#maybe a cliché
beerok23 · 9 months
“I’m so happy finally to be able to finish the story Terry and I plotted in 1989 and in 2006,” Gaiman said in a statement accompanying Amazon’s “Good Omens” Season 3 renewal announcement Thursday. “Terry was determined that if we made ‘Good Omens’ for television, we could take the story all the way to the end. Season One was all about averting Armageddon, dangerous prophecies, and the End of the World. Season Two was sweet and gentle, although it may have ended less joyfully than a certain Angel and Demon might have hoped. Now in Season Three, we will deal once more with the end of the world. The plans for Armageddon are going wrong. Only Crowley and Aziraphale working together can hope to put it right. And they aren’t talking.”
Ok, this actually reinvigorates what I definitely want to see in S3.
Angst/banter/bickering/procrastination of apologies or proper reconciliation.
Crowley and Aziraphale facing death/war/danger/god/satan/apocalipse/armageddon.
Towards the end, Aziraphale looks at Crowley and finally says, 'In case we don't make it - I love you'.
Crowley smiles, they hold hands and they face whatever it is together.
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 6 months
I'm allowed to make this joke, but I love that Jewish death rituals are like:
"Pfeh, for what should I spend $12,000 on a big fekakte box they see only for five minutes before they cover it with dirt?"
"Don't waste my good suit what might fit my nephew Lev if the bum should ever even try to get a real job!"
"Embalming? Don't mind me, I'll rot in the dark."
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coworkerjonathan · 14 days
Out of curiosity are there any other creepy things about your workplace that your coworker and you haven't mentioned yet
Hm... There's a couple but I'm really tired so I'll just talk about the graveyard.
It's literally right across the street of the Institution when you walk out of the door. Sometimes I hear music coming from it around 1am. Pretty sure it's the artists from the nearby art housing thing playing a prank. They do weird stuff.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I think it can be true that certain lifestyle changes can help with pain and disability, but people really overplay how those changes will affect people's lives.
I've found that exercise has helped my back pain - I have had chronic back pain that PT didn't touch, but exercise has helped. However, what hasn't changed is what exasperates that pain, and when my pain is especially exasperated, it doesn't matter how much I exercise, I'll be in my bed trying so hard to get out, and I'll be seeing white. So, yes, exercise helped me, but it did not save me. That's an example of what I mean.
It's fine to give (solicited!!) advice to people about how to manage things like this. But I'm begging people to be realistic about this. Lifestyle changes can only do so much, and disabilities are - surprise! - disabling.
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triona-tribblescore · 10 months
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It may be 2am and sleep is not happening...But look at the pretty sky from today!! :D
Ooohhh but imagine using these colours for a drawing~~~ hmmm adding it to the idea list uvu
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cparti-mkiki · 1 year
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reineyday · 11 months
it's been almost two months and im STILL thinking about the way opla cut between their present selves saying their dreams and their child selves saying them. fucking cinema.
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pharawee · 1 year
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DINOSAUR LOVE | ไดโนซอร์รัก | Official Trailer | 25 June 2023
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littlehaize · 4 months
can't believe i'm actually writing a long fic
haven't done that in years
i have no plan, i barely have ideas and clichés
i go with the vibe and feeling
dbh fandom, be scared, i'm arriving
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singsweetmelodies · 9 months
the way i just got stupidly emotional listening to an afrikaans christmas song, of all things... 🥹
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daily-mao-isara · 6 months
Day 470 : Questionnaire answers from the Hajime Campaign !
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Favorite subject?
Hokuto : Thanks to my good memorisation skill , I have no problem remembering History . Studying is my duty as a student so I read on other subjects too .
Subaru : I'm pretty good at remembering stuff ☆ I go to class and tests regularly too so I do pretty okay on every subject ~
Makoto : My best subject would be science related I guess, I'm the most knowledgeable on programming and collecting information and data and I like those the most ♪
Mao : I'm doing decent on every subject so I don't have much to say ~ My grades are a bit above average .
