#euphoria mix
usercupid · 1 year
Mixed Signals
hi yall! i know i have a history of making fics then disappearing but i actually have plans into making this a series! i don’t know how long it’ll span but i’m thinking 3 or 4 chapters so stay tuned if u like the story! 🪷🤍 also srry the ending is rushed cause im tired and just want to finish this!
elliot x fem reader
lowercase on purpose
not proofread
2.3k words
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synopsis; you and elliot were best friends, and despite being flirtatious, there was never really anything going on between you two.. right?
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Chapter 1: History class
junior year was rough. the new schedule adjustments, not knowing anyone in this new school, and being smart enough to not completely fail but also not smart enough to effortlessly pass all weighed down on you. you could get by being alone, but it was never easy. that was up until you met elliot.
“elliot, we have to finish this history project.” you advised. of course, you didn’t actually mean we. you always ended up carrying the weight of the work whenever you worked with him. normally, doing all the work in a group project would drive you up the wall. but whenever you got around elliot, you felt as if his presence was enough. you never pushed for anything more from him.
he was also your first best-friend, and you were his. nothing could compare to the nights you spent on the phone with him, whether you were doing algebra homework, or trying to pick out a dress for your first party, he was always there.
elliot took a pull from the blunt you both were smoking and it became infinitely hard for you to not stare. “y/n,” elliot started as he exhaled the smoke, “we have more than 2 weeks to finish this. and all we really have to do is copy what we wrote in our notebooks onto the poster board! it can’t be that difficult angel”
there was that nickname again. he’s used it plenty of times before now, but its weight never faltered because it always made you weak in the knees.
“but still, i’d like to finish this now so we have time for ourselves later,” you sighed, and in an attempt to hide your flustered face, you began copying down your notes to your poster.
“time for ourselves? what do you have in mind?” elliot teased as a sly smile appeared on his face, taking another hit from the blunt.
he didn’t know if the weed was making him bolder, or if it was the way the light from his window perfectly dawned on your relaxed figure, but elliot began to admire your features.
you were so soft with him, never making him feel smaller than you. always taking his feelings into consideration and looking out for him. even now, where you seem uptight, elliot couldn’t help but admire.
he couldn’t pinpoint just exactly what about you in this moment was enticing him like never before, but regardless of what it was, he couldn’t stop staring. and unbeknownst to elliot, you sensed him eyeing you down.
“y’know if you keep looking at me like that, i won’t get any work done.” you giggled, looking up at him.
“well that would be just terrible” he mused as he got up from his seat on the floor and moved closer to you on the bed to pass you the joint. he then held the blunt up to your lips and as you inhaled, you looked up at him. his eyes were low, red, and they never seemed to leave yours. he was so close, you were able to feel the warmth radiating off his body, and somehow, you never felt more comfortable.
his cool fingertips had just barely grazed your lips but that single, electrifying touch left you longing for more of him, and it took every ounce of strength you had to not ask.
after what felt like a century (but was just 6 seconds), he removed the blunt from in between your lips and watched you inhale the smoke, then exhale slowly. everything you did was hypnotic to him, and he couldn’t get enough.
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the next day, you sat with jules and rue in the cafeteria. elliot decided to eat off campus for lunch, and you were glad that you hadn’t seen him all day yet. if you were being honest, you had been avoiding him all day.
you weren’t mad or upset at him by any means, but you just didn’t know what to say to him. i mean, what could you say? your relationship was always flirty, so why has it just hit you now?
“can i tell you guys something?” you blurted to your friends sitting across from you.
as you asked, you started to mindlessly scroll through you and elliot’s messages. you had never thought your feelings towards elliot were anything other than platonic up until a few weeks ago, and yesterday had only confirmed that you wanted him more than you’d like to admit.
“yeah sure, wassup?” rue asked, munching on her sandwich
“would you ever see me and elliot as.. you know,” you hesitated, “a thing? like together?”
“wait.. you guys aren’t ‘a thing?’” mocked jules. “i could've sworn you guys we’re together!?”
rue laughed to herself as she began to speak, “yeah i mean, you guys are always flirting with each other? i just assumed you guys were dating ‘nd just didn’t say.”
