#maybe i'm just fashion-illiterate
coquelicoq · 2 years
i love it when dumas describes what someone's wearing because though i only recognize about half the nouns, it doesn't matter. the syntax is very formulaic and though the sentences are long, it's mostly just lists rather than a bunch of nested subordinate clauses, so i can easily follow it. and the takeaway is always "this person has clothes on. probably the specific clothes they're wearing says something about their place in society and/or their personality, but you don't know enough about fashion in france in the year 1833 anyway to pick up on that, so don't worry about it."
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bees-tornado · 5 months
7 and 24 for Bernie?
Okay, apparently it's only been two weeks instead of over a month, so that's timely enough for my standards I suppose! Let's do this. (the ask game in question is this one)
7. Is there a piece of clothing you think [character] is particularly fond of/that you imagine them wearing a lot or like to draw them in?
I'm kind of fashion-illiterate and I don't have much of an ability to mentally visualize clothing, so I might not be the best person to answer this, but I'll give it a shot!
I think it's pretty reasonable to assume that since she usually spends her time doing leisure activities inside, Bernie would generally opt for comfortable, casual clothes, like the hoodie she's often seen with. However, the hood could also be a matter of comfort for when she knows she'll have to be out and about. If you ask me, considering her aesthetic sense and love of needlework, I could easily see her regularly modeling pretty dresses and floral patterns and in-progress pieces in the comfort of her own space.
24. What's your favourite thing about [character]?
Okay so I've been thinking about how I want to answer this one for a while now. Maybe I'm taking this far too seriously, but there are a lot of things about Bernadetta that I appreciate or that mean something special to me, and it would be difficult to choose just one thing without wanting to say another. I could, of course, cheat if I really wanted to and give a whole bunch of answers, but I think if I let myself go too crazy then I'd be at this forever and this ask would never see the light of day.
Honestly? The best, most all-encompassing answer I can give is that she's cute. After all, I guess that was my first impression of her from way back before Three Houses came out. She loves stuffed animals. She has a little hedgehog case. She makes dolls of her friends as gifts. She can be lured out of hiding with the promise of cake. She attempts to pawn off her unwanted food on Yuri. She calls herself Bernie (even though the fanbase calls her that too, I cannot stress enough that most other characters rarely, if ever, call her that. it is her nickname for herself. she has dubbed herself Bernie). She gives herself even more elaborate nicknames when she's feeling confident (Botanical Bernie, Bernadetta the Invincible, etc.). There is at least one instance of her making puns off her own name. She has all these charming inflections. She makes this one giggle-adjacent noise in Hopes that gets a smile out of me every time. She loves flowers. She sings in the greenhouse. She geeks about carnivorous plants. She's just incredibly cute and charming, and even if it's not the deepest reason, that's definitely part of what makes me happy whenever I see her on screen.
Thank you so much for the ask, I hope you didn't mind the wait!! I love getting the chance to talk about Three Houses characters, especially Bernadetta, so it made me really happy to get this in my inbox! :] 💜
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dullsaredoomed · 5 months
DOLLHouse Mafia prefers illiteracy : DULLHouse Mafia will witch hunt if you can read any Asian languages
Yes, DULLhouse filthy townies prefer that their members are illiterate.
Maybe It is easy to dominate the members who are illiterate.
But the best problem is… : The Mods are illiterate, too.
If you can read any languages that they are not familiar with, it would seem TREASONOUS to them.
They do not need translation or explanations for foreign languages. If you willingly want to translate for them, you will get banned from the channel before you finish any.
Only Google can translate in that channel.
What they really want from foreigner creators is only CCs.
They do not want any communication.
Like tatoo CCs which they never know how to read, they don't care about what is that mean.
Foreign language is just kind of fashion to them, not a culture that should be respected.
All has to exist only for their polygon dollies in their group.
What the fuck is polygon dolls do in real life?
Maybe it's very important for them because their lives are sucks. So they are stealing any single pennies from creators whether it's early access or permanent paywall. They WILL sacrifice every CC creators for their perfect DOLLS. (I think their Sims will have better intelligence than their owners)
They even steal from Black creators.
Look at their so-to-speak CC stockpile channel, over the half is from non-white creators.
Do they really matters black lives…? Or any other creators' lives?
Let's back to the LANGUAGE problem.
Knowing and saying in Asian languages can be WITCHCRAFT&WIZARDRY in DULLHouse Mafia.
