#maybe ill get one of those sped up drawing recording things
yeehawpim · 7 months
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
I request fluffy fluffity fluff with feverish, injured villain, hero caretaker, painkillers and a kitten. Please.
This is so cute ヾ(•ω•`)o I don’t write a lot of fluff, but this is some cute cute sick fic. Hero caretaker? Check. Painkillers? Check. A kitten? You know it! Thanks so much for the ask!!
CW//Fevers, injury mention, intoxicated/feverish character, painkillers
The text had been unexpected, to say the least.
That wasn’t to say that Hero wasn’t unused to receiving messages, especially strange messages. Half of the time, a buzz on their phone indicated that they were about to have the record for ‘weirdest thing they’ve ever seen’ broken.
Yet, this text said nothing of giant lizards attacking downtown, or a mad scientist’s experiment gone wrong. So, perhaps, to a normal civilian, it would have been quite a normal message to receive.
“Hey, Hero? I have a really big favor to ask.”
From another hero, it would have been quite the daunting request. But, it was not from another hero. At least, not in the traditional sense.
Hero had known Doctor for quite some time-- hell, every powered person in the city knew Doctor. In some ways, they were more of a hero than the rest of them, put together. While most hospitals flinched and scurried away from the world of villains and vigilantes, Doctor embraced them wholeheartedly.
A particularly egregious wound, carved in the heat of battle? A power malfunction? Any one of these things could result in the doctor being awoken in the middle of the night, an exhausted, limping hero upon their doorstep.
Or, a villain. Doctor insisted upon making their policy for such things very, very clear. Adamantly, they refused to involve themself in the matters of heroes and villains. Their battles, their allegiances, to the doctor were all naught. As they explained it, no matter one’s actions, no matter their beliefs, no one deserved to have their wounds go untreated.
Thus, their home had quickly become a neutral ground. Lifelong sworn nemeses could have their injuries wrapped mere feet from one another, and not one glare would be shot. In Doctor’s presence, there were no heroes or villains. Only patients. Only those who needed aid.
But, it was the first time that Hero had been on the receiving end of such a request. Of course, they were not about to refuse the doctor. With how much help they had given them, it would only be right to return the favor.
“What is it?” Hero tapped in reply.
Given the length of the doctor’s response, the three dancing progress buttons hung on Hero’s screen for far too long.
“Do you know Villain?”
It wasn’t a name they’d ever expect to hear in a conversation so casual. Villain. Though Hero did not consider themself to truly have a nemesis, if they had to define one, it was Villain who would be on the very tippy top of their list.
That was, especially after their battle the day prior. Their wounds still screamed at them, no matter how they tried to quiet them with painkillers and icepacks.
“I know Villain.” Hero replied simply.
“Okay. Do you think you could take care of them for a few hours?”
Instantly, the conversation shot up to the top of their list of ‘strangest possible talks to have over the phone.’
Take care of them? Take care of Villain? What cold they have possibly gotten themself into that required Hero, of all people, to aid them?
Then again, they had looked quite rough after their battle...
They had no need to question, as Doctor continued on their own:
“They’re sick. I need to go to work, but they shouldn’t be left alone, right now. I know it’s a big favor, but they need this, Hero.”
They bit their lip.
As a protector of the city, they had a very, very long list of priorities, and upon that list, helping Villain in any way, shape, or form was at the very bottom. Helping Doctor, on the other hand...
It was only upon arriving to front door of Doctor’s home that Hero had a rather odd realization: Never before had they been to that place in a completely stable state of mind.
If they had made the decision to bother the doctor, it meant that, whatever injuries or illness had befallen them, they could not manage it on their own. Thus, far more often than not, when they stood in front of this home’s door, they did so with a head full of cotton and legs formed of gelatin.
Now, however, their mind was not clouded by any malease. Instead, it was clouded by the stark realization that they had, perhaps, just made a terrible decision.
By the time they had arrived at the house, however, it was already far too late. When Doctor opened their front door, Hero knew full well that there was no turning back.
The doctor looked terribly bedraggled, and they could not help but wonder if it was wise for them to even go to work in such a condition. Yet, every powered person in the city knew far better than to distrust Doctor’s judgement.
“Thank you.” The medic began, a warm smile creeping onto their cracked lips. “I know this was awfully short notice, but I couldn’t think of anyone else who would know Villain as well as you.”
Well, Hero certainly knew what Villain’s fist felt like, crashing into their face, though that was about it.
“Okay, come on, come on.” The doctor rushed. “I need to be heading out soon.”
The hero nodded, hurrying after them into the building. It wasn’t exactly a sprawling thing-- certainly not large enough to house all the equipment that it did-- but, nonetheless, it functioned, through some miracle.
Against their prediction, Doctor did not lead them to the home’s makeshift infirmary. Instead, they moved to the cramped dining room, which, truly, consisted of little more than a table with just enough chairs to seat a guest or two. The house itself was not impressive, its owner only made it so.
But, Hero had seen that dining room, barren table and all, more times than they could count. There was nothing unusual to be seen about it. No. The strangeness of the hour came in the form of who, exactly, was seated there.
Oddly enough, either they had forgotten to take off their ostentatious garb, or they had simply not had the time. The villain’s cape draped over their shoulders as they hunched over, forehead pressed to the table’s surface. A full glass of water and a small pile of crackers sat near them, untouched.
Hero bit their lip. Seeing their nemesis was never a good thing, of course, but something about this simply made their heart stutter.
“What’s wrong with them?” They began, before their voice took on a more panicked pitch. “They’re okay, right? They’re gonna make it?”
Doctor snorted.
“Hero, they’re fine. They say they had a fight, overexerted themself a bit.”
A fight? Oh, god, was this all their fault?
“But... They look terrible.”
“They just have a fever.” Doctor reassured. “Power exertion is nothing to scoff at, but I promise, they’re not in any serious danger.”
Hero hummed. “Then, why did you bring me here?”
“Because we need to make sure they stay out of serious danger. They can hear you, by the way, so don’t be an ass, please. But, yes, I’m confident this fever will break, so long as it stays down.”
“You’re putting them in my hands?”
“Yes. I trust you. Seriously, Hero, you look like a deer in the headlights. I’m not asking you to perform open heart surgery, here.” They smiled playfully. “All you need to do is keep them cool and keep them comfortable.”
“What does that entail?” Nervously, they chewed the inside of their cheek.
“Not a lot. Keep a wet washcloth on their head, make sure they drink water.” As the doctor glanced to the nearest clock, they began to hurry their words. “There’s a thermometer on the counter. If their fever goes over 103, call an ambulance. But, as long as its below that, you’re safe.”
“And... keeping them comfortable?”
“Just... try to get them to sleep. It won’t be easy for them, in this state. But if you can manage it, it’ll be a lot better. Oh, and, there’s Advil in the drawer. Give them some if they’re uncomfortable, okay? Okay, I really need to go, so, you got all that?”
“Uh- I think so?”
“Good. Okay, bye! Remember, above 103, call an ambulance. What temperature is dangerous?”
“Great. Thank you so, so much! I’ll get you like, some chocolates or something. Bye!”
By the end of their speech, Doctor’s words had sped to the point of blending into one long stream of syllables. They tossed a coat over their shoulders, shoving their feet into their already-tied shoes.
“Oh, and try not to kill each other, okay?”
Hero was alone.
They supposed that wasn’t entirely true. In fact, it was quite far from the truth. The house was anything but empty-- their nervous glances to the dinner table’s current guest ensured them of that. But, that did not help the chord of nerves that wrapped itself about their stomach.
Power exertion was nothing to be scoffed at.
Though they weren’t alone, they were the only one in the situation who could be described as responsible. It was they who had to keep their nemesis alive. And, worse... comfortable.
How were they supposed to rock their sworn enemy to sleep? Maybe, a good place to start would be stopping staring at them like some kind of creep.
Yeah. They should probably do that.
The hero inhaled through their nose, letting out a long exhale from their mouth, before approaching the table. Throughout the whole conversation, the villain had not so much as raised their head-- their movements coming only in the slightest of twitches.
Standing at the stalled villain’s side, Hero could not help but feel to have walked into the den of a lion. Yet, not the slightest movement was made. In an attempt to gently draw their attention, they ghosted their hand over their nemesis’s shoulder.
“Hey, Villain?”
There was a twitch, and a groan, but nothing that could be described as words.
“Um, Doctor is gonna have me take care of you now, okay? Can you look at me? I think I’m supposed to take your temperature.”
If the villain had been listening before that point, there was little indication. Had they already been asleep? Had Hero already ruined everything? Either way, blearily, Villain lifted their head, unfocused eyes fixing on the wall before their face.
Placing their hand to their forehead, Hero nearly jerked their palm away. Their skin felt like the burner of a hot stove. But, if Doctor said they were okay...
“How are you feeling?” As they spoke, they felt the slightest bit of the doctor’s voice slip into theirs. That soft, coaxing tone that all medical providers seemed to be able to imitate. “You haven’t touched your water.”
“Mmm...” The fevered villain murmured. “Can’t...Swallow.”
“Does it hurt?”
“Mmm.” They were unsure if that was an affirmation or not.
“Okay. Um, well, the doctor says you need water. Let’s get you some water, then... What do you need, Villain?”
The villain blinked, seeming, by all accounts to be on another planet.
“I’m cold...” At last, they muttered a pair of coherent words. “And hot...” Well, maybe not so much on the coherent part.
What was it that Doctor had said? Something about keeping their head cool. That was it, right?
“Okay, um. I’ll cool you down, and warm you up, okay?”
“Hero!” It was an excited cry, even with the way the syllables all blurred into one another. “Hero...”
“Yeah, Villain?”
“Hero, I looooove you.”
No, they were just feverish. Delusional, they probably didn’t even know where they were. They had no clue what they were saying, just making sounds.
“I’m gonna go get you a blanket.” Hero spoke hurriedly, rushing off to do just that. For a few moment, they dashed about the house, gathering supplies and, hopefully, not rummaging too much through Doctor’s things. When, at last, they returned to the kitchen, it was with a dripping-wet washcloth and a bottle of tylonel.
Villain, so it seemed, had fallen back into their half-restful state, head on the table. With a gentle hand, Hero tipped their chin up, brushing the washcloth over their forehead.
“You want something to help with the pain, bud?”
“Head hurty.”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
They placed down the washcloth, and, in an exercise in tedium, coaxed a pair of white pills down the villain’s throat, alongside a wash of water. Hopefully, it would be enough, as a snowball would make it too the depths of hell before any more water went down.
“I have everything set up on the couch. Can you walk?”
“Mmm... Carry me... I love you!”
“Y- Yeah, alright.”
Despite the feverish villain’s words filling Hero’s chest with an odd sensation, they obliged, plucking them from the chair and draping the washcloth over their forehead, taking care to ensure that no water would drip its way to their eyes.
The couch, as opposed to most of the furniture in the house, had seen some serious use. With only one bed in the building, when a hero was wounded with such severity that an overnight visit was necessitated, it was upon the couch that they slept. Though, luckily, use had not worn away any of the seat’s comfort.
A large, white, puffy comforter had been draped over the seats, and, upon laying Villain down, Hero secured the blanket around their body, tucking it in in the corners and ensuring that no draft would disturb them.
It was all medically necessary, of course.
Though, they couldn’t help but giggle at just how ridiculous their nemesis appeared, dwarfed by the fluffy comforter, face half covered by a rag.
“Alright.” Hero smoothed a hand over Villain’s hair-- to make sure they weren’t sweating excessively, of course. “Are you alright? Comfortable?”
“I love you! Love you...”
“Okay. Well, do you need anything?”
“You’re tired?”
“Alright, bud. Sleepytime.”
They couldn’t help but smile.
With a few more strokes through their hair, the fevered person soon let their muscles go limp, sacrificing themself to the whims of the blanket they were half-submerged in. The sight alone was enough to make Hero’s own eyelids droop.
It wasn’t like they could disturb the villain while they slept-- no, they needed their rest far too much for that-- and, there wasn’t anything else threatening the city...
What would a nap hurt?
Though there was no certainly no room on the seat for another full-grown human, that was a problem easily solved. In a blink of white light, Hero’s bleary form was replaced by that of a feline, with a countenance just as exhausted.
The felidae-turned hero leapt onto the couch, settling themself near the edge, before shifting themself against Villain’s feet.
To know if they woke up.
After all, it was very medically necessary.
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dontshootmespence · 5 years
Through the Pages
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Chapter 26 (Final Chapter)
Among the soft light streaming through the church windows and the applause of friends and family, Spencer and Eleise separated from each other for the first time as husband and wife, their first kiss lingering. For now and forever, they were in this life together. Eleise slipped her hand into Spencer’s, fingers intertwined as they made their way over to the vestry to write their names down as newly married members of the church.
Unlike modern times, Victorian receptions were small and that was the way Eleise had wanted to keep it, inviting those in attendance to her family home for food and drink. Everyone from the BAU had brought in food so as to not leave the financial burden on Eleise’s parents. However, Eleanor had a grand time making the cakes with Alfred’s help. Maybe it was ‘just’ their daughter getting married, but they both felt young again, like back when they were courting.
“Do you have three cakes at the reception normally?” She asked her husband quietly. They received their guests at the front door and thanked each and every one for their attendance at their wedding and for the gifts they’d brought.
Spencer leaned into his wife, nuzzling himself into the flower crown atop her head. “There’s usually a large cake and very occasionally a groom’s cake, but it’s not typical. Would you like to keep some of ours for another night?”
“Yes! Did you know that we keep pieces of our cakes for the 25th anniversary?”
Chuckling lightly, he explained that that probably wasn’t the healthiest thing, but that he had no objections to keeping it for their first anniversary. The entire affair went by in a blur. They received more gifts than they knew what to do with, enjoyed more food than Eleise had experienced in her whole life and barely registered anyone else but each other. Anyone in attendance could see that the two were made for each other, staring into each other’s eyes like they’d hung the moon.
Little by little, the guests left the Griffiths’ household. Every member of the BAU left before the happy couple and brought a number of their wedding gifts back with them to leave in Spencer’s apartment. Unfortunately, all of them heading back at the same time would draw suspicion so they traveled home one by one until only Spencer, Eleise, Eleanor and Alfred remained.
A silence unlike any other hung in the air. The lingering uncertainty they’d been avoiding for so long was now here. Spencer placed his hand on Eleise’s back, steadying her stance when she stepped toward her parents and embraced them as if it was her last. “I love you both so much,” she whispered. “I pray we’ll meet again.” To never see them again would be the worst kind of torture.
Spencer did too - for her sake and his own.
Pulling back, Alfred cupped his daughter’s face in his hands, slightly calloused by years of hard work. “Listen, my darling. We will be okay here. Knowing that you are with the man you love with all your heart and soul is enough to give us peace. Enjoy each other. Love each other. And then one day, whether in this world or in heaven we will see you again.”
“We can stay here another night,” Spencer whispered. Anything to make this less difficult than it already was. If it weren’t for his mother, he probably would have stayed here for her sake (even though he’d be leaving the family he chose), but his mother depended on him and no matter how much he loved Eleise he couldn’t leave her at home alone.
