “I wanna play them all,” but knowing he couldn’t possibly do so, Browne, who accompanied his bandmates on acoustic and electric guitars and piano, did cover 49 years of music making, crafting a setlist that spanned from 1972’s “Doctor My Eyes” to 2021’s “Downhill from Everywhere,” a warning about the oceans’ fragile health and one of many highlights of the evening.
The reggae-tinged “I Am a Patriot” was another. Though released in 1985, the song seems to have intuited where the United States was headed. And Browne added some new lyrics - I ain’t no xenophobe, he sang - to place it even more firmly in the context of 2023.
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Band members came and went to suit the songs. Stewart and Mills - who sang beautifully on occasional co-leads and in harmony with Browne, with whom they’ve developed an almost-familial blend - left their riser and joined the songwriter down front for “Until Justice is Real.” Greg Leisz and Browne played as a steel-and-piano duo on “Walls and Doors” and the (half) full band dug into “Running on Empty” so deeply that Browne kicked his leg high in the air and turned to stare down Leisz as he offered his take on the solo made famous by David Lindley, who died earlier this year.
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Being the first night of the tour with a new band and a new set, there were a few hiccups. A muffed note here. Some not-quite-honed arrangements there. The occasional false start and botched lyrics. And Leisz’s pedal-steel guitar sat lonely and untouched all evening long, suggesting Browne was calling audibles as the night unfolded.
Someone wanting to hear the records in a concert hall might say these things were evidence of Browne losing his edge. Someone out for the without-a-net experience (put Sound Bites in this camp) might revel in the not-set-in-stone nature that led to such surprises as Browne deciding the first set wasn’t long enough and tacking “For Everyman” on to the end and causing Mai Leisz to run back on stage after assuming break time had come.
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The same thing happened to Greg Leisz at show’s end, when Browne opted to play “The Load-Out”/“Stay” and the multi-instrumentalist - who wowed Browne and the concertgoers all evening long - struggled to get his lap steel situated on time. He made it with less than a bar to spare and Browne rewarded Leisz by calling on him to extend his solo, which he did to rapturous applause.
See more photos on Sound Bites’ Facebook page.
Grade card: Jackson Browne at Palace Theatre - 6/3/23 - A-
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proceduralpassion · 2 years
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The All American spin off Homecoming is literally so good. All the characters are likeable. I didn't care for Cam in the OG but him and keisha are my favorite couple. I love them. Simone was a lot in All American and in the spin off they don't let her run wild, I appreciate that. I wasn’t sure I was going to like the spin off because it focuses on her... I love Thea and Nate. The characters really make the show. I don't have anyone I hate, probably except for Kevin.
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missbangtangirl · 2 years
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New Bios for AAHC 🎾🎾🎾
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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King of Chinatown (1939) Nick Grinde
August 5th 2022
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joaquinwhorres · 2 years
And of course I now have a Miles Miller OC. I mean look at him:
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Anyway, her name is Joanna "Jo" Watkins and she escapes to the El Royale while on her way from Las Vegas to Portland. It becomes clear she's on the run, but from what is anybody's guess.
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marleybee · 2 years
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Camille Hyde via TikTok
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