“you think so?” you questioned, fiddling with your well-manicured nails. you never saw anything between elliot and you until recently so there is no way that everyone else saw what you were so blind to.. right?
“yes, y/n, oh my god! i can’t believe you guys aren’t already dating!” jules exclaimed while giggling with rue. “i never want to hang out with the two of you alone because i feel like a third wheel!”
you were utterly surprised by the words that were coming out of your best friend's mouths. there was no way other people could see you guys together. there was no way they truly thought that.
you made a face as if all the gears in your head were turning, and in all honesty, they were. they were working their hardest as you started thinking that if everyone sees you both as a couple, that would have to mean he shows some sort of romantic feelings for you, right? he has to have looked at you in some way or said something to make everyone think you guys went out, right?!
“wait so you think he likes me too?” you excitedly asked.
“if his goo-goo eyes everytime you walk in weren’t a dead giveaway to how he feels, you should know he speaks about you every second of the day..” jules confessed, “whenever he starts telling me pointless ass stories about things you’ve guys have done together, i honestly just zone out.”
“how haven’t you noticed any of this? it’s so stupidly obvious, it’s not even funny” rue mumbled with a mouth full of food.
“i don’t know?! i just never thought of him — or us like that!” you said, laughing exasperatedly.
“probably ‘cause she’s in love too!” jules teasingly exclaimed. you knew she was joking, but for as long as you’ve known him, all you ever wanted to do was spend all day with him. he always showered you with attention and quality time. and even if he didn’t, you’d still drop everything to be with him. there was never any words or actions that needed to be spoken or done between the two of you in order for you to feel appreciated and loved.
loved. you would never bat an eye if you used that word to describe your relationship with him before.
“you guys should just get together,” rue said, crashing your train of thought as she gathered her stuff for her next class, “you're both ‘best friends’ already so nothing would have to change, right?”
you didn’t respond.
on one hand, it seemed like there was absolutely nothing to lose. apparently, he’s given multiple signs that he likes you so why not? why couldn’t you shake the feeling that everything would change?
“y/n, you don't have to make a decision right now, but remember that elliot would never do anything to make whatever you guys have going on weird. he genuinely cares,” jules reaffirmed, standing up from the table.
“thanks jules, but i honestly don’t think i’m gonna ‘make a decision.’ i just want to let things work themselves out so i don’t have to” you said, getting you things and going to your history class.
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walking into your class, you immediately sensed elliot was there, despite him being sat in the far back. you didn’t really know what to say after that night in his room, on top of the bombshell rue and jules had just dropped on you.
as you walked into the class, you tried to scan for an empty seat that wasn’t the seat next to him. normally, you’d sit there with no hesitation, but you hadn’t prepared yourself enough to have the conversation that so desperately needs to be held.
fuck. you thought as you saw there were no more empty seats, annoyance written on your face.
you made your way to the desk nexts his and tried your hardest to avoid any unnecessary eye contact.
skipping this class would’ve been easier than enduring 45 minutes next to someone you’re trying your hardest to steer clear of but some shit just can’t be helped.
as you sat down and the lesson began, everything seemed to be going well except for the watchful pair of eyes that followed your every move.
you felt them as you picked up your pencil to jot down notes, as you took a sip from your water bottle, to when you opened your phone. you felt your energy being snuffed by his piercing gaze.
“maybe if i just ignore him he’ll stop.” you hoped to yourself.
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15 minutes had gone by and he has not stopped once. you couldn’t figure out if he was doing it on purpose to make you freak out or if he was just that nosey but you finally had enough.
“don’t stare, it’s rude.” you seethed silently, looking at him for the first time since class started
“oh you decided you want to talk to me now? to what do i owe the honor” elliot haphazardly taunted.
“damn he noticed i was ignoring him” you thought to yourself.
“only ‘cause you’ve been staring at me for the past like, 15 minutes?”
“only ‘cause you’ve been ignoring me all day.”