Try to read any Kanji, or Hiraganas, Katakanas, or Hangeul in front of them.
They will block you at once.
(I can speak or read at least 3 languages, and I recall it was really hard time being in their group. Pretending illiteracy is VERY VERY hard.)
To them, CCs from foreign countries are just targets of looting. I'm worry about their pirate ship goes wrong side. (But it is happening)
Tumblr media
I think they are mimicking the ancestors did in Era dos Grandes Navegações, but their Renaissance is yet to come.
Will they ever have a chance to escape illiteracy…?
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whiskeyswifty · 2 years
How influential do you think Taylor is in the fashion industry
hmmmmm interesting question and i think i struggled with answering directly or succinctly because it depends on what you mean by the fashion industry.
If you mean the from the top down, fashion designers and editorial stylists and the like, i think she has little to no impact on their creative process. By that I mean i doubt that she is any designers' muse (maybe Stella? but muse might be too strong of a word and stella has had her distinct style wayyy before meeting taylor), nor does she incorporate what you'd probably call "high fashion" into her visuals in any way that is groundbreaking or creatively stimulating. She's also not someone who engages with high fashion on the red carpet either, very rarely wearing something that pushes the boundaries or shows she has any sort of distinct style of her own that sets her apart from others. First current musicians that come to mind when I think of that are Lady Gaga, Harry Styles, Rihanna, Beyonce, Dua Lipa, Lizzo, and Billie Eilish. The way they engage with high fashion in their work and appearances is definitely more of the boundary pushing, conversation starting variety and exciting if you're interested in fashion. Whether you think it's "good" or "bad" is almost irrelevant because it's interesting, and that's the most important thing for fashion to be, above all else. They use fashion to create these larger than life personas and characters and worlds, which is how musicians who've engaged with fashion have always employed it. I personally would guess that taylor is not interested in making a larger than life persona, considering her brand is "i'm just like you" relatable content. So outside of the occasional tour costume or awards show outfit, she and her team are probably wary of making her one of those extra terrestrial kind of pop stars. It's important that despite her near-billionaire wealth status and fame, that she dresses as accessible and imitable as often as possible. Her personal style does seem to be very accessible already, or at least offers cheaper imitation versions for purchase at H&M and Asos and such. (You can see the difference between now and the 1989 era when she almost exclusively wore a wardrobe bought and styled by her stylist, which is extremely common for famous people in general to do). And also, personally, i'd assume that since taylor already has talked about how she has a surfeit of insecurity around her physical appearance, dating back to her childhood, she is likely not interested in offering herself up to the fashion jury like that, to have her physical appearance discussed with scrutiny and judged as "good" or "bad." so i fully understand the reserved (in comparison to other pop stars) nature of her style and her choice to stay at a distance from a world that might exacerbate any branding or personal issues.
however i think if you mean if she's influential in regards to trends and style, absolutely 1000000000% yes. She's in fact one of the most influential musicians in the world for the white, 13-24, middle-upper class, female demographic at least. as far back as Red, I'd say, her personal styles have never been unique to her or originated by her, but her adoption of them on the public stage has fast tracked their popularity, almost every time without fail. The most recent iteration of it would be the folklore style of thick, chunky cardigans and long wool coats. You can see how popular the titular cardigan was in how often it's been replicated in fast fashion stores, and even the Evermore coat I saw replicated at Madewell two weeks ago, same plaid color scheme and all. Again, I don't think nobody was wearing wool long coats before her, but she took what was a style trend in its nascent stages, in more urban/style conscious adult circles, and popularized it for the suburbanites and high school kids and the fashion illiterate. I think she might not be a muse to any designer, but she surely is a muse and style bible for a lot of everyday girls/women who often incorporate elements of her casual style into their own. Myself included! and i'd say that's of equal importance and influence as having influence over fashion designers at the higher levels because at the end of the day, clothing is a business and the only real marker of success is what customers actually spend their money on. and if for all the gucci suits harry wears and the jaquemus dresses dua wears, the thing that gets customers to swipe their credit card ends up being a chunky wool cardigan? I'd say that says it all.
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The Necromancer and The Martyr: The Village
(Part 6 of The Necromancer and The Martyr)
tw mild body horror
Rose and Thorn continued down the road, and eventually came to the village. The sign with the village's name was indecipherable. The language looked familiar, but neither really understood it.