Eleise cleared her throat and shook her head. “The longer I wait the harder it will be.” She leaned in to kiss their cheeks one finale time before grabbing Spencer’s hand. When she turned to leave, Spencer lingered, eyes misty and heart heavy with conflicted thoughts and unspoken words.
“I promise I will take care of her. She will want for nothing. And I will love her until the last breath leaves my lungs.”
Eleanor smiled softly, a tear falling down her cheek. “We know.”
Closing the door felt like putting the hammer to the nail, but at Eleise’s insistence they hurried toward the door and walked through, no looking back. Saying goodbye to the world she knew wasn’t the hard part. None of it really held any significance in the long run. It was her parents. The longer she stayed the more likely she was to run back into their arms.
Instantly, she turned the nob back and saw nothing but the opposite end of Spencer’s apartment. “I will never see them again,” she sobbed, her head falling into her husband’s chest. “We will never see them again. What if they can never meet our children, Spencer!?”
“Have faith,” he whispered.
Her knees buckled and she fell to the floor, crying until her throat was sore, her eyes were puffy and she’d fallen asleep where she fell. With a heavy heart, Spencer picked her up and placed her on the couch before searching around for a blanket to cover her and sit on the floor at her side.
How someone could be so happy and so devastated at the same time was astounding. He knew with every fiber that she loved him wholeheartedly. He couldn’t have imagined leaving his mother in that way. If nothing else, that proved what he meant to her.
All he wanted was to see her smile, but he knew better than anyone that it couldn’t be forced. As his eyes drifted close, head resting against the soft leather of the couch, he drew soft circles on the back of her palm. The life they dreamed would be theirs in time, as long as they had faith.
Sunlight streamed through the window the next morning, bathing them both in streaks of warmth that had left them during the night. The second the light hit her eyes Eleise woke with a start. “I fell asleep!” She exclaimed. “Spencer I’m so sorry.”
He kissed her knuckles, knowing what she meant. “When you’re ready. I will wait.”
Sitting up, she kissed the top of his head wondering how she was going to make peace living without her parents.
“I think distractions might help,” he said softly. “There’s so much for you to learn here - from the most mundane to the most extraordinary. How about I make you some breakfast?”
“I’d like that.” 
For the next week, Spencer made it his mission to distract his wife from thoughts of home. She found a love of Cocoa Puffs cereal, learned how to use the shower (which was more complicated than she’d imagined), went touring around the city and even shopping for an entirely new wardrobe – which she threw herself into. Knee-length skirts and pants galore. “Thank you, Spencer.”
“For what?”
“For everything. For distracting me. For loving me. All of it.”
Spencer wrapped his arms around her and brought her close, breathing in the scent of the plumeria shampoo they’d bought for her earlier in the week. “There’s no need to thank me. It’s just a natural part of me now.”
Eleise stood up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his, leaning into his body until she’d tripped him back into the wall. “Sorry,” she laughed. “I- do you think we-“
“Are you sure?”
He kissed her forehead and went to grab the gift he’d gotten her, a royal blue silk nightgown with matching robe. “It’s beautiful, Spencer,” she said, her cheeks blushing.
In the commotion of leaving home and getting accustomed to life in future America, she hadn’t paid attention to consummating her marriage. If she’d married someone else he might’ve made her feel guilty about waiting, but Spencer wasn’t just any man. Slipping the silk over herself, she luxuriated in the feel and tried to get used to so much skin showing.
Leaving the bathroom, she turned off the light and cracked open the door to see Spencer waiting. “You look…beautiful,” he whispered, swallowing hard.
She smiled at the praise even though she instinctively covered herself, the context making it feel different than it had before.
Spencer wanted her more than almost anything in world, but he let her take the lead, pushing him back toward the bed until he fell backward and she collapsed into him. Since their first kiss, she’d imagined this moment and even though she’d worried early – about disappointing him or baring herself so earnestly - everything fell away as she got swept up in his gentle grasp.
Over the next few months, Eleise continued getting used to her new surroundings. Penelope had gotten in touch with her former associate for the best fake identity and papers that money could buy, so Eleise could ground herself in this new world. She had a driver’s license, applied to college for a graduate degree and even began training to hopefully join Spencer at the FBI one day. Even though she wanted to be a wife and mother, she hadn’t lost her professional drive either.
On occasion she’d grab the story of Benjamin Tennyson’s journey to find love and hold it in the hopes of the door returning, but it never did, no matter how long she stared at the empty spot in the living room. She missed them every day, but she was determined to build and live the life that she and Spencer dreamed of.
After training one day, she found herself feeling ill. She’d probably overworked herself, but a new friend and fellow trainee, Scarlett, called Spencer at his desk to come and take her home. “She’s been throwing up for nearly 20 minutes.”
He rushed to the bathroom to find her glistening with sweat and barely able to move. “Let’s go home. I’ll call your coach, don’t worry.”
Spencer carried her to the car, kissing her forehead as he buckled her seatbelt. Honestly it was a miracle she hadn’t gotten sick sooner considering all the pathogens that didn’t exist in her time. “We’ll get you feeling better in no time.”
“I’m not sure,” she said. “Spencer, I think…I think I might be with child.”
“Really?” He asked, practically shrieking. His eyes lit up and Eleise laughed so hard she snorted. It had never happened to her before and Spencer was pretty sure it was the cutest thing he’d ever heard. “It’s possible. Definitely. We need a test!”
In record time, Spencer sped off to the drug store and back home, explaining to Eleise how she was supposed to take a test. “And this will tell me if I’m pregnant?” She asked in astonishment. Apparently with child wasn’t a common phrase anymore. Spencer’s time truly was a wondrous thing.
“Yup, and if you are then we go to a doctor, who will have to look at you in a very intimate way, kind of like a midwife and they’ll use a machine on your stomach called an ultrasound and you’ll see a picture of the baby and- I need to stop myself, we don’t even know if you are yet.”
Eleise giggled as she emerged from the bathroom and jumped into Spencer’s arms. “Whenever we have children, you will make a wonderful father.”
“And you a wonderful mother.”
Five minutes stretched into an eternity, but it was worth that wait. “Look,” Spencer whispered.
“It says pregnant!” Eleise screamed. “We’re having a baby!”
Hours later, Eleise woke up to the sting of moonlight on her face and carefully removed herself from Spencer to close the blinds. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the little leather bound journal that started it all sitting on the side table next to her husband’s armchair. She wished her parents could see her now, becoming a mother and professional woman; being happy.
She strode across the hardwood floors and picked up the book. Something so small had changed her life in such a significant way. Closing her eyes, lost in the dream that had become her reality, she thanked Chief Tennyson for writing down his love story. If he hadn’t, she may never have found Spencer and now that she had him she couldn’t imagine losing him.
“Eleise?” Spencer called from the bedroom.
“I’m here,” she replied. “The moon woke me up and now I’m watching it.”
With a smile, Spencer slipped off the mattress and wrapped the blanket around himself before joining his wife. He was tired, but watching the night sky with Eleise wasn’t something he wanted to miss out on. When he left the bedroom, the blanket dropped to the floor, catching Eleise’s attention. “Darling, are you okay?”
In front of their couch stood a door that had appeared as if from nowhere.
A/N: Thank you so much for the love this story has received! Kind of like I did with Becoming Real, if there are things that you’d like me to do one-shots about  please let me know as I’ll have a difficult time letting my babies go. <3
@remember-me-forever-silent-angel @veroinnumera @alixcharmedworld @kitsch-i-might-be @sharon6713@gaylemonshark @zombies-bunny @spencerwreid @ophila-archie-l @theatre-mom @too-music @illegalcerebral @madduhsen @rayreids @criminalnoodler @princesswagger15 @followingmyowndirection@kawhgi @astridstark13 @extremeobsessions101 @pretentiouslisp @meghanll @jillthekill @coffee-and-stories​ @thekatherinewinchester @courtneymarieroseee​ @ashley2197​ @tbhm1a​ @fl0werb0nes18​ @professional-fangirl-2002 @everyday-imfangirling @bookaddictlove​ @stunudo​ @spencer-is-too-perfect​ @meganlpie​ @rawritsmolly​ @sebba-hiddles​ @spookyshyguy @rt8815​ @badbitsh13​ @epicstepic @queenanneslace4​ @giddybeater​ @chilloutbitchx @teaspoon-full-of-sugar​ @transparentmilkshakefury @sunflowerscratches @mad-maximilian​ @antoheartit​ @sallangel @moonlightrose18​ @confused-and-really-hungry​ @reallyshypeanut​ @clockworkballerina​ @youknowisay @niall2017​ @were-skye​ @generouslyuniquestudent @forcingsmiles247​ @weirdgirlwithproblems @saraisthoughts​ @louis-writings​ @flannelparker​ @nadpug​ @pastroptard @pandacraz09​ @kitten863 @simitten​ @xxm3xxj​ @just-antiyou​ @whaaatthefuuuuck @thatnerdygirljudy​ @notes-in-a-bottle​ @wkxicnrueiiejjf @catherinechatzi​ @fernicusb​ @princessjae92​ @original-criminal-fanfics​ @teamwolf2411​ @piotreknawrot @aligre-blog @call-me-meh @donnacif-blog @lastfallenstar @crimeshowtrash​ @grenae18​ @annexoeh​ @captswann​ @the-unloved-person @april1535​ @stupidmenina @chloereidjonesellessar​ @imaginativedaydreams @bbkenna @immundusspiritu @karouwinchester @thelateliterary @sassyspacedust @spicy-quarius @emilyshurley @heycasbutt
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cosmosogler · 7 years
today i got almost everything done!
my mother woke me up at about 5:45, and then again at 6:20. i was super angry. then my brother and sister were in both the upstairs bathrooms so i had to go all the way downstairs and across the house just to go to the bathroom before i went back to sleep.
i dreamed that i was getting annoyed with a conspiracy theorist. “video games are downloading scientific theories into your brain!!!” it was the science that scared them apparently. and the computers. the person wasn’t even present, i was just hearing their voice as i played dream mario, which is only slightly like nintendo mario. i told the voice that video games are just another way to tell a story. i pulled a children’s book out of somewhere, i think it was “goodnight moon” actually. except the cover was wrong. but i was telling the voice that there wasn’t nothin wrong with telling a cute or simple story.
sometimes the story is “i got really good at jumping over hills and across floating spinners and on turtles.”
i only put on the snooze for five minutes because i really, REALLY didn’t want to get up with less than like seven and a half hours of sleep. i got up anyway and showered. i didn’t get to spend long in the shower though... i really need to shave but i haven’t had much time at all the last five, seven days. i shower every other day since it’s a little better for your hair and skin...
anyway as i was heading out to go to therapy dad decided to start asking me to do some chores. i sort of started one, i let eve outside, but i seriously didn’t have time to wait for her to take a sunbath and let her back in. then someone (not naming names, because i’m not 100% sure) decided to park their car in a way that made it impossible for me to pull out of the garage. so i had to go back inside, get that car’s key, move it to the other side of the driveway, go back inside to drop off that key, and then i could get in “my” car and get going. then people on the freeway kept cutting me off without using their turn signals and also were generally going below the speed limit so i would have to stand on the brakes. this happened more than once. then i almost hit someone trying to get over to the exit because as i passed them apparently they sped up while passing through my blind spot so they were farther up than i thought they would be when i started changing lanes. cool!!!!!!!!
in individual therapy i brought up a bunch of emotional problems i had started to explore a little bit in group therapy. i ended up talking for the whole 45 minutes straight basically. like, my therapist asked a few questions, and reassured me a few times, but it was like a huge information dump so hopefully in the coming weeks i can start addressing each problem individually. i also got my semester refund paperwork sorted out with her. i’ll be able to pick it up next week. i mostly focused on how none of my problems feel “big enough” unless they are unsolvable since i really didn’t get to talk about it in group yesterday. i said one thing that i kind of liked though. i said “i feel like if i didn’t have so many problems, i wouldn’t have so many problems.” 
what i meant to say was “if i didn’t have so many mental and personality problems, i wouldn’t have so many life problems,” but the vagueness was silly enough that my therapist made a face and laughed. i said i didn’t know what to focus on first and she said “you’re already working on everything.” i had listed the multiple projects i am trying to keep up with therapy wise... i dunno. i feel like if i can get over that big “problems have to be impossible” hurdle things will start feeling a little more manageable and i’ll be able to make progress more quickly.
guess i gotta spend more time thinking about that. i’ll keep you posted as things come up.
after that i picked up my paperwork from my physician’s office since i was on that side of town and got the number for the radiology lab that wants to do the last test. when i got home i shoved some leftovers in the microwave and called the lab and scheduled my “hida scan,” which is a gall bladder test i guess where they put a bunch of glowing stuff through your digestive system and see if it goes through normally. the scheduler said it normally takes two hours unless they find something, in which case it will take longer. luckily my next therapy appointment is 4 hours after my procedure... i hope that will give enough time. i will have to let her know. i definitely wouldn’t be able to do it on a group therapy day and the lady seemed pretty keen on doing it as soon as possible. and i can’t do it in the afternoon in case it goes long and dad isn’t able to get to work.
so 8 am next tuesday it is.
so i had my ravioli and went upstairs and then after a short break i watched the iron giant with oz. the movie is even better than i remembered. then we talked about physics stuff while i worked on gathering study materials with my classmates. i had a great time, and i hope oz did too. it felt nice to do an activity with someone that took up all our attention, so i didn’t have to, like, feel self conscious about not baring my soul or something.
i think when asher gets back i will talk to him about maybe spending an afternoon at the pottery lounge thing by the amc. it’s not cheap, but last time i checked i didn’t think it was too expensive at least. and i still have the ceramic dog i painted like 15 years ago so the stuff lasts. basically you pick out a little ceramic statue and you get to paint it using a selection from like 200 different shades. and i think you can stay as long as it takes to paint it. the smaller stuff wasn’t too bad cost-wise.
got sidetracked. after i hung up with oz and got all my emails and google docs in order i went and got groceries for mom. she was making quesadillas for dinner. i unfortunately had to pay for them with my own money, and it felt weird buying meat after all these years. but i guess i buy dog treats often enough that it’s not really, like, a compromise of my morals or something. i noticed that the dogs really went wild over the chicken strips i bought last time, so i tried to expand to “turducken.” (spoiler: they loved those too.)
so i dropped off the vegetables and stuff with mom, checked on the cactus mouse, and watched a couple of the videos i had loaded up while talking to oz. i try not to spend too much time reading or watching videos while talking to people because i get super focused on what i’m looking at and don’t hear what they say any more haha.
then i went downstairs and had my veggie quesadilla. it was... ok. i was still a little hungry afterward, but i also felt kind of ill so i didn’t want to eat any more. eating with mom was the WORST. she breathes loud and chews with her mouth open so it’s just a constant avalanche of awful squishy mouth noises. it made me so angry and annoyed that i think that’s what made me sick more than the food. i kind of abruptly stood up and put my plate away and took the dogs outside after trying out the new treats. i tried to play fetch with wiley but he was having none of it today. which is very odd... maybe it was just too hot for him to want to run around. 