“i haven’t been ignoring you?” lie 1.
“you haven’t?”
“no” lie 2.
“so why haven’t you said a word to me like, all day?”
“we just have nothing to speak about” lie 3.
“you sure? cause i heard something completely different from jules”
of course.
of course she was the reason you got caught in your lies. you internally laughed to yourself and left a mental note to never trust jules with anything even mildly important again.
but on the bright side, thank god he stopped interrogating you or else your conscience would’ve started eating you alive to feed all those lies you were spouting. i guess in an odd way, you’d be able to thank jules for saving your conscience. or maybe not.
“oh really?” you smirked “what did jules tell you then?” you couldn’t let your facade fall. you knew how to work your way out of shit, even if jules mucked up your oh-so-amazing plan.
“not much” elliot replied, “she just told me you had something to say to me”
you sighed to yourself. you could either keep playing this game of avoiding talking about your situation-ship, or come clean and possibly ruin what you both have.
you know that there’s a chance that he wants you back. but why ruin what you both have right now? it’s like when you’re doing your eyebrows and they’re absolutely perfect, but you keep plucking at them to make them even better, and before you know it, you end up over plucking and now have 2 uneven brows!
why ruin what’s already been so good to you? you’re both fine with what you were.
“well she was wrong,” you finally said. “do you have anything to say to me?” a tinge of hopefulness written in that question.
after a few seconds of silence, he replied,
see, you knew you shouldn’t have pushed it. everything could’ve been gone in a matter of seconds.
“cool.” you uttered.
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you picked up a blackberry from the bowl of fruit you were snacking on and ate it while retelling maddy and cassie everything that happened in history yesterday.
“cool?” maddy repeated “why the fuck would you say cool y/n?”
“yeah you’re giving him mixed signals” cassie chimed in.
“i honestly didn’t know what else to say like, i knew if i said anything more, i could ruin 3 years worth of friendship.”
“yeah but by not saying anything you could’ve ruined 3 years worth of friendship” sighed cassie “if one day you guys were hotboxing in his room getting close, and the next you’re giving him the cold shoulder, what’s he supposed to think?”
“it’s not like he wanted to speak about it though so why should i be the one that has to?” you asked, popping a mango cube in your mouth.
“so you want him to come to you?” maddy questioned, “i’m confused why you’re even stuck over him anyway. if you’re not dating why is your relationship this stressful? take advantage of you’re stress-free, single life girl!”
“maybe you’re right about that, i mean, if we’re not together why am i even overthinking this?” you giggled, sitting up from your bed.
“no yeah, don’t stress over shit like this. if you want him to make the first move and he doesn’t, just stay friends and find someone else” maddy suggested.
just as maddy said that, a notification popped up on your phone.
elliot 🤍; do u want to come over tmr?
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watsittoyah · 2 years
In which Nate Jacob makes you mix tapes because his toxic ass can’t tell you how he feels…
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(Track 01) In my city I'm a young god. That pussy kill be so vicious. My god white, he in my pocket. He get me redder than the devil 'til I go nauseous… -Often, The Weeknd
Warnings- oral sex (female Receiving)
You were a straight A student. You didn’t step out of line, hell you didn’t even sneak out to meet boys. But that’s all about to change…
“What? Little Jade about to step on the field with the big girls?!” Your best friend and infamous influence, Stacey squeals as you two stretch out on the field.
“Shh! Don’t be so dang loud. I’m only trying it out because Tess said it would be fun.” You tell her. “First of all the word is Damn, and second since when you listen to Tess’ stuck up ass?”
Your eyes widen as you look back to make sure Tess, your step sister, didn’t hear her. “Shh! Why are you so loud?” You both laugh and Stacey lean in so no one else can hear.
“Since you’re all big poppin’ how about you come out tonight? I heard McKay’s fine ass is throwing a Halloween party and his parents aren’t even home. You gotta come with me, I want him to see me in my maid costume but I need my best friend there with me to hype me up. So you coming?”
Here you we go.
