#maybe I can restore a previous version but its on the school computer and the school is closed for a week so im not gonna know until then
francy-sketches · 22 days
I'm gonna have to work on my final project non stop for like a month straight bc I procrastinated on it too much fuck my stupid baka life
#.txt#also I have to do a movie pitch for it bitch it's an amv with intentionally one dimensional characters 😭 tf do I even say about it#at least the characters are like. knockoff jaime and tommen so its almost like im drawing asoiaf fanart#unfortunately I've come to hate them. the knockoffs I mean#I wanna change the designs a bit so they dont resemble my blorbos as much. i think im gonna give the kid darker hair#ok well discount jaime just looks like him with 2 hands and a blue cape 💀and I cant change him atp#my worst mistake was giving him like. a solid metal skirt armor thing bc its a pain in the ass to animate#at the start of the year I had the most work done out of everyone how did this happen#its bc they started nitpicking the story and I kinda lost motivation to work on it lke this shit is stupid. and cringe#by they I mean the extra screenwriting teachers we had a couple lessons with which like. this is an animation course not a writing course#I'd get it if it was like. a full time school but we have 2 3 hour classes a week we dont have time for this shit man#ig my mistake was that my idea didn't start from the story it started from the song I wanted to make a cool music video for it#its not that the story is nonsensical or anything its just a very basic fairytale esque thing nothing groundbreaking#'but you're not SAYING anything with this' I'm not trying to omg just let me make my little amv :(#does everything need a plot twist or to subvert expectations is it not enough that it looks cool#there's a couple people who are worse off than me in terms of how much they've done but also theres a couple that are nearly done#looking at them like god I wish that were me.....#and also I think I accidentally overwrote a shot I worked on for 3 hours. killing myself#maybe I can restore a previous version but its on the school computer and the school is closed for a week so im not gonna know until then
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hadarlaskey · 3 years
Discover this gross-out ’90s high school movie by way of Jurassic Park
“All you need is mobility and life beyond this boring room and the limitations of this stupid computer. I, my love, will give you that freedom. I will give you a brain. I will give you immortality!”
The speaker is the priapic, chain-smoking Dr Gunther Wachenstein (Terry Kiser), addressing the robotic dinosaur that he keeps in a warehouse and hopes to animate with a human brain transplant. A Frankenstein-like mad scientist par excellence, if somewhat out of place and time in mid-’90s California, Gunther hopes to create a lucrative franchise of cybernetic body frames that will house the brains of the otherwise dead, whether humans or pets, and this T-Rex is his improbable prototype.
Yet Gunther’s words here come with a metacinematic resonance. For Stewart Raffill (The Ice Pirates, The Philadelphia Experiment, Mac and Me) was offered, out of the blue, the use of an animatronic tyrannosaur for a specific two-week period, and while the writer/director could sniff opportunity, he had very little time in which to throw together a screenplay that would flesh out this giant moving prop with a plot, with brains, and maybe with the kind of immortality that box office success can bring. Maybe – although Raffill also had enough self-awareness to make Wachenstein’s computer-savvy technician Bobby (John Franklin) quietly dismiss his boss’ grand ambitions with the comment: “What a crock of shit.”
This is the paradox of Tammy and the T-Rex: it is utterly dumb, but smart enough to know just that; and while no gag is too low for its brand of anything-goes screwball, it really does bring a lumbering kind of life to its hybrid collection of ill-fitting ideas. Stitching together elements from ’60s B-movie sci-fi, the high-school movie, the revenge flick, gross-out comedy and the previous year’s Jurassic Park, it comes with a confused identity – confused even more by the surgical excision of some six minutes of blood, guts, gore and profanity for its original US theatrical and home release in a bid to make it appeal more to the family market. In 2019, Vinegar Syndrome restored the unexpurgated version – the so-called ‘Gore Cut’ – whose heroine is credited as ‘Tanny’ and whose title is Tanny & The Teenage T-Rex.
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Tammy is played by a pre-Starship Troopers, pre-Wild Things, pre-Bond Denise Richards, while her boyfriend Michael is played by a pre-Fast & Furious Paul Walker. After Michael is left for dead in a wildlife reserve (don’t ask) by Tammy’s controlling ex Billy (George Pilgrim), Gunther does not hesitate to abduct the comatose jock, sawing open his skull for a brain transplant. Now in control of the robot dinosaur, Michael goes on a destructive rampage against Billy and his gang, while Tammy and her gay black sidekick Byron (Theo Forsett) search graves and the morgue for a more human body to accommodate Michael’s consciousness.
There are ‘testicular standoffs’, interspecies romance, comedy cops, and other wild excursions, and it all climaxes in a seductive striptease that is strictly ‘no touching’. Ultimately Tammy & the T-Rex comes closest to the gonzo style of John Hughes’ Weird Science or Savage Steve Holland’s Better Off Dead. But there is an oddness, an in-your-face inconsistency, to the tone and texture here that is all Raffill’s own, making this one of the ’90s weirder UFOs.
“Going to screw your brains,” says Tammy at the film’s end – and that is exactly what this mind-messing movie does. It might not quite have achieved immortality, but we are still talking about Raffilll’s horny low-budget campfest a quarter of a century later.
Tammy and the T-Rex is available now (in its fully restored “Gore Cut”) on Blu-ray from 101 Films on their Black Label.
The post Discover this gross-out ’90s high school movie by way of Jurassic Park appeared first on Little White Lies.
source https://lwlies.com/articles/tammy-and-the-t-rex-denise-richards/
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
7 Minute Mindfulness
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/7-minute-mindfulness/
7 Minute Mindfulness
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    Stress less, sleep better, and show up every day as the best version of yourself!
A body that is in pain or tense negatively affects our mental capacity.
Ever tried to concentrate with a toothache?
Luckily, the reverse is also true…
With the “Stress Response”, hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol raise the heartrate, quicken the breath and prime the muscles for action. It’s a vital survival mechanism, however long term stress can cause serious damage.
On the other hand, with the “Relaxation Response”…
your heart rate decreases
breathing becomes slower and deeper
blood pressure stabilizes
your muscles relax.
“In addition to its calming physical effects, the relaxation response also increases energy and focus, combats illness, relieves aches and pains, heightens problem-solving abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity.” – Lawrence Robinson
Our bodies are programmed to heal. The magic of healing happens automatically. You don’t need to tell your finger to heal a paper cut. It just does.
However, an overworked mind
interferes with the healing process… especially when it’s thinking about what could go wrong.
When practicing certain mindfulness techniques, the links between different areas of the brain are balanced. The stress response starts to disconnect. Balance is restored.
Mindfulness brings natural order back to the artificial chaos.
Hi, I’m Greg Thurston, and I’d love to share with you a unique method to live your most authentic and fulfilling life.
In just 7 minutes YOU CAN…
Release stress
Gain emotional strength
Nurture stronger relationships
Boost your ability to make great decisions
Be more effective at work and in life
What I’m about to show you is a discovery that appeared in my life after years of struggling with long drawn out meditation.
Years of
trying and failing to meditate consistently.
Let me explain…
I was born with a physical injury that caused constant upheaval in my life. During university I explored yoga and meditation as a way to alleviate my troubles and lift my game.
Over the first 6 months I became
naturally happier
my grades improved
creativity gushed from my mind
my physical pains became tolerable
, and I started loving life.
But there was a problem.
As life got busier, meditation became a struggle… I’d go for a few weeks meditating, then for one reason or another I would stop.
Sometimes it was because “I didn’t have time”, sometimes it was “too difficult to sit and focus”, and sometimes I’d stop without any reason at all…
Meditation was something I just couldn’t stick to consistently, and as a result, I couldn’t reap the rewards.
It was frustrating…
Then one day, sick of the constant ups and downs, I set off to explore the possibilities of what the mind and body can do… And over the next
5 years, the journey took on a life of its own…
I Travelled to Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, Brazil and Germany… INHALING every ounce of knowledge about meditation, mindfulness, and the mind-body connection.
I investigated TRADITIONAL ZEN PRACTICES and researched what MODERN SCIENCE knows today about the power of the mind.
This world exposed many truths and many falsehoods about stress, mindfulness, and the untapped potential of our brains and bodies… And let me tell you, it was surprising to see how many others were struggling with practices that just didn’t work for them.
The most significant thing I noted is how stress builds up …and when we DON’T release stress we get sick, diseased, and problems begin to push our lives off track.
So I started compiling the best and most powerful methods… focusing on solutions that are
easily maintainable
doable for any person
, and
avoid the common roadblocks
that people face.
And here’s what I found…
First of all, the honest truth about stress…
Nobody can avoid stress, so right here, right now, you can let yourself off the hook.
You don’t need to reach some fairy-tale level of enlightenment where you live in a bubble and are immune to stress.
What you can do however, is quickly bring yourself back to balance. To approach life proactively. To give yourself the tools to navigate challenges with
, and
Whether it’s financial strains, work, family, relationships, concerns about society, health, or the subtle daily stresses that sneak up on us, these things have the potential to snowball.
They far too often grow into something beyond our control, interfering with our ability to create the life we want and damaging not only our
mental wellbeing
, but also our
physical health.
According to a recent Harvard Medical School research paper, “Stress-related health problems are responsible for up to 80% of visits to the doctor and account for the third highest health care expenditures, behind only heart disease and cancer. But as few as 3% of doctors actually talk to patients about how to reduce stress.”
Researchers found that people in who took part in an
active relaxation program used an average of 43% fewer medical services than they did the previous year, saving on average $2,360 per person.
Of course, these are averages. For some people the costs would be lower, for others unfortunately, the costs would be much higher.
But the truth is, it’s not about the money. If we don’t have our health, we simply can’t function at our peak. We can’t fulfil our potential, we can’t show up for our families and other obligations… our hopes and plans go off course.
So, how can we habitually care for our wellbeing?…
…In the words of one of the most influential martial artists of all time…
– Bruce Lee, actor, director, philosopher, and founder of Jeet Kune Do
When we introduce simplicity, everything changes. We can remove the blockages which create
needless complication
Maybe it’s anger. Maybe it’s past disappointments which continuously create doubt. Maybe it’s self-criticism which has planted roots in our subconscious mind.
It may be suspicion or wariness about other people, an expectation of failure, or an unshakable feeling of tiredness, frustration, uncertainty, or overwhelm.
The fact is, when you allow yourself to deeply unwind and cultivate mindfulness, complications begin to dissipate… you gain clarity… and you connect with your inner power.
Have you ever had a decision that you just can’t get your head around? Maybe you went for a walk to “clear your head”. Then later, the answer appeared.
It’s like restarting your computer – shutting down the programs that you’re not using any more and
clearing space
This should be a ROUTINE. It’s not just about when the situation gets so difficult that you’re forced to remove yourself from the world. When we make mindfulness a core part of our daily routine, it becomes a constant and unlimited source of strength.
And scientists, doctors, psychologists, and policy makers are beginning to take notice…
In Australian schools,
1 million students and 18,000 teachers practice mindfulness every day
in a program run by The Australian Department of Education, Deakin University, child and adolescent psychologists, educators, and resilience specialists.
So far,
68% of participants reported a greater sense of calm
, and teachers have observed “significant improvements in their concentration after participating in the program.”
When you give yourself daily space to
untangle your thoughts and release tension, you’ll approach daily life from a much stronger position.
And here’s the good news…
You don’t need to commit a chunk of your day to sit in long drawn out meditation and force your mind to focus.
You don’t have to hike up the mountains and learn from a monk and you don’t have to understand some special philosophy.
You can do those things if you wish and they each have their own advantages AND disadvantages, but I want to offer you another way…
A way that is
, and
doesn’t require any cognitive effort
. A system where you don’t have to “Learn” and where you’re not at the mercy of what a former monk once described to me as “MEDITATION RESISTANCE”.
If you’re curious to see what can happen when you invest in your own wellbeing for just 7 minutes, then please read on…
With 7 Minute Mindfulness, all you need to do is press play.
Let the audios sink you into a deep relaxation like you’ve never known before.
You’ll be guided away from the thought processes of your day. You’ll release the tension from your muscles and the thoughts from your mind.
Different tensions are connected to different parts of our bodies: anger in the jaw, stress in the shoulders and torso, emotions in the hips. You’re going to learn to gently release each.
And the best part is that you don’t need to put in any effort at all.
You don’t need to consciously remember to focus on your thoughts or your breath. You don’t need discipline. Just listen to the music and the words, and they will take care of everything for you.
Each consecutive day you’ll go deeper into relaxation and come out 7 minutes later more refreshed and more prepared to make the most of your day.
You’ll be training your body to be more relaxed, and automatically training your mind to be more mindful.
When you listen to these sessions, here’s what will happen:
You’ll quickly release stress and relax deeply.
You’ll prime your mind with energy, belief, and motivation.
You’ll become more resilient.
You’ll become more patient.
You’ll gain clarity to make brilliant decisions, take opportunities, and be your authentic self.
Although you will only listen to the audio sessions for 7 minutes, the payoff will continue during every moment of your day. You’ll be upgrading your base operating system.
And this isn’t only going to benefit you… NO WAY! It’s going to rub off on the people around you.
They’ll be infected with your energy
They’ll take note of your ability to stay calm
, your ability to
make the most of every situation
. You’ll set the positive example.
Don’t just take my word for it…
See the awe-inspiring letter that I read every day… from a Seven Minute Mindfulness user named Phyllis:
“My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years.”
“I have inner peace for the first time in my life.
I feel a great deal of gratitude. I feel present. I am so much more relaxed and confident. My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years. My internal anger is nearly gone.
I find myself relaxing and going with the flow instead of fighting to control the world. I now know I don’t need or want to do that. I feel at peace with myself.
Thank you Greg!” — Phyllis
I can honestly say that the day I received Phyllis’s email was one of the best days of my life. To see the program improving people’s lives makes the past 10 years so worth the effort.
The core principal of this program is simple: to make mindfulness
easily doable for any person
To take away the barriers, stigma, and difficulties that often surround mindfulness practices.
This is NOT going to take you an hour per day, or even 30 minutes. It’s NOT going to require some super human mental discipline. All that’s required of you is to get comfortable, press play, and lie down (or sit if you prefer) for 7 minutes.
It borrows from many spiritual practises, but it’s different. It’s not religious or connected to any spiritual philosophy. It isn’t yoga, it isn’t Buddhism.
There are no strict rules
It’s a user friendly, practical routine to give yourself 7 minutes of peace. 7 minutes of nurturing. 7 minutes to release the stress that builds up each day, break the trains of incessant overthinking, and welcome in clarity.
I want you to squeeze every drop of joy out of life. To be fully present and prepared for what comes next, to cherish the small moments and big…
to be creative
to be calm
to be excited
… to help the people around you, and to nurture that which is unique and special about you.
I believe that if everyone in the world gifted themselves just a few minutes each day to release and rejuvenate, society would thrive.
Want to know more?
Here’s what Jamie reported about his experience…
“Thank you so much. I honestly do notice that I am more relaxed and calm since I started this practice.
It has helped me physically, emotionally and Spiritually. I am so grateful that I decided to try your method.
I am sleeping much better, and feel much more calm and relaxed.
I am becoming more mindful of my actions and reactions, and feeling more Spiritually healthy. I cannot tell you how much this simple practice has been helping me!! Thank you , Jamie”
And Robert…
“I found the mindfulness exercises help to get you out of your head and into what is happening presently.
This in turn helps to feel less tense and worried which allows you to enjoy more what you are doing.”
You can read more unique experiences later… BUT RIGHT NOW…
Let me introduce you to…
Experience Ultimate Inner Peace and Live Your Best Life
Seven Minute Mindfulness is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Listen for just 7 minutes per day, and allow the short mindfulness sessions massage your tense mind, release stress, and plant seeds of calm relaxation that help you flourish.
You get 10 mindfulness sessions, each lasting for 7 minutes.
The sessions combine guided mindfulness scripts, imagination prompts, and ultra-relaxation music, delivered in a format that will quickly invoke calmness and leave you prepared and ready for whatever the day may bring.
Make this your wellness routine: simply press play and…
Release the tension and stress that builds up every day.
Unleash your creativity and express yourself.
Slow your heart rate and care for your long term health.
Take control of negative thoughts, emotions, criticism, and guilt.
Be more present for the people who matter in your life.
Boost your mental performance and achieve your goals with greater ease.
Nurture better relationships, communication, and enjoy a more adventurous spirit.
Prime your mind and make your contribution to the world.
You don’t need any special skills to use this program.
Simply plug in a pair of headphones, listen to the “day 1” audio track, and your brain will enter a powerful state of calm.
You will gain enormous clarity, relief, and increased brain performance!
In just 7 minutes!
Most people can’t even shower and put their clothes on in 7 minutes
… But you can de-stress, then infuse your mind with calmness, creativity, and power!
In order to deliver you the best program possible, I teamed up with an online publishing company which specializes in relationships, personal development, goal achievement, and wellbeing. By combining their expertise with my experience and research, we created a truly user friendly, almost effortless program, delivered to you online for minimal cost.
Seven Minute Mindfulness has been used by over 3000 people around the world, and feedback from our community indicates we’ve created something special here, something that is truly helping to improve the world.
And now, I invite you to try it yourself.
You can get started straight away online, and experience for yourself just how powerful this program is in just a few minutes from now.
Option 1.
Online Access
$99 $17
Get lifetime online access to the Full TEN x 7 Minute Mindfulness Tracks, PLUS Mindfulness Training Program, for just $17!
(80% print-free discount)
Option 2.
Physical + Online
$99 + S&H
Get lifetime online access to the full program plus the cds and books shipped to your door.
Your order will be processed using the ClickBank® secure checkout
Use Seven Minute Mindfulness on your computer, phone, tablet, or whatever device you have. Getting started is super simple and will take just a few minutes after ordering.
PLUS you’ll get 3 amazing FREE bonuses!
Bonus #1: The Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Get all the knowledge, research, and background to how the system works.
From centuries of traditional healing and wellbeing practices, to the radical discoveries of modern science and technology.
This guidebook was co-created by myself and Scott Mason.
Scott’s story is utterly amazing and inspiring – he woke up from a coma after an accident with major internal injuries and a crushed right leg… then went on to recover, rebuild himself, and walk 1000 Kilometres along the South African coastline (prepare to be wowed and inspired!).
In this ebook, you’ll take a deep dive into mindfulness and discover new ways to live an inspiring and full life!
Plus, learn about different areas of your body, such as the
Limbic System
– the part of your brain which controls
emotional responses.
Here’s what one of our members, Greig, had to say about the guidebook:
“I purchased this program about 1 week ago and have listened to each of the 7 daily audios. I found them very relaxing and the perfect length. (I tend to lose focus with a lot of the long-winded material that most people put out!)”
“I decided to start reading the 181 page manual this morning, and WOW – I finished the whole 181 pages in 1 sitting! It really is brilliant and after reading it I know that I will now get big benefits from my daily 7 minute sessions! Thank you thank you for this awesome program!”
Bonus #2: An Audio Book Version of the Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Listen and enjoy whenever and where-ever you like…
Listen to the whole thing in one sitting… a chapter each morning while you eat breakfast… or any way you like.
Take an audio tour into mindfulness from around the world and throughout history. There’s some theory, a little science, and a lot of practical advice you can use to boost your mind and your life.
Bonus #3: Your Little Book Of Mindfulness Exercises
I’ve compiled this short reference style book of great mindfulness exercises to help you live with greater presence, calm, and joy.
These are simple tips and exercises to incorporate into daily life, or as a first aid kit when your mind gets weighed down, when you have a tough decision to make, or when you feel yourself getting carried away by thought trains that don’t help you.
This book perfectly compliments the audio program, to help you
perform at your peak
thrive under pressure
, and
overcome challenges
with greater ease.
I believe this is one of the BEST investments you will ever make, so I’m backing it up with a jaw-dropping guarantee.
If you don’t experience amazing results from my system within the first sixty days of using it, and if you don’t feel like it is worth at least five times what you paid, I will refund EVERY CENT.
No hassles and no question asked.
My goal is your success. And while I am confident you won’t need it, I want you to feel completely comfortable when you get your hands on my powerful mindfulness system.
So, try it out, and if you don’t experience a
noticeable reduction in your stress levels, if you don’t have more energy and an improved baseline of happiness, then simply send me an email and I’ll reverse your payment.
That’s my promise to you. With my 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, you have a risk free purchase.
I’ve received many emails from people sharing their different experiences with Seven Minute Mindfulness. Seeing people’s lives improve makes all the effort worth while, so I’m very excited to share a few stories with you here…
“What a wonderful way to start the day.”
From: Rosalyn What a wonderful way to start the day. I found myself very calm and centered. It allowed me to stay focused and on track the whole day. Thank you this is great.
“This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.”
From: Richard I’ve tried several programs and I start off with great intentions, but then the time factor and real life set in and I fall away. This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.
“It fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break.”
From: Olivier 7 Minutes Mindfulness has a great effect on me, allowing to calm my busy mind and also improve my mood.
It is a great complement to my daily meditation, as it fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break. Thank you guys!
“I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood.”
From: Charlene Hey, absolutely love Seven Minute Mindfulness.
I was under a lot of stress and I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood. Thanks for these programmes. 🙂
“This program has made me reconnect with my true self.”
From: Russell This program has made me reconnect with my true self. It has also really helped me to get to sleep faster and enjoy my days with a calmer more mindful outlook.
“So simple yet so practicable for daily living.”
From: Margaret Hi there, I find the mindfulness of the breath very focusing and very peaceful. I use the breath to fall asleep and it always puts me in fairy land.
I am so happy i bought your 7 Minute Mindfulness. So simple yet so practicable for daily living. Margo.
I hope you’ll be the next to experience Seven Minute Mindfulness!
Taking care of our own wellbeing is the most powerful investment we can make to help ourselves, our families, and the world.
Imagine that it’s one year from now. As you look back over the last twelve months, seeing how good life can be when you have the ability to quickly release stress, get back to balance, and reconnect with your true self.
Join now and see for yourself, it may just be the best move you’ve ever made!
Greg Thurston, Co-creator of Seven Minute Mindfulness
P.S. Remember you are backed by my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase for a full refund.
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charlieharry1 · 4 years
The remaining a-z guide to photograph type for professionals
The closing a-z manual to photograph category for professionals and beginners
Did you already know that the  Digital Marketing Agency Glasgow photograph recognition or photograph classification marketplace is predicted to develop to usd 38. Ninety two billion with the aid of the 12 months 2021? We stay in a visually attractive and spell binding global that shows a number of colorings, shapes, paperwork, textures, and motion. Every human can grasp, integrate, and interpret this visual information depicted round us. Presenting these capabilities to a gadget so that it may interpret and procedure visual statistics in portraits, images, and motion pictures much like human beings do, is a project finished thru image category techniques. But, to acquire that, it is important to shop, process, transmit and recognize visual information. In this article, we can speak exactly that via picture classification, its strategies, and techniques. What's picture type? Have a look at the picture given under. Picture type
source – clipart library
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 you can at once inform that it's miles an photograph of a tree. If you analyze how and why you have been capable of answer this visual facts almost instantly, then you'll realize that you mentally categorised the photograph and came up with an answer. This is what photograph class is. Simple, right? Now not actually. Of direction, when you have one or maybe ten pictures, you can classify these images. But, if you have tens of lots of photos, what is going to you do? Consider all the time you can should spend in processing and photo type. Even considering it may be a painful experience. Therefore, automation is the answer to analyze and label every picture quick. Download distinctive curriculum and get complimentary get right of entry to to orientation session
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i conform to virtual vidya privacy policy & terms of use. How is that this performed? Picture type strategies! One of the only examples of image classification being used in the enterprise proper now is self-riding vehicles. To build a self-riding vehicle, photo type using tensorflow turned into the dominant approach. This is due to the fact by the usage of this machine, the self-using self sustaining device can stumble on objects, humans, and motors in the front of the auto. Allow’s see a number of the important factors worried. 1) statistics gathering
information collecting is the foundation of photograph classification strategies. When you have fine and sufficient records, then you could train your set of rules or gadget nicely. If you don’t have first-class records or enough statistics, you could’t attain photo identification with performance. You may collect records from github, open pics on google, and so on. 2) annotation of statistics
annotation is the following step for photo class the usage of cnn or different strategies. It means labeling your information to get right of entry to it properly. This is carried out with the help of key phrases including image, video, etc. There are various methods of labeling records along with polygon, bounding box, semantic, key factor, and redaction annotation. You can use equipment like through, comma coloring, and so forth. 3) processing of data
records processing is finished at the facts to be had to make it more handy. Pre-processing is vital to make your facts effective for the algorithms. You may use diverse techniques for this step, inclusive of web page segmentation approach, photograph enhancement approach, thresholding technique, individual segmentation, or morphological preprocessing. Technologies used in image type
commonly, technologies combining artificial intelligence and camera are utilized for it. Here are some of the main technology which useful resource picture category techniques:
 1) hog technology
the hog generation or histogram of oriented gradients is a tool utilized to stumble on items which might be discovered in a video or photograph the use of a characteristic descriptor. This tool moves a sliding detection window across the image to manner the photograph. Then, the descriptor is processed via a guide vector device, to be able to then title the object as non-individual or man or woman. 2) haar generation
the haar generation or excessive altitude aerial reconnaissance is a tool utilized to understand gadgets. This device takes the adjacent regions in the detection window in a square form. Then, the tool adds the pixel intensities as calculated of every area and unearths out differences in these sums. Here are a number of the haar tool capabilities related to image category:
 · facet function which is applied to discover edges.
· 4 rectangle function that's applied to discover slanted lines.
