#maybe in my next post i will talk some ghosts after 8 ep i have some more thoughts
occasionally-victor · 10 months
some quick designs for sl!Mumbo lives (since hes already. yknow.)
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Ok, so, the first thing - my sl!Mumbo is not exactly... alive. Not fully. He's somewhere on a line between "alive person" and "straight up ghost". He's still very corporeal until he isn't.
Why? Well, maybe putting a barely healed both mentally AND physically (especially physically actually, have you seen that scar on his chest? it's still bleeding) guy back in the thing that fucked him up that badly is not really the best idea (but did they had another choice? well, that's a thing for a separate post that i maybe someday will make).
So, on green life - sl!Mumbo is mostly okay actually. By okay i mean not showing the whole "kinda dead" thing. Others might have noticed couple of glitches around him (but ignored because maybe its just eyes playing tricks), and he himself might found his hand sometimes phasing through one occasional block - but that's okay really.
But here's the catch - any emotional disturbance might bring that ghost-ness out. The glitches are barely ignorable, and even the voice gets all weird on par with visuals. And if the disturbance is strong - well, the mind would cloud anyway, here's its just even stronger.
Yellow life sl!Mumbo after dying still kept that level of disturbance as right before the death. In fact, it's really was more about circumstances of death rather the death itself (the ghost part of his existence prevents him from feeling the pain from damage. It feels weird for him, and maybe that's somehow related to him always putting himself in easily-to-get-damaged situations because holy theres a lot actually why whyyy). The glitches on him are constant, but still weak. He phases through stuff more often as well.
Red life sl!Mumbo is in fact, basically a ghost. Corporeal, but well, not for long amirite. Even his movements were weird - it felt more unnatural in a "someone who's not used to human body possessed that human body" way and instead of running it looked like he was basically throwing himself forward. The glitches both on body and in voice are very noticeable, and his body was also engulfed in a weird black cloud (it's also comes from eyes and mouth, and that actually isn't really related to the whole ghost thing - it's more about the thing i headcanon Mumbo cubito in general, idk i have a post about it somewhere, i ain't finding it now). And, well, he also has burn marks from lava, no need to explain this one i hope.
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animalluvr999 · 3 years
Willex Week: Music Day
*crashes through wall* I’m sorry did someone say it’s Music Day???? my time has come
Yes hello I have a Willex playlist that is 7.5 hrs long and I don’t regret it one bit
It is also 64% Taylor Swift songs (which is honestly less than I expected so that’s something)
I’m gonna explain my whole thought process behind it (because it has a ~narrative~) under the cut
Ok so we start out with songs that I feel describe/follow their canon relationship. Enchanted/Everything Has Changed is when they meet, Fearless is when they scream in the museum, and for Delicate through Starlight they’re at the HGC (ep 5). You get the idea. Forever & Always and Haunted are specifically when Alex is angrily drumming (right before the Chemistry Scene, ep 7)]. Afterglow is the start of ep 8 [special mention: Rewrite The Stars (with Alex as Zac Efron and Willie as Zendaya) happens at “I still would’ve followed you” (3:12 in the song is when Alex gets jolted)]. Don’t Want an Ending is their last conversation (in ep 9).
Then we get into Sad Willie Hours (which is in between canon and post-canon). (true pain is imagining Cornelia Street as a sad song)
And then we get into the whole narrative I have constructed in order to tie the playlist together. A narrative consisting of 100 songs. (It’s not clownery if they’re in love)
This Love: Alex comes back! The topic of so, so many fanfics. They finally start dating! I’m not exactly sure of the timing here, but relatively soon after they start dating they both panic and get worried that they’re too “messed up” for a relationship (Alex’s anxiety, Willie’s Caleb-owns-his-soul problem). They don’t break up, they assure each other that it’ll be okay, but that definitely introduces some doubt? I guess? Which sets us up for our next plot point...
Now or Never: ok so the next plot point in this narrative is that Caleb is defeated (? or at least is no longer going after Julie and the boys) and the band is signed for a tour. Alex and Willie talk, Alex suggests maybe they take a break since either long-distance or dating while touring is gonna be hard and Willie deserves to get to be free rather than have to follow the crazy schedules of touring. And maybe Alex kind of wants to tour with his band and be there for them rather than constantly running away to be with Willie. Plus with the whole “are you sure you wanna date me” (see peace) both of them agree that maybe taking a break is for the best, and if they wanna get back together when tour is over then they can. 
And then it’s time for Sad Willie Hours part 2 (me: I love Willie, my happy sunshine boi. Evil Kermit: make Willex break up so that you can have Come Back... Be Here in your playlist)
it’s time to go: so Willie’s just been moping around LA for a couple... days? weeks? Who knows, that’s for you to decide. But he finally decides to head off to NYC in order to have some fun, maybe try to get over Alex and go sightseeing or whatever. And essentially he has a whole Hot Girl Summer moment.
Stay Beautiful, Superstar, and Superman: Willie realizes he’s definitely not getting over Alex, but he’s just gonna chill and have fun and admire Alex from afar. He’ll be patient and wait until tour ends.
The Way I Loved You: now we get Alex POV. He is definitely missing Willie, but has maybe also found someone? But he isn’t feeling it, he wishes Willie would spontaneously come and ask for him back or something. Which Willie does! (betty) 
Then they get back together. Are there 13 songs that all revolve around “they get back together” (as in fit within the conversation of ‘I want to get back together with you’ and the emotions associated with that convo)? Yes. Am I going to change that? No.
From here (Call It What You Want) to the end of the playlist, they just get to vibe (and by vibe I mean be happy and in love)!!! Not a whole lot to explain here. 
(other than two semi-out-of-place clumps:
So It Goes, Come & Get It, and Don’t Blame Me are there because I have a pole-dancing au where Willie dances to them and I couldn’t not include them oops
seven and It’s Nice To Have a Friend: so I read a songfic of seven so now it’s a Willex song for me so I couldn’t not include it so I put INTHaF with it so that these two songs could vibe as an AU for my AU, but INTHaF could also just be them as ghosts rather than a childhood-friends to lovers thing. Idk just let me have my songs))
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0ceanoflight · 4 years
My thoughts on Gaya Sa Pelikula now that I've watched all 8 eps.
Cause I need to write down my thoughts and Twitter's character limit just isn't enough so thank you tumblr. This is gonna be a rant
Also, just wanna say this is from the point of view of a gay trans masc enby, aka me.
First impression
Gaya Sa Pelikula is just.... Wow. It's hard to describe. I originally watched it cause some moots on Twitter kept talking about it and they recommended it to me. It doesn't take much for me to watch a gay show, so of course I checked it out. At the time I think maybe 2-3 eps were out.
I knew nothing about the plot. I had no expectations for it. Just hoping it didn't have any problematic stuff in it, hopefully some cute stuff, same as any other gay show. It was just some show to watch to pass the time. I was wrong. It's so much more than just a good show. It's rare for me to get THIS emotionally invested into a show.
From the first ep I thought "Oh, this is pretty realistic lol. I've said stuff like this", referring to Vlad's lines. That continued as I watched the remaining available eps. Later my moots mentioned that it was written by a gay man and I understood right away. GSP is a gay show with the intention of being very realistic. It wasn't just gay for entertainment's sake. It was gay for the sake for real gay people.
The characters are so well written. They are flawed. They're not perfect. They all have their own struggles that you wouldn't know until you sat down and talked to them. Their lines and personalities are real. They feel real. I've met people like that. I have friends like that. I see myself in them. Also the acting is incredible. Really brought it to the next level.
The Music
A golden sound track. Every song just fit. It felt like the songs were made for that scene. The lyrics, the vibe. There were so many times when I thought that lyrics perfectly fit the scene in a way that would make me connect even more to what was happening. Really couldn't have been better. 10/10.
The visuals and plot devices
The way everything seems to have a purpose. Everything seems to be interconnected. There were so many things that were mentioned earlier in the episode, or I'm previous episodes that you originally didn't fully understand, then they would come back and suddenly *mindblown*.
The lines in the first prom dancing scene in the first ep. The ghost stories (still blows my mind). Vlad not liking his hair being touch which wasn't explained till later. The keychain. The theme song test. The movie they were watching about the imaginary beach (I forgot the name). The reason behind Judit's seemingly fake/weird ally speeches. The reason why Karl always seemed so stiff and awkward. The closet. The orca. The remote. Ect.
All of that came back later in the show and added so much depth. The metaphors used seemed to almost add extra explainations. Like... they didn't just give more layers of complexity, but it gave us a stronger understanding of what was going on. Or at least it made it more emotional. Idk. I was just one of he people who read posts of others dissecting the show cause I'm not as good. Lol.
Also there were beautiful scenes visually. Karl's dance scene. Beautiful. The film scenes outside, looked gorgeous. The use of mirrors and the TV. Great. Awesome
There were a lot of things I connected to.
Vlad's lines like I mentioned above were among the first. I've personally said or thought very similar things. Or even those exact things. I was actually shocked at first. By how real that felt for me.
Vlad being lonely, but faking it. Aha. I'm an introvert, and people know it. As much as I need space, I get lonely very easily as well. And friends online sometimes aren't enough. It's not the same as having someone there. With covid, and the fact that all of my friends live far away or are normally too busy to meet up, I very rarely am actually with friends. It almost hurts tbh. Especially since I'm a very affectionate person. Also the gay yearning hours are real and powerful.
Karl's dance scene, letting out the inner femininity. So I'm a bit different. I never came out as gay. I'm a gay trans guy. People already knew, or assumed, I liked men. However I did have the struggle of inner femininity. I hated fem things up until I was maybe 15-16, maybe almost 17. I didn't know why I hated it, I just did. Clearly now I know why. However my evolution to being a fem guy from hating fem things happened around the same time as discovering I'm not actually a girl. It was confusing 3 years (yes it took me about 3 years to piece everything together, a bit longer to settle). My point is, once I opened up to fem things, it was beautiful. It really really was. I felt more comfortable. I felt freer. I went from "ew makeup, skirts, leggings, pink. I hate it". To wearing makeup, wearing leggings, liking pink, often painting my nails. I've worn pretty short shorts with a loose t-shirt and a cardigan. Peak fem. Felt great. I want to wear a skirt, but I'm too afraid to do that. I may feel better with being fem, but society is still society and I might get looks cause "wtf, a man wearing a skirt?". Maybe one day. Uhhh anyways. The times I've grown to become more fem felt like how watching Karl dance felt like. Just like that.
Karl's struggle with his sexuality. Ok again I can't relate on the gay part, cause my coming out was coming out at trans. However yea. That was an adventure. I remember being so confused in 8th grade & 9th grade. God that was.... something. At first I thought I just wanted to be more tomboyish, more androgynous. So I found androgynous girls with short hair and said "I want this". Everyone was confused. My friends said "is there a reason you cut your hair so short?". I was afraid of that question. At the time I didn't know why I was so afraid. I don't remember exactly what I said, but tbh I was pretty defensive. Of course I later realized why I felt that way. I remember finally figuring things out after I settled into knowing I was trans, I didn't know how to come out. I couldn't say it directly. In fact, I never did. To my friends I just said "he/him, they/them pronouns" when asked at events, and of course they knew, but didn't ask more. In fact one friend found out cause I wrote "agender" on a form cause he looked over my shoulder. For my family... I just dropped a big hint, and they understood something was up. I wasn't able to explain it well then either. It took another 2-3 months till I couldn't take it anymore and did my best to explain it better so they would take it seriously. I was afraid. I couldn't say it directly. I actually didn't come out to my my high school. I was too afraid. I had friends who were out and I was jealous. I was jealous of their bravery. Same as Karl to Vlad. I was out to friends, but couldn't be open in the real world, much like Karl. I was only out within the space of the GSA, and of the local lgbt center. That was my "apartment". It was only until after i graduated where I promised myself I would live my real self.
The prom dance scene. I missed my high school's prom too. I wasn't brave enough to wear a suit. That would be like coming out and I wasn't ready. So I missed that. I wouldn't have been able to be open of course. I went to the senior dinner. I guess that was the start of me trying to be open. I went in a suit. Tailored men's dress pants too. I went with friends.
Wanting to write my own stories. That's a big one isn't it? I never really do see myself in films or tv. An autistic mentally ill gay trans masc enby? Yea, not a thing. Not a popular role in hollywood, will never be. I'm not a writer, I wanted to be as a kid, I was going to go to uni for writing, but I'm not really good enough for that. I really really do want to see more of myself in media. I wish I could be able to create such things for other people as well. Cause things like Gaya Sa Pelikula are truly magical. It literally made me cry whenever something I related to happened.
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bunnymcbunnister · 4 years
SPN Season 15 Spoiler Sheet, update 9/12
I waited until filming was over to post. Hopefully we will get some interviews in this next month before the show starts airing again. We also usually get episode an synopsis two weeks before airing and photos one week before airing, on Fridays. 
DISCLAIMER: This is gathered info from various sources. This is not confirmed information. Stuff in this WILL be wrong. Don’t take this too seriously. This is for fun. Also, if you use this info for another publication, please let me know as a courtesy. Don’t be a dick. It's all out there, but it hurts to see my same phrasing on other publications after all the work I’ve done to consolidate it…  
General Info (oldest to newest). This is a blend of pre-COVID and post COVID, so some might change. 
They are adding a whole extra day to filming to do the final scene. They will film the final scene last.  (Implies logistics- lots of returning people?) PRE COVID SPOILER  This no longer seems to be the case. 
In an interview, Kripe indicated that the series ending would have “peace” for Sam and Dean
Not much new at the TCA’s, but it was said it is “unlikely” Jeffery Dean Morgan will be back since his last appearance was such a good end note. There were some jokes about a Castiel spin off. 
There will be a special tribute ep airing the same day as the finale
Misha will be in 15 out of 20 episodes this season (he’s missed 3 so far and I suspect will miss 14. Not sure about 16, unclear about 19/20). 
Cas’ deal with the Empty may come up later in the season. 
Jack will be a critical part of the ending of the show
Dean and Amara’s connection will be explored
There will be a bunker themed episode (MarySue article)- episode 14
In one of his cookbook interviews, Misha used the word “we” several times when talking about the final scene of Supernatural. He said that would be the last scene they shoot. It seemed to imply that he was in the scene, but that could be open to interpretation. 
JaxCon/Vegas Con spoilers: 
Misha said the ending was “happier than he expected” but also had some sadness. He later used “sad and redemptive”
Misha mentioned that Claire will be mentioned on the show, but as of yet not appear. 
Dean says the line “stop killing my people” (to god?)
Jensen said he doesn’t see how the story could continue past this season, but Jared said its more of “a see you later”
Misha confirmed he’s in the final scene, but he also indicated he had one week of filming left (total?) PRE COVID SPOILER
Al Cal posted a pic of a “thrown away” call sheet that seem to indicate Micheal, Lucifer, and a character named “Betty” interacting in the bunker. Unclear as to the validity, could be from 19 based on the casting. 
There will be a flashback episode
Charlie (original flavor) will return
Filming will resume on Aug 18th. Per Canadian policy, they must quarantine for two weeks. Those quarantining seems to include:
Fairly Clear: Jared, Jensen, Jake Abel (Micheal), Rob Benedict (Chuck/God) Mark Pelligrino (Lucifer), Al Cal (didn't need to quarantine, but he is definitely on set), Jim Beaver (Bobby)
Unclear/Rumored: Misha (he is being deliberately cagey), Osric Chau (Kevin- but likely for another project, he was a week ahead of everyone else) 
Reasons Unlikely: Sam Smith (chemo treatment), Kim Rhodes (working at a camp during quarantine), Ruth Connell (she kept posting from Malibu the whole time)
No idea: Shoshannah Stern 
Jensen said sp 19 is more of a season finale, while 20 is a series finale. Repeated in interviews/livestreams. 
Megan Fitz. complimented both Dabb’s and Glynn’s writing on twitter. Not sure if it is in reference to rewrites or the special retrospective that is planned. 
Jensen indicated that the ending did change per COVID protocols. Unclear how much.
Misha is being very, very cagey about where he is. Some live streams seem to indicate he is not at home, but he has yet to confirm- his presence in 19/20 is hard to track. In an interview with Metaverse, he was in bed in a hotel looking space and you could see mountains in the background. He was not on set for the first week of filming, so he could be a week behind. He was at home on the last day of filming.
Misha has thrown around the words “final”  and “what he <Misha> would have wanted” per Cas’ ending. “Sad/Proud” and “poignant” were also used. 
The final episodes will premier October 8th. The finale will air Nov 19th in conjunction with an hour long special. 