On the angelic side, you’d decline the offer. Grab a pizza with your family and pass out candy to a few trick or treaters while you watch some boring show on Netflix. And you’d hear about the Halloween party of the century the next day.
On the hot girl side you’d say fuck it, let’s go. And you’d have a ball, smoke some weed, shit you might actually get a guy to touch you, and not act like a priss miss.
So what’s it gonna be, Jade?
You snap out of your inner monologue and raise a brow. “What time is the party?” Stacey bursts out laughing. “Girl I know you’re not serious. I was just playing with you. I’m sure I can ask Monica to go with me.”
You frown at her and pull your braids up into a ponytail. “I’m not playing. What time is the party?” The smile on your best friends face melts away. “Jade, if you’re serious, then it’s happening tonight around ten. Please tell me you have a costume to wear? And don’t you come to this party wearing your first Sunday clothes.” You roll your eyes. “Girl shut up, I have a cute costume.” Stacey rolls her eyes at you. “Yeah I’ll be the judge of that, I’m coming over to your place an hour before then. And don’t even try to cop out last minute.”
“I am not going to cop out last minute. Damn.”
There is no way in hell you can go to this party? What were you thinking?
You were pacing your bedroom, on the verge of hyperventilating.
“I can’t do this. I just can’t.” You hear knocking and without even thinking you open your door and Stacey was standing there wearing a form fitted maid costume that cut down low to show her tits. “What’s wrong?” She asks while walking into your bedroom.
“I must be out of my mind, that’s what’s wrong. I can’t go. I don’t have anything to wear, plus what if the police are called? What if they find out I was at that party and that goes on my permanent record? What if they tell me I can’t get into a good college? I’ll be some bum on the street scraping up pennies off of the sidewalk!”
Stacey shakes you by your shoulders. “Jade! Chill! We’re going to a party not some drug run. Now let me see your costume. And before you say anything you’re going to this party.”
You pout and grab the little box you had stashed in the back of your closet. You pass it over to her and she opens the box.
“Where have you been hiding this? And can I borrow it?” You snatch the box back, putting it on your bed.
“It’s been in my closet since last summer. I bought it just in case for times like these but now I don’t think I can pull it off.”
“Go put it on.” Stacey tells you. You open your mouth to argue but she points to your bathroom and you take the box then march your crack to the bathroom.
Once the dress is on your peek out of the bathroom. “Jade, we got ten minutes before the party starts. And I’m all for being fashionably late but my future baby daddy is hosting this thing. Come on now.”
You step out of the bathroom and you’re tugging at the hem of the dress. It was a tight red dress that came mid thigh. It might have been longer if you didn’t have hips and ass on you.
“You look good! Now I know you still have those red thigh highs, because I haven’t took them for my closet yet.” Stacey goes into your closet and you take a deep breathe. Dressing up as a she-devil wasn’t your first pick but the costume was a laugh at the moment and it was on sale last year.
You tug at the dress and Stacey tsks. “Don’t you have a thong? I can see your granny panties.” Your eyes widen. “No, I don’t own a pair.” Stacey circles you and grins.
You feel uncomfortable not wearing underwear under the dress but Stacey tells you that it’s fine. But you’re nervous. This isn’t something you’d do. When Stacey is about to open the door you grab her arm. “What if I can’t do this?”
“And what if you can? Look, you look fucking amazing. Let loose for a change. If you could be anyone right now who would you be? Don’t tell me just take a deep breathe and be them. Alright?”
You nod and you take a deep breathe and you think about all those girls you’ve seen in those teen movies you’ve watched with Tess. You roll your shoulders back and Stacey opens the door. You’re hit with the smell of weed, bodies, and alcohol. Stacey takes your hand and you two enter together.
“McKay is over by the corner, and I see Cassie trying to get her hands on him. But watch this.” Stacey says in your ear as she guides you two over to them.
Remember me by Wiz Khalifa was playing and you see McKay glancing at Stacey. He then looks your way and your stomach was doing summersaults.
You won’t admit it to Stacey but Christopher McKay was fine as hell to you. But since she was your best friend you took the step back.