· line feature that is applied to discover traces. 3) photo type the use of cnn
photo classification the usage of cnn is a part of neural networks. It's far one of the most extensively utilized methods for photo category, and you may regularly locate cnn being applied for visual imagery in many photograph identity systems. Essentially, photograph class the use of tensorflow incorporates two primary components, extraction, and type. Which means the function is first extracted after which categorised. A way to construct an image classification model? 1) motivation
there’s constantly a motivating aspect in the back of every facts scientist who wants to apprehend photograph category. This motivation can be your using pressure. So, we have utilized this as the first step due to the fact it's far hard to make a model without motivation. 2) dataset
after you are motivated to build an photograph type version the use of cnn, pick out your dataset. Your statistics or images need to be of exceptional, as higher high-quality pictures always assist you maintain accuracy for your model. If you are taking snap shots from the internet, there's a excessive risk that your version will now not carry out as expected. As an instance, it's going to display overfitting. To resolve this difficulty, you may either use the unique source of snap shots or films or fix the overfitting hassle. If you want to restore this trouble, you may decrease the epochs number, song hyperparameters, and so on. It's far essential to note that through these techniques, we're trying to create a education set which is much like our take a look at set. Further, you also need to upsample your set by way of information augmentation when you have greater photographs from the source and less from the net. In many case eventualities, you'll have greater samples from the internet and much less from the source. So, to keep a stability, utilize a facts augmentation tool. Three) validation set
it's miles commonplace to make the validation set with a random sample. The technique is extremely easy however now not efficient. You can produce leaks in your validation set, because of this that your picture classification model will don't forget the historical past information but no longer the feature itself. Some facts scientists reduce the possibilities of a leak with the aid of using one kind of photo for the training set and some other sort of picture for the validation set. However, consider to monitor both schooling and validation units carefully to avoid overfitting and leaks. Four) architecture
as soon as you have determined for your validation set and training set, you need to finalize a computer imaginative and prescient architecture. Luckily, there are more than one options, including squeezenet, resnet, xception, densenet, and so forth. For example, if you pick out resnet, it is a simple architecture this is ideal for amateur photograph class models. This architecture has more than one resnet block in conjunction with identity blocks, which might be organized on pinnacle of one another. In this structure of image class, the final results is joined with the previous convolution outcome. Which means the structure mechanically attempts to parent out the difference within the next and previous layer, which ends up in development in solutions. Five) training model
to installation your training model for picture category, you could make use of the fastai library. You just need to write down 4-five code strains to set up a reliable and strong photo classification model using cnn. Observe those steps for image type education version installation:
 i) set up an photograph transformation mechanism. This can assist your version to save you overfitting problems we were discussing for some time now. However, we've already executed augmentations at some point of upsampling. Subsequently, try to keep away from similar augmentations in this step. Ii) after this, set up your data loader, that allows you to include a schooling set, take a look at facts, and a validation set. This loader may also include facts related to batch size, photograph transformation, and image length. Iii) now, handiest finetune your ultimate layer and don’t contact different layers. This will assist you get affordable outcomes earlier than finetuning all of the layers. You have to preserve high getting to know prices for the last layer of the photo type method. Iv) set up or finetune different layers with a little less learning charge because these layers are already exact enough at detecting a few functions. 6) version interpretation
while you are making an photo class model, you want to analyze the predictions of the version to make sure performance and correctness. You may accomplish this via various methods together with take a look at pinnacle predictions and plot confusion matrix. However, from time to time, those interpretations can go incorrect. Subsequently, to interpret your model with accuracy, you could use the grad-cam method. First of all, make use of the gradients of target layers to focus on massive regions for prediction instructions. Then, use backpropagation to extract superb contributions made to the gradient. 7) improvements
lastly, enhance. There’s usually room for improvement in every model. While you start making your picture type version, you don’t understand what could go wrong till you train it and take a look at it. Once you have ultimately made the version, it's time to enhance this version by making changes. You can trade the architecture to better in shape your version, or you could alter your validation set for better consequences. A majority of these improvements have to be made earlier than finalizing your version. Applications of photograph classification
there are more than one applications of image class models currently placed to apply in actual-global systems. On this component, we will speak some of the programs which use various photo type techniques. 1) visible inspection gadget
an automatic visual inspection model is designed to decorate the exceptional of merchandise inside the production industries. Right here are the numerous applications of photo class automated visible inspection model:
 i) picture category may be utilized in bulb production. It is commonplace for bulb filaments to fuse because of faulty geometry. Guide inspection isn't enough to capture this mistake with accuracy. Ii) an automatic visible inspection version is likewise used in industries to pick out defective additives. Seeing that these faulty components of electronic systems radiate more thermal electricity, industries locate them the use of the infrared pics. Iii) image category techniques also are utilized in detecting mistakes at the surface of rolled metallic. 2) far flung scene interpretation
various photograph type techniques can be applied to experience scenes of herbal sources remotely. For instance, expertise the situation and situations of wooded area, soil, and other geological sources helps in flood control, resource making plans, etc. Down load exact curriculum and get complimentary get right of entry to to orientation session
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i agree to digital vidya privacy policy & terms of use. 3) biomedical imaging
it's far common for us to get ct scans, ultrasounds, and so forth. A majority of these imaging gadgets are based on photograph category fashions. As an example, whilst we cross for an mri or ct-experiment, the following steps are conducted by the device:
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 i) localizing the organ of interest
 ii) measuring gadgets together with a tumor
 iii) diagnosing the item for in addition evaluation
 numerous varieties of biomedical imaging can be used in the clinical enterprise, including heart disease identity through radiographic pictures and lung ailment identity through chest x-rays. Photograph class packages
supply – einfochips
 four) defense surveillance
protection surveillance is a big area of picture category. In every united states of america, there's a dire want for tracking the ocean or land region. Manually reaching that is practically impossible. Therefore, image class is applied to reveal the sea and land to a exquisite quantity and accuracy. Any uncommon interest may be immediately detected, monitored, and rectified. Five) monitoring moving gadgets
photograph classification can track moving objects to recognize the parameters of the object. You can reap this through motion-based totally and popularity-based totally monitoring. Whilst we need to music fast-targets along with a missile, then we utilize movement-based totally tracking consisting of prolonged kalman filtering. In recognition-based totally tracking, successive frames are tracked the usage of role facts. 6) video and image compression
photograph and video compression is another enormous advantage. With the growing call for for garage and the benefit of storing visible facts, there is a want for compression technology. Consider it; it'd be quite difficult to transmit uncompressed media over the internet today. Download unique curriculum and get complimentary get entry to to orientation consultation
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image classification is an critical technique that you may make use of in diverse real-international applications. Subsequently, you need to make investments a while and sources in building packages that can deliver cost to users. Read the above statistics to benefit some fundamental understanding of the way you can begin building your very own picture category version. Are you stimulated by way of the possibility of photograph  Digital Marketing Agency Cardiff type and system mastering? If you make a decision to examine gadget learning, you will have ample activity potentialities in severa industries. Enroll in virtual vidya’s device getting to know direction these days!
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Prepare Yourself To Grind With Our Top 10 RPGs On PlayStation 4.
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New Post has been published on Atticusblog
New Post has been published on https://atticusblog.com/microsoft-just-made-it-easier-to-create-ios-and-android-apps-with-windows/
Microsoft just made it easier to create iOS and Android apps with Windows
At Build 2017, Microsoft confirmed off the move-platform energy of its.NET framework, with the aid of demonstrating how apps may be easily created on a Windows PC and work on iOS, Android, and Windows all through an unmarried shared code base.
But Microsoft didn’t forestall there
While the.NET Standard 2.0 code base permits apps to share code, the unique XAML libraries for constructing user interfaces weren’t moved well matched. So, Microsoft additionally introduced XAML Standard 1.0, a unified markup language for consumer interface factors that works throughout Windows, iOS, and Android.
Or, in less complicated terms — Microsoft now has a shared code library that permits builders to without difficulty create apps for all three platforms with the equal user interface with a minimal quantity of effort. Which can most effective be an excellent factor for everybody, irrespective of the OS you select.
Additionally, Microsoft announced functionality for developing iOS apps immediately from a Windows PC the usage of a brand new device known as the Xamarin Live Player. It’s an iOS software that developers can pair with Visual Studio and set up the code to an iOS device, while still keeping the equal debugging utilities of Visual Studio. Developers will also be able to use the identical live enhancing gear from Visual Studio in iOS development.
Microsoft Azure: FAQ Finally Answered
Microsoft Azure, one of the most difficult products to pop out of Microsoft, offers users a remarkable variety of cloud capabilities to assist customers to do the entirety for their companies quicker and assist keep the cash. From information to analytics, it’s miles all protected in this astounding software. This program is also one of the maximum misunderstood programs to roll out of this well-known agency, so consultants have replied some of the users’ maximum regularly asked inquiries to help novices get started out.
What can I do with it?
Many customers are well conscious that they are able to compute information and different matters once they buy this luxurious software, but there are a few other top notch things that customers can do with it, including creating loose websites and apps. There are also strategies for analyzing statistics, storage and conversation.
I have never written software program earlier than, can I nonetheless create an internet site?
Leading IT consultants propose that whether users had been interested in software their whole lives or actually need to have a laugh and create a new website, gaining knowledge of as they pass; this software can offer what is wanted. Creating websites is pretty smooth to do, and plenty of tutorials are available online that could show precisely what buttons to click on.
What is a digital gadget?
Beginner users will run across the term digital gadget pretty a chunk when first discovering Azure. Experienced consultants have controlled to position this into an as a substitute easy rationalization. A digital machine is a separate working gadget inside a laptop.
For example, it is the equal of getting another small PC which could run in a window on a laptop. To placed it in less difficult terms, believe that there are computer systems sitting aspect through the facet. One of them is sitting there, and the alternative is playing a video. Then, take all of the facts on one of them, and positioned it onto the opposite. Give it its personal separate window at the computer screen, and that could be a digital device.
Can I still use Microsoft Azure if I don’t know something approximately analytics?
In brief, yes. The analytics portion of this program is fairly smooth to use, even for novices that aren’t acquainted with analytics. The previous experience might also make this easier, however, it isn’t a need with a view to expect outcomes of a hard and fast of information. Users can employ the style of gear to be had regardless of how experienced they’re.
This all sounds high-quality, but I’m nevertheless a touch harassed…
Creating an internet site sounds fun, but while phrases like “software program writing” come up, many people have a tendency to get a bit intimidated. Users can utilize a training kit or watch schooling films which might be furnished with the aid of Microsoft to learn the ropes of Azure, or they could spend money on IT professional specialists to assist train them one on one what everything of this application is, and how it can advantage them.
Maybe it isn’t always the best product
Beginners may additionally get intimidated at the technical jargon, and be equipped to take on that learning curve. Consultants are frequently useful in these conditions. On the other hand, different people might also listen to technical jargon and feel that they may be in the manner over their heads.
  5 Essential Qualities to Expect in an Adroit iOS App Developer
With the call for iPhones achieving to its peak, maximum of the groups are drawing their shift towards constructing pinnacle-rated iOS apps which, will widen their patron base. However, the prime needful to construct an awesome iOS app is to lease an awesome app developer without whom your entire investment in cellular app development would possibly cross in vain. Thus, it’s of prime significance to lease the proper professional for your mission who can meet your requirements perfectly.
With the right research and the enterprise evaluation, it turns into much clean with a view to choosing the right expert and adhering this truth, right here are some of the inherent traits to look in an app improvement expert.
While considering the world of the era, staying updated is one of the most crucial things for an app developer. In-depth know-how for the ultra-modern iOS variations is a considered necessary for the developers. Developing an app with an attention on its modern version will assist you to stay ensured that it may offer a refined experience to users.
Different agencies have distinctive dreams and desires. Keeping this in mind, you have to look for an expert who has relevant experience to work with numerous types of initiatives. The developer has to have the ability to comply with one-of-a-kind sorts of improvement principles or practices for exclusive types of projects.ios 7 download.
Adaptive with technological improvements
Having a success song file isn’t sufficient quality to deliver confident fulfillment in your app as nicely. Instead, verify that whether or not the expert has the urge to bring something new to the desk while they soak up-rate of a brand new challenge. The iOS enterprise is substantially dynamic and accordingly, it is vital for him to preserve right song with the emerging technological developments.
Punctuality is another vital factor which, is crucial to consider while hiring an app developer. This thing covers specific considerable information such as time development updates of the project, constant timing, and date of the meeting and plenty extra.
Commercial Window Cleaning Benefits
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Commercial window cleaning can cover home windows in stores, excessive-upward push homes, workplaces, and extra. It is very essential to preserve the ones home windows smooth because the home windows being smooth or dirty does make the first effect on customers. In addition, on excessive-rise homes, professionals who realize to paintings on scaffolds a good way to easy the out of doors of the home windows at the upper floors. The interior of the windows may be executed with the aid of an expert office cleaning provider but no longer the out of doors. In eating places it is able to be the personnel washing the windows on the interior earlier than the eating place opens but normally they lease an industrial window cleaning service to do the outside windows.
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There are many benefits using commercial window cleaning services, further to them being experts who are trained to clean the outside home windows of excessive rise homes. Some of these blessings consist of:
• Having a clean environment to paintings has a tendency to make employees inclined to do greater work. If they’re near a window it can help them to clean their minds if they are able to see outdoor and simply enjoy the peaceful view.
• If a commercial enterprise, workplace, or shop, has grimy windows it could be a factor in whether or not a person wants to have anything to do with that precise business, shop, or office. If the windows are filthy it is able to make the client experience that the personnel and the commercial enterprise practices are the same. When there are easy windows it makes the customers think the commercial enterprise, save, a workplace is organized and has orderliness to the enterprise. This is one way to attract new customers in your commercial enterprise or shop.
• If you are leasing the constructing where your commercial enterprise is placed, it could be to your lease as a circumstance that you keep the property inner and out. Having industrial window cleaning services easy your home windows is one way of keeping that circumstance. In addition, whilst the window cleaners are cleaning the windows they may observe a window restore that wishes to be accomplished which you did no longer realize approximately. This will give you time to take care of the hassle before any similar damage is precipitated. By keeping that circumstance, it helps to sell a high-quality relationship among the belongings proprietor and also you. Following the conditions of the rent can help to ensure that your lease may be renewed while it’s time.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
7 Minute Mindfulness
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/7-minute-mindfulness/
7 Minute Mindfulness
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    Stress less, sleep better, and show up every day as the best version of yourself!
A body that is in pain or tense negatively affects our mental capacity.
Ever tried to concentrate with a toothache?
Luckily, the reverse is also true…
With the “Stress Response”, hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol raise the heartrate, quicken the breath and prime the muscles for action. It’s a vital survival mechanism, however long term stress can cause serious damage.
On the other hand, with the “Relaxation Response”…
your heart rate decreases
breathing becomes slower and deeper
blood pressure stabilizes
your muscles relax.
“In addition to its calming physical effects, the relaxation response also increases energy and focus, combats illness, relieves aches and pains, heightens problem-solving abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity.” – Lawrence Robinson
Our bodies are programmed to heal. The magic of healing happens automatically. You don’t need to tell your finger to heal a paper cut. It just does.
However, an overworked mind
interferes with the healing process… especially when it’s thinking about what could go wrong.
When practicing certain mindfulness techniques, the links between different areas of the brain are balanced. The stress response starts to disconnect. Balance is restored.
Mindfulness brings natural order back to the artificial chaos.
Hi, I’m Greg Thurston, and I’d love to share with you a unique method to live your most authentic and fulfilling life.
In just 7 minutes YOU CAN…
Release stress
Gain emotional strength
Nurture stronger relationships
Boost your ability to make great decisions
Be more effective at work and in life
What I’m about to show you is a discovery that appeared in my life after years of struggling with long drawn out meditation.
Years of
trying and failing to meditate consistently.
Let me explain…
I was born with a physical injury that caused constant upheaval in my life. During university I explored yoga and meditation as a way to alleviate my troubles and lift my game.
Over the first 6 months I became
naturally happier
my grades improved
creativity gushed from my mind
my physical pains became tolerable
, and I started loving life.
But there was a problem.
As life got busier, meditation became a struggle… I’d go for a few weeks meditating, then for one reason or another I would stop.
Sometimes it was because “I didn’t have time”, sometimes it was “too difficult to sit and focus”, and sometimes I’d stop without any reason at all…
Meditation was something I just couldn’t stick to consistently, and as a result, I couldn’t reap the rewards.
It was frustrating…
Then one day, sick of the constant ups and downs, I set off to explore the possibilities of what the mind and body can do… And over the next
5 years, the journey took on a life of its own…
I Travelled to Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, Brazil and Germany… INHALING every ounce of knowledge about meditation, mindfulness, and the mind-body connection.
I investigated TRADITIONAL ZEN PRACTICES and researched what MODERN SCIENCE knows today about the power of the mind.
This world exposed many truths and many falsehoods about stress, mindfulness, and the untapped potential of our brains and bodies… And let me tell you, it was surprising to see how many others were struggling with practices that just didn’t work for them.
The most significant thing I noted is how stress builds up …and when we DON’T release stress we get sick, diseased, and problems begin to push our lives off track.
So I started compiling the best and most powerful methods… focusing on solutions that are
easily maintainable
doable for any person
, and
avoid the common roadblocks
that people face.
And here’s what I found…
First of all, the honest truth about stress…
Nobody can avoid stress, so right here, right now, you can let yourself off the hook.
You don’t need to reach some fairy-tale level of enlightenment where you live in a bubble and are immune to stress.
What you can do however, is quickly bring yourself back to balance. To approach life proactively. To give yourself the tools to navigate challenges with
, and
Whether it’s financial strains, work, family, relationships, concerns about society, health, or the subtle daily stresses that sneak up on us, these things have the potential to snowball.
They far too often grow into something beyond our control, interfering with our ability to create the life we want and damaging not only our
mental wellbeing
, but also our
physical health.
According to a recent Harvard Medical School research paper, “Stress-related health problems are responsible for up to 80% of visits to the doctor and account for the third highest health care expenditures, behind only heart disease and cancer. But as few as 3% of doctors actually talk to patients about how to reduce stress.”
Researchers found that people in who took part in an
active relaxation program used an average of 43% fewer medical services than they did the previous year, saving on average $2,360 per person.
Of course, these are averages. For some people the costs would be lower, for others unfortunately, the costs would be much higher.
But the truth is, it’s not about the money. If we don’t have our health, we simply can’t function at our peak. We can’t fulfil our potential, we can’t show up for our families and other obligations… our hopes and plans go off course.
So, how can we habitually care for our wellbeing?…
…In the words of one of the most influential martial artists of all time…
– Bruce Lee, actor, director, philosopher, and founder of Jeet Kune Do
When we introduce simplicity, everything changes. We can remove the blockages which create
needless complication
Maybe it’s anger. Maybe it’s past disappointments which continuously create doubt. Maybe it’s self-criticism which has planted roots in our subconscious mind.
It may be suspicion or wariness about other people, an expectation of failure, or an unshakable feeling of tiredness, frustration, uncertainty, or overwhelm.
The fact is, when you allow yourself to deeply unwind and cultivate mindfulness, complications begin to dissipate… you gain clarity… and you connect with your inner power.
Have you ever had a decision that you just can’t get your head around? Maybe you went for a walk to “clear your head”. Then later, the answer appeared.
It’s like restarting your computer – shutting down the programs that you’re not using any more and
clearing space
This should be a ROUTINE. It’s not just about when the situation gets so difficult that you’re forced to remove yourself from the world. When we make mindfulness a core part of our daily routine, it becomes a constant and unlimited source of strength.
And scientists, doctors, psychologists, and policy makers are beginning to take notice…
In Australian schools,
1 million students and 18,000 teachers practice mindfulness every day
in a program run by The Australian Department of Education, Deakin University, child and adolescent psychologists, educators, and resilience specialists.
So far,
68% of participants reported a greater sense of calm
, and teachers have observed “significant improvements in their concentration after participating in the program.”
When you give yourself daily space to
untangle your thoughts and release tension, you’ll approach daily life from a much stronger position.
And here’s the good news…
You don’t need to commit a chunk of your day to sit in long drawn out meditation and force your mind to focus.
You don’t have to hike up the mountains and learn from a monk and you don’t have to understand some special philosophy.
You can do those things if you wish and they each have their own advantages AND disadvantages, but I want to offer you another way…
A way that is
, and
doesn’t require any cognitive effort
. A system where you don’t have to “Learn” and where you’re not at the mercy of what a former monk once described to me as “MEDITATION RESISTANCE”.
If you’re curious to see what can happen when you invest in your own wellbeing for just 7 minutes, then please read on…
With 7 Minute Mindfulness, all you need to do is press play.
Let the audios sink you into a deep relaxation like you’ve never known before.
You’ll be guided away from the thought processes of your day. You’ll release the tension from your muscles and the thoughts from your mind.
Different tensions are connected to different parts of our bodies: anger in the jaw, stress in the shoulders and torso, emotions in the hips. You’re going to learn to gently release each.
And the best part is that you don’t need to put in any effort at all.
You don’t need to consciously remember to focus on your thoughts or your breath. You don’t need discipline. Just listen to the music and the words, and they will take care of everything for you.
Each consecutive day you’ll go deeper into relaxation and come out 7 minutes later more refreshed and more prepared to make the most of your day.
You’ll be training your body to be more relaxed, and automatically training your mind to be more mindful.
When you listen to these sessions, here’s what will happen:
You’ll quickly release stress and relax deeply.
You’ll prime your mind with energy, belief, and motivation.
You’ll become more resilient.
You’ll become more patient.
You’ll gain clarity to make brilliant decisions, take opportunities, and be your authentic self.
Although you will only listen to the audio sessions for 7 minutes, the payoff will continue during every moment of your day. You’ll be upgrading your base operating system.
And this isn’t only going to benefit you… NO WAY! It’s going to rub off on the people around you.
They’ll be infected with your energy
They’ll take note of your ability to stay calm
, your ability to
make the most of every situation
. You’ll set the positive example.
Don’t just take my word for it…
See the awe-inspiring letter that I read every day… from a Seven Minute Mindfulness user named Phyllis:
“My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years.”
“I have inner peace for the first time in my life.
I feel a great deal of gratitude. I feel present. I am so much more relaxed and confident. My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years. My internal anger is nearly gone.
I find myself relaxing and going with the flow instead of fighting to control the world. I now know I don’t need or want to do that. I feel at peace with myself.
Thank you Greg!” — Phyllis
I can honestly say that the day I received Phyllis’s email was one of the best days of my life. To see the program improving people’s lives makes the past 10 years so worth the effort.
The core principal of this program is simple: to make mindfulness
easily doable for any person
To take away the barriers, stigma, and difficulties that often surround mindfulness practices.
This is NOT going to take you an hour per day, or even 30 minutes. It’s NOT going to require some super human mental discipline. All that’s required of you is to get comfortable, press play, and lie down (or sit if you prefer) for 7 minutes.
It borrows from many spiritual practises, but it’s different. It’s not religious or connected to any spiritual philosophy. It isn’t yoga, it isn’t Buddhism.
There are no strict rules
It’s a user friendly, practical routine to give yourself 7 minutes of peace. 7 minutes of nurturing. 7 minutes to release the stress that builds up each day, break the trains of incessant overthinking, and welcome in clarity.
I want you to squeeze every drop of joy out of life. To be fully present and prepared for what comes next, to cherish the small moments and big…
to be creative
to be calm
to be excited
… to help the people around you, and to nurture that which is unique and special about you.
I believe that if everyone in the world gifted themselves just a few minutes each day to release and rejuvenate, society would thrive.
Want to know more?
Here’s what Jamie reported about his experience…
“Thank you so much. I honestly do notice that I am more relaxed and calm since I started this practice.
It has helped me physically, emotionally and Spiritually. I am so grateful that I decided to try your method.
I am sleeping much better, and feel much more calm and relaxed.
I am becoming more mindful of my actions and reactions, and feeling more Spiritually healthy. I cannot tell you how much this simple practice has been helping me!! Thank you , Jamie”
And Robert…
“I found the mindfulness exercises help to get you out of your head and into what is happening presently.
This in turn helps to feel less tense and worried which allows you to enjoy more what you are doing.”
You can read more unique experiences later… BUT RIGHT NOW…
Let me introduce you to…
Experience Ultimate Inner Peace and Live Your Best Life
Seven Minute Mindfulness is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Listen for just 7 minutes per day, and allow the short mindfulness sessions massage your tense mind, release stress, and plant seeds of calm relaxation that help you flourish.
You get 10 mindfulness sessions, each lasting for 7 minutes.
The sessions combine guided mindfulness scripts, imagination prompts, and ultra-relaxation music, delivered in a format that will quickly invoke calmness and leave you prepared and ready for whatever the day may bring.
Make this your wellness routine: simply press play and…
Release the tension and stress that builds up every day.
Unleash your creativity and express yourself.
Slow your heart rate and care for your long term health.
Take control of negative thoughts, emotions, criticism, and guilt.
Be more present for the people who matter in your life.
Boost your mental performance and achieve your goals with greater ease.
Nurture better relationships, communication, and enjoy a more adventurous spirit.
Prime your mind and make your contribution to the world.
You don’t need any special skills to use this program.
Simply plug in a pair of headphones, listen to the “day 1” audio track, and your brain will enter a powerful state of calm.
You will gain enormous clarity, relief, and increased brain performance!
In just 7 minutes!
Most people can’t even shower and put their clothes on in 7 minutes
… But you can de-stress, then infuse your mind with calmness, creativity, and power!
In order to deliver you the best program possible, I teamed up with an online publishing company which specializes in relationships, personal development, goal achievement, and wellbeing. By combining their expertise with my experience and research, we created a truly user friendly, almost effortless program, delivered to you online for minimal cost.
Seven Minute Mindfulness has been used by over 3000 people around the world, and feedback from our community indicates we’ve created something special here, something that is truly helping to improve the world.
And now, I invite you to try it yourself.
You can get started straight away online, and experience for yourself just how powerful this program is in just a few minutes from now.
Option 1.
Online Access
$99 $17
Get lifetime online access to the Full TEN x 7 Minute Mindfulness Tracks, PLUS Mindfulness Training Program, for just $17!
(80% print-free discount)
Option 2.