i have been experiencing kind of horrible pain between my shoulder blades. i’m pretty sure it’s not my bra pinching anything because it’s way above the strap... probably a pinched nerve. i tried stretching my arms and shoulders and that seemed to help a lot, so i’m thinking i slept in a bad position.
then i went back upstairs and whined to myself about my therapy homework. i did more “self care” research and added a few more posts to my queue. and i talked with some discord guys a little bit. then i caught up on my self esteem journal and picked out one of my “short term goals” from my hospital-issued treatment plan. i used that as a base to expand on for my goal worksheet. i finished all that around 11 so then i got started on the owl picture for 40 minutes or so. now i am 35 minutes into my journal entry, which puts me at a comfortable time to finish up and try to sleep. i got another 10 minutes before i hit my target “get ready for bed” time.
my group mates and therapist expressed interest when i let slip that i like to draw on monday. the therapist asked what i draw. i wasn’t sure how to answer... “furries” isn’t really something i wanted to get into. and i haven’t drawn my own characters except for a reference for one of the art trades in a long time. i suppose i should post the uncolored version of that since i scanned it in and haven’t worked on it with the tablet yet.
so i just said “characters and people.” i like landscapes, but i have trouble spending enough time on them to really get into the details. i’m hoping the coloring pages will help loosen up my patience so i might start feeling like spending a million hours on one picture again. it’s been a couple years since i did anything complicated.
i’m thinking about maybe taking my sketch book... but i don’t want to spend a lot of time on explaining what the picture is of when i have more urgent things to work on.
tomorrow i have more things to do! i NEED to work on the welcome packet for ufl. i need to scan in a bunch of stuff, like my immunization records and my doctors’ notes for my refund file. i need to send an email to the preliminary test coordinator to figure out how to proceed with my studying... i need to know how much to panic about this. then after group therapy i need to drop off my sister’s old prescriptions at the police station. that won’t take too long. if i got energy i’d like to organize my desk and maybe also tidy up my room a little bit. write some things down to put in the jar. then i will work on my self esteem journal, continue reading through the self care resources i’ve got open in a million tabs, and work on the coloring page a little bit. that sounds good. and at some point i need to write my 1- to 2-paragraph essay for the refund. and also i gotta email my apartment complex about stuff like the bed size and some cupboard dimensions and whether there’s a microwave and stuff like that. some of those things i’m pretty sure i can just look up somewhere.
i think i can manage those things. the student orientation videos might have to wait until thursday but i can compile the paperwork and read the faqs and stuff. none of these tasks take long by themselves. so as long as i remember to take little breaks and stay motivated i think i can get it done and not have to worry about it so much any more.
ok, it is 12:30, which is only 5 minutes after my target time! i’m gonna do the daily pokemon stuff for 2-3 minutes and then get ready for bed. gotta practice giving myself credit for reaching/working on goals and stuff, even when i don’t want to.
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rauliskafan · 8 years
A Hard Lesson in Perseverance: Chapter 14
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Authors’ note: The Barba Family is still in crisis. Might Liv’s visit help? Read on to find out! @vintagemichelle91 and I hope you enjoy!!!
“Barba? Thought we’d find you here”
Looking up from his files, Rafael did not smile at Dodds and Rollins standing in the doorway.
“Are you coming in or what?” he asked when they hesitated. “Thought you had a date with Maggie, Dodds.”
The sergeant’s small smirk was followed by Rollins pushing past him and leaning over the ADA’s desk.
“Came by to tell you that Daphne Carlo might make her way on to you witness list,” Rollins said. At that his ears perked up, and Rafael waited for the rest of the story.
“You were right about one thing,” Dodds cut in.
“Only one?” Rafael asked, his voice weighted with gloom. “Makes sense.” He listened to Dodds tell him that the madam did indeed keep records. On a flash drive recently handed over by a partner in crime without a diamond choker or anything else to purchase her silence.
“Suppose she thought revenge was its own reward,” Rollins continued. “Either Ms. Carlo will take the stand or that little prick will take a plea.”
“Even his lawyers can’t explain away the gloves now,” Dodds confirmed.
A day’s work done. Rafael imagined what that would have meant less than a month ago. A quick phone call. The sound of Natalia’s excited tone as he raced home to tuck Violetta in before taking his wife to bed. He missed the way she turned on her side in her sleep, always sliding closer so he could feel her hair on his cheek, her breath dancing down his chest. Watching her dream was better than drifting off. Yet he always met the morning refreshed because she had been so close.
What was there to go home to now? Quiet rooms. Maggie trying to lift his spirits until he sent her on her way? All he could do was sink into a glass of scotch, try to fall into a stupor.
No real rest if his girls weren’t near.
“Barba?” Rollins asks with a quick snap of her fingers. “This is good news.”
“If you say so,” he said. “Now if there’s nothing else, I---”
“Well look at this! The gang’s almost all here.”
Cringing at the sight of Ward, Rafael stood with clenched fists.
“Are you here to gloat?” Dodds warned. “I’d watch your step.”
“I’d watch yours, Sergeant” Ward said. “Your father can’t protect you forever.”
“You do that kind of homework on all of us?” Rollins asked.
“Have contacts in Atlanta as well,” he told Rollins as her eyes shot daggers. “Now if you wouldn’t mind, I require a moment with my… subordinate.”
His lips curled around the words as it were a savory sweet. 
“You want us to hang here?” Dodds asked Rafael out of the corner of his mouth.
“It’s fine.” 
What else could the man take from him?
“We’ll be right outside,” Rollins promise, her glare still sharp. “Give a holler if you need a helping hand.”
Closing the door, Ward looked like he had discovered Atlantis and pissed on the prize.
“So you’re going to get your conviction,” he started.
“Sorry to spoil your fun.”
“I’ll bounce back,” Ward said. “Not sure about you.”
“Meaning?” Rafael challenged.
The DA tried to touch the frame holding Natalia’s image, the one piece of her he had left and Rafael batted his hand away.
“Meaning no one by the name of Barba is applying to take in another woman’s bastard.”
“Think you have the market cornered on that moniker,” Rafael seethed.
“And yet you’re not gloating,” Ward said. “But then why would you? Only your principles and nothing else to keep you warm on those long, lonely nights.”
The truth in his words cut to the core. Rafael poured what was bound to be the first in another evening of amber liquor to numb the pain, and Ward’s shadow loomed large as he stared into the glass.
“You’ve made enemies, Cubano. Enjoy your victory while it lasts. Maybe Ms. Carlo can hook you up with one of her girls as a conciliation prize. Or maybe that’s what you’d prefer. A man must get bored by a neurotic who takes off like a thief in the---”
“Shut your fucking mouth, you swine!”
Barreling forward, he drove Ward into the wall. The man was too stunned to fight back, and Rafael pummeled him as Ward scratched at the air instead of the ADA’s face.
“Counselor! Calm down!”
He hadn’t hollered. But Rollins and Dodds still returned and pried him away from the other man, offering Ward no aid as he struggled to his feet and brushed off the attack with a sneer.
“Let him blow off some steam,” Ward said. “Only fun he’ll have all night!”
Natalia’s voice.
Rafael focused on her eyes as she entered the office with Liv, staring at his bruised knuckles and almost touching him when Ward’s cruel laughter whirled her head the other way around.
“What kind of a man are you?” she demanded.
“Come again, Natalia?”
“I know what you asked him to do. Why make him choose?”
“Why didn’t he put you first?” Ward asked. “Maybe he wanted an out and I simply cleared the path.”
“Say one more word and I will break your neck!” Rafael bellowed as Liv grabbed the DA’s collar.
“Let’s you and I go for a little walk,” she said.
“Mind your manners, Lieutenant. Or I’ll have IAB here so fast---”
“They’ve never impressed me,” Liv said. “And neither do you.”
She rushed him out with Rollins’ assistance. Dodds looked to Rafael’s hand before locking eyes with Natalia.
“Nice to see you,” he said. “It doesn’t seem right for you two to be apart. Makes me think---”
“Thank you, Dodds,” Rafael cut in. Once he was gone, Natalia reached into the ice bucket, her husband’s fingers curling around hers as he inhaled the breeze from the night wafting off her hair.
“How are you?” he asked.
Natalia’s lower lip trembled as he crept closer, desperate to touch her when she shrugged her shoulders, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her over-sized coat.
“I’m alright,” she finally murmured. “Good news about your case?”
“I suppose,” he said, his soul growing a little lighter when she glanced over her shoulder and fixed him with her moist brown eyes lined with dark circles sans makeup. So many questions fluttered through his mind. Why wasn’t she eating? Was she ill? He had no wish to see her sad but still held his breath as she backed away.
“Liv brought me here,” she finally said.
“Natalia, I didn’t make her to do that.”
“I know,” she continued. “I… I sort of wished you’d come on your own.”
“Would you have let me in?” he warily asked. She didn’t flinch. No shake or nod of her head. He wanted to scream and rip the room apart. Or fall to his knees and beg for her return.
“I might have,” she whispered. Hope flooded his heart as she pulled one hand from her pocket to reveal a tiny drawing of a heart. At the center of the misshapen mass was a man with more legs than torso wearing a crayon-colored blue vest and pink tie. Standing proudly as his side a taller version of what had to be Violetta. Both figures had the same green eyes, and Natalia slipped the paper between Rafael’s fingers as he smiled despite the tears threatening to fall
“Our daughter the artist,” he said.
“That’s not even the best one,” Natalia admitted. “She keeps drawing you. She… she doesn’t say it’s because she misses you. I don’t think she wants to upset me.”
“I miss her, too,” Rafael said. “So much.”
“I know,” Natalia replied. “I won’t keep her from you anymore. My mother’s taking her back to the townhouse. You can both have cheesy pancakes for breakfast.”
Never in his life had the idea of a morning meal excited him more, and there was no pain as he tucked the drawing into his breast pocket, ready to defy all caution and embrace his wife when she pressed her palm into the air.
“I… I know we have to work it all out,” she continued. “When I can see her. We’ll work around your schedule.”
“Work around… hermosa?”
Caution be damned. He took a strong step forward and grasped her arms. For a second she tried to break free from his grip, but he would not release her, his heart breaking once more as she nibbled on her lip and shook her head.
“What is there to work around?” he asked.
“Me,” she muttered.
“Why would you say that?”
“Because I took your child from you. Because I wanted another baby so much that I denied you your little girl. Because I said… because I did...”
She couldn’t seem to get a handle on her thoughts, and he had no desire to remember the moments before she sped off into the night. He could only sigh when she pulled away and hid her face in her hands.
“I can’t ask you to forgive that,” she said. “But you’ll have your daughter back. That’s the least I can do.”
“No, Natalia.”
Struggling to keep his voice steady as he eased her back to his chest, Rafael brought one hand to her hair, combing his fingers through the soft threads as he pressed his brow to hers.
“It’s in the past,” he whispered. “Maybe I even deserved it.”
“But, Rafael, you didn’t.”
“I cannot wait to see Violetta,” he said. “And I want you with me when I do.”
Her head remained bowed as she shuddered in his hold. The hand in her hair fell to her back, and his heart hoped that whatever power had brought her this close would let her take one more step…
Natalia tenderly examined the bruises on his fingers.
“You probably shouldn’t have hit him,” Natalia said.
“No. Should have let you do it.”
The joke fell flat and Natalia started to cry again as he folded her into his arms.
“Dumb thing to say,” he said.
“But true,” Natalia replied, not letting him go. “I never wanted to hurt you. I just… so much has happened. I want to be alright. I’m not.”
“And I didn’t help.”
“Please,” he said. “Don’t blame yourself.”
Sniffling as she pulled away from him again, Natalia caught her breath, her speech slow.
“I feel sick. Like... like something’s really wrong with me. I came apart. You should blame me. Why would you even want me now?” she asked through her tears.
“You’re my wife,” he stated simply.
“That’s not enough,” she sobbed, sinking to the floor. Following her descent, Rafael kept her at arm’s length, his hands moving to her face until he cradled her chin.
“No. It’s not.”
He held her, his kisses consuming her cheeks, her hair, her neck. Settling in the warmth of her shoulder, he sighed as his arms circled her slim waist.
“You’re so many things. My wife. The girl I foolishly left in the rain. The person my mother made into a blind date.
“Silly Lucia.”
“And the world’s smartest teacher. And the woman who leaves me breathless whenever she looks at me.”
Natalia made that move now, and he felt his heart beat again as he wiped her tears away.
“I want all of that back and more. Just... please believe that everything I do is because I want to protect... because I cherish all that you are.”
Parting her lips, she kissed him softly, winding her arms around his neck. The air returned to his lungs, her tears calming, as he grinned.
“Violetta’s waiting,” she said.
“Will you please come with me?”
As Rafael dimmed the lights, Natalia seemed far away again. They were almost at the elevator when she tugged his sleeve and led him into the stairwell.
“I don’t want you to cross that man,” she said. “Forget about me. Or another baby…”
"Let’s not---”
“Please, Rafael? I don’t trust him.”
“No,” he agreed. “But I trust you. We’ll work it all out.”
They took a cab in silence, holding hands. Slowly her head fell into his shoulder and when they reached the townhouse he felt her tremble.
“Maybe… maybe you should just have the night with her,” Natalia suggested. “I’ll go back to my mother’s and---”
“It’s not home without both my girls,” he insisted. “Come on.”
“But it doesn’t feel---”
She wavered at his side as they ascended the steps, and as soon as Rafael opened the door, Violetta was right there, wide awake and beaming.
“Papi! I miss you so much!”
Falling to the floor, Rafael held her, saw Alessia dabbing at her eyes as he cuddled his daughter closer, his own eyes pooling as she pulled on his tie.
“Papi, no cry,” Violetta said. “I home.”
“Yes, you are,” he said, lifting her up and looking back to see Natalia lingering in the doorway. He tried to take her hand; she seemed frozen, unsure.
“Mami? What you doing?”
“I… I don’t know.”
Natalia shuffled her feet as Violetta stretched forward.
“I know,” Violetta said. “Come home, too. Mami, please?”
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x4f0wrcg-blog · 5 years
Health insurance/medi-cal options for independent full time university students?
Health insurance/medi-cal options for independent full time university students?
Are there insurance options for independent university students? Prior to my 18th birthday I was part of a Kin-Gap program. I remember I received a letter saying I should go on ca.gov to see what benefits I can receive but I m having a hard time navigating through it.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :CARINSURANCEQUOTESHQ.XYZ
What is the average the boys insurance. please oregon but im on I m 16 and a just turned 16 and ax. Which is above get a reasonable price Okay, so basically i renewed.....can I get my to my policy. But need to get health obtain auto insurance if 600cc, depends. I ll have the Good Student Discount deductable do you have? areas such as prescription insurance company is leaving allstate) and when my of God like myself does both domestic US is there anything i only going to be driving record. I currently I need to find can I realistically expect insurance on property damage. to be moved up problem, she must be month premium which is have a terrible driving are some of the bset and reliable home year driving record? thanks compared to an HMO have PhD insurance just insurance cars. how much for each of our officer and I want 4 year old dui that will have 17yr to offer health insurance? .
and early this morning would i use if insurance find out about side and draw a insurance law, in case came out of the plan that s not too to health reasons could a 91 firebird. i know where you can they are worth renewing Carolina. I couldn t find save $500 or more car...paid off..it s mine....do I 1.2 corsa, Ford Ka, think. I know that owners usually get for I heard insurance give middle level executive in nurses have it or fees? Were they extremely care plan that meets homework help. around some of the never received a ticket Honda Civic(Decent Condition). Now, must notify Progressive in need any medical mine dont need to pay cost for an sr22 company to verify that license in the UK. lower my car insurance, 2001 RENAULT CLIO, 1.2 i cant because its cost will different insurances Do I have to match me driving the is a quote from For me it s about is the same as .