He gives Cassie a nod and he leans off of the wall and heads towards the two of you. “Hello ladies.” He greets as he yells a bit over the music. “Hey McKay.” Stacey says in her best sex voice. You turn your face a bit to keep from laughing and you see the punch bowl. “Is there water?” You turn back to ask and see Stacey pulling McKay towards the crowd.
“So much for sticking together.” You mumble as you move towards the kitchen. You see a few freshman dressed as gorillas doing body shots off of two junior girls dressed as bananas. You gently chuckle at that as you grab a small bottle of water, inspecting it.
Once you’ve seen it hasn’t been tampered with you crack it open and take a few gulps. Someone passes you a blunt but you pass and find some cheese puffs. You go to reach for some and your hand brushes against someone.
And that someone happened to be Nate Jacobs.
You knew Nate because he was your friend, at least until he found the gym and became a jock. After that, you both drifted apart and you moved to the upper east side of town.
Nate still had a special place in your heart seeing that the both of you looked out for each other when bad times had hit both of your families. Especially when that shit went down with his br-
“Jade Springfield?” He asks as he squints at you. “Nate Jacobs?” You mimic him and he gives a big smile which makes your heart leap. “How have you been?” He pulls you into a hug and you hold him close. For just that split second it felt like old times again.
“I’ve been good. Damn Jacobs you got tall.” You say to him with a smile. “And you stayed short.” He teases. You punch him playfully in the stomach and he laughs.
“Anyways, how have you been?” You ask him as he keeps his hands wrapped around you. “I’ve been good. Better now that I know you’re here.” The last part of his answer made your spine tingle a bit.
You clear your throat and step back from his touch. “Hey you wanna go outside? It’s kind of-”
“Loud? Yeah let’s go.” He takes your hand and you two head out to the back. As soon as you two step outside the music just stops and you allow yourself to relax. You two were on the back deck, you sit down on the steps and Nate sits down besides you.
“You still don’t like loud places huh?” Nate asks you. “You remember that?” You ask as you empty the water bottle. “Of course, I mean it’s been what almost four and a half years? But yeah, I remember.” He smirks at a thought and he takes a swig of beer. “That better be root beer, Nate.” You tease, bumping your leg against his. He rolls his eyes but smiles when he’s done drinking.
“Of course its root beer, Jade. Because that’s what teens drink of parties like this.” It was your turn to roll your eyes. “Smart ass. So I heard through the grapevine that you’re playing football.”
“I am, and I heard through the same grapevine that you’re cheerleading. When are you gonna come cheer for me?” He says in a flirtatious tone. “Alright that ‘root beer’ getting you talking reckless Jacobs.”
You notice he’s leaning in a bit closer. And you cross your legs. “You remember that one time in the fourth grade when Jason Bateman dared you to kiss me?”
“Oh god, yes and you punched me in the jaw. Your little first hurt.” You two laugh at the memory and you lean your head on his shoulder. “I missed this, Nate-Nate.” He scoffs. “Shit I haven’t heard that nickname in a long time, Jay-Jay.” You smile at your childhood nickname.
“Why did you have to become some jerk who forgot about me?” You ask him as he hands you the rest of his beer. You accept it and down the rest, wincing from the bad taste.
“I could never forget about you, Jade. Actually if I’m being honest when we were kids I had the hugest crush on you.” You lean away from him and turn so you’re facing him. “You’re lying.”
He raises his hands and laughs. “I’m not lying. I took that dare from Jason because I didn’t want anyone else kissing you. As far as I knew you were going to be my girlfriend in the fourth grade.”
The way Nate was eyeing your legs made your inner thighs throb. “I heard…you’re dating Maddie Perez.” You say instantly regretting that.
He sighs and you notice his jaw clenching. “She dumped me last week, so…yeah.” Way to go Jade, you tell yourself.
“Sorry, I didn’t know.” He nods. “No one knows that she dumped me. I just told everyone that we’re taking a break.”