Physical + Online
$99 + S&H
Get lifetime online access to the full program plus the cds and books shipped to your door.
Your order will be processed using the ClickBank® secure checkout
Use Seven Minute Mindfulness on your computer, phone, tablet, or whatever device you have. Getting started is super simple and will take just a few minutes after ordering.
PLUS you’ll get 3 amazing FREE bonuses!
Bonus #1: The Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Get all the knowledge, research, and background to how the system works.
From centuries of traditional healing and wellbeing practices, to the radical discoveries of modern science and technology.
This guidebook was co-created by myself and Scott Mason.
Scott’s story is utterly amazing and inspiring – he woke up from a coma after an accident with major internal injuries and a crushed right leg… then went on to recover, rebuild himself, and walk 1000 Kilometres along the South African coastline (prepare to be wowed and inspired!).
In this ebook, you’ll take a deep dive into mindfulness and discover new ways to live an inspiring and full life!
Plus, learn about different areas of your body, such as the
Limbic System
– the part of your brain which controls
emotional responses.
Here’s what one of our members, Greig, had to say about the guidebook:
“I purchased this program about 1 week ago and have listened to each of the 7 daily audios. I found them very relaxing and the perfect length. (I tend to lose focus with a lot of the long-winded material that most people put out!)”
“I decided to start reading the 181 page manual this morning, and WOW – I finished the whole 181 pages in 1 sitting! It really is brilliant and after reading it I know that I will now get big benefits from my daily 7 minute sessions! Thank you thank you for this awesome program!”
Bonus #2: An Audio Book Version of the Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Listen and enjoy whenever and where-ever you like…
Listen to the whole thing in one sitting… a chapter each morning while you eat breakfast… or any way you like.
Take an audio tour into mindfulness from around the world and throughout history. There’s some theory, a little science, and a lot of practical advice you can use to boost your mind and your life.
Bonus #3: Your Little Book Of Mindfulness Exercises
I’ve compiled this short reference style book of great mindfulness exercises to help you live with greater presence, calm, and joy.
These are simple tips and exercises to incorporate into daily life, or as a first aid kit when your mind gets weighed down, when you have a tough decision to make, or when you feel yourself getting carried away by thought trains that don’t help you.
This book perfectly compliments the audio program, to help you
perform at your peak
thrive under pressure
, and
overcome challenges
with greater ease.
I believe this is one of the BEST investments you will ever make, so I’m backing it up with a jaw-dropping guarantee.
If you don’t experience amazing results from my system within the first sixty days of using it, and if you don’t feel like it is worth at least five times what you paid, I will refund EVERY CENT.
No hassles and no question asked.
My goal is your success. And while I am confident you won’t need it, I want you to feel completely comfortable when you get your hands on my powerful mindfulness system.
So, try it out, and if you don’t experience a
noticeable reduction in your stress levels, if you don’t have more energy and an improved baseline of happiness, then simply send me an email and I’ll reverse your payment.
That’s my promise to you. With my 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, you have a risk free purchase.
I’ve received many emails from people sharing their different experiences with Seven Minute Mindfulness. Seeing people’s lives improve makes all the effort worth while, so I’m very excited to share a few stories with you here…
“What a wonderful way to start the day.”
From: Rosalyn What a wonderful way to start the day. I found myself very calm and centered. It allowed me to stay focused and on track the whole day. Thank you this is great.
“This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.”
From: Richard I’ve tried several programs and I start off with great intentions, but then the time factor and real life set in and I fall away. This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.
“It fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break.”
From: Olivier 7 Minutes Mindfulness has a great effect on me, allowing to calm my busy mind and also improve my mood.
It is a great complement to my daily meditation, as it fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break. Thank you guys!
“I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood.”
From: Charlene Hey, absolutely love Seven Minute Mindfulness.
I was under a lot of stress and I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood. Thanks for these programmes. 🙂
“This program has made me reconnect with my true self.”
From: Russell This program has made me reconnect with my true self. It has also really helped me to get to sleep faster and enjoy my days with a calmer more mindful outlook.
“So simple yet so practicable for daily living.”
From: Margaret Hi there, I find the mindfulness of the breath very focusing and very peaceful. I use the breath to fall asleep and it always puts me in fairy land.
I am so happy i bought your 7 Minute Mindfulness. So simple yet so practicable for daily living. Margo.
I hope you’ll be the next to experience Seven Minute Mindfulness!
Taking care of our own wellbeing is the most powerful investment we can make to help ourselves, our families, and the world.
Imagine that it’s one year from now. As you look back over the last twelve months, seeing how good life can be when you have the ability to quickly release stress, get back to balance, and reconnect with your true self.
Join now and see for yourself, it may just be the best move you’ve ever made!
Greg Thurston, Co-creator of Seven Minute Mindfulness
P.S. Remember you are backed by my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase for a full refund.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
7 Minute Mindfulness
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/7-minute-mindfulness/
7 Minute Mindfulness
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 Buy Now
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    Stress less, sleep better, and show up every day as the best version of yourself!
A body that is in pain or tense negatively affects our mental capacity.
Ever tried to concentrate with a toothache?
Luckily, the reverse is also true…
With the “Stress Response”, hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol raise the heartrate, quicken the breath and prime the muscles for action. It’s a vital survival mechanism, however long term stress can cause serious damage.
On the other hand, with the “Relaxation Response”…
your heart rate decreases
breathing becomes slower and deeper
blood pressure stabilizes
your muscles relax.
“In addition to its calming physical effects, the relaxation response also increases energy and focus, combats illness, relieves aches and pains, heightens problem-solving abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity.” – Lawrence Robinson
Our bodies are programmed to heal. The magic of healing happens automatically. You don’t need to tell your finger to heal a paper cut. It just does.
However, an overworked mind
interferes with the healing process… especially when it’s thinking about what could go wrong.
When practicing certain mindfulness techniques, the links between different areas of the brain are balanced. The stress response starts to disconnect. Balance is restored.
Mindfulness brings natural order back to the artificial chaos.
Hi, I’m Greg Thurston, and I’d love to share with you a unique method to live your most authentic and fulfilling life.
In just 7 minutes YOU CAN…
Release stress
Gain emotional strength
Nurture stronger relationships
Boost your ability to make great decisions
Be more effective at work and in life
What I’m about to show you is a discovery that appeared in my life after years of struggling with long drawn out meditation.
Years of
trying and failing to meditate consistently.
Let me explain…
I was born with a physical injury that caused constant upheaval in my life. During university I explored yoga and meditation as a way to alleviate my troubles and lift my game.
Over the first 6 months I became
naturally happier
my grades improved
creativity gushed from my mind
my physical pains became tolerable
, and I started loving life.
But there was a problem.
As life got busier, meditation became a struggle… I’d go for a few weeks meditating, then for one reason or another I would stop.
Sometimes it was because “I didn’t have time”, sometimes it was “too difficult to sit and focus”, and sometimes I’d stop without any reason at all…
Meditation was something I just couldn’t stick to consistently, and as a result, I couldn’t reap the rewards.
It was frustrating…
Then one day, sick of the constant ups and downs, I set off to explore the possibilities of what the mind and body can do… And over the next
5 years, the journey took on a life of its own…
I Travelled to Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, Brazil and Germany… INHALING every ounce of knowledge about meditation, mindfulness, and the mind-body connection.
I investigated TRADITIONAL ZEN PRACTICES and researched what MODERN SCIENCE knows today about the power of the mind.
This world exposed many truths and many falsehoods about stress, mindfulness, and the untapped potential of our brains and bodies… And let me tell you, it was surprising to see how many others were struggling with practices that just didn’t work for them.
The most significant thing I noted is how stress builds up …and when we DON’T release stress we get sick, diseased, and problems begin to push our lives off track.
So I started compiling the best and most powerful methods… focusing on solutions that are
easily maintainable
doable for any person
, and
avoid the common roadblocks
that people face.
And here’s what I found…
First of all, the honest truth about stress…
Nobody can avoid stress, so right here, right now, you can let yourself off the hook.
You don’t need to reach some fairy-tale level of enlightenment where you live in a bubble and are immune to stress.
What you can do however, is quickly bring yourself back to balance. To approach life proactively. To give yourself the tools to navigate challenges with
, and
Whether it’s financial strains, work, family, relationships, concerns about society, health, or the subtle daily stresses that sneak up on us, these things have the potential to snowball.
They far too often grow into something beyond our control, interfering with our ability to create the life we want and damaging not only our
mental wellbeing
, but also our
physical health.
According to a recent Harvard Medical School research paper, “Stress-related health problems are responsible for up to 80% of visits to the doctor and account for the third highest health care expenditures, behind only heart disease and cancer. But as few as 3% of doctors actually talk to patients about how to reduce stress.”
Researchers found that people in who took part in an
active relaxation program used an average of 43% fewer medical services than they did the previous year, saving on average $2,360 per person.
Of course, these are averages. For some people the costs would be lower, for others unfortunately, the costs would be much higher.
But the truth is, it’s not about the money. If we don’t have our health, we simply can’t function at our peak. We can’t fulfil our potential, we can’t show up for our families and other obligations… our hopes and plans go off course.
So, how can we habitually care for our wellbeing?…
…In the words of one of the most influential martial artists of all time…
– Bruce Lee, actor, director, philosopher, and founder of Jeet Kune Do
When we introduce simplicity, everything changes. We can remove the blockages which create
needless complication
Maybe it’s anger. Maybe it’s past disappointments which continuously create doubt. Maybe it’s self-criticism which has planted roots in our subconscious mind.
It may be suspicion or wariness about other people, an expectation of failure, or an unshakable feeling of tiredness, frustration, uncertainty, or overwhelm.
The fact is, when you allow yourself to deeply unwind and cultivate mindfulness, complications begin to dissipate… you gain clarity… and you connect with your inner power.
Have you ever had a decision that you just can’t get your head around? Maybe you went for a walk to “clear your head”. Then later, the answer appeared.
It’s like restarting your computer – shutting down the programs that you’re not using any more and
clearing space
This should be a ROUTINE. It’s not just about when the situation gets so difficult that you’re forced to remove yourself from the world. When we make mindfulness a core part of our daily routine, it becomes a constant and unlimited source of strength.
And scientists, doctors, psychologists, and policy makers are beginning to take notice…
In Australian schools,
1 million students and 18,000 teachers practice mindfulness every day
in a program run by The Australian Department of Education, Deakin University, child and adolescent psychologists, educators, and resilience specialists.
So far,
68% of participants reported a greater sense of calm
, and teachers have observed “significant improvements in their concentration after participating in the program.”
When you give yourself daily space to
untangle your thoughts and release tension, you’ll approach daily life from a much stronger position.
And here’s the good news…
You don’t need to commit a chunk of your day to sit in long drawn out meditation and force your mind to focus.
You don’t have to hike up the mountains and learn from a monk and you don’t have to understand some special philosophy.
You can do those things if you wish and they each have their own advantages AND disadvantages, but I want to offer you another way…
A way that is
, and
doesn’t require any cognitive effort
. A system where you don’t have to “Learn” and where you’re not at the mercy of what a former monk once described to me as “MEDITATION RESISTANCE”.
If you’re curious to see what can happen when you invest in your own wellbeing for just 7 minutes, then please read on…
With 7 Minute Mindfulness, all you need to do is press play.
Let the audios sink you into a deep relaxation like you’ve never known before.
You’ll be guided away from the thought processes of your day. You’ll release the tension from your muscles and the thoughts from your mind.
Different tensions are connected to different parts of our bodies: anger in the jaw, stress in the shoulders and torso, emotions in the hips. You’re going to learn to gently release each.
And the best part is that you don’t need to put in any effort at all.
You don’t need to consciously remember to focus on your thoughts or your breath. You don’t need discipline. Just listen to the music and the words, and they will take care of everything for you.
Each consecutive day you’ll go deeper into relaxation and come out 7 minutes later more refreshed and more prepared to make the most of your day.
You’ll be training your body to be more relaxed, and automatically training your mind to be more mindful.
When you listen to these sessions, here’s what will happen:
You’ll quickly release stress and relax deeply.
You’ll prime your mind with energy, belief, and motivation.
You’ll become more resilient.
You’ll become more patient.
You’ll gain clarity to make brilliant decisions, take opportunities, and be your authentic self.
Although you will only listen to the audio sessions for 7 minutes, the payoff will continue during every moment of your day. You’ll be upgrading your base operating system.
And this isn’t only going to benefit you… NO WAY! It’s going to rub off on the people around you.
They’ll be infected with your energy
They’ll take note of your ability to stay calm
, your ability to
make the most of every situation
. You’ll set the positive example.
Don’t just take my word for it…
See the awe-inspiring letter that I read every day… from a Seven Minute Mindfulness user named Phyllis:
“My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years.”
“I have inner peace for the first time in my life.
I feel a great deal of gratitude. I feel present. I am so much more relaxed and confident. My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years. My internal anger is nearly gone.
I find myself relaxing and going with the flow instead of fighting to control the world. I now know I don’t need or want to do that. I feel at peace with myself.
Thank you Greg!” — Phyllis
I can honestly say that the day I received Phyllis’s email was one of the best days of my life. To see the program improving people’s lives makes the past 10 years so worth the effort.
The core principal of this program is simple: to make mindfulness
easily doable for any person
To take away the barriers, stigma, and difficulties that often surround mindfulness practices.
This is NOT going to take you an hour per day, or even 30 minutes. It’s NOT going to require some super human mental discipline. All that’s required of you is to get comfortable, press play, and lie down (or sit if you prefer) for 7 minutes.
It borrows from many spiritual practises, but it’s different. It’s not religious or connected to any spiritual philosophy. It isn’t yoga, it isn’t Buddhism.
There are no strict rules
It’s a user friendly, practical routine to give yourself 7 minutes of peace. 7 minutes of nurturing. 7 minutes to release the stress that builds up each day, break the trains of incessant overthinking, and welcome in clarity.
I want you to squeeze every drop of joy out of life. To be fully present and prepared for what comes next, to cherish the small moments and big…
to be creative
to be calm
to be excited
… to help the people around you, and to nurture that which is unique and special about you.
I believe that if everyone in the world gifted themselves just a few minutes each day to release and rejuvenate, society would thrive.
Want to know more?
Here’s what Jamie reported about his experience…
“Thank you so much. I honestly do notice that I am more relaxed and calm since I started this practice.
It has helped me physically, emotionally and Spiritually. I am so grateful that I decided to try your method.
I am sleeping much better, and feel much more calm and relaxed.
I am becoming more mindful of my actions and reactions, and feeling more Spiritually healthy. I cannot tell you how much this simple practice has been helping me!! Thank you , Jamie”
And Robert…
“I found the mindfulness exercises help to get you out of your head and into what is happening presently.
This in turn helps to feel less tense and worried which allows you to enjoy more what you are doing.”
You can read more unique experiences later… BUT RIGHT NOW…
Let me introduce you to…
Experience Ultimate Inner Peace and Live Your Best Life
Seven Minute Mindfulness is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Listen for just 7 minutes per day, and allow the short mindfulness sessions massage your tense mind, release stress, and plant seeds of calm relaxation that help you flourish.
You get 10 mindfulness sessions, each lasting for 7 minutes.
The sessions combine guided mindfulness scripts, imagination prompts, and ultra-relaxation music, delivered in a format that will quickly invoke calmness and leave you prepared and ready for whatever the day may bring.
Make this your wellness routine: simply press play and…
Release the tension and stress that builds up every day.
Unleash your creativity and express yourself.
Slow your heart rate and care for your long term health.
Take control of negative thoughts, emotions, criticism, and guilt.
Be more present for the people who matter in your life.
Boost your mental performance and achieve your goals with greater ease.
Nurture better relationships, communication, and enjoy a more adventurous spirit.
Prime your mind and make your contribution to the world.
You don’t need any special skills to use this program.
Simply plug in a pair of headphones, listen to the “day 1” audio track, and your brain will enter a powerful state of calm.
You will gain enormous clarity, relief, and increased brain performance!
In just 7 minutes!
Most people can’t even shower and put their clothes on in 7 minutes
… But you can de-stress, then infuse your mind with calmness, creativity, and power!
In order to deliver you the best program possible, I teamed up with an online publishing company which specializes in relationships, personal development, goal achievement, and wellbeing. By combining their expertise with my experience and research, we created a truly user friendly, almost effortless program, delivered to you online for minimal cost.
Seven Minute Mindfulness has been used by over 3000 people around the world, and feedback from our community indicates we’ve created something special here, something that is truly helping to improve the world.
And now, I invite you to try it yourself.
You can get started straight away online, and experience for yourself just how powerful this program is in just a few minutes from now.
Option 1.
Online Access
$99 $17
Get lifetime online access to the Full TEN x 7 Minute Mindfulness Tracks, PLUS Mindfulness Training Program, for just $17!
(80% print-free discount)
Option 2.
Physical + Online
$99 + S&H
Get lifetime online access to the full program plus the cds and books shipped to your door.
Your order will be processed using the ClickBank® secure checkout
Use Seven Minute Mindfulness on your computer, phone, tablet, or whatever device you have. Getting started is super simple and will take just a few minutes after ordering.
PLUS you’ll get 3 amazing FREE bonuses!
Bonus #1: The Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Get all the knowledge, research, and background to how the system works.
From centuries of traditional healing and wellbeing practices, to the radical discoveries of modern science and technology.
This guidebook was co-created by myself and Scott Mason.
Scott’s story is utterly amazing and inspiring – he woke up from a coma after an accident with major internal injuries and a crushed right leg… then went on to recover, rebuild himself, and walk 1000 Kilometres along the South African coastline (prepare to be wowed and inspired!).
In this ebook, you’ll take a deep dive into mindfulness and discover new ways to live an inspiring and full life!
Plus, learn about different areas of your body, such as the
Limbic System
– the part of your brain which controls
emotional responses.
Here’s what one of our members, Greig, had to say about the guidebook:
“I purchased this program about 1 week ago and have listened to each of the 7 daily audios. I found them very relaxing and the perfect length. (I tend to lose focus with a lot of the long-winded material that most people put out!)”
“I decided to start reading the 181 page manual this morning, and WOW – I finished the whole 181 pages in 1 sitting! It really is brilliant and after reading it I know that I will now get big benefits from my daily 7 minute sessions! Thank you thank you for this awesome program!”
Bonus #2: An Audio Book Version of the Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Listen and enjoy whenever and where-ever you like…
Listen to the whole thing in one sitting… a chapter each morning while you eat breakfast… or any way you like.
Take an audio tour into mindfulness from around the world and throughout history. There’s some theory, a little science, and a lot of practical advice you can use to boost your mind and your life.
Bonus #3: Your Little Book Of Mindfulness Exercises
I’ve compiled this short reference style book of great mindfulness exercises to help you live with greater presence, calm, and joy.
These are simple tips and exercises to incorporate into daily life, or as a first aid kit when your mind gets weighed down, when you have a tough decision to make, or when you feel yourself getting carried away by thought trains that don’t help you.
This book perfectly compliments the audio program, to help you
perform at your peak
thrive under pressure
, and
overcome challenges
with greater ease.
I believe this is one of the BEST investments you will ever make, so I’m backing it up with a jaw-dropping guarantee.
If you don’t experience amazing results from my system within the first sixty days of using it, and if you don’t feel like it is worth at least five times what you paid, I will refund EVERY CENT.
No hassles and no question asked.
My goal is your success. And while I am confident you won’t need it, I want you to feel completely comfortable when you get your hands on my powerful mindfulness system.
So, try it out, and if you don’t experience a
noticeable reduction in your stress levels, if you don’t have more energy and an improved baseline of happiness, then simply send me an email and I’ll reverse your payment.
That’s my promise to you. With my 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, you have a risk free purchase.
I’ve received many emails from people sharing their different experiences with Seven Minute Mindfulness. Seeing people’s lives improve makes all the effort worth while, so I’m very excited to share a few stories with you here…
“What a wonderful way to start the day.”
From: Rosalyn What a wonderful way to start the day. I found myself very calm and centered. It allowed me to stay focused and on track the whole day. Thank you this is great.
“This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.”
From: Richard I’ve tried several programs and I start off with great intentions, but then the time factor and real life set in and I fall away. This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.
“It fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break.”
From: Olivier 7 Minutes Mindfulness has a great effect on me, allowing to calm my busy mind and also improve my mood.
It is a great complement to my daily meditation, as it fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break. Thank you guys!
“I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood.”
From: Charlene Hey, absolutely love Seven Minute Mindfulness.
I was under a lot of stress and I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood. Thanks for these programmes. 🙂
“This program has made me reconnect with my true self.”
From: Russell This program has made me reconnect with my true self. It has also really helped me to get to sleep faster and enjoy my days with a calmer more mindful outlook.
“So simple yet so practicable for daily living.”
From: Margaret Hi there, I find the mindfulness of the breath very focusing and very peaceful. I use the breath to fall asleep and it always puts me in fairy land.
I am so happy i bought your 7 Minute Mindfulness. So simple yet so practicable for daily living. Margo.
I hope you’ll be the next to experience Seven Minute Mindfulness!
Taking care of our own wellbeing is the most powerful investment we can make to help ourselves, our families, and the world.
Imagine that it’s one year from now. As you look back over the last twelve months, seeing how good life can be when you have the ability to quickly release stress, get back to balance, and reconnect with your true self.
Join now and see for yourself, it may just be the best move you’ve ever made!
Greg Thurston, Co-creator of Seven Minute Mindfulness
P.S. Remember you are backed by my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase for a full refund.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
7 Minute Mindfulness
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/7-minute-mindfulness/
7 Minute Mindfulness
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 Buy Now
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    Stress less, sleep better, and show up every day as the best version of yourself!
A body that is in pain or tense negatively affects our mental capacity.
Ever tried to concentrate with a toothache?
Luckily, the reverse is also true…
With the “Stress Response”, hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol raise the heartrate, quicken the breath and prime the muscles for action. It’s a vital survival mechanism, however long term stress can cause serious damage.
On the other hand, with the “Relaxation Response”…
your heart rate decreases
breathing becomes slower and deeper
blood pressure stabilizes
your muscles relax.
“In addition to its calming physical effects, the relaxation response also increases energy and focus, combats illness, relieves aches and pains, heightens problem-solving abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity.” – Lawrence Robinson
Our bodies are programmed to heal. The magic of healing happens automatically. You don’t need to tell your finger to heal a paper cut. It just does.
However, an overworked mind
interferes with the healing process… especially when it’s thinking about what could go wrong.
When practicing certain mindfulness techniques, the links between different areas of the brain are balanced. The stress response starts to disconnect. Balance is restored.
Mindfulness brings natural order back to the artificial chaos.
Hi, I’m Greg Thurston, and I’d love to share with you a unique method to live your most authentic and fulfilling life.
In just 7 minutes YOU CAN…
Release stress
Gain emotional strength
Nurture stronger relationships
Boost your ability to make great decisions
Be more effective at work and in life
What I’m about to show you is a discovery that appeared in my life after years of struggling with long drawn out meditation.
Years of
trying and failing to meditate consistently.
Let me explain…
I was born with a physical injury that caused constant upheaval in my life. During university I explored yoga and meditation as a way to alleviate my troubles and lift my game.
Over the first 6 months I became
naturally happier
my grades improved
creativity gushed from my mind
my physical pains became tolerable
, and I started loving life.
But there was a problem.
As life got busier, meditation became a struggle… I’d go for a few weeks meditating, then for one reason or another I would stop.
Sometimes it was because “I didn’t have time”, sometimes it was “too difficult to sit and focus”, and sometimes I’d stop without any reason at all…
Meditation was something I just couldn’t stick to consistently, and as a result, I couldn’t reap the rewards.
It was frustrating…
Then one day, sick of the constant ups and downs, I set off to explore the possibilities of what the mind and body can do… And over the next
5 years, the journey took on a life of its own…
I Travelled to Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, Brazil and Germany… INHALING every ounce of knowledge about meditation, mindfulness, and the mind-body connection.
I investigated TRADITIONAL ZEN PRACTICES and researched what MODERN SCIENCE knows today about the power of the mind.
This world exposed many truths and many falsehoods about stress, mindfulness, and the untapped potential of our brains and bodies… And let me tell you, it was surprising to see how many others were struggling with practices that just didn’t work for them.
The most significant thing I noted is how stress builds up …and when we DON’T release stress we get sick, diseased, and problems begin to push our lives off track.
So I started compiling the best and most powerful methods… focusing on solutions that are
easily maintainable
doable for any person
, and
avoid the common roadblocks
that people face.
And here’s what I found…
First of all, the honest truth about stress…
Nobody can avoid stress, so right here, right now, you can let yourself off the hook.
You don’t need to reach some fairy-tale level of enlightenment where you live in a bubble and are immune to stress.
What you can do however, is quickly bring yourself back to balance. To approach life proactively. To give yourself the tools to navigate challenges with
, and
Whether it’s financial strains, work, family, relationships, concerns about society, health, or the subtle daily stresses that sneak up on us, these things have the potential to snowball.
They far too often grow into something beyond our control, interfering with our ability to create the life we want and damaging not only our
mental wellbeing
, but also our
physical health.
According to a recent Harvard Medical School research paper, “Stress-related health problems are responsible for up to 80% of visits to the doctor and account for the third highest health care expenditures, behind only heart disease and cancer. But as few as 3% of doctors actually talk to patients about how to reduce stress.”
Researchers found that people in who took part in an
active relaxation program used an average of 43% fewer medical services than they did the previous year, saving on average $2,360 per person.
Of course, these are averages. For some people the costs would be lower, for others unfortunately, the costs would be much higher.
But the truth is, it’s not about the money. If we don’t have our health, we simply can’t function at our peak. We can’t fulfil our potential, we can’t show up for our families and other obligations… our hopes and plans go off course.