Arashi : I'm great at subjects like Japanese history or World History that requires memorisation ♪ Once I remember a chronology I never forget it .
Ritsu : Even if I cut class , I'm good at studying ~ My tests score are good enough so I don't have to make up for extra classes .
Mika : After I learned some tricks for memorizin' I got better at history . I was super happy when I got a good grade♪
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lady-battlecrow · 11 months
my oc icy black cat eldritch knight named Elvór and her fiery golden retriever berserker girlfriend ready to kick some bad guys arses 👌🏻
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amethystina · 5 months
I'm sorry for the sudden ask but if u don't mind me asking, is the one who says this Yohan ? : "Who I entertain is none of your business."
If it's him then ouch 😭
It's Yo Han saying that, yes. Followed by Ga On replying:
"You're right. It's not."
That said, I still haven't decided if I'll actually write this or not x'D At the moment it's just roughly 600 words of dialogue for a possible ficlet set sometime during the later parts of the drama (but before The Breakup), where Ga On gets jealous enough about Yo Han's previous conquests to (accidentally) push things between them to... develop, I guess we could say? xD
But I think the idea needs to percolate a bit first. Since while I find Ga On's apparent penchant for jealousy quite fascinating, I'm also a little wary of the trope itself. It can easily turn into something quite toxic. And while toxic is par for the course with these two, I also want it to make sense for the characters and maybe have a little more substance?
Like, it almost feels a bit cheap to have that whole "I saw these two people do something vaguely suspicious and now I'm grumpy and jealous" cliché?
Then again, Ga On is both emotional and impulsive enough to fall for it x'D Especially if it's coupled with a bit of mild internalised homophobia and guilt over the fact that he "should" be more interested in pursuing Soo Hyun, not feeling jealous over something Yo Han does.
He'd be so annoyed that Yo Han makes him feel all those confusing things and then has the audacity to flirt with someone else.
And I guess the substance would come quite naturally once Ga On reaches the point where he goes: "What if this unspoken thing between us is just another one of his games? Something he does for fun? Because that's just what he's like? I'm just a joke to him, aren't I?"
And also realises that Yo Han doesn't actually owe him anything, so whatever jealousy and attachment Ga On feels is entirely his own fault.
(For someone who doesn't like angst, I sure find ways to include it in many of my fics).
I am tempted to write it, I can admit, especially since it would also include a scene a bit later (as in, a bit after the two phrases above) where Yo Han goes:
"I'm making it your business. If that's what it takes."
Because I like that thought? Or, rather, I'm impressed by Yo Han's creativity when it comes to expressing that "I want you to be the person to entertain me now" but without sounding quite that desperate. He's perfected the skill of never appearing weak or giving other people the upper hand into an art.
So yeah. We'll see. Either way, it's not the project I should be working on right now. So it's not happening anytime soon even if I do decide to write it xD
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catgirlreisuwa · 2 years
While I understand that people are disappointed about the backstory re: Kazuki’s wife and blame the writing for making her yet another bland, soulless side character who fades into the background without leaving so much as a strong imprint on us, the audience, I have been thinking about it and even though it can be because of poor writing, falling into clichés that make the story progress easily without delving too much into things… I can also see why Karin described her sister as “happy” and “she loved flowers”. At the end of the day, when we experience loss, all that remains are the memories we have of that person. If we do not move on, or until we move on, like Kazuki, those memories will be rooted in grief. And, don’t get me wrong, the grief will always be there! But with time and conscious effort, it will get easier. Karin has moved on, and she remembers her sister the way someone who wishes to be happy without her does.
At the end of the day, isn’t those things the sort of things people say during wakes and funerals? She was always so happy and full of life. She loved flowers and long walks on the beach. She lived for her family and friends. She was always nice to people. Sure, they’re things people say about those who are no longer with us, that do not really have much depth to it. I’m not denying the lack of profoundness in those statements. But, at the end of the day, it’s the trivial, menial things that get said about those who left us. And I think it’s important to remember that.