“Why would you tell me then?” Nate shrugs and scoots in close to you. “Because I can trust you, not to tell anyone. And because out of everyone in this fucked up town, I actually like you. And I’m sorry I just stopped being friends with you. I was going through a lot and your parents were going through that divorce. Which isn’t an excuse, but-”
You lean in and hug him. “I know when you ramble you like that, underneath it means you need a hug. You know my number hasn’t changed. If you need someone to talk to I’m here.” He hugs you back and he inhales deep. “How has it been a few years and you still understand me better than anyone?” He asks. You lean back and shrug.
“We just have that connection, Nate-Nate.” You smile at him and he brings his hands to your hips.
The warmth from his hands made your chilly body feel good. And his cologne was making a small puddle between your legs.
Calm down Jade. This is Nate you’re thinking about. The same Nate that you would play with on the playground. The same Nate that you knew before the muscles.
The same muscles that you were sure you wouldn’t mind looking at under his criminal costume.
“A she-devil, hm? Seems like the perfect costume for you, Jade. I especially like these thigh high boots on you.” His hand seems to trail from your knee all the way up to your inner thigh. You bite your bottom lip and look pass his shoulder but he shakes his head.
“No, baby focus. I want those pretty eyes on me.” His hand reaches under your dress and he sucks in a sharp breathe. “You’re not even wearing panties?” You jerk your legs closed and move back.
“I’m sorry! I’ll go.” You were about to get up but Nate stops you. “You don’t need to apologize. I was just surprised is all, I didn’t except a snack ready for me to eat.” Nate eyes between your thighs this time and when he looks back up you find yourself leaning in.
He leans in close as well. Both of your lips meet and you feel yourself move, straddling him. He places his hands on your hips and he presses his erection against your cunt. You let out a moan and he bites your bottom lip. “Do you feel that?” You nod as he presses it harder against you. “I want this inside of you, right now. But only if that’s okay with you, Jay-Jay.” His hand travels up your neck and he brings your mouth close to his. “Use those words, pretty girl.”
“I want you inside of me, Nate.” You mouth as you kiss him again. He grunts as his tongue slides past your lips. He tastes like cheap beer, and some strong mint he probably ate before he got to the party.
He stands up with your legs wrapped around him. And he walks off of the deck. “Mm, where. Are, we going?” You ask moaning against his lips. “Just to my truck.” He answers as he kisses your neck.
When he gets to his truck his presses the key and the door unlocks. He places you inside and climbs in after you. “Get in the back, Jay-Jay.” Nate says to you as he takes off the top half of his costume.
You do as you’re told and he follows after you. He gets on top of you and he looks down at you. “Never thought I would have Jade Springfield in my truck.” He says with a smirk.
“Oh shut up, Nate.” You laugh but Nate wasn’t. Instead he gets down on his knees, spreading your legs apart and placing them on his shoulders.
“Don’t look away, I want your eyes on me.” He says as he leans down and flicks his tongue across your clit. Your legs jerk a bit which makes Nate smirk.
“Does my tongue scare you, Jay-Jay?”
“No.” You lie as he spreads your lips apart. “I think you’re lying. I think my tongue scares you and you like that.” He flicks his tongue across your clit slowly and your breathes hitches.
You move your hips to the rhythm of his tongue and you moan out while your nails scratch at his seat. You watch as his eyes flutter closed and the grabs you and pulls you closer.
“Oh shit, Nate don’t stop.” Your hands find their way to his hair and you grip his hair as you work your hips harder. He sucks your clit and your legs clench.
He continues to flick his tongue against your clit but he slides in two fingers, doing the here motion which causes you to moan out in tongues as he massages that sweet spot.
“N…Nate you’re gonna make me cum.” You whimper. He just keeps eating you out like your his last meal on earth. You feel your eyes rolling to the back of your skull with your back arching. Without warning you squirt in his mouth and on his seats.
You try to close your legs because it’s sensitive but he keeps going. “N-Nate it’s se-sensitive please.” He looks up at you and he twirls his tongue which makes you stutter out gibberish.
“Sure you’re not scared of my tongue, Jade?” He rolls his tongue and you feel your orgasm hit again. “Y, yes I’m scared. I can’t h..handle i- I’m coming.” You moan out as your hips move to your orgasm.