So, how can we habitually care for our wellbeing?…
…In the words of one of the most influential martial artists of all time…
– Bruce Lee, actor, director, philosopher, and founder of Jeet Kune Do
When we introduce simplicity, everything changes. We can remove the blockages which create
needless complication
Maybe it’s anger. Maybe it’s past disappointments which continuously create doubt. Maybe it’s self-criticism which has planted roots in our subconscious mind.
It may be suspicion or wariness about other people, an expectation of failure, or an unshakable feeling of tiredness, frustration, uncertainty, or overwhelm.
The fact is, when you allow yourself to deeply unwind and cultivate mindfulness, complications begin to dissipate… you gain clarity… and you connect with your inner power.
Have you ever had a decision that you just can’t get your head around? Maybe you went for a walk to “clear your head”. Then later, the answer appeared.
It’s like restarting your computer – shutting down the programs that you’re not using any more and
clearing space
This should be a ROUTINE. It’s not just about when the situation gets so difficult that you’re forced to remove yourself from the world. When we make mindfulness a core part of our daily routine, it becomes a constant and unlimited source of strength.
And scientists, doctors, psychologists, and policy makers are beginning to take notice…
In Australian schools,
1 million students and 18,000 teachers practice mindfulness every day
in a program run by The Australian Department of Education, Deakin University, child and adolescent psychologists, educators, and resilience specialists.
So far,
68% of participants reported a greater sense of calm
, and teachers have observed “significant improvements in their concentration after participating in the program.”
When you give yourself daily space to
untangle your thoughts and release tension, you’ll approach daily life from a much stronger position.
And here’s the good news…
You don’t need to commit a chunk of your day to sit in long drawn out meditation and force your mind to focus.
You don’t have to hike up the mountains and learn from a monk and you don’t have to understand some special philosophy.
You can do those things if you wish and they each have their own advantages AND disadvantages, but I want to offer you another way…
A way that is
, and
doesn’t require any cognitive effort
. A system where you don’t have to “Learn” and where you’re not at the mercy of what a former monk once described to me as “MEDITATION RESISTANCE”.
If you’re curious to see what can happen when you invest in your own wellbeing for just 7 minutes, then please read on…
With 7 Minute Mindfulness, all you need to do is press play.
Let the audios sink you into a deep relaxation like you’ve never known before.
You’ll be guided away from the thought processes of your day. You’ll release the tension from your muscles and the thoughts from your mind.
Different tensions are connected to different parts of our bodies: anger in the jaw, stress in the shoulders and torso, emotions in the hips. You’re going to learn to gently release each.
And the best part is that you don’t need to put in any effort at all.
You don’t need to consciously remember to focus on your thoughts or your breath. You don’t need discipline. Just listen to the music and the words, and they will take care of everything for you.
Each consecutive day you’ll go deeper into relaxation and come out 7 minutes later more refreshed and more prepared to make the most of your day.
You’ll be training your body to be more relaxed, and automatically training your mind to be more mindful.
When you listen to these sessions, here’s what will happen:
You’ll quickly release stress and relax deeply.
You’ll prime your mind with energy, belief, and motivation.
You’ll become more resilient.
You’ll become more patient.
You’ll gain clarity to make brilliant decisions, take opportunities, and be your authentic self.
Although you will only listen to the audio sessions for 7 minutes, the payoff will continue during every moment of your day. You’ll be upgrading your base operating system.
And this isn’t only going to benefit you… NO WAY! It’s going to rub off on the people around you.
They’ll be infected with your energy
They’ll take note of your ability to stay calm
, your ability to
make the most of every situation
. You’ll set the positive example.
Don’t just take my word for it…
See the awe-inspiring letter that I read every day… from a Seven Minute Mindfulness user named Phyllis:
“My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years.”
“I have inner peace for the first time in my life.
I feel a great deal of gratitude. I feel present. I am so much more relaxed and confident. My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years. My internal anger is nearly gone.
I find myself relaxing and going with the flow instead of fighting to control the world. I now know I don’t need or want to do that. I feel at peace with myself.
Thank you Greg!” — Phyllis
I can honestly say that the day I received Phyllis’s email was one of the best days of my life. To see the program improving people’s lives makes the past 10 years so worth the effort.
The core principal of this program is simple: to make mindfulness
easily doable for any person
To take away the barriers, stigma, and difficulties that often surround mindfulness practices.
This is NOT going to take you an hour per day, or even 30 minutes. It’s NOT going to require some super human mental discipline. All that’s required of you is to get comfortable, press play, and lie down (or sit if you prefer) for 7 minutes.
It borrows from many spiritual practises, but it’s different. It’s not religious or connected to any spiritual philosophy. It isn’t yoga, it isn’t Buddhism.
There are no strict rules
It’s a user friendly, practical routine to give yourself 7 minutes of peace. 7 minutes of nurturing. 7 minutes to release the stress that builds up each day, break the trains of incessant overthinking, and welcome in clarity.
I want you to squeeze every drop of joy out of life. To be fully present and prepared for what comes next, to cherish the small moments and big…
to be creative
to be calm
to be excited
… to help the people around you, and to nurture that which is unique and special about you.
I believe that if everyone in the world gifted themselves just a few minutes each day to release and rejuvenate, society would thrive.
Want to know more?
Here’s what Jamie reported about his experience…
“Thank you so much. I honestly do notice that I am more relaxed and calm since I started this practice.
It has helped me physically, emotionally and Spiritually. I am so grateful that I decided to try your method.
I am sleeping much better, and feel much more calm and relaxed.
I am becoming more mindful of my actions and reactions, and feeling more Spiritually healthy. I cannot tell you how much this simple practice has been helping me!! Thank you , Jamie”
And Robert…
“I found the mindfulness exercises help to get you out of your head and into what is happening presently.
This in turn helps to feel less tense and worried which allows you to enjoy more what you are doing.”
You can read more unique experiences later… BUT RIGHT NOW…
Let me introduce you to…
Experience Ultimate Inner Peace and Live Your Best Life
Seven Minute Mindfulness is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Listen for just 7 minutes per day, and allow the short mindfulness sessions massage your tense mind, release stress, and plant seeds of calm relaxation that help you flourish.
You get 10 mindfulness sessions, each lasting for 7 minutes.
The sessions combine guided mindfulness scripts, imagination prompts, and ultra-relaxation music, delivered in a format that will quickly invoke calmness and leave you prepared and ready for whatever the day may bring.
Make this your wellness routine: simply press play and…
Release the tension and stress that builds up every day.
Unleash your creativity and express yourself.
Slow your heart rate and care for your long term health.
Take control of negative thoughts, emotions, criticism, and guilt.
Be more present for the people who matter in your life.
Boost your mental performance and achieve your goals with greater ease.
Nurture better relationships, communication, and enjoy a more adventurous spirit.
Prime your mind and make your contribution to the world.
You don’t need any special skills to use this program.
Simply plug in a pair of headphones, listen to the “day 1” audio track, and your brain will enter a powerful state of calm.
You will gain enormous clarity, relief, and increased brain performance!
In just 7 minutes!
Most people can’t even shower and put their clothes on in 7 minutes
… But you can de-stress, then infuse your mind with calmness, creativity, and power!
In order to deliver you the best program possible, I teamed up with an online publishing company which specializes in relationships, personal development, goal achievement, and wellbeing. By combining their expertise with my experience and research, we created a truly user friendly, almost effortless program, delivered to you online for minimal cost.
Seven Minute Mindfulness has been used by over 3000 people around the world, and feedback from our community indicates we’ve created something special here, something that is truly helping to improve the world.
And now, I invite you to try it yourself.
You can get started straight away online, and experience for yourself just how powerful this program is in just a few minutes from now.
Option 1.
Online Access
$99 $17
Get lifetime online access to the Full TEN x 7 Minute Mindfulness Tracks, PLUS Mindfulness Training Program, for just $17!
(80% print-free discount)
Option 2.
Physical + Online
$99 + S&H
Get lifetime online access to the full program plus the cds and books shipped to your door.
Your order will be processed using the ClickBank® secure checkout
Use Seven Minute Mindfulness on your computer, phone, tablet, or whatever device you have. Getting started is super simple and will take just a few minutes after ordering.
PLUS you’ll get 3 amazing FREE bonuses!
Bonus #1: The Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Get all the knowledge, research, and background to how the system works.
From centuries of traditional healing and wellbeing practices, to the radical discoveries of modern science and technology.
This guidebook was co-created by myself and Scott Mason.
Scott’s story is utterly amazing and inspiring – he woke up from a coma after an accident with major internal injuries and a crushed right leg… then went on to recover, rebuild himself, and walk 1000 Kilometres along the South African coastline (prepare to be wowed and inspired!).
In this ebook, you’ll take a deep dive into mindfulness and discover new ways to live an inspiring and full life!
Plus, learn about different areas of your body, such as the
Limbic System
– the part of your brain which controls
emotional responses.
Here’s what one of our members, Greig, had to say about the guidebook:
“I purchased this program about 1 week ago and have listened to each of the 7 daily audios. I found them very relaxing and the perfect length. (I tend to lose focus with a lot of the long-winded material that most people put out!)”
“I decided to start reading the 181 page manual this morning, and WOW – I finished the whole 181 pages in 1 sitting! It really is brilliant and after reading it I know that I will now get big benefits from my daily 7 minute sessions! Thank you thank you for this awesome program!”
Bonus #2: An Audio Book Version of the Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Listen and enjoy whenever and where-ever you like…
Listen to the whole thing in one sitting… a chapter each morning while you eat breakfast… or any way you like.
Take an audio tour into mindfulness from around the world and throughout history. There’s some theory, a little science, and a lot of practical advice you can use to boost your mind and your life.
Bonus #3: Your Little Book Of Mindfulness Exercises
I’ve compiled this short reference style book of great mindfulness exercises to help you live with greater presence, calm, and joy.
These are simple tips and exercises to incorporate into daily life, or as a first aid kit when your mind gets weighed down, when you have a tough decision to make, or when you feel yourself getting carried away by thought trains that don’t help you.
This book perfectly compliments the audio program, to help you
perform at your peak
thrive under pressure
, and
overcome challenges
with greater ease.
I believe this is one of the BEST investments you will ever make, so I’m backing it up with a jaw-dropping guarantee.
If you don’t experience amazing results from my system within the first sixty days of using it, and if you don’t feel like it is worth at least five times what you paid, I will refund EVERY CENT.
No hassles and no question asked.
My goal is your success. And while I am confident you won’t need it, I want you to feel completely comfortable when you get your hands on my powerful mindfulness system.
So, try it out, and if you don’t experience a
noticeable reduction in your stress levels, if you don’t have more energy and an improved baseline of happiness, then simply send me an email and I’ll reverse your payment.
That’s my promise to you. With my 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, you have a risk free purchase.
I’ve received many emails from people sharing their different experiences with Seven Minute Mindfulness. Seeing people’s lives improve makes all the effort worth while, so I’m very excited to share a few stories with you here…
“What a wonderful way to start the day.”
From: Rosalyn What a wonderful way to start the day. I found myself very calm and centered. It allowed me to stay focused and on track the whole day. Thank you this is great.
“This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.”
From: Richard I’ve tried several programs and I start off with great intentions, but then the time factor and real life set in and I fall away. This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.
“It fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break.”
From: Olivier 7 Minutes Mindfulness has a great effect on me, allowing to calm my busy mind and also improve my mood.
It is a great complement to my daily meditation, as it fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break. Thank you guys!
“I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood.”
From: Charlene Hey, absolutely love Seven Minute Mindfulness.
I was under a lot of stress and I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood. Thanks for these programmes. 🙂
“This program has made me reconnect with my true self.”
From: Russell This program has made me reconnect with my true self. It has also really helped me to get to sleep faster and enjoy my days with a calmer more mindful outlook.
“So simple yet so practicable for daily living.”
From: Margaret Hi there, I find the mindfulness of the breath very focusing and very peaceful. I use the breath to fall asleep and it always puts me in fairy land.
I am so happy i bought your 7 Minute Mindfulness. So simple yet so practicable for daily living. Margo.
I hope you’ll be the next to experience Seven Minute Mindfulness!
Taking care of our own wellbeing is the most powerful investment we can make to help ourselves, our families, and the world.
Imagine that it’s one year from now. As you look back over the last twelve months, seeing how good life can be when you have the ability to quickly release stress, get back to balance, and reconnect with your true self.
Join now and see for yourself, it may just be the best move you’ve ever made!
Greg Thurston, Co-creator of Seven Minute Mindfulness
P.S. Remember you are backed by my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase for a full refund.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
7 Minute Mindfulness
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7 Minute Mindfulness
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    Stress less, sleep better, and show up every day as the best version of yourself!
A body that is in pain or tense negatively affects our mental capacity.
Ever tried to concentrate with a toothache?
Luckily, the reverse is also true…
With the “Stress Response”, hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol raise the heartrate, quicken the breath and prime the muscles for action. It’s a vital survival mechanism, however long term stress can cause serious damage.
On the other hand, with the “Relaxation Response”…
your heart rate decreases
breathing becomes slower and deeper
blood pressure stabilizes
your muscles relax.
“In addition to its calming physical effects, the relaxation response also increases energy and focus, combats illness, relieves aches and pains, heightens problem-solving abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity.” – Lawrence Robinson
Our bodies are programmed to heal. The magic of healing happens automatically. You don’t need to tell your finger to heal a paper cut. It just does.
However, an overworked mind
interferes with the healing process… especially when it’s thinking about what could go wrong.
When practicing certain mindfulness techniques, the links between different areas of the brain are balanced. The stress response starts to disconnect. Balance is restored.
Mindfulness brings natural order back to the artificial chaos.
Hi, I’m Greg Thurston, and I’d love to share with you a unique method to live your most authentic and fulfilling life.
In just 7 minutes YOU CAN…
Release stress
Gain emotional strength
Nurture stronger relationships
Boost your ability to make great decisions
Be more effective at work and in life
What I’m about to show you is a discovery that appeared in my life after years of struggling with long drawn out meditation.
Years of
trying and failing to meditate consistently.
Let me explain…
I was born with a physical injury that caused constant upheaval in my life. During university I explored yoga and meditation as a way to alleviate my troubles and lift my game.
Over the first 6 months I became
naturally happier
my grades improved
creativity gushed from my mind
my physical pains became tolerable
, and I started loving life.
But there was a problem.
As life got busier, meditation became a struggle… I’d go for a few weeks meditating, then for one reason or another I would stop.
Sometimes it was because “I didn’t have time”, sometimes it was “too difficult to sit and focus”, and sometimes I’d stop without any reason at all…
Meditation was something I just couldn’t stick to consistently, and as a result, I couldn’t reap the rewards.
It was frustrating…
Then one day, sick of the constant ups and downs, I set off to explore the possibilities of what the mind and body can do… And over the next
5 years, the journey took on a life of its own…
I Travelled to Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, Brazil and Germany… INHALING every ounce of knowledge about meditation, mindfulness, and the mind-body connection.
I investigated TRADITIONAL ZEN PRACTICES and researched what MODERN SCIENCE knows today about the power of the mind.
This world exposed many truths and many falsehoods about stress, mindfulness, and the untapped potential of our brains and bodies… And let me tell you, it was surprising to see how many others were struggling with practices that just didn’t work for them.
The most significant thing I noted is how stress builds up …and when we DON’T release stress we get sick, diseased, and problems begin to push our lives off track.
So I started compiling the best and most powerful methods… focusing on solutions that are
easily maintainable
doable for any person
, and
avoid the common roadblocks
that people face.
And here’s what I found…
First of all, the honest truth about stress…
Nobody can avoid stress, so right here, right now, you can let yourself off the hook.
You don’t need to reach some fairy-tale level of enlightenment where you live in a bubble and are immune to stress.
What you can do however, is quickly bring yourself back to balance. To approach life proactively. To give yourself the tools to navigate challenges with
, and
Whether it’s financial strains, work, family, relationships, concerns about society, health, or the subtle daily stresses that sneak up on us, these things have the potential to snowball.
They far too often grow into something beyond our control, interfering with our ability to create the life we want and damaging not only our
mental wellbeing
, but also our
physical health.
According to a recent Harvard Medical School research paper, “Stress-related health problems are responsible for up to 80% of visits to the doctor and account for the third highest health care expenditures, behind only heart disease and cancer. But as few as 3% of doctors actually talk to patients about how to reduce stress.”
Researchers found that people in who took part in an
active relaxation program used an average of 43% fewer medical services than they did the previous year, saving on average $2,360 per person.
Of course, these are averages. For some people the costs would be lower, for others unfortunately, the costs would be much higher.
But the truth is, it’s not about the money. If we don’t have our health, we simply can’t function at our peak. We can’t fulfil our potential, we can’t show up for our families and other obligations… our hopes and plans go off course.
So, how can we habitually care for our wellbeing?…
…In the words of one of the most influential martial artists of all time…
– Bruce Lee, actor, director, philosopher, and founder of Jeet Kune Do
When we introduce simplicity, everything changes. We can remove the blockages which create
needless complication
Maybe it’s anger. Maybe it’s past disappointments which continuously create doubt. Maybe it’s self-criticism which has planted roots in our subconscious mind.
It may be suspicion or wariness about other people, an expectation of failure, or an unshakable feeling of tiredness, frustration, uncertainty, or overwhelm.
The fact is, when you allow yourself to deeply unwind and cultivate mindfulness, complications begin to dissipate… you gain clarity… and you connect with your inner power.
Have you ever had a decision that you just can’t get your head around? Maybe you went for a walk to “clear your head”. Then later, the answer appeared.
It’s like restarting your computer – shutting down the programs that you’re not using any more and
clearing space
This should be a ROUTINE. It’s not just about when the situation gets so difficult that you’re forced to remove yourself from the world. When we make mindfulness a core part of our daily routine, it becomes a constant and unlimited source of strength.
And scientists, doctors, psychologists, and policy makers are beginning to take notice…
In Australian schools,
1 million students and 18,000 teachers practice mindfulness every day
in a program run by The Australian Department of Education, Deakin University, child and adolescent psychologists, educators, and resilience specialists.
So far,
68% of participants reported a greater sense of calm
, and teachers have observed “significant improvements in their concentration after participating in the program.”
When you give yourself daily space to
untangle your thoughts and release tension, you’ll approach daily life from a much stronger position.
And here’s the good news…
You don’t need to commit a chunk of your day to sit in long drawn out meditation and force your mind to focus.
You don’t have to hike up the mountains and learn from a monk and you don’t have to understand some special philosophy.
You can do those things if you wish and they each have their own advantages AND disadvantages, but I want to offer you another way…
A way that is
, and
doesn’t require any cognitive effort
. A system where you don’t have to “Learn” and where you’re not at the mercy of what a former monk once described to me as “MEDITATION RESISTANCE”.
If you’re curious to see what can happen when you invest in your own wellbeing for just 7 minutes, then please read on…
With 7 Minute Mindfulness, all you need to do is press play.
Let the audios sink you into a deep relaxation like you’ve never known before.
You’ll be guided away from the thought processes of your day. You’ll release the tension from your muscles and the thoughts from your mind.
Different tensions are connected to different parts of our bodies: anger in the jaw, stress in the shoulders and torso, emotions in the hips. You’re going to learn to gently release each.
And the best part is that you don’t need to put in any effort at all.
You don’t need to consciously remember to focus on your thoughts or your breath. You don’t need discipline. Just listen to the music and the words, and they will take care of everything for you.
Each consecutive day you’ll go deeper into relaxation and come out 7 minutes later more refreshed and more prepared to make the most of your day.
You’ll be training your body to be more relaxed, and automatically training your mind to be more mindful.
When you listen to these sessions, here’s what will happen:
You’ll quickly release stress and relax deeply.
You’ll prime your mind with energy, belief, and motivation.
You’ll become more resilient.
You’ll become more patient.
You’ll gain clarity to make brilliant decisions, take opportunities, and be your authentic self.
Although you will only listen to the audio sessions for 7 minutes, the payoff will continue during every moment of your day. You’ll be upgrading your base operating system.
And this isn’t only going to benefit you… NO WAY! It’s going to rub off on the people around you.
They’ll be infected with your energy
They’ll take note of your ability to stay calm
, your ability to
make the most of every situation
. You’ll set the positive example.
Don’t just take my word for it…
See the awe-inspiring letter that I read every day… from a Seven Minute Mindfulness user named Phyllis:
“My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years.”
“I have inner peace for the first time in my life.
I feel a great deal of gratitude. I feel present. I am so much more relaxed and confident. My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years. My internal anger is nearly gone.
I find myself relaxing and going with the flow instead of fighting to control the world. I now know I don’t need or want to do that. I feel at peace with myself.
Thank you Greg!” — Phyllis
I can honestly say that the day I received Phyllis’s email was one of the best days of my life. To see the program improving people’s lives makes the past 10 years so worth the effort.
The core principal of this program is simple: to make mindfulness
easily doable for any person
To take away the barriers, stigma, and difficulties that often surround mindfulness practices.
This is NOT going to take you an hour per day, or even 30 minutes. It’s NOT going to require some super human mental discipline. All that’s required of you is to get comfortable, press play, and lie down (or sit if you prefer) for 7 minutes.
It borrows from many spiritual practises, but it’s different. It’s not religious or connected to any spiritual philosophy. It isn’t yoga, it isn’t Buddhism.
There are no strict rules
It’s a user friendly, practical routine to give yourself 7 minutes of peace. 7 minutes of nurturing. 7 minutes to release the stress that builds up each day, break the trains of incessant overthinking, and welcome in clarity.
I want you to squeeze every drop of joy out of life. To be fully present and prepared for what comes next, to cherish the small moments and big…
to be creative
to be calm
to be excited
… to help the people around you, and to nurture that which is unique and special about you.
I believe that if everyone in the world gifted themselves just a few minutes each day to release and rejuvenate, society would thrive.
Want to know more?
Here’s what Jamie reported about his experience…
“Thank you so much. I honestly do notice that I am more relaxed and calm since I started this practice.
It has helped me physically, emotionally and Spiritually. I am so grateful that I decided to try your method.
I am sleeping much better, and feel much more calm and relaxed.
I am becoming more mindful of my actions and reactions, and feeling more Spiritually healthy. I cannot tell you how much this simple practice has been helping me!! Thank you , Jamie”
And Robert…
“I found the mindfulness exercises help to get you out of your head and into what is happening presently.
This in turn helps to feel less tense and worried which allows you to enjoy more what you are doing.”
You can read more unique experiences later… BUT RIGHT NOW…
Let me introduce you to…
Experience Ultimate Inner Peace and Live Your Best Life
Seven Minute Mindfulness is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Listen for just 7 minutes per day, and allow the short mindfulness sessions massage your tense mind, release stress, and plant seeds of calm relaxation that help you flourish.
You get 10 mindfulness sessions, each lasting for 7 minutes.
The sessions combine guided mindfulness scripts, imagination prompts, and ultra-relaxation music, delivered in a format that will quickly invoke calmness and leave you prepared and ready for whatever the day may bring.
Make this your wellness routine: simply press play and…
Release the tension and stress that builds up every day.
Unleash your creativity and express yourself.
Slow your heart rate and care for your long term health.
Take control of negative thoughts, emotions, criticism, and guilt.
Be more present for the people who matter in your life.
Boost your mental performance and achieve your goals with greater ease.
Nurture better relationships, communication, and enjoy a more adventurous spirit.
Prime your mind and make your contribution to the world.
You don’t need any special skills to use this program.
Simply plug in a pair of headphones, listen to the “day 1” audio track, and your brain will enter a powerful state of calm.
You will gain enormous clarity, relief, and increased brain performance!
In just 7 minutes!
Most people can’t even shower and put their clothes on in 7 minutes
… But you can de-stress, then infuse your mind with calmness, creativity, and power!
In order to deliver you the best program possible, I teamed up with an online publishing company which specializes in relationships, personal development, goal achievement, and wellbeing. By combining their expertise with my experience and research, we created a truly user friendly, almost effortless program, delivered to you online for minimal cost.
Seven Minute Mindfulness has been used by over 3000 people around the world, and feedback from our community indicates we’ve created something special here, something that is truly helping to improve the world.
And now, I invite you to try it yourself.
You can get started straight away online, and experience for yourself just how powerful this program is in just a few minutes from now.
Option 1.
Online Access
$99 $17
Get lifetime online access to the Full TEN x 7 Minute Mindfulness Tracks, PLUS Mindfulness Training Program, for just $17!
(80% print-free discount)
Option 2.
Physical + Online
$99 + S&H
Get lifetime online access to the full program plus the cds and books shipped to your door.
Your order will be processed using the ClickBank® secure checkout
Use Seven Minute Mindfulness on your computer, phone, tablet, or whatever device you have. Getting started is super simple and will take just a few minutes after ordering.
PLUS you’ll get 3 amazing FREE bonuses!
Bonus #1: The Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Get all the knowledge, research, and background to how the system works.
From centuries of traditional healing and wellbeing practices, to the radical discoveries of modern science and technology.
This guidebook was co-created by myself and Scott Mason.
Scott’s story is utterly amazing and inspiring – he woke up from a coma after an accident with major internal injuries and a crushed right leg… then went on to recover, rebuild himself, and walk 1000 Kilometres along the South African coastline (prepare to be wowed and inspired!).
In this ebook, you’ll take a deep dive into mindfulness and discover new ways to live an inspiring and full life!
Plus, learn about different areas of your body, such as the
Limbic System
– the part of your brain which controls
emotional responses.
Here’s what one of our members, Greig, had to say about the guidebook:
“I purchased this program about 1 week ago and have listened to each of the 7 daily audios. I found them very relaxing and the perfect length. (I tend to lose focus with a lot of the long-winded material that most people put out!)”
“I decided to start reading the 181 page manual this morning, and WOW – I finished the whole 181 pages in 1 sitting! It really is brilliant and after reading it I know that I will now get big benefits from my daily 7 minute sessions! Thank you thank you for this awesome program!”
Bonus #2: An Audio Book Version of the Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Listen and enjoy whenever and where-ever you like…
Listen to the whole thing in one sitting… a chapter each morning while you eat breakfast… or any way you like.