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drawnecromancy · 1 year
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Random sillies from snooping around in the goblin camp. Veldren does flirt as a hobby so they're having a lot of fun with Astarion so far.
Bonus under the cut :
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Shadowheart and Lae'zel don't agree on many things except the fact that these two are So Fucking Tiring because they're Like That all the fucking time.
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caricature-of-fic · 8 months
mini fic for btvs 1x05 Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
Buffy & Willow; gen; general audiences
“Willow, am I frivolous?”
“Hmm?” Willow kept her eyes on the page until she had finished the sentence and covered the period at its end with her index finger before raising her head. “Sorry, what did you say?”
“Frivolous.” Buffy wasn’t looking at her. Well, she wasn’t not looking at her, or at least, she was looking in Willow’s general direction, but she was doing it in a strange, avoiding-any-direct-looking way. Instead, she seemed distracted by the book, of all things. “Just… something that Owen said.”
“Owen said something? I thought he was kinda… you know.” An idiot who’d only gotten properly interested in Buffy once he realised she could give him adrenaline kicks, or something. “Out of the picture.”
“He is! Something he said before. Before all of… that.”
“Oh. Okay.” With only a small twinge of regret, Willow removed her finger from between the pages and replaced it with the bookmark. “What did he say?”
“Something about… that he doesn’t think dating is important. And that he doesn’t bother with it because he thinks most girls are frivolous. I kinda brushed it off at the time, I mean, he was on a date with me and dancing and all. But I just… Willow, he reads Dickinson. And I’m pretty sure he only thought I wasn’t frivolous is because I lied about liking Dickinson, too.”
A few potential responses ran through Willow’s brain at that, not all of them charitable. A lot of girls were frivolous, in her opinion. Which was what doomed Willow to unpopularity, because she wasn’t, but which also provided the comforting thought that she didn’t want to be like that, anyway. Not really. Even if it would be nice to be included, sometimes. Except she’d have assumed Buffy was like those girls, too, wouldn’t she?
And Buffy was, wasn’t she? She was pretty and stylish and got asked out by boys and didn’t like studying and didn’t care about books except when a cute boy made her lie about it. But… she also wasn’t like that, because she also cared about other people’s feelings and she hung out with Willow, which showed a clear at least sort-of disregard for her social status, and she spent a lot of time hanging out in graveyards and doing backflips at vampires before shoving stakes in their hearts. So that firmly differentiated her from, say, Cordelia.
Except. If Buffy hadn’t chosen to befriend Willow, Willow would never know all these things about her. She’d just see her as one more popular, shallow, frivolous girl with nothing but boys on the brain, someone Willow wanted nothing to do with while also desperately wishing to be accepted and included by, and she really preferred not to think too deeply on that contradiction because now it just made her wonder if maybe Cordelia was doing heroic things without anyone’s knowledge.
She probably wasn’t, but still.
“I tried reading Dickinson,” Buffy mumbled. Willow hoped this had been a natural continuation and not a despondence caused by her failing to answer for too long. “Why would you put that many dashes into a poem? You’d think she'd know how to finish sentences, if she writes so much poetry.”
“Not reading Dickinson does not make you frivolous,” Willow declared firmly. That much, she knew. “Reading it just makes you broody. Just look at Owen. 40 minutes straight, remember? See what reading dash-filled poetry about death does to you.”
“He wasn’t quite so broody anymore after seeing death for real.” There was a hint of bitterness in Buffy’s voice.
“I guess not. But, Buffy…”
“Maybe—maybe someone who goes from ‘broody death poem reader’ straight to ‘let’s challenge death by starting bar fights at 3am’ isn’t really the best partner to have, anyway?”
“I… yeah. Yeah, maybe not.” Buffy huffed a laugh, and Willow grinned at her.
“There’s plenty of other fish in the sea. Or the school. Anyway, what’d that Angel guy actually want before we showed up…?”
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