Thorn and Rose shared a look. Thorn believed that there were 3 possible reasons why they could not read the sign:
They had been resurrected in an unknown kingdom that used a different but similar language
They had been dead for so long that language had evolved and changed to the extent that they could not read it
When they were resurrected, they had been brought back illiterate
She voiced her theories to Rose, who shrugged his shoulders. He of course knew the truth: Thorn had been dead for a long time, exactly how long, he wasn't sure, but seeing as how he hadn't strayed beyond the borders of the kingdom, and he also could not read the sign, he knew the second of Thorn's theories was correct. He suggested as much to her, and she nodded sagely in agreement.
"Do you still remember the spell for this Rose? The one you used when we encountered the Esperenzi soldiers." Thorn nudged Rose, bringing his attention back to her. He sighed, and cast the spell. The words on the sign now clearly read:
'Welcome to Frmioliya'
"We probably could have guessed it said that" He remarked dryly. Anticipation squirmed in his stomach and bones squirmed in his body. If Thorn noticed his discomfort, she said nothing, staring intently at the houses just beyond the trees.
They were small, and made of stone bricks, grey and proud, with dark slate roofs and little windows in square wooden as far as Thorn or Rose could tell. Ivy grew up the backs of them, and small wild gardens sat squarely at the back. It was almost picturesque, though Rose was in no mood to appreciate it.
"I wonder how technology has advanced. Maybe they'll have flying cars!" Thorn joked, although it wasn't an absurd suggestion. "Our clothes are going to look weird, especially my armour. We'd better try to find some money for replacements, or hope that people believe that we were at a party or something."
"I could just magic them into something less conspicuous once I see the local fashion" Rose suggested, "although I am curious as to what kind of story we'd need to spin to get people to accept us."
"That's a better plan. Lets hope that no one notices my sword in the meantime. We could probably sell it for some coin though. An antique sword must be worth something!" Thorn laughed. Yet more evidence at how she had changed. The notion that she would ever sell her sword was nigh unthinkable, but here she was. A new woman.
Rose laughed mirthlessly. The new Thorn still unnerved him. But she seemed happy and that was what was important he supposed. He'd get used to her.
They started to walk into town, keeping an eye out for any locals. Once they reached the houses, they saw some washing on a line out the front of one, the clothes were small, likewise the front door was too. Rose was almost a foot taller than the height of the door frame, and Thorn towered over him.
"Do you think people are shorter in the future? We're really gonna stand out if so." Rose asked nervously, whilst he cast an illusion that replicated the small clothes, disguising Thorn's armour, but not her sword, and hiding his own outdated clothes.
"Maybe this is a Pyngite village." Thorn mused.
"In that case the fashion will be the least of our worries, better draw your sword" Rose said darkly.
"That won't be necessary I'm sure. And it will probably just frighten them. Plus they might have laser swords now so..." Thorn trailed off, reluctant to finish her sentence.
"We should stick together." Rose held out his hand for Thorn's.
"We should split up" she replied resolutely. "We have a better chance of sneaking through the village undetected if we split up."
"You're right but I don't like it..." Rose tried to respond, but Thorn had already left, disappeared into an alley to the right.
Rose kept going straight ahead, he'd find Thorn later. For now, he needed to see what the deal was with this village, and figure out what the villagers knew. In the years he'd spent preparing for the ritual, he had avoided people, and had destroyed any means of entering the forest so as to remain undisturbed. Internally he was kicking himself for not also investigating the village when he destroyed the road. He knew there were Pyngites in the area, he had snatched one that had wandered into the forest one day, but that had been on the opposite side of the forest.
Still, he was worried that he and Thorn were in danger. He knew that he would be ok, but he wasn't confident of her fighting abilities, whether she still had the stomach for it. And what would she think of what he'd become? Would she run from, fight, or accept him?
"Hello there stranger!" A nasally man's voice rang out across the street. "What bring you here on this fine day?"
Rose turned. The disgusting, vile Pyngite stared up at him. Standing at only 3ft tall, they were not a menacing race, but their looks were deceiving. They resembled giant moles, but with long, wicked fangs and claws that were perfectly suited for killing humans.