Take an audio tour into mindfulness from around the world and throughout history. There’s some theory, a little science, and a lot of practical advice you can use to boost your mind and your life.
Bonus #3: Your Little Book Of Mindfulness Exercises
I’ve compiled this short reference style book of great mindfulness exercises to help you live with greater presence, calm, and joy.
These are simple tips and exercises to incorporate into daily life, or as a first aid kit when your mind gets weighed down, when you have a tough decision to make, or when you feel yourself getting carried away by thought trains that don’t help you.
This book perfectly compliments the audio program, to help you
perform at your peak
thrive under pressure
, and
overcome challenges
with greater ease.
I believe this is one of the BEST investments you will ever make, so I’m backing it up with a jaw-dropping guarantee.
If you don’t experience amazing results from my system within the first sixty days of using it, and if you don’t feel like it is worth at least five times what you paid, I will refund EVERY CENT.
No hassles and no question asked.
My goal is your success. And while I am confident you won’t need it, I want you to feel completely comfortable when you get your hands on my powerful mindfulness system.
So, try it out, and if you don’t experience a
noticeable reduction in your stress levels, if you don’t have more energy and an improved baseline of happiness, then simply send me an email and I’ll reverse your payment.
That’s my promise to you. With my 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, you have a risk free purchase.
I’ve received many emails from people sharing their different experiences with Seven Minute Mindfulness. Seeing people’s lives improve makes all the effort worth while, so I’m very excited to share a few stories with you here…
“What a wonderful way to start the day.”
From: Rosalyn What a wonderful way to start the day. I found myself very calm and centered. It allowed me to stay focused and on track the whole day. Thank you this is great.
“This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.”
From: Richard I’ve tried several programs and I start off with great intentions, but then the time factor and real life set in and I fall away. This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.
“It fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break.”
From: Olivier 7 Minutes Mindfulness has a great effect on me, allowing to calm my busy mind and also improve my mood.
It is a great complement to my daily meditation, as it fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break. Thank you guys!
“I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood.”
From: Charlene Hey, absolutely love Seven Minute Mindfulness.
I was under a lot of stress and I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood. Thanks for these programmes. 🙂
“This program has made me reconnect with my true self.”
From: Russell This program has made me reconnect with my true self. It has also really helped me to get to sleep faster and enjoy my days with a calmer more mindful outlook.
“So simple yet so practicable for daily living.”
From: Margaret Hi there, I find the mindfulness of the breath very focusing and very peaceful. I use the breath to fall asleep and it always puts me in fairy land.
I am so happy i bought your 7 Minute Mindfulness. So simple yet so practicable for daily living. Margo.
I hope you’ll be the next to experience Seven Minute Mindfulness!
Taking care of our own wellbeing is the most powerful investment we can make to help ourselves, our families, and the world.
Imagine that it’s one year from now. As you look back over the last twelve months, seeing how good life can be when you have the ability to quickly release stress, get back to balance, and reconnect with your true self.
Join now and see for yourself, it may just be the best move you’ve ever made!
Greg Thurston, Co-creator of Seven Minute Mindfulness
P.S. Remember you are backed by my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase for a full refund.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
7 Minute Mindfulness
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/7-minute-mindfulness/
7 Minute Mindfulness
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 Buy Now
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    Stress less, sleep better, and show up every day as the best version of yourself!
A body that is in pain or tense negatively affects our mental capacity.
Ever tried to concentrate with a toothache?
Luckily, the reverse is also true…
With the “Stress Response”, hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol raise the heartrate, quicken the breath and prime the muscles for action. It’s a vital survival mechanism, however long term stress can cause serious damage.
On the other hand, with the “Relaxation Response”…
your heart rate decreases
breathing becomes slower and deeper
blood pressure stabilizes
your muscles relax.
“In addition to its calming physical effects, the relaxation response also increases energy and focus, combats illness, relieves aches and pains, heightens problem-solving abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity.” – Lawrence Robinson
Our bodies are programmed to heal. The magic of healing happens automatically. You don’t need to tell your finger to heal a paper cut. It just does.
However, an overworked mind
interferes with the healing process… especially when it’s thinking about what could go wrong.
When practicing certain mindfulness techniques, the links between different areas of the brain are balanced. The stress response starts to disconnect. Balance is restored.
Mindfulness brings natural order back to the artificial chaos.
Hi, I’m Greg Thurston, and I’d love to share with you a unique method to live your most authentic and fulfilling life.
In just 7 minutes YOU CAN…
Release stress
Gain emotional strength
Nurture stronger relationships
Boost your ability to make great decisions
Be more effective at work and in life
What I’m about to show you is a discovery that appeared in my life after years of struggling with long drawn out meditation.
Years of
trying and failing to meditate consistently.
Let me explain…
I was born with a physical injury that caused constant upheaval in my life. During university I explored yoga and meditation as a way to alleviate my troubles and lift my game.
Over the first 6 months I became
naturally happier
my grades improved
creativity gushed from my mind
my physical pains became tolerable
, and I started loving life.
But there was a problem.
As life got busier, meditation became a struggle… I’d go for a few weeks meditating, then for one reason or another I would stop.
Sometimes it was because “I didn’t have time”, sometimes it was “too difficult to sit and focus”, and sometimes I’d stop without any reason at all…
Meditation was something I just couldn’t stick to consistently, and as a result, I couldn’t reap the rewards.
It was frustrating…
Then one day, sick of the constant ups and downs, I set off to explore the possibilities of what the mind and body can do… And over the next
5 years, the journey took on a life of its own…
I Travelled to Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, Brazil and Germany… INHALING every ounce of knowledge about meditation, mindfulness, and the mind-body connection.
I investigated TRADITIONAL ZEN PRACTICES and researched what MODERN SCIENCE knows today about the power of the mind.
This world exposed many truths and many falsehoods about stress, mindfulness, and the untapped potential of our brains and bodies… And let me tell you, it was surprising to see how many others were struggling with practices that just didn’t work for them.
The most significant thing I noted is how stress builds up …and when we DON’T release stress we get sick, diseased, and problems begin to push our lives off track.
So I started compiling the best and most powerful methods… focusing on solutions that are
easily maintainable
doable for any person
, and
avoid the common roadblocks
that people face.
And here’s what I found…
First of all, the honest truth about stress…
Nobody can avoid stress, so right here, right now, you can let yourself off the hook.
You don’t need to reach some fairy-tale level of enlightenment where you live in a bubble and are immune to stress.
What you can do however, is quickly bring yourself back to balance. To approach life proactively. To give yourself the tools to navigate challenges with
, and
Whether it’s financial strains, work, family, relationships, concerns about society, health, or the subtle daily stresses that sneak up on us, these things have the potential to snowball.
They far too often grow into something beyond our control, interfering with our ability to create the life we want and damaging not only our
mental wellbeing
, but also our
physical health.
According to a recent Harvard Medical School research paper, “Stress-related health problems are responsible for up to 80% of visits to the doctor and account for the third highest health care expenditures, behind only heart disease and cancer. But as few as 3% of doctors actually talk to patients about how to reduce stress.”
Researchers found that people in who took part in an
active relaxation program used an average of 43% fewer medical services than they did the previous year, saving on average $2,360 per person.
Of course, these are averages. For some people the costs would be lower, for others unfortunately, the costs would be much higher.
But the truth is, it’s not about the money. If we don’t have our health, we simply can’t function at our peak. We can’t fulfil our potential, we can’t show up for our families and other obligations… our hopes and plans go off course.
So, how can we habitually care for our wellbeing?…
…In the words of one of the most influential martial artists of all time…
– Bruce Lee, actor, director, philosopher, and founder of Jeet Kune Do
When we introduce simplicity, everything changes. We can remove the blockages which create
needless complication
Maybe it’s anger. Maybe it’s past disappointments which continuously create doubt. Maybe it’s self-criticism which has planted roots in our subconscious mind.
It may be suspicion or wariness about other people, an expectation of failure, or an unshakable feeling of tiredness, frustration, uncertainty, or overwhelm.
The fact is, when you allow yourself to deeply unwind and cultivate mindfulness, complications begin to dissipate… you gain clarity… and you connect with your inner power.
Have you ever had a decision that you just can’t get your head around? Maybe you went for a walk to “clear your head”. Then later, the answer appeared.
It’s like restarting your computer – shutting down the programs that you’re not using any more and
clearing space
This should be a ROUTINE. It’s not just about when the situation gets so difficult that you’re forced to remove yourself from the world. When we make mindfulness a core part of our daily routine, it becomes a constant and unlimited source of strength.
And scientists, doctors, psychologists, and policy makers are beginning to take notice…
In Australian schools,
1 million students and 18,000 teachers practice mindfulness every day
in a program run by The Australian Department of Education, Deakin University, child and adolescent psychologists, educators, and resilience specialists.
So far,
68% of participants reported a greater sense of calm
, and teachers have observed “significant improvements in their concentration after participating in the program.”
When you give yourself daily space to
untangle your thoughts and release tension, you’ll approach daily life from a much stronger position.
And here’s the good news…
You don’t need to commit a chunk of your day to sit in long drawn out meditation and force your mind to focus.
You don’t have to hike up the mountains and learn from a monk and you don’t have to understand some special philosophy.
You can do those things if you wish and they each have their own advantages AND disadvantages, but I want to offer you another way…
A way that is
, and
doesn’t require any cognitive effort
. A system where you don’t have to “Learn” and where you’re not at the mercy of what a former monk once described to me as “MEDITATION RESISTANCE”.
If you’re curious to see what can happen when you invest in your own wellbeing for just 7 minutes, then please read on…
With 7 Minute Mindfulness, all you need to do is press play.
Let the audios sink you into a deep relaxation like you’ve never known before.
You’ll be guided away from the thought processes of your day. You’ll release the tension from your muscles and the thoughts from your mind.
Different tensions are connected to different parts of our bodies: anger in the jaw, stress in the shoulders and torso, emotions in the hips. You’re going to learn to gently release each.
And the best part is that you don’t need to put in any effort at all.
You don’t need to consciously remember to focus on your thoughts or your breath. You don’t need discipline. Just listen to the music and the words, and they will take care of everything for you.
Each consecutive day you’ll go deeper into relaxation and come out 7 minutes later more refreshed and more prepared to make the most of your day.
You’ll be training your body to be more relaxed, and automatically training your mind to be more mindful.
When you listen to these sessions, here’s what will happen:
You’ll quickly release stress and relax deeply.
You’ll prime your mind with energy, belief, and motivation.
You’ll become more resilient.
You’ll become more patient.
You’ll gain clarity to make brilliant decisions, take opportunities, and be your authentic self.
Although you will only listen to the audio sessions for 7 minutes, the payoff will continue during every moment of your day. You’ll be upgrading your base operating system.
And this isn’t only going to benefit you… NO WAY! It’s going to rub off on the people around you.
They’ll be infected with your energy
They’ll take note of your ability to stay calm
, your ability to
make the most of every situation
. You’ll set the positive example.
Don’t just take my word for it…
See the awe-inspiring letter that I read every day… from a Seven Minute Mindfulness user named Phyllis:
“My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years.”
“I have inner peace for the first time in my life.
I feel a great deal of gratitude. I feel present. I am so much more relaxed and confident. My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years. My internal anger is nearly gone.
I find myself relaxing and going with the flow instead of fighting to control the world. I now know I don’t need or want to do that. I feel at peace with myself.
Thank you Greg!” — Phyllis
I can honestly say that the day I received Phyllis’s email was one of the best days of my life. To see the program improving people’s lives makes the past 10 years so worth the effort.
The core principal of this program is simple: to make mindfulness
easily doable for any person
To take away the barriers, stigma, and difficulties that often surround mindfulness practices.
This is NOT going to take you an hour per day, or even 30 minutes. It’s NOT going to require some super human mental discipline. All that’s required of you is to get comfortable, press play, and lie down (or sit if you prefer) for 7 minutes.
It borrows from many spiritual practises, but it’s different. It’s not religious or connected to any spiritual philosophy. It isn’t yoga, it isn’t Buddhism.
There are no strict rules
It’s a user friendly, practical routine to give yourself 7 minutes of peace. 7 minutes of nurturing. 7 minutes to release the stress that builds up each day, break the trains of incessant overthinking, and welcome in clarity.
I want you to squeeze every drop of joy out of life. To be fully present and prepared for what comes next, to cherish the small moments and big…
to be creative
to be calm
to be excited
… to help the people around you, and to nurture that which is unique and special about you.
I believe that if everyone in the world gifted themselves just a few minutes each day to release and rejuvenate, society would thrive.
Want to know more?
Here’s what Jamie reported about his experience…
“Thank you so much. I honestly do notice that I am more relaxed and calm since I started this practice.
It has helped me physically, emotionally and Spiritually. I am so grateful that I decided to try your method.
I am sleeping much better, and feel much more calm and relaxed.
I am becoming more mindful of my actions and reactions, and feeling more Spiritually healthy. I cannot tell you how much this simple practice has been helping me!! Thank you , Jamie”
And Robert…
“I found the mindfulness exercises help to get you out of your head and into what is happening presently.
This in turn helps to feel less tense and worried which allows you to enjoy more what you are doing.”
You can read more unique experiences later… BUT RIGHT NOW…
Let me introduce you to…
Experience Ultimate Inner Peace and Live Your Best Life
Seven Minute Mindfulness is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Listen for just 7 minutes per day, and allow the short mindfulness sessions massage your tense mind, release stress, and plant seeds of calm relaxation that help you flourish.
You get 10 mindfulness sessions, each lasting for 7 minutes.
The sessions combine guided mindfulness scripts, imagination prompts, and ultra-relaxation music, delivered in a format that will quickly invoke calmness and leave you prepared and ready for whatever the day may bring.
Make this your wellness routine: simply press play and…
Release the tension and stress that builds up every day.
Unleash your creativity and express yourself.
Slow your heart rate and care for your long term health.
Take control of negative thoughts, emotions, criticism, and guilt.
Be more present for the people who matter in your life.
Boost your mental performance and achieve your goals with greater ease.
Nurture better relationships, communication, and enjoy a more adventurous spirit.
Prime your mind and make your contribution to the world.
You don’t need any special skills to use this program.
Simply plug in a pair of headphones, listen to the “day 1” audio track, and your brain will enter a powerful state of calm.
You will gain enormous clarity, relief, and increased brain performance!
In just 7 minutes!
Most people can’t even shower and put their clothes on in 7 minutes
… But you can de-stress, then infuse your mind with calmness, creativity, and power!
In order to deliver you the best program possible, I teamed up with an online publishing company which specializes in relationships, personal development, goal achievement, and wellbeing. By combining their expertise with my experience and research, we created a truly user friendly, almost effortless program, delivered to you online for minimal cost.
Seven Minute Mindfulness has been used by over 3000 people around the world, and feedback from our community indicates we’ve created something special here, something that is truly helping to improve the world.
And now, I invite you to try it yourself.
You can get started straight away online, and experience for yourself just how powerful this program is in just a few minutes from now.
Option 1.
Online Access
$99 $17
Get lifetime online access to the Full TEN x 7 Minute Mindfulness Tracks, PLUS Mindfulness Training Program, for just $17!
(80% print-free discount)
Option 2.
Physical + Online
$99 + S&H
Get lifetime online access to the full program plus the cds and books shipped to your door.
Your order will be processed using the ClickBank® secure checkout
Use Seven Minute Mindfulness on your computer, phone, tablet, or whatever device you have. Getting started is super simple and will take just a few minutes after ordering.
PLUS you’ll get 3 amazing FREE bonuses!
Bonus #1: The Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Get all the knowledge, research, and background to how the system works.
From centuries of traditional healing and wellbeing practices, to the radical discoveries of modern science and technology.
This guidebook was co-created by myself and Scott Mason.
Scott’s story is utterly amazing and inspiring – he woke up from a coma after an accident with major internal injuries and a crushed right leg… then went on to recover, rebuild himself, and walk 1000 Kilometres along the South African coastline (prepare to be wowed and inspired!).
In this ebook, you’ll take a deep dive into mindfulness and discover new ways to live an inspiring and full life!
Plus, learn about different areas of your body, such as the
Limbic System
– the part of your brain which controls
emotional responses.
Here’s what one of our members, Greig, had to say about the guidebook:
“I purchased this program about 1 week ago and have listened to each of the 7 daily audios. I found them very relaxing and the perfect length. (I tend to lose focus with a lot of the long-winded material that most people put out!)”
“I decided to start reading the 181 page manual this morning, and WOW – I finished the whole 181 pages in 1 sitting! It really is brilliant and after reading it I know that I will now get big benefits from my daily 7 minute sessions! Thank you thank you for this awesome program!”
Bonus #2: An Audio Book Version of the Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Listen and enjoy whenever and where-ever you like…
Listen to the whole thing in one sitting… a chapter each morning while you eat breakfast… or any way you like.
Take an audio tour into mindfulness from around the world and throughout history. There’s some theory, a little science, and a lot of practical advice you can use to boost your mind and your life.
Bonus #3: Your Little Book Of Mindfulness Exercises
I’ve compiled this short reference style book of great mindfulness exercises to help you live with greater presence, calm, and joy.
These are simple tips and exercises to incorporate into daily life, or as a first aid kit when your mind gets weighed down, when you have a tough decision to make, or when you feel yourself getting carried away by thought trains that don’t help you.
This book perfectly compliments the audio program, to help you
perform at your peak
thrive under pressure
, and
overcome challenges
with greater ease.
I believe this is one of the BEST investments you will ever make, so I’m backing it up with a jaw-dropping guarantee.
If you don’t experience amazing results from my system within the first sixty days of using it, and if you don’t feel like it is worth at least five times what you paid, I will refund EVERY CENT.
No hassles and no question asked.
My goal is your success. And while I am confident you won’t need it, I want you to feel completely comfortable when you get your hands on my powerful mindfulness system.
So, try it out, and if you don’t experience a
noticeable reduction in your stress levels, if you don’t have more energy and an improved baseline of happiness, then simply send me an email and I’ll reverse your payment.
That’s my promise to you. With my 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, you have a risk free purchase.
I’ve received many emails from people sharing their different experiences with Seven Minute Mindfulness. Seeing people’s lives improve makes all the effort worth while, so I’m very excited to share a few stories with you here…
“What a wonderful way to start the day.”
From: Rosalyn What a wonderful way to start the day. I found myself very calm and centered. It allowed me to stay focused and on track the whole day. Thank you this is great.
“This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.”
From: Richard I’ve tried several programs and I start off with great intentions, but then the time factor and real life set in and I fall away. This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.
“It fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break.”
From: Olivier 7 Minutes Mindfulness has a great effect on me, allowing to calm my busy mind and also improve my mood.
It is a great complement to my daily meditation, as it fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break. Thank you guys!
“I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood.”
From: Charlene Hey, absolutely love Seven Minute Mindfulness.
I was under a lot of stress and I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood. Thanks for these programmes. 🙂
“This program has made me reconnect with my true self.”
From: Russell This program has made me reconnect with my true self. It has also really helped me to get to sleep faster and enjoy my days with a calmer more mindful outlook.
“So simple yet so practicable for daily living.”
From: Margaret Hi there, I find the mindfulness of the breath very focusing and very peaceful. I use the breath to fall asleep and it always puts me in fairy land.
I am so happy i bought your 7 Minute Mindfulness. So simple yet so practicable for daily living. Margo.
I hope you’ll be the next to experience Seven Minute Mindfulness!
Taking care of our own wellbeing is the most powerful investment we can make to help ourselves, our families, and the world.
Imagine that it’s one year from now. As you look back over the last twelve months, seeing how good life can be when you have the ability to quickly release stress, get back to balance, and reconnect with your true self.
Join now and see for yourself, it may just be the best move you’ve ever made!
Greg Thurston, Co-creator of Seven Minute Mindfulness
P.S. Remember you are backed by my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase for a full refund.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
7 Minute Mindfulness
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/7-minute-mindfulness/
7 Minute Mindfulness
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 Buy Now
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    Stress less, sleep better, and show up every day as the best version of yourself!
A body that is in pain or tense negatively affects our mental capacity.
Ever tried to concentrate with a toothache?
Luckily, the reverse is also true…
With the “Stress Response”, hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol raise the heartrate, quicken the breath and prime the muscles for action. It’s a vital survival mechanism, however long term stress can cause serious damage.
On the other hand, with the “Relaxation Response”…
your heart rate decreases
breathing becomes slower and deeper
blood pressure stabilizes
your muscles relax.
“In addition to its calming physical effects, the relaxation response also increases energy and focus, combats illness, relieves aches and pains, heightens problem-solving abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity.” – Lawrence Robinson
Our bodies are programmed to heal. The magic of healing happens automatically. You don’t need to tell your finger to heal a paper cut. It just does.
However, an overworked mind
interferes with the healing process… especially when it’s thinking about what could go wrong.
When practicing certain mindfulness techniques, the links between different areas of the brain are balanced. The stress response starts to disconnect. Balance is restored.
Mindfulness brings natural order back to the artificial chaos.
Hi, I’m Greg Thurston, and I’d love to share with you a unique method to live your most authentic and fulfilling life.
In just 7 minutes YOU CAN…
Release stress
Gain emotional strength
Nurture stronger relationships
Boost your ability to make great decisions
Be more effective at work and in life
What I’m about to show you is a discovery that appeared in my life after years of struggling with long drawn out meditation.
Years of
trying and failing to meditate consistently.
Let me explain…
I was born with a physical injury that caused constant upheaval in my life. During university I explored yoga and meditation as a way to alleviate my troubles and lift my game.
Over the first 6 months I became
naturally happier
my grades improved
creativity gushed from my mind
my physical pains became tolerable
, and I started loving life.
But there was a problem.
As life got busier, meditation became a struggle… I’d go for a few weeks meditating, then for one reason or another I would stop.
Sometimes it was because “I didn’t have time”, sometimes it was “too difficult to sit and focus”, and sometimes I’d stop without any reason at all…
Meditation was something I just couldn’t stick to consistently, and as a result, I couldn’t reap the rewards.
It was frustrating…
Then one day, sick of the constant ups and downs, I set off to explore the possibilities of what the mind and body can do… And over the next
5 years, the journey took on a life of its own…
I Travelled to Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, Brazil and Germany… INHALING every ounce of knowledge about meditation, mindfulness, and the mind-body connection.
I investigated TRADITIONAL ZEN PRACTICES and researched what MODERN SCIENCE knows today about the power of the mind.
This world exposed many truths and many falsehoods about stress, mindfulness, and the untapped potential of our brains and bodies… And let me tell you, it was surprising to see how many others were struggling with practices that just didn’t work for them.
The most significant thing I noted is how stress builds up …and when we DON’T release stress we get sick, diseased, and problems begin to push our lives off track.
So I started compiling the best and most powerful methods… focusing on solutions that are
easily maintainable
doable for any person
, and
avoid the common roadblocks
that people face.
And here’s what I found…
First of all, the honest truth about stress…
Nobody can avoid stress, so right here, right now, you can let yourself off the hook.
You don’t need to reach some fairy-tale level of enlightenment where you live in a bubble and are immune to stress.
What you can do however, is quickly bring yourself back to balance. To approach life proactively. To give yourself the tools to navigate challenges with
, and
Whether it’s financial strains, work, family, relationships, concerns about society, health, or the subtle daily stresses that sneak up on us, these things have the potential to snowball.
They far too often grow into something beyond our control, interfering with our ability to create the life we want and damaging not only our
mental wellbeing
, but also our
physical health.
According to a recent Harvard Medical School research paper, “Stress-related health problems are responsible for up to 80% of visits to the doctor and account for the third highest health care expenditures, behind only heart disease and cancer. But as few as 3% of doctors actually talk to patients about how to reduce stress.”
Researchers found that people in who took part in an
active relaxation program used an average of 43% fewer medical services than they did the previous year, saving on average $2,360 per person.
Of course, these are averages. For some people the costs would be lower, for others unfortunately, the costs would be much higher.
But the truth is, it’s not about the money. If we don’t have our health, we simply can’t function at our peak. We can’t fulfil our potential, we can’t show up for our families and other obligations… our hopes and plans go off course.
So, how can we habitually care for our wellbeing?…
…In the words of one of the most influential martial artists of all time…
– Bruce Lee, actor, director, philosopher, and founder of Jeet Kune Do
When we introduce simplicity, everything changes. We can remove the blockages which create
needless complication
Maybe it’s anger. Maybe it’s past disappointments which continuously create doubt. Maybe it’s self-criticism which has planted roots in our subconscious mind.
It may be suspicion or wariness about other people, an expectation of failure, or an unshakable feeling of tiredness, frustration, uncertainty, or overwhelm.
The fact is, when you allow yourself to deeply unwind and cultivate mindfulness, complications begin to dissipate… you gain clarity… and you connect with your inner power.
Have you ever had a decision that you just can’t get your head around? Maybe you went for a walk to “clear your head”. Then later, the answer appeared.
It’s like restarting your computer – shutting down the programs that you’re not using any more and
clearing space
This should be a ROUTINE. It’s not just about when the situation gets so difficult that you’re forced to remove yourself from the world. When we make mindfulness a core part of our daily routine, it becomes a constant and unlimited source of strength.
And scientists, doctors, psychologists, and policy makers are beginning to take notice…
In Australian schools,
1 million students and 18,000 teachers practice mindfulness every day
in a program run by The Australian Department of Education, Deakin University, child and adolescent psychologists, educators, and resilience specialists.
So far,
68% of participants reported a greater sense of calm
, and teachers have observed “significant improvements in their concentration after participating in the program.”
When you give yourself daily space to
untangle your thoughts and release tension, you’ll approach daily life from a much stronger position.
And here’s the good news…
You don’t need to commit a chunk of your day to sit in long drawn out meditation and force your mind to focus.
You don’t have to hike up the mountains and learn from a monk and you don’t have to understand some special philosophy.