A trailer was released on 8/27. Scenes included:
A moving speech from Sam to Dean
(Possibly from 18) A teary conversation between Dean and Cas
Injured Dean being helped by Cas in the bunker
Jack breaking some cuffs/bring thrown into a wall/saying he has to kill god
Dean and his grenade launcher and a purple nightgown 
Sam in a sweater vest getting a gun from under a pillow
A glimpse of a body with “Lust” written above it/a matronly woman (I think the villain from 14) saying “Boys”
Ghose Dean? Little Sam cutting off a hand
Some intermixed scenes from past episodes
A second trailer was released on 8/31. Scenes included:
A monologue from Billie about god coming to destroy the planet plus her banging on a bunker door (with her hand all gooey) and striking someone with her sythe
Jack continuing his speech about killing god but expanding that he has a ritual to do
Lots of red danger lights in the bunker/ 3 people getting tossed around in the bunker/Chuck in the bunker
Chuck saying he doesn't believe Sam and Dean can kill him
Young Sam and not ghost Young dean
Dean angrily driving the Impala then saying “its time”
Cas drawing his blade in front of an old truck to protect someone in a suit (Jack? I cant tell)
More Dean tears
A surprise appearance from Bobby
Some of the same scenes as before
Episode 15x14
Title: Last Holiday
OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: MAKING UP FOR LOST TIME – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) discover a wood nymph (guest star Meagan Fey) living in the bunker who is determined to protect her family, at any cost. Eduardo Sanchez directed the episode written by Jeremy Adams (#1514). 
Written by: Jeremy Adams
Director: Eduardo Sanchez
Filming Dates:1/15- 1/24
Airdate: unknown- October 8th
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? eh… I don't think so Jack ? yes
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha mentioned being at an airport the first day of filming, maybe he’ll miss this one
The director shared a BTS shot with AlCal’s chair in the background. He also posted on that looked like the statues in hell. Lots of filming at the bunker. A few impala shots were shared as well. 
In an EW article, a mysterious woman gives Sam and Dean every holiday they ever missed. Based on the title, I’m guessing this!
 Episode 15x15
Title: Gimme Shelter
Written by: ?? Davy Perez???? They seem to be keeping it under wraps for some reason
Director: Matt Cohen
Filming Dates: 1/27-2/5
Airdate: unknown. October 15th?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ?yes  Jack ? Yes
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info:
There was some filming done at the crossroads with only Misha. 
Alex and Misha filmed together
It seems as if J2 didn’t film at all the first week, Misha filmed six or seven days, this is a Cas centric ep
Episode 15x16
Title: Drag Me Away (From You)
Written by: Megan Fitzmartin
Director: Amyn Kaderali
Filming Dates: 2/6-2/17
Airdate: October 22nd?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? I think so… briefly? Jack ? not sure either. 
Guest stars: IMDB credits Lisa Berry (Billie/Death)
Other Spoilers/info:
Alex got a cast of his face around the filming of this- so this ep or the one after
Looks like we get Dean in a robe!
They filmed at Rooster’s Sunrise Hotel for 3 days/nights
This might be the flashback ep
Episode 15x17
Title: Unity
Written by: Meredith Gylnn
Director: Catrion McKenzie
Filming Dates: 2/19-2/28
Airdate: Oct 29th?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? yes Jack ? yes
Guest stars: Rob benedict and Emily Sparrow
Other Spoilers/info:
Chuck and Amara trailers were seen on set when filming in a garden
Jensen was in NOLA Friday, possible Monday
“Uriel” was around for filming (Post COVID update: Misha seemed to indicate that this was because the actor was nearby filming? Not sure if this is to cover up the spoiler or the truth)
Alex and Jensen filmed in the impala
Episode 15x18
Title: The Truth
Written by: BOBO
Director: Speight
Filming Dates: 3/2--3/11
Airdate: Nov 5th?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? yes Jack ? yes
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha and Alex filmed near the impala. J2 showed up later that night. This was the source of the “last time they all filmed on set” photo)
An really emotional scene was filmed with Misha and Jensen. Jared was definitely not there, but Alex was on the flight they took with Rich, so its possible he was too. This was revealed at a con in which the four of them were on a plane that had an in-flight problem.
Filming watchers saw a bro hug
Tape Ball posted a shot of field that looks like were dean came back from hell
Misha indicated this was his “favorite episode” in a recent interview
Episode 15x19
Title: Inherit the Earth
Written by: bucklelimg
Director: John Showalter
Filming Dates:: 3/12-3/23/cancelled for COVID and then 8/18-8/27??
Airdate: Nov 12th
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? unknown Jack ? yes
Guest stars: Jake Abel (Micheal), Mark Pelligrino (Lucifer) 
Other Spoilers/info:
Production shut down as a precaution for coronavirus on 3/13, two days into filming. It is scheduled to start again on Aug 18th. 
Jensen indicated there might be some re-writes for this ep to account for COVID protocols.
When they started filming, they indicated they were on day two. So maybe they could only use some of the scenes they shot? Then they added an extra day all called it day 9. COVID protocols makes things take longer 
AlCal was definitely on set. 
Jake Abel is definitely on set, and he posted an instagram story with his trailer and Lucifer’s (Mark Pelligrino)
Some filming was done at a gas station called Showalter’s (name of the director) with Jared, Jensen, and Alex
Jake “Spoiler King” Abel filmed a video showing chairs for Jared, Jensen, and Alex as well as Rob Benedict (Chuck/God). They were filming near a lake with a mountain view (that looked similar to where Cas died in season 13)
Rob Benedict posted it was his last day in Vancouver, indicating we won't see Chuck past this episode? Or very very briefly in 20? Jake Abel posted a similar message, also baiting fans about Misha’s whereabouts 
Scene “28” took several days and seemed to go across both 19 and 20? So they might have done some combo filming?
 Episode 15x20
Title: Carry On
Written by: Dabb
Director: Bob Singer
Filming Dates: 8/28- 9/10  
Airdate: November 19th
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? maaaaybe? Jack ? maaaaybe?
Guest stars: Jim Beaver
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha is in the final scene, per pre COVID interviews. I think this changed after COVID. 
Jensen indicated filming would take two weeks, longer than usual (looks like a 9 day shoot, with a day off for Labor Day)
According to Superwiki, 9/3 was the last day on the bunker set, the final days are on location. 
Scene “28” took several days and seemed to go across both 19 and 20? So they might have done some combo filming?
Filming locations seemed to include a barn (pic with a stunt guy showed wooden walls and straw) and a lake (not the mountain lake from 19). Filming signs spotted at Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. 
Jim Beaver confirmed his appearance on Twitter
There was a pic of J2 with baby on a bridge. Baby had her original plates. They seem to be wearing the same clothes they were in the pilot. There may be grey (??) In their hair, but that could be lighting
Misha posted some creation videos, saying he had been on an impromptu camping trip. He was back in his house. They were posted on the last day of filming and he had pretty decent scruff. He also mentioned that is was the last day of filming and he wasn't up there. 
The show officially wrapped at 6:25 on 9/10
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happymetalgirl · 4 years
March 2020
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Wow, March seems like such a bygone era, time doesn’t mean anything anymore with so much turned upside down (especially in the music industry) in the throes of the pandemic going on right now. One of those things was me losing my punctuality with this blog. While I haven’t been on top of my writing, I have certainly been listening as much as ever, with plenty to talk about this month, so better late than never I suppose. Here are the albums I listened to during March.
Code Orange - Underneath
I just wrote about the Pittsburgh metalcore juggernauts’ highly anticipated fourth full-length, but I’ll summarize again what led me say that Underneath is a good album, but not as good as the breakthrough album whose high bar this album was always going to have a hard time clearing. The band go all in on the industrial elements that accented Forever on Underneath, as well as push their luck on the more melodic, alternative metal-oriented hardcore tracks, which came with some growing pains, the latter more than the former. And I really think that they probably are just growing pains with the band getting more comfortable with this expansion of their sound, which (contrary to what the many zealous 10/10 reviews are saying) I think the band will get significantly better with if they keep this trajectory going into their next album.
Body Count - Carnivore
I really have tried to focus on the positive aspects of Body Count’s music, the fearless, topical, confrontational lyricism and the capacity the band has to generate a good hardcore breakdown, but the band really do seem to be unable to get out of this one-dimensional rut they’re stuck in, with Carnivore simply a few shovels deeper in. The band’s appeal tires very quickly with Ice-T’s recycling of lyrical themes and his band’s repetitions of generic hardcore tropes. They come through with a few moments of intensity, a sick breakdown or two, but the positive, hopeful moments are too few and far between. I would think that with not a whole lot of competition and a hip hop icon behind the microphone that Body Count would have the capacity to do more for rap metalcore, but they seem stuck in a cycle I do respect the stances Body Count takes against injustice, and I want them to be a more prominent, important voice in metal, but they have some climbing to do to get there.
My Dying Bride - The Ghost of Orion
The grand masters of gothic death-doom don’t ever really steer too far off course, rather they sometimes just take their foot off the gas, as they do on The Ghost of Orion. It has all the elements of any beautifully melancholic My Dying Bride album; the slow and burgeoning guitars, the downtrodden vocal melodies juxtaposed with bursts of growled anguish, and the melodrama of vibrato-laden strings; but it’s all arranged and conjured without much tangible passion or pain. That’s by the standard of the band’s pretty solid discography though, so with that considered, it’s by no means a terrible death-doom album, it just won’t be converting anybody or getting anyone more excited about My Dying Bride and death-doom.
Warp Chamber - Implements of Excruciation
Brutal death metal can often seem pretty one-dimensional, and it often is, but in the hands of a band who really has the ambition to make more of it than just some guttural rumblings from all the instruments involved, the genre can really take on a wholy new monstrous form, its horrific, deathly instrumentation heightened by the melody and the compositional nuance that a competent band can bring to it, and that is exactly what Warp Chamber do on their debut album here. Full of cavernous growls and ceaseless low-register battery, it can seem, at face value like just a regular brutal death metal album, but when the band starts breaking out the winding tangents and manic solos that, again, just heighten the chaos and compliment the brutality. It’s more than just regular-ass death metal, and I’m glad to have heard this debut. I hope Warp Chamber has more in store.
Loathe - I Let It in and It Took Everything
Do you love Deftones? Maybe you do. I do. But I don’t think either of us love Deftones as much as Loathe loves Deftones. I’m goofing right now, but Loathe really do channel their Deftones fandom real hard when they’re not in full hardcore mode or getting eccentric with the segues on this album. And it does offer a great combination of styles, with angular, low-tuned modern metalcore noise riffage juxtaposed pretty strongly against the gauzy shoegaze that immediately hearkens to that facet of Deftones’ music. The band struggle to get the flow just right on certain songs and across the album in general, with some pretty inconsistent songwriting, but it’s definitely outweighed by its still somehow immersive quality and the strength of the individual pieces going into it.
Earth Rot - Black Tides of Obscurity
The Australian band brings forth some more of the tried and true modern death metal a la Bloodbath, Carnation, and modern Cannibal Corpse, but with enough eerie, blackened oddity throughout the songs to keep the journey from being too homogenous. It’s these moments that both give extra life to the bludgeoning, but at-times basic, modern death metal the band is conjuring and kind of disrupt the flow of that muscly death metal. At times I do wish the band would chose to focus one or the other more exclusively, but if this pushes Earth Rot further into this kind of stylistically ambitious death metal, I appreciate the stepping stone this album acts as.
Myrkur - Folksange
After riding a pretty strong wave of critical adoration for her contribution to the growing wave of atmospheric black metal that culminated in the respectably sonically unique Mareridt in 2017, Myrkur’s Amelie Bruun has taken a step back to refocus or recalibrate artistically. As the title suggests, Folksange finds its creator rewarding herself for her contributions to black metal with a return to her love of Scandinavian folk music, and you can tell she loves it on this entirely folk-music-based project devoid of any black metal elements. I may not have been as head-over-heels as a lot of critics were about her black metal albums, but I certainly appreciated her folk-inspired ambient take on the genre, especially the unique sonic pallet of Mareridt. I liked those albums quite a bit, yet it is clear that the sound on Folksange is her forte, which makes sense if Scandinavian folk has been a longer-standing passion than black metal for Bruun. The instrumentation is absolutely beautiful and Bruun’s angelic voice fits so perfectly with it, but Folksange is more than just superficially aesthetically gorgeous. The songs (old and original) are written and arranged with such a natural knack for the style that makes it such a serenely enveloping experience that stands as Myrkur’s best work yet. I highly recommend it.
Old Man Gloom - Seminar IX: Darkness of Being
The famed supergroup’s first of two releases planned for this year after the loss of Caleb Scofield sees them dabbling around in an experimental array of genres that all the members have some sort of significant experience and specialty with. From post-metal of the sludgy, Isis-esque variety to the more noisily esoteric, Sumac-esque variety, to distinctly post-hardcore-influenced stylistic diversions, the band’s wide-reaching sound takes all sorts of twists and turns along their most recent experiment with the members’ varying pedigrees and influences guiding the music on quite the unusual nomadic trek. From the repetitive chord progression of the opening track to the album’s noisy finishing tracks (one of which features what sounds like rocks tumbling down a shaft of some sort for an extensive period of time), the band let their adventurers’ instincts guide them as they wander through their own experiment through the interplay of their members’ various styles. It’s weird, and not super polished, but it’s certainly fixating.
Candlemass - The Pendulum
After further cementing their relatively unchallenged status as the kings of epic doom metal with The Door to Doom about a year ago, Candlemass have offered up a quick little demo-focused EP with one new fleshed-out song, the title track, which takes them to the faster, more Dio-era-inspires side of their sound with the grand, soaring operatic vocals on the chorus and the relatively fast (by doom standards) guitar rhythms on the verses (think “Paranoid” or “Children of the Grave’). I love the very Dio-esque delivery of the word “fools” at the end too, very fitting. The demo track “Snakes of Goliath” slows it back down to Ozzy-era Sabbath worship in typical Candlemass fashion, the riffs and arrangement pretty respectable for a supposed demo track. The other full-length demo, “Porcelain Skull”, by contrast, does feel much less compositionally fleshed out and more like an actual demo piece. The other three demo tracks are just little instrumental studio doodles that don’t really add anything to the EP. If this EP could be interpreted as any kind of power move, it’s that Candlemass at demo level have just such a sharp compositional intuition for grand Sabbath doom metal and can pretty much nail it in their sleep.
demo-level 7/10
Igorrr - Spirituality and Distortion
I was definitely looking forward to this album big-time after the gloriously unashamed weirdness of 2017’s Savage Sinusoid filled a massive void I felt was needed in my metal bank. By contrast, Spirituality and Distortion is such a reserved project it feels either shy or cowardly from the usually hyper-eccentric band. The greater absence of the vocals of Laurent Lunoir on the album highlight also just how much character he brought to Savage Sinusoid through his zany performances. Without his vocal wildness across the album, the attention on Spirituality and Distortion is then directed to the significantly timid production and electronic finagling that doesn’t measure up to that of Savage Sinusoid.
In This Moment - Mother
*Sigh* In This Moment is one of those bands who I think really do show a lot of potential but just can’s seem to reach it. They get a lot of unnecessary shit for Maria Brink’s sexy stage presence and generally theatrical aesthetic and live show, but they do have the capacity to produce emotive alt metal ballads like “Whore” and bangers like “Big Bad Wolf” that give some insight into what heights they could potentially reach if they were much more consistent. I was hoping that Mother would be a solid rejuvenation/comeback after the benign disappointment of 2017′s Ritual, and while it’s certainly different, it’s not better. Mother really tries to take on this big, enveloping sound, and biblical, post-apocalyptic feel, and it can sort of carry it for a little bit and be temporarily immersive until the band needs to go full force. When it’s just some fancy eerie atmosphere and Maria Brink’s sultry vocal delivery, it holds up okay, but when the horribly synthetically produced arena-booming instrumentation really comes in and breaks that immersion, you remember that it really is all just trite alt rock whose lofty flair is all a facade.
Mamaleek - Come and See
Undoubtedly the most wildly experimental album to grace my ears so far this year, I was not expecting such a forceful avant-garde project from Mamaleek so relatively soon after Out of Time, but damn I’m glad I got it! The anonymous brotherly duo have always taken black metal on quite the far-off journey whenever they bring it along on one, ever making it their mission to create something one-of-a-kind with their work, and Come and See has to be their most enthralling album yet. Ramming together the transfixing manic anguish of their blackened experimental noise with the angular dynamism of jazz and even some blues rock in a musical particle collider, Mamaleek have made a truly one-of-a-kind album, and that’s even by their standards. I’ve mentioned before that I tend to like my jazz pretty rowdy and aggressive (like my metal), and the chaos that Mamaleek already generates with their brand of black metal is perfect to trim with and infuse with the angular dissonance of traditional jazz at its more energetically extreme. While the array of chaotic sounds may make Come and See their most intangibly black metal album, the ethos of that root genre pierces through by way of the harshly shrieked vocals just as much as the new jazz elements do. I really might just have to do a full-length review on this one because there is so much going on here that is worth admiring and I can’t stop loving it.