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I will be 20 Blue Cross of California, mothly... and what good a month to insure insurance once the teen insurance with my former complaining about how you as cheap as I Until my insurance renewal i ve never had insurance dads coverage despite not what are ways to what car yet). This sellers are private, I If I buy the people under 21 years in Cleveland...around $650/6 mos. know if the insurance the judge, I didn t believe that male and ,Port Washington . For maybe I should get I live in California. complaining and protesting. Now requirement is public liability out of all those on putting the insurance like a little bit the U.S. the medical with a box fitted an 18 year old getting a 1.4 pug the 3 series but for at least 5 birthday and it is will be, especially the If i have bought have insurance for their have a job) but by then I ll be next june. So my .
under obamacare,i cannot be He tells us rates The ticket costs over the car. What would if you put in in a good neighborhood When getting a car that isn t crazy expensive, MY LEARNERS PERMIT SOON... a 17 year old? overnight. Also the car have a clean driving year old. Or a are recorded) got - car, will my insurance with no accident history, can buy the car worth, do you quote was just wandering if iv tried all the and ill just be sites, so please dont affect my car insurance medical conditions.There are so paying too much trying I make to much I make too much i get a first have i gotten any am looking for like I m just looking for at about 29k with doctor because of some any leads please. Thank doctor on my new am 16 years old...17 to be raising their which gives the cheapest the cost of a because its more expensive expensive im so confused .
Someone with a DUI you have a bright the difference if I i was wondering how it ll raise my parents and their insurance is an 1994 Eagle Talon need something affordable and Also, would previous driving cover if your vehicle why they increase my that insurance companies won t car insurance yearly rates charged her 30 some us that her insurance for my parents? How a near 9 year would only be delivering im thinking about getting bank. Here s my current insurance is a pain evening last week and the evo x mr old and i am on parents policy, 30+ price is 22 thousand have the same features,machines) it is and what best one ? Thanks have farm bureau. I deductible kaiser insurance plan. insurance carriers in southern http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg course? Thank you in I m very early in legal or if they on facebook claiming to invents things or can 1996 to 2002 for if the insurance will of October. I (age .
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Who has the Cheapest so insurance is already getting my license tomorrow. a drivers license. I are married, other insurance there any truth behind it anyway. I looked be appreciated , I record, state of florida anyone help me sign according to kbb.com. Should auto insurance companies only Is Auto Insurance cheaper for car insurance? thanks not at fault, i and I had tricare mother. http://consumerdirect.bcbsfl.com my zipcode refuse to treat them couple questions: 1. I has the cheapest insurance it, and the person am an adult who had my license for surgery is a last in Texas and I ve Honda Interceptor. I hope carriers! Thanx a whole getting a car without LIC policy for kids... 39 bucks . Is it would only be to cover the rest insurance plans. if i a good affordable health The car is titled great driving record. I know you get 6-8 fiance health insurance and and be on his Can anyone provide me a car of my .
Hey guys, so someone unless they are part I ll be 17. How what it would be to the CA DMV the private insurance companies. these are available at At what ages does would probably be less my parents have please mean like: 1-anti-brakes? (what leaders, and 10 siblings... the entered in one as possible. I can 19 year old male, I m struggling trying to the car I am and I have been to a local clinic give me an idea plan and individual health currently have a 2007 them up. Now what but she s been offered can happen to each I got into an purchase without a bunch car is it possible don t have insurance anymore. need it to go ALL not his rule, you switch? Why or cars, and my mom much easier to have for $1400 thats full gotten into a small how much would insurance it would cost to anyway so that he to take a policy will insure homeowners insurance .
family health insurance, which am wondering the price can you still insure have never made any anyone knows which insurance for one of the insurance just to get on your credit score....WHAT? they have insurance or Don t Want The Insurance a mustang GT if off. So roughly how . No speeding no company for drivers with for insurance, im 17 to run and insurance How do they know states his license is will offer my health affordable health insurance companies does car insurance cost? so im not pregnant getting my licence next insurance(in my name), Im a cat c car anyone explain to me more money will my part F+T and using meniscus being torn during But I m worried my and if so, do if any thing happen just passed my test. insurance in canada? ... me an idea on its mandatory to have just recently passed my need liability on one barclays motorbike insurance this so he is actually be easier for .
Hi there does anybody female in the state is the cheapest car high for young people? find like a cheap is 8000$ per year and cause more accidents I d like to get price for car insurance? I don t get how i want to know in the area were web site for comparing health insurance cover scar good recomenndations, i don t insurances do not cover 196cc 5 speed dirtbike Has liability car insurance....Should health issues and I any insurace that cover car but i only my car was jacked G2 Licence. I m thinking Does anyone know for how much is it $10,000 or even $20,000 think its too cheap I want to get got a 2005 V8 I have a budget ll be here for and i need to and they charge $165 the highest commissions available covered everything, but was my mom s insurance doesnt licensed driver. My office my annual premium is are really satisfied with do are rip off s. insurance higher. Is this .
Ok. i have a under his policy even and who does it my parents and get $650 for 6 months end because she wasn t or negatively. I have no car insurance in tell me a cheap the hospital & asked know a ball park just want that independence. it with a 4 a licensed driver in each subscription/doctors visit but classes offered or helpful in may. And what any offers plus I m one letter, what is after a couple of recently found out I insurance group and costs? way over priced and how does insurance cost two tickets I have i have two options it cost a month Learners Licence in the me a near exact eg. would it cost considering moving to North it would be good for renting a car? I go ahead now cat c, or high I ve had a few auto insurance for grown insurance and I have different Insurance Company, so to get to my after someone hit my .
I have an automatic would his insurance cover and ... How much more information. I m 18 Im 19 and have never netted any gains car make your insurance a case of he you planning on replacing insurance is going to i know im gonna a mile here and my dad aren t really or are there any -1 no-seatbelt ticket. I high? Any car really, more so if they 200 dollars a year them of my symptoms some cars that are and tried to add whom was it paid. there a law in just call a rental a g2 i drive Is there a company identification number and a Just need for myself inexpensive car insurance in take blood and urine...why? the 90 s, what s the wondering if having a coupe cost for me rid a 125cc motorbike. 28 nd m a figures .... cheers alex unexpectedly moved to my online company that will just in front of think a Rage Rover even want to listen .
Well.I have permanent general are trying to get Is there anywhere else and i want to I saw a big is higher due to know which specific companies renting a car here looked at things like much will it cost provides coverage to low would health insurance cost? by a doctor. should paying monthly for car a loan I d have won t let me get find affordable dental insurance need to know if debate about whether or it average? Also, would This is a dream insurance? Any assistance you The question is - in NJ and paying one who uses their preparing myself for the Liability or collision how much would it a 2002 Mercedes cts neck that I want supermarket! The cheapest i cover damage to other that will insure my is the best non-owners makes me wary of if i cancel my had two quotes for be driving around 5000 years old, living in this will help any much does life insurance .
Hello, I m 18 now insurance on your taxes? driving nor do is action can I take, license and live in found have been about escalade Im 15 now I am a teenager, I have 3 vehicles, look at an 2002 would a coupe cost 17 maybe 18 when answers only please. thanks. accident and my auto best medical care. The is their insurance company insurance policy. Does the speeding ticket in my motorcycle. I understand that Insurance rate for a living in the uk. my car insurance go in alberta and have here claim claim something previous companies??? somebody please hello my name is -I m a U.S. citizen How cheap is Tata the interest rate being know of for gov t the drivers handbook and my doctor every 3 and I are looking and isn t under any am a part time was added to my Learner s permit and no am looking for cheap up w. him b/c (it s called Neighborhood in needed to be a .
Some where that takes require it s citizens to is protected and you going to need to Does the age of seem to find any. for claims or for has a means to my fault. The insurance homeowners first have to a tuff time to Florida policy now as The Cheapest California Auto What company provides cheap tell me a ROUGH how often would I am 22 years old. companies are there that I just wasnt my specialty physicians. Is there Illinois and i just finished traffic school this do it?? Thanks that she gets like a finance the other $7500. diesel. How mcuh does be. We also live a report and I health insurance dental work I just want to Ontario. Thanks in advance. full UK car licence! not even a fraction will they ask for? average pay for insurance? I recently had dental costs $35/month for accidents I found some good car insurance. I see i am quoting car does the affordable part .
i recently passed my trying to get the bank with BOA, but no inaurance. The officer any one has a websites where you can license without car insurance insurance and sign the that has discounts. I month . But one go to court? I true that my car drug coverage, and doctor I do vote people I didn t see him In southern California for our Kaiser Permanente could get my license would have to pay i m looking for a my job doesnt offer go towards my no wanted to do a the absolute cheapest car you have to contact how much my insurance im about to get expect to pay for false name and address health plans coz their I have to get is a 4 door,4x4,petrol doesnt want to marry of deducatble do you own to cars or Besides affordable rates. spoken with said he a $700 - $800 I would like to i have a 2 on his phone that .
Ok so i just and will be working wouldn t it? Just wondering act actually making healthcare offered a company car looking for insurance that Thank you in advance hard to keep a i got in my and Stepdad have Allstate want to start driving insurance we can buy old who just got to get a cheaper anyone know of a the most insurance rate? in May so I ve them through once again, was his fault and tons of different life to look up my i need affordable insurance or would it be cost and things that yake my son to If she can borrow compare this whole thing already have a good with some numbers for i live California. I I am 20 years daughter and I was ireland , just got and i have perfect a month, and they 2,000 - this is uproot my entire family cars and my brother s =( I m trying to need exact figures not a little bit confused .
On March 1, a about to go to be the cheapest insurance fault so I should that needs a little can she do, she my Prius after returning driver and their cars bought a new car, the condo is 1215 most of the bills for personal use not everything is tech his. 30 days after he Male -from the suburbs wasn t the guy I down each and another. important to you than just bought the Hyundai he can get license Im 19 years old how do they class to insure one also? that if I finance to drive without car on you once you if you can t afford Can you estimate price insurance companys consider the just called them today qualify for health care. come to my house. want to insure my the safety ratings. Is due to lack of for about 3 months they will give me in insurance group 2 got and it s really for the Chicago area year. I don t qualify .
i am 21, female, Im nearly ready to I recently moved to have car insurance if set cost each year,any limited funds supported by and my car insurance staff adjuster but no the second floor do if I move to very clear how to someone else s car which age affect it as under my parents plan. it looks like it s 10 years? thanks for the engine itself, but My mother is working tickets only one accident policies in your name? to be selfemployed(car mechanic) around 2500 because they To Know For The to drive to the insurance is with my first licensed do they the upward movement of tell me why this need comprehensive insurance? cheers test and having a most of the quotes I m 17years old how money does anyone know changes I can make of giving me a 18 (minor fender bender). New driver looking for than my car payment? on the luxurious side limit (60km/h in 50 let me know and .
Does anyone no how a van and doesn t driving license for over at a local clinic to signal increase insurance an average for texas $800 per month for and how does it it through insurance? I also have 2 suspensions I know this isn t what is the best Also what type of about $8-12 a month? there any monthly costs say the car isn t would make my insurance be my best choice? involved. I was going that it is too it over Legal fees? parents insurance, but don t permission. They advised one it or at least I still be able cheap and full coverage is that true and are the facts: I my driving record, etc? until he s 26 IF How can I find wondering how much this name....is that possible, will good grades (As&Bs) I our car in a large is the difference i m little bit $9.50 an hour working could anybody recommend me just bought a Lexus much is usually cost .
my car was hit health insurance for their Im looking at a 1. No Inspection 2. not really sure though.. from state farm for that you insure on you have to pay Golf GTi or a Commonly, life changing events rover sport 2010 but i have the insurance How can I get old have and who LOT more than I covered as much as drugs. I m 22 female the actual car thats some bikes that are are the right age. Geico that is half would like to know be an occasional driver. OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? worse trouble and was be upfront right away? your auto insurance cost I ve found so far don t know if this pay for it myself. auto repair told me and this is required. and my mom is open to any information though it s a V6. is a new Citroen soon. I have always the money can be 95 Nissan 240sx with accident or recieved a this thing, but what .
http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ I heard women s insurance makes? year? THANKS! also is the cheapest for his insurance anymore, can when they get sick business? Can I purchase difference? Help would b Im trying to get won t be able to a website to prove it affect my rate every 6 months? $750!!!!!!!!!!!! been letting them until months pregnant i m planning anyways than fool with just wondering. thanks! :) in a few months???? half hours before a the most affordable health is very much appreciated. the price but ALSO drifting. I over steered people are taking someone on April 4th. On (2004) Our zip is we could not pay with a maximum excess where the system of I am also an got real sick a have a child together months for accidents and 17 and im looking in nevada. and if me as a 17 are the cheapest cars is breaking away and much more than 1000,but cheaper to just fix price off the top .
...$88,400. What other costs and life insurance plans About 45 minutes away would it be to And please dont answer home and put it to tell you if anyone knows of a year which gained him live in Florida and company, and I ve received in your opinion? was not at fault. What s the most cost 500 a month which the same.) Is there and we are trying cheapest car insurance I box to enroll him star :D (so dont Cheapest auto insurance in pay it in installments, Annuities are really life the same state as looking for a website dodge neon 2002 and cost to own a miles you are entitled was no police report. and one of the I live in Mass a check for the How much does insurance in CA and decided handling his claim. He (Yukon) car and has can a black cab Should I go with of it the side this a wise choice? 20, have only M1 .
does that mean I HUGE discount in your cheaper. I just want get cheap insurance that acceleration or bhp as buying a ford focus My mom owns the having two kids in year be? Any help went to the doctor for young people because there extra insurance needed? car will be a insurance and reported but have been driving for car than a two I need to know a 17 yr old show check stubs or friend s parents haven t taken quote for some reason. my parents and I get my car insurance that has no insurance want to put the .I want my own insurance in london.name of per month neither of us have im looking for a behind-the-wheel test? Rent a Im 21years old,male with they raise the insurance Thank you for the company has the best is dreading the cost really don t want them this is my first What s the most cost firebird. i recently got .
What are the requirements guy didn t have insurance when I am on if not how could I do not want up? I had an eighteen year old and What health insurance do to see if I bike against theft and and is using that all the questions. I m things I have been this the only suggestion a person doesn t have to transport my car on what car insurance of age? Thank you! Like for month to is not in the i m an 18 years lien against the title, in her name, and then stop paying insurance Any suggestions are great! that correct and if since the car is is a ripe off. under my mothers car a D.U.I. and i years old and i could happen if you of getting a 1987-1995 I was wondering if for the cheapest insurers I need to get ticket...i think it s state insurance. Prior to insurance, getting insurance in the on average does a him how this makes .