You can do those things if you wish and they each have their own advantages AND disadvantages, but I want to offer you another way…
A way that is
, and
doesn’t require any cognitive effort
. A system where you don’t have to “Learn” and where you’re not at the mercy of what a former monk once described to me as “MEDITATION RESISTANCE”.
If you’re curious to see what can happen when you invest in your own wellbeing for just 7 minutes, then please read on…
With 7 Minute Mindfulness, all you need to do is press play.
Let the audios sink you into a deep relaxation like you’ve never known before.
You’ll be guided away from the thought processes of your day. You’ll release the tension from your muscles and the thoughts from your mind.
Different tensions are connected to different parts of our bodies: anger in the jaw, stress in the shoulders and torso, emotions in the hips. You’re going to learn to gently release each.
And the best part is that you don’t need to put in any effort at all.
You don’t need to consciously remember to focus on your thoughts or your breath. You don’t need discipline. Just listen to the music and the words, and they will take care of everything for you.
Each consecutive day you’ll go deeper into relaxation and come out 7 minutes later more refreshed and more prepared to make the most of your day.
You’ll be training your body to be more relaxed, and automatically training your mind to be more mindful.
When you listen to these sessions, here’s what will happen:
You’ll quickly release stress and relax deeply.
You’ll prime your mind with energy, belief, and motivation.
You’ll become more resilient.
You’ll become more patient.
You’ll gain clarity to make brilliant decisions, take opportunities, and be your authentic self.
Although you will only listen to the audio sessions for 7 minutes, the payoff will continue during every moment of your day. You’ll be upgrading your base operating system.
And this isn’t only going to benefit you… NO WAY! It’s going to rub off on the people around you.
They’ll be infected with your energy
They’ll take note of your ability to stay calm
, your ability to
make the most of every situation
. You’ll set the positive example.
Don’t just take my word for it…
See the awe-inspiring letter that I read every day… from a Seven Minute Mindfulness user named Phyllis:
“My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years.”
“I have inner peace for the first time in my life.
I feel a great deal of gratitude. I feel present. I am so much more relaxed and confident. My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years. My internal anger is nearly gone.
I find myself relaxing and going with the flow instead of fighting to control the world. I now know I don’t need or want to do that. I feel at peace with myself.
Thank you Greg!” — Phyllis
I can honestly say that the day I received Phyllis’s email was one of the best days of my life. To see the program improving people’s lives makes the past 10 years so worth the effort.
The core principal of this program is simple: to make mindfulness
easily doable for any person
To take away the barriers, stigma, and difficulties that often surround mindfulness practices.
This is NOT going to take you an hour per day, or even 30 minutes. It’s NOT going to require some super human mental discipline. All that’s required of you is to get comfortable, press play, and lie down (or sit if you prefer) for 7 minutes.
It borrows from many spiritual practises, but it’s different. It’s not religious or connected to any spiritual philosophy. It isn’t yoga, it isn’t Buddhism.
There are no strict rules
It’s a user friendly, practical routine to give yourself 7 minutes of peace. 7 minutes of nurturing. 7 minutes to release the stress that builds up each day, break the trains of incessant overthinking, and welcome in clarity.
I want you to squeeze every drop of joy out of life. To be fully present and prepared for what comes next, to cherish the small moments and big…
to be creative
to be calm
to be excited
… to help the people around you, and to nurture that which is unique and special about you.
I believe that if everyone in the world gifted themselves just a few minutes each day to release and rejuvenate, society would thrive.
Want to know more?
Here’s what Jamie reported about his experience…
“Thank you so much. I honestly do notice that I am more relaxed and calm since I started this practice.
It has helped me physically, emotionally and Spiritually. I am so grateful that I decided to try your method.
I am sleeping much better, and feel much more calm and relaxed.
I am becoming more mindful of my actions and reactions, and feeling more Spiritually healthy. I cannot tell you how much this simple practice has been helping me!! Thank you , Jamie”
And Robert…
“I found the mindfulness exercises help to get you out of your head and into what is happening presently.
This in turn helps to feel less tense and worried which allows you to enjoy more what you are doing.”
You can read more unique experiences later… BUT RIGHT NOW…
Let me introduce you to…
Experience Ultimate Inner Peace and Live Your Best Life
Seven Minute Mindfulness is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Listen for just 7 minutes per day, and allow the short mindfulness sessions massage your tense mind, release stress, and plant seeds of calm relaxation that help you flourish.
You get 10 mindfulness sessions, each lasting for 7 minutes.
The sessions combine guided mindfulness scripts, imagination prompts, and ultra-relaxation music, delivered in a format that will quickly invoke calmness and leave you prepared and ready for whatever the day may bring.
Make this your wellness routine: simply press play and…
Release the tension and stress that builds up every day.
Unleash your creativity and express yourself.
Slow your heart rate and care for your long term health.
Take control of negative thoughts, emotions, criticism, and guilt.
Be more present for the people who matter in your life.
Boost your mental performance and achieve your goals with greater ease.
Nurture better relationships, communication, and enjoy a more adventurous spirit.
Prime your mind and make your contribution to the world.
You don’t need any special skills to use this program.
Simply plug in a pair of headphones, listen to the “day 1” audio track, and your brain will enter a powerful state of calm.
You will gain enormous clarity, relief, and increased brain performance!
In just 7 minutes!
Most people can’t even shower and put their clothes on in 7 minutes
… But you can de-stress, then infuse your mind with calmness, creativity, and power!
In order to deliver you the best program possible, I teamed up with an online publishing company which specializes in relationships, personal development, goal achievement, and wellbeing. By combining their expertise with my experience and research, we created a truly user friendly, almost effortless program, delivered to you online for minimal cost.
Seven Minute Mindfulness has been used by over 3000 people around the world, and feedback from our community indicates we’ve created something special here, something that is truly helping to improve the world.
And now, I invite you to try it yourself.
You can get started straight away online, and experience for yourself just how powerful this program is in just a few minutes from now.
Option 1.
Online Access
$99 $17
Get lifetime online access to the Full TEN x 7 Minute Mindfulness Tracks, PLUS Mindfulness Training Program, for just $17!
(80% print-free discount)
Option 2.
Physical + Online
$99 + S&H
Get lifetime online access to the full program plus the cds and books shipped to your door.
Your order will be processed using the ClickBank® secure checkout
Use Seven Minute Mindfulness on your computer, phone, tablet, or whatever device you have. Getting started is super simple and will take just a few minutes after ordering.
PLUS you’ll get 3 amazing FREE bonuses!
Bonus #1: The Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Get all the knowledge, research, and background to how the system works.
From centuries of traditional healing and wellbeing practices, to the radical discoveries of modern science and technology.
This guidebook was co-created by myself and Scott Mason.
Scott’s story is utterly amazing and inspiring – he woke up from a coma after an accident with major internal injuries and a crushed right leg… then went on to recover, rebuild himself, and walk 1000 Kilometres along the South African coastline (prepare to be wowed and inspired!).
In this ebook, you’ll take a deep dive into mindfulness and discover new ways to live an inspiring and full life!
Plus, learn about different areas of your body, such as the
Limbic System
– the part of your brain which controls
emotional responses.
Here’s what one of our members, Greig, had to say about the guidebook:
“I purchased this program about 1 week ago and have listened to each of the 7 daily audios. I found them very relaxing and the perfect length. (I tend to lose focus with a lot of the long-winded material that most people put out!)”
“I decided to start reading the 181 page manual this morning, and WOW – I finished the whole 181 pages in 1 sitting! It really is brilliant and after reading it I know that I will now get big benefits from my daily 7 minute sessions! Thank you thank you for this awesome program!”
Bonus #2: An Audio Book Version of the Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Listen and enjoy whenever and where-ever you like…
Listen to the whole thing in one sitting… a chapter each morning while you eat breakfast… or any way you like.
Take an audio tour into mindfulness from around the world and throughout history. There’s some theory, a little science, and a lot of practical advice you can use to boost your mind and your life.
Bonus #3: Your Little Book Of Mindfulness Exercises
I’ve compiled this short reference style book of great mindfulness exercises to help you live with greater presence, calm, and joy.
These are simple tips and exercises to incorporate into daily life, or as a first aid kit when your mind gets weighed down, when you have a tough decision to make, or when you feel yourself getting carried away by thought trains that don’t help you.
This book perfectly compliments the audio program, to help you
perform at your peak
thrive under pressure
, and
overcome challenges
with greater ease.
I believe this is one of the BEST investments you will ever make, so I’m backing it up with a jaw-dropping guarantee.
If you don’t experience amazing results from my system within the first sixty days of using it, and if you don’t feel like it is worth at least five times what you paid, I will refund EVERY CENT.
No hassles and no question asked.
My goal is your success. And while I am confident you won’t need it, I want you to feel completely comfortable when you get your hands on my powerful mindfulness system.
So, try it out, and if you don’t experience a
noticeable reduction in your stress levels, if you don’t have more energy and an improved baseline of happiness, then simply send me an email and I’ll reverse your payment.
That’s my promise to you. With my 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, you have a risk free purchase.
I’ve received many emails from people sharing their different experiences with Seven Minute Mindfulness. Seeing people’s lives improve makes all the effort worth while, so I’m very excited to share a few stories with you here…
“What a wonderful way to start the day.”
From: Rosalyn What a wonderful way to start the day. I found myself very calm and centered. It allowed me to stay focused and on track the whole day. Thank you this is great.
“This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.”
From: Richard I’ve tried several programs and I start off with great intentions, but then the time factor and real life set in and I fall away. This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.
“It fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break.”
From: Olivier 7 Minutes Mindfulness has a great effect on me, allowing to calm my busy mind and also improve my mood.
It is a great complement to my daily meditation, as it fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break. Thank you guys!
“I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood.”
From: Charlene Hey, absolutely love Seven Minute Mindfulness.
I was under a lot of stress and I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood. Thanks for these programmes. 🙂
“This program has made me reconnect with my true self.”
From: Russell This program has made me reconnect with my true self. It has also really helped me to get to sleep faster and enjoy my days with a calmer more mindful outlook.
“So simple yet so practicable for daily living.”
From: Margaret Hi there, I find the mindfulness of the breath very focusing and very peaceful. I use the breath to fall asleep and it always puts me in fairy land.
I am so happy i bought your 7 Minute Mindfulness. So simple yet so practicable for daily living. Margo.
I hope you’ll be the next to experience Seven Minute Mindfulness!
Taking care of our own wellbeing is the most powerful investment we can make to help ourselves, our families, and the world.
Imagine that it’s one year from now. As you look back over the last twelve months, seeing how good life can be when you have the ability to quickly release stress, get back to balance, and reconnect with your true self.
Join now and see for yourself, it may just be the best move you’ve ever made!
Greg Thurston, Co-creator of Seven Minute Mindfulness
P.S. Remember you are backed by my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase for a full refund.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
7 Minute Mindfulness
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7 Minute Mindfulness
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    Stress less, sleep better, and show up every day as the best version of yourself!
A body that is in pain or tense negatively affects our mental capacity.
Ever tried to concentrate with a toothache?
Luckily, the reverse is also true…
With the “Stress Response”, hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol raise the heartrate, quicken the breath and prime the muscles for action. It’s a vital survival mechanism, however long term stress can cause serious damage.
On the other hand, with the “Relaxation Response”…
your heart rate decreases
breathing becomes slower and deeper
blood pressure stabilizes
your muscles relax.
“In addition to its calming physical effects, the relaxation response also increases energy and focus, combats illness, relieves aches and pains, heightens problem-solving abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity.” – Lawrence Robinson
Our bodies are programmed to heal. The magic of healing happens automatically. You don’t need to tell your finger to heal a paper cut. It just does.
However, an overworked mind
interferes with the healing process… especially when it’s thinking about what could go wrong.
When practicing certain mindfulness techniques, the links between different areas of the brain are balanced. The stress response starts to disconnect. Balance is restored.
Mindfulness brings natural order back to the artificial chaos.
Hi, I’m Greg Thurston, and I’d love to share with you a unique method to live your most authentic and fulfilling life.
In just 7 minutes YOU CAN…
Release stress
Gain emotional strength
Nurture stronger relationships
Boost your ability to make great decisions
Be more effective at work and in life
What I’m about to show you is a discovery that appeared in my life after years of struggling with long drawn out meditation.
Years of
trying and failing to meditate consistently.
Let me explain…
I was born with a physical injury that caused constant upheaval in my life. During university I explored yoga and meditation as a way to alleviate my troubles and lift my game.
Over the first 6 months I became
naturally happier
my grades improved
creativity gushed from my mind
my physical pains became tolerable
, and I started loving life.
But there was a problem.
As life got busier, meditation became a struggle… I’d go for a few weeks meditating, then for one reason or another I would stop.
Sometimes it was because “I didn’t have time”, sometimes it was “too difficult to sit and focus”, and sometimes I’d stop without any reason at all…
Meditation was something I just couldn’t stick to consistently, and as a result, I couldn’t reap the rewards.
It was frustrating…
Then one day, sick of the constant ups and downs, I set off to explore the possibilities of what the mind and body can do… And over the next
5 years, the journey took on a life of its own…
I Travelled to Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, Brazil and Germany… INHALING every ounce of knowledge about meditation, mindfulness, and the mind-body connection.
I investigated TRADITIONAL ZEN PRACTICES and researched what MODERN SCIENCE knows today about the power of the mind.
This world exposed many truths and many falsehoods about stress, mindfulness, and the untapped potential of our brains and bodies… And let me tell you, it was surprising to see how many others were struggling with practices that just didn’t work for them.
The most significant thing I noted is how stress builds up …and when we DON’T release stress we get sick, diseased, and problems begin to push our lives off track.
So I started compiling the best and most powerful methods… focusing on solutions that are
easily maintainable
doable for any person
, and
avoid the common roadblocks
that people face.
And here’s what I found…
First of all, the honest truth about stress…
Nobody can avoid stress, so right here, right now, you can let yourself off the hook.
You don’t need to reach some fairy-tale level of enlightenment where you live in a bubble and are immune to stress.
What you can do however, is quickly bring yourself back to balance. To approach life proactively. To give yourself the tools to navigate challenges with
, and
Whether it’s financial strains, work, family, relationships, concerns about society, health, or the subtle daily stresses that sneak up on us, these things have the potential to snowball.
They far too often grow into something beyond our control, interfering with our ability to create the life we want and damaging not only our
mental wellbeing
, but also our
physical health.
According to a recent Harvard Medical School research paper, “Stress-related health problems are responsible for up to 80% of visits to the doctor and account for the third highest health care expenditures, behind only heart disease and cancer. But as few as 3% of doctors actually talk to patients about how to reduce stress.”
Researchers found that people in who took part in an
active relaxation program used an average of 43% fewer medical services than they did the previous year, saving on average $2,360 per person.
Of course, these are averages. For some people the costs would be lower, for others unfortunately, the costs would be much higher.
But the truth is, it’s not about the money. If we don’t have our health, we simply can’t function at our peak. We can’t fulfil our potential, we can’t show up for our families and other obligations… our hopes and plans go off course.
So, how can we habitually care for our wellbeing?…
…In the words of one of the most influential martial artists of all time…
– Bruce Lee, actor, director, philosopher, and founder of Jeet Kune Do
When we introduce simplicity, everything changes. We can remove the blockages which create
needless complication
Maybe it’s anger. Maybe it’s past disappointments which continuously create doubt. Maybe it’s self-criticism which has planted roots in our subconscious mind.
It may be suspicion or wariness about other people, an expectation of failure, or an unshakable feeling of tiredness, frustration, uncertainty, or overwhelm.
The fact is, when you allow yourself to deeply unwind and cultivate mindfulness, complications begin to dissipate… you gain clarity… and you connect with your inner power.
Have you ever had a decision that you just can’t get your head around? Maybe you went for a walk to “clear your head”. Then later, the answer appeared.
It’s like restarting your computer – shutting down the programs that you’re not using any more and
clearing space
This should be a ROUTINE. It’s not just about when the situation gets so difficult that you’re forced to remove yourself from the world. When we make mindfulness a core part of our daily routine, it becomes a constant and unlimited source of strength.
And scientists, doctors, psychologists, and policy makers are beginning to take notice…
In Australian schools,
1 million students and 18,000 teachers practice mindfulness every day
in a program run by The Australian Department of Education, Deakin University, child and adolescent psychologists, educators, and resilience specialists.
So far,
68% of participants reported a greater sense of calm
, and teachers have observed “significant improvements in their concentration after participating in the program.”
When you give yourself daily space to
untangle your thoughts and release tension, you’ll approach daily life from a much stronger position.
And here’s the good news…
You don’t need to commit a chunk of your day to sit in long drawn out meditation and force your mind to focus.
You don’t have to hike up the mountains and learn from a monk and you don’t have to understand some special philosophy.
You can do those things if you wish and they each have their own advantages AND disadvantages, but I want to offer you another way…
A way that is
, and
doesn’t require any cognitive effort
. A system where you don’t have to “Learn” and where you’re not at the mercy of what a former monk once described to me as “MEDITATION RESISTANCE”.
If you’re curious to see what can happen when you invest in your own wellbeing for just 7 minutes, then please read on…
With 7 Minute Mindfulness, all you need to do is press play.
Let the audios sink you into a deep relaxation like you’ve never known before.
You’ll be guided away from the thought processes of your day. You’ll release the tension from your muscles and the thoughts from your mind.
Different tensions are connected to different parts of our bodies: anger in the jaw, stress in the shoulders and torso, emotions in the hips. You’re going to learn to gently release each.
And the best part is that you don’t need to put in any effort at all.
You don’t need to consciously remember to focus on your thoughts or your breath. You don’t need discipline. Just listen to the music and the words, and they will take care of everything for you.
Each consecutive day you’ll go deeper into relaxation and come out 7 minutes later more refreshed and more prepared to make the most of your day.
You’ll be training your body to be more relaxed, and automatically training your mind to be more mindful.
When you listen to these sessions, here’s what will happen:
You’ll quickly release stress and relax deeply.
You’ll prime your mind with energy, belief, and motivation.
You’ll become more resilient.
You’ll become more patient.
You’ll gain clarity to make brilliant decisions, take opportunities, and be your authentic self.
Although you will only listen to the audio sessions for 7 minutes, the payoff will continue during every moment of your day. You’ll be upgrading your base operating system.
And this isn’t only going to benefit you… NO WAY! It’s going to rub off on the people around you.
They’ll be infected with your energy
They’ll take note of your ability to stay calm
, your ability to
make the most of every situation
. You’ll set the positive example.
Don’t just take my word for it…
See the awe-inspiring letter that I read every day… from a Seven Minute Mindfulness user named Phyllis:
“My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years.”
“I have inner peace for the first time in my life.
I feel a great deal of gratitude. I feel present. I am so much more relaxed and confident. My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years. My internal anger is nearly gone.
I find myself relaxing and going with the flow instead of fighting to control the world. I now know I don’t need or want to do that. I feel at peace with myself.
Thank you Greg!” — Phyllis
I can honestly say that the day I received Phyllis’s email was one of the best days of my life. To see the program improving people’s lives makes the past 10 years so worth the effort.
The core principal of this program is simple: to make mindfulness
easily doable for any person
To take away the barriers, stigma, and difficulties that often surround mindfulness practices.
This is NOT going to take you an hour per day, or even 30 minutes. It’s NOT going to require some super human mental discipline. All that’s required of you is to get comfortable, press play, and lie down (or sit if you prefer) for 7 minutes.
It borrows from many spiritual practises, but it’s different. It’s not religious or connected to any spiritual philosophy. It isn’t yoga, it isn’t Buddhism.
There are no strict rules
It’s a user friendly, practical routine to give yourself 7 minutes of peace. 7 minutes of nurturing. 7 minutes to release the stress that builds up each day, break the trains of incessant overthinking, and welcome in clarity.
I want you to squeeze every drop of joy out of life. To be fully present and prepared for what comes next, to cherish the small moments and big…
to be creative
to be calm
to be excited
… to help the people around you, and to nurture that which is unique and special about you.
I believe that if everyone in the world gifted themselves just a few minutes each day to release and rejuvenate, society would thrive.
Want to know more?
Here’s what Jamie reported about his experience…
“Thank you so much. I honestly do notice that I am more relaxed and calm since I started this practice.
It has helped me physically, emotionally and Spiritually. I am so grateful that I decided to try your method.
I am sleeping much better, and feel much more calm and relaxed.
I am becoming more mindful of my actions and reactions, and feeling more Spiritually healthy. I cannot tell you how much this simple practice has been helping me!! Thank you , Jamie”
And Robert…
“I found the mindfulness exercises help to get you out of your head and into what is happening presently.
This in turn helps to feel less tense and worried which allows you to enjoy more what you are doing.”
You can read more unique experiences later… BUT RIGHT NOW…
Let me introduce you to…
Experience Ultimate Inner Peace and Live Your Best Life
Seven Minute Mindfulness is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Listen for just 7 minutes per day, and allow the short mindfulness sessions massage your tense mind, release stress, and plant seeds of calm relaxation that help you flourish.
You get 10 mindfulness sessions, each lasting for 7 minutes.
The sessions combine guided mindfulness scripts, imagination prompts, and ultra-relaxation music, delivered in a format that will quickly invoke calmness and leave you prepared and ready for whatever the day may bring.
Make this your wellness routine: simply press play and…
Release the tension and stress that builds up every day.
Unleash your creativity and express yourself.
Slow your heart rate and care for your long term health.
Take control of negative thoughts, emotions, criticism, and guilt.
Be more present for the people who matter in your life.
Boost your mental performance and achieve your goals with greater ease.
Nurture better relationships, communication, and enjoy a more adventurous spirit.
Prime your mind and make your contribution to the world.
You don’t need any special skills to use this program.
Simply plug in a pair of headphones, listen to the “day 1” audio track, and your brain will enter a powerful state of calm.
You will gain enormous clarity, relief, and increased brain performance!
In just 7 minutes!
Most people can’t even shower and put their clothes on in 7 minutes
… But you can de-stress, then infuse your mind with calmness, creativity, and power!
In order to deliver you the best program possible, I teamed up with an online publishing company which specializes in relationships, personal development, goal achievement, and wellbeing. By combining their expertise with my experience and research, we created a truly user friendly, almost effortless program, delivered to you online for minimal cost.
Seven Minute Mindfulness has been used by over 3000 people around the world, and feedback from our community indicates we’ve created something special here, something that is truly helping to improve the world.
And now, I invite you to try it yourself.
You can get started straight away online, and experience for yourself just how powerful this program is in just a few minutes from now.
Option 1.
Online Access
$99 $17
Get lifetime online access to the Full TEN x 7 Minute Mindfulness Tracks, PLUS Mindfulness Training Program, for just $17!
(80% print-free discount)
Option 2.
Physical + Online
$99 + S&H
Get lifetime online access to the full program plus the cds and books shipped to your door.
Your order will be processed using the ClickBank® secure checkout
Use Seven Minute Mindfulness on your computer, phone, tablet, or whatever device you have. Getting started is super simple and will take just a few minutes after ordering.
PLUS you’ll get 3 amazing FREE bonuses!
Bonus #1: The Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Get all the knowledge, research, and background to how the system works.
From centuries of traditional healing and wellbeing practices, to the radical discoveries of modern science and technology.
This guidebook was co-created by myself and Scott Mason.
Scott’s story is utterly amazing and inspiring – he woke up from a coma after an accident with major internal injuries and a crushed right leg… then went on to recover, rebuild himself, and walk 1000 Kilometres along the South African coastline (prepare to be wowed and inspired!).
In this ebook, you’ll take a deep dive into mindfulness and discover new ways to live an inspiring and full life!
Plus, learn about different areas of your body, such as the
Limbic System
– the part of your brain which controls
emotional responses.
Here’s what one of our members, Greig, had to say about the guidebook:
“I purchased this program about 1 week ago and have listened to each of the 7 daily audios. I found them very relaxing and the perfect length. (I tend to lose focus with a lot of the long-winded material that most people put out!)”
“I decided to start reading the 181 page manual this morning, and WOW – I finished the whole 181 pages in 1 sitting! It really is brilliant and after reading it I know that I will now get big benefits from my daily 7 minute sessions! Thank you thank you for this awesome program!”
Bonus #2: An Audio Book Version of the Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Listen and enjoy whenever and where-ever you like…
Listen to the whole thing in one sitting… a chapter each morning while you eat breakfast… or any way you like.
Take an audio tour into mindfulness from around the world and throughout history. There’s some theory, a little science, and a lot of practical advice you can use to boost your mind and your life.
Bonus #3: Your Little Book Of Mindfulness Exercises
I’ve compiled this short reference style book of great mindfulness exercises to help you live with greater presence, calm, and joy.
These are simple tips and exercises to incorporate into daily life, or as a first aid kit when your mind gets weighed down, when you have a tough decision to make, or when you feel yourself getting carried away by thought trains that don’t help you.
This book perfectly compliments the audio program, to help you
perform at your peak
thrive under pressure
, and
overcome challenges
with greater ease.
I believe this is one of the BEST investments you will ever make, so I’m backing it up with a jaw-dropping guarantee.
If you don’t experience amazing results from my system within the first sixty days of using it, and if you don’t feel like it is worth at least five times what you paid, I will refund EVERY CENT.
No hassles and no question asked.
My goal is your success. And while I am confident you won’t need it, I want you to feel completely comfortable when you get your hands on my powerful mindfulness system.
So, try it out, and if you don’t experience a
noticeable reduction in your stress levels, if you don’t have more energy and an improved baseline of happiness, then simply send me an email and I’ll reverse your payment.
That’s my promise to you. With my 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, you have a risk free purchase.
I’ve received many emails from people sharing their different experiences with Seven Minute Mindfulness. Seeing people’s lives improve makes all the effort worth while, so I’m very excited to share a few stories with you here…
“What a wonderful way to start the day.”