Hatred and revulsion surged through Rose. His bones writhed under his skin, which parted with a squelch. He grew taller, his teeth and nails elongating into fangs and talons that made the Pyngite's look pathetic. Wings and vertebrae pushed from out of his back, a tail from just above his hips, and horns from his skull. Tentacles squirmed from his back and sides, 6 in total. His complexion became grey as slate, and 5 more eyes opened on his face, 2 more below each eye, and 1 in the centre of his forehead,
The Pyngite backed away. "I can see you're having a bad day sir... I'll let you be". The cowardly beast turned to run, and Rose roared and surged forward, grabbing it by its head and crushing it in his claws.
But not before the Pyngite screamed.
Meanwhile, Thorn explored the side alleys of the village, gazing cheerfully at the little gardens that each house had. She kept her eyes peeled for an antiques shop, but seriously doubted she'd find anywhere to sell her sword. She knew she'd surprised Rose by suggesting she sell it, but she figured that in a time of peace, she wouldn't need it. And as for the mysterious necromancer that had brought her back, well, she doubted a sword would be much good against such a person.
Thorn found that her thoughts kept drifting back to Rose. He was lying to her about how much he knew. He was still tormented by the war, and so afraid of peace that he hadn't recognised her without her righteous pain and fury. He needed help, and Thorn was determined that he would get it, though she did not know how to tell Rose this.
'For now, I'll just try to enjoy his company'
As she wandered, she saw a young Pyngite across the street. They were clearly a child, so Thorn held back from approaching, not wanting to frighten them. The mother rounded the corner, and her eyes widened when she saw Thorn.
"Hi there! Are you lost?" The mother asked, gesturing kindly towards Thorn. Her child, a son perhaps though Thorn was not sure, hid behind her.
"Yes I am," Thorn replied, keeping her voice light and casual. "Do you know where I might find a place to sell this sword? It is an antique."
The Pyngite mother stared thoughtfully up at the sky. And then shook her head sadly. "No, sorry. How come you have an antique sword? That seems a strange thing to wander around with"
Thorn laughed. The sound delighted her. She had never been one for laughter, always failing to see the funny side to anything.
"Yeah I guess it is. Thanks any how!"
A loud roar and a scream echoed down the street. The child burst into tears and bolted down the street.
"No, Min come back!" Cried the Pyngite, who sprinted after her son. Thorn followed behind, unsure of where the sound had originated. She overtook the Pyngite, and rounded the corner to see the child run across a large street, her view obscured by some trees. The roar sounded again. Louder, closer.
As Thorn got onto the street she could see all of it clearly. The creature, was barreling toward the child, who froze in fear. The creature was fast, but Thorn was faster, and snatched up the child, continuing to run.
She ran with the child through a series of convoluted streets, and then finally into a side alley, a dead end.
"Shit." She muttered under her breath, placing the child on the floor. They had lost the creature for now, but Thorn was certain it would follow. "Stay here. Don't move, don't make a sound." The child, Min, nodded, and hid behind some cardboard boxes.
Thorn cautiously left the alley, and started to retrace her steps, keeping to the sides of the houses. Smoke was rising a few streets over, and Pyngites started to leave their homes to see what all the commotion was. They stared curiously, and somewhat accusatory towards Thorn. She motioned for them to go inside their houses, but they paid no mind to her.
Screaming started up again, and the smell of burning filled the air. Thorn rounded the corner and saw a whole street ablaze, with the creature stood in the middle of the carnage, reveling in it.
Thorn drew her sword, prayed that Rose was ok, and charged toward the creature.
[Part 5]
[Part 7]
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insomniac-arrest · 4 years
Hi there! I'm doing sort of what you did last year with the "here's all the books i read in 2020" post, as part of a resolution to myself to get myself back into reading. I wanted to see if you had a final list - I can't seem to find that post but I remember seeing a couple titles I wanted to read when I made the time :/ And have you read anything in the new year yet? I've read 2 books so far - Beyond the Ruby Veil and Serpent & Dove! The first is about a girl who gets whatever she wants and murders the person who makes water in her city out of people's blood, and subsequently finding out a LOT about the reality of her world. She is hella gay and her best friend is ALSO Hella Gay but it 2 different ways. I kind of hate her but also her story and her emotions are very compelling still???? The second is a typical opposite sides fake!married story with witches and witchhunters set in quasi-Medieval "France." Its very cute and Ansel is now my child. Plus the "twist" writing isn't for shock value like GoT was, the foreshadowing and payoffs actually make sense BUT the payoffs still blow you away!
Hello! Yes, here is my post with most of the books I read in 2020. You can also check out my Goodreads which has even more!