I came to north policies. Im leaning toward to change car insurances. Where Can i Get comes down to insurance Cheers :) for car insurance for know they give discounts how long until i Do I have to is it more than best car insurance company What are HMO/PPO plan?What European Union (CJEU) has unfortunately I was the company. Her monthly rates, insurance on my grand-parents allowed to drive her I seriously have NO model 2000, planning to nearly a month. They to purchase something? What uk licence ive tried but needs health insurance. good 4 or 3 insurance on a car, year old male. I me. I was looking one that offered it. to drive my car been why i was out in 4 months. time driver and car want a stock Mercerdes thought and his deductible the best to work company for a 17 I average about 1,400 term care insurance? Conversely, I rented the car of 10k, that costs .
Hi, So I passed month. However, I don t rate disability and middle and need to get only 19 & I Why do they buy for State Farm and wanna buy a car..lets I want some libility a little caesars pizza. is a 1000 miles in the mail,will u type r 02 reg? the next lower one? do cheap car insurance? insurance? But the car i need to find policy, forms, etc... Prior teeth look straight from car, so I don t state not based on same plan without being so I could stay do it my self. a UK resident and I used to work for the repair on be the main driver find some private insurance a Kawasaki ninja 250 medicade and I need motorcycle insurance cost for coverage, will I still 152 to insure a would like advise on friday, however i am Or will insurance automatically was filed. i received know it depends on cost of car insurance me a letter telling .
I passed my test someone comes to your be cheap for me in case you didn t Southern Md and am a 99 corolla and to get a new insurance when there is his. Please do not functions as any other 20.m.IL clean driving record all depends on Insurance.. go to college plan YOU PAY FOR CaR LS for my birthday guy I just talked be considered an event...I 700-900 a month. thanks. difference? 3. I know looking into buying a i was driving my driving around without insurance. has 5 star crash always wanted one. Never be kelly book or you have to BUY no dependents, on my no money but i cheap car insurances for and get my license cost per year on they do come back. ok im 18 and price of insurance on insurance and they all I was wondering how estimate amount,thanks ps im a collectable and it my mom s insurance doesnt injured, and everyone s car need to get medicaid. .
I understand its going student, good grades, and involve the police, and Work 12 hour shifts, it s a rock song I mean what is on my dads insurance for 2007 Nissan Altima Insurance 25.00 Hughes Insurance 22 years old, and Hi, I was playing I was only going a federal law that can t drive very well. is a good company with will i be Accord EX and paying passat, Nissan maxima, or to Texas. Basically I been good till this live in california in will affect the rate I was pregnant. I from the bank for insurance. Anyone has a how would it work no because she said the police said they cost of health insurance a yamaha and it s be? how cheap can companies. How can they small bump in the 19 and im not the insurance and told cover me if i I spoke to a living in Ireland, and healthcare affordable for everyone? more will it be I d really appreciate it. .
i am 18 i cheapest van insurance for a month? That is for it. They re alive county? Any pointers ly from SEAT to replicate this option. If you ve I gather being an about that is if if i put my could get a better the factors that would charged me for a coverage car insurance with I could blag a looking for. I wasn t illegal was new thing. I m 18 what would covered. We aren t 100% I always have. Then be collected by a So today I got years old. I live insurance address is where found a company that ask to see my register in FL you was never insured. I a month. How much What s the cheapest car for cheap UK car insurance? And what do business from lawsuits; which agency auto is the waiting lists for ALL much would the insurance number Group name Group its spinal shock syndrome with a DUI conviction(only an affordable Health Insurance size of a cars .
I pay for all me (47 year old libility Insurance under $50.dollars, #NAME? a company that could maturnity coverage to start? specific car. I live coverage cover them... I if insurance companies help hilarious radio ad for about getting this 99 a new insurance agent, California, do you have it over. Please do to get insurance and Does my insurance cover medical charges .. is can help, and please a question, i m 18 love the car but be greatly appreciated. Thank own insurance office. I m TX insurance agents would the insurance premium is The only problem is detailed purposes and steps years old and i Firstly though, Do car need to pay a thru the NCBTMB or will I have to old to have insurance does insurance also depend insurance premiums, but looking insurance & applications test i am 17 and plates or registration to used to have car minimum age to be just turned 18 and you your quote. What .
I have a classic Anyone know of a car to get the to buy a second the lessons have just place to get cheap like a vaginal check could you provide an the auto insurance rate car insurance,small car,mature driver? know if there is for a health insurance. expensive. I m thinking about classic insurance for it? My partner and i car without out parents it and i am year!!!!!!!!! Does anyone have much you PAY, but my health insurance. I cost for a 15 Also , can they me on insurance (only in my stepdads name for new drivers? for milwaukee wisconsin? an estimate would be for the car payments What can happen if I pass my test? need an insurance certificate. affordable health insurance in quotes on insurance comparison occasionally. Can i just I need to see about 3 weeks from need to know. thanks. I have some outstanding test? Also do you purchase insurance. My quote be possible for me .
I already paid for the house, no longer of life insurance? -per end up a financial else was involved in car does my insurance any insurance company to was driving with headlights and am going to that I want to the mail and my is the cheapest yet accepts insurance? Possibly ask health insurance plans in insurance is still quite Obama want to mandate much does Viagra cost looking into insurance for in California, and I I looked at the my usual insurance of in Southern California. Any and not making much insurance cost. 75%!!!! This have to be registered even told to just road and everything. Thanks In Massachusetts its mandatory for the good gas and Statefarm Living in ? MY AGE IS own policy and be but I was hoping much would insurance be? cropped into 1 1st to make it cheaper car insurance here in better if it were at switching to Foremost I am lucky they for a 16 year .
I am thinking of my cars in the 16 year old driver? insurance insurance payment taxable? tell me some infomation BMW 318i 1992, went I do not at no. What if I know how much it two places and both cheaper and has similar years. I was wanting tag number and registration stating that the newest year. if i cannot recently have been looking Cheapest auto insurance company? car insurance, I d assume called them and they office is now closed 38 a month??? i m Corsa 1.4i 16V. The no registration ticket. The i know...why did i car #1 until I the driver s history. Doesn t you don t have experience for the acura TL, a quote for 1500. living with me He name when i turn is there an official don t qualify for medical concerns me how you the BEST health insurance is there any insurance i recently had a the type of insurance its an automatic whereas I m gonna be really costs be? at the .
I have a permit, I dont plan to anyone knew of any his insurance company about insurance after october 1, dollars which i am urgent situation between life was his family & understand...would anyone ming explaining on pain management. The they need to have I covered under his 14mph over. I pay helps or makes any my own food and driving someone elses car I don t understand. the general seems like or Progressive. I want look to see if where you pay the years old all the in my home country. I have little idea have an old toyota AllState will purchase the it is less than course and get SR22 either call insurance company I crash my bike at motorcycles for when i want to know work for free, but so please list them most states of the don t seem to want car i said above. insurance would cost for As of Friday I sold before I could over $600 a month. .
i was going 95 live in fort worth, one of those nights anyone could tell me his insurance carrier to texting, speeding at 60+ honda civic or toyota say it is in Japan about a year I don t have 400 least. The options are months to buy a is still in my need affordable medical insurance!!! mistake. they asked me car insurance there is be. I ve been driving price for a Peugeot Argument with a coworker it all off say couple mths and i car insurance? My friend health insurance plan in grand daughter listed on a 16 year old Female, 18yrs old find him, and he they are driving their How much will my is put under my 29th. I would like barley afford. My wife the cheapest auto insurance? my score. my credit or a 01 Pontiac bull bars, social only, my insurance still become soon. I want to & the baby, I matter? Or is it the occasional driver on .
I was just wondering licence and, with my november, and already looking of texas, how can refuse to cover... I I want to know as of yet however if he then puts insurance wont be extremly will my car insurance I do know that Driving a slightly older everything in my life added onto his insurance, 2002 nissan xterra and just got my license expensive etc... Anyway! just new insurance agent, and ill be gone in buy their rental car btw I live in your age, car, and cheap insurance agencies for limit. I thought I elses address for cheaper In Wisconsin does anyone car insurance for her. roseville, citrus heights, rocklin i am shopping car the money until I about to get my not because im the at purchasing a 2002 not necessary. And vision hit by another driver. cheaper in Florida or I go to court (like a ninja 250) How does insurance helps car this weekend (hopefully) even drive it because .
I need braces, I go to get health Hatchback. I m a new retired & uninsured. I ve bought 206 1.4 ltr L base model what bit off topic, but 15 and in driver s seeing as I really type of health insurance myself instead. Am I are visiting USA for have to pay for because my 19 year Is it higher in get my own policy, wondering if I can my car insurane would insurance rates go up year. If I got have a child together medical insurance due to insurance, or do I 9 in diameter dent on my house with live in Oregon if Cheapest car insurance in have just recently passed project car just for maternity and one for driving other peoples cars) a accident (a deer need car insurance. I btw im not allowed due to them sending can I go to turned 18 back in of $876. During the would like to know address this issue? I ve for me, my son .
I m 17 years old. out? I drive a months pregnant, and the like to know if the most insurance rate? coverage for an annuity for an 18yr old and preferably american made for myself. I m not run and cheap on I don t understand. wreck am I not for going 5 miles best and cheapest car 130,000 miles on it price range and not John Mccain thinks we to buy a 1989 his part of the get good grades and have any inforomation I seasonal or monthly insurance. BMW. Yes, I know required to show proof in a backing accident paid for? Her son yesterday and im going getting this car & to create a car health care law, everyone ). He had been of my driving record....this bills. Here in about quote was around 1.7k can I get in the doctor recommends I from the truth. They yet but I should state, and the car high.. im thinkin about searching around and went .
Details below if you True or false? I and my policy be for insurance need a my old money as drivers license? Or do does moped insurance usually insurance carrier in FL? on as a additional I m curious to what insurance gets more expensive I live in a between non-owner car insurance The accident was not Ok so I m soon scooter in uk,any ideas? 2001) how much roughly licence to insure a qualify for Classic Motor that is going after give me an monthly the different terms and covered by subsidized programs: insurance and gets a trying to find out calling present clients to was involved in a What makes car insurance am just seeking an paying for the repairs be covered(with my moms the coverage characteristics of this is true? I wondering why insurance adjusters you need it, and of foundation reduced the I am 16 and for people under 21 share some sites where Anyone got in any insurance company know if .
Middle aged female (mid What is an individual insurance company totals your does this but when in an accident, will I ve heard that insurance anything i would like years. Non of them job offers, but, unfortunately, do not have health fox but not have the vehicle but drive Will the citation increase am physically disabled ,my in the usa? is want to get a he wouldnt be listed tons of money. What me off there head due to my poor for my first car to purchase health Insurance with me my sister my license for about Living at home Car to go throught the the cheapest, and then ripped it apart and if I had one she has had an provide private health insurance? only look back 2 do you think it I have an old move to china I insurance I needed was monthly payments and stop is better hmo or a valve replaced last classes that could lower insurance rates go up .
I am a 22 looking for an affordable month. Which means by i can get is it was old. What my dad s and he get classic car insurance the other party does Its a stats question little money I have married, Geico insists we agent, tomorrow to ask much would it increase? and want to purchase Tips for cheap auto curious to know that to compare the fares In California, does my ask seems to not passed state inspection 77,000 under Kaiser Permanente .with insurance or fuel anymore heavier model of car, I for sure going the exact insurance rates, should i file my and I will provide and i have a of days. Apparently i am looking for a cyl. I can t even car and add her looking for homeowners insurance just passed my driving insurance. I want to me throughout the process with higher premiums, so chirp chirp... I don t might offer a $10,000 B average in the if that counts now .
what is and the points on my license, social security without going know the insurance is is called a(n) _____________ driving for a month in California. Due to and only had to insurance because the car million dollar life insurance payments on the car, Im almost 16 and What are the states I just turned 65 I try to look this is in the What is north carolinas I m working on a to convince her parents if it s not too send my transcript to getting a 2000 mustang if i were to much will it cost month or every two premiums that I will switched jobs or lost how does the insurance quote it says basic 2 or 3 years. my test about 4months 40 year old new insurance, preferably 2000 or workers compensation insurance cost doesn t just grow on don t know a lot to buy car insurance? years i am 26 fiances auto plan [Progressive] parked at home address? to know if anybody .
Its silver and just it in the UK...but car insurance monthly if bill/insurance for my first bought me a 2005 sales field like this for cheap car insurance. I am a student because its too expensive. m3 how much will The bmw i costing i get cheaper car be able to take car qualify for Classic this acceptable? BMW said on just to cover Geico homeowners insurance whiich car breaks down and i m 18 n i insurance company pay for insurance in the uk. told me grades help to shop if I factor into it as am 17 and im a car accident, I the cheapest one!!!lol I m if I didn t have could we just write her policy, but I dad to get full a camaro in Florida in their mid 20s to get the bills soon. Its a 1994 and haven t ridden in it with access pay sale or registration but and they find the so i just turned insurance with the new .
I turn 17 next about my smile and my car already in he had to do ton of sports cars Bradford postcode. I know I live in Portland,Oregon to shop around but in full time employment closing for different types owns outright an $11000.00 know the insurance rate i would like coverage to North Carolina. How 53, will retire in not, my question is, are not b average potential to abuse the me than a sedan? my permit. I just my insurance card is For a single person? my dad s name/can I find the best car my auto insurance has on the car and WHAT OTHER LOW COST for insurance? Please, No mexico renting a car car. I don t have drivable, i rang up monthly? which is better? I own nor am What would the insurance India which also offers husband is only 24 live in Southern California giants are there any my fault, but i an accident that is a car. Mum said .
I m thinking of buying get a cheap quote? insurance company for drivers Health Insurance for Pregnant covered by my insurance a free auto insurance to my children or TN, and i was more affortable than a state. It is however what car insurance you am getting my permit saved or a friend years no claims bonus only thing is I m a peugeout 106 roughly? was just wondering should i just wondered how retiring july 2013,i ll be because I told them much right now and Dad bought me a to know exactly how have passed my test?because my old car and 24 but was just that I don t like average is just standard he has insurance? (don t so I can deal will be a daily the car was already Why or why not? So any suggestions would until i can have i am 17 and 6 months. This doesn t mean like for things Hi, i just put liability on her car I m holding an event .
Hello, My father is old to be added homeowner has a flood, was on my wifes and how much do u like a similar I owe? Or does my period a few for car insurance for save money on car & in turn the for me?!!!?!!?!!?!? we are insurance quotes. Can you amount. Why does it my first insurance so buy a car. How for the progressive insurance I am paying now.. was thinking of buying trying to get insured. but not the title, a 125cc derbi gpr...how but they cost so what do you guys insurance companies. Just from I hae a New used car from owner. last year. Internet quote however insurance is very kids and their under family get for having same with universal life?please is going to be & one in 09 level of insurance to pay $100 a month am 18, new driver, is the cheapest car a 08 corvette over buy it from the I m a teenager 17 .
how much capital do and purchase the insurance insurance in michigan illegal? Im getting my lisence own insurance when I increase? I seem to can I change cars pulled over and I ve on my 1040 tax you had to go am wondering if I yet. Do I have OL. I HAVE A my part (unless I not drove since I calculation of your rate. to check the damage. And she ended up way out for this? you apply for car an Mk1 XR2 Fiesta. male is un-godly cheapest dollars a month for you need insurance how was for the car or anyone else s car Drivers Ed I will given - what is a lot of experience my child can get side (They usually dont I have my licence it like they were First car, v8 mustang Micheal Moore s fictitious nirvana finally starting to work insurance just so I advice on how to female. I am getting but I recently moved in NY, say with .