From: Rosalyn What a wonderful way to start the day. I found myself very calm and centered. It allowed me to stay focused and on track the whole day. Thank you this is great.
“This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.”
From: Richard I’ve tried several programs and I start off with great intentions, but then the time factor and real life set in and I fall away. This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.
“It fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break.”
From: Olivier 7 Minutes Mindfulness has a great effect on me, allowing to calm my busy mind and also improve my mood.
It is a great complement to my daily meditation, as it fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break. Thank you guys!
“I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood.”
From: Charlene Hey, absolutely love Seven Minute Mindfulness.
I was under a lot of stress and I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood. Thanks for these programmes. 🙂
“This program has made me reconnect with my true self.”
From: Russell This program has made me reconnect with my true self. It has also really helped me to get to sleep faster and enjoy my days with a calmer more mindful outlook.
“So simple yet so practicable for daily living.”
From: Margaret Hi there, I find the mindfulness of the breath very focusing and very peaceful. I use the breath to fall asleep and it always puts me in fairy land.
I am so happy i bought your 7 Minute Mindfulness. So simple yet so practicable for daily living. Margo.
I hope you’ll be the next to experience Seven Minute Mindfulness!
Taking care of our own wellbeing is the most powerful investment we can make to help ourselves, our families, and the world.
Imagine that it’s one year from now. As you look back over the last twelve months, seeing how good life can be when you have the ability to quickly release stress, get back to balance, and reconnect with your true self.
Join now and see for yourself, it may just be the best move you’ve ever made!
Greg Thurston, Co-creator of Seven Minute Mindfulness
P.S. Remember you are backed by my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase for a full refund.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
7 Minute Mindfulness
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/7-minute-mindfulness/
7 Minute Mindfulness
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 Buy Now
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    Stress less, sleep better, and show up every day as the best version of yourself!
A body that is in pain or tense negatively affects our mental capacity.
Ever tried to concentrate with a toothache?
Luckily, the reverse is also true…
With the “Stress Response”, hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol raise the heartrate, quicken the breath and prime the muscles for action. It’s a vital survival mechanism, however long term stress can cause serious damage.
On the other hand, with the “Relaxation Response”…
your heart rate decreases
breathing becomes slower and deeper
blood pressure stabilizes
your muscles relax.
“In addition to its calming physical effects, the relaxation response also increases energy and focus, combats illness, relieves aches and pains, heightens problem-solving abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity.” – Lawrence Robinson
Our bodies are programmed to heal. The magic of healing happens automatically. You don’t need to tell your finger to heal a paper cut. It just does.
However, an overworked mind
interferes with the healing process… especially when it’s thinking about what could go wrong.
When practicing certain mindfulness techniques, the links between different areas of the brain are balanced. The stress response starts to disconnect. Balance is restored.
Mindfulness brings natural order back to the artificial chaos.
Hi, I’m Greg Thurston, and I’d love to share with you a unique method to live your most authentic and fulfilling life.
In just 7 minutes YOU CAN…
Release stress
Gain emotional strength
Nurture stronger relationships
Boost your ability to make great decisions
Be more effective at work and in life
What I’m about to show you is a discovery that appeared in my life after years of struggling with long drawn out meditation.
Years of
trying and failing to meditate consistently.
Let me explain…
I was born with a physical injury that caused constant upheaval in my life. During university I explored yoga and meditation as a way to alleviate my troubles and lift my game.
Over the first 6 months I became
naturally happier
my grades improved
creativity gushed from my mind
my physical pains became tolerable
, and I started loving life.
But there was a problem.
As life got busier, meditation became a struggle… I’d go for a few weeks meditating, then for one reason or another I would stop.
Sometimes it was because “I didn’t have time”, sometimes it was “too difficult to sit and focus”, and sometimes I’d stop without any reason at all…
Meditation was something I just couldn’t stick to consistently, and as a result, I couldn’t reap the rewards.
It was frustrating…
Then one day, sick of the constant ups and downs, I set off to explore the possibilities of what the mind and body can do… And over the next
5 years, the journey took on a life of its own…
I Travelled to Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, Brazil and Germany… INHALING every ounce of knowledge about meditation, mindfulness, and the mind-body connection.
I investigated TRADITIONAL ZEN PRACTICES and researched what MODERN SCIENCE knows today about the power of the mind.
This world exposed many truths and many falsehoods about stress, mindfulness, and the untapped potential of our brains and bodies… And let me tell you, it was surprising to see how many others were struggling with practices that just didn’t work for them.
The most significant thing I noted is how stress builds up …and when we DON’T release stress we get sick, diseased, and problems begin to push our lives off track.
So I started compiling the best and most powerful methods… focusing on solutions that are
easily maintainable
doable for any person
, and
avoid the common roadblocks
that people face.
And here’s what I found…
First of all, the honest truth about stress…
Nobody can avoid stress, so right here, right now, you can let yourself off the hook.
You don’t need to reach some fairy-tale level of enlightenment where you live in a bubble and are immune to stress.
What you can do however, is quickly bring yourself back to balance. To approach life proactively. To give yourself the tools to navigate challenges with
, and
Whether it’s financial strains, work, family, relationships, concerns about society, health, or the subtle daily stresses that sneak up on us, these things have the potential to snowball.
They far too often grow into something beyond our control, interfering with our ability to create the life we want and damaging not only our
mental wellbeing
, but also our
physical health.
According to a recent Harvard Medical School research paper, “Stress-related health problems are responsible for up to 80% of visits to the doctor and account for the third highest health care expenditures, behind only heart disease and cancer. But as few as 3% of doctors actually talk to patients about how to reduce stress.”
Researchers found that people in who took part in an
active relaxation program used an average of 43% fewer medical services than they did the previous year, saving on average $2,360 per person.
Of course, these are averages. For some people the costs would be lower, for others unfortunately, the costs would be much higher.
But the truth is, it’s not about the money. If we don’t have our health, we simply can’t function at our peak. We can’t fulfil our potential, we can’t show up for our families and other obligations… our hopes and plans go off course.
So, how can we habitually care for our wellbeing?…
…In the words of one of the most influential martial artists of all time…
– Bruce Lee, actor, director, philosopher, and founder of Jeet Kune Do
When we introduce simplicity, everything changes. We can remove the blockages which create
needless complication
Maybe it’s anger. Maybe it’s past disappointments which continuously create doubt. Maybe it’s self-criticism which has planted roots in our subconscious mind.
It may be suspicion or wariness about other people, an expectation of failure, or an unshakable feeling of tiredness, frustration, uncertainty, or overwhelm.
The fact is, when you allow yourself to deeply unwind and cultivate mindfulness, complications begin to dissipate… you gain clarity… and you connect with your inner power.
Have you ever had a decision that you just can’t get your head around? Maybe you went for a walk to “clear your head”. Then later, the answer appeared.
It’s like restarting your computer – shutting down the programs that you’re not using any more and
clearing space
This should be a ROUTINE. It’s not just about when the situation gets so difficult that you’re forced to remove yourself from the world. When we make mindfulness a core part of our daily routine, it becomes a constant and unlimited source of strength.
And scientists, doctors, psychologists, and policy makers are beginning to take notice…
In Australian schools,
1 million students and 18,000 teachers practice mindfulness every day
in a program run by The Australian Department of Education, Deakin University, child and adolescent psychologists, educators, and resilience specialists.
So far,
68% of participants reported a greater sense of calm
, and teachers have observed “significant improvements in their concentration after participating in the program.”
When you give yourself daily space to
untangle your thoughts and release tension, you’ll approach daily life from a much stronger position.
And here’s the good news…
You don’t need to commit a chunk of your day to sit in long drawn out meditation and force your mind to focus.
You don’t have to hike up the mountains and learn from a monk and you don’t have to understand some special philosophy.
You can do those things if you wish and they each have their own advantages AND disadvantages, but I want to offer you another way…
A way that is
, and
doesn’t require any cognitive effort
. A system where you don’t have to “Learn” and where you’re not at the mercy of what a former monk once described to me as “MEDITATION RESISTANCE”.
If you’re curious to see what can happen when you invest in your own wellbeing for just 7 minutes, then please read on…
With 7 Minute Mindfulness, all you need to do is press play.
Let the audios sink you into a deep relaxation like you’ve never known before.
You’ll be guided away from the thought processes of your day. You’ll release the tension from your muscles and the thoughts from your mind.
Different tensions are connected to different parts of our bodies: anger in the jaw, stress in the shoulders and torso, emotions in the hips. You’re going to learn to gently release each.
And the best part is that you don’t need to put in any effort at all.
You don’t need to consciously remember to focus on your thoughts or your breath. You don’t need discipline. Just listen to the music and the words, and they will take care of everything for you.
Each consecutive day you’ll go deeper into relaxation and come out 7 minutes later more refreshed and more prepared to make the most of your day.
You’ll be training your body to be more relaxed, and automatically training your mind to be more mindful.
When you listen to these sessions, here’s what will happen:
You’ll quickly release stress and relax deeply.
You’ll prime your mind with energy, belief, and motivation.
You’ll become more resilient.
You’ll become more patient.
You’ll gain clarity to make brilliant decisions, take opportunities, and be your authentic self.
Although you will only listen to the audio sessions for 7 minutes, the payoff will continue during every moment of your day. You’ll be upgrading your base operating system.
And this isn’t only going to benefit you… NO WAY! It’s going to rub off on the people around you.
They’ll be infected with your energy
They’ll take note of your ability to stay calm
, your ability to
make the most of every situation
. You’ll set the positive example.
Don’t just take my word for it…
See the awe-inspiring letter that I read every day… from a Seven Minute Mindfulness user named Phyllis:
“My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years.”
“I have inner peace for the first time in my life.
I feel a great deal of gratitude. I feel present. I am so much more relaxed and confident. My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years. My internal anger is nearly gone.
I find myself relaxing and going with the flow instead of fighting to control the world. I now know I don’t need or want to do that. I feel at peace with myself.
Thank you Greg!” — Phyllis
I can honestly say that the day I received Phyllis’s email was one of the best days of my life. To see the program improving people’s lives makes the past 10 years so worth the effort.
The core principal of this program is simple: to make mindfulness
easily doable for any person
To take away the barriers, stigma, and difficulties that often surround mindfulness practices.
This is NOT going to take you an hour per day, or even 30 minutes. It’s NOT going to require some super human mental discipline. All that’s required of you is to get comfortable, press play, and lie down (or sit if you prefer) for 7 minutes.
It borrows from many spiritual practises, but it’s different. It’s not religious or connected to any spiritual philosophy. It isn’t yoga, it isn’t Buddhism.
There are no strict rules
It’s a user friendly, practical routine to give yourself 7 minutes of peace. 7 minutes of nurturing. 7 minutes to release the stress that builds up each day, break the trains of incessant overthinking, and welcome in clarity.
I want you to squeeze every drop of joy out of life. To be fully present and prepared for what comes next, to cherish the small moments and big…
to be creative
to be calm
to be excited
… to help the people around you, and to nurture that which is unique and special about you.
I believe that if everyone in the world gifted themselves just a few minutes each day to release and rejuvenate, society would thrive.
Want to know more?
Here’s what Jamie reported about his experience…
“Thank you so much. I honestly do notice that I am more relaxed and calm since I started this practice.
It has helped me physically, emotionally and Spiritually. I am so grateful that I decided to try your method.
I am sleeping much better, and feel much more calm and relaxed.
I am becoming more mindful of my actions and reactions, and feeling more Spiritually healthy. I cannot tell you how much this simple practice has been helping me!! Thank you , Jamie”
And Robert…
“I found the mindfulness exercises help to get you out of your head and into what is happening presently.
This in turn helps to feel less tense and worried which allows you to enjoy more what you are doing.”
You can read more unique experiences later… BUT RIGHT NOW…
Let me introduce you to…
Experience Ultimate Inner Peace and Live Your Best Life
Seven Minute Mindfulness is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Listen for just 7 minutes per day, and allow the short mindfulness sessions massage your tense mind, release stress, and plant seeds of calm relaxation that help you flourish.
You get 10 mindfulness sessions, each lasting for 7 minutes.
The sessions combine guided mindfulness scripts, imagination prompts, and ultra-relaxation music, delivered in a format that will quickly invoke calmness and leave you prepared and ready for whatever the day may bring.
Make this your wellness routine: simply press play and…
Release the tension and stress that builds up every day.
Unleash your creativity and express yourself.
Slow your heart rate and care for your long term health.
Take control of negative thoughts, emotions, criticism, and guilt.
Be more present for the people who matter in your life.
Boost your mental performance and achieve your goals with greater ease.
Nurture better relationships, communication, and enjoy a more adventurous spirit.
Prime your mind and make your contribution to the world.
You don’t need any special skills to use this program.
Simply plug in a pair of headphones, listen to the “day 1” audio track, and your brain will enter a powerful state of calm.
You will gain enormous clarity, relief, and increased brain performance!
In just 7 minutes!
Most people can’t even shower and put their clothes on in 7 minutes
… But you can de-stress, then infuse your mind with calmness, creativity, and power!
In order to deliver you the best program possible, I teamed up with an online publishing company which specializes in relationships, personal development, goal achievement, and wellbeing. By combining their expertise with my experience and research, we created a truly user friendly, almost effortless program, delivered to you online for minimal cost.
Seven Minute Mindfulness has been used by over 3000 people around the world, and feedback from our community indicates we’ve created something special here, something that is truly helping to improve the world.
And now, I invite you to try it yourself.
You can get started straight away online, and experience for yourself just how powerful this program is in just a few minutes from now.
Option 1.
Online Access
$99 $17
Get lifetime online access to the Full TEN x 7 Minute Mindfulness Tracks, PLUS Mindfulness Training Program, for just $17!
(80% print-free discount)
Option 2.
Physical + Online
$99 + S&H
Get lifetime online access to the full program plus the cds and books shipped to your door.
Your order will be processed using the ClickBank® secure checkout
Use Seven Minute Mindfulness on your computer, phone, tablet, or whatever device you have. Getting started is super simple and will take just a few minutes after ordering.
PLUS you’ll get 3 amazing FREE bonuses!
Bonus #1: The Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Get all the knowledge, research, and background to how the system works.
From centuries of traditional healing and wellbeing practices, to the radical discoveries of modern science and technology.
This guidebook was co-created by myself and Scott Mason.
Scott’s story is utterly amazing and inspiring – he woke up from a coma after an accident with major internal injuries and a crushed right leg… then went on to recover, rebuild himself, and walk 1000 Kilometres along the South African coastline (prepare to be wowed and inspired!).
In this ebook, you’ll take a deep dive into mindfulness and discover new ways to live an inspiring and full life!
Plus, learn about different areas of your body, such as the
Limbic System
– the part of your brain which controls
emotional responses.
Here’s what one of our members, Greig, had to say about the guidebook:
“I purchased this program about 1 week ago and have listened to each of the 7 daily audios. I found them very relaxing and the perfect length. (I tend to lose focus with a lot of the long-winded material that most people put out!)”
“I decided to start reading the 181 page manual this morning, and WOW – I finished the whole 181 pages in 1 sitting! It really is brilliant and after reading it I know that I will now get big benefits from my daily 7 minute sessions! Thank you thank you for this awesome program!”
Bonus #2: An Audio Book Version of the Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Listen and enjoy whenever and where-ever you like…
Listen to the whole thing in one sitting… a chapter each morning while you eat breakfast… or any way you like.
Take an audio tour into mindfulness from around the world and throughout history. There’s some theory, a little science, and a lot of practical advice you can use to boost your mind and your life.
Bonus #3: Your Little Book Of Mindfulness Exercises
I’ve compiled this short reference style book of great mindfulness exercises to help you live with greater presence, calm, and joy.
These are simple tips and exercises to incorporate into daily life, or as a first aid kit when your mind gets weighed down, when you have a tough decision to make, or when you feel yourself getting carried away by thought trains that don’t help you.
This book perfectly compliments the audio program, to help you
perform at your peak
thrive under pressure
, and
overcome challenges
with greater ease.
I believe this is one of the BEST investments you will ever make, so I’m backing it up with a jaw-dropping guarantee.
If you don’t experience amazing results from my system within the first sixty days of using it, and if you don’t feel like it is worth at least five times what you paid, I will refund EVERY CENT.
No hassles and no question asked.
My goal is your success. And while I am confident you won’t need it, I want you to feel completely comfortable when you get your hands on my powerful mindfulness system.
So, try it out, and if you don’t experience a
noticeable reduction in your stress levels, if you don’t have more energy and an improved baseline of happiness, then simply send me an email and I’ll reverse your payment.
That’s my promise to you. With my 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, you have a risk free purchase.
I’ve received many emails from people sharing their different experiences with Seven Minute Mindfulness. Seeing people’s lives improve makes all the effort worth while, so I’m very excited to share a few stories with you here…
“What a wonderful way to start the day.”
From: Rosalyn What a wonderful way to start the day. I found myself very calm and centered. It allowed me to stay focused and on track the whole day. Thank you this is great.
“This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.”
From: Richard I’ve tried several programs and I start off with great intentions, but then the time factor and real life set in and I fall away. This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.
“It fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break.”
From: Olivier 7 Minutes Mindfulness has a great effect on me, allowing to calm my busy mind and also improve my mood.
It is a great complement to my daily meditation, as it fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break. Thank you guys!
“I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood.”
From: Charlene Hey, absolutely love Seven Minute Mindfulness.
I was under a lot of stress and I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood. Thanks for these programmes. 🙂
“This program has made me reconnect with my true self.”
From: Russell This program has made me reconnect with my true self. It has also really helped me to get to sleep faster and enjoy my days with a calmer more mindful outlook.
“So simple yet so practicable for daily living.”
From: Margaret Hi there, I find the mindfulness of the breath very focusing and very peaceful. I use the breath to fall asleep and it always puts me in fairy land.
I am so happy i bought your 7 Minute Mindfulness. So simple yet so practicable for daily living. Margo.
I hope you’ll be the next to experience Seven Minute Mindfulness!
Taking care of our own wellbeing is the most powerful investment we can make to help ourselves, our families, and the world.
Imagine that it’s one year from now. As you look back over the last twelve months, seeing how good life can be when you have the ability to quickly release stress, get back to balance, and reconnect with your true self.
Join now and see for yourself, it may just be the best move you’ve ever made!
Greg Thurston, Co-creator of Seven Minute Mindfulness
P.S. Remember you are backed by my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase for a full refund.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
7 Minute Mindfulness
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/7-minute-mindfulness/
7 Minute Mindfulness
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 Buy Now
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    Stress less, sleep better, and show up every day as the best version of yourself!
A body that is in pain or tense negatively affects our mental capacity.
Ever tried to concentrate with a toothache?
Luckily, the reverse is also true…
With the “Stress Response”, hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol raise the heartrate, quicken the breath and prime the muscles for action. It’s a vital survival mechanism, however long term stress can cause serious damage.
On the other hand, with the “Relaxation Response”…
your heart rate decreases
breathing becomes slower and deeper
blood pressure stabilizes
your muscles relax.
“In addition to its calming physical effects, the relaxation response also increases energy and focus, combats illness, relieves aches and pains, heightens problem-solving abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity.” – Lawrence Robinson
Our bodies are programmed to heal. The magic of healing happens automatically. You don’t need to tell your finger to heal a paper cut. It just does.
However, an overworked mind
interferes with the healing process… especially when it’s thinking about what could go wrong.
When practicing certain mindfulness techniques, the links between different areas of the brain are balanced. The stress response starts to disconnect. Balance is restored.
Mindfulness brings natural order back to the artificial chaos.
Hi, I’m Greg Thurston, and I’d love to share with you a unique method to live your most authentic and fulfilling life.
In just 7 minutes YOU CAN…
Release stress
Gain emotional strength
Nurture stronger relationships
Boost your ability to make great decisions
Be more effective at work and in life
What I’m about to show you is a discovery that appeared in my life after years of struggling with long drawn out meditation.
Years of
trying and failing to meditate consistently.
Let me explain…
I was born with a physical injury that caused constant upheaval in my life. During university I explored yoga and meditation as a way to alleviate my troubles and lift my game.
Over the first 6 months I became
naturally happier
my grades improved
creativity gushed from my mind
my physical pains became tolerable
, and I started loving life.
But there was a problem.
As life got busier, meditation became a struggle… I’d go for a few weeks meditating, then for one reason or another I would stop.
Sometimes it was because “I didn’t have time”, sometimes it was “too difficult to sit and focus”, and sometimes I’d stop without any reason at all…
Meditation was something I just couldn’t stick to consistently, and as a result, I couldn’t reap the rewards.
It was frustrating…
Then one day, sick of the constant ups and downs, I set off to explore the possibilities of what the mind and body can do… And over the next
5 years, the journey took on a life of its own…
I Travelled to Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, Brazil and Germany… INHALING every ounce of knowledge about meditation, mindfulness, and the mind-body connection.
I investigated TRADITIONAL ZEN PRACTICES and researched what MODERN SCIENCE knows today about the power of the mind.
This world exposed many truths and many falsehoods about stress, mindfulness, and the untapped potential of our brains and bodies… And let me tell you, it was surprising to see how many others were struggling with practices that just didn’t work for them.
The most significant thing I noted is how stress builds up …and when we DON’T release stress we get sick, diseased, and problems begin to push our lives off track.
So I started compiling the best and most powerful methods… focusing on solutions that are
easily maintainable
doable for any person
, and
avoid the common roadblocks
that people face.
And here’s what I found…
First of all, the honest truth about stress…
Nobody can avoid stress, so right here, right now, you can let yourself off the hook.
You don’t need to reach some fairy-tale level of enlightenment where you live in a bubble and are immune to stress.
What you can do however, is quickly bring yourself back to balance. To approach life proactively. To give yourself the tools to navigate challenges with
, and
Whether it’s financial strains, work, family, relationships, concerns about society, health, or the subtle daily stresses that sneak up on us, these things have the potential to snowball.
They far too often grow into something beyond our control, interfering with our ability to create the life we want and damaging not only our
mental wellbeing
, but also our
physical health.
According to a recent Harvard Medical School research paper, “Stress-related health problems are responsible for up to 80% of visits to the doctor and account for the third highest health care expenditures, behind only heart disease and cancer. But as few as 3% of doctors actually talk to patients about how to reduce stress.”
Researchers found that people in who took part in an
active relaxation program used an average of 43% fewer medical services than they did the previous year, saving on average $2,360 per person.
Of course, these are averages. For some people the costs would be lower, for others unfortunately, the costs would be much higher.
But the truth is, it’s not about the money. If we don’t have our health, we simply can’t function at our peak. We can’t fulfil our potential, we can’t show up for our families and other obligations… our hopes and plans go off course.
So, how can we habitually care for our wellbeing?…
…In the words of one of the most influential martial artists of all time…
– Bruce Lee, actor, director, philosopher, and founder of Jeet Kune Do
When we introduce simplicity, everything changes. We can remove the blockages which create
needless complication
Maybe it’s anger. Maybe it’s past disappointments which continuously create doubt. Maybe it’s self-criticism which has planted roots in our subconscious mind.
It may be suspicion or wariness about other people, an expectation of failure, or an unshakable feeling of tiredness, frustration, uncertainty, or overwhelm.
The fact is, when you allow yourself to deeply unwind and cultivate mindfulness, complications begin to dissipate… you gain clarity… and you connect with your inner power.
Have you ever had a decision that you just can’t get your head around? Maybe you went for a walk to “clear your head”. Then later, the answer appeared.
It’s like restarting your computer – shutting down the programs that you’re not using any more and
clearing space
This should be a ROUTINE. It’s not just about when the situation gets so difficult that you’re forced to remove yourself from the world. When we make mindfulness a core part of our daily routine, it becomes a constant and unlimited source of strength.
And scientists, doctors, psychologists, and policy makers are beginning to take notice…
In Australian schools,
1 million students and 18,000 teachers practice mindfulness every day
in a program run by The Australian Department of Education, Deakin University, child and adolescent psychologists, educators, and resilience specialists.
So far,
68% of participants reported a greater sense of calm
, and teachers have observed “significant improvements in their concentration after participating in the program.”
When you give yourself daily space to
untangle your thoughts and release tension, you’ll approach daily life from a much stronger position.
And here’s the good news…
You don’t need to commit a chunk of your day to sit in long drawn out meditation and force your mind to focus.
You don’t have to hike up the mountains and learn from a monk and you don’t have to understand some special philosophy.
You can do those things if you wish and they each have their own advantages AND disadvantages, but I want to offer you another way…
A way that is
, and
doesn’t require any cognitive effort
. A system where you don’t have to “Learn” and where you’re not at the mercy of what a former monk once described to me as “MEDITATION RESISTANCE”.
If you’re curious to see what can happen when you invest in your own wellbeing for just 7 minutes, then please read on…
With 7 Minute Mindfulness, all you need to do is press play.
Let the audios sink you into a deep relaxation like you’ve never known before.
You’ll be guided away from the thought processes of your day. You’ll release the tension from your muscles and the thoughts from your mind.
Different tensions are connected to different parts of our bodies: anger in the jaw, stress in the shoulders and torso, emotions in the hips. You’re going to learn to gently release each.
And the best part is that you don’t need to put in any effort at all.
You don’t need to consciously remember to focus on your thoughts or your breath. You don’t need discipline. Just listen to the music and the words, and they will take care of everything for you.
Each consecutive day you’ll go deeper into relaxation and come out 7 minutes later more refreshed and more prepared to make the most of your day.
You’ll be training your body to be more relaxed, and automatically training your mind to be more mindful.
When you listen to these sessions, here’s what will happen:
You’ll quickly release stress and relax deeply.
You’ll prime your mind with energy, belief, and motivation.
You’ll become more resilient.
You’ll become more patient.
You’ll gain clarity to make brilliant decisions, take opportunities, and be your authentic self.
Although you will only listen to the audio sessions for 7 minutes, the payoff will continue during every moment of your day. You’ll be upgrading your base operating system.