He gives one more good suck to your pussy lips and he leans up, kissing you so you can taste yourself on his tongue. “I could eat your pussy for hours, Jay-Jay. But I’ll do that next time. Right now I know you want this.”
He places your hand on his crotch and your eyes go wide. There no way that is fitting inside of you. Nate sees the fear in your eyes and he leans down kissing your neck. “I know it’s big, but I’ll be gentle. I won’t hurt you. I’d never hurt you.” He sucks the side of your neck and you moan his name out softly.
You feel him move you back against his seat. And you hear his zipper unzip. You can’t see what his dick looks like in the dark but from the feel of it you know it’s bigger than the toys you use.
You hear something rip and in the street light you see it’s a condom wrapper. He moves himself closer to you and you know it’s going to hurt since he is your first but you both freeze when you hear a cop siren in the distance.
Nate moves back and you sit up to see the lights of a few cop cars.
Suddenly everyone runs out of McKay’s house and you two scramble to get decent. “I can take you home.” Nate tells you, but you shake your head.
“I’m not leaving, Stacey behind. Let me out real quick.” He opens the door and you climb out of his truck, looking through the crowd for Stacey.
You feel your phone vibrate and you answer it. “Where are you?” You hear Stacey ask in a panic. “I’m outside, where are you? I’ll find you.” You hear Nate say something but you take off running where you see Stacey’s car.
When you get in she was panicking. “Girl, apparently someone’s ex girlfriend called a noise complaint and got the party shut down…” As Stacey gives you the details you get a text from an unknown number.
Hey, it’s Nate. Maybe we can pick up where we left off. Not just tonight but from back then? 🙂
You feel a small smile on your lips and you go to answer but Stacey says something that makes you reconsider.
“..McKay says he thinks it was Maddie who called, since she heard that Nate was here..”
You feel the guilt in your heart and you give a wow that’s crazy for your comment and lean your head against the window.
Maybe meeting up with Nate tonight was a bad thing.
Boy was it ever…
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alicentflorent · 9 months
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Hunter Schafer in Euphoria | 2019
Jacob Elordi in Saltburn | 2023
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 5 months
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Me when I edit my ref sheet for a!mj for the millionth time: :3👍 (technically a repost of old ref sheet but I’ve edited it so severely since posting it I’m considering it new in my brain, but the last image of the eyes/hands/mouth/soul is new! But it is a redraw of an old ref image I’ll include it under the cut!)
(Close ups bc I know tumblr with screw over the quality)
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Og vers of the extra ref image: (SCARY….)
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ulthvlince · 1 month
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famousdaily · 1 year
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PERRIE EDWARDS ━ Euphoria Magazine May 2021 ph. Jack Alexander
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queenlua · 6 months
ahhhh holy fuck i might've FINALLY had the huge breakthrough in this outline that i have been racking my brains over. ending came into my head crystal clear while i was sitting in a Shake Shack & then the perfect matching song popped on my playlist on the drive home & okay i need to go checksum it & make sure all the steps check out but. if i'm right about this it's all just EXECUTION FROM HERE BABEY and i no longer need to keep myself awake at night trying to figure out How To Make The Plot Beats Match The Intended Vibes
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sherlockig · 1 year
how psyched are u
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glitterrosesnzz · 8 months
🪻Name: I go by many names tbh, but I'm fine with being called "Glitter" or "Rose" on here!! "Glitz" is also acceptable.
🪻Pronouns: She/He
🪻Age: 22
🪻Fandoms: oh my god so many. i'm most comfy posting Gen/shin stuff here tbh, but you're free to ask if i'm in to something- chances are i've probably at least seen it skdjflksjfls. the autistic desire to watch every media available knows no limits
🪻this is a snz kink blog and the normal 18+ and such rules apply
🪻Link to My Ko-fi
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jammerskrik · 21 days
jury is in, methylene blue is great imo, but only to take to clean/maintain ur mitochondria like once to twice a year imo. every single health/tech/etc. influencer type I’ve seen online who is vocally pro-MB talks about doing it every day/all the time, but also always has that energy of like someone who just took an adderall for the first time and thinks all their problems were just solved.
