#maybe im delulu for that one but :c i think i just have so much anger towards her cuz of this
yuinou · 1 year
i swear i am not a crazy gf but i hate when people flirt with my bf knowing he is dating me like r u ok in the head
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artwithoutblood · 10 months
erebus finds a locket of two lovers belonging to aeron in his room.
and afflicted finds a vial of a strange liquid in genesis' room.
why are they all there? it almost seems like aeron purposefully places or hides them in those places but why would they do that in the first place, considering those are extremely important items to them. was it a trap? a bait, maybe?
but yet again, a bait for what exactly? it might be me just overthinking face expressions however aeron seemed suprised themselves when you bring the vial to them. it may all be a role, perhaps an excuse to bring the afflicted to that painting room but i dont quite think thats the plan in here.
in both limerence and awb's demo, aeron mentions that they would never lie to us. im gonna be honest with you, i trust them with that. they may be unstable, violent and so on albeit they speak their thoughts out, mostly unfiltered. if they want to hurt you, they say it out loud. they dont lie about it. just like how they promise to be nicer with the knives in limerence.
in that case, considering they wouldnt lie about their feelings, they might not be the one to put those items in these places. the question is, who did then?
when i first played the demo i actually thought genesis put the vial in there on purpose. he seems suspicious about the whole thing. he is scared of aeron, however he might also be scared because afflicted found something he was trying to hide.
the thing that doesnt make sense is not if genny hid it or not. its the question that how did aeron not notice it before us? they see everything in a 50 meter raidus, yes? have they not been in genny's area before, or at least when the vial was still in that spot? how did they not see it?
if genesis hid it, aeron would have seen it eventually.
if aeron hid it, well... i dont think they did.
silas couldnt have done it. no one knows where he is, at least in the alphas and the bitchless trio. i dont think he would somehow decide to come back just to play with aeron's belongings and leave.
im not even going to mention erebus. that little omega-snake is too busy to play hide and seek with aeron's possessions i believe.
we dont know anything about them yet but... what if Samir is the one behind all this? they said they wouldnt let aeron play with afflicted's head with their delulus for that long in that one ask. i dont think anyone from the trio would have the ability to do that, let alone balls to say it. whoever they are, they're probably not that frightened of aeron. not as much as the getting-divorced-everyday couple at least.
what would Samir get from this though?
aeron's problem that balances out delusion is how...forgetful they are? it's like when you're looking for a specific object, and even though you see it and it's right in front of you, you don't see it? those aren't necessarily objects that they're looking for right now. they're seeing things, but they aren't caring. their focus is on other stuff. blind spots, in a way.
aeron could've put them there. one of the objects you find is around their neck, later in their "backrooms" route: a vial of blood, gifted to them by a past lover. that's the theme with each of these objects.
if you collect all of the objects through all of the routes (there are multiple in each), which are accompanied by peeks into character memories, you can unlock a special ending for aeron. this means the recommended playing order is erebus -> genesis -> aeron. though you can play aeron's first and come back or do it in any order you want. so, they play a story purpose and as a difficulty purpose: each object collected increases your corruption stats. the bottle will get a new memories "cutscene" in the full release.
they're correct. they wouldn't lie to you. they feel that there is no neee. they're blunt. any "lie" is just them not revealing information, not necessarily to deceive you but out of nature.
genesis is scared of aeron, not because of what aeron is capable of doing to genesis, but of what aeron is capable of doing to themselves.
i'm glad you say erebus and genesis get together and get divorced every day. that's basically their relationship.
samir is too shy to do this.
it could be someone else, it could be someone in front of us.
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notafunkiller · 9 days
im going to uni next week and im gonna miss the drama.
man i cant believe that people drag u into this, that person clearly couldnt differentiate ‘opinion’, also u were talking abt the sexualisation (ffs someone else did it too b4 subtract the aw part BCS SOME OF U R DESPERATE?!! ITS THERE! I GET IT BUT TONE DOWN UR HORNINESS) and then they goes and ss abt smth different that isnt related to prove a point that what? that u r actually the one who is delulu? a hater? problematic? pish-posh
but saying aw should kill some of ‘them’ is not? is that an act of courageous?u don spout shits like that. idfc joke or not, killing is NOT a topic for ‘joke’ and also idfc if that person ‘deserves’ to be killed bcs peoples life is not in our hands. its not ours to take. u r encouraging killing. simply dont like/ hate, solution >> kill. absolutely nope . immoral. i get the urge to defend ur celebrity but there r other ways to handle it. also do not justify ur mistake
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and brother this is no cult, its called a group bcs isnt that what happens now with seb stan fandom? couple group, pr group, hate group, delulu group, only seb group. its a broken fandom.
also wanna know something shocking? YOU are the one whos getting worked up over this. plot twist right? u know theres a button called report or block right? u can do that, or u can just idk simply comment but then u have to come here to this page, missing the ACTUAL point of the message, take unrelated stuffs and making a scene out of it. OFC SHE IS DISSAPPOINTED, SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT A BUT THEN U GO AND TALK ABT B AND C
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you dismissed her opinion, twisting it around and when she express her feelings, u make it sound like she is the one who is problematic whilst u r problematic as well. u all r pussies for opinion apparently. sorry.
everyone has opinion AND ITS FINE (as long as u respect others as well) - u dont have to make an argument abt it (but be aware to use ur words carefully bcs as much as u don agree w it some people are really sensitive bcs they WANT U TO FOLLOW THEIR FUCKING OPINION) , read the fucking post before u take action, think before u type/post, do not doxx people posts (i swear to god do not fucking spread misinformation), ur feelings/opinion are valid its just the matter of how u express them.
notafunkillah, dragostea mea, i hope u r ok (u see that romanian i tried, idk if its even correct but i tried)
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Firstly, good luck at UNI! You'll need patience, rest and full attention. You can do thissss!
Secondly, it's so weird that people do not read in context and think quoting someone indirectly and misunderstanding maybe on purpose = showing maturity and support.
Everyone here is free to share their opinions as long as they are respectful. That's the beauty... being different but being able to have a normal conversation.
Sexualizing someoen, talking about such personal topics (as kids or marriage) in a sexual way is not fun (especially bc most of the tines it's not a joke). I won't even talk about how you can talk about death like thay and then call it slang.
Thridly, thank you! It was right, you made me smile 🤎
dragostea mea or iubirea mea means my love
Hugs to you and I hope you'll have the greatest day/evening/night💙💙💙
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