And this isn’t only going to benefit you… NO WAY! It’s going to rub off on the people around you.
They’ll be infected with your energy
They’ll take note of your ability to stay calm
, your ability to
make the most of every situation
. You’ll set the positive example.
Don’t just take my word for it…
See the awe-inspiring letter that I read every day… from a Seven Minute Mindfulness user named Phyllis:
“My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years.”
“I have inner peace for the first time in my life.
I feel a great deal of gratitude. I feel present. I am so much more relaxed and confident. My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years. My internal anger is nearly gone.
I find myself relaxing and going with the flow instead of fighting to control the world. I now know I don’t need or want to do that. I feel at peace with myself.
Thank you Greg!” — Phyllis
I can honestly say that the day I received Phyllis’s email was one of the best days of my life. To see the program improving people’s lives makes the past 10 years so worth the effort.
The core principal of this program is simple: to make mindfulness
easily doable for any person
To take away the barriers, stigma, and difficulties that often surround mindfulness practices.
This is NOT going to take you an hour per day, or even 30 minutes. It’s NOT going to require some super human mental discipline. All that’s required of you is to get comfortable, press play, and lie down (or sit if you prefer) for 7 minutes.
It borrows from many spiritual practises, but it’s different. It’s not religious or connected to any spiritual philosophy. It isn’t yoga, it isn’t Buddhism.
There are no strict rules
It’s a user friendly, practical routine to give yourself 7 minutes of peace. 7 minutes of nurturing. 7 minutes to release the stress that builds up each day, break the trains of incessant overthinking, and welcome in clarity.
I want you to squeeze every drop of joy out of life. To be fully present and prepared for what comes next, to cherish the small moments and big…
to be creative
to be calm
to be excited
… to help the people around you, and to nurture that which is unique and special about you.
I believe that if everyone in the world gifted themselves just a few minutes each day to release and rejuvenate, society would thrive.
Want to know more?
Here’s what Jamie reported about his experience…
“Thank you so much. I honestly do notice that I am more relaxed and calm since I started this practice.
It has helped me physically, emotionally and Spiritually. I am so grateful that I decided to try your method.
I am sleeping much better, and feel much more calm and relaxed.
I am becoming more mindful of my actions and reactions, and feeling more Spiritually healthy. I cannot tell you how much this simple practice has been helping me!! Thank you , Jamie”
And Robert…
“I found the mindfulness exercises help to get you out of your head and into what is happening presently.
This in turn helps to feel less tense and worried which allows you to enjoy more what you are doing.”
You can read more unique experiences later… BUT RIGHT NOW…
Let me introduce you to…
Experience Ultimate Inner Peace and Live Your Best Life
Seven Minute Mindfulness is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Listen for just 7 minutes per day, and allow the short mindfulness sessions massage your tense mind, release stress, and plant seeds of calm relaxation that help you flourish.
You get 10 mindfulness sessions, each lasting for 7 minutes.
The sessions combine guided mindfulness scripts, imagination prompts, and ultra-relaxation music, delivered in a format that will quickly invoke calmness and leave you prepared and ready for whatever the day may bring.
Make this your wellness routine: simply press play and…
Release the tension and stress that builds up every day.
Unleash your creativity and express yourself.
Slow your heart rate and care for your long term health.
Take control of negative thoughts, emotions, criticism, and guilt.
Be more present for the people who matter in your life.
Boost your mental performance and achieve your goals with greater ease.
Nurture better relationships, communication, and enjoy a more adventurous spirit.
Prime your mind and make your contribution to the world.
You don’t need any special skills to use this program.
Simply plug in a pair of headphones, listen to the “day 1” audio track, and your brain will enter a powerful state of calm.
You will gain enormous clarity, relief, and increased brain performance!
In just 7 minutes!
Most people can’t even shower and put their clothes on in 7 minutes
… But you can de-stress, then infuse your mind with calmness, creativity, and power!
In order to deliver you the best program possible, I teamed up with an online publishing company which specializes in relationships, personal development, goal achievement, and wellbeing. By combining their expertise with my experience and research, we created a truly user friendly, almost effortless program, delivered to you online for minimal cost.
Seven Minute Mindfulness has been used by over 3000 people around the world, and feedback from our community indicates we’ve created something special here, something that is truly helping to improve the world.
And now, I invite you to try it yourself.
You can get started straight away online, and experience for yourself just how powerful this program is in just a few minutes from now.
Option 1.
Online Access
$99 $17
Get lifetime online access to the Full TEN x 7 Minute Mindfulness Tracks, PLUS Mindfulness Training Program, for just $17!
(80% print-free discount)
Option 2.
Physical + Online
$99 + S&H
Get lifetime online access to the full program plus the cds and books shipped to your door.
Your order will be processed using the ClickBank® secure checkout
Use Seven Minute Mindfulness on your computer, phone, tablet, or whatever device you have. Getting started is super simple and will take just a few minutes after ordering.
PLUS you’ll get 3 amazing FREE bonuses!
Bonus #1: The Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Get all the knowledge, research, and background to how the system works.
From centuries of traditional healing and wellbeing practices, to the radical discoveries of modern science and technology.
This guidebook was co-created by myself and Scott Mason.
Scott’s story is utterly amazing and inspiring – he woke up from a coma after an accident with major internal injuries and a crushed right leg… then went on to recover, rebuild himself, and walk 1000 Kilometres along the South African coastline (prepare to be wowed and inspired!).
In this ebook, you’ll take a deep dive into mindfulness and discover new ways to live an inspiring and full life!
Plus, learn about different areas of your body, such as the
Limbic System
– the part of your brain which controls
emotional responses.
Here’s what one of our members, Greig, had to say about the guidebook:
“I purchased this program about 1 week ago and have listened to each of the 7 daily audios. I found them very relaxing and the perfect length. (I tend to lose focus with a lot of the long-winded material that most people put out!)”
“I decided to start reading the 181 page manual this morning, and WOW – I finished the whole 181 pages in 1 sitting! It really is brilliant and after reading it I know that I will now get big benefits from my daily 7 minute sessions! Thank you thank you for this awesome program!”
Bonus #2: An Audio Book Version of the Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Listen and enjoy whenever and where-ever you like…
Listen to the whole thing in one sitting… a chapter each morning while you eat breakfast… or any way you like.
Take an audio tour into mindfulness from around the world and throughout history. There’s some theory, a little science, and a lot of practical advice you can use to boost your mind and your life.
Bonus #3: Your Little Book Of Mindfulness Exercises
I’ve compiled this short reference style book of great mindfulness exercises to help you live with greater presence, calm, and joy.
These are simple tips and exercises to incorporate into daily life, or as a first aid kit when your mind gets weighed down, when you have a tough decision to make, or when you feel yourself getting carried away by thought trains that don’t help you.
This book perfectly compliments the audio program, to help you
perform at your peak
thrive under pressure
, and
overcome challenges
with greater ease.
I believe this is one of the BEST investments you will ever make, so I’m backing it up with a jaw-dropping guarantee.
If you don’t experience amazing results from my system within the first sixty days of using it, and if you don’t feel like it is worth at least five times what you paid, I will refund EVERY CENT.
No hassles and no question asked.
My goal is your success. And while I am confident you won’t need it, I want you to feel completely comfortable when you get your hands on my powerful mindfulness system.
So, try it out, and if you don’t experience a
noticeable reduction in your stress levels, if you don’t have more energy and an improved baseline of happiness, then simply send me an email and I’ll reverse your payment.
That’s my promise to you. With my 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, you have a risk free purchase.
I’ve received many emails from people sharing their different experiences with Seven Minute Mindfulness. Seeing people’s lives improve makes all the effort worth while, so I’m very excited to share a few stories with you here…
“What a wonderful way to start the day.”
From: Rosalyn What a wonderful way to start the day. I found myself very calm and centered. It allowed me to stay focused and on track the whole day. Thank you this is great.
“This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.”
From: Richard I’ve tried several programs and I start off with great intentions, but then the time factor and real life set in and I fall away. This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.
“It fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break.”
From: Olivier 7 Minutes Mindfulness has a great effect on me, allowing to calm my busy mind and also improve my mood.
It is a great complement to my daily meditation, as it fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break. Thank you guys!
“I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood.”
From: Charlene Hey, absolutely love Seven Minute Mindfulness.
I was under a lot of stress and I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood. Thanks for these programmes. 🙂
“This program has made me reconnect with my true self.”
From: Russell This program has made me reconnect with my true self. It has also really helped me to get to sleep faster and enjoy my days with a calmer more mindful outlook.
“So simple yet so practicable for daily living.”
From: Margaret Hi there, I find the mindfulness of the breath very focusing and very peaceful. I use the breath to fall asleep and it always puts me in fairy land.
I am so happy i bought your 7 Minute Mindfulness. So simple yet so practicable for daily living. Margo.
I hope you’ll be the next to experience Seven Minute Mindfulness!
Taking care of our own wellbeing is the most powerful investment we can make to help ourselves, our families, and the world.
Imagine that it’s one year from now. As you look back over the last twelve months, seeing how good life can be when you have the ability to quickly release stress, get back to balance, and reconnect with your true self.
Join now and see for yourself, it may just be the best move you’ve ever made!
Greg Thurston, Co-creator of Seven Minute Mindfulness
P.S. Remember you are backed by my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase for a full refund.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
7 Minute Mindfulness
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7 Minute Mindfulness
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    Stress less, sleep better, and show up every day as the best version of yourself!
A body that is in pain or tense negatively affects our mental capacity.
Ever tried to concentrate with a toothache?
Luckily, the reverse is also true…
With the “Stress Response”, hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol raise the heartrate, quicken the breath and prime the muscles for action. It’s a vital survival mechanism, however long term stress can cause serious damage.
On the other hand, with the “Relaxation Response”…
your heart rate decreases
breathing becomes slower and deeper
blood pressure stabilizes
your muscles relax.
“In addition to its calming physical effects, the relaxation response also increases energy and focus, combats illness, relieves aches and pains, heightens problem-solving abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity.” – Lawrence Robinson
Our bodies are programmed to heal. The magic of healing happens automatically. You don’t need to tell your finger to heal a paper cut. It just does.
However, an overworked mind
interferes with the healing process… especially when it’s thinking about what could go wrong.
When practicing certain mindfulness techniques, the links between different areas of the brain are balanced. The stress response starts to disconnect. Balance is restored.
Mindfulness brings natural order back to the artificial chaos.
Hi, I’m Greg Thurston, and I’d love to share with you a unique method to live your most authentic and fulfilling life.
In just 7 minutes YOU CAN…
Release stress
Gain emotional strength
Nurture stronger relationships
Boost your ability to make great decisions
Be more effective at work and in life
What I’m about to show you is a discovery that appeared in my life after years of struggling with long drawn out meditation.
Years of
trying and failing to meditate consistently.
Let me explain…
I was born with a physical injury that caused constant upheaval in my life. During university I explored yoga and meditation as a way to alleviate my troubles and lift my game.
Over the first 6 months I became
naturally happier
my grades improved
creativity gushed from my mind
my physical pains became tolerable
, and I started loving life.
But there was a problem.
As life got busier, meditation became a struggle… I’d go for a few weeks meditating, then for one reason or another I would stop.
Sometimes it was because “I didn’t have time”, sometimes it was “too difficult to sit and focus”, and sometimes I’d stop without any reason at all…
Meditation was something I just couldn’t stick to consistently, and as a result, I couldn’t reap the rewards.
It was frustrating…
Then one day, sick of the constant ups and downs, I set off to explore the possibilities of what the mind and body can do… And over the next
5 years, the journey took on a life of its own…
I Travelled to Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, Brazil and Germany… INHALING every ounce of knowledge about meditation, mindfulness, and the mind-body connection.
I investigated TRADITIONAL ZEN PRACTICES and researched what MODERN SCIENCE knows today about the power of the mind.
This world exposed many truths and many falsehoods about stress, mindfulness, and the untapped potential of our brains and bodies… And let me tell you, it was surprising to see how many others were struggling with practices that just didn’t work for them.
The most significant thing I noted is how stress builds up …and when we DON’T release stress we get sick, diseased, and problems begin to push our lives off track.
So I started compiling the best and most powerful methods… focusing on solutions that are
easily maintainable
doable for any person
, and
avoid the common roadblocks
that people face.
And here’s what I found…
First of all, the honest truth about stress…
Nobody can avoid stress, so right here, right now, you can let yourself off the hook.
You don’t need to reach some fairy-tale level of enlightenment where you live in a bubble and are immune to stress.
What you can do however, is quickly bring yourself back to balance. To approach life proactively. To give yourself the tools to navigate challenges with
, and
Whether it’s financial strains, work, family, relationships, concerns about society, health, or the subtle daily stresses that sneak up on us, these things have the potential to snowball.
They far too often grow into something beyond our control, interfering with our ability to create the life we want and damaging not only our
mental wellbeing
, but also our
physical health.
According to a recent Harvard Medical School research paper, “Stress-related health problems are responsible for up to 80% of visits to the doctor and account for the third highest health care expenditures, behind only heart disease and cancer. But as few as 3% of doctors actually talk to patients about how to reduce stress.”
Researchers found that people in who took part in an
active relaxation program used an average of 43% fewer medical services than they did the previous year, saving on average $2,360 per person.
Of course, these are averages. For some people the costs would be lower, for others unfortunately, the costs would be much higher.
But the truth is, it’s not about the money. If we don’t have our health, we simply can’t function at our peak. We can’t fulfil our potential, we can’t show up for our families and other obligations… our hopes and plans go off course.
So, how can we habitually care for our wellbeing?…
…In the words of one of the most influential martial artists of all time…
– Bruce Lee, actor, director, philosopher, and founder of Jeet Kune Do
When we introduce simplicity, everything changes. We can remove the blockages which create
needless complication
Maybe it’s anger. Maybe it’s past disappointments which continuously create doubt. Maybe it’s self-criticism which has planted roots in our subconscious mind.
It may be suspicion or wariness about other people, an expectation of failure, or an unshakable feeling of tiredness, frustration, uncertainty, or overwhelm.
The fact is, when you allow yourself to deeply unwind and cultivate mindfulness, complications begin to dissipate… you gain clarity… and you connect with your inner power.
Have you ever had a decision that you just can’t get your head around? Maybe you went for a walk to “clear your head”. Then later, the answer appeared.
It’s like restarting your computer – shutting down the programs that you’re not using any more and
clearing space
This should be a ROUTINE. It’s not just about when the situation gets so difficult that you’re forced to remove yourself from the world. When we make mindfulness a core part of our daily routine, it becomes a constant and unlimited source of strength.
And scientists, doctors, psychologists, and policy makers are beginning to take notice…
In Australian schools,
1 million students and 18,000 teachers practice mindfulness every day
in a program run by The Australian Department of Education, Deakin University, child and adolescent psychologists, educators, and resilience specialists.
So far,
68% of participants reported a greater sense of calm
, and teachers have observed “significant improvements in their concentration after participating in the program.”
When you give yourself daily space to
untangle your thoughts and release tension, you’ll approach daily life from a much stronger position.
And here’s the good news…
You don’t need to commit a chunk of your day to sit in long drawn out meditation and force your mind to focus.
You don’t have to hike up the mountains and learn from a monk and you don’t have to understand some special philosophy.
You can do those things if you wish and they each have their own advantages AND disadvantages, but I want to offer you another way…
A way that is
, and
doesn’t require any cognitive effort
. A system where you don’t have to “Learn” and where you’re not at the mercy of what a former monk once described to me as “MEDITATION RESISTANCE”.
If you’re curious to see what can happen when you invest in your own wellbeing for just 7 minutes, then please read on…
With 7 Minute Mindfulness, all you need to do is press play.
Let the audios sink you into a deep relaxation like you’ve never known before.
You’ll be guided away from the thought processes of your day. You’ll release the tension from your muscles and the thoughts from your mind.
Different tensions are connected to different parts of our bodies: anger in the jaw, stress in the shoulders and torso, emotions in the hips. You’re going to learn to gently release each.
And the best part is that you don’t need to put in any effort at all.
You don’t need to consciously remember to focus on your thoughts or your breath. You don’t need discipline. Just listen to the music and the words, and they will take care of everything for you.
Each consecutive day you’ll go deeper into relaxation and come out 7 minutes later more refreshed and more prepared to make the most of your day.
You’ll be training your body to be more relaxed, and automatically training your mind to be more mindful.
When you listen to these sessions, here’s what will happen:
You’ll quickly release stress and relax deeply.
You’ll prime your mind with energy, belief, and motivation.
You’ll become more resilient.
You’ll become more patient.
You’ll gain clarity to make brilliant decisions, take opportunities, and be your authentic self.
Although you will only listen to the audio sessions for 7 minutes, the payoff will continue during every moment of your day. You’ll be upgrading your base operating system.
And this isn’t only going to benefit you… NO WAY! It’s going to rub off on the people around you.
They’ll be infected with your energy
They’ll take note of your ability to stay calm
, your ability to
make the most of every situation
. You’ll set the positive example.
Don’t just take my word for it…
See the awe-inspiring letter that I read every day… from a Seven Minute Mindfulness user named Phyllis:
“My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years.”
“I have inner peace for the first time in my life.
I feel a great deal of gratitude. I feel present. I am so much more relaxed and confident. My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years. My internal anger is nearly gone.
I find myself relaxing and going with the flow instead of fighting to control the world. I now know I don’t need or want to do that. I feel at peace with myself.
Thank you Greg!” — Phyllis
I can honestly say that the day I received Phyllis’s email was one of the best days of my life. To see the program improving people’s lives makes the past 10 years so worth the effort.
The core principal of this program is simple: to make mindfulness
easily doable for any person
To take away the barriers, stigma, and difficulties that often surround mindfulness practices.
This is NOT going to take you an hour per day, or even 30 minutes. It’s NOT going to require some super human mental discipline. All that’s required of you is to get comfortable, press play, and lie down (or sit if you prefer) for 7 minutes.
It borrows from many spiritual practises, but it’s different. It’s not religious or connected to any spiritual philosophy. It isn’t yoga, it isn’t Buddhism.
There are no strict rules
It’s a user friendly, practical routine to give yourself 7 minutes of peace. 7 minutes of nurturing. 7 minutes to release the stress that builds up each day, break the trains of incessant overthinking, and welcome in clarity.
I want you to squeeze every drop of joy out of life. To be fully present and prepared for what comes next, to cherish the small moments and big…
to be creative
to be calm
to be excited
… to help the people around you, and to nurture that which is unique and special about you.
I believe that if everyone in the world gifted themselves just a few minutes each day to release and rejuvenate, society would thrive.
Want to know more?
Here’s what Jamie reported about his experience…
“Thank you so much. I honestly do notice that I am more relaxed and calm since I started this practice.
It has helped me physically, emotionally and Spiritually. I am so grateful that I decided to try your method.
I am sleeping much better, and feel much more calm and relaxed.
I am becoming more mindful of my actions and reactions, and feeling more Spiritually healthy. I cannot tell you how much this simple practice has been helping me!! Thank you , Jamie”
And Robert…
“I found the mindfulness exercises help to get you out of your head and into what is happening presently.
This in turn helps to feel less tense and worried which allows you to enjoy more what you are doing.”
You can read more unique experiences later… BUT RIGHT NOW…
Let me introduce you to…
Experience Ultimate Inner Peace and Live Your Best Life
Seven Minute Mindfulness is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Listen for just 7 minutes per day, and allow the short mindfulness sessions massage your tense mind, release stress, and plant seeds of calm relaxation that help you flourish.
You get 10 mindfulness sessions, each lasting for 7 minutes.
The sessions combine guided mindfulness scripts, imagination prompts, and ultra-relaxation music, delivered in a format that will quickly invoke calmness and leave you prepared and ready for whatever the day may bring.
Make this your wellness routine: simply press play and…
Release the tension and stress that builds up every day.
Unleash your creativity and express yourself.
Slow your heart rate and care for your long term health.
Take control of negative thoughts, emotions, criticism, and guilt.
Be more present for the people who matter in your life.
Boost your mental performance and achieve your goals with greater ease.
Nurture better relationships, communication, and enjoy a more adventurous spirit.
Prime your mind and make your contribution to the world.
You don’t need any special skills to use this program.
Simply plug in a pair of headphones, listen to the “day 1” audio track, and your brain will enter a powerful state of calm.
You will gain enormous clarity, relief, and increased brain performance!
In just 7 minutes!
Most people can’t even shower and put their clothes on in 7 minutes
… But you can de-stress, then infuse your mind with calmness, creativity, and power!
In order to deliver you the best program possible, I teamed up with an online publishing company which specializes in relationships, personal development, goal achievement, and wellbeing. By combining their expertise with my experience and research, we created a truly user friendly, almost effortless program, delivered to you online for minimal cost.
Seven Minute Mindfulness has been used by over 3000 people around the world, and feedback from our community indicates we’ve created something special here, something that is truly helping to improve the world.
And now, I invite you to try it yourself.
You can get started straight away online, and experience for yourself just how powerful this program is in just a few minutes from now.
Option 1.
Online Access
$99 $17
Get lifetime online access to the Full TEN x 7 Minute Mindfulness Tracks, PLUS Mindfulness Training Program, for just $17!
(80% print-free discount)
Option 2.
Physical + Online
$99 + S&H
Get lifetime online access to the full program plus the cds and books shipped to your door.
Your order will be processed using the ClickBank® secure checkout
Use Seven Minute Mindfulness on your computer, phone, tablet, or whatever device you have. Getting started is super simple and will take just a few minutes after ordering.
PLUS you’ll get 3 amazing FREE bonuses!
Bonus #1: The Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Get all the knowledge, research, and background to how the system works.
From centuries of traditional healing and wellbeing practices, to the radical discoveries of modern science and technology.
This guidebook was co-created by myself and Scott Mason.
Scott’s story is utterly amazing and inspiring – he woke up from a coma after an accident with major internal injuries and a crushed right leg… then went on to recover, rebuild himself, and walk 1000 Kilometres along the South African coastline (prepare to be wowed and inspired!).
In this ebook, you’ll take a deep dive into mindfulness and discover new ways to live an inspiring and full life!
Plus, learn about different areas of your body, such as the
Limbic System
– the part of your brain which controls
emotional responses.
Here’s what one of our members, Greig, had to say about the guidebook:
“I purchased this program about 1 week ago and have listened to each of the 7 daily audios. I found them very relaxing and the perfect length. (I tend to lose focus with a lot of the long-winded material that most people put out!)”
“I decided to start reading the 181 page manual this morning, and WOW – I finished the whole 181 pages in 1 sitting! It really is brilliant and after reading it I know that I will now get big benefits from my daily 7 minute sessions! Thank you thank you for this awesome program!”
Bonus #2: An Audio Book Version of the Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
Listen and enjoy whenever and where-ever you like…
Listen to the whole thing in one sitting… a chapter each morning while you eat breakfast… or any way you like.
Take an audio tour into mindfulness from around the world and throughout history. There’s some theory, a little science, and a lot of practical advice you can use to boost your mind and your life.
Bonus #3: Your Little Book Of Mindfulness Exercises
I’ve compiled this short reference style book of great mindfulness exercises to help you live with greater presence, calm, and joy.
These are simple tips and exercises to incorporate into daily life, or as a first aid kit when your mind gets weighed down, when you have a tough decision to make, or when you feel yourself getting carried away by thought trains that don’t help you.
This book perfectly compliments the audio program, to help you
perform at your peak
thrive under pressure
, and
overcome challenges
with greater ease.
I believe this is one of the BEST investments you will ever make, so I’m backing it up with a jaw-dropping guarantee.
If you don’t experience amazing results from my system within the first sixty days of using it, and if you don’t feel like it is worth at least five times what you paid, I will refund EVERY CENT.
No hassles and no question asked.
My goal is your success. And while I am confident you won’t need it, I want you to feel completely comfortable when you get your hands on my powerful mindfulness system.
So, try it out, and if you don’t experience a
noticeable reduction in your stress levels, if you don’t have more energy and an improved baseline of happiness, then simply send me an email and I’ll reverse your payment.
That’s my promise to you. With my 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, you have a risk free purchase.
I’ve received many emails from people sharing their different experiences with Seven Minute Mindfulness. Seeing people’s lives improve makes all the effort worth while, so I’m very excited to share a few stories with you here…
“What a wonderful way to start the day.”
From: Rosalyn What a wonderful way to start the day. I found myself very calm and centered. It allowed me to stay focused and on track the whole day. Thank you this is great.
“This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.”
From: Richard I’ve tried several programs and I start off with great intentions, but then the time factor and real life set in and I fall away. This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule.
“It fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break.”
From: Olivier 7 Minutes Mindfulness has a great effect on me, allowing to calm my busy mind and also improve my mood.
It is a great complement to my daily meditation, as it fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick ‘re-centering’ break. Thank you guys!
“I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood.”
From: Charlene Hey, absolutely love Seven Minute Mindfulness.
I was under a lot of stress and I’m seeing a huge improvement in my mood. Thanks for these programmes. 🙂
“This program has made me reconnect with my true self.”
From: Russell This program has made me reconnect with my true self. It has also really helped me to get to sleep faster and enjoy my days with a calmer more mindful outlook.
“So simple yet so practicable for daily living.”
From: Margaret Hi there, I find the mindfulness of the breath very focusing and very peaceful. I use the breath to fall asleep and it always puts me in fairy land.
I am so happy i bought your 7 Minute Mindfulness. So simple yet so practicable for daily living. Margo.
I hope you’ll be the next to experience Seven Minute Mindfulness!
Taking care of our own wellbeing is the most powerful investment we can make to help ourselves, our families, and the world.
Imagine that it’s one year from now. As you look back over the last twelve months, seeing how good life can be when you have the ability to quickly release stress, get back to balance, and reconnect with your true self.
Join now and see for yourself, it may just be the best move you’ve ever made!
Greg Thurston, Co-creator of Seven Minute Mindfulness
P.S. Remember you are backed by my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase for a full refund.
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