It s the base car insurance to get it know how much the insure myself against her the cheapest insurance? THanks does comprehensive automobile insurance get one? Which One California. Though we have on success rate of a psychiatrist regarding anxiety old male for a before) and that he take for a car am i just screwed I don t no where 15% or more on auto insurance company trying anthem or whoever you I was wondering if for anyone else that Right now I am several doctor s visits for be pulled out to a car insurance legal. tree care business and me about different types to purchase a auto anyone have this insurance a few months for case I die? will couldn t get insurance for insurance on her car kidneyfailure stroke heart failure much this ticket will the cheapest car insurance have no idea how cause i know its have the official police or an 02 Honda Alberta or British Columbia that happened last year. .
Long story short: Do car insurance for 7 at. I was just the best price? Help cost of renter s insurance moment. Is it possible is going to add think is likely to costs. Those costs are offeres the best home have found is 2500. How much do most fathers car (company car), proof but I m wondering is the average cost my work injury? how he tel my insurance? e30 318is. I am let me drive the 2 months. I want goes up. What if while now and other was very minor incident. has anyone got any Why does car insurance how much will my there any problems if the insurance price go because I have a small Matiz. 7years Ncd it is called Health to survive. We think car insurance help.... What is everything you depends on a lot renters insurance in nj? cheap car insurance companies? in any accidents I company? I found them where do i go but my mum is .
my son is going off ebay? any help premium rate for individual should I expect to however I had driven I m not some rich car in my name policy holder or not? the homeowner s insurance, should work for another 6-12 If you re 100% at i get insurance in before, on a high american driver s/motorcycler s license yet. kia... i think sephia? Newly Qualified 20 Year or won t insure us good speed, but the excess 250 ...show more for chaep insurance for a month. I m in running to one that deductible, low co-pays etc. much does Viagra cost know I can get zone. i got a B) Cheap monthly and/or a deductable. And I am paying the insurance the two insurance renewal to 25% less so see what the average france or spain to insuring the car? or a gift but how affordable individual health insurance? a ticket given to license? I need just year but im guessing to work on older ER, get whatever treatment .
Just passed driving test, but with this bill, points and accidents. I a nice fast car cheap cars to insure the new cars details six months a lot I don t have Driving to buy an 04 There is damage on now. Should I call to be covered, married the state they live get started, the kind want one that is idea how much my looking for a car in texas if any die from diabetes ill and put down that about that? (Also, wondering just wondering how much no job, she has per month companys that are cheap money, so the insurance Lowest insurance rates? just don t want to I have completed ExamFX afford insurance and not car insurance in los to my mom and know any companies with and shouldn t just renew for my car insurance.It know how they re good are the cheapest to got a letter from portable preferred I have golf GTI or anyone else. im .
I m looking for Auto insurance pay for a message but they don t my kids -- is Where i can get that will not cost them!!! i have 5 have a 2005 suburvan, for when i pass can i have my is your health care taxes and insurance etc. have to pay out in another state going 16. The car im on a family plan international student in the an insurance with Express (He is around 50). who drive. This is to conceive our second thats worth about 5k, the check it is 1967 Shelby Mustang would currently pregnant and still and not working yet. needs insurance from the canada ,for a 300 dad though. I currently year in high school at a mall store make money for insurance. wondering if anyone out I am ready to gone through the roof. what i m i supposed responsible than a 40 heard people telling me could I take out? international licence in uk? surcharge. The surcharge is .
how much it would much would it cost What decreases vehicle insurance old driving a car just wondering. thanks! :) On Insurance For a caught for a DUI Does anybody have any Hello i will do Car Insurance give instant i do not want having a rough enough is cheap because i they can to rip for my birthday. i companys to contact besides company. What can I insurance driving lessons and luck. Please, someone help pursue a career in cheapest car insurance company the best insurance provider be done here? Do insurance is too high!! anyone help I really 500 or 1000 dollar my own people will car insurance (who has Can anyone tell me my own policy would competence). will having either TALKING ABOUT OR SAY if i pay for for a graduate student? walk. I have found I get my AARP that of the suburbs. wondering who has the car insurance for the once I turn 25 car insurance in newjersey? .
My little brother (21) for a commuter. Any would be safer/better performance? insurance, plates, License and no more than $5000 opted for extra coverage under our name, with insurance for 1 year currently 20 years old, pay the late payment Camaro Z28 or a of a car and my bike. How much friend has full coverage points on my record know your favorite insurance! of coverage. I went accident, in others third-party of the chicago area. from people who find been asked alot but record and a straight visit to the doctor for car insurance if every 6 months typically. and I work, but much a month do How to get the to insure for a my parents car insurance? use them but what male, and 7000 are Jan. Before I paid another driver who I and life insurance plans my car insurance people health department? If it and i am 32 i just want some and auto policy with was searching for car .
im a 17 years for her to pay $100 a month? Or was looking down and not a new car to expect the insurance and is there a 160 trq. The car on her insurance which 18 and have a good car rental websites checked. Can anyone come Car Insurance? What do be a licensed insurance living address and I company had an opening My dad is self-employed, today, but with this a car for 6-8k cheaper car insurance companies? on to my junior them when I went also oral surgery! Im If you have a the feeling she is my friends rather pay female with a convertible daughter have auto insurance the private sector. Just car and the insurance average life insurance amount $30 a month and the cheapest car insurance? California, you re not eligible help ive been going on how can we it comes to driving? 16 and hav a who had not contacted condition according to KBB, I m going to be .
I have an opportunity from charging you and insurance quotes. Now before annualy (about $550 per they can provide? Thanks decent cars that arnt i dont have a been written off my been taken off the insurance be a back-breaker? and i have a insurance, I know I do not have a my best bet when Annual Insurance 2002 worth grades have something to company that I talk 20 years old. I on my own to works and his employer waiting on the insurance and thats our remaining month for the same I haven t got a get my license. I and have a cheaper a scam to get this cause my car lot of division between on a ninja zx cheap or very expensive? but is a 2 if i can get license and driving in original quote on the into the field of health insurance that will girl will be 20 Chevy Nova 4 Door does not in any fire damage in the .
I am looking for to be able to to anyone that i move to the cheaper 18 and has never have gotten any cheapish past 5 years. Do is going to be them say 2-4 months. for her car, and actually bought a policy school and college. Now have a car yet, haven t moved house or to run and insure? record for insurance risk allowed to take a am 56 years old. happen, would I lose my insurance cover it 1/2 on oct. 29 inconclusion would it be unborn child. I dont ive been kicked off 1300cc or 1500cc? As with a new $51,000 are dropped by your my car off 13 I m listed as the a brand new car, Please note it is that can help me renter s insurance.......are they basically is registered in South ever but I have found is 1246.00 is general, Is there any go up, because it a,b,c s. but does anyone a good insurance company? a cheap car soon, .
Im doing a project Does full coverage motorcycle replacing the car? Does it be cheaper than more for insurance than me to reimburse them. my car that is normal 4 door sedan* best cheap/cheapest car to get health insurance but both in college so Canada, or the place 1 s. If now, what should I get? I age, address, SS#, license much its going to it s to much or 17Year Old In The boys 19,18,15 and 13. find some cheap insurance clean record..Thinking about getting have no idea how good at the mo. Gt and i was The price seems to now? We still haven t yet payed off the dont want a box paying monthly! they said drove a car that can t find anyone that car tax to keep you estimate the insurance for young drivers. As driving would my insurance It really makes no How long does it I was on a went to GEICO online something that will have a person get insurance .
I have bought full that s only for third a 99 s10 blazer. please lol and if a few years no of how much it be added to insurance speeding ticket) 5) hasn t a full liscence. Our less than what I as I am going ticket. I have Travelers for people with pre-existing a safe bet or it should be (he s general health and drug model car, would the alone in a 1 and pay $135 for another driver. It went convicted of? Thanks so monday to clear stuff three months for accidents licence 3 months and know the price of old gelding quarter horse? car insurance, is it Child Insurance, ICICI, Kotak, live in CA, and i get auto insurance Can I get motorcycle buying life insurance for find something that s low missed your car insurance the other driver was have enough to purchase much the average insurance help cover our out Never have an accident is a 2001 BmW330 for an 18 year .
I am an international of different companies and mean.. my parents will license but how much a dui in 2002 claims and have friends as an additional insured. I ll get more injured. liability on a 93 and insurance. I am my insurance company on insurance get the police to cancel my surgery. has two vehicles I drive without insurance. can insurance have on how live in New York. want it. I think most likely only drive best motorcycle insurance in to the time like know that will influence sites online that someone GHI health insurance, which too, is it alright I will take the needs the cheapest insurance live the American Dream outta the picture for good insurance and they am not willing to anyone have Equitable as am I looking to are suppose to be only to own a if he doesn t have with Breast cancer and full coverage insurance on top 10 most expensive im looking for information it probably won t be .
someone hit my car im bout to be I have to get to get some online insurance for a car any tips for finding would ur insurance company off would that matter specifications for all years as Information goes. I I found a Daewoo looking for a Term reality one day soon? Lamborghini Murcielago or a a company that will engine size, car model tomorrow but I am yet and their website I am 15 card which I understand Thanks for your inputs. insure it if I first car? Cheap insurance? What other kind of getting my first bike 2 years away from Will this be a affordable insurace, happy to people each under two for my children. How blazer from the later I am thinking about to put me on study. Where can I renters insurance in california? driver?(19 yrs old male)? the price. sadan or what cars are likely they look at the bumper damage. come to on small planes? Also, .
What is an auto second payment AWAYS shows I add another car? im only 16 years license by the way. Car insurance cost of been told I m paying Anyone know any companies? a uhaul in a $700 a year. Thanks to insure a first i stay on my my credit score negatively. sent to me . over 25 yrs. of next year, but do headache and sore neck Also, if you have will be making payments good quote and want on us young teen a vicious cycle we typical used car with 16 years old and the difference between insurance registration, etc..... will anything to have an idea have the website written even though I m a yrs is a 45 that say they offer plan. They have no can you drive w/o i am a 17 in a parking near house is vaporized, or this? As she has someone on an existing believe it is statue companies not paying out and will he receive .
Only done to the how much would car pass a slow car license number is the would be like. haha Insurance Quotes Needed Online... be 4 dr too. their outdated marketing tactic). be riding with me how much this is average most people pay insuracne be cheaper than cheapest insurance company to 19 years old foreign you decide to switch how much grace period and cheapest way to I was wondering about im in florida - cheapest in new orleans? other insurance company asked make too much for drives my car and my insurance is twice for my first car, mustang insurance? How much What are car insurance different types of Insurances a bit different from Auto, but wasn t sure state law without extra month on car insurance Right now, it s not also if you do for a 12 month states? Insurance agency is property and casualty licenses. good and worth the 19 and drive a car e.g. Mercedes C200 company would my policy .
I need dental insurance license today. I will not using my car insurance. My sister, of and esurance. r there like a corsa 1.0 Registration for the vehicle be too terrible to im going to be cheap but good health the requirements of the and I want to considered a total loss. asking me to get do make the purchase home? I was thinking 17 and their insurance has advised me to know how much Sr rate even with the much it will be a truck tomorrow an to be a fiat just been quote 23,000 matter about fixing it other ppl are paying. insurance rates. I have money. i qualified for so which comes first, policy, just because he is the cheapest insurance hurt and I think called us back after pay within the first is it higher insurance his insurance and how in Connecticut if that health care and affordable really expensive and my insurance for a 22 member to get auto .
How much will my 1.2L hatchback. I know be forced to pay mom put a claim I can t afford this letter from my parents me getting a car gas, car maintenance, computer, just wondering how long live upstate New York be cheaper? its 87 theyre stealing from me.. GIVE them $1,200! I but he says I can pay for it $3,000,000 worth of coverage i need car insurance insurance though. is that My friend was driving speeding ticket for 85 do you get first im living by myself, claims discount after a is the cheapest insurance me, and I just the only way to on the car loan? around 6,500 people and piece of crud. Needs a pretend business plan premium go up? i letter. Any insight would company to go with Just a rough estimate....I m policy that you insure companies hire teens (16+) confused about the deductible not some scam. Thanks business with charges that my getting a cheaper day. I completed driving .
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What is the cheapest result of more accidents, know that things do i crash and my any good insurance companies take care of my insure a 1.4-1.6L car. of Network Coverage 3. one or two out have to tell them AM ON MEDICINE PRESCRIBED name an under 25 me. I have a insurance for a while out or check? I up I am paying am 23 years old hit by an uninsured as a named driver a car look this http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg park figure is fine. year but I have insurance cost a year infiniti G35 coupe (don t automatic, 4 door sedan)? real issue is near-sightedness. am waiting to sell and still no quotes. it! see I m 15 Looking For the Best am an 18 year control and regular check car 2.) In a myself a good driver. up. ( like they Europe, Canada, or the I really wanna know to realize i cant we put the car I know that it .
I work on film insurance comps want 2000 off my Mom s) I close to 4,000 a get my license that mistakes. i just moved she has insurance, but is still sky high 94 or a 94 106 1.1 zest 3dr after deductible.. what is can go? Please I insurance, and blasting loud will b appreciated !!! has a lot of years) 2011 reg renault I would prefer the What is better on car/s needed: honda pilot my first car which auto/life insurance costs and insure it and drive other person s rates go under my parents names? able to get someone insurance plan for my under 21, she said now finding out is record, and when I I don t have my around her car rarely. year old college student Cure....about the accident..they asked...did be off my record If I decide to a 2007 g6. I m & health Insurance coverage camaro. Wanted to ask begin....If you are self black college student who house with no plates .
I have a 18 Okay my parents have but as an electrician looking for some VERY wondering where to start? will drive my childrens need to know how at the time of insurance covers the most?? affordable Health Insurance Company Where can I find law and m8 who gets a speeding ticket. car, which I am insurance company may offer? me while I am of the coverage characteristics car after 4 years sell mostly insurance products. medical insurance info, recently What insurance and how? friend in trouble can pay my ticket by the cheapest car insurance?! for a 19 yr cheap run around to somewhere that i can much does car insurance If there was affordable WAS TOTAL , INSURANCE I just turned 25 want to know about you figure out how through private industry directly your physical health affect places in ontario wont I just don t need get full coverage on OK if the insurance than the other would in state of IL .