Here were my all-time favorites from 2020 by genre:
Fantasy: Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik, a money-lender gets in trouble after bragging she can turn silver into gold and is kidnapped and ordered to do so by a fey creature. It has a truly compelling main character and some awesome female friendships. I loved this book!
Literary Fiction: On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong, a son writes a letter about his life to his illiterate mother. The language in this is truly dazzling and the prose absolutely stunned me to the point of tearing up. 
Romance: Get a Life Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert, Chloe Brown is a chronically ill computer geek with a goal, a plan, and a list. After almost—but not quite—dying, she’s come up with seven directives to help her “Get a Life.” I just thought this was a really funny and sweet romance novel! 
I also read “Red, White, and Royal Blue” this year which was pretty good and gets an honorable mention. However, despite the later being gay, I enjoyed Chloe more as a character so that’s why it ended up being my favorite.
Science Fiction: Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel, a post-apocalyptical story about a group of traveling Shakespeare actors and a symphony. Soft! Apocalypse! A fascinating look at a world ravaged by a terrible disease (ahem) and the society that comes after it. There is something quiet and compelling about this book that I can’t explain.
Gideon the Ninth: I’m not putting this in any category because I honestly had no ideal what was going on in this book most of the time. BUT I HAD SO MUCH GODDAMN FUN IT’S UNBELIEVABLE. I laughed, I cried, I screamed out loud at the ending. This book reminded me how much I love reading.
I have finished one book in the new year! It was “Sharp Objects” by Gillian Flynn and I hated it so much that I thought to myself “huh, I guess I don’t like the entire thriller genre” and then the next day, still filled with rage, I was like “maybe I just don’t like books anymore, I’m going to become illiterate.”
Anyway, I am back to reading now and I’m doing “One to Watch” by Kate Stayman-London which is a romance novel about a plus-sized fashion blogging becoming the star of a reality dating show! I’m enjoying it well-enough so far, it is a bit heavy for me, but I hear it gets really juicy later on so I’m excited for that. 
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avis-writeshq · 5 years
Hi, I saw crush on your character list and I'm super glad I finally found someone who takes requests for crushes! May I ask for a drummer 'bad boy' crush with a shy reader?
Drummer!Crush x Reader: Cliche kinda things
Requested: Yes, by anon
Pairing: Male!Crush x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, and trash writing
Other: Thank you very much for requesting! Also, I will get to a few requests this week because school holidays have started (thank you, Southern Hemisphere).
Word count: 1,166                                                                                            
 Things you probably wanna know, for all you ‘x reader’ illiterates:
(Y/N): Your Name
(H/C): Hair Colour / Color
(E/C): Eye Colour / Color
(N/N): Nickname
(C/N): Crush’s Name
(C/H/C): Crush’s Hair Colour
(C/E/C): Crush’s Eye Colour
(Y/B/F): Your Best Friend
(C/B/F): Crush’s Best Friend
Bands were a pain. You should have known that before you auditioned for the school band. They were looking for a singer – backup, mind you – and you were ready to go all out. Or so you thought. In all reality, there were more people in the band than you expected. There was Esher who was the lead singer, Katrina, another backup singer, Lily, the pianist, (C/B/F) who was on bass, Danny on Electric guitar and, of course, (C/N). He was the main drummer and school’s bad boy. 2 years older than you, he knew how to get anyone to like him. Well, anyone other than the teachers.
 In reality, though, he was a pain. He had no self-control, no common sense (which isn’t very common anymore, I admit), and absolutely no sense of empathy.  If it were your choice, you would have kicked him out as soon as possible. Unfortunately, you had no say in the matter. Besides, being in the band was the only way for (C/N) to not get expelled, and if he was kicked out, all his friends would be out to get whoever kicked him out. You did not want to die young.
 2 weeks after the audition, you found yourself sitting in the band room, awkwardly listening to conversations. (C/B/F) was tuning his bass. Well, trying to, anyway. (C/N) was playing his drums like a madman, basically bashing his sticks against the smooth skin of the drums. You flinched each time the drumsticks hit the cymbals, moving further away from him. As of now, you were pressed against the wall, your anxiety shooting through the roof. Then it was quiet. Did you go deaf?
 “Hey, who’s the newbie?” You froze at his voice. His eyes met yours, glaring into your soul. “I was talking to you.”
 You blinked, breaking the eye contact as you shuffled in your seat. “I’m (Y/N)…”
 “(C/N), are you bullying (Y/N)?” A voice cut in. Katrina stared the drummer down. “You know it was your fault we lost Dahlia.”