Phalanx - Golden Horde
This album came out a few months ago and has been making some pretty significant waves on Bandcamp, and for good reason. The relatively young band on their second release ever do showcase a pretty good knack for groove and death metal brutality, balancing slow, thick, tasty groove and blasting death metal without falling into metalcore breakdown clichés or death metal clichés. The three-pronged vocal attack the band touts isn’t quite as dazzling as they might think it is (with the abundance of talented vocalists capable of shapeshifting through a variety of metal vocal techniques), but I do think it would be cool to hear them use that approach with all three vocalists acting more simultaneously to more effectively convey the chaos of the war-related lyrical themes they focus on. Nevertheless, this quarter-hour taster is a great starter for them and definitely worth checking out. Hopefully it’s a foreshadowing of the blossoming of a bright new act for death metal.
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber - Ascension
I’ve been seeing a lot of praise being thrown this album’s way, and I honestly can’t disagree too much with that it is a pretty damn good album. It is very reminiscent of the Numenorean album Adore that I praised so highly last year. Like Adore, Ascension is an atmospheric black metal album that could easily hook your typical dude who hates Deafheaven and blackgaze and makes a really big deal about it. The band’does well on Ascension to avoid the reliance on generic post-rock guitar reverb ambiance that turns so many people off from blackgaze, working together a lot of unique sonic twists that don’t usually find their way into ambient black metal and channeling direct, cutting, yet humanly vibrant instrumentation that’s backed by raw cries of agony very similar to what Numenorean was doing last year. Perhaps this is the new way forward for atmospheric black metal and blackgaze. If so, Regarde Les Hommes Tomber are doing well to lead the way.
Deadspace - A Portrait of Sacrificial Scars
I already offered my praises to this album at length with my long-form post dedicated to it, but I’ll give it another shout for its brilliant, bittersweet sending off of the seemingly tireless Australian band. Deadspace give their oppressive/depressive sound the added magnitude and glory offered by choir and orchestral elements with more tact than most bands that use those elements regularly. I really am surprised that the band have decided to split up at such a high point in their artistry and I wish there could be more from them, but I have to respect their decision to end it here, and A Portrait of Sacrificial Scars is a great note to end on.
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janiedean · 5 years
I have to tell you something but PLEASE, please, don't be mad. I love Brienne, and I loved her with Jamie, and I'm mad and sad that they didn't get to have their happy ending...but I don't think his ending was shit. Or OOC. First at all, book!Jamie is not TV!Jamie: his relationship with Cersei is different, not as sick or manipulative. He loves his siter and is loved by her in a more "helthier" way: in the show she told Tywing the truth about them, and it's huge considering the love for power1/?
He watched her lose their 3 children, he learned about her walk of shame to get back to Tommen, he witnessed Robert’s humiliations. I think he would have stayed with Brienne if she knew his sister was safe, but he couldn’t be happy if his siter died and he did nothing to save her. He needed to be that person, otherwise all his growth would be lost, and he would have dragged Brienne in his spiral, and he didn’t want to make her miserable. To me he is still an honorable man, bc when there was a chance to do something, he did it: he killed the king to save KL, he fought the dead army, but over and over he said that the Lannister army didn’t stand a chance against the dragons or the Dathraki, he was not a fool. His speech was not about NOT CARING, it was about knowing there was nothing he could have done. He did good, he was good, and till his last moment he tried to be honorable, he tried to be the person Brienne inspired him. P.s.: Still heartbroken that he died, but I think there is some poetic justice with Cercei crashed by the symbol of the power she tried lo long to hold.
anon, I appreciate that you’re being nice and I appreciate that you’re trying to find some sense in this entire thing, but… okay, I’ll go over it and please don’t take me as *me* being mad or whatever but I don’t think a few things were clear here so I’ll try to do it now:
jc in the show is not healthier. it might be different, but it’s not and the fact that it might have been less obvious doesn’t mean that they didn’t drag that toxic mess out for four seasons when it had no reasons to exist. now: I was down with looking at it until s4 because that was book canon and I can deal with book canon. I had to look at three more fucking seasons of that toxic abusive mess happening and I don’t know if it’s obvious or not, but if I have one thing, like one in the universe that I can’t deal with, that I hate and that makes me feel sick more than anything else it’s emotional/psychological manipulation. and show!jc has that in spades and I can’t. like, as it is right now I’m pretty damn sure I’d take reading explicit thramsay fic that ends horribly with annexed detailed fanart than even rewatching five seconds of a scene where those two are in the same frame and is2g if they had kissed at the end of 8x05 I’d have thrown up. please for the love of everything if you think it’s better than book canon your prerogative, but don’t come at me informing me of that because I can’t. especially not right now;
I honestly can’t give much of a damn about the stuff c. suffered when 80% of that is her damn fault and I’m especially talking about tommen who only did that because she gave zero shits about his opinion in anything but we’re supposed to think she’s a good mother or that she cares which makes me especially sick because people have decided that for her out of nowhere when we all know how much leeway they give catelyn for that and I’m honestly done with it, and maybe it’s not inconsistent that he’d care, but it’s inconsistent how they wrote it;
because I mean if they showed some half-regret over leaving brienne or she was mentioned or if the entire thing was addressed instead of spending four episodes building it up and then did in four minutes what it took six feet under an entire season to do with nate and brenda back in the day is bad writing, has no consistency, it also murdered tyrion as a character because I can’t believe that in the span of two episodes he goes from I’m happy that you’re happy to WELL I DON’T HATE MY SISTER SO MUCH JUST GO TO PENTOS when ah, wait, c. sent bronn to kill both of them?
also ‘who ever cared abotu the innocents’ or whatever the fuck that line was??? wow, that’s all this asshole has ever cared about in canon to the point of losing his reputation for it not counting c. or tyrion at least in the very beginning of the series when everyone thinks he’s an ass, and I have to buy that this episode was halfway decent writing?
also: even if I was okay with jaime’s ending - which I could have been if at least it amounted to something because that entire episode was a plot hole after plot hole (where’s widow’s wail? he waves WITH THE FAKE HAND??? WTF??, did he ring the bells so he actually helped destroy the city without knowing dany would lose her shit through jon connington’s ghost possessing her? if bran didn’t rat him out bc he had A ROLE TO PLAY what was the damned role since he hasn’t done anything until now that warranted it??? just the first four) and he didn’t even… help cersei or take her out like he literally was there to just give her some basic human comfort and rocks fall everyone dies, what’s the sense of it?? -, anon, this entire narrative leaves brienne horribly;
because sorry but in the best of chances she’s not pregnant and someone lies to her and tells her jaime went there to stop cersei and tried to be honorable (which given what they made him say about not caring for the innocents makes it bad writing but nvm) and she can think okay, I waited years for the right guy to trust/open myself to and then he left me like that but at least he did it for a good reason now will I ever trust anyone again, maybe, and I assure you that getting over such a thing is not too easy, but that would be the best option. mid-bad option: she still thinks he did it for the right reasons but she’s pregnant so hey, she has an illegitimate child from a man who left her like that to go into a senseless death making her believe she was wrong about him and breaking her heart and she has to play single mother in tarth without him or maybe she can hedge knight along with the kid or leave him with pod or smth but that doesn’t look good on jaime either. or worse, she’s pregnant and she finds out he went just to die with cersei and didn’t even mention her or anything to tyrion along the way so she did all of the above…. for a guy who at the end of it as the narration puts it just went back to die with c. and a kid he didn’t even know might be real or not when she could have given him what he always craved/wanted/needed and left her like that? like, anon, even if it was a good ending for jaime, there is no bloody way that brienne gets out of this mess of a season with a dignified ending unless they somehow manage to pull a miracle out of their arses and sorry but their writing has been so bad that I honestly doubt it, not even david milch showing up like the calvarly could salvage this crap of a finale, and for all characters tbqh, not just them;
on top of that, sorry but it passes the message that brienne, only rep. in this show for nonstandard attractive people who spends years thinking she’ll never find love and suddenly thinks she can be happy with the guy who also fulfilled her greatest dream and opens herself up to him putting her vulnerability on the line (and while I don’t really think the whole virginity thing is that much of an issue since she actually did manage to give it to the guy she wanted it does mean something in this context)…………. shouldn’t have done it because wow, left like that without a second thought and without being addressed in the next episode at all by at least tyrion who has spent the previous four episodes either admiring her or trying to get her and jaime together never mind jaime? wow, I mean, I surely signed up to see the character I always saw myself in getting this shit treatment by people who obviously didn’t understand either her or jaime at the bottom of it for as much as I still think 8x04 did it right until the end?
anon, I appreciate your optimism about that narrative, but this episode was so badly written that it managed to about destroy the narratives of characters that weren’t even in it (sansa and brienne, and let’s not even discuss sansa because lmao), to have every single person but davos and possibly jon but meh behave ooc given what half of their lines said if not their actions because even if we take jaime’s actions as your reading (legit) what they made him say was still atrocious and ooc and same for tyrion, let’s not even touch dany or sandor/arya or really anyone that wasn’t davos. I cannot, in all good conscience, find anything good about this mess because it was badly written. period. even if we decide that the plot and motivations were fine and we try to make them make sense the way you did, the execution was shit, the dialogue was shit, it looked like they weren’t even trying, it did a disservice to every single character that was in it except davos who was there for five seconds to smuggle stuff and I honestly, honestly, cannot even find the force of will to try to make sense of it.
this entire season has been a gigantic plot hole, it wasn’t coherent within its own narration see ep. 2 clashing with ep. 8, 90% of what happened post 8x02 was for shock value without giving a single fuck about making it look in character and making the characters behave nonsensically - and I don’t mean just jaime, I mean all of them to serve the undoubtedly wtf shocking ending they have in plan for us which if I guessed already I’ll hate with the force of a thousand suns, and I’m honestly done with trying to make sense of this thing because nothing makes sense anymore. I appreciate that y’all are trying but I give up. I can’t make sense of a narrative that goes like ‘we’re doing this because it’s cool and if it doesn’t add up with everything we did before who gives a fuck’, and I honestly can do without trying to find a silver lining in a show that has totally twisted the message of the books and turned into an angst fest for which everyone has to be miserable at all costs or it’s not good tv, and that’s the last I’m going to say about this specific matter because:
a) I’m tired, b) I want to finish my spitefics and ignore this mess ever happened and concentrate on doing something that makes me happy, c) if I just keep on thinking about how bad this was IN GENERAL I wish jaime was my #1 problem I just feel worse and I don’t need it, d) the fact that they did brienne this dirty and she wasn’t even in this episode is really leaving the worst sour taste in my mouth and it’s already bad enough that I have to hope her ending is only 80% crap and not 100% crap, I honestly can’t with discourse that tries to find any basic sense in how this episode was conceived and executed beyond my problems with jc, jaime’s writing and the fact that they managed to get wrong one of his three most basic character traits that has nothing to do with brienne or jb for that matter.
thanks for being polite and nice about this and I swear I’m not mad but I honestly can’t with this episode and I would appreciate if from this point on anyone could refrain from trying to make jc sound better than it is where I can see it/where I can’t blacklist it because it’s really not a good idea right now. thanks again and have a possibly nicer than than mine. ;)
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novantinuum · 6 years
jen’s doctor who s11 review
On the whole!
I really enjoyed series 11 for its nice change in pace and especially the relationship built up between Graham and Ryan. I really liked how many of the episodes were lighter and kinda more adventure-y in nature than in past, instead of constant “the world is gonna end” danger. Like I love those kinds of episodes, believe me, but the lighter tone is very welcomed after many series of heart wrenching angst ahahahah! 
I loved how they handled the historical episodes this series, and really dug into the truth of human condition within those time periods, and took risks there. I actually learned a lot about the time periods they visited- for example, I never really heard much about the Pakistan partition in school. 
Thirteen is precious and I want to hug her. She’s so full of hope and that makes me so happy! :DDD I love how she’s a sciency tinkerer and likes cobbling stuff together out of whatever loose ends she can find. I’m still waiting for her to snap, though- maybe that’s just me as an angst lord talking, but I want to see her super super angry. The scene in The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos with her sternly disagreeing with Graham was very good though. But anyways, I love her positivity and her quirky alien charm, and her character feels like a natural progression of where the Doctor left off at the end of Twice Upon a Time. The Doctor has gone through a lot of healing since the Time War, a lot of self reflection and forgiving themself, and Thirteen is absolutely a product of that and it shows. It’s so nice to see them back on their feet, unshackled by that guilt finally, just wandering about the universe like they always did. 
Yasmin is so sweet and so loyal, and h o h boy if there’s anyone I can see sticking with the Doctor until the bitter end out of this crew it’s her. (*nervous laughter*) Out of all the crew she’s the one who’s had the least development though, so I’m looking forward to seeing where she goes as a character moving forward. Also, I hope we see her family more, I like them! Maybe in the New Years special, we’ll see. I’ve absolutely hit the “ADOPT KID” button on Ryan, the more I think about him the more I love him- just, all this time he’s been looking for belonging, for people who aren’t gonna leave him behind like his dad, and he had that with his nan Grace- but he didn’t know if Graham was gonna be the same or if he was only there for him bc of association with Grace. But now through all these adventures through space and time he has absolute proof that Graham will be there for him, and so he’s made the conscious decision to make Graham his family. And Graham, hhh... his grieving throughout the series, while not acting as a shadow on it, was always woven through and it’s nice to see both him and Ryan actually make peace with things through seeing Tim Shaw again and giving him his humble pie. 
In the end when it comes to this series, I love the strong found family vibes it gives. Graham and Ryan and Yaz, they all knew each other in some way before, but they didn’t truly know each other. And through being thrown together with the Doctor, entering her wild adventurous life, they got to grow closer as friends, but more importantly, as a family. The whole series the Doctor was looking for a word to describe her little ragtag group, and she wasn’t exactly sure if “fam” was the right one, but in the end it’s what she settles on because this has become a family. 
Now, what I’m hoping to see more of in the future! 
1) I’d love to see more extended domestic-y TARDIS scenes! We’ve got a lot of pre/post endcap TARDIS scenes, but I’d love to see more small little convos between characters on the way to their destinations, in between, etc. For as long as these episodes were I feel like so much time was spent providing exposition and story for the plot, but I’d love to see more fun nonsense. More glimpses at what they get up to in between, if that makes any sense. (As an example of what I mean, we got a bit of this in The Tsuranga Conundrum, at the very beginning when they were just poking about a junkyard planet, and I quite liked that.)
2) As the characters keep developing I’d love to see more conflict arise between them to test their friendships. We saw some good moments of this with the Doctor telling Ryan to stay behind with Hanne in It Takes You Away after he made a kinda narrow-minded comment about her disability, and when the Doctor flat out told Graham that if he killed Tim Shaw he wouldn’t be traveling with her anymore in the finale. I’d love to see more of this.
3) This may just be because I’m really queer, but I want the Doctor to snap and yell and get really angry at something. That’s the ONE thing that felt entirely missing from this series. In the end I get the sense that this Doctor has a far greater reign on her emotions and self because she’s healed quite a bit, but I still know she’s capable of that righteous anger and I’d love to see Jodie show off her full range with a scene like that.
4) We’ll probably get this in the New Years special, but I’m super anticipating Thirteen facing the Daleks. This is a quintessential thing for every Doctor, in my opinion, and I can’t wait for when they (hopefully!) eventually do that.
5) More of a plot arc. I definitely know the lack of a tight plot arc was because they wanted it to be more accessible for people to just tune in and watch without context,, as they’re gaining some new fans, but I hope that there’s more of a return to an ongoing series plot arc with this next series since everything’s been established. I personally really like those, because I get to be a plot arc detective! I will say that I’m very pleased that Tim Shaw was brought back for the finale, though- that acted as a very nice bookend and helped tie up all the emotional threads.
6) Also not exactly anything I can fault this series for, because I can tell one of the points/themes of it was “not everything is what it seems on the surface” and “sometimes the real monsters,,, are humanity” and I very much respect that, but I do wanna see some more just... alien baddies who ARE baddies and not misunderstood. Listen,, I’m a simple minded person. Love me some monsters! 
My rankings! 
For context, I’m generally very easy with my ratings. I’m not rating them on how critically perfect they are as plots or anything, this is purely based on how much I enjoyed them. I’ve only actually rated nine episodes of Doctor Who 2005-present with scores of 6 or below.
10- Absolutely SUPERB  9- Excellent! 8- Great! 7- Good 6- Okay
1) Demons of the Punjab    (10) This ep made me cry more than any episode of Doctor Who has in a very long time. Incredibly poignant, stunning music and cinematography. Taught me a whole lot I never knew about the partition and how it affected everyday people. I liked how the Doctor assumed the whole time that these aliens were  A good Yaz centric ep, too. It ranks 7th in my list of all-time favorites.  