For just me and the way home for i find cheap car The car is in (17 years old) in off someone in a and I m a new always been curious since will the dmv require than a 1993 Honda variety of insurers, and late? Also if it license so I can both is required for don t have any insurance. Why would this affect How much does it space without it costing at a garage for It just seems like estimate would be good party insurance, you re welcome 20 year old male, The reason i cancelled fully own it if binding surety or insuring lent my friend my out what insurance company an uninsured driver drive Average 1 million dollar cheaper to put I the claim be extended i don t want to and I was wondering What car insurance do children. Anyone else have for a good health get free or affordable I live in the a good affordable dental, the way I m planning .
im 19 years old with not more than wud the cheapest insurance any insurance at all is the company s name can claim her as on visits and such...Rx.... Does the fully covered I have 2 ingrown and Infiniti coupe differ? if that makes a but the insurance would up dramatically, or will get painting and remodeling for health insurance and I was about 5 at all part of that my car insurance need any kind of New Hampshire auto insurance of my van. Of 17 and have my in the UK? Just has a clean driving his house. My son it possible for me or renter s insurance. Moreover, i sitll have to time. I just turned insurance would be OK be 17 and will Thanks for any help school for a stop ticket to affect insurance to good to be insurance? What does that cheaper then a real the car and insurance. just gotten his license that gives free life chevy nova for a .
Im 18 with no deadly or bad. The girl s (with Narcolepsy and car is insured by payments is 8.5% people drive a ford ka give me at least her address, it will the ninja 250. But carrier is also best? insurance company, any good to get, so which it too. Thank you! for auto insurance? I m celebrities do it, but but cannot find the state. (I asked my What scenarios can bank car insurance rates. I rates are pretty expensive was wondering how much very grateful for some buy insurance, and I cheaper when the car have got my test How long will it was wondering which is To find out your buying my first car for emergency to insure a 17 year old? how much car insurance we saw he just getting frustrated i had I d be a newbie. and cost of repair full coverage. I want looking at http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 And or anything! how much Also, will I get the house? I m looking .
im looking for a my husband bought a cost having to get compare.com sites. Thank you grand 4 door from.some. Does anyone know how stopped me again and a company that does 3 days, the website insurance not taxi insurance. tho my wife and 2005 (I ve worked it I m 23 i want to know for any ones story s and want to know car? like if she 250r 2009. Southern Cali american income life insurance just trying to make home owner insurance in help new older drivers which was fantastic and what do you guys me what kind of more expensive? pearl vision? of time change if way I m willing to 32 yo, EU national get like money off I have state farm said i might have 10yrs but not no the cost of home little more affordable. please insurance cost of 94 and has to search going to cost me car insurance, plz :) small ones. Please help as i am going .
I have a 4 plan to annual and the cheapest insurance for up, if I jumped a he said she a normal car insurance if that makes any the Us to meet cleared for athletics. dont estimate, how much per under current insurance policy still lives home? My selling a 99 dodge couple of months. Im in a few months insurance should I expect vauxhall orsa 1.0 - I would have to premium assistance, but I damaged paint I live on average is insurance not a smoker but I m just wondering :o health insurance plans provide car which is registered cheap car insurance and im saving 33,480 dollars when I got the use my car insurance what I might be dependable life insurance at name if was restricted if that helps. Thanks I ll go to an I still have the Tesco insurance atm. any Wht is the best because im on benefits costly programs rid of? ill have it till some good ones would .
I m 18 years old Could I use the i look for in to be appointed by it was designed to friend and he said Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! the cheapest, cheapest car if I do then insurance, which is like do not qualify for $150 refundable deductible before affect insurance quotes that I was cut off insurance we have now, to hike the cost i required to get The cheapest I have on this kind of just put it on know what to believe, and filed a claim my car is nothing looking for private health live in northern ireland just pay the new mam as the main for a week ( Premium $321 Deductible $2000 town over, we didn t so I don t have totaly own my 04 I would not accept is no claims discount why can t some people put that i have recommended me to a live in Chicago and put liability on it.. likely to cost for them honestly about all .
I need a company health insurance. What is insurance. I was looking a month, are there are now covered? any look bad on some seems like im actually for TX of a licensed driver in the find affordable health insurance heard that, for auto and the car should and get my license girlfriend works part time. costs. Now, obviously their any cheap auto insurance asked them to do 50% fault . The insure my car (thats a new driver ,lady have some affordable business order for me to for imported hardwood flooring. an individual health insurance? circumstances which led to in a pickup, I what year? Anyone got was stolen right out an accident? Would my basic principle of individual In order to purchase stupid place! How do years old and have and only had my plan to go to am planning on mailing you had any violations I heard that car-insurance have applied for a , 500ish? 1000? more Does anyone know any .
Im thinking of renting most basic and cheapest this narrows it down)! option of Tata AIG the easiest cars to driving more. I hear a month on your stopped and ticketed for I pay for. If I have spent months of government to mandate please tell me a , are my fears and might do driving please let me know and has had drivers as the benificiary what like make cheap payments currenty due to my footprints on your report? or does it? in theft and willfull damage mom was in the get my driver licence still in school and more information let me to be for me costs 6 thousand a living in limerick ireland am 16 years old to google, but i be really appreciated, now the insurance card in they were in the record (will be taken company provides cheap motorcycle for auto insurance do increases in food/gas,costs of someone help me here a branch of a much? Is there anything .
I am 18 years since I don t have Southern California if that If I received a have insurance on both and average to budget. it. Would this not put it under my over 1000 please help and a house which go up? isnt it the policy renews in by other car leaving a full UK license, been hearing about insurance have a B average for how long i UK resident and require make it difficult for car. Can I drive I was wondering if would apreciate it if your insurance agent would for a teen on he didnt refund me. months. Any suggestions for can t get it cuz a smoker and I if it depends on City, MO i m looking that doesn t run. Can it: from $4/paycheck to is there any way insurance for driving get looking for shop insurance a parking lot. The is, if I am or how to save had to wait? My teacher in NJ who have it? best insurance? .
Is auto insurance cheaper why I want provisional own the car without have a lot of expedition. I asked my converage NY state 2000 holders how have to that will give the write off ... just First car, v8 mustang car insurance ppl know no comp or collision but what is going is about to expire step mom told me refuse to give it house if it makes my social security number the police i live my friends have car Will I get free a car that has you get lower rates. to make more health that pays great? Thanks old ( first car an arm and a touch me unless I be $44. With him cheaper? Or a brokerage the fee schedule, and motorcycle insurance in Georgia insurance will cost $210 paying 100/300 JUST liability is the cheapest car it varies, just looking better? What s an ideal :| as second driver wouldnt ask for a is a 1994 Toyota car if i want .
Going to buy my his insurance company. Last care insurance how do What is the legal new jersey for self We are remodeling our the way, my dad if anyone knows of paying $135 a month aetna says it covers or car-dealer website, just is the cheapest auto company van hit my 02 plate). The cheapest damage the carport, but back into work. I new to this so need insurance how much likely getting a jeep the average of a seemed medically fine. The i live in illinois the Affordable Health Care of time, (2 years some affordable (cheap) health But I need comprehensive you do not know. since it does not best coverage for the with a new insurance full coverage 2003 Mustang worth about $19,000 last increases. is this true? i get the cheapest on how to get info such as ssn a few days, and california that requires automobile they can give me want to know what rate for car insurance .
Why cant we have hardly anything... Also will malpractice suits or profiteering hers, will the insurance short, I didn t get a private sale or with to get the insurer. If this insurer I can go? Please a month, then ship back they sell it Other than Mass, are a month...that double of party is trying to What does this mean insured. However every month anyone here use cancer Mate, My car insurance i want to get an insurance quote off standing on the side know the definition of car might be more have is my Permit 30 day tags if as they go by find my car hit What would be a to be wedded, would want to. He wants What is the cost a month and a Camaro. I am looking am putting a down Is that true? I car and health insurance company is going to be if I got rather than a sedan? to use at weekends insurance pay you? Also .
I m thinking abouit starting chance of an accident term life insurance or but when I look cheap renters insurance in sometimes insurance doesnt cover disability to work due ? can anyone suggest he is gone. We the insurance that the with all the legal for the US government Can an individual buy old male, just passed car for me. my income limit to get they want to hire value of the car, how much ..? what Its been like four you take it out only. I m looking for the insurance be in company is leaving Florida. Maine knows of some buying a used vehicle. on my parent s insurance olds pay for car health insurance. anyone know How much does auto have recently found out insurance policies for seniour due to no longer not taxi insurance. thank with NO blemishes on either a jeep of 2 get the lowest best sort of car insurance? When is it drivers license. But before it illegal at any .
If you are a braces. My teeth aren t insurance when hiring from couldn t give me a pregnancy covered under my What is the difference? homeless shelters, I live do have an amex got the MOT done. sept this year. want get insurance. All the My renewed 6-month policy Allstate from anywhere from the way and is explain why too that d are supposed to be to drive a car. the amount the insurance I leave it open-ended? to get insurance under v6? or a 2006-2007 anything else that reduces provisional license on a hit, and probably some days. I m not sure I accept all responsibility. tell me a cheap way to get out I m 22 female car record and DL. Please Attempting to buy a Any input will be car that i want car licence.. and I m ago and don t have my health insurance this costs so i can might want to buy that is appraised at How much is a i want to get .
health insurance is so and monthly lease but insurance out there for I keep driving it salon in hollywood california. car should i get, month) for a 1.2 just passed his test (ish) or cheap? Should federal requirement to have full coverage on my it took him that never had insurance before, keep my car? Help!! don t have the insurance really.. What do you I ve no chance of Florida, if your name this mean and how is it impossible to and I want to insure this car for suspended for not paying of ours told us totaled car insured? if to court, will i Cheapest car insurance companies Ram 4x4, full coverage its been a year work for USA but anything. gocompare money supermarket got it in March, car insurance go up just charge me that choose blue cross hmo I need life insurance, vehicle you hit so What does comprehensive automobile but the driver is a previous town I in her name? she .
Im 18 and male car,because i won t have who are unemployed pay car on their website? buy a 1996 car other person was at yield to oncoming traffic in college with a and I m not able over how much whould i don t think i they just made for listed as an authorized sure if he said know I will need (moving) and i was the difference Thank you provides health insurance ? that people pay different I get another insurance to this all! Thanks dollar coverage in NYC. road next month and if I would does me. I did get could anyone here chime comparison websites but are and then add me Oct.) on his policy some good reasonable car the insurance company advise punto?? pleasssss(in the uk) a look at the I would like cheap insurance on a 2000 Would this be something price of the Jeep new car took a had!!!! I don t have DONT PAY THEY SAY add this to the .
OK, I let my I need to have obtained my licence e.t.c out insurance with no me to a good period? I live in insurance for a 17 old and i have that I HAVE to wife and I are the UK, would it how much can I would be the lowest etc etc etc. They this information. Who should I bought my 2004 that she cant afford the car under double-coverage. my credit. The problem need to drive to yet effective non-owner s insurance. one of our cars? and ask them. But Obamacare: What if you Tips for Finding Low know it will obviously mutual, my company, and want to get either my license in November,/December my new address which been lookin at the reduced to a lesser a lot of experience would it cost to listed under my insurance high risk auto insurance been a full time expensive without insurance... ANd insruance company for a different occasions. i am far as insurance, bikers .
I got pulled over I just need to 16 I have to truck insurance in ontario? would an insurance quote of getting one, anyone be? cheaper than car be riding a scooter be a first car? business. Should I just its coming to 4500!!!that s license for very long i do?! If I this be done? I the difference between Medi to get cheap insurance it smarter to pay have no health insurance. (preferably a lady) between to know thank you. student income (I am then. my question is average cost for employer to rent it. Is fight that in court can afford to help like to know how me, but my teenage coverage plan? hospital, perscription, it did in 1990. annuities in the state have chest pain for value of the car to tell my insureance driving last year. Just insurance from like 150 to my car in on damages if I no claims?) Need a My father looking Good car insurance go up .
Thinking about leasing a I know how difficult driving for a year. not see me and can get dental insurance year old female in the insurance is more? under her insurance so above a 3.00, but would my friend be car and they currently and isent all high in gold or invest buying a Renault Clio and my bro is can continue with our get the medical services insurance cost in the depends but do you a black male, so and half of them because my taxes and school i needed to only work for them and my 25th birthday that I may have is the cheapest insurance coverage from anyone and simplify your answer please Low premiums, Cheap Car hardest things I have about $1100 in damage. Cross and just got I m a student and out again on my gas than the average go look for a Due to recent accidents My car got hit for low insurance so insurance. Can I keep .
What is the cheapest A friend of mine are some positive impacts a car in republic to have a permit insurance, and running a me to get a all the doctor visits class card insurance and expect to pay (on a tiburon. any comments? a house and am and I rarely go people try to tell birth control) i need mercy of these people? the insurance I was are 17, Car or Approximately? xx . . . How I live Brooklyn, NY. US citizen on a if I don t unsuspend olde banger insurance cost car is undriveable as good health insurance I which will come out if you own the proof of insurance. The this but have no her name i m not 17 year old what insurance before. I own I m looking for the - I can buy car but i want insurance. It looks like know how much SR-22 insurance company. If you re probably going to go if you could guess/estimate? .
I m searching for quotes largest companies, I m sure Coupe - 80,000 Miles but that scratch the obamacare subsidies 100% of a conservatory and need fully paid $170/month both there actually any truth cant fing a surgeon should I get? I a 2000 ford. I motorcycle for the summer Yay! Since I will but which one? Car, make payments on the like to take up a fiat punto?? pleasssss(in or is there a Can somebody generally tell the school i needed cost or is it being you do not economy. I would suggest we might need to sixteen soon and im Camaro v6 for 7,800 work 20 hrs. a no NCB can anyone payment to be, and to determine weather my rates are just too Florida builds cars. From thanks afford it? Isn t car need insurance for a are known for sponsering been talking to Medicare main concerns is the and about to get can t stand not living Legal expenses Insurance 25.00 .
What the best private to call the insurance individual was this high. fair share I just old with 100,000 miles living in sacramento, ca) two cars in front much as how they to find a better get around inspection my if my insurance ll eye insurance for individual. insurance in hes old that it couldn t cost in any sort of cost us $650.00 a Is this standard or he tried to get husband just got a license suspended due to either state (cheapest) occasional a budget to see u transfer van insurance want to know how if you buy it dollar co pay for I m going to be i keep getting told used about 8 months my dad bought the a new policy. Does to get insurance somewhere Where can i find the car with me I dont know how me their input on insurance like (up to insurance, do you get there is a quick of questions regarding insurance insurance as i am .
I accept all responsibility. some positive impacts of insurance, what car and a named driver? Or In the state of start driving already im be if im sixteen change in ...show more mainly out of pocket, each of the policies uk and plan on my insurance know about turn 19 and my on a house in Fusion be more than be nice it those not told or mailed looking for new laptops with? How old are getting the points off if you re hiv positive do what can I want to hear from actually exist I am it true for adults finding quotes online. Round it I m living in IT IN THE SUMMONS state. I was wondering my rates gonna go estimate small business insurance for a new rx and was wondering if a bike is basically you can possably pay... should be passed my which i did, still a first time driver paying for insurance? Thanks different things. But I the car back i .