 “Tch, maybe she just wasn’t good enough,” (C/N) muttered. “Besides, all she did was flirt.” He winked at you. “I won’t scare her, though. She doesn’t look threatening at all.”
 You felt heat rush up to your cheeks and you hastily looked away. “Thanks, I guess…”
3 week later, you and (C/N) were somehow joined to the hip. Well, you against your will. He would stick with you during lunchtimes and pester you to accompany him to the music room so he could practice his drums. You would begrudgingly bid adieu to (Y/B/F) and sit in the band room, listening to his deafening drums.
 Still, there were some good things that came out of the whole ordeal. You were the only person other than (C/B/F) he could stand in the school, and you could tell him to do things without him blowing a fuse. In all honesty, though, a lot of the band members were quite annoying and were pretty rude to him as well as other people. Most of them were arrogant in their words and actions, which were the main reason (C/N) didn’t enjoy their company.
 “You’re the only one who I can stand here,” he said one day, swinging on his chair.
 You raised an eyebrow at him, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips, “Oh?”
 He nodded, rolling his eyes as he picked up his sticks. “Wanna go to the next room? I can teach you to play.”
 “Only if you tell me why you like me so much.”
 He laughed quietly, as to not annoy Katrina and Lily who were busy practising their harmonies and chords. “Deal. I think you’re nice.”
 You snickered, “is that it?”
 “Well…” he stopped for a moment, looking you up and down. “You have good fashion sense. You also are not as irritating as the others.”
 You laughed, “How does my fashion sense have anything to do with it?”
 “The others wear stupid branded clothes as if it’s cheap shit. News flash, bitches, not everyone in this world has a rich ass.”
 Rolling your eyes, you tugged him up, revealing his branded shoes. “Care to explain, mister ‘Leader of the Free World’?”
 “They’re shoes. They don’t count.” He placed a hand on your head. “You wouldn’t understand because you’re so naïve.”
 Laughing, you pulled him towards you with his drumsticks, “Alright, Leader of the Free World. Teach me the ways of the drums.”
 That was on his good days, last week, specifically. On this particular day, he was called to the principal’s office, leaving you to wait outside for him. You were awkwardly seated outside during your lunchtime, nibbling on your sandwich.
 “(Y/N), would you come in, please?” Principal Mullens (anyone gets the reference?) called your name, and your head shot up.
 “Sure?” Brushing the crumbs off your (skirt/pants), you got up. Walking into the little office, your eyes met (C/N)’s.
 “Are you okay?”
 You saw him flinch, “Yeah.” He looked up at the principal. “Why is she here?” His voice was cold, threatening the man who scowled.
 “(C/N),” you began gently, touching his arm, “what did you do?”
 His jaw clenched while Mullens told the story. “Mr. (C/L/N) got into a fight earlier today. Nothing too serious to the victim, but (C/L/N) refuses to apologise. Usually we would call the parents; however, it has come to my attention that they are away on a business trip. That is where you come in.” He looked at you from his glasses.
 “Come on, (C/N), please apologise.” You looked up at him, your face pleading. “You can tell me what really happened afterwards.”
 “Fine,” he muttered, “I’ll apologise.”
 You saw Mullens visibly relax, and he quickly dismissed both of you. (C/N) swiftly took your hand and led you out of the office. When you were well away from any students of teachers, you stopped. “(C/N).”
 You sighed as you saw him flinch at your tone. He bit his lip, letting go of your hand. “He was talking about you.” Cocking your head to the side, you looked up at him, confused. He caught your gaze and continued. “Tristan. He was talking shit about you like you were an animal. I told him to shut up at first. He threw the first punch.”
 “What did he say?”
 “He called you a slut and an attention seeker.” He shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets.
 “Well,” you offered him a smile, “thank you.”
 A light pink dusted across his cheeks and he looked away. “Can I… can I tell you something?”
 “Sure. What’s up?”
 He bit his lip. “I- well, the thing is…” he trailed off and you let out a laugh.
 “What?” You grinned up at him. “Come on, spit it out!” He was still quiet. In a softer tone, you said, “You know you could tell me.”
 “Okay, well…” he let out a shaky breath before resting his hands on your shoulders. “I really like you.”
 ~End, no part 2~
 If you like my work, please reblog!
 Until my next fic!
~ Avis ~
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