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miuity · 22 days
want to plot some indie sleaze, charli xcx coded stories & characters with someone. i can't be the only one who wants to write cunt?! just a college plot would suffice !!
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ophernelia · 9 months
audio is almost finished for episode 19. we're about to be on episode 20 already. the way i don't want season 2 of lykaia to end just yet cause ima miss it. my break is gonna be so brief after episode 22 cause i wanna get right back into it lol. i'll probably drop the pilot episode of jackpot during that time though. the plan was to switch off and focus on jackpot butttttt my brain says no.
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aricastmblr · 1 month
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jmjk moviéndose como juego del parque
'Are You Sure?!' Preview Clip (with Special Guest) BANGTANTV
8 ago 2024 #AreYouSure#이게맞아 The first guest in "Are You Sure?!" 📺 New episode on every Thursday 4PM (KST), only on Disney+ #AreYouSure#이게맞아#지민x정국x뷔#JiminXJungKookXV (https://youtu.be/Nj6dGh2_PU8?si=LmyzoaHPEDmepCg3)
[2019 FESTA] Euphoria (DJ Swivel Forever Mix) - JK memories by BTS (https://www.tumblr.com/aricastmblr/185499842021/2019-festa-euphoria-dj-swivel-forever-mix-jk?source=share)
Jungkook Euphoria vídeo por bts para jk en festa2019- esta toma del juego del parque es por jimin
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minotaurfemme · 8 months
it feels like my hips got really fucking wide out of nowhere like holy fuck im girl
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#aaaand that's 2 doctors that think i have bipolar ii 🙃#so the conceptualize rn would b that my mood is fucked but im using ocd to keep myself contained withing sorta normal parameters#which. i mean. that does kinda fit with observationally. i would create rules around: u arent allowed to get excited abt things u arent#allowed to enjoy things bc u cant handle it. u cant b normal abt how u enjoy things. or bc when i go to enjoy a thing#my mood is caped at being lightly miserable so its like well fuck being around ppl it makes me feel nothing#bc my focus and energy swing around like the light on a lighthouse. and in between that im miserable or feel nothing#and if its true that i am bipolar the reason i never noticed would b bc i very rarely experience euphoria. mostly i have high energy and#dont feel good. just fucking out of control. so mixed episodes i guess. but like idk. i guess i just think of bipolar as being extremely#destructive. and i mean r my mood issues a problem? yes. sometimes a really big problem. but idk. im still resistant to thr idea#lots of ppl get misdiagnosed as bipolar even tho the presentation is so specific. i guess i just doesn't wanna accept it and then have to#have been wrong if i was misdiagnosed. but i mean 2 doctors independently listened to me and thought hm sounds like bipolar so maybe im#just being stubborn. also no one else in my family thst i kno of is bipolar. ive got 2 uncles with adhd but not bipolar relatives#i dunno. i guess it doesn't matter so long as i can get it under control. im good at control. destructively good at control#unrelated#i guess its more that ive never done anything life ruining bc of my moods#mostly i just dont sleep much and make myself crazy. so ill probably die an early death or whatever lack og sleep causes rio#i meant rip lol
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madanimalscientist · 2 months
Some queer joy for today:
I got a haircut from a queer barber and it turned out -awesome-, it's so cool how T has changed my hairline (my part has even changed), and he showed me how he added angles to my haircut to get the effect I was going for. Such gender euphoria, I looked at myself in the mirror when he was done and went "oh WOW".
Plus he has an adorable pibble mix named Sharon who stayed chilling on her bed during the cut/dye but then once the dye was on and doing its thing, came over to ask for pats. Tiny little tank of a dog, (like maybe 1.5x the size of a corgi?), A+ name, so polite and friendly, and her tail wags so hard it gets her whole hindquarters going.
Gender euphoria-inducing haircut -and- I got to meet a great dog, absolutely awesome experience.
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