#maybe adding the ghouls into the mix too...... oh my goddd
ghostbc-headcanons · 2 years
HI, I saw the ask about papas in fantasy books and I found myself thinking...how would every papa react to seeing a s/o who really likes rpg and is trying to explain how the d&d system works or is running a session for example . I have very bad english, this is not my first language, sorry :(
anon don't worry your english is great!! i'd be happy to fulfill this request for you :)
PAPA NIHIL: is possibly the most confused out of all of them but will smile and nod and listen as best he can! i think he would appreciate the storytelling but there's just Too Much stuff to keep track of for him. but he would be very curious about like, custom homebrewed (i think that's the term for it) campaigns. ("could you make one about lucifer? would that be possible?")
PAPA I: admires your enthusiasm! though he doesn't know as much about D&D specifically, he's enjoyed fantasy as a genre since he was a child, growing up with the hobbit and lord of the rings. he's an incredibly patient man, having no problem asking questions about things he may not understand, and is always happy to indulge in your interests. though he may not enjoy playing D&D as much as he'd enjoy writing campaigns, he would be honored to play with you regardless!!
PAPA II: he's never been as into fantasy as his older brother, so initially while he's not dismissive, you can tell he's not super interested by the concept. that is until, you get into the battle and RPG elements. holy shit, you've never seen him be this excited about anything ever??? you convince him (more like he convinces you) to join your next campaign, and he comes up with his own character and everything! he likes the math and the development of characters a lot and after you finish the session for the day, he tells you not to tell terzo about this because, in his words, he'd be crucified. you're just happy to share D&D with him
PAPA III: is definitely a little overwhelmed and confused by the whole idea, but he's the kind of person to always try something at least once to see if he likes it! especially considering it's so important to you. like primo, he loves how happy you get just talking about it, so of course after you explain everything, he'd love to join your campaign if you ask! you just... might need to take things a little slower with him, what with his short as fuck attention span LOL. i think he'd make playing D&D a hoot, honestly. he'd be flirting with all the characters (and you)
PAPA IV/COPIA: dude. this guy fucking LOVES D&D are you shitting me??? you don't have to explain jackshit to him because he actually might know more than you. he's played it since he was a teenager!! when he finds out you like it as well, you don't think he's ever been more ecstatic - not many others in the church were ever as enthusiastic about it as he was. he jokes that you two are like a fantasy-loving match made in heaven :)
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