#maybe it's behind his head or Swap partially unraveled it or something
thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 6 months
Is blue talking to fell?
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Phone contact: vermillion bitch (/paff) vb (texting): running late srry bb Blue (texting): BB?? LIKE BABY BLUE?? vb (texting): yeah Blue (texting): THAT BETTER NOT BE WHAT I AM IN YOUR PHONE CONTACTS vb (texting): i would never Blue (texting): PERISH
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BNHA Quirk Swap AU, Unravel Me
Izuku sat on the top of the school building, his legs dangling over the edge as he looked down at the world rushing below him. Completely unaware of the shoeless boy above them trying to decide what he was going to do next. It would be so easy to just...jump. And then it would all be over. No more classmates making fun of you, no more people turning their noses up at you and no more heroes to tell you that you're not good enough to be like them.
"Why don't you do the world a favor and kill yourself."
Kaachan said things like that all the time. At this point Izuku was used to it. He could take it. He could still be a hero. At least, that's what he thought. He'd tried so hard to save Kaachan, he had to ask All Might if it was possible to be hero despite being quirkless.
"I'm sorry my boy but, I don't believe it's possible for someone like you."
Someone like him. Like. Him.
The green haired teen stared idly at the ground below him. This world wasn't made for people like him. Izuku took a deep breath as he braced himself before pushing off the railing to the the waiting concrete below.
"-absolutely useless!"
Shouto flinched away from his father's voice. It had been another training lesson and after getting hit over and over again by his father eventually he just stopped getting up from the mat. Laying sprawled out with his face bloody from a broken nose. Endeavor glared down at his, spitting right next to the boy's face.
"If you can't even manage this then how the fuck are you supposed to be a hero? You'll trying out for UA soon and I expect better from you next time if you even hope to get in."
Both of them knew this was bullshit. One word from the hero Endeavor and Shouto knew they'd let him in. They probably wouldn't even make him try out, his father's word carried that much sway.
"Clean up and go to bed. I'll expect you up early tomorrow to make up for this."
He didn't even wait for his child to respond, leaving the room seething. It took Shouto a few tries before he was able to get up. Sluggishly moving down the hall back to his room. Shouto was tired. He'd been tired a lot lately, his father's training almost never ceasing to "prepare'' him to be the number one hero. He didn't even want to be a hero at this point but he doubted Endeavor cared.
Shouto stared at his room then looked back down the hallway to see his father's shadow lurking in the corner. He slammed his door shut and locked it. He was done with everything. Training, his father, the weight of all the expectations being put on him. Going over to his bed Shouto began to take the sheets off and started to tie them together. Anything had to be better than this.
Throwing the sheets over the ceiling light fixture, Shouto knotted it tightly into a loop just bug enough to fit his head through.
He paused for a moment, thinking about his mother. This made him hesitate before he heard a pounding on the other side of his door.
"What the hell are you doing in there?" His father's voice rang out. The hesitation he had disappeared as he climbed up in his bed and securing the sheets around his neck. Anything to get away from him.
"Where's my baby?"
"Ma'am, please calm down-"
"I need to see my Izuku, please!" Inko was sobbing mess when she arrived to the hospital. She didn't even get a call until after she saw it on the news. Her son had jumped off the middle school's roof. By some miracle he was still alive and Inko desperately needed to see her son.
"Ma'am he's in the ICU right now. I-"
"Watanabe!" Another nurse called out from behind the hospital doors. "We have an unresponsive patient! All hands on deck." The man Inko had been talking rushed over away from the hysterical woman.
"I demand to see my son! Do you know who I am?" Enji Todoroki was downright pissed off when he had come to the hospital with his unconscious son only to be told he had to wait.
"Sir, this is a very critical time and we're working to the best of our ability." The man slammed his fist down on the desk. Why did Shouto have to go and do something like this? Didn't he know what he was risking? All that hard work breeding and training him just going down the drain, the ungrateful brat. Why couldn't anything ever work out for him?
After threats of security being called the man had started to pace back and forth when a doctor emerged from behind the emergency room doors, a grim look on his face.
"Todoroki Enji?"
"I'm afraid I have some...unfortunate news."
"What the fuck do you mean he's brain dead?"
"The oxygen was cut off to his brain for so long, it's no longer able to function."
"So what? He's just some kind of vegetable?"
"I'm sorry there isn't more we could do and there is a number of ways we can proceed with this but..."
"Another young man was just admitted over an hour ago and is in critical condition. Both he and your son have compatible blood types. Would you be willing to sign off for vital organ donation? It could save his life."
Enji made a face. Donate his organs? He was about to object when he thought about it. His son was practically dead already with no hope of waking up. And somewhere deep, deep down he knew this was at least partially good fault. So maybe he could actually help someone by doing this....
"What do I need to sign?"
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I Don’t Know What I Saw / A Sudden Change of Temperature
Jen : I don’t know what I saw, but there was a sudden change of temperature. Walking downhill from Attiko Alsos, we had been on a long walk, made all the longer by the heat of the sun, a lack of water and no clear direction or plan. In that lazy way of letting the body lead you down the hill, we walked side by side, and sometimes I was behind Alexis. I’m recalling something that happened (something that didn’t happen!) 7 months ago, I was definitely behind you, slightly flanking on the left, so that, what you saw next, I had to seek out.
Alexis: It feels like yesterday. Outside the sun is shining, even though its mid-February, and somehow the radioactive glare brings back the memory of that afternoon. How we were so tired, like a pair o' slugs winding our way up that chalky stair to escape the smog. And how it suddenly all felt so bucolic the higher we went, swapping the concrete concertina'd blocks below for butterflies, and that tortoise that you saw in the bushes. I guess that's why what happened next made my blood run cold.
Jen: What I noticed first was you slowing, you slowed to a stop and muttered noises, “no” and “is that?” Parts and partial starts. I was behind you, and looking to the place you were fixed. I saw what Alexis saw. A taxi, cream in colour, possibly with a yellow tint. The door was open on the drivers side, windows down and it was pulled over in the dirt roadside, it was 50 meters away.
Alexis: Everything slowed to a barely perceptible halt, like the tape had unravelled off a racket or something. A voice just sounded in my head, a chime saying that this was a moment 'for real.' Like that the time for dreams had passed.
Jen: Behind the car was a figure. They were still, or maybe there was some movement, barely perceptible, and by the speed of my eye around the scene I can’t say for sure if I’ve made the moment flex. Then Alexis: “Has he? Has he committed sui..?” To see what Alexis saw, so, there’s a taxi in the foreground, and just behind that, knees, a stomach, then a neck, bent forward, a face appearing to look down, then the tree - it obscures the forehead and eyes. But the neck was craned down. We couldn’t see his feet so they could have been off the ground.
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