#mayans imagibe
cherryplasmids · 5 years
☆ a healthy new start ☆
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pairing: johnny ‘coco’ cruz  x reader fandom: mayans m.c — season 2-ish prompt: it’s time you and Coco take an important step in your relationship.  notes: WOW! first fic of the decade. let me know if you like. i’m a bit rusty so the ending is a bit shit. and yes, i now write for the mayans. also, i know coco doesn’t live in an apartment, but bear with me.
—check out my other works; masterlist
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            In the distance, the motorcycle rumble echoes throughout the neighborhood. You take this as a signal to grab your glass of water and go outside. As the motorcycle nears, getting louder, you take a seat on the porch steps. The beautiful arctic blue Harley stops right in front of your house with the silver rims shimmering in the moonlight. Ever since the Mayans started working with Galindo, more money started pouring into the M.C. Coco and the others took it upon themselves to splurge on their bikes. It's easily the best investment any of the members ever made.
Coco shuts the bike off while taking his helmet off and then hops off. He looks up and you smile at him. It's always nice to see him. He walks up to your front gate and waits, fidgeting a bit. Your smile drops and you sigh.
"You waiting for an invitation?" You call out loud enough for him to hear. You know he is, though. He always is. Even though you've been dating Coco for 8 months, Coco never stepped on your property without permission. It used to be endearing. Now, it's downright frustrating. As if he’s not comfortable enough to call this home. "Come on, baby."
He uses that as permission and pushes your broken gate open. He's promised to fix that gate for over two weeks but Galindo and the M.C keep him busy. Although he constantly apologizes, you don't rush him. 
You never rush him.
"You know," you say as he sits next to you and lights up a cigarette. "you don't always need an invitation." He inhales his cigarette and shrugs. You sigh again and drink some water.
There's silence, but it's not uncomfortable. It is, however, a bit tense. Coco can be difficult to read sometimes. You don't know whether he wants to talk or not and you know he definitely will not offer any information without you asking. But you've had a long day and trying to find any emotional response from him is not on your agenda for the night. So, you sit there, letting the cool Santo Padre air ease your headache.
After some time passes, Coco puts out his cigarette. "You not talking to me?" He doesn't look at you when he asks. It's something he does, you notice. As if he's afraid that you'll tell him something hurtful and you'll be able to see how much it hurts him. ‘The eyes are the window to the soul’, he once told you. Angel made fun of him, but you could tell Coco genuinely believes that. 
"Had a long day. I just want to relax."
He hums and pulls out his phone, the screen lights up with a photo of you and Letty in the background throwing water balloons at each other. It makes you smile fondly. You bet Coco never opens his phone around his brothers. He mumbles the time, noting that it's nearing midnight. Around this time, he always leaves. 
He makes a move to get up. "I gotta go. Letty's home." You grab onto his arm. 
"Hey, baby?" He looks at you. "Do you mind staying a bit? I have to talk to you about something."
His eyes shine with fear and it makes you hate the wording you used. But when you smile at him to ease the fear, he relents and gets comfortable beside you. Again, he looks away.
"You know how Letty is constantly over at my house for everything?" You wait for him to nod before continuing. "Well, I talked to her the other day and she went on a 15-minute rant about how much she hates your apartment. The halls stink of sewage, the walls are too thin, the toilet barely works, her room is too small, and there's plenty of more complaints trust and believe me." You laugh a bit, remembering how red in the face Letty got after she heard the next-door neighbor have sex for ‘8 hours straight’. You know Letty exaggerated most of her complaints to gain sympathy, but some of them did hold. There's a mixture of mildew and mold all over the apartment building and the plumbing system is atrocious. The fact that his apartment didn't even have a full bath system is also horrible. There's no way Letty and Coco could live together in such an ass area. Their relationship would just get worst before getting better.
Coco laughs with you, knowing just how dramatic Letty can get. "She ain't wrong."
"No, she isn't." And now, you were getting nervous. After spending over a month writing up the pros and cons of such a gigantic, important decision, you were ready to make a grand step in your life and relationship with both Coco and Letty. In the end, the only cons would be falling in love with Coco even more and wanting to be Letty's constant, supportive, and loving figure within her life.
Those aren't even real cons. They just make you extremely nervous because you're ready for these steps. But are they?
Despite the overwhelming nervousness bubbling at your core, you continue. You shuffle closer to him, with your knees touching his own and lean on him. Santo Padre's cool air can't even compete with Coco's warmth.
"I thought about those issues months before Letty even brought them up. I know living in those conditions isn't healthy and I know that better than most people. You might not think this impacts your relationship with Letty but it does. She doesn't come home because she's miserable there. And I know you are too. That's why you always visit me before going to that nasty apartment."
"So you don't want me here anymore?" His tone has an edge to it and you sigh.
"No, baby. That's the opposite of what I want." His head tilts down to look at you, his eyebrows furrowed. "I'm not trying to implement myself in your relationship with Letty. I'm not trying to be something I'm not. I just," You pause for a moment and take a deep breath. "I just think you and Letty deserve a better life. And maybe...just maybe that better life is with me."
You dig into your right jean pocket until you feel the warm metal in your hand. You give a shy smile when you discretely pass it into his hands. Looking down, he opens his hand to see a house key resting in his palm. His eyes widen for a moment before he looks away completely.
One of the hardest possibilities you could go through would be Coco rejecting the idea. After all, he only just got Letty. His mom couldn't be the woman Letty needed and to have some other woman enter his life, trying to push her way into her life is something you knew Coco would hate. Their lives are already fucked up. No need for someone to make it worse. Although you tried to prepare yourself for possible heartbreak beforehand, nothing could prepare you for the actual moment itself.
The pure anxiety is eating at you, gnawing at your heart and crawling up to your throat. Coco twirls the key in his hand while you're dying from anticipation.
"Coco," You start, unable to handle the intense moment. "I'm sorry, it's stupid. I know you wouldn't— "
"Do you mean it?" He looks up at you, unshed tears in his eyes. Your breath catches, unused to Coco showing such pure, raw emotion. All you could do is nod. "Say it."
"Johnny," You breath out "Will you and Leticia move in with me? In this house?"
Quickly, he leans into you, mouth hot against your own. Just like that, all the anxiousness disappears. He works on your lips a few seconds more before parting and resting his forehead against your own.
He whispers your name, his voice wavering as he continues. "Are you sure? You want all this toxic bullshit?"
"Everything you touch is gold, baby. You just need a little push to see that. So does Letty." He whispers your name again before pulling you into a bone-crushing hug.
After that, Coco constantly kisses you or hugs you with tears and happiness in his eyes. Eventually, he does leave to be with Letty and tell her the good news. You don't know exactly what the future holds, but you do know that you want Coco and Letty to be there every step of the way.
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word count: 1,404 published: march 11, 2020 edited: n/a
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