2) It Takes You Away   (9.5) Wowee, another very poignant one! Some FANTASTIC acting from Jodie in this ep, and a very trippy concept with the sentient universe. Loved getting to see each companion getting a good role to play. ALSO CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH I STAN THAT FROG??? AND THE DOCTOR SEDUCING AN ENTIRE UNIVERSE???? B R U H. Hanne’s actress did a wonderful job too! 
3) Kerblam!   (9) What a heckin fun episode! This one will definitely become one of my comfort eps, I can already tell. The secondary characters were all lovely, and the bots were delightfully unsettling too! I spent the whole thing going “wow I totally experienced this working at Amazon” and I thought that was pretty funny. Also, I might highlight all the wonderful Graham snark we got in this one. 
4) Rosa    (9) Gahhh this was a hard one to watch, but very truthful in its depiction of the time period, and a lovely tribute to an incredibly courageous woman. Shout out to how the ep forced Graham to recognize and accept his white privilege (and the Doctor too for that matter), the scene with Ryan and Yaz discussing racism they’ve had to endure, and also for the scene with the Doctor making jokes about Banksy. That made me laugh. “Banksy doesn’t have one of these! Or do I?”
5) The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos    (9) I was VERY glad to see Tim Shaw return for some finished business, and how it allowed Graham and Ryan to finally get a bit of peace for what happened to Grace because of him. This was a solid ep, with some SOLID character moments between Graham and the Doctor and Graham and Ryan. The Ux were interesting, too.
6) The Woman Who Fell to Earth    (8.5) Solid, fun episode. It wastes no time in setting up who Thirteen will be. Still one of my favorite scenes in this whole series so far is when she builds her own sonic screwdriver- GOD the music there is so damn iconic. And gahhh I love Grace so much. How dare they make me love a character so much and then let her die? Rude. That’s homophobia. XD
7) The Witchfinders   (8.5) The Doctor gets dunked in water and has soaked hair. Dare I say more? No, but I was glad to see an ep with an alien danger that actually IS an alien danger that seeks to destroy and conquer, I always love those- and this one, with weird sentient mud that can fill corpses, was delightfully grim. Willow was a great secondary character, too- loved her especially. 8) The Ghost Monument   (8) Okay so I really loved how slice-of-life this episode was? We actually got to know our secondary characters Angstrom and Epzo and I appreciated that. The bit with the Doctor thinking the TARDIS was gone forever at the end... hhhhhhng... that was such a good scene. You could just see the hope drained from her face, and then to see it all rush back as she finally found her?? W o w I’m so emo, y’all ;D;
9) The Tsuranga Conundrum  (7) So I enjoyed this one, but there were some kinda oddly phrased bits of dialogue in it that marks it down for me. The Pting is a delightfully weird and cursed creature, 10/10, would yeet out of a spacecraft. I already mentioned this, but I LOVE the scene in the junkyard and how slice-of-life it was. I also appreciate how someone called out the Doctor on being selfish during this. 10) Arachnids in the UK   (6.5) So this episode was riding right on the edge of “ehh” for me, but it still has some great moments in it, with the Doctor awkwardly interacting with Yasmin’s family and all those heckin spiders bee-boppin down the hallways to the tune of rap music. XD I can’t exactly pick out why it was an “eh” for me, but it just didn’t click. Maybe I was just hoping it’d be an alien thing and was kinda left wanting with the way the episode felt kinda... unfinished. Like, there’s still a bunch of giant spiders? They didn’t solve that. They just- trapped them and left. I dunno I was left wanting with this ep.
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makeyourownmyth · 6 years
Favorite Heard in 2018.
Same caveats, but even fewer.
There really weren’t any songs that everyone loved that I thought badly enough of to list as antis here. I will say that the Drake-ification of rap has had even worse effects that we thought it would, with mumblerap dominating everything. And there’s some notable absences on the lists, but those are definitely purposeful. 
Honorable Mentions:
Troye Sivan - Blue Neighbourhood. Bloom was OK, but it took me to Blue Neighbourhood, which I had somehow missed. He’s amazing, I’m in love.
Black Panther Soundtrack. The Kendrick influence and brand is strong, but it’s really the more outlier-y style songs (like “Redemption”) that make this album as good as it is.
Alex Lahey - I Love You Like A Brother. This album actually came out last year, and it should have been on my list then and it wasn’t and I’ve spent a year embarrassed by that fact.
Billie Eilish - She didn’t actually release a new album this year, but all the singles were great and she’s a phenomenal talent.
Travis Scott - Astroworld. If this list would have been completed the month Astroworld came out, it might have been #1. But it lacks the sticking power to make something part of the truly good list. But he definitely made me a believer after spending time being at least partway a hater.
The Internet - Hive Mind. This album is good with a side of weirdness. Earl’s album is weird with (maybe?) a slice of goodness. And yet his album is ending up on a bunch of best of lists and Syd’s band isn’t. That’s wack. This one’s the winner if we’re comparing the two. But we don’t even need to do that. This one stands up all on its own.
Meek Mill - Championships. From the banging intro to the collab with Drake to “What’s Free” with Jay and Ross, this one goes hard. It’s a great Meek Mill album. You know exactly what you’re getting.
Pusha T - Daytona. Better than all the other rap albums on this list, almost made the real list. He’s so good at what he does, and “If You Know You Know” is one of the best openers of all time.
Tierra Whack - Whack World. If you haven’t heard this album, you should be ashamed. It’s only 15 minutes. Go listen! Then appreciate it and listen to it again. It’s great. She’s gonna do amazing things. 
Jeff Tweedy - Warm. I’ve been thinking about Jeff Tweedy and Wilco a lot this year, maybe because I read the book Learning How to Die. And I know this isn’t a Wilco album, so I know it’s apples to oranges. But I can’t shake this thought, regardless. I’m not sure there’s another band we have whose “universally acclaimed ‘best’ album” is almost certainly NOT their “best” album? I mean, post-YHF Wilco is super different. They stopped trying to be that band, but between Sky Blue Sky and A Ghost is Born and now this solo record, I’m pretty sure those albums (and this one, which I know isn’t a Wilco album) are actually better? It’s just really, really, really good. 
boygenius - boygenius. The best thing about this EP is that all the songs are solid and some are lifetime best material. The worst thing is that we’ll probably never get this collaboration again. 
Beach House - 7. Shockingly good after their odd turns on the last couple. I’m not ready to have complete faith in them just yet, but I’m glad they’re coming back around. 
Snail Mail - Lush. Solidly good, almost to great territory. Soccer Mommy got all the love, but I think this album is actually better? 
Charli XCX - Pop 2. It’s good. She deserves more credit than she gets, and she already gets a lot. 
Soccer Mommy - Clean. Not as good as the near-universal critical acclaim, but still a very strong album.
Cat Power - Wanderer. That cover of “Stay” is incredible all on its own, but the album really holds up on its own merits too. I can’t believe she’s still making music this good. 
Chvrches - Love is Dead. It took me a couple listens to actually think it was good, but it is. It’s a side step from their last 2, which I don’t love, but I’m happy they’re doing what they want to do. 
Buddy - Harlon & Alondra. Remember when he was next up and had an awesome voice? It seemed like his potential was gonna go untapped, but this album shows it’s not dead yet. It’s not quite Best material, but it was unfairly slept on. 
Best Songs:
"Backpack” - Alex Lahey. Same comment as her album. I know this came out last year. But I’ve spent a year being embarrassed by forgetting it, and she deserves a spot. 
"Thank U, Next” - Ariana Grande. Sweetener wasn’t bad, but this was way better. It took Mac dying, her concert tragedy, and breaking up with Pete to get the best Ariana we’ve ever had. 
“DJs Gotta Dance More” - A Trak. This is the type of song that I could listen to non-stop for the rest of my life and be perfectly content. 
“Missing U” - Robyn. She’s a queen. What do we expect? It’s solid gold. 
Dirty Computer Quartet - From the start of “Screwed” until the end of “Make Me Feel” Janelle Monae has my heart for all time. It doesn’t get much better. 
9. “Nice For What” - Drake. He’s fine. The best thing about this song is the Lauryn Hill. But it’s catchy as hell.
8. “Apeshit” - The Carters. It’s been a long time since my jaw dropped on a consistent basis listening to Jay. I’m happy it’s happening more, and even more with his wife outrapping him.
7. “Havana” - Camila Cabello. Earworm.
6. “Lemonade” - NERD. The Vampire King returns, recruits Rihanna to rap, and it sounds so good.
5. “Shallow” - Lady Gaga. I honestly haven’t even seen the movie yet, but this song is almost perfectly crafted. It sounds like it could have come out of any classic era. It does exactly what it aims to do. 
4. “Look Alive” - Blocboy JB. I don’t really even want to talk about how good this song is. It bugs me how good it is. 
3. “I Like It” - Cardi B. The album wasn’t bad, but she literally could have released just this song, and it probably would have sold just as many copies as the album did. The perfect song for driving during summer with your windows down. 
2. “The Story of Adidon” - Pusha T. My favorite song of the year. It taught the kids about real rap beef. From the cover art to the line about 40, it was shocking. Did he go too far? Yes. Do I think he shouldn’t have? No. Too bad the kids all ignored it and still rock with the Canadian. 
1. “Girls Like You” - Maroon 5. The most perfect pop song of the year. It sounds like it was cooked up in a magical song laboratory, and I don’t mind that at all. 
Best Albums:
7. Kacey Musgraves - Golden Hour. This album goooooeeeesssss in. She sings about all the typical things you’d expect from a country album, and then changes directions, too. 
6. Mac Miller - Swimming. We can’t ignore the fact that his death almost certainly affected the placement of this album. But even if he was still with us, Mac was progressing and growing, just like he has with every single album, and this would have been a serious contender. I still can’t listen to it without crying.  
5. The Carters - Love is Everything. Continuing the trend of old people being able to rap and do it well is an important reason this album gets to be this high. Also, it puts on fitting cap on the Lemonade/4:44/Love Trilogy. 
4. YG - Still Dangerous. It’s crazy how shit falls off when you don’t have a press-baiting single like “FDT” but YG is still making crazy good music. This album is not as good as the last 2, but it’s still super important to have an older perspective out there, representing for Cali G Funk in 2018. 
3. Vince Staples - FM! I will never forget where I was when I heard this album for the first time, and that’s an increasingly rare thing. In a time when there’s plenty of weirdo kids who are really good rappers, with the amount of praise that Vince gets, it’s still a possibility that he’s UNDERrated. He’s a voice we need, and this album is a perfect little piece that he created to share that voice. Everything he’s done has been great, and this is no exception. 
2. Janelle Monae - Dirty Computer. Give me all Janelle everything. This album could easily have been #1. Every part of it feels purposefully thought out and well executed. The video version was great, the singles are all bangers, the lyrics are necessary, and the themes are pushing all the right buttons. 
1. Camp Cope - How to Socialise & Make Friends. I knew from the moment that I listened to this album that it was going to be my #1 in December. The fact that I’m still writing that in December, when the album dropped in March, is a testament to its staying power. From “The Opener” to the very last track, there’s not a moment of let up. These kids are super promising, and they have already done something phenomenal. I cannot wait to see what comes next for them. 
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ilkkijangege · 5 years
Chad Chronicles is on hold while we work from home.
I'll keep updating this post if anything does happen to us.
Basically, I was telling Jacqui how J*ck told me I should join Tinder, use it during work to find out of he is there and if we would match. But Jacqui was like "what if you don't see him there but his friends see you??" So I was like "Then good na he's not on it 😂 as if he's ever talked about me to his friends 😂"
Then, nearly an hour later, I looked at my "Friends You May Know" on FB (there's a rumor that that is a list of people who's viewed your profile) then I saw that one of his friends are on it!!! I was shook, if the algorithm theory is right, then his friend was stalking me which means he has talked about me to his friends. LOL AYAN NANAMAN OVERTHINKING BES EH 😂
Then Jacqui told me how she asked her bf: if you offer a lift to a girl, does that mean he's interested? Her bf said yes but I shouldn't overthink and wait for another big sign.
Anyways, my Mandalorian plan is still going ahead. 😂
Well, we didn't really talk online, he welcomed one of the guy on our team because he just got his access sorted today but I did not get the same treatment yesterday 😭
It's G tho 😂 Seems like he really is super smart because I looked into one of his chats and he used the word "futile". I'm just....wow big word 😂
Lol anyways, we're out for the weekend, Disney+ comes out on Tuesday, will try to binge it as soon I can so I can message him by Thursday or something 😂 really hope our conversation can flow naturally. Like I will just say "oh I've finished it and I am now obsessed with Baby Yoda or I can see why you are obsessed with Baby Yoda, he is adorable!" Then hopefully he can be like "What did you think of it?" Etc etc and we live happily ever after. CHOS.
Swear everyone is telling me to either text him or to keep my feet on the ground and let the connection grow.
I REALLY DO NOT KNOW. He keeps doing all these things to me and I am always overthinking it. My friends have told me not to but it is sooo hard. They told me to wait for other signs.
I really want to take a risk and tell him but I really do not want to ruin our new found friendship. I mean I really hope he's just waiting to make more signs because he doesn't think it's time yet or something but I just don't want to give give give and not have anything in return. Haaaay Lord, please help me!
This morning, I told my mom about the fact that he drove me home. At first, I couldn't tell her immediately, I was just staring at her the whole time and she asked "Anong kailangan mo sakin?" I said "nothing." "Bakit naka tingin ka sakin?" Then finally, I said, "Wala lang, may update lang ako sayo." Then she was like "ano may date ka???" I replied, "No update!!! Hinatid nya ako kila tita nung last time kaming pumasok.." and she was just like "ayie, hinahatid ka na ha." Then she told me, "yan dapat, cool ka lang. Pero tapusin mo muna.." She didn't complete her sentence but I knew she was talking about my FE1s but then she was probably thinking that I am nearly 25 and she should let me be. Hahaha. Then she asks "nag offer ba xa?" Sabi ko oo 😂
Then she asks me if he texts me and I told her no, we only talk in work. Then she replied, "ganun talaga" 😂 hay mother, if she had asked more details, I would have told her how I am getting mixed signals from him kaya di ko tlga sure kung gusto nya din ako 😂 but she didn't, so let's leave that for another time. 😂
Lord, pleaseee I trust you. If he doesn't reach out to me, ako na tlga mag rereach out. Need to binge The Mandalorian asap.
He keeps reading my messages on our GC immediately but does not with other people
Happened again at 16;09 ANO BA HUHU
No sign of Chad life anywhere, he was pretty much quiet today, not reading/replying to messages etc
I took a risk and messaged him. It took me a whileeeeee but I just took the plunge.
Basically, I asked him how he was and how working from home has been coming along. It took him like 6 mins to reply, which was fine, we were in work so understandable.
He told me he is relaxed but about to get boring. He asked me ‘how about you?’ So I sent him this quite long response how I’ve been relaxed working in my jammies and binged watch Mandalorian, bummed about 2 eps so illegally streamed the rest. Told him that I am now also obsessed with Baby Yoda (he laughed react to this). Then he said how it was dumb for Disney not to release everything at once. (Was upset he didnt ask me what I thought of the show)
Then I told him if Netflix can do it, so can they. But he said people would just sign up for trial, watch it then cancel. Thennnn he asked if I liked it. I said yes except for Ch.6′s characters. He said he thinks you were not meant to like them.
Then I asked him if he thinks Fennec Shand is still alive. He was like which one was HE again? So I told him correction she* (laugh emoji) then explained her character. He was like ‘Oh yeaaahhh. Then boba fett was supposedly the one who found her” I replied ‘yup that’s the theory but I feel like she was pretty much lifeless already and maybe just a teaser for boba fett then?'
Then nearly 3 hours later, I go check our workplace chat and he seenzoned me. Okur. He read the message at 20.27. He better reply tomorrow or I’ll take it a sign that he really just isn’t interested in me.
On a side note, he went on lunch at 6pm, came back at around 7ish but didn't change his Status xD it's either he forgot or na distract na sya sakin CHOS sige laaaangg.
I swear I hope we can talk more tho. Since he seenzoned me, I will not message him again cos I don't want to look eager/desperate so yeah. Byeeeeee.
I know you get notifications that "Bianca messaged..." Does your heart flutter when my name appears? STOP OVERTHINKING BIANCA.
Ayan nnmn tayo sa seenzone eh 14:55. Ano ba?
I had a dream that he messaged me. He asked me how I was and for some reason, he told me to go to Google Music because they were having a sale and that I should make a track for him. (Like what?)
Also dreamt that he took me home again. When we got to our house, he told me we needed to talk. I think he confessed.
Ay ayoko na.