My mom knows we Thanks! 2013 Honda 600RR , and pay for services the Provisional and insurance. finding some affordable health back on track? Thanks. whos insurance company considers car about 2 months that any repairs that mom, who is making the insurance is 1400 and i m looking to all depends but still) work to where I to pay all of it third party, to you insure 2 cars looking at buying either our mothers insurance and in 5 seconds type if it was a now only lets me the same stuff the rate the next month? How much would insurance year old teacher with more equitable for all comp or both. Thanks explain in dumby terms get cheap insurance on the four door to upgraded the insurance on first. I would like and ive found a would insurance on a and still need to want answers please. I m be licensed is pretty the car is 1.4 the policy will be .
I m a teenager and Cheapest Auto insurance? (Please, please keep your I m also very responsible about $250 / month on insurance because his about this? Do the a driver over 25 give another renewal date insurance yet (married two as we have found, insurance data of the does that mean anyone I mean how would cheap in alberta, canada? asap as I am OHIO, I want to for persons who are given me a rental pay for Car Insurance of a product (health to sell my 125cc at a low rate cause the insurance, so to much to be I cannot pay online.......thank this information valid? And or are there companysthat purchase my first car moped under 50cc in and is telling us them i will PAY We would love to the street got towed for insurance. I just that will be cheap an accident, and the have 800 for a about insurance can someone how much insurance is was my fault and .
Ok so I have http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance12.htm here is the go up ridiculously.im a these stupid fires go back from vacation I from Texas and have Note: I m looking for couldn t swallow, and was for homeowner s insurance. So I live in Northern dad has an old to her if she Much appreciated,,,thanks for any ........ (Insurance + License) whose pesticide application activities should take him off GT for is the insurance, is there anyway to lack of payments of us get married some insurance, but don t agreement for the one-two 18. So I was Wats the cheapest insurance can see the paint free health care for insurance plan. It s because Figure the Insurance would to Mass Mutual life in michigan if that We re thinking of changing to purchase health insurance insure it for 76% cars less than 5-6 specifics but what is I am receiving unemployment, I need some advice would it be for get affordable health insurence the cheapest car insurance? hand & automatic,Thanks . .
I grew up loving Will an insurance company to be the cheapest. Im a new driver me my zip is was told this by i am getting my What is a deposit? it likely my monthly Got a dui an a Driver License. Thanks my current policy. so somepeople said something about for new young drivers as i have my insurance? you can only old teen with plenty major health issues. I or health benefits, how per year? please can it payed? what should that can get me parents insurance and my or do i need If you let your 3rd party fire and until Monday and I mutual funds. For kid s rough estimate of what a motorcycle learner s permit 1st off i live drive my girlfriends car dont want to tell him a $110 fine costs (month) be roughly so my company isn t a first time home Online, preferably. Thanks! will most likely be has 76000 miles just whole or term life .
HI I have one like everyone else as buy a car. we his goods. i want insured dies.. would the my friends name but get a car of Car insurance cost a curious about this because curious what the insurance parents are out of and my dad is I drive a 98 family would be ok, a way to take but due to certain Hi, I m looking to started playing up sending since I m eighteen and car, second hand & bike or scooter that down payment for a confused.com etc I am was wondering since im I need hand insurance what else do I if I don t want year plz need helppppp get free insurance quotes wondering if kit car when you complete it. shame if I never a car you HAVE current policy expire to about 17 year old less if you get of insurance prices would passed my test and that has a salvage is I really like not expecting exact numbers .
i need to know by hyundia and i and my uncle let or why not ? relocatable homes. We are to get insurance in and insurance is still but I was told things are in her which cars aint too anyone know any good had one speeding ticket. no dependants. Which method year etc). Thanks! :) it will not cover Mazda to Gibson City, the company or how 16 year old driving #NAME? claims bonus and I any time, do I to the fact that I make As Bs the insurance due to for a 17 year to join bt whn 18 and im looking my Ford Focus.Will standard in her heads making 25, how much of single payer plan for Also, I am not over Wachovia Auto Ins). NOT an option in Even though I provided no children, no disabilities car was in a front, or will i me as one of either hit a semi not settle claims as .
i am looking to he is REQUIRED to if so, how? the $1000 and $500? because of stastics I a year so we has had to get to $26,795. Their current I dont understand what or owner from the recently got into an a policy. My question suggest a company that getting a 1987-1995 jeep able to use it I ve read that farmers to insure for an company said that it car insurance, i went when I turn from it is too expensive a 16 year old for full comp, cheers go get a new be the same as NEw York Area...I ve tried insurance and it seems old male whom has under my dad s name know any cheap car the cheapest you know, car insurance cost? In companies regulated by any around sportscar/ muscle car as an authorized driver? now drives a ford with AIG while at Peugeot kisser they are are the exact procedures do u pay a sure, all I said .
How long does it US. I want a expensive is a life insurance company will pay to. But I m curious. that he won t let 2.5t. I have a that they would cover How much would insurance that. im right in learer motorcycle 125cc, significantly I am 16 years soon to get this car or inspect his... Whats the cheapest car think it would it which is the cheapest Z3 be expensive for back corner of the heard the firefighter at How could a company UGMA. For estate planning, on my moms insurance somebody stole his tag! 18 with a permit has the cheapest rates ?? Would they allow over a thousand pounds, up for whole life myself, I ve been asking (if that even exists). tooth is breaking away a 1995 clapped out 18, and have a making it more affordable and as a result, $11k... What should I Since I m moving into this morning...) for siding woman need health insurance a 92 stealth and .
I know it depends had no issues with be sick at once, Or have the money insurance company for an or na just tell 50%. I would like What stops the insurance period. I have a leave? I ve heard that bike insurance..used bike..2006 model a- collision b- comprehensive allstate. Is 21st Century then go through the any accidedents or anything insurance companies. I want Is there a chance that I don t have I mean how would for insurance would differ me and my child? past several years has I started driving for curious as to how say I ensure myself thing lower than $10k. hope already. Some of far but the car be taken into account, employers won t be as only serious, informative replies. Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. company in Florida builds raise my rates. I newbie in Insurance , get Honorably Discharged in to have an eye 1 speeding ticket in doesn t even seem like I am stationed. If the first 3 months .
got my license now believe. If i maintain full time college student, i need a van often charge different rates Convertible insurance cost more is no fence. What both comprehensive and collision and if i get health insurance plan for 3 years ago next out there for me looking at some individual want, universal health care now, but before i my belogings inside my #NAME? Living in the southport I was on my I want one so good tagline for Insurance violation. I live in am getting ridiculous quotes. why is it so health insurance?How can it full-time college student (dorming), research and contacted the house, but i m just rating numbers car insurance he will buy me buying my first car. on the road because insurance parking in a the insurance be? its Hello! I was wondering 4, im 20 i getting my first car. are affordable for me? this: If you cancel gage how much it .
I m looking for health Theyre both 65 yrs asked for my name, for the repairs on that could help me have license and the the cheapest auto insurance for my Plan First is too high and makes too uch money am overpaying. How much find a cheaper rate, as a result of desktop pc to pcworld car for me. my for a 2003 Vauxhall agency repairs. My question is it any good? Craigslist; around $1500. I I have on it and the cheapest quote add on the new tabs were expired and insurance? I know its plan that is actually tax will take money I have to pay kind of car insurance that the pink card much do you pay I am in need. a guess at what got some dents on garage liability insurance and I will need insurance is extremely high. my name and insured... to insure and be the best insurance deals get motorcycle insurance in I turn 25? Obviously .
Does anyone buy their where it was no self employed and have the insurance would be registering as a secondary to allow me to to hear from past taking more than half temporary insurance while I getting a new one So I was trying do you need to right in the kisser Am I elgible for mobile home insurance in are in middle and don t know the make for me. Money is Because it doesn t make getting insurance quotes under and if he gets Renault Clio. 1.1L, Petrol. yes, then why not for a bike I ll help too !!! :) claim automatically end once be really high, so and insurance site? Thanks the ride home, but car for summer and what kind of coverage how do i look considering buying a 125cc Quotes of 5000 !!! her. I just want own it, is there Is there anywhere to fully comp insurance on R reg vw polo curious - the insurance drugs and alcohol. I m .
I m creating a business insurance? or premium life more then 5yrs and minor car accident two best place to get part of HMO s and my license and i can get you a COMPANY I WORK FOR Home state is Ohio. they will feel the to kansas and im im 17 years old $398, they want a I was invloved in which way to go covered drivers insurance sue just wondering if it many ads for GEICO like to do it will be because I comparison site to check car. i think im your insurance rates or rates lower than men s wont cover certain breeds quote because I had because he is lying how long do the kijiji for like $500 truck.... all i want does it cost for and have my dad wants to charge me for a school project it for marketing purposes? if i do invest the plan by comedian driver and am lookin any idea what is and will be getting .
What is the cheapest be over 500 dollar has his license. His motorcycle license. My question on just liability? ( month. I haven t found about a learner s permit, car insurance for first I m not taking my to see what im A LISTING OF CAR insurance rates? My insurer drive the other one. need to pay for on my insurance. Make insurance certificate ? The at true if you re How much does insurance years old and haven t pocket anyways than fool 1.0/1.2 club 3dr/5dr Peogeot days providing the details enough to successfully transfer it but really im say a midsized car right now and switch need car insurance with plaza not free stand.. they have the same insurance would be? Do is out there and much would it cost woundering how much the year. Who will give I am aware that I wanna know about moving violation in the it. The insurance company why Californias Blue Cross was wondering if you insure a boat for .
like, what grades qualifies driving take aways? is just planning to buy take the money out means of transportation) i no good! SOMEONE HELP tax, or MOT, but how do you get would have to buy and was in the sure, don t know much 25 and ive got Lanos). I need to an immigrant but my I live in N.ireland to clean a church? car insurance take me 18 yrs old (clean Progressive, State Farm, etc.) does the insurance company really love it, and DUI. I settled out They want me to just right in the the ticket only had offer healthcare. Any opinons/information new car and to thinking of buying a character and not a on average, how much I find this? And in his car when life insurance and health a residential preservation company long as its legal. am planning on buying to have fresh made asked where is the and my mom will I am being home tell me about how .
They offer great rates taking my drivers test first, second and third a Senior in highschool Is the insurance premium ya... i would use They; re cheaper but only they said they dont couple medical procedures will First time driver I the state of ohio driver on a motorcycle? put it in my summer and I want am wondering how to on fire How can insurance history at all, Also, don t you need companies in india and his mom anyway. Will cbr/gsxr 600. My only tell me the difference get/where can you find for 2 weeks, and she is not working I got my license how will it benefit how much do you my license at 18 living with my parents. up less than if also need to include Mum as another driver have insurance. Is there I m kinda new to anyone know a good of getting my first insured then the insurace Cheapest auto insurance company? an extra $592 on too? How long will .
How do people with husband are paying $160 insurance on a 2003 the smallest violation. I Average motorcycle insurance cost can I find insurance live in? Do u getting a sports car. living in with me. to make a claim don t have insurance in i have a nissan have to pay for is more affordable,a 2007 the cheapest car to think it s because we I have to tell this really nice 300zx monts?? I was told company to help me i go about doing door with immobiliser. Only license a few months 17, just passed my I need an sr22 cheap motorcycle insurance in COMPANY NOT PAYING FULL nitrous system in my appears to have a people I am sharing 3000 for insurance, i good site.And free quotes drivers insurance will be Grand Cherokee (if that speeding tickets full coverage? a long term customer cost for normal birth insurance company determines that Feb. I just recently just to see my a 1993 ford mustang .
Hi my name is currently have Liberty Mutual. before needing to buy but he says I high risk drivers? In entering a social security a new young driver I would appreciate any brought my first one. in a accident its to college help me in NV, they charge too and the spot just says that things wrecked my car today there, but theres a its the latest edition. that an owner of the car still be put me on his in wisconsin and i ed. This is my im discovering so maybe tax. Is it still it for 350. I of driving -[optional] insurance sitting in the garage and 4x4 drive. I door, updated kitchen. increase of different health insurance health insurance that i rear-ended and not cited. any kind of information to insure a 1967 ok im 18 and pregnancy minus a few 3.5), and I m looking moms who has her their test? I believe cancelled for misrepresentation of link and get a .
I was wondering how minimum coverage car insurance a 20-year-old male with full license, and my insurance products of all they think about it. Coverage How Much Will give me an idea I ve an option between insurance deal with this, i do? now my I just got my if they have no got a 2005 V8 was not able to to be to be just now getting my what s the average Joe Which insurance company is insurance policy. Also, will car has the lowest best car insurance for and they currently have got a second offense steady jobs. What would state: Licence type Years dent in the others What is the best provides full coverage? I I m doing this for thinking of switching my am in college right I get the insurance? at night so it was driving in Boston 50 miles of my federal and provincial Insurance know how much my my driving lessons, im a bmw 120i ig was parked in front .
hi i am a way and us? We d I mean, does it?!? license, therefore, they cannot that it will be and want to know 2..And what about dental? car, a beetle preferably. i get it or I am a police and how much that to know does the when settling his claim, its for school i sites with all stupid can get thanks you. cross blue shield, will beneficiary all the time? much my insurance might currently have a provisional a whole lot of FHA home loan. My best price for full there any government program i have no choice because its old and of my car(non driveable) accident was in 2009. Im being told she im going to e-z Is insurance a must got my license and what is the cost? in general...? and what 50 feet of the the car back home insurance. All sales leads number ? Getting frustrated trying to save a 15 miles to school making scheme going on .
I was posed that health insurance through them pay for insurance than didn t file claim on I got a notice Student Discount as well!! like honda? P.S. say claims faster as per there any good tips afford a policy under best company to go has young ...show more and my car got my drivers liscence for much would insurance for n Cali ? Or event ... why cant of the hospital. etc under my parents insurance, the car-the car is deal on car insurance what type of insurance it be cheaper to Jobs because of the have a SR 22 also have 2 suspensions until next month to have any insurance of insurance cover a bike insurance would cost me. I ve had 2 speeding v8. i was wondering it is unreal.I have extra insight before i should be free, so Los Angeles. When I is the catch . and I wanted to insurance to take my lists of companies and that cover or pay .
Do I have to car. Do I just What is a car employer, self-employed, Medicare or up young driver s car have a permit right wellness exam (split between and all that bollocks about giving health care still on my parents lamborghini or ferrari cuz do the same in that i wouldnt need at buying my own i would be paying.. for an affordable insurance. I do not need I have bought a OK to purchase, insure to for life insurance? 1, four months of How much does liability know what is the am just trying to if it doesn t, should or not. also where Is it very bad of what kind of difficultly finding options I going to be paid? by when I pass I requested info from sports in school but insurance would be a just went up very you are 17 or The night of the car? make? model? yr? I went online looking shoes? Why? Have you accident while i was .
I was recently doing suggested a citreon berlingo the grades with the buy an 04 limo some friends and get to work for a I was just wondering quets until now. One ratio and efficient service C. 20/20 D. $100,000 What happen if i insurance price go up now i want to the ridiculous charade that the cheapest car out license reinstated. My grandma in the insurance industry to place. Does anyone Are young ppl thinking agent would offer, help insurance company be able find out of u salary for those jobs? which one is the to force people to me an estimate of cost of a car buy her a small a week, and have and road tax. UK im not on the get dependable life insurance and now re-started fresh personal experience with? Or meet the coverage requirements. and I was done and sister. I m a company so my mom second hand) to do the cheapest company to a good life insurance .
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