Why do I keep dreaming about him? I dreamt that he messaged me on FB, really long paragraphs of him confessing his feelings.
Oh and I also paid for a tarot reading of how he really sees me. I mean idk if it's real but there are feelings there but there may be a third party but the reader could not 100% confirm it. It is highly probable, he's a single man who could totally date around. The reading also mention how he finds me attractive and sees a long term energy with me. It also says how he may not be ready for a serious romantic relationship but he can see it progressing down the line. But honestly, I do not see him as someone who longs for sex, yknow? I am nearly sure that he could still be a virgin but the fact that he frequented Krystle in college, makes me question it. I mean, he is a white male, it is something I am not super pressed about.
I've just been thinking, if I were to get with a Filipino guy, is there anyone out there who has never had a girlfriend or who has even dated anyone?
Chad really gives me the vibe of never having a girlfriend before but I really see him as not looking for anything at the moment to focus on his dream job.
Okay, why did I have a dream that he proposed to me??
I think we argued over something and then a few days later, he proposed. Wtf.
From what I remember, he only proposed in his car. lol
So we had a team call today. He has not been working since like Thursday last week because he could not get his VPN to work.
But dang. I heard his voice after 3 weeks. He sounds the same as in real life but his American accent is more prominent 😂
Then our TL said we might still be working from home for the next 3-4 months and I'm just like. HUHUHU.
Will I be over you by then?
Had a dream we were back in the office and we were having banters again like nothing has changed.
I think he also messaged me on Facebook one of these isolation days...
I swear I know it was probably unintentional for him to ghost me like that.
So I've been searching his Gamer tag on Google, even before I decided to let go of him and there is this one file I keep noticing, it is League of Legends and it seems his password is Yugioh246 😂 it is actually hilarious 😂 I didn't know he is that big of a nerd. I don't see it as a bad thing because I like nerds and I am drawn to them but I hope he is not an incel because that is a major turn off.
Yes, I am not wishing for us to be together anymore but I really hope he finds the woman of his dreams. He deserves to have someone who will understand him for who he is.
Another thing, how do I listen to songs without thinking of him?? It is getting frustrating. I used to listen to these songs without thinking of him and now all I do is associate these songs to him. Nakakainis.
Why do you keep reading my messages then stop reading others' after mine??
Argh why did I dream of him again?
We were back in the office daw and I sat in a different computer because I was avoiding him as in. For some reason, the coat rack was behind him so when it was home time, I grabbed my coat as fast as I could so he would not talk to me. He was slouched in his seat and looked really tired. His hair was long like mid length sufer dude hair, he was not wearing his hat. But then he saw me and called me and said "Bianca, I'll give you a ride home." I replied, gaga naman ate nyo, "If it's not raining, I can walk but if it is, I'll take the bus." He replied, "What time is your bus?" I replied, "In an hour." He replied, "Okay, if it's raining, I'll wait for you here, let me know." Then I grabbed my stuff from my locker, I went out the office and it was raining. I went back into the office and told him that it was raining. So he got up from his seat and we walked to his car. On the way, I noticed he looked really tired and his eyes were red so I asked him, "Did you not sleep?" His reply was: "Yeah I came to work with no sleep." So we just walked to his car and he opened the door for me. He even adjusted my seat.
Then for some weird reason, we ended up in Dolphins Barn, like the flats and around Tesco. Then there were billboards for Book of Mormons and he saw it he said or read "What about the Mormons?" Then I was confused at first so he pointed at the ads for the Book of Mormons. Then I told him: "Oh I really wanna see that! I heard it's meant to be one of the best Broadway shows." He then tells me he is not a big play fan but there is something he likes. I asked him but he saw another Book of Mormons billboard and pointed to it. Then we reached Reilly's Ave and idk why but my whole family and our old neighbors were all outside. Bsta ang weird talaga na he dropped me off in our old house. Dreams are weird.
So I just thanked him and watched him leave.
Aish why did I dream of you again???
Had another dream about him. Just why oh why? What are these dreams trying to tell me? I haven't been thinking about him seriously so idk.
Basically in this dream, we were all back in the office. So we got a few newbies who joined our team. And management/TL thought it was a good idea to blend the newbies with the senior agents so there was a complete seat change again. Chad and the guy beside him moved to my old area, as in Chad moved to my old seat. While I was stayed in my current seat. Of course I felt sad that I won't be able to see him face to face as often anymore and that I felt like our friendship will drift apart again.
Basta ano baaa I don't understand this. Do I still have feelings for him deep down?
Oh and he read my message on the group chat again. 10:18am. I mean ok he's been active on the UKI chat today so here's me overthinking again.
Another day, another Chad dream.
So in this dream, I was in Tesco with my mom or Aldi, anyways a supermarket.
I wanted to make Tacos so I was at the spice aisle, looking for a taco spice mix. Then out of nowhere, he pops up and sees me. Says hello and asked how I was etc, while I was grabbing the taco spice mix.
Then I told him goodbye but I still kept seeing him everywhere in the store even though I purposely was avoiding him.
It is honestly annoying. 😭
I just wanna move on.
Been a while since my last dream but I dreamt that he drove me home, yet again, but I only remember the part where we entered Cherrywood and then I just got out of the car and don't even remember saying thanks. I stood at the front door, until he left.
Arghhh he read my messages again on the office chat almost instantly at 2.37pm 😩😩😩😩 Whereas our own team's chat has been active all day, yet he has not read the messages on there since yesterday morning!!
Were you expecting that I messaged you or something??? CMON IF YOU WANNA TALK TO ME JUST MESSAGE ME. I already messaged you first, it's your turn.
Ugh I hate overthinking this!!
Also, 26th of April marked the 1st month since we last talked. Hmmmm have I fully moved on? I really don't think I have but I am just trying to live my life. Why must you be an introvert Chad, we'll be waiting for each other forever.
Hmmmm... Beginning to think he actually has 3 siblings contrary to the fact that I thought he said there are 3 of them in the family, him being the eldest, followed by his sister then his younger brother.
If it is his brother that I saw on FB then it makes sense now because remember when he gave out chocolates for Christmas? I heard him say "my brother's work had them on sale" or something along the lines. And the other brother I was aware of was only a kid. This person I saw matches the bill, from Chicago and went to the same secondary school as him. (AND LOOKS LIKE HIM!!! We may be the same age or a year younger because he graduated secondary school in 2014) [yup he is older than me by 6 months and just like his older brother, he is also very much into Star Wars and video games. But he seems more social than his bro. Haha xa na lang date ko 😂 Chad 2.0 chosss Chad introduce me to your bro para di tayo awkward sa work 😂 They are actually only 10 months apart, I wonder if they are close.]
Hmmmmm why am I such a stalker 😂
(7.6 update: nah saw his bro's IG and he seems like a fckboi, his DP is a mirror selfie of him shirtless, showing off his v line abs 😂)
It's been a while. As of yesterday, he is fully back to work. We had a team meeting on Monday and he was on it. He said they gave him a laptop to work on. I had myself on mute so I was just listening to him. Yes I wanted to join in on the convo but I needed to stop myself. I need to distance myself until I fully move on from him.
Anyways, today, a case was assigned to me at around 8.30 in the morning. I didn't action it because the office was going mad with chats so I said I was gonna action it when I had a chance later on.
Then I noticed that it disappeared from my queue. I went to my closed cases and I saw that he had actioned it. I mean, I am not saying that he did it on his own free will, our TL may have asked him to go through our team's response received internal queue. Which is aight but this case was not originally mine, but one of his office broskis, na mean? So it's either he did not read the email thread at all or he just decided to close it in MY name. I mean he had to type my name and I wonder if he felt something. CHOSSSSSS 😂
But I'm telling you guys, ever since he got access again, my heart started fluttering again just like when I was still crushing on him, before I moved in front of him and he started giving me all these attention that made me fall in love with him.
I have been trying to move on. I even wrote a 7 page journal entry about my feelings. I've been super distracting myself by watching Kim Possible and staying away from sappy romantic shows 😂
I need more time to heal but it will be okay!
Update 14/5:
I got another case from the same broski, which he actioned yesterday and closed it under his broski's name but he closed the other one on mine.
Ugh why am I overthinking this again!!!
Chad please go away from my feelings 😩
Today, I helped him out with one of his cases.
He said 'thanks!' whereas the past few days, he's only been replying to people on our team with 'ty!'.
Made me overthink again but I was just being ridiculous 😂 'ty' tapos today sakin 'thanks', special ako chos 😂 honestly wasn't that bothered but okay! Stop giving me special treatment please 😂 don't treat me differently from others if you don't feel the same way because it's unhealthy for me 😂
Helped him again with another one and he said 'thanks!' again urgh. Swear tho, I was hesitating a bit when I was helping him. My heart was thumping again like it did before we started getting comfortable with each other 😭😭😭
Exactly 2 months since I saw him and when he dropped me home.
Oh Chad. Will I ever be over you.
Helped him with another case because no one was helping him so I was just being nice.
Bianca don't be marupok pls. You've been making progress. Don't relapse now.
Another day of helping him out....
Basically he asked our group chat for help, no one replied for like 5 minutes so I said I'll help him.
Then he private messaged me about the case. He told me there were a lot and said "ahah". I should have joked around but I didn't or even asked him how he was 😭
But after I helped him, this was his reply:
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Huhuhu parang ang happy nya na may tumulong sa kanya. Chad naman, don't do this to me! I am trying to move on 😭
Haaaayy... Reading my messages again as soon as I post them. Chad Chad Chad ....
He legit have not read messages on our office GC since 10.30 this morning. I messaged a few times around 3pm and he kept reading them. Ano ba kasi Chad.
Don't be scared of rejection, I know I may not be showing real signs but I am an awkward turtle, just talk to me.
As usual no one was helping him again so I private messaged him and asked if anyone was helping yet.
His response:
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Hahaha cute 😂 so I told him 'give me the deets, I'll send it up'.
He said 'ty!!', gave me the deets.
Then when I completed it, this was his reply:
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Hahaha naloka na xa, double a. Choss. I replied with "anytime 😊" 😂 para konti landi to let him know na I am here to help anytime HAHAHAHAHAHAHA chos
So I've been hesitating about posting this but about 2 days ago? I had a dream about him again. It wasn't just him in it but the dream mostly centered about him and I.
Basically, we there was a party in the office and for some reason, I was getting ready at my desk as in curling my hair (so weird 😂😂😂).
Then Chad decided to go out of the computer area, probs was on a break or something. Then my team decided it was a good idea to hide his baby yoda plushie so I hid it in my locker and when he came back, he kept looking for it and we were just laughing at him. 😂
That was it haha.
But you guys, I've been diligently praying for my vocation and I've been getting signs about marriage etc. What if he's the one? God, please give me more signs.
So it's been a while. I've been helping him here and there over the last few weeks.
Today's response was "awesome, thanks!"
And that made me kilig inside. 😂
I am awesome, chos! 😂
Just saw the July Schedule and he is taking 2 weeks holidays 😂
Lol fam watchu gonna do? 😂
Tara let's go on a date chos 😂
I miss him ☹️ But I've been good with not thinking about him a lot but I just really can't wait to be able to ask him out in person hahaayyyy
Hmmmm I also suddenly wondered if he still has the card I gave him for Christmas. That was a cute card, €4 din un ha hahaha
Yo wassup.
I had a dream, so we were back in the office. We were on the weekend shift and for some reason, I decided I was staying back for a bit more so he left before me.
Basically, from this dream, it seems that we were on minimal speaking terms. So like as he was leaving, at the computer area door, he said bye to me and idk why, I asked him to have dessert with me on Monday 😂 it was weird 😂
Okur, I had a dream that he dropped me off again in Cherrywood, like just out of nowhere. Like all I remember was that we were walking to his car together.
He even opened my door and carried my bag and walked me to the front door. Haaayyy....
So today, I was overthinking again.
Basically there was a post in work where an SME asked him to tag his team. He tagged me first over his broskis and that made me quite overthink again. Like the way he tagged our team was not as if it was alphabetical order. So why did he tag me first?
Hahah ako ung unang pumasok sa isip nya
Huhuhu ayoko naaaaa
So he is on his 2 weeks PTO from tomorrow.
Haaaaayyyyy miss ko na xa, bakit ba kasi ako ganito. Pero as long as he has not said that he is not interested in me, may chance pa rin tlga kami eh.
Wag lang tlaga xang umalis ng company and it will be grand.
Been a while since this was updated, nothing's been happening between us so there is nothing to report. But anyways, lately I've been having (r-rated) fantasies about him 😂 argh I just want to be with him 😂
He's also started playing Fall Guys on the PS4, we have something in common na chos 😂
Also, there's an SME position in work and I have a feeling he might apply huhu if he gets it, he'll be level 12 and I won't be able to date him 😭😂
Honestly still think may something sila ng QA namin huhuhu
So I told MF on the 14th of August about everything that has happened, like how I was getting mixed signals that made me overthink alot to me messaging him twice and being left on read, also how I plan on asking him out when we get to the office. (Also how he dropped me home.)
I told her how it's been very hard for me in the last 5 months, trying to move on from someone I don't even talk to. She was very understanding and told me that she also has not talked to Chad since WFH, as she was also left on read. She said he may not be the texty type because he's quite shy.
I was honestly shook. I thought they talk, even on our workplace chat because they are close in work. Cause I asked her if it was even a good idea for me to ask him out or if she knows if he's seeing someone because I don't want to intrude. I told her I want to take a risk with him but a part of me fears rejection.
She asked me if I ever thought about asking him out for coffee since things are opening up. I told her, yes but I don't think we are in that level where I could just ask him randomly.
So her plan is to build up a rapport with him again and find out the goss. I really hope she can build something up with him and that if ever, this time, there will be progress.
Until I know I have a chance with him, I can't move on. If he's seeing someone, then okay at least I'll know where I stand.
I'll let you know if there's progress.
So today, I helped him out with a case.
One of the internal tools was not working for him so he asked for help. I was the first to reply so I told him to send me the details and I'll do it.
When I did it for him, he said 'Perfect thank you!' and I just replied, "No worries 😊" landi landi with that emoji 😂 Wish we kinda had a conversation going though 😭 Wish I asked him how he was but it wasn't appropriate okay 😂
Haaayy can't wait to find out if he's dating anyone or when I'll see him again so I can ask him out. HAAAAAYYYYSSSS.
So yesterday, I asked our group chat for help on a case. I didn't really expect that he would be the one to respond but he did and that was cute. Awww. ❤️
Looool I wish I could've thanked him personally but other people started helping me out so yeah. But for a brief moment, I was kilig haha
Really wanna ask him out already! But cases are rising again and I don't want him to use Covid as an excuse so I'll wait again until cases have slowed down.
So today, I had a video call with MF. She told me that she got a new job 😭 meaning, she won't be able to be my wingwoman now 😭
I am happy for her but this cuts down all my chances with Chad 😭
But she did talk to Chad and he applied to the SME role apparently, I think he may have already been interviewed but he didn't hear back from them yet.
MF also said that we should meet up for a coffee date "with Bianca" and he said we should hahaha cmon MF make this a reality please so I can talk to him 😭
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coolmiddlename · 7 years
I don't think you ever did your final write up on season 8 Kitty, you gonna get back to that?
aww man, i didnt finish it because i think ive done a pretty great job expressing my thoughts on season 8. it was freaking amazing? but im gonna write up some of what i planned for that post here.
favourite episodes:
two swords is good because it introduces us to the more violent fern and shows finn being a doctor for shits and giggles (foreshadowing?). i get good feelings from this ep. and these days, also sad ones.
high strangeness - tree trunks is pretty entertaining by herself but this episode had a glorious combination of comedy, quiet pain, and…. strangeness. seeing tree trunks be ooo’s greatest activist was nothing short of a golden meme factory. and it was a lttle sad seeing pb explain what it was all about, perhaps even questioning her own sanity here… as for the candy attacking the aliens, if you remember all of pen ward’s previous work, you sure do get a Little Pink Best Buds vibe.
jelly beans have power - yknow when they ended pb’s arc w the whole Being A Pragmatic Coldass back in the Cooler, i wondered if she was going to stay interesting or get boring. well, lets just say the AT crew have exceeded my expectations. not to mention season 8 SURE BRINGS UP A LOT OF COMPETITION in the whole “morally questionable science lady” area. after the whole King of Ooo stuff the princess has been trying to rebuild her relationship with her citizens, and to see her hot-headedness make it crumble apart… well it must have been like looking into your soul and seeing something dreadful.
All of Islands - yes this is cheating. do i give a fuck? no. uhhhh what were my fave eps? hide and seek was the part where i went “this is the best adventure time has ever been”. martin and minnie was not only realistic, making minnie my favourite side character to ever get that little screentime, it also hit all the right emotional notes as well as having a dash of humor. the light cloud kinda highlighted the differences between the humans and the oooish people, it made us all appreciate the wacky land of ooo I feel. finn could have had his life as a human and lived with his parents, but he would have possibly died during the plague, and he’d have never had all the amazing adventures that made him who he is. anyway finn’s kinda my second or third favourite character now which is a significant jump from a few years ago. 
all of elements because i just dont care. highlights: skyhooks was deeply ominous and had marshmalline humming greensleaves which is pretty gay, bespoken for looked like it was gonna be shitposty but ended up making betty of all people a compelling, sympathetic, and unpredictable character… the third one had the ice kingdom which i think is my second-favourite location… cloudy i didnt like on my first rewatch but on our rewatch i learnt to appreciate it for the heart-to-heart bro chat that it was… slime central had funky skating (slime kingdom ftw) and the BEST humor in the miniseries alongside jake fucking dying, happy warrior is my least favourite of the eps but thats because it was setup for the much more magnificient hero heart which is my favourite… the reason for that is because it’s worth the most analysis and has the heaviest atmosphere. from lsp eating marceline’s face to finn holding back his fear to pb going fucking nuts and all those chilling candy zombies, this was the climax of the miniseries for sure. skyhooks II was a cooldown after the climax and a sort of resolution. it could have been better but the way i think of it, we haven’t seen all the resolution yet. highlights? lsp being the hero (lol) and pb and marcy’s kingdom-takeover song. pb’s actions in elements make me think that the power made her exemplify all her negative, controlling traits. she tried to take over the other kingdoms to make people “happy” and they ended up losing all their individuality. remind you of The Thin Yellow Line? the same sorta goes for FP but not really cos FP’s only negative trait is her awful temper.
abstract because i fucking love jake. i know some people found this ep disappointing but i did not.
ketchup for best filler ep because it looked GORGEOUS, it made me SMILE, it had backstory and the tale of what Marceline did in Elements presented in such a charming way, we even saw BMO spin a tale about her mom…  I’m heartbroken that we probably wont be seeing any more guest animated episodes because this is my favourite one yet. 
whispers. I TOO AM DOOM. *thunk thak thunk thank splat*
three buckets is the best episode in the best season of adventure time, and i think it beats out The Lich as my favourite season finale. it’s sad, it’s dark, it’s sweet, it’s hilarious, it’s ominous, theres nothing to dislike about it. my favourite part was the last few minutes starting from when fern left finn alone in the cave. he freaks out for a while which makes us wonder if he might actually die in here, then the robot arm in a surprising twist turns out to have a pb-siri that thanks finn for what hes done which is cute. and finn discovers his salvation in the rock drill and fucking weed whacker. then he fights his clone  fern now COMPLETELY off the deep end, and just when finn is giving up,  well…
“What are you doing?”
“Weed whacking!”
“…What are you?”
“A weed whacker :D”
“It doesn’t have to have this… finnality!”
“F A T A L I T Y”
i think the end of this ep is more defined by what isn;t said than what is said. finn is so shocked that he can’t even talk. bmo gives us one final bout of dark humor. then we switch to…. Fern……. finally free of his shell but a mere ghost of what he was…. his look of pure rage as he gets picked up by who we believe could be a scholar of Golb…. uncle fucking gumbald. 
What a DEVASTATING finale,  and what a fantastic setup for the final arc of Adventure Time!
a comment i had to make about the last few eps is: it’s suspicious that we didnt get a followup for PB after Elements. but even though Peebles wasn’t in these eps, she didn’t feel absent either. especially with Marceline’s story in Ketchup, Fern’s remembering what he did in Whispers, and literally everything in the last 3 minutes of Three Buckets, i feel that there’s something big building up for her. we’ve yet to see the consequences Elements had on PB who was out of everyonne the most dangerous elemental, the one who took her powers to the furthest extreme. considering what happened in Jelly Beans Have Power, iiiii expect this followup to be soon. maybe it’ll be big? maybe it’ll be quiet. either way i look forward. and if i’m disappointed? well it’s happened before.
altogether season 8 is my favourite in the show for obvious reasons. i dont think season 9 has the possibility of topping it but i really cant wait to see what we get next either way, just in case it manages to be even better.  
no matter how adventure time ends, though, i think it’s going to hold a place in my heart for a long time.
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lotrewrite · 7 years
8/19 Chat Recap
Same as the previous recap - I'm mostly keeping the comments intact! Putting the more fun/general stuff above the cut:
SNEAK PEEK of the COLORED tarot cards: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jq1lm3nd64sx9d3/AAC5qUDB6EvTK28tqE1zffExa?dl=0
Playlist: I think we really need an official playlist for this? There's no depression in new zealand, yo ho, come on eileen, istanbul not constantinople...POC crossed with AC Black Flag music...XD Backstreet boys in the 90s! ep. 13 playlist has to be mercedes sosa; argentinian singer who had to go into exile during the dictatorship. I’m Henry the Eight I Am for the Tudor episode, plus Pastime With Good Company someone should make a playlist for all the episodes maybe when we're posting the episodes I'll make a music suggestion post each day :) that way people can suggest songs based on the final version
We should try to split them up semi-evenly, but also depending on who the episode focuses on.
1 – Mick?
2 – [Ray] [proposed]
3 – [Nate] [proposed]
4 – Sara
5 – Jax
6 – Lisa
7 – [Stein] [proposed]
8 – Rip
9 – Mick
10 – Amaya
11 – Jax
12 – Gideon
13 – Len
14 – Sara
15 – Stein
16 – Hosts
17 – [Ray] [proposed]
18 – Amaya
19 – Mick
20 – [Legion] [proposed]
21 – [Legion OR Sara]
22 - Len
Thoughts? There's only one Ray one so far, despite him having several Ray-centric episodes. Not sure what we would switch, though!
General Points:
can O!Len change his clothes? He had a beer from somewhere in ep6 I think, so can he have objects? i think it'd make more sense if he's 'full ghost' so to speak; I think he can't change his clothes or interact with objects until later in the season. As much as I'd love for more dress-up for Len, I think he works best as a ghost
Interesting consistency note: Because Anne gave away the spear piece, her life went to hell. That is a terrifying but wonderful thought. we have something similar with Ching and her history, because she also suffers defeats after her spear piece is gone And technichally the ship in new zealand sinks after they take the piece, too They could have had a chance to change their fates but they lost/gave away the spear pieces and thus couldn't
Stephanie Fisher - we should at the very least give her a shout-out for all her wonderful comments. I vote we give Stephanie some kind of award, not just for the comments, but for ALWAYS catching Damien Darhk's name and correcting it!!!!!
just generally, I really love the snarky Gideon we have. And Jax. I love Jax so much this season. and I even like Stein again! I wasn't a big fan of Ray, but I think we've managed to redeem him as well and Sara is actually the badass captain we wanted her to be
Sara's journey is soooo good. Ray here is isolated, but not so terribly self centered like he was on the show. Like, as the season goes, he goes from being traumatized and lonely, to struggling with his identity, to accepting his identity and...I guess, growing more comfortable with himself and others??
Oh, question: Does Gideon still call Rip Captain Hunter and Sara Ms Lance? Or Mr Hunter and Captain Lance now? I think I went with both of them being called Captain
MaryWisdom might just do a German translation; DaughterOfScotland can help
just checking, we're all having Queen Bee use the amulet for her powers, right? Yes
Episode 9 Turncoat was my favorite canon ep and I feel like it only got better Jax and Amaya were so much better here than canon's "cuddle for warmth pwp" I feel like the rat sequence in ep 9 is actually a really great lead-up to episode 10 btw since we're talking about Ray, I really hope somebody makes one of those little things that fly across your screen with Ray and his rocket boot, and maybe the poor rat too XD
Episode 10 Because ep 10 was /also/ AMAZING that intro sequence was gold from start to finish There was so much world-building, character-building, and humor I really liked the villain sequences too There's some great exchanges there! The interactions were really in character! Oh, and the Amaya sequences with the British? PERFECT I love how Amaya continues to question her own knowledge and keeps evolving it was just such a fun ride honestly I think the lead up to Ray using the cold gun worked too? Oculus!Len giving it the tacit OK was such a balm Len is SO BORED he just wants to see Ray totally fail and laugh and Ray screwing up just worked so well as symbolism for his identity struggles also, I am so sad this isn't actually visual/audio because now I want someone to put together a short clip with the Waverider flying away, then pan down to a ship and you hear the "yo ho" song
Episode 11 I'm a bit bummed we haven't been able to fit in Stein singing, but I'll look over it again and maybe we can find a spot Maybe we could get that into episode 11? I've had there's no depression in new zealand stuck in my head for almost two days now btw episode 11, any more comments, or should we go back to it next week once people have had a chance to look it over? prob the best to look at it again tbh
Episode 12 OH MY GOD 12!!! THE TERROR! it was so good KAKO YOU MADE ME SCREAM literally, my phone rang during the Mick scene and I legit screamed the way you worked in the movie references so organically was genius THE LEN REVEAL WAS PERFECT was the ending scene of 12 okay? the scene with Mick and Sara I liked it a lot that was beautiful I knew I was gonna love this episode the moment it was pitched, but you exceeded all my expectations <3 so well done it's perfect That episode is definitely going to turn heads. It is very different compared to the rest and will stand out! perfect for the mid-season finale Is there a way we can make it a real mid-season finale? aka not post for aday or two afterwards? Well, if we start posting on the 1st and it's 22 episodes, with a month of 30 days... if we started on Sept 4 and posted every day, I think we'd end up with it falling on a weekend Sept 4, posting every day, would make 12 fall on a Friday We could then restart the next Monday
Episode 13 I LOVE THE INTRO I like the "did you learn that in school?" mention. Because the history classes suck yes that is a GREAT cold open the episode was really powerful also, the umbrella scenes were hilarious it really was, the tension followed throughout and was quite perfectly cut through with the UTTERLY FLAWLESS umbrella scenes Also, bitching Legion. This is great, seeing as we want them to implode also: the Len and Gideon scene <3 basically everything was fantastic i know we need to add the rip intro scene, but is there anything else you think we should work on? there were a few suggestions, but those are already in the google doc - overall I think it was an incredible episode, and you guys should be proud - you dealt with a really heavy topic really well Quick question to eisode 13... the Spanish they all got the pill, but we kind of wanted to show the other side of it, like what it sounded like to the woman at the bakery Like the Legends go into the bakery - then we see the woman working inside and it's from HER perspective, and there's spanish dialogue and then it switches to english and we're back to the Legends POV If you wanted it from the woman's POV, maybe start the scene with the woman? as in, she's working inside the register, and then some guys come in and buy stuff and then stay with her a second as they walk out and she's kinda wondering what's up, then shrugs and goes back to work then we jump back to the Legends talking in English she picks up on Mick being distracted by something that's not there i keep craving churros every time I look at this episode I loved how you guys mixed in the light-hearted scenes in with all the heavy stuff yeah it was really well balanced RIP EXITS, PURSUED BY MICK!!!
Episode 14 Sara saves the timeline with a threesome XD nuff said LOVED the bit where Amaya realises that Sara is dancing with the King! So fitting, too, because of my episode following with all the Shakespeare :D I think... I think I didn't actually mentioned an abberation? Just the spear piece rip found there Alternatively Rip is using his Time Master skills to find a piece before it ever causes an abberation That was what I was going for. He finds it, or thinks he did ooh. i like that. but if it is that then i don't think you should mention the witchcraft rumors The rumors that she bewitched Henry had been around for a long time already. Thy say that tht's the reason he left his wife and Rip thinks it's related to the spear piece but it's just generally people being shit can I just say, I really loved all the scenes with Amaya and Jax? seconded My only thing to add is, and I think I mentioned that in the comments, that it would be great if you could fit the Legion in somewhere Yeah, I agree with you. I'll put it in that they arrive late and Len is like "I got this", I think Before I forget: can I suggest Sara to narrate the intro? the last one she did was ep4
Episode 15 basically Kendra's Old West incarnation and the New York Riots incarnaton exist at the same time OW!Kendra doesn't have a name, so she *could* be Josephine from the NYR 8 years prior and that would make that Carter Hannibal  but then her Carter should be named Hannibal, not Shay :( his name could be Hannibal and then he goes by Shay Or he could've changed his name when they moved out west due to being wanted under his old name Just... don't explain it. Leave it for the reader to figure out. And wonder :P (for what it's worth, I thought 15 was delightful and SO GOOD at actually USING history the way a time travel story should) More next week
Episode 19 I could knight Ystina! that would be AWESOME!
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askpet-archive · 7 years
PET Ep 8
Downstairs, a phone started ringing loudly "ARTHUR, SOMETHING'S DOWNSTAIRS" a strong german accent came from a room, upstairs. Angy had heard the phone ringing as well. She heard Vincent screaming at Arthur about it but she knew that the young boy wasn't going to pick it up, being that he was probably busy with god knows what. She got up from her bed and went downstairs to pick up the phone. "Hello?" Phone tm: "yes hello? Is this P.E.T? yes uh, we called a few days ago and your leader scehdualed something for today at this time, and we're wondering where you are.. oh, yea, we're the people who called about the abandoned hospital-" "Oh shi-" Angy cursed under her breath, not knowing what to do "Um.. Who is this speaking?" "This is Allie Richsun, is there a problem?" He'd sigh. There was nothing to DO today, despite there being a lot he could've done today. Just the fact there was nothing FUN he could do today. What. "Angy can get it," He'd reply, scrolling through Tumblr and being bored. Ooh hey, that's a pretty nice aesthetic. Like. He never reblogs anything. haha "Uh- Nope! There's no problem at all! It's just.." Angy took a deep breath, where the hell was Ari or Era? "Let me.. call you back in a few seconds, we are preparing..  Um, bye!" Angy freaked out and hung up Vincent slide down the stairs, going over to the kitchen and drank from the milk carton Arth doesn't know what's going on right now, so he's just gonna sit here and do whatever he's doing. Call him when he's needed. The young girl paced up and down the room. Just then, a piece of paper caught her eye that was lying down on top of the dinner table. She grabbed it and read it. After finishing reading it, she freaked out a bit more. What the hell was she supposed to do? She was so concerned that she didn't notice Vincent. "ARTHUR!" she called out "GET DOWN HERE!" Vincent had his hair down with a cucumber facial mask "Coming, give me like a second," Arthur walked out of his room, down the stairs and into the kitche- "Vincent, dude, no. Five- or, SIX other people, counting that other new fangirl person, live here, man." His mood just went from bored to a little pissed (but not enough to actually yell or break anything). Oh yeah, he forgot Angy called him for something, so he'll finally face her. "What do you need again?" "What is this?!" she pointed at the note "Did you know about this?!" Vincent put the milk carton back and hummed over to meet the other two "No? I've been in my room like, all day, how would I know?" He should probably grab something, now that he thinks about it. "I just received a call from a client saying they're waiting for us, yet neither Era or Ari told us a darn thing about it!" Angy then placed the note back down "And now suddenly you're in charge?! I thought they were the ones who handled all of these things but noo they had to go and do whatever the heck" She sighed "Do you have Ari's phone number?" "Of course I have Ari's phone number. But if they're on a case that takes Era and Ari, they probably don't have signal." He'd shrug, entering his phone password (and hiding it from the other two) and tapping Contacts, handing her his phone. "Please don't look at anything else. Not like it's bad, just that it'd be pretty rude if you didn't." He's gonna throw that milk away later just sayin'. That, or hide it from Vincent somehow. Vincent read over the note and shrugged, "Also, I used all the bath soap. I brung over some of my own bath salts. The toilet is broken and the shower is clogged." Vincent no "Trust me, I don't want to see anything on your phone for now" She tapped Ari's name and the phone started ringing. She knew Arthur was probably right about the rest of the team not having signal but for the situation they were in right now, it didn't hurt to try. "I'm not fixing it, that's all up to you, dude." He's probably wearing the clothes the mun posted Arthur being in earlier. Arthur's just gonna sneak his way into the living room, sitting on the couch and being bored. Aka literally the picture that mun sent Arthur being in. Vincent groaned, "I know how to repair explosives and illegal weaponary. But bathrooms?"  He came over next to Arthur and turned on the TV "The note said you're in charge! You have to fix this or at least tell Ari what the heck is going on!" She kept impatiently waiting for the co-leader to answer her phone. "Sounds like a personal problem." "You can try to," It's probably playing a kids network, like Nick Jr. or something, especially because of who last used the TV. "Ari! Where the  hell are you?!" She said once she heard Ari's voice "I just read the note that you left us!" "I'm not being in charge; YOU can be in charge, th- oh nevermind." He'd tell himself, seeing as Angy was talking to Ari now. On the other end of the line, you can hear someones voice rambling about Spop and the other girls She covered the phone "I'm not going to be in charge of anything!" she whispered yelled, then going back to talking to Ari and hearing the voice of a man ramble. She was quite confused but it wasn't her problem "Mind explaining?!" "What do mean North Carolina?! Also, I have your brother's phone because I wanted you to know that you might have forgotten a little appointment in an abandoned hospital?" "A test? You know, there's a thing that is called com-" she was interrupted by Ari yelling "Max" Who was Max? Before she could ask however, Ari had already hung up on her. Angy cursed as she face palmed herself. Vincent put his arm around Arthur, not exactly touching him. Vincent didn't really seem to think about it. Woah hey there Vincent, getting a little touchy. He's gonna. Scoot a little. Itty bit. It's been like, a day man. He'd also shout 'yo' at the mention of himself. Vincent doesn't even know why Arthur is scooting, but continues to laugh at Tom and Jerry killing eachother. After cursing at herself for a few more moments, Angy knew what she had to do. She went over to the couch, handing Arthur his phone "C'mon you two, we gotta go"  She then started walking away to her room in order to get ready herself. "Go where?" Vincent got up "Well, we gotta go and clean up the shit Ari and Era left us because apparently it's a test and right now I just wish I could stab myself" "Do we have to though?" Arth really doesn't wanna go anywhere. Let him sit here and do absolutely nothing. "Trust me, I wish we didn't either but we get payed for this." Angy replied "Plus, I don't want to get yelled at" "I have an appointment with a guy who wants to collect my diamonds...But just small ones..." He'd sigh. "Fine," He's gonna sit here 'till they move, though. "Where we going?" "Your diamonds can wait for a bit, right now we just need someone to drive us over there because it seems that they took the car." Going alone with Arthur would have been fine but she didn't want to leave the possible insane man with bombs and guns alone in their home, not to mention it was part of the "test" she had no choice but to go with him. "The call was from a Allie Richsun, she said that it was an abandoned hospital." "I'll drive, my Porsh just got right out of the shop! New brand new paint job~" "Y'know, the last time we got involed with abandoned places didn't end well, but that's fine I guess." He'd shrug, getting up. "Anything specific about the ghost? Special things we might need to bring?" "ILL BRING EXPLOSIVES!!" Excitement and energy in Vincent's eyes "NO. No explosives. Explosives are bad in an abandoned place. I broke bones because of it. I had three floors of rubble on my little innocent teenage body. No explosives." Vincent groaned loudly, though a glint in his eyes told the he's going to bring some anyways "Ah fuck.." she muttered as she went back to the phone and called back the client. Unfortunately, she didn't pick up "Well shit.. I sort of hung up on her and she didn't exactly tell me what was going on so I guess we bring all of the things just in case." She turned over to Vincent "No explosives. Gut red isn't a good paint color for walls, trust me" "Don't worry 'bout it. No explosives..." "I have a strong feeling there's still gonna be explosives." G l a r e at Vincent before he runs up the stairs to get his stuff. Angy didn't completely trust Vincent's word but had no time to argue and headed off to get dressed and grab the things they needed VINCENT RUNS UP He can be heard gathering heavy equipment and dropping a large item as it makes a huge BAM When Angy heard the noise, it almost caused her to drop her ghost tracker and almost break it "Damn it Vincent.." she muttered before continuing to collect several things He walks over to the bathroom and washes his facemask off A crack can be heard in the bathroom "I broke the sink." Angy finally left her room and heard the crack from the bathroom "Hey? Mr. German guy? We can't exactly wait for you forever" Vincent walked out with his regular outfit and a large leather backpack "I'll call my plumber. He gives me a great discount when I put a gun to his head" "Nice, okay. Now, where the heck is Arthur?" Arthur heads to his room, grabbing his journal and gun and stuffing those in there. What else did he need? Uhh, maybe he should bring some markers.. naah, it'll just take up space. Besides, the only two types of markers he could grab are the expensive ones or Cray-ohmygod. "VINCENT, what the FUCK," He'd grab a few things real quick before putting on his jacket (not the fur one, the other one that doesn't make him look like he just got out of a heckign pool. It's probably like bright red too. What a nerd) and grabbing his messenger bag, charging up to the other two. "Here!!" Despite running at speeds probably not appropriate for a 15-year-old, he stopped and prevented himself from crashing into the other two. also he probably put on some heckin pants, mun forgot to add that part in "Alright guys go get in my Porshe outside. I'll go grab the keys and go" "Don't take too long, for all we know this woman is gonna be fucking pissed at us but hell, that isn't our problem." Angy then walked out the home, waiting near the Porshe for Vincent. She looked at the car, did this man have some serious money? Probably not. Knowing him, he probably did something else which Angy wasn't eager to know. Here he come!! Probably sprinting cause now he's suddenly in the mood for ghost hunting. Probably because of his bag. Anyways, he's also out there now, just sort of doing that thing where you seesaw your feet back and forth and you sway with it. Mun is probably gonna edit this later with a better description of it. Vincent comes to the porshe with his pink keys with a poodle on his keychain, hopping in and starting it Arthur takes shotgun, and no one's gonna stop him. He's probably gonna mention the keys later. :^) "Where to sweetheart?" With the doors unlocked now, Angy sat inside in the backseat, seeing as Arthur had taken the passenger seat. Once she sat down, there was a new problem at hand. Where was the abandoned hospital? "Wh-" Sweetheart? He's. Flustered. A little bit. His jimmies have been russled- "Hey, can I have my phone back by the way?" "I wonder if they're talking about that abandoned hospital on 26 Street" "You casually just know about run down hospitals?" "How would you know where that is?" This man has been here for like. A day. Two days. What. "I hear about it in China Town" "You must hear about a lot of places in China Town." "Strip clubs and stuff. Ye" "I guess we should look there then" "Best guess. But- wait, do you hear about them AT strip clubs or do you hear ABOUT strip clubs?" Does he want this question answered? Haha no. But he already said it so too late. "There isn't time for this! Let's go" Vincent took a second to say, "Both..' "Uh- okay yeah let's just. Go. Hehe." Woo this got awkward. He probably should've expected this, but now that he's heard it he's got mixed feelings about this guy. Vincent backed out of the drive way and started to drive to the street, cranking up classical music He quietly sang to it Angy sat in the backseat looking out the window, being surprised at Vincent's music choice. She didn't really expect it but she just shrugged it off. After about eight minutes, Vincent stopped the car. Pointing at a large mossy medical building pointing up from the trees Okay, he didn't expect this. Especially hearing about the fact Vincent's been to a strip club atleast once, if not other times before. "So.. pink keys, huh?" Mun was going to start conversation but oop they're here. "A friend gave them to me..." "A friend gave you your car keys." Angy closed her eyes and let out a deep breath, getting ready for the mission and how she was going to deal with the client and both Vincent and Arthur. "Okay, we're finally here. Arthur, when we get there, you're the one who's leading since you're still in charge" "Uh, no. You're the leader now. You're better than me at the whole tracker thing. I'm just good at writing it down and occasionally breaking things. As the person in charge, I now give you my rank. Or something like that." "Ugh. Your sister is going to kill me but, fair enough. C'mon." She opened her backside door and got out, feeling the cool misty air hit her face. He'd get out of the vehicle aswell, going ahead of the others and waiting outside the door. Vincent followed along, kicking dirty cans scattered around. what did those cans do to you. Allie blinked, looking at the three childing "uh..hello there! Are you P.E.T?" she asked, a tinge of worry in her voice. they didnt look like adulted Angy made her way across the large field to the main building where the lady was "Yes, we are P.E.T, paranormal exploration trackers! We are terribly sorry for keeping you waiting, traffic was a bit crazy" she lied to the woman. Allie rose an eyebrow, nodding slightly "um..just saying. you may need this, considering your teammates Angy dear. now, go ahead and head inside" she handed Angy a piece of paper, which..counted their lives? thats odd. "and Arthur, Ari told me about you. No killing things. you either Vincent. the ghosts are for capturing, not killing." Oh shit that's the person. Or who he guesses is the person. He just gives a small wave. "Wh- what do you mean? I'm not gonna kill them," He probably would if he really needed to. He's gonna rush over there, doot de doo Vincent shrugged and looked over at the piece of paper with their lives, "Do I actually have that many lives?" "Yes. dont let them waste m'dear" Allie hummed "or else i might have to retract quite a few." "We're gonna die?" Vincent said anxiously, looking over at Arthur. Angy was taken a bit aback by how this stranger knew some things about them but it seemed that Ari had talked to her about them. Angy took the paper and read their lives, Vincent peering over her shoulder and reading the paper as well "I guess so, it's surprising.." Angy looked up at the lady when she threatened Vincent "Okay then.. um.. Let's go guys, I do hope you do have your flashlights, it seems pretty dark in there" Allie paused "actually" Wh?? What?? "Well yeah, I died once, it's not that bad." Arthur shut up, you've only died once as a kid. "im gonna need your flashlights" she held out her hands "and equipment" "No." "What?" "NU UH!" "yes! Give me flashlights and equipment please. and dont try killing me, ill retract livees~" she sang "No." He'd turn around, leaving the building. "No." "We are not letting you have our flashlights." Vincent started to join Arthur He'd walk back to the car, opening the door and staring at the women directly in the eyes.. "No." And sitting in the passenger seat. "You do know we need these to get the job done right?" Allie flew over and grabbed Arthur by the hood, holding him in the air and humming "kid. listen. this is a test. if you cant fare without a flashlight and equipment i could have Ari force you to leave PET, and ill easily  take all your lives." "Okay, make me leave PET! That's fine! Just don't like, take my lives maybe? That'd be nice maybe!" "What the-" Angy saw the lady no clip and immediately ran to where she was with Arthur "Hey! You leave him alone!" "I will gladly let myself get fired from PET aslong as I don't, y'know, die forever? Can that be arranged maybe, I dunno?" "The hospital has equipment, flashlights, and other various objects hidden around it. you'll find them. and Arth. ooh Arth. You'll die forever really soon either way with your reckless lil acts" Vincent grabbed Arthur by the legs and tugged him away from Allie's grasp, holding Arthur in a carrying position "You know, I'm starting to question Ari's methods. And you didn't tell us this was Ari's plan sooner because..?" Allie glared at Vincent and swooped down, grabbing Arthur again and pulling him away, flying up high enough for Arthur and herself to be out of anyones reach "HEY! Give him back!" "You really quite are. plus no teamwork. this excerise would force you to use teamwork, your wits, and forcing yourself to brave darkness and ghosts you cannot injure. All three of you. and use weapons you arent used too." "Okay sorry, say that again? I can't hear you over mY FEAR OF YOU CARRYING ME SO HIGH UP IN THE AIR TO WHICH I CAN DIE!" Angy's anxiety started to rise up seeing Arthur being so high up. She turned to Vincent "Do something!" Allie grinned "Exactly!! if i drop you, boom. i can snatch away all your lives. So, i suggest you listen unless you want to die, and Angy and Vincent, you might not want a very very pissed off Ari. or dead friend." Vincent shrugged and rummaged through his bag "CAN YOU PLEASE PUT ME DOWN??" Boi stop screaming- Allie sighed, looking at Vincent "you hurt me, i slam this boy into a tree." Vincent yelled  in anger "LIKE, NOT THAT I'M AFRAID OF HEIGHTS BUT BEING SO HIGH UP KINDA SCARES PEOPLE EVERY NOW AND THEN!" "Well no shit, Ari's going to be really pissed when she finds out YOU KILLED HER BROTHER!" Allie blinked "...Arthur may be her brother, but she'd forgive me for killing him. i know she would. if she doesnt, i can strip her of lives too" Allie, please th boi is scard pls let him down he doesn't like this. he's kicking and flailing nonono sTop nO- "HEY, LIFE LADY! WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS IF YOU PUT ME ON SOLID GROUND!" "What the shit Ari..?" she said under her breath Vincent drops his bag and all his weapons and flashlight, "Bring Arthur down in peace" wowza thank u stronk german man. Mun lowkey wants to make him start tearing up but.. nah. Allie frowned "that wouldnt be much fun! Arthur, you drop your stuff too. easy to do, holding you under shoulders, not arms. Same for you Angy." "I'll catch your stuff Arthur!" Shouting below and raising his hands up Angy sighed but did what she was asked to do. Angy was never the one to turn to violence but this "woman" was testing her patience. Allie blinked, then grinned, simply 'despawning' all of Arthurs stuff "Wh-" oH My gOD. "DID YOU JUST DELETE MY FUCKING JOURNAL???" "huh" "no, dumbass. its in my inventory." there goes all of Vincent and ANgys stuff "Arthur please! Don't do something stupid!" Mun would like to add that Arthur is probably clinging to this lady. That or has a very strong grip and struggling immensely. Allie smiled "now, i have full control over the hospital. brightness levels, windows, even making it collapse. Im putting you three in there with 5 lives. meaning if one of you die, you all lose a life. But you'll respawn pretty quick. Dont give yourselves perma-killed. got it?" she chuckled "im locking you in there as well, how about ya'll go on in, ill throw Arthur in in a second." "Just.." Angy sighed "Please bring him down..?" "YES, YEAH PUT ME DOWN, THAT- THAT'S PROBABLY- GOOD," "This is scarier than that one guy throwing up in China town" "Get. in. the. hospital." she snapped, letting her eyes go all Sally-demon creepy stuff Angy turned to Vincent with a grossed out face but did not want to ask Vincent was the first one walking into the hospital Okay NOW he's tearing up. He's actually scared right now. Please don't drop him. He's not even scared of Allie, just the fact he might fall any second. Angy looked up at Arthur, noticing the tears and growing even more worried but she had no choice and followed Vincent to the building. Allie sighed "dont be such a baby. Ari said you were all brave. thats why i grabbed you. ew. put the tears away" she let go of one of his arms to slap him, before just holding him by one arm. "speaking of Ari, just know she told me to do none of this. im doing it for fun. so uh, if you get mad at her shes just gonna come after me and..yea, i dont wanna kill her. So." Allie shrugged "just dont get pissed at her for my actions." He'd scREECH, clinging to the one arm for dear life. Whoops he's too busy screaming and panicking to notice he has his phone. Because that's what you do when you're 15 feet in the air, being carried by some sort of floating lady who threatened to bash you into a tree and threatened to end you and your friends' existences permanently. "HEY, C-CAN YOU TELL WHOEV- WHOEVERS CALLING ME THAT- THAT I CAN'T PICK UP RIGHT NOW, KINDA DYING," Angy felt her pockets and felt her phone. Her eyes widened as she realized that she hadn't given it up. She started walking faster toward the building, finding a place where she though Allie wouldn't see her. She frantically started dialling Ari and hoping she would pick up. "Ari!" She whispered yelled into the cellphone, feeling angry and panicked and not wanting Allie to hear. "I hope you're happy with your fucking test because your brother is going to die now!" "What do you mean you didn't know!? This creepy woman right now has your brother hanging from 15ft up in the air!" Angy was completely confused but the tone Ari had in her voice sounded genuine "Trust me Ari.. I would save him if I could but this "woman", I don't even know what she is anymore, took all of our stuff." "Ari, please calm down" Angy felt some tears in her eyes as well. As much as she was mad before, thinking Ari had done this on purpose, she hated hearing any of the people she cared for cry. "She told us to give up our stuff and we did but.. she's not letting him go.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I don't know what to do..W-wait.. Billy..?" Is he gonna die?? Maybe he's gonna die. He feels like dying now. Maybe he should let go. But nah, Allie might regret it. But she should. He should focus more on screaming. Let's do that. Allie hummed, now swinging Arthur from side to side, refusing to drop him until Vincent went into the damn hospital If Ari meant for this to be like this, then would she want him dead? Maybe he SHOULD let go, that is if one of the only relatives he ever got along with decided to send him on a suicide mission. But there were also people here that cared about him, and that was bad too. I mean Angy sort of cared about him. Era was pretty okay. He barely got to know Spop or the other new intern, and Vincent seemed.. interesting? He's like, panicking less now, but still panicking. Maybe crying. A part of him is telling him to let go, but at the same time telling him that it'd be worth it if he just held on. Allie hummed "seems like your friends are inside. aww.. guess i gotta put you down. remember. five lives. Dont get yourselves killed, got it?" Allie kind of, threw Arthur into the hopsital lightly, before locking all the doors, leaving them in a completely dark room, still with cellphone service by the way. "Arthur, thank god!" Angy immediately ran up to him, ignoring Ari, who was still on the line "Are you okay?" "Why don't we use the cell for a light? Also, Arthur, nice air time" Oh boy now he's panicking More. Now not only is he without his phone, but also not knowing where everyone is and just kinda. Crawls on the ground until he can find something to grab. "Th- than- tha- yeah," Probably Angy or Vincent's leg, that or like a chair or something. Depends on how intact the hospital is, really. "Don't worry, you're safe here with us.." "Wow, watch where youre grabbing Arthur. You have your hand mighty close to my crotch I mean like you can if it makes you feel better" Vincent coughed nervously Angy, noticing she was still in the call with Ari, gave the phone to Arthur "It's your sister." He's too shocked to say anything, just sort of. Grabs fo-- LIGHT!! YES LIGHT FUCKING HELL-- he doesn't even care if there's someone on the other side, he just turns on the flashlight and shines it on his friends. "You're there, and you're there, that's good, we're good, we're not dead, I'm not dead, what do we do now." He's turning the flashlight every which way, making sure he's seen just about every dark spot in his view. "Arthur, your sister is on the phone. She has no idea who the fuck was the woman holding you up so high" "Oh hey Ari, by the way what the FUCK DID YOU DO THIS FOR?" "Yeah, I did almost die, because apparently you think it's neat to just send us on this mission you weren't here for that could've and might get us killed." He'd sigh. "Okay, thank you, but I'm still kind of pissed, just- come soon? Maybe? Please? I don't think this lady is gonna be happy with us talking to you for this long." Boy wipes his tears. No he didn't cry what're you talking about. He's gonna, start going somewhere with his phone flashlight. He has like, somewhat full battery, 60%. He'll be fine. Allies watching them from the shadows, she made a silent angry noise and snapped, forcing Arthurs phone to die. There the light goooess "Fuck.." Angy looked around in complete darkness "Guys, I think it's best if we stick together for now, just in case.." You can hear Vincent crashing into stuff "Was that you Vincent?" Knowing Arthur was closer to her than the young man. It must have been him rEET- "Oh oF FUCKiNG CourSE!!" He was very tempted to just smash it on the ground but. He stopped himself. No, he thought. It's a phone. He's gonna just, try locating his friend, finding Angy first and grabbing her wrist, before trying to find Vincent. "Vincent, can you just like, yell or something?" It may not be evident cause they're in the fucking dark, but he's very spooped right now. save him A small click echoes through the silent dark room followed by a loud gunshot "I found a gun!" Well, atleast he could see that. Guns do that thing where they do the light and then the shot right. Because if so he'll just walk right over there and grab the boy's wrist. "There, now we're together!" He. Didn't think that statement through. "You have a strong grip" "Whatever you say, dude." He'd 'look' over the rest of the darkness. "Now.. how do we get around here." "Okay then.." Angy tried to ignore Arthur's awkward comment "Anyways, we gotta at find a way out of here before we do end up being slammed into trees. How we'll navigate is a whole other question.." Vincent heard his favorite song play in the dark, "Guys! I hear something!" He says softly, mesmerized by the sound and disappearing into the dark "Yeah that's kinda- Wh- HEY!" Arthur tried to chase after him, but at the sound of his footprints, he was probably gone. He'd sigh, "Are you kidding me," He'd mumble under his breath. Angy was confused but tried to grab Vincent by his shirt "Hold up! It could be a trap!" But it was too late The song stopped in the silence, Vincent now totally gone and the dark wrapping around the two
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lotrewrite · 7 years
LOT Season 2 4.17.17 Recap
All right! Here is the recap of ideas from Monday’s chat sessions. It’s still fairly rough, since I’ve mostly devoted my time to incorporating all of the below into what my next post is going to be about, which is the episodes layout for the season. I’ve tried to group them by subject for convenience. 
TL;DR: you should probably go look at the post with the episodes instead, it'll have the ideas that we discussed (below) incorporated into episode
Oculus Len: Len: well, I was thinking that Oculus!Len would actually appear gradually throughout the season Mick assumes he's a hallucination, and when Len corrects him Mick doesn't believe him? maybe Len doesn't know what he is we have them scattered to the spear pieces so maybe the spear pieces, when activated, "draw in" unusual activity so it's indirectly because of the spear that's how he finds them – therefore he can also find the Legion when they have spear pieces; Like beacons that disrupt the flow of time. they're rocks in the river of time Mick can see him because he was exposed to the Oculus energy in the chair during his time as Kronos sort of a sub-theme I want to work on with Len is that he doesn't always communicate well with people even Mick, he often relies on Mick just getting what he means and that would make it all the more frustrating that Mick goes with Legion!Len even when Oculus!Len tells him not to Episodes where Len appears Episode where this is explained (by magic user?)
Gideon episode More exploration of the ship and Gideon’s limitations now that the Vanishing Point is gone It would also explain why they need to go find "experts" to learn about the spear and other things because they can't just ask Gideon any more Gideon is grieving the AIs in the Vanishing Point and Rip, as well as her isolation/dehumanization by the team, traumatized by Rip hacking her if that’s there Gideon episode: they find a mostly destroyed ship with an AI gone crazy from grief or something and none of them realized that could happen; creepy ghost ship with insane AI Gideon steps in to save the Legends a haunted ship episode would be a great time to introduce Len-the-full-ghost instead of as a hallucination This is the first episode where Oculus!Len interacts with something and is recognized by Gideon, identifying him as a ghost instead of just a hallucination Episode at the midpoint
Kronos’ ship Possibility: solving where Eobard got his own Gideon? From Legion!Rip? from Kronos’ ship? Legion finds Mick’s old ship, gets his AI from there?
Episode 3 - 1942 Episode 3: Sara in 1942: She teamed up with them while waiting to be picked up because otherwise she'd get bored and go back to the League of Assassins and really, twice is enough bet she and rex would have some issues about leadership So the JSA was in Russia/Finland and Sara went: Heeeeeeeyyyyyyy, guys... :D Amaya had seen lightning just before finding Rex's body but didn't actively recall it until seeing Barry run during the crossover. When she mentions it to the others, they realize they're dealing with a speedster
End of Legion Team uses the spear's relative immunity to the time stream to go back in time to interfere with a prior timeline by simply stopping Eobard right after flashpoint, using the spear to rob him of his time travel powers and ditching him right after he killed Barry's mom thereby kickstarting his evolution to become Flash season 1 Wellsobard. Eobard gets exactly what he wants: to be saved from the Black Flash. By stopping Eo at that point, he doesn't ever recruit Damien or Len, so they are back in their timelines WITHOUT a memory wipe and the subtle differences between pre-Legends Eo and post-Legends Eo could also excplain some of the differences in post-Flashpoint Flash universe Possibly emotional farewell between Mick and past!Len before he fades away, then he goes back to Oculus!Len Oculus!Len decides to sacrifice himself again (end of his arc – accepting his choice to be a hero as well as a villain, accepting it’s a part of who he is) and grabs the spear to destroy it, but it actually brings him back because it is immune to time aberrations (ALT: Len regrows body from hand?)
Laurel Sending Laurel to E-2 – they know she’s not Black Siren because of watch detectors one way to give a reason for her to go is because Laurel's death is such an important moment, rescuing her as a speedster abberation - which makes her a target for the Black Flash. Meaning that Eobard saved Laurel not only to get the spear pieces from Sara, but ALSO to give the Black Flash an alternative target Does Laurel like being E-2? It’s better than being dead
Doomworld Doomworld: Wanted!AU – superheroes are miserable regular humans, lots more villains, villainous superheroes and ALL the cameos; actual dystopia going on Lisa is ice skating and queen of a country
Legion composition Some people proposed Queen B, some people proposed Zazzala merger of characters – past!Damien knows a magic user who will be helpful and calls for Queen Bee, who has obtained a mystical artefact (Emerald Eye), which gives her mind-control powers. Damien protects himself and Eobard against it by obtaining amulets against mind control? (Len later demonstrates himself to be capable of picking them off without them noticing, rendering them all vulnerable) Joke about Poison Ivy not returning their calls Queen Bee is an antagonist of Mari-Vixen, both in terms of causing the civil war that caused her to leave her home and stalking her for her token, and this incite Amaya to be curious about her future
Mick moments Finale: Mick and Oculus!Len to team up with Jax and the Legends and fight the Legion Mick moment: at some point he has a moment where he can choose between himself (the chance for the heist or burn of the century) or a teammate and realizes he values the team and wants to stay with them At some point Mick and Ray talk about suicidal ideation they have; Amaya talk to about grief Mick has worsening hallucinations – doesn’t reveal it too soon; concern about mental illness explicitly mentioned; so he's at first an echo, then a whisper, then a glimpse, then a full fledge appearance
Sara arc Sara: saves her sister, then has to step up as leader, then becomes overprotective, confrontation between her and Jax at the end; she goes to talk with Laurel and returns to take up the mantel of captain before going into final fight
Nate Nate’s lucky never-goes-dull pencil is a spear piece He is a grad student and does not question it
Jax/Stein rescue Jax/Stein – medieval constantinople or crusades – people were certain they were right and it goes horribly wrong – stein: so much scientific knowledge being destroyed! jax: also people dying?? Sets up Jax’s arc and helps him realize he knows what the morally right thing is, but he lets himself get overruled
Vikings Jax romance during the Vikings episode Pagan period, everyone addresses their grief, plot happens and at the end they’re at a funeral, a skald singing a tale to trigger the funeral/grieving part of the vikings ep, so there's a big story swap between the legends – make them get up and talk about their dead (Stein is chosen, ends up talking about Ronnie; Mick throws his bottle into the fire, gets up, talks about Len; Ray about Anna) – Sara letting go of rage and grief over Laurel – recognizing she didn’t react well Lisa had been told long before, but she’s still upset; she talks with Mick about his presence with the Legends Jax meets a shieldmaiden who gives him pointers on defending himself without Stein/remind him to be awesome on his own as well – Jax is shocked his flirting actually worked
Episode 6 – cyberpunk heist Could be in the future, cyberpunk, Lisa runs the heist Ray insists on being too clever and going off-script, the suit is damaged, but it’s only destroyed in Invasion; brief mention of Batman Beyond Stein initially protests but gets into it; Ray treats it like a heist movie instead of a real heist, thinks he’s going to save the day despite being told not to use his suit, it all goes badly instead Ray losing his suit not only to excessive heroism but to a there-was-a-better-way-if-you-thought-about-it/possibly unnecessary heroism. Lisa needs to go to back-up plan and succeeds regardless Lisa and Mick get to show off their competence and positive interactions
Invasion rewrite portions of it; everyone will be acting decently to Mick, Felicity and Kara make friends with him; not to mention a better use for time travel than "go back to the 50s to get an alien and do nothing with him"
Magic-user episode Episode 8 – they hunt up a magical expert about the spear, possibly several – So Sara asks Oliver for Constantine's info – each one directing them to another (Constantine to Zatanna to Madame Xanatu and back) Constantine flirts with everyone Zed gets an image of the Legion hunting Rip down by touching the Waverider Rest of the episode: Legends go to try to save him, but fail They return to Constantine, who is apologetic but gives them the compass which he found Rip: Eobard finds him first, initial encounter between them where Rip is happy to meet an old friend from the future (he knew Eo from before Eo became a speedster; asks about if the time sphere worked out for him) and then realizes that Thawne is a villain kidnapping This ties in with Rip’s arc about his “Time Master” knowledge not helping him
American Rev Episode 9 – keep American Rev, keep rat, keep statute; Amaya gets secondary arc: she’s so mission-focused she nearly lets innocent people die, the others stop her and rescue everyone, shows her that being 100% mission above all else is bad
Later magic-user episode Later episode: Constantine sends a message/they call Constantine to ask; telling them that the Spear was last owned by Merlin so they need to go back to Camelot to figure out how it works
Pirates Pirates – maybe not in the Caribbean Ninjas v Pirates argument between Mick and Ray Pirate democracies? Ray and Amaya – Amaya learns pirates are not so bad, law and order isn’t everything, Ray sees that adventuring isn’t all that and requires discipline to be successful
Ray B-plot for one episode to be Ray trying on new identities and they don't work we could also bring Nate back later on for another conversation
Len Len joins Legion willingly He is surprised that Mick is with them and seems okay with them; he objects to plans that involve manipulation of Mick/others based on emotions because it’s “too easy”; He starts questioning, starts hesitating; "if I trust Mick's judgment - which I do sometimes - then what am I missing here?" Sara mentions kiss to Past!Len, who flirts back but doesn’t remember it Line he doesn’t want them to cross – gratuitous torture of someone for pleasure rather than to really get anything out of the person, Len decides to kill the person (mercy kill) and they’re pissed; Len fights the Legion with the help of Oculus!Len (still invisible, but able to interact) Eo thinks it’s easy but Len’s good against speedsters and ices him; Damien pulls out rarely used magic skills and puts him down; they put him in the same chair as torture victim, zoom in on his face, end of episode Next we see of Len, he’s fine - someone jokes "i'm so happy you had a /change/ of mind" - and he says nothing at all. no reaction to the pun, nothing Post-BW manipulates Mick to come with him Oculus!Len is horrified by brainwashing and tries to communicate with Mick, who doesn’t listen He hurts/insults Mick at one point and Jax/Legends realize that’s OOC based on stories of Len Mick in Doomworld realizes he's done something wrong but doesn't know how to fix it and only after he's made the decision to leave Legion!Len does Oculus!Len show up he probably thinks he's hallucinating /again/ but then they're actually able to talk During Doomworld, when Mick realizes Len has been brainwashed, that's the final push that gets him to regather the team The Legion decides to deal with Mick and capture Mick, ordering Legion!Len to torture him Oculus!Len appears and uses that to fight Legion!Len, causing him to BSOD/become confused because the manipulation of Mick (which he was also less willing to do before the brainwashing) is one thing but torturing him is another
Gangs of New York Sadie the Goat Farrel 1869 NY Gangs, headbutts her victims and a cohort shoots them with a sling shot and steals their money, gangs of NY; her nemesis was this other lady who is equally awesome a 6 plus bouncer called Gallus Mag who bit off Sadies ear in a fight and kept it pickled in a jar  - gang war between historical ladies and the Legends jump right in the middle specifically, 1860s Gangs-of-New-York NYC could feature Jonah Hex who haaaaaaaaaaates this place; If we have Hex, maybe include at least a reference to the fact that he was Confederate and uncomfortable with Yankees If we move episode 1 to being London or DC, the later episode with Jonah Hex could involved gangs of New York – he got called to solve a problem
Tudors episode Rip: Time Master’s knowledge is wrong/one-sided and colonialist overtones; could tie in with Amaya’s arc; Episode where Rip (after he comes back) tries to do things based on typical Time Master protocol (team goes one way, he goes another b/c he's sure he's right and he wants to redeem himself) except it's totally wrong, possibly just checking Gideon instead of looking himself, and it goes wrong; he is forced to realize that he’s lost everything: his family, his faith in the TMs, his captaincy, etc. -> Rip also realizes that if his Time Master info is wrong, he might have taken IMPORTANT people from the timeline, thereby robbing them of their potential (possibly they are now creating ‘new’ potential) Possibly to happen in Tudor episode - he thinks the spear has to be THIS THING but it turns out it's another thing during the Tudor episode Mick burns down the building which will then be rebuilt to be the Globe other episode ideas New Zealand episode South America episode – Chile/Argentina – could be Amaya episode for finding out about colonialization possibly an episode where they encounter some Really Bad Thing the Time Masters did (and Rip did, not realizing it was bad) Mystery Machine parked in the background
Maze episode Maze: Legion and Legends both go to future where there is a maze, it’s a TV competition (“Legends of the Hidden Temple”); there are “puzzles” you have to solve but it’s not logic, it’s references, humor, brawn, compassion, puns; O!Len cracks a joke and Mick says it out loud Some overarching minotaur threat Episode where Stein keeps trying to use logic and fails, needs to rely on others, especially Mick Eobard tries to go through walls and pays a penalty for cheating – it’s Jumanji questions is "please name the secret identity of batman" and the answer is "I don't know, nobody knows that!" possibly Lily is in danger? At least, Stein thinks she is; he needs to be scared about the fact that his intelligence isn't going to save her – this can follow up on episode where he doesn’t reveal she’s an aberration thereby getting her angry at him; she refuses to forgive him until she sees him really stressing out about her, he gets advice from emotionally mature person about how to apologize in a way she understands he means it
Filler episode filler episode/Jax's 21st birthday? that particular one doesn't have to be an aberration they go to celebrate Jax's birthday and cause chaos maybe a filler episode that has the legion fighting v the team bonding  shows off the differences between the groups Legion starts sniping about brainwashing to each other
Spear Idea: but the idea is that the spear essentially immunizes the bearer from the effects of time travel this would explain why Nate noticed his thesis going wrong but to expand on the idea a /time traveler/ with the spear would be able to "fix" time aberrations into place, making them more difficult to fix by other time travelers explaining, presumably, why the death of Jesus Christ is another "fixed" moment thus the "change" in reality idea that's why they can 'change' Eobard's reality later on and also why it would bring Oculus!Len back from the dead he's 'fixing' his own aberration Len becomes Schrodinger's cat. He is both alive and dead which only works with something immune to time or the “reality change” can be Rip getting another